Cuddeback Setup Manual
For rmware version 8.2.0 and later
Manual Number 20.2
CuddeLink QuickStart manual begins on page 21
Win a Cuddeback Photo Contest
Enter Cuddebacks Photo-of-the-Month contest. Every month we
give away Cuddeback cameras. Submit your favorite Cuddeback
photo at Any Cuddeback picture can win
and you can enter as oen as you like. (Winners are based on
image quality and not animal size).
This is a comprehensive manual that explains operaon of
Cuddeback G-Series, J-Series, & K-Series cameras. Some
secons may not apply to all cameras and photographs &
drawings in this manual may dier from your product. However,
operaon is idencal for all products.
For informaon on the camera hardware, baeries, mounng,
etc. refer to the Hardware Manual that was included with your
The most recent manuals are available for download at
We are connuously improving our products through rmware
updates. Firmware updates can improve performance and add
new features. These upgrades are free and only require a a few
minutes to perform. Refer to next secon for details.
We never stop improving our products. Firmware updates
improve your camera with enhanced performance and new
features. We strongly recommend you visit our website once or
twice a year to check for rmware updates. Updang your
Cuddeback camera rmware is a 2 step process: 1) retrieving
rmware from the Cuddeback website, and 2) loading the
rmware onto your camera.
How to retrieve rmware updates:
a. Visit our website and check if new rmware is available. Visit and follow onscreen instrucons.
b. Register your camera at and opt-in to
our email announcements. We will email you new rmware
when it is available.
Loading rmware onto your Cuddeback camera:
a. Copy the rmware le to your SD card.
b. Insert the SD card into your Cuddeback camera.
c. Press MODE unl COMMANDS LED is on.
d. Press MORE unl LOAD F/W is displayed.
e. Press UP to begin. CONFIRM will be displayed. Press UP to
f. DO NOT REMOVE THE SD CARD unl the clock me is
g. The LCD display will display BUSY and the LEDs will illuminate.
When nished the me will be displayed and you can remove
the SD card.
h. You can use the same SD card to update all your Cuddeback
Part 1- Camera User Interface - page 5
This secon explains how to use the User Interface and congure
the cameras general sengs.
Part 2 - CuddeLink User Interface - page 21
This secon explains how to congure the cameras CuddeLink
Part 3 - CAMP Cell Acvaon - page 50
This secon explains how to setup a Cuddeback cell data plan on
our CAMP website.
Part 4 - Cell User Interface - page 58
This secon explains how to congure the cameras cell sengs.
Part 5 - Help and Problem Solving - page 64
Get pointers on solving common issues and where to look for
For more informaon and training videos visit our website at
For online video
training scan QR code
with your cell phone
Part 1 of this manual covers basic operaon of Cuddeback
cameras. This secon explains how to use the user interface and
setup the camera.
camera shown.
Other cameras
feature a
similar user
The Advanced User Interface has 3 secons: LCD Display, Keys,
6 LEDs
Press the MODE key to change the operang mode. The
corresponding LED will light to show what mode is enabled.
CLOCK—displays and sets date and me
TEST—enables walk test & diagnosc features
COMMANDS—access to various commands
SETTINGS—programs camera operang parameters
ARM—enables the camera to detect acvity and take pictures
OFF—turns the camera o
When a mode is displayed press the MORE key to access
addional menus for each mode.
Press the UP and DOWN keys to alter the seng of the displayed
Note—in this manual the text UP/DOWN means you can press UP or
Set the Time
With the me displayed press the UP or DOWN key.
The hour will ash indicang you can change the hour. Press UP/
DOWN as needed to set the hour.
Press MORE to switch to minutes. The minutes will begin to ash.
Press UP/DOWN to set as desired.
When the correct me is set press MORE to exit the me seng.
Set the Date
Note - date is displayed in Month-Day-Year format.
With the date displayed press the UP or DOWN key.
The month will ash indicang you can change the month. Press
UP/DOWN as needed to set the month.
Press MORE to switch to day. The day will begin to ash. Press
UP/DOWN to set as desired.
Press MORE to switch to year. The year will begin to ash. Press
UP/DOWN to set as desired.
When the correct date is set press MORE or MODE to exit the date
Seng the clock will demonstrate the
funconality of the user interface.
Press MODE unl the CLOCK LED is
CLOCK will be briey displayed then the current me will be
displayed. Press MORE and the date will be displayed. Press
MORE again and the me will be displayed.
Press MODE unl TESTS is displayed.
Aer a moment WALK will be displayed.
When WALK is enabled the RED LED (inside the ash LEDs) will
illuminate when a subject is detected. Walk back and forth (not
towards) the camera to verify the detecon zone.
Press MORE to display addional test opons. See Part 6 - Help
& Support secon for instrucons on how to use these funcons
to troubleshoot and test your camera.
Press MODE unl COMMANDS is displayed. Aer a moment
BATTERY will be displayed. Press MORE to display addional
COMMANDS. When a COMMAND is displayed press UP/DOWN to
acvate as required.
1. Baery
Baery level is displayed as OK, LOW, or DEAD. Press UP/DOWN
to display addional baery data:
BD - Baery Days is the number of days the camera has been
operang on this set of baeries.
BI - Baery Images is a count of how many baery images were
taken on this set of baeries. The value is calculated based upon
how much baery power is used to record an image or video.
A Baery Image takes into account that a night image requires
more power than a day image and a video is actually many images
per second. Thus BI will be much higher than the number of
images taken. This feature can be used to compare various brands
and types of baeries.
2. INT BAT (J - Series cameras only)
For J-Series cameras select the type of baeries installed IN THE
camera. Choices are 4 D baeries, 6 D baeries, 12 AA baeries.
Use the UP and DOWN keys to select. Press MORE when nished.
IMPORTANT - You must set this seng correctly for the camera to
operate properly.
Clear will erase the SD card. All les and images will be deleted.
Press UP/DOWN to enable the CLEAR command. You will be
asked to CONFIRM. Press UP again to conrm, or press MORE to
cancel the clear operaon.
The clear command formats the SD card. You can use CLEAR to
aempt to repair a defecve or troubling SD card.
Assigns a 20 character name to the camera which is printed on the
image footer. The current CAM ID will be displayed. Press UP to
enter or change the CAM ID. Press MORE to advance to the next
posion. Press and hold MORE to back up one posion. Use the
= symbol for space. To erase a CAM ID enter space = into the rst
posion. When you have nished entering characters enter space
in all remaining posions or wait for the acvity to me out or
press MODE.
This feature can be used to enter a GPS locaon in the format
44-24-38N 88-06-57W. Obtain the GPS coordinates from a GPS or smart phone.
Select the format of the image, either FULL (4x3) or WIDE (16x9).
Wide is actually a 4x3 image cropped to 16x9 so we recommend
you use FULL seng.
This seng should match the posion of the front panel Zone
Control (for cameras with Zone Control). Set to WIDE if the Zone
If you have a CuddeLink or Cell camera 1 or 2 addional menus will appear:
LINK MODE and CELL MODE. These menus are covered later in this manual.
Skip these menus by press MORE.
Control Shuer is down. Set to CENTERED if the Zone Control
Shuer is up or if your camera does not have Zone Control.
6. IR MODE (LED cameras)
Congures a LED cameras night illuminaon/exposure mode.
CLOSE - use in forest and where animals are usually within 25 feet.
This mode creates best image quality.
FAR - use in more open spaces where game is further from
camera. This mode has longer illuminaon range.
FIELD - use this mode in food plots and elds. It opmizes
exposure for wide open areas.
6. STRB POWER (ash cameras)
Congures the strobe cameras ash/exposure mode. If images
are too bright lower the seng. If the images are too dark raise
the seng.
INDOORS - for use when the camera is indoors to prevent
overexposing the image.
CLOSE - use when subjects will be within 10 feet of camera.
FAR - use when animals are further then 10 feet from camera.
This is generally the best seng to use.
This sets the size of images. Select 5MP or 20MP images. We
recommend 5MP images as they are excellent quality and
relavely small le size. 20MP images can generate a smoother
looking image.
This sets the size of Time Lapse images. Select 1MP, 5MP, or
20MP. 1MP images are small size and more can t on an SD card.
You may want to select 1MP if Time Lapse is set to 1 minute or
Daylight Savings Time. USA me schedule.
OFF - camera does not use Daylight Savings Time.
AUTO - camera automacally changes the me in spring and
autumn for DST.
Displays cameras historical stascs. Press UP/DOWN to view:
Acvaon Date is the day the warranty begins. It is set
automacally when baeries are installed.
Lifeme Days is how many days the camera has operated.
Run Days is how many days the camera has been armed.
Lifeme Images is how many images the camera has taken.
Lifeme Flash Images is how many ash images the camera has
Displays cameras model number.
12. F/W VER
Displays cameras rmware version. Press UP/DOWN to see
addional version informaon.
13. LOAD F/W
Use to update the cameras rmware from an SD card. Refer to
Firmware secon in the beginning of this manual for more details.
Press MODE unl SETTINGS is displayed. This is where you
program the camera sengs.
The current SETUP mode will be displayed. Use UP or DOWN to
select 1 of 4 operang modes. When you have made the proper
selecon press MORE to connue.
EZ - Easy Mode has fewer features and is easy to use.
ADV - Advanced Mode allows programming separate sengs for
day & night.
SUR - Surveillance Mode opmizes the camera for surveillance
PRIMETIME—Prime Time is a specialized me lapse mode used to
monitor elds.
Aer selecng the seng mode press MORE to connue to the
sengs. Connue reading for details regarding these various
SETUP Modes.
EZ Mode has 2 sengs which simplies camera setup.
This is the delay between images. Sengs are FAP (Fast-as
-Possible, which is about 2 seconds) to 1 hour. Press UP/
DOWN to select.
Press UP/DOWN to select the length of the video or OFF if
you dont want videos recorded.
The camera will record an image rst and then record the videos.
ADVANCED Mode allows more versality and allows dierent
sengs for day and night. Using Advanced mode you set any
combinaon of images, me-lapse, and video for day and night.
Press UP/DOWN to change the displayed seng. Press MORE to
advance to the next seng.
DAY sengs
D/ DELAY - (OFF to 1 Hour). OFF means the camera will
not take a moon acvated image.
D/ IMAGE - (OFF, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Sets number of images that
will be taken with each detecon. OFF means the camera
will not take a moon acvated image.
D/ VIDEO - (OFF, 10, 20, 30 seconds). OFF means the
camera will not record a moon acvated video.
D/ LAPSE - (OFF, 10 seconds to 24 hours). Time lapse
automacally takes pictures at the interval set.
NIGHT sengs
N/ DELAY - (OFF to 1 Hour). OFF means the camera will
not take a moon acvated image.
N/ IMAGE - (OFF, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Sets number of images that
will be taken with each detecon. OFF means the camera
will not take a moon acvated image.
N/ VIDEO - (OFF, 10, 20, 30 seconds). OFF means the
camera will not record a moon acvated video.
N/ LAPSE - (OFF, 10 seconds to 24 hours). Time lapse
automacally takes pictures at the interval set.
If you are using a Dual Flash camera 3 addional night sengs will
be available. They select which illuminaon method to use, either
RED IR (850nm LEDs) or BLACK IR (940nm LEDs).
N/ I LED - selects which LEDs to use for images
N/ V LED - selects which LEDs to use for videos
N/ L LED - selects which LEDs to use for me-lapse
IR takes beer images with longer illuminaon range. Black IR has
no visible glow but less illuminaon range. We recommend IR for
images and BLACK IR for videos.
Surveillance mode is a simple way to setup a camera for
surveillance without having to program many sengs.
Camera will record all acvity. Camera Delay is set to FAP (fast-as-
1. All images & videos are saved to the SD card. If the SD card is
full the oldest images and video are erased to make room for
new images & video.
2. Only 2 sengs need to be programmed under the SETTINGS
IMAGES - (OFF, 1, 2, 3,4, 5) is the number of images to
VIDEO - (OFF, 10, 20, 30 seconds) is the length of the
Prime Time is a specialized me lapse mode for monitoring elds
for up to 3 hours each morning and evening. Unlike the me lapse
mode in the ADVANCED sengs, Prime Time limits the number of
images recorded to allow them to be sent over the CuddeLink or
Cellular network. Moon sensing is disabled when Prime Time is
PRIME AM - (OFF, 1 Hour, 2 Hours, 3 Hours). Selects the length of
me the camera will record me lapse images in the morning.
The recording will begin at rst light and connue for the number
of hours selected.
PRIME PM* - (OFF, 1 Hour, 2 Hours, 3 Hours). Selects the length
of me the camera will record me lapse images in the evening.
The recording will begin at approximately the selected number of
hours before darkness and connue unl dark.
DELAY - (5, 10, 15 minutes). Sets the delay between Prime Time
*Note - When rst deployed the PM operaon will begin taking images the next
day as the camera needs the rst day to determine when darkness arrives.
Two steps are required to turn the camera o. Press MODE unl
OFF is displayed. Aer a moment CONFIRM will be displayed.
Press UP/DOWN to conrm and the camera will turn o.
When OFF the camera will not take images nor will it auto-arm.
Set the camera to o when transporng or storing the camera. It
is good pracce to remove baeries when the camera is not going
to be used for 1 month or more.
Press MODE unl ARMING is displayed. This arms the camera so
it will begin taking images when acvity is detected. When ARM is
enabled a 30 second count-down mer is displayed. When the
count reaches 0 the camera will arm.
SD Card Check*
If a SD card is not detected the warning CHECK SD will be
displayed when the camera is armed.
Auto Arm
If the camera is le in any state, other then OFF, the camera will
automacally arm in 5 minutes. This prevents you from failing to
acvate the camera.
*CuddeLink and Cell cameras MUST have
an SD card installed. The camera will not
operate without a SD card.
ARMED INFO - Checking a Camera
You do not have to turn the camera o to check a camera. To
check a camera press UP to enable Armed Info which temporarily
suspends arm mode. Press UP/DOWN to display camera status as
BATTERY LEVEL - display baery condion
SD IMAGE - number of images on SD card*
SD VIDEO - number of videos on SD card*
SD FREE - available space on SD card*
IM IMAGE - number of images on Internal Memory**
IM FREE - available space on Internal Memory**
WALK - enables walk test (LED illuminates with acvity)
ARM - arms the camera
*Only appears if a SD is installed.
**Only appears if a SD card is not installed.
Aer you are nished you can rearm the camera by press UP unl
ARM is displayed, or press MODE unl ARMING appears.
Image Footer Icons
The following icons are imprinted on the footer of a Cuddeback
Moon Phase - the moon phase at the me the
image was taken.
Flash Mode - the type of ash used to take the image. A colored
icon will indicate the ash type: Black Flash (black), IR (red), strobe
(white), or Day (sun).
CAM ID - if camera ID is programmed it will be imprinted.
DATE / TIME - date and me is always imprinted on the image in
12 hour AM/PM format.
Burst Mode - if burst mode was
enabled this icon will indicate
the posion in the burst
sequence as a leer a thru e.
Moon Acvated Images:
Folder: SD:\\DCIM\100CUDDY
File type: I__12345.jpg
Time Lapse Images:
Folder: SD:\\DCIM\200CUDDY
File type: L__12345.jpg
Folder: SD:\\DCIM\300CUDDY
File type: V__12345.m4v
CuddeLink Images*:
Folder: SD:\\DCIM\400CUDDY
File type: T__12345.jpg
CuddeLink Report*:
Folder: SD:\\DCIM\400CUDDY
File type: CuddeLink.html
Help File:
Folder: SD:\\
File: Cuddeback Help.html
*CuddeLink folders and les only pertains to CuddeLink cameras.
Refer to CuddeLink secon in this manual.
CuddeLink is not cell service or Wi-Fi, its a proprietary
wireless mesh network.
CuddeLink transmits images from up to 23 Remote
cameras to 1 Home image collection camera.
Camera to camera range over 1/4 mile in a forest and much
further in open terrain.
Cameras automatically daisy chain to extend range to
READ THIS MANUAL. The diculty with explaining CuddeLink
concepts is it is easier to use CuddeLink than it is to explain. We
recommend you read this secon twice. Aer which you will nd
setup and deployment very easy.
Online Videos
We also recommend you watch our tutorial videos at
Email Support
Due to the advanced nature of this technology we do not oer
phone support. All support must be via email. Visit to email us and your
quesons will be answered by the engineers and technicians who
designed CuddeLink.
SD Card
Every CuddeLink camera must have an SD card installed. Any size
card from 2GB to 32GB can be used. We recommend you use
name brand quality SD cards.
CuddeLink requires more power than a convenonal trail camera.
DO NOT USE CHEAP or USED BATTERIES. Only use name-brand,
from-the-store-new baeries. We encourage CuddeLink users to
supply addional power with one of our external power sources.
This wireless transmission does not have sucient bandwidth to
send videos. For this reason CuddeLink does not send videos and
video mode is disabled when CuddeLink is enabled.
Typical Range
One CuddeLink equipped camera must be the HOME camera. HOME
is the camera that collects images from the REMOTE cameras.
Be Aware
When CuddeLink is enabled the minimum Camera Delay is 5
seconds. As stated above, video mode is disabled when
CuddeLink is enabled. CuddeLink will only send the rst Burst
Mode image.
What CuddeLink Does
Hunters know the importance and benets of using mulple trail
cameras. But checking these cameras can be a me consuming
task that takes away from hunng me and pollutes the area with
human scent. Cuddebacks patented CuddeLink system eliminates
checking mulple cameras and ulizes 1 camera as an image
depository for up to 24 CuddeLink cameras.
CuddeLink is a wireless network of cameras that transmit their
images to 1 camera. The image collecon camera is called the
HOME camera, and the transming cameras are called REMOTE
The cameras can be deployed in any arrangement with the only
requirement being that each camera must be in radio contact with
another camera and have a link back to Home. Transmission range
is highly terrain dependent, but in a forest a range of over 1/4 mile
is common, allowing for an end-to-end link of over 4 miles. In
open terrain we have tested camera-to-camera transmission to
over 1 mile.
There are 2 cell modes that are automacally set by the camera
based upon how you use the camera.
CuddeLink Cell Mode
Images from all cameras on a CuddeLink network are sent to the
users email address. Only 1 cell service is required for up to 24
cameras. Cell product sold separately.
Standalone Cell Mode
CuddeLink Cell also operates in
standalone mode where only images
taken by the camera are sent to the
users email. This mode is used when
the cell camera is not part of a
CuddeLink network. Cell product sold
CuddeLink is Cuddebacks trademark name for Cuddebacks
network enabled trail cameras.
LINK is an abbreviaon for CuddeLink.
Network refers to a collecon of CuddeLink cameras that are in
radio contact with each other.
Home refers to the camera or device that collects all images.
Remote refers to cameras that transmit images to the HOME.
Repeater refers to a device that acts as a relay staon on a
CuddeLink network. The REPEATER does not take pictures, it only
transmits images from one node to the next node.
Node is a general name for any home, remote or repeater on the
Chain is 2 or more cameras that are linked together via the
CuddeLink network.
Link is 1 connecon from 1 camera to the next camera.
High Resoluon Image is the full size image recorded by the
camera. These images are always saved on the cameras SD card.
Thumbnail Image is a compressed image that is much smaller
than the original image taken by the camera. These are the
images transferred to Home. The full resoluon image is available
on the Remote camera so you do have access to it if needed.
Here is a summary of the steps you need to perform to deploy a
CuddeLink network. For complete details refer to the remainder
of this manual.
STEP 1. Take one CuddeLink camera & make it the HOME camera
2. Set LINK CHANNEL to any 2 numbers (see page 29 for details)
3. Set LINK LOC to 001
STEP 2. Deploy HOME camera
1. Go to the locaon you want to deploy the HOME camera
2. Set the camera sengs (date, me, delays, etc.). You must
set the date and me on the Home camera.
3. ARM and deploy the camera
STEP 3. Assign all your other cameras as REMOTE cameras
2. Set LINK CHANNEL to the same numbers you set on HOME
3. Set LINK LOC to 002 (we recommend numbering each camera
consecuvely starng with 1 for HOME, 2 for 1st REMOTE, 3
for 2nd REMOTE, etc.)
4. Repeat these 3 steps for all your REMOTE cameras
1. Go to the locaon you want to deploy the REMOTE camera
2. Enable the LINK LEVEL menu and wait for a signal level to
appear (- - means no signal, and a number indicates a signal.
If you do not get a signal within 3 or 4 minutes or signal is
less than 15 we recommend you move closer to the HOME
camera or closest Remote camera.)
3. Set the camera sengs (date, me, delays, etc.). Seng date
and me is oponal as the camera will set the date from the
CuddeLink Home.
4. Deploy and ARM the REMOTE camera
5. Repeat these 4 steps for all your REMOTE cameras
STEP 5. Deploy addional REMOTE CAMERAS
1. Repeat Step 4 for all your REMOTE cameras
STEP 6. Read this manual
1. Read this manual for full details on performing the above
steps, and for detailed instrucons.
For support scan
QR code with
your cell phone
All CuddeLink cameras must have an SD card installed.
The HOME camera saves the images it records & images from the
Remotes cameras on the SD card. We recommend a 4GB or larger
card. A 4 GB card will hold 10s of thousands of CuddeLink images.
The REMOTE cameras saves high resoluon images on the SD card
and saves a thumbnail image in a TX_QUEUE where they are
queued for transmission to HOME. A 2GB card or larger should be
This guide assumes you know how to navigate the cameras user
interface. All the sengs explained in this secon are in the LINK
MENU item. To access the LINKMENU press MODE unl
COMMANDS is selected, then press MORE unl LINK MENU
appears, then press UP.
Press MODE then press
SETUP the HOME cameras
Set the normal camera parameters as explained in the cameras
manual. Date, me, camera delays, etc.
Set LINK MODE to HOME by pressing UP as needed.
Aer LINK MODE is set to HOME, press MORE to connue.
Press UP or DOWN to
select Home
That is all you need to do on the HOME camera. Deploy and ARM
the Home camera (Press MODE unl ARM is selected).
Note—the Home camera must be armed before you deploy Remote cameras.
Set LINK LOC to 001. This is a Locaon ID number used to idenfy
each camera. We recommend HOME always be set to 001.
Skip over LINK INFO by pressing MORE
Press UP to set LINK LOC to
Set LINK CHAN to any numbers. Channel is made up of 2
numbers. Pick any 2 numbers. Use UP & DOWN to change the
number and MORE key to switch to the other number.
Remember what you selected as all cameras must be set to the
same channel.
IMPORTANT - If you have mulple CuddeLink networks, or there
are other CuddeLink networks in the vicinity, make sure both
numbers are unique across all networks. For example. If you
have 2 networks:
Network 1 channel 01-08, Network 2 channel 01-10 - bad
Network 1 channel 01-08, Network 2 channel 10-18 - good
any 2 numbers
Set LINK LOC to 002. IMPORTANT – all cameras should have a
unique LINK LOC (locaon) number. We recommend you set
Home to 1 and set remotes as 2, 3, 4 and so on.
Press UP to set LINK LOC
to 002
Set LINK CHAN to the same numbers you set on the HOME
camera. IMPORTANT – all cameras must be set to the same
same channel as
Leave LINK COUNT in the default sengs of LINK COUNT 250.
Leave set to default
SETUP the REMOTE cameras
Set the normal camera parameters as explained in the cameras
manual. Date, me, camera delays, etc.
Set LINK MODE to REMOTE then press MORE.
Press UP or DOWN to
select Home
Press MORE to view LINK LVL (LINK LEVEL) and observe the
display. At rst - - - - will be displayed to indicate no signal. Aer a
minute or 2 a number will appear that represents the signal
strength. If the strength is displayed you can ARM and deploy the
If a signal is not displayed within a few minutes you may be too far
from the HOME camera, or HOME may not be ARMed.
IMPORTANT CuddeLink transmission distance varies with terrain
and distance and can be from a few hundred yards to over a mile.
Typical range in a forest is 1/4 mile. You must use LINK LEVEL to
verify you have a signal before you deploy a remote camera.
Aer a signal is received you must ARM the camera before
deploying addional remote cameras. (Press MODE unl ARM is
Signal will be displayed as GOOD or WEAK. Dashes indicate no
signal is received.
Connue to deploy all your Remote cameras in a similar manner.
When deploying a Remote it is good pracce to enable LINK LEVEL
while next to a Home or Remote camera that has been
successfully deployed and armed. When a LINK LEVEL appears on
the camera begin moving to the new locaon. This method makes
it easy to monitor the connecon status as you move about.
LINK INFO. It is good pracce to verify that all your cameras
connect to Home. Aer deploying your remotes you should
return to the Home camera and use LINK INFO.
Acvate the LINKMENU as previously explained, then press MORE
unl LINK INFO. The rst LINK INFO display will show LINK INFO
and the number of cameras on the network. From the main LINK
INFO display press UP and the status of the rst camera will be
displayed. Connue to press UP to display the status of each
LlNK INFO is also available in the ARMED INFO menu.
Note - depending upon how many cameras you deployed it may
take several hours for the LINK INFO to update. If all Remotes are
not shown you should wait a few hours and check again. If a
camera fails to display see the Troubleshoong secon of this
These 2 displays will
1st Screen 2nd Screen Explanaon
01 / HOME 001 OK
node is HOME with
LINK LOC 001. Baery is
02 / CAM 005 OK
node is a remote
camera with LINK LOC 005,
baery OK.
03 / CAM 003 LO
node is a remote
camera with LINK LOC 003,
baery LO.
CHECKING the HOME camera
Checking the CuddeLink HOME camera is similar to checking a
convenonal trail camera.
Press UP to put the camera into Armed-Info mode. DO NOT
turn o the camera!
If you connue to press UP status of the Home camera will be
Remove the SD card and use your normal image viewing
On the SD card is folder named \\DCIM\400CUDDY. Within this
folder are images from the CuddeLink remote cameras. If you
used a unique LINK LOC then each remote cameras images will be
in a dierent folder within the 400CUDDY folder.
The images taken with the HOME camera are in the
\\DCIM\100CUDDY folder.
Above - Contents of Home SD card. Images from Remote cameras
are in the LOC__### folders.
The LINK MENU items will dier depending upon if a camera is
congured as a HOME, REPEATER or REMOTE.
One camera must be set to HOME. All other cameras
LINK LOC 000 thru 999
This assigns a LOCATION ID to each camera. Assign
each camera a unique idencaon number.
LINK CHAN 1-1 thru 16-31
Every camera on the network must be set to the
same channel.
LINK INFO Not applicable
Displays status informaon for each remote camera
that is connected. Press UP or DOWN to cycle thru
the cameras.
HOME Menu Items
One camera must be set to HOME. All other cameras
LINK LOC 000 thru 999
This assigns a LOCATION ID to each camera. Assign
each camera a unique idencaon number.
LINK CHAN 1-1 thru 16-31
Every camera on the network must be set to the
same channel.
Signal strength
- - - - to 99
Use Link Level to verify the camera is on the network
and how strong the signal is.
One camera must be set to HOME. All other cameras must
LINK LOC 000 thru 999
This assigns a LOCATION ID to each camera. Assign each
camera a unique idencaon number.
1-1 thru 16-31
Every camera on the network must be set to the same
ALL, 25, 50,
100, 250, 500
Sets the maximum number of images that will be queued
to send. Deletes the oldest images to make room for the
Signal strength
- - to 99
Use Link Level to verify the camera is on the network and
how strong the signal is.
Not Applicable
Press UP and all images queued to transmit will be erased.
REMOTE Menu Items
All your cameras* are set to the same LINK CHAN
Each camera has a unique LINK LOC number
You have a LINK LEVEL when you deploy a remote
* Cameras also refers to Repeater and Home products
LINK MODE (CuddeLink Mode)
LINK MODE sets the cameras CuddeLink mode. Choices are OFF,
HOME, REMOTE, REPEATER. Press UP or DOWN to select, then
press MORE to connue programming addional CuddeLink
OFF use this if you do not want this camera to be part of a
CuddeLink network. The CuddeLink radio will be disabled.
HOME Set Home on the camera that collects images. Only 1
camera can be set to HOME.
REMOTE Set Remote on the cameras that take pictures and
transmit the pictures to the HOME camera.
REPEATER use this when you need a repeater to transmit
images, but you do not want the camera to record images. Refer
to REPEATER secon later in this manual.
LINK LOC (CuddeLink Locaon)
LINK LOC (LOCATION) assigns a unique number to each camera on
the network. We strongly recommend each camera has a unique
number. Refer to secon CAMERA NAMING for our
recommendaons on how to use this seng.
LINK CHAN (CuddeLink Channel)
LINK CHAN (CHANNEL) sets the radio frequency the cameras use
to transmit images. All cameras on your network must be set to
the same channel. CuddeLink has channels numbered 1-1 thru 16-
31. You can choose any number you like, but do not choose a
channel number used by another network in the immediate area,
and make sure both numbers you select are unique across
neighboring networks. For example, if you are using 01-02 on one
network do not use 01-03 on a neighboring network, both
numbers should be unique.
Neighbors. If an adjacent land owner is using CuddeLink you must
be on dierent channels. To determine if a neighbor is using
CuddeLink turn o your Home camera and use the RF LEVEL on a
Remote camera to listen for radio trac. If a numerical signal is
displayed you must select a dierent channel. With 496 channels
available you should be able to nd a clear channel.
More than 24 cameras. A single CuddeLink network is limited to
24 cameras. If you require more than 24 cameras you can deploy
addional networks. Each network must be assigned a unique
LINK LVL (CuddeLink Level on REMOTES only)
LINK LVL (Remote only). LINK LEVEL is a signal strength meter.
The range is 10 (poor) to 99 (best). A level above 20 is sucient
for reliable image transmission. We have successfully deployed
networks with signal level as low as 10, however, for best
performance try to keep the levels at 20 and above.
A display of - - - - indicates no signal is received.
It may take up to 2 minutes for the LINK LEVEL to detect a
signal. If a signal is not received within a few minutes you
must move closer to the nearest acve camera.
It is good pracce to enable LINK LEVEL while next to a
deployed camera and then move away from that camera with
the LINK LEVEL displayed. This allows you to monitor the level
as you move further from the deployed camera.
LINK LEVEL will vary and you may see the level uctuate as you
are observing and from day to day.
If a signal cannot be received you will need to move closer to a
connected camera. If you never receive a signal verify the
HOME camera is ARMed and the LINK CHAN is set to the same
LINK INFO le. A detailed status report is available on the Home
cameras SD card. Click the le Cuddelink.html in the
DCIM/400CUDDY folder. Your computers web browser will
display a report that shows detailed status of all cameras on the
Look for red & yellow ! symbols on the chart. Those are warnings
for signal strength, baery or SD card potenal issues.
Calculang indicates that the signal level is not known yet. Links
indicates how many cameras the images route through to get
number on all cameras.
LINK INFO (CuddeLink Status Informaon)
LINK INFO (Home only) displays the status of nodes on the
Keeping track of the physical locaon and images from many
cameras is not easy. CuddeLink has two features to simplify
camera/image management.
LINK LOC. You probably do not want images from all your cameras
saved in one folder on your SD card. The Home camera saves the
images from each camera in unique folders based upon the
remote cameras LINK LOC seng. We recommend you assign
each remote camera a unique LINK LOC number which will
determine where images are saved on the HOME cameras SD
card. For example:
DCIM/400CUDDY/LOC__001 this is the folder where images from
camera LINK LOC 001 are saved.
DCIM/400CUDDY/LOC__002 this is the folder where images from
camera LINK LOC 002 are saved.
DCIM/400CUDDY/LOC__003 this is the folder where images from
camera LINK LOC 003 are saved.
(Visit Learn secon for using LINK LOC to idenfy
remote cameras when you move them).
CAM ID. With many cameras it can be dicult to determine
where an image was taken. We recommend you use CAM ID to
dene the locaon of the camera as this will make it easy for you
to determine where the images were taken. Each me you move
the camera you should assign a new CAM ID that denes the new
locaon. Some examples of names that we have used are POND
FIELD, VISION TRAIL, HILL TOP. The CAM ID is printed on the
image and makes it easy to determine where an image was taken.
See the cameras operang manual for instrucons on how to set
The LINK LEVEL command is a signal strength meter you use to
verify radio recepon. The range is - - - - to 99 with descripve
words to simplify the meaning. A signal of GOOD is sucient to
assure image transmission. It is ok to have a signal of POOR, but
we recommend you try to not use POOR unless at the end of a
We recommend using a map based GPS or online aerial photos to
help deploy cameras. A map will allow you to check distance
between cameras and observe actual arrangement of cameras.
Note – Google My Maps is an excellent tool to manage camera
locaon. My Maps uses aerial photos and allows you to place
pins where cameras are located and measure the distance
between cameras. Use your web browser and search for Google
My Maps for more informaon.
We have successfully tested transmission to nearly 1/2 mile in
heavy forest and to over 2 miles in open terrain. Trees, foliage,
elevaon, terrain, hills, even humidity can shorten transmission
range to under 1/4 mile. You will need to experiment and use
your GPS, maps, and the LINK LEVEL to determine opmum
Note—transmission range is not predictable and can only be
determined by eld deploying cameras.
A hill can block the radio signal
Use a repeater to extend range. A repeater is the best way to
transmit over a hill or ridge.
If you discover that your cameras are too far apart to connect you
will be required to insert another camera or repeater in-between
to connect these cameras.
REPEATER. Throughout this manual we menon using a Repeater
to extend transmission range. There are two products which can
be used as a repeater.
Use a CuddeLink camera in Repeater Mode. Set LINK MODE
Use a CuddeLink SD Home in the Repeater Mode. The
advantage of this is that it is lower cost than using a camera.
See for informaon on the CuddeLink Home
Use cameras or repeaters to create a Network Backbone. A Backbone allows
cameras to be moved without breaking links to other remote cameras
Network Backbone. Deploy REPEATERS on your property to
establish a highway-type network that your CuddeLink cameras
connect to. You would place the Repeaters in strategic and
permanent locaons. Then you can move the remote cameras
without breaking connecons.
Mulple networks can be used to localize cameras. For example,
say you have a large piece of property which would require too
many cameras to connect end to end. Break the property into
smaller areas and deploy a network in each area. You will be
required to check mulple cameras, but far less than if you had to
check all the cameras.
If you require more then 24 remote cameras you can deploy
two networks on dierent channels. The Home cameras can
be near each other.
On large properes you can deploy mulple networks in various
locaons. For example, instead of linking distant cameras create
mulple networks.
By moving remote R2 the connecon to R3 was broken.
Moving a REMOTE camera can disrupt or break your network.
Think of your network as a chain of links and you can see that
removing one link may break the chain. This means you need to
take precauons when moving cameras to assure your network
remains funconing.
To move a camera we recommend this process:
Disarm the camera you want to move and enable LINK LEVEL.
Move the camera to the new locaon and verify LINK LEVEL is
Moving the camera may have broken links to other cameras.
If you think a link may have been broken you must visit the
other cameras to verify their LINK LEVEL.
If you have 8 or less cameras on the network this seng is
probably not important and you can leave it in the default
seng. This seng may only need to be adjusted if you are
taking more than 500 images per day or your images are taking
longer than desired to get Home.
This informaon can be confusing for rst me users. You may
want to use the default LINK COUNT seng for the rst few weeks
and then review this secon aer you have spent me using
Background. The CuddeLink network, like all wireless networks,
has limits to how much data can be transmied in a specic
amount of me. Think of the CuddeLink network as a highway
where only so much trac can pass in a given amount of me,
and the more trac on the highway the slower it moves and the
longer it takes to reach a desnaon. Your cameras can send all
the images they record, but this can create a trac jam of images
that will require more me to transfer HOME.
The daily network limit is about 30MB (about 1000 to 1500
images). If you deploy 5 cameras this averages to 200 images per
camera per day. For 10 cameras the average is 100 images per
camera per day. Actual throughput will vary with network setup
and image size.
When a camera records an image the full size image is placed on
the SD card, and a compressed image is placed into a transmission
outbox where the image waits its turn to transmit home. Cameras
can queue up 100s or even 1000s of images that will eventually be
transmied home.
However, sending all images is not necessarily best. The network
of cameras may record more images then can be transmied in a
reasonable amount of me, resulng in hours or even days for an
Remotes can take more images than can be sent Home
in a reasonable amount of me. In the example above
all cameras are taking 100 or more images per day
which exceeds the capacity of the network.
Remote cameras place
images in an outbox to wait
to be transmied home. If
the outbox is full the oldest
image is deleted to make
room for the newest. The
size of the outbox is set by
image to get transmied home. You will want to control how
much image trac you put on your CuddeLink network. The LINK
COUNT seng controls the number of images a remote camera
send home.
Note – all images the camera records are saved on the remote
cameras SD card. This discussion only applies to images
transmied to the HOME camera.
LINK COUNT (CuddeLink Count)
LINK COUNT allows you to set a maximum number of images that
the camera can place in its transmit outbox. Think of this as a
safety net to prevent overloading the network and assures you get
the most recent images in a mely manner. Available sengs are
ALL, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500. Once this limit is reached the oldest
images are removed from the outbox to make room for newer
For example: Say a nuisance animal stops in front of your camera
and the camera records 200 images of the nuisance animal. Then
the animal leaves and the camera begins capturing deer as they
walk past the camera. The camera will rst send all the images of
the nuisance animal and the images of the deer will have to wait.
Depending upon the other cameras on the network, this could
require many hours before the newer images are sent home.
However, if you set LINK COUNT to 50 or 100, you are assured that
your cameras image outbox will not get overloaded with
excessive images.
Recommendaon we recommend using the formula 1000
divided by the number of cameras. For example, if you have 10
cameras deployed, then 1000/10 = 100. Set LINK COUNT to 100
on all cameras. An advantage of this feature is that you can
reduce the LINK Delay to as low as 5 seconds and not be
concerned that a camera will overload the network because LINK
Count will control the number of images queued for transmission
and assure the most recent images are priorized.
Dont get greedy trying to send all REMOTE images to the HOME.
Doing so can overload the network and limit how fast images get
This secon will cover the most common problems new CuddeLink
users face. For more support ps visit our website.
Cameras not connecng to Home
These are the most common causes of cameras not connecng, or
not staying connected.
1. Verify baeries in all cameras are good. In cold temperatures
baeries can brown outwhere they work one day, but not
the next. Always use high quality baeries.
2. Verify the LINK LEVEL on ALL cameras is 10 or higher, with 20
or higher being preferred. You can see the LINK LEVEL of all
cameras on the CUddeLink.html status report on the Home
cameras SD card. If a camera LINK LEVEL is too low you may
need to move the camera or add a camera between the
trouble camera and the next closest to Home.
3. Make sure all cameras are using the same version of rmware.
The rmware is shown on the CuddeLink.html status report.
Images not geng home
If you feel all your Remote camera images are not geng to the
Home camera.
1. Use the LINK INFO menu or the CuddeLink.html status report
to verify that all cameras are connected to the Home camera.
2. Verify that the LINK COUNT is set to a reasonable seng. For
example, if your network is taking many hundreds or over
1000 images per day you may be overloading the network
capacity. Use LINK COUNT or CAMERA DELAY to limit how
many pictures are taken.
3. Keep in mind it does take me for images to travel Home,
especially on big networks with many linksbetween Home
and the furthest camera. On a busy network is can take many
hours for all images to get Home. If this becomes a hurdle for
you then deploying mulple networks can improve
Baery runme is not good
Radio transming of images requires more power than a
convenonal trail camera. If you plan to deploy your cameras for
an extended period of me, say 5 months or more, we
recommend using one of our external power sources. Our Solar
Power Bank, with sucient sunlight, can run a camera
connuously for 2 years or longer.
Image quality isnt as good as expected
Radio transmission bandwidth limitaons require that CuddeLink
cameras send reduced size images. Unfortunately, technology has
limitaons and we balanced baery life, cost, performance and
ease of use to create an advanced scoung system that will let you
know what is there without physically checking the cameras. Keep
in mind that the full size high resoluon images are always saved
on the Remote cameras SD card if you need to access them.
For more help and training visit the website shown on the back
cover of this booklet.
If you purchased a Cuddeback Cell camera this secon and secon
4 will explain how to acvate, setup & deploy the cell camera.
You can skip secons 3 and 4 if your camera is not a cell camera.
This secon explains
1. How to create a CAMP account (needed to acvate cell
2. How to acvate cellular operaon on a Cuddeback cell device
3. How to setup and operate Cuddeback cell devices
A cell service plan must be purchased and acvated.
Visit and click CELL MANAGEMENT.
** Important - Verify you have cell service **
Cuddebacks cell camera requires LTE cell service to
acvate and operate. You may use your mobile
phone to verify you have LTE cell service in your
desired locaon. Note -1X and 3G service is not
sucient, the cell service must be LTE.
Before you can use your Cuddeback Cell device you must purchase a cell
data plan. This is accomplished on our CAMP website (Cuddeback
Account Management Portal).
Visit and click the CELL MANAGEMENT link.
Follow the instrucons to create a CAMP account. To verify your
account informaon is accurate an email will be sent to you. Your CAMP
account is not acve unl you receive this email. The email may be
routed to your SPAM/JUNK folder.
IMPORTANT! If this email does not arrive within a few minutes check
your JUNK / SPAM folder. When this email arrives click the blue
ACTIVATE buon to enable your account. Your CAMP account is not
acve unl you click the ACTIVATE buon.
NOTE - we connuously improve CAMP so the following pages may
dier from the actual CAMP website.
Before you can use your cell camera you must add the device to CAMP,
select a service plan, and acvate the cellular service. Aer you create
your CAMP account click the ADD YOUR FIRST DEVICE box and follow
the instrucons.
Refer to diagram on next page. There are 4 elds you need to enter:
DEVICE NICKNAME is any name you want to give the device. This can be handy
if you have more than 1 device. For example, Bualo Country, North Property,
or Big Buck Stand.
DEVICE MODEL is the type of device you have. Select from the list.
ICCID and IMEI are the cell modems idencaon number. Click the link for
instrucons on how to nd the numbers. Enter them here. NOTE—these
numbers must be entered correctly or the device will not funcon.
EMAIL ADDRESSES are the email address where you want images sent. You
must enter at least one, and you can enter up to 10. You can also text images to
a cell phone. See STEP 3 for details.
If you are using a CuddeLink system you only need
to add the CELL camera. You do not add the
Remotes to CAMP.
STEP 2 - ADD A DEVICE connued...
Email Account Recommendaons
1. We recommend you use a dedicated email address for
CuddeLink images. This will separate your Cuddeback images
from your normal emails.
2. We found GMAIL to be ideal for receiving CuddeLink cell
images. You can setup a free Gmail account by vising
3. On smart phones we recommend using the GMAIL app as your
email client. Download this app from your smart phones
4. Always check your SPAM or JUNK folder if you are not
receiving CuddeLink emails.
5. Emails will be sent from [email protected]. You may
need to whitelist this email to assure they do not go into your
spam folder. For help you should search whitelist <your
email provider>For example, for Gmail you search whitelist
6. See for videos on how
to setup Gmail for CuddeLink use.
We do not provide support for email providers. If you need assistance
please visit and view the video
Setup and Using Gmail.
Note - While we recommend Gmail, Cuddeback is not aliated with nor
do we prot from Gmail.
You can enter up to 10 email and text phone desnaons. This allows you to
send images to your email and text them to your phone. With up to 10
desnaon you can send images to your family and hunng buddies. Sending
images to your family is a great way to include them in your hunng
To enter an email click the E-Mail opon, enter a valid email address, then click
add. Repeat the process to add addional email addresses.
To add a cell phone number select Text to Phone and enter the cell phone
number & select the cell phone provider from the drop down list.
You can enter any mix of email and phone numbers.
Adding mulple email and phone numbers does not use
more of your cell data and does not increase your cost.
You may want to refer to Part 4 - Cell User Interface to familiarize
yourself with how to execute the following command.
The nal step to acvate the cell service is to connect the Cuddeback
cell device to the cellular network.
Use the cameras menu command to execute the CELL TEST. You may
need to run this test mulple mes before the camera connects to the
cell network.
1. Make sure antennas and new baeries are installed on the device.
2. Press MODE unl COMMANDS is displayed.
3. Press MORE unl CELL MENU is displayed.
4. Press UP twice to CONFIRM.
5. Press MORE unl CELL TEST is displayed.
6. Press UP twice to send a test email that will acvate the cellular
service and send an email to the email addresses you have
programmed on the CAMP website. The test will complete within a
few minutes and SUCCESS or FAILURE will be displayed. If SUCCESS
is displayed your camera is acvated and ready for use.
See next page if FAILURE is displayed.
If the CELL TEST returned FAILURE your device may not be acvated.
Please follow these steps.
1. Run the CELL TEST 1 or 2 more mes to see if it succeeds. In some
cases it does require a few aempts for the camera to sync up with
the cellular service acvaon system.
2. If you sll get a failure, verify you have sucient cell service. Service
must be LTE (1x and 3G services do not work).
3. Relocate the device to an area with very strong LTE service and run
the CELL TEST again.
4. Check your account on the CAMP website and see if the device
status is listed as ACTIVE or PENDING ACTIVATION. If the device
state is acve then the device is acvated, but the LTE signal is not
sucient to send emails.
5. If these steps fail call or email our customer support. Visit and click support for service numbers and email.
Cuddeback oers 2 styles of cell trail cameras:
Cuddeback Cell camera is a tradional trail camera with cell
connecvity. It always operates in Standalone Cell Mode.
CuddeLink Cell cameras are CuddeLink enabled cameras that are
generally used as the Home in a CuddeLink camera network.
These camera have 2 cell modes. The cell mode is automacally
set by the camera based upon how you use the camera. For most
users the camera will be used in CuddeLink Cell Mode (when LINK
MODE = HOME). However, if you elect to use a CuddeLink camera
without using CuddeLink Remote cameras you can set LINK MODE
= OFF.
There is only 1 dierence between CuddeLink Cell Mode and
Standalone Mode:
Standalone Cell Mode allows you to select the image size
you want to send. You can select small, 1MP, or 5MP size
CuddeLink Cell Mode you can only send small images.
CuddeLink Cell Mode
Standalone Cell Mode
CELL MODE ON/OFF - turns the cell radio on or o
*CELL IMAGE Select image size* (SMALL, 1MP, 5MP)
Sends a test email to the email address programmed on the
cell management website
CELL ID Displays the cell modem ID numbers
CELL CLEAR Clears the image queue
Cuddebacks cell cameras have various sengs that control the
sending of images. This secon explains those features.
On the camera: press MODE unl COMMANDS is displayed. Then
press MORE unl CELL MENU is displayed. Below is a list of menu
*CELL IMAGE will not appear if CuddeLink
Mode is enabled. This seng only applies to
cameras used in Standalone Cell Mode.
CELL MODE - Enable or Disable Cell Mode
Set CELL MODE to ON by pressing UP as needed, then press MORE
to connue.
Press UP or DOWN to turn
cell mode on
Press MODE then press
To enable cell service follow these steps:
1. Purchase a CuddeLink cell plan by vising and
clicking the CELL MANAGEMENT link in the upper right corner.
(We refer to the cell management website as CAMP, or
Cuddeback Account Management Portal).
2. Setup your desnaon email address on CAMP. These are the
email addresses you want images sent to.
3. Use CELL MODE to turn cell mode ON.
4. Set CELL RATE as desired.
5. Use CELL TEST to verify that you can receive an email from the
To access the CELL MENU press MODE unl COMMANDS is
selected, then press MORE unl CELLMENU appears, then press
Overview of Cell Setup
CELL TEST - Send a test email
Press MORE unl CELL TEST is displayed. Press UP to send the test
email. This will send an email to the email addresses you have
programmed on the CAMP website. Please allow up to 10
minutes for the email to arrive. If you do not receive the email
you must 1) verify you have emails properly set in CAMP, 2) check
your email spam/junk folder and 3) use your cell phone to verify
you have cell recepon in the area.
displayed aer the test nishes
Press UP to set the queue size
CELL RATE - Set Image Send Rate !! IMPORTANT !!
You can control how oen emails are sent to you. You will
opmize your data usage and baery life if you limit how oen
emails are sent. We recommend using a seng that sends images
once or twice per day.
Press MORE unl CELL RATE is displayed. Press UP to view the
opons: BATCH 1, 5, 10… 30. This is the number of images that
are queued and once this number is reached the images are
emailed to the user. You can also select HOURS to send images
on a me basis.
CELL ID - Read Cell Modem ID Numbers
Press MORE unl CELL ID is displayed. Press UP twice to run this
command. Aer 1 or 2 minutes the cell modem ID and SIM card
numbers will be displayed. Press UP consecuve mes to view
these numbers. These numbers are only needed when acvang
cell service. You may have to run this command mulple mes to
Select SMALL, 1MP, or 5MP
CELL IMAGE - sets the size of the image emailed
Standalone Cell Mode only! Select image size to send via LTE:
5MP uses 1 MB to 1.5 MB of data per image
1MP images use about 250 KB of data per image
SMALL use 25KB to 75KB of data per image
Every day the cell camera will send a status report. By default the
status report is sent between the hours of 4 AM and 6 AM. When
the status report is sent any images in queue will also be sent to
assure you get your images at least once per day. You can change
the me the status report is sent on the CAMP website.
You can change many camera sengs from the CAMP website.
Some of the things you can change are:
Camera sengs, such as delay, me lapse, ash
CuddeLink sengs, such as Camera ID & Locaon
Turn Remotes on & o
Plus more
Login to your CAMP portal for more informaon.
retrieve the numbers. Refer to acvaon website for details. (M
refers to the modem IMEI number; and C refers to the SIM cards
ICCID number.)
If you suspect your camera is not funconing correctly follow
these steps. Press MODE unl TESTS is displayed. Press MORE to
view the available test features. Press UP to run a test.
WALK - (Detector Test) If you suspect the camera is not detecng
animals place the camera in WALK. Walk in front of the camera.
The red LED will illuminate if it detects you.
RESET - Press UP to reset the camera to factory defaults. It is
good pracce to reset a camera if you think the camera is not
funconing correctly.
BATTERY LEVEL - Displays the voltage level of the baeries. If LOW
or DEAD is displayed you should replace the baeries. Press UP to
display Baery Images (BI) and Baery Days (BD).
BATTERY LOAD - Tests the current capacity of the baery. Press
UP to run the test which will display the % of current capacity in
the baery. This test is more accurate than the Baery Level
voltage test. If the reading is below 50% you should replace the
FILTER - Acvates the cameras lter mover to toggle from night to
day posions. If your night images are not correct this test is
IR - Acvates the camera's illuminaon LEDs. Observe the LEDs to
check if they illuminated. For Black Flash® cameras you will need
to use a cell phone camera to see the LEDs.
SD CARD - Veries the camera can read your SD card. If this test
fails replace the SD card.
IMAGE—Records an image and saves it to the SD card. Use your
image viewer (computer or viewer) to check the image.
VIDEO - Records a video and saves it to the SD card. Use your
video viewer (computer or viewer) to check the video.
STROBE - Tests the strobe on a white ash camera. The display
will show BUSY for 30 seconds while the strobe charges. Then a 5
second count down will be displayed. When the count reaches 0
the strobe will re. CAUTION—this light is very bright.
No Images. If your camera is not taking images verify that the
camera is set to about body height of the target animal & is
properly aimed. For best performance we recommend posioning
the camera within 10 to 25 feet from where animals are expected.
Not Working. If the camera is not funconing replace the
baeries with brand-new-from-the-store baeries. Over 50% of
phone calls we get are resolved with new baeries.
Not Detecng. If your camera is not detecng animals use the
WALK TEST to verify the moon sensor is working.
Poor Illuminaon. If the night images are dark or poor quality you
can move the camera closer to the animals, and verify BATTERY
LOAD is 50% or higher. See previous page for instrucons on
baery tesng.
The easiest way to get help with your Cuddeback camera is to
insert the SD card used in the Cuddeback camera into your
computer. In the root folder is a le named Cuddeback
Help.html. Click this le and your web browser will display a help
le. This le will direct you to product manuals, answers to
common quesons, and view service opons.
If the SD card is not available visit and click
Support or go to for up to date service
opons and phone numbers.
Cuddeback, Cuddeback logo, CuddeLink, Black Flash, Long Range IR are
registered trademarks of Non Typical, Inc. © 2020 Non Typical, Inc.
Non Typical, Inc. PO Box 10447 Green Bay, WI 54307
(920) 347-3810
For support scan
QR code with
your cell phone