An example of advanced planning and scheduling system (APS) implementation and
Rodolfo Florence Teixeira Junior – Universidade Estadual Paulista/UNESP – Rua Eng.
Luiz Edmundo C. Coube 14-01 CEP: 17033-360 Bauru/SP – [email protected]
Fone: +55 14 31036000
POMS 20th Annual Conference
Orlando, Florida U.S.A.
May 1 to May 4, 2009
The objective of this study is to provide an overview of an advanced planning and scheduling
system's (APS) implementation and operationalization process for elaborating a production
schedule in a production environment similar to what is found in reality. The main
characteristics and restrictions of a real production environment were thus considered, such
as multi-level structure products, production routes with sequential, parallel and alternative
operations, more than one resource per operation and alternative resources. In order to
ensure the proposed objective’s applicability, use of commercial APS systems available for
industries was considered. A Brazilian APS system was chosen because it had an interesting
alternative for application in developing countries. In terms of results, this study provides an
overview of the main steps involved in the implementation and operationalization process of
an APS system in an industry, providing an important indicator for choosing and using this
sort of system.
Keywords: Implementation and operationalization; APS system; Advanced planning and
1. Introduction
The rapid changes which the world industry have gone through in the last few years
mainly regarding the competitive demands for a larger variety of products and the reduction
in production time and costs, forcing it to deal with conflicting production requirements, such
as the increasing diversity of manufacturing products, reduced production lots and compact
manufacturing systems have led the industrial environment to employ sophisticated
computing tools for production planning and scheduling.
Due to the general use of these tools and operating research tools, this area of study
has been commonly treated as advanced production planning and scheduling, and intends to
employ sophisticated planning and mathematical methods to coordinate and optimize the use
of all supply chain resources, including materials, production, labor, facilities and
transportation, by means of optimization and decision-supporting systems (BOWERSOX,
Despite the wide applicability and competitive use potential of advanced planning and
scheduling systems, only recently this type of system became feasible to be applicable to the
industrial production areas, mainly due to the increased development of the personal
computers, making the computer power available to industries, necessary to execute the
planning and optimization methods.
This study intends to provide an overview of the implementation and operation
processes of advanced planning and scheduling systems (APS), in order to elaborate the
production scheduling in a productive environment similar to the one found in industries,
taking into account the main characteristics and restrictions of a real production environment,
such as multi-level structure products, production route with sequential, parallel and
alternative operations, more than one resource per operation and also alternative resources.
In order to guarantee a greater applicability, this study considered for use in this
example the commercial APS systems, applicable to the industries. It was chosen an APS
system nationally developed, intending to guarantee a greater applicability of national
application of the proposed study. The example system was developed by employing national
technology with the main proposal of a significant reduction in costs and the difficulties
regarding the implementation and operation. This way, this study provides an overview of the
main steps involved with the implementation and operation processes of an APS system in a
specific industry, making an important indicator available to choose and use a system of this
2. Advanced Planning and Scheduling Systems
In an industry, the production planning intends to create a disaggregated plan, which
reflects the medium term plans, as well as the precise orders and predictions, determining the
amount and when each product will be produced (SIPPER & BULFIN, 1997). The production
scheduling is responsible for allocating all necessary manufacturing activities in order to
accomplish the defined planning to the productive resources available across the time,
following all the characteristics and restraints occurring in the production environment
(GUPTA, 2002).
Traditional systems perform the planning and the scheduling in a sequential way, by
means of a hierarchical procedure, from the most aggregated to the most detailed point. This
way, the intrinsic relations between these plans are not considered, compromising its
applicability to an actual environment. The traditional procedure composes the vast majority
of managament systems (ERP) implemented in most of the companies nowadays. Most of the
companies remain at the margin of effective means of planning and, especially, production
On the other hand, in the last decades, a great number of studies has presented
elaborated planning and scheduling methods (ALLAHVERDI et al., 2006) (GUPTA, 2002).
Paradoxally, the application of the same to industries is still incipient, mainly because real
problems are not considered or because the practical part of a specific production environment
is not realized (MACCARTHY & LIU, 1993).
The APS systems allow for integrating the internal production activities of an industry
or even all the activities involved in the production management, and contributing as an
effective tool to the Supply Chain Management (STADTLER, 2005) (ECK, 2003)
(SHAPIRO, 1999) (BALLOU, 1999).
A formal definition to an APS system can be found in the APICS dictionary (COX &
BLACKSTONE, 2002), which states that APS systems are those using sophisticated
mathematical methods to optimize or simulate system production scheduling involving finite
resources. To this end, a great number of specific restrictions and characteristics of the
productive environment is considered, thus accomplishing the planning and the scheduling in
real time, supporting the decision in the production scheduling and the determination of
feasible delivery terms.
The Institute of Operations Management (ENGLAND, 2002) complements that APS
systems comprise a large variety of technologies and techniques, thus rapidly analyzing the
implications of alternative decisions, highlighting consequences and problems. It enables the
generation of optimal or near optimal plannings and schedulings. According to the institute,
one can classify as an APS system all systems which:
Consider simultaneously the material and the plant resources;
Use optimization algorithms which incorporate the restrictions and the business goals;
Are capable to provide real-time planning and scheduling, with fast regeneration
following new changes and with capacity of simulating several situations in few
minutes, by means of the resident memory;
Help in real-time support decisions; and,
Perform real-time available-to-promise scheduling.
According to ZATTAR (2004) the APS systems – in addition to considering the
productive environment restrictions also consider the restrictions from the necessary
materials, thus planning further deliveries of raw material component production, in
conformity with the needs to perform the production orders. Also according to CHEN & JI
(2007) the APS systems represent an evolution of the traditional systems for the production
planning and scheduling available into the current ERP systems. According to the authors, an
APS system has more application potential to complex production environments, mainly
those presenting one or more of the following aspects:
Insertion in highly competitive markets, where the delivery time is critical;
Complex itineraries – not repetitive – such as “job-shop” or “flow-shop”;
Discreet products with a simplified material list;
Possession of setup matrices;
Need for overlapping and split;
Complex resource allocation problems, such as different resource combinations to the
production of a same service.
According to ECK (2003) APS systems represent a new and revolutionary step in the
business and inter-business planning. It is revolutionary due to the technology employed as
well as to the production planning and scheduling techniques, which consider a large variety
of productive environment restrictions, allowing for the production of an optimized planning.
Among the possible expected benefits by adopting an APS system in a productive
environment passible of implementation, one can state:
Balanced use of resources;
Increase in the resource worktime;
Reduction in the resource setup time by means of more efficient scheduling;
Reduction in the waiting time;
Reduction in the lines before the resources;
Reduction in delays and advancements;
Reduction in the cycle time for production and delivery;
Reduction in the need to employ overtime or outsourcing;
Increase in the performance of the productive environment;
Determination of the actual material and distribution requirements in terms of dates;
Reduction in the production costs.
The current advancement in information technology was critical to make APS system
development feasible, making possible:
To avoid the combinatory problem through the computer implementation of
mathematical methods of optimization or efficient approximation methods;
To keep all the necessary information to elaborate planning and scheduling, resident in
memory, by multiplying the calculation speed;
To carry out, in a fast way, regenerations of the existing plannings;
To make available intuitive graphic interfaces, thus facilitating the visualization of the
To allow for the support to the decision, this enabling the analysis and comparison of
situations and simulation;
To make available real dates for deliveries; and,
To cope with productive environments by using parametrization and personalization.
There are currently few scientific studies on the application of APS systems to
national companies. PACHECO and SANTORO (2001) performed a study in six Brazilian
companies, trying to detect deficiencies in the selective processes for APS systems. The
selected companies presented characteristics which favored the use of these types of systems,
mainly because they were inserted in highly competitive environments and demanding
delivery trustability, reduction in the deadlines and in the inventories. AGUILAR (2004)
addressed the functionalities in the APS systems and the potential gains obtained by the
companies with the implementation of these applications. Therefore, the author has
considered an international APS system, APO system by German SAP, applying to her study
a semi-structured questionnaire in two companies using it, describing the factors which
caused such companies to search for a APS solution, in addition to the changes occurred with
the adoption of the tool and the achieved gains.
3. Implementation of an APS system in an example industry
In order to show the example of implementation and use of an APS system, it will be
used among several APS system suppliers the APSX national system available in
PLANNION (2008). The selected system had, as a main motivator, its easy access to national
companies and the use of national technology in its development.
In order to elaborate the advanced planning and scheduling in a company, it is
necessary to create a model for the production environment of said company, so that the
planning and scheduling consider all the characteristics and restrictions of the studied
production environment. This modeling is accomplished only once and will remain the same,
while there is no change in the production environment. Following that, this modelling is
registered in the APS system and will be available to make further planning and scheduling.
Many companies already have most information needed to create a model for its
productive process registered in its management system (ERP) such as: the structure of the
manufactured products, production time, precedence list for the production operations, and
others. In case the company already has the available information, the same can be imported
by the APS system. Otherwise, it will be necessary to register them in the APS system.
In order to have an overview of the modelling step of a productive environment to the
implementation of an APS system, a hypothetical metal-mechanic industry will be taken as a
example. It manufactures replacement pieces for all types of machines. Also, this company
wishes to use the APS system to perform the planning and scheduling to a specific piece,
known in this situation as “Replacement Piece”.
The first piece of information necessary to be collected is the structure to the
production (list of materials) of the said piece. The figure 1 presents the structure to the
product “Replacement Piece”. It is noticed that, in order to produce the Replacement Piece”
it is necessary to count on a unit from the “Part 1”component, as well as on a unit from
the“Part 2” component.
FIGURE 1 – “Replacement Piece” Product Structure.
Following that, it is necessary to know the necessary and available production
resources to produce the piece, and also the work calendar that rules the production shift of
this hypothetical company. Consider that this industry has a single Monday-through-Friday
shift, starting work at 07 a.m., lunchtime at 11 and back to work at 1 p.m., finalizing the shift
at 5 p.m. Consider that all production resources – human resources (labor) and also the
physical resources (machines), adhere to this single work shift.
This example industry organizes its productive resources in five groups or types of
different resources:
Cutting and sanding operators: those apt to perform metal cutting tasks, either
manually or in presses, and sanding on metallic surfaces, as well as welding;
Welding operators: those apt to perform tasks involving metal welding;
Vise operators: those apt to perform tasks involving pieces in a conventional vise;
Cutting press: press-type machines which can be employed to perform metal cutting;
CNC vises: those are programmable CNC-type, which can be employed to perform
piece vising.
All production resources in this example company must be part of only one of the
resource groups presented. Currently, this example industry counts on six production
resources, described in the Table 1.
Replacement Piece
Part 1
Amount: 1 piece
Part 2
Amount: 1 piece
Specific Abilities Resource Group
Alex Silva Piece cutting and / or sanding Cutting and sanding
José Luiz Piece cutting and / or sanding Cutting and sanding
Ernandes Galba Metal welding Welding Operator
João Lins Vising in a conventional vise Vise Operator
Cutting Press Piece cutting Cutting Press
CNC Vise Piece vising (programmable vise) CNC Vise
TABLE 1 – Production resources available.
The detailed analysis on how these resources work in the example industry showed
that the “Cutting Press” machine does not have a dedicated operator. Therefore, whenever a
task is allocated to the “Cutting Press” machine, a “Cutting and Sanding” operator must also
be allocated to operate the “Cutting Press” machine. The “CNC Vise” resource has already a
dedicated worker, so it is not necessary to allocate any operator. Regarding the productive
process, the product “Replacement Piece” follows the production route according to figure 2.
FIGURE 2 – "Replacement Piece" production route.
In figure 2 each rectangle represents a productive operation. The dotted rectangles
represent all the productive operations necessary to produce a part or component of the final
product. The arrows between the operations represent the sequence among these operations,
Base cutting by circular machine
Setup: 20 minutes
Unitary execution time: 10 minutes
Base cut by cutting press
Setup: 90 minutes
Unitary execution time: 04 minutes
Alternative operations
Base sanding
Setup: 15 minutes
Unitary execution time: 06 minutes
Production Route
Component: Part 1
Top manual vising
Setup: 30 minutes
Unitary execution time: 20 minutes
Top vising by CNC vise
Setup: 60 minutes
Unitary execution time: 10 minutes
Alternative operations
Base welding at the top
Setup: 10 minutes
Unitary execution time: 15 minutes
Welding sanding
Setup: 15 minutes
Unitary execution time: 04 minutes
Production Route
Final Product:
that is, the route the product follows to be produced. The operations interconnected by
double-tipped arrows are alternative operations, that is, only one of the alternative operations
must be used. Also, the setup and the unitary execution time for each productive operation
composing the route of the product to be manufacture were also informed.
It is necessary to further inform which types of resources will be necessary to perform
each one of the productive operations. In the table 2 it is specified which type of resources are
necessary in each production operation.
Ident. of the production
Main resource group Secondary resource group
Base cut with circular
Cutting and sanding operator
Base cut by cutting press
Cutting and sanding operator Cutting Press
Base sanding
Cutting and sanding operator None
Manual top vising
Vise operator
Top vising by CNC vise
CNC vise None
Base welding at the top Welding operator None
Welding sanding Cutting and sanding operator None
TABLE 2 – “Replacement Piece” Product Structure.
These are all the necessary information to start the elaboration of the advanced
planning and scheduling in an industry. With these pieces of information, it is possible to
create a model of the productive environment in the advanced planning and scheduling
system. Once the information is obtained, the next step is to transfer them to the APS system
to create the productive environment model from this example industry. In the figure 3 it is
possible to visualize the interface with the user of the example APS system.
FIGURE 3 –APS system user interface.
All the necessary information registers to implement the example APS system are
performed on the menu “Data”. The first action to be done in the APS system is to register the
product “Replacement Piece” and the two metallic parts composing it. After, it is necessary to
register the work calendar of the resources, according to the example company’s work shift.
Then the necessary resource groups must be registered in order to produce the “Replacement
Piece” in the simulated industry.
Still regarding the production environment registers, the production resources
available in each resource group must now be registered. The next step is to register the
productive operations which will be necessary to produce each part of the manufactured
products. After the registration of the productive operations to each product, it is necessaary
to inform the secondary resources, which will be necessary in each registered operation. By
doing it, all the necessary data on the production environment are already informed, that is, a
model of the productive environment was created in the APS system to the manufacture of the
product “Replacement Piece” to this example industry. This model can be stored in a data file
Toolbar “Product Structure
Toolbar “Production Route”
Toolbar “Window”
Toolbar “Desktop”
System “Menu”
Toolbar “File”
Toolbar “View”
Tooolbar “Schedule”
Main desktop
Status bar
which can be appropriately saved, and its use is allowed whenever a production scheduling is
wished. In the example APS system, it is possible for the registered data from the production
environment to remain stored in a database, enabling greater security and trustability in the
system operation.
Once all the information on the production environment is registered, the structure of
the product to be scheduled must be defined. To define the product structure is part of the
definition process of the productive environment model. In order to facilitate this step, the
example APS system makes a graphic interface available, which allows for a better
visualization of the product structure being created. This interface is the specific desktop
“Product Structure”, which allows for the management of the structure of the products
registered in the APS system.
In figure 4 it is possible to view the desktop “Product Structure” with the product
structure “Replacement Piece” defined. In addition to the structure, it is also part of the
definition process of the productive environment the definition of the production route of the
products. Therefore, the example APS system makes available a specific desktop, in which
one can view and edit graphically the production route of a product. In figure 4 it is also
possible to view the desktop “Production Route” with the route to the product “Replacement
Piece” defined.
FIGURE 4 – Desktops “Product Structure” and “Production Route”.
4. Operation of the APS system in the example industry
The operation of an APS system involves its routine use to the elaboration of planning
and scheduling. The starting point to perform a production scheduling is to view which are the
orders to be scheduled. This is done in the example APS system in the specific desktop
“Orders to be Scheduled”, and it is possible to view and select the production orders which
will be scheduled, as well as to alter information from these orders.
In order to illustrate the operation of the example APS system, ten production orders
to the product “Replacement Piece” were scheduled. The production order registers are also
performed from the data menu. In figure 5 it is possible to view the specific desktop of orders
to be scheduled. In this desktop, it is possible to select the production orders which will be
scheduled, in addition to check the details of these orders.
The production scheduling will allocate, in the available resources, all the necessary
operations to perform the selected production orders, respecting all the productive
environment restrictions, thus providing a scheduling on a minute-to-minute basis to all
resources composing the industry’s production environment. As an example, it was selected
the first production order registered (marked in blue). Then it was performed the scheduling
of the selected order, as shown in figure 5. After the production scheduling is done, the APS
system informs the real delivery date scheduled.
FIGURE 5 – Desktop “Orders to be Scheduled” with the orders to be scheduled and the
delivery date of a scheduled order.
In order to operate the production scheduling in the productive environment, it is
important to view the scheduling of the operations of the selected orders based on the work
calendar for each production resource, following the product structure and its production
route. Therefore, the example APS system makes available the desktop “Scheduling” in
which it is possible to view the “Gantt Graph” to the scheduling generated, as shown in figure
6. In figure 6 it is also possible to view the same interface when all orders to be scheduled are
selected and the simultaneous scheduling of all selected orders is performed.
Scheduled delivery date
FIGURE 6 – Desktop “Scheduling” showing the scheduling of a selected order and the
scheduling of all the selected orders.
The way in which all the production operations for each order will be scheduled will
depend on the chosen scheduling rule. The scheduling rules are logical rules which determine
the priority in which the operations will be allocated to the resources. Depending on the
chosen rule the scheduling will be altered, and better or worse schedulings can be generated,
depending on the situation of use.
For example, when the scheduling rule “Less operation time” is employed, a higher
priority is given, in order to schedule the production operations which may have less time,
then scheduling the operations with more time, and respecting, of course, the precedence
restrictions among the operations. As for the rule “Ordering”, it prioritizes the scheduling of
the operations according to the ordering of the production orders in the desktop “Orders to be
Scheduled”. There are many scheduling rules available to be used with the example APS
system. The choice for the better rule may vary according to the situation of the productive
environment and the mix of products to be produced, so that it will be interesting that many
rules be evaluated during the scheduling process for the production.
In the example APS system, it is also possible to employ mathematical optimization
techniques in order to perform the production scheduling. When this option is selected, the
APS system evaluates thousands of combinations for possible scheduling for the productive
operations, searching for a scheduling which best meets a defined optimization objective. In
the example system, the number of evaluated solutions will depend on the time made
available to the optimization and also the performance of processing of the computer in which
the system is installed. In the system used in this study, there are many possible objectives to
be applied, in order to perform the scheduling such as: minimize the delay in the delivery of
all selected orders, minimize the total scheduling time of all selected orders, minimize the
inventories in process or balance the use of the production resources.
In order to compare the several liberation rules or the selected optimization objectives
in the generated schedulings, it is interesting to evaluate the performance of the production
scheduling elaborated. Therefore, the example APS system has a tool which allows for the
evaluation of several scheduling parameters from the productive environment. This way, one
can quickly analyze the performance of several liberation rules or optimization objectives, and
choose the one which best meets the specific objectives in your industry, as shown in figure 7.
FIGURE 7 – Interface to evaluate the performance of an elaborated scheduling.
The scheduling method employed by the APS systems tries to meet all the restrictions
to schedule the production of a production order so that one can guarantee that the scheduling
generated is executable and can be applied in the production environment. However, it is
common the presence of informal restrictions or even personal considerations on the
production process which one wishes to occasionally consider in the production scheduling to
be elaborated.
In the example APS system, it is possible to alter manually the generated schedule.
One can alter the beginning, the end, the duration, the resource used as well as other
scheduling parameters for each production operation scheduled, directly in the “Gantt Graph”
bars, or by using specific interfaces to this end.
When manual alterations are made in the scheduling generated by the APS system, it
is common for these alterations to disrespect the restrictions from the productive environment.
It is even possible to make the scheduling of the production unfeasible, mainly when it creates
conflicts on the use of resources or disregards the precedence restrictions between the
previous and following operations. Therefore, the example APS system makes available a
scheduling regeneration method which corrects the conflicts without disregarding the
alterations made.
Once a scheduling is arranged, it is important to have means to aid the information and
control of this scheduling in the production environment to the resources involved with this
scheduling. The example APS system has several reports especially developed to this
purpose, enabling an online view of the productive environment and allowing for the
production tracking. The figure 8 shows an example of a managerial report from the detailed
scheduling for the production orders.
FIGURE 8 – Managerial report of the detail scheduling for a production order.
The evaluated APS system makes available several other functionalities, in order to
facilitate the operation of an elaborated production scheduling, mainly intending a better
interactivity with the decision maker, in order to obtain production plans with a better
application potential to a specific production environment.
5. Final Considerations
This study intended to create an applicable example for the implementation and
operation of a commercial APS system, thus illustrating – and even demystifying – this
process. Threfore, a general example was based, similar to the possible industrial realities,
employing a national APS system, mainly due to its application feasibility to national
industries, in terms of costs and easy application.
The example created allowed for the evaluation of the core steps involved in the
implementation process of a hypotethical mono-producing company. In a real company, it
was possible to evaluate that the difficulties will be proportional, regarding deployment time,
observing the real industry proportion in relation to the example employed.
As for the operation, it was verified, based on the scheduling generated to the example
industry, that the APS system significantly empower the elaborated schedulings, concerning
the scheduling performances especially when optimization is used and concerning the
possibility of interaction with the production manager, allowing for the insertion of specific
characteristics of the productive environment in the elaborated scheduling, making possible a
greater application feasibility for the scheduling into a real production environment.
It was possible to evaluate that the APS system, in the daily elaboration process and
control of the production scheduling, may be simple and intuitive, making possible for the
production managers to work with scheduling having better efficacy, feasibility and
trustability potential for the arranged delivery dates. It was also noticed that the detailed and
quick information that an APS system provides from the production scheduling allows for a
better control and quick responses for the variabilities involved with the production, enabling
the production managers to act pro-actively, facing the unexpected events from the productive
environment, instead of reacting to these events when there are no alternatives to be taken.
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