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PPAP Process Checklist \ Sign Off Sheet instructions
In addition to these requirements you must meet all Nexteer Automotive Supplier Requirements noted in
the Nexteer Automotive Supplier Website. Nexteer Automotive has moved to electronic PPAP
documentation submission and storage. This is especially essential when multiple sites may need the
same information. See the Nexteer Supplier Website for electronic submission Instructions:, Suppliers, Processes, Quality. The first page of the package should be the approved PPAP
checklist from the Nexteer Advanced Quality Engineer (AQE) or Supplier Quality Engineer (SQE). The
Nexteer AQE/SQE must refer to the electronic version of this checklist for specific requirement notes
and comments by section (See the appropriate version of the Nexteer Automotive Form F1020 PPAP
Checklist, located in the Nexteer Supplier Portal). Consult your AQE/SQE for more information.
These instructions have been revised to conform to the latest update of the PPAP Process Checklist,
and are specific to Nexteer Automotive. These revisions are intended to correspond to AIAG PPAP 4
Edition manual, including OEM Customer Specific Requirements for Nexteer Automotive. Reference the
latest version of the PPAP Manual:
NOTE: Nexteer’s OEM Customer requirements may supersede the PPAP Checklist requirements. In
this instance, the OEM Customer requirements will be discussed during the MAPP (Manufacturability
Assessment and Process Plan) Review.
1) a) Design Record - Drawing Send in a legible copy of the Print with the submission. Each
and every feature (including Print Notes, Standard Tolerance Notes and Specifications) must be
“ballooned” or “road mapped” to correspond with the inspection results. Notes on the print must
also be included on the ballooned print, and on the inspection data. The print must be at a
minimum; a Nexteer Product Engineering signed print.
b) Design Record Functional / Material / Test Specifications/Purchase Specifications
Send in a legible copy of all customer design records and specifications. NOTE: For
Specifications that are copyright protected, Supplier is to provide Nexteer with a document
stating the revision level of specification used.
2) Engineering Change Documents Any marked and signed drawings, specifications etc.,
authorizing a Supplier to deviate from the design record. For Nexteer, a deviation must normally
be authorized by way of an Engineering Permit. Applicable Engineering Permit(s) should be
included in this section of PPAP. If the Supplier PPAP submission includes changes referenced
on a submitted Supplier Change Request (SCR), then a copy of the approved SCR must be
included in this section of PPAP.
3) Customer Engineering Approval This is a section which is included in latest AIAG PPAP
manual, but which has little to no application for Nexteer Automotive components. Nexteer’s
engineering department will not typically provide an approval regarding PPAP prior to the
submission itself. As such, this section will typically be left blank. This section may be used in
the case of OEM engineering approval, if required for a Directed Buy component.
4) Design FMEA (DFMEA), if Supplier is Design Responsible - The Design FMEA is required if
the Supplier is responsible for the design of the part (For example: Black Box design).
Otherwise, the Design FMEA is the responsibility of Nexteer Automotive. If the Supplier feels
that the Design FMEA is proprietary, they should insert a sheet in the PPAP package stating their
position. Reference the latest version of the FMEA Manual:
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5) Process Flow Diagram (PFD) The Process Flow Diagram must follow the process from
receipt of raw material and receiving inspection, through any warehousing and shipping steps. It
should also include any "Dock Audits" and Final Inspections. The PFD shall comprehend all
potential paths that a part can take in the process, including inspection, containment, rework, and
scrap. The PFD must include material shipped to sub-contractors and the returning of the
material back to the Supplier’s plant. The Nexteer preferred format (Appendix 13.2) is available
on the Nexteer Automotive Supplier Website.
Location:, Suppliers, Processes, Quality
Important: There must be a one-to-one match of the Operation numbers between the PFD,
FMEA and Control Plans, to allow for easy cross-referencing of the documents (unless for
“family” of parts). Nexteer Special Characteristics must be noted on PFD’s.
6) Process FMEA (PFMEA) The PFMEA is a living document and should:
Be initiated before or at the MAPP stage,
Be initiated prior to tooling for production,
Take into account all manufacturing operations from individual components to assemblies,
Include all processes within the plant that can impact the manufacturing and assembly
operations, such as shipping, receiving, transporting of material, storage, conveyors or
The PFMEA needs to be reviewed by Nexteer prior to the PPAP submission. Ensure that the
PFMEA meets AIAG’s requirements for Severity, Detection and Occurrence ratings. For Nexteer
Special Characteristics, see section 4.5 of the Nexteer Supplier Requirements manual located on
the Nexteer Automotive Supplier Website. Important: The Supplier PFMEA should be
reviewed with the Nexteer PE to ensure that the PFMEA severity rankings are equal to or higher
than the Nexteer DFMEA rankings. There must be a one-to-one match of the Operation numbers
between PFD, FMEA and the Control Plan to allow for cross-referencing of the documents.
Reference the latest version of the FMEA Manual:
7) a) Pre-Launch Control Plan (including EPC plan) Make sure that the Pre-Launch Control
Plan is clearly marked as such and is signed. The Pre-Launch Control Plan must meet all of the
requirements of the Production Control Plan with the following additions: ‘Early Production
Containment’ must be documented in the Pre-Launch Control Plan, as a separate step. EPC is
above and beyond what is done in the rest of the Pre-Launch Control Plan. EPC must be
performed as a step segregated from the production process, just prior to packaging/shipping.
When feasible, all Special Characteristics are to be 100% inspected during EPC. The Pre-launch
Control Plan must document increased sample sizes and/or sample frequencies for quality
checks performed during the pre-launch period. (Each Process Operation in the Pre-Launch
Control Plan must have a higher sample size and/or sample frequency than what is noted in the
Production Control Plan). The Pre-Launch Control Plan must follow the process from receipt of
raw material through shipping steps. Important: There must be a one-to-one match of the
Operation numbers between PFD, FMEA and the Control Plan to allow for cross-referencing of
the documents.
b) Production Control Plan Make sure that the Production Control Plan is clearly marked as
such and is signed. It must follow the manufacturing process from receipt of raw material
through shipping steps; including Receiving Inspection, Dock Audits and Final Inspections.
Control methods for both product and process characteristics should be listed. A procedure
number is not acceptable in the control method column unless a brief description of the
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procedure or a copy of the procedure is included. If work instructions are referred to in the
Control Plan, they should be included in the PPAP package. The Control Plan must include the
print revision number and letter and be comprehensive (i.e. it must include all part dimensional
characteristics and notes provided on the blueprint. These characteristics must be listed on the
Control Plan with the process characteristics that link to them in a cause and effect relationship).
The Control Plan must be part, or part family, specific. Sub-Supplier Control Plans should be
available for Nexteer review (if requested). Anything required to make a defect-free part needs
to be addressed in the Control Plan. Sample sizes must be defined in number of parts. Sample
frequencies must be defined as a specific quantity of parts, or as a specific time interval.
General terms such as: “Per Box”, “Each Lot”, Each Production Run”, “Each load”, etc, are not
acceptable. Important: There must be a one-to-one match of the Operation numbers between
PFD, FMEA and the Control Plan to allow for cross-referencing of the documents.
8) Measurement System Analysis (Gage R&R) All gages in the Control Plan must have a
Gage R&R study completed. For the PPAP Submission; only Gage R&R’s for Special
Characteristics are to be submitted.
Variable Gage R&R's Must be done and included in the PPAP submission even if the
gage is a hand tool, such as micrometers or calipers. This also includes CMM. Variable
gage studies shall be completed with all operators who will be using the gage as part of
normal production process. Studies are to be of the format: 3 operators 3 trials, using 10
parts. The 10 parts need to be representative of the process. All variable gage R&R studies
should have a minimum of 5 distinct categories. The preferred method for calculating the
gage R&R is by using the ANOVA method. Gages not meeting the acceptance criteria per
the AIAG MSA manual shall have a containment plan (such as 100% inspection, gage
improvement, or other means). Gage study records shall be maintained. The preferred tool
for reporting this data is Minitab (version 15 or newer). Additional information may be found
in section 4.10 of the Nexteer Supplier Requirements.
Attribute Gage R&R Shall be completed with 3 operators, 3 trials, using 50 parts and
evaluated with Kappa calculations as outlined in the AIAG manual. The AQE/SQE can
provide an electronic template for this attribute study, which will streamline the gage study
method and eliminate confusion and inconsistencies with Nexteer’s expectations.
Important: If a CMM is used to complete the initial process capability study on a feature
that is checked with an attribute gage in the Control Plan, then a variable gage study must
be completed on the CMM and an attribute study on the attribute gage.
The latest version of the MSA Manual:
9) Dimensional Results Dimensional results must correspond to the “Road Mapped” or
“Ballooned” Print / Design Record Details (including any and all drawing notes). Each data point
must indicate “In Spec/Out of Spec”, and/or “Pass/Fail”. An Interim Recovery Worksheet must be
filled out by the Supplier, for any requirements not met, and signed by the Nexteer AQE/SQE
and Product Engineer. A total of 5 pieces per Value Stream are to be checked for Dimensional
Results. When reporting on the dimensional results of a True Position, and/or Profile, GD&T
requirement, also report the dimensional results for the Basic Dimensions that are associated
with the GD&T requirement. AQE/SQE is to request that the Supplier identify any bonus
tolerance resulting from MMC or LMC.
10) a) Material Certifications Include any material certifications / material test results relating to
the part and the base materials from the Supplier’s internal lab or outside contracted lab.
Identification of the Specification and Lot of material must be identified on the Control Plan. If
there are material specifications and or purchase specifications noted on the print, you must
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provide data that shows conformance to those specifications in the PPAP package; speak to
your Nexteer AQE/SQE for details.
b) Test Results (Performance, Durability) Include any performance or durability tests as
prescribed in the design record; including drawings and functional and validation specifications.
The required level of detail (i.e. summaries vs. charts vs. raw data) shall be as directed by
Nexteer Product Engineering and/or Nexteer AQE/SQE.
11) Initial Process Capability Studies (CpK/PpK) 125 piece capability studies are required at
time of PPAP for all special characteristics unless otherwise agreed upon in the MAPP Supplier
Capability and Selection Review. The 125 piece data points should come from the 300 piece
PPAP production run, in time-ordered subgroups of 3 to 5 pieces. The sampling plan is to be
documented and pre-approved by Nexteer. Unless otherwise directed by the Nexteer AQE/SQE,
each cavity of a multiple cavity mold, or multiple tool process, must have its own capability
study. If the Nexteer Product Engineer or AQE/SQE has not identified special characteristics to
measure, the Supplier should select not less than one dimension to demonstrate process
On the initial process studies for special characteristics, the Supplier needs to demonstrate that
the process is stable and in control through the use of a control chart. Normality and capability
must also be demonstrated. The required statistical software package is Minitab and the above
can be shown using the “Capability Six Pack, within Minitab.”
The acceptance criteria for the process indices is per the Nexteer Supplier Requirements section
12) Qualified Laboratory Documentation If testing is performed in a Supplier's internal lab, they
must provide a copy of their quality certification. The Supplier should also provide
documentation of the appropriate laboratory scope. If an external lab is used, send a copy of
outside lab certification and the scope of accreditation (must be ISO 17025/A2LA certified or
regional equivalent). As a best practice, the Supplier should indicate specifically which labs were
used for the applicable part number (i.e. by test log or other indication of laboratory usage).
Laboratories which were not used expressly or indirectly in the testing of the applicable part
number should not be referenced.
13) Appearance Approval Report Any part that is color matched, needs graining, or other
appearance approval must have an appearance approval report attached to the PPAP. Verify
the OEM Customer Specific Requirements for specific use of forms.
14) Sample Product to Plant Send the sample product to the using plant as instructed by the
PPAP purchase order or by the Nexteer AQE/SQE. The Supplier will provide the shipping
information (i.e. the carrier name, and shipment tracking number) to the Nexteer AQE/SQE, and
to the person receiving the PPAP at the Nexteer Plant. As a best practice, this shipping
information may be included in this section in the PPAP submission. Samples need to be
properly identified with the Nexteer PPAP Orange Label (Form X3483). The Label and
corresponding instructions can be obtained at: The label must be printed on bright
orange paper by supplier and firmly affixed to all four sides of the container or box. See label
instructions for further details.
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15) Master Sample Per AIAG PPAP Manual 4
edition: “The organization shall retain a master
sample for the same period as the production part approval records, or (A) until a new master
sample is produced for the same customer part number for customer approval, or (B) where a
master sample is required by the design record, Control Plan or inspection criteria, as a
reference or standard. The master sample shall be identified as such, and shall show the
customer approval date on the sample. The organization shall retain a master sample for each
position of a multiple cavity die, mold, tool or pattern, or production process unless otherwise
specified by the customer.” Note that the current PPAP edition includes some guidelines which
detail conditions upon which this requirement can be waived. The waiving of this requirement
shall ultimately be determined by the Nexteer AQE/SQE, and can be indicated on the
checksheet (as NO to being required). NOTE: The Nexteer AQE/SQE will direct the Supplier
on the number of Master Samples to be retained.
16) Checking Fixtures / Aids / Gages If needed to verify, the Supplier will provide a list, or
drawing, and/or duplicate fixture / aids / gages to the Nexteer Plant with the PPAP parts.
17) Nexteer Specific Requirements These are PPAP submission requirements that are specific
to Nexteer Supplier components. While several of these items are typically mandated, at least
under certain conditions, the final applicability of any of these requirements pertaining to a
certain component PPAP submission shall be indicated on the PPAP Process Checklist by the
Nexteer AQE/SQE. (Important: The latest revision of the Nexteer Supplier Requirements
should be obtained from the Nexteer Supplier Website and referenced as the formal requirement
documentation. Points below are identified as helpful lessons learned from past PPAP
a) Interim Recovery Worksheet (F1042) If for any reason the Supplier anticipates less than
full approval (for example: print changes being made by engineering but not yet released,
etc.) a Nexteer Interim Recovery Worksheet must be filled out and included in the package.
The Interim worksheet needs to be signed by the Nexteer Product Engineer and the Nexteer
AQE/SQE prior to the submission of the PPAP package to the Nexteer Manufacturing Plant.
The AQE/SQE is responsible to obtain the signatures.
b) SoC Confirmation Letter - A copy of the Substance of Concern Confirmation Approval
must be included in the PPAP package. Suppliers must submit into IMDS. If any materials
prohibited by the GADSL List are contained in the product, the Prohibited Substance
Reporting Form (23000000) approved by the Chief Chemist (or SoC Team) must be included
in the package and the appropriate box be noted on the Part Submission Warrant.
NOTE: IMDS Recipient for Nexteer Automotive is # 75801. Any other recipient code
submitted will be rejected. The specific information for suppliers on how to fill out an IMDS
request for Nexteer, as well as the prohibited substance reporting form, can be found on the
Nexteer Supplier Website.
See Also Nexteer Supplier Requirements, Section 1.5 for further information.
c) Supplier Characteristic Summary (SCS) Form This is a summary of technology and
quality strategy for the critical and notable product features and process controls of the
component. It must include a summary of certain process and capability information
concerning all Special and other characteristics as directed on the form. This electronic form
is to be initiated by the Supplier for initial program review, updated throughout process
development phase, and ultimately submitted with the PPAP package. Instructions are
included in the comments for each column heading within the electronic form.
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d) New Tool Information: Photos, Description & Drawing For new tools and fixtures for
which any payment is expected to be made by Nexteer, some minimal information shall be
required to be included in this section of the PPAP submission in order to help substantiate
Supplier claims of tooling expense. This information should include at a minimum recent
photo(s), drawings, and brief written description. Information should describe applicability of
this tool regarding any other usage by the Supplier beyond the express purpose of creating
or ensuring quality of the submitted component.
e) Supplier Packaging Information (SPI) Form Include the approved SPI form (minimum
requirement sign-off should be completed at the preliminary stage of the SPI Form). For
further information regarding this form, Supplier should consult with the Nexteer Buyer. The
SPI form is available on the Nexteer Supplier Website. Applicability of this section to a
particular PPAP submission shall be prescribed on the checklist by the AQE/SQE.
f) Contact List If requested by the AQE/SQE per the checklist, the Supplier shall include a
list of key Supplier contacts in the PPAP submission. This will increase the visibility of key
contacts which may be required for Nexteer business purposes.
g) Factory Floor Layout As requested by the AQE/SQE per the checklist.
h) Nexteer Problem Case Management System (PCMS) Access Confirmation Nexteer
PCMS access is MANDATORY for all production component Suppliers to Nexteer. The
Nexteer AQE/SQE will indicate “YES” as a requirement for PPAP submission if there is any
doubt concerning the Supplier’s access and/or usage capability for Nexteer PCMS. If
checked “yes”, the Supplier must include in the PPAP submission, evidence of having
registered and accessed the PCMS application. (Example: Screenshot from Nexteer PCMS).
If the Nexteer AQE/SQE has confidence of the Supplier’s access and usage of the Nexteer
PCMS application, then he/she may indicate “NO” – not required on the checklist.
i) Assessments Nexteer AQE/SQE should indicate whether special surveys, worksheets, or
questionnaires are to be submitted with PPAP. These assessments shall pertain to the
location of applicable processes, whether at Supplier or sub-tier Supplier. For example, if
the Tier-1 Supplier purchases the heat treat process from their Tier-2 Supplier, then the heat
treat system at the Tier-2 Supplier shall be assessed using the CQI-9 worksheet, and shall
be included in the Tier-1 PPAP to Nexteer. These assessments may include but are not
limited to:
CQI-9 (Heat Treat System Assessment)
CQI-11 (Plating System Assessment)
CQI-12 (Coating System Assessment)
CQI-15 (Welding System Assessment)
CQI-17 (Soldering System Assessment)
CQI-23 (Molding System Assessment)
Ford W-HTX supplement (In which case, the word “other” would be circled and a
note could be added at bottom of PPAP checklist to indicate the assessment
Toyota Weld Survey (In which case the word “other” would be circled and a note
could be added at bottom of PPAP checklist to indicate the assessment type)
j) Production Label - Include an example of the Barcode Label that will identify the parts
prepared for shipping to Nexteer.
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k) Other Nexteer Specific Requirements - In addition to the requirements noted above, the
Supplier must meet all Nexteer Specific Requirements noted in the Nexteer Supplier
Website, and/or Best Practices as noted by your Nexteer AQE/SQE.
Some examples of these include:
Order the PPAP Package in an electronic submission format, as required in the
Nexteer Supplier Requirements, Section 4.3 for further instructions, as well as
the Nexteer Electronic PPAP Submission Instructions that are located in the
Nexteer Supplier Website.
If applicable, include approved PPAP warrants, for all sub-tier Supplier
components that have a Nexteer part number noted on the print.
18) Part Submission Warrant (refer to the latest AIAG PPAP manual for the template) A Part
Submission Warrant MUST be properly filled out. Any information that is not filled out must
have an explanation. Electronic signatures are acceptable.