AIM Rules for
1 January 2021
AIM Rules for Companies
Introduction 3
Part One AIM Rules 4
Retention and role of a nominated adviser 4
Applicants for AIM 4
Special conditions for certain applicants 5
Principles of disclosure 6
General disclosure of price sensitive information 6
Disclosure of corporate transactions 7
Disclosure of miscellaneous information 9
Half-yearly reports 9
Annual accounts 10
Publication of documents sent to shareholders 10
Dealing policy 10
Provision and disclosure of information 11
Corporate action timetables 11
Company information disclosure 11
Further issues of securities following admission 12
Language 13
AIM company and directors’ responsibility for compliance 13
Ongoing eligibility requirements 13
Nominated advisers 14
Maintenance of orderly markets 14
Sanctions and appeals 15
Schedules 16
Schedule One 16
Schedule Two 18
Schedule Three 21
Schedule Four 24
Schedule Five 24
Schedule Six 25
Schedule Seven 25
Glossary 26
Part Two Guidance Notes 34
Eligibility for AIM 34
Applicants for AIM 34
Special conditions for certain applicants 36
Principles of disclosure 38
General disclosure of price sensitive information 38
Disclosure of corporate transactions 39
Disclosure of miscellaneous information 40
Half-yearly reports and accounts 42
Publication of documents sent to shareholders 43
Dealing policy 43
Provision and disclosure of information 43
Corporate action timetables 44
Further issues of securities following admission 46
Ongoing eligibility requirements 47
Maintenance of orderly markets 48
Sanctions and appeals 49
Schedule One 49
Schedule Two 50
Schedule Three 51
AIM Rules for Companies (effective 1 January 2021)
AIM opened on 19 June 1995. AIM is a market for smaller and growing companies and is a UK
multilateral trading facility within the meaning set out in the Handbook of the FCA and is a SME
growth market. AIM is operated and regulated by the Exchange in its capacity as a
Recognised Investment Exchange under Part XVIII of FSMA 2000, as such AIM is a prescribed
market under FSMA 2000.
This document contains the AIM Rules for Companies (“these rules”) which set out the rules and
responsibilities in relation to AIM companies. Defined terms are in bold and definitions can be
found in the Glossary.
AIM companies also need to comply with any relevant national law and regulation as well as
certain standards and regulations where applicable, such as MAR, the DTR, the Prospectus
Regulation and the Prospectus Rules.
From time to time the Exchange issues separate Notes on specific issues which may affect
certain AIM companies. The Notes form part of these rules.
Where an AIM company has concerns about the interpretation of these rules, it should consult
its nominated adviser.
The rules relating to the eligibility, responsibilities and disciplining of nominated advisers are
set out in the separate rulebook, AIM Rules for Nominated Advisers.
The procedures relating to disciplinary and appeals matters are set out in the Disciplinary
Procedures and Appeals Handbook.
The rules for trading AIM securities are set out in “Rules of the London Stock Exchange”.
Part One AIM Rules
Retention and role of a nominated adviser
1. In order to be eligible for AIM, an applicant must appoint a nominated adviser and an
AIM company must retain a nominated adviser at all times.
The nominated adviser is responsible to the Exchange for assessing the
appropriateness of an applicant for AIM, or an existing AIM company when appointed as
its nominated adviser, and for advising and guiding an AIM company on its
responsibilities under these rules.
The responsibilities of nominated advisers are set out in the AIM Rules for Nominated
If an AIM company ceases to have a nominated adviser the Exchange will suspend
trading in its AIM securities. If within one month of that suspension the AIM company
has failed to appoint a replacement nominated adviser, the admission of its AIM
securities will be cancelled.
Applicants for AIM
Early notification and pre-admission announcement
2. An applicant’s nominated adviser must submit an early notification to the Exchange, in
the form prescribed from time to time, as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event
prior to the submission of any Schedule One information.
An applicant must provide the Exchange, at least ten business days before the
expected date of admission to AIM, with the information specified by Schedule One.
A quoted applicant must provide the Exchange, at least twenty business days before
the expected date of admission to AIM, with the information specified in Schedule One
and its supplement.
If there are any changes to such information prior to admission, the applicant must
advise the Exchange immediately by supplying details of such changes. Where, in the
opinion of the Exchange, such changes result in the information being significantly
different from that originally provided, the Exchange may delay the expected date of
admission for a further ten business days (or twenty business days in the case of a
quoted applicant).
The Exchange will notify RNS of information it receives under this rule.
Admission document
3. An applicant must produce an admission document disclosing the information specified
by Schedule Two.
An applicant must take reasonable care to ensure that the information contained in the
admission document is, to the best of the knowledge of the applicant, in accordance
with the facts and contains no omission likely to affect the import of such information.
A quoted applicant is not required to produce an admission document unless it is
required to publish a Prospectus in relation to the issue of AIM securities which are the
subject of admission.
Omissions from admission documents
4. The Exchange may authorise the omission of information from an admission document
(other than a Prospectus) of an applicant where its nominated adviser confirms that:
the information is of minor importance only and not likely to influence assessment of
the applicant’s assets and liabilities, financial position, profits and losses and
prospects; or
disclosure of that information would be seriously detrimental to the applicant and its
omission would not be likely to mislead investors with regard to facts and
circumstances necessary to form an informed assessment of the applicant’s
Application documents
5. At least three business days before the expected date of admission, an applicant must
submit to the Exchange a completed application form and an electronic version of its
admission document. These must be accompanied by the nominated adviser’s
declaration required by the AIM Rules for Nominated Advisers.
At least three business days before the expected date of admission, a quoted applicant
must submit to the Exchange an electronic version of its latest annual accounts and a
completed application form. These must be accompanied by the nominated adviser’s
declaration required by the AIM Rules for Nominated Advisers.
The AIM fee will be invoiced to the applicant and should be paid pursuant to rule 37.
Admission to AIM
6. Admission becomes effective only when the Exchange issues a dealing notice to that
Special conditions for certain applicants
Lock-ins for new businesses
7. Where an applicant’s main activity is a business which has not been independent and
earning revenue for at least two years, it must ensure that all related parties and
applicable employees as at the date of admission agree not to dispose of any interest in
its securities for one year from the admission of its securities.
This rule will not apply in the event of an intervening court order, the death of a party who
has been subject to this rule or in respect of an acceptance of a takeover offer for the AIM
company which is open to all shareholders.
Investing companies
8. Where the applicant is an investing company, a condition of its admission is that it
raises a minimum of £6 million in cash via an equity fundraising on, or immediately before,
An investing company must state and follow an investing policy.
An investing company must seek the prior consent of its shareholders in a general
meeting for any material change to its investing policy.
Where an investing company has not substantially implemented its investing policy
within eighteen months of admission, it should seek the consent of its shareholders for
its investing policy at its next annual general meeting and on an annual basis thereafter,
until such time that its investing policy has been substantially implemented.
Other conditions
9. Where matters are brought to the attention of the Exchange which could affect an
applicant’s appropriateness for AIM, it may refuse an admission to AIM, delay an
admission to AIM and/or make the admission of an applicant subject to special
conditions. The Exchange will inform the applicant’s nominated adviser and may notify
RNS that it has asked the applicant and its nominated adviser to undertake further due
Circumstances where the Exchange is likely to refuse an admission to AIM include
where it considers that:
the applicant does not or will not comply with any special condition which the
Exchange considers appropriate and of which the Exchange has informed the
applicant’s nominated adviser; or
the applicant’s situation is such that admission may be detrimental to the orderly
operation, the reputation and/or integrity of AIM.
Admission to AIM is at the Exchange’s discretion. No applicant has a right for its
securities to be admitted to trading on AIM even if it meets the requirements of Part One
of these rules.
Principles of disclosure
10. The information which is required by these rules must be notified by the AIM company no
later than it is published elsewhere. An AIM company must retain a Regulatory
Information Service provider to ensure that information can be notified as and when
An AIM company must take reasonable care to ensure that any information it notifies is
not misleading, false or deceptive and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of
such information.
It will be presumed that information notified to a Regulatory Information Service is
required by these rules or other legal or regulatory requirement, unless otherwise
General disclosure of price sensitive information
11. An AIM company must issue notification without delay of any new developments which
are not public knowledge which, if made public, would be likely to lead to a significant
movement in the price of its AIM securities. By way of example, this may include matters
concerning a change in:
its financial condition;
its sphere of activity;
the performance of its business; or
its expectation of its performance.
Disclosure of corporate transactions
Substantial transactions
12. A substantial transaction is one which exceeds 10% in any of the class tests. It includes
any transaction by a subsidiary of the AIM company but excludes any transactions of a
revenue nature in the ordinary course of business and transactions to raise finance which
do not involve a change in the fixed assets of the AIM company or its subsidiaries.
An AIM company must issue notification without delay as soon as the terms of any
substantial transaction are agreed, disclosing the information specified by Schedule Four.
Related party transactions
13. This rule applies to any transaction whatsoever with a related party which exceeds 5% in
any of the class tests.
An AIM company must issue notification without delay as soon as the terms of a
transaction with a related party are agreed disclosing:
the information specified by Schedule Four;
the name of the related party concerned and the nature and extent of their interest
in the transaction; and
a statement that with the exception of any director who is involved in the transaction
as a related party, its directors consider, having consulted with its nominated
adviser, that the terms of the transaction are fair and reasonable insofar as its
shareholders are concerned.
Reverse takeovers
14. A reverse takeover is any acquisition or acquisitions in a twelve month period which for an
AIM company would:
exceed 100% in any of the class tests; or
result in a fundamental change in its business, board or voting control; or
in the case of an investing company, depart materially from its investing policy
(as stated in its admission document or approved by shareholders in accordance
with these rules).
Any agreement which would effect a reverse takeover must be:
conditional on the consent of its shareholders being given in general meeting;
notified without delay disclosing the information specified by Schedule Four and
insofar as it is with a related party, the additional information required by rule 13;
accompanied by the publication of an admission document in respect of the
proposed enlarged entity and convening the general meeting.
Where shareholder approval is given for the reverse takeover, trading in the AIM
securities of the AIM company will be cancelled. If the enlarged entity seeks
admission, it must make an application in the same manner as any other applicant
applying for admission of its securities for the first time.
Fundamental changes of business
15. Any disposal by an AIM company which, when aggregated with any other disposal(s) over
the previous twelve months, exceeds 75% in any of the class tests, is deemed to be a
disposal resulting in a fundamental change of business and must be:
conditional on the consent of its shareholders being given in general meeting;
notified without delay disclosing the information specified by Schedule Four and
insofar as it is with a related party, the additional information required by rule 13;
accompanied by the publication of a circular containing details of the disposal and
any proposed change in business together with the information specified above and
convening the general meeting.
Divestment or Cessation
Where the effect of a disposal is to divest the AIM company of all, or substantially
all, of its trading business, activities or assets; and/or
Where an AIM company takes any other action, the effect of which is that it will
cease to own, control or conduct all, or substantially all, of its existing trading
business, activities or assets (in which case such action should be notified without
delay and include all relevant information that shareholders may require)
upon completion of the disposal or action, the AIM company will be regarded as an AIM
Rule 15 cash shell.
Within six months of becoming an AIM Rule 15 cash shell, the AIM company must make
an acquisition or acquisitions which constitutes a reverse takeover under rule 14. For the
purposes of this rule only, becoming an investing company pursuant to rule 8 (including
the associated raising of funds as specified in rule 8) will be treated as a reverse takeover
and the provisions of rule 14 will apply including the requirement to publish an admission
Where an AIM company became an investing company (pursuant to rule 15) prior to 1
January 2016, the requirements of rule 15 set out in the AIM Rules for Companies (May
2014) will continue to apply. Accordingly, if such a company does not make an acquisition
or acquisitions which constitutes a reverse takeover under rule 14 or otherwise fails to
implement its investing policy to the satisfaction of the Exchange within twelve months of
becoming an investing company in accordance with that rule, the Exchange will suspend
trading in the AIM securities pursuant to rule 40.
Aggregation of transactions
16. Transactions completed during the twelve months prior to the date of the latest transaction
must be aggregated with that transaction for the purpose of determining whether rules 12,
13, 14 and/or 19 apply where:
they are entered into by the AIM company with the same person or persons or
their families; or
they involve the acquisition or disposal of securities or an interest in one particular
business; or
together they lead to a principal involvement in any business activity or activities
which did not previously form a part of the AIM company’s principal activities.
Disclosure of miscellaneous information
17. An AIM company must issue notification without delay of:
any relevant changes to any significant shareholders, disclosing, insofar as it has
such information, the information specified by Schedule Five;
the resignation, dismissal or appointment of any director, giving the date of such
occurrence and for an appointment, the information specified by Schedule Two
paragraph (g) and any shareholding in the company;
any change in its accounting reference date;
any change in its registered office address;
any change in its legal name;
any material change between its actual trading performance or financial condition
and any profit forecast, estimate or projection included in the admission document
or otherwise made public on its behalf;
any decision to make any payment in respect of its AIM securities specifying the net
amount payable per security, the payment date and the record date;
the reason for the application for admission or cancellation of any AIM securities
and consequent number of AIM securities in issue;
the occurrence and number of shares taken into and out of treasury, as specified by
Schedule Seven;
the resignation, dismissal or appointment of its nominated adviser or broker;
any change in the website address at which the information required by rule 26 is
any subsequent change to the details disclosed pursuant to sub-paragraphs (iii) to
(viii) inclusive of paragraph (g) of Schedule Two, whether such details were first
disclosed at admission or on subsequent appointment;
the admission to trading (or cancellation from trading) of the AIM securities (or any
other securities issued by the AIM company) on any other exchange or trading
platform, where such admission or cancellation is at the application or agreement of
the AIM company. This information must also be submitted separately to the
Half-yearly reports
18. An AIM company must prepare a half-yearly report in respect of the six month period from
the end of the financial period for which financial information has been disclosed in its
admission document and at least every subsequent six months thereafter (apart from the
final period of six months preceding its accounting reference date for its annual audited
accounts). All such reports must be notified without delay and in any event not later than
three months after the end of the relevant period.
The information contained in a half-yearly report must include at least a balance sheet, an
income statement, a cash flow statement and must contain comparative figures for the
corresponding period in the preceding financial year (apart from the balance sheet which
may contain comparative figures from the last balance sheet notified). Additionally the
half-yearly report must be presented and prepared in a form consistent with that which will
be adopted in the AIM company’s annual accounts having regard to the accounting
standards applicable to such annual accounts.
Annual accounts
19. An AIM company must publish annual audited accounts which must be sent to its
shareholders without delay and in any event not later than six months after the end of the
financial year to which they relate.
An AIM company incorporated in the UK or an EEA country must prepare and present
these accounts in accordance with International Accounting Standards. Where, at the
end of the relevant financial period, such company is not a parent company, it may prepare
and present such accounts either in accordance with International Accounting
Standards or in accordance with the accounting and company legislation and regulations
that are applicable to that company due to its country of incorporation.
An AIM company which is not incorporated in either the UK or an EEA country must
prepare and present these accounts in accordance with either:
International Accounting Standards;
US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles;
Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles;
Australian International Financial Reporting Standards (as issued by the Australian
Accounting Standards Board); or
Japanese Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
The accounts produced in accordance with this rule must provide disclosure of:
any transaction with a related party, whether or not previously disclosed under
these rules, where any of the class tests exceed 0.25% and must specify the
identity of the related party and the consideration for the transaction; and
details of directors’ remuneration earned in respect of the financial year by each
director of the AIM company acting in such capacity during the financial year.
Publication of documents sent to shareholders
20. Any document provided by an AIM company to its shareholders, must be made available
pursuant to rule 26 without delay, and its provision must be notified.
An electronic copy of any such document must be sent to the Exchange.
Dealing policy
21. An AIM company must have in place from admission a reasonable and effective dealing
policy setting out the requirements and procedures for directorsand applicable
employees dealings in any of its AIM securities. At a minimum, an AIM company’s
dealing policy must set out the following:
the AIM company’s close periods during which directors and applicable employees
cannot deal;
when a director or applicable employee must obtain clearance to deal in the AIM
securities of the AIM company;
an appropriate person(s) within the AIM company to grant clearance requests;
procedures for obtaining clearance for dealing;
the appropriate timeframe for a director or applicable employee to deal once they
have received clearance;
how the AIM company will assess whether clearance to deal may be given; and
procedures on how the AIM company will notify deals required to be made public
under MAR.
Provision and disclosure of information
22. The Exchange may require an AIM company to provide it with such information in such
form and within such limit as it considers appropriate. The Exchange may also require the
AIM company to publish such information.
For the avoidance of doubt, where the Exchange has jurisdiction pursuant to rule 43, rule
22 shall continue to apply to a company which ceases to have a class of securities
admitted to trading on AIM, as if it were an AIM company.
23. The Exchange may disclose any information in its possession as follows:
to co-operate with any person responsible for supervision or regulation of financial
services or for law enforcement;
to enable it to discharge its legal or regulatory functions, including instituting, carrying
on or defending proceedings; or
for any other purpose where it has the consent of the person from whom the
information was obtained and, if different, the person to whom it relates.
Corporate action timetables
24. An AIM company must inform the Exchange in advance of any notification of the
timetable for any proposed action affecting the rights of its existing shareholders.
25. Any amendments to the timetable proposed by the AIM company, including amendment
to the publication details of a notification, must be immediately disclosed to the
Company information disclosure
26. Each AIM company must from admission maintain a website on which the following
information should be available, free of charge:
a description of its business and, where it is an investing company, its investing
policy and details of any investment manager and/or key personnel;
its country of incorporation and main country of operation;
its current constitutional documents (e.g. its articles of association);
details of any other exchanges or trading platforms on which the AIM company has
applied or agreed to have any of its securities (including its AIM securities) admitted
or traded;
the number of AIM securities in issue (noting any held as treasury shares) and,
insofar as it is aware, the percentage of AIM securities that is not in public hands
together with the identity and percentage holdings of its significant shareholders.
This information should be updated at least every 6 months and the website should
include the date on which this information was last updated;
details of any restrictions on the transfer of its AIM securities;
the annual accounts published pursuant to rule 19 for the last three years or since
admission, whichever is the lesser, and all half-yearly, quarterly or similar reports
published since the last annual accounts pursuant to rule 18, and from 3 January
2018 the annual accounts published (on or after that date) pursuant to rule 19 and all
half-yearly, quarterly or similar reports published (on or after that date) pursuant to
rule 18 must be posted and maintained on its website for a period of at least five
all notifications the AIM company has made in the past 12 months. An AIM
company must also post and maintain on its website for a period of at least five
years all inside information it is required to disclose publicly by MAR on or after 3
January 2018;
its most recent admission document together with any circulars or similar
publications sent to shareholders within the past 12 months and for a period of at
least five years any Prospectus it has published on or after 3 January 2018;
details of a recognised corporate governance code that the board of directors of the
AIM company has decided to apply, how the AIM company complies with that
code, and where it departs from its chosen corporate governance code an
explanation of the reasons for doing so. This information should be reviewed
annually and the website should include the date on which this information was last
the names of its directors and brief biographical details of each, as would normally
be included in an admission document;
a description of the responsibilities of the members of the board of directors and
details of any committees of the board of directors and their responsibilities;
where the AIM company is not incorporated in the UK, a statement that the rights of
shareholders may be different from the rights of shareholders in a UK incorporated
whether the AIM company is subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and
Mergers, or any other such legislation or code in its country of incorporation or
operation, or any other similar provisions it has voluntarily adopted; and
details of its nominated adviser and other key advisers (as might normally be found
in an admission document).
Further issues of securities following admission
Further admission documents
27. A further admission document will be required for an AIM company only when it is:
required to issue a Prospectus under the Prospectus Regulation for a further
issue of AIM securities; or
seeking admission for a new class of securities; or
undertaking a reverse takeover under rule 14.
Omissions from further admission documents
28. The Exchange may authorise the omission of information from further admission
documents (other than a Prospectus) in the same circumstances as for an applicant
under rule 4.
In addition, an AIM company may omit the information required by section 18 of Annex 1
from any further admission document (other than a Prospectus) provided that the AIM
company has been complying with the requirements of these rules.
In such circumstances, the nominated adviser to an AIM company must confirm to the
Exchange in writing that equivalent information is available publicly by reason of the AIM
company’s compliance with these rules.
Applications for further issues
29. At least three business days before the expected date of admission of further AIM
securities an AIM company must submit an application form and, where required by
rule 27, an electronic version of any further admission document.
Where an AIM company intends to issue AIM securities on a regular basis, the
Exchange may permit admission of those securities under a block admission
Under a block admission an AIM company must notify the information required in
Schedule Six every six months.
30. All admission documents, any documents sent to shareholders and any information
required by these rules must be in English.
AIM company and directors’ responsibility for compliance
31. An AIM company must:
have in place sufficient procedures, resources and controls to enable it to comply
with these rules;
seek advice from its nominated adviser regarding its compliance with these rules
whenever appropriate and take that advice into account;
provide its nominated adviser with any information it reasonably requests or
requires in order for that nominated adviser to carry out its responsibilities under
these rules and the AIM Rules for Nominated Advisers, including any proposed
changes to the board of directors and provision of draft notifications in advance;
ensure that each of its directors accepts full responsibility, collectively and
individually, for its compliance with these rules; and
ensure that each director discloses to the AIM company without delay all
information which the AIM company needs in order to comply with rule 17 insofar as
that information is known to the director or could with reasonable diligence be
ascertained by the director.
Ongoing eligibility requirements
Transferability of shares
32. An AIM company must ensure that its AIM securities are freely transferable except
in any jurisdiction, statute or regulation places restrictions upon transferability; or
the AIM company is seeking to limit the number of shareholders domiciled in a
particular country to ensure that it does not become subject to statute or regulation.
Securities to be admitted
33. Only securities which have been unconditionally allotted can be admitted as AIM
An AIM company must ensure that application is made to admit all securities within a
class of AIM securities.
34. [Deleted pursuant to AIM Notice 27]
Retention of a broker
35. An AIM company must retain a broker at all times.
36. An AIM company must ensure that appropriate settlement arrangements are in place. In
particular AIM securities must be eligible for electronic settlement.
37. An AIM company must pay AIM fees set by the Exchange as soon as such payment
becomes due.
38. Details of an AIM company contact, including an e-mail address, must be provided to the
Exchange at the time of the application for admission and the Exchange must be
immediately informed of any changes thereafter.
Nominated advisers
39. A nominated adviser must comply with the AIM Rules for Nominated Advisers.
Maintenance of orderly markets
Precautionary Suspension
40. The Exchange may suspend the trading of AIM securities where:
trading in those securities is not being conducted in an orderly manner;
it considers that an AIM company has failed to comply with these rules;
the protection of investors so requires; or
the integrity and reputation of the market has been or may be impaired by dealings in
those securities.
Suspensions are effected by a dealing notice.
41. An AIM company which wishes the Exchange to cancel admission of its AIM securities
must notify such intended cancellation and must separately inform the Exchange of its
preferred cancellation date at least twenty business days prior to such date and save
where the Exchange otherwise agrees, the cancellation shall be conditional upon the
consent of not less than 75% of votes cast by its shareholders given in a general meeting.
The Exchange will cancel the admission of AIM securities where these have been
suspended from trading for six months.
Cancellations are effected by a dealing notice.
Sanctions and appeals
Sanctions against an AIM company
42. If the Exchange considers that an AIM company has contravened these rules, it may take
one or more of the following measures in relation to such AIM company:
issue a warning notice;
fine it;
censure it; or
cancel the admission of its AIM securities; and
publish the fact that it has been fined or censured and the reasons for that action.
43. When an AIM company ceases to have a class of securities admitted to trading on AIM,
the Exchange retains jurisdiction over the company for the purpose of investigating and
taking disciplinary action in relation to breaches or suspected breaches of these rules at a
time when that company was an applicant or had a class of securities admitted to trading
on AIM.
Disciplinary process
44. The Exchange will take any proposed disciplinary action against an AIM company in
accordance with the Disciplinary Procedures and Appeals Handbook.
45. Any decision of the Exchange in relation to these rules may be appealed in accordance
with the Disciplinary Procedures and Appeals Handbook.
Schedule One
Pursuant to rule 2, an applicant or quoted applicant must provide the Exchange with the
following information:
(a) its name;
(b) its country of incorporation;
(c) its registered office address and, if different, its trading address;
(d) the website address at which the information required by rule 26 will be available:
(e) a brief description of its business (including its main country of operation) or in the case of
an investing company, details of its investing policy. If the admission is being sought
as a result of a reverse takeover under rule 14, this should be stated;
(f) the number and type of securities in respect of which it seeks admission and detailing the
number and type of securities to be held as treasury shares, including details of any
restrictions as to transfer of the securities;
(g) the capital to be raised on admission, if applicable, and its anticipated market
capitalisation on admission;
(h) the percentage of AIM securities not in public hands at admission (insofar as it is
aware) and details of any other exchange or trading platform on which the AIM securities
(or any other securities of the company) are or will be admitted or traded as a result of an
application or agreement of the applicant;
(i) the full names and functions of its directors and proposed directors (underlining the first
name by which each is known or including any other name by which each is known);
(j) insofar as is known to it, the full name of any significant shareholder before and after
admission, together with the percentage of each such person’s interest (underlining the
first name by which each is known or including any other name by which each is known in
the case of individuals);
(k) the names of any persons who will be disclosed in the admission document under
Schedule Two, paragraph (h);
(l) its anticipated accounting reference date, the date to which it has prepared the main
financial information in its admission document and the dates by which it must publish its
first three reports as required by rules 18 and 19;
(m) its expected admission date;
(n) the name and address of its nominated adviser and broker(s);
(o) (other than in the case of a quoted applicant) details of where any admission document
will be available with a statement that this will contain full details about the applicant and
the admission of its securities; and
(p) the corporate governance code the board of directors of the applicant has decided to
Supplement to Schedule One, for quoted applicants only
A quoted applicant must in addition provide the Exchange with the following information:
(a) the name of the AIM Designated Market upon which its securities have been traded;
(b) the date from which its securities have been so traded;
(c) confirmation that, following due and careful enquiry, it has adhered to any legal and
regulatory requirements involved in having its securities traded upon such market or
details of where there has been any breach;
(d) a website address where any documents or announcements which it has made public over
the last two years (in consequence of having its securities so traded) are available;
(e) details of its intended strategy following admission including, in the case of an investing
company, details of its investing policy;
(f) a description of any significant change in financial or trading position of the quoted
applicant which has occurred since the end of the last financial period for which audited
statements have been published;
(g) a statement that its directors have no reason to believe that the working capital available
to it or its group will be insufficient for at least twelve months from the date of its
(h) details of any lock-in arrangements pursuant to rule 7;
(i) a brief description of the arrangements for settling transactions in its securities;
(j) a website address detailing the rights attaching to its securities;
(k) information equivalent to that required for an admission document which is not currently
public, including any information that would be required as part of an admission
document by the Notes;
(l) a website address of a page containing its latest published annual accounts which must
have a financial year end not more than nine months prior to admission. The annual
accounts must be prepared in accordance with rule 19. Where more than nine months
have elapsed since the financial year end to which the latest published annual accounts
relate, a website address of a page containing a set of interim results covering the period
from the financial year end to which the latest published annual accounts relate and ending
no less than six months from that date;
(m) the number of each class of securities held as treasury shares.
Schedule Two
A company which is required to produce an admission document must ensure that document
discloses the following:
(a) Information equivalent to that which would be required by Annexes 1, 11 and 20 other
than the information specified in paragraph (b)(i) below and as amended by paragraph
(b)(ii) below, unless a Prospectus is required in accordance with the Prospectus
Regulation in which case paragraphs (b)(i) and (ii) below shall not apply;
(b) (i) the information referred to in paragraph (a) above is as follows:
Annex 1:
The Competent Authority approval information required under sub-section 1.5;
Operating and Financial Review (Section 7);
Capital Resources (Section 8);
Profit Forecasts or Estimates (Section 11) (NB - Paragraph (d) below continues to
Administrative, Management and Supervisory Bodies and Senior Management
(Section 12). (NB - Paragraph (g) below continues to apply);
Remuneration and Benefits (section 13);
The audit and remuneration committee information required under sub-section 14.3;
Pro forma financial information (sub-section 18.4);
Documents Available (section 21);
The information required under sub-section 15.2 of Annex 1 with respect to persons
other than directors.
Annex 11:
The Competent Authority approval information required under sub-section 1.5;
Working capital statement (sub-section 3.1). (NB - Paragraph (c) below continues to
Capitalisation and indebtedness (sub-section 3.2);
Interest of natural and legal persons involved in the issue/offer (sub-section 3.3);
Terms and Conditions of the Offer of Securities to the Public (section 5);
Admission to Trading and Dealing Arrangements (section 6);
Annex 20:
Annex 20 in its entirety.
Schedule Two (and corresponding Annex references) updated with effect from 21 July 2019 pursuant to
AIM Notice 56
(ii) the information required by paragraph (a) above is amended as follows: the
information required by section 18 of Annex 1 must be presented in accordance with
one of the applicable standards set out in rule 19.
(c) a statement by its directors that in their opinion having made due and careful enquiry, the
working capital available to it and its group will be sufficient for its present requirements,
that is for at least twelve months from the date of admission of its securities;
(d) where it contains a profit forecast, estimate or projection (which includes any form of words
which expressly or by implication states a minimum or maximum for the likely level of
profits or losses for a period subsequent to that for which audited accounts have been
published, or contains data from which a calculation of an approximate figure for future
profits or losses may be made, even if no particular figure is mentioned and the words
“profit” or “loss” are not used):
(i) a statement by its directors that such forecast, estimate or projection has been
made after due and careful enquiry;
(ii) a statement of the principal assumptions for each factor which could have a
material effect on the achievement of the forecast, estimate or projection. The
assumptions must be readily understandable by investors and be specific and
(iii) confirmation from the nominated adviser to the applicant that it has satisfied
itself that the forecast, estimate or projection has been made after due and careful
enquiry by the directors of the applicant; and
(iv) such profit forecast, estimate or projection must be prepared on a basis
comparable with the historical financial information;
(e) on the first page, prominently and in bold, the name of its nominated adviser and the
following paragraphs:
"AIM is a market designed primarily for emerging or smaller companies to which a higher
investment risk tends to be attached than to larger or more established companies. AIM
securities are not admitted to the official list of the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct
A prospective investor should be aware of the risks of investing in such companies and
should make the decision to invest only after careful consideration and, if appropriate,
consultation with an independent financial adviser.
Each AIM company is required pursuant to the AIM Rules for Companies to have a
nominated adviser. The nominated adviser is required to make a declaration to the
London Stock Exchange on admission in the form set out in Schedule Two to the AIM
Rules for Nominated Advisers.
The London Stock Exchange has not itself examined or approved the contents of this
(f) where rule 7 applies, a statement that its related parties and applicable employees have
agreed not to dispose of any interests in any of its AIM securities for a period of twelve
months from the admission of its securities;
(g) the following information relating to each director and each proposed director:
(i) the director’s full name and age together with any previous names;
(ii) the names of all companies and partnerships of which the director has been a
director or partner at any time in the previous five years, indicating whether or not
the director is still a director or partner;
(iii) any unspent convictions in relation to indictable offences;
(iv) details of any bankruptcies or individual voluntary arrangements of such director;
(v) details of any receiverships, compulsory liquidations, creditors’ voluntary
liquidations, administrations, company voluntary arrangements or any
composition or arrangement with its creditors generally or any class of its
creditors of any company where such director was a director at the time of or
within the twelve months preceding such events;
(vi) details of any compulsory liquidations, administrations or partnership voluntary
arrangements of any partnerships where such director was a partner at the time
of or within the twelve months preceding such events;
(vii) details of receiverships of any asset of such director or of a partnership of which
the director was a partner at the time of or within the twelve months preceding
such events; and
(viii) details of any public criticisms of such director by statutory or regulatory
authorities (including recognised professional bodies), and whether such director
has ever been disqualified by a court from acting as a director of a company or
from acting in the management or conduct of the affairs of any company;
(h) the name of any person (excluding professional advisers otherwise disclosed in the
admission document and trade suppliers) who has:
(i) received, directly or indirectly, from it within the twelve months preceding the
application for admission to AIM; or
(ii) entered into contractual arrangements (not otherwise disclosed in the admission
document) to receive, directly or indirectly, from it on or after admission any of
the following:
fees totalling £10,000 or more;
its securities where these have a value of £10,000 or more calculated by
reference to the issue price or, in the case of an introduction, the expected
opening price; or
any other benefit with a value of £10,000 or more at the date of admission;
giving full details of the relationship of such person with the applicant and
of the fees, securities or other benefit received or to be received;
(i) the name of any director, or member of a director’s family, who has a related financial
product referenced to its AIM securities or securities being admitted, together with the
date and terms of the related financial product(s) and the detailed nature of the
(j) where it is an investing company, details of its investing policy.
(k) the information required by the Notes and any other information which it reasonably
considers necessary to enable investors to form a full understanding of:
(i) the assets and liabilities, financial position, profits and losses, and prospects of
the applicant and its securities for which admission is being sought;
(ii) the rights attaching to those securities; and
(iii) any other matter contained in the admission document.
(l) in addition to the information required under sub-sections 14.4 and 14.5 of Annex 1,
details of the recognised corporate governance code that the board of directors of the
applicant has decided to apply, how the applicant complies with that code, and where it
departs from its chosen corporate governance code an explanation of the reasons for
doing so.
Schedule Three
The class tests for determining the size of a transaction pursuant to rules 12, 13, 14, 15 and 19
are as follows:
The Gross Assets test
Gross assets the subject of the transaction x 100
Gross assets of the AIM company
Figures to use for the Gross assets test:
1. The “Gross assets of the AIM company” means the total non current assets plus total
current assets. These figures should be taken from the most recent of the following:
(a) the most recently notified consolidated balance sheet; or
(b) where an admission document has been produced for the purposes of
admission following a reverse takeover, any pro forma net asset statement
published in the admission document may be used, provided it is derived from
information taken from the last published audited consolidated accounts and that
any adjustments to this information are clearly shown and explained; or
(c) in a case where transactions are aggregated pursuant to rule 16, the most
recently notified consolidated balance sheet (as at a date prior to the earliest
aggregated transaction).
2. The “Gross assets the subject of the transaction” means:
(a) in the cases of an acquisition of an interest in an undertaking which will result in
consolidation of the undertaking’s net assets in the accounts of the AIM
company, or a disposal of an interest in an undertaking which will result in the
undertaking’s net assets no longer being consolidated in the accounts of the AIM
company, the assets the subject of the transaction means the value of 100% of
the undertaking’s assets, irrespective of what interest is acquired or disposed.
(b) in the case of an acquisition or disposal which does not fall within paragraph 2(a),
the assets the subject of the transaction means:
for an acquisition, the consideration plus any liabilities assumed (if any); and
for a disposal, the book value of the assets attributed to that interest in the
AIM company’s last audited accounts.
(c) in the case of an acquisition of assets other than an interest in an undertaking, the
assets the subject of the transaction means the book value of the assets.
The Profits test
Profits attributable to the assets the subject of the transaction x 100
Profits of the AIM company
Figures to use for the Profits test:
3. The “Profits of the AIM company means profits before taxation and extraordinary items
as stated in the following:
(a) the last published annual consolidated accounts;
(b) the last notified preliminary statement of annual results; or
(c) in a case where transactions are aggregated pursuant to rule 16, the last such
accounts or statement prior to the earliest transaction.
In the case of an acquisition or disposal of an interest in an undertaking of the type
described within paragraph 2(a), the “profits attributable to the assets the subject of the
transaction” means 100% of the profits of the undertaking irrespective of what interest is
acquired or disposed.
The Turnover test
Turnover attributable to the assets the subject of the transaction x 100
Turnover of the AIM company
Figures to use for the Turnover test:
4. The “Turnover of the AIM company means the turnover figure as stated in the following:
(a) the last published annual consolidated accounts;
(b) the last notified preliminary statement of annual results; or
(c) in a case where transactions are aggregated pursuant to rule 16, the last such
accounts or statement prior to the earliest transaction.
In a case of an acquisition or disposal of an interest in an undertaking of the type
described within paragraph 2(a), the “turnover attributable to the assets the subject of the
transaction” means 100% of the turnover of the undertaking irrespective of what interest is
acquired or disposed.
The Consideration test
Consideration x 100
Aggregate market value of all the ordinary shares (excluding treasury shares)
of the AIM company
Figures to use for the Consideration test:
5. The “Consideration” means the amount paid to the vendors, but the Exchange may
require the inclusion of further amounts.
(a) Where all or part of the consideration is in the form of securities to be listed, or
traded on AIM, the consideration attributable to those securities means the
aggregate market value of those securities.
(b) If deferred consideration is, or may be, payable or receivable by the AIM
company in the future, the consideration means the maximum total consideration
payable or receivable under the agreement.
6. The “Aggregate market value of all the ordinary shares of the AIM company (excluding
treasury shares) means the value of its enfranchised securities on the day prior to the
notification of the transaction (excluding treasury shares).
The Gross Capital test
Gross capital of the company or business being acquired x 100
Gross capital of the AIM company
Figures to use for the Gross capital test:
7. The “Gross capital of the company or business being acquired” means the aggregate of:
(a) the consideration;
(b) if a company, any of its shares and debt securities which are not being acquired;
(c) all other liabilities (other than current liabilities), including for this purpose minority
interests and deferred taxation; and
(d) any excess of current liabilities over current assets.
8. The “Gross capital of the AIM company” means the aggregate of:
(a) the aggregate market value of its securities (excluding treasury shares);
(b) all other liabilities (other than current liabilities), including minority interest and
deferred taxation; and
(c) any excess of current liabilities over current assets.
The figures to be used must be the aggregate market value of the enfranchised securities on the
day prior to the notification of the transaction (excluding treasury shares).
Substitute Tests
In circumstances where the above tests produce anomalous results or where the tests are
inappropriate to the sphere of activity of the AIM company, the Exchange may (except in the
case of a transaction with a related party), disregard the calculation and substitute other
relevant indicators of size, including industry specific tests. Only the Exchange can decide to
disregard one or more of the class tests, or substitute another test.
Schedule Four
In respect of transactions which require notifications pursuant to rules 12, 13, 14 and 15 an
AIM company must notify the following information:
(a) particulars of the transaction, including the name of any other relevant parties;
(b) a description of the assets which are the subject of the transaction, or the business carried
on by, or using, the assets;
(c) the profits (or if applicable, losses) attributable to those assets;
(d) the value of those assets if different from the consideration;
(e) the full consideration and how it is being satisfied;
(f) the effect on the AIM company;
(g) details of the service contracts of any proposed directors;
(h) in the case of a disposal, the application of the sale proceeds;
(i) in the case of a disposal, if shares or other securities are to form part of the consideration
received, a statement whether such securities are to be sold or retained; and
(j) any other information necessary to enable investors to evaluate the effect of the
transaction upon the AIM company.
Schedule Five
Pursuant to rule 17, an AIM company must make notification of the following:
(a) the identity of the significant shareholder concerned;
(b) the date on which the disclosure was made to it;
(c) the date on which the relevant change to the holding was effected;
(d) the price, amount and class of the AIM securities concerned;
(e) the nature of the transaction;
(f) the nature and extent of the significant shareholder’s interest in the transaction; and
(g) where the notification concerns a related financial product, the detailed nature of the
Schedule Six
Pursuant to a block admission, an AIM company must make notification of the following:
(a) name of the company;
(b) name of the scheme;
(c) period of return (from/to);
(d) number and class of securities not issued under the scheme;
(e) number of securities issued under the scheme during the period;
(f) balance under the scheme of securities not yet issued at the end of the period;
(g) number and class of securities originally admitted and the date of admission; and
(h) a contact name and telephone number.
Schedule Seven
Pursuant to rule 17, an AIM company must make notification of the following:
(a) the date of the movement into or out of treasury shares;
(b) the number of treasury shares of each class transferred into or out of treasury;
(c) the total number of treasury shares of each class held by the AIM company following
such movements;
(d) the number of shares of each class that the AIM company has in issue less the total
number of treasury shares of each class held by the AIM company following such
The following terms have the following meanings when used in these rules unless the context
otherwise requires.
Admission of any class of securities to AIM effected by
a dealing notice under rule 6.
A document produced pursuant to rules 3 or 27.
A market operated by the Exchange.
A company with a class of securities admitted to AIM.
A market whose name appears on the latest publication
by the Exchange of the document entitled “AIM
Designated Markets”.
The fees charged by the Exchange to an AIM
company in respect of admission and trading as set
out in the price list published by the Exchange from
time to time.
An AIM company that falls within the ‘Divestment or
Cessation’ section of rule 15.
The AIM Rules for Nominated Advisers published by
the Exchange from time to time.
Securities of an AIM company which have been
Annex 1, Annex 11 and Annex 20 of the Prospectus
Regulation and as linked in the Prospectus Rules (as
may be amended from time to time).
An issuer that is applying to have a class of its
securities admitted to AIM and which is seeking to
have a notification issued pursuant to rule 2. This
includes quoted applicants save for rules 2 5
inclusive where separate provisions apply.
The latest publication of the standard form which must
be completed by an applicant or a quoted applicant
under rule 5.
Any employee of an AIM company, its subsidiary or
parent undertaking who:
(a) for the purposes of rule 7, together with that
employee’s family, has a holding or interest, directly
or indirectly, in 0.5% or more of a class of AIM
securities (excluding treasury shares); or
(b) for the purposes of rule 21, other than a director, is
a ‘person discharging managerial responsibilities’ as
defined in Article 3(25) of MAR.
A person who, under European Union directive or
United Kingdom domestic legislation, is authorised to
conduct investment business in the United Kingdom.
The admission of a specified number of AIM
securities, which are to be issued on a regular basis
pursuant to rule 29.
A member firm which is appointed by an AIM
company pursuant to rule 35.
Any day upon which the Exchange is open for
business and any reference to business days shall be
to clear business days.
The cancellation of any class of securities to AIM
effected by a dealing notice.
The tests set out in Schedule Three which are used to
determine whether rules 12, 13, 14, 15 or 19 of these
rules apply.
A notification by the Exchange disseminated through
RNS which either admits securities to AIM or cancels
or suspends them from trading on AIM or restores them
to trading on AIM.
A person who acts as a director whether or not
officially appointed to such position.
The following items for each director of the AIM
(a) emoluments and compensation, including any
cash or non-cash benefits received;
(b) share options and other long term incentive plan
details, including information on all outstanding
options and/or awards; and
(c) value of any contributions paid by the AIM
company to a pension scheme.
The most recent publication by the Exchange of the
document so entitled for AIM.
The Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules
published by the FCA from time to time.
An AIM company that is required to make disclosures
in accordance with chapter 5 of the DTR. A non-DTR
company is an AIM company that is not required to
make disclosures in accordance with chapter 5 of the
A European Economic Area (EEA) country.
Any communications sent by e-mail or made available
on an AIM companys website pursuant to rule 26.
Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited.
The London Stock Exchange plc.
In relation to any person his or her spouse or civil
partner and any child where such child is under the age
of eighteen years.
It includes any trust in which such individuals are
trustees or beneficiaries and any company over which
they have control or more than 20% of its equity or
voting rights (excluding treasury shares) in a general
meeting. It excludes any employee share or pension
scheme where such individuals are beneficiaries rather
than trustees.
The Financial Conduct Authority.
Any financial instrument requiring disclosure in
accordance with DTR 5.3.1 with the addition that, for
the purposes of this definition, all AIM companies shall
be treated as if they are DTR companies regardless of
their country of incorporation.
The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.
Any legal or beneficial interest, whether direct or
indirect, in the AIM securities of a person who is a
director or, where relevant, an applicable employee
or significant shareholder.
It includes holdings by the family of such a person.
In addition, when determining whether a person is a
significant shareholder, a holding also includes a
position in a financial instrument.
(a) For an AIM company incorporated in the EEA,
this means standards adopted for use in the
European Union in accordance with Article 3 of the
IAS Regulation (EC) No. 1606/2002, as adopted
from time to time by the European Commission.
(b) For an AIM company incorporated in the UK, this
means UK-adopted International Accounting
Standards in accordance with section 474(1)
Companies Act.
Any AIM company which has as its primary business
or objective, the investing of its funds in securities,
businesses or assets of any description.
Any person external to the investing company, who,
on behalf of that investing company, manages their
investments. This may include an external adviser who
provides material advice to the investment manager or
the investing company.
The policy the investing company will follow in relation
to asset allocation and risk diversification.
The policy must be sufficiently precise and detailed to
allow the assessment of it, and, if applicable, the
significance of any proposed changes to the policy. It
must contain as a minimum:
assets or company in which it can invest;
the means or strategy by which the investing policy
will be achieved;
whether such investments will be active or passive
and, if applicable, the length of time that
investments are likely to be held for;
how widely it will spread its investments and its
maximum exposure limits, if applicable;
its policy in relation to gearing and cross-holdings, if
details of investing restrictions, if applicable; and
the nature of returns it will seek to deliver to
shareholders and, if applicable, how long it can
exist before making an investment and/or before
having to return funds to shareholders.
Admitted to the Official List of the United Kingdom by
the Competent Authority for the United Kingdom.
Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European
Parliament and of the Council on market abuse, as
applied in the UK.
A partnership, corporation, legal entity or sole
practitioner admitted currently to Exchange
An adviser whose name appears on the register.
The latest form of declaration contained in the AIM
Rules for Nominated Advisers.
Separate notes published by the Exchange from time
to time which form part of these rules. At the date of
these rules, these comprise the AIM Note for Investing
Companies, and the AIM Note for Mining and Oil & Gas
AIM securities held, directly or indirectly (including via
a related financial product) by:
(a) a related party;
(b) the trustees of any employee share scheme
or pension fund established for the benefit of
any directors/employees of the
applicant/AIM company (or its
(c) any person who under any agreement has a
right to nominate a person to the board of
directors of the applicant/AIM company;
(d) any person who is the subject of a lock-in
agreement pursuant to rule 7 or otherwise;
(e) the AIM company as treasury shares.
The delivery of an announcement to a Regulatory
Information Service for distribution to the public.
An individual, corporation, partnership, association,
trust or other entity as the context admits or requires.
A prospectus, including an EU Growth prospectus,
prepared and published in accordance with the
Prospectus Regulation.
Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament
and of the Council as applied in the UK.
The Prospectus Regulation Rules sourcebook
published by the FCA.
An issuer which has had its securities traded upon an
AIM Designated Market for at least 18 months prior to
applying to have those securities admitted to AIM and
which seeks to take advantage of that status in
applying for the admission of its securities.
The last date upon which investors must appear on the
share register of the AIM company in order to receive
a benefit from the company.
The latest publication of the register of nominated
advisers held by the Exchange. The definitive
register is kept by the Exchange.
A service approved by the FCA for the distribution to
the public of regulatory announcements and included
within the list maintained on the FCA’s website,
Any financial product whose value in whole or in part is
determined directly or indirectly by reference to the
price of AIM securities or securities being admitted,
including a contract for difference or a fixed odds bet.
(a) any person who is a director of an AIM
company or of any company which is its
subsidiary or parent undertaking, other subsidiary
undertaking of its parent company;
(b) a substantial shareholder;
(c) an associate of (a) or (b) being;
(i) the family of such a person;
(ii) the trustees (acting as such) of any trust of
which the individual or any of the individual’s
family is a beneficiary or discretionary object
(other than a trust which is either an
occupational pension scheme as defined in
regulation 3 of the Financial Services and
Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities)
Order 2001, or an employees’ share scheme
which does not, in either case, have the
effect of conferring benefits on persons all or
most of whom are related parties).
(iii) any company in whose equity shares such a
person individually or taken together with his
or her family (or if a director, individually or
taken together with his family and any other
director of that company) are directly or
indirectly interested (or have a conditional or
contingent entitlement to become interested)
to the extent that they are or could be able:
to exercise or control the exercise of
30% or more of the votes (excluding
treasury shares) able to be cast at
general meetings on all, or
substantially all, matters; or
to appoint or remove directors holding
a majority of voting rights at board
meetings on all, or substantially all,
(iv) any other company which is its subsidiary
undertaking, parent undertaking or subsidiary
undertaking of its parent undertaking;
(v) any company whose directors are
accustomed to act in accordance with (a)’s
directions or instructions;
(vi) any company in the capital of which (a),
either alone or together with any other
company within (iv) or (v) or both taken
together, is (or would on the fulfilment of a
condition or the occurrence of a contingency
be) interested in the manner described in (iii);
(d) for the purposes of rule 13, any person who was
a director of an AIM company or any of its
subsidiaries, sister or parent undertakings or a
substantial shareholder within the twelve
months preceding the date of the transaction.
Changes to the holding of a significant shareholder
above 3% (excluding treasury shares) which increase
or decrease such holding through any single
The Regulatory Information Service operated by the
A holder of any legal or beneficial interest, whether
direct or indirect, in an AIM security.
Any person with a holding of 3% or more in any class
of AIM security (excluding treasury shares).
A multilateral trading facility that is registered as an
SME growth market for the purposes of Chapter 5.10 of
the FCA’s Market Conduct Sourcebook.
Any person who holds any legal or beneficial interest
directly or indirectly in 10% or more of any class of AIM
security (excluding treasury shares) or 10% or more
of the voting rights (excluding treasury shares) of an
AIM company including for the purpose of rule 13 such
holding in any subsidiary, sister or parent undertaking
and excluding, for the purposes of rule 7: (i) any
authorised person; (ii) any investing company
whose investing policy is externally managed on a
fully discretionary basis by an investment manager
that is an authorised person; and (iii) any company
with securities quoted upon the Exchange’s markets,
unless the company is an investing company which
has not substantially implemented its investing policy.
Shares which meet the conditions set out in paragraphs
(a) and (b) of subsection 724(5) of the Companies Act
United Kingdom. For the purposes of rule 19, a UK
country shall also be deemed to include the Channel
Islands and the Isle of Man.
A private letter issued by the Exchange pursuant to the
Disciplinary Procedures and Appeals Handbook to
an AIM company or nominated adviser outlining a
breach of these rules or of the AIM Rules for
Nominated Advisers.
Part Two Guidance Notes
Eligibility for AIM
An AIM company or applicant must be appropriate for AIM’s regulatory framework. An AIM
company or applicant should usually be a similar structure to a UK plc, and where it is an
investing company, must be a closed-ended fund and not require a restricted investor base. It
should not be complex in terms of its structure and securities and should issue primarily
ordinary shares (or equivalent).
Rule 1: Nominated adviser
Nominated advisers must be approved by the Exchange. A copy of the register of approved
nominated advisers is available on the Exchange’s website,
www.londonstockexchange.com/aim, however the definitive copy is kept by the Exchange.
An AIM company can only retain the services of one nominated adviser at any one time.
Where an AIM company needs to notify the loss of its nominated adviser it should first liaise
with AIM Regulation so that where no replacement has been appointed the necessary
suspension may be put in place to coincide with the notification.
Where a new nominated adviser is appointed a notification will be required under rule 17 and
a new nominated adviser’s declaration should be submitted to the Exchange pursuant to the
AIM Rules for Nominated Advisers.
Applicants for AIM
Rule 2: Early notification and pre-admission announcements
An early notification form is available on the Exchange’s website. In addition to the information
required to be provided in the early notification form, a nominated adviser must ensure it fully
and clearly discloses to the Exchange all matters known to it which may be relevant to the
Exchange in considering the application for admission to trading and understanding whether
admission of the AIM securities may be detrimental to the orderly operation, the reputation
and/or integrity of AIM.
The submission of an early notification form does not replace a nominated adviser’s
obligations to the Exchange concerning an applicant’s appropriateness.
Submission of an early notification form that does not allow for adequate time for discussion
with the Exchange may contribute to a delay. Following the submission of an early notification
form, a nominated adviser must update the Exchange as soon as practicable should it
become aware of any material new information and/or any change to the information submitted
or circumstances of the applicant.
Early notification submissions and Schedule One announcements should be sent by e-mail in
the standard format, available on the Exchange’s website, to aimregulation@lseg.com.
The Exchange will arrange for notification of the Schedule One to RNS.
Announcements are disseminated publicly by RNS under the heading “AIM”.
Any issuer may use the usual form of admission process for AIM involving a pre-admission
announcement and an AIM admission document at any time. However, a quoted applicant
may take advantage of this expedited route where it meets the relevant requirements.
The website (notified in accordance with paragraph (j) of the Supplement to Schedule One)
may also, to the extent permitted by law, contain other information which the issuer considers
may be useful to investors.
Rule 3: Admission document
Where an admission document is also a Prospectus, the requirements of Schedule Two
apply in addition to the requirements of the Prospectus Regulation and the Prospectus
If at any time after an admission document is submitted and before the date of admission
there arises or is noted any material new factor, mistake or inaccuracy relating to the
information included in the admission document, a supplementary admission document
must be published and submitted to the Exchange containing details of such new factor,
mistake or inaccuracy in accordance with the relevant part(s) of Schedule Two. For the
avoidance of doubt, if the admission document is a Prospectus, any supplementary
document must comply with the Prospectus Regulation and the Prospectus Rules.
A quoted applicant must make the additional disclosures in its pre-admission announcement,
which is required by rule 2 and the Supplement to Schedule One.
Where a quoted applicant is also making an offer to the public, whether in the United Kingdom
and/or other jurisdictions, it should satisfy itself that there are no legal or regulatory
requirements outside these rules which compel it to produce any form of prospectus. Where
there is a requirement for such a prospectus, this should be made available to the public under
paragraph (o) of Schedule One as if it were an admission document.
Rule 4: Omissions from admission documents
Where an admission document is also a prospectus under the Prospectus Rules, application
for a derogation from any requirements of the Prospectus Regulation and the Prospectus
Rules should be made to the FCA. The Exchange itself may not authorise exemptions from
any requirement under the Prospectus Rules. The FCA’s Listing Transactions team can be
contacted through their dedicated help desk on +44 (0)20 7066 8348.
Rule 5: Application documents
The application form and nominated adviser’s declaration should be sent to Admissions,
London Stock Exchange plc, 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS by the nominated
adviser. The electronic version of the admission document should be sent to
The application form and nominated adviser’s declaration are available from the
Exchange’s website, www.londonstockexchange.com.
The nominated adviser should liaise with AIM Regulation to confirm that any admission
conditions have been met.
Under rule 33 AIM securities must be unconditionally allotted. The Exchange may require
proof of allotment for any securities which are being issued on admission. A copy of the
applicant’s board minutes allocating such securities or confirmation from its nominated
adviser will suffice in most cases.
Allotted includes provisionally allotted securities where such provisional allotments are
unconditional. For example, nil paid rights must be allotted without condition (even if further
action is required by the holders of provisional allotments to transform them into another class of
securities such as fully paid shares).
Rule 6: Admission to AIM
Note also rules 32 and 33 (in respect of free transferability and allotment).
A dealing notice will be released through RNS under the heading “AIM”.
Special conditions for certain applicants
Rule 7: Lock-ins for new businesses
To minimise the risk of parties to lock-in arrangements subsequently being deemed to constitute
concert parties under the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers, applicants or their advisers
may wish to consult the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers, 10 Paternoster Square, London
EC4M 7LS (telephone +44 (0)20 7382 9026) prior to drafting any lock-in agreement.
The Exchange will not require a substantial shareholder to be the subject of a lock-in under
rule 7 where that shareholder became a substantial shareholder at the time of an AIM
company’s admission and at a price which was more widely available, for example as part of
an offer to the public.
Rule 8: Investing companies
The investing policy must be sufficiently precise and detailed so that it is clear, specific and
definitive. The investing policy must be prominently stated in the admission document and
any subsequent circular relating to the investing policy, for example pursuant to rules 8 or 14.
The investing policy should be regularly notified and at a minimum should be stated in the
investing company’s annual accounts.
The circular convening a meeting of shareholders for the purposes of obtaining consent for a
change in investing policy should contain adequate information about the current and
proposed investing policy and the reasons for and expected consequences of any proposed
change. It should also contain the information required by paragraph 4.2 of the AIM Note for
Investing Companies.
In making the assessment of what constitutes a material change to the published investing
policy, consideration must be given to the cumulative effect of all the changes made since
shareholder approval was last obtained for the investing policy or, if no such approval has
been given, since the date of admission. Any material change to the specific points set out in
the definition of investing policy is likely to constitute a material change requiring shareholder
In making the assessment of whether or not an investing company has substantially
implemented its investing policy, the Exchange would consider this to mean that the
investing company has invested:
a substantial portion (usually at least in excess of 50%) of all funds available to it, including
funds available through agreed debt facilities;
in a range of investments; and
in accordance with its investing policy.
In relation to any requirement to obtain shareholder approval of the investing policy in these
rules, if such shareholder approval is not obtained, the AIM company would usually be
expected to propose amendments to its investing policy and seek shareholder approval for
those amendments, as soon as possible. A resolving action such as the return of funds to
shareholders should be considered if consent is again not obtained. The nominated adviser
must keep the Exchange informed if such a situation occurs. For the avoidance of doubt, if
shareholder approval for the change to investing policy is not obtained, the company’s
existing investing policy will continue to be effective.
Rule 9: Other conditions
The Exchange can impose a delay of no more than ten business days under rule 9. At the
end of this period, the nominated adviser must decide whether and if so, when, to proceed.
Principles of disclosure
Rule 10: Principles of disclosure
Where it is proposed to announce at any meeting of shareholders information which might lead
to significant movement in the price of those securities, arrangements must be made for
notification of that information so that the disclosure at the meeting is made no earlier than the
time at which the information is notified.
A list of Regulatory Information Service providers can be found on the Exchange’s website,
General disclosure of price sensitive information
Rule 11: General disclosure
(a) This rule promotes prompt and fair disclosure of price sensitive information to the
(b) Article 17 of MAR provides separate disclosure obligations for an AIM company. The
competent authority for MAR is the FCA. All queries relating to the disclosure
obligations pursuant to MAR should be directed to the competent authority. The
Exchange will not opine on MAR compliance and any discussion it has about an AIM
company’s disclosure obligations are in the context of these rules. Where the
Exchange becomes aware of a possible breach of MAR, it will refer to the competent
authority, whose remit is to investigate and enforce breaches of MAR. For the
avoidance of doubt, compliance with MAR does not mean that an AIM company will
have satisfied its obligations under these rules and vice versa.
(c) The requirements of rule 11 are in addition to any requirements regarding notification
contained elsewhere in the rules.
(d) Information that would be likely to lead to a significant movement in the price of its AIM
securities includes but is not limited to information which is of a kind which a
reasonable investor would be likely to use as part of the basis of his or her investment
(e) Unless disclosure is required under Article 17 of MAR, an AIM company may delay
notifying information under this rule if it is an impending development or a matter in
the course of negotiation provided such information is kept confidential. The AIM
company must ensure it has in place, in accordance with rule 31, effective procedures
and controls designed to ensure the confidentiality of such information to minimise the
risk of a leak.
In such circumstances, where an AIM company is able to delay notifying information
about impending developments or matters in the course of negotiation it may give such
information in confidence to the following category of recipient:
(i) the AIM company’s advisers and advisers of any other persons involved or who
may be involved in the development or matter in question;
(ii) persons with whom the AIM company is negotiating, or intends to negotiate,
any commercial, financial or investment transaction (including prospective
underwriters or places of its securities);
(iii) representatives of its employees or trades unions acting on their behalf;
(iv) any government department, the Bank of England, the Competition Commission
or any other statutory or regulatory body or authority; and
(v) the AIM company’s lenders.
The AIM company must be satisfied that such recipients of information are bound by a
duty of confidentiality and aware that they must not trade in its AIM securities before
the relevant information has been notified.
(f) However, if the AIM company has reason to believe that a breach of such confidence
has occurred or is likely to occur and, in either case, the matter is such that knowledge
of it would be likely to lead to significant movement in the price of its AIM securities, it
must without delay issue at least a warning notification to the effect that it expects
shortly to release information regarding such matter.
(g) Where such information has been made public the AIM company must notify that
information without delay.
Disclosure of corporate transactions
Rules 12 and 13: Substantial and related party transactions
Note the definition of a substantial transaction is different from that of a related party
A transaction under this rule includes non pre-emptive issues of securities.
Rule 14: Reverse takeovers
The admission document must be made available to the public under rule 26.
An AIM company is able to send an admission document (subject to any other applicable
regulations, including the Prospectus Rules where it is a Prospectus) to shareholders in
compliance with this rule if it is sent by electronic communication in compliance with the
applicable guidance notes to rules 18 and 19, together with the notice of the shareholder
meeting required by rule 14.
Following the announcement of a reverse takeover that has been agreed or is in contemplation,
the relevant AIM Securities will be suspended by the Exchange until the AIM company has
published an admission document in respect of the proposed enlarged entity unless the target
is a listed company or another AIM company.
It should be noted that the Exchange expects the negotiations leading to a reverse takeover to
be kept confidential, as allowed by the guidance to rule 11, until the point at which the AIM
company can notify that a binding agreement that effects a reverse takeover has been entered
into, which should, as far as is possible, be accompanied by the publication of the requisite
admission document. If for any reason this is not possible, the nominated adviser should
seek the advice of the Exchange at the earliest opportunity.
If the new entity wishes its securities to be admitted, it will need to issue a ten day
announcement pursuant to rule 2. In addition, it will need to submit a further fee, an electronic
version of its admission document, a nominated adviser’s declaration and a company
application form at least three business days prior to admission pursuant to rule 5 and abide
by all other requirements to which an applicant may be subject under these rules.
However, the new entity may make an application in advance of the general meeting so that its
securities are admitted on the day after the general meeting which approves the reverse
Rule 15: Fundamental changes of business
The consent of shareholders for a disposal may not be required where it is as a result of
insolvency proceedings. The Exchange should be consulted in advance in such circumstances.
The nominated adviser must inform the Exchange when an AIM company for which it acts
becomes an AIM Rule 15 cash shell or there is a possibility that it has become an AIM Rule 15
cash shell. Where there is any question as to whether an AIM company has become an AIM
Rule 15 cash shell or the point at which it becomes an AIM Rule 15 cash shell, the Exchange
must be consulted as soon as possible.
Where an AIM Rule 15 cash shell does not intend or wish to undertake a reverse takeover in
accordance with rule 15, it should seek to cancel its admission in accordance with rule 41 (in
the case of a disposal requiring shareholder consent under this rule, this should most usually
occur concurrently with the shareholder approval required for the disposal). In such
circumstances, the AIM company, taking the advice of its nominated adviser, should consider
whether funds should concurrently be returned to shareholders, seeking the approval of
shareholders where appropriate or necessary.
Where, within six months, an AIM Rule 15 cash shell does not complete a reverse takeover as
set out in rule 15, the Exchange will suspend trading in the AIM securities pursuant to rule 40.
Rule 16: Aggregation of transactions
The Exchange will only consider that an AIM company has ‘a principal involvement in any
business activity or activities which did not previously form a part of the AIM company’s
principal activities’ where collectively a class test for any twelve month period exceeds 100%.
In cases of doubt the Exchange should be consulted.
Disclosure of miscellaneous information
Rule 17: Miscellaneous information
(a) Article 19 of MAR includes notification obligations for AIM companies and persons
discharging managerial responsibilities. The DTR contains guidance on certain of those
notification obligations. All queries relating to an AIM company’s disclosure obligations
pursuant to MAR should be directed to the FCA.
(b) Significant shareholder disclosures for DTR companies: DTR companies are required
to comply with the provisions of the DTR in respect of significant shareholder
notifications. All queries relating to the shareholder notification requirements of the DTR
should be directed to the FCA.
In addition, DTR companies are required to comply with the significant shareholder
disclosures contained in rule 17. However, compliance with the DTR in respect of AIM
securities will usually mean that a DTR company is complying with the significant
shareholder disclosure obligations in rule 17, save that:
(i) notwithstanding the time limits for disclosure set out in the DTR, DTR companies
are required under rule 17 to notify such information “without delay”; and
(ii) the information required to be released pursuant to rule 17 must be notified,
rather than ‘made public’ in accordance with the DTR.
(c) An AIM company must inform the Exchange, via its nominated adviser, if the FCA
takes any action under Chapter 1A.3.1 of the DTR (FCA’s ability to require publication of
(d) Significant shareholder disclosures for non-DTR companies: All non-DTR companies
are required to use all reasonable endeavours to comply with rule 17 notwithstanding that
the local law applicable to some AIM companies does not contain provisions that are
similar to the DTR. In that instance, such an AIM company is advised to include
provisions in its constitution requiring significant shareholders to notify the relevant AIM
company of any relevant changes to their shareholdings in similar terms to the DTR,
noting the differences set out at (b)(i) and (ii) above. Such AIM companies are also
advised to make appropriate disclosure of the fact that statutory disclosure of significant
shareholdings is different and may not always ensure compliance with the requirements
of rule 17.
(e) Where an admission or cancellation of AIM securities is being notified, the reason
need only be brief, e.g. “exercise of options”. Any changes in the number of shares in
issue requires liaison with Admissions (telephone +44 (0)20 7797 4310) so that they can
arrange for the appropriate dealing notice to be released.
(f) Where an AIM company needs to notify the loss of its nominated adviser it should first
liaise with AIM Regulation so that where no replacement nominated adviser has been
appointed the necessary suspension pursuant to rule 1 may be put in place to coincide
with the notification.
(g) Where an AIM company changes its legal name it should send a copy of any change of
name certificate to Admissions, London Stock Exchange plc, 10 Paternoster Square,
London EC4M 7LS or by fax to +44 (0)20 7920 4607.
(h) Information required to be submitted to the Exchange should be emailed to
(i) The notification in relation to the trading of AIM company securities on any other
exchange or trading platform should include details which exchange or platform (including
details of any segment, tier or similar) and which securities this relates to.
Half-yearly reports and accounts
Rule 18 and 19: Half-yearly reports and accounts
Where the half-yearly report has been audited it must contain a statement to this effect.
In relation to rule 18, the financial period to which financial information has been disclosed in its
admission document may be the financial period of the main trading subsidiary of the AIM
company, for example, where the AIM company is a holding company. The nominated
adviser should contact AIM Regulation if there is any uncertainty as to the reporting timetable
required by these rules.
The Exchange will suspend AIM companies which are late in publishing their half-yearly report
or their annual accounts, pursuant to rule 40.
Where an AIM company wishes to change its accounting reference date its nominated
adviser should contact AIM Regulation in advance to discuss the revised reporting timeframe.
An AIM company should prepare and notify a second half-yearly report in accordance with rule
18, if the effect of the change to the accounting reference date is to extend its accounting period
to more than 15 months. This should be agreed in advance with AIM Regulation.
The Exchange would encourage all AIM companies to use International Accounting
Standards both on admission and in the preparation of all post-admission financial
information. With the end of the Brexit transition period on 31 December 2020, AIM companies
incorporated in the UK must use UK-adopted International Accounting Standards for
financial years that begin on or after 1 January 2021. AIM companies incorporated in the UK
with financial years that begin before 1 January 2021, can continue to use EU-adopted
International Accounting Standards as it stands at the end of the transition period.
The choice of accounting standard should be consistently implemented and any change
between those standards available to a particular AIM company should only be made with the
prior approval of AIM Regulation.
In respect of each AIM company, the term ‘parent’ should be interpreted in accordance with
applicable law. Any other queries over interpretation of these provisions should be addressed
by the AIM company’s nominated adviser to AIM Regulation at the earliest opportunity.
Subject to its constitution and any legal requirements in its jurisdiction of incorporation, an AIM
company is able to satisfy the requirement in rule 19 to send accounts to shareholders by
sending such accounts by electronic communication to shareholders:
(a) in compliance with the requirements of the UK Companies Act 2006; or
(b) providing the following requirements have been satisfied:
(i) a decision to use electronic communication to shareholders has been
approved by shareholders in a general meeting of the AIM company;
(ii) appropriate identification arrangements have been put in place so that
shareholders are effectively informed; and
(iii) shareholders individually:
have been contacted in writing to request their consent to receive accounts
by means of electronic communication and if they do not object within 28
days, their consent can be considered to have been given;
are able to request at any time in the future that accounts be communicated
to them in writing; and
are contacted alerting them to the publication of the accounts on an AIM
company’s website.
Publication of documents sent to shareholders
Rule 20: Documents sent to shareholders
Electronic copies of annual accounts and half-yearly reports that have been sent to
shareholders are not required to be sent to the Exchange unless such documents are relevant
for the purposes of rules 24 and 25. All other documents provided to shareholders must still be
sent electronically to the Exchange, in accordance with rule 20.
Dealing policy
Rule 21: Dealing policy
Compliance with rule 21 does not mean that an AIM company will have satisfied its obligations
under Article 19 of MAR.
In determining whether it is appropriate to give clearance under its dealing policy, the
Exchange would expect an AIM company to consider its wider obligations under MAR.
The Exchange would expect an AIM company to appoint an individual of sufficient seniority to
grant such clearance request. The procedures should also give consideration as to an alternate
individual where such individual is not independent in relation to a clearance request.
Provision and disclosure of information
Rule 22
The AIM company must use all due skill and care to ensure that information provided to the
Exchange pursuant to this rule is correct, complete and not misleading.
If it comes to the subsequent attention of the AIM company that information provided does not
meet this requirement, the AIM company should advise the Exchange as soon as practicable.
All communications between the Exchange and an AIM company are confidential to the
Exchange and its nominated adviser and should not be disclosed without the consent of the
Exchange, save to appropriate advisers to the AIM company or as required by any other
regulatory body or agency.
Corporate action timetables
Rules 24 and 25: Corporate action timetables
Except in the case of a dividend timetable notification, the reference to ‘in advance’ in rule 24
means that the Exchange should receive the proposed timetable by no later than 09:00 on the
business day before the proposed notification.
A dividend timetable which follows the guidelines set by the “Dividend Procedure Timetable”,
published on the Exchange’s website, www.londonstockexchange.com, need not be disclosed
to the Exchange in advance, provided the notification of the dividend includes:
the net amount;
the record and payment dates; and
the availability of any scrip or DRIP options.
A notification is not required for interest payments, however, the Exchange must receive
notice of any payment no later than seven business days prior to the record date. This notice
must include:
the appropriate net or gross amount;
the record and payment dates; and
any conversion period details.
Where fixed payment details are available the AIM company may use one timetable to inform
the Exchange of all future payments, providing any amendments are disclosed to the
Exchange immediately.
The timetable for an open offer must ensure that valid claims through the market can be
promptly satisfied and must comply with the following:
the open offer must remain open for acceptance for at least ten business days. For the
purposes of calculating the period of ten business days, the first business day is the date
on which the offer is first open for acceptance. The ten business days must exclude the
‘ex’ date; and
where possible, the open offer record date should be the business day before the
expected ‘ex’ date. A record date preceding the ‘ex’ date by more than three business
days will only be approved in exceptional circumstances.
The Exchange may request amendments to a timetable as and when considered necessary.
The Exchange will liaise with the AIM Company and its advisers as appropriate. A timetable
which has not been cleared in advance with the Stock Situations Analysis team of the
Exchange but which has been notified, may be subject to change if required by the Exchange.
If this situation occurs a further correcting notification must be made.
Rule 26:
The information required by this rule should be kept up-to-date and the last date on which it was
updated should be included. The information should be easily accessible from one part of the
website and a statement should be included that the information is being disclosed for the
purposes of rule 26. Any redirection of a user to other areas of a website or to a document
included on the website should be to a specific location for that information. Users should not
have to enter search criteria in order to locate information.
The website where this information is available should be the company’s website, although it is
acknowledged that such a site may be hosted by a third party provider.
The requirement to disclose restrictions on the transfer of shares relates to the disclosure of
jurisdictional exemptions or restrictions that an AIM company is seeking to make use of and
that may operate by virtue of non-UK securities laws, such as the US Securities Act 1933 or
similar (noting, however, the requirements of rule 32).
An AIM company should take appropriate legal advice on how to make available any
prospectus, admission document, circular or similar shareholder publication in compliance
with this rule so as not to infringe any securities laws that may apply to it.
The disclosure of information in relation to the trading of AIM company securities on any other
exchange or trading platform should include details which exchange or platform (including
details of any segment, tier or similar) and which securities this relates to.
“main country of operation” should be interpreted as the geographical location from which the
AIM company derives (or intends to derive) the largest proportion of its revenues or where the
largest proportion of its assets are (or will be) located, as is most appropriate depending on the
business of the company.
Pursuant to the Finance Act 2014, stamp duty and the stamp duty reserve tax are not
chargeable on transactions in securities admitted to trading on AIM provided that they are not
also listed on a Recognised Stock Exchange (as defined in section 1005(3)-(5) Income Tax Act
2007). If the AIM company lists on a Recognised Stock Exchange or ceases to be listed on
such an exchange, the Exchange would remind the AIM company that, in addition to updating
its website, Euroclear requires the AIM company to inform it of these changes without delay as
they are likely to impact its stamp duty reserve tax status. Euroclear can be contacted in
relation to this at: growthmarketstampexemp[email protected]m.
Further issues of securities following admission
Rule 28: Omissions from admission documents
Where the further admission document is also a Prospectus, application for omission of
information should be made to the FCA. The Exchange itself may not authorise exemptions
from any requirement under the Prospectus Rules.
Where the further admission document is not a Prospectus, the information required under
section 18 of Annex 1 may be omitted from the further admission document at the nominated
adviser’s discretion (in addition to the information listed in Schedule Two, paragraph (b)). The
information covered by section 18 of Annex 1 (Financial Information concerning the Issuer’s
Assets and Liabilities, Financial Position and Profits and Losses) will already be available to the
market in the event of further admission if the AIM Company has complied with these rules
and therefore there is no need to duplicate that information in the further admission document.
Rule 29: Applications for further issues
Under rule 33 AIM securities must be unconditionally allotted. Accordingly, the Exchange is
likely to require proof of allotment for any securities which are being issued on AIM. A copy of
the AIM company’s board minutes allocating such securities or confirmation from its
nominated adviser will suffice in most cases.
Allotted includes provisionally allotted securities where such provisional allotments are
unconditional. For example, nil paid rights must be allotted without condition (even if further
action is required by the holders of provisional allotments to transform them into another class of
securities such as fully paid shares).
A dealing notice will be released via RNS under the heading “AIM”.
Applications for block admissions should be indicated as such in the “Nature of Admission”
section of the application form.
A block admission cannot be used where the securities to be issued under the block
admission exceed more than 20% of the existing class of an AIM security. Additionally, block
admissions can only be used in the following circumstances:
employee share schemes;
personal equity plans;
dividend reinvestment plans;
ordinary shares arising from the exercise of warrants; and
ordinary shares arising from a class of convertible securities.
Where an AIM company wishes to use a block admission in circumstances outside of these it
should contact AIM Regulation to discuss.
It is the responsibility of the AIM company to ascertain whether a Prospectus is required under
any block admission and the issue of securities pursuant to a block admission.
Rule 30: Language
Where the original documents or information is not in English, an English translation may be
Rule 31: Directors responsibility for compliance
Notwithstanding the provisions set out in this rule, each nominated adviser should include in its
engagement letter or nominated adviser agreement with each AIM company for which it acts
details of what it requires from such company.
Ongoing eligibility requirements
Rule 32: Transferability of shares
Where an AIM company wishes to rely on the exceptions stated in rule 32, its nominated
adviser should apply to AIM Regulation for a confirmation of the acceptance of this.
Rule 33: Securities to be admitted
Any change in the number of AIM securities in issue requires liaison with Admissions
(telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1473).
If an AIM company is preparing dividend timetables, undertaking any corporate actions or
issuing new shares where there are settlement implications, its nominated adviser should
contact Stock Situation Analysis (telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1579) for prior discussion of the
Confirmation of allotment must be received no later than 16:30 on the business day prior to the
intended date of admission unless otherwise agreed by the Exchange.
Rule 35: Retention of a broker
The broker will, for all AIM companies for which it acts, use its best endeavours to find
matching business if there is no registered market maker.
Any member firm of the Exchange may act as a broker subject to any requisite authorisation
by any other regulator.
A list of current member firms is available on the Exchange’s website,
There is also a separate list of brokers who have already been appointed by AIM companies
on the Exchange’s website.
Rule 36: Settlement
For UK registered companies a simplified procedure exists for rendering their securities eligible
for such settlement under the Uncertificated Securities Regulations 2001 (Sl/3755) as amended.
Within the UK, issuers may wish to contact Euroclear at 33 Cannon Street, London EC4M 5SB
(telephone +44 (0)20 7849 0000).
Rule 37: General
Details of fee scales for AIM companies and nominated advisers are published separately
and are available from the Exchange’s website.
Maintenance of orderly markets
Rule 40: Suspension
The general principle applied by the Exchange when considering requests for a suspension of
trading in AIM securities is that interruptions to trading should be kept to a minimum.
An AIM company should request a suspension in circumstances where it is required under
these rules to make a notification but is unable to comply with its obligations under rule 10
(having used all reasonable endeavours to do so). Any such suspension is at the discretion of
the Exchange. The Exchange will not suspend the trading in AIM securities if it is not satisfied
that the circumstances justify suspension.
Should the Exchange effect the request for suspension, the AIM company must make a
notification stating the reason for suspension to the fullest extent possible.
An AIM company, while suspended, must continue to comply with these rules.
The Exchange may impose conditions on the lifting of suspension as it considers appropriate.
Once the circumstances leading to the suspension have been resolved or clarified sufficiently
for the AIM company to make a notification that informs the market about relevant matters,
such a notification should be made without delay. Restorations are effected by a dealing
Rule 41: Cancellation
An AIM company should state the reason for cancellation in its notification.
The Exchange should be informed of the intended cancellation by email from the nominated
adviser to aimregulation@lseg.com.
The period of twenty business days is a minimum. Where earlier communication is sent to
shareholders convening such a meeting, an AIM company must notify that such meeting has
been convened without delay. The notification should set out the preferred date of
cancellation, the reasons for seeking the cancellation, a description of how shareholders will
be able to effect transactions in the AIM securities once they have been cancelled and any
other matter relevant to shareholders reaching an informed decision upon the issue of the
For the avoidance of doubt, the threshold of 75% set out in this rule refers to the percentage of
votes cast (rather than 75% of the class) in respect of each class of AIM security. Consent
may be granted through shareholders voting in person or by proxy at a general meeting.
Circumstances where the Exchange might otherwise agree that shareholder consent in
general meeting is not required would be where:
(a) the AIM securities are already or will be admitted to trading on an EU or UK regulated
market or an AIM Designated Market to enable shareholders to trade their AIM
securities in the future; or
(b) pursuant to a takeover which has become wholly unconditional, an offeror has received
valid acceptances in excess of 75% of each class of AIM securities; or
(c) pursuant to a takeover effected by a UK scheme of arrangement that has been approved
by shareholders at a general meeting and subsequently sanctioned by the courts.
Cancellation will not take effect until at least five business days have passed since
shareholder approval has been obtained and a dealing notice has been issued.
Sanctions and appeals
Rules 44 and 45: Disciplinary process and appeals
The “Disciplinary Procedures and Appeals Handbook” is available from the Exchange’s
website, www.londonstockexchange.com/aim
Schedule One
(e) “main country of operation” should be interpreted as the geographical location from which
the AIM company derives (or intends to derive) the largest proportion of its revenues or where
the largest proportion of its assets are (or will be) located, as is most appropriate depending on
the business of the company.
(f) The requirement to disclose restrictions on the transfer of shares relates to the disclosure of
jurisdictional exemptions or restrictions that an AIM company is seeking to make use of and
that may operate by virtue of non-UK securities laws such as the US Securities Act 1933 or
similar (noting, however, the requirements of rule 32).
(h) The disclosure of information in relation to the trading of AIM company securities on any
other exchange or trading platform should include details which exchange or platform (including
details of any segment, tier or similar) and which securities this relates to.
(l) Where there is any uncertainty as to the reporting timetable that would be required, the
nominated adviser should consult AIM Regulation in advance in accordance with the guidance
to rules 18 and 19.
(k) Where the expected admission date is uncertain, an applicant should notify a broader
timeframe (for example ‘early August’).
Supplement to Schedule One
(c) A disclosure as to any breach should only be made after prior consultation with AIM
(d) Such documents or announcements must be made available following admission at the
website required pursuant to rule 26.
(f) This should include any significant change to indebtedness.
(k) In ascertaining whether disclosures are required pursuant to this paragraph, the
requirements of Schedule Two should be fully considered. Information made public is that
which is made available at an address in the UK or at a website address accessible to users in
the UK.
(l) A reconciliation to an applicable accounting standard under rule 19 may be presented where
the accounts are not prepared under those standards although the requirements of rule 19 will
apply on an ongoing basis.
Schedule Two
(a) If upon admission, a Prospectus is required (or voluntarily produced) in accordance with
the Prospectus Rules, such Prospectus shall serve as the admission document provided it
also includes the information required under Schedule Two, paragraphs (c) (k). The
Exchange itself may not authorise exemptions from any requirement under the Prospectus
Rules and therefore Schedule Two, paragraph (b) does not apply to Prospectuses.
The persons responsible for the information provided in the admission document are the
same persons that would be responsible for the information contained in a Prospectus
pursuant to the Prospectus Rules.
The requirements of section 18 of Annex 1 may be satisfied (other than for a Prospectus) by
the inclusion of an accountants' report in the admission document on the reported historical
financial information.
Financial information provided in accordance with these rules must be presented with respect to
the applicant and all its subsidiaries and should be in consolidated form when possible.
(b)(i) The information listed in this paragraph need only be included in an admission document
to the extent it is required by these rules (in particular Schedule Two, paragraph (k)).
An applicant must give regard to the part of section 18.1.4 of Annex 1 that states that the last
audited historical financial information, containing comparative information for the previous year,
included in the admission document must be presented and prepared in a form consistent with
the accounting standards framework that will be adopted in the issuer’s next published annual
financial statements having regard to accounting standards and policies and legislation
applicable to such annual financial statements, bearing in mind the ongoing requirements of rule
(d)(iii) Where a nominated adviser gives the confirmation under this rule the Exchange would
expect it to be founded upon an appropriate basis such as an accountants’ report.
(g) Whilst directors are usually only required to disclose directorships held over the last five
years, the requirements contained in (g)(iv)-(vii) which relate to bankruptcies, receiverships and
liquidations are not limited to the last five years.
(k) When considering the information to be included pursuant to this paragraph consideration
should be given to the relevance of any information specified in Schedule Two, paragraph (b).
Schedule Three
Further amounts, which may be included as part of consideration, includes for instance where
the purchaser agrees to discharge any liabilities, such as the repayment of inter-company or
third party debt.
London Stock Exchange Group plc
10 Paternoster Square
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000
Registered in England and Wales No. 5369106
London Stock Exchange Group plc
10 Paternoster Square
Telephone +44 (0)20 7797 1000
Registered in England and Wales
No. 5369106