USAS National Pistol Team (Team USA)
The USA Shooting National Pistol Team (Team USA) includes the members of the National Team,
the National Development Team, and the National Futures Team. Members of the USA Shooting
National Pistol Team (Team USA) are eligible to receive support from USA Shooting and represent
the USA in international competitions.
National Team (NT) Selection
Eligible for automatic invitations to ISSF World Cups, Grands Prix, and other ISSF and non-ISSF international
competitions; eligible to fill development slots at ISSF World Cups, Grands Prix, and other ISSF and non-ISSF
international competitions.
Members of the National Team will include:
- Athletes who represent the USA in the major ISSF Open Championship-of-the-year (World
Championships, Continental Championships, Olympic Games) in an Olympic event.
- Athletes whose Ranking Points meet or exceed the NT Qualifying Ranking Points.
o The NT Qualifying Ranking Points will be based on the ISSF World Cup results over a
two- year period starting from the 2018 World Championships; from the Olympic
Games to the World Championships, or from the World Championships to the Olympic
o The NT Qualifying Ranking Points will be the average 20
place score of the ISSF World
Cups within the previous two-year period.
o The NT Qualifying Ranking Points will be in effect for two years and be re-set on January
1 following the Olympic Games and the World Championships.
o Exception: Because of the delay in the 2020 Olympic Games and loss of the 2020
ISSF World Cup season, the 2021 NT Qualifying Ranking Points will
remain in effect through 2022.
o Qualifying Ranking Points for the individual athlete will be an average score of your top
5 courses of fire over a 1 year span.
o The 2021-2022 NT Qualifying Ranking Averages are:
§ 2021 Men’s Air Pistol NT Qualifying Ranking Points: 576
§ 2021 Women’s Air Pistol NT Qualifying Ranking Points: 571
§ 2021 Men’s Rapid Fire NT Qualifying Ranking Points: 576
§ 2021 Women’s Sport Pistol NT Qualifying Ranking Points: 580
o The 2021-2022 NT One-Time Scores are:
§ 2021 Men’s Air Pistol NT Qualifying Ranking Points: 580
§ 2021 Women’s Air Pistol NT Qualifying Ranking Points: 576
§ 2021 Men’s Rapid Fire NT Qualifying Ranking Points: 582
§ 2021 Women’s Sport Pistol NT Qualifying Ranking Points: 583
National Development Team (NDT) Selection
Eligible for automatic invitations to ISSF Grands Prix; eligible to fill development slots at ISSF World
Cups, Grands Prix, and other ISSF and non-ISSF international competitions.
Members of the National Development Team will include:
- Athletes whose Ranking Points meet or exceed the NDT Qualifying Ranking Points.
o The NDT Qualifying Ranking Points will be based on the ISSF World Cup results over a
two- year period; from the Olympic Games to the World Championships, or from the
World Championships to the Olympic Games.
o The NDT Qualifying Ranking Points will be the average 30
place score of the ISSF World
Cups within the previous two-year period.
o The NDT Qualifying Ranking Points will be in effect for two years and be re-set on
January 1 following the Olympic Games or World Championships.
§ Exception: Because of the delay in the 2020 Olympic Games and loss of the 2020
ISSF World Cup season, the 2021 NDT Qualifying Ranking Points will be based on
2019 World Cup scores and remain in effect through
o Qualifying Ranking Points for the individual athlete will be an average score of your top 5
courses of fire over a 1 year span.
o The 2021-2022 NDT Qualifying Averages are:
§ 2021 Men’s Air Pistol NDT Qualifying Ranking Points: 574
§ 2021 Women’s Air Pistol NT Qualifying Ranking Points: 570
§ 2021 Men’s Rapid Fire NT Qualifying Ranking Points: 572
§ 2021 Women’s Sport Pistol NT Qualifying Ranking Points: 576
National Futures Team
Eligible to fill development slots at ISSF World Cups, Grands Prix, and other ISSF and non-ISSF
international competitions.
Members of the National Futures Team will include:
- Junior and Collegiate Athletes who are not already on the NT or NDT and who:
o Represent the USA in the major ISSF Junior Championship of the year in an Olympic event
(World Championships); or
o Finish in the Top 3 Juniors at the USASNC; or
o Finish in the Top 3 Juniors at the USAS Junior Olympics; or
o A score of 570 or higher in Airgun at Collegiate Pistol National Championships; or
o A score of 575 or higher in Sport Pistol at Collegiate Pistol National Championships; or
o Qualify for an ISSF or equivalent international competition (El Salvador, Suhl, etc.); or
o Are selected through a coach/committee selection (athlete must apply for a position)
- Open Athletes who are not already on the NT or NDT who:
o Win the National Championship at the USASNC in Smallbore or Air Pistol; or
o Are selected through a coach/committee selection (athlete must apply for a position)
Athletes remain members of the National Futures Team for a term of 1 year from when they
qualify, except for the coach/committee selections whose term will be on a case-by-case basis.
Athletes will be ranked in order based on a 1-year rolling Ranking Points system. The Ranking Points will
be a combination of the athlete’s Average Score Points plus Achievement Bonus Points (ABP) earned.
Events and Valid Scores
- Rankings will be kept in the Olympic Games Individual medal events. Currently this includes:
o Men’s Air Pistol
o Women’s Air Pistol
o Men’s Rapid Fire
o Women’s Sport Pistol
- Only scores from Olympic Games medal events will be used for ranking.
o Results from the following Olympic Games events can be included in the Average Score
Points and used to earn Achievement Bonus Points. Currently, these events and courses
of fire are:
§ Men’s Air Pistol, ISSF 60-Shot course of fire
§ Women’s Air Pistol, ISSF 60-shot course of fire
§ Men’s Rapid Fire, ISSF 60-shot course of fire
§ Women’s Sport Pistol, ISSF 60-shot course of fire
o Results from the following Olympic Games event can be used to earn Achievement
Bonus Points only, and for performances only in ISSF World Cups, World Championships,
and Olympic Games. Scores from this event cannot be included in the Average Score
§ Air Pistol Mixed Team
- Average Score Points and Achievement Bonus Points must be earned in designated ranking
- Average Score Points are valid within a rolling 1-year window. Scores will be dropped from the
ranking after 1 year, at the end of the month in which they were achieved.
- Achievement Bonus Points are valid within a rolling 1-year window. ABP will be dropped from
the ranking after 1 year, at the end of the month in which they were achieved, except for the
o Olympic Games ABP, World Championships ABP, and ISSF World Record ABP are carried
over at half value for a second year.
o ISSF World Ranking ABP are valid as long as the athlete is ranked by the ISSF.
- The ranking starts on July 1, 2021. No retroactive scores or achievements will be included in the
Average Score Points or Achievement Bonus Points, although any ISSF World Rankings that are
current as of July 1 will be included.
- A minimum of five (5) ISSF courses of fire in designated ranking competitions are required for
Team Selection, with at least one score posted within 4 months of a Team Selection Date.
o Exception: An initial National Team, National Development Team, and National Futures
Team will be named on the following dates:
§ On July 1, named to the National Team:
The 2021 Olympic Team
§ On July 1, named to the National Futures Team:
The 2021 El Salvador Junior Team
The 2021 Collegiate Champion
The Top 3 finishers at the 2021 Junior Olympics
§ After the results from the 2021 USASNC have been posted:
National Team members based on the Ranking Points from all three
USASNC scores, regardless of when the threshold score was obtained.
National Development Team members based on the Ranking Points
from the three USASNC scores, regardless of when the threshold score
was obtained.
o Exception: Until at least 5 courses of fire have been shot under these procedures, 3
courses of fire will be the required number of scores on file. Once USA Shooting has
hosted enough competitions to have 5 courses of fire on record it will return to a
minimum of 5.
The Ranking Points
The Ranking Points used for Team Selection are the Average Score Points plus the Achievement Bonus
Points (ABP) earned within the current 1-year window. Athletes will be ranked in order based on the
Ranking Points.
- Results from Open designated ranking competitions can be used toward the Average Score
Points and earning ABP. Results from Junior-only designated ranking competitions can be used
toward the Average Score Points; ABP will not be awarded for junior events.
The Average Score Point
The Average Score Points used for ranking will be the average of the top five (5) scores from ISSF courses
of fire in designated ranking competitions that have been posted within the current 1-year window.
- Scores will count for 1 year through the end of the month in which they were posted.
- For Team Selection, at least one of the five (5) counting scores must be posted within 4 months
of a Team Selection Date.
o Exception: The 4-month requirement may be waived if there were no designated
ranking competitions available within 4 months of the Team Selection Date.
Achievement Bonus Points (ABP)
Achievement Bonus Points (ABP) are earned for winning medals, for performance in finals, and for other
significant achievements earned through performances in designated ranking competitions. ABP are
added onto the Average Score Points.
- The following categories of ABP can be earned:
o Olympic Games ABP, earned by making the final and by medaling in the Olympic Games.
§ Valid at full value for 1 year after the Olympics through the end of the month in
which they were achieved.
§ Valid at half value for the 2
year after the Olympics up to the World
Exception: Because of the delay in the 2020 Olympic Games, the 2021
Olympic ABP will be valid through August,2023.
o World Championships ABP, earned by making the final and by medaling in the World
§ Valid at full value for 1 year after World Championships through the end of the
month in which they were achieved.
§ Valid at half value for the 2
year after the World Championships up to the
Olympic Games.
o Match ABP, earned by winning medals and placing in designated competitions.
§ The best five (5) Match ABP earned by winning medals and placing in
competitions can be included in the Ranking Points.
§ The competitions used to earn the best five (5) ABP do not have to correspond
to the same competitions used to determine the Average Score Points.
§ Match ABP are valid for 1 year through the end of the month in which they were
o ISSF World Record ABP, earned by setting a World Record recognized by the ISSF in
Olympic events.
§ ISSF World Record ABP are valid at full value for 1 year through the end of the
month in which the record was set.
§ ISSF World Record ABP are valid at half value for the 2
year through the end of
the month in which the record was set.
o Equivalent World Record ABP, earned by achieving a qualification score in any
designated ranking competition that is equal to or higher than the current World Record
in that event.
§ Equivalent World Record ABP are valid for 1 year through the end of the month
in which they were achieved.
o ISSF World Ranking ABP, earned by being ranked by the ISSF in the top 30 in an Olympic
§ ISSF World Ranking ABP are valid for as long as the athlete is ranked.
- ABP are not awarded in Junior events.
- Air Pistol Mixed Teams can earn Match ABP only in ISSF World Cups, World Championships, and
Olympic Games. The ABP will be split equally between the two members.
Air Pistol
Designated Ranking Competitions
Results from the following competitions can be used for ranking.
International Designated Ranking Competitions
- Olympic Games
- ISSF World Championships
- ISSF and IOC Continental Championships
- ISSF World Cups
- ISSF Grands Prix
- ISSF Champions Cup
- ISSF Junior World Championships (scores only, no ABP)
- ISSF Junior Continental Championships (scores only, no ABP)
- ISSF Junior Cups (scores only, no ABP)
- Other ISSF and non-ISSF international matches that have been designated as ranking competitions
o To count toward ranking, other ISSF and non-ISSF international matches must:
§ Be designated as a ranking competition.
§ Have a minimum of 3 countries and 25 competitors in an event to qualify as an
ABP event. If the match does not meet the minimum number of countries and
competitors, the score can be used toward the Average Score Points, but no ABP
will be awarded.
Domestic Designated Ranking Competitions
- USAS National Championships
- USAS Junior Olympics (scores only, no ABP)
- Other USAS and non-USAS matches that have been designated as ranking competitions
o To count toward ranking, other USAS and non-USAS domestic matches must:
§ Be designated as a ranking competition.
§ Have a minimum of 25 competitors in an event to qualify as an ABP event. If the
match does not meet the minimum number of competitors, the score can be
used toward the Average Score Points, but no ABP will be awarded.
- Extended Break from Competition Waiver. An athlete may take an extended break from
competition and be re-instated into the Ranking System at the same level as at the start of the
break if a waiver is requested in advance and approved by the Selection Committee. At least two
new scores must be entered before the athlete is eligible for ISSF Team Selection, with at least
one score posted within 4 months of the Selection deadline.
- Other Waivers. Under extraordinary circumstances an athlete may file a waiver to
accommodate unanticipated situations that are out of the athlete’s control.