Type of cover (please tick) : Comprehensive Type of claim (please tick) : Accident
Third party fire & theft Theft/attempted theft
Third party only Windscreen
Motor Incident Report Form
1.Policyholder details
otor Claims
Date of birth:
Policy Number:
Date of last premium payment:
Telephone Number: Home:
Email address:
Are you registered for VAT? Yes No If ‘Yes’, state registered number:
2.Vehicle details
Registration Number:
Horse power/cubic capacity (H.P./C.C.):
Year of manufacture:
Was there a trailer attached at the time of the accident?
Yes No
State the weight and nature of goods carried, if any:
To what extent has the vehicle been damaged?
Where may the vehicle be inspected?
In whose name is the vehicle registered?
Is the vehicle solely owned by the registered owner?
Yes No
If ‘No’, give details:
Does any financial institution or hire purchase company have an interest in the vehicle?
Yes No
If ‘Yes’, give name and address:
. This form should be completed by the policyholder.
2. In the event of an accident please complete all sections except section 8.
3. In the event of a theft please complete sections 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 11 only.
4. In the event of a theft please get An Garda Siochána to complete 8b.
5. In the event of windscreen breakage please complete sections 1, 2, 3, 9 (include date of breakage) and 11 only.
6. Please make sure this form is properly completed, sign it and date it.
7. If you are claiming for damage to your own vehicle please send us a detailed estimate without delay.
8. Note: Any claim will be handled in line with the cover granted by your policy.
Please complete this form fully and return it to Allianz as soon as possible. Please note that the issue of this form is not an
admission of liability on the part of the company and that all claims are subject to policy terms and conditions.
Claim Number
Insured: Third party:
Insured: Third party:
4.Accident details
Speed limit:
Speed before impact:
Speed at impact:
Weather conditions:
Road conditions:
Lighting conditions:
Name of station and Garda/Police Officer to whom the accident was reported?
Were alcohol/drugs in any way a contributing factor to the accident?
Yes No
If ‘Yes’, give details:
Was the driver’s view obstructed in any way?
Yes No
If ‘Yes’, give details:
How far away was the other party when first seen by the driver?
What signals were given?
Has a notice of intention to prosecute been given or summons received?
Yes No
If ‘Yes’, give details:
Visibility conditions:
Width of road:
3.Person driving (In the event of theft give details of the person last in charge of the vehicle)
Date of birth:
Licence Number:
Type of Licence: Full Provisional
Date first issued (if Provisional):
Date test passed (if Full):
Licence operative from:
Number of Penalty Points e.g. 0, 2, 4, etc.:
Did the driver have the policyholder’s permission to drive the vehicle?
Yes No
For what purpose was the vehicle being used?
Was the driver separately insured under any other motor policy? Yes No
If ‘Yes’, give name of insurance company and policy number:
State relationship of the driver to the policyholder (family, employee, etc.):
Does the driver suffer from any physical or mental disabilities? Yes No
If ‘Yes’ please give details:
Has the driver ever been:
(i) Refused motor insurance, renewal, or had special terms imposed? Yes No
(ii) Convicted of a motor offence? Yes No
(iii) Involved in a previous motor accident? Yes No
If ‘Yes’, to (i), (ii) or (iii) above, please give details:
Insured: Third party:
8a.Theft details
Date vehicle left unattended:
Time vehicle left unattended:
Date loss discovered:
Time loss discovered:
Mileage at time of loss:
Date vehicle purchased:
Purchase price:
Your estimate of current value:
How was the vehicle secured prior to the theft?
Name of station and Garda/Police Officer to whom theft was reported:
Detail any marks, damage or other special features which would help establish the identity of the vehicle:
Detail any property stolen from the vehicle, including age and value:
List any major parts which have been renewed in the last 12 months (attach invoices where possible):
List any ‘extras’ fitted to the vehicle:
6.Person(s) injured
Extent of injury:
Were they driver/passenger/
pedestrian/cyclist etc.?
In which vehicle?
Was a seat belt in use? Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
1. 2. 3.
7.Witness(es) details
Were they passenger/
If a passenger, which
vehicle were they in?
5.Other vehicle(s) or property involved
Name of owner:
Address of owner:
Registration Number:
Extent of damage:
Insurance company:
Policy Number:
1. 2. 3.
1. 2. 3.
9.Circumstances of accident
Please describe in detail exactly how loss/damage/theft occurred.
Have you/your driver made (or are you making) claim(s) against any other party?
Who was responsible for the accident?
Have any claims been made against you/your driver?
If ‘Yes’, state by whom, and for what amounts?
Yes No
Yes No
Please provide a clear sketch of the accident scene.
Where possible include details of the roads, road markings, road signs, vehicles involved and the direction of the vehicles.
b.This section only to be completed by An Garda Siochána
arda Station address:
This is to certify that (name):
of (address):
reported to this station on the undernoted date, the loss/theft of property
s itemised and valued as estimated in section 8a.
Date reported:
The interest of Allianz p.l.c. has been noted.
Data Protection Statement for Claims Handling ROI & NI – Allianz plc Fair Processing Notice
This privacy statement/notice tells you how we use your information for handling a claim - notwithstanding the Data Protection Statement provided at
policy inception if you are an Allianz customer - and confirms that your Data Controller is Allianz plc (“we”, “us”, “our”), Allianz House, Elmpark, Merrion
Road, Dublin 4, D04 Y6Y6, Ireland. Email: info@allianz.ie. Our branch trading address is Allianz plc, 3 Cromac Quay, The Gasworks, Ormeau Road, Belfast,
BT7 2JD, Email: info@allianz-ni.co.uk. Our Data Protection Officer is contactable at: DataProtectionOfficer@allianz.ie or please write to The Data
Protection Officer, Allianz plc, Allianz House, Elmpark, Merrion Road, Dublin 4, D04 Y6Y6, Ireland.
1. What Personal Information We Collect for handling a claim
Type of Information
The type of information we collect might include (please note that this is not an exhaustive list):
Name, address (including Eircode), date of birth, policy numbers, contact details, PPS number, national insurance number (or any other relevant tax
identification numbers) (if required by legislation), occupation, years of residency in the UK, employment details, gender , claims history, bank and
payment card details, VAT and other relevant tax numbers, CCTV footage, membership status of any relevant bodies, penalty point information
and Road Traffic offences, telematics data, dashboard camera video footage, dashboard credit score and on-board vehicle diagnostics
nformation. Further details of information we collect, can be found under specific headings in this Data Protection Statement.
Other People’s data:
As well as collecting your personal data, we may also use personal information about other people in connection with claims handling, for example
amily members such as minors, witnesses, limited personal information about trustees/beneficiaries (where policies are under trust), executors,
nominated representatives and attorneys (under power of attorney), individuals who have an active membership relationship with the policyholder.
Sensitive information
We may collect health information or details of past or pending offences, unspent criminal convictions or other sensitive information about the
claimant and/or their family members or any other persons associated with the claim. We recognise the sensitivity of collecting this information, so
we will only ask for it to arrange, manage or administer a claim, or prevent fraud. Where we process health data, for the purpose of handling a
claim we will take suitable and specific measures to safeguard the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals.
Given the fact that data relating to health and criminal convictions is particularly sensitive information, we only collect and use such data as follows:
Purpose: Health data and Criminal Conviction is used solely for the purpose of handling a claim.
Basis: Irish Data Protection law permits us to use health data where we need to and where it is proportionate for the purposes of a policy of
insurance and permits the use of Criminal Conviction data to prevent fraud.
We may also need to use your health and/or criminal data for the purposes of establishing, exercising or defending legal rights, including in
connection with claims or proceedings and where authorised by law.
You do not have to provide us with any personal information, however, should you be unable to provide us with the required personal data, we
will be unable to process your claim.
2. How we collect your personal information
We may collect personal information about you from: you; our policyholder (e.g. employer/sport club); our named driver; our joint policyholder; your
intermediaries; our broker (or other representative); our insured persons (where different from the applicant/policy owner); a member of the public (e.g.
dash cam footage); insurance industry databases and other commercial databases; third parties involved in a claim (including a claimant, solicitors,
witnesses, providers engaged by us including engineers, repairers, motor assessors, loss adjusters, expert appraisers, private investigators etc.); the
Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection; the Personal Injuries Assessment Board; Public Authorities involved in the claim (e.g. Gardai,
PSNI); communicating with us via social media platforms; other people who live with you in an insured property; nominated representatives and other
third parties relevant to you and/or to the claim, including your legal advisers; publicly available information including social media websites and online
content, newspaper articles, TV, radio and other media content, court judgements; telephone calls, which we may record or monitor for regulatory,
training and quality assurance purposes; other records within Allianz if you have or have had other claims with us; ROI- Insurance Ireland (insurance
industry’s representative body) who operate a confidential phone line (Insurance Confidential) for individuals to report suspect fraud; and Credit
referencing agencies. NI- the Insurance Fraud Bureau who operate a confidential phone line (cheat line for individuals who report suspect fraud); and
credit referencing agencies (including but not limited to County Court Judgments and details from the electoral register).
Where you provide personal data relating to any person under the age of 16 years (“child”), Allianz will seek to verify that you are the
parent/guardian of such a child. This is to ensure that you can authorise the processing of personal data relating to that child in order for Allianz to
deal with the claim.
3. How we use your personal information
Purpose: to investigate, validate, arrange, handle, manage or administer a claim that you are making in relation to an insurance policy held by us.
Legal Basis: Contractual and legal obligation connected to a contract of insurance.
Purpose: To verify your identity.
Legal Basis: For the performance of a contract under which we provide insurance.
Purpose: To carry out financial sanctions checks and prevention of financial crime.
Legal Basis: To comply with legal obligations; and public interest.
Purpose: To comply with laws and regulations.
Legal Basis: To comply with legal obligations. For motor policies only, in compliance with the Road Traffic Act 1961 (as amended) we share details
of your policy with the Motor Insurers Bureau of Ireland (The details on MIBI processing activity can be found on https://www.mibi.ie MTPL section)
nd UK Motor Insurance Bureau, the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport and An Garda Síochána/PSNI for the purposes of section 78A as
autonomous data controllers and in in respect of new and renewed employer’s liability insurance policies.
Purpose: To detect and prevent fraud.
egal Basis: For the performance of a contract under which we provide insurance; and to comply with our legal obligations.
Purpose: To provide repository policy information in respect of new and renewed employer’s liability insurance policies to assist claimants to
effectively and efficiently trace the relevant insurer to the Employers’ Liability Tracing Officer.
Legal Basis: To comply with legal obligations.
Purpose: For satisfaction surveys; to carry out statistical analysis and reporting to help us improving our products and services; for quality assurance
purposes; for staff training in how to perform their duties and provide a better service; to monitor recorded customer calls to assess our staff’s
customer service; and to enhance our services offerings.
Legal Basis: Legitimate interest in managing our business; improve service enhancement; and monitor and assess business performance.
We also use certain information and consult certain databases as follows:
Information Used: logging of any new claim notifications and any claim settlement for damage and injury.
Purpose: to confirm your personal data and verify claims information and/or for prevention and detection of crime and fraud through the Claims
and Underwriting Exchange Database and Insurance Link Anti-Fraud register.
Processing is necessary: to comply with legal obligations.
Information Used: vehicle registration number.
Purpose: to identify whether a vehicle has been taxed, NCT or if the vehicle has been involved in a claim or written off using the VRN system. The
Motor Insurance Database managed by the Motor Insurers’ Bureau ("MIB"), MID data is used by the DVA for the purpose of Electronic Vehicle
Licensing and by the Police Service for Northern Ireland (PSNI) for the purposes of establishing whether a driver's use of the vehicle is likely to be
covered by a motor insurance policy and/or for preventing and detecting crime. If you are involved in an accident (in the UK or abroad), other UK
insurers and the MIB may search the MID to obtain relevant policy information. Persons pursuing a claim in respect of a road traffic accident
(including citizens of other countries) may also obtain relevant information which is held on the MID.
Processing is necessary: for the handling of a claim.
Information Used: Driving Licence Number.
Purpose: to validate your driving licence number with the relevant authority; to validate the number of penalty points disclosed by you; to validate
the licence date and country of origin of the licence.
Processing is necessary: for the handling of a claim.
Information Used: Personal Public Service (PPS) Number
Purpose: If you make a claim for personal injuries against an Allianz customer, we are obliged to provide the Department of Employment Affairs
and Social Protection with your PPS Number to comply with the Recovery of Benefits and Assistance (RBA) Scheme.
Processing is necessary: to comply with legal obligations.
4. How we share your personal information with others
We may share your personal information with: the Allianz Group, our agents, third parties who provide services to us (engineers, repairers, motor
assessors, loss adjustors, expert appraisers, expert witnesses, private investigators, claims handling agents etc.), your intermediary and other
insurers (either directly or via those acting for the insurer such as loss adjusters or investigators or solicitors); providers of essential services (e.g.
telecommunications, postal/courier providers, IT service providers, software providers, payment processor); other third parties involved in
administering your claim; regulatory bodies and law enforcement bodies, including the Garda and PSNI (for example, where we are required to do
so to comply with a relevant legal or regulatory obligations); the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection; reinsurers who provide
reinsurance to Allianz (reinsurers will use your data to decide whether to provide reinsurance cover, assess and deal with reinsurance claims and to
meet legal obligations; they will keep your data for the period necessary for these purposes and may need to disclose it to other companies within
their group, their agents and third party service providers, law enforcement and regulatory bodies); witnesses to any accidents/incidents to which
you are involved; any party you have given us permission to speak to (e.g. your representative, a relative or a friend); any party named under your
insurance policy; industry and trade bodies; and claimants and their legal or medical representatives. If you are making a claim against an Allianz
policyholder, we will share your information with our policyholder (e.g. employer/sport club) and or their agent including the financial outcome of
your claim.
The personal information you provide may be used by us and shared with other insurers as well as certain statutory and other authorised bodies for
anti-fraud purposes: other insurance companies to deal with the claim and to safeguard against non-disclosure and help prevent fraudulent claims;
ROI- the Insurance Link Anti-Fraud register (for more info see www.inslink.ie) to prevent and detect fraud; No Claim Discount (NCD) to combat fraud;
the Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Ireland (MIBI) to assist in preventing or detecting theft and fraud and to pay claims; private investigators, tracing
debtors or beneficiaries, recovering debt, managing your accounts and/or insurance policies; vehicle history check suppliers/ databases to protect
our customers, inform our acceptance criteria and assist in claims investigations; and other fraud prevention, ID verification databases available in
he insurance industry and publicly available information to detect or prevent possible criminal activity or fraud. NI- ; the Motor Insurance Anti Fraud
and Theft Register (MIAFTR) and the Insurance Fraud Bureau, Claims and Underwriting Exchange Register (CUE) which are run by the MIB, to
prevent and detect fraud; the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) to assist in preventing or detecting theft and fraud and to pay claims; private
investigators, tracing debtors or beneficiaries, recovering debt, managing your accounts and/or insurance policies; vehicle history check suppliers/
atabases to protect our customers, inform our acceptance criteria and assist in claims investigations; and other fraud prevention, ID verification
databases available in the insurance industry and publicly available information to detect or prevent possible criminal activity or fraud. If you have a
motor policy, your personal details will be added to the Motor Insurance Database (MID) managed by the MIB, MID data may be used by the DVA
for the purpose of Electronic Vehicle Licensing and by the PSNI for the purpose of establishing whether a driver’s use of the vehicle is likely to be
overed by a motor insurance policy and/or for preventing and detecting crime. If you are involved in an accident (in the UK or abroad), other UK
insurers and the MIB may search the MID to obtain relevant policy information. Persons pursuing a claim in respect of a road traffic accident
(including citizens of other countries) may also obtain relevant information which is held on MID. You can find out more on www.mib.org.uk
We will use your personal information to detect and prevent fraudulent practices and fight financial crime to meet our regulatory responsibilities.
Where we obtain data from the above sources, the categories we obtain will be claims information relating to claims handling and fraud
prevention. We may need your consent for the processing of certain data and in these cases, we will inform you of such processing and the reason
for this at the time consent is captured.
Protecting Information Outside the European Economic Area
Your personal data may be transferred to and/or accessed from a country outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”). We will always take
steps to ensure that any transfer of information outside the EEA is carefully managed to protect your privacy rights. Such transfer/access within
the Allianz Group will be covered on the basis of the Allianz Group binding corporate rules (BCRs) known as the Allianz Privacy Standard (APS)
which contractually obliges each member to ensure that your personal information receives an adequate and consistent level of protection
wherever it is transferred within the Group. Where we transfer your data to a non-Allianz Group member or other companies providing us with a
service, we will obtain contractual commitments and assurances from them to protect your personal information. Theses assurances are well
recognised certification schemes like Standard Contractual Clauses. We will only transfer your personal information to countries which are
recognised as providing an adequate level of legal protection or where we can be satisfied that alternative arrangements are in place to protect
your privacy rights. Any requests for information we receive from law enforcement or regulators will be carefully validated before personal
information is disclosed.
If you provide information about someone else, such as an additional insured, we will endeavour to provide this Data Protection Statement to them.
Where it is not possible to do so, you must make them aware of this Data Protection Statement and the terms of the insurance (including changes to
the terms or processing activities) and encourage them to read this Data Protection Statement to find out more.
How long we keep your personal information
We will keep your personal data only for as long as it is required for your insurance contract, to handle claims and to comply with our legal and
regulatory obligations as documented in our Records Management Policy. For the majority of policy data, this is seven years after the end of that
transaction. If you do not accept a quote or complete an application for an insurance policy, your data will be kept for fifteen months and processed
in line with this Statement. When a potential claim or actual claim is taken out on a policy, we hold details around this claim until a full and final
settlement has been agreed. In most cases this should be seven years after the final settlement date or where a child was involved the later date of
seven years after the child has turned eighteen or the settlement date. In certain cases, we are obliged to hold onto records for longer periods and we
do so in line with our legal responsibilities. For more information on our data retention policies please refer to the “Contacting Us” section below.
Your rights in relation to your personal information
You have the right to request a copy of your personal data, and to have incorrect personal data about you corrected. You also have the right to
withdraw your consent for the processing of your personal data, have your personal data erased, or the processing restricted. Please note that
withdrawing consent and requests for restriction/erasure may affect our ability to provide you with a contract of insurance. Some of the above
rights are subject to limitations in order for us to comply with a number of legal and regulatory obligations. You have the right to data portability for
insurance purposes (contact dataprotectionoffi[email protected]). You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection
Commissioner. For further information, please see the section “Contacting Us” below.
Automated decision making
As part of the claim handling, Allianz may use automated decision-making. If you are making a claim, we may use profiling and other forms of
automated processing to assess if your claim may be fraudulent and we may use your sensitive information, to carry out this assessment. For
example, we may use your unspent motoring convictions for motoring insurance. We use automated decision making as it is necessary for entering
into, or performance of your insurance policy between you as the data subject and Allianz as data controller, and other uses such as those
authorised by law.
In the event that profiling determines you have a high risk profile, we may not be able to offer you an insurance policy. If you wish to review an
automated decision with Allianz, please contact us on dataprotectionoffi[email protected].
Up to date information
In order for us to keep your information accurate and up to date, please contact Allianz or your insurance intermediary (where applicable) if any of
your details change. For contact details, please see “Contacting Us” below.
Any letter, claim, writ, summons or other document received in relation to an accident
should immediately be sent to Allianz unanswered.
11. Declaration
I/WE HEREBY CERTIFY that to the best of my/our knowledge and belief the statements and particulars contained herein are fully made and
that I/we have withheld no material fact concerning the accident or the injured party.
Signature of Policyholder
01 CL 08.20 KD
Please return completed f
rm to:
z p
Allianz House,
Telephone: (01) 613 3990
Website: www.allianz.ie
Allianz p.l.c. is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Registered in Ireland, No. 143108
Calls may be recorded or monitored for regulatory, training and quality purposes.
Contacting Us
If you have any questions about how we use personal information, or if you want to exercise your rights stated above, please contact our Data
rotection Officer by either emailing, DataProtectionOffi[email protected] or please write to The Data Protection Officer, Allianz plc, Allianz House,
Elmpark, Merrion Road, Dublin 4, D04 Y6Y6, Ireland.
If you have a complaint or concern about how we use your personal information, please contact us in the first instance and we will attempt to
esolve the issue as soon as possible. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner at any time.
The details of the Data Protection Commission are as follows:
Data Protection Commission
1 Fitzwilliam Square S,
Dublin 2, D02 RD28
Telephone: +353 (0)761 104 800 or +353 (0)57 868 4800
Locall Number: 1890 252 231
Fax: +353 57 868 4757
We may amend this Statement from time to time, in whole or in part, at our discretion. The latest version of this document will always be
available at www.allianz.ie and will take effect on the date that it is updated.
Please review this Data Protection Statement periodically to ensure you remain informed.