Return Policy Leniency Impacting Customers’ Purchase Intention – A Viable Strategy for E-
David Karl
University of Bamberg
Kilian Vornberger
University of Bamberg
Björn Asdecker
University of Bamberg
Cite as:
Karl David, Vornberger Kilian, Asdecker Björn (2022), Return Policy Leniency Impacting Customers’
Purchase Intention – A Viable Strategy for E-Tailers?. , Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy
50th, (111790)
Return Policy Leniency Impacting Customers Purchase Intention A Viable
Strategy for E-Tailers?
Return policy can reduce e-commerce consumer returns by subjecting high-returning
customers to a stricter return policy. Besides return behavior, purchase intention is affected. In
an online survey of 197 participants, return policy leniency strongly influences purchase
intention. Other variables, such as perceived trust, show a weaker impact on purchase
intention than return policy directly. Managerially, this paper improves companies’
understanding of how different return policies affect customer behavior. Academically, the
research on return policy and purchase intention is complemented by examining three
different return policy manifestations under control of trust, fairness, opportunism, and return
Keywords: Consumer returns; return policy leniency; purchase intention
1 Introduction
The importance of consumer returns is increasing due to the steady growth of the online B2C
market. The measures associated with the COVID-19 pandemic further accelerated the
expansion of e-commerce to new firms, business areas, and customers (OECD, 2020).
Growing e-commerce also increases consumer returns (Xia & Zhang, 2010). Consumer
returns cause high costs (Asdecker, 2015) and impact emissions (Khusainova, 2019).
Nevertheless, to increase customer satisfaction, retailers usually offer return policies (RP)
characterized as lenient. Leniency means how conveniently a customer can return an item
(Abdulla, Abbey, & Ketzenberg, 2019). We use two of the dimensions developed by
Janakiraman, Syrdal, and Freling (2016): (1) Time leniency (how long can items be returned),
and (2) monetary leniency (fees for shipping or returning), and add one more dimension,
payment leniency.
RP influences customer behavior. Past research suggests that a generous return policy leads to
more returns and orders du to more impulsive purchases (Lantz & Hjort, 2013). About 86 %
of customers report that return policies influence their purchase decisions (Olick, 2019).
Accordingly, return policy can reduce returns but equally increase sales (Bahn & Boyd,
2014). Abbey, Ketzenberg, and Metters (2018) show that a small proportion of customers are
responsible for a large share of the total return volume. They advocate categorizing customers
according to their return behavior and tailoring return policies accordingly. Nevertheless, how
do individualized return policies influence purchase behavior? We aim to improve this
understanding, taking into consideration confounding variables, with this research question:
How does return policy leniency influence an e-commerce customer’s purchase intention?
2 Literature Background
For B2C returns management in general, we refer to a review by Abdulla et al. (2019), who
pointed out return policy as an essential research subject. The following studies have
investigated return policy in the context of purchase intention (PI). According to Bonifield,
Cole, and Schultz (2010), customers exposed to more lenient return policies rate the retailer’s
quality higher and show increased PI. Hsieh (2013) find that lenient return policies and
information credibility negatively impact perceived opportunism and positively impact trust,
while perceived opportunism negatively affects trust, which influences stickiness intention
positively. Pei, Paswan, and Yan (2014) state that return policy positively influences PI and
perceived fairness, moderated by a higher reputation or lower competition among e-tailers.
Perceived fairness positively affects perceived trust, which in turn has a positive effect on PI.
According to Zhang, Li, Yan, and Johnston (2017), consumers perceive a return under a
lenient policy as easier than under a more strict return policy, and thus, perceived return
difficulty and perceived service quality positively influence PI. Oghazi, Karlsson, Hellström,
and Hjort (2018) show that perceived return policy leniency positively influences PI with trust
as a mediator, while a direct influence of leniency on PI cannot be confirmed. Wang,
Anderson, Joo, and Huscroft (2020) conclude that leniency positively affects perceived
fairness, perceived return service quality, and repurchase intention; perceived fairness and
perceived service quality also positively impact consumers' repurchase intention.
The selected papers cover most of the return policy dimensions identified by Janakiraman et
al. (2016) and suggest a direct influence of return policy on PI while uncovering other indirect
relationships. However, leniency dimensions are primarily examined in separate studies or as
different variables. We consider the return policy integrally and integrate the payment
dimension, which has not been mentioned in this research strand so far. E.g., paying by credit
card elicits less pain than paying in cash because payment is decoupled from the timing of
consumption (Prelec & Loewenstein, 1998). Garnefeld, Feider, and Boehm (2017) show that
payment after receiving the goods increases returns compared to payment before delivery.
Based on these considerations, we investigate the RP’s influence on PI, perceived trust,
fairness, return difficulty, and their interrelationships.
3 Hypotheses
In e-commerce, information asymmetries exist because physical distance causes uncertainties,
and customers cannot evaluate items before purchase. Retailers can reduce asymmetries
through a signal (Spence, 2002). According to Signaling Theory (Spence, 1973), signaling
describes a signal sent by an agent observable by a principal to reduce pre-contractual
information asymmetries (Kirmani & Rao, 2000). Since return policy leniency acts as an
information mechanism in the relationship between online retailers and customers (Wang et
al., 2020), this could reduce information asymmetries: For example, lenient return policies
signal customers being able to act flexibly because they can avoid costs of a wrong purchase
decision (Wood, 2001). Thus, leniency could positively influence PI. Pei et al. (2014), and
Wang et al. (2020) support this assumption. Therefore, we hypothesize:
H1: Customers’ purchase intention is positively associated with return policy leniency.
According to Equity Theory, perceived fairness results from the ratio between profit and
investment in an exchange (Adams, 1965). Concerning Procedural Justice Theory as part of
Equity Theory, people are interested in fair distribution and fair processes (Lind & Tyler,
1988). People prefer their own advantage or positive inequality (Bower & Maxham, 2012).
We assume that customers value fair treatment and prefer a customer-friendly return policy.
Customers feeling mistreated are less likely to shop at a retailer in the future and vice versa
(Bower & Maxham, 2012). Pei et al. (2014) and Wang et al. (2020) indicate that return policy
leniency positively influences perceived fairness, promoting PI. Accordingly, we hypothesize:
H2a: Customers’ perceived fairness is positively associated with return policy leniency.
H2b: Customers’ purchase intention is positively associated with perceived fairness.
Trust is crucial to reduce uncertainties in e-commerce (Hsieh, 2013). Trust is the willingness
of a party to expose itself to the actions of a second party, anticipating that the second party
will fulfill the expectations of the first party without control (Mayer, Davis, & Schoorman,
1995). According to Agency Theory, in a relationship between two or more economic entities
in which a principal instructs an agent to perform a service, information asymmetries exist
between buyers and sellers (Jensen & Meckling, 1976). By reducing incomplete information
through a deliberate signal, higher trustworthiness could be achieved (Spence, 2002). Return
policy leniency could represent this kind of signal. Oghazi et al. (2018) and Hsieh (2013)
show a relationship between perceived trust and return policy. Therefore, we hypothesize:
H3a: Customersperceived trust is positively associated with return policy leniency.
A lack of trust can harm attitudes toward e-commerce (McKnight, Choudhury, & Kacmar,
2002). Conversely, Kim and Peterson (2017) show that trust promotes PI. Pei et al. (2014)
and Oghazi et al. (2018) confirm this relationship for return policies. Accordingly, it seems
essential to foster trust for increasing future purchases. We hypothesize:
H3b: Customerspurchase intention is positively associated with perceived trust.
Adherence to fairness positively impacts trust (Bies & Tripp, 1995; Pei et al., 2014).
Accordingly, a signal of fairness can reduce information asymmetries, leading to increased
trust (Waterman & Meier, 1998). We hypothesize in the context of trust:
H3c: Customersperceived trust is positively associated with perceived fairness.
In internet-based exchange relationships, online retailers may behave opportunistically
(Liang, Laosethakul, Lloyd, & Xue, 2005). Opportunistic behavior describes the lack of
honesty as well as pronounced self-interest in transactions (Williamson, 1975). In a buyer-
seller relationship, the seller puts his own goals above the buyer's benefit (Hsieh, 2013).
Information asymmetries between buyer and seller facilitate opportunistic behavior (Mishra,
Heide, & Cort, 1998; Waterman & Meier, 1998). Hsieh (2013) shows that a lenient return
policy contributes to mitigating perceived opportunism. Accordingly, this study conjectures
that return policy leniency can counter perceived opportunism:
H3d: Customersperceived opportunism is negatively associated with return policy leniency.
Li, Browne, and Wetherbe (2006) argue that credible behavior is perceived as reliable, but
unmet expectations damage trust. Opportunistic behavior can be understood as an unmet
expectation. Moreover, the retailer is assumed to behave opportunistically (Eisenhardt, 1989;
Mishra et al., 1998). The signal sent to the customer to reduce information asymmetries may
also be harmful (Connelly, Certo, Ireland, & Reutzel, 2011). Thus, this study assumes that
opportunistic behavior harms trust. Li et al. (2006) and Hsieh (2013) describe a negative
relationship between opportunism and trust. Consequently, we hypothesize:
H3e: Customersperceived trust is negatively associated with perceived opportunism.
Perceived return difficulty is the customer’s perceived inconvenience in returning an item to
receive a refund (Zhang et al., 2017). Both return depth and return time impact the perceived
return difficulty. For example, if customers perceive a potential return as difficult, they
perceive an increased risk of unpredictable costs. Since customers tend to avoid wrong
decisions preventively (Mitchell, 1999), we hypothesize:
H4a: Customersperceived return difficulty is negatively associated with return policy
H4b: Customerspurchase intention is negatively associated with perceived return difficulty.
4 Methodology
4.1 Survey Description
For data collection, this research used an online survey conducted in February 2021. The
questionnaire consists of three parts. Before the actual questionnaire, a virtual cover letter
informs the participants about the survey's background and assures them anonymity. Next, we
queried essential characteristics of the respondents. In the central part, each participant goes
through two scenarios. The participants are asked to imagine purchasing an item from a
fictitious online fashion retailer and to answer several items on PI, perceived fairness,
perceived trust, perceived return difficulty, and perceived opportunism. Scenario 1 is balanced
characterized by neither particularly strict nor lenient return policy elements. Scenario 2
involves one of three randomly assigned manipulations, i.e., either a strict, balanced, or
lenient scenario (Garnefeld et al., 2017; Lantz & Hjort, 2013; Raghubir & Srivastava, 2008;
Wood, 2001) (Table 1).
Table 1. Randomly Assigned Return Policies.
Shipping costs
Return costs
Payment period
14 days
30 days
Return period
14 days
30 days
100 days
1,214 participants started the survey, of which 302 subjects completed the questionnaire
(24.9%). After removing 105 samples due to missing return experience or inconsistent
responses, the final sample consists of 197 participants, almost all from Germany. The
average age is 29.4; 58.9% had at least a college degree, 71.6% were female. The average
completion time was 6.5 minutes. Regarding the gender imbalance in our sample, no
significant differences for the mean and variance of the PI were observed.
4.2 Manipulation Check
A one-factor ANOVA checks the manipulation by the scenarios. In addition, post hoc tests
provide information about which groups differ from each other, using the mean values of PI.
The Levene test indicates that equality of variance between the groups can be assumed
(p>.05). Significant differences in the mean values exist between all groups (F=193.345;
p<.001). The Bonferroni posthoc test and the Scheffé procedure confirm the manipulation
functionality. Thus, the subjects show a significantly different PI depending on the scenario.
4.3 Operationalization of Constructs
We tested the hypothesized relationships using structural equation modeling (SEM) to
integrate multiple exogenous and endogenous latent and manifest variables (Ullman &
Bentler, 2013). The focal constructs of our study, namely purchase intention (PI), perceived
fairness (FA), perceived opportunism (OPP), perceived trust (TR), and return difficulty (DI),
were operationalized with multi-item scales. We adopted them from existing studies showing
statistical validity and reliability of these constructs (Table 2). All items were measured on a
5-point Likert type scale, ranging from 1 (“strongly disagree”) to 5 (“strongly agree”).
Table 2. Measurement Scales and Summary Statistics.
Sq. Multiple
4.4 Reliability and Validity Check
To check the unidimensionality of the item structure, we conducted an exploratory factor
analysis for each construct (principal axis analysis and Promax). As a measure of sample
adequacy, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin criteria of each construct all show values >.6 (Kaiser &
Rice, 1974). Bartlett's test can be rejected for all constructs (p < .001), indicating data fit for
analysis (Dziuban & Shirkey, 1974). Two items showed a communality <.5 and were not
further considered. The results of the individual explorative factor analyses confirm the one-
dimensionality of the constructs. Cronbach's alpha indicates high reliability on the construct
level (Table 2).
We conducted a confirmatory factor analysis for parameter estimation to ensure reliability and
validity based on the second-generation quality criteria. Since no construct correlation is >.9,
no parameter is excluded. Indicator reliability for all items is >.4, so we assume acceptable
reliability (Bagozzi & Baumgartner, 1994). Reliability at the construct level is determined by
factor reliability. Factor reliability exceeds .6 for all constructs, confirming construct
reliability. Since all constructs have an AVE>.5, we assume convergence validity (Fornell &
Larcker, 1981). We assume construct validity for the reflective measurement models, as the
requirements for discriminant validity are met according to the Fornell/Larcker criterion.
5 Results and Discussion
The SEM was estimated by the maximum-likelihood method (Table 3, Figure 1). The indices
of the measurement model show an acceptable fit. All coefficients except for two are
significant. 95% of the PI variance is explained by the model (Table 2). The standardized
coefficients of DI to PI and TR to PI are significantly <.2, while all other standardized
coefficients exceed this threshold for meaningfulness (Chin, 1998).
Figure 1. Research Model with Factor Loadings.
The largest significant positive coefficient in the model indicates that a more lenient return
policy increases PI (1.323; p<.001). The data accordingly support H1. We suggest return
policy leniency to signal quality and thus to reduce purchase decision conflict (Wood, 2001),
which confirms the results of Pei et al. (2014) and Wang et al. (2020). The results also show
that the more lenient the return policy, the fairer the customer feels treated (1.287; p<.001). In
addition, higher perceived fairness positively affects PI (.341; p<.001). Thus, H2a and H2b
are supported and confirm the findings of Pei et al. (2014) and Wang et al. (2020). H3a is
confirmed by the data (.377; p=.003), supporting the research findings of Hsieh (2013) and
Oghazi et al. (2018). Thus, lenient return policies appear to build trust. However, H3b and the
results of Pei et al. (2014) and Oghazi et al. (2018) that trust positively affects PI cannot be
Return Policy
Perceived Trust
Perceived Return
e3 PF3
e1 RPL
H1 ()
H2a ()
H2b ()
H3a ()
H3b (x)
H3c ()
H3d ()
H3e ()
H4a ()
H4b (x)
confirmed due to a slightly positive but insignificant effect (.111; p>.05). H3c is supported
(.194; p=.003) in agreement with the results of Pei et al. (2014): Customers seem to repay fair
treatment with trust in the online retailer. Furthermore, the data confirm (-.643; p<.001) that a
more lenient return policy makes the customer perceive less opportunism from the online
retailer. Moreover, we found that perceived opportunism significantly reduces perceived trust
(-.376; p<.001). Consequently, H3d and H3e are supported, consistent with Li et al. (2006)
and Hsieh (2013). Perceived return difficulty decreases significantly as the return policy
becomes more lenient (-1.179; p<.001). Thus, H4a is supported, confirming the results of
Zhang et al. (2017). We cannot confirm the postulated negative effect of the perceived return
difficulty on PI. Contrary to the conjecture, the coefficient is positive but significant (.125;
p=.021). The data do not support H4b, which contradicts the research of Zhang et al. (2017).
Table 3. Path Coefficients and Results of Hypothesis Tests.
Fit indices: χ
=368,447, df=180, χ
GFI=.836, CFI=.965, RMSEA=.074
6 Conclusion, Contribution, and Future Research
In summary, return policy leniency strongly influences PI and, at the same time, affects other
variables, which influence PI partly and with smaller effect sizes. Return policy thus
represents an instrument for influencing customer behavior not only regarding return behavior
but rather pre-purchase. A lenient return policy can increase trust and the fairness perceived
by the customer. In turn, it reduces the perceived opportunism and the perceived difficulty of
a consumer return and can thus contribute to higher customer satisfaction. On the downside,
as suggested by Abbey et al. (2018), individual and strict return policies can discourage
unwanted customers already from purchasing.
This paper extends previous research on consumer return policy leniency by a more holistic
approach integrating time, costs, and payment modalities, rather than focussing on individual
parts of return policies. Moreover, this study formulates three different return policies and
thus breaks the previous dichotomous view. Using SEM, we incorporate several influencing
variables, which have already partially been investigated in this context.
From a managerial point of view, this study supports e-tailers in understanding the
interdependencies between return policy and PI as well as other factors important to this
relationship. For reducing consumer returns, individual return policies cannot be implemented
without taking PI and other variables into consideration. Following the approach of
individually adjusting the return policy of customers with excessive returns (Abbey et al.,
2018), retailers must balance these trade-offs to determine the suitable level of leniency and
the critical thresholds. This study reveals that a stricter return policy can significantly reduce
future purchases, allowing to manipulate the structure of the customer base in a smoother way
than closing down customer accounts (Safdar & Stevens, 2018). Vice versa, individually
adjusted, more lenient conditions might increase future revenues of low-returning customers.
Nevertheless, the results hint at some future research required. A longitudinal study could
validate the results in a non-pandemic context. In addition, our sample is restricted to the
European market. Furthermore, we examine only two of the five return policy dimensions
identified by Janakiraman et al. (2016). Overall, an integrated analysis of return policy effects
on actual purchases and returns would supplement the findings of our study.
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