600 °C Logic Gates Using Silicon
Carbide JFET's
Philip G. Neudeck and Glenn M. Beheim
Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio
Carl S. Salupo
Cortez III Service Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio
=- T
March 2000
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NASA / TM--2000-209928
600 °C Logic Gates Using Silicon
Carbide JFET's
Philip G. Neudeck and Glenn M. Beheim
Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio
Carl S. Salupo
Cortez III Service Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio
Prepared for the
Government Microcircuit Applications Conference
cosponsored by DoD, NASA, DoC, DoE, NSA, and CIA
Anaheim, California, March 20-24, 2000
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Glenn Research Center
March 2000
The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the tireless efforts of David Larkin, Luann Keys, and
Andrew Trunek in wafer preparation and epitaxial growth that made this work possible. This work
was carried out at NASA Glenn under internal funding from the High Temperature Enabling
Materials for Propulsion (HITEMP) program.
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600 °C Logic Gates Using Silicon Carbide JFET's
Philip G. Neudeck* and Glenn M. Beheim
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Glenn Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio 44135
*Phone: (216) 433-8902, E-mail: [email protected]
Carl S. Salupo
Cortez III Service Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio 44135
Complex electronics and sensors are
increasingly being relied on to enhance the
capabilities and efficiency of modern jet aircraft.
Some of these electronics and sensors monitor and
control vital engine components and aerosurfaces
that operate at high temperatures above 300 °C.
However, since today's silicon-based electronics
technology cannot function at such high
temperatures, these electronics must reside in
environmentally controlled areas. This necessitates
either the use of long wire runs between sheltered
electronics and hot-area sensors and controls, or
the fuel cooling of electronics and sensors located in
high-temperature areas. Both of these tow-
temperature-electronics approaches suffer from
serious drawbacks in terms of increased weight,
decreased fuel efficiency, and reduction of aircraft
reliability. A family of high-temperature electronics
and sensors that could function in hot areas would
enable substantial aircraft performance gains.
Especially since, in the future, some turbine-engine
electronics may need to function at temperatures as
high as 600 °C.
This paper reports the fabricalJon and
demonstration of the first semiconductor digital logic
gates ever to function at 600 °C. Key obstacles
blocking the realizaUon of useful 600 °Ctu_ine engine
integrated sensor and control electronics are outlined.
Technology Selection
Silicon carbide (SIC) presently appears to be the
strongest candidate semiconductor for
implementing 500-600 °C integrated electronics in
the nearer term, as competing high temperature
electronics technologies are either physically
incapable of functioning at this high of a
temperature range (silicon and silicon-on-insulator),
or are significantly less-developed (GaN, diamond,
etc.) than silicon carbide. Discrete silicon carbide
devices such as pn junction diodes, junction field
effect transistors (JFET's), and metal-oxide-
semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFET's)
have previously demonstrated excellent electrical
functionality at 600 °C for relatively short time
periods [1]. However, for such electronics to be
useful in crucial turbine-engine applications, much
longer 600 °C harsh-environment lifetimes must
eventually be realized. Between 500 to 5000 hours
of operation is needed for various jet engine ground
tests, while many years of reliable operation is
required for insertion into everyday passenger
The operational lifetime of SiC-based transistors
at 600 °C is not limited by the semiconductor itself,
but is instead largely governed by the reliability and
stability of various interfaces with the SiC crystal
surface. The physical degradation of the metal-
semiconductor ohmic contact interface limits the
600 °C operating lifetime of all devices, while high
temperature MOSFET operating lifetime is also
limited by the electrical integrity of the oxide-
semiconductor. While silicon electronics experience
clearly demonstrates that complementary MOSFET
(CMOS) technology is desired for implementing
integrated circuits, development of the necessary
high electrical quality gate-insulators capable of
long-term 600 °C operation will likely prove elusive
for many years to come [2]. Thus, junction-based
transistors without gate insulators appear more
feasible in the nearer term, especially given recent
progress toward improving the 600 °C high
temperature durability of SiC ohmic contacts [3]. Of
the candidate junction-based transistor technologies
that might be used to implement SiC integrated
circuits, the pn junction gate JFET seems closest to
demonstrating long-term operation at 600 °C.
Prototype SiC bipolar transistors demonstrated to
date have exhibited low current gains insufficient for
practical use in complex integrated circuits, while the
Schottky barrier gates employed in SiC metal-
semiconductor field effect transistors (MESFET's)
allow too much undesired gate-to-channel leakage
at 600 °C [4].
NASA/TMn2000-209928 1
The basic current-voltageproperties of SiC
JFET's at 600 °C are qualitatively similar to room
temperature GaAs MESFET's employed in high-
speed digital IC's. Therefore, a resistive load direct-
coupled FET logic (DCFL) approach, with some
obvious parallels to high-yield GaAs DCFL, was
adopted to demonstrate simple 600 °C digital logic
using SiC JFET's. A simple inverter logic gate merely
requires a near-zero threshold voltage FET coupled
to a resistor.
The non-planar epitaxial gate JFET design
shown in Figure 1 was adopted in favor of a planar
ion-implanted structure, largely to alleviate the
challenging process of sufficiently activating high-
dose p+ ion implants in SiC. The two-level
interconnect approach uses oxidation-resistant
silicon nitride as the dielectric passivant along with
oxidation resistant gold for the metal interconnect.
Contrary to the depiction of Figure 1, the devices
are laid out so that both the second and third layers
of silicon nitride always covered the first via layer to
the oxygen-sensitive metal-SiC ohmic contact
interface. However, because non-optimized ohmic
contact metals were employed in this experiment,
long term 600 °C operation was not obtained.
Fabrication Process
The mesa-isolated epitaxial channel JFET
structure shown in Figure 1 was grown (starting from
an off-axis commercial p-type 6H-SiC substrate [5])
at the NASA Glenn Research Center using the
epitaxial growth system described in [6]. Proper
application of site-competition dopant control
principles was key to successfully realizing this
device structure [7]. An underlying p- buffer epilayer
around 12 microns thick and doped p-type below
5x1015 cm-3 is not depicted in Figure 1. A 0.5-0.7
_m n-channel layer doped around lx1016 cm-'3 was
grown to obtain threshold voltages acceptably close
to zero over the temperature range of interest. The
thin p* gate epilayer (0.1-0.2 #m, NA > 102o cm -3)
must be as degenerately doped as possible, to
assure sufficient electrical contact to the gate layer
as well as adequate conductivity through long
narrow gate fingers with no metal directly on top.
Site-competition enables all the key n-type and p-
type layers to be grown within a single continuous
run that minimizes undesired contamination and
dopant spikes that can arise from growth
interruption and re-initiation [8]. It also enables
better immunity to epi-reactor impurities that can
harm reproducibility as the reactor components,
especially the sample-holding susceptor, can
degrade from one growth run to the next.
Following epitaxlal growth, an aluminum p+ gate
pattern etch mask is defined and patterned by liftoff.
I Met2_
_//_Met!|! , I iMet! r.l-_
P Substrate
Figure 1: Simplified (see text) cross-sectional
representation of 6H-SiC epitaxiat JFET's used
to implement 600 °C logic gates. The shaded
regions are insulating silicon nitride dielectric.
A reactive ion etch (RIE) in 14 CHF3 : 10 02 400 W
plasma removes the p+ epilayer from unmasked
areas to expose the n-channel layer. Without
removing the first gate etch mask, a second
aluminum etch mask defining mesas for the active
n-channel areas is deposited and liftoff patterned. A
second RIE to a depth of approximately 0.7 p.m is
then carried out to isolate each device. Both
aluminum etch masks are then stripped with a wet
In preparation for ion implantation,
approximately 0.1 #m of silicon is E-beam deposited
over the entire wafer. Then, a 0.8 I_m layer of silicon
is liftoff patterned to delineate areas for high dose
nitrogen source/drain implants to facilitate ohmic
contacts to the n-channel layer. The wafers are then
sent to a commercial vendor [9] for 600 °C nitrogen
implantation of a box profile using 1.4x10_% 7x10 TM,
and 3.6x10 TM cm-2 doses at 80, 40, and 20 keV
energies, respectively. Following Ion implantation
the silicon mask layers are chemically stripped in 1
HF : 1 HNO3. The same basic implant process is
then repeated to carry out lighter-dose nitrogen
implant (3.2x10 _2,8x10 _, 1.2x10 _2,and lx1012 cm -2
dose at 33, 24, 18, and 10 keV, respectively) that
self-aligns with the etched p* gate as shown in
Figure 1. This second implant prevents complete
pinchoff of the n-layer resistors by the sub-channel
and surface depletion regions and increases
transistor source-to-gate and gate-to-drain
conductance. After implant mask stripping and
solvent/acid wafer cleaning, the nitrogen implants
are electrically activated by placing the wafer into a
closed SiC crucible (made from SiC wafer pieces)
and annealing at 1400 °C for 30 minutes in an
argon atmosphere tube furnace. The wafer is again
cleaned with acids to remove any residual oxides
that might have formed during the implant anneal.
NASA/TM--2000-209928 2
Figure 2: Optical micrograph of 6H-SiC JFET
NAND gate prior to 600 °C testing. The logical
output is the bottom left bondpad, while the
input pads are along the right side. The
positive (VDD)and negative (Vss)power supply
pads are on the top left and top middle,
respectively. Each bondpad is 100x100 p.m,
and each of the four gate fingers is 3x150 p.m.
A 0.3 p.m thick layer of gold (E-beam deposited,
patterned by liftoff) formed the contacts to both the
n÷ source/drain implant regions as well as the p+
gates. At this stage of the process, the basic
electrical functionality of the JFET's and resistors
was verified at room temperature on a probing
A first layer of silicon nitride passivation was
sputter deposited to a thickness of around 0.3-0.4
p.m. The deposition of this layer was broken into two
segments to minimize chances of undesired pinhole
defects spanning the complete thickness of the
layer. Patterned vias through the first nitride layer
was then dry etched in a 5 CHF3 : 0.4 02 150 W
plasma using photoresist as the etch mask. 0.3 p.m
thick gold interconnects were then liftoff patterned
on top of the nitride. The same basic
nitride/via/metal process was then repeated for a
second level of gold interconnect. A third and final
nitride deposition and bondbad via etch completed
the circuit fabrication process. The completed NAND
and NOR gates are shown in the optical
micrographs of Figures 2 and 3.
Electrical Testino
All circuit testing was carried out in air under low-
light conditions using a probing station with the
sample sitting on a customized temperature-
controlled heating element. Gold-coated tungsten
probe tips were employed to minimize probe
degradation by oxidation during high temperature
Figures 4 and 5 show the functional waveforms
collected from the NAND and NOR gates at 300 °C,
respectively. Figures 6 and 7 show operation of the
Figure 3: Optical micrograph of 6H-SiC JFET
NOR gate following 600 °C electrical testing.
The bottom left bondpad is the output, while
the input pads are along the right side. The
positive (VDo) and negative (Vss) power supply
pads are on the top left and middle. Each
bondpad is 100×100 t_m, and each of the four
gate fingers is 3x150 p.m.
same gates at 600 °C. As indicated by the supply
voltages given in each figure caption, adjustment of
the substrate bias (Vsu_st,ate)and power supply bias
(VDD) was necessary to compensate for current-
voltage property changes with temperature, as the
circuit noise margins were not sufficient to absorb
these changes while maintaining basic functionality.
Therefore, these circuits are not capable of
operation over the desired 25 °C to 600 °C
temperature range using fixed power supply
voltages. High temperature degradation of both the
probe-tips and the ohmic contacts limited
operational circuit testing at 600 °C to less than one
hour. The Figure 3 device picture taken following
600 °C testing shows visible evidence of contact
degradation compared to the Figure 2 device photo
taken prior to high temperature testing.
While the work described here does represent a
first for high temperature integrated circuit operation,
it also illustrates areas where additional technology
development is necessary before 600 °C SiC-based
circuits can become useful. The operational lifetime
of the circuit at 600 °C could be extended by using
separately optimized n-type and p-type ohmic
contacts specifically designed to resist high-
temperature degradation. However, it will be difficult
to measure this improvement on a probing station
where the probe tips themselves are degrading.
Therefore, the parallel development of 500-600 °C
packaging is very important to further development
of the chip-level technology. The ability to thermally
cycle packaged devices under electrical bias would
also aid the observation of longer term electrical
NASA/TM--2000-209928 3
0V I
,_"! '__!_. r:_i_i _
Output :::::::i: :::::::i:::::i::::::::(:::::-
0 2 4 6 8
Figure4" NANDgatetestwaveformsat 300°C
withVDD= 2.1V,Vss=0 V,Vsobst,ate= 0 V.
,n utA !
Input B
0 2 4 6 8
Time (msec)
Figure 5: NOR gate test waveforms at 300 °C
with VDD= 3.5 V, Vss = 0 V, Vsubstrat e _. 0 V.
Input A
: : ; ,, :
OV ' : : ' '
1.0 V ......_........_................_......._......._...............................
Input B0V _
Output t-- | i|--_ .......i-- | .......i-| .......i......
0 2 4 6 8
Time (msec)
Figure 6" NAND gate test waveforms at 600 °C
with VDD= 2.5 V, Vss = 0 V, Vsub,t,at_= -1.4 V.
Input A
Input B
0V _ _ i
...... ! ........................ !................ !...............................
1.0 V ......_........................................_..............................
Outpu. t
0 2 4 6 8
Time (msec)
Figure 7: NOR gate test waveforms at 600 °C
with VDD= 3.5 V, Vss = 0 V, V,ub_t,at_= -1.8 V.
instabilities like those shown to limit the operating
lifetime and usefulness of 300 °C operational
amplifier circuits based on SiC doped-channel
MOSFET's [10]. Effective elimination of such
instabilities, if present in integrated circuit compatible
SiC JFET's, will be necessary before 500-600 °C
integrated circuits implemented in this technology
can become useful.
[1]P.G. Neudeck, to appear in VLSI Technology,
CRC Press (2000).
[2]M. Maranowski and J.A. Cooper, IEEE Trans.
Electron Devices 46 p. 520 (1999).
[3] R.S. Okojie et al., IEEE Trans. Electron Devices
46 p. 269 (1999).
[4]J.W. Palmour et al., Physica B 185 p. 461
[5] Cree Research, Durham, NC.
[6]J.A. Powell et al., J. Electronic Materials 24
p. 295 (1995).
[7]D.J. Larkin, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b)202, p. 305
[8]A.A. Burk, Jr. and L.B. Rowland, Appl. Phys.
Lett. 68 p. 382 (1996).
[9] Implant Sciences Corporation, Wakefield, MA.
[10] D.M. Brown et al., Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 162
p. 459 (1997).
NASA/TM_2000-209928 4
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March 2000 Technical Memorandum
600 °C Logic Gates Using Silicon Carbide JFET's
Philip G. Neudeck, Glenn M. Beheim, and Carl S. Salupo
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field
Cleveland, Ohio 44135-3191
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Washington, DC 20546-0001
NASA TM--2000-209928
Prepared for the Government Microcircuit Applications Conference cosponsored by DoD, NASA, DoC, DoE, NSA,
and CIA, Anaheim, California, March 20-24, 2000. Philip G. Neudeck and Glenn M. Beheim, NASA Glenn Research
Center; and Carl S. Salupo, Cortez III Service Corporation, 21000 Brookpark Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44142 (currently
with InDyne, Inc., 21000 Brookpark Rd., Cleveland, Ohio 44142). Responsible person, Philip G. Neudeck, organiza-
tion code 5510, (216) 433-8902.
Unclassified -Unlimited
Subject Category: 33 Distribution: Nonstandard
This publication is available from the NASA Center for AeroSpace Information, (301) 621-0390.
13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)
Complex electronics and sensors are increasingly being relied on to enhance the capabilities and efficiency of modern jet
aircraft. Some of these electronics and sensors monitor and control vital engine components and aerosurfaces that operate
at high temperatures above 300 °C. However, since today's silicon-based electronics technology cannot function at such
high temperatures, these electronics must reside in environmentally controlled areas. This necessitates either the use of
long wire runs between sheltered electronics and hot-area sensors and controls, or the fuel cooling of electronics and
sensors located in high-temperature areas. Both of these low-temperature-electronics approaches suffer from serious
drawbacks in terms of increased weight, decreased fuel efficiency, and reduction of aircraft reliability. A family of high-
temperature electronics and sensors that could function in hot areas would enable substantial aircraft performance gains.
Especially since, in the future, some turbine-engine electronics may need to function at temperatures as high as 6130°C.
This paper reports the fabrication and demonstration of the first semiconductor digital logic gates ever to function at
600 °C. Key obstacles blocking the realization of useful 600 °C turbine engine integrated sensor and control electronics
are outlined.
Silicon carbide; Field effect transistors; JFET; Transistor circuits
Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified
NSN 7540-01-280-5500
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-1B