GoTalk NOW Cheatsheet
1. A visual to help you remember what each icon means:
2. To create a whole new communication book/new student, start from the Home page:
Click on Default Book at the bottom of the screen, or whatever the name of the book/student is
that you are working with currently (if you use the visual above, it would be Subway.)
When the menu pops up, choose the plus sign in the top far left hand corner.
Name your new book/student.
When you exit out of the pop up, you name for the student/book should be at the bottom and
you should still be on the Home page. Whatever name is at the bottom of the screen is the
book/student you are working on.
3. To exit the player and go back to the Home page:
Place three fingers at the top of the screen and swipe downwards in a single motion OR
Press and hold the Home button for 8 seconds without moving your finger (8 seconds is longer
then you think!)
4. To print a paper page:
Press the Home button and the sleep/wake buttons on your iPad at the same time, this will take
a picture.
Go to your photo roll and either print them straight to a printer or email them to yourself and
then print.
5. To create a grid page:
Go to the Home page and choose Page Editor.
This will take you to the following:
Click Page Options (next to the Home button- it looks like a sound board/three sliders.) Here
you can choose the number of buttons you need, background color, etc.) Choosing Enabled
means you want the page you created to be viewed in the player.
Once you choose how you want the page to look, click on a button to add images/text/voice.
How to create a button is pretty self-explanatory once you reach this stage. However, make
sure to click Action: TTS at the top. This is what the button will say when pressed, and you may
want it to say more/something different than what you have used as the button’s text. Also
make sure and click After Actions, so you can tell the button what to do once it’s been pressed.
Luckily this is very self-explanatory.
To name a page, just click on the page number and a self-explanatory pop-up will show you
how. You can add an image as well as text, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to.
All pages will be saved as you work on them. If you need to make a change or delete a button,
just hold the button down until a menu pops up which gives you the option to delete/edit it.
6. To create a photograph page:
Click the Add New Page button (the plus sign in the bottom right hand corner of the Page
Click Add Blank Scene Page.
Upload your image per the pop-up instructions.
After your photograph has been uploaded, click the small white plus sign in the green circle on
the far left side of the screen. A blue box will pop up and tell you to move it where you want the
student to touch the screen. Once you have moved it, choose “set action” to add text-to-
speech, recorded audio, jump to page or media player (to jump to a video.) To add more
actions, hit the small plus sign again.
7. To move or rearrange buttons:
Make sure that you are in Page Editor mode. Hold down the button you want to move, and a
menu will pop up asking if you want to delete, swap, copy or disable a button. Hit swap, and the
button will start jiggling. Next touch the location of where you want the button to go, and they
will swap (if you want to move around many buttons, be prepared that this will take some time
and patience!)
8. To import files:
From the Home page, tap the name of the communication book (it generally is the Default
Book.) A pop up with the title of Communication Books will appear.
Press the green download arrow at the top of the screen, and follow the directions on the
A link to the entire GoTalk Now users guide: