Reports and Analytics
VMware Workspace ONE UEM 2212
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1 Workspace ONE UEM Reports 4
New Reports 5
Generate Reports 15
Subscribe to an Old Report 16
Manage Reports 18
Troubleshooting Reports 18
2 File Storage 22
3 Reports Storage 25
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Workspace ONE UEM Reports
Workspace ONE UEM lets you access detailed information about the devices, users, and
applications in report form that you can analyze with Excel.
Custom Reports
Custom reports have moved locations. Navigate to Monitor > Intelligence.
For more information, see the VMware Workspace ONE Intelligence Products Guide.
Workspace ONE UEM Reports
The reports functionality allows you to access detailed information about the devices, users, and
applications in your Workspace ONE UEM solution. The exports of these reports are in XLSX or
CSV (comma-separated values) format. You can view and analyze both file formats with Microsoft
Use this information to troubleshoot your deployment and make informed decisions on what
actions to take. The exports of these reports are in comma-separated values (CSV) format.
n More intuitive interface.
n Improved report generation reliability.
n Easier filter selection.
n Faster download times.
n Enhanced export status tracing capability.
n Streamlined reports subscription functionality.
Reports Storage
Expand your database with File Storage and Reports Storage.
n File Storage stores reports, content, and application in a separate file storage server.
n Reports Storage stores Workspace ONE UEM Reports in a dedicated file store separate from
all other content.
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Optimize the storage of your Workspace ONE UEM Reports through reports storage. This storage
feature increases the performance of Workspace ONE UEM Reports. Consider enabling reports
storage if you see a performance impact on your Workspace ONE UEM database when using
For more information, see Chapter 3 Reports Storage.
Important If you are using version 9.0.2 or 9.0.3, you must enable File Storage to use
Workspace ONE UEM Reports. For more information, see Chapter 2 File Storage.
Reports for Workspace ONE Intelligence
For all procedures and information surrounding reports for Workspace ONE Intelligence, refer to
the VMware Workspace ONE Intelligence documentation on
This chapter includes the following topics:
n New Reports
n Generate Reports
n Subscribe to an Old Report
n Manage Reports
n Troubleshooting Reports
New Reports
The New tag in front of the report name in Workspace ONE UEM identifies new reports. These
reports combine multiple legacy, deprecated reports.
Subscribe to a New Report
Subscribe to a new report to receive alerts from the Monitor page of the Workspace ONE UEM
console. Subscription enables you to access important information regarding usage and other
technical parameters.
For security reasons, the subscription email for new reports does not contain the report as a file
attachment. The email provides a link to download the report. This link requires authentication to
download. Only admins with valid credentials can access the reports.
Important Administrators with the appropriate role permissions and organization group access
can view and edit other administrator subscriptions.
1 Navigate to Monitor > Reports & Analytics > Reports > List View > All Reports.
2 Select a desired new report and select the Report Subscriptions icon.
3 On the Parameters tab, configure applicable settings that set criteria for the scope of the
report. These settings vary depending on the report.
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4 On the Schedule tab, configure the following settings.
Setting Description
From Specifies from whom the subscription is sent.
To Specifies who receives the subscription.
Recurrence If the recurrence is set to specific days of the month such as the 31st day of a month when the
month only has 30 days, you do not receive a report for that month.
Defines when the Workspace ONE UEM console sends the subscription. Available options
are once, daily, weekly, and monthly. You can also set the time of day for the report and the
end of recurrence.
Date/Time Specifies when to start sending subscriptions.
Subject Specifies a subject to help identify the subscription when the Workspace ONE UEM console
delivers it.
Message Defines the message to explain the subscription when the Workspace ONE UEM console
delivers it.
New Reports by Name
To see the new reports, navigate to Monitor > Reports & Analytics > Reports > List View. To see
the exported new reports, navigate to Monitor > Reports & Analytics > Exports.
Workspace ONE UEM offers 21 new reports. The following table shows the available columns for
each of these new reports.
Table 1-1. Admin Login History
Name Browser
Core User Platform
Login Date Failure Reason
Source IP Status
Table 1-2. Admin User Roles
Organization Group ID Role
Organization Group Name Role Description
User name Last Login Date
Email User Type
First Name Primary
Last Name
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Table 1-3. Application Details by Device
Organization Group ID App Name
Organization Group Name App Identifier
Device ID App Status
Friendly Name App Assignment Status
User Name Installation Status
Email Address Last Action Taken
Device Platform Last Action Timestamp
OS Version App First Seen
Device Model App Last Seen
Enrollment Status Department
Last Seen Custom Attribute 1
Ownership Custom Attribute 2
Serial Number Custom Attribute 3
Table 1-4. Certificate Near Expiration
Certificate Name Profile Name
Issued To Friendly Name
Issued By Organization Group Name
CA Name Effective Date
Status Days until Expires
Table 1-5. Content Details by Device
This report shows both managed content set to download automatically and content set to be downloaded manually or
on-demand. Admins typically use this data to evaluate unused documents to see which ones have the best traction with
end users, then update or retire.
Organization Group ID Content Type
Organization Group Name Content Installed
Device ID Content Priority
Friendly Name Content Importance
User name Content Category
Email Address Status
Serial Number Content Version
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Table 1-5. Content Details by Device (continued)
IMEI Content Size in KB
Device Platform Effective Date
Device Model Expiration Date
OS Version Last Modified Date
Ownership Last Seen
Content Name Days Offline
Table 1-6. Count of Active Devices
Organization Group Name Total Number of Active Devices
Organization Group Type Total Number of Inactive Devices
Organization Group ID Name Total Number of Devices
Created On
Table 1-7. Count of Active Devices by Users
Organization Group Name User Name
Organization Group Type Total Number of Active Devices
Organization Group ID Name Total Number of Inactive Devices
Created On Total Number of Devices
Table 1-8. Denylist or Non-Allowlist Application Details by Device
Organization Group ID Device Model
Organization Group Name OS Version
Device ID Ownership
User name Phone Number
Email Address App Name
Serial Number App Identifier
IMEI App Version
Device Platform App First Seen
Table 1-9. Device Battery Log
Device ID Battery Flag
Friendly Name Battery Life Percent
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Table 1-9. Device Battery Log (continued)
Organization Group ID Battery Voltage
Organization Name Battery Current
Device Model Battery Temperature
Device Platform Battery mAh Consumed
OS Version Battery Average Interval
Owner Battery Average Current
AC Line Status Backup Battery Lifetime
Sample Time Backup Battery Full Life Time
Transmit Time. Backup Battery Life Percent
Battery Life Time Backup Battery Flag
Battery Full Time Backup Battery Voltage
Table 1-10. Device Inventory
Organization Group ID Current Carrier
Organization Group Name Device Roaming
Device ID Roaming Start date
Friendly Name Roaming End Date
User name MAC Address
Email Address Wi-Fi IP Address
First Name IMEI
Last Name Sim Card Number
Display Name GPRS Connection
Serial Number Device Capacity (GB)
Device Platform Available Capacity (GB)
Device Model Available Physical Memory (MB)
Phone Number Total Physical Memory (MB)
Ownership Battery Life Percent
OS Version AC Power Sample Time
Enrollment Date Device On AC Power
Compliance Status Payload Removal Disallowed
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Table 1-10. Device Inventory (continued)
Enrollment Status Is Supervised
Unenrollment Date EAS DeviceID
Managed By Is Cloud Backup Enabled
Last Seen Last iCloud Backup Date
Asset Number Is Activation Lock Enabled
Is Compromised Purchase Country
Find My iPhone. Estimated Purchase Date
Country Warranty Status
MDM Managed Registration Date
Device Identifier Coverage Start Date
Home Carrier Coverage End Date
Table 1-11. Device Location Log
Organization Group Name Email Address
Organization Group ID Sample Time
Friendly Name Latitude
Device ID Longitude
User name Elevation
Table 1-12. Device Security Posture
Organization Group ID IMEI
Organization Group Name Data protection is enabled.
Device ID Block level encryption is enabled.
Friendly Name File level encryption is enabled.
Serial Number Passcode is present.
Device Model Passcode-compliant Y/N
Phone Number Pending Installs
Ownership All assigned profiles are installed.
OS Version Passcode Compliant With Profiles
Last Seen Encryption is compliant.
Is Compromised Internal storage encryption is enabled.
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Table 1-12. Device Security Posture (continued)
MAC Address SD Card encryption is enabled.
Wi-Fi IP Address Offline Days
Enrollment User Name Device Group
Email Address
Table 1-13. Device Usage Detail
Organization Group ID Roaming End Date
Organization Group Name Data Received (KB)
Device ID Data Sent (KB)
Friendly Name Total KB
Ownership Roaming Data Usage
Device Platform Data Usage (MB)
Device Model Plan Name
OS Version Cell Card Identifier
User name Record Date
Email Address Daily Peak Voice
Serial Number Daily Off Peak Voice
IMEI Daily Message
Phone Number Message Limit
Last Seen Daily Data Usage
Sim Card Number Billing Cycle
Sample Time Monthly Peak Voice
Home Carrier Monthly Voice Percent Utilization
Current Carrier Monthly Off Peak Voice
Country Monthly message
Network IP Address Monthly Message Percent Utilization
Cellular IP Address Monthly Data Usage
Device Roaming Monthly Data Percent Utilization
Roaming Start date
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Table 1-14. Device Wipe Log
Device ID or MAC Address Organization Group ID
Friendly Name Organization Group Name
Serial Number User name
Device Type Email Address
Device Model Wipe Issued By.
OS Version Wipe Type.
Ownership Event Time
Device Platform
Table 1-15. Devices with Application and User Details
Organization Group ID Deployed By AirWatch
Organization Group Name Managed App
Device ID App Type
User Name Installed Version
Email Address Bundle Size (KB)
Serial Number Dynamic Size (KB)
IMEI Install Status.
Sim Card Number Install Status Reason.
Device Platform App First Seen
Device Model App Last Seen
OS Version Last Seen
Ownership Device Capacity
Phone Number Available Device Capacity
Department Enrollment Date
Custom Attribute 1 Enrollment Status
Custom Attribute 2 Console App Name
Custom Attribute 3 Assigned Version
App Name Last Action Taken
App Identifier Last Action Timestamp
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Table 1-16. Devices with User Details
Organization Group ID User Status
Organization Group Name Device Platform
Friendly Name Device Model
Device ID OS Version
User name Ownership
User Id Serial Number
First Name IMEI
Last Name Enrollment Status
Email Address Compliance Status
User Phone Number Date Enrolled
Domain Type Date Unenrolled
Table 1-17. Profile Configuration Settings
Organization Group Device Model
Profile Name Minimum Operating System Name
Profile Group Type Maximum Operating System Name
Device Platform Profile Setting Name
Description Value
Assignment Type Location Group Path
Table 1-18. Profile Details by Device
Organization Group ID Model
Organization Group Name OS Version
Friendly Name C/E/S
User name Profile
Email User name Installed Version
Email Address Latest Version
Serial Number Installed Date
MAC Address Installed
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Table 1-19. SDK Analytics
Device ID App Identifier
Friendly Name Application Name
Organization Group ID Application Version
Organization Group Name Event Name
User name Event Data
Sample Time
Table 1-20. Shared Device History
Organization Group ID Last Name
Organization Group Name Email Address
Device ID Check-in Date
Device Name Checkout Date
First Name
Table 1-21. Terms of Use Acceptance Detail
Organization Group Name Phone Number
Organization Group ID Terms of Use Name
User name Version
First Name Accepted Version
Last Name Accepted
Email Address Accepted On
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Generate Reports
The reports and analytics solution in Workspace ONE UEM powered by AirWatch includes the
ability to export data from many sections in the console. Once you generate reports, you can
access and download them from the Exports grid.
n The maximum size of a generated report is 4 GB.
n Reports sized in excess of 4 GB do not generate to completion. They are represented in the
Exports grid with the status File size exceeds limit.
n Shared SaaS environments cannot change the 4 GB size limit.
n You can limit the number of records included in the generated report (and therefore reduce its
size) by being more selective in the drop-down menu options of the report.
n For example, when running a report on Applications, consider selecting specific apps
instead of enabling the "Select All" check box.
n You can also run multiple reports on smaller child OGs rather than a single report on the
larger parent/Global OG.
n Dedicated SaaS and On-Premises environments can increase the 4 GB size limit by contacting
1 Navigate to Monitor > Reports & Analytics > Reports > List View and select the desired
2 On the report screen, complete the applicable settings.
These settings vary depending on the report.
3 Click Download to export the report to the Exports page.
4 Navigate to Monitor > Reports & Analytics > Exports and select the desired report. Click
Complete available under Status column against the selected report to download it.
Note The exported new reports are mentioned as New Reports and the existing reports are
mentioned as Reports under Export Type column.
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Note A Try again status indicates a server error during report generation.
What to do next
The comma-separated values (CSV) structured report is available for download in a ZIP format.
Subscribe to an Old Report
Workspace ONE UEM powered by AirWatch lets you subscribe to a report to receive alerts from
the Monitor. Subscription enables you to access important information regarding use and other
technical parameters.
Important Any subscriptions associated with a deprecated report continue to function. They are
marked as deprecated. Consider using new reports and creating subscriptions to use them.
1 Navigate to Monitor > Reports & Analytics > Reports > List View > All Reports.
2 Select a desired report and select the Report Subscriptions icon.
3 On the General tab, configure the following settings.
Description Defines a descriptive name for the subscription.
Render Format. Defines the format for the report. The default file format is comma-separated
values (CSV).
Reply To Specifies who receives the subscription.
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Setting Description
Subject Specifies a subject to help identify the subscription when the UEM console
delivers it.
Message Body Defines the message to explain the subscription when the UEM console
delivers it.
4 On the Parameters tab, configure applicable settings to set criteria for the scope of the report.
These settings vary depending on the report.
5 On the Execution tab, configure the following settings.
Setting Description
Once Select this option to subscribe to this report a single time.
Daily Select this option to receive the report every time a set number of days pass.
Weekly Select this option to receive the report on specific days of the week.
Monthly Select this option to receive the report on a specific day of the month. You
can also set the schedule to First, Second, Third, Fourth, or Last weekday of
the month.
If the recurrence is set to a day that does not occur in the month, you do not
receive a report. For example, if you set recurrence to the Fourth Friday of a
month, and the month only has 3 Fridays, you do not receive a report for that
month. This also applies to specific days of the month such as the 31st day of
a month when the month only has 30 days.
Date/Time Set the specific day and time to receive the report.
Range Set the end date for the subscription to the report.
6 On the Distribution List tab, use one or all the parameters to make a distribution list to receive
the subscription.
Choose Role. Select a role from the menu and click Add to List to add it to the distribution
Choose User. Select individual users and click Add to List to add them to the distribution
Enter Email Address. Enter the addresses of subscription recipients manually, if you know the
address and click Add to List to add them to the distribution list.
Search List Enter search parameters to find individual entries and to delete entries from
the distribution list.
Distribution List Define to whom Workspace ONE UEM sends the subscription. Create this list
using the role, user, and email address entries.
Note Admins can edit failed or inactive subscriptions and can save them again to fix the error.
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Manage Reports
You can navigate to Monitor > Reports & Analytics > Reports > List View page to view reports in
the UEM console. You can export data in various formats and perform the following actions.
Report Subscriptions – Configure a report to run on a specified interval with defined
Add to My Reports – Add reports to the My Reports tab for quick access.
Troubleshooting Reports
If you are having problems with the Reports feature, consider troubleshooting your problem
before calling support. These troubleshooting steps address the most common problems
encountered in the Reports feature in Workspace ONE UEM.
Reports do not initiate.
The background processing service is not running.
Follow the instructions in the section below, entitled Enable Background Processing Service.
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Errors occasionally occur during report processing.
Various causes.
Refer to the following logs.
n Web Console Logs – For troubleshooting purpose, refer to the web console logs when any
console error occurs. Refer to these logs for both new and existing reports. Logs can be found
n Detailed error logs about new reports – Refer to logs found here:
n Detailed error logs about old reports – Refer to the reports server logs found here:
\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS12.ABC\Reporting Services\LogFiles
Reports fail to generate.
The size of the report exceeds the maximum size allowed of 4 GB.
Try to limit the size of the report by following the suggestions in Generate Reports.
Enable Background Processing Service
Workspace ONE UEM Reports require the background processing service running on the console
server. The installation process enables this process but if it is not running, you must enable it to
use Workspace ONE UEM Reports.
Each console server requires the background processing service. Each server processes reports
and writes them to their respective queue before sending them to the database, file storage, or
reports storage.
1 Press Windows key + R on the console server box.
2 Run the command "services.msc".
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A screen displays listing all services running on the Console Server box.
3 Locate Airwatch Background Processor Service and select Properties.
A screen displays showing if the service status.
4 Make sure that status of this service is Running. If status is Stopped, ensure to Start the
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File Storage
Certain functionality in Workspace ONE UEM uses a dedicated file storage service to handle
processing and downloads, which reduces the overall burden on the database and improves
performance. Configuring file storage manually is only applicable to on-premises customers. It is
configured automatically for SaaS customers.
It also includes certain reports, internal application deployment, and Workspace ONE UEM-
managed content. When you enable file storage for any of these functionalities, it is applied to
the others automatically. Setting up file storage causes all reports, all internal applications, and all
managed content to be stored there.
Internal Applications
When you enable file storage, all internal application packages that you upload through the
Workspace ONE UEM console are stored in a file storage location.
File storage is required to deploy Win32 applications (IPA, PAK, APPX, MSI, EXE, and so on) and
macOS applications (DMG, PKG, MPKG, and so on) from the Resources area of the Workspace
ONE UEM console. This feature is called software distribution.
Workspace ONE UEM Managed Content
You can separate the managed content from the Workspace ONE UEM database by storing it
in a dedicated file storage location. Uploading large amounts of managed content might cause
issues with database performance. In this case, on-premises customers can free up space in the
database by moving the managed content to an integrated local file storage solution.
File Storage Requirements for your Win32 Applications
If you have a lot of managed content taking up space in the database, Workspace ONE UEM offers
you dedicated file storage. To set up file storage, you must determine the location and storage
capacity, configure network requirements, and create an impersonation account.
Important File Storage is required for Windows Software Distribution.
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Create the Shared Folder on a Server in Your Internal
n File storage can reside on a separate server or the same server as one of the other Workspace
ONE UEM application servers in your internal network. It is only accessible to components that
require access to it, such as Device Services, Console, and API servers.
n If the servers hosting Device Services, Console, & API servers, and the server hosting the
shared folder are not in the same domain, then supply the domain when configuring the
service account in the format <domain\username>. Domain Trust can also be established to
avoid an authentication failure.
Configure the Network Requirements
n If using Samba/SMB – TCP: 445, 137, 139. UDP: 137, 138
n If using NFS – TCP and UDP: 111 and 2049
Allocate Sufficient Hard Disk Capacity
Your specific storage requirements can vary depending on how you plan to use file storage. The
file storage location must have enough space to accommodate the internal applications, managed
content, or reports you intend to use. Take into the account the following considerations.
n If you enable caching for internal applications or content, then a best practice is to size the
Device Services server for 120 percent of the cumulative size of all the apps/content you must
n For storing reports, your storage requirements depend on the number of devices, the daily
number of reports, and the frequency with which you purge them. As a starting point, allocate
at least 50 GB for deployment sizes up to 250,000 devices running about 200 daily reports.
Adjust these numbers based on the actual amount you observe in your deployment. Apply this
sizing to your Console server as well if you enable caching.
Create a Service Account with Correct Permissions
n Create an account in the domain of the shared storage directory.
n Give the local user read/write/modify permissions to the file share that is being used for the
File Storage Path.
n Configure File Storage Impersonation User in Workspace ONE UEM with the domain account
in the format <domain\username>.
n If the shared storage directory is not on a domain, create an identical local user and password
on the server being used for File Storage, Device Services, Console, and API servers. In this
case, supply the local user account in the format <username>.
You can also use a domain service account instead of a local user account.
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Configure File Storage at the Global Organization Group
Configure file storage settings at the Global organization group level in the Workspace ONE UEM
Enable File Storage for Reports
Before you can enjoy the benefits of reports file storage in Workspace ONE UEM, you must enable
and configure file storage.
1 At the Global organization group level, navigate to Groups & Settings > All Settings >
Installation > File Path and scroll to the bottom of the page.
2 Select the File Storage Enabled slider and configure the settings.
When file storage is enabled, you can configure an external repository in which files are
stored. A deactivated setting means that files are stored as binary large objects in the
Setting Description
File Storage Path Enter the path files are to be stored in the following format: \\{Server Name}\{Folder
Name}, where Folder Name is the name of the shared folder you create on the server.
File Storage Caching
If you enable caching, consider accommodating for the amount of space needed on the
File Storage
Select to add a service account with the correct permissions.
File Storage
Provide a valid service account user name to obtain both read and write permissions to the
shared storage directory.
Password Provide a valid service account password to obtain both read and write permissions to the
shared storage directory.
3 Select the Test Connection button to test the configuration.
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Reports Storage
You can optimize the storage of your Workspace ONE UEM reports through reports storage.
While the reports storage feature is separate from file storage, if you currently use file storage,
you do not need to enable reports storage.
This storage is different than file storage used by reports, internal applications, and content. If you
already use file storage, you do not need to enable reports storage. Consider enabling reports
storage if you see a performance impact on your Workspace ONE UEM database when using
reports. Reports storage applies to reports only, helping increase overall reports performance,
and reducing the burden on your
Workspace ONE UEM database.
If you enable both file storage and reports storage, reports storage overrides file storage when
storing reports.
Report storage requires a dedicated server to host the service and storage of the reports.
Reports Storage Requirements
To deploy the reports storage solution and see an improvement in reports performance in
Workspace ONE UEM, ensure that your server meets the requirements.
Note If you are already using File Storage, then Report Storage is available, but not required to
run your deployment. If you configure Reports Storage alongside File Storage, the report files will
prioritize report storage over file storage.
Create the Shared Folder on a Server in Your Internal
n Report storage can reside on a separate server or the same server as one of the
other Workspace ONE UEM application servers in your internal network. Ensure only the
components that require access to the server can access the report storage server, such as
Device Services, Console, and API servers.
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n If the servers hosting Device Services, Console, & API servers, and the server hosting the
shared folder are not in the same domain, then establish Domain Trust between the domains
to avoid an authentication failure. If the Device Services, Console, and API servers are not
joined to any domain, then supplying the domain during service account configuration is
Configure Reports Storage at the Global Organization Group
Configure reports storage settings at the Global organization group level in the Workspace ONE
UEM console.
Create a Service Account with Correct Permissions
n Create an account with read and write permissions to the shared storage directory.
n Create the same local user and password on the Device Services, Console, & API servers, and
the server that is being used for report storage.
n Give the local user read/write/modify permissions to the file share that is being used for the
Report Storage Path.
If you give the user modify permission, Workspace ONE UEM deletes old reports from the
storage. If you do not give the user modify permissions, consider monitoring report storage to
prevent running out of space.
n Configure the Report Storage Impersonation User in Workspace ONE UEM with the local user.
You can also use a domain service account instead of a local user account.
Allocate Sufficient Hard Disk Capacity
Your specific storage requirements can vary depending on how you plan to use reports storage.
Ensure that the reports storage location has enough space to accommodate the reports you
intend to use.
For storing reports, your storage requirements depend on the number of devices, the daily
number of reports, and the frequency with which you purge them. As a starting point, plan to
allocate at least 50 GB for deployment sizes up to 250,000 devices running about 200 daily
reports. Adjust these numbers based on the actual amount you observe in your deployment. Also
apply this sizing to your Console server if you enable caching.
Enable Reports Storage
Enable reports storage to store your reports on a dedicated server and improve the performance
of reports run in Workspace ONE UEM.
You must be in an on-premises environment.
1 Navigate to Groups & Settings > All Settings > Installation > Reports.
2 Set Report Storage Enabled to Enabled.
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3 Configure the report storage settings.
Settings Description
Report Storage File
Enter the path reports are to be stored in the following format: \\{Server Name}\{Folder
Name}, where Folder Name is the name of the shared folder you created on the server.
Report Storage
Caching Enabled
When enabled, files are cached locally on the DS server when accessed for the first time.
Subsequent requests are served using the file cached on the DS server instead of streaming
from the file storage location.
If you enable caching, consider accommodating for the amount of space needed on the
Report Storage
Enabling this option adds a service account with the correct permissions.
Report Storage
Impersonation user
Enter the user name of a valid service account with both read, write, and modify
permissions to the shared storage directory.
Displays when Report Storage Impersonation Enabled is enabled.
Report Storage
Enter the password of a valid service account with both read, write, and modify permissions
to the shared storage directory.
Displays when Report Storage Impersonation Enabled is enabled.
4 Select the Test Connection button to test the configuration.
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