Tilburg University
Intermarriage and the risk of divorce in the Netherlands
Kalmijn, Matthijs; de Graaf, P.M.; Janssen, J.
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Population Studies-A Journal of Demography
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Kalmijn, M., de Graaf, P. M., & Janssen, J. (2005). Intermarriage and the risk of divorce in the Netherlands: The
effects of differences in religion and in nationality, 1974-94.
Population Studies-A Journal of Demography
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Intermarriage and the risk of divorce in the Netherlands:
The effects of differences in religion and in nationality,
Matthijs Kalmijn
; Paul M. de Graaf
; Jacques P. G. Janssen
Tilburg University,
Radboud University Nijmegen,
Medtronic Bakken Research Center,
Online Publication Date: 01 March 2005
To cite this Article: Kalmijn, Matthijs, de Graaf, Paul M. and Janssen, Jacques P. G.
(2005) 'Intermarriage and the risk of divorce in the Netherlands: The effects of
differences in religion and in nationality, 1974-94', Population Studies, 59:1, 71 - 85
To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/0032472052000332719
URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0032472052000332719
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Intermarriage and the risk of divorce in the
Netherlands: The effects of differences in religion and
in nationality, 1974
Matthijs Kalmijn
, Paul M. de Graaf
and Jacques P. G. Janssen
Tilburg University,
Radboud University Nijmegen,
Medtronic Bakken Research Center
A textbook hypothesis about divorce is that heterogamous marriages are more likely to end in divorce
than homogamous marriages. We analyse vital statistics on the population of the Netherlands,
which provide a unique and powerful opportunity to test this hypothesis. All marriages formed
between 1974 and 1984 (nearly 1 million marriages) are traced in the divorce records and multivariate
logistic regression models are used to analyse the effects on divorce of heterogamy in religion and national
origin. Our analyses confirm the hypothesis for marriages that cross the Protestant
/Catholic or the
/Gentile boundary. Heterogamy effects are weaker for marriages involving Protestants or
unaffiliated persons. Marriages between Dutch and other nationalities have a higher risk of divorce, the
more so the greater the cultural differences between the two groups. Overall, the evidence supports
the view that, in the Netherlands, new group boundaries are more difficult to cross than old group
Keywords: divorce; ethnicity; heterogamy; intermarriage; marriage; nationality; religion
[Submitted September 2003; Final version accepted September 2004]
A classic hypothesis about divorce is that when
husband and wife have dissimilar characteristics,
their marriage is more likely to end in divorce.
One reason to expect this relationship is that
differences in religion, ethnicity, and other social
characteristics, are correlated with differences in
tastes, values, and communication styles (Kalmijn
1998). Such differences make it more difficult for
spouses to understand each other, reduce the
number of activities they enjoy doing together,
and limit the degree to which they can confirm
each other’s values and world-views. A second
reason to expect divorce to be more likely is that
marrying someone with different characteristics
implies crossing a social boundary in society.
Because marrying outside the group is often norma-
tively disapproved of, mixed marriages may receive
less support from the social networks of the respec-
tive spouses than other marriages. Although lack
of social support does not necessarily make a
marriage unstable or unhappy, support or disap-
proval from friends and family members probably
does make a difference when the relationship is
The notion that heterogamy increases the prob-
ability of the marriage ending in divorce is a ‘text-
book hypothesis’ in the social sciences and is widely
believed to be true in the general public (Glenn et
al. 1974). Several designs have been used to test the
hypothesis. The oldest studies relied on vital statis-
tics and matched divorce records to marriage
records (Monahan and Kephart 1954; Burchinal
and Chancellor 1963). Using information about
brides and grooms that is included on the marriage
record, these studies were able to assess whether
mixed marriages had a higher risk of divorce than
other marriages. Later studies relied on cross-
sectional survey data and used measures of per-
ceived marital stability or marital satisfaction as a
dependent variable (Heaton 1984; Shehan et al.
1990). The most recent studies used prospectiveor
retrospective longitudinal survey data and applied
regression models to compare the probability of
divorce for heterogamous and homogamous couples
Population Studies, Vol. 59, No. 1, 2005, pp. 71
ISSN 0032-4728 print/ISSN 1477-4747 online/05/010071-15 # 2005 Population Investigation Committee
DOI: 10.1080/0032472052000332719
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(Schwertfeger 1982; Lehrer and Chiswick 1993;
Jones 1996).
What does the evidence show to date? The
heterogamy hypothesis has been studied for a range
of characteristics, including education (Tynes 1990),
social class (Glenn et al. 1974; Jalovaara 2003),
religion, and ethnicity. Our focus is on religion and
ethnicity and we therefore limit our overview to
these two. Studies using actual divorce risks as the
outcome generally find support for the hypothesis,
although most of the studies are now rather old
(Bumpass and Sweet 1972; Becker et al. 1977;
Michael 1979; Lehrer 1996; Bru¨ derl and Engelhardt
1997). An important recent study comes from the
USA (Lehrer and Chiswick 1993). Using a retro-
spective survey with detailed information on de-
nominations, Lehrer and Chiswick show, among
other things, that a marriage between a Catholic
and a Protestant has a higher divorce risk than that
of a marriage between two Catholics or between two
Protestants. In addition, a marriage between mem-
bers of different Protestant denominations also has a
higher divorce risk.
An important recent study of the ethnic dimen-
sion of the heterogamy hypothesis has been con-
ducted in Hawaii (Jones 1996). In this analysis, Jones
analyses two Asian ethnic groups and shows that
there are large differences between these groups in
the risk of divorce. However, in ethnically mixed
marriages, the risk of divorce was in between the risk
for the two types of homogamous marriage between
similar individuals in the same ethnic group. Jones
interprets this as a convergence between groups
rather than a heterogamy effect (Jones 1996). A
recent European study focusing on linguistic hetero-
gamy finds that marriages between a Swedish-
speaking and a Finnish-speaking person havea
divorce risk that is a little above the highest level
of the two language groups, and concludes in favour
of the heterogamy hypothesis (Finna¨s 1997).
In sum, the evidence that religious and ethnic
heterogamy affects the risk of divorce is moderately
positive. The evidence accumulated in the USA is
substantial, at least for religious intermarriage. Little
is known about the relationship in European coun-
tries because less research has been done on the
issue in these countries. In this paper, we present an
examination of the effect on divorce of heterogamy
in religion or nationality, by analysing vital statistics
for the Netherlands. By matching marriage records
and divorce records from the population registers of
all Dutch municipalities, we are able to assess
whether heterogamous marriages are more likely
than homogamous marriages to end in divorce. An
obvious drawback of these data is that the number of
characteristics on the marriage record is limited; the
individual characteristics in our data are religion,
nationality, age, and previous marital status. Despite
this drawback, we believe that vital statistics provide
a powerful opportunity to test the heterogamy
hypothesis. The data cover the entire population of
marriages in a given period rather than a sample of
marriages and the number of marriages we are able
to analyse is therefore quite large (nearly 1 million).
Another advantage of our data is that they are
prospective rather that retrospective. Hence, our
measures of religiosity will not be coloured by recall
bias. In sum, in this paper, we restore one of the
older methods for evaluating the heterogamy effect,
a method we believe was abandoned too soon.
The case of the Netherlands is a particularly
interesting one because of its tradition of pillariza-
tion (the segmentation of Dutch society into four
dominant interest groups based on religion or
ideology and class) that has made the social, institu-
tional, and geographical boundaries between reli-
gious groups quite strong. The period of pillarization
was strongest in the first half of the twentieth
century but the period since the 1950s has been
characterized by rapid secularization. Church mem-
bership declined for all groups except for the most
orthodox Protestant groups, church attendance
among church members declined, traditional reli-
gious beliefs became less common, and religious
intermarriage increased (Hendrickx et al. 1991;
Becker and Vink 1994; Felling et al. 2000). In
comparison with the USA or with Southern Europe,
the Netherlands is now relatively secular and it has
experienced stronger trends in this respect than
other countries (Halman and Riis 1999; Stark
1999). The religious groups we consider in our
work are: (i) Catholics, (ii) ‘Dutch Reformed
Protestants’ (referred to as Reformed ), (iii) ‘Re-
Reformed Protestants’ (referred to as Orthodox),
(iv) Jews, and (v) Unaffiliated persons. These
represent the largest groups in the Netherlands
(with the exception of Jews, who form a very small
The role of nationality in the Netherlands is
different from that in traditional immigrant societies.
The most important immigrant groups in the Nether-
lands are the Moroccans and the Turks. Both these
groups were initially recruited as labour immigrants
during the 1960s and 1970s, and both have since then
grown in size, partly through family reunification in
the 1980s and partly through the marrying of spouses
from abroad in the 1990s. The two groups are
nonetheless small, constituting about 4 per cent of
72 Matthijs Kalmijn et al.
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the population. Levels of intermarriage remain very
low and many Turks and Moroccans marry a spouse
from abroad (Esveldt and Schoorl 1998; Harmsen
1998; Van Huis and Steenhof 2003). The ethnic
groups we consider in our analyses are: (a) Mor-
occan, (b) Turkish, (c) Western European, (d)
Southern European, and (e) Dutch. We use nation-
ality to measure ethnicity but, recognizing that
nationality is a narrow definition of ethnicity, we
use the term ‘nationality intermarriage’ rather than
‘ethnic intermarriage’ to refer to marriages between
partners of different national origin.
We analyse religion and nationality in one study
because they represent old and new bases for group
identification and group solidarity in society. Owing
to secularization on the one hand, and increasing
immigration on the other, we suspect that in
contemporary times religious boundaries are less
salient than ethnic boundaries. As a consequence,
we also believe that intermarriage across religious
boundaries will have a weaker impact on divorce
than intermarriage across nationality boundaries.
Theoretical background and hypotheses
The general hypothesis we test is that marriages
between individuals who differ in religion or nation-
ality have a higher risk of divorce than homogamous
marriages. The underlying reasoning is that differ-
ences in these characteristics will make it more
difficult for partners to understand each other, will
make it more difficult for them to make joint
decisions (e.g., about childbearing and upbringing),
and will lead to more disapproval from their
immediate social world. In further specifying this
hypothesis, we need to take into account the fact
that religious groups and nationalities also have
different risks of divorce. More orthodox religious
groups tend to have a lower risk of divorce than
more liberal groups and the unaffiliated generally
have more unstable marriages than the various
religious groups (Lehrer and Chiswick 1993; Booth
et al. 1995; Wagner and Weiss 2003; Kalmijn et al.
2004). Similarly, there may be differences among
nationality groups in the risk of divorce, depending,
for example, on the value orientation of the sending
country (Jones 1996).
We therefore introduce two hypotheses. The first
hypothesis is the main-effects hypothesis, which
argues that the more traditional the value orienta-
tion of a religious or national origin group, the lower
the risk of divorce. In the Netherlands, the Orthodox
Protestants are the most traditional, the Unaffiliated
are the most liberal, and the Reformed Protestants
and Catholics are in between these extremes (Felling
et al. 2000). The position of Jews in the list is more
difficult to determine but is probably somewhere at
the more liberal end of the continuum (Van Solinge
and De Vries 2001). Using data from the World
Values Studies and from immigrant surveys in the
Netherlands, we expect that Moroccan and Turkish
persons are more traditional, that Western Eur-
opean and Dutch persons are the most liberal, and
that Southern Europeans are in between (Inglehart
1997; Uunk 2003).
Our second hypothesis concerns the effect of the
spouses’ religion and national origin, and argues that
when the religions or national origins of the two
spouses are dissimilar, the risk of divorce is higher.
We call this the heterogamy hypothesis. Assuming
that the main-effects hypothesis is valid, we need to
decide what constitutes evidence for the heterogamy
hypothesis. If the divorce risk of a mixed marriage
(between, say, a member of group A and a member
of group B) is higher than the divorce risk of AA
marriages but lower than the divorce risk of BB
marriages, we argue that adaptation is taking place.
The behaviour of those couples is in between the two
groups, and one can argue that this is simply the
average of the two group effects and not a hetero-
gamy effect (Jones 1996). To analyse real hetero-
gamy effects, we employ both a strong and a weak
form of the heterogamy hypothesis. According to
the strong heterogamy hypothesis, AB marriages will
haveadivorce risk that is higher than the maximum
divorce risk of AA and BB marriages. For example,
we expect that a marriage between a Catholic and an
unaffiliated person will haveadivorce risk that is
higher than the (already) high risk for unaffiliated
couples. According to the weak heterogamy hypoth-
esis, AB marriages will haveadivorce risk that is
higher than the average risk of AA and BB
marriages. In our example, the risk of the mixed
group will be higher than the average of the low risk
for Catholics and the high risk for unaffiliated
There are different types of heterogamous mar-
riages and this allows us to formulate two additional
hypotheses (cf., Lehrer and Chiswick 1993). One of
these is that the more dissimilar are two groups in
their value orientation, the higher the risk of
divorce. This implies that the highest risk of divorce
will be observed for mixed marriages when one
partner is Orthodox and the other unaffiliated. The
lowest risk will be observed for a marriage in which
one partner is Catholic and the other Reformed. The
other mixed marriages will be in between these two
Intermarriage and the risk of divorce 73
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extremes. For nationality groups, we expect the
highest risk for mixed marriages between Dutch
and Moroccan spouses or between Dutch and
Turkish spouses. A somewhat lower risk will exist
for a marriage between a Dutch spouse and one
from Southern Europe, and the lowest risk will exist
for a marriage in which one spouse is Dutch and the
other a Western European immigrant.
A second hypothesis is that there can also be a
social boundary between religious or nationality
groups, regardless of the value orientation they
have. We would expect that the stronger the social
boundary between groups, the higher the risk of
divorce. When social boundaries are strong, the
support for the marriage in the social worlds of the
two spouses will be weaker and this may lead to a
higher risk of divorce. This line of reasoning applies
most clearly to the contrast between Catholics and
Protestants, which has historically been an important
divide both in the Netherlands and elsewhere
(Lenski 1961; Hendrickx et al. 1991; Kalmijn
1991). We would therefore expect marriages be-
tween Catholics and Orthodox or Reformed spouses
(both Protestant) to be more unstable than other
mixed marriages. A similar argument applies to the
position of Jews. When looking at intermarriage in
the Netherlands, there appears to be a clear social
divide between Jews and other groups (Ultee and
Luijkx 1998; Van Solinge and De Vries 2001). Hence
we expect mixed marriages involving Jews to be
more unstable than other mixed marriages.
The hypothesized effects of social boundaries and
value differences may both apply at the same time.
In Table 1, we present our predictions in a more
systematic fashion. The assumed cultural distances
in Table 1 are indicated by the letter A and the
assumed social boundaries by the letter B. In most
cases, the combined implications of the two hypoth-
eses are clear, but there are also cases when
predictions cannot be made. Marriages between
the equally traditional Catholics and Reformed
Protestants may be more or less stable than mar-
riages between Reformed and Orthodox Protestants,
depending on whether it is the social boundary or
the value differences that have the greater effect.
A potential problem of interpretation in the
analysis of heterogamy effects is that heterogamous
marriages may have confounding characteristics that
predispose them to higher divorce rates. This is
probably most likely to occur in the case of religion.
It is likely that religiously heterogamous couples
attach less meaning than homogamous religious
couples to religious norms and values. Since fidelity
to religious norms and values reduces the risk of
divorce, mixed couples may be more likely to
divorce, not because they have dissimilar tastes and
values, but because they are less religious (Shehan
et al. 1990). Although the causal nature of the
influence of heterogamy can best be studied in
longitudinal surveys, our register data contain a
unique variable allowing us to rule out a substantial
part of this competing religious interpretation. More
specifically, we know whether couples married in
church, and this gives us information about the
degree to which couples observed religious norms
and values at the time of their wedding. If the
heterogamy hypothesis is true, we would expect the
effect of religious heterogamy to be present both for
couples who did not marry in church and for couples
who did.
Another potential problem lies in the possibility
of conversion. Heterogamous couples may become
homogamous before their wedding if one spouse
switches to the faith of the other. Religious switching
is a frequent response to intermarriage and it can
occur both before and after marriage (Sherkat
1991). Lehrer and Chiswick (1993) found that
marriages in which conversion had taken place
were equally stable and in some cases more stable
than homogamous marriages. This can be due to
such couples having a stronger religious orientation.
Alternatively, we can regard conversion as an
investment in the relationship and assume that
only someone in a very strong relationship would
be willing to make such an investment. The data we
use do not allow us to examine conversions, but we
Table 1 Sources of possible differences in divorce risks between spouses in mixed marriages in the Netherlands:
orientation (A) and social boundary (B)
Unaffiliated Catholic Reformed Orthodox Jewish
Catholic A /
Reformed A B /
Orthodox 2A A/BA /
Jewish B A/BA/B2A/B /
Reformed are ‘Dutch Reformed Protestants’, Orthodox are ‘Re-Reformed Protestants’.
74 Matthijs Kalmijn et al.
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do need to consider the bias that may stem from
including in the homogamous category couples in
which one spouse converted before marriage. If we
could have classified the convert marriages as
/which would probably have been
more true to the facts*
/the risk of divorce in the
homogamous group would probably not have chan-
ged but the risk of divorce in the heterogamous
group would have declined. Hence, we are probably
overestimating the heterogamy effect somewhat.
A partly similar problem lies in the effect of
naturalization. We are using nationality to define
groups, and a small segment of immigrants are
naturalized (CBS 1997). Like conversion, naturaliza-
tion can be a response to the entry into a mixed
marriage. If naturalization occurs before marriage,
the marriage will be classified as homogamous when
in fact it is mixed. Naturalization can also occur for
other reasons, however, and in such cases, the
possibility exists that some of our mixed marriages
may in fact be homogamous, that is, between a
naturalized and a non-naturalized immigrant. Be-
cause both misclassifications may occur, it is unclear
what the direction of the bias would be. We are not
aware of studies that investigate the relationship
between naturalization and intermarriage.
Our final hypothesis concerns the timing of
divorce. We compare divorce after the first 5 years
with divorce in the next 5 years for marriages still
intact after the first 5 years. If religious or nationality
differences form an impediment to the viability of
the marriage, we think this will probably become
apparent early on in the marriage. Later in the
marriage, such differences will either have been
/people can learn to live with their differ-
ences and the social surrounding can gradually
become more accepting of the marriage *
/or the
marriages with the greatest differences will not
have survived, leaving a less divorce-prone hetero-
gamous group behind (South and Spitze 1986). For
that reason, we expect the heterogamy effect to be
more pronounced in the first 5 years than in the
All municipalities in the Netherlands provide in-
formation about all marriages and divorces regis-
tered in their municipality. For our analysis, we
consider all marriages formed in the period 1974
and we trace these marriages in the divorce records
for the period 1974
/94. This design enables us to
assess the risk of divorce in the first 10 years of
marriage. For the earlier marriages, we could also
examine divorce risks at longer durations, but for the
sake of simplicity, we focus on the 10-year risk only.
Note that divorces that occurred abroad cannot be
studied with the data at hand, which may lead to an
underestimation of the divorce risk for foreign
nationality groups.
To match divorce to marriage records, we used a
combination of characteristics that are available in
both files: the municipality of the marriage, the exact
date of the marriage, and the years of birth of both
spouses. In combination, these characteristics pro-
vide an almost unique key; only 3 per cent of the
marriages in the period 1974
/84 have a duplicate
key. We removed these duplicates before tracing
marriages in the divorce records. After these pre-
parations, the total number of marriages that we
could analyse was 931,198. Of these marriages,
116,269 (12.5 per cent) were divorced within 10
The accuracy of the matching operation was
vulnerable to registration and coding errors. The
only way of assessing the number of errors was by
tracing ‘in reverse’, that is, tracing from divorce to
marriage records. For every divorce, we should have
been able to find a marriage, and the number of
marriages we were unable to find provides a clue to
the quality of our matching procedure. Of the
divorces in the period 1974
/94 (occurring to mar-
riages registered in 1974
/84), we were able to find
92 per cent in the 1974
/84 marriage records. We
conclude that, although it was not 100 per cent
accurate, the matching operation was relatively
Measurement of religion and national origin
All characteristics of husband and wife are taken
from the marriage registration data and refer to the
time of marriage. With respect to church affiliation,
seven categories are available: no church affiliation,
Roman Catholic, Reformed, Orthodox, Otherwise
Protestant, Jewish, and Other/Unknown. A possible
disadvantage of our measure is that some people
may have abandoned their religious affiliation with-
out officially reporting this on the municipal regis-
tration form on the day of their wedding. We do not
believe this is a problem, however. Survey data of
the 1970s and 1980s indicate that, in the period
under investigation, about 25
/30 per cent of the
population were not church members (Becker and
Vink 1994), and these figures correspond quite well
Intermarriage and the risk of divorce 75
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with the number of non-church members in the
marriage files.
Our approach to nationality intermarriage is
based on the information available on the marriage
record: the nationality of husband and wife. Nation-
ality is recoded into six categories: Dutch, Western
Europe, Southern Europe (Portugal, Spain, Italy, the
former Yugoslavia, and Greece), Turkey, Morocco,
and Other. As noted earlier, nationality is a rela-
tively narrow definition of ethnicity. In the 1990s,
about a third of first-generation Turks and about a
quarter of first-generation Moroccans had Dutch
nationality (CBS 1997). When someone has both
Dutch and a foreign nationality, Statistics Nether-
lands codes this on the marriage record as Dutch
nationality. For the second generation, the percen-
tages of Turks and Moroccans with Dutch nation-
ality are somewhat higher than for the first
The ‘Other’ categories of the religion and nation-
ality variables cannot be differentiated further.
Since these categories are heterogeneous, their
marriage parameters are difficult to interpret and
we do not present them in the tables and text.
Because the ‘Other Protestant’ group is also
mixed, containing both liberal and more fundamen-
talist groups, we do not use marriages with a spouse
in this category for testing the heterogamy hypoth-
esis. We do keep all the ‘Other’ categories
in the analyses. We do not have a special category
for Islam in the data. Since virtually all Turks
and Moroccans in the Netherlands are Islamic
(Van Tubergen 2003), analysing these two dimen-
sions simultaneously would not yield more informa-
The percentage distribution of brides and grooms
married between 1974 and 1984 by religion, nation-
ality, and other characteristics is presented in
Table 2.
In the analyses we look at the observed divorce risks
after 10 years of marriage for every combination of
church affiliation and nationality. Next we look at
divorce risks obtained from a logistic regression
model, in which the influence of the two types of
heterogamy are analysed simultaneously, and in
which we also statistically control for other demo-
graphic characteristics. We initially focus on the
contrast between divorce and no divorce within 10
years. To test our hypothesis about the timing of
divorce, we estimate the model separately for
divorce after the first 5 years and for divorce in
the ensuing 5 years for marriages still intact after the
first 5 years. We abstain from applying event history
techniques, primarily because it was not possible to
estimate such models with the sample size available.
Since we do not have time-varying covariates, we do
not think this is an important disadvantage.
Our logistic regression model contains the two
central independent variables: (i) a set of 48
/7 categories minus 1 reference category)
dummy variables for the combination of husband’s
and wife’s church affiliation, (ii) a set of 35 (6
minus 1) dummy variables for the combination of
husband’s and wife’s nationality. These dummy
Table 2 Percentage distribution of brides and grooms
married in the Netherlands 1974
/84, by religion, nation-
ality, and other characteristics
Husband Wife
Religion None
26.6 25.0
41.7 42.9
17.9 18.4
9.2 9.5
Other Protestant
0.7 0.7
0.1 0.1
3.8 3.4
Nationality Dutch
95.5 96.0
1.3 1.2
0.6 0.4
0.4 0.3
0.3 0.2
1.8 2.0
Age B
2.0 14.9
48.4 58.8
32.7 16.9
9.4 5.4
3.9 2.3
2.1 1.1
1.4 0.5
Previous marital status Never married
90.3 91.5
0.7 0.4
9.1 8.0
Married in church Yes 51.0
No 49.0
Population size in
/100,000 17.6
municipality of 50,000
/100,000 19.9
marriage 20,000
/50,000 20.0
/20,000 22.7
/10,000 19.0
Source: Marriage and Divorce Files, Statistics Netherlands
(CBS), N
/931,198. Province and year of marriage not
76 Matthijs Kalmijn et al.
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variables capture both the main effects and the
interaction effects. The model also contains the
following control variables: (i) a set of 48 dummy
variables for the combination of husband’s and
wife’s age group at marriage, (ii) a set of 8 dummy
variables for the combination of husband’s and
wife’s previous marital status, (iiii) a set of 10
dummy variables for each year of marriage, (iv)a
set of 4 dummy variables for the degree of urbaniza-
tion of the municipality in which the marriage took
place, (v) a set of 11 dummy variables for the
province in which the marriage took place.
Using the parameters of this model, we calculate
predicted divorce risks. To calculate the predicted
risk, all the independent values were set at a mean
value and the marital-status variable was set to the
most common value (never married). The corrected
risks give us the possibility of determining the net
contribution of heterogamy in religion and nation-
ality, which is necessary since these types of hetero-
gamy may be correlated with other variables. It is
also important to consider nationality and religion in
one model because the religious composition of the
nationally mixed marriages will not be random. For
example, it is plausible that the native spouse of
someone of different national origin will be unaffi-
liated, and this alone will already lead to a relatively
high risk of divorce. We note that not all combina-
tions will be present in the data (e.g., there will be
few Catholic Turks). This would be a statistical
problem only if interaction effects between religion
and nationality on divorce were considered, but we
do not consider them.
Note that the data do not allow us to detect
mortality. If one or both spouses die, the marriage is
treated as ‘not divorced’. Although we did not
expect strong biases from mortality in the effects
of heterogamy on divorce, we still decided to limit
our analysis to marriages in which both spouses were
younger than age 50 at the time of marriage.
Because we focus on the first 10 years of marriage,
this reduces mortality effects considerably. Survival
chances between ages 50 and 60 are high in the
/90 per cent for men and 93 per cent
for women.
Analyses and results
In Table 3 we show the 10-year probabilities of
divorce for marriages representing all combinations
of husband’s and wife’s religious affiliation. Table 7
shows the probabilities for all combinations of
husband’s and wife’s nationality. When testing our
hypotheses, we draw attention to the corrected risks
of divorce. Tables 4
/6 present results from the
models focusing on the effects of religious hetero-
gamy. Tables 8 and 9 present information on the
effects of nationality differences between husband
and wife.
Table 3 shows the risk of divorce by the religious
affiliation of husband and wife and the frequencies
of occurrence of all combinations of religious
affiliation in marriages in the Netherlands between
1974 and 1984. It is clear that most people marry
within their own group. Since intermarriage is highly
dependent on the relative size of a group*
groups being less able to marry endogamously*
need to use odds ratios to measure differences in the
likelihood of marriage within the same group
(Kalmijn 1998). The odds ratios, which are not
presented in Table 3, can be defined as the odds
that, for example, a Catholic marries a Catholic
(rather than a non-Catholic) divided by the odds
that a non-Catholic marries a Catholic (rather than a
non-Catholic). The odds ratios are highest for the
Jews (759) and the more orthodox segment of the
Protestant church, the Orthodox (31). The odds
ratios are also strong for the Catholics (19), perhaps
as a result of geographic segregation. The Reformed,
which is the most liberal religious group in the
Netherlands, have the lowest odds ratio (10), even
lower than the non-church members (12).
Table 3 also allows us to test the main-effects
hypothesis. To do this, we focus on the observed
divorce risks of homogamous couples (on the
diagonal). Homogamous marriages between non-
church members have the highest risk of divorce:
18.6 per cent divorce within 10 years. The 10-year
divorce risks are lowest for the three main religious
groups in the Netherlands: 9.7 per cent for Catholics,
6.7 per cent for the Reformed, and 4.5 per cent for
the Orthodox. The 10-year divorce risk is 16.9 per
cent for marriages among Jews. This order of divorce
risks is in line with our main-effects hypothesis. The
Unaffiliated (and the Jews) are the most liberal in
their value orientations and consequently have the
highest risk, whereas the Orthodox are the most
traditional and consequently have the lowest risk.
The divorce risk of Catholics is somewhat higher
than expected, however.
Is the risk of divorce higher for heterogamous
marriages? To assess the impact of heterogamy,
Intermarriage and the risk of divorce 77
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we need to compare each mixed combination in two
/with the maximum risk of divorce in the two
corresponding homogamous groups, and with the
average risk of divorce in the two groups. These
comparisons are made directly in Table 4. The first
column of numbers shows the divorce percentage for
the mixed group, the second shows, as a ratio, the
deviation of this percentage from the maximum
level, and the third shows, again as a ratio, the
deviation of this percentage from the average level.
Thus, a deviation with a value over one indicates a
heterogamy effect. Note that because we have
population data, significance tests for these ratios
are not applicable.
We first look at the average of the ratios of all the
combinations, presented at the bottom of Table 4.
These averages show that support for the hetero-
gamy hypothesis is weak. The overall deviation from
the maximum is 1.06, and the overall deviation from
the average is 1.29. Hence, for all mixed marriages
combined, we find little support for the strong
heterogamy hypothesis but clear support for the
weak heterogamy hypothesis. These figures merely
present a summary of the results and do not reveal
effects that may exist for specific combinations.
When we look at combinations involving two
religious groups, there is clearer evidence for a
heterogamy effect. The strongest effects are ob-
served for marriages between Catholics and Protes-
tants. Marriages between a Catholic and an
Orthodox person havea16
/22 per cent higher risk
than the maximum and a 51
/57 per cent higher risk
than the average (depending on whether the hus-
band or the wife is the Catholic). Similarly, a
marriage between a Catholic and a Reformed
person (the most common mixed combination
between church members) has a 20
/22 per cent
higher risk of divorce than the maximum level and
about a 34
/36 per cent higher risk of divorce than
the average level. These deviations are clear and
consistent with the heterogamy hypothesis. Less
convincing evidence exists for the combination of
different Protestant denominations. Marriages be-
tween the Reformed and the Orthodox, another
common combination, have a higher risk of divorce
only when they are compared to the average level (a
deviation of 16
/27 per cent). When we compare the
divorce risks of marriages within the Protestant
Churches to the maximum level of divorce, no effect
can be observed. In other words, religiously mixed
combinations of Protestants and Catholics show a
heterogamy effect but combinations within the
Protestant Churches do not. These findings point
more strongly in the direction of the hypothesis
about a social divide than towards a difference in
value orientations. Catholics and Reformed Protes-
tants do not have very different values, but they do
experience a sharp, historically grown, social bound-
ary. Their divorce risk is consequently high. Re-
formed and Orthodox Protestants do not havea
Table 3 Observed 10-year probabilities (percentages) of divorce for marriages representing all combinations of husband’s
and wife’s religion in the period 1974
/84, the Netherlands (number of marriages in parentheses)
Religion of wife
Religion of husband Unaffiliated Catholic Reformed Orthodox
Protestant Jewish
Unaffiliated 18.6 16.9 13.6 13.2 18.0 32.4
(162,221) (42,680) (27,401) (9,756) (1,875) (204)
Catholic 18.3 9.7 12.0 12.4 18.8 26.3
(34,956) (307,713) (31,575) (8,485) (1,949) (133)
Reformed 14.5 12.4 6.7 7.3 13.2
(22,230) (33,071) (89,836) (17,734) (1,310) (65)
Orthodox 14.0 12.0 6.7 4.5 11.7
(7,327) (8,527) (17,791) (50,531) (472) (27)
Other Protestant 17.7 14.0 11.2 10.0 11.7
(1,285) (1,774) (1,286) (468) (1,081) (3)
Jewish 34.4 27.6 23.1
/ / 16.9
(337) (196) (130) (60) (12) (278)
Note: For cells in which N B
/100, percentages were not calculated. ‘Other’ categories not presented in the table.
Source: As shown in Table 2.
78 Matthijs Kalmijn et al.
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sharp social divide. They do have very different
values but this difference does not increase their
divorce risk.
Another very common type of mixed marriage is a
marriage between a religious person and someone
not affiliated to any church. In Table 4, we observe
that these mixed marriages provide less support for
the heterogamy hypothesis. First of all, the level of
divorce in these types of marriages is never higher
than the maximum level. More specifically, when we
compare these couples to marriages between two
unaffiliated persons, the latter always have the
highest risk. Following Jones (1996), this suggests
that some form of adaptation is taking place.
Second, when we compare mixed marriages invol-
ving unaffiliated persons to the average level of
divorce in the two corresponding homogamous
unions, we do find some heterogamy effects but
these are not always very strong: 11
/12 per cent
higher when marrying a Reformed Protestant, 20
24 per cent higher when marrying an Orthodox
Protestant, and 11
/18 per cent higher when marry-
ing a Catholic. The findings are partly in line with
the hypothesis about differences in value orienta-
tions. The sharpest differences in value orientations
are between unaffiliated and Orthodox groups,
and these also have the highest deviation from
the average. We should note, however, that this
conclusion does not apply to deviations from the
Because our database is so large, we can also focus
on small religious groups in Dutch society. As is
clear from Table 4, evidence for heterogamy effects
is strongest for the Jewish combinations, especially
when the husband is Jewish. Marriages between a
Catholic wife and a Jewish husband have a 45 per
Table 4 Corrected
10-year probabilities of divorce for religiously heterogamous couples compared with corrected
probabilities for homogamous couples, the Netherlands, marriages 1974
Ratio of corrected divorce risk to
maximum/average risk in
corresponding homogamous
Religious affiliation of spouses Type of mix
probability of
divorce (per cent)
Ratio to
Ratio to
Unaffiliated Catholic H
14.3 0.917 1.113
15.1 0.978 1.175
Unaffiliated Reformed H
13.1 0.840 1.110
13.2 0.846 1.119
Unaffiliated Orthodox H
12.6 0.808 1.200
13.0 0.833 1.238
Unaffiliated Jewish H
15.7 1.006 1.189
18.8 1.205 1.424
Catholic Reformed H
12.1 1.198 1.337
12.3 1.218 1.359
Catholic Orthodox H
12.2 1.208 1.574
11.7 1.158 1.510
Catholic Jewish H
12.2 1.130 1.167
15.7 1.454 1.502
Reformed Orthodox H
8.5 1.063 1.269
7.8 0.975 1.164
Reformed Jewish H
13.1 1.213 1.394
/ / /
1.062 1.285
Probabilities corrected using logistic regression with the following variables: combination of husband’s and wife’s religious
affiliation, national origin, age, and marital status, and the province and urbanization of the place of marriage.
Note: H means husband, W means wife. H
/W means the first column applies to the husband and the second column applies
to the wife.
Source: As shown in Table 2.
Intermarriage and the risk of divorce 79
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cent higher risk of divorce than the maximum and a
50 per cent higher risk than the average. Even more
striking is the fact that heterogamy effects are also
found for combinations involving unaffiliated per-
sons. Marriages between a Jewish husband and an
unaffiliated wife have a 21 per cent higher risk of
divorce than marriages between two unaffiliated
persons, and a 42 per cent higher risk than the
average for homogamous marriages of unaffiliated
persons and of Jews. These findings are clearly more
in line with the hypothesis about social boundaries
than with the hypothesis about value differences.
Both Jews and unaffiliated persons are liberal in
their values and behaviour, as can also be seen in
their divorce behaviour, but a mix between them
nonetheless increases the chance of divorce.
To test our hypothesis about the duration of
marriage, we re-analyse the model for two divorce
risks: the risk in the first 5 years, and the conditional
risk in the second 5 years. To simplify the inter-
pretation, we use a more basic model for this
analysis. The model focuses only on the four large
religious denominations and ignores the asymme-
tries in the effects of heterogamy.
Table 5 shows small differences in the effects of
heterogamy on the risk of divorce at different points
in the marriage. For example, couples in which one
spouse is Catholic and the other unaffiliated havea
17 per cent higher-than-average risk of divorce in the
first 5 years and a 13 per cent higher risk in the next
5 years. Comparing the percentages for other
combinations leads to similar conclusions: differ-
ences are either absent or small. This evidence
contradicts our hypothesis.
To what extent can the effect of heterogamy be
attributed to mixed couples being less religious? To
answer this question, we incorporate information on
whether couples married in church. Table 6 shows
the effects of religious intermarriage on the risk of
divorce for couples who married in church and for
other couples. We present the results for the first
5 years only.
The results in Table 6 first show that heterogamy
effects also exist for couples who did not marry in
Table 6 Comparison of ratios of corrected
divorce risk to maximum and average risk in corresponding homogamous
groups in religiously heterogamous marriages for couples who married in church and those who did not, the Netherlands,
marriages 1974
Ratio to maximum Ratio to average
Religious affiliation of spouses In church Not in church In church Not in church
Unaffiliated Catholic 0.808 1.027 1.042 1.018
Unaffiliated Reformed 0.777 0.867 1.117 1.068
Unaffiliated Orthodox 0.769 0.860 1.198 1.111
Catholic Reformed 1.120 0.905 1.310 1.121
Catholic Orthodox 1.104 0.863 1.456 1.122
Reformed Orthodox 1.088 1.183 1.260 1.260
Average 0.944 0.951 1.230 1.117
See footnote to Table 4.
Source: As shown in Table 2.
Table 5 Comparison of ratios of corrected
divorce risk to maximum and average risk in corresponding homogamous
groups in religiously heterogamous marriages in the first and second 5 years of marriage, the Netherlands, marriages 1974
Ratio to maximum Ratio to average
Religious affiliation of spouses 0
/5 years 6/10 years 0/5 years 6 /10 years
Unaffiliated Catholic
0.957 0.917 1.174 1.130
Unaffiliated Reformed
0.854 0.827 1.148 1.101
Unaffiliated Orthodox
0.804 0.821 1.261 1.200
Catholic Reformed
1.218 1.243 1.374 1.374
Catholic Orthodox
1.096 1.275 1.526 1.599
Reformed Orthodox
1.007 1.047 1.288 1.207
0.989 1.022 1.295 1.269
See footnote to Table 4.
Source: As shown in Table 2.
80 Matthijs Kalmijn et al.
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church. For example, couples in which one spouse is
Catholic and the other spouse is Reformed havea
12 per cent higher-than-average risk of divorce if
they did not marry in church. Next, we observe that
the effects of heterogamy are generally higher if
couples married in church. For example, the divorce
risk of a Catholic
/Reformed couple is 31 per cent
higher than average if the couple married in church.
Similar differences are found for other combina-
tions. The unweighted average of the heterogamy
effects is 12 per cent for couples who did not marry
in church and 23 per cent for couples who married in
church. Our conclusion is that the heterogamy
effects are only partially spurious. Part of the overall
heterogamy effect is due to mixed couples being less
religious (as indicated by whether the wedding was
in church). But since, even for couples who did not
marry in church, a heterogamy effect occurs, the
effect of heterogamy cannot be attributed comple-
tely to the selectivity of religiously heterogamous
In Table 7, we present the absolute numbers of
nationality combinations and their observed divorce
risks. In Table 8, we present our calculations of the
heterogamy effects. The frequencies in Table 7 show
that the percentages of mixed marriages vary greatly
from group to group. The Turkish and the Moroc-
cans have the highest degree of endogamy. Of
the Turkish who married in the Netherlands between
1974 and 1984, 74 per cent of marriages were
endogamous. For Moroccans, the figure is 54 per
cent. Percentages for Western Europeans and South-
ern Europeans are much lower (14 and 21 per cent,
respectively). Odds ratios (not presented in the
table) reveal that all groups are more likely
than expected to marry within their own group,
and that the Turkish group is most closed (8,421),
followed by the Moroccans (1,992), the Southern
Europeans (68), the Western Europeans (15), and
the Dutch (12). Finally, we observe in Table 7 the
well-known tendency toward gender asymmetry:
if there are ethnically mixed couples, it is
usually minority men marrying Dutch women, and
not the other way around (cf., Kalmijn 1993; Qian
To test the main-effects hypothesis, we first look
at the diagonal in Table 7. The divorce risk of
homogamous marriages between two spouses who
have Dutch nationality is the highest (11.4 per cent).
Marriages of Western Europeans and marriages of
Southern Europeans have a lower risk of divorce
(7.6 and 9.3, respectively). In line with what
one would expect on the basis of traditional value
orientations, we find that Turkish marriages
and Moroccan marriages have the lowest risk of
Table 7 Observed 10-year probabilities (percentages) of divorce for marriages representing all combinations of husband’s
and wife’s nationality in the period 1974
/84, the Netherlands (number of marriages in parentheses)
Nationality of wife
Nationality of husband Dutch
European Turkish Moroccan
Dutch 11.4 22.3 28.1 39.2 63.6
(862,995) (8,572) (2,712) (158) (275)
Western European 15.8 7.6
/ / /
(9,742) (1,570) (39) (0) (3)
Southern European 24.3
/ 9.3 / /
(4,708) (63) (1,047) (1) (4)
Turkish 56.0
/ / 0.7 /
(1,385) (19) (20) (2,288) (3)
Moroccan 52.2
/ / / 1.6
(1,706) (26) (34) (2) (1,258)
Note: Western European countries are Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, and UK. Southern European countries are
Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and (former) Yugoslavia. Percentages are not presented for cells in which N B
/100. ‘Other’
nationalities not presented in the table.
Source: As shown in Table 2.
Intermarriage and the risk of divorce 81
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Are there effects of heterogamy on the risk of
divorce? Table 8 shows that the answer is clear: most
mixed combinations have a risk of divorce that is
higher than the highest level of divorce in the two
homogamous groups. The average ratio is 2.02,
indicating that mixed marriages have a risk of
divorce twice as high as that of the maximum level
of divorce in the two corresponding groups. This
effect is quite strong and clearly supports the strong
heterogamy hypothesis.
We also find variations in the magnitude of the
effects that are consistent with our hypothesis about
value orientations. Combinations of Dutch and
Turkish or Moroccan persons reveal a stronger
heterogamy effect than combinations involving
Dutch and Western European persons. The effects
for combinations involving Southern Europeans are
in between the combinations with Turks or Mor-
occans and the combinations with Western Eur-
opeans. When looking at combinations involving
minority men, the differences are quite strong. The
ratio is 4.7 for combinations involving Turkish men,
2.4 for combinations involving Moroccan men, and
1.5 for combinations involving Western European
men. Because European groups are more similar
than Moroccan and Turkish groups to the Dutch in
values and lifestyle, this finding is consistent with
theoretical interpretations of the heterogamy effect
in terms of value similarity.
The observed probabilities of divorce are quite
high for mixed marriages (Table 7). The high divorce
rates of marriages between persons of Dutch nation-
ality and persons with another nationality may be
partly a consequence of marriages conducted solely
for the purpose of securing legal residence docu-
ments. After 3 years of temporary residence while
married to a Dutch person, a foreigner obtains
permanent residence documents. Recent analyses
indicate that the divorce rate of Dutch
couples increases sharply in the third year of
marriage, especially for those in which the foreign
spouse is Moroccan, suggesting that these paper
marriages do indeed occur (Van Huis and Steenhof
2003). Consistent with this, we also find that effects
of nationality heterogamy decrease with the dura-
tion of marriage (Table 9). For example, couples
with a Moroccan husband and a Dutch wife havea
divorce risk that is 4.6 times higher than average in
the first 5 years but only 2.7 times higher in the next
5 years. Similar differences occur in the other
combinations. On average the factor is 3.4 and 2.4,
We matched marriage records to divorce records
and calculated the 10-year risk of divorce, using
multivariate logistic regression analyses. Using
Table 8 Corrected
10-year probabilities of divorce for couples heterogamous in nationality compared with corrected
probabilities for homogamous couples, the Netherlands, marriages 1974
Ratio of corrected divorce risk
to maximum/average risk in
homogamous groups
Nationality of spouses
Type of
of divorce (per cent)
Ratio to
Ratio to
Dutch Western European H
/W 13.7 1.522 2.108
/H 9.8 1.089 1.508
Dutch Southern European H
/W 18.0 2.000 2.222
/H 15.6 1.733 1.926
Dutch Turkish H
/W 19.4 2.156 3.079
/H 29.3 3.256 4.651
Dutch Moroccan H
/W 41.7 2.673 3.390
/H 29.7 1.904 2.415
Average 2.020 2.614
See footnote to Table 4.
Note: H means husband, W means wife. H
/W means the first column applies to the husband and the second column applies
to the wife.
Source: As shown in Table 2.
82 Matthijs Kalmijn et al.
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straightforward analyses of nearly a million mar-
riages, we have demonstrated that there is a modest
relationship between religious heterogamy and di-
vorce and a strong relationship between nationality
heterogamy and divorce. This conclusion is based on
registration data for all marriages contracted in the
Netherlands between 1974 and 1984, and registra-
tion data for all divorces between 1974 and 1994.
The effects of religious heterogamy are strongest
for combinations involving Catholics and combina-
tions involving Jews. Mixed combinations within the
Protestant population reveal weaker effects. For
combinations involving the unaffiliated, we also
find somewhat elevated divorce risks, but not when
comparing the risk to that of homogamous unaffi-
liated marriages. Overall, the religious heterogamy
effect is about 6 per cent when using a strict
definition of a heterogamy effect (higher than the
maximum of the two corresponding homogamous
combinations). In many cases, the divorce risk of a
mixed marriage is located somewhere in between
the risks of the two groups. However, this is always
above the average, not below the average. More
specifically, the risk is 29 per cent above the average,
which means that the risk is clearly pulled in the
direction of the most divorce-prone partner. We
consider this a weak form of a heterogamy effect.
Comparing specific types of mixed marriages
yields additional insights into the underlying reasons
for a heterogamy effect. The evidence suggests that
for religion, the social boundaries between groups
have a more important effect than value disagree-
ments on the risk of divorce. Combinations involving
Catholics and Protestants have an increased risk of
divorce, but there is no clear additional tendency
towards instability for mixed marriages involving the
more traditional Orthodox Protestants. In addition,
marriages between Catholics and Reformed Protes-
tants have an elevated risk of divorce, while these
groups have rather similar values, especially in the
important domain of family values (Felling et al.
2000). Hence, the social divide between Catholics
and Protestants dominates the results, rather than
the value differences between these groups. Simi-
larly, Jewish mixed marriages are more unstable, and
this is also true when the spouse is unaffiliated. Since
Jewish persons in the Netherlands are as liberal as
unaffiliated persons, this also points to social bound-
aries rather than to value differences.
For the divorce risk of nationality heterogamy, the
effects are much stronger, and simpler to interpret.
Marriages of Dutch persons to foreigners havean
average divorce risk twice the maximum level of the
two combinations. This effect is much stronger than
the effect of religious heterogamy, suggesting that
new boundaries in society have become more
important than old boundaries. We also found that
the heterogamy effect is stronger for those nation-
ality groups that are culturally more dissimilar from
the Dutch, and this further supports the value
interpretation of the heterogamy effect. Hence, for
religion, the effect of social boundaries seems the
more important, while for nationality, it is the effect
of value differences that seems more important.
We have found nuanced evidence for the hetero-
gamy hypothesis, a hypothesis which has not often
been tested in Europe. Although we find that
heterogamy matters, the question of its theoretical
interpretation is still open. One argument focuses on
selectivity and suggests that heterogamous couples
Table 9 Comparison of ratios of corrected
divorce risk to maximum and average risk in corresponding homogamous
groups for marriages heterogamous in nationality in the first and second 5 years of marriage, the Netherlands, marriages
Ratio to maximum Ratio to average
Nationality of spouses 0
/5 years 6/10 years 0/5 years 6 /10 years
Dutch Western European H
/W 1.571 1.490 2.151 2.030
/H 1.166 1.082 1.820 1.475
Dutch Southern European H
/W 2.513 1.663 2.760 1.745
/H 1.932 1.780 4.107 1.867
Dutch Turkish H
/W 2.454 2.109 3.316 3.108
/H 4.015 3.375 3.613 4.972
Dutch Moroccan H
/W 4.086 1.093 5.213 1.451
/H 2.119 2.015 4.611 2.675
Average 2.482 1.826 3.449 2.416
See footnote to Table 4.
Source: As shown in Table 2.
Intermarriage and the risk of divorce 83
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have special traits that tend to make their marriages
more unstable. We have been able to address one
such possibility by looking at information about
church weddings. Using church wedding as an
indicator of religiosity, we find that part but not all
of the heterogamy effect can be attributed to
heterogamous couples being less religious. For the
effect of nationality intermarriage and for other
possible forms of selectivity, we did not have
appropriate controls. While our data source is
unique and powerful, it primarily serves to assess
and describe a possible heterogamy effect in all its
detail. To explain such effects, a more comprehen-
sive set of variables is needed, a set that cannot be
found in vital statistics. Our approach is a precursor
to such an enterprise, not an alternative.
1 Matthijs Kalmijn is professor of sociology at Tilburg
University. E-mail m.kalmijn@uvt.nl. Paul M. de Graaf
is associate professor of sociology at Radboud Univer-
sity Nijmegen. Jacques Janssen is a researcher at
Medtronic Bakken Research Center, Maastricht. The
analyses reported in this paper are part of the PhD
dissertation of Jacques P. G. Janssen.
2 The authors thank Statistics Netherlands (Sector Popu-
lation) in Voorburg for letting them analyse the data on
site. We also thank the members of the seminar Divorce
in the Netherlands for comments on earlier drafts. The
research reported here is subsidized by the Netherlands
Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) and is part
of the research programme ‘Causes and consequences
of divorce in the Netherlands since the 1940s’, coordi-
nated by Matthijs Kalmijn and Paul de Graaf.
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