Journal of Geek Studies
The giant snails of ARK: Survival Evolved
Rodrigo B. Salvador¹, Rafael M. Rosa², Fernanda S. Silva³ & Daniel C. Cavallari²
¹ Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand.
² Faculdade de Filosoa, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. Emails: rafaelmassonro-
³ Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
ARK: Survival Evolved
is a survival game,
as one could expect by its title. It was devel-
oped by Studio Wildcard, in collaboration
with three other studios, and was launched
in its nished form in August 2017. Back
then, the game was available on Xbox One,
PlayStation 4, and the usual computer op-
erating systems. ARK was later released for
Android, iOS, and the Nintendo Switch.
The game was received by lukewarm
reviews at best: its Metascore is 70 for PCs,
and 69 for both PlayStation 4 and XboxOne
(Metacritic, 2020).
However, through the
course of three years and four expansions,
the game managed to secure a loyal set of
fans and achieve a state of “sustainable rev-
enue” (Batchelor, 2019). As of June 2020, the
game had a total of 35 million installs, of
which half is estimated to come from mo-
bile platforms (Desatoff, 2020).
Figure 1. Artwork for ARK: Survival Evolved. Source:
ARK’s press kit.
ARK can be played from both rst- and
third-person perspectives, where the play-
ers explore an open-world environment.
The game is action-oriented, with plenty
of harvesting and crafting activities. The
players’ goal is to survive and prosper in
the game world, called ‘Ark’, while facing
natural hazards and dangerous animals,
the most dangerous of which are likely the
other players. Most creatures found in the
game were based on real animals, typically
extinct ones, like non-avian dinosaurs (Fig.
1). As biologists, we are, of course, not in-
terested in those mainstream gargantuan
beasts. Rather, we are drawn to another gi-
ant of more modest proportions: the giant
Let us start by taking a look at ARK’s
giant snail, called ‘Achatina’.
In fact, the
“species” received a mock Latin scientif-
ic name in the game: Achatina limusegnis.
Typically, a scientic name is accompanied
by the name of the scientist(s) who rst
described it, like in Corvus corax Linnaeus,
1758, the common raven, who received its
scientic name from Carl Linnaeus in 1758.
ARK doesn’t pay homage to former scien-
tists and omits the name of the person who
described Achatina limusegnis.
Helena Walker, a character in ARK who’s
supposedly an Australian biologist, left
some notes on Ark’s various creatures. Hel-
ena’s dossier about Achatina can be seen in
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Dossier entry on Achatina. Source: ARK:
Survival Evolved Wiki.
Now let’s break that down. First: “very
slow, very non-threatening land mollusk”
sounds about right, although if Helena was
indeed Australian as suggested she would
have spelled it ‘mollusc’ (the ‘k’ is an Ameri-
can idiosyncrasy, but we prefer it that way).
If it is attacked, it retracts into its shell, an
obvious and typical behavior of snails.
Second: “meat and chitin”. Indeed, sev-
eral real-world cultures have land snails in
their cuisine. But chitin? Well, it’s possible,
but not easy. Snails do have some chitin in
their shell, but that’s quite a small amount,
especially when compared to arthropods,
whose exoskeleton is largely made of the
thing. The primary component of snail
shells is calcium carbonate (CaCO
). Even
so, chitin can be extracted from it with
some effort and the right equipment and
chemicals (Adeosun et al., 2017; Oyekunle
& Omoleye, 2019). Researchers have even
extracted chitin from real-world Achatina
(Gbenebor et al., 2017). Wait a second. Re-
al-world Achatina? Don’t worry, we’ll get to
that later on.
Next, there’s the whole “Achatina does
not defecate normally” thing. ARK has a
weird xation with who defecates what and
we’ll just skip this bit. Snails do poop nor-
mally, though. Anyway, Helena says that
Achatina “secretes a thick, sticky substance”
that dries quickly. That is, of course, slime
or mucus. All land snails and slugs produce
mucus for locomotion: they actually “glide”
on top of it (Fig. 3). The mucus is a mix of
chemical substances and can also serve as a
defense against predators, microorganisms,
and even as a shield against desiccation
when the snail is aestivating (Barker, 2001;
Cilia & Fratini, 2018).
Figure 3. Snails leave a silvery slime trail in their
wake. Source: Wikimedia Commons (snail ho, 2007).
Helena also informs the reader of the
in-game use of Achatina’s secretions as
crafting material (‘Organic Polymer’ and
‘Achatina Paste’, a substitute to ‘Cement-
ing Paste’).
Unfortunately, real-world
snail mucus cannot be used that way yet,
although researchers are trying to get there
(Cho et al., 2019).
In any event, snail mucus
also has other applications. Due to its an-
timicrobial components, it can be used for
cosmetics and skin-care, as well as to treat
skin lesions and burns, (Brieva et al., 2008;
Tsoutsos et al., 2008). It is even being con-
sidered a substitute for surgical glue (Li et
al., 2017).
Chitin (and its derivative chitosan) also
has several applications in the industry:
food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, agricul-
ture, textiles, and paper (Hamed et al., 2016).
Researchers are also looking at the possibil-
ity of using it as a biodegradable substitute
for plastic (Fernandez & Ingber, 2014) and
also as building material for an eventual
colony on Mars (Shiwei et al., 2020).
In ARK, Achatina can be domesticated
so the players can “farm” the resources it
Salvador et al.
Journal of Geek Studies 8(1): 9-18 (2021).
produces. However, they are not breedable
in the game, which is weird given their re-
al-world counterpart (see below). ARK’s
Achatina can also be a pet and, more impor-
tantly, can wear hats!
As mentioned above, Ark’s giant snails
have the “scientic name” Achatina limuseg-
nis. As such, it is not a huge leap to conclude
that they were based in the real-world Ach-
Achatina is a genus of pulmonate snails.
This means that these snails breathe through
a lung, instead of the usual gills found in
most other molluscs. Lungs have evolved
more than once among gastropods, usually
in terrestrial taxa
, rendering the traditional
“pulmonate” classication obsolete (albe-
it sometimes useful) in current taxonomy.
However, most lung-bearing snails, includ-
ing Achatina and other iconic species such
as the garden snail, are indeed related and
gathered in a large group called Stylom-
The Stylommatophora are the most di-
verse group of land snails, with a whopping
20,000 species total worldwide (Rosenberg,
2014). A distinguishing feature of stylom-
matophoran snails is having their eyes lo-
cated on the tip of stalks, in contrast to the
position near the base of the tentacles seen
on most other gastropods. The eyestalks are
also known as ommatophores and are re-
sponsible for giving the Stylommatophora
their name.
Achatina and its closest relatives are
grouped in the family Achatinidae (Fig.
4). This is a very diverse family, including
around 1,000 species of many shapes and
sizes (MolluscaBase, 2020). The Achatini-
dae range from the tiny awl snails, some
of which are just a few millimeters long, to
the gargantuan Achatina snails themselves,
which include the largest of all land snails
with shells growing over 20 cm in length.
Figure 4. Assorted representatives of Achatinidae. A. Limicolaria ammea (Müller, 1774). B. Thyrophorel-
la thomensis Greeff, 1882. C. Subulina octona (Bruguière, 1789). D. The decollate snail, Rumina decollata
(Linnaeus, 1758). E. The giant African land snail, Achatina fulica (Bodwich, 1822). Source: Wikimedia
Commons (A, Siong Kiat Tan, 2011; B, Trochoidea, 2014; C, Invertzoo, 2010; D, Mike, 2007; E, Alexander
R. Jenner, 2010).
Giant snails of ARK: Survival Evolved
There are approximately 40 species of
Achatina, all of which are native to sub-Sa-
haran Africa (Bequaert, 1950; MolluscaBase,
2020). However, some species, such as the
infamous Achatina fulica (Bodwich, 1822)
are highly invasive and are now found in
tropical and subtropical areas worldwide.
Achatina fulica (Figs. 4E, 5) is known by the
common name ‘giant African land snail’;
however, this species is so widespread and
well-known that most people are equally
comfortable with the scientic name.
Most of the diet of A. fulica is composed
of vegetable matter of all kinds, including
decaying vegetation, fruits, and leaves. In
urban areas, it has been observed to eat
even paper and cardboard! These snails can
also eat meat, often sourced from animal
carcasses (including other snails). In more
than one instance, A. fulica has been report-
ed to attack and consume living leatherleaf
slugs (family Veronicellidae), which means
they can hunt for meat as well (Meyer et al.,
The invasive nature of A. fulica (and, to a
lesser extent, other Achatina snails) is large-
ly a result of human introductions. This
species is native to East Africa and has been
introduced to all other continents (except
for Antarctica) both intentionally, as a food
item or a novelty pet, and accidentally, as
the snails can attach themselves to vehicles
and survive long travels (CABI, 2020). The
results are often disastrous to local ecosys-
tems and crops, as A. fulica is capable of
consuming hundreds of species of plants.
Curiously, grasses, such as sugarcane and
maize, suffer little damage from A. fulica
(Raut & Barker, 2002; CABI, 2020). In addi-
tion to this, A. fulica adapts quite well to new
environments and breeds intensely: a single
individual usually lays 100 to 200 eggs at a
time, but there are reports of a batch of circa
1,000 eggs (Mead, 1961; Pawson & Chase,
1984). The combination of these character-
istics and the ensuing environmental dam-
age led the IUCN
to classify Achatina fulica
as one of the world’s top 100 invasive alien
species (ISSG, 2003; CABI, 2020).
Beyond the environmental impacts, A.
fulica is known to carry several parasites.
One of them is the nematode Angiostrongy-
lus cantonensis (Chen, 1935), which can in-
fect humans and cause severe cases of men-
ingitis. The parasite is usually transmitted
by eating the snail, but simply touching it
can be enough. Since A. fulica is commonly
found in urban areas, its invasions prompt
a serious public health concern.
Figure 5. A shell of an individual of Achatina fulica
shown in several different views. The shell is about
7.8 cm in total length and was collected in East Africa.
Source: Wikimedia Commons (H. Zell, 2013).
Achatina fulica thus seems to be a poor
choice for a pet, but some people like to keep
them, arguing they can be quite expressive
and fun to interact with. They can live for
ve to seven years and can grow quite large
in captivity: their shells can reach around 20
cm. Given the damage, they can cause to the
environment, in many countries it is illegal
to keep them as pets. Usual pets (cats and
dogs), however, are extremely bad for the
environment and are directly responsible
for the extinction of dozens of species and
still threaten hundreds of others (Medina et
al., 2011; Gomper, 2013; Doherty et al., 2016,
Clearly, ARK’s Achatina was based on
Achatina fulica. Besides its name, the Wiki-
pedia page of A. fulica is the very rst result
when you google “giant snail”. ARK’s Ach-
atina is large for a snail, though, about the
Salvador et al.
Journal of Geek Studies 8(1): 9-18 (2021).
size of a reasonable dog, which is most un-
fortunately not feasible for real land snails.
But other than that, how well does the vir-
tual Achatina compare to its real-world
Let’s start by taking a look at its external
morphology. The shell of A. fulica is coni-
cal and rather elongated (Fig. 5). While the
shell of ARK’s snail might look supercially
similar, it is not so. It shows a aw that is
a typical mistake of artists when drawing
snails: the shell is not spiral (see also Salva-
dor & Cavallari, 2019). Snail shells grow in
a spiral manner, with each successive new
whorl growing on top of the previous one.
While it might be difcult to visualize this
just by looking at the photograph of a shell,
you can easily see it if you have a shell on
hand or by looking at an X-ray image (Fig.
6). ARK’s shell (Fig. 2) is like a hollow hood
that just sits atop the snail’s soft parts like
a hat.
Figure 6. X-ray of the shell, showing its internal struc-
tures. Source: Adobe Stock (#376762797).
Figure 7. Comparison between the anatomy of ARK’s Achatina (above) and a real garden snail, Cornu aspersum
(O.F. Müller, 1774) (below). ARK’s Achatina follows the basic internal anatomy of a snail very closely, but then
again, the bottom image was probably the one used to draw ARK’s snail. Source: ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
(excerpt from Fig. 2 above); Wikimedia Commons (AI2 & Jeff Dahl, 2007).
Giant snails of ARK: Survival Evolved
The soft parts of ARK’s snail (except the
colors, see below) are spot on (Fig. 2) and
were likely drawn based on an actual pho-
tograph of Achatina (Fig. 4E). It has a pair
of eye-bearing stalks (the ommatophores)
and a pair of tactile and chemically sensi-
tive tentacles. The skin on the dorsal surface
of the snail (on its back, so to speak) is very
rugose. But the sole of the snail’s foot also
seems to be rugose (Fig. 2), which is mis-
taken. The “sole” of a snail’s foot is smooth,
which is necessary for adhesion while
crawling, especially on vertical surfaces or
while hanging upside down.
The internal anatomy of ARK’s Achatina
(Fig. 7) is also spot on, showing all the or-
gans in the right places. But that is expect-
ed, given it was copied from schematics
available on Wikimedia Commons (Fig. 7).
One interesting aspect of ARK’s Achati-
na is that it has ve different colors depend-
ing on the region of the game (Fig. 8).
shall call these ‘color morphs’, to use a more
biological term.
Typically, when we see two similar
snails with different colors they belong to
two different species (Fig. 9). However, in
ARK, all the different color morphs belong
to a single species, Achatina limusegnis. But
is it possible for a single species to have in-
dividuals with such varying colors? It turns
out it is.
Figure 9. These shells differ in color, size and also a bit
in shape. They represent two different species in the
same genus. The one on the left belongs to the species
Kora corallina Simone, 2012 and is about 2 cm tall; the
one on the right is Kora nigra Simone, 2015, about 3 cm
tall. They both live in the savanna-like environments
of eastern Brazil. Source: Birckolz et al. (2016).
Take the grove snail Cepaea nemoralis
(Linnaeus, 1758) from western and central
Europe, for instance. It has a wide variety
of color morphs: from whitish to yellow,
orange, red, and brown, being either of
a single color or presenting one or more
Figure 8. The several colors of Achatina in ARK. A. Snail from Region 0: red body with a white dorsal stripe and
white tips of the ommatophores. B. Region 1: red shell. C. Region 3: red highlights on shell sculpture. D. Region 4:
red dorsal stripe. E. Region 5: red ventral region. Source: ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki.
Salvador et al.
Journal of Geek Studies 8(1): 9-18 (2021).
dark stripes on the shell (Fig. 10). All these
morphs belong to a single, though highly
variable, species. Why there are so many
different morphs has been hotly debated by
scientists since at least the 1950s. Present hy-
potheses include (1) lighter colors being re-
lated to environments with higher tempera-
tures, and (2) the presence of stripes being
related to visual protection against preda-
tory birds (Silvertown et al., 2011; Surmacki
et al., 2013). Other famous examples of col-
or morphs in land snails include the Cuban
painted snail Polymita picta (Born, 1778) and
the living jewel snail Liguus fasciatus (O.F.
Müller, 1774) from Florida and Cuba.
Figure 10. Color variation in the grove snail. Source:
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ
(A. Künzelmann, 2011).
The soft parts of the snails can also vary
a bit in coloration, which is due to different
amounts of pigments on the skin, just like
in our species. There are even completely
white snails like the ones in ARK (Fig. 8),
which can be a natural coloration for some
species or be “albino” individuals in some
cases, like in A. fulica.
Now the red color seen in one variety of
Achatina in ARK (Fig. 8A) is very unusu-
al among land snails. The most famous ex-
ample is the Malaysian re snail Platymma
tweediei Tomlin, 1938 (Fig. 11), which is a
species with very restricted geographic dis-
tribution and highly endangered due to de-
forestation and other human activities. Its
heavy metal looks in particular have made
it a target for the pet trade, putting the spe-
cies in even more danger (Foon, 2014).
Figure 11. The Malaysian re snail has a black and
red body pigmentation that seems straight outta the
Nine Hells. These photos are courtesy of Azrie Allia-
mat, Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation,
Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
ARK’s giant snail has a good bit of reality
and a healthy dose of ction. That is ne,
as video games need to have some artistic
liberties and not be too strongly anchored in
reality. We cannot forgive the wrongly-de-
signed shell, though, because that would be
a simple matter to solve and would great-
ly improve verisimilitude. In any event,
it is always good to see underrepresented
animal groups in games, as they can help
to raise awareness about their real coun-
terparts among players and maybe just
maybe – help create a more environmental-
ly-friendly mindset (Salvador, 2017).
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Many thanks to Junn Kitt Foon for procuring
the photos of Platymma tweediei for us.
ImAge usAge
The images used herein to illustrate the
game and its contents comes from ARK: Sur-
vival Evolved or from websites about it. Studio
Wildcard holds the copyright to ARK: Survival
About the Authors
Dr. Rodrigo B. Salvador is a biologist spe-
cializing in the study of land snails, who – as
some would argue – spends way too much time
playing video games. He hates survival games
but somehow always ends up playing them for
a bit. Would that just be an exercise to conrm
the hypothesis that he hates the genre?
Rafael M. Rosa is a biology undergraduate
student interested in zoology, with a particular
emphasis on animal evolution and systematics.
He also likes video games and has been playing
them for many years now, although most of his
time is spent on grand strategy games nowa-
Fernanda S. Silva, MSc., is a biologist spe-
cializing in land and freshwater snails, interest-
ed in scientic dissemination, and an admirer of
games but unfortunately without much practice
in them.
Daniel C. Cavallari, MSc., is a biologist and
taxonomist specializing in land and marine
snails. He is also a passionate shell collector and
gamer who loves survival games (especially
horror). ARK isn’t really a horror game, but he
wonders if watching everyone defecate every-
where could be classied as horror.
The game’s name is actually stylized as ΛRK.
That’s a formatting nightmare, though, so we’ll
stick to regular letters here.
The Nintendo Switch version has a dismal
metascore of 29.
All the in-game information presented here
was gathered from the Ofcial ARK: Survival
Giant snails of ARK: Survival Evolved
Evolved Wiki.
In Latin, the word ‘limus’ means ‘slime’ and
‘segnis’ means ‘slow’.
Another “famous” snail in ction whose mu-
cus is valuable is the ail snail, from the tabletop
RPG Dungeons & Dragons. According to Volo’s
Guide to Monsters (Wizards of the Coast, 2016:
p. 144), a ail snails “leaves behind a shimmer-
ing trail that quickly solidies into a thin lay-
er of a nearly transparent substance [that] can
be harvested and cut to form window panes
of varying clearness. It can also be heated and
spun into glass objects of other sorts. Some hu-
manoids make a living from trailing ail snails
to collect this glass.”
The authors of that study also have some vid-
eos testing how their slimy adhesive can hold
heavy loads:
There is a genus closely related to Achatina
that’s called Archachatina. That would be a 20%
cooler name for a species from ARK. If only the
game designers had delved a bit more in Wiki-
pedia… Anyway, the prex ‘arch-’ means ‘chief’
or ‘principal’, like in the words archbishop,
archangel, archend, etc.
Despite that, some freshwater snails have also
evolved lungs, providing a way to obtain oxy-
gen even when they live in low-oxygen waters.
An example of this are the apple snails (family
Ampullariidae), which are popular aquarium
Sometimes classied as Lissachatina fulica, de-
pending on whether Lissachatina is considered a
subgenus of Achatina or a full-blown genus in
International Union for Conservation of Na-
Excluding the Aberrant and Eerie variants.
Salvador et al.
Journal of Geek Studies 8(1): 9-18 (2021).