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Electronic Theses and Dissertations Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies
Spring 2023
It's Not a Phobia: Reducing Transnegativity Using
Imagined Intergroup Contact
Rachel Cook
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Cook, Rachel, "It's Not a Phobia: Reducing Transnegativity Using Imagined Intergroup
Contact" (2023).
Electronic Theses and Dissertations
. 2597.
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(Under the Direction of Amy Hackney)
The present study evaluated the efficacy of a novel imagined intergroup contact procedure in
reducing feelings of transnegativity held by cisgender individuals. The intervention, based on the
Fast Friends Procedure (Aron et al., 1997), has participants interact with a fictional transgender
person who answers questions about himself; participants then write a free-response answer to
the question for themselves. The current hypotheses were that the imagined intergroup contact
procedure would (1) reduce feelings of transnegativity, (2) reduce feelings of contact
apprehension toward transgender people, and (3) increase feelings of self-other overlap between
cisgender people and a transgender target. In Study 1, a group of primarily White, cisgender
female college students (n = 44) completed the imagined contact procedure to see if it increased
feelings of self-other overlap; a demographically similar group was evaluated for Study 2 (n =
55) to see if it increased feelings of self-other overlap while decreasing feelings of contact
apprehension and self-reported transnegative beliefs. While Study 1 saw an increase of feelings
in self-other overlap between cisgender people and the transgender target (Cohen’s d = .59),
Study 2 saw no impact of the imagined intergroup contact procedure on any of the target
measures (all ps > .05). This may be due to small sample size and inadequate power or due to the
imagined intergroup contact scenario using only part of the Fast Friends Procedure (Aron et al.,
1997); rather than using all twenty-four questions, it only sampled four of them. If the findings
are accurate, it means that the novel imagined intergroup contact procedure, as used in the
current study, is an ineffective way to reduce transnegativity among participants Researchers
must continue exploring new venues of prejudice reduction to best protect transgender
INDEX WORDS: Transnegativity, Imagined intergroup contact, Fast friends procedure,
Prejudice reduction
B.S., Kennesaw State University, 2019
A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Georgia Southern University
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree
© 2022
All Rights Reserved
Major Professor: Amy Hackney
Committee: C. Thresa Yancey
Rebekah Estevez
Electronic Version Approved:
May 2023
The dedication to this thesis is split in two parts:
To Blake Kinnett, who gave me a home when I had none without question or hesitation,
for as long as I needed, and who has offered to do that many times over.
To Jessica Fisher, who has shown me time and again that doing work within and without
the trappings of academia is possible, meaningful, and fulfilling.
I would like to take this time to thank the team of people who have made this thesis
possible. First and foremost, thank you to Dr. Amy Hackney, without whom this thesis would
have never come to pass. Your guidance has been invaluable. Thank you to Dr. C. Thresa
Yancey for your attention to detail; my work is better for it. Thank you to Dr. Rebekah Estevez
for bringing energy and optimism to my thesis discussions, and for believing in the value of my
work. Thank you to Dr. Nicholas Holtzman for helping with the early mathematical foundations
of this thesis and guiding it towards validity and reliability. Thank you to Kaylee George, Jordan
Salafia, Maggie Poff, and Megan Cole, all of whom put in hours of work running participants
and whose efforts made the collection of data not only manageable, but even possible. Thank
you to the workers for the GSO Professional Development Grant and the SPSSI Clara Mayo
Grant who found this thesis to be meaningful and who helped to fund it.
DEDICATION .................................................................................................................................2
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................................................3
LIST OF TABLES ...........................................................................................................................6
LIST OF FIGURES .........................................................................................................................7
1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................8
Intergroup Contact Theory ....................................................................................9
The Fast Friends Procedure .................................................................................10
Imagined Intergroup Contact ..............................................................................11
Overview of the Current Investigation ................................................................11
2 STUDY 1 .................................................................................................................13
Method ................................................................................................................13
Results .................................................................................................................16
Discussion for Study 1 ........................................................................................17
3 STUDY 2 .................................................................................................................19
Method ................................................................................................................19
Results .................................................................................................................23
Discussion for Study 2 ........................................................................................24
4 GENERAL DISCUSSION ......................................................................................26
Future Directions .................................................................................................27
Conclusion ...........................................................................................................28
REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................30
STUDY 1 EDITION ..............................................................................................43
STUDY 2 EDITION ..............................................................................................52
C CONTROL PROCEDURE STUDY 2 EDITION ..............................................61
D COMPREHENSION CHECK ...............................................................................69
Table 1: Mixed-Factor ANOVA Results Using IOS Scores from Study 1 as a Criterion .............35
Table 2: Mixed-Factor ANOVA Results Using GTS Scores from Study 2 as a Criterion ............36
Table 3: Mixed-Factor ANOVA Results Using CATT Scores from Study 2 as a Criterion .........37
Table 4: Mixed-Factor ANOVA Results Using IOS Scores from Study 2 as a Criterion .............38
Figure 1: Comparison of Marginal Means for the IOS Pre- and Post-Tests of Study 1 by
Figure 2: Comparison of Marginal Means for the GTS Pre- and Post-Tests of Study 2 by
Figure 3: Comparison of Marginal Means for the CATT Pre- and Post-Tests of Study 2 by
Figure 4: Comparison of Marginal Means for the IOS Pre- and Post-Tests of Study 2 by
Transnegativity, or social and interpersonal-level bias against transgender individuals, is a
topic of burgeoning research interest in the psychological community. As recently as 2020, there
were 1.4 million adults in the United States of America who identified as transgenderthat is,
there were 1.4 million adults who reported that their gender did not match the sex assigned to them
at birth (Conron & Goldberg, 2020). Of great concern, transgender adults are at risk of serious
mental and physical health symptoms due to individual and systemic experiences of
transnegativity, which can impact their quality of life.
The effects of transnegativity can impair both the physical and emotional security of
transgender people. Transgender peopleboth children and adultsare at a heightened risk of
gender-based physical, sexual, and emotional violence by peers, family, and strangers in
comparison to their cisgender counterparts, as well as experiencing more difficulties when seeking
justice for this violence (Wirtz et al., 2020). Transgender people are also at a heightened risk of
non-suicidal self-injurious behaviors and suicidal behaviors because of the stresses accrued by
belonging to a minoritized group (Staples et al., 2017). Even when taking into account traits such
as resilience, transnegativity causes significant negative health outcomes for members of the
transgender community (Meyer, 2015).
With such pressing ramifications of transnegative attitudes and behaviors, it is no wonder
that the psychological community is increasingly invested in reducing prejudicial attitudes and
actions toward transgender persons. Researchers have used pedagogical interventions (McDermott
et al., 2018), created research groups with a primary focus on advocacy for transgender people
(Hope et al., 2020), and, most notably for this study, explored the impact of intergroup contact on
transnegativity (Davies & Aron, 2016; Flores, 2015; King et al., 2009). The current research seeks
to use the foundations of intergroup contact theory to design and implement a novel imagined
intergroup contact intervention modeled after the Fast Friends procedure (Aron et al., 1997); the
ultimate goal of this intervention’s development is the reduction of transnegativity.
Intergroup Contact Theory
Intergroup contact theory is, in brief, the idea that humans’ sentiments about members of
an outgroup are predicated by the amount and quality of contact they have with members of that
group (Pettigrew, 1998). In other words, proponents of intergroup contact theory state that
inducing positive contact between members of different identity groups will induce positive
feelings toward the entire outgroup identity.
Research appears to generally support this claim. Some longitudinal research indicates the
development of friendships with outgroup members strongly predicts positive feelings of outgroup
members; results are particularly strong as the length of the friendships and the number of
interactions with the outgroup members increase (Davies & Aron, 2016). Other research identified
a similar mechanism at play in the tension between cisgender and transgender individuals;
cisgender people (that is, individuals who identify with the sex that they were designated at birth)
who report knowing more about transgender people also report fewer feelings of prejudice toward
them (Flores, 2015). There is cross-cultural support for this phenomenon. For instance, in a study
by King and colleagues (King et al., 2019), participants in Hong Kong who report higher numbers
of interactions with transgender individuals also report reduced levels of transnegativity in
comparison to their peers. The outgroup member does not even have to be real for the intergroup
contact to reduce prejudice; fictional exposure to transgender people (e.g., reading a story in which
a transgender person features heavily) can reduce feelings of transnegativity in cisgender
participants (Hoffarth & Hodson, 2018; Orellana, 2020).
A potential mediator of this phenomenon is contact anxietythe feeling of anxiety
associated with being introduced to an individual from a new or rarely contacted outgroup
(McCullough et al., 2019; Hoffarth & Hodson, 2018). A recent study using multiple linear
regression to evaluate predictors of transnegative sentiments found that contact apprehension
toward transgender persons and measures of intergroup anxiety are stronger predictors of
transnegative beliefs than right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation
(McCullough et al., 2019).
Fast Friends Procedure
The development of friendship is an integral mechanism for the successful implementation
of intergroup contact theory; if there is not a positive component of friendship developmentthat
is, positive feelings of closeness between two individualsintergroup contact theory is
unsuccessful in prejudice reduction (Pettigrew, 1998). Therefore, to optimize the prejudice
reduction effects of intergroup contact theory, it is beneficial to use a procedure intended to
experimentally induce feelings of interpersonal closeness in targeted participants. The Fast Friends
procedure (Aron et al., 1997) is a series of questions that a set of partners takes turns answering;
as the procedure continues, the intimacy of the disclosures increases This self-disclosure of
intimate information is known to reduce prejudice among different racial groups (Turner et al.,
To date, there is minimal research using the Fast Friends procedure for transgender
populations. However, one study found that heterosexual people felt reduced feelings of prejudice
toward gay men and lesbian women after engaging in a modified version of the Fast Friends
procedure (Lytle & Levy, 2015).
The traditional Fast Friends procedure is meant to be conducted between two individuals
face-to-face (Aron et al., 1997). However, because transgender people are at a heightened risk of
social and even physical violence (Wirtz et al., 2020), it is unethical to place transgender
confederates in a position which might compromise their safety. Prior research, facing similar
considerations of safety for their confederates, established a virtual Fast Friends procedure to keep
their confederates safe (Lytle & Levy, 2015). In another alternative, the current research seeks to
implement an imagined intergroup contact procedure in lieu of the traditional Fast Friends
procedure to minimize as many associated risks as possible.
Imagined Intergroup Contact
Imagined intergroup contact is a procedure in which participants imagine a generally
pleasant interaction between themselves and members of a target outgroup member (Crisp et al.,
2008). This procedure induces feelings of closeness between members of different social groups.
This form of intergroup contact has been found to reduce long-term contact anxiety toward people
with schizophrenia (Schuhl et al., 2019) and toward members of different ethnic groups (Iguarta
et al., 2018). Though the application of imagined contact to transnegativity is limited, there is
burgeoning evidence that imagined contact works in this capacity as well. People who experienced
an imagined contact procedure with a fictional transgender person reduced instances of biased
hiring practices in a simulation (Moss-Racusin & Rabasco, 2018).
Overview of the Current Investigation
The current research sought to use these foundations of intergroup contact theory to design
a novel imagined intergroup contact intervention procedure to reduce transnegative sentiments
from cisgender participants towards transgender people. The first study (Study 1) sought to
establish that a novel imagined contact procedure effectively targeted feelings of interpersonal
closeness in accordance with the prior established literature (Aron et al., 1997; Lytle & Levy,
2015). In this study, it was hypothesized that participants in the imagined contact procedure would
experience an increase in feelings of self-other overlap not experienced by the participants in the
control condition.
The second study (Study 2) sought to determine if the imagined contact procedure impacted
affective measures of transnegativity similarly to how it impacts intentions to act (Moss-Racusin
& Rabasco, 2018). In this study, it was predicted that participants in the imagined contact condition
would reduce transnegative affect and contact apprehension toward transgender people and
experience an increase in self-other overlap from pre- and post-test conditions; participants
randomly assigned to the control condition were not expected to reduce transnegativity from pre
to post-test conditions. Ultimately, this research sought to establish a novel imagined contact
procedure based on the Fast Friends procedure (Aron et al., 1997), with the goal of experimentally
producing a significant reduction in transnegative prejudice.
A total of 50 students from an R2 university in the southeastern United States were
recruited for this study. Two participants who self-reported not being cisgender, one participant
who self-reported being under the age of 18 during the demographic questionnaire, two
participants who did not disclose their age on the demographic questionnaire, and one participant
who experienced a significant situational disruption while participating were eliminated from
analyses due to failure to meet inclusion criteria. This left 44 participants of approximately 19
years of age (M = 19.48, SD = 1.46). Participants were predominantly cisgender female (n = 30),
White (n = 23), and self-identified as freshmen (n = 15). Participants completed the procedure in
one session for a $17 electronic Visa gift card. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two
conditions: control (n = 21) or the imagined contact condition (n = 23).
Participants were recruited in person at the on-campus library. The study was conducted
on a laptop provided by the experimenter. Those who agreed to participate moved to a quiet
location within the library to minimize potential disruptions. After the initial informed consent
procedure, participants answered a pre-measure of the Inclusion of the Other in the Self Scale
(IOS); then, they were randomly assigned to one of two conditions. Participants assigned to the
control condition (n = 21) were instructed to relax until a timer set for ninety seconds counted
down; the page automatically advanced after the timer finished. Participants assigned to the
imagined contact intervention (n = 23) completed an imagined intergroup contact procedure. Upon
beginning the imagined contact intervention, participants were instructed that they were going to
participate in a guided visualization exercise. They were asked to take time and answer questions
with particular focus on their sensory and emotional experiences. See Appendix A for the guided
visualization exercise.
The intervention was written in the form of a story with the option for free-response
answers in some places. Participants were introduced to a fictional transgender man and prompted
to participate in a conversation with him. This fictional character, named Elliot, was a young,
White, conventionally attractive man. This appearance is important; people whose identities
include multiple marginalized groups experience intersectional oppressionthat is, oppression
that is specific to their intersecting identities. In other words, the oppression experienced by
someone who is part of multiple groups that are marginalized is unique (Steinbugler et al., 2006).
The current research sought to only examine the impact of imagined contact on the prejudice
towards transgender individuals; therefore, other visible identities were in line with those that do
not experience oppression.
The transgender man was identified by a transgender pride flag pin displayed on his
backpack in the intervention story. Participants were asked to imagine introducing themselves.
They then typed in answers to four questions from the Fast Friends Procedure (Aron et al., 1997)
such as “Before you make a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you’re going to say? Why?”
and Is there something you’ve dreamt about doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?”
The fictional transgender man also gave answers to these questions.
After their respective interventions, all participants completed the IOS once again.
Participants then completed a demographics questionnaire, were debriefed, and completed a
separate anonymized survey to receive their financial incentive for participation.
Inclusion of Other in the Self (IOS). Both the control and intervention group participants’
feelings of closeness with transgender individuals were measured by a version of the Inclusion of
Other in the Self scale (IOS) created by Aron et al. (1992), modified to reference transgender
individuals. The IOS is a seven-point Likert-type scale in which participants are shown seven Venn
diagrams. In each of these Venn diagrams, one circle has an X in it and the other is labeled “You”
(meaning the viewer). These Venn diagrams show increasing increments of overlap intended to
signify feelings of closeness, such that selecting a 1 on the scale shows two circles with no overlap
and a 7 on the scale shows near-complete overlap. Participants in this study were asked: If ‘X’
represents a transgender individual, which of the following images best represents how similar you
think you are to a transgender person?
Comprehension check. Participants in the imagined contact condition also completed a
comprehension check upon completing the condition to ensure that they identified the fictional
target as a transgender man. They were asked two questions: “Why did Elliot have a patch on his
bag?” and “What was Elliot’s gender identity?” and given a free response option. Of the
participants who were in the imagined contact condition (n = 23), most identified the target as a
man (n = 17). A minority of them identified him explicitly as transgender in their free-response
answer (n = 6), and some others identified his gender incorrectly (n = 5). The implications of these
answers are expanded upon in the discussion of Study 1.
Demographics. Participants provided their age, racial identity, gender, and academic
classification. Because Study 1 sought to measure feelings of self-other overlap between outgroup
members, participants needed to identify as cisgender. As such, participants answered, as part of
the demographics portion, Do you identify as the gender you were assigned at birth (are you
cisgender)?” and self-reported yes or no.
To ensure that there were no differences in IOS scores at pre-test between participants in
the control group and the imagined contact condition, an independent-samples t-test of the pre-test
IOS scores by condition was conducted. The control group (n = 21) IOS pre-test scores (M = 2.14,
SD = 1.35) were not significantly different from the imagined contact group (M = 1.87, SD = 1.14),
t(42) = 0.73, p = 0.47, Cohen’s-d = 0.219. This supports the assumption that random assignment
was successfully conducted and that any difference between the two groups at post-test was a result
of the intervention as opposed to a failure of random assignment.
Next, a 2 (Contact: Imagined contact vs. control) x 2 (Test: pretest vs. posttest)) Mixed
ANOVA with repeated measures on the last factor was used to analyze the data. The results of this
ANOVA are depicted in Table 1. There was an effect of the contact condition, F(1, 42) = 145.81,
p < .01, such that participants in the imagined contact condition (M = 2.28, SEM = .26) rated
themselves as closer to a transgender person than those in the control condition (M = 2.14, SEM
= .28). There was also a main effect of test time, F(1, 42) = 6.13, p = .02, η
= 0.13, such that the
IOS post-tests (M = 2.42, SEM = .23) displayed higher levels of reported closeness than the IOS
pre-tests (M = 2.01, SEM = .19). Finally, as expected, there was a significant interaction between
contact and test time, F(1, 42) = 6.13, p = .02, η
= 0.13. A visualization of this interaction can be
seen in Figure 1. As shown, the control group did not differ in their pre- and post-test scores;
however, the imagined contact group showed a significant increase in their average Inclusion of
Other in the Self Score after experiencing the imagined contact intervention.
To further evaluate the interaction, simple-effect paired t-tests were conducted for post-
hoc analysis. These simple-effect paired samples t-tests confirmed that for those in the imagined
contact condition, pre-test scores (M = 1.87, SEM = .29) were significantly lower than post-test
scores (M = 2.70, SEM =.34), t(22) = 2.59, p = .02, Cohen’s d = .59. For participants in the control
condition, there was no difference between pre-test (M = 2.14, SEM = .30) and post-test scores (M
= 2.14, SEM = .30).
Discussion for Study 1
Results from Study 1 demonstrate that an imagined intergroup contact scenario modeled
upon Aron et al. (1997)’s Fast Friends procedure has the potential to experimentally induce
feelings of closeness between participants and a contact groupin this case, transgender
individuals. Participants who experienced imagined contact with a transgender individual reported
increased feelings of self-other overlap compared to their counterparts in the control group. This
aligns with the pattern found by Lytle and Levy (2015) when discussing heterosexual participants
reporting feelings of increased closeness with a sexual minority target after engaging in the Fast
Friends procedure. Likewise, Moss-Racusin and Rabasco (2018) found that participants in an
imagined intergroup contact intervention reported fewer intentions to engage in hiring practices
unduly discriminating against transgender applicants. The results of Study 1 suggest that imagined
intergroup contact can impact feelings of closeness between a participant and a target transgender
It is noteworthy that this result occurred even with some participants confusion around the
fictional transgender person’s gender identity. There are a couple of possible mechanisms to
explain this. Perhaps participants working through the feelings of apprehension regarding the
target’s gender identity in combination with the closeness procedure created feelings of self-other
overlap, even if they were ultimately unsure about the target’s gender (McCullough et al., 2019).
Alternatively, participants might have simply experienced a secondary transfer effect; they met a
fictional individual who felt positively about transgender rights and, determining that they liked
this individual, changed their opinion to align more with this new person’s (Flores, 2015). The
second study was adapted to make the gender identity of the target individual more explicit in an
attempt to minimize some of this variation in participant understanding of the target’s gender
identity. While Study 1 evaluated the impact of the imagined intergroup contact scenario on
feelings of self-other overlap, Study 2 was designed to take this further. Study 2 evaluated the
impact of the novel imagined intergroup contact scenario on inclusion of other in the self,
genderism and transphobia, and contact apprehension toward transgender individuals. The results
of Study 1 and previous findings in the literature led to a hypothesis that participants in Study 2
would experience a decrease in genderism and transphobia as well as contact apprehension, but
would the same increase in inclusion of other in the self from Study 1.
A prior study by Moss-Racusin and Rabasco (2017) showed a small effect size in the
interaction effect between independent variable levels (η
= .03). Using this interaction effect size
in the program WebPower, (2022) it was determined that a minimum of 125 participants were
required to complete the study to have an appropriate level of power (1 β .80). To counteract
attrition and withdrawal, the current research had a goal of recruiting 169 participants. However,
due to the time-sensitive nature of a thesis, participant recruitment was stopped on February 10,
2023 (with further collection continuing beyond this paper until the goal of 169 participants is
A sample of undergraduates (n = 55) was recruited on a university website which tracks
undergraduate participation in research studies and awards them extra credit in participating
courses. A total of 15 participants were excluded from analyses for failure to complete the
assignment (n = 7), recognition of the transgender actor in the imagined contact procedure (n = 3),
identifying their gender as something other than cisgender (n = 3), incorrectly identifying the
target’s status as a transgender man (n = 1), or failure to disclose their age (n = 1). After these
exclusions, a final group of participants was obtained for data analysis (n = 40). These
undergraduates were approximately 20 years of age on average (M = 19.68, SD = 2.21) and
consisted of predominantly White (n = 24), female (n = 26) freshmen (n = 19) psychology majors
(n = 12), similar to the pattern found in Study 1. Participants completed data collection at two
points. The average time between the pre- and post-tests was approximately three days (M = 3.16,
SD = 1.93).
Genderism and Transphobia Scale (GTS). Participants completed the Genderism and
Transphobia Scale (GTS), measuring their attitudes toward transgender individuals versus
cisgender individuals. The GTS is the best-known measure of prejudice towards subversive
presentation of gender (Morrison et al., 2017) and maintains strong construct validity when used
to evaluate the prejudice of non-Western populations (Macapagal, 2013). The GTS is a 32-item
questionnaire scored on a seven-point Likert scale. The Likert scale is reverse-scored so that a low
score indicates strong agreement with the item (that is, highly prejudiced beliefs) and a high score
indicates a strong disagreement with the item (that is, low prejudiced beliefs). All but four of the
32 items are reverse scored in this way. The GTS measures beliefs such as “People are either men
or women” as well as behavioral items such as “I have teased a woman because of her masculine
appearance and behavior” (Hill & Willougby, 2005). In the current research, the GTS produced a
Cronbach’s alpha of .936 at pre-test and .957 at post-test. Insufficient effort responding on the
GTS was reduced by reverse-scoring all but four of the items as well as an attention check item.
Inclusion of Other in the Self Scale (IOS). Participants completed a modified version of
the IOS (Aron et al., 1992). The IOS was measured on a seven-point Likert scale such that a seven
indicates high feelings of self-other overlap and a one indicates low feelings of self-other overlap.
Participants were asked, If ‘X’ represents a transgender individual, which of the following images
best represents how similar you think you are to a transgender person?(Lytle & Levy, 2015). See
Study 1 Method for full description of the IOS.
Contact Apprehension towards Transgender Individuals Scale (CATT). The final
measure of transnegativity was the CATT, pioneered by McCullough et al. (2019). The CATT is
a 14-item questionnaire. Answers are given on a five-point Likert scale such that a five indicates
high contact anxiety. Items are statements of agreement such as It would be upsetting for me to
find out I was alone with a transgender person” and “Two transgender people holding hands or
displaying affection in public is revolting” (McCullough et al., 2019). Four of the items on the
measure are reverse-scored to reduce insufficient-effort responding. In the current research, the
CATT produced a Cronbach’s alpha of .912 at pre-test and .939 at post-test
Prejudice towards People with Mental Illness Scale (PPMI). Because the other
measures are high in face validity, the current research included two unrelated measures at both
pre- and post-test in an attempt to mitigate the effects of social desirability response. The first was
the PPMI. Answers to this measure are given on a nine-point Likert scale such that a nine indicates
high levels of prejudice towards people with mental illness. Items are statements of agreement
such as “I would find it hard to talk to someone who has a mental illness” or “People with mental
illness behave in ways that are unforeseeable” (Kenny et al., 2018). The original PPMI has four
subscales of between six and eight questions. To reduce participant fatigue while still allowing for
the usefulness of reducing social desirability, only the fear/avoidance and unpredictability
subscales were used.
Motivation to Respond Without Racial Prejudice Scale (MRWP). The second measure
included with the intent of preventing participants from predicting the hypothesis of the research
was the MRWP. This scale was modified from a similar scale crafted by Bamberg and Verkuten
(2022) measuring prejudice toward immigrants. Answers to this measure are given on a seven-
point Likert scale such that a seven indicates high levels of motivation. The first five questions of
the scale measure extrinsic motivation to respond without prejudice, and include statements of
agreement such as, “Because of today’s PC (politically correct) standards I try to appear
nonprejudiced towards Black people” (Bamberg & Verkuten, 2022). The second five questions of
the scale measure intrinsic motivation to respond without prejudice, and include statements of
agreement such as, “I attempt to act in nonprejudiced ways towards Black people because it is
personally important to me” (Bamberg & Verkuten, 2022).
Due to the two-session nature of the study, participants were compensated both with extra
credit and with an $8 Visa gift card after the second session. Extra credit was granted through a
university-wide program where undergraduate students can participate in research studies for
credit. Sessions occurred in a lab setting on a desktop computer. During the first session,
participants completed an informed consent procedure and created an anonymized identifier so
that pre- and post-test scores could be matched. Participants then completed a pre-test of the study
measures (GTS, IOS, CATT, PPMI, and MWRP) in random order for counterbalancing effects.
During the second session, participants were randomly assigned to one of two conditions.
Participants placed into the control condition completed the control procedure contained in
Appendix B. Participants assigned to the imagined contact intervention completed an imagined
contact procedure similar to that from Study 1; the modifications can be found in Appendix B. All
participants then completed the post-test measures. The GTS, IOS, and CATT were presented first,
though they appeared randomly. Afterwards, the PPMI and MWRP were presented in random
order. Thus, participants received the measures in a counterbalanced manner, but completed the
pertinent measures prior to those which are unrelated to this study. Next, participants completed
the demographic questionnaire. Participants then completed a separate survey to receive their
financial and SONA credit incentives to ensure no identifiers were present on participants’ data.
To ensure that there were no differences in measures of transnegativity at pre-test between
participants in the control group and the imagined contact condition, three independent-samples t-
tests of the pre-test GTS, CATT, and IOS scores by condition were conducted. The control group
(n = 22) GTS pre-test scores (M = 2.42, SD = 0.86) were not significantly different from the
imagined contact group (n = 18) GTS pre-test scores (M = 2.13, SD = 0.85), t(38) = 1.45, p = 0.16,
Cohen’s-d = 0.34. The control group CATT pre-test scores (M = 2.10, SD = 0.56) were also not
significantly different from the imagined contact group (M = 1.90, SD = 0.72), t(38) = 1.00, p =
0.32, Cohen’s-d = 0.31. Finally, the control group IOS pre-test scores (M = 2.86, SD = 1.78) were
not significantly different from the imagined contact group (M = 2.50, SD = 1.62), t(38) = 0.67, p
= 0.51, Cohen’s-d = 0.21. These findings support the assumption that random assignment was
successfully conducted and that any difference between the two groups at post-test was a result of
the intervention as opposed to a failure of random assignment.
All data were analyzed using 2x2 (Test x Intervention) Mixed ANOVA with an α = 0.017
to reduce the Type I error rate. When analyzing the GTS, there was no main effect of test, F(1, 38)
= 0.08, p = 0.80, η
= 0.002; pre-test scores (M = 2.32, SEM = 0.14) were similar to post-test
scores (M = 2.34, SEM = 0.15). There was also no effect of intervention, F(1, 38) = 2.64, p = 0.11,
= 0.065, such that the imagined contact intervention (M = 2.10, SEM = 0.21) was similar to the
control group (M = 2.56, SEM = 0.19). There was no interaction, F(1, 38) = 1.28, p = 0.26, η
0.033. The results of this ANOVA are in Table 2; a visualization is available in Figure 2.
When analyzing the CATT, there was no main effect of test, F(1, 38) = 0.02, p = 0.88, η
= 0.001; pre-test scores (M = 2.00, SEM = 0.10) were similar to post-test scores (M = 2.01, SEM
= 0.12). There was also no effect of intervention, F(1, 38) = 1.58, p = 0.21, η
= 0.040; the
imagined contact intervention (M = 1.86, SEM = 0.17) was similar to the control group (M = 2.15,
SEM = 0.15). There was no interaction, F(1, 38) = 1.78, p = 0.19, η
= 0.045. The results of this
ANOVA are in Table 3; a visualization is available in Figure 3.
When analyzing the IOS, there was no main effect of test, F(1, 38) = 0.48, p = 0.50, η
0.012; pre-test scores (M = 2.68, SEM = 0.27) were similar to post-test scores (M = 2.74, SEM =
0.26). There was also no effect of intervention, F(1, 38) = 0.34, p = 0.56, η
= 0.009. The imagined
contact intervention (M = 2.56, SEM = 0.39) was similar to the control group (M = 2.86, SEM =
0.35). There was no interaction, F(1, 38) = 0.48, p = 0.50, η
= 0.0012. The results of this ANOVA
are in Table 4; a visualization is available in Figure 4.
In direct contrast to the findings of Study 1 and to the research conducted by Moss-Racusin
and Rabasco (2018) and by Lytle and Levy (2015), Study 2 found no significant reduction of
transnegative prejudice following the intervention. Participants’ CATT, GTS, and IOS scores did
not change in either condition. There are several factors that could account for these findings.
A calculation by WebPower (2022) using the effect sizes found in the study run by Moss-
Racusin and Rabasco (2018) indicated that, to achieve enough power (1 β .80), a sample size
of 125 participants was the minimum required. The results observed in this research may be due
to the low power inherent in a sample size of 41 participants, as this is less than half of the
participants required. It is possible that, after the sample size reaches 169 participants, the current
research will show significant findings.
Alternatively, it is possible that the novel intervention is simply ineffective at reducing
transnegative beliefs, reducing feelings of contact apprehension, and increasing feelings of self-
other overlap in participants. The original Fast Friends Procedure (Aron et al., 1997), upon which
this intervention is based, is comprised of a total of 24 questions meant to induce feelings of
closeness between two participants. The current study’s novel imagined intergroup contact
procedure only used four of these 24 questions. It is possible that four questions is inadequate to
induce feelings of closeness between participants. If this is the case, then it may be beneficial to
revise the imagined intergroup contact procedure to include more of the Fast Friends Procedure in
future research in order to see if this is the problem.
The current research sought to create a novel intervention to reduce transnegativity among
participants. While an increase in participant IOS scores were shown in Study 1, Study 2 saw no
such increase in IOS scores, nor was there a reduction in CATT and GTS scores as hypothesized.
It is possible that the non-significant findings in Study 2 were merely a result of inadequate
power; to that end, recruitment and analysis of participants in this project will continue until 169
participants are tested. If the non-significant findings are a function of inadequate power, then the
findings of this research will be useful in reducing transnegativity in the future; the current study
will further research indicating that imagined contact is useful in reducing aspects of
transnegativity (Moss-Racusin & Rabasco, 2018; Orellana et al., 2020). This would be supported
by the initial significance of Study 1’s findings. Previous research and theory suggest that, if
inclusion of other in the self is increased, that familiarity will reduce the contact apprehension that
a participant faces and further reduce transnegative thoughts (Davies & Aron, 2016; McCullough
et al., 2019). Therefore, if the increase in IOS in Study 1 is reliable, it follows that an expectation
of significance in Study 2 is reasonable.
Another possibility is that the success in the implementation of the procedure in Study 1 is
a result of social desirability and not a function of the intervention’s success. Because the IOS was
the only measure used, and it has high face validity, participants may have surmised the hypothesis
of Study 1. If this is true, then it is possible that Study 2’s findings, even after adequate power is
reached, will support that the imagined intergroup contact procedure was inadequate in reducing
feelings of transnegativity. If this is the case, it does not mean inherently that transnegativity is
unaffected by imagined intergroup contact. The Fast Friends Procedure (Aron et al., 1997), upon
which the imagined intergroup contact procedure is based, is a 24-question procedure intended to
induce in-depth conversation among participants to increase feelings of interpersonal closeness.
Because the imagined intergroup contact procedure was shortened to only four of these questions,
it is possible that there was simply inadequate time for participants to create a bond with the target
character. Indeed, Lytle and Levy (2015)’s modified Fast Friends Procedure was a similar length
to the original by Aron et al. (1997), indicating that, perhaps, the length is part of the formula for
success in this procedure. A brief overview of the written responses that participants gave seems
to support this; one participant wrote, “It’s hard to fully judge the character on an individual from
just the first interaction though so I wouldn't immediately call him a friend here,” indicating that
the session was simply not long or comprehensive enough for them to create a feeling of friendship
with Elliot’s character.
The last noteworthy possibility is that there is something functionally different about
participants in Study 1 in comparison to Study 2. The Study 2 pre-test scores for the IOS (M =
2.71, SEM = 0.27) were similar to the scores of the Study 1 IOS post-tests (M = 2.42, SEM = .23);
this could be a function of error or could be an indicator of some qualitative difference between
the two sample groups. Because the groups were recruited in different ways, it is possible that
participants in Study 2 were already so low in transnegativity that the intervention was not effective
due to possible floor effects. If this is the case, then a theoretically stronger intervention might be
needed to find a difference among participants.
Future Directions
While the novel imagined intergroup contact intervention developed for the current
research is by no means perfect, it does open the door to many exciting uses. Because imagined
intergroup contact does not require the presence of members of an actual marginalized group, it
could be beneficial to use in reducing prejudice among communities that have very little diversity
due to location. It may be implemented in school and other publicly accessible areas of
homogenous communities which would otherwise not have access to opportunities to reduce
discrimination rates.
As promising research continues to be produced in the field of transnegativity reduction, it
is imperative to keep in mind who is impacted. As transgender people are put at heightened risk
of suicide (Staples et al., 2017) and violence (Wirtz, 2020), it is critical that researchers continue
to find realistic, meaningful ways to better the lives of the transgender community. More than that,
though, research should begin to incorporate the intersections of identities to reduce the prejudices
that individuals experience at these intersecting margins. Intersectional oppression is
fundamentally and qualitatively different than the oppression that is experienced by individuals
who only have one oppressed identity (Steinbugler, 2006); knowing this, it is important for
researchers to identify and understand the measures that combat not only aspects of prejudice
towards specific identities, but also the aspects of prejudice towards those identities’ intersections.
The work to study these intersections has already begun (Cho et al., 2013); however, as with any
task meant to address a systemic issue, it will take meaningful and intentional changes made by
researchers and theorists on all levels.
Though the current research did not find statistically significant results, that does not make
research into this field valueless nor meaningless. Prior research has shown the efficacy of
imagined contact procedures in reducing prejudice towards an outgroup (Iguarta et al., 2018) and
has been extended to prejudice reduction towards transgender members of an outgroup specifically
(Moss-Racusin & Rabasco, 2018). The current research may have had inadequate power to detect
an effect of the independent variable, or the intervention itself may not have been strong enough
to capture the change that it was created to invoke. In either case, the theoretical basis of this
research is sound and should continue to be explored. It is imperative that the research community
continues to work to reduce the prejudice that transgender individuals face every day. Research
efforts should continue to broaden this work to encapsulate the intersections at which transgender
identities exist. Imagined contact allows researchers a venue to explore these prejudices without
putting vulnerable populations at risk; that, if nothing else, is a worthy goal.
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Table 1
Mixed-Factor ANOVA Results Using IOS Scores from Study 1 as a Criterion
Between-subjects effects
Error (condition)
Within-subjects effects
Error (test)
Table 2
Mixed-Factor ANOVA Results Using GTS Scores from Study 2 as a Criterion
Between-subjects effects
Error (condition)
Within-subjects effects
Error (test)
Table 3
Mixed-Factor ANOVA Results Using CATT Scores from Study 2 as a Criterion
Table 4
Mixed-Factor ANOVA Results Using IOS Scores from Study 2 as a Criterion
Between-subjects effects
Error (condition)
Within-subjects effects
Error (test)
Figure 1
Comparison of Marginal Means for the IOS Pre- and Post-Tests of Study 1 by Condition
Figure 2
Comparison of Marginal Means for the GTS Pre- and Post-Tests of Study 2 by Condition
Figure 3
Comparison of Marginal Means for the CATT Pre- and Post-Tests of Study 2 by Condition
Figure 4
Comparison of Marginal Means for the IOS Pre- and Post-Tests of Study 2 by Condition
You are about to participate in a guided visualization exercise. The scenes will be told in
the format of a story. There will be opportunities for you to give free-response answers. There is
no right answer to these. The goal with this story and these free-response answers is to let you
focus on the experience; you are not being graded. The only good answer is one that you took
your time creating; there are no bad answers. Take your time when reading this exercise; focus
on the five senses (touch, sight, hearing, taste, and smell). When you give your answers, take
your time to check-in with your emotional reaction and let that inform your responses.
We would like you to take some time imagining the following scenario.
Imagine that you are a college student in your first day of classes in a new semester. You go into
one of your classes and are informed that your first assignment is a project that must be done in
assigned pairs. The instructor suggests that you become good friends with your assigned partner,
because this project will be worth a significant portion of your grade. The instructor gives you a
series of icebreaker questions to answer with your partner so that you can better know each
This is your assigned partner. When he sees
you, he smiles and holds out his hand to
shake. “Hi! My name is Elliot! What’s your
What do you tell him your name is?
As you settle down, you notice that he has a pink, blue, and white striped patch on his backpack.
The flag is the transgender flag.
A transgender person is a person who does not
identify with the gender that they were assigned
at birth. In other words, it is someone who was
identified by doctors as one gender when they
were born, and who does not feel like that identity is correct.
The instructor puts up a question on the board and gives you a few minutes to talk to your
partners about it. The first question is: Before you make a telephone call, do you ever rehearse
what you’re going to say? Why?
Elliot laughs at this question. “I
absolutely rehearse what I’m going to
say when I make calls!” he admits. “I
get a little bit nervous. What about
What do you tell Elliot?
When the classroom seems to be done answering that question, the instructor calls your attention
back to the board and puts up a second question. The new question is: Is there something
you’ve dreamt about doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
Elliot says, “Honestly, I’ve always wanted to travel the
world! I haven’t had a chance yet, because of school. I’m
thinking about taking advantage of the study abroad
program to make it happen, though!” He looks excited at
the thought, and then turns his attention to you. “What
about you? What’s something you’ve wanted to do and
haven’t done?”
What do you tell him?
When it seems that everyone has finished answering the question, the instructor calls your
attention back to the board and puts up a third question. The new question is: What is your most
treasured memory?
Elliot says, “My most treasured memory is
meeting my little sister for the first time. I was
eight when she was born, and I remember
being amazed at how tiny she was. She’s been
supportive of me in all of my big life changes.
I’m really thankful for her.” He laughs. “What
about you? What’s your most treasured memory?”
What do you tell Elliot?
When the instructor deems that you have had enough time to discuss the question, they call your
attention to the screen. They put up a fourth question to discuss: Tell your partner something
that you like about them already.
Elliot says, “I feel like you’ve
really been listening to me this
whole time. That’s a good thing
in a project partner, I think.” He
waits for you to tell him
something that you like about
What do you tell him?
The icebreaker is over, and the teacher calls your attention to the front one final time to dismiss
you. Elliot asks for your phone number and offers his own. He says, “Thanks for talking! Do you
want to get coffee some time?”
You agree, and head on your way.
What are your parting thoughts about Elliot and your interactions with him?
You are about to participate in a guided visualization exercise. The scenes will be told in
the format of a story. There will be opportunities for you to give free-response answers. There is
no right answer to these. The goal with this story and these free-response answers is to let you
focus on the experience; you are not being graded. The only good answer is one that you took
your time creating; there are no bad answers. Take your time when reading this exercise; focus
on the five senses (touch, sight, hearing, taste, and smell). When you give your answers, take
your time to check-in with your emotional reaction and let that inform your responses.
We would like you to take some time imagining the following scenario.
Imagine that you are a college student in your first day of classes in a new semester. You go into
one of your classes and are informed that your first assignment is a project that must be done in
assigned pairs. The instructor suggests that you become good friends with your assigned partner,
because this project will be worth a significant portion of your grade. The instructor gives you a
series of icebreaker questions to answer with your partner so that you can better know each
This is your assigned partner. When he sees
you, he smiles and holds out his hand to
shake. “Hi! My name is Elliot! This is a
pretty weird way to start a class, I think.” He
laughs. “What’s your name?”
You tell him your name. What do you think
about this way to introduce the class? Share
your thoughts in 25 complete sentences.
As you settle down, you notice that he has a pink, blue, and white striped patch on his backpack.
You ask him what it is.
“Oh!” he says. “That’s the transgender flag. I
have it because I’m a transgender man. That
means that when I was born, the doctor thought
that I was a girl. I grew up and realized that I’m
actually a man, and now I’m taking some steps to transition, like taking medications and getting
other gender-affirming care.”
The instructor puts up a question on the board and gives you a few minutes to talk to your
partners about it. The first question is: Before you make a telephone call, do you ever rehearse
what you’re going to say? Why?
Elliot laughs at this question. “I
absolutely rehearse what I’m going to
say when I make calls!” he admits. “I
get a little bit nervous. What about
What do you tell Elliot? Answer in 25
complete sentences.
When the classroom seems to be done answering that question, the instructor calls your attention
back to the board and puts up a second question. The new question is: Is there something
you’ve dreamt about doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
Elliot says, “Honestly, I’ve always wanted to travel the
world! I haven’t had a chance yet, because of school. I’m
thinking about taking advantage of the study abroad
program to make it happen, though!” He looks excited at
the thought, and then turns his attention to you. “What
about you? What’s something you’ve wanted to do and
haven’t done?”
What do you tell him? Answer in 25 complete sentences.
When it seems that everyone has finished answering the question, the instructor calls your
attention back to the board and puts up a third question. The new question is: What is your most
treasured memory?
Elliot says, “My most treasured memory is
meeting my little sister for the first time. I was
eight when she was born, and I remember
being amazed at how tiny she was. She’s been
supportive of me in all of my big life changes.
I’m really thankful for her.” He laughs. “What
about you? What’s your most treasured memory?”
What do you tell Elliot? Answer in 25 complete sentences.
When the instructor deems that you have had enough time to discuss the question, they call your
attention to the screen. They put up a fourth question to discuss: Tell your partner something
that you like about them already.
Elliot says, “I feel like you’ve
really been listening to me this
whole time. That’s a good thing
in a project partner, I think.” He
waits for you to tell him
something that you like about
What do you tell him? Answer in
25 complete sentences.
The icebreaker is over, and the teacher calls your attention to the front one final time to dismiss
you. Elliot asks for your phone number and offers his own. He says, “Thanks for talking! Do you
want to get coffee some time?”
You agree, and head on your way.
What are your parting thoughts about Elliot and your interactions with him? Answer in 25
complete sentences.
You are about to participate in a guided visualization exercise. The scenes will be told in
the format of a story. There will be opportunities for you to give free-response answers. There is
no right answer to these. The goal with this story and these free-response answers is to let you
focus on the experience; you are not being graded. The only good answer is one that you took
your time creating; there are no bad answers. Take your time when reading this exercise; focus
on the five senses (touch, sight, hearing, taste, and smell). When you give your answers, take
your time to check-in with your emotional reaction and let that inform your responses.
We would like you to take some time imagining the following scenario.
Imagine that you are a college student in your first day of classes in a new semester. You go into
one of your classes and are informed that your first assignment is a project on self-knowledge.
The instructor suggests that you become familiar with your own thoughts and feelings, because
this project will be worth a significant portion of your grade. The instructor gives you a series of
questions to answer so that you can better know yourself.
It is your first day of class,
and you’re already doing
something that’s a little bit
What do you think about this
way to introduce the class?
Share your thoughts in 25
complete sentences.
The instructor puts up a question on the board
and gives you a few minutes to think about it
and write down your answers. The first
question is: Before you make a telephone
call, do you ever rehearse what you’re going
to say? Why?
Answer in 25 complete sentences.
When the classroom seems to be done answering that question, the instructor calls your attention
back to the board and puts up a second question. The new question is: Is there something
you’ve dreamt about doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
There are rustles as your peers
get to writing down their
answers to the question.
What do you tell write down?
Answer in 25 complete
When it seems that everyone has finished answering the question, the instructor calls your
attention back to the board and puts up a third question. The new question is: What is your most
treasured memory?
What do you write down?
Answer in 25 complete sentences.
When the instructor deems that you have had enough time to answer the question, they call your
attention to the screen. They put up a fourth question to discuss: Tell your instructor something
that you’re excited about for this class already.
What do you write down?
Answer in 25 complete
The journaling session is over, and the teacher calls your attention to the front one final time to
dismiss you. “Alright, class, don’t forget to look over chapter 1 of the textbook. Email me with
any question!”
You agree, and head on your way.
What are your parting thoughts about this class and the project that you are going to do? Answer
in 25 complete sentences.
Comprehension Questions
During your research participation, you read about a college student named Elliot.
1. What type of patch did Elliot have on his backpack? _____________
2. What was Elliot’s gender identity? ________________