With a Little Help From My Cross-Group Friend: Reducing Anxiety in
Intergroup Contexts Through Cross-Group Friendship
Elizabeth Page-Gould and Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton
University of California, Berkeley
Linda R. Tropp
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
The authors induced cross-group friendship between Latinos/as and Whites to test the effects of
cross-group friendship on anxiety in intergroup contexts. Cross-group friendship led to decreases in
cortisol reactivity (a hormonal correlate of stress; W. R. Lovallo & T. L. Thomas, 2000) over 3 friendship
meetings among participants high in race-based rejection sensitivity (R. Mendoza-Denton, G. Downey,
V. J. Purdie, A. Davis, & J. Pietrzak, 2002) and participants high in implicit prejudice (A. G. Greenwald,
B. A. Nosek, & M. R. Banaji, 2003). Cross-group partners’ prior intergroup contact moderated the
relationship between race-based rejection sensitivity and cortisol reactivity. Following the manipulation,
participants kept daily diaries of their experiences in an ethnically diverse setting. Implicitly prejudiced
participants initiated more intergroup interactions during the diary period after making a cross-group
friend. Participants who had made a cross-group friend reported lower anxious mood during the diary
period, which compensated for greater anxious mood among participants high in race-based rejection
sensitivity. These findings provide experimental evidence that cross-group friendship is beneficial for
people who are likely to experience anxiety in intergroup contexts.
Keywords: cross-group friendship, intergroup anxiety, close relationships, intergroup contact, intergroup
Even though interactions between members of different social
groups are sometimes characterized by anxiety and threat (Blas-
covich, Mendes, Hunter, Lickel, & Kowai-Bell, 2001; Mendes,
Blascovich, Lickel, & Hunter, 2002; Stephan & Stephan, 1985,
2000), a growing body of research suggests that cross-group
friendship can attenuate such anxiety. Cross-group friendship is
associated with low levels of self-reported intergroup anxiety
(Paolini, Hewstone, Voci, Harwood, & Cairns, 2006), and the
improvements in intergroup attitudes that result from intergroup
contact seem especially evident when such contact is characterized
by friendship (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2005, 2006, footnote 4; Tropp,
2007). Longitudinal research on the acquisition of cross-group
friends in college (Levin, van Laar, & Sidanius, 2003) revealed
that students who acquired more cross-group friends by their 2nd
year reported significantly less anxiety about interacting with
outgroup members at the end of 4 years of college. Even among
groups with a recent history of violent conflict, such as Catholics
and Protestants in Northern Ireland, having close friends from the
other religious group predicted less anxiety about interactions with
members of that group (Paolini, Hewstone, Cairns, & Voci, 2004).
Despite the promise of these findings, the direction of causality
between cross-group friendship and anxiety in intergroup contexts
needs to be established experimentally. Wright and his colleagues
(see Wright, Aron, & Tropp, 2002; Wright, Brody, & Aron, 2005;
Wright, Ropp, & Tropp, 1998; Wright & van der Zande, 1999)
described research that provided initial evidence for the causal
effects of cross-group friendship on self-reported anxiety.
Majority-group participants were paired with either a same- or
cross-group partner for a series of friendly interactions, after which
their mood and attitudes were assessed. The results yielded reduc-
tions in self-reported anxiety and increases in closeness after each
interaction. The experimental nature of this research allowed for
causal inferences regarding the benefits of cross-group friendship,
a lack of which had characterized the literature on close intergroup
relationships (Pettigrew, 1998).
Building on the experimental paradigm used by Wright and
colleagues (Wright et al., 1998, 2002, 2005; Wright & van der
Elizabeth Page-Gould and Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, Department of
Psychology, University of California, Berkeley; Linda R. Tropp, Depart-
ment of Psychology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Elizabeth Page-Gould is now at Harvard University.
This research was supported by a grant from the University of Califor-
nia, Berkeley’s Center for the Development of Peace and Well-Being, and
this material is based upon work supported under a National Science
Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship to Elizabeth Page-Gould. Por-
tions of this research were presented at the 2006 meeting of the Society for
the Psychological Study of Social Issues and the 2007 meeting of the
Society of Personality and Social Psychology.
We are grateful to Wendy Berry Mendes for her many contributions to
the methods used in this study and O
zlem Ayduk for her conceptual and
quantitative guidance. We deeply thank the experimenters, Sarah Hirsch,
Tyler Jenkins, Jessica Lopez Jimenez, Ria Jose, Allison Lee, Thanh
“Trevor” Nguyen, Wendy Nguyen, Deepa Patel, Tecsia Ross, Melanie
Weininger, and Rosa Wong, for their exceptional work. We thank Ian
Dennis Miller for the customized infrastructure and software that imple-
mented the project. We are also grateful for the insightful comments given
by E. J. Horberg, Wayne Chan, Jennifer Goetz, M. Goldman-Flythe, Nina
Hansen, Christopher Lucas, Lindsay Shaw Taylor, and Stephen C. Wright
on previous versions of this article.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Elizabeth
Page-Gould, William James Hall 1410, 33 Kirkland Street, Cambridge,
MA 02138, or Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, Institute of Personality and
Social Research, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-5050.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Copyright 2008 by the American Psychological Association
2008, Vol. 95, No. 5, 1080 –1094 0022-3514/08/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.95.5.1080
Zande, 1999), we report a study in which friendship was induced
between same- and cross-group dyads of Latinos/as and Whites.
We extend prior research in several respects. First, we experimen-
tally examined the effects of cross-group friendship from the
perspectives of two groups (c.f. Pettigrew, 1998; Tropp & Petti-
grew, 2005b), adopting an approach that centers on individual
differences both in prejudicial attitudes and in concerns about
being the target of others’ prejudicial attitudes. Second, we incor-
porated a hormonal correlate of stress, cortisol reactivity, when
assessing participants’ anxious responses to the experimental ma-
nipulation of cross-group friendship. Physiological responses have
the benefit of not being subject to controlled processes or self-
presentation effects (Blascovich et al., 2001). Third, we examined
dyadic effects on cortisol reactivity by testing whether a friend’s
prior intergroup contact moderated the effects of cross-grou p
friendship. Finally, over a diary period following the final friend-
ship meeting, we examined anxious mood and initiation of cross-
group social interactions in an ethnically diverse setting. The
experimental procedure described in this paper represents a rela-
tively strong situation (Mischel, 1977; Snyder & Ickes, 1985) that
maximized conditions for friendship formation, as our interest was
in fostering closeness irrespective of participants’ preexisting pro-
pensities to form cross-group friendships.
Reducing Anxiety in Intergroup Contexts Through Cross-
Group Friendship
Generally, we propose that cross-group friendship improves
intergroup interactions through systematic disconfirmations of
negative expectations about intergroup experiences (Mendoza-
Denton, Page-Gould, & Pietrzak, 2006). If people who are predis-
posed to anxiety in intergroup contexts experience multiple epi-
sodes of intergroup contact with no attendant anxiety—as would
likely accompany the development of a new cross-group friend-
ship—then chronic anxious orientations to outgroup members may
be attenuated (Paolini et al., 2006). In this way, the formation of a
cross-group friendship may improve intergrou p interactions
among individuals who typically have negative intergroup expec-
tations (Mendoza-Denton et al., 2006).
Individual Differences in Anxiety in Intergroup Contexts
Our approach to addressing the causal benefits of cross-group
friendship is couched in the recognition that not everyone who
engages in intergroup interaction experiences threat and anxiety to
the same degree (Britt, Boniecki, Vescio, Biernat, & Brown, 1996;
Mendoza-Denton, Downey, Purdie, Davis, & Pietrzak, 2002; Plant
& Devine, 2003; Stephan & Stephan, 1984, 1985). Accordingly,
we focus on two processes that prior research and theory have
identified as relevant to experiencing threat and anxiety when
developing relationships across group boundaries: concerns about
being rejected on the basis of group membership (Mendoza-
Denton et al., 2002 ) and prejudiced attitudes ( Greenwald,
McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998). Although we originally conceptual-
ized these processes as being most relevant to minority and ma-
jority participants, respectively, we nevertheless examined their
predictive utility for both groups.
Concerns of Rejection in Intergroup Contexts
Given the centrality of concerns of rejection on the basis of
group membership for anxiety in intergroup contexts (Mendoza-
Denton et al., 2006; Stephan & Stephan, 2000), we used a scale of
race-based rejection sensitivity (RS-race; Mendoza-Denton et al.,
2002) to tap into Latino/a and White participants’ anticipatory
rejection concerns. Researchers have previously used this ques-
tionnaire to understand minority students’ sense of institutional
belonging and academic outcomes in predominantly White insti-
tutions (Mendoza-Denton et al., 2002; Mendoza-Denton, Pietrzak,
& Downey, in press; Pin˜a & Mendoza-Denton, 2003; Walton &
Cohen, 2007). Nevertheless, research converges on the notion that
concerns of rejection are relevant for members of both minority
(Mendoza-Denton et al., 2002; Stephan & Stephan, 1989; Shelton,
Richeson, & Salvatore, 2005) and majority groups (Goff, Steele, &
Davies, 2008; Plant & Devine, 2003; Stephan & Stephan, 2000;
Vorauer, Hunter, Main, & Roy, 2000). Therefore, we measured
race-based rejection concerns among members of both groups.
Prejudiced Attitudes
Research similarly suggests that prejudiced attitudes toward a
cross-group partner’s ethnic group should invoke anxiety in inter-
group interactions (Stephan & Stephan, 1985, 2000) and more
negative expectations for these interactions (Vorauer & Kumhyr,
2001). Consistent with this view, implicit prejudice has been found
to predict subtle manifestations of anxiety and hostility in cross-
group interactions (Dovidio, Kawakami, & Gaertner, 2002; Gaert-
ner & Dovidio, 2005), whereas egalitarianism has been linked with
more adaptive stress responses during interracial int eractions
(Mendes, Gray, Mendoza-Denton, Major, & Epel, 2007). In the
present research, we focused on implicit prejudice— here mea-
sured by the Implicit Association Test (IAT; Greenwald, Nosek, &
Banaji, 2003)—rather than explicit prejudice, given that the former
measure seems more resistant to demand characteristics (Fazio &
Olson, 2003; Nosek, 2005).
Hypothesis 1
Bringing together the above literatures, we hypothesized that
only participants who are likely to experience anxiety in intergroup
contexts (either because of RS-race or implicit prejudice) should
show signs of hormonal stress responses when they first meet a
cross-group partner, but that cross-group friendship should atten-
uate such stress responses over the course of friendship develop-
ment. As a corollary, participants who scored lower on measures
of RS-race or implicit prejudice were not expected to show such
attenuation in the cross-group condition because they should have
been less likely to exhibit hormonal stress responses in the first
place. In addition, we tested whether participants’ ethnicity (i.e.,
Latino/a or White) moderated these predicted patterns.
Moderating Effects of Partners’ Prior Intergroup Contact
An implied assumption of Hypothesis 1 is that the mere group
membership of a cross-group friend should be sufficient to atten-
uate hormonal stress responses among individuals who are predis-
posed to experience anxiety in intergroup contexts. However,
cross-group friends may themselves vary substantially in their
ability to navigate cross-group interactions. It seems reasonable to
anticipate that those with prior intergroup contact may be more
able to promote feelings of comfort in the interaction than out-
group members without prior intergroup experience. In line with
this view, White students with prior interracial contact have been
shown to perceive upcoming cross-race interactions as less de-
manding and exhibited more adaptive physiological responses to
stress during those interactions (Blascovich et al., 2001; Mendes et
al., 2002). Moreover, research examining barriers to the formation
of cross-group friendship demonstrated that people with greater
intergroup contact tend to be more accurate about how much
interest in friendship they convey to cross-group partners (Vorauer
& Sakamoto, 2006). Taken together, these perspectives suggest
that having a partner with greater intergroup contact should facil-
itate positive responses to cross-group friendship formation.
On the other hand, research suggests that being highly invested
in an intergroup interaction, as might be the case with experienced
partners (e.g., Emerson, Kimbro, & Yancey, 2002), can paradox-
ically lead people to appear less positive and less responsive in
intergroup encounters (Vorauer & Turpie, 2004). For individuals
who anticipate rejection in intergroup encounters, an outgroup
partner who conveys less positivity than is normative may be
parti cularly threate ning. Cons istent wit h this notion, Shelton,
Richeson, Salvatore, and Trawalter (2005) found that Black par-
ticipants actually preferred interacting for a short while with im-
plicitly prejudiced White partners more than with White partners
who were low in implicit prejudice. Together, these findings
present an alternate possibility that cross-group partners with sub-
stantial prior contact could engender threat, particularly among
individuals who are vigilant for social cues during the interaction.
Hypothesis 2
We expected that partners’ prior intergroup contact would mod-
erate the anxiety-reducing effects of cross-group friendship among
those participants most likely to experience anxiety in intergroup
contexts. On the one hand, we hypothesized that cortisol reactivity
should be the least pronounced among participants who were
predisposed to anxiety in intergroup contexts but also paired with
a cross-group partner with prior intergroup contact. On the other
hand, a series of recent findings have led to an alternate hypothesis
that participants with prior intergroup contact may engender
greater threat among outgroup partners who are vigilant for cues of
rejection in intergroup encounters. We also examined changes in
these effects over the friendship meetings.
Effects Beyond the Friendship
We were also interested in whether the formation of cross-group
friendship would have any intergroup effects beyond the specific
friendship dyad. Research and theory suggest that positive expe-
riences with a cross-group friend can have a positive impact on
intergroup relations that reaches outside the context of the friendship
(Allport, 1954; Paolini, Hewstone, Rubin, & Pay, 2004; Pettigrew &
Tropp, 2005), and we examined this possibility using two indicators.
The first is participants’ anxious mood in a diverse social environment
that is characterized by a high likelihood of intergroup interaction.
The second involves behaviors toward outgroup members, assessed
by initiation of intergroup interactions in this environment.
Anxious Mood in Diverse Contexts
Environments in which one might be the target of exclusion,
prejudgment, or differential treatment can engender an overall
sense of discomfort and anxiety (Inzlicht & Ben-Zeev, 2000;
Mendoza-Denton et al., 2002; Walton & Cohen, 2007). Presum-
ably, this discomfort occurs because potential recipients of such
rejection have less control over whether rejection actually occurs
than do the perpetrators, and thus, the threat of rejection may apply
chronically. Given that the setting of the current study was a
diverse social environment in which intergroup interactions are
likely to form a necessary part of everyday life (see the Setting
section below), we reasoned that RS-race in particular would be
associated with less overall comfort in this environment. To the
degree that positive attitudes fostered through cross-group friend-
ship may ease anxious expectations of future rejection, we tested
whether our experimental manipulation would lead to decreased
anxious mood within this particular setting.
Initiation of Cross-Group Interactions
Past research suggests that avoidance of outgroup members is a
behavioral correlate of anxiety in intergroup contexts (Islam &
Hewstone, 1993). By contrast, cross-group friendship has been
associated with greater openness to future interracial ties (Emerson
et al., 2002; Tropp & Pettigrew, 2005a). As such, we tested
whether our experimental manipulations of friendship would in-
crease subsequent approach-oriented behaviors toward outgroup
members, indexed here as initiation of cross-group interactions in
daily life. We also examined initiation of same-group interactions
to ensure the findings were specific to outgroup members.
Hypothesis 3
We expected that the effects of forming a new cross-group
friendship would persist in daily life. More specifically, we ex-
pected that the development of a cross-group friendship would
lead to more initiation of intergroup interactions during the diary
period, particularly among those who were originally predisposed
to anxiety in such interactions. We further hypothesized that par-
ticipants higher in RS-race would report more anxious mood over
the diary period but that this anxiety would be attenuated through
the development of cross-group friendship.
Overview of Present Research
To test the above hypotheses, we experimentally manipulated
friendship by randomly assigning Latino/a and White undergrad-
uates to same-group or cross-group friendship conditions. Partic-
ipants completed measures of RS-race, implicit prejudice, and
prior intergroup contact prior to the study. As in prior work by
Wright and colleagues (Wright et al., 1998, 2002; Wright & van
der Zande, 1999), same- and cross-group. Friendship dyads met
each week at the same time for 3 consecutive weeks and engaged
in a series of closeness-building tasks, modeled after the Fast
Friends procedure (Aron, Melinat, Aron, Vallone, & Bator, 1997),
which was designed to increase closeness between strangers. In
addition, salivary cortisol was assessed at the beginning and end of
each friendship meeting. Together, these data allowed us to ad-
dress Hypotheses 1 and 2. Following the final friendship meeting,
participants completed daily diaries of their social interactions and
mood. These additional data allowed us to address Hypothesis 3.
This study was conducted at the University of California, Berke-
ley (UC Berkeley) from the Fall of 2003 through the Spring of
2005. Over the course of data collection, the ethnic distribution of
the undergraduate population was as follows: 46.8% Asian, 34.4%
White, 12.0% Latino/a, 4.3% Black, and 2.5% other.
Participants and Procedure
The experiment was a 2 (Friendship Condition: same or cross
group, between participants) ! 2 (Participant Ethnicity: Latino/a or
White, between participants) ! 3 (Meeting Number: first, second, and
third, within participants) mixed-factorial dyadic design.
We used
the same-group friendship condition as a control condition because it
allowed us to compare the effects of making a cross-group friend with
the effects of making a new friend without a cross-group component.
We conducted separate analyses using RS-race and implicit prejudice
as predictors. Prior intergroup contact (Islam & Hewstone, 1993) and
interpersonal rejection sensitivity (Downey & Feldman, 1996) were
included as covariates in all analyses (see the Materials section).
Recruitment and Initial Assessment
Undergraduate research assistants recruited Latino/a and White
participants from common areas on campus to participate in the
“Friendship and Adjustment to College Study for $68, a $5 gift
certificate redeemable at a local smoothie store, and a chance to win
prizes in a lottery held every semester. Participants were informed that
the researchers were studying the effects of friendship formation on
adjustment to college, but they were not privy to the ethnic compo-
sition of the experimental conditions. Interested participants (N "
159) attended an initial information session in groups of 1 to 8 during
which they provided informed consent, shared their weekly schedules,
and completed the background measures.
Partner assignment. After the information session, we
matched participants into dyads, following the matching procedure
described by Aron et al. (1997). We randomly assigned partici-
pants to the same- or cross-group conditions and then matched
them with an eligible same-sex partner on the basis of coordinating
schedules. Although participants were not matched for similarity
on any characteristics other than sex, they were told their partner
was chosen on the basis of having a similar personality.
Attrition. Eleven participants did not complete the study (6.92%
attrition) because they either knew their assigned partner and did not
want to be re-paired, or they withdrew from the study because of time
constraints. Participants who did not complete the study were de-
briefed, thanked, and received partial compensation for the aspects of
the study they had completed. One dyad elected not to provide saliva
samples, so their data were only included in the diary analyses. In
addition, one cross-group pair was eliminated from the final sample
after they had completed the study because we later learned that one
of the participants was Asian American.
Final sample. The final sample (N " 144) consisted of 64
Latino/a participants (78% female) and 80 White participants
(68% female), with a mean age of 19.5 years (SD " 1.94). The
sample had a mean college class standing of 2.19 years (SD " 1.18
years). There were 26 Latino/a participants and 26 White partici-
pants assigned to the cross-group condition; they were paired into
26 cross-group dyads (69% female dyads). There were 54 White
and 38 Latino/a participants assigned a same-group partner, for a
total of 27 White same-group dyads (67% female) and 19 Latino/a
same-group dyads (84% female).
Experimenters. The dyads were randomly assigned to 1 of 11
experimenters who represented a diverse set of ethnic groups: 2
African Americans, 4 Asian Americans, 1 East Indian, 1 Latina,
and 3 Whites. The assigned experimenter ran all three friendship
meetings for each dyad. Experimenters were uninformed of the
specific hypotheses of the study.
Friendship Meetings
The friendship meetings began within 2 weeks of the information
session. We scheduled the meetings for 1 hr at the same time of day
each week for 3 consecutive weeks to account for the effects of
cortisol’s diurnal cycle within participant pairs (Lovallo & Thomas,
2000) and to allow for comparisons of cortisol changes across friend-
ship meetings. Partners were asked not to contact each other during
the 2 weeks that separated their three friendship meetings.
During each friendship interaction, participants completed an
expanded version of the Fast Friends procedure (Aron et al., 1997)
that we adapted for multiple meetings as outlined below. Our
paradigm was modeled on the original Fast Friends procedure
(Aron et al., 1997) and the multisession Fast Friends procedures
used to study cross-group friendship described by Wright et al.
(2002). We designed the expanded version of the Fast Friends
procedure to mimic the escalations in self-disclosure of the orig-
inal Fast Friends procedure and, in the final meeting, incorporated
a superordinate goal. Participants completed brief filler question-
naires at the beginning and end of each friendship meeting.
First friendship meeting. Participants arrived at the lab expect-
ing to complete a series of friendship-building tasks with a same-sex
friendship partner, but they did not know anything else about their
partner (i.e., the ethnicity of the partner was unknown). The first
meeting followed the Fast Friends procedure as outlined by Aron et al.
(1997), in which partners took turns reading and answering 36 ques-
tions that progressively encouraged self-disclosure.
We use the term ethnicity in this article to distinguish between our Latino/a
and White participants (cf. United States Census Bureau, Population Division,
Social and Demographic Statistics, 2003), recognizing nevertheless that dif-
ferences between these groups may be characterized as ethnic, racial, cultural,
or any mixture of these (Betancourt & Lo´pez, 1993; Phinney, 1996). Specif-
ically, because we classified White participants of Hispanic origin to be
Latino/a, we can only claim to have established friendships across ethnic
boundaries as opposed to racial ones. Nevertheless, we keep the term RS-race
to describe the RS-race questionnaire (Mendoza-Denton et al., 2002) to main-
tain consistency with prior literature.
The choice of a Latino/a and White sample was due to recruitment
access to Latino/a and Chicano/a student organizations. The choice of
ethnic groups reflects the work of Stephan and Stephan (1984, 1985), who
initially identified intergroup anxiety among Latinos/as and Whites.
Second friendship meeting. The second meeting was identical
to the first in protocol but used 36 new questions.
tions were drawn from the Book of Questions (Stock, 1987) and
were rated by an independent pilot sample (N " 16) on disclosure
prompted by the question and degree of comfort answering the
question with a stranger. We wanted the new questions to mimic
the same increase in self-disclosure as the original Fast Friends
procedure, and so the second set of Fast Friends questions was
matched to the original set on levels of comfort and self-disclosure.
The 36 final questions were rated similarly (M " 15.44, SD "
7.85) to the original 36 Fast Friends questions (M" 15.49, SD "
8.43), F(1, 35) " 1.15, ns, and thus were expected to elicit similar
levels of disclosure and closeness as the original Fast Friends
Third friendship meeting. For their final meeting, the partners
played Hasbro’s Jenga, a game in which players remove blocks
from a stacked tower with the goal of not pulling the block that
makes the entire tower fall. Participants were offered an extra
ticket in end-of-semester lotteries for each block the pair success-
fully pulled from the tower before it fell. We chose Jenga because
Wright and colleagues (1998, 1999, 2002) used it successfully and
found it to be an effective way to incorporate play and shared
leisure activities in the development of friendship (see also Floyd
& Parks, 1995; McElwain & Volling, 2005). We also created a
cooperative goal for the friendship dyads (Allport, 1954; Sherif et
al., 1961) by instructing partners to develop a collective strategy to
increase their chances of winning the final lotteries.
Daily Diaries
Participants completed daily diaries for 10 consecutive evenings
beginning the day after the final friendship meeting. At 6:00 each
evening, participants were emailed a link to their daily diary Web
survey. Participants were asked to complete the diary before they
went to sleep each night, but at the latest by 8:00 the following
morning. Three participants did not have Internet access in the
evening, so their regular experimenters conducted the diaries over
the telephone. Participants were contacted by phone after the final
diary for debriefing and compensation.
All self-report measures were assessed using a Web-based survey
programmed in Perl 5.8 by an independent programmer (Miller,
2006). The surveys interfaced with an Apache 1.3 Web server located
on a lab computer, and data were stored in a password-protected
PostgreSQL database. Collections of free salivary cortisol and
reaction-time data are described in greater detail below.
Background Questionnaire
Participants completed a background questionnaire during the
latter half of the information session. The background question-
naire was administered through a Web survey interface in individ-
ual cubicles and took approximately 30 min to complete. The
descriptive statistics for the background measures are presented in
Table 1, and zero-order correlations between background measures
are presented in Table 2, with values for Latino/a participants
presented along the upper diagonal and values for White partici-
pants presented along the lower diagonal.
RS-race. The RS-race scale (Mendoza-Denton et al., 2002)
assesses expectations of rejection on the basis of ethnicity across
situations in which discrimination is applicable and possible (such
as cross-group interactions). Respondents indicate on a 6-point
Likert scale how anxious they would feel and how much they
would expect race-based rejection (discrimination, exclusion, un-
favorable treatment) across a number of situations (e.g., being
called on in class, a job interview). Anxious expectations are
conceptualized as “hot” cognitions (Metcalfe & Mischel, 1999)
whereby affect amplifies the effects of a given cognition. Thus, the
expectation score is multiplied by the anxiety score within each
situation (Downey & Feldman, 1996; Mendoza-Denton et al.,
2002). Scores across all situations are averaged to arrive at an
RS-race score, in which higher scores indicate greater anxious
expectation of race-based rejection. In this study, we administered
a 6-item version of the RS-race questionnaire (# " .83) composed
of highly loading items from the original RS-race questionnaire
(see Mendoza-Denton et al., 2002). We administered the same
scale to Latino/a and White participants. Reliabilities by ethnic
group are listed in Table 1.
Implicit prejudice. Implicit prejudice was assessed with a Cau-
casian–Latino/a lexical IAT (Greenwald et al., 1998, 2003) created
using DirectRT v2002 software from Empirisoft (Jarvis, 2002). Par-
ticipants were asked to sort words into four categories (bad, good,
Caucasian surnames, Latino/a surnames) using two keys. The top 10
most common White and Latino/a surnames in the United States from
the 1990 Census (United States Census Bureau, Population Division,
1995) were used as the ethnicity-related stimuli.
We chose lexical
stimuli (surnames) instead of visual stimuli (e.g., pictures of morphed
White and Latino/a faces) because visual stimuli may not readily
differentiate Whites and Latinos/as, whereas the surnames belonging
A detailed protocol for the expanded Fast Friends procedure and the 36
new questions are available at the Relationships and Social Cognition Lab
website: http://rascl.berkeley.edu/tools/
The 10 most common Latino/a and White surnames from the 1990
United States census (United States Census Bureau, Population Division,
1995) are available for use as lexical IAT stimuli. The surnames are
available at the Relationships and Social Cognition Lab website: http://
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics for Background Measures
Latino/a White
M SD N # M SD N #
RS-race 7.22 6.60 64 0.85 3.33 2.46 78 0.79
IAT $0.195 0.594 54 0.91 0.743 0.432 68 0.86
Prior contact 4.70 1.86 63 0.92 3.63 1.52 78 0.86
RS-personal 9.71 3.94 63 0.65 9.40 4.02 79 0.73
Note. RS-race " race-based rejection sensitivity; RS-personal " interper-
sonal rejection sensitivity.
to each group are reasonably distinctive.
Stimuli for the good and bad
categories were taken from Greenwald et al. (1998).
On half of the trials, participants were told to classify Latino/a
and good words with the same key and Caucasian and bad words
with the other (i.e., Latino/a favoritism block of trials). On the
other half of trials, Caucasian and good were paired on one key,
and Latino/a and bad were paired on the other key (i.e., Caucasian
favoritism block of trials). It is assumed that differences in cate-
gorization speed between the Caucasian favoritism and Latino/a
favoritism blocks represent the relative degree to which partici-
pants associated the concepts of good and bad with Caucasians and
Latinos/as. The presentation order of the Latino/a favoritism and
Caucasian favoritism blocks were randomized across participants.
The IAT D criterion was calculated according to the revised
scoring algorithm and error and response-latency corrections de-
scribed by Greenwald et al. (2003). We did not record response
latencies on practice blocks (Greenwald et al., 1998), and so our
only deviation from the revised algorithm (Greenwald et al., 2003)
was that we calculated the IAT D by only averaging reaction times
from the experimental blocks. Positive IAT D scores indicate bias
in favor of Caucasians and negative IAT D scores indicate bias in
favor of Latinos/as. The software we used to record the IAT
discarded some participants’ data when exiting the program, yield-
ing the lower number of completed IAT scores presented in Table
1. IAT scores were reliable (# " .89).
Prior intergroup contact. We assessed prior intergroup con-
tact using a measure developed by Islam and Hewstone (1993). We
controlled for prior intergroup contact to test the effects of making
a new cross-group friend above and beyond prior contact effects
and because prior intergroup contact may moderate the effects of
new contact experiences (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006). As described
in the introduction, partners’ prior intergroup contact was also used
as a predictor when testing Hypothesis 2. White participants com-
pleted the measure with regard to their previous experiences with
Latinos/as, and Latino/a participants completed the measure with
regard to their previous experiences with Caucasians. The measure
includes five questions asking how much contact the participants
had with members of the other ethnic group in settings such as
college and outgroup members’ homes. Participants indicated how
often they had engaged in each form of contact using a 7-point
Likert scale (1 " no contact, 7 " a great deal of contact; # " .90).
Interpersonal rejection sensitivity. General sensitivity to so-
cial rejection was assessed using the Interpersonal Rejection Sen-
sitivity Questionnaire (Downey & Feldman, 1996). We included
interpersonal rejection sensitivity as a covariate to isolate the
influence of race-based rejection concerns from more general,
social rejection concerns (cf. Major & O’Brien, 2005). The Inter-
personal Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire is structured in the
same way as the RS-race scale, in which respondents indicate how
anxious they would feel and how much they would expect rejec-
tion across six scenarios in which rejection is possible (e.g., “You
ask someone in one of your classes to coffee,” “You ask your
girlfriend/boyfriend if she/he really loves you”). We averaged the
products of the anxiety and expectation questions for each scenario
to create a composite score ranging from 1 to 36, where higher
values indicate greater interpersonal rejection sensitivity (# "
Laboratory Measures
Cortisol reactivity. Measuring free salivary cortisol is a non-
invasive method of obtaining hormonal stress responses. Cortisol
is released into the saliva approximately 20 min following the
onset of a stressor and starts to withdraw approximately 20 min
after the removal of the stressor (Dickerson & Kemeny, 2004). In
the present study, participants salivated into 1.9ml IBL-Hamburg
SaliCap collection vials in front of each other at the beginning and
end of each friendship meeting, for a total of six saliva samples per
participant. However, 36 saliva samples were not analyzable be-
cause of blood in the sample (bleeding gums) or insufficient levels
of saliva. Saliva samples were stored in a frost-resistant lab freezer
chest until they could be transported to an independent lab for
assay analysis. Intra- and interassay coefficients of variation were
3.26 and 5.05, respectively.
There is wide variation in baseline levels of cortisol, both
between and within individuals over the course of the day, and
thus, only relative changes in cortisol from baseline are psycho-
logically meaningful correlates of anxiety (Lovallo & Thomas,
2000), with positive scores indicating activation of the
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and rate of decline in
this activation after the removal of the stressor indicating recovery.
Although our cortisol scores may be interpreted as either cortisol
reactivity or recovery because of the time course of cortisol col-
lection, we retain the term cortisol reactivity to maintain consis-
tency with the literature (Dickerson & Kemeny, 2004). In line with
this literature, we computed cortisol reactivity scores for each
meeting by subtracting postmeeting cortisol from baseline (pre-
meeting) cortisol. These reactivity scores across the three friend-
ship meetings served as our physiological correlates of anxiety. To
To ensure against systematic differences between the lexical stimuli
representing each ethnic category, we compared the lengths and phonemes
of surnames for each group. The mean letters per surname were not
significantly different between ethnicities (M
" 6.2 letters, SD
1.14; M
" 6.1 letters, SD
" 0.99), F(1,19) " 0.04, ns, and the
standard deviations in word length were not different between ethnicities,
Levene’s F(1,18) " 0.26, ns. There were 44 total syllables across the 20
Latino/a and White surnames used, and only three syllables were shared by
both groups (all three were the phoneme “-or”), whereas 10 syllables out
of 24 (42%) were shared among Latino/a surnames and 9 syllables out of
20 (45%) were shared among White surnames.
Table 2
Zero-Order Correlation Matrix of Background Measures
Measure (Latino/a)
RS-race IAT
RS-race $0.22 $0.3
IAT 0.01 0.23 $0.19
Prior contact 0.13 $0.004 0.031
RS-personal 0.11 0.001 $0.04
Note. RS-race " race-based rejection sensitivity; IAT " Implicit Associ-
ation Test (Greenwald, Nosek, & Banaji, 2003); RS-personal " interper-
sonal rejection sensitivity.
p % .05.
help account for the diurnal cycle, we ran participant dyads at the
same time of day each time they met.
Closeness with friendship partner. As a manipulation check,
closeness with friendship partner was assessed at the end of each
meeting using the Inclusion of Other in Self scale (IOS; Aron,
Aron, & Smollan, 1992). The IOS scale is a pictorial 7-point Likert
scale, depicting two increasingly overlapping circles, each labeled
“Self” and “Partner,” with greater overlap between the circles
depicting greater closeness. We chose to exchange “Partner” for
the circle typically labeled “Other” to make the scale more relevant
to the study. Participants were asked to select the picture that “best
represents your relationship with your interaction partner,” where
higher values indicate greater closeness.
Daily Diary Measures
Each diary consisted of filler questions to maintain our cover
story, such as daily mood, somatic symptoms, health behaviors,
and whether any classes had been missed. Among these mood
questions were five items assessing anxious mood (calm, nervous,
tense, attentive, worried) on a 7-point Likert scale. Calm and
attentive were reverse coded—participants’ responses were sub-
tracted from 8—so that higher values represented greater anxious
mood (average # " .90). We only examined anxious mood on
days when participants experienced cross-group interactions
(97.2% of total days reported), as we had too few instances of days
in which no cross-group interactions were reported. Participants
also reported on the nature of their longest social interactions with
someone of the same ethnic group and someone of another ethnic
group each day. If participants had not engaged in a cross-group
social interaction longer than 10 min that day, they were asked to
leave the questions blank. Participants were asked who had initi-
ated the interaction (self, other, or both), and degree of self-
initiated cross-group interactions were compared across friendship
conditions over the diary period.
To address the three hypotheses outlined in the introduction, we
conducted analyses using multilevel linear modeling (Bryk &
Raudenbush, 1992; Kenny, Kashy, & Bolger, 1998; Singer &
Willett, 2003) implemented using the mixed procedure in SAS as
outlined by Singer (1998) and Bolger and Zuckerman (1995). The
multilevel approach permits the simultaneous analysis of within-
person and between-person variation, so it can account for the
nesting of participants within friendship pairs and within-person
dependence of repeated measures (Bolger & Zuckerman, 1995;
Kenny et al., 1998; Singer & Willett, 2003). In line with nested
growth-curve analyses (Singer & Willett, 2003), we modeled
effects over the friendship meetings using an unstructured covari-
ance matrix to account for the aforeme ntioned dependencies
within the data. We covaried participants’ own prior intergroup
contact and Interpersonal Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire
score in all analyses below. In addition, for analyses involving
cortisol reactivity, we included the time of day during which a
given dyad’s meetings took place as a covariate to further control
for the effects of the diurnal cycle of cortisol. Prior to conducting
the analyses, we centered all continuous predictors (Aiken & West,
1991), with the exception of RS-race and IAT scores, which we
standardized within each ethnic group (see the Preliminary Anal-
yses section). We conducted parallel analyses using RS-race and
implicit prejudice as predictors.
Preliminary Analyses
Preliminary analyses revealed that cortisol reactivity was not
significantly affected by participant sex, participant age, or exper-
imenter ethnicity, and so these variables were not included in
subsequent analyses. Latinos’/as’ IAT scores were reversed so that
positive IAT scores would represent greater relative in-group bias
for all participants. Latinos/as and Whites differed significantly in
their mean IAT D scores, F(1, 122) " 104.12, p % .0001, and had
significantly different variances, Levene’s F(1, 121) " 3.97, p "
.049. Similarly, Latinos/as and Whites had significantly different
mean RS-race scores, F(1, 142) " 23.40, p % .0001, and unequal
variances, Levene’s F(1, 141) " 17.38, p % .0001. Thus, we
standardized these variables within ethnicity in the analyses below
to allow for comparisons between the ethnicities.
Manipulation Check: Growth in Partner Closeness
Self-reported partner closeness (as measured by the IOS) was
modeled as a function of friendship condition, ethnicity, meeting
number, and either RS-race or IAT with the aforementioned co-
variates. Only meeting number predicted changes in partner close-
ness, so we tested the main effects model of growth in partner
closeness as a function of meeting number, retaining the previous
predictors as covariates. Consistent with our expectations for the
expanded Fast Friends procedure, there was a strong increase in
partner closeness over the three friendship meetings (M
" 1.87,
" 1.28; M
" 2.85, SD
" 1.30; M
" 3.27,
" 1.34), b " 0.70, F(1, 273) " 135.31, p % .0001.
Reduction of Anxiety in Intergroup Contexts Through
Cross-Group Friendship
We modeled change in cortisol reactivity as a function of
friendship condition (same group vs. cross group), meeting num-
ber (first, second, third), ethnicity (Latino/a, White), and RS-race
(continuous), controlling for the effects of the variables described
above. This four-way interaction was not significant, b " $0.59,
F % 1, p " .492. Therefore, we collapsed across ethnicity but
retained it as a covariate in the final model presented in Table 3.
This model revealed a significant three-way interaction of friend-
ship condition, meeting number, and RS-race, b " $1.18, F(1,
309) " 7.23, p " .008. This interaction remained significant when
we controlled for participants’ implicit prejudice, b " $1.60, F(1,
251) " 11.61, p " .001.
To better understand this pattern, we examined lower order
effects in the context of the significant higher order interaction
(Aiken & West, 1991). In the cross-group friendship condition, the
RS-Race ! Meeting Number interaction was significant, b "
$0.64, F(1, 307) " 3.92, p " .049. This interaction is plotted in
Figure 1. As expected, cortisol reactivity attenuated significantly
as a function of meeting number, b " $1.18, F(1, 307) " 5.74,
p " .017. Simple slope analyses within each cross-group friend-
ship meeting revealed that RS-race predicted significantly greater
cortisol reactivity in the first meeting, b " 1.61, F(1, 307) "
10.69, p " .001, whereas there were no differences in cortisol
reactivity as a function of RS-race by the third friendship meeting,
b " 0.34, F % 1, p " .427. Among participants lower in RS-race
in the cross-group condition, however, meeting number did not
significantly predict cortisol reactivity, b " 0.14, F % 1, p " .791.
The Meeting Number ! RS-Race interaction approached sig-
nificance in the same-group condition, b " 0.54, F(1, 307) " 3.30,
p " .070, but cortisol reactivity did not significantly change over
the same-group friendship meetings for people low in RS-race,
b " $0.39, F(1, 307) % 1, p " .350, or for those high in RS-race,
b " 0.70, F(1, 307) " 2.55, p " .111. Thus, we did not pursue
findings from the same-group condition further.
We conducted a parallel analysis for implicit prejudice. The
four-way interaction of friendship condition, meeting number,
implicit prejudice, and ethnicity was not significant, b " 1.18, F(1,
245) " 1.63, p " .204. Collapsing across and controlling for
ethnicity yielded a marginal three-way interaction of friendship
condition, meeting number, and implicit prejudice, b " $0.83,
F(1, 252) " 3.13, p " .078. The significance of this interaction
was similar when we controlled for RS-race, b " $0.84, F(1,
251) " 3.33, p " .069. Even though this interaction did not reach
conventional significance levels, we proceeded to examine our a
priori planned comparisons (cf. Tybout & Sternthal, 2001). As
expected, the Implicit Prejudice ! Meeting Number interaction
was not significant in the same-group condition, b " $0.026, F %
1, p " .932, but was significant in the cross-group condition, b "
$0.85, F(1, 252) " 5.88, p " .016. As illustrated in Figure 2,
results for the cross-group friendship condition show that the slope
for cortisol reactivity was significantly negative as a function of
meeting number among participants higher in implicit prejudice,
b " $1.68, F(1, 252) " 7.45, p " .007, whereas no significant
relationship was observed between cortisol reactivity and meeting
number among participants lower in implicit prejudice, b "
$0.25, F % 1, p " .668. Implicit prejudice marginally predicted
heightened cortisol reactivity during the first cross-group meeting,
b " 1.01, F(1, 252) " 2.88, p " .09, and was reversed but not
significant by the final meeting, b " $0.71, F(1, 252) " 2.10, p
" .149.
Moderating Effects of Partners’ Prior Intergroup Contact
To address our second hypothesis, we ran the same analyses as
above but included an additional predictor in the model that was
not included in the prior analyses: the amount of prior intergroup
contact that each participant’s partner reported. No effects were
found with partner’s prior contact for implicit prejudice, either in
the full model or only when examined in the cross-group condi-
Figure 1. Cortisol reactivity as a function of race-based rejection sensi-
tivity (RS-race) over three cross-group friendship meetings. Least squares
means for high and low RS-race are estimated at one standard deviation
above and below the means of RS-race within each ethnic group, respec-
Figure 2. Cortisol reactivity as a function of implicit prejudice over three
cross-group friendship meetings. Least squares means for high and low
implicit prejudice are estimated at one standard deviation above and below
the means of implicit prejudice within each ethnic group. IAT " Implicit
Association Test (Greenwald, Nosek, & Banaji, 2003).
Table 3
Model Estimates of Cortisol Reactivity for RS-Race and Implicit
Prejudice (IAT)
estimate (SE)
estimate (SE)
Intercept $1.35
Hour 0.36
Prior contact 0.04 (.14) $0.07 (.16)
RS-personal $.0007 (.06) 0.01 (.07)
Ethnicity 0.47 (.47) 0.52 (.56)
RS-race/IAT 0.40 (.33) 0.22 (.38)
Friendship condition $.42 (.49) $.03 (.58)
(RS-Race/IAT) ! Friendship Condition 0.58 (.47) $0.08 (.57)
Meeting no. 0.16 (.30) 0.19 (.34)
(RS-Race/IAT) ! Meeting No. 0.54
$0.03 (.31)
Friendship Condition ! Meeting No. $.65 (.49) $0.97
(RS-Race/IAT) ! Friendship Condition
! Meeting No. $1.18
Note. RS-race " race-based rejection sensitivity; RS-personal " interper-
sonal rejection sensitivity.
p % .10.
p % .05.
tion. Thus, we do not discuss effects for implicit prejudice further
in this section.
Analyses with RS-race, however, yielded a significant Friend-
ship Condition ! Meeting Number ! RS-Race ! Partner’s Prior
Contact interaction, b " $1.51, F(1, 294) " 9.36, p " .002.
Model estimates are shown in Table 4. As above, this interaction
was not moderated by participant ethnicity, b " $0.65, F % 1, p
" .446, yet remained robust when we controlled for participants’
implicit prejudice, b " $1.78, F(1, 238) " 11.63, p " .001.
Simple slope analyses revealed that the three-way interaction of
RS-race, meeting number, and partner’s prior contact was not
significant among participants in the same-group condition, b "
0.47, F(1, 294) " 1.44, p " .231, but was significant in the
cross-group condition, b " $1.04, F(1, 294) " 13.49, p " .0003.
As Figure 3 illustrates, the effect of meeting number was not
significant among participants lower in RS-race, regardless of
whether his/her partner had low contact, b " 0.26, F % 1, p "
.747, or high contact, b " 0.30, F % 1, p " .604.
An interesting pattern emerged for participants high in RS-race.
The slope for cortisol reactivity was significantly positive for
high-RS-race participants paired with an inexperienced partner,
b " 1.46, F(1, 294) " 4.89, p " .028. By contrast, this slope was
significantly negative for high-RS-race participants paired with an
experienced partner, b " $2.57, F(1, 294) " 25.86, p % .0001.
Among higher RS-race participants in particular, the effect of
partner prior contact was significant in the first friendship meeting,
b " 3.31, F(1, 294) " 32.9, p % .0001, but not significant by the
last friendship meeting, b " $0.79, F(1, 294) " 1.78, p " .238.
Effects Beyond the Friendship
To examine the effects of the friendship manipulation over time,
we assessed self-initiated cross-group interactions (vs. same-group
interactions) over the diary period and anxious mood on days when
cross-group interaction was reported. We analyzed diary reports
using an autoregressive covariance matrix to examine daily trends
while properly accounting for dependence within dyads and indi-
viduals across days (Bolger & Zuckerman, 1995).
Self-Initiated Cross-Group Interaction
We modeled self-initiated cross-group interactions on friendship
condition and either RS-race or implicit prejudice, including the
same covariates as above. There was no main effect of RS-race,
b " 0.09, F(1, 394) " 1.75, p " .193, nor was there an interaction
effect of RS-Race ! Friendship Condition, b " $0.05, F % 1, p "
.551, found for this dependent variable. For the model involving
implicit prejudice, however, we found a significant Friendship
Condition ! Implicit Prejudice interaction, b " $0.10, F(1,
394) " 4.64, p " .032. Model estimates are provided in Table 5.
The interaction remained significant when controlling for RS-race,
b " $0.10, F(1, 393) " 5.04, p " .025. As Figure 4 illustrates, the
effect of friendship condition was not significant among partici-
pants low in implicit prejudice, b " $0.06, F(1, 394) " .93, p "
.191, but was marginally significant among those high in implicit
prejudice, b " 0.12, F(1, 394) " 3.76, p " .059. The simple effect
of implicit prejudice on self-initiated interactions was not signifi-
cant either in the same-group condition, b " $0.05, F(1, 394) "
2.14, p " .191, nor in the cross-group condition, b " 0.05, F(1,
394) " 2.56, p " .146. To ensure that the findings were specific
to cross-group interactions, we ran a subsequent analysis that also
controlled for the frequency of self-initiated same-group interac-
Table 4
Model Estimates for Effects of Partners’ Prior Contact on
Cortisol Reactivity by RS-Race
Effects Estimate (SE)
Intercept $1.28
Hour 0.36
Prior contact 0.04 (.14)
RS-personal $0.02 (.74)
Ethnicity 0.47 (.48)
RS-race 0.44 (.38)
Friendship condition $0.56 (.49)
RS-Race ! Friendship Condition 0.69 (55)
Partner’s prior contact 0.30 (.30)
RS-Race ! Partner’s Prior Contact $.24 (.46)
Friendship Condition ! Partner’s Prior Contact 0.43 (.47)
RS-Race ! Friendship Condition ! Partner’s Prior
Contact 0.81 (.58)
Meeting no. 0.18 (.26)
RS-Race ! Meeting No. 0.61
Friendship Condition ! Meeting No. $0.32 (.43)
RS-Race ! Friendship Condition ! Meeting No. $1.03
Partner’s Prior Contact ! Meeting No. $.0005 (.27)
RS-Race ! Partner’s Prior Contact ! Meeting No. 0.47 (.40)
Friendship Condition ! Partner’s Prior Contact !
Meeting No. $0.98
RS-Race ! Friendship Condition ! Partner’s Prior
Contact ! Meeting No. $1.51
Note. RS-race " race-based rejection sensitivity; RS-personal " interper-
sonal rejection sensitivity.
p % .10.
p % .05.
Figure 3. Moderating effects of partners’ prior intergroup contact on
cortisol reactivity as a function of race-based rejection sensitivity (RS-race)
in the cross-group condition. Least squares means for both high and low
values of participants’ RS-race and partners’ prior intergroup contact are
estimated at a standard deviation above and below the means of each
predictor, respectively.
tions; this analysis continued to yield the Friendship Condition !
Implicit Prejudice interaction, now of marginal significance, b "
0.08, F(1, 393) " 3.64, p " .057.
Anxious Mood
Anxious mood was modeled as a function of friendship condi-
tion and either RS-race or implicit prejudice. The model involving
RS-race, despite not yielding a significant Friendship Condition !
RS-Race interaction, did reveal a significant main effect of RS-
race, b " 0.315, F(1, 470) " 8.84, p " .003, such that participants
higher in RS-race experienced greater anxious mood. The analysis
also yielded a compensatory main effect of friendship condition,
b " $0.41, F(1, 470) " 3.98, p " .0519, such that participants in
the cross-group condition felt less anxious over the period follow-
ing the friendship manipulation than did those in the same-group
condition. The main effect of RS-race remained significant when
we controlled for implicit prejudice, b " 0.29, F(1, 470) " 7.78,
p " .007, but the main effect of friendship condition became
marginally significant when we controlled for IAT, b " $0.42,
F(1, 470) " 3.50, p " .066. This pattern is illustrated in Figure 5.
No effects involving implicit prejudice were found for anxious
mood (all Fs % 1).
The pattern of results reported here provide experimental evi-
dence for the benef its of cross-group friendship, particularly
among people who are most likely to experience anxiety in inter-
group contexts. Participants who were implicitly prejudiced or
concerned about outgroup rejection responded to the first cross-
group interaction with heightened cortisol reactivity. Despite this
initial display consisten t with intergroup anxiety (Step han &
Stephan, 1985), both participants high in implicit prejudice and
participants high in RS-race experienced significant decreases in
cortisol reactivity ove r three cross-group fri e ndship meetings.
These findings suggest that the attenuation of anxiety in intergroup
contexts that has been observed as a function of cross-group
friendship (e.g., Levin et al., 2003; Paolini, Hewstone, Cairns, &
Voci, 2004) can occur relatively early in the development of
cross-group friendship. Furthermore, over the week and a half after
the final cross-group friendship meeting, implicitly prejudiced
participants sought out more intergroup interactions, and partici-
pants felt less anxious in the diverse university environment that
constituted the setting for the study. These findings provide initial
experimental support for the process of intergroup anxiety reduc-
tion described by Paolini et al. (2006) as a function of cross-group
Figure 5. Anxious mood on days with cross-group contact as a function
of race-based rejection sensitivity (RS-race) and friendship condition.
Least squares means for high and low RS-race are estimated at one
standard deviation above and below the mean of RS-race within each
ethnic group, respectively.
Table 5
Model Estimates for Self-Initiated Cross-Group Contact by
Implicit Prejudice
Effects Estimate (SE)
Intercept 0.21
Prior contact 0.02 (.01)
RS-personal 0.005 (.005)
Ethnicity 0.09
IAT $0.04 (.03)
Friendship condition 0.003 (.05)
IAT ! Friendship Condition 0.09
Note. RS-personal " interpersonal rejection sensitivity; IAT " Implicit
Association Test (Greenwald, Nosek, & Banaji, 2003).
p % .10.
p % .05.
Figure 4. Effects of implicit prejudice and cross-group friendship on
initiation of cross-group interactions in daily life. Least squares means for
high and low implicit prejudice are estimated respectively at one standard
deviation above and below the mean of implicit prejudice within each
ethnic group. Self-initiated cross-group interaction was coded as a dummy
variable (where 1 indicated a self-initiated interaction), so the values for
initiation can be interpreted as the average likelihood of initiating cross-
group contact on a given day during the diary period. IAT " Implicit
Association Test (Greenwald, Nosek, & Banaji, 2003).
It is important to note that RS-race and implicit prejudice were
both related to cortisol increases in the first cross-group meeting.
Chronic activation of the HPA axis is associated with immuno-
suppression (Chrousos & Gold, 1992), heart disease (Whitworth,
Brown, Kelly, Williamson, 1995), Type II diabetes (Raikkonen,
Keltikangas-Jarvinen, Adlercreutz, & Hautenen, 1996), and cancer
(Wei et al., 2001). When paired with the inevitability of intergroup
interaction among members of minority groups (e.g., Hallinan &
Smith, 1985), this hormonal reaction to the first c ross-group
friendship meeting may have relevance to ethnic health disparities
in the United States across the aforementioned health conditions
(United States Department of Health and Human Services, 2000).
Our findings also suggest the possibility that cross-group friend-
ship may provide a coping mechanism for people who hold neg-
ative intergroup expectations, perhaps by providing repeated and
unambiguous disconfirmations of such expectations (McLaughlin-
Volpe, Mendoza-Denton, & Shelton, 2005; Mendoza-Denton et
al., 2006). An intriguing direction for future research is to directly
investigate the health implications of reductions in intergroup
anxiety as a function of cross-group friendship.
Lack of Differences as a Function of Ethnicity
We began this investigation with an expectation that ethnicity
would moderate the effects of RS-race and implicit prejudice. This
was based on the notion that concerns about being targets of
prejudice would be more relevant to minority group members and
that its converse, prejudice, would be more relevant to majority
group members. Although there were ethnic differences in the
means and variances of RS-race and implicit prejudice, we con-
sistently found that individual variation on these measures accom-
panied variations in anxiety in intergroup contexts similarly for
both Latino/a and White participants. This is consistent with
Stephan and Stephan’s (1985) view of prejudice and rejection
concerns as being applicable antecedents of intergroup anxiety for
all groups.
How can we reconcile the fact that the RS-race scale has been
previously found to be uniquely predictive among minority stu-
dents? One reason may be that prior research with RS-race has
largely focused on institutional outcomes (e.g., sense of belonging)
in universities where minority students have been traditionally
marginalized (e.g., Aronson & Inzlicht, 2004; Mendoza-Denton et
al., 2002; Mendoza-Denton et al., in press). White students have
less reason to question their belonging and acceptance in such
institutions because of their race, reducing the applicability of
institutional outcomes for this group. On the other hand, intergroup
anxiety seems applicable to both majority and minority group
members (Stephan & Stephan, 1985). Thus, even with the re-
stricted range of RS-race scores among White students that we
observed here and in prior studies, the applicability of anxiety in
intergroup social contexts for both groups—particularly in a di-
verse campus such as UC Berkeley—may render such variability
meaningful for Whites.
With respect to this last point, it is important to note that no
ethnic group constitutes a majority on the UC Berkeley campus,
although Asian American students are the plurality in this diverse
context. It is possible that our Latino/a and White samples re-
sponded similarly because they both represented members of nu-
merical minority groups within the particular institutional context
of the study. We interpret the lack of differences as a function of
ethnic group with caution given the nonrepresentativeness of the
setting and the moderate size of the sample in this study.
It is also worth noting that the psychological causes of RS-race
or implicit prejudice may be qualitatively different for majority
and minority group members. For a minority group member,
concerns about being rejected on the basis of race often center
around concerns about others’ perceptions of one’s belonging in a
particular milieu (Mendoza-Denton et al., 2002). Among majority
group members, by contrast, race-based rejection concerns may
center more around assumptions about one’s own prejudice (Goff
et al., 2008). Similarly, being prejudiced against a minority group
may not be associated with the same psychological motivations as
being prejudiced against a majority group, which has at times been
conceptualized as a self-protective reaction to stigma (Worrell,
Cross, & Vandiver, 2001). Although these differences may not be
differentially predictive for how much stress one experiences dur-
ing intergroup interaction, as suggested by the current findings,
other outcomes related to RS-race and implicit prejudice may
indeed be moderated by ethnicity.
Moderating Effects of Partners’ Prior Intergroup Contact
As Figure 3 illustrates, the effect of partner’s prior contact in the
first session was positive for cortisol reactivity among participants
high in RS-race, such that participants evidenced greater hormonal
stress responses the more contact their partners reported. This
finding seems to run counter to the intuition that participants with
greater intergroup contact should behave comfortably during in-
tergroup interactions and engender a positive atmosphere.
The literature on intergroup interaction suggests two possible
explanations for this finding. The first possibility is based on
research suggesting that high investment in the positivity of inter-
group interaction can lead people to “choke” under the pressure
and appear less positive and responsive in intergroup encounters
(Vorauer & Turpie, 2004). It is possible that high-contact part-
ners—who are presumably more motivated to build future inter-
group ties (Emerson et al., 2002)—might be especially likely to be
concerned about the impression they are making on outgroup
partners. For participants who were high in RS-race, less positivity
from an outgroup partner could be perceived as a rejection cue,
which in turn would trigger intense reactions (Mendoza-Denton et
al., 2002) that might be reflected in cortisol reactivity. The second
possibility is based on recent research on counterstereotypical
exemplars showing that ratings of an interaction partners’ atypi-
cality predicted physiological patterns consistent with threat (cf.
Blascovich, Mendes, Tomaka, Salomon, & Seery, 2003; Mendes,
Blascovich, Hunter, Lickel, & Jost, 2007). Assuming that partic-
ipants high in RS-race anxiously expect negativity in novel inter-
group settings (Mendoza-Denton et al., 2002), high–contact part-
ners may seem especially schema inconsistent and thus engender
threat among this group. Future research could collect video data
of the meetings to disentangle whether partners’ intergroup contact
was related to RS-race because the experienced partners behaved
negatively or with surprising aptitude.
Nonetheless, the effects of partners’ prior intergroup experience
seemed to catch up with the pair over time and exert the opposite
influence, a pattern suggested by Shelton, Richeson, Salvatore, and
Trawalter (2005, p. 401) when discussing ironic effects of preju-
dice. Thus, partners’ prior contact may have eventually had the
effect of making participants who were high in RS-race feel at
ease. However, this trend is difficult to interpret in the absence of
HPA activation.
Another question to consider is why might we have observed
partner effects for RS-race and not for implicit prejudice? The
findings for RS-race are consistent with the notion that being the
potential target of rejection sensitizes individuals to cues from
others, as research on interpersonal rejection sensitivity has shown
(e.g., Ayduk, May, Downey, & Higgins, 2003). Prejudiced atti-
tudes, however, may be applied to others, regardless of their
behavior or disposition; as such, people high in implicit prejudice
may be less likely to focus attentional resources on individuating
information about their partners and thus miss cues associated with
prior contact.
Effects Beyond the Friendship
A recent review of intergroup anxiety research (Paolini et al.,
2006) contends that if people who normally experience intergroup
anxiety have repeated positive intergroup contact, then chronic
experiences of intergroup anxiety may be attenuated. Though the
present study did not assess intergroup anxiety per se, our findings
offer initial support for the dynamic process of intergroup anxiety
change described by Paolini et al. (2006). More specifically, Pa-
olini et al. (2006) distinguished between episodic intergroup anx-
iety, which is anxiety experienced during any given intergroup
interaction, and chronic intergroup anxiety, which is a generalized
anxiety about intergroup interactions. According to these authors,
experiences of episodic intergroup anxiety feed chronic intergroup
anxiety; in turn, chronically feeling anxious about outgroup mem-
bers feeds anxiety experienced in future intergroup episodes. In the
present research, we observed reductions in anxiety during each of
three cross-group meetings, which would be consistent with re-
ductions in episodic intergroup anxiety. We further observed re-
ductions in anxious mood within a diverse social environment,
which can be roughly approximated to chronic intergroup anxiety.
Consistent with this interpretation, it seems that the develop-
ment of a new cross-group friendship at least temporarily in-
creased interest in intergroup interactions among implicitly preju-
diced participants. The increases in intergroup initiation among
implicitly prejudiced participants who made a cross-group friend
add to past findings regarding the role that intergroup anxiety can
play in avoidance of outgroup members (Islam & Hewstone, 1993;
Paolini, Hewstone, Cairns, & Voci, 2004). It is possible that
increased self-initiation of intergroup contact represents an early
phase of attitude change among implicitly prejudiced individuals,
whereby the development of closeness with an outgroup member
disconfirmed negative expectations and piqued curiosity about
people from other groups. Further, initiating more intergroup in-
teractions does not guarantee future friendships, as the initiation
finding could also represent an information-gathering phase. Here,
it is important to note that we did not test for such effects longer
than 10 days following the final friendship meeting, nor beyond
the particular institutional context of the study. Thus, a necessary
direction for future research is to chart the trajectory of behavioral,
emotional, and attitudinal change that may occur over an extended
period following the development of cross-group friendship.
We tested for effects of both RS-race and implicit prejudice on
anxious mood and cross-group initiation but observed that the
scales predicted intergroup outcomes in different domains of daily
life. Prejudice has long been related to avoidance of intergroup
contact (Allport, 1954; Paolini, Hewstone, Cairns, & Voci, 2004),
which might explain why implicit prejudice related specifically to
initiation of intergroup interaction following the formation of a
new cross-group friendship. Nonetheless, the experimental manip-
ulation of cross-group friendship appeared to improve anxious
mood among all participants in this setting. Further research on the
mechanisms through which cross-group friendship improves inter-
group interactions will serve to elucidate the domains of intergroup
interaction that are most relevant to attitudes versus social rejec-
tion concerns.
Limitations and Future Directions
Although these results are encouraging with respect to the
power of close positive intergroup contact, several methodological
limitations are worth noting. Despite the strength of our manipu-
lation to foster closeness among those most reticent about inter-
group interaction (i.e., high RS-race, high implicit prejudice), it is
important to recognize that this was a relatively safe environment,
where both the laboratory setting and the relatively diverse campus
environment provided sanction by authority (Allport, 1954). In
addition, the participants involved in this study were attracted by
the opportunity to make a new friend and were therefore motivated
to expand themselves through the development of a new relation-
ship (Aron, Aron, & Norman, 2001; Wright et al., 2002). These
conditions may explain why partner closeness increased steadily in
both friendship conditions, unaffected by RS-race or implicit prej-
udice, despite the more nuanced patterns for cortisol reactivity.
Such trends suggest that, even though everyone experienced sub-
jective increases in closeness, the experience of closeness was not
equally stress free for all participants across all time points. Future
research should explore whether a friendship manipulation would
be comparably successful in nonoptimal conditions or between
groups with histories of intense and violent conflict (cf. Islam &
Hewstone, 1993; Paolini, Hewstone, Cairns, & Voci, 2004).
It should also be noted that when participants first met, they
knew they would have to interact with their partner twice more in
the near future. Thus, our participants may have been particularly
motivated to have a good interaction during the initial friendship
meeting. Although this methodological feature diverges from past
intergroup anxiety research, the first meeting may reflect some
aspects of real-life cross-group interactions, especially between
acquaintances, where the possibility exists of meeting the outgroup
member on another occasion (e.g., Towles-Schwen & Fazio,
In this study, we systematized the content of the cross-group
interactions such that participants opportunity to discuss
ethnicity-related issues were generally minimized. However, some
theorists have argued that group membership must be salient
during intergroup contact for positive outcomes to generalize from
experiences with individual outgroup members to the outgroup as
a whole (see Brown & Hewstone, 2005; Hewstone & Brown,
1986). On the other hand, a cross-group friendship may provide a
safe environment in which to discuss difficult group-based issues
with an outgroup member, as the intergroup closeness existing
between friends implies a certain degree of trust and confidence
that the discussion can take place without discrimination (see
Tropp, in press; Tropp & Bianchi, 2007). Relatedy, Wright et al.
(1998, 2005) found that discussing racial issues as a part of the
friendship-building process did not undermine the positive effects
of friendship, and they proposed that such discussions may in fact
be important for promoting generalization. On the other hand, it is
conceivable that hearing a friend say something discriminatory or
prejudiced would likely be more hurtful than experiencing dis-
crimination from a stranger. Thus, a remaining question of interest
is whether conversations about group processes, such as racism or
stigmatization, are more productive when discussed among cross-
group friends, or whether such difficult topics unravel advances
towards closeness (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006; Wright et al., 2002).
The findings reported here also have implications for research
surrounding t he common ingroup identity model (Gaertner,
Dovidio, Nier, Ward, & Banker, 1999). This model suggests that
viewing outgroup members as part of a common ingroup fosters
benefits, such as reduced intergroup bias (Gaertner, Rust, Dovidio,
Bachman, & Anastasio, 1994) and greater institutional belonging
and commitment among minority group members (Dovidio, Gaert-
ner, Flores Niemann, & Snider, 2001). Cross-group closeness may
facilitate this process, as the self-expansion theory of closeness
predicts that both ingroups and the group memberships of close
cross-group friends become included in the self-concept (Aron et
al., 2004). Thus, cross-group friendship may be a particularly
effective means to open the door to inclusive ingroup representa-
When our research is considered together with previous exam-
inations of cross-group friendship on intergroup anxiety (i.e.,
Levin et al., 2003; Paolini, Hewstone, Cairns, & Voci, 2004;
Paolini et al., 2006; Wright et al., 2002; Wright & van der Zande,
1999), there seems to be a consistent pattern: The formation of
cross-group friendship leads to reduced anxiety in intergroup con-
texts. The findings presented here causally demonstrate that cross-
group friendship reduces anxiety in intergroup contexts among
people who are predisposed to experience such anxiety. By com-
bining several methods to assess anxiety, we convergently tested
the anxiety-reducing effects of cross-group friendship within one
study. The longitudinal elements of the design allowed us to
observe the intermediate effects of friendship development. Future
research on cross-group friendship can therefore explore more
detailed questions, such as the boundary conditions under which
intergroup conflict outweighs the potential of friendship and the
mechanisms through which friendship shapes affective experi-
ences with outgroup members. Altogether, this experiment dem-
onstrated substantial benefits of cross-group friendship formation
across multiple manifestations of anxiety in intergroup contexts.
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Received November 11, 2006
Revision received February 1, 2008
Accepted February 12, 2008 !