Improving Disruption Management With Multimodal
Collaborative Decision-Making: A Case Study
of the Asiana Crash and Lessons Learned
Aude Marzuoli, Emmanuel Boidot, Pablo Colomar, Mathieu Guerpillon,
Eric Feron, Alexandre Bayen, and Mark Hansen
Abstract—Transportation networks constitute a critical
infrastructure enabling the transfers of passengers and goods,
with a significant impact on the economy at different scales.
Transportation modes are coupled and interdependent. The
frequent occurrence of perturbations on one or several modes
disrupts passengers’ entire journeys, directly and through ripple
effects. Collaborative decision-making has shown significant
benefits at the airport level, both in the U.S. and in Europe. This
paper examines how it could be extended to the multimodal
network level, discusses the supporting evidence, and provides
recommendations for implementation. A case study on the
disruption management following the Asiana Crash at San
Francisco International Airport is presented. The crash led
to a large number of flight diversions to many airports,
such as Oakland, Los Angeles, but also Seattle for instance,
disrupting the journeys of thousands of passengers. Passenger
reaccommodation varied greatly from airline to airline and airport
to airport. First, a passenger-centric reaccommodation scheme is
developed to balance costs and delays, for each diversion airport.
Second, assuming better information sharing and collaborative
decision-making, we show that there was enough capacity at the
neighboring airports, Oakland and San Jose, to accommodate
most of the diverted flights and reoptimize the allocation of flight
diversions to the Bay Area airports. Based on this case study,
recommendations for the adoption of multimodal CDM are
elaborated. This paper paves the way for further data-driven re-
search for increased resilience of passenger door-to-door journeys.
Index Terms—Air traffic control, air transportation, rail trans-
portation, road transportation, robustness.
N 2012, 2.9 billion passengers boarded an airplane, whether
for business or leisure, across the world [1]. Yet, air transport
is only a portion of the passenger door-to-door journey, which
also relies on other modes of transportation, such as rail, road
and water. Transportation modes are usually studied separately
as if not interacting, although they are intrinsically coupled
Manuscript received June 21, 2015; revised December 28, 2015; accepted
February 11, 2016. Date of publication April 20, 2016; date of current version
September 30, 2016. The Associate Editor for this paper was F.-Y. Wang.
A. Marzuoli, E. Boidot, P. Colomar, M. Guerpillon, and E. Feron are with
the Department of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, GA 30332 USA (e-mail: am[email protected]).
A. Bayen and M. Hansen are with the Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TITS.2016.2536733
through passenger transfers. The failure of one mode disrupts
the entire passenger journey. Over the past few years, many
disruptions have highlighted the rigid structure of transport
infrastructures and the potential for perturbations to snowball
across multimodal infrastructures. The failures and inefficien-
cies of the air transportation system not only have a significant
economic impact but they also stress the importance of putting
the passenger at the core of the system [2]–[5]. The objective of
making each passenger or cargo’s door-to-door journey seam-
less cannot be achieved without a better understanding of the
multi-modal transportatio n network. The regular occurrence of
perturbations that propagate through the system and sometimes
even paralyze it highlights the need for further research on
its resilience and agility and for adequate coordination a t the
network level. As the number of passenger keeps growing [1],
congestion and snowball effects threaten the resilience of the
whole multimodal transp ort infrastructure.
On the transportation side, there has been extensive research
on disturbance propagation in the airspace [6]–[9], the impact
on airline scheduling of aircraft and crew [10] and the best
recovery optimization schemes [11], [12]. When a disruption
occurs, airline schedule recovery tries to maintain operations
and get back to schedule as quickly as possible while mini-
mizing additional costs. The different recovery mechanisms are
aircraft swaps, flight cancellations, crew swaps, reserve crews
and passenger rebooking. Usually airlines react by solving
the problem in a sequential manner. First, infeasibility of the
aircraft schedule is examined, then crewing problems, then
ground problems and the impact on passengers.
In the coming decades, air traffic demand is expected to
increase significantly [13]. The present airspace capacity limits
are predicted to be exceeded. Delays caused by congestion or
weather perturbations are increasing on the ground and in the
air. The cost of congestion in such a tightly interconnected
network of airports and aircraft reached $41 billion in the US
in 2008 [14]. In 2012, 18.22% of flights were delayed in the
United States [6].
Most of the traffic demand g rowth is expected to take place in
major metropolitan areas. Metropolitan areas with high demand
are often served by a system of two or more airports whose
arrival and departure operations are highly interdependent,
referred to as a metroplex [15]. Atkins [16] examined the
San Francisco Bay Area metroplex, providing a definition
and an initial framework to measure metroplex performance.
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Clarke et al. [17], [18] identified six types of interdependencies
between traffic flows in a metroplex based on observations.
Li et al. [19] studied the metroplex operational interdepen-
dencies, resulting from sharing limited c ommon resources in
airspace, such as common fixes, flight paths, airspace volumes
and downstream restrictions. DeLaurentis [20] evaluated a con-
cept of flexible operations at a metroplex to optimize the use of
common resources.
In 1991, the FAA’s Air Traffic Management Office com-
missioned an analysis to measure the effects of the airlines’
flight-substitution process on the efficacy of ground-delay pro-
grams (GDPs) [21]. The FADE (FAA Airlines Data Exchange)
project aimed at the development of operational procedures and
decision support tools for implementing and managing GDPs.
However, the CDM philosophy and principles can and should
be applied to a much broader class of problems in air traffic
management. Prototype GDP operations started in 1998 at San
Francisco and Newark airports [22]. The collaboration between
government and industry was born out of the FAA’s need
for real-time operational information from the airlines and the
airlines’ desire to gain more control over their operations during
a GDP [23]. Burgain et al. [24] developed a Collaborative
Virtual Queue (CVQ), which uses virtual queuing to keep
aircraft away from runway queues and enable last-minute flight
swapping. Gupta [25] built an integrated system, SARDA-
CDM, for improving surface operations by metering departing
aircraft. Three need s led to the creation of CDM and are still
at the heart of the concept today: the need for a shared global
picture of predicted capacity and demand for various airspace
resources, leading to common situational awareness and sup-
ported by appropriate information sharing; the need for real-
time models that predict the impact of potential control actions
and user decisions, supported by data from all stakeholders; the
need for collaborative resource allocation tools, mechanisms
and procedures.
Over the past few years, severe weather p erturbations have
paralyzed the transportation system. On the European side,
the eruption of the islandic volcano in 2010 had the longest
and biggest economic impact on aviation [26], with more than
100,000 flights canceled. Bolic et al. offer recommendations
to better address such large disruptions, stressing the need
for better information exchanges between all the stakeholders.
Zhang [27] develops a framework to reduce passenger “disu-
tility,” to help airlines recover schedule more promptly, and to
assist traffic flow managers to utilize scarce resources m ore effi-
ciently and equitably. When there is a significant capacity short-
fall, airlines with hub-and-spoke networks could incorporate
ground transport modes into their operations. Such intermodal-
ism triggered by disruptions was reported by Evans regarding
Continental Airlines at Newark [28]. Real-time intermodalism
includes the substitution of flights by ground transportation and,
when the hub is part of a regional airport system, the use of
inter-airport ground transport to enable diversion of flights to
alternate airports, while limiting the impact on airlines.
Recently, a shift towards passenger-centric metrics in air
transportation, as opposed to flight-centric, h as been promoted,
after the disproportionate impact of airside disruptions on
passenger door-to-door journeys was highlighted [29]–[32].
Flight delays do not accurately reflect the delays imposed upon
passengers’ full multi-modal itinerary. The growing interest to
measure ATM performance calls for m etrics that reflect the
passenger’s experience. Cook and al. [29] design propagation-
centric and passenger-centric performance metrics, and com-
pare them with existing flight-centric metrics. In [30],
Bratu et al. calculate passenger delay using monthly d ata from
a major airline operating a hub-and-spoke network. They show
that disrupted passengers, whose journey was interrupted by
a capacity reduction, are only 3% of the total passengers, but
suffer 39% of the total passenger delay. Wang [31] showed that
high passenger trip delays are disproportionately generated by
canceled flights and missed connections. 17% of routes, o r 9 of
the busiest 35 airports, cause 50% of total passenger trip d elays.
Congestion, flight delay, load factor, flight cancellation time
and airline cooperation policy are the most significant factors
affecting total passenger trip delay.
The goal o f this paper is to examine how Multimodal Collab-
orative Decision Making can support better crisis management
at the network level, fr om passenger-centric and flight-centric
perspectives. This paper tackles mitigation strategies fo llowing
the Asiana Crash, both for passengers and for flights. Section II
briefly describes the impact of the crash on operations and
on passengers. In Section III, flight diversions are introduced,
from an airline and an Air Traffic Management perspective.
Flight diversions are rare events, but they are harder to recover
from than cancellations for instance. The Asiana crash was a
striking example of m assive flight diversions because of an
unexpected airport closure. In Section IV, a passenger-centric
optimization is proposed to analyze the reaccommodation, via
bus or aircraft, of passengers diverted to airports within rea-
sonable drive distance of San Francisco. In Section V, a flight-
centric optimization model examines how remaining capacity
at Bay Area airports may have p layed a role in diversions of
SFO-bound flights to far away airports. Section VI provides
recommendations for improved crisis management. Finally,
Section VII draws the conclusions of the p aper and suggests
future research paths.
A. Impact on Operations
First let us briefly summarize the events leading to the Asiana
crash at San Francisco International airport (SFO). SFO is
the seventh busiest airport in the United States, with about
400,000 movements and 45 million passengers per year. On
July 6th, 2013, the weather was good, the winds were light. The
instrument landing system vertical guidance (glide slope) on
runway 28L was, as scheduled, out of service. At 11:28
Asiana Airlines Flight 214, a Boeing 777-200 ER aircraft,
crashed just short of runway 28L’s threshold at SFO. Of the
307 people aboard, 3 died, 181 others were injured. The ac-
cident investigation submission [33] states that “the probable
cause of this accident was the flight crew’s failure to monitor
and maintain a minimum airspeed during a final approach,
resulting in a deviation below th e intended glide path and an
impact with terrain.”
The crash resulted in a five hour total closure of the runways
at the airport. By 3:30
P.M. PDT, the two runways perpendicular
to 28L were reopened; runway 10L/28R (parallel to the runway
of the accident) remained closed for more than 24 hours. The
accident runway, 10R/28L, reopened on July 12. This crash is
a powerful example of node failure leading to ripple effects
on several networks. Indeed, an airport is a node for the air
transportation network, for the road network because of easy
highway access and for the transit network, with a BART (Bay
Area Rapid Transit) station in the Bay Area.
The work presented is based upon publicly available data
from the Bur eau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) that are
primarily used to evaluate airline on -time performance and
ETMS data, that provides aircraft radar latitude and longitude
every one minute.
The crash led to the closure of SFO and, even after the
airport reopened, its capacity was reduced significantly. The
crash led to cancellations, diversions and d elays at SFO, and
impacted the r est o f the airspace with ripple effects. Over four
days, more than 660 flights to SFO and 580 flights from SFO
airport had either been canceled or diverted. Diversions mostly
occurred on Saturday as well as on Sunday. The proportion of
domestic diversions is high: 74 arrival flights, that is 17% of
arrival flights to SFO, were diverted on Saturday. There were
also 180 cancellations of arrival flights, and 231 cancellations
of departure flights from SFO on Saturday. On Sunday, the
situation improved a little, with still 30 arrival flights to SFO
and 3 0 departure flights from SFO diverted. According to the
BTS, 0.2% of domestic flights were diverted in 2013, and it is a
steady number since 2004. Operations were worse on Tuesday,
July 9th than on Monday, July 8th. Moreover, due to the closure
of the crash runway, runway capacity was still significantly
reduced, leading to many cancellations. There are very few
diversions after Sunday. This is to be expected since diversions
are usually tactical operations. Cancellations and delays due
to the crash at SFO propagated through the airspace and the
ripple effect lasted several days. To analyze this propagation
phenomenon, the tail numbers of all aircraft involved with
flights canceled at departure or arrival to SFO airport from
July 6th to July 9th were tracked. On the day of the crash, the
propagation of cancellations due to the Asiana crash accounts
for more than 85% of all cancellations in the entire US airspace,
more than 50% on Sunday and more than 25% on Monday and
Tuesday. Over the four days, the Asiana crash led to more than
49% of all cancellations in the US.
The major carrier flights were diverted to a number of
airports. The other Bay Area airports, Oakland (OAK) and
San Jose (SJC) accommodated most flights, from Saturday to
Tuesday. Several other airports, as far as Denver (DEN), Los
Angeles (LAX) and Las Vegas (LAS), received many diverted
flights on the crash day. Fig. 1 displays the estimated number of
diverted passengers. 9,770 domestic passengers were diverted
the 6th of July, 4,260 on the 7th and approximately 1,470
on the 8th and 9th of July. Only 21% of these passengers
could reach SFO, their final destination, with the same flight.
The news showed how the disruption left most of the diverted
passengers unattended and uninformed, waiting for the airline
representatives to figure out how to reaccomodate them on the
Fig. 1. Percentages of domestic flights diverted to different airports from
July 6th to July 9th 2013.
spot. Twitter quickly started to be the most updated channel of
information for passengers. In the ETMS data, we found 25 ad-
ditional diversions, by analyzing the trajectories of international
flights scheduled to arrive at SFO but landing elsewhere. These
diverted flights landed in Vancouver (YVR), Calgary (YYC),
Most stakeholders only have access to a partial v iew of
the crisis and, in most cases, for only one mode of transport.
Following the Asiana crash, if the main stakeholders had had
access to real-time data feeds of reliable traffic data via collab-
orative decision making, it is likely that the recovery process
could have been more efficient. Our work therefore focuses
on optimization of aircraft operations and diverted passenger
reaccommodation. At the present stage, only hypotheses can
be drawn when it comes to how diverted passengers who
landed sometimes several hundred miles from their destination
airport actually made it to their final d estination. Social media,
such as Twitter, provides pieces of information suggesting that
the treatment of passengers and the crisis management varied
greatly from airport to airport and from airline to airline.
B. Impact on Passengers
Twitter proved p articularly usefu l to access infor mation on
diversions and their management depending on the airports
the diverted flights landed at. It also provides a passenger-
centric view of the crisis, which is rarely taken into account
while analyzing the air transportation performance under crises.
When it comes to timing, tweets provide a means to access spe-
cific information about diverted passengers. Such information
was otherwise very unlikely to resurface with usual internet
searches because the large news coverage flooded the internet
with similar summaries of events but little precision on the
timing of events.
Many passengers were diverted to airports where their airline
operates at low frequency. For instance, at the Virgin America
counter of Seattle Tacoma International Airport on the 6th of
July, [34] customer-service representatives collected travelers’
names and phone numbers so the airline could rebook or cancel
flights without the people standing in line. Passengers were
advised that the quickest option to get home would be to
rebook through another carrier and obtain a refund, as “the
soonest flights on Virgin America will be Monday or Tuesday.”
Although notified that waiting times could reach the two days,
passengers argued they had no extra money to purchase new
flights and be refunded later.
CBS news reports [35] how in Sacramento, located less than
100 miles from SFO, people waited for hours uninformed,
queueing around help desks and waiting for airline represen-
tatives to inform about the rerouting options. CBS News inter-
viewed passengers who said: “We were not even aware of what
had happened until someone on the flight was able to turn on the
cell phone,” “Our carrier had no information whatsoever. We
were booted off the plane and with no direction whatsoever.”
Such witness accounts support the fact that airlines had n o
systematic rerouting scheme for such disruptive situation.
On July 6th, Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC)
absorbed most of the international flights, instead of SJC or
OAK. SLC was the closest airport with an international custom
capable of processing international flights diverted, as OAK and
SJC had no such facilities ready. However, some international
flights could not be diverted to international hubs such as Seattle
or Phoenix, due to low fuel reserves. Therefore, some of them
were forced to land in Sacramento, which is not equipped
in terms of customs, forcing the custom officers to enter the
aircraft to proceed with the security checks in situ. Other
customs issues were reported in Oakland.
The LAX Airport Operations Center stated on July 6th:
“Three international flights that diverted to LAX and deplaned
their passengers have all left LAX and busing their passengers
to SFO. Airlines that cancelled flights between LAX and SFO
are making arrangements for their passengers, including: re-
booking passengers on future flights, adding special flights if
aircraft are available, busing p assengers to SFO, putting u p
passengers in airport-area hotels, asking passengers to return
to LAX tomorrow, etc. Tomorrow’s (Sunday’s) flights between
LAX and SFO are heavily booked due to the combination of
holiday weekend and peak summer travel, so it is expected the
airlines will require one to two days to catch up on the backlog
of cancelled flights” [35]. “Transportation to San Francisco
for passengers diverted to Sacramento (SMF) depends on the
airline. Delta Airlines arranged taxi and shuttle services for
passengers to get to San Francisco after their planes were
forced to land in SMF. US Airways passengers were loaded
on to shuttle buses at SMF to be taken to San Francisco. (...)
United Airlines did not have a definitive plan in place to help
passengers who were diverted to SMF. SMF has a Customs
area at the airport, but has limited space” [36]. Ad ditional
staff was brought in to help accommodate the more than 1,000
passengers that were diverted to SMF after the plane crash in
San Francisco. Officials say they had to bring in extra staff
to accommodate all those passengers that were landing at the
same time. It was a mad rush as staff scrambled to get everyone
to where they needed to go” [37]. Many more issues arose
when flights were diverted to airports in wh ich their carrier doe s
not operate. For instance, a SFO-bound United Airlines flight
from Seattle was diverted to Oakland. Local news reporters
[38] interviewed passengers, who reported that “United has no
support here. They sent a dislocation team, but basically what
they keep saying is: “You’re dislocated.” “Many passengers
were diverted to airports where their airline op erates at low
Regarding how airports handled flight diversions, San Jose
airport stated [39]: “SJC handled 25 flight diversions including
two international flights while SFO was closed to all operations.
Airport Operations staff handled the majority of duties directly
associated with the diversions—the complex logistics of locat-
ing arriving aircraft at the terminal or at remote locations, and
closing taxiways to allow fo r aircraft parking (...) Thirteen of
the diverted flights were accommodated at the terminals; the
remaining eight deplaned at the North Cargo Area where more
than 500 passengers were bused from the airfield to the termi-
nal. (...) In addition to Airpor t staff, many airport contractors
assisted with the additional traffic Saturday including First
Alarm, Shuttleport and Ta xi San Jose (which saw a 100 percent
increase in business). (...) The airlines serving SFO contin-
ued with “planned” diversions throughout Sunday (15 flights)
and Monday (5 flights). The advance notice makes the planned
diversions much easier to handle from an operational perspec-
tive and provides better service to airline customers.”
The lack or the little amount of information delivered by
airlines, added to the highly booked situation of the holiday
week-end, created additional crisis situations in the diverted
airports. At that point, a few airlines decided to implement
inter-modal operational measures by placing buses and taxis
to reroute their passengers. However this solution was imple-
mented in a non-collaborative, case-to-case fashion and resulted
in wide discrepancies in the treatment of passengers affected by
the same situation.
According to an FAA official [40], “Thunderstorms are re-
sponsible for the majority of aircraft diversions each year. (..)
Diversion flights are a rare occurrence. But when this does hap-
pen, we need to make the information available to help airlines,
controllers and airport operators decide the optimal airport for
a diversion.” Jenkins et al. [41] describe disruptions as follows:
“Diversions are an expensive, chronic, and disruptive element
of flight operations, costing at least $300 MM annually for US
carriers for domestic flights alone. (..) A diversion is not a
single, discrete event but rather a set of cascading actions that
cause severe disruptions to airline schedules, major costs, and
significant passenger frustration and ill will. Diversion costs can
range from $15,000 for a narrow-body domestic flight, to over
$100,000 for a wide-body international flight.”
A. Airline Policy
Most airlines indicate on their websites how diversions are
handled and what the consequences may be for passengers.
Even for non-refundable tickets, airlines usually are supposed
to refund ancillary f ees. Delta Airlines stipulates in its contract
that “in the event of flight cancellation, diversion, delays of
greater than 90 minutes, or delays that will cause a passenger to
miss connections, Delta will (at passenger’s request) cancel the
remaining ticket and refund the unused portion of the ticket.”
US Airways indicates on its website that “When a flight
is diverted to an alternate airport and cancelled, the pilots or
flight attendants will advise the customers of the reason for
the diversion. The customers may need to remain onboard.
(...) Some irregular operations may require landing at alternate
airports, with bus service to the final destination. It is acceptable
to allow a customer to leave directly from an alternate airport
without requiring him/her to travel to the final destination. (..)
When a fligh t (aircraft) is diverted to a city served by US
Airways or codeshare partner, and canceled (meaning it will
not eventually reach its final destination), the customer service
representatives in that city will reaccommodate customers on
either the next available US Airways flight or the next avail-
able flight via another carrier. (...) When a flight (aircraft) is
diverted and then canceled in a city not served by US Airways
or a codeshare partner, the customer service manager in US
Airways Operations Control Center will make arrangements
with other carriers and/or hotel accommodations. Once the
flight attendants receive word from the flight deck, they will
communicate to the customers the reason for the diversion,
the estimated time of departure and/or accommodations. I f
the flight is canceled, subject to availability, passengers will
be reaccommodated via another airline. The flight attendants
and flight crew will be the US Airways representatives for the
customers. (...) When alternate tran sportation is unavailable
until the following day and overnight accommodations are
required, the flight attendants and flight crew will communicate
to the passengers which expenses US Airways will pay. The
following is a list of what US Airways will pay for providing
the cancellation is due to anything other than weather: hotel
room; ground transportation; passengers without baggage will
be reimbursed upon presentation of receipts for reasonable
incidentals such as toiletries needed until they are reunited with
their baggage.”
B. FAA Rules
The FAA diversion recovery plan provides details on the
chain of command in such events: A diversion is a flight that is
required to land at other than its original destination for reasons
beyond the control of the pilot/company, e.g., periods of signifi-
cant weather. Diversion r ecovery is an initiative orch estrated by
the ATCSCC (Air Traffic Control System Command Center)
and system users to minimize the impact of system disruption.
Diversion recovery will be utilized during a nd after periods
of significant weather or other phenomena that have adversely
impacted the system resulting in flight diversions. The goal of
the d iversion recovery initiative is to ensure that flights, which
have already been penalized by having to divert to another
airport, do not receive add itional penalties or delays. Flights
identified for diversion recovery must receive priority handling
over other flights from their point of departure.
Diversion ights are identified by having “DVRSN” in the
Remarks section of the flight plan, or the user inputs the
information into the Diversion Recovery Tool (DRT).
The ATCSCC must: implement diversion recovery; transmit
an advisory to inform both field facilities and users that a
diversion recovery initiative has been implemented and the
DRT has been activated; adjust the initiative as necessary to
meet changing conditions; transmit an advisory when the DRT
has been deactivated.
The ARTCCs (Air Route Traffic Control Center) must: im-
plement diversion recovery as directed by the ATCSCC; notify
the ATCSCC if they do not intend to use the DRT. In such
cases, the ATCSCC must send the Center a general message
with the information, every 60 minutes until diversion recovery
is no longer in effect; provide expeditious handling in returning
to the system those flights identified by the ATCSCC/DRT as
diversion ights; forward user diversion recovery requests to
towers and TRACONs.
Towers and TRACONs must: provide expeditious handling
in returning to the system those flights identified by the
ARTCC/DRT as diversion flights; notify the overlying ARTCC
TMU if they will utilize the DRT.”
C. IATA Diversions Management
A representative of IATA summarized the criteria for se-
lecting airports where diverted flights land as follows: Safety
of Flight, Airspace or Airport Restrictions, Overflight autho-
rization, Landing authorization, Immigration, Customs, Air-
port Services, Crew considerations, Service recovery options,
Schedule recovery options. More precisely, the Safety of Flight
includes choosing the emergency airport (nearest available and
nearest suitable), evaluating the fuel remaining and getting
thealternateapproved.Theprimary objectives are to safely
land and support the aircraft. The diversion airport is selected
based on the following criteria: approved alternate; weather
at diversion airport; airport services company, maintenance,
fuel; aircraft servicing—tow bar, air stairs, main deck loader,
ground power, air conditioning, parking; passenger handling
facilities, Customs and Immigration, food, accommodations;
other scheduled service.
It should be best p repared to handle the aircraft, service the
customer, return the flight to original destination. The crew
aspects are also taken into account, such as on-duty times, the
legal to finish limitations, the accommodations, the replacement
crew availability and the crew pairing disruptions. Regarding
service recovery, passenger disruption is examined regarding
the delay to final destination, the 3 hour tarmac rules and the
Customs and Immigration requirements, onward connections,
company re-schedule options, and re-booking schedule options.
This section studies how multimodal rerouting of passengers
could have helped in the recovery process.
Hansen and Zhang [27] conducted a study on bus charter
companies’ response to service inter-modal service requests.
To evaluate how promptly charter companies could respond
to service requests, they conducted a telephone survey for
ten randomly picked charter companies for six regions in the
Fig. 2. Intermodal service times reported by Hansen and Zhang.
US: San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Miami
and Texas. All of the regions are supposed to have a charter
companies’ offer comparable, if not bigger, to San Francisco.
They constructed a scenario motivating an urgent request for
a motor coach service at an airport, and asked for a motor
coach that could accommodate at least 30 passengers and their
personal belongings and be available for at least 6 hours. Their
results are shown in Fig. 2 and show that buses can be made
available at most airports in less than four hours.
After the Asiana crash, and considering the airports that wel-
comed most flight diversions, the airports from which a complete
inter-modal substitu tion is feasible are: Sacramento Interna-
tional Airport (SMF) (100 miles from SFO); Reno Tahoe In-
ternational Airport (RNO) (230 miles from SFO); Los Angeles
International Airport (LAX) (390 miles from SFO); Las Vegas
McCarran International Airport (LAS) (565 miles from SFO).
The Department of Transportation proposes an approach to
measure the hourly values of travel time for aviation passen-
gers. These values are used by the FAA, and are not to be
updated for changes in price levels. The present analysis study
only examines what could have been the best case scenario, in
hindsight, based on the data recorded for this disruption.
A. Model Formulation
1) Nomenclature Used in the Model: Let us define the input
sets as follows:
A = a
be the set of diverted airports (RNO,
F = f
be the set of departure flights from the
diverted airports to the Bay Area (SFO, OAK, SJC).
the set of discrete time periods.
P = p
the set of diverted passengers.
A = g
the set of aircraft available
to charter in the diverted airport.
B = b
the set of available buses for
inter-modal substitution in the d iverted airport.
Input time and delay variables:
: Actual departure time of flight f from diverted
airport a.
: Actual arrival time of passenger p at the di-
verted airport a.
: Bus driving time from OAK
to SFO, from SJC to SFO and from the diverted airport a
to SFO.
: Flight time from diverted airport a to SFO.
Input capacity variables:
is the number of seats left on maintained flight f.
is the passenger capacity of chartered
flight g.
CapBus is the passenger capacity of any bus.
Input cost coefficients:
CostCharter: Cost of chartering a new aircraft [$/ hour ·
CostBV: Cost of bus reaccommodation [$/passenger].
CostP: Passenger delay cost per time unit [$/ hour ·
Other input coefficients:
: Weight coefficient f or passen ger waiting time.
: Weight coefficient for passenger reaccommoda-
tion time.
MinloadBus: Minimum passenger load (percentage) to
allow a bus to depart.
MinloadCharter: Minimum passenger load (percentage)
to allow an aircraft to depart.
TimeFactor: Conversion factor used to convert time peri-
ods into minutes. 15 minutes time intervals are chosen.
: Maximum number of buses available at di-
verted airport a.
: Maximum number of aircraft available to
be chartered at diverted airport a.
Input binary variables:OAK
= 1 if the destination of
departure flight f from diverted airport a is OAK, OA K
= 0
otherwise. SJC
= 1 if the destination of departure flight f
from diverted airport a is SJC, SJC
= 0otherwise.
Output binary variables:
The first type of output binary variables are Squeeze
and Charter
. These three variables assign
passengers to one of the three possible rerouting options:
= 1 if passenger p is squeezed into flight f depart-
ing from d iverted airport a in time interval t; Subst
= 1if
passenger p is rerouted with motor coach b from diverted airport
a in time interval t;ACharter
= 1 if passenger p is rerouted
with chartered flight g from diverted airport a in time interval t.
The second type of output binary variables are DTBus
, indicating when a bus o r an chartered aircraft
leaves diverted airport a.DTBus
= 1ifbusb departs in time
period t;DTCharter
= 1 if chartered aircraft g departs in
time period t.
2) Model Input Data: The input data for the mathematical
programming is the following:
Set of diverted passengers to the airport of study.
Set of departure flights F from the diverted airport to
Number of passengers booked and capacity of each
flight f.
Scheduled and actual departure and arrival times of each
flight f.
Airlines operations are difficult to optimize as a whole due
to the interaction of m any factors and feasibility constraints of
different resources. Four main constraints a ffect the feasibility
of airline planning and disruption management: aircraft main-
tenance checks, pilot work rules, fleet assignment and passen-
ger accommodation. Therefore, the following assumptions are
made to ensure an admissible problem com plexity: connecting
passengers will connect to their final destination from the Bay
Area; there are o nly a limited number of aircraft available to
be chartered; when the rerouting is done through the alternative
airports in the Bay Area, only 80% of the passengers will be
rerouted to SFO; the model does not take into account aircraft
maintenance checks and pilot work rules, nor that pilots and
crew are eligible to continue their scheduled tasks for 135
maximum hours of service; it is assumed there is enough arrival
capacity for the chartered flights to land in the Bay Area.
3) Objective Function: The objective of the mathematical
model is to minimize the cost of reaccommodation of di-
verted passengers. The input data is the actual schedule on
July 6th, 2013 (e.g. what flights were diverted, which flights
were cancelled and which ones could reach SFO), and the
model computes the a cost-effective way to bring passengers
from the diversion airport to their final destination, SFO. The
reaccommodation takes into account the following costs: pas-
sengers delay cost while remaining at the diverted airport, the
cost of squeezing passengers into remaining seats on flights to
the Bay Area, the cost of chartering an aircraft to ferry back
diverted passengers, the cost of transporting passengers with
motor-coaches, either from the diverted airport, or just within
the Bay Area. At the end of the chosen time horizon, no diverted
passengers must remain in the diverted airport. The optimiza-
tion minimizes the value of the following objective function:
+ CSubst
+ CCharter
]. (1)
Cost of squeezing passengers into departure flights
× [FlightTime
CostP β
+ CostBV
× β
CostP] . (2)
The first term computes the passengers waiting time before
being r eaccommodated, translated to economic terms with the
passenger value of time (CostP) and weighted with the variable
. The second term adds the operational costs of using
motor-coaches, in case a passenger is reaccommodated with
remaining seats on flights to Bay Area airports. The third
term evaluates the economic value of the ground transportation
times, weighted by the variable β
Cost of reaccommodation via ground transportation sub-
t · TimeFactor ADivAT
+ CostBV
. (3)
The first term of the equation computes the cost of passengers
waiting time. The time o f arrival to the diverted airport DivAT
is substracted from the departure time of the motor coach. The
second term computes the cost of passenger transportation time,
by multiplying the bus driving time BDT
by the passenger
value of time CostP, weighted by β
. The third term
computes the cost per passenger o f contracting the motor coach
service CostBV.
Cost of chartering an aircraft
CostCharter +
t · TimeFactor ADivAT
× CostP β
CostP)] . (4)
The first term computes the cost of passengers waiting
time. The time of arrival to the diverted airport DivAT
substracted from the departure time of aircraft a. The second
term computes the cost of passenger transportation time, by
multiplying the flight transportation time FlightTime
the passenger value of time CostP, weighted by β
third term computes the cost per passenger of chartering an
aircraft CostCharter. Additionally, it has been assumed in this
particular rerouting option there is a limited amount of aircraft
available to charter.
4) Constraints: Constraints of squeezing passengers into
scheduled flights The number of passengers squeezed into
flight f in time p eriod t + 1, should be less or equal to the
number of remaining seats:
f, a. (5)
A passenger at diverted airport a can not be squeezed into
flight f, if the flight has already departed:
t · TimeFactor ADT
× Squeeze
0 t, f, a, p. (6)
a) Constraints of the complete inter-modal substitution
option: The number of diverted passengers in airport a as-
signed to each motor coach must be less than or equal to the
motor-coach capacity, at every time interval:
CapBus b, a, t. (7)
The bus b and the passengers leaving with this bus leave at
the same time:
p, b, a, t. (8)
The motor coach b contracted for inter-modal substitution can
only depart if it is filled up to a minimum bus load
If DTBus
1, then
· CapBus p, b, a, t. (9)
The motor coach b can only depart once from airport a:
1 b, a, t. (10)
Constraints corresponding to chartering a new aircraft to
fly to one of the Bay Area airports
The number of passengers assigned to a new chartered air-
craft g must be less than the aircraft remaining capacity, at every
time slot:
g, a, t. (11)
The chartered aircraft g and the passengers leaving with this
aircraft leave at the same time:
p, g, a, t. (12)
An chartered aircraft g can only depart if it is filled up to a
minimum aircraft load
If DTCharter
1, then
MinloadAc · CapAc p, g, a, t. (13)
This conditional constraint is transformed into a pair of linear
constraints with auxiliar y variables.
An chartered aircraft g can only depart once:
1 g, a. (14)
Passenger conservation constraints
Each passenger must be assigned to one of three rerouting
options during the time horizon considered
= 1 p, a. (15)
Fig. 3. Reaccommodation of diverted passengers on remaining seats in flights
that reached the Bay Area, regardless of their original carrier.
Passengers can only b e assigned to a rerouting option 30
minutes after landing in the d iverted airport:
a, p, t, f, b, g
[t · TimeFactor (30 + ActualDivAT
+ Subst
+ Charter
B. Optimization Results
1) Baseline for Study—Reaccommodation of Passengers
Under a Unimodal Scenario (Flying Only): The best case real-
life scenario for most diverted p assengers is to be rebooked
on flights to the Bay Area (SFO, OAK, SJC) that were not
cancelled, on July 6th (crash day) and the following days,
regardless of their original carrier. From passenger tweets, we
do know that some airlines provided shuttles to the Bay Area in
a few diverted airports, but most of them did not. Moreover, if
we consider that a passenger can only be reaccommodated on
later flights operated by his or her original carrier, passengers
who landed in airports where the carrier does not operate would
not have been rebooked. American Airlines policy indicates
that, under special circumstances, passengers may be rebooked
on another carrier. Fig. 3 shows how long it would have taken
for all passengers to be rebooked depending on the airport
they were diverted to: RNO welcomed about 230 passengers,
who would have been rebooked by Monday morning, July 8th;
SMF welcomed about 600 passengers, who would have been
rebooked by Monday evening, July 8th; LAX welcomed about
1030 passengers, who would have been rebooked by Tuesday
morning, July 9th; LAS welcomed about 670 passengers, who
would have been rebooked by Tuesday morning, July 9th.
Moreover, fewer than 300 passengers would have reached the
Bay Area b efore Monday, July 8th at noon, that is, less than
48 hours after the crash. This means most passengers expenses
probably included two hotel nights, and two full days of meals.
This cost incurred is not included in the optimization model
proposed, but adds to the benefits of multimodal rerouting
described below.
Fig. 4. Number of chartered aircraft available and used in each scenario.
Fig. 5. Number of buses used in each scenario.
2) Study of Different Scenarios Involving Various Numbers
of Aircraft Available for Chartering: The input coefficients are
set to the following values:
= 0.5
= 1 Beta
MinloadBus = 0.75
MinloadCharter = 0.9
To understand the role o f available multimodal substitution,
four scenarios are studied. In each of them, the number of
buses available in each airport remains the same, to ensure
that all diverted passengers can be rerouted by bus. However,
the number of aircraft available for chartering varies from zero
aircraft in scenario 1, to one aircraft in RNO, two in SMF,
two in LAX and 2 in LAS. The details for each scenario are
shown in Fig. 4. The maximum number of chartered aircraft
was chosen small, because first, capacity at OAK and SJC
would have been limited, even in the evening of the crash, and
second, few aircraft might have been available at the diverted
airports, except the diverted aircraft themselves.
Solving the foregoing optimization problem for the four
scenarios described, the results show different trends. First,
Fig. 5 indicates the number of buses used to reroute passen-
gers to the Bay Area. As the number of aircraf t available for
chartering increases, the number of buses used decreases. Even
though chartering an aircraft is more costly than using a bus,
the fact that aircraft have a larger passenger capacity and that
Fig. 6. Rerouting assignment of passengers in each scenario.
Fig. 7. Average passenger delay in each scenario.
flying provides a much shorter travel time make flying the most
cost-effective option overall. This is confirmed by examining
the rerouting option provided to each passenger in Fig. 6,
showing that chartering a total of five aircraft in scenario 4
largely changes the proportion of passengers accommodated on
new flights.
The goal of this multimodal o ptimization problem is to
ensure that passengers reach the Bay Area faster than they
would have if they had waited to fill remaining seats on later
flights operated out of the diverted airports to the Bay Area.
Fig. 7 presents the average passenger delay, that is either the
average difference between the arrival time of a passenger in
SFO and his/her scheduled arrival time in SFO or the average
difference between the arrival time of a passenger in SFO and
his/her actual arrival time in the diverted airport. The average
passenger delay is less than six hours, which is small consider-
ing the bus travel time from the diverted airports further away
from SFO. It also highlights that chartering aircraft reduces the
average delay by about an hour. Figs. 8 and 9 show that, across
all scenarios, the differences in passenger departure times is
very small. Moreover all passengers have lef t the diverted
airports before midnight. However, the more chartered aircraft
available, the earlier p assengers arrive in the Bay Area o n
average. It should be noted that, because of bus travel time,
some passengers reach the Bay Area at about 2 am on Sunday.
For these small portion of passengers, a bus departure early
the next day might be preferable and should be considered in
future work.
Fig. 8. Cumulative number of passengers by departure time from the diverted
airport, for each scenario.
Fig. 9. Cumulati ve number of passengers by arrival time in the Bay Area, for
each scenario.
Fig. 10. Objective value for each value of β
wai t
3) Sensitivity Analysis on β
: We want to understand the
weighting in the objective function depending on whether we
attach more importance to the delay suffered by passengers
or the cost incurred by reaccommodating them on aircraft or
buses. Therefore we consider scenario 4 from the previous
example, with one chartered aircraft available in RNO, two
in SMF, two in LAX and 2 in LAS, is tested for β
= 0.3,
= 0.4, β
= 0.5, β
= 0.6, β
= 0.7.
Fig. 10 shows that the objective value decreases as β
increases. This is intuitive since the optimization model forces
all passengers to be rerouted. Second, in Fig. 11, the number
Fig. 11. Number of buses used for each value of β
wai t
Fig. 12. Average passenger delay for each value of β
wai t
of buses used by airport increases with β
, while the number
of chartered aircraft used remains constant and the number of
passengers reaccommodated on buses remains the same. This
means that the load in each bus decreases, the optimization is
no longer trying to fill buses to their maximum capacity but
only to fill them to their minimum capacity before letting them
depart. Finally, Fig. 12 indicates that the influence of β
passenger delay is limited.
V. M
In the foregoing section, we studied how to better reac-
commodate diverted passengers.
We wonder if it could have
been possible to land more d iverted flights in the Bay Area,
under metroplex operations, with real-time shared information
between all stakeholders and collaborative decision making. In
a metroplex environment, neighboring airports could dynami-
cally act as reliever airp orts to SFO. Therefore, we first examine
the situation, the remaining capacities at OAK and SJC, the
domestic and international diverted flights, and then propose a
reoptimization scheme.
Trajectories of diverted flights arriving in the Bay Area in the
hours following the crash are displayed in Figs. 13 and 14, and
show the unusual number of holding patterns and reroutings in
the air, so that the flights can land at SJC or OAK.
Part of this research was previously published by the authors at the AIAA
Infotech Conference [42].
Fig. 13. Trajectories of diverted flights in the Bay Area following the Asiana
crash at SFO from 11:30 to 12:30.
A. Inputs
Consider the time period f rom 1 1:30
A.M. (local time at
SFO) to 4:30
P.M.. The horizon is broken down into 15-minutes
Fig. 14. Trajectories of diverted flights in the Bay Area following the Asiana
crash at SFO from 13:00 to 14:00.
time intervals, denoted by t in T. Let each diverted flight f be
in the set F. Let the two other main airpo rts in the Bay Area,
OAK and SJC, be denoted by a in A.
For each flight f F, its scheduled arrival time at SFO is
denoted by arrSFO
, where arrSFO
= t corresponds to time
bin t. The flight estimated arrival time (ETA) to the potential
arriva l airports at the time of the crash is denoted timetoa pt
corresponding to the arrival time bin. Assume that all flights
stay gate_time time intervals at their gate, where gate_time
enforces constraints on the minimum turnaround time and the
maximum time at the gate allowed by the airports.
Each flight en-route is assumed to arrive at SFO at the ETA
of the TZ table in the ETMS data, at the latest location message
before the crash, to avoid taking into account any change of
destination airport and by consequent an irrelevant ETA to SFO.
This ETA is not available for flights that took off after the
crash (it is unclear if the ETA in the data is for an arrival at
SFO or elsewhere), in this case the ETA at SFO is determined
using the earliest TZ data available, corresponding to the first
point after take-off. The result is similar to the scheduled
arrival time plus any actual departure delay. From the ETA to
SFO, an approximation of timetoapt
can be obtained. The
particularity of a metroplex is to have several airport close to
each other. For the bay area SFO, OAK, SJC are close enough to
have an approach path extremely restricted to avoid any hazard
due to the neighboring airports traffic. The incoming flux fix for
OAK and SFO are only a few miles apart and therefore the ETA
to OAK would be less than 5 minutes apart from the ETA for
SFO. Knowing the precision of the ETA used for this study is
15 minutes, the two ETA can be estimated equal. For SJC the
incoming flux fix is about 30 miles south of the SFO incoming
fixes. The estimated time to go from one fix to the other is
about 10 to 15 minutes. Therefore depending of the origin of
the flight, its ETA would be its ETA to SFO plus an additional
15 minutes if the flight is arriving from the North, or minus
15 minutes when arriving from the South, or its original ETA
when arriving from the East or West.
For each metroplex airport, SJC and OAK, the remaining
runway capacity at each time bin is computed, while taking
into account the actual (not the scheduled) arrival and depar-
tures (including international flights from ETMS), except the
diversions from SFO on that day. The corresponding variable
is rwycapa
. Moreover, the remaining gate capacity at each
time bin is calculated b y taking into account actual arrival and
departures (including international flights), and referred to as
. For domestic flights, the BTS data provides the
gate arrival time. For international flights, the gate arrival time
is extrapolated from the runway arrival time (see Table I).
B. Problem Formulation
The objective is to minimize the arrival delay of the diverted
flights in the Bay Area. In a disruptive situation, the goal is
to land aircraft safely as close as possible to their original
destination , i.e., SFO. The model optim izes the arrival times of
each diverted flight and provides the following information. For
each flight f , its runway arrival time is denoted by arr
, its
gate occupancy time is indicated by gateocc
. The objective
function can be formulated as follows:
f F
t · arr
f F
The following constraints are defined:
Flight Duration Constraints:
The landing time at the actual arrival airport is bounded
above and b elow. A flight f cannot land at the arrival airport
before it has at least flown there. Aircraft are legally required to
be dispatched with enough fuel to allow 45 minutes of airborne
holding [43], therefore reserve time = 2 time intervals, so it has
to land before this time elapses
+reserve time
= 1. (18)
A flight can only land once and at one airport:
f F,
= 1. (19)
A flight cannot arrive a gate earlier than 15 minutes after
landing and not later then 45 min [44]
f F, a A, t T, if arr
= 1
Then t
[t + 2,t+ gate_time], gateocc
= 1
and gateocc
+ gateocc
= 1. (20)
An aircraft remains gate_time intervals time at one gate in one
f F,
= gate_time. (21)
Airport Constraints
The number of landing flights must be below the remaining
runway capacity:
t T, a A,
f F
. (22)
The number of flights parked at the gate must be less than the
remaining gate capacity:
t T, a A,
f F
. (23)
C. Results
Each one of the 90 diverted flights initially scheduled to land
at SFO between 11:30
A.M. and 4:30 P.M. could theoretically
have landed in the Bay area. The question remains whether
good communication and information sharing regarding the
remaining capacities at SJC and OAK co uld enable it. Even
in the worse case scenario where each flight occupies its gate
for two hours, OAK and SJC could accommodate the incoming
Fig. 15. Runway Occupancy at SJC and OAK for each scenario. (a) Runway
occupancy for gate_time = 60 min. (b) Runway occupancy for gate_time =
90 min. (c) Runway occupancy for gate_time = 120 min.
traffic, wh ile keeping airborne flight delay relatively low and
within safety limits.
Fig. 15 shows the runway capacity is stressed right after the
crash, between 11:30
A.M. and 11:45 A.M.. However, even at
its peak, the runway occupancy remains below 90% of capacity.
The second peak is visible for the scenario with 120 minutes
of gate time, and shows a short saturation of gate occupancy at
both SJC and OAK, which leads to a temporary and manageable
increase in airborne holding. The gate occupancy level reaches
its limit for two scenarios and for the last scenario, the peak
Fig. 16. Gate Occupancy at SJC and OAK for each scenario. (a) Gate Occu-
pancy for gate_time =60min; (b) Gate Occupancy for gate_time = 90 min;
(c) Gate Occupancy when gate_time = 120 min.
occupancy reached is 90% (see Fig. 16). Summarizing it all,
most diversions, if not all, with some uncertainty margin, could
have landed in the Bay Area.
The repartition of diverted flights at SJC and OAK is similar,
and balance each other, as illustrated in Figs. 17 and 18. The
larger the gate time enforced, the more balanced the repar-
tition is. A noticeable fact is that no flights lands between
P.M. and 12:45 P.M. because all gates are full in the next
time interval. Since the limit in gate o ccupancy lasts more than
30 minutes in the second and third scenarios, the taxi-in time
Fig. 17. Number of flights landing at SJC and OAK, and associated delays for
each scenario. (a) Delays for gate_time = 60 min. (b) Delays for gate_time =
90 min. (c) Delays for gate_time = 120 min.
margins are not enough to mitigate the peak, and therefore air-
borne holding time is used to delay aircraft. However, as shown
in Fig. 19, the airborne holding times are below 15 minutes
and well below safety limits and reserve times. Because of
the objective function that minimizes arrival d elay, the aircraft
land as soon as possible, favoring taxi-in d elay over airborne
holding. Fig. 20 illustrates when the taxi-in modulations are
not sufficient. The larger the gate occupancy, the more airborne
holding time is allocated, but it remains low. Also it should be
Fig. 18. Number of flights landing at SJC and OAK, and associated delays
for each scenario. (a) Number of ights landing for gate_time = 60 min.
(b) number of flights landing for gate_time = 90 min. (c) number of flights
landing for gate_time = 120 min.
noted that a few flights arrive a few minutes earlier at OAK
or SJC than their scheduled time at SFO, but this comes from
the fact that their flight time slightly diminishes, for the flights
coming from the East for instance.
Fig. 19. Trade-offs between Airborne holding at SJC and OAK for each
scenario. (a) Average Taxi vs airborne holding time for gate_time = 60 min;
(b) Average Taxi vs airborne holding time for gate_time = 90 min; (c) Average
Taxi vs airborne holding time for gate_time = 120 min.
Overall, the optimization performed demonstrates that most
diverted flights could have landed in the Bay Area, even with
uncertainty present. However, it is understandable that safety
was a priority and that grounding flights wherever possible
when the situation was unclear was th e best solution. With fu-
ture concepts of operations, including better information shar-
ing throughout the system between airports, carriers, regarding
estimated arrival times and remaining capacities, it is expected
Fig. 20. Average Flight Delay, Airborne Holding and Taxi-in Times at SJC and
OAK for each scenario. (a) Delay, taxi and airborne holding time e volution for
gate_time = 60 min. (b) Delay, taxi and airborne holding time evolution for
gate_time = 90 min. (c) Delay, taxi and airborne holding time ev olution
for gate_time = 120 min.
that crisis management will be handled better and avoid the
diversions of thousands of passengers to far-away airports,
causing many issues related to reaccommodation, customs, and
carrier support to name a few.
The Asiana crash constitutes one of many adversarial events
that significantly disrup t the passengers and airlines alike. In
this context, it contributes factual information supporting how
operations could be improved under what we call a “multimodal
CDM” concept of operations.
A. Stakeholders and Action Plans
1) Passengers: The pivotal role of the passenger, though
obvious, b ecomes clear when considering the role of the main
stakeholders involved in the door-to-door travel experience in
normal and disrupted conditions. Only passengers (or their
luggage) interact with all stakeholders. Other stakeholders have
one or a few connections up or down the line, but they do not
have an immediate operational reason to be aware of the needs,
priorities and issues facing the full run of stakeholders involved
in the journey process. Passengers can differ significantly in
their travel behavior, requirements and preferences.
a) Timing of passenger information: The accuracy of
exchanged data is c ritical to enable informed decisions for im-
proved travel. In the case of a long journey some uncertainties
normally will cancel each other out which could be estimated
with error propagation. However, some sources of delay may
affect multiple stages, lead ing to greater-than-usual journey
times throughout the journey. The timeliness of data exchange
is very impor tant for empowering the traveler, and enables the
travel service provider to make a good prognosis of the progress
of the journey. The later information is exchanged, the more
limited will be the availability of alternatives and/or counter-
measures. For example, if the traveler received information on
congestion on his or her way to the airport too late and is already
within a tr a ffic jam on the highway, either this delay can be
absorbed through journey time buffers, or processes later in the
journey could be shortened to allow the traveler to board their
critical travel connection in time. If neither of these options
were possible, the journey would have to be re-planned. For
instance, when SFO closed after the Asiana crash, passengers
with later flights were still trying to go to the airport.
A disruption corresponds to an episode that results in many
cancellations at one or more airports, for example, major snow
events, volcanic ash, aircraft accidents, strikes, technical fail-
ures, fires or terrorism. Such situations differ from events that
lead primarily to delays.
The short term benefits of multimodal CDM are the im-
provement of passenger satisfaction by reducing door-to-door
travel time, reducing uncertainty, and improving information
2) Airlines: Airlines bear a high cost during disruptive
events. Their objective is to recover from the disruption quickly
and efficiently, while supporting passengers’ needs. If airlines
were willing to share their connection matrices under disrupted
conditions, the diversions might be able to land in airports more
suited to facilitate the reaccommodation of diverted passengers.
For instan ce, they could land closer to the final destination
airport. A ranking process, similar to CTOP (Collaborative
Trajectory Options Program) [45], could be envisioned. For
flights still far away from the arrival airport that closes, but
already airborne, the airline could be asked to provide a ranking
of preferred d iverted airports. Whether airlines can provide
complete or partial preference information, the details of the
expression of such preferences remain to be explored.
The short term benefits of multim odal CDM for airlines
include reducing congestion in airport terminals, particularly at
airline counters, both under normal conditions (as passengers
spend less unnecessary time in the terminal) and in disruptive
situations situations.
3) Airports, Ground Transportation, Infrastructures and
Transportation Authorities: The short term benefits of mul-
timodal CDM consist in: helping airlines to better maintain
schedules by reducing the uncertainty associated with late
passenger arrival at the gate; allowing stakeholders to optimize
resource allocation (for example, improving prediction of how
many immigration desks will need to be open at a given time in
a g iven airport).
Multimodal issues and bottlenecks resulting from operational
processes, deficiencies in existing technology, and lack of
information exchange have to be examined using the avail-
able data sources. Given the level of complexity encountered
in the multimodal transportation system, advanced methods
could be used to explore uncertainty issues and networked
interdependencies in order to reveal both the current issues
and bottlenecks which have not yet occurred, but may do in
future due to currently-foreseen system changes (e.g. increases
in demand). Public Transport authorities need to be involved
to better manage the interconnections between transportation
modes. Private transport companies (taxi for instance) can be
locally contracted. For instance, the BART operates a reduced
scheduled on Saturdays. It may be possible to have more trains
operate a given origin-destination pair between airports in the
metroplex to facilitate passenger movements on the ground.
Regarding cooperation between airlines and ground transport,
Evans [28] reported that Continental Airlines had an agreement
at Newark to make buses available to air p assengers in case of
severe disruptions.
B. Support Tools for Multimodal Collaborative
Decision Making
An analysis of how the conclusions of research in the pre-
vious areas may change under disruptive conditions, would
help in setting recommendations for how data provision and
exchanges would need to be modified when the aviation system
is disrupted. A key research and development area identified
is the need to further foster solution s that enable a seamless
door-to-door journey for the passenger. Due to significant bar-
riers related to incompatibilities between systems and data,
it is recommended to focus on the development of direct
communications between the passengers and each transport
provider. Technical and algorithmic aspects n eed to be ad-
dressed, they inclu de computing abilities of decentralized
solutions, fleet needs, communication channels, human
decision-making support tools. Provision of door-to-door travel
support, such as alternatives in case of flight cancellation, could
be implemented as a de-centralized service.
1) Information Sharing: According to SITA Air Transport
IT review [46], “the air transport industry is shifting towards a
new era of continuous engagement. (...) it is creating rising
demand for more relevant services and giving airlines and
airports opportunities to offer passengers enhanced personal-
ization.” This SITA survey indicates that “airlines” sights are
set on providing a real-time service experience, targeted at their
passengers journeys, via smartphone apps: 65% of airlines
plan to do this by the end of 2017, up from 13% today. High
on the airport agenda are updates on wait-times and local
traffic issues: 18% offer them today, with another 55% making
plans for this service.” Moreover, in the recovery process,
“[passeng ers] are expecting airlines and airports to provide
a personal alert and response when flights are canceled or
delayed.” Smartphones and other communication technologies
open up a myriad of opportunities to provide disruption man-
agement services to passengers. The use of new technologies is
becoming more and more commonplace in case of unexpected
events: A third of airports are able to p rovide real-time infor-
mation to passenger mobiles in the event of disruption, with
a further third doing so by 2017.” The continuous provision
of information to the passenger is facilitated by the fact that
“almost every passenger (97%) carries a smartphone, tablet or
Recent events such as the Asiana Crash and the ensuing
multimodal ripple effects clearly illustrated the fragility of the
system, the costs associated with not reacting effectively and
hence the need of coordination. The FAA, the EC, Eurocontrol
and others have responded positively to mitigate d isruptive
events and spread the CDM concept but more could be done,
such as: delivery protocols that enable levels of filtered alert in-
formation to be passed through the network; a web “dashboard”
of status information to which stakeholders could contribute,
which provides real-time information to all stakeholders re-
questing access. For instance, CDG website provides real-time
on-time performance reports to anyone in the air transportation
industry that previously requested an account. Airlines across
the world use it to monitor their flights and evaluate if their
passengers are likely to make their connections; the establish-
ment of intelligence/alert units that can capture non-operational
features such as meteorological or security data and make them
available to the network.
The identification o f existing data availability, technology
and data flows is necessary. To accurately evaluate perfor-
mance, the available data from many data sources and reporting
methods needs to be understood as a whole. Unless given
incentives or provided with potential benefits, stakeholders are
concerned that b y sharing their data they are submitting them-
selves to open comparison with co mpetitors. Data provisio n and
analysis could also be a way to enable multimodal ticketing,
which could help significantly streamline multimodal journeys.
The duality between competition and cooperation can be an
obstacle to multimodal CDM. The proposed concept involves
information exchange between various stakeholders who may
be competing. The different data sources, their availability,
and aspects of confidentiality have to be investigated. A trade-
off between the performance o f the solution of a multimodal
network optimization and constraints in data provision should
be established. Antitrust concerns should be addressed as well.
2) Resource Allocation: Several limits to passenger reac-
commodation need to be addressed. The capacity of other air
services to provide spare seats for passengers from canceled
flights is a key factor affecting recovery from crisis events. In
normal oper ations, airlines try to maximize their load factors.
In crisis events, however, faster recovery is aided by lower load
factors on subsequent flights. Putting passengers on ground
transport is feasible only if there are enough seats at suitable
times. The ability of ground transportation p roviders to support
stranded p assengers varies greatly by location. Several limita-
tions may arise, includ ing lack of spare rolling stock, staff avail-
ability and training for the routes needed, an d inf rastructure
limits. Multimodal CDM could be decomposed in to o ptions,
with several multimodal touch points, such as the BART station
at OAK airport. In the context of metroplex operations under
disruptions, playbooks could be developed, to provide structure
and guidance. Cases such as a sudden and unforeseeable airport
closure could be addressed.
Zhang et al. proposed a Regional Ground Delay Program
(Regional GDP) [47]. When a hub airport located in a regional
airport system encounters a severe airside capacity reduction,
air traffic flow managers could not only evaluate the imbalance
of traffic demand and terminal capacity at the hub airport but
also excess capacity at other airports in the same region, as-
suming that airlines could incorporate ground modes into their
disruption management and use ground vehicles to transport
passengers and crew members between original scheduled and
diverted airports. The case study of the Asiana Crash suggests
that a regional GDP, including LAX, LAS, SMF and RNO air-
ports, may have helped mitigate the d isruption. The feasibility
of multimodal CDM could be facilitated through the existing
and successful initiatives constituted by GDPs and CDM.
Moreover, mathematical models, supported by the appro-
priate data sources and processes, and feeding into decision-
support tools, need to be developed, for different time
horizons, from strategic to tactical planning. Algorithms sup-
porting distributed multimodal optimization with reasonable
computational times and robust margins need to be studied and
3) Decision Making: Multimodal collaborative Decision
Making necessarily involves multiple stakeholders. The sys-
temic nature of aviation means that those stakeholders are
international as well as national and local. In the case of the
Asiana crash, not only was SFO airport involved and all entities
dealing with airport closur e and passenger evacuation, but also
the California Highway Patrol, Taxi Companies operating out
of SJC and OAK, custom and border representatives at any
airport where flight diversions landed, to name a few. Similarly,
working together, these organizations can enhance the passen-
ger experience in normal as well as disrupted conditions. The
key to delivering effective multim odal CDM is communication.
Communication is a means to an end: it will h elp improve
decision-making, and the data sharing will support the use of
decentralized optimization models. The structure o f the deci-
sion space for all stakeholders needs to be better understood.
There could be a pre-established metroplex playbook indicating
which stakeholder to involve at which stage of the decision
process. Real-time, tactical and strategic decision-making may
require the involvement of different stakeholders. Efficiency,
whether cost efficiency or time efficiency for instance, of
the decision-making aims at making the passenger journey
seamless or recovering from a disruption as fast as possible.
Multimodal CDM could also be tied to SWIM (System Wide
Information Management), in the sense that it would provide a
broad base information management system including passen-
gers and local transportation networks.
The timing of decisions on the Air Traffic Control side could
be investigated. By comparing the initial flight plan and the
trajectories followed by diverted aircraft, the timing of the
diversions could be retrieved. More might be uncovered on
the tactical traffic control aspects for the entire airspace.
The present paper aimed at making the case for the extension
of Collaborative Decision Making to the Multimodal Network
level. It tackled, in hindsight, how the disrup tion caused by the
Asiana Crash could have been better managed, at the system
level. The consequences of the crash may have been better
mitigated, for both the stakeholders and passenger s, had Multi-
modal Network CDM been in place. Two optimization models
were developed to improve the crisis management following the
crash. The passenger-centric optimization aimed at balancing
cost and delays with a multimodal reaccommodation scheme
from each diversion airpor t. It showed that multimodal col-
laboration to reroute passengers could have helped passengers
within an 8-hour bus drive radius reach the Bay Area on the
crash day, instead of waiting up to several days for flights
in diverted airports. The flight-centric optimization aimed at
allocating flight diversions to SJC and OAK while balancing
runway and gate capacity, and minimizing flight delays. It
showed that there was potentially more capacity at SJC and
OAK to accommodate more diverted flights on the crash day,
which could have mitigated many of the ripple effects for both
passengers, airlines and airports. One of the m ain obstacles to
optimal capacity utilization in crises is information sharing and
collaborative decision making between all stakeholders. This
would improve the performance of the air transportation system
both from a flight-centric and a passenger-centric perspective.
Then recommendations were elaborated to expand CDM to the
multimodal network level and hig hlighted the expected benefits
for all stakeholders and passengers.
The higher-level goal of this paper is to foster a better under-
standing of multimodal transportation to increase its resilience
and facilitate the passenger door-to-door journey. This research
can provide the first experimental basis upon which several
system engineering methods could be applied to improve the
entire passenger journey.
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Aude Marzuoli received French Engineering
Diploma from Supelec in 2012 and the Master’s
and Ph.D. degrees in aerospace engineering
from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
GA, USA, in 2012 and 2015, respectively. She
previously worked with NASA Ames, SESAR Joint
Undertaking, and the French National School of
Emmanuel Boidot received the Master’s degrees in
computer science and in aerospace engineering from
Georgia Institute of Technology, and the Master’s
degree in electrical engineering and computer sci-
ence from Supelec in 2011. He is currently working
toward the Ph.D. degree in aerospace engineering
with Georgia Institute of Technology. His research
interests include robotics, game theory, networks,
and air transportation.
Pablo Colomar received the Master’s degree in
industrial engineering from Polytechnic University
of Catalonia in 2014 and the Master’s degree in
mechanical engineering and management from Tech-
nische Universitat Munchen in 2015.
Mathieu Guerpillon received the Masters degree
in aerospace engineering from Georgia Institute of
Technology and the French Engineering Diploma
from Supelec in 2014.
Eric Feron receive d the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. de-
grees from Ecole Polytechnique, France, Ecole Nor-
male Superieure, France and Stanford University,
U.S. Since 2005, he has been the Dutton-Ducoffe
Professor of Aerospace Software Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology. From 1993 to 2005,
he was with the Department of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
ogy. His interests include the fundamental concepts
of control systems, optimization and computer sci-
ence to address important problems in aerospace
engineering, such as aerobatic control of unmanned aerial vehicles, multi-
agent operations, air traffic control systems, and aerospace software system
Alexandre Bayen received the Engineering degree
in applied mathematics from Ecole Polytechnique,
France, in 1998; the M.S. degree in aeronautics
and astronautics from Stanford University in 1999;
and the Ph.D. degree in aeronautics and astronautics
from Stanford University in 2003. He was a Visit-
ing Researcher with NASA Ames Research Center
from 2000 to 2003. In 2004, he worked as a Re-
search Director of the Autonomous Navigation Lab-
oratory at Laboratoire de Recherches Balistiques et
Aerodynamiques, (Ministere de la Defense, Vernon,
France), where he holds the rank of Major. He is currently an Associate Chan-
cellor Professor, and has been the Director of the Institute for Transportation
Studies (ITS) since 2014.
Mark Hansen receive d the Bachelor of Arts degree
in physics and philosophy from Yale Unive rsity in
1980 and the Master’s degree in city planning and
the Ph.D. degree in transportation engineering from
UC Berkele y in 1984 and 1988, respectively. He
is the codirector of National Center for Excellence
in Aviation Operations Research (NEXTOR). His
research interests include transportation economics,
policy and planning, air transportation, and public