By Beirut Balutis | Directed by Adam Kassim
A BU New Play Initiative, produced by Boston Playwrights’ Theatre
and Boston University College of Fine Arts School of Theatre
Tickets: (866) 811-4111 or April 18-28
Welcome to the fourth and nal new play of our Season—Dead House by
Beirut Balus, directed by Adam Kassim. You may remember Adam’s wonderful
work on Leo McGann’s The Honey Trap (winner of the 2018 Kennedy Center
American College Theater Fesval’s Naonal Student Playwring Award). Leo’s
naonal award is only one example of the successful collaboraon between
Boston Playwrights’ Theatre and the BU School of Theatre’s directors, designers,
and actors working on new plays.
Its a pleasure to bring you Beiruts Dead House. Beirut and Adam have been
exploring the world of Appalachian teenagers for the last year. Beirut’s inspired
rendion of this somemes dangerous, somemes hilarious, but always
mysterious world mixes with the desperaon and hope of its young people. Its
not always a prey world, but its never a boring one.
Next season, our talented alumni are on parade. First on the bill is Karen
Zacarias’s The Book Club Play. Karen (BU GRS’95) is one of the most-produced
playwrights in the country this year with her comedy Nave Gardens. We know
you’re going to laugh and learn from her singular take on literature among
friends. Then, Ronan Noone (Hunngton Theatre Companys The Second
Girl and The Atheist, BPT’s Lile Black Dress, and more) brings us his award-
winning one-man play-in-verse The Smuggler. And, last but not least, our third
producon will be…a surprise! Look for our special announcement in our fall
Once again, thank you for your connued support of new plays—its paying
o in producons all over the world. Recent alumna Alexis Scheer (this years
Laughs in Spanish) will premiere her play Our Dear Dead Drug Lord in the fall in
New York’s o-Broadway at Second Stage Theatre and WP Theater. Watch for it!
And…we connue (thanks to you)!
With warmest regards,
Jim Petosa, Director Kate Snodgrass, Director
School of Theatre MFA in Playwring/English Department
College of Fine Arts Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
Dead House
By Beirut Balus
Directed by Adam Kassim
A BU New Play Iniave, produced by Boston Playwrights’ Theatre
and Boston University College of Fine Arts School of Theatre
Scenic Design
Lighng Design
Sound Design
Costume Design
Fight Choreographer
Stage Manager
Assistant Scenic Design
Assistant Costume Design
Assistant Lighng Design
Producon Manager
Producon Assistant
Master Electrician
Lighng Board Operator
Paint Charge
Costume Masters
Properes Master
Run Crew
House Managers
Front of House Sta
Steven Doucee
Hannah Solomon
J Jumbelic
Ruth King
Jessica Scout Malone
Daniel Blanda
Briney Page*
Emma Barron
Maddy Brown
Ma Robson
Jerey Petersen
Carey Accola-Gavin
PJ Strachman
Ma Borah, Sam Haiman,
Amanda Holt, Maureen McCann,
Jennifer Timms
Jacob DeSousa, Steven Doucee
Travis Doughty
Patricia Hawkins
Linda Seminario
Eliana Pipes, Ally Sass
Eliana Pipes
Rona Moriah
Anna Oehlberg, Linda Seminario
Daniel Blanda, Cayenne Douglass,
Emily Keebler, Mavis Manaloto,
Eliana Pipes, Ally Sass, Sarah Shin,
Caity-Shea Violee
Dead House runs 85 minutes with no intermission.
The producon includes a gun shot sound eect.
*Member, Actors’ Equity Associaon
The video and/or audio recording of this performance
by any means whatsoever is strictly prohibited.
Leah Gillespie
Chrisne Hamel*
Thomas Mitsock
Christopher Reilly
Trey Shields
Amanda Figueroa
Liana Giangiulio
Isabella Lampson
Award-winning playwright, educator, and Vising Professor of Playwring Gary
Garrison talks with playwright Beirut Balus about the inspiraon behind Dead
Beirut: Football was a big ritual in my area. In a place that is very rural, football
was the weekly ramp up. If you were anyone you’d watch the high school games
and aerwards go to the bonre the church across the street held. Even if you
didn’t watch the game—the social aspect of being at a game was important.
My school had these grass hills around the eld; kids would lay blankets out
to socialize and gossip. My mother is a big inspiraon for this play. She’s the
football person in our family—every game, every Super Bowl, she’s watching.
Beirut: Oh man, thats tough. Yes, in an abstract way. I think the stories my
family tells are the root of my inspiraons. Growing up in rural Pennsylvania,
oral story telling is a part of life. I remember my father telling adventures he
had growing up all the me. I loved when we had dinners with family, my father
would retell the stories I’ve heard me and me again. I loved watching the
reacons of the people he was telling them to.
Beirut: I think this play is about identy in a place that is unforgiving and
the adaptaon of identy to t into a place like that. Identy can become
so skewed and hidden—could you ever return to who you were? Even if its
dangerous. I always call the part of Pennsylvania I’m from a conservave
wonderland. Its one of the most scenically beauful places I know—there’re
waterfalls, mountains, miles of orchards but in that beauty is this somemes
unforgiving darkness created by the people there based on supersons
and fear of the unknown. Mainly queer hate. When we rst started this play,
Adam Kassim was looking up my area and, in 2015, a group of students in this
Pennsylvania school encouraged classmates to wear annel and create an an-
gay day in response to the “Day of Silence.
Beirut: I think this play is about watching a stranger learn, adapt and navigate
at the drop of a hat in territory he’s never seen and the consequences of a toxic
society. If you enter pure of heart will you come out the same? I think that
message is universal—not just for the queer community but with any perceived
 is delighted and grateful
to be working at Boston Playwrights’ Theatre for the rst me. Originally from
Providence, she is currently a stage management student at Boston University
also pursuing a concentraon in costume design. Previous credits at BU include
The Directors’ Project (SM), Edith Can Shoot Things and Hit Them (SM), and La
Traviata (ASM). Regionally, she has interned at Opera House Arts in Stonington
Maine, where she worked as an ASM on The Tempest and I Have Seen Horizons,
Ruth Moore’s Stories from Maine.
BEIRUT BALUTIS is an Appalachian playwright. His works have
been developed or produced at the Boston Theater Marathon, Cape May Play-
wright Symposium, Mt. Gretna Theatre Fesval, Boston Playwrights’ Theatre,
and the Hershey Area Playhouse. Beirut previously earned his rst MFA in
Stage and Screen at Lesley University. He is currently producing and performing
within a Boston art collecve.
 Daniel Blanda is a playwright, screenwriter, and
theatre arst from Alpharea, GA. His works have appeared in the New South
Young Play Fesval, the Naonal Playwright Symposium at Cape May Stages,
the Boston Theater Marathon and the Boston One-Minute Play Fesval, among
others. Daniel is a rst year MFA Playwring student at Boston University and
a graduate of Columbus State University where he received his BFA in The-
atre Performance. He is proud to have worked for the world famous Drama
Bookshop in New York City and is thankful to be a part of Boston Playwrights’
 is a sophmore at Boston Univer-
sity studying Costume Design. She previously assisted on Winter People at BPT,
as well as designed and assisted on several shows at Boston University School
of Theatre. Maddy worked as a wardrobe intern at Commonwealth Shake-
speare Company last season, and greatly ancipates her role as a costume
intern for The Public Theater this summer.
 is an arst and theatre-maker based out of
Boston; he will soon graduate from Boston University School of Theatre with a
BFA in Scenic Design (May 2019). Outside of the world of scenery, Steven works
as a props technician, writes plays and poetry, sews, and performs in drag. Bos-
ton University credits include 1984 (scenic/projecons design), When the Rain
Stops Falling (props master), Angels in America (wing arsan/designer), Rhinoc-
eros (props master), These Three Sisters (scenic designer), Mother Courage and
Her Children (scenic designer), The Cradle Will Rock (props master), Hydrogen
Jukebox (props master).
 is a senior Acng major at Boston Universitys
School of Theatre. This is her second me joining the BPT family, having played
Izzy in The Tragic Ecstasy of Girlhood by Kira Rockwell last fall. Recent produc-
ons include Runaways, The Shakespeare Project, and Yo Soy Lola, a yearly
showcase performance of Lanx arsts who raise money for scholarships for
local Lanx youth. Also, Amanda just completed her senior thesis, in which she
self-directed and performed 10 self-selected pieces. She is graduang this May
and, although she is excited to move to New York, she will denitely miss the
Boston community. Amanda is very humbled to be a part of such a spectacular
cast and crew, and can’t wait to see what the future will bring.
 is a sophomore Theatre Arts major at Boston
University and they are excited to perform in their BPT debut! They are
originally from Philadelphia and interned last summer at InterAct Theatre
Company. Recently, she originated the role as Martha in BU STAMPs producon
of The Real Nestwives of the Cretaceous. She is grateful for the support of the
BPT community, her parents, her teachers, and her class. She hopes you enjoy
the show! Instagram: @liana_tcg
 is returning to BPT aer dialect coaching
several producons and appearing in A Child’s Christmas in Wales. Other
credits include Brecht on Brecht (PTP-NYC/Atlanc Stage); Ideaon (IRNE
nominaon – Best Supporng Actress), Brecht on Brecht, Broken Glass, On
the Verge, Ragme, Sweeney Todd (New Repertory Theatre); Tongue Tied
Tight And Delivered (Hunngton Theatre Company Summer Workshop); A
Disappearing Number (Underground Railway Theater); The Winters Tale
(Actors’ Shakespeare Project, Devanaughn Theatre); Miracle on 34th Street,
A Prayer for Owen Meany (Greater Boston Stage Company); Trumpery (Olney
Theatre Center); Season’s Greengs, Our Town (Wellesley Repertory Theatre);
Spinning Into Buer, The Importance of Being Earnest (Village Theatre Project);
Proof (Apollinaire Theatre); and The Glass Menagerie (Boston Center for
American Performance). Chrisne is an Assistant Professor of Voice and Acng
at BU School of Theatre and works extensively as a voice and text coach; she
is a Designated Linklater Voice Teacher and holds a Teaching Cercate in the
Michael Chekhov Acng Technique. Chrisne is a graduate of Williams College.
 ( has New England credits that include A Doll’s
House, Part 2 (Hunngton Theatre Company); Lost Tempo, Every Piece of Me,
Franklin, The Honey Trap, Faithless (Boston Playwrights’ Theatre); Vicuña, A
Great Wilderness, Cakewalk, The Boys in the Band, The Submission, The Big
Meal, Bent, The Normal Heart (Zeitgeist Stage Company); My Three Angels,
Ghost Train, Spamalot (The Barnstormers Theater); Small Cra Warnings (Prov-
incetown Tennessee Williams Fesval); The Laramie Project (Curry College); and
9 Parts of Desire (Capital Repertory Theatre), as well as sound composions in
collaboraon with local Massachuses choreographers. Currently he is at work
on The Handmaid’s Tale (Boston Lyric Opera).
 is excited to be back at Boston Playwrights’ The-
atre and working on Beiruts thesis play. He previously directed Leo McGann’s
KCACTF award-winning The Honey Trap at BPT in 2017, which The ARTery
named one of the “high points of the theatrical season.” This season, Adam had
the pleasure of assisng Jim Petosa on Dolores Claiborne at the Boston Uni-
versity Opera Instute and Elaine Vaan Hogue on Straight White Men at New
Repertory Theatre. Adam is a sta member and MFA Direcng candidate at BU
School of Theatre. Recent SOT direcng credits include Agamemnon at Dawn,
In the Heart of America, Ghosts, and Mrs. Packard. In addion, he has worked
with numerous theatre companies in the Boston area, including Fresh Ink The-
atre, New Repertory Theatre, SpeakEasy Stage, The Nora Theatre Company, and
Bad Habit Producons. BFA: Boston University, 2005.
 is a senior costume design student at Boston
University with a minor in lm and television. She previously earned her associ-
ate’s degree in fashion design at The Fashion Instute of Technology in New
York City. Ruth has previously assisted on Angels in America at the Booth The-
atre, as well as Black Snow, and other various shows at BU. She is excited and
grateful to make her Boston design debut at the Boston Playwrights’ Theatre.
For more informaon, please visit .
, a sophomore Boston University BFA Acng
student, is thrilled to be cast in this producon at Boston Playwrights’ Theatre.
Prior to coming to BU she was in numerous community theatre producons in
Westchester, NY, including Westchester Sandbox Theatre (Heathers/Heather
Chandler, Les Misérable/Cosee) and SOOP Theatre Company (The Wizard of
Oz/Dorothy, Annie/Lily St. Regis, Seussical/Gertrude McFuzz). She happily spent
summers at French Woods Fesval for the Performing Arts. Isabella is grate-
ful for the privilege of studying at Boston Universitys School of Theatre, and
values the work being done. She adores her fellow BU theatre friends, and has
especially loved working with this cast, director, and playwright. She is happy to
have the support of her family as she follows her dreams.
 ( is a Boston-based theatre
arst, choreographer, themed-drink enthusiast, and avid consumer of polical
podcasts. She’s thrilled to be back at BPT with this team of smart, silly, and pas-
sionate people. With more than 17 years of movement training inuencing her
work, Jess is passionate about invesgang the ways human bodies create nar-
rave and meaning, both alone and with others, onstage and o. Jess holds a
BFA in Theatre Arts from Boston University and is an Actor Combatant cered
by the SAFD. Her work can be seen with companies like Also Known As Theatre,
Anthem Theatre Company, Company One, and New Repertory Theatre. For
more informaon please visit: .
 is an actor in his nal year at Boston University
School of Theatre. Previous credits include: Angels in America, Part One:
Millennium Approaches (Louis), When the Rain Stops Falling (Gabriel Law),
and Tiger at the Gates (Ulysses). Originally from Massachuses, Thomas grew
up seeing new work at Boston Playwrights’ Theatre, and he feels extremely
grateful to work on this play. For more informaon, visit .
 is thrilled to be back with Boston Play-
wrights’ Theatre aer working on Lost Tempo in 2017. Previous producon
credits include Opera Bites and The Scarlet Ibis (Boston Opera Collaborave),
Road Show (Lyric Stage Company), Twelh Night of the Living Dead, and The
DARE Project (Anthem Theatre Company). Briney thanks her husband and
family for their steady paence and support. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts
from Boston University.
 ( is a playwright, lmmaker, and actor. Recent
playwring work includes Cowboy and the Moon (NNPN MFA Workshop);
DREAM HOU$E (O’Neill Finalist); Stand and Wait (Ganey Naonal Playwring
Prize Winner); Sleo Envy (Samuel French O-O Broadway Fesval, Boston
Theater Marathon). Her work has been developed with the 24 Hour Plays
Naonals and Checkmark Theater Company. She received a BA in English from
Columbia University, and is currently a rst year in Boston Universitys MFA
Playwring program. More at .
CHRISTOPHER REILLY is a sophomore Acng major in the Boston Univer-
sity School of Theatre. Since being at BU he has been in Beowulf: A Thousand
Years of Baggage, People, Places and Things, and Our Country’s Good. He is
thrilled to be working on Dead House at the Boston Playwrights’ Theatre with
such an amazing and collaborave cast and creave team. Before aending BU,
he went to The Boston Conservatory studying Musical Theatre. He grew up in
California, and would like to give a shout out to his phenomenal parents who
have always supported him throughout his life. Enjoy the show!
 is an acng major at the Boston University School of
Theatre from the small town of Kalispell, Montana. He has done the majority
of his collegiate acng at Boston University, acng in more experimental shows
such as Alice Birch’s Revolt. She Said. Revolt Again. As an advocate for truth-
ful storytelling, he has spent his spare me pursuing an educaon in history
and internaonal relaons, with an intenon to establish a concentraon in
historic dramaturgy. Coming from a small town, he hopes to nd a way to make
art more accessible to all parts and demographics of the world—not just the
populous cultural hubs.
 is very excited for her second me
designing at BPT! Hannah is a graduang senior in Lighng Design at Boston
University. She is a designer, assistant, draswoman, and lighng programmer.
The relaonship BU has with BPT has allowed her to get rsthand experience
diving into new work. Working on Dead House with this incredible team has
been such an honor. Congratulaons to everyone who has made this process
happen! Special shout out to Jerey Petersen—a ROCKSTAR! Hannah’s previous
works include her recent design for Laughs in Spanish at BPT and Revolt. She
Said. Revolt Again. at the College of Fine Arts. She also assisted at Hunngton
*Actors’ Equity Associaon (AEA) was founded in 1913 as the
rst of the American actor unions. Equity’s mission is to advance,
promote and foster the art of live theatre as an essenal
component of our society. Today, Equity represents more than
49,000 actors, singers, dancers and stage managers working in
hundreds of theatres across the United States.
Shane Morin and Boston College Football, Greg Jones, Gary Garrison, Nicholas
Delgado, Tabitha, Diane, and Ronald Balus, Mary-Alice and Thomas Koch, Neil
Connelly, Paris Peet, Laura Young
Theatre Company and Wheelock Family Theatre on A Doll’s House Part 2 and
Ragme, respecvely. This season she is also working on her undergraduate
thesis The Earth is Red, an immersive gallery experience debung at the Booth
Theatre at the end of March. 
617-933-8600 |
mosesian center for the arts
321 arsenal st, watertown
Becoming Dr. ruth
heartwarming biographical comedy
APr 27-mAY 19/2019
Follow Dr. Ruth Westheimer’s journey from refugee
to world famous radio personality in this lively and
humorous play.
The School of Theatre at the College of Fine Arts at Boston University is a leading
conservatory for the study of acng, stage management, design, producon, and all
aspects of the theatrical profession. These programs of study are enriched by the
School’s access to the greater liberal arts programs at Boston University. The School
of Theatre values the noon of “the new conservatory” and seeks to provide students
with opportunies for arsc growth through a rigorous curriculum, professional
connecons, and an emphasis on collaboraon and new work.
 
Beth Barefoot Business Manager
Allyson Beheler Administrave Coordinator – Design & Producon
Todd Burgun Scene Shop Manager
McCaela Donovan Assistant Director
Brian Dudley Administrave Coordinator; Administrave
Program Head — BUSTI
Adam Kassim 855 Producon Manager
Johnny Kontogiannis Producon Manager
Penney Pinee Costume Shop Manager
Emily Ranii Academic Program Head – BUSTI
DESIGN & PRODUCTION FACULTY: Jorge Arroyo, Joel Brandwine*, Diane Fargo, Julie
Hennrikus, Nancy Leary*, Collee Livingston, James McCartney, Seághan McKay, James
Noone*, David Remedios*, Jon Savage*, Mark Stanley*, Crisna Todesco, Mariann
Verheyen*, Denise Wallace-Spriggs, Ryan Winkles, and Renee E. Yancey*
PERFORMANCE FACULTY: Judy Braha*, Yo-EL Cassell, Mark Cohen, Kirsten Greenidge,
Chrisne Hamel, Kyna Hamill, Michael Hammond, Clay Hopper, Melodie Jeery-Cassell,
Michael Kaye*, Paula Langton*, Krisn Leahey, Georgia Lyman, Maurice Parent, Jim
Petosa, Betsy Polan, Rebecca Schneebaum, Mahew Stern, Micki Taylor-Pinney, and
Elaine Vaan Hogue*
* Denotes Program Head
Founded in 1839, Boston University is an internaonally recognized instuon of
higher educaon and research. With more than 33,000 students, it is the fourth
largest independent university in the United States. BU consists of 16 schools and
colleges, along with a number of mul-disciplinary centers and instutes integral to
the University’s research and teaching mission. In 2012, BU joined the Associaon
of American Universies (AAU), a consorum of 62 leading research universies
in the United States and Canada. Established in 1954, Boston University College of
Fine Arts (CFA) is a top-er ne arts instuon. Comprised of the School of Music,
School of Theatre, and School of Visual Arts, CFA oers professional training in the
arts in conservatory-style environments for undergraduate and graduate students,
complemented by a liberal arts curriculum for undergraduate students.
 Dean, College of Fine Arts
 Director, School of Visual Arts
 Director ad interim, School of Music
 Director, School of Theatre
The School of Theatre has a long tradion of embracing the value of the professional
theatre’s parcipaon in the educaon of our students. We have now arrived at a
landmark number of professional theatre ventures that embrace, in a special way, the
possibilies of building strong bridges between the study and pracce of the theatre
Boston University’s Professional Theatre Iniave provides opportunies for
smulang, creave interacons between parcipang theatres and our students. In
many instances, we have created models for producing relaonships that deepen the
educaonal experience, providing a special path for professional experimentaon, and
creang new possibilies for the creaon of new plays for the theatre.
We are pleased to celebrate our professional partners in this endeavor. In this
region, New Repertory Theatre and Boston Playwrights’ Theatre are the most recent
cornerstones of the iniave. Reaching outward, relaonships with Actors’ Shakespeare
Project in Boston, Arena Stage in Washington, D.C., along with Williamstown Theatre
Fesval and Glimmerglass further enhance the possibilies of this iniave.
As part of our Professional Theatre Iniave, the New Play Iniave provides playwrights
and directors with a variety of developmental opons to support the creaon of new
work for the theatre. The semi-annual season of fully produced new plays wrien by our
MFA Playwring students, and directed by their MFA Direcng colleagues, is a highlight
of this endeavor.
Stephen M. Zide (LAW’86) ◊∂
Bobbi Hamill ׶
Luo Yan (CFA’90) and
Hugo X. Shong (COM’87, GRS
‘92) ◊∂
John A. Carey ◊#∂
Cynthia K. Curme (CFA’76,’80)
and Oliver D. Curme ◊#∂
Andrew R. Lack (CFA’68) ∂
Stewart F. Lane (CFA’73) and
Bonnie Comley ◊#∂
SungEun E. Han-Andersen
(BUTI’81, CFA’85) and
G. Chris Andersen ׶
John C. Yates and
Ellen C. Yates ◊#∂
Cathedral Fund
Lost & Foundaon Inc.
Stewart F. Lane &
Bonnie Comley Foundaon
Fidelity Charitable Gi Fund
G. Chris Andersen Family
The Andrew B. Kim &
Wan Kyun Rha Kim
Foundaon Inc.
Ann and Gordon Gey
We are grateful to the generous donors who support our gied students in music,
theatre, and visual arts, and to our CFA alumni who donate to Boston University.
These gis drive important capital iniaves, scholarships, educaonal outreach,
performances, and exhibions all of which directly benet students across campus.
For more informaon about how you can join our growing list of supporters, please
contact us at 617-353-5544 or make a donaon online at We
would love to welcome you into our donor community! *
Chervenak Nunnalle
Clovelly Charitable Trust
The M&T Charitable
Robert Lloyd Corkin Charitable
The San Francisco Foundaon
UBS Donor-Advised Fund
Viking Fuel Oil Company, Inc.
Bank of America Charitable
Gi Fund
Carriuolo Family Foundaon,
Curriculum Associates LLC
The Frederick Zollo Company
Gulf Coast Community
Foundaon, Inc.
Levi Foundaon, Inc.
Rosie’s Place
Santa Barbara Foundaon
Theatre Venture Inc.
Allinson Lamb Family
Ayco Charitable Foundaon
Bee Davis Foundaon, Inc.
The Block Grausman Fund
Community Foundaon of
Sarasota County, Inc.
Full Paige, Inc.
The Presser Foundaon
Wingate Studio
Avedis Zildjian Company
Georgiana Trust
Schwab Charitable Fund
Title Greenspan Revocable
Willard C. & Audrey G. Bear
Charitable Foundaon Trust
Cue The Accountant, LLC
Jack M. Soble Family
Willow Pond Foundaon
David Neigher Associates
E. Jorgensen & I. Yob Rev Trust
Harold Seligman Esq. PC
Holderried Nominee Trust
The Joan G Buccino Revocable
Morgan Investment Trust
Owl Mountain Music, Inc.
Susan G Innocenzi Living Trust
Amundi Pioneer
Bank of America Corporaon
Cizens Banking Corporaon
FM Global
General Electric Foundaon
Merck & Co., Inc.
Raytheon Company
Wells Fargo Bank
*This list reects donaons
made between July 1, 2017
and June 30, 2018. If you
believe your name has been
omied from this list, please
contact us at 617-353-5544
so that we can correct our
records. For a complete list
of donors, visit 
◊ – Annual Fund Leadership
Giving Society Member
Φ – Young Alumni Giving
Society Member
¤ – Faculty/Sta Member
⌂ – Deceased
# – Parent
∂ – Loyalty Society Member
^ – First-me Donor
June Lewin
Jack Welch
In-Kind Contribuons
Hunngton Theatre Company
Kalman Zabarsky
Peter Loewinthan
William and Anastasia Lyman
Chuck Schwager
Paul Walsh
In-Kind Contribuons
Deirdre Girard
Phil Schroeder
Anonymous x 3
Rosanna and Gustavo Alfaro
Fred and Lynn Basch
David Berndt
Judy Braha and Richard Fisher
Alan and Paula Brody
Jim Brown
Cris Ca and
Jim Loutzenhiser
Maureen Conboy and
Marc Olivere
Bonnie Costello
Harold S. Crowley, Jr.
Ellen Dolnansky and
Donald Ingber
Peter M. Floyd
Deborah Fortson
Benjamin Michael Gibson
Marjan Hadipour
Dennis Hart
W.J. Hughes and
Nancy Stauer
Donald and Mary Jansiewicz
Diane Lapins and Ferd Massari
Bill Laanzi
We are grateful to our friends for their support of our mission—to provide a home for
new works for the stage.
If you are interested in making a donaon to Boston Playwrights’ Theatre, please contact
Managing Director Jacob Strautmann at (617) 353-5899 or visit our online donaon form
Sylvia and Ralph Memolo
Molly Metzler
Annee and Michael Miller
Vita Paladino-McElroy in
honor of Kate Snodgrass
Richard and Roni Schoer
Sayre P Sheldon
William Smith
Kate Snodgrass
John and Ellen Sullivan
Dawn Tucker
Joyce Van Dyke
Jaclyn Villano Parsons
Janine and Bryson Welch in
memory of Jack Welch
In-Kind Contribuons
Dolly Brooks
Mahew Goode and
Jerey Petersen
Dan Hunter
Maureen Keiller
Melinda Lopez
Ronan Noone
Kate Snodgrass
Alley Cat Theater
Anonymous x 2
Ken Baln in memory of
Jon Lipsky
Maryl Bedenko
Valerie Courville
Sco Cummings
Tamzen Flanders
Fort Point Theatre Channel
Boris Furman and
Viktoriya Kovalenko
David Gammons
Sheree Galpert
Betsy Gibson
Emer Grall
Michael Hammond
Avriel Hillman
Leslie Hunter
K. Lyralen Kaye
Lawrence Kessenich
John Kuntz
Gloria Leipzig
Roxanna Myhrum
Robert C. Pascucci
Dossy Peabody
Paisley Piasecki
Paula Plum
Chrisne Power
Catherine Racer
Liz and Fred Robbins
Stanley Sharan
Philip Shedd
William J. Skocpol
Melanie Snider
Martha Stearns
Linda Sutherland
Kate Svirsky
Juliana Walsh Kaiser
Sandra Weintraub
Anonymous x 2
David Berndt
Jim Brown
Michele Del Tergo
Richard Grossman
Jerey Henderson
Jerey Hughes and
Nancy Stauer
Leslie Hunter
Faith Jusce
Jennifer Lewis
William and Anastasia Lyman
Robert Murphy
Ronan Noone
Marta Rainer
William Skocpol
Jane Sloan
Linda Sutherland
Founded in 1981 at Boston University by Nobel Laureate Derek Walco, Boston
Playwrights’ Theatre is an award-winning professional theatre dedicated to
new works. At the core of our programs is the Playwring MFA oered in
the celebrated English Department in the College of Arts & Sciences and in
collaboraon with the award-winning School of Theatre in the College of Fine
Arts. Alumni of our program have been produced in regional and New York
houses as well as in London’s West End; our own producons of alumni work
have garnered regional and Boston awards, including numerous Best New Script
Awards from the Elliot Norton commiee and the Independent Reviewers of
New England.
From class workshops to our Season of New Plays, BPT employs the best of
New England’s professional actors, directors, and designers to bring each
playwright’s vision to its rst audiences.
Each spring we produce New Noises: Massachuses Young Playwrights’ Project.
Area high schools work with professional playwrights, directors, and actors to
see student works on stage for the rst me.
Fiy local theatre companies join us annually for the Boston Theater Marathon,
a showcase of new ten-minute plays by New England playwrights chosen each
year from hundreds of entrants. Each play is produced by a dierent New
England theatre company in a single ten-hour event with all proceeds going to
When we are not producing plays, we connue our mission through the New
Play Odyssey Program, which makes theatre space available to other New
England theatre companies and playwrights for readings and fesvals of new
Derek Walco, Founder
Kate Snodgrass, Arsc Director
Jacob Strautmann, Managing Director
Jerey Petersen, Technical Director and Producon Manager
K. Alexa Mavromas, Markeng Coordinator
Melinda Lopez, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Ronan Noone, Adjunct Assistant Professor