Guide to
Policy & Procedure Guide
for Residence Halls
and Apartments
Community Covenant…………………………………………………………….….. 4
Community Responsibilities of the Individual............................................................ 5
Alcohol and Other Drugs................................................................................................. 5
Bicycles............................................................................................................................ 5
Conduct ........................................................................................................................... 5
Damaging, Destroying, or Defacing Property ...........................................................…. 5
Disposition of Personal Property .................................................................................... 6
Noise Policy..................................................................................................................... 6
Pool …….….................................................................................................................... 6
Public Areas..................................................................................................................... 6
Roommate Communication............................................................................................. 7
Roommate Conflicts........................................................................................................ 7
Visitation Privileges......................................................................................................... 7
Vents…………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Windows……………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Wing/Floor Meetings………………………………………………………………… 8
Apartment Meetings......................................................................................................... 8
General Services............................................................................................................. 8
Cable TV Services (Residence Halls).............................................................................. 8
Cable TV & Internet Services (Apartments).................................................................... 8
Computer Services........................................................................................................... 8
Dining Services………………………………………………………………………… 9
Equipment Check Out...................................................................................................... 9
Extermination................................................................................................................... 9
Gifts and Flowers (Residence Halls)................................................................................ 9
Gifts, Flowers and Special Delivery Items (Apartments)………………….…………… 9
Holiday Housing (Residence Halls)................................................................................. 10
Holiday Housing (Apartments)…………………………………………………….…… 10
Identification…………………………………………………………………….……… 10
Laundry Facilities............................................................................................................. 11
Lost and Found ................................................................................................................ 11
Mail (Residence Halls & North Village).......................................................................... 11
Mail (Arbors/Baylor Plaza)…………….......................................................................... 11
Maintenance……………………………………………………………………………. 11
Newspapers……………………………………………………………………….……. 11
Parking………………………………………………………………………….……… 12
Residential Technology Services……………………………………………….……… 12
Storage…………………………………………………………………………..……… 12
Sundecks…………………………………………………………………….…………. 12
Telephones and Long-Distance Service........................................................................... 12
Vending Machines............................................................................................................ 13
General Policies (Residence Halls)................................................................................ 13
Advertising, Solicitation and Posting…………………………………………………… 13
Entry and Search of Student Rooms................................................................................. 13
Refrigerators……………………………………………………………………………. 13
General Policies (Apartments)....................................................................................... 14
Entry and Search of Student Rooms.................................................................................. 14
Community Safety and Security (Residence Halls)..................................................... 14
Entrance/Exit Doors…………………………………………………………………….. 14
Electrical Appliances……………………………………………………………………. 14
Electrical Cords and Outlets…………………………………………………………….. 15
False Alarm..…………………………………………………………………………… 15
Fire Policies and Evacuation Procedures......................................................................... 15
Fire Prevention Regulations............................................................................................. 15
Fire Suppression Systems………………………………………………………………. 15
Fire Evacuation Procedures………………………………………………………… 16
Misuse of Fire Protection Equipment.............................................................................. 16
Keys................................................................................................................................. 16
Personal Property Insurance............................................................................................ 16
Safety Hours.................................................................................................................... 16
Setting a Fire.................................................................................................................... 17
Severe Weather Evacuation Procedures……………………………………………….. 17
Stolen Property................................................................................................................. 17
Thefts............................................................................................................................... 17
Apartment Safety and Security (Arbors/Baylor Plaza)............................................. 18
Fire Policies and Procedures............................................................................................ 18
Fire Prevention Regulations............................................................................................. 18
Misuse of Fire Protection Equipment.............................................................................. 18
Keys................................................................................................................................. 18
Personal Property Insurance............................................................................................ 19
Safety Hours.................................................................................................................... 19
Setting a Fire.................................................................................................................... 19
Smoke Detectors……………………………………………………………………….. 19
Severe Weather………………………………………………………………………… 19
Emergency Situations...………………………………………………………………… 19
Stolen Property................................................................................................................. 20
Thefts............................................................................................................................... 20
Assignments, Room Changes and Other Housing Issues........................................... 20
Decorating….................................................................................................................... 20
Assignments..................................................................................................................... 21
Cancellations, Withdrawals, and Refunds....................................................................... 21
On-Campus Housing Occupancy License (Incoming Students)..................................... 21
On-Campus Housing Occupancy License (Returning Students)..................................... 22
Room Changes…………………………………………………………………………. 23
Room Check-In and Check-Out Procedures.................................................................... 23
Room (Apartment) Consolidation.................................................................................... 24
Summer Interim Housing…............................................................................................. 24
Summer School Housing………………………………………………………………. 25
Vacancies in Apartments................................................................................................. 25
Selecting Spaces for Next Year………………………………………………………… 25
Group Billings/Fines........................................................................................................ 25
Refunds............................................................................................................................ 25
Suspension/Withdrawal from the University................................................................... 25
Trash................................................................................................................................ 25
Utilities............................................................................................................................ 25
Helpful Hints about Apartment Living........................................................................... 26
Bulletin Boards............................................................................................................... 26
Prohibited Activities....................................................................................................... 26
Prohibited Items ............................................................................................................. 27
Appendix......................................................................................................................... 28
Charges for Damages and Fines...................................................................................... 28
As members of this community, we will be known
Respect all and affirm the unique
value of each person
Support an open and welcoming
environment for seeking God
Encourage the development of
authentic relationships
Promote and pursue learning
Work to positively contribute to the
well-being of your community
Take responsibility for your own actions
and hold your neighbors accountable for their actions.
Living in a community often means that there are certain rules, policies and procedures of which
individuals must be aware and abide. It is imperative that every residential student be fully informed about
the complete policy and procedures of Campus Living & Learning.
Baylor University policy prohibits the unlawful manufacture, possession, use, sale, transfer, or purchase of
a controlled substance or designer drug on or off the campus. It is also a violation of University policy for
anyone to possess, use or be under the influence of an alcoholic beverage on the campus (which includes
the apartments) or at a University-related activity off campus. Anyone violating these policies is subject to
administrative and/or disciplinary action ranging from censure to expulsion. See “Student Disciplinary
Policy” and “Policy Statement on Alcohol and Other Drugs” in the student handbook. In addition,
alcoholic beverage containers are not permitted in apartments or on the premises of any Campus Living &
Learning facility. This includes alcoholic beverage containers used for decorative purposes. Possession of
these may result in disciplinary action.
Bicycle racks are provided outside each residence hall. Bicycles may also be stored in student rooms with
the agreement of all roommates. Bicycles may not be stored in hallways, stairways, bathrooms or storage
closet, and not locked to benches.
Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the policies and mission of the university.
In addition to conduct outlined in the section titled “Community Safety & Security,” students are expected
to respond appropriately to university staff members. The following are examples of unacceptable conduct:
a. Pranks or verbal, physical or mental abuse directed at any staff member.
b. Knowingly giving false information to a staff member.
c. Failure to comply promptly with the reasonable request of a staff member.
Such conduct will result in administrative and/or disciplinary action which could include relocation to a
different residence hall or even removal from the residence hall system with no refund or reversal of the
room occupancy license fee. A student who is relocated or removed from a residence hall as part of some
administrative or disciplinary action must remove all personal belongings and follow standard check-out
procedures within 24 hours. In addition, all visitation privileges to that residence hall are revoked for the
remainder of the academic school year.
Residents are held responsible for the condition of their rooms and the common/public areas such as the
hallways and study rooms. Any person(s) causing damage will be billed for repairs. In addition to being
charged for repairs, they may be subject to administrative and/or disciplinary sanctions. When no one is
willing to accept responsibility, all residents of a room and sometimes even those of a wing or floor will
share in the cost of repairs. See the appendix for the listing of some charges.
Any decorating tools which damage surfaces (for example, carpet tape, double stick tape, glue, nails,
staples, etc.) are prohibited. “Plasti-tack” is recommended for securing lightweight decorations to walls and
doors in the residence halls. Affixing objects to the walls or other room surfaces may pose safety hazards
and if a resident chooses to do so, he/she assumes the personal responsibility for any damage or injury the
object may cause.
Any and all property of a student that may be left in his/her residence hall room after the termination of
occupancy for whatever reason may be handled, removed or otherwise disposed of by the University at the
risk and expense of the student. The University shall not event be held responsible for any property left on
the premises by the student. The student shall pay to the University, on demand, all expenses in such
disposition, including a reasonable charge for storage; but the University shall not be under any obligation
to provide or arrange for storage, and the student consents to the sale, removal, discarding or any other
disposition of the property by the University.
Residents should observe courtesy hours by maintaining reasonable noise levels 24 hours a day. Please
remember that in a community living environment, the right to participate in or enjoy a particular activity
ends when that activity or by-product infringes on the rights of others, particularly their right to sleep or
study in a peaceful setting. In other words, be aware that your actions may be affecting others.
A period known as “Quiet Hours” has been established in all residence halls and apartments to ensure that
students have the opportunity to exercise their primary rights to sleep and study in their own rooms and
apartments. Each resident is responsible for knowing and observing these times. During “Quiet Hours,”
noise should be limited to a level which could not disturb the nearest neighbor’s attempts to sleep or study.
This standard will be upheld whether or not the neighbors are present.
Twenty-four hour quiet is observed during final exams. Beginning and ending dates will be posted on the
Music and noise may not be projected from the residence hall rooms to any other area of the building or to
the outside of the building. (For example, speakers may not be placed in windows.) Inside student rooms,
stereos and musical instruments should be played at a volume that cannot be heard by the nearest neighbor.
The Arbors swimming pool is available for the use of current Arbors/Baylor Plaza residents and their
guests. There is no lifeguard on duty, and users swim at their own risk. The following regulations apply:
Guests are the responsibility of the resident and must be accompanied by the resident at all times.
Care should be taken to see that trash is not thrown into the pool or left in the pool area as this
could damage the filtration system,
The pool will be closed during threatening weather,
Wet bathing suits are not allowed in the club room,
Sunbathing is allowed only in the pool area,
Activities not allowed in the pool area include:
Running, pushing, jumping, wrestling or other “horseplay,”
Using glass containers of any kind,
Wearing improper bathing attire. Swim suits are to be worn at all times.
In the residence halls, public areas such as lobbies, restrooms, bathrooms, computer rooms, TV rooms,
study rooms, kitchens, Laundromats and exercise rooms are provided for the use of the University’s
residence hall students. The furnishings in these common and public areas are for the use of all the
residents of the hall and must remain in the designated room, area or space. Removal or relocation of any of
these items can be considered theft and may be handled by a fine, a charge for replacement and
administrative and/or disciplinary action. Unaccompanied guests are not in the residence hall lobbies.
Sleeping is also not an appropriate behavior in public areas. Lights should remain on in the lobbies/public
Personal items should never be left unattended in public areas. More specifically, baking utensils, study
notes, books and laundry should not be left in kitchens, study halls and laundry rooms. At all times,
hallways and stairwells must be kept free of furniture, trash and other objects (e.g., bicycles, drying racks,
ironing boards, umbrellas, etc.).
The housekeeping staff cleans the community bathrooms, public bathrooms and other public areas
regularly. Residents living in rooms with private or suite baths are responsible for the cleaning and supplies
in these bathrooms.
Roommates and suitemates should arrange times to discuss one another’s needs and rights in the living
situation and complete the Roommate Living Agreement provided on-line. Common courtesies should be
discussed and expectations outlined regarding the activities that will take place in the room. Consider issues
such as: “Do you mind the lights being turned on while you sleep?” and “Do you study better with music
on or with complete quiet?” Hall Directors and Community Leaders are excellent resource persons
regarding areas that most often cause conflict among residents and will offer possible solutions to those
Residents who are experiencing persistent conflicts with their roommate(s) should first discuss the problem
with the roommate(s). Community Leaders and Residence Hall Directors are available for assistance if
Step 1: Speak to the person causing the interference and courteously request that the
behavior be modified.
Step 2: If the request does not produce satisfactory results, contact a CL or other
staff member for assistance.
Visitors are welcome in the public (lobby) areas of each residence hall anytime. Only residents and their
pre-approved, registered guests (same gender) are allowed in the resident’s rooms overnight. Special
visitation hours are designated for the opposite gender. These visitation hours are as follows:
Residence Halls
Sunday-Thursday 1p.m. 10p.m.
Friday-Saturday 1p.m. – Midnight.
Apartments (North Village and Arbors/Baylor Plaza)
Sunday-Saturday 10a.m.-2a.m.
Living-Learning Centers may limit these hours. Hours noted are maximum allowed.
On-Campus Apartments Visitation Hours may vary.
Other times may be designated for special occasions such as during Homecoming and Parents Weekend.
Times for special visitation will be posted in advance. Residents are responsible for the behavior of their
guests, whether overnight, from another hall or from off campus; and they will be liable for any damages
their guests may cause.
Lobby Visitation: Residence hall students and their guests have the privilege of extended lobby visitation
for the purpose of co-ed academic study sessions and socializing. Students abusing this privilege will be
asked to leave.
Overnight Guests: Residents may have overnight guests of the same gender provided the roommates
approve and the guest is registered in the office of that residence hall. However, such guests may not stay
overnight in the residence halls on a consistent or frequent basis. A resident should understand the
following rules:
a. Guests may not stay longer than three nights per semester.
b. A guest may enter the residence hall during safety hours (1:00 a.m. to 6:30 a.m.) only if he/she is
registered in the hall office.
c. A resident is responsible for the behavior of his/her guest and will be liable for any damages caused by
the guest.
d. A guest may not check out a key; therefore, the resident is responsible for arranging for the guest to
have access to the room while visiting.
e. Guests are not permitted to stay overnight in the residence halls before the first class day, during finals
or after the last class day of each semester.
The air vents in student rooms must remain open to allow for even circulation to all rooms on a wing.
Closing a vent causes other rooms to get disproportionate amounts of cooled or heated air. Please report
any uncomfortable temperatures to the hall office.
Residents should ensure windows are closed at all times. The primary reason for this expectation is
resident’s safety. A secondary reason for locking of residential windows is that the complex heating and
cooling systems in the residence halls are negatively impaired by air flow from open windows.
Information concerning safety and security as well as other important topics are discussed at wing/floor
meetings. Residents are responsible for the information disseminated at all such meetings. A resident who
has a schedule conflict with a wing/floor meeting should inform his/her CL as soon as possible.
Information concerning community living, safety and security as well as other important topics is discussed
at “Apartment Meetings.” Residents are responsible for the information disseminated at all such meetings.
A resident who has a schedule conflict with an apartment meeting should inform his/her CL as soon as
The University provides one cable outlet in most student rooms. To activate this cable service, students
must contact the Resnet Support Center. There is a charge for the cable access service. For more
information on cable service and costs per semester, students should contact the Resnet Support Center by
calling 292-RNET(7638).
All apartments are provided cable and internet services. Certain devices that allow for proper functioning
are mounted in each Arbors/Baylor Plaza apartment. Any removal or tampering with these devices may
result in a fine and the loss of cable or internet access to the entire apartment.
Note: Whereas cable to North Village living rooms is free, cable is not provided for free to North Village
All residence halls offer laptops to their residents of the building for check out from the front desk. The
Baylor network is not available at the Arbors and Baylor Plaza apartments; therefore, laptops are not
available for checkout at these locations.
Laptops may be checked out for a period of 4 hours by any resident of the hall, and may be renewed up to
two additional times (a total of 12 hours). If a waiting list exists, the resident will not be allowed to renew
the laptop. Residents who return laptops late will be assessed a $10 per hour late fee charge. Any resident
reaching the $100 fine level will be subject to an automatic residence hall violation.
All laptops contain the same software programs as the general access computer labs in Moody Library and
are able to print to the hall front desk printer. Laptops can access AirBear, Baylor’s wireless network, and
the wired residential network. AirBear is not typically available in individual rooms, but is available in
common areas such as lobbies and study rooms. The residential network is available in all individual
rooms (one port per bed).
Eating on campus is a great way to stay connected with friends, grab a quick bite between classes and get
great tasting food! Since eating together is an important element of building community, especially during
the first year, all freshmen living on-campus are required to purchase a minimum of 11-meals per week,
board plan. Those students returning to the residence halls for a second, third or fourth year have the
option of whether or not to purchase a board plan. The dining halls in Collins, Alexander/
Memorial, and Penland Halls are under the management of ARAMARK Dining Services. ARAMARK can
be reached at (254) 710-1414 or on the internet at
Residents may check out equipment such as vacuums, brooms, dust pans and games in each residence hall.
Certain guidelines apply:
a. Equipment may be checked out only by the residents of that particular building.
b. Equipment may not be taken off campus or to other buildings on campus.
c. Equipment may not be checked out overnight. Time limits for equipment use are set by each residence
Residence halls are professionally exterminated regularly. Residents should contact their Hall Director if
there is a continuing insect problem in a room.
GIFTS AND FLOWERS (Residence Halls)
Gifts and flowers may be delivered to the residence halls during office hours. Residents receiving gifts and
flowers will be notified by the hall staff. Residents must present a picture ID to pick up gifts from the
office. Gifts will not be released to roommates or friends even with the owner’s approval.
Arbors/Baylor Plaza:
Special delivery items such as gifts, flowers, care packages, etc. may be delivered to the apartment office.
In addition, deliveries by companies such as UPS, Federal Express, etc, will first attempt to deliver at the
apartment door. If no one is available in the apartment to sign for the delivery, the delivery person usually
places a notice on the apartment door indicating that the parcel has been left at the apartment office. Office
staff will attempt to notify residents who have special delivery items in the apartment office. For release,
residents must present a picture ID and sign for the items. These items will not be released to roommates
and friends even with the owner’s approval.
North Village:
Special delivery items such as gifts, flowers, care packages, etc. may be delivered to the front desk. In
addition, deliveries by companies such as UPS, Federal Express, etc, will first attempt to deliver at the
apartment door. If no one is available in the apartment to sign for the delivery, the delivery person usually
places a notice on the apartment door indicating that the parcel has been left at the apartment office. Office
staff will attempt to notify residents who have special delivery items in the apartment office. For release,
residents must present a picture ID and sign for the items. These items will not be released to roommates
and friends even with the owner’s approval.
HOLIDAY HOUSING (Residence Halls)
Residence halls are closed during official University vacations and between semesters. During holidays,
when the residence halls are closed, residents should make certain that windows are locked, electrical items
in their rooms are unplugged and their room doors are locked upon departure. Residents are required to
unplug and clean all food out of their room refrigerators during extended holidays such as Christmas and
Spring Break. Failure to follow proper holiday close-down procedures may result a fine. The University is
not liable for the loss of any items that the staff removes from individual or hall refrigerators during
extended holidays. Residence hall staff members will check all rooms prior to closing the building to make
certain that rooms are secured and proper closedown procedures have been followed.
Students needing year-round housing must live in the North Village, Arbors or Baylor Plaza. No holiday
housing (Thanksgiving, Spring Break) is offered in other residence halls. All residence halls are open
during the Easter Break.
The Arbors, Baylor Plaza, and North Village do not close during University holiday periods (Thanksgiving,
Christmas/New Year, and Spring Break). Apartment residents are permitted to stay during these periods;
however, residents staying during Christmas and Spring Break must be registered in the apartment office
by 2:00 p.m. on the last day before the holidays begin.
When leaving for Christmas break, residents should make certain:
the apartment is clean and orderly,
all lights are off,
the thermostat is in the “HEAT” position and set at 55 degrees, and
the apartment door and all windows are locked.
The Residence Hall Director will check each apartment to see that these procedures are completed. These
offers only apply to residents of the apartment who have signed an Occupancy License for apartment
residency during the next academic session, and who have met University residency requirements.
Dining and health services are not available during holiday periods.
The Arbors, Baylor Plaza, and North Village do not close during University holiday periods (Thanksgiving,
Christmas/New Year, and Spring Break). Apartment residents are permitted to stay during these periods;
however, residents staying during Christmas and Spring Break must be registered in the apartment office
by 2:00 p.m. on the last day before the holidays begin.
When leaving for Christmas break, residents should make certain:
the apartment is clean and orderly,
all lights are off,
the thermostat is in the “HEAT” position and set at 55 degrees, and
the apartment door and all windows are locked.
The Resident Hall Director will check each apartment to see that these procedures are completed. These
offers only apply to residents of the apartment who have signed an Occupancy License for apartment
residency during the next academic session, and who have met University residency requirements.
Dining and health services are not available during holiday periods.
All persons not residing on a residential floor or in an apartment complex should wear a picture I.D. badge
whenever in a residential area. Any resident encountering an unidentified person on a residential wing
should contact the hall office immediately.
Coin-operated washers and dryers are available in or near each residence hall. Residents are now able to
use BearBucks for laundry as well. Inoperative or malfunctioning machines, as well as money lost due to
these causes, should be reported to the hall office. Residents assume responsibility for unattended laundry.
Residents in the North Village receive free laundry services but need to be aware that these services can be
removed if abused.
Residents who lose items should check with their hall office. Items that are found should be taken to the
hall office. Students may also inquire about lost items at the Information and Student Involvement Center
in the Bill Daniel Student Center.
MAIL (Residence Halls & North Village)
Mail is delivered to the Baylor University Mail Services Center (post office) located on the first floor of the
Bill Daniel Student Center. Each resident is assigned a mail box for as long as he/she lives in a residence
hall. Items being shipped via a carrier which normally requires a physical address for delivery (Federal
Express, UPS, Express Mail, freight companies, etc.) should be sent to the Mail Services Center addressed
as follows:
Student’s Name
1311 South 5th Street
One Bear Place #8XXXX
Waco, TX 76798-XXXX
A notice of arrival will be placed in the student’s mail box, and the items may be picked up at the service
window during service hours. For rush items such as overnight packages, every effort will be made to
contact the student by phone for earliest pick up.
MAIL (Arbors/Baylor Plaza)
U.S. mail is delivered to the Arbors/Baylor Plaza apartments via the mailboxes located near the apartment
office at Arbors and in the laundry/mail room at Baylor Plaza. North Village residents receive mail via the
on-campus mail room. At the Arbors/Baylor Plaza, the mailbox is shared by all residents of the apartment,
“apartment mail” or mail that is intended for all residents of the apartment should be taken to the apartment
for each resident to read. It is the responsibility of the student to leave a forwarding address when checking
out or moving to another apartment. Mail forwarding cards are available in the apartment office. Prior to
moving, the student should notify family members, banks, publishers, friends, etc. of his/her new address.
Any repairs or maintenance problems occurring in a resident’s room, hallway, suite or bathroom should be
reported to the hall office or front desk. Please report any persistent maintenance problems to the Residence
Hall Director.
Maintenance personnel work in the residence halls routinely from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during weekdays.
Special projects or emergencies may require some evening or weekend hours. Residents should cooperate
with these persons so repairs can be made as quickly as possible. Residence hall staff and maintenance
personnel are permitted access to the rooms in order to make repairs. Students in the hallway and those
with open room doors should dress appropriately. All maintenance personnel should display a clearly
visible picture I.D.
During the fall and spring semesters, the university’s newspaper, The Lariat, is published on most
Tuesdays-Fridays. Copies of this paper are distributed to many locations around campus including the
lobbies of the residence halls.
The Waco Tribune-Herald has several distribution racks on campus in which daily copies of that paper are
available free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis. Those locations are in various academic and
administrative buildings only.
Other than The Lariat, no newspapers may be delivered to the residence halls. The Baylor Mail Services
Center is not equipped to receive subscription newspaper for distribution. Most national and major
regional newspapers have on-line versions of their papers, often free of charge, and residence hall students
should subscribe to those on-line services.
Some professors require subscriptions to certain newspapers as part of class requirements. In those cases,
the professor has worked out distribution either through the academic department or at the Baylor
Parking lots owned by Baylor are marked, “S”, “FE” or “L” and require a corresponding registration decal.
A pamphlet entitled “Campus Traffic Regulations” should provide you with a clear understanding of
parking and traffic regulations, the hours in which some restricted lots may be used, services provided and
a listing of fees and charges for certain violations. This pamphlet may be obtained from the Baylor
Department of Public Safety office located in the Speight Parking Garage.
Each residence hall room has network services available including one network jack (yellow) and one
phone jack (green) per bed. Each room only has one phone extension (initial assignment) and one cable
television outlet. The residential network connection is provided free of charge, as is cable television. The
Residential Technology Support Center provides free technical support for students living on-campus and
can be contacted at 292-4111 or by visiting
and opening the Residential Technology
link. Upon arrival, students will receive a residential network configuration CD which must be run in order
to connect to the network.
Minimal storage areas are provided for residents in most of the residence halls. For more information on
what type of storage space is available, residents should see their Hall Directors. Storage space is not
available between the spring and summer terms or between the summer and fall terms, nor is storage
available over the summer months for students who are not in residence.
Sundecks are provided in some residence halls and are open for use during daylight hours. Visitors of the
opposite gender are not permitted in these areas. Also, smoking is not permitted on the sundecks.
Each room is equipped with a phone line that provides on-campus and local service at no additional charge.
The student, however, must provide the phone instrument. Students desiring alternate long distance service
may use prepaid phone cards or credit cards. Students are not to accept collect calls.
Prank calls are a violation of University policy and of the laws of the State of Texas. It is unlawful for any
person to use vulgar, profane, obscene or indecent language over or through any telephone or to use the
telephone with intent to harass, annoy, torment, abuse, threaten or intimidate another. Violation of this law
is punishable by a fine up to $1,000 or imprisonment up to 12 months in jail or both. Students receiving
prank calls should report the calls to the Baylor Department of Public Safety at 710-2222 and to their Hall
Telephone problems should be reported to the Telephone Repair Service by dialing the “HELP” line at
Machines for drinks and snacks are available at all residence halls. Money lost in any of these machines
will be refunded by the vendor after the loss has been reported following procedures noted on each
machine. Residents should report out-of-order machines to the residence hall office.
(Residence Halls)
Soliciting in the residence halls is restricted to protect residents from unwanted disturbances. Soliciting on
the wings of the hall (residential areas) is strictly prohibited. Residents should report all solicitors to the
hall office or Baylor Department of Public Safety at 710-2222. Campus organizations or individuals
desiring to post notices or sell items in the residence hall lobbies must receive written permission from the
Student Activities Office and then submit the related paperwork to the Campus Living & Learning office
for approval.
The University reserves the right to enter residence hall rooms to check general conditions, to perform
custodial service, to make repairs, to clear a space for a new resident, to handle emergencies, to ensure
compliance with University rules and regulations or if there is reason to believe that a health or fire hazard
exists. Entry under the above conditions will not be used as a means to search a room for prohibited items.
Where there is legitimate reason, however, University officials will search a room with the consent of the
occupying student or with the written authorization of the President of the University or the Vice President
for Student Life. When possible, it is desirable for the student to be present when a search is made. During
official close-down periods, residence hall staff members will check all rooms prior to closing the building
to make certain that rooms are secured and proper closedown procedures have been followed.
Campus Living & Learning staff members or appropriate University officials reserve the right to confiscate
items which they deem to be offensive, harmful, or violate Campus Living & Learning or University
Refrigerators may be brought from home, or rented from the preferred vendor, Mustang Rentals. During
the week of check-in at the beginning of each semester, rental booths will be set up in various locations.
Mustang Rentals will deliver the refrigerator and return to pick it up at the end of the rental term.
The following regulations govern the use of refrigerators in residents’ rooms:
a. Only one refrigerator is permitted in a residence hall room.
b. The maximum amperage allowed is 2.5.
c. A refrigerator may be connected to a power strip.
d. Refrigerators must be unplugged, and all contents must be removed between semesters and during
certain holiday breaks.
e. Refrigerators must be placed on the floor and remain there at all times.
f. The owner or named lessee of a refrigerator is solely responsible for decisions made concerning the
status of the refrigerator if one roommate moves.
g. If the University alcohol policy is violated, the owners or lessees of a refrigerator and each occupant
of the room may lose the privilege of having a refrigerator in their rooms and, in addition, will be
subject to University discipline, regardless of the extent of the individual’s involvement in the
alcohol policy violation.
h. Baylor University may confiscate a refrigerator in the event of a refrigerator policy violation. A
moving fee may be assessed. If a personally-owned refrigerator is confiscated, the University is
not responsible for any damage or loss of the property.
i. Baylor University has the right to access a residence hall room in the event a lessee is unavailable for
a pick-up appointment at the end of the lease period. The leasing company has the authorization to
remove the leased refrigerator at that time.
The University reserves the right to enter University-owned property to check general conditions, perform
custodial service, make repairs, assist in extermination, handle emergencies, distribute information flyers,
clear a space for a new resident, ensure compliance with University regulations or if there is reason to
believe that a health or fire hazard exists. Entry under the above conditions will not be used as a means to
search for prohibited items. Where there is legitimate reason, however, University officials may search with
the consent of the occupying student or with the written authorization of the President of the University or
the Vice President for Student Life. When possible, it is desirable for the student to be present when a
search is made. For holidays, apartment staff members will check all rooms prior to closing the complex to
make certain that rooms are secured and proper closedown procedures have been followed. Such
closedown procedures include:
All lights are off,
The thermostat is in the “HEAT” position and set at 55 degrees.
The apartment door and all windows are locked.
Campus Living & Learning staff members or appropriate University officials reserve the right to confiscate
items which they deem to be offensive, harmful or violate Campus Living & Learning or University
(Residence Halls)
Each resident can help keep the residence halls safe and secure by following the regulations provided in
this section. All roommates are mutually responsible for keeping room doors and windows locked for the
security of persons and property.
In an effort to provide a secure environment in the residence halls, most doors are locked twenty-four hours
per day. Residents who exit the building should always make certain that doors secure behind them.
Entering through locked doors by means other than authorized ID access, assisting others to do so or
propping exterior doors open compromises the security and safety of all residents. This type of behavior is
reason for administrative and/or disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from the University.
Unauthorized entry to secured or restricted areas such as attics, basements, custodial closets, mechanical
rooms, offices and roofs is prohibited.
Use of electrical appliances is permitted in the residence halls within certain guidelines. Generally,
appliances should require no more than one thousand (1000) watts. Appliances used in the residence halls
must be U.L. approved and should be properly maintained. (All Halogen lamps are prohibited.) In general,
residence hall rooms are not equipped for cooking full meals. Cooking appliances are limited to hot pots,
popcorn poppers and pop-up toasters. Microwaves, electric skillets, George Foreman grills, deep fryers,
toaster ovens and other cooking appliances with exposed heating elements are prohibited in residents
rooms. Kitchens are located in each residence hall; and most kitchens have an oven, refrigerator and
microwave. In addition, microwaves are located in the lounges and other public areas for residents’ use.
Before leaving for breaks and holidays, residents must unplug all electrical appliances to guard against fire
Multi-plug outlets and the use of electrical cords create fire and safety hazards. Baylor's policies regarding
the use of this equipment are as follows:
a. The outlets in each room are designed for either one or two appliances. Multi-plug covers (e.g., 3-way
plugs,) extension cords or other splitters to increase the number of appliances on one outlet are
prohibited due to fire and safety hazards as well as possible circuit overloads. However, a UL-
approved multi-plug “power strip” is permissible. Power strips cannot be connected in a series.
b. Electrical cords placed in or through doorways, or put in areas where they may be walked on, create a
risk of shock or electrocution. Therefore, electrical cords are not allowed through doorways or across
walkway areas.
c. Draping electrical cords over metal objects is a fire hazard, and increases one’s risk of shock or
d. The use of extension cords is strictly prohibited.
This is not a complete list of problems that can be caused by improper use of cords and outlets. Please
contact your hall office if you have questions.
Every effort will be made to identify the individuals who cause a false alarm. When such persons are
identified, they will be subject to administrative action, and may be referred to the Associate Dean for
Judicial and Legal Services for disciplinary action.
Floor plans are posted on each floor in Residence Hall. Residents should be familiar with this information.
Baylor University considers fire safety extremely important, and students have an obligation to adhere to
University regulations as well as city and state statutes.
Baylor residence halls are required to conduct periodic fire drills. Failure to respond appropriately to fire
alarms will necessitate the scheduling of additional drills and administrative and/or disciplinary action
against the resident(s) involved.
The following are prohibited in the residence halls because of their potential as fire hazards:
a. Candles
b. Open flames such as candles, incense, matches, lighters, etc.
c. Appliances with exposed heating elements
d. Disabling room entry door closures
e. Doors and walls in rooms that are over one-half covered with paper, posters, etc.
f. Use or possession of fireworks or firecrackers
g. Use or possession of combustible paints or liquids
h. Mopeds or other equipment with internal combustion engines.
i. Items left in hallways
Fire Suppression Systems
If your residence hall is equipped with a fire suppression system (fire sprinkler) it is essential that these
systems are never tampered with in any way. DO NOT hang any objects from or attempt to cover up a fire
suppression device.
1. Check immediate area for any obvious indications of a fire or other cause for the alarm,
2. Use common sense and do not panic,
3. If you are in your room at the time of the alarm, knock on the doors of the rooms to your right and
left as you leave to exit the building.
4. Begin an immediate and orderly evacuation through the closest stairwell and building exit doors.
Exit the building and wait for instructions or permission to reenter the building. PLEASE
5. Do not use an elevator,
6. Take your room keys,
The residence hall staff will signal that the building is safe and ready for reentry. No one
is to reenter until this signal is given. Personnel authorized to give reentry are:
a. The Residence Hall Director or a Baylor University executive,
b. An officer of the Baylor Department of Public Safety. (Note: Fire officials may tell
you the building is safe; however, they cannot give permission to reenter the building.)
Any individual who fails to evacuate a building after a fire alarm has sounded may be
subject to appropriate administrative and/or disciplinary action and may be charged a fine
of $100.00.
Any individual who misuses or tampers with fire protection equipment (smoke detectors, pull stations, fire
alarms, fire extinguishers or automatic door closers) may be subject to University administrative and/or
disciplinary action, plus the cost or repair or replacement of misused or damaged equipment, cleaning of
the facility and damage to other property. In addition, tampering with fire protection equipment is a felony
offence under State law and may be prosecuted as such.
Room keys or keycards are issued to the residents of each room at the beginning of the school year. The
key is the responsibility of the resident and should be carried at all times. Students should never leave their
rooms unlocked. A student should not loan his/her key to an individual who is not an occupant of the room.
A resident who is locked out of his/her room may check out a temporary key from the hall office by
presenting his/her picture ID. The key must be returned and signed back in within 15 minutes. A key to a
room will be issued only to a resident of that particular room.
A lost key should be reported immediately to the residence hall office. A new key will be issued and a
replacement charge of $10 will be billed to the resident’s account. If the lost key is found, it should be
returned to the hall office; and a $5 credit will be issued to the student’s account. When a lock change is
necessary due to a lost key, the resident will be charged for the lock change service.
Students must not duplicate University keys or tamper with locks. When checking into or out of a room or
when changing rooms, a student must follow proper check-in and check-out procedures. (See “Room
Changes and Check-Out Procedures.”)
Baylor University does not provide insurance coverage nor take liability for personal property losses or
damages. Therefore, students should obtain personal property insurance through agents of their choice.
A Safety & Security Education Officer is on duty for an area of residence halls from 11:00 p.m. until 7:00
a.m. daily, in an effort to protect students and to keep unauthorized persons out of the residence halls.
Residents of a building are free to leave their residence halls through any exit door, but must utilize card
reader entry access to return to the building. Residents should enter through the card-access doors and
must use a valid ID for re-entry. Propping the doors open compromises the security of all the residents in
the residence halls and is reason for administrative and/or disciplinary action.
Visitors of residents are welcome in the public areas of each residence hall anytime. Only residents and
their pre-approved, registered guests are allowed in the residence halls overnight. Special hours, known as
visitation, are designated as times the opposite gender may be in the resident’s room.
Any individual who sets a fire (commits arson) in or near a University building is subject to immediate
suspension from the University, and may be charged for repairing any damage caused by the fire. In
addition to being subject to University penalties, any student who starts a fire, damages or tampers with
evacuation alarms or misuses fire safety equipment also may be subject to prosecution in criminal court by
the Waco Fire Department in accordance with the Waco Fire Code.
During severe weather alerts (watches and warnings), residents are encouraged to monitor television and
radio reports and should take reasonable precautions. Windows should be closed during thunderstorms or
severe weather alerts. Each resident should have a flashlight accessible in case of power failure.
In the event of a tornado sighting which threatens the Waco area, the City of Waco Tornado Alert Siren
will be sounded. (NOTE: This siren is routinely tested at 10:00 a.m. the first Friday of each month.) All
persons in the building should move immediately to the basement or to the interior hallways of the lowest
possible floor away from windows.
Baylor Department of Public Safety is equipped to monitor up-to-the-minute conditions during all weather
watches and warnings. Communication of that information is made to the Campus Living & Learning staff
as quickly and completely as possible, and each hall staff is prepared to notify residents and/or take
appropriate precautions as needed. However, in a critical situation such as a tornado threat, time may not
allow staffs to conduct a floor-by-floor or room-by-room alert. Persons who fail to respond to a tornado
alert siren or who choose to leave safer areas of the building before an alert siren ceases do so at their own
Possession of stolen property is illegal and can result in administrative and/or disciplinary action and
criminal charges. Traffic equipment, building signs, dining hall trays and utensils, etc., are examples of
stolen property not permitted in the residence halls.
Removal or attempted removal of the contents of any vending machine by improper or illegal methods
constitutes misdemeanor theft and will be treated accordingly.
Any theft should be reported on discovery to Baylor Department of Public Safety at
710-2222 and to the Resident Hall Director. There are several things residents can do to lessen the
possibility of theft:
a. Room doors should be locked anytime the residents are not in the room. Residents should keep their
keys with them at all times, even when going to the shower or going to eat - even if a roommate is in
the room and is not expected to leave during this time.
b. Room doors should be locked when residents are asleep. (Some thieves, knowing that many students
are sound sleepers, may be brave enough to enter rooms while the residents are asleep.)
c. Valuables should be kept locked and out of sight.
d. Residents should practice being their “neighbor’s keeper.” This can be done by knowing the other
residents on the hall and by immediately reporting to Baylor Department of Public Safety at 710-
2222 and to hall staff members any suspicious person(s) seen wandering in the residential areas.
e. Lost keys should be reported to the hall office immediately.
(Arbors/Baylor Plaza)
Each resident can help keep the apartment safe and secure by following the regulations provided in this
section. All roommates are mutually responsible for keeping apartment doors and windows locked for the
security of persons and property.
Baylor University considers fire safety extremely important, and students have an obligation to adhere to
University regulations as well as city and state statutes.
The following are prohibited in the apartments and in the complex because of their serious potential as fire
Open flames such as matches, lighters, etc.
Use or possession of incense
Use or possession of fireworks or firecrackers
Use or possession of combustible paints or liquids
Doors and walls that are over one-half covered with paper, posters, etc.
Mopeds, motorcycles, motor-scooters, or other gas combustible engines within the apartment
Appliances with exposed heating elements
Charcoal and Gas Grills are STRICTLY prohibited in apartments and within the general proximity
of the apartments. These items must be at least 20 feet from the building at all times.
Violations of any of the above create the potential for a serious fire hazard and may result in the violator
being removed from the apartment and/or University housing.
Any individual who misuses or tampers with fire protection equipment (smoke detectors, pull stations, fire
alarms, fire extinguishers or automatic door closures) will be subject to University and
administrative/disciplinary action plus the cost of repair or replacement of misused or damaged equipment,
cleaning of the facility and damage to other property. In addition, tampering with fire protection equipment
is a felony offence under State law and may be prosecuted as such.
Apartment and mail box keys are issued to each resident of an apartment at the time of check-in. These
keys are the responsibility of the resident and should be carried at all times.
North Village residents can be issued an emergency unlock code from the front desk assistant if locked out.
Arbors/Baylor Plaza residents who are locked out can sign for a temporary key at the apartment office
during office hours by providing positive identification. Temporary keys must be returned within15
minutes. Failure to return the key within this time period will result in disciplinary action.
If an Arbors/Baylor Plaza resident is locked out during a period when the apartment office is closed,
contact an apartment staff member. Emergency information is always posted on the apartment office door
or in the bulletin board just outside the office. A key will be issued only to a resident of a particular
A lost key should be reported immediately to the apartment office. A new key will be issued and a $10
replacement charge billed to the resident’s account ($5 of which will be credited in the event the lost key is
recovered, provided the lock has not already been re-keyed.)
When a lock change or re-keying is necessary due to a lost key, the resident will be charged for the lock
change service.
Leaving an apartment door unlocked or loaning a key to a roommate who has lost or misplaced his key is
not a safe or acceptable practice. This often results in the loanee being inconvenienced and safety being
compromised. Remember, residents who are without a key can get a temporary or replacement key or can
be let into the apartment by a Residence Hall Director. Notify one of the Residence Hall Directors if there
is a persistent problem with a roommate leaving the apartment door unlocked. Students must not duplicate
university keys or tamper with locks. Duplicate keys will result in the dead bolt lock being re-keyed.
Baylor University does not provide insurance coverage nor take liability for personal property losses or
damages. Therefore, students should obtain personal property insurance through agents of their choice.
Safety hours are from 2:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. daily. During this period only apartment residents and
registered guests of the same-sex are allowed on the premises.
Any individual who sets a fire (commits arson) in or near a University building is subject to immediate
suspension from the University, and may be charged for repairing any damage caused by the fire.
In addition to being subject to University penalties, any student who starts a fire, damages or tampers with
evacuation alarm, or misuses fire safety equipment also may be subject to prosecution in criminal court by
the Waco Fire Department in accordance with the Waco Fire Code.
Each apartment is provided with smoke detectors. For your safety, they should be tested periodically to
ensure that they are functioning properly. If a smoke detector beeps intermittently while not being tested,
then the battery is low. Contact the office for a replacement battery. In addition, apartment staff will
periodically check the condition and working order of apartment smoke detectors. If any detector is found
to be damaged or modified in a way that prevents its intended use, the residents may be charged the cost of
repair or replacement, and may face disciplinary action. This includes but is not limited to battery removal/
disconnection, detector removal/disconnection or covering it in any way.
During severe weather alerts (watches and warnings), residents are encouraged to monitor television and
radio reports and should take reasonable precautions. Windows should be closed during thunderstorms or
severe weather alerts. Each resident should have a flashlight accessible in case of power failure.
In the event of a tornado sighting which threatens the Waco area, the City of Waco Tornado Alert Siren
will be sounded. (NOTE: This siren is routinely tested at 10:00 a.m. the first Friday of each month.) All
persons in the building should move immediately to the interior hallways of the lowest possible floor away
from windows. Baylor Department of Public Safety is equipped to monitor up-to-the-minute conditions
during all weather watches and warnings. Communication of that information is made to the Campus
Living & Learning staff as quickly and completely as possible and each staff member is prepared to notify
residents and/or take appropriate precautions as needed. However, in a critical situation such as a tornado
threat, time may not allow staff members to conduct a floor-by-floor or room-by-room alert. Persons who
fail to respond to a tornado alert siren or who choose to leave safer areas of the building before an alert
siren ceases, do so at their own risk.
For all emergency situations other than mechanical emergencies, contact Baylor DPS at
710-2222 and then notify an apartment staff member.
Possession of stolen property is illegal and can result in administrative and/or disciplinary action and
criminal charges. Traffic equipment, building signs, dining hall trays and utensils, etc., are examples of
stolen property not permitted in the apartment. Removal or attempted removal of the contents of any
vending machine by improper or illegal methods constitutes misdemeanor theft and will be treated
Any theft should be reported upon discovery to Baylor DPS at 710-2222 and to the apartment office.
Residents need to be aware that several things can be done to lessen the possibility of having property
Keep your apartment door locked at all times, even when residents are in and/or asleep in the
apartment. (Some thieves, knowing that many students are sound sleepers, may be brave enough
to enter apartments while the residents are asleep.)
Report broken or malfunctioning locks upon discovery to the apartment office. Immediately report
if an apartment door key has been lost.
Keep window screens in place and latched at all times. (Note: Window screens on the windows
are required. Fines and charges will be assessed to reinstall, repair, or replace removed window
Keep your valuables locked and out of sight.
Practice being your “neighbor’s keeper.” This can be done by knowing the other apartment
residents and by immediately reporting to Baylor DPS (710-2222), the apartment office (297-
5500), or an Arbors/Baylor Plaza staff member any suspicious person(s) you see in the complex.
For the North Village, report to DPS (710-2222) or the respective front desks. Heritage House,
(292-7033), University House (292-7026), or Texana House (292-7026)
Theft of any apartment property may result in the closure of certain facilities until the matter is
NOTE: Other specific matters related to safety will be addressed in the following
“General Policies.”
It is the policy of Campus Living & Learning to allow students to decorate their apartments to suit their
tastes and needs within the following guidelines:
Decorations cannot be contradictory to the principles and mission of Baylor University.
Small nails, screws, etc., for hanging pictures, pennants, gadgets, etc., are permitted.
Residents are financially responsible for any damage caused by the hanging of these and other
decorative items in the apartment.
Residents may not paint or store paint in their apartments.
Residents may not splice or alter electrical switches, lights, telephone jacks, etc. Contact the
apartment office if you need a minor modification in order to have the use of some special
appliance or accessory.
Residents may rearrange the apartment furniture to satisfy their individual needs. All furnishings
for a particular room must be returned to that room by check-out time. Charges will be assessed if
the staff has to return furniture to its original room (e.g., moving coffee tables, end tables, and
lamps back to the living room; returning kitchen chairs to the kitchen; and moving mattresses,
beds, wall mirrors, etc. back to the bedroom).
Residents may not bunk, loft or dismantle furniture.
Also refer to Risk Management policy 11.1.9 (Holiday and Event Decorations Policy)
To be eligible to live in an apartment, an individual must be enrolled and attend as a student in the
University and should carry a minimum of 12 semester hours (full-time status). A resident who does not
maintain full-time student status must contact the Campus Living & Learning Office for specific
guidelines. A student carrying fewer than 12 hours has no reason for being released from the apartment
occupancy license. Housing may be withheld from students who have not completed the University’s
health form requirements.
The University reserves the right to move students to a different room, to a residence hall, or apartment
when it is deemed necessary by Campus Living & Learning. The University also reserves the right to
withhold housing from students who, in the opinion of the University, have demonstrated an inability to
conduct themselves in a sufficiently responsible manner to merit the privilege of residence in the on-
campus community.
Cancellations, Withdrawals and Refunds
All cancellations, including withdrawals from the University, must be made in writing with the Campus
Living & Learning Office in order for residents to be released from the residence hall occupancy license. A
student who withdraws from the University must check out of the residence hall within 48 hours, following
proper check-out procedures as outlined in this guide. A residential student who is suspended or expelled
from the University or removed from University housing, must vacate within 24 hours of notification of
that decision except in cases where an extension or abbreviation of that time frame has been established
through Campus Living & Learning.
Length of License
I have read and understand that this is a nine-month On-Campus Housing Occupancy License to occupy a
space in Baylor University’s on-campus residential communities for fall and spring semesters, 2006-2007.
Students entering for the spring semester sign this license for the 2007 spring semester only. Summer
residents sign a separate license for the summer session(s) they are attending.
University Spaces
I understand that I am contracting for space within the residential communities only, not for a specific
residential community, room or apartment. Campus Living & Learning reserves the right to reassign me to
a different space, or may adjust the occupancy of my room in order to maximize space utilization or satisfy
other Baylor University needs. Furthermore, Campus Living & Learning can take such action as it deems
necessary to control the use of residential community space in the event of an epidemic, disaster or other
conditions or circumstances that appear to require such control and/or access.
Rate Agreement
I agree to pay the established rate for any space to which I am assigned. I understand that I am not
permitted to assign or sublet my occupancy license. I also understand and agree to abide by all policies and
procedures as explained in the Guide to Community (or Apartment) Living online at
Fall Cancellation Policy for Incoming Students
I understand that I must cancel my housing license in writing directly with Campus Living & Learning,
and for both housing and university attendance in writing to Admissions Services. The $200 housing
prepayment/deposit is refundable only if I cancel with Campus Living & Learning by May 1, 2006. If I
apply after May 1, I automatically forfeit my prepayment/deposit if my housing license is cancelled. I
understand that I will be charged the full amount of the Occupancy License fee for the entire license period
if I cancel after the first class day of fall semester. Exceptions to this clause are as follows: 1) graduation or
withdrawal from Baylor University, 2) marriage as evidenced by a valid marriage license, or 3)
participation in a study abroad program through Baylor University.
I understand that if I meet one of the exceptions listed above, I will be held accountable for the daily room
rate costs incurred to the date on which I check out of my room or apartment in addition to the forfeited
$200 housing prepayment.
Spring Cancellation Policy for Fall Residents
As a fall resident, if I wish to cancel the license for the spring semester 2007 and do satisfy one of the
exceptions listed above, in the Fall Cancellation Policy section, I must pay a cancellation fee of $200 (plus
any daily room rate costs incurred) unless I provide written notice of my cancellation to Campus Living &
Learning prior to December 1, 2006.
Spring Cancellation Policy for Incoming Students
I understand that I must cancel my housing license in writing directly with Campus Living & Learning,
and for both housing and university attendance in writing to Admissions Services. The $200 housing
prepayment/deposit is refundable only if I cancel with Campus Living & Learning by December 1, 2006.
If I apply after December 1, I automatically forfeit my prepayment/deposit if my housing license is
cancelled. I understand that I will be charged the full amount of the Occupancy License fee for the entire
license period if I cancel after the first class day of spring semester. Exceptions to this clause are as
follows: 1) graduation or withdrawal from Baylor University, 2) marriage as evidenced by a valid marriage
license, or 3) participation in a study abroad program through Baylor University.
I understand that if I meet one of the exceptions listed above, I will be held accountable for the daily room
rate costs incurred to the date on which I check out of my room or apartment in addition to the forfeited
$200 housing prepayment/deposit for the spring.
Personal Property Insurance
I understand that Baylor University does not provide insurance coverage for my personal property.
Therefore, I understand that I should obtain, from an insurance company of my choice, personal property
insurance. Personal property insurance is particularly important if I maintain high value personal property
in my residential space. I understand that it is my responsibility to contact my local insurance agent for
coverage or to ask any questions.
Length of License
I have read and understand that this is a nine-month On-Campus Housing Occupancy License to occupy a
space in Baylor University’s on-campus residential communities for fall and spring semesters, 2006-2007.
Students entering for the spring semester sign this license for the 2007 spring semester only. Summer
residents sign a separate license for the summer session(s) they are attending.
University Spaces
I understand that I am contracting for space within the residential communities only, not for a specific
residential community, room or apartment. Campus Living & Learning reserves the right to reassign me to
a different space, or may adjust the occupancy of my room in order to maximize space utilization or satisfy
other Baylor University needs. Furthermore, Campus Living & Learning can take such action as it deems
necessary to control the use of residential community space in the event of an epidemic, disaster or other
conditions or circumstances that appear to require such control and/or access.
Rate Agreement
I agree to pay the established rate for any space to which I am assigned. I understand that I am not
permitted to assign or sublet my occupancy license. I also understand and agree to abide by all policies and
procedures as explained in the Guide to Community (or Apartment) Living online at
Fall Cancellation Policy for Returning Students
I understand that I must cancel my housing license in writing directly with Campus Living & Learning.
The $200 housing prepayment/deposit is non-refundable at the time I select a space for the 2006-07
academic year and I automatically forfeit my prepayment if my housing license is canceled prior to the first
day of classes of the fall semester. I understand that I will be charged the full amount of the Occupancy
License fee for the entire license period if I cancel after the first class day of fall semester (or spring
semester for spring semester license periods). Exceptions to this clause are as follows: 1) graduation or
withdrawal from Baylor University, 2) marriage as evidenced by a valid marriage license, or 3)
participation in a study abroad program through Baylor University.
I understand that if I meet one of the exceptions listed above, I will be held accountable for the daily room
rate costs incurred to the date on which I check out of my room or apartment in addition to the forfeited
$200 housing prepayment.
Spring Cancellation Policy for Fall Residents
As a fall resident, if I wish to cancel the license for the spring semester 2007 and do satisfy one of the
exceptions listed above, in the Fall Cancellation Policy section, I must pay a cancellation fee of $200 (plus
any daily room rate costs incurred) unless I provide written notice of my cancellation to Campus Living &
Learning prior to December 1, 2006.
Personal Property Insurance
I understand that Baylor University does not provide insurance coverage for my personal property.
Therefore, I understand that I should obtain, from an insurance company of my choice, personal property
insurance. Personal property insurance is particularly important if I maintain high value personal property
in my residential space. I understand that it is my responsibility to contact my local insurance agent for
coverage or to ask any questions.
Room changes may be made after the first week of classes of each semester. The steps are as follows:
1. Meet with the Residence Hall Director of the residence hall where you currently live to discuss
your reason for wanting to change your assignment and complete a “Special Request” form.
2. Your Residence Hall Director will use the form and a questionnaire to work towards granting your
request for a room change, even if it involves moving to another hall.
3. Your Residence Hall Director will notify you and the other resident(s) involved with the new
assignment and will coordinate when the room change can take place.
Students desiring room changes must receive authorization from their Residence Hall Director before
beginning any room changes. Changing room or halls without authorization from the appropriate housing
staff will subject those involved to improper room change charges, and the students involved may be
required to move back to their assigned rooms (see “Room Check-In and Check-Out Procedures”).
Students desiring room changes for late fall or the spring semester must submit their requests in writing to
their Residence Hall Director by the deadline posted by Campus Living & Learning. Room change
requests will resume after the first week of classes of the spring semester.
Residents changing rooms for the spring semester must remove their belongings and check out of their
rooms before leaving for the Christmas holidays. Failure to check out and remove belongings will result in
the assessment of charges for custodial services, improper check-out, and failure to remove belongings.
Each residence hall has a standard procedure for checking into and out of rooms in that residence hall. It is
the responsibility of each resident to be familiar with the procedures of each hall. Each resident must follow
those procedures when checking into a room, moving to another room, moving to another residence hall, or
checking out of a room.
Students are required to check in at the office of their assigned hall and complete the appropriate paperwork
before occupying a room. One of the forms given to the resident at check-in is the Inventory Form. The
resident uses this form to inventory the furnishings in the room and list any damages found during the
inspection of the room.
When vacating a room, residents must fill out the appropriate check-out forms with the apartment office
and return their keys. Failure to check out will result in a charge plus a lost-key fee. If the Residence Hall
Director determines that a security problem may exist, there will also be a charge for re-keying the lock. In
all room changes, once a key has been acquired to the new room, the student has 48 hours in which to
vacate the old room and complete all check-out procedures.
At the beginning of each fall semester, the apartment staff inspects rooms to assess conditions and to make
certain that all furnishings are in place. Residents will verify inventories upon checking into a room and
will be held responsible for any damages not listed on the initial inventory at check-out. Residents should
bring to the attention of the CL any damages or missing items they notice on move-in day and make certain
notation is included on their room inventory sheet. At the end of the spring semester, residents will be held
responsible for any damages or removal of furnishings that were made during their time in the room.
Roommates are equally responsible for the condition of their rooms. When damages occur, roommates will
be charged proportionally for the cost of repairs, unless specific responsibility can be determined.
For the protection of the resident, it is important to follow proper check-out procedures and complete room
inventories. It is the responsibility of each resident to request an apartment hall staff member to take an
inventory of his/her room before moving out to prevent charges for damages that may occur after the room
has been vacated. The Residence Hall Director will make a final inspection of each room. During this final
inspection, charges may be assessed for any damages not discovered during the check-out inventory. See
the appendix for a listing of some of the damage charges.
Students are to remove all of their belongings when checking out of the apartments. Students may leave
their possessions in their rooms between the fall and spring semesters provided they are assigned to that
room for the spring semester and are registered for classes for the spring semester. Baylor University is not
liable for the loss of personal property left in the apartments between semesters or during holiday breaks.
Storage space during the summer is not available in the apartments.
End of Semester Check-Out:
Students must vacate their rooms within 24 hours of their last final exam. At the end of the fall semester,
students who will not return to the residence halls in the spring must go through proper check-out
procedures. All students must go through proper-check-out procedures at the end of the spring semester;
check-out options will be posted in apartments. Graduating seniors needing to stay until commencement
and persons with other special needs to remain beyond the 24-hour period will need to contact their
Residence Hall Director in order to make arrangements.
The University reserves the right to consolidate or reassign students to fill apartments to capacity when
there are vacancies. In the event an apartment is partially filled, the University may in some situations give
the student(s) in the apartment the option of:
(1) Occupying an entire bedroom alone by paying 50 percent of the unoccupied space or
(2) Having a roommate assigned to the vacant space. The resident occupying the partially filled bedroom
will have these options first, ahead of the other residents in the apartment.
Apartment residents who need to stay in the Arbors apartments or in the North Village Residential
Community between the end of the spring semester and the first summer session and/or between the second
summer session and the beginning of fall semester, can discuss their needs with the Residence Director.
Students canceling during an interim period will be charged a $200 cancellation fee (the amount of a
semester prepayment).
Please see the Holiday Housing section for housing options during the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and
Spring Break holidays for those in Arbors, Baylor Plaza, and the North Village.
Students desiring on-campus summer school housing may complete the online summer housing application
beginning March 1, 2006. Current residents do not have to enroll in summer courses in order to occupy a
space on campus during the summer months. Incoming students, however, must enroll in summer courses
in order to live on campus during the summer months.
It is expected that all apartments will be filled to capacity. When a space exists, that space should remain
clear and clean at all times for use by a new occupant. If the University has to clear a space for a new
occupant, the current resident of the room may be assessed cleaning and moving charges and the University
will not be responsible for damage or loss.
Beginning in November, students will be able to select a space on campus for the 2006-2007 academic
year. Information for the reapplication process will be distributed to residents in September.
It is the practice of Campus Living & Learning to hold individuals responsible for their actions. Damage,
vandalism, removal of public furniture, activating fire alarms, etc. could result in billings. If the individuals
responsible cannot be identified, then Campus Living & Learning reserves the right to hold the residents of
that community responsible. Before a specific group is billed, there will be an opportunity for the
individuals to identify themselves and to take responsibility for the actions. See the “Appendix” for
See the previous section below entitled “On-Campus Occupancy License” for specific information
regarding cancellations, withdrawals, and refunds.
Upon suspension or withdrawal from the University, a student must remove all personal belongings and
perform all check-out procedures within 24 hours. Students will receive a prorated fee once checking out
of the residence hall. Please see the previous section entitled “On-Campus Housing Occupancy License”
for specific information regarding withdrawals and refunds.
Multiple trash dumpsters are located around your residence hall or apartment complex. Place all personal
and apartment trash in the trash dumpsters. Trash and/or trash containers MUST NOT be placed outside
the apartment doors. The trash containers in the mail and Laundromat areas are for discarded mail and
Laundromat trash; do not place trash from your room or apartment in these trash containers. Room or
apartment trash not placed in the dumpsters or otherwise improperly disposed on may result in charges or
fines being assessed.
Generally, utilities are furnished at no extra charge to the residents. However, in cases of excessive electric
bills, a cost sharing charge may be implemented.
To keep utility bills at a minimum and to avoid the possibility of cost-sharing, residents are encouraged to:
Keep the thermostat set at “mid-range.” A setting between 70 and 78 degrees is sufficient,
Keep the entrance door and all windows closed whenever the HVAC unit is running,
Make certain the hot water faucets operate properly. If a faucet will not turn off, report this
immediately to the apartment office. If it is not repaired within one working day, notify the
apartment office.
Please remember that it is the resident’s responsibility to report all maintenance problems.
Cleaning: Basic cleaning items and supplies should be purchased to aid in the cleaning and care of the
apartment. Cleaning the kitchen and baths on a regular basis is usually much easier than a massive cleanup
effort once a semester.
Light Bulbs: Burned-out light bulbs can be replaced free of charge at the Arbors/Baylor Plaza apartment
Temperature Control: Each apartment has its own thermostat. These should never be set below 70
degrees for cooling or above 78 degrees for heating; exceeding these limits will not aid in quicker cooling
or heating of the apartment. Setting the thermostat at an extremely low setting can cause the air
conditioning unit to freeze, resulting in the probability of water damage to the ceiling and/or floor as well
as in the loss of service for a period of time. Doors and windows should remain closed any time the heating
or cooling system is being used.
For residents’ convenience, the apartments have bulletin boards on the property (e.g., near the office,
laundry facility, pool area, etc.). The purpose of these is to provide residents with important and useful
information. Bulletin boards will be used to notify residents of activities, available services, lost and found
items, and official notifications (some with deadlines). Residents are advised to check these daily. North
Village residents can keep updated on the news of the North Village through Blackboard.
Certain activities are prohibited in the apartment complexes due to the potential for disruption, personal
injury, and property damage. These activities include but are not limited to:
Athletic activities in the apartment and in the parking lot, such as “roughhousing,” running,
throwing/bouncing/kicking of objects, the use of golf clubs, lacrosse sticks, baseballs, basketballs,
footballs, etc.
Beds or other furniture elevated by the resident in any manner (e.g., raised on bricks, cinder
blocks, wood blocks, etc.)
Ceiling alterations, such as mounting ceiling fans, mounting light fixtures, affixing or hanging
posters or other decorations, removal of ceiling panels, etc.
Climbing on or over complex fences
Construction in rooms, such as bunking beds, building lofts, elevating furniture on blocks or
other pieces of furniture, etc.
Fighting, such as fisticuffs, shaving cream fights, powder fights, water fights, etc.
Hanging clothes, rugs, towels, etc. on or from window security bars, porch swings, or shrubbery
Hazing, i.e., physical or mental abuse of any student by any other student(s). Hazing is prohibited
by University policy and by state law and will subject those guilty thereof to administrative and/or
disciplinary action and criminal prosecution. Kidnapping is considered to be hazing.
Removal of furniture from any University storage place, room, or public area is forbidden
without approval of the Residence Hall Director
Smoking is prohibited in all University buildings, including apartments and the residence halls
Smokeless tobacco products may not be used on any carpeted area
Tampering with University or personal property.
Throwing, dropping or hanging objects from windows; entering or exiting the apartment
through windows
Trash placed outside the apartment, except in approved trash receptacles.
Vandalism, i.e., willful or malicious destruction or defacement of University or personal property
Unauthorized entry into secured or restricted areas.
Because of the potential of injury to individuals and damage to property, the items listed below and others
mentioned in the student handbook are prohibited. Possession of any of these prohibited items may result in
the item(s) being confiscated and held until the end of the academic school year and the possessor/owner
facing administrative and/or disciplinary action. Residents are encouraged to use common sense and to ask
questions of staff members if necessary. Students should also be aware that all residents of an apartment
may be held equally responsible for any prohibited items which may be found in their apartment.
Possession of any prohibited item(s) may result in relocation from the apartment to an on-campus residence
hall, removal from University housing, suspension from the University, and/or any other administrative
and/or disciplinary action deemed appropriate by University officials. Prohibited items include:
Alcoholic beverages and containers
Antennas attached to windows or outside of buildings
Ceiling fans other than those provided with the apartment
Controlled substances or designer drugs
Cooking appliances with open heating elements
Extension Cords
Firearms, ammunition, and other weapons, including, but not limited to, air rifles, BB guns,
paintball guns, dart guns, blow guns, steel-tipped darts, numb-chucks, pellet pistols, power bows
and arrows, sling shots, swords, etc. Possession of any weapon is subject to administrative and/or
disciplinary action by the University as well as prosecution by state authorities.
Fireworks and explosives of any kind
Freezer units; large freezers are not allowed in the apartment settings.
Halogen Lamps
Microwaves; other than approved Microfridge™ models
Mopeds, motorcycles, gas combustible engines, flammable fuel of any type
Multi-plug Covers
Obscene material, including but not limited to pornographic literature, X-rated movies, posters
depicting full or partial nudity, displays of profanity (verbal or written), and language that is
offensive to others. This also applies to obscene material on computers.
Open flames and other burning objects such as candles, incense, matches, lighters, etc.
Paint or painting
Pets, with the exception of fish kept in a ten gallon or smaller tank, are not permitted in the
or in the complex. Friends or relatives who visit in the apartment complex will need to
make other arrangements if their pets are with them. Such activity could result in administrative or
disciplinary action.
Traffic signs. Possession of such items is considered theft and will be reported to the Baylor
Department of Public Safety.
Water guns, water balloons, catapults, battery-operated (electronic) water pistols, etc.
Any other item(s) a Residence Hall Director may determine to be offensive or to be harmful to
persons or property. The apartment staff reserves the right to confiscate items which they deem to
be offensive, harmful, or violate Campus Living & Learning or University policies.
These charges reflect the costs of repairs, replacement, and fines. The list below is a partial one. These
figures are only approximate: special circumstances may require additional charges. All charges will be
divided among the residents of an apartment if responsibility for damage cannot be conclusively
determined prior to check-out. For more specific information, residents should contact the Residence Hall
General Charges
Improper check-out...........................................................................$25
Key not returned................................................................................$10
Re-key a lock.....................................................................................$45
Return furnishing to designated room...............................................$25
Return furnishing to original position ...............................................$15
Room Cleanliness
Space not cleared
Less than 1 bag full ....................................................................$20
More than 1 garbage bag full .....................................................$25 per bag
Space Not Cleaned
Space not dusted.........................................................................$8
Space not swept..........................................................................$8
Space not mopped......................................................................$8
Excessive cleaning required.......................................................$50
Remove Carpet
Not under furniture.....................................................................$25
Under furniture...........................................................................$50
Remove carpet tape....................................................................$5 per foot
Remove stickers/double sided tape ............................................$1 per sticker ($5 min.)
Room Repairs
Bed frame..........................................................................................Actual cost
Blind slat (each) .........................................................................$7 (per slat + $30 to restring)
Blind wand (each)......................................................................$10
Replace blinds (bedroom/window) ............................................Actual cost
Bookshelf...................................................................................Actual cost
Bulletin boards ...........................................................................Actual cost
Ceiling tiles ................................................................................$5 per tile
Chairs.........................................................................................Actual cost
Chest of drawers.........................................................................Actual cost
Closet / Door
Replace damaged or permanently deface doors.........................Actual cost
Cleaning of marker or other defacement (1 side).......................$25
Desk ..................................................................................................Actual cost
Desk light ..........................................................................................Actual cost
Dismantling university furnishings (desk, bed, etc.).........................$25 per offense
Door Vents
Electrical outlets.........................................................................Actual cost
Replace cover plate ....................................................................$5
Replace outlet.............................................................................$15
Entrance Door
Replace damaged or permanently deface doors.........................Actual cost
Charges Reference Sheet
Refinish door due to carvings or other defacement...........................$100
Cleaning of marker or other defacement (1 side)..............................$25
Repair/replace vinyl floor tile (halls) .........................................$25 (per job)
Repair/replace sheet vinyl (apartments).....................................Actual cost
Repair/replace ceramic tile (NV kitchens/baths)........................Actual cost
Repair/replace carpet..................................................................Actual cost
Holes in Wall
Nail holes ...................................................................................$1 per hole ($5 min.)
Larger holes................................................................................$10 per square foot
Light Switch
Replace cover plate ....................................................................$5
Replace switch ...........................................................................$15
Stained or defaced......................................................................$25
Replace standard twin ................................................................$80
Replace extra-long twin .............................................................$90
Replace NV extra-long twin.......................................................$100
Medicine cabinet ...............................................................................Actual cost
Mirror................................................................................................Actual cost
Overhead Lights
Replace light cover.....................................................................$10
Replace missing/broken florescent light bulb ............................$10
Painted walls ..............................................................................$25 per wall
Peg Boards
Return furnishing(s) to designated room(s)................................$25 per offense
Residential Technology
Damaged keystone.....................................................................$25
Damaged coaxial cable ..............................................................$25
Missing cover.............................................................................$45
Missing back bracket..................................................................$45
Jack missing...............................................................................$150
Replace wireless router (AR, BP) ..............................................$130 (split between roommates)
Replace wireless card (AR, BP).................................................$45
Sink ...................................................................................................Actual cost
Sink light...........................................................................................Actual cost
Smoke detector (missing or damaged)..............................................$25
Towel racks .......................................................................................Actual cost
Tub / shower......................................................................................Actual cost
Windows (broken pane)
Double pane ...............................................................................$50
Single pane (in very few locations)............................................$10
Missing both...............................................................................$75
Please note: Cancellations after the 1st class day of any term will result in charge of the full room rent
for that term.
Please also see “Group Billing/Fines” under “General Policies” and “False Alarm Sanctions” under “Fire
Policies and Evacuation Procedures” in this booklet for further information.