The Behavior Tree Starter Kit
Alex J. Champandard and Philip Dunstan
6.1 Introduction
Youve done your homework and found that behavior trees (BTs) are a proven and
established technique that game developers regularly use to build their AI [Isla 05,
Champandard07]. Not only does a BT give you a solid foundation to build upon, but it
also gives you a lot of exibility to include other techniques in a way that gives you full
control over behavior and performance. Now youre ready to start coding!
is article introduces the simplest piece of code that you can call a behavior tree, and
builds it up incrementally. e associated source code is called the Behavior Tree Starter
Kit [BTSK 12], and is intended to serve as an example of a working BT for you to learn
from. Since its under an open-source license, you can use this as a starting point for your
own projects. is is not a reusable middleware library, however, and it’s important that
you understand the core concepts and take ownership of the code.
e rst section of this article paints the big picture for behavior trees, introducing a
simple example tree, and explaining how to build BTs and how to use them for making
AI decisions. e second section dives into the implementation of a rst-generation BT,
along with all its building blocks (e.g., sequences and selectors) and a discussion of the
API. Finally, the third section explains the principles of second-generation BTs, and the
improvements they oer. Youll learn about memory optimizations and event-driven
implementations that scale up signicantly better on modern hardware.
roughout this article, source code examples are provided to demonstrate the con-
cepts. Note, that the code listings in this article are edited for print, in particular using
C++11 syntax, and some shortcuts have been taken for the sake of brevity. For the original
implementations see the source code at http://github.com/aigamedev.
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The Big Picture
6.3 Building Blocks
6.4 Advanced Behavior Tree
6.5 Conclusion
74 Part II. Architecture
6.2 The Big Picture
To assist in the demonstration of the components that comprise a behavior tree it is rst
useful to see how such a tree might be structured. Following is an example of how a simple
behavior tree might be designed for a robot guard that is hunting the Player.
6.2.1 A Simple Example
is AI is split into three main behaviors. First, if the robot guard can see the Player then it
will either shoot three times at the Player if it is close enough, or move closer to the Player.
Second, if the robot has recently seen the Player but can no longer see them then it will
move to the Player’s last known position and look around. ird, in case the robot has not
seen the Player for some time, the fallback behavior is to move to some random location
and look around.
BehaviorTree* bt = BehaviorTreeBuilder()
.sequence() //Attack the player if seen!
.filter(Repeat, 3)
.sequence() //Search near last known position.
.sequence() //Randomly scanning nearby.
e example above demonstrates the use of the Tree Builder Pattern to separate the con-
struction of the behavior tree from the behavior tree nodes. (is example has been edited
for print.) e full source code for the tree builder and its examples can be found with the
rest of the Behavior Tree Starter Kit source code as described in Section 6.1.
6.2.2 Updating the Behavior Tree
Given a behavior tree, how does the game logic update it? How oen is this done and does it
involve traversing the tree from the root every time? ese are common questions about BTs.
To assist in the updating of a behavior tree it is useful to introduce a BehaviorTree
object, which will serve as the central point for storing and updating the tree. e
BehaviorTree object is most oen created by a BehaviorTreeBuilder as shown in the
example in Section 6.2.1, or using another builder that loads a tree from a le.
classBehaviorTree {
Behavior* m_pRoot;
756. e Behavior Tree Starter Kit
is is a rst-generation BT, and as such, the BehaviorTree class remains simple.
Itcontains a single pointer to the root of the behavior tree, and a tick() function which
performs the traversal of the tree. is is the entry point of the BT, and is called anytime
an update is needed. It is oen not necessary to update the behavior tree every game
frame, with many games deciding to update each behavior tree every other frame or at
5Hz so that the load for updating the behavior trees of all characters can be spread across
multiple game frames.
While this example seems straightforward and the implementation simply delegates
the tick() to the root node, Section 6.4 of this article shows the advantages of such a
centralized BehaviorTree class. It enables several advanced features such as improving
runtime performance by controlling the memory allocation of BT nodes (Section 6.4.3),
and an event-driven traversal that modies the functionality of the tick() function to
reduce node accesses.
6.3 Building Blocks
Moving on from the big picture, this section jumps to the lowest level of the implementa-
tion, progressing bottom-up and building up complexity incrementally with new features.
6.3.1 Behaviors
e concept of a behavior is the most essential part of a BT. e easiest way to think of a
behavior from a programming perspective is an abstract interface that can be activated,
run, and deactivated. At the leaf nodes of the tree, actions (e.g., open door,move to cover,
reload weapon”) and conditions (e.g., “do I have ammunition?am I under attack?”) pro-
vide specic implementations of this interface. Branches in the tree can be thought of as
high-level behaviors, hierarchically combining smaller behaviors to provide more complex
and interesting behaviors.
Here is how such an interface is implemented in the BTSK:
classBehavior {
virtualvoidonInitialize() {}
virtualStatusupdate() = 0;
virtualvoidonTerminate(Status) {}
/*... */
is API is the core of any BT, and it’s critical that you establish a clear specication for
these operations. For example, the code expects the following contracts to be respected:
e onInitialize() method is called once, immediately before the rst call to
the behavior’s update method.
e update() method is called exactly once each time the behavior tree is
updated, until it signals it has terminated thanks to its return status.
e onTerminate() method is called once, immediately aer the previous
update signals it’s no longer running.
76 Part II. Architecture
When building behaviors that rely on other behaviors (such as the sequence and selec-
tor behaviors described later in this section), it’s important to keep these API contracts
in mind. To help make sure you dont break these assumptions, it can help to wrap these
functions into a single entry point.
class Behavior {
/* API identical to previous code listing. */
Status m_eStatus;
Behavior() : m_eStatus(BH_INVALID) {}
virtual ~Behavior() {}
Status tick() {
if (m_eStatus != BH_RUNNING) onInitialize();
m_eStatus = update();
if (m_eStatus != BH_RUNNING) onTerminate(m_eStatus);
return m_eStatus;
is approach is a bit slower, since you must use conditional branches every tick(). Most
composite behaviors could handle this more eciently since they process the return sta-
tuses anyway. However, having such a wrapper function avoids many beginner mistakes.
6.3.2 Return Statuses
Each behavior, when executed, passes back a return status. e return status is a critical
part of any behavior tree, without which it simply wouldnt work. In practice, return sta-
tuses plays two roles:
Completion Status—If the behavior has terminated, the return status indi-
cates whether it achieved its purpose. ere are two completion statuses most
commonly used: SUCCESS (indicates that everything went as expected) and
FAILURE (species that something apparently went wrong).
Execution HintsWhile the behavior is running, each update of the behavior
also returns a status code. Most of the time, this is RUNNING, but modern BTs
can leverage this status code to provide much more ecient implementations. For
example, the SUSPENDED status code is an essential part of an event-driven BT,
as you will see in Section 6.4.4.
In certain special cases, you might be tempted to add additional return statuses to the list.
For example, there are some implementations that distinguish between expected issues
(FAILURE) and unforeseen problems (ERROR). However, this quickly makes the code in
the rest of the tree much more complex, and does not make the BT any more powerful.
Amore convenient approach to deal with failures is to let behaviors check for specic
types of failure they expect, and deal with those cases outside of the trees return statuses.
776. e Behavior Tree Starter Kit
6.3.3 Actions
In a behavior tree, the leaf nodes have the responsibility of accessing information from
the world and making changes to the world. Leaf behaviors that make such changes are
called Actions.
When an action succeeds in making a change in the world it returns SUCCESS; other-
wise it’s simply a FAILURE. A status code of RUNNING indicates processing is underway.
Actions are little more than a Behavior, except for initialization and shutdown that
require extra care.
Initialization—All but the simplest of actions will need to interface with other
systems and objects to do the work. For example, a particular action may need
to fetch data from a blackboard, or make a request of the animation systems. Ina
well-dened modular architecture getting access to these other games systems
can be problematic. Extra work is required during the setup of behavior tree
actions to provide the systems that those actions will use. is is oen solved
by passing extra parameters during node instantiation or through the use of the
Visitor soware design pattern.
Shutdown—Like initialization, the shutdown of actions can be problematic due
to the dependencies on external systems. Special care must be taken when shut-
ting down an action to ensure that freeing resources does not interfere with other
behaviors. For example, you cannot simply reset the animation system once an
action shuts down as another instance of that action may have recently been
activated elsewhere.
Helper functions can be set up to facilitate initialization and shutdown of actions if needed.
In most cases, actions will simply inherit the functionality from the base Behavior class.
An example action used in the robot guard example of Section 6.2.1 is the action to
move to the Player’s last known location if the robot can no longer see the Player. is
action will likely instruct the navigation system to move the robot to that location and
return a SUCCESS status code. If for some reason the navigation system is unable to per-
form the request—for instance, a door has closed and the navigation system is unable to
nd a path to the target location—the action will return a FAILURE status code.
6.3.4 Conditions
Conditions are also leaf nodes in the tree and are the tree’s primary way of checking for
information in the world. For example, conditions would be used to check if there’s cover
nearby, if an enemy is in range, or if an object is visible. All conditions are eectively
Boolean, since they rely on the return statuses of behaviors (success and failure) to express
True and False.
In practice, conditions are used in two particular cases:
Instant Check Mode—See if the condition is true given the current state of the world
at this point in time. e check is run once immediately and the condition terminates.
Monitoring Mode—Keep checking a condition over time, and keep running every
frame as long as it is True. If it becomes False, then exit with a FAILURE code.
78 Part II. Architecture
As well as being able to specify the mode of execution of a Condition, its also useful to
provide a negation parameter that eectively tells the code to do the exact opposite. is
allows for the simpler reuse of existing code, such as checking to see if an enemy is in
range, to create a condition to test for the opposite, i.e., that the enemy is not within range.
In Check mode, this is Boolean negation, but in Monitoring mode the condition would
keep running as long as it is False.
6.3.5 Decorators
e next step to building up an interesting BT is to wrap behaviors with other behav-
iors, adding detail, subtlety, and nuance to its logic. Decorator behaviors, named aer
the object-oriented design pattern, allow you to do this. ink of them as a branch in
the tree with only a single child, for example, a behavior that repeats its child behavior
ntimes, a behavior that hides the failure of its child node, or a behavior that keeps going
forever even if its child behavior exits. All of these are decorators, and are very useful for
technically minded developers using BTs.
classDecorator:publicBehavior {
e base Decorator class provides all the common functionality for implementing
a decorator eciently, only storing a single child for instance. Specic types of decora-
tors are implemented as derived classes; for instance the update method on the Repeat
decorator might be implemented as follows.
StatusRepeat::update() {
while(true) {
if(m_pChild->getStatus() ==BH_RUNNING)break;
if(m_pChild->getStatus() ==BH_FAILURE)returnBH_FAILURE;
if(++m_iCounter ==m_iLimit)returnBH_SUCCESS;
In this example, the repeating behavior keeps executing its child behavior until a limit
is reached. If the child fails, the decorator also fails. When the child behavior succeeds,
itsnext execution happens immediately in the same update once it has been reset.
e robot guard example introduced in Section 6.2.1 uses a Repeat condition to re
three times if the player is within ring range. Decorators like this provide a simple way
to introduce subtle behavior patterns to the behavior tree without duplicating nodes in
the tree.
6.3.6 Composites
Branches with multiple children in a behavior tree are called composite behaviors. is
follows the composite pattern in soware engineering, which species how objects can be
assembled together into collections to build complexity. In this case, we’re making more
interesting, intelligent behaviors by combining simpler behaviors together.
796. e Behavior Tree Starter Kit
It’s oen a good idea to have a base class for composite behaviors to avoid redundant
code in the subclasses. e helper functions to add, remove, and clear children can be
implemented just once in this base class.
classComposite:publicBehavior {
Common composite behaviors, like sequences and selectors, derive from this base class.
6.3.7 Sequences
Sequences are one of the two most common branch types. Sequences allow the BT to pur-
posefully follow “plans” that are hand-specied by the designers. Sequences execute each
of their child behaviors in sequence until all of the children have executed successfully or
until one of the child behaviors fail.
e example behavior tree introduced in Section 6.2.1 for the robot guard uses
sequences at several points to group together behaviors into larger behaviors. An example
is the branch that the guard uses to search near the player’s last known position when the
player is not visible. In this branch the rst behavior node is a condition node to check
whether the robot has a suspected location for the player. If this condition succeeds the
action to move to the suspected location and search around that location will be run.
Otherwise, if the condition fails the sequence node will fail and the behavior tree will con-
tinue on to the next branch outside the sequence—searching a random location.
In the code shown below, a sequence is a composite behavior, which just happens to
chain together its child behaviors one by one.
classSequence:publicComposite {
virtualvoidonInitialize() override {
m_CurrentChild = m_Children.begin();
virtualStatusupdate() override {
while(true) {
Statuss = (*m_CurrentChild)->tick();
//If childfailsorkeepsrunning,dothesame.
if(s!= BH_SUCCESS) returns;
//Move on until we hittheendofthearray!
if(++m_CurrentChild ==m_Children.end())
80 Part II. Architecture
e initialization code for the sequence starts at the beginning of the array of children.
e update processes each child behavior in the list one by one, bailing out if any of them
fail. e sequence returns a SUCCESS status if all of the children execute successfully.
ere’s one important thing to note about this implementation; the next child behavior
is processed immediately aer the previous one succeeds. is is critical to make sure the
BT does not miss an entire frame before having found a low-level action to run.
6.3.8 Filters and Preconditions
A lter is a branch in the tree that will not execute its child behavior under specic con-
ditions. For instance, if an attack has a cooldown timer to prevent it from executing
too oen, or a behavior that is only valid at a specic distance away from a target, etc.
Designers can easily use lters to customize the execution of common behaviors—for
instance, customizing them for a specic character or situation.
Using the modular approach of the BTSK, its trivial to implement a lter as a type of
sequence. Assuming the lter has a single condition, you can attach it to the start of the
sequence—ensuring that it gets executed (and therefore, checked) rst. If the lter has
a single branch (or action), it comes next in the sequence. Of course, its equally easy to
setup a sequence with multiple preconditions and multiple action branches aerwards.
classFilter:publicSequence {
voidaddCondition(Behavior*condition) {
//Use insert() if you store children in std::vector
voidaddAction(Behavior*action) {
You can also easily create Boolean combinations of conditions to add to the lter, as a
testimony to the power of core BT nodes like sequences (AND) and selectors (OR).
6.3.9 Selectors
Selectors are the other most common branch type. Selectors let the BT react to impedi-
ments in the world, and eectively trigger transitions between dierent fallback behav-
iors. A selector executes each of its child behaviors in order until it nds a child that either
succeeds or that returns a RUNNING status.
In the robot guard behavior tree example described in Section 6.2.1 a selector is
used to decide which of the three main behavior branches should be picked. e rst
branch—attacking the player—is rst executed. If this branch fails—if the player is not
visible, for instance—the sequence node will execute the second branch, searching near
the player’s last known position. If that behavior also fails the sequence will execute the
nal behavior—searching a random location.
From the code perspective, a selector is the counterpart of a sequence; the code not only
derives from a composite, but looks very similar as well. Only the two lines dealing with
the specic return statuses are dierent.
816. e Behavior Tree Starter Kit
virtualStatusupdate() {
while(true) {
Statuss = (*m_Current)->tick();
if(s!= BH_FAILURE) returns;
//Continue search for fallback until the last child.
if(++m_Current ==m_Children.end())
e rest of the selector is identical to the sequence implementation. Similarly, note that
the selector keeps searching for fallback behaviors in the same update() until a suitable
behavior is found or the selector fails. is allows the whole BT to deal with failures within
a single frame without pausing.
6.3.10 Parallels
A parallel node is another type of composite branch in the tree that allows you to do
more advanced control structures, such as monitoring if assumptions have been invali-
dated while you are executing a behavior. Like other composites, it’s made up of multiple
behaviors; however, these are all executed at the same time! is allows multiple behaviors
(including conditions) to be executed in parallel and for those behaviors to be aborted if
some or all of them fail.
A parallel node is not about multithreading or optimizations, though. Logically
speaking, all child behaviors are run at the same time. If you trace the code, their update
functions would be called sequentially one aer another in the same frame.
classParallel:publicComposite {
enumPolicy {
virtualStatusupdate() override;
It’s important for the parallel to be extremely precisely specied, so that it can be under-
stood intuitively and relied upon without trying to second-guess the implementation.
In this case, there are two parameters; one species the conditions under which the
parallel succeeds and the other for failure. Does it require all child nodes to fail/succeed or
just one before failing/succeeding? Instead of enumerations, you could also add counters
to allow a specic number of behaviors to terminate the parallel, but that complicates
the everyday use of the parallel without any additional power. Most useful BT structures
can be expressed with these parameters, using decorators on child nodes if necessary to
modify their return statuses.
82 Part II. Architecture
virtualStatusupdate() {
size_tiSuccessCount = 0,iFailureCount = 0;
for(autoit: m_Children) {
Behavior&b = **it;
if(!b.isTerminated()) b.tick();
if(b.getStatus() ==BH_SUCCESS) {
if(m_eSuccessPolicy ==RequireOne)
if(b.getStatus() ==BH_FAILURE) {
if(m_eFailurePolicy ==RequireOne)
if(m_eFailurePolicy ==RequireAll&&iFailureCount == size)
if(m_eSuccessPolicy ==RequireAll&&iSuccessCount ==size)
e implementation of the parallel iterates through each child behavior, and updates it.
Counters are kept for all terminated behaviors, so the failure policy and success policy
can be checked aerwards. Note that failure takes priority over success since the BT itself
should assume the worst case and deal with it rather than proceed regardless. Also, in this
implementation the parallel terminates as soon as any policy is satised, even if there are
behaviors not yet run.
When a parallel terminates early because its termination criteria are fullled, all other
running behaviors must be terminated. is is done during the onTerminate() func-
tion that iterates through all the child nodes and handles their termination.
voidParallel::onTerminate(Status) {
for(auto it: m_Children) {
Behavior&b = **it;
if(b.isRunning()) b.abort();
Parallels are the foundation of more advanced BT control structures and therefore tend to
uncover a wide variety of little issues, like how to cleanly shutdown (see Section 6.3.3) and
how to handle interrupting behaviors. ere are two schools of thought on how to handle
behaviors that need to be interrupted before they terminate on their own, for example,
when they are run together in a parallel node.
All behaviors should have the option to keep running if they want to, eectively
having a noninterruptible ag that will cause the parent behavior to wait for ter-
mination. In this case, the abort() function becomes a request that is taken into
account during the next update() if appropriate. Low-level BTs, in particular
those dealing with animation control directly, tend to benet from this option.
836. e Behavior Tree Starter Kit
All behaviors should support immediate termination, though they are given the
option to clean-up aer themselves using onTerminate(), which can option-
ally be given a special ABORTED status code. High-level BTs work best this way,
since they don’t want to micro-manage low-level states; the noninterruptible
animation can be handled elsewhere in supporting systems.
e BTSK takes this second approach. When the behavior tree switches from a branch
to another, this is done instantly, and any transitions (e.g., audio, animation) must be
setup during the switch and managed by external systems. en, in the next branch, if the
same system is requested, it will simply delay the BTs request until the transition is over
(e.g.,play sound, play animation).
6.3.11 Monitors
Arguably, continuously checking if assumptions are valid (i.e., monitoring conditions)
is the most useful pattern that involves running behaviors in parallel. Many behaviors
tend to have assumptions that should be maintained while a behavior is active, and if
those assumptions are found invalid the whole sub-tree should exit. Some examples of this
include using an object (assumes the object exists) or melee attacks (assumes the enemy is
in range), and many others.
e easiest way to set this up is to reuse the parallel node implementation, as a Monitor
node can be thought of as a parallel behavior with two sub-trees; one containing condi-
tions which express the assumptions to be monitored (read-only), and the other tree of
behaviors (read–write). Separating the conditions in one branch from the behaviors in the
other prevents synchronization and contention problems, since only one sub-tree will be
running actions that make changes in the world.
structMonitor:publicParallel {
//Implementation is identical to the Filter sequence.
In the exact same way as a Filter, the monitor provides simple helper functions to
ensure the conditions are set up rst in the parallel. ese conditions will be checked rst
before the actions are executed, bailing out early if there are any problems. is API is
useful only if you create your BTs in C++, but most likely you’ll impose these orderings in
your BT editing tool.
6.3.12 Active Selectors
One nal building block youll most likely need in a production BT is an “active” selector,
which actively rechecks its decisions on a regular basis aer having made them. is dif-
fers from the traditional “passive” selectors by using another form of parallelism to retry
higher-priority behaviors than the one that was previously chosen. You can use this feature
to dynamically check for risks or opportunities in select parts of the tree, for example,
interrupting a patrol with a search behavior if a disturbance is reported.
Active selectors appear twice during the short behavior tree example in Section 6.2.1.
At the top level of the behavior tree an active selector is used to allow the high priority
84 Part II. Architecture
behavior of attacking a visible enemy to interrupt lower-priority behaviors such as search-
ing for the player or randomly patrolling. A second instance of an active selector is during
the evaluation of behaviors when the player is visible to the guard robot. Here, an active
selector is used so that the higher-priority behavior of shooting at the player if the player
is within range preempts the lower-priority behavior of moving towards the player if they
are not in range.
One simple way to implement this is to reuse a Monitoring node within a passive
selector from Section 6.3.9 that terminates the low-priority node if the higher-priority
behavior’s preconditions are met. is type of implementation can be easier for straight-
forward cases with one condition, and works eciently for event-driven implementations
discussed in Section 6.4.4. However, you’ll most likely require a specialized implementa-
tion to deal with more complex situations.
StatusActiveSelector::update() {
Behaviors::iteratorprev = m_Current;
Statusresult = Selector::update();
if(prev!= m_Children.end() && m_Current!= prev)
is active selector implementation reuses the bulk of the underlying Selector code,
and forces it to run every tick by calling onInitialize(). en, if a dierent child node is
selected the previous one is shutdown aerwards. Separately, the m_Current iterator is
initialized to the end of the children vector. Keep in mind that forcefully aborting lower-priority
behaviors can have unwanted side eects if youre not careful; see Section 6.3.3.
6.4 Advanced Behavior Tree Implementations
As BTs have grown in popularity in the games industry the forms of implementation
have become increasingly diverse, from the original implementation in Halo 2 [Isla 05]
to Bulletstorms event-driven version [PSS 11]. Despite the diversity there have been some
common changes over the past couple of years in the ways that behavior trees have been
implemented. ese changes led to our coining of the terms rst- and second-generation
behavior trees at the Paris Shooter Symposium 2011 [PSS 11].
6.4.1 First- versus Second-Generation Trees
While there are no hard rules for classifying a behavior tree implementation, there are
some common patterns behind original implementations and more modern ones. In
general , rst-generation BTs have the following characteristics:
Small and shallow trees with relatively few nodes in them.
Large behaviors written in C++ with “complex” responsibilities.
No (or little) sharing of data between multiple behavior tree instances.
Simple implementations with no worry about performance.
Oen written in one.h and .cpple, not necessarily reusable outside of AI.
e behavior tree concept is mostly used as a pattern for writing C++.
856. e Behavior Tree Starter Kit
In contrast, second-generation trees have had to deal with a console hardware transition
and designs with additional complexity and scale. ey are dened as follows:
Larger and deeper trees with many more nodes.
Smaller powerful nodes that better combine together.
BT data that is shared between multiple instances wherever possible.
A heavily optimized implementation to improve scalability.
Written as a reusable library that can be applied to any game logic.
e behavior tree becomes a DSL with ecient interpreter.
It’s important to point out that rst-generation implementations are not necessarily worse
than their successor, they just fulll dierent requirements. If you can use a simpler
implementation that avoids the complexity of the second-generation, then don’t hesitate
to do so!
6.4.2 Sharing Behavior Trees Between Entities
A powerful extension to rst-generation behavior trees is the ability to share data between
multiple instances, in particular, the structure of the tree or common parameters. is
can signicantly reduce the memory requirements for BT-based systems, especially in
scenes with large numbers of complex characters.
e most important requirement for sharing data is the separation of two concepts:
Nodes—Express the static data of the BT nodes, for instance the pointers to
children of a composite node, or common parameters.
Taskse transient node data required to execute each BT node. For example,
sequences need a current behavior pointer and actions oen require context.
In practice, the Task is a base class for runtime instance data and managing execution.
classTask {
//onInitialize(), update() and onTerminate() as 3.3.1
e Task refers to a tree node which stores the shared data, including tree structure and
parameters. en, the Node implementation eectively becomes a factory for creating
these tasks at runtime, when the node is executed by the tree.
classNode {
virtualTask*create() = 0;
virtualvoiddestroy(Task*) = 0;
To make these two classes compatible with the Behavior of Section 6.3.1, all that’s
required is to keep a Node and a Task together as member variables, and track their
86 Part II. Architecture
Status. e node’s factory functions create() must be called before the behavior’s
tick() function can be run the rst time, and destroy() aer the task has terminated.
While separating these two forms of BT data is relatively simple mechanically, it has a
profound impact on the rest of the code. All composite nodes, for instance, must be able
to “convert” nodes into tasks before execution. is can be done locally in all composites,
or the Task instances can be managed centrally in a BehaviorTree class similar to
Section 6.2.2. en, the decision remains whether to allocate these instances on-the-y or
pre-allocate them—which will oen depend on the size and complexity of the tree. e
next section discusses similar memory issues relating to the allocation of Node objects
forming the tree structure.
6.4.3 Improving Memory Access Performance
One of the signicant drawbacks of rst-generation behavior trees on modern hardware
is the memory access patterns exhibited when executing the BTs. is is especially an
issue on current generation console hardware with small cache sizes and limited hardware
memory prefetching.
e primary cause of the poor memory access patterns is the dynamic memory alloca-
tion of the behavior tree nodes. Without careful management, the BT node storage may
be scattered throughout memory, resulting in frequent cache misses as the BT execution
moves from one node to the next. By changing the layout of the BT nodes in memory, it is
possible to signicantly improve the memory performance of behavior trees. Node Allocation
e core mechanism for changing the memory layout of the behavior tree nodes is the
introduction of centralized memory allocation API to the central BehaviorTree object
that was introduced in Section 6.2.2. ese additional allocate functions will be respon-
sible for all node allocations.
When this object is constructed it allocates a block of memory into which all of the
BT nodes will be allocated. To instantiate a BT node, the templated allocate function
is used rather than the normal allocation functions. is function uses in-place new to
allocate the new node within the block of memory owned by the BehaviorTree object.
class BehaviorTree {
: m_pBuffer(new uint8_t[k_MaxBehaviorTreeMemory])
, m_iOffset(0)
~BehaviorTree() {
delete [] m_pBuffer;
template <typename T>
T& allocate() {
T* node = new ((void*)((uintptr_t)m_pBuffer+m_iOffset)) T;
m_iOffset += sizeof(T);
return *node;
876. e Behavior Tree Starter Kit
uint8_t* m_pBuffer;
size_t m_iOffset;
By allocating all of the BT nodes via the custom allocate function it is possible to ensure that
all of the nodes for a tree are allocated in the same localized area of memory. Furthermore,
by controlling the order in which nodes are allocated (depth- or breadth-rst), it is possible to
optimize the layout so that it reduces cache misses during traversal. Improving the memory
usage patterns as a BT is traversed can have signicant impacts on the runtime performance. Composite Node Implementations
As this change only aects the node memory allocations, the internal implementations of
many of the behavior tree nodes described in Section 6.3 are completely unaected. ere
are, however, additional optimizations that can be made to some of these implementations
to further improve the resultant memory layout.
e primary candidates for further optimizations are the Composite nodes: Sequences,
Selectors, and Parallels. In the simple implementation described in Section 6.3.6 each of
these node types stored their children in a vector<Behavior*> in the Composite base
class, resulting in additional heap allocations by the vector class for the data storage. is
can be prevented by replacing the vector storage by an internal static array as shown in
the code below.
class Composite : public Behavior
Composite() : m_ChildCount(0) {}
void addChild(Behavior& child) {
ptrdiff_t p = (uintptr_t)&child - (uintptr_t)this;
m_Children[m_ChildCount++] = static_cast<uint32_t>(p);
uint32_t m_Children[k_MaxChildrenPerComposite];
uint32_t m_ChildCount;
In this example, the child nodes store the child node address information as part of the
primary node data. Each composite node contains static storage for n child nodes. In most
trees, a limit of 7 on the maximum number of child nodes is more than sucient. In cases
where there are more children than this, then it is typically possible to use additional
composite nodes to split apart the larger composite nodes (e.g., multiple nested sequences
or selectors).
Rather than storing pointers to each of the child nodes, it is also possible to take advan-
tage of the spatial locality of the nodes in memory and store only the oset of each child
node from the composite node. As compiling soware with support for 64-bit pointers
becomes more common, this can result in signicant memory savings. e Composite
node example shown here requires 32 bytes of memory, whereas a naïve implementa-
tion storing pointers would require 64 bytes, occupying half of a cache line on current
88 Part II. Architecture Transient Data Allocation
e same transformations that were applied to the memory layout of the BT nodes in
Section can equally by applied to the transient data that is stored when each node
is executed.
It is useful to think of this transient data as a stack. As a node is executed, its transient
data is pushed onto the top of the stack. When a node execution is terminated, the transient
data is popped back o the stack. is stack-like data structure is perfect for the depth-rst
iteration used in behavior trees. It allows for very simple management of transient data
and results in very cache-friendly memory access patterns.
6.4.4 Event-Driven Behavior Trees
A nal approach for optimizing BT traversal involves event-driven techniques. Instead of
traversing the tree from the root every frame, simply to nd previously active behaviors,
why not maintain them in a list (of size one or more) for fast access? You can think of this
list as a scheduler that keeps active behaviors and ticks the ones that need updating.
is is the essence of an event-based approach, and there are two ways to maintain it:
Traverse the whole tree from scratch if the currently executing behaviors terminate,
or there are changes in the world (or its blackboard). is eectively repopulates the
task list from scratch when necessary, in a similar way than a planner would.
Update the list of active behaviors incrementally as they succeed or fail. e
parent of behaviors that terminate can be requested to decide what to do next,
rather than traversing the whole tree for the root.
e rst approach is a simple optimization to a traditional rst-generation BT, but the
second requires a much more careful implementation of the scheduler, which we’ll dig
into in the following sections. Behavior Observers
e most important part of an event-driven BT is the concept of an observer. When a
behavior terminates, the scheduler that was updating it also res a notication to the
parent , which can deal with the information as appropriate.
typedef Delegate<void (Status)> BehaviorObserver;
In the BTSK, the observer is implemented using a template-based fast delegate implemen-
tation, but this could be replaced with any functor implementation. Behavior Scheduler
e central piece of code responsible for managing the execution of an event-driven
BT is called a scheduler. is can be a stand-alone class, or le for the BehaviorTree
class to implement such as in the BTSK. Essentially, the class is responsible for updating
behaviors in one central place rather than letting each composite manage and run its own
children. e example object below expands on the BehaviorTree class API that was
rst introduced in Section 6.2.2 to provide the management of BT tasks.
896. e Behavior Tree Starter Kit
classBehaviorTree {
e scheduler stores a list of active behaviors, in this case in a deque that has behaviors
taken from the front and pushed to the back as they are updated. e main entry point is
the tick() function, which processes all behaviors until an end-of-update marker is found.
voidtick() {
while(step()) {}
One of the many benets of this type of implementation is support for single-stepping of
behaviors. is can be done directly via the step() function if necessary.
boolstep() {
Behavior*current = m_Behaviors.front();
if(current ==NULL) returnfalse;
if(current->isTerminated() && current->m_Observer)
As for managing the execution of behaviors, the implementations of start() simply
pushes a behavior on the front of the queue, and stop() sets its status and res the
observer manually. Event-Driven Composites
e event-driven paradigm is most obvious in the composite nodes in the tree. Every
composite has to make a request to the scheduler to update its child nodes rather than
execute them directly.
For example, let’s take a look at how a Sequence would be implemented.
classSequence:publicComposite {
90 Part II. Architecture
virtualvoidonInitialize() override;
Since the composites rely on the scheduler to update the child nodes, there’s no need
for an update() function. e setup of the rst child in the sequence is done by the
onInitialize() function.
voidSequence::onInitialize() {
m_Current = m_Children.begin();
autoobserver = BehaviorObserver:: \
FROM_METHOD(Sequence, onChildComplete,this);
Every subsequent child in the sequence is set up in the onChildComplete() callback.
voidonChildComplete() {
Behavior&child = **m_Current;
//The current child behavior failed, sequence must fail.
if(child.m_eStatus ==BH_FAILURE) {
//The current child succeeded, is this the end of array?
if(++m_Current ==m_Children.end()) {
//Move on and schedule the next child behavior in array.
else {
BehaviorObserverobserver = BehaviorObserver:: \
Event-driven code has a reputation for being more complex, but this composite code
remains very easy to understand at a glance. However, it is a little harder to trace the tree
of behaviors by simply looking at a callstack, unlike rst-generation BT implementations. Event-Driven Leaf Behaviors
Many actions and conditions remain unaected by an event-driven implementation,
though some could be optimized to use an event-driven approach rather than polling.
For instance, a monitoring condition that’s waiting for a callback from the navigation
system to terminate does not need to be updated every frame. Instead, this condition can
be rewritten to return the SUSPENDED status, in which case the scheduler would ignore
the behavior during its tick.
Upon receiving an external notication (e.g., from the navigation system), an event-driven
condition could then tell the scheduler to reactivate it and process it during the next step
of the update. is kind of logic requires special care and ordering of behaviors during the
update, but can save a lot of unnecessary function calls.
916. e Behavior Tree Starter Kit
6.5 Conclusion
In this article, you saw multiple variations of BTs, including a simple rst-generation
implementation to learn from, as well as a second-generation version that you can use as a
starting point in your own project. A few principles recur throughout the code:
Modular behaviors with simple (unique) responsibilities, to be combined together
to form more complex ones.
Behaviors that are very well specied (even unit tested) and easy to understand,
even by nontechnical designers.
While there are always exceptions to these rules in practice, this approach works reliably
for creating in-game behaviors. If you’re having trouble with code duplication, explaining
a bug to a designer, or not being able to understand interactions between your behaviors,
then it’s best to break down the code into simpler behaviors.
e original un-edited source code for this article can be found online under an
open-source license [BTSK 12]. If you’d like to see the details, especially the stu that
couldn’t be covered in this article, you’re highly encouraged to check out the code!
[BTSK 12] A. Champandard and P. Dunstan. e Behavior Tree Starter Kit. http://github.com/
aigamedev, 2012.
[Champandard 07] A. Champandard. “Behavior trees for Next-Gen AI.Game Developers
Conference Europe, 2007.
[Isla 05] D. Isla. “Handling complexity in the Halo 2 AI.Game Developers Conference, 2005.
[PSS 11] M. Martins, G. Robert, M. Vehkala, M. Zielinski, and A. Champandard (editor).
“Part 3 on Behavior Trees.” Paris Shooter Symposium, 2011. http://gameaiconf.com/.