Network Guide for
Working with
Introduction 1
Ticketholder Intake Process 2
Purpose 2
Key Questions 2
Identifying Barriers to Success 3
Elements of a Great Ticketholder
Intake Discussion 3
Individual Work Plan (IWP) 5
Required Components of an IWP 5
Submitting IWPs 11
Amending IWPs 12
Storing IWPs 12
Ticket Unassignment 13
Services and Supports Review 14
Tips for a Successful Services
and Supports Review 14
Resources 15
Employment Network Guide for
Working with Ticketholders
From Intake Through Ticket Unassignment
This guide will aid Employment Networks (EN) in developing relationships with Ticketholders
and supporting them through their journey to self-sufficiency.
In this guide you will find tips and in-depth details on conducting a thorough intake discussion
to create a detailed Individual Work Plan (IWP) that has clear and measurable goals. This guide
also provides tips on creating your own IWP, when to send an IWP, Ticket assignment and
unassignment procedures.
This guide will also help ENs prepare for IWP and Services and Supports (S&S) Reviews that the
Ticket Program Manager’s (TPM) Program Integrity office conducts for Social Security.
The purpose of the Ticketholder intake process is to decide the Ticketholder’s eligibility for the Ticket
to Work (Ticket) Program and for you and the Ticketholder to jointly decide whether your EN is a good
fit for them.This process helps ensure that your organization can provide the necessary services and
resources for Ticketholder success.
The Ticket Program is not right for every Ticketholder, such as those who want to work part time
indefinitely. But, if the Ticketholder is committed to trying to become employed and financially
self-sufficient, the EN can work closely with the Ticketholder to provide the services and supports
to help them do so.
1. Determine the Ticketholder’s eligibility for the Ticket Program.
2. Inform the Ticketholder about the purpose and goals of the Ticket Program.
Informing Ticketholders about the Ticket to Work Program
3. Discuss the Ticketholder’s short and long-term employment goals and determine whether your
services and supports can assist the Ticketholder to achieve their goals.
4. Decide jointly whether your EN and the Ticketholder are a good match.
Below are some factors to consider during the intake conversation.
Key Questions
Has the Ticketholder considered their employment goals?
Does the Ticketholder want to become financially self-sufficient?
What is the skill and education level of the Ticketholder?
Does the Ticketholder have any previous work and earnings history?
Is the Ticketholder likely to make it to Trial Work Level (TWL) and then to Substantial Gainful Activity
(SGA) level earnings?
Do your services match the Ticketholder’s needs?
Identifying Barriers to Success
Take time to identify:
Any Ticketholder limitations
Ticketholder short-term and long-term employment goals
Strengths and competencies that will help the Ticketholder overcome obstacles
Any fears of potential loss of benefits
Elements of a Great Ticketholder Intake Discussion
Develop a rapport before moving on to more personal topics.Start with small talk to get the
Ticketholder to be more comfortable during the first few minutes and then move into asking questions
about the Ticketholder’s employment and hobby interests, as well as their concerns with starting
employment or joining the Ticket Program.
Below are few sample questions to begin the conversation:
“How is your day going?”
“Did you have trouble finding the place?”
“What do you know about the Ticket to Work Program?”
“What are some of your hobbies or things you like to do?”
“Tell me about some of the previous jobs you held and what you liked about them.”
Use active listening and let the Ticketholder do most of the talking. Active listening techniques include
paraphrasing, brief verbal affirmation and practicing good eye contact.
In order to manage the dialogue, use a combination of open- and close-ended questions to direct the
Below are a few tips to help navigate the discussion:
Use “yes” or “no” questions to clarify or to gain information about topics such as disability status or
criminal background.
Use open-ended questions for topics such as any needed reasonable accommodations to
perform essential job functions.
Use dollar figures instead of terms like “Trial Work Level (TWL)” or “Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA).”
Avoid jargon.
The EN should ensure that the questions connect and flow. Build in follow-up questions for the
Ticketholder’s responses to either dive deeper into a topic or bridge to the next topic. This technique
will support a natural conversation that discovers interests, experiences, goals, dreams, and the
supports and services needed to achieve those goals and dreams.
The information gathered through this conversation will transfer into the required components of a
Ticketholder’s IWP, including the development of clear and measurable goals.
Understand the Ticketholder’s needs and decide whether your organization is a good fit for the
Ticketholder. If you decide that the Ticketholder is not a good fit for your organization, provide a
warm handoff directly to another EN (or State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency if more appropriate)
that would be a better fit. If another EN is not known, then refer the Ticketholder to the Choose Work
website or the Beneficiary Support Help Line at 1-866-968-7842 or 1-866-833-2967 (TTY).
The referral process is a key step in ensuring that the Ticketholder has all the information necessary
to make a connection with a new organization. When a referral is made, if you are able, follow up with
the Ticketholder within a few days to confirm they connected successfully with a service provider.
Encourage the Ticketholder and give them hope by letting them know that they are still a great fit for
the Ticket Program.
Note: For more details regarding Ticketholder Intake requirements, please refer to TPA Part III, Section 3.
TheIndividual Work Plan (IWP)is an agreement between a Ticketholder and an EN outlining the
details of the Ticketholder’s employment and educational goals, the EN’s specific employment
support services to help the Ticketholder meet their goals as well as Terms and Conditions.
Terms and Conditions show the rights and responsibilities of both parties.The IWP provides a
roadmap to financial self-sufficiency and should be reassessed and amended as changes occur to
the Ticketholder’s employment or financial goals. The EN Representative and the Ticketholder should
agree upon the details in the IWP. Both the Ticketholder and EN must sign and date the IWP. There are
six required components that all IWPs must have (see TPA Part III, Section 4.A). These components are
included directly below, followed by a more detailed description for each of the required elements.
Required Components of an IWP
The following components correspond specifically to SSA Form 1370, the Ticket to Work Program
Individual Work Plan (IWP).
Part One: Employment Network and Ticketholder Contact Information
Part Two:
Section 1: Documentation of a one-on-one individualized discussion between the EN and
the Ticketholder
Section 2: Ticketholder’s Recent Work History
Section 3: Ticketholder’s Employment Goals
Section 4: EN Supports and Services
Part Three:
IWP Terms and Conditions
Statement of Understanding
EN and Ticketholder Signatures
While Social Security recommends the use of the SSA Form 1370, ENs may develop their own version
of an IWP, which must include all the components listed above.
An EN must fill in their contact information, including the Provider Identification Number (PID) and
business model (ENs with multiple business models must specify under which model the Ticketholder
will receive services). This section must also include contact information for the Ticketholder and an
alternate contact. The EN must fill these sections in completely.
Section 1: Discussion Arrangement
An EN must document that a one-on-one individualized discussion with the Ticketholder occurred that
focused on career planning, development of goals and the services and supports the EN will provide
to the Ticketholder. The EN must document the discussion and include it on the Individual Work Plan
(IWP) Form SSA-1370, or in a separate document attached to the IWP.
At a minimum, the discussion summary should include:
Date of the discussion
Modality of the discussion (e.g., face-to-face, telephone, etc.)
A synopsis that includes:
An explanation describing why the Ticketholder’s short-term and long-term goals are reasonable
and attainable.
How your EN’s services and supports will assist the Ticketholder to achieve their goals.
There are two options for documenting the discussion summary:
Use IWP Form SSA-1370 or your EN’s own IWP template.If you’re using the SSA-1370, the
discussion date and modality should be in Part Two, Documentation of the EN-Ticketholder
Discussion, Section 1, under “Discussion Arrangement”. If the EN has not identified any other terms
and conditions, the EN can add the discussion summary under Part Three, number 15, of the
same form. If the EN is using their own IWP template, they should update it to include a discussion
summary section.
Create a separate document attached to the IWP for the discussion summary. In addition to
the discussion date, modality, and summary, this document should include EN Name, EN Provider
Identification number (PID), Ticketholder Name, and Social Security number.The EN or Ticketholder
do not need to provide a signature.
Whether ENs use the SSA-1370 or their own IWP form (alone or with an attached document), the EN
must maintain the discussion summary with all other Ticketholder records and be available upon
request by SSA or the Ticket Program Manager.
Section 2: Ticketholder’s Recent Work History
The IWP should record at least the last six to 18 months of the Ticketholder’s work and earnings. If
the Ticketholder cannot provide paystubs, the EN should record recent earnings to the best of the
Ticketholder’s knowledge.
The Ticketholder’s work and earning history: 
Allows the EN and Ticketholder to discuss previous earnings and work history.
Provides an opportunity for ENs to discuss wage reporting with Ticketholders.
Shows whether and how the Ticketholder’s goal is reasonable and attainable.
Provides information ENs can use to help determine available payments after Ticket assignment.
Section 3: Ticketholder’s Employment Goals
Employment goals should include both short-term and long-term goals. The short-term goal defines
the Ticketholder’s employment expectations during the first 18 months of Ticket assignment, and the
long-term goals provide employment expectations over the next three to five years. The IWP’s short-
term and long-term goals should show a clear progression of how the Ticketholder will move toward
the goal of financial self-sufficiency, which aligns with the Ticket Program goal to reduce or eliminate
their reliance on benefit payments. If applicable, the short-term goals must also include the specific
type of skills training/ education/ certification the Ticketholder will complete to achieve their goals, the
expected enrollment status of the Ticketholder (e.g., part-time or full-time), as well as the anticipated
graduation or completion date.) Based on the individual needs of the Ticketholder, they may begin
working part or full time. For example, one Ticketholder may need to begin working part time to get
acclimated to the workplace, but another Ticketholder may be prepared to immediately obtain a full-
time position.
Reminder: A Ticketholder that begins working part time should have the goal of self-sufficiency and
elimination of reliance on benefit payments.
Goals should be clear and measurable. The more detailed the goals, the easier it will be for the EN and
the Ticketholder to identify necessary supports and services. Examples of clear and measurable goals
may include the number of hours the Ticketholder will work, full- or part-time work, type of work or
position title, or how long the Ticketholder will take to reach the goal. Goals should also:
Be consistent with the Ticket Program goal of helping the Ticketholder become self-sufficient.
Be specific to the individual Ticketholder.
Be realistic, given the Ticketholder’s experience, training, and/or education.
Ensure that long-term goals for monthly earnings are at or above SGA. For short-term goals, TWL is
permissible but only as a tool to move towards earnings above SGA level.
Show the progression between the short-term and long-term goals.
Developing Clear and Measurable Goals
Although the Ticket Program training module focuses on developing Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
Relevant, Time bound (SMART) goals, there are other options that ENs can consider when developing
and evaluating short-term and long-term goals. Ticketholder goals should show progression towards
financial self-sufficiency. EN staff can consider the tools below to help build and update strong goals
for Ticketholders.
To learn more about developing goals, consider visiting these sites:
SMART Goals - How to Make Your Goals Achievable (mindtools.com)
What is the 5 Ws and H Framework? | Definition and Overview (productplan.com)
What Are the 5 Ws of Writing? | Uses & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com
How to Set CLEAR Goals and Achieve Them (Best SMART Goal Alternatives) | 2022 (hqhire.com)
Section 4: EN Supports and Services
Once the Ticketholder and the EN have established the short-term and long-term goals, the next step
is to document the specific services and supports the EN will provide to assist the Ticketholder in
meeting their goals. If an EN checks a service/support box on SSA Form 1370, they need to specify the
service they are going to provide. For example, if you check the “Job Search” box, you should include
a sentence like “[Potential EN] will assist [Ticketholder Name] with resume writing and provide job
leads consistent with the Ticketholder’s goals, via various websites (e.g., Choose Work Find a Job page,
Indeed).” If an EN does not offer or a Ticketholder does not need a particular service/support, the EN
does not need to check the service or provide any notes. There are three main categories of supports
and services:
1. Career planning: benefits counseling (with a benefits counselor whose certification has been
approved by SSA), goal setting, job coaching, job development, training, etc.
2. Job placement assistance: job search, job accommodation, job placement, etc.
3. Ongoing employment support (job stabilization and retention, career advancement counseling, etc.)
Career Planning
Benefits Counseling: If the Ticketholder requires benefits counseling and the EN does not have a
certified Benefits Counselor on staff, the EN should refer the Ticketholder to the Ticket to Work Help
Line so that they can be referred to the appropriate Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA)
program. The IWP must clearly state that the Ticketholder is being referred to a WIPA via the Ticket
to Work Help Line for benefits counseling.
Goal Setting: Include how the EN will continue to help the Ticketholder create additional achievable
goals as well as the plan for assessing the goals.
Job Coaching: Describe the specific job coaching assistance the EN will provide (e.g., on-site
assistance, on-the-job training, job retention services) and how that assistance will help the
Ticketholder achieve their goals.
Job Development: Describe the specific job development assistance the EN will provide (e.g.,
resume writing, analyzing prospective jobs, improving interview skills) and how that assistance will
help the Ticketholder achieve their goals.
Training: This section should include any training the EN will provide or help provide to reach the
Ticketholder’s goals (e.g., certifications, General Educational Development (GED), etc. Describe how
that training will help the Ticketholder achieve the goals. Describe who will perform the training,
how will it be delivered (i.e., virtual or in-person), and who will pay for it.
Job Placement Assistance and Ongoing Employment Support
Job Search: Describe how the EN will help the Ticketholder find a job such as providing job leads,
resume submission, assisting with job applications, job referral follow-up or providing a list of
related workshops. Describe how this assistance will help the Ticketholder achieve their goals.
Job Accommodation: The EN should assist the Ticketholder with identifying job accommodations
based on the Ticketholder’s needs. Describe the specific accommodation assistance (e.g., identifying
the accommodations needed, assistance requesting accommodations, counseling on requesting
accommodations) the EN will provide and how the assistance will help the Ticketholder achieve
their goals. Identify whether the EN/Ticketholder will request the reasonable accommodations for
the workplace, training, and/or educational institution.
Job Placement:Describe whether the EN will provide direct job placement or job placement
assistance (e.g., assistance completing applications, job referrals) and how the assistance will help
the Ticketholder achieve their goals.
Regular Follow-Up with Ticketholder during the Initial Job Acquisition Phase: ENs must
follow up with Ticketholders at least monthly during the initial job acquisition phase to verify and
help facilitate Ticketholder progress (i.e., retain employment at or above the TWL throughout
the Phase 1 Milestone period). This is defined as two-way communication and shall be any of the
following acceptable mediums in which the Ticketholder provides a response: in-person meeting,
a telephone conversation, personalized email messages, voicemail message received by the
Ticketholder, personalized text message conversations, any form of computerized or telephone app
communication (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Skype, etc.), and personalized letters to
and from individuals. The EN shall document the method of communication and, where possible,
retain any evidence of the communication and must provide this evidence to SSA and/or TPM if
requested. The EN shall make a minimum of three attempts in a one-month period to make two-
way contact with the Ticketholder. In the event the EN does not have a two-way conversation with
the Ticketholder, or the Ticketholder requests no contact, the EN shall unassign the Ticket within 60
days from the date of initial contact attempt.
Regular Follow-up with Ticketholder during the Ongoing Support Phase (i.e., starting with
the Phase 2 Milestone Period through Ticket Unassignment): At a minimum, the EN shall
communicate with the Ticketholder quarterly to determine if the Ticketholder requires any ongoing
employment supports and, where possible, maintain records of these communications, including
the method of communication. This two-way contact shall be in the form of any of the methods of
communication described above. The EN shall make a minimum of three attempts in a three-month
period to make two-way contact with the Ticketholder. In the event the EN does not have a two-way
communication with the Ticketholder, or the Ticketholder requests no further contact, the EN shall
unassign the Ticket within 180 days from the date of initial contact attempt.
Job Stabilization and Retention: Describe the services the EN is going to provide or facilitate to
help the Ticketholder maintain employment and how it will help the Ticketholder achieve their
goals. Some examples include assistance with coping due to changes in medical treatments,
benefits advisement, connecting Ticketholders to peer support groups, and providing referrals to
the local or state resources, such as:
American Job Centers
Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS)
Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA)
Work Incentive Liaison (WIL)
Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
Career Advancement Counseling: EN provides advancement services such as identifying
additional credentials relevant to employment goals, such as how to obtain a promotion or suggest
other career moves that support the Ticketholder’s goals.
To ensure the Ticketholder understands the Terms and Conditions of their IWP, the EN should review
each one individually. If an EN uses their own form, it must include all 15 Terms and Conditions listed
in the Ticket Program Agreement (TPA); see TPA Part III, Section 4.A). The IWP may include additional
Ticketholder Terms and Conditions, which ENs can list under #15 on the SSA Form 1370. All additional
Terms and Conditions must align with the TPA requirements. Note: If there are no other Terms and
Conditions, the EN can include the Discussion Summary here.
Statement of Understanding: Write the Statement of Understanding from the Ticketholder’s point of
view. This statement makes it clear that the EN will provide the support and services identified in the
IWP to help the Ticketholder earn enough to become financially self-sufficient.
For more details regarding Individual Work Plan requirements, please refer to TPA Part III, Section 4.A.
The IWP is not valid until the Ticketholder and the EN both sign and date it. The EN representative’s
signature should be legible and easy to read. If the signature is not legible, the EN’s representative
should print their name below their signature.
Employment Networks (EN) must use an approved signature method on all Individual Work Plans
(IWP). The IWP is a written and signed agreement between the Ticketholder and the EN and is a
prerequisite for a Ticket assignment. The Social Security Administration (SSA) requires both the
Ticketholder and a suitable EN representative to use either a wet or electronic signature, described
below, on the document.
Wet Signature – Ticketholder and EN Representative physically sign their names to the document.
Electronic Signature – An electronic signature is a broad term for any electronic process that
indicates acceptance of an agreement. Software such as DocuSign and Adobe Acrobat Sign are
examples that allow anyone to electronically sign documents.
Submitting IWPs
Creating quality and compliant IWPs is the first step to the Ticketholder reaching their employment
goals. To ensure new and re-established ENs are developing quality IWPs, TPM’s Program Integrity
office will review a minimum of 10 IWPs. Program Integrity will assign the Ticket if the IWP is compliant.
Program Integrity will contact the EN to discuss any non-compliant IWPs, which may result in the EN
submitting a new or amended IWP. Program Integrity will not assign the Ticket until the revised IWP
is compliant. Program Integrity will assign the Tickets associated with compliant IWPs on behalf of
the EN. Once Program Integrity is confident the EN is creating quality and compliant IWPs, they will
authorize permission and rights for the EN to assign Tickets directly via the Ticket Portal.
The EN must send the IWP no later than 14 calendar days after both the EN and the Ticketholder have
signed and dated it. Program Integrity will review IWPs within seven business days from receipt date.
IWP Submission Coversheet: TPM developed the IWP Submission Coversheet to streamline the IWP
submission process and ensure that appropriate Program Integrity staff receive the IWP. To avoid
delays, ENs should use this coversheet to provide the necessary information and identify the reason
for submitting the IWP.
ENs should submit IWPs with the IWP Submission Coversheet via Government-to-Government
Services Online (GSO). If unable to submit via GSO, fax to 1-703-893-4020,
ATTN: Program Integrity/Ticket Assignment.
If faxing is not feasible, ENs can mail IWPs to:
Ticket Program Manager (TPM)
ATTN: Ticket Assignment
P.O. Box 1433
Alexandria, VA 22313
Once an EN can assign Tickets via the Ticket Portal, they are required to assign the Ticket within 14
calendar days of the signature dates on the IWP. The claim month in which the first Ticket payment is
eligible may be impacted if the Ticket is assigned more than 14 calendar days after the signature.
The EN cannot begin working with the Ticketholder until the EN assigns the Ticket via the Ticket Portal
or Program Integrity assigns the Ticket for new ENs.
For additional information, you will find SSA Form 1370 under the “Tools for Success” section via this
link: IWP Form SSA-1370.
For more details regarding Submitting an Individual Work Plan, please refer to TPA Part III, Section 4.D.
Amending IWPs
The IWP should be a “living document.” Over time, the Ticketholder’s goals and the support they need
may change. When this occurs, the EN and Ticketholder should discuss the changes and mutually
agree to amend the IWP with new goals and/or services and supports. This must be documented,
dated, and signed by both parties and added as an attachment to the original IWP. ENs must always
include amendments when SSA or TPM requests an IWP. A scenario of an amendment to an IWP might
be if a Ticketholder decided to change their goals and needed additional support from the EN. In this
case, the EN must include both the new goals and additional support in the amendment. In another
example, the EN should amend the original IWP if the Ticketholder determines a service or support is
no longer necessary.
The amendment should include:
EN name and PID
The revised employment and financial goals
The revised service and supportsthe EN will provide
Ticketholder signature and date
EN Representative’s printed name, signature and date
Storing IWPs
ENs should store or file IWPs in a secure location.
Retention of records requirements are as follows (see TPA Part III, Section 11.K.):
1. During the life of the TPA, the EN may destroy any records for a Ticketholder three years following
unassignment of the Ticket. If not destroyed, the EN must securely maintain the records in the
manner they would maintain assigned Ticketholder records.
2. The EN shall retain all Ticketholder records at the time of the expiration or termination of its TPA
for a period not to exceed one year following the termination or expiration date, unless directed
otherwise by SSA.
3. The EN is responsible for the disposal of (or arranging for the disposal of) Ticketholder Personally
Identifiable Information (PII) in a safe and secure manner, including Ticketholder PII maintained by
subcontractors or provider partners performing services for the EN under the TPA.
Destroy paper documents containing PII by burning, pulping, shredding, macerating or other
means. Ensure that someone cannot recover or use the information. Hand tearing or lining
through documents does not meet SSA’s guidelines for appropriate destruction of PII.
Destroy electronic devices and media (e.g., computers, disk drives, CDs, DVDs, flash drives,
and magnetic tape) containing PII by overwriting using approved software, degaussing using
approved magnetic fields or physical destruction using approved techniques.
For more details regarding Storing an Individual Work Plan, please refer to TPA Part III, Section 11.K.
Either the Ticketholder or the EN can request a Ticket unassignment.
The Ticketholder can obtain the Ticket Unassignment Form from the Choose Work website or
the Beneficiary Help Line, phone: 1-866-968-7842 or 1-866-833-2967 (TTY/TDD), or email:
[email protected]. The Ticketholder can mail or fax the unassignment request to the
Ticket Program Manager. ENs can also send unassignment requests via fax or mail or through their
GSO account.
Ticketholder Unassignment Request: The Ticketholder must complete, date and sign the Ticket
Unassignment Form. An EN may place language in the IWP requesting a Ticketholder to notify the
EN if they intend to unassign their Ticket. However, this is not a requirement for the Ticketholder.
ENs may unassign a Ticket any time they are unable to or no longer willing to provide services to the
Ticketholder. ENs may also unassign a Ticket when they have lost contact with the Ticketholder and
have exhausted all contact methods to reach the Ticketholder.
EN Unassignment Request: In most cases, ENs can unassign Tickets via the Ticket Portal. However,
there may be instances in which the EN must reach out to TPM for Ticket unassignment (for
example, the EN doesn’t have access to unassign Tickets in the Ticket Portal). The EN Unassignment
Request Template outlines the information needed to process a Ticket unassignment request. SSA
will also accept other formats, assuming the necessary information is included.
ENs should submit Ticket unassignment requests via Government Services Online (GSO). If unable to
submit via GSO, ENs can fax the request.
The Ticketholder or the EN can fax Ticket Unassignment Forms to 703-893-4020,
ATTN: Ticket Unassignment or mail to:
Ticket Program Manager (TPM)
ATTN: Ticket Unassignment
P.O. Box 1433
Alexandria, VA 22313
For more details regarding Ticket Unassignment, please refer to TPA Part III, Section 2.E.
For more details about how to request payments after Ticket Unassignment, please refer to TPA Part III- Section 5.D.2.a. & b.
TPM’s Program Integrity office conducts periodic Services and Supports (S&S) Reviews for
Social Security to ensure ENs comply with performance expectations under the TPA. For
these reviews, Program Integrity reviews a random sample of assigned Tickets to confirm
that ENs provide all required services and supports for Ticketholders.
Tips for a Successful Services and Supports Review
Prepare as best as you can for a successful Services and Supports Review using these tips:
Start with a well-written and detailed IWP using the information provided above.
Provide the Ticketholder the services and supports agreed upon in the IWP.
Amend IWPs when needed and store the amendments with the original IWP.
Maintain thorough records and properly file documents to ensure quick retrieval of IWPs and case notes.
Document communications with Ticketholders, contact attempts, and services provided in the case
notes when they occur.The case notes should include the services and support the EN provides
during the contact.
Review your Ticket assignments monthly during the initial phase and quarterly during the ongoing
phase and unassign Tickets for the Ticketholders you are not actively working with or have lost
contact with.
During Initial Job Acquisition Phase through the end of Phase 1 Milestones: In the event the
EN does not have a two-way conversation with the Ticketholder, or the Ticketholder requests no
contact, the EN shall unassign the Ticket within 60 days from the date of initial contact attempt.
During the Ongoing Support Phase 2 Milestones through Ticket Unassignment: In the
event the EN does not have a two-way communication with the Ticketholder, or the Ticketholder
requests no further contact, the EN shall unassign the Ticket within 180 days from the date of
initial contact attempt.
Review Ticketholder files regularly to determine if the IWP needs amending, the Ticketholder needs
to adjust goals, and/or if you need to adjust services.
To ensure meeting the request due date, once the EN receives the Services and Supports Review
request via GSO, identify the suitable staff that will gather the required documents and, if different,
who will submit the documents through GSO.
Include all required documents for every Ticketholder prior to sending the documents. Required
documents include IWP, IWP amendments (if applicable), and case notes. Include case notes for a
minimum of two and a maximum of three years. ENs must include all case notes for Ticketholders
assigned less than two years.
Simplify the review process by creating a separate file or PDF for each Ticketholder containing only
their IWP, case notes and, if applicable, IWP amendments.
Informing Ticketholders about the Ticket to Work Program
ENs must provide this information to every beneficiary interested in participating in the
Ticket Program.
Guidance for Completing Individual Work Plans (IWPs) with Example (PDF)
ENs can reference this guidance to review details for completing a Ticketholder’s IWP.
What is Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program?
ENs may use this fact sheet to inform the Ticketholder about the Ticket Program, how to get started,
and the necessary steps to reach their employment goals.
Debunking the Three Biggest Myths about Disability Benefits and Work
This fact sheet is a resource for beneficiaries to ease their concerns and create understanding about
how participation in the Ticket Program works with their disability benefits.