Date: 6/7/22
Virtual Meeting
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET / 12:00 – 1:00 a.m. CT / 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. MT / 10:00 11:00 a.m. PT
Wanchin Chou, Co-Chair Connecticut Anna Krylova New Mexico
Halina Smosna, Co-Chair New York Tom Botsko Ohio
Robert Ridenour, Vice Chair Florida Andrew Schallhorn Oklahoma
Laura Clements California Will Davis South Carolina
Judy Mottar Illinois Miriam Fisk Texas
Gordon Hay Nebraska
NAIC Support Staff: Eva Yeung
1. Hear a Presentation from the International Society of Catastrophe Managers Attachment A
(ISCM) On Its ProgramShari S. Zola (International Society of Catastrophe
2. Discuss
the Independent Model Review Instruction in the Rcat Component Attachment B
Wanchin Chou (CT)
3. Evaluate Other Catastrophe Risks for Possible Inclusion in the Rcat Component
Halina Smosna (NY)
4. Consider Exposure of Proposal 2022-04-CR (2013-2021 Wildfire Event Lists) Attachment C
Wanchin Chou (CT)
5. Discuss Any Other Matters Brought Before the SubgroupWanchin Chou (CT)
6. Adjournment
Attachment A
Best Practice Experts
Gain and demonstrate knowledge of practical
applications in catastrophe modeling
Property / Cat Insurance Market Standards
Understanding Best Use of Catastrophe Models
Proven knowledge & support of Property Cat
(re)insurance value chain
4 courses & exams + Ethics Course (waivers for exam 1)
Experienced Industry Professional Pathway available by
nomination with 5+ years experience
Recognized Subject Matter Experts
Demonstrate advanced applications and
methodologies of catastrophe risk management or
development/delivery of models
Customized / Advanced Applications
Tailoring Own View of CAT Risk
Capable of Critical Assessments
Trusted Advisor to Senior Stakeholders
Experienced Industry Professional Pathway available by
New Technical pathway available
No exams yet – targeting 2024 for Risk Managers
For more information visit www.catmanagers.org/accreditation
and www.catriskcredentials.org
Credentialization – Proven Experience
Certified Specialist in Catastrophe Risk (CSCR)
Certified Catastrophe Risk Management Professional (CCRMP)
Proof &
recognition of
Joint endeavor
between ISCM &
Over 180
Industry defined
Attachment A
Continuing Education
2021 Education Events
Thunderstorm and Midwest Derecho panel
Liability Exposure Management
Asia-Pacific Seismic Risk Viewed Through a Global Lens
LMA/ISCM Webinar: Climate Risk
Open Source Catastrophe Modeling panel
Catastrophe Model Validation – An External Perspective
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: How will it
shape cat risk management?
Learning from Catastrophe Surprises
Post Event Challenges: Supply Chain, Demand Surge, and
Loss Amplification
Climate Data Analytics in the Catastrophe World
2021 Coffee Talks
March – Careers panel
April – Catastrophe Modeling Exhibits in PowerBI
May – IBHS Housing as Infrastructure
June – Hunting for a Climate Change Signal in Atlantic
Hurricane Noise
July – Website & Discussion Forum
August – From Black Box to Glass Box: Evaluation
Catastrophe Models to Support a View of Risk
October – Impact of USGS 2018 Hazard Update on Loss
December – An Introduction to Cyber
Attachment A
Continuing Education
2022 Education Events
January APAC webinar
Landfalling Tropical Cyclones in East Asia: Variability and
Future Projections
March IUA/Oasis webinar with ISCM guest speakers
Cat Women – Highlighting female role models in the
Catastrophe Community
April – Lessons Learnt from European Flood “Bernd”
June – Scenario Modeling
August – Effective Science Communication by Prof Scott St.
2022 Coffee Talks
January – 2021 Cat Review
March – Open-Source Interoperability
May – Past, Present, and Future of Terrorism Modeling
July – Hurricane Season Outlook with Phil Klotzbach
Looking for Leaders for the ISCM Coffee
Talk Series:
15 minutes of content - 15 minutes of
If you would like to lead a coffee talk
topic, please send a brief description of
your proposed topic to Emily Sambuco
All non-marketing topics welcome!
Hoping to return to in-person
education events in the fall of 2022
Potential future topics for Education Events or Coffee Talks
Ukraine/Social Unrest
Strikes, Riots, and Civil Commotion Analytics
Credential Process
Actionable approaches for cat managers on sustainability
Incorporating climate risk into statistics
Clash between nat cat and liability
Systemic liability
Cascading risk: volcanos and tsunamis
Cat modeling skillsets utilized outside the insurance industry
Spectrum of Professionalism
Estimating and Trending Losses
Attachment A
ISCM Website
ISCM Archive
Member only access to past presentation slide
decks / webinar recordings
Topic Forum
Post- webinar / conference discussions
Structured discussions by topic
Open chat
Event postings & registration
Membership subscriptions
Resource Library
Reference documents by peril, company,
White papers
Industry reports
Description of various credentials and
Value proposition
Templates for candidates and managers
Visit the website: www.catmanagers.org
Attachment A
Executive Directors
Corporate Members
Julie Serakos, Secretary
Dan Dick, Treasurer
David Keeton, Immediate Past President
Avoca Risk Management Solutions
Jon Ward, Vice President
Shari Zola, President
Munich Re
Matt Nielsen
Peter Bingenheimer
Tom Larsen
Ron Nash, Past President
Nick DiMuzio, Past President
Axa XL
Alan Godfrey
Sompo International
Maria Kovas, Past President
Brian Bastian
Guy Carpenter
Mark Christensen
Megan Hart
Kelly Hereid
Liberty Mutual
Monica Mason
Core Specialty
David Singh
MS Amlin
Jeff Tennis
Cincinnati Re
Emma Watkins
Peter Zimmerli
Axis Capital
Current Board of Directors
Interested in helping to lead this community
by joining the ISCM Board?
The Nomination Committee is currently
reviewing “credentialed” candidates to fill
open board seats. Let us know if you would
like to be considered.
Attachment A
A special thank you to all our volunteers, we wouldn’t be able to do
this without your hard work and dedication.
Mark Tilbury
W/R/B Underwriting
Steve Greenberg
Insight Catastrophe
Imelda Powers
Guy Carpenter
Megan Royek Carne – Allstate
Tim Edwards TigerRisk
Christopher Fox – Aon
Shubharoop Ghosh – ImageCat
Jason Kowieski – Guy Carpenter
Howard Kunst CoreLogic
Michelle McClane Munich Re Specialty Insurance
Kerry Mindiak – BMS
Brittany Recker – Munich Re Specialty Insurance
Emily Sambuco – Liberty Mutual
Andy Siffert – BMS
Craig Tillman – WeatherPredict
LeeAnn Tomko – Intact Insurance
Veronica Van Dyke American Family
Past Board Members
Liz Cleary – Guy Carpenter
Randy Law – Chubb Tempest Re
Minchong Mao – Aon
Brian Owens
Chris Zumbrum – Guy Carpenter
Attachment A
Manages the website
containing events
calendar; resource
library; ISCM archive;
forum; membership
Plan virtual and in
person sessions for all
levels in the field.
Messaging current
happenings and web
content. Promoting ISCM
and the Cat Credentials.
Development and
maintenance of exams,
review of Experienced
Industry Practitioner
email us: info@catmanagers.org
ISCM Committees
Get Involved
Attachment A
ISCM Membership
To become member visit our Website at
Already a member, please update your
Attachment A
© 1994-2022 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 1 6/10/2022
PR027A, PR027B, PR027C, PR027, AND PR027INT
The catastrophe risk charge for earthquake (PR027A), and hurricane (PR027B), and wildfire for informational purposes only PR027C) risks is calculated by multiplying the RBC
factors by the corresponding modeled losses and reinsurance recoverables. The risk applies on a net basis with a corresponding contingent credit risk charge for certain categories of
reinsurers. Data must be provided for the worst year in 50, 100, 250, and 500; however, only the worst year in 100 will be used in the calculation of the catastrophe risk charge. While
projected losses modeled on an Aggregate Exceedance Probability basis is preferred, companies are permitted to report on an Occurrence Exceedance Probability basis if that is consistent
with the company’s internal risk management process.
The projected losses can be modeled using the following NAIC approved third party commercial vendor catastrophe models: AIR, EQECATCoreLogic for earthquake and hurricane
only, RMS, KCC, the ARA HurLoss Model (hurricane only), or the Florida Public Model for hurricane, as well as catastrophe models that are internally developed by the insurer or that
are the result of adjustments made by the insurer to vendor models to represent the own view of catastrophe risk (hereinafter “own models”).
However, an insurer seeking to use an own model must first obtain written permission to do so by the domestic or lead state insurance regulator. In the situation where the model output
is used to determine the catastrophe risk capital requirement for a single entity, the regulator granting permission to use the own model is the domestic state. In the situation where the
model output is used to determine the catastrophe risk capital requirement for a group, the grantor is the lead state regulator. In the situation where the insurer seeking permission is a
non-U.S. insurer, the grantor shall be the lead state regulator. Under all scenarios, the regulator that is granting permission should inform other domestic states that have a catastrophe
risk exposure and share the results of the review.
To obtain permission to use the own model, the insurer must provide the domestic or lead state insurance regulator with written evidence of each of the following:
1. The use of the own model is reasonable considering the nature, scale, and complexity of the insurer’s catastrophe risk
The own model is used for catastrophe risk management, capital assessment, and the capital allocation process and the model has been used for at least the last 3
. The perils included in the RBC Catastrophe Risk Charge have been validated by the insurer and that these perils include both US and global exposures, where ap
4. The own model has been developed using reasonable data and assumptions and that model results used in determining the RBC Catastrophe Risk Charge reflect exposure data
that is no older than six months;
5. The insurer has individuals with experience in developing, testing and validating internal models or engages third parties with such experience. The insurer must provide
pporting model documentation and a copy of the latest validation report and the insurer is solely responsible for the relevant cost. For each peril included in the RBC
Catastrophe Risk Charge, the validation report should attest that the projected losses are a reasonable quantification of the exposure of the reporting entity. The validation
report must provide a description of the scope, content, results and limitations of the validation, the individual qualifications of validation team and the date of the validation.
Both the model documentation and the model validation report must be provided at a minimum once every five years, or whenever the lead or domestic state calls an
examination; whenever there is a material change in the model; or whenever there is a material change in the insurer’s exposure to catastrophe expos
. The results of the own model should be compared with the results produced by at least one of the following models: AIR, EQECATCoreLogic for earthquake and
only, RMS, KCC, ARA HurLoss (hurricane only), or the Florida Public Model for hurricane. The insurer must provide the comparison and an explanation of the drivers of
differences between the results produced by the internal model vs. results produced by the selected prescribed model.
7. If the own model has been approved or accepted by the non-U.S. group-wide supervisor for use in the determination of regulatory capital, the insurer must submit eviden
ce, if
available, from t
he non-US group-wide supervisor of the most recent approval/acceptance including the description of scope, content, results and limitations of the
approval/acceptance process and dates of any planned future approval/acceptance, if known. The name and the contact information of a contact person at the non-US group-
wide supervisor should also be provided for questions on the approval/acceptance proces
Attachment B
© 1994-2022 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 2 6/10/2022
If the lead or domestic state determines that permission to use the own model cannot be granted, the insurer shall be required to determine the RBC Catastrophe Risk Charge through
the use of one of the third party commercial vendor models (AIR, EQECATCoreLogic for earthquake and hurricane only, RMS, KCC, ARA HurLoss (hurricane only)), or the Florida
Public Model for hurricane, as advised by the lead state or domestic state.
If the lead or domestic state determines that permission to use the own model can be granted to determine the RBC Catastrophe Risk Charge, the model will be subject to additional
review through the ongoing examination process. If, as a result of the examination, the lead or domestic state determines that permission to use the own model should be revoked, the
insurer may be required to resubmit the risk-based capital filing and any past filings so impacted where own model was used, as directed by the lead state or domestic state.
If the insurer obtains permission to use the own model, it cannot revert back to using third party commercial vendor models to determine the RBC Catastrophe Risk Charge in subsequent
reporting periods, unless this is agreed with the lead or domestic state that granted permission.
The contingent credit risk charge should be calculated in a manner consistent with the way the company internally evaluates and manages its modeled net catastrophe risk.
Note that no tax effect offsets or reinstatement premiums should be included in the modeled losses. Further note that the catastrophe risk charge is for earthquake and hurricane risks
As per the footnote on this page, modeled losses to be entered PR027A, and PR027B and PR027C in Lines (1) through (4) are to be calculated using one of the third party commercial
vendor models – AIR, EQECATCoreLogic for earthquake and hurricane only, RMS, KCC, ARA HurLoss (hurricane only); or the Florida Public Model (hurricane only)or the insurer’s
own catastrophe model; and using the insurance company’s own insured property exposure information as inputs to the model. The insurance company may elect to use the modeled
results from any one of the models, or any combination of results of two or more of the models. Each insurer will not be required to utilize any prescribed set of modeling assumptions
but will be expected to use the same exposure data, modeling, and assumptions that the insurer uses in its own internal catastrophe risk management process. Any exceptions must be
explained in the required Attestation Re: Catastrophe Modeling Used in RBC Catastrophe Risk Charges within this RBC Report.
The Grand Total (PR027) page includes an iInterrogatory on page (PR027INT) to supports an exemption from filing the catastrophe risk charge.
ny company qualifying for exemption from the earthquake risk charge must identify the particular criteria from among (1a), (1b), (2) and (3) that provides its qualification for
exemption, and may leave the other three items from this group of four possible qualifications for exemption blank; except identification of criteria (3) as the basis for the exemption
requires a further answer to (3a) and (3b). ). If an insurer does not write or assume earthquake risks leaving no gross exposure, enter an “X” in PR027INT interrogatory 3, with no need
to fill in (3a) and (3b). If the company qualifies for exemption from the earthquake risk charge, page PR027A and line (1) on PR027 may be left blank.
Any company qualifying for exemption from the hurricane risk charge must identify the particular criteria from among (4a), (4b), (5) and (6) that provides its qualification for exemption,
and may leave the other three items from this second group of four possible qualifications for exemption blank. If an insurer does not write or assume hurricane risks leaving no gross
exposure, enter an “X” in PR027INT interrogatory 6.If the company qualifies for exemption from the earthquake risk charge, page PR027A and line (1) on this page may be left blank.
If the company qualifies for exemption from the hurricane risk charge, page PR027B and line (2) on this pagePR027 may be left blank. If an insurer does not write or assume hurricane
risks leaving no gross exposure, enter an “X” in interrogatory 6.
y company qualifying for exemption from the wildfire risk charge must identify the particular criteria from among (7a), (7b), (8) and (9) that provides its qualification for exemption
and may leave the other three items from this third group of four possible qualifications for exemption blank. If an insurer does not write or assume hurricane risks leaving no gross
exposure, enter an “X” in PR027INT interrogatory 9. If the company qualifies for exemption from the wildfire risk charge, page PR027C and line (3) on PR027 may be left blank
In general, the following conditions will qualify a company for exemption: if it uses an intercompany pooling arrangement or quota share arrangement with U.S. affiliates covering
100% of its earthquake, and hurricane and wildfire risks such that there is no exposure for these risks; if it has a ratio of Insured Value – Property to surplus as regards policyholders of
less than 50%; or if it writes Insured Value – Property that includes hurricane, and/or earthquake and/or wildfire coverage in catastrophe-prone areas representing less than 10% of its
surplus as regards policyholders.
Attachment B
© 1994-2022 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 3 6/10/2022
“Insured Value – Property” includes aggregate policy limits for structures and contents for policies written and assumed in the following annual statement lines – Fire, Allied Lines,
Earthquake, Farmowners, Homeowners, and Commercial Multi-Peril.
“Catastrophe-Prone Areas in the U.S.” include:
i. For hurricane risks, Hawaii, District of Columbia and states and commonwealths bordering on the Atlantic Ocean and/or the Gulf of Mexico including Puerto Rico.
ii. For earthquake risk or for fire following earthquake, any of the following commonwealth or states: Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah,
Arizona, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, and geographic areas in the following states that are in the New Madrid Seismic Zone - Missouri, Arkansas,
Mississippi, Tennessee, Illinois and Kentucky.
iii. For wildfire risk, California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Nevada, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Washington, Arizona, and Utah.
Specific Instructions for Application of the Formula
Column (1) – Direct and Assumed Modeled Losses
These are the direct and assumed modeled losses per the first footnote. Include losses only; no loss adjustment expenses. For companies that are part of an inter-company pooling
arrangement, the losses in this column should be consistent with those reported in Schedule P, i.e. losses reported in this column should be the gross losses for the pool multiplied by the
company’s share of the pool.
Column (2) – Net Modeled Losses
These are the net modeled losses per the footnote. Include losses only; no loss adjustment expenses.
Column (3) - Ceded Amounts Recoverable
These are the modeled losses ceded under any reinsurance contract. Include losses only, no loss adjustment expenses, and should be associated with the Net Modeled Losses.
Column (4) - Ceded Amounts with Zero Credit Risk Charge
Per the footnote, modeled catastrophe losses that would be ceded to the categories of reinsurers that are not subject to the RBC credit risk charge (i.e., U.S. affiliates and mandatory
pools, whether authorized, unauthorized, or certified).
Column (6) – Amount
These are automatically calculated based on the previous columns.
Column (7) - RBC Requirement
A factor of 1.000 is applied to the reported modeled catastrophe losses calculated on both AEP and OEP basis, and a factor of 0.018 is applied to the reinsurance recoverables. The RBC
Requirement is based on either AEP reported results or OEP reported results (not both), consistent with the way the company internally evaluates and manages its modeled net catastrophe
Column (5) – Y/N
Please indicate “Y” for OEP basis and “N” for AEP basis. This column should not be blank.
Attachment B
(7) Completed By:
Last First Middle
(7) Email: (7) Phone: Date:
Provide an explanation of the methodology used to derive the amounts in columns 3 and 4 of page PR027A and PR027B.
The following describes the steps taken to validate, to the best of the Company's knowledge and belief, the accuracy and completeness of the exposure data used in the modeling process to determine the Rcat catastrophe risk charges (provide attachments if
The company further certifies that the underlying exposure data used in the catastrophe modeling process is accurate and complete to the best of our knowledge and ability, with the following limitations:
The following describes the extent to which the exposure location data is accurate to GPS coordinates; to zip code; and to a level less accurate than zip code: (provide attachments if necessary):
hereby certifies that the modeled catastrophe losses for earthquake risk and hurricane risk entered on lines 1 through 3 of Schedule PR027 of this Risk-Based Capital Report were determined by
(7) Completed on behalf of:
The following describes the company's application of catastrophe modeling to the determination of the Rcat risk charges: (Include which models are used in what combinations for each of the Rcat charges; what key modeling assumptions are used, including but not
limited to time dependency, secondary uncertainty, storm surge, demand surge, and fire following earthquake; and the rationale for treatment of each issue or item): (provide attachments if necessary):
Company Name
These exceptions, if any, are made for the following reasons:
applying the same catastrophe models or combination of models to the same underlying exposure data, and using the same modeling assumptions, as the company uses in its own internal risk managemnt process, with the following exceptions:
Attachment B
(1) (2) 3† (4)†
Direct and Assumed Net Ceded Amounts Recoverable Ceded Amounts Recoverable
with zero Credit Risk Charge
Worst Year in 50
Company Records
Worst Year in 100
Company Records
Worst Year in 250
Company Records
Worst Year in 500
Company Records
Has the company reported above, its modeled earthquake losses using an occurrence exceedance probability (OEP) basis?
(6) (7)
Factor RBC Requirement
(C(6) * Factor)
Net Earthquake Risk 0 1.000 0
Contingent Credit Risk for Earthquake Risk 0 0.018 0
Total Earthquake Catastrophe Risk (AEP Basis) 0 1.000 0
Total Earthquake Catastrophe Risk (OEP Basis) 0 1.000 0
Total Earthquake Catastrophe Risk 0
L(8) C(7) + L(9) C(7)
Modeled Losses
L(2) C(2)
L(2) C(3) - C(4)
If L(5) C(5) = "N", L(8) C(6) = L(6) C(7)+ L(7) C(7), otherwise "0"
If L(5) C(5) = "Y", L(9) C(6) = L(6) C(7)+ L(7) C(7), otherwise "0"
††Column (4) is modeled catastrophe losses that would be ceded to the categories of reinsurers that are not subject to the RBC credit risk charge (i.e., U.S. affiliates and mandatory pools, whether authorized, unauthorized, or certified).
Lines (1)-(4): Modeled losses to be entered on these lines are to be calculated using one of the following NAIC approved third party commercial vendor catastrophe models - AIR, EQECAT, RMS, the ARA HurLoss Model, or the Florida Public Model for
hurricane; or a catastrophe model that is internally developed by the insurer and has received permission of use by the lead or domestic state. The insurance company's own insured property exposure information should be used as inputs to the model(s). The
insurance company may elect to use the modeled results from any one of the models, or any combination of the results of two or more of the models. Each insurer will not be required to utilize any prescribed set of modeling assumptions, but will be expected
to use the same data, modeling, and assumptions that the insurer uses in its own internal catastrophe risk management process. An attestation to this effect and an explanation of the company's key assumptions and model selection may be required, and the
company's catastrophe data, assumptions, model and results may be subject to examination.
† Column (3) is modeled catastrophe losses that would be ceded under reinsurance contracts. This should be associated with the Net Modeled Losses shown in Column (2).
Denotes items that must be manually entered on the filing software.
Attachment B
(1) (2) 3† (4)†
Direct and Assumed Net Ceded Amounts Recoverable Ceded Amounts Recoverable
with zero Credit Risk Charge
Worst Year in 50
Company Records
Worst Year in 100
Company Records
Worst Year in 250
Company Records
Worst Year in 500
Company Records
Has the company reported above, its modeled hurricane losses using an occurrence exceedance probability (OEP) basis?
(6) (7)
Factor RBC Requirement
(C(6) * Factor)
Net Hurricane Risk 0 1.000 0
Contingent Credit Risk for Hurricane Risk 0 0.018 0
Total Hurricane Catastrophe Risk (AEP Basis) 0 1.000 0
Total Hurricane Catastrophe Risk (OEP Basis) 0 1.000 0
Total Hurricane Catastrophe Risk 0
Denotes items that must be manually entered on the filing software.
Modeled Losses
L(2) C(2)
L(2) C(3) - C(4)
If L(5) C(5) = "N", L(8) C(6) = L(6) C(7)+ L(7) C(7), otherwise "0"
If L(5) C(5) = "Y", L(9) C(6) = L(6) C(7)+ L(7) C(7), otherwise "0"
L(8) C(7) + L(9) C(7)
Lines (1)-(4): Modeled losses to be entered on these lines are to be calculated using one of the following NAIC approved third party commercial vendor catastrophe models - AIR, EQECAT, RMS, the ARA HurLoss Model, or the Florida Public Model
hurricane; or a catastrophe model that is internally developed by the insurer and has received permission of use by the lead or domestic state. The insurance company's own insured property exposure information should be used as inputs to the model(s). The
insurance company may elect to use the modeled results from any one of the models, or any combination of the results of two or more of the models. Each insurer will not be required to utilize any prescribed set of modeling assumptions, but will be expected
to use the same data, modeling, and assumptions that the insurer uses in its own internal catastrophe risk management process. An attestation to this effect and an explanation of the company's key assumptions and model selection may be required, and the
company's catastrophe data, assumptions, model and results may be subject to examination.
††Column (4) is modeled catastrophe losses that would be ceded to the categories of reinsurers that are not subject to the RBC credit risk charge (i.e., U.S. affiliates and mandatory pools, whether authorized, unauthorized, or certified).
† Column (3) is modeled catastrophe losses that would be ceded under reinsurance contracts. This should be associated with the Net Modeled Losses shown in Column (2).
Attachment B
RBC Amount
(1) Total Earthquake Catastrophe Risk PR027A L(10) C(7)
(2) Total Hurricane Catastrophe Risk PR027B L(10) C(7)
Total Catastrophe Risk (R
SQRT(L(1)^2 + L(2)^2)
INTERROGATORY TO SUPPORT EXEMPTION FROM COMPLETING PR027 (To be completed by companies reporting no RBC charge in either Line 1 or Line 2)
Place an "X" in the appropriate
cell for the criteria under which
the company is claiming an
Earthquake Exemption (To be completed by companies reporting no RBC charge in Line 1) -
(1) The company has not entered into a reinsurance agreement covering earthquake exposure with a non-affiliate or a non-US affiliate and, either
1a) the company participates in an inter-company pooling arrangement with 0% participation, leaving no net exposure for earthquake risks; Or
1b) the company cedes 100% of its earthquake exposures to its US affiliate(s), leaving no net exposure for earthquake risks
he Company's Ratio of Insured Value - Property to surplus as regards policyholders is less than 50%
(3) The company has written Insured Value - Property that includes earthquake coverage in the Earthquake-Prone areas representing less than 10% of its surplus as regards policyholders
For any company qualifying for the exemption under 3 provide details about how the "geographic areas in the New Madrid Seismic Zone" were determined.
(3a) What resource was used to define the New Madrid Seismic Zone?
(3b) Was exposure determined based on zip codes or counties in the zone, was it based on all of the earthquake exposure in the identified states or was another methodology used? Describe any other
methodology used.
B Hurricane Exemption (To be completed by companies reporting no RBC charge in Line 2) -
4a) the company participates in an inter-company pooling arrangement with 0% participation, leaving no net exposure for hurricane risks; Or
4b) the company cedes 100% of its hurricane exposures to its US affiliate(s), leaving no net exposure for hurricane risks
he Company's Ratio of Insured Value - Property to surplus as regards policyholders is less than 50%
(6) The company has written Insured Value - Property that includes hurricane coverage in the Hurricane-Prone areas representing less than 10% of its surplus as regards policyholders
"Earthquake-Prone areas" include any of the following states or commonwealths: Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado,
New Mexico, Puerto Rico, and geographic areas in the following states that are in the New Madrid Seismic Zone - Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Illinois and Kentucky.
"Hurricane-Prone areas" include Hawaii, District of Columbia and states and commonwealths bordering on the Atlantic Ocean, and/or Gulf of Mexico including Puerto Rico.
he company has not entered into a reinsurance agreement covering hurricane exposure with a non-affiliate or a non-US affiliate and, either
Denotes items that must be manually entered on the filing software.
Attachment B
2022 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
ital Adequacy (E) Task Force
RBC Proposal Form
[ ] Capital Adequacy (E) Task Force [ ] Health RBC (E) Working Group [ ] Life RBC (E) Working Group
[ x ] Catastrophe Risk (E) Subgroup [ ] Investment RBC (E) Working Group [ ] Op Risk RBC (E) Subgroup
[ ] C3 Phase II/ AG43 (E/A) Subgroup [ ] P/C RBC (E) Working Group
[ ] Stress Testing (E) Subgroup
DATE: 11/1/2021
TELEPHONE: 816-783-8407
EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]
ON BEHALF OF: Catastrophe Risk (E) Subgroup
NAME: Wanchin Chou
TITLE: Chair
AFFILIATION: Connecticut Department of Insurance
ADDRESS: 153 Market St,
Hartford, CT 06103
Agenda Item # 2022-04-CR
Year 2022
[ ] Health RBC Blanks [ ] Property/Casualty RBC Blanks [ ] Life RBC Instructions
[ ] Fraternal RBC Blanks [ ] Health RBC Instructions [ ] Property/Casualty RBC Instructions
[ ] Life RBC Blanks [ ] Fraternal RBC Instructions [ x ] OTHER __Cat Event Lists___
2013-2021 U.S. and non-U.S. Catastrophe Event Lists
Adding 2013 through 2021Wildfire events for 2022 RBC reporting
Additional Staff Comments:
** This section must be completed on all forms. Revised 11-2013
Attachment C
Type of Even
Year Name Date Location
Overall losses when occurre
Wildfire 2013 Black Forest 6/11/13-6/20/13 Colorado Springs ~ 420.5 million
Wildfire 2013 Rim 8/17/13-9/20/13 Sierra Nevada, California > 100 million
Wildfire 2014 Texas 5/11/14-5/20/14 Texas, California > 25 million
Wildfire 2015 Butte Fire 9/9/15-10/1/15 Amador County, California ~ 300 million
Wildfire 2015 Valley Fire 9/12/15-10/15/15 Lake, Napa and Sonoma County, California ~ 700 million
Wildfire 2016 Erskine Fire 6/23/16-7/11/16 Lake Isabella, Kern County, California ~26 million
Wildfire 2016 Soberanes Fire 7/22/16-9/30/16 Soberanes Creek, Garrapata State Park, Santa Lucia Preserve, Monterey County, California > 200 million
Wildfire 2016 Chimney Fire 8/13/16-9/6/16 Santa Lucia Range, San Luis Obispo County, California > 25 million
Wildfire 2016 Clayton Fire 8/13/16-8/26/16 Lake County, California >25 million
Wildfire 2016 Gatlinburg Wildfire 11/29/16-12/5/16 Sevier County, Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee ~637 million
Wildfire 2017 Northern California Wildfires
10/8/17-10/31/17 Northern Californi
~ 11 billion
Wildfire 2017 Southern California Wildfires
12/4/17-12/23/17 Southern California
~ 2.2 billion
Wildfire 2018 Spring Creek Fire 6/27/18-7/11/18 Spring Creek, Colorado
< 100 million
Wildfire 2018
Carr, Mendocino California
7/23/18-8/15/18 Northern California
>1,000 million
Wildfire 2018
Northern California Camp Wildfire
Butte County, California
>7.5 billion
Wildfire 2018
Southern California Woolsey
Los Angeles andVentura County, California
1.5 billion
Wildfire 2019
Australian Bushfires
New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania and Northern
~910 million
Wildfire 2019 Saddleridge Wildfire 10/10/19-10/23/19 Sylmar, Los Angeles, Calimesa, Riverside County, California
<1,000 million
Wildfire 2019 Kincade Wildfire 10/23/19-11/6/19
Northeast of Geyserville, Sonoma County, California
<1,000 million
Wildfire 2020 Cameron Peak 08/13/20-12/02/20 Roosevelt National Forest, Larimer County, Colorado
~71 million
Wildfire 2020 SCU Lighting Complex Wildfire 8/16/20-9/16/20
San Franciscon Bay Area, Central Valleym Santa Clara, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Merced,
<1,000 million
Wildfire 2020 Beachie Creek Wildfire 8/16/20-10/10/20
Approx. 2 miles south of Jaw Bones flats in rugged terrain deep in the Opal Creek Wilderness.
>1,000 million
Wilfire 2020 CZU Lightning Complex Wildfire 8/16/20-9/22/20
San Mateo and Santa Cruz Counties, California
>1,000 million
Wildfire 2020 LNU Lightning Complex WildFire 8/17/20-10/2/20
Lake, Napa, Sonoma, Solano, and Yolo Counties, California
> 1,000 million
Wildfire 2020 Carmel Fire 8/18/20-9/4/20
Carmel Valley, California
<1,000 milion
Wildfire 2020 North Complex Fire 8/18/20-10/12/20
Plumas and Butte Counties, California
<1,000 milion
Wildfire 2020 Creek Fire 9/4/20-10/12/20
Fresno and Madera Counties, California
<1,000 milion
Wildfire 2020 Bobcat Fire 9/6/20-10/23/20
Central San Gabriel Mountains, in and around the Angeles National Forest California
< 1,000 million
Wildfire 2020 Babb Road Fire 9/7/20-9/18/20
Malden and Pine City, Palouse County of Eastern Washington
<1,000 million
Wildfire 2020 Almeda Fire 9/7/20-9/16/20
Jackson County, Oregon
<1,000 milion
Wildfire 2020 Holiday Farm Fire 9/7/20-10/3/20
Willamette National Forest
<1,000 milion
Wildfire 2020 Echo Mountain Complex Fire 9/7/20-9/23/20
north of Lincoln City, Oregon
<100 milion
Wildfire 2020 Riverside FIre 9/8/20-10/3/20
Valley Drive between Misty Ridge Drive and Mitchell Avenue, Oregon
<100 milion
Wildfire 2020 Slater Fire 9/8/20-10-9/20
Northern California and Southern Oregon
<100 million
Wildfire 2020 Glass Fire 9/27/20-10/19/20
Napa and Sonoma Counties, California
> 1,000 million
Wildfire 2020 East Troublesome Fire 10/14/20-11/9/20 Grand County, Colorado ~543 million
Wildfire 2021 Bootleg Wildfire 7/17/21-8/6/21 Northwest of Beatty, Oregon <1,000 million
Wildfire 2021 Dixie Wildfire 7/14/21-10/5/21 Butte, Plumas, Tehama, Lassen and Shasta Counties, California >1,000 million
Wildfire 2021 Caldor Fire 8/14/21-10/5/21
El Dorado National Forest and other areas of the Sierra Nevada in El Dorado, Amador, and Alpine
County, Calfornia
<1,000 million
Wildfire 2021 Corkscrew Fire 8/15/21-8/30/21
Ford, WA; Tum Tum, Springdale, City of Deer Park, Loon Lake, Clayton, H395, Scoop Mt
<100 million
Wilfire 2021 Marshall Fire 12/30/21-1/1/22 Boulder County, Colorado ~ 2 billion
Attachment C
Year Event Type Begin End Event Country Affected Area (Detail)
Munich Re
Insured losses (in
original values,
US$m) Criteria:
insured losses
equal/greater US$
25m. Tries to reflect
non-US losses onl
Swiss Re Sigma:
Insured Loss Est.
US$m (mid point
shown if range given)
Mostly reflect total
US and
nonUS losses
2013 Wildfire 11/01/12 04/01/13 Tasmanian Bushfires Australia
Central Higlands, East coast
(Bicheno), Forestier and Tasman
Peninsulas, Tasmania, Australi
2013 Wildfire 10/17/13 10/31/13
New South Wales
Australia New South Wales ~$138m
2014 Wildfire
Northwest Territories
Northwest Territories, Canada
2015 Wildfire 11/25/15 12/02/15 Pinery Bushfire Australia
Lower Mid North, Light River, West
Barossa, South Australia, Australia
2015 Wildfire 12/25/15
Wye River, Separation
Creek bushfires,
Great Ocean Road region of Victoria,
2016 Wildfire 01/06/16
Western Australia ~$71.25m
2016 Wildfir
05/01/16 05/26/16 Canada Wildfir
Canada Fort McMurra
2016 Wildfire 11/22/16 11/27/16
November 2016 Israel
Various regions in Israel, mainly in
Haifa, Judaean Mountains and the
Sharon Plai
2017 Wildfir
06/06/17 Knysna Fire
South Afric
Knysna region of the Western Cap
Attachment C
2017 Wildfire 07/01/17 08/01/17
British Columnbia
Canada British Columbia >$78m
2017 Wildfire 10/15/17 10/16/17 Iberian Wildfires Portugal
Northern Portugal and Northwestern
2018 Wildfire May-18 Aug-18 Sweden Wildfires Sweden
ranging from north of Arctic Circle to
the sourthern Count
of Scania
2018 Wildfir
Jul-18 Greece Wildfire
Greece Attica, Greece ~38.1
2020 Wildfir
10/04/20 Lake Ohau Fir
New Zealan
Northwest of Lake Ohau Villag
2020 Wildfire 02/05/21 Perth Hills Wildfire Australia
Shire of Mundaring, Shire of
Chittering, Shire of Northam City of
Source: Munich Re's NAT CAT Service, Swiss Re Sigma and Aon Benfield
Attachment C