January 2019
[EDRM Update, 01 Sep 2021]
The following paper was published in 2019 and emphasizes TAR 1.0. EDRM is
grateful to the project team that produced this work product, and Duke Bolch for
producing this point in time guidance.
The EDRM Analytics and Machine Learning Project is in the process of creating
more updated guidance, including Continuous Active Learning (CAL) and other
more advanced and generally accepted protocols and research.
To join a subteam on the Analytics and Machine Learning Project, please
In December 2016, more than 25 EDRM/Duke Law members volunteered to
develop and draft guidelines providing guidance to the bench and bar on the use of
technology assisted review (TAR). Three drafting teams were formed and
immediately began work. The teams gave a progress status report and discussed the
scope of the project at the annual EDRM May 16-17, 2017, workshop, held at the
Duke University campus in Durham, N.C. The number of team volunteers swelled
to more than 50.
The augmented three teams continued to refine the draft during the summer
of 2017 and presented their work at a Duke Distinguished Lawyers’ conference, held
on September 7-8, 2017, in Arlington, Virginia. The conference brought together 15
federal judges and 75-100 practitioners and experts to develop separate “best
practices” to accompany the TAR Guidelines. An initial draft of the best practices is
expected in summer 2019. While the EDRM/Duke “TAR Guidelines” are intended to
explain the TAR process, the “best practices” are intended to provide a protocol on
whether and under what conditions TAR should be used. Together, the documents
provide a strong record and roadmap for the bench and bar, which explain and
support the use of TAR in appropriate cases.
The draft TAR Guidelines were revised in light of the discussions at the
September 2017 TAR Conference, which highlighted several overriding bench and
bar concerns as well as shed light on new issues about TAR. The Guidelines are the
culmination of a process that began in December 2016. Although Duke Law retained
editorial control, this iterative drafting process provided multiple opportunities for
the volunteers on the three teams to confer, suggest edits, and comment on the
Guidelines. Substantial revisions were made throughout the process. Many
compromises, affecting matters on which the 50 volunteer contributors hold
passionate views, were also reached. But the Guidelines should not be viewed as
representing unanimous agreement, and individual volunteer contributors may not
necessarily agree with every recommendation.
James Waldron
Director, EDRM
John Rabiej, Deputy Director
Bolch Judicial Institute
† Copyright © 2019, All Rights Reserved. This document does not necessarily reflect the views of Duke Law School or the Bolch
Judicial Institute or its faculty, or any other organization including the Judicial Conference of the United States or any other
government unit.
The Technology Assisted Review (TAR) Guidelines is the work product of more
than 50 experienced practitioners and experts, who devoted substantial time and
effort to improve the law. Three of them assumed greater responsibility as team
leaders, including:
Mike Quartararo
eDPM Advisory Services
Matt Poplawski
Winston & Strawn
Adam Strayer
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind,
Wharton & Garrison
The following practitioners and ediscovery experts helped draft particular
sections of the text:
Kelly Atherton
NightOwl Discovery
Doug Austin
Ben Barnett
Lilith Bat-Leah
Chris Bojar
Barack Ferrazzano
Michelle Briggs
Goodwin Procter
Jennifer Miranda
Keesal Young & Logan
David Cohen
Reed Smith
Xavier Diokno
Tara Emory
Driven Inc.
Brian Flatley
Ellis & Winters
Paul Gettmann
Ayfie, Inc.
David Greetham
Robert Keeling
Sidley Austin
Deborah Ketchmark
Jonathan Kiang
John Koss
Mintz Levin
Jon Lavinder
Brandon Mack
Rachi Messing
Michael Minnick
Brooks Pierce
Connie Morales
Capital Digital and
Lynne Nadeau-
Trial Assets
Tim Opsitnick
Constantine Pappas
Chris Paskach
The Claro Group
Donald Ramsey
Stinson Leonard Street
Niloy Ray
Littler Mendelson
Philip Richards
Bob Rohlf
Herbert Roitblat
John Rosenthal
Winston & Strawn
Justin Scranton
Dharmesh Shingala
Michael Shortnacy
King & Spalding LLP
Mimi Singh
Evolver Inc.
Clara Skorstad
Kilpatrick Townsend
Harsh Sutaria
Hope Swancy-Haslam
Stroz Friedberg
Tiana Van Dyk
Burnet Duckworth
& Palmer
Patricia Wallace
Murphy & McGonigle
Ian Wilson
Carolyn Young
We thank Patrick Bradley, Leah Brenner, Matthew Eible, and Calypso Taylor
the four Duke Law, Bolch Judicial Institute Student Fellows, who proofread, cite
checked, and provided valuable comments and criticisms. George Socha, co-founder
of EDRM and BDO managing director, provided rock-solid advice and overview
In particular, we gratefully acknowledge the innumerable hours that Matt
Poplawski, Tim Opsitnick, Mike Quartararo, and James Francis, Distinguished
Lecturer at the City University of New York School of Law and former United States
Magistrate Judge, devoted to reviewing every public comment submitted on the draft.
Their dedication markedly improved the document’s clarity and precision. We also
want to single out the helpful and extensive suggestions made during the public-
comment period by Tara Emory, Xavier Diokno, Bill Dimm, and Trena Patton. We
are indebted to them for their input, along with comments and suggestions submitted
by many others during the public-comment period.
The feedback of the judiciary has been invaluable in exploring the challenges
faced by judges and the viability of the proposed guidelines. The ways in which these
guidelines have benefitted from the candid assessment of the judiciary cannot be
understated. It is with the greatest of thanks that we recognize the contributions of
the 14 judges, who attended the conference and the six judges who reviewed early
drafts and provided comments and suggestions.
EDRM/Duke Law School
January 2019
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly revolutionizing the practice of law. AI
promises to offer the legal profession new tools to increase the efficiency and
effectiveness of a variety of practices. A machine learning process known as
technology assisted review (TAR) is an early iteration of AI for the legal profession.
TAR is redefining the way electronically stored information (ESI) is reviewed.
Machine learning processes like TAR have been used to assist decision-making in
commercial industries since at least the 1960s leading to efficiencies and cost savings
in healthcare, finance, marketing, and other industries. Now, the legal community is
also embracing machine learning, via TAR, to automatically classify large volumes of
documents in discovery. These guidelines will provide guidance on the key principles
of the TAR process. Although these guidelines focus specifically on TAR, they are
written with the intent that, as technology continues to change, the general principles
underlying the guidelines will also apply to future iterations of AI beyond the TAR
TAR is similar conceptually to a fully human-based document review; the
computer just takes the place of much of the human-review work force in conducting
the document review. As a practical matter, in many document reviews, the computer
is faster, more consistent, and more cost effective in finding relevant documents than
human review alone. Moreover, a TAR review can generally perform as well as that
of a human review, provided that there is a reasonable and defensible workflow.
Similar to a fully human-based review where subject-matter attorneys train a
human-review team to make relevancy decisions, the TAR review involves human
reviewers training a computer, such that the computer’s decisions are just as accurate
and reliable as those of the trainers.
Notably, Rule 1 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure calls on courts and
litigants “to secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of every action
and proceeding.” According to a 2012 Rand Corporation report, 73% of the cost
associated with discovery is spent on review.
The potential for significant savings in time and cost, without sacrificing
quality, is what makes TAR most useful. Document-review teams can work more
efficiently because TAR can identify relevant documents faster than human review
and can reduce time wasted reviewing nonrelevant documents.
Moreover, the standard in discovery is reasonableness, not perfection.
Traditional linear or manual review, in which teams of lawyers billing clients review
boxes of paper or countless online documents, is an inefficient method. Problems with
high cost, exorbitant time to complete review, fatigue, human error, disparate
attorney views regarding document substance, and even gamesmanship are all
associated with manual document review. Studies have shown a rate of discrepancy
as high as 50% among reviewers who identify relevant documents by linear review.
The TAR process is also imperfect, and although no one study is definitive, research
suggests that, in some contexts, TAR can be at least as effective as human review.
Indeed, judges have accepted the use of TAR as a reasonable method of review, and
importantly, no reported court decision has found the use of TAR invalid.
The most prominent law firms in the world, on both the plaintiff and the
defense side of the bar, are using TAR. Several large government agencies, including
the DOJ, SEC, and IRS, have recognized the utility and value of TAR when dealing
with large document collections. But in order for TAR to be more widely used and
accepted in discovery, the bench and bar must become more familiar with it, and
certain standards of validity and reliability should be considered to ensure its
accuracy. These guidelines will not only demonstrate the validity and reliability of
TAR but will also demystify the process.
The TAR GUIDELINES reflect the considered views and consensus of the
participants. They may not necessarily reflect the official position of Duke Law
School or the Bolch Judicial Institute as an entity or of Duke Law’s faculty or any
other organization, including the Judicial Conference of the United States.
One final note. There are several different variations of TAR software in the
marketplace. TAR 1.0 and TAR 2.0 are the two most commonly marketed
versions. Although one or the other version may be more prevalent, both continue to
be widely used. These Guidelines are intended to provide guidance to all users of
TAR and apply across the different variations of TAR. These Guidelines assiduously
take no position on which variation is more effective, which may depend on various
factors, including the size and richness of the TAR data population.
As a further example of its reasonableness and legitimacy as a review process, the committee note to
F. R. Evid. 502, states that "Depending on the circumstances, a party that uses advanced analytical
software and linguistic tools in screening for privilege and work product may be found to have taken
'reasonable steps' to prevent inadvertent disclosure."
A. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………. 1
B. T
1. A
2. COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS………………………………………………………
4. QUALITY CONTROL AND TESTING ………………………………………………..
Technology assisted review (referred to as “TAR,” and also called predictive
coding, computer assisted review, or supervised machine learning) is a review process
in which humans work with software (“computer”) to train it to identify relevant
The process consists of several steps, including collection and analysis
of documents, training the computer using software, quality control and testing, and
validation. It is an alternative to the manual review of all documents in a collection.
Although there are different TAR software, all allow for iterative and
interactive review. A human reviewer
reviews and codes (or tags) documents as
“relevant” or “nonrelevant” and feeds this information to the software, which takes
that human input and uses it to draw inferences about unreviewed documents. The
software categorizes documents in the collection as relevant or nonrelevant, or ranks
them in order of likely relevance. In either case, the number of documents reviewed
manually by humans can be substantially limited while still identifying the
documents likely to be relevant, depending on the circumstances.
In fact, the computer classification can be broader than “relevancy,” and can include discovery
relevance, privilege, and other designated issues. For convenience purposes, “relevant” as used in this
paper refers to documents that are of interest and pertinent to an information or search need.
A human reviewer is part of a TAR team. A human reviewer can be an attorney or a non-attorney
working at the direction of attorneys. They review documents that are used to teach the software. We
use the term to help keep distinct the review humans conduct versus that of the TAR software.
The phrase “technology assisted review” can imply a broader meaning that
theoretically could encompass a variety of nonpredictive coding techniques and
methods, including clustering and other “unsupervised”
machine learning
techniques. And, in fact, this broader use of the TAR term has been made in industry
literature, which has added confusion about the function of TAR, defined as a process.
In addition, the variety of software, each with unique terminology and techniques,
has added to the confusion by the bench and bar in how each of these software works.
Parties, the court, and the service provider community have been talking past each
other on this topic because there has been no common starting point to have the
These guidelines are that starting point. As these guidelines make clear, all
TAR software share the same essential workflow components; it is just that there are
variations in the software processes that need to be understood. What follows is a
general description of the fundamental steps involved in TAR.
A team should be selected to finalize and engage in TAR. Members of this team
may include: service provider; software provider; workflow expert; case manager; lead
attorneys; and human reviewers. Chapter Two contains details on the roles and
responsibilities of these members.
TAR starts with the team identifying the universe of electronic documents to
be reviewed. A member of the team inputs documents into the software to build an
analytical index. During the indexing process, the software’s algorithms
each document’s text. Although various algorithms work slightly differently, most
analyze the relationship between words, phrases, and characters, the frequency and
pattern of terms, or other features and characteristics in a document. The software
uses this features-and-characteristics analysis to form a conceptual representation of
the content of each document, which allows the software to compare documents to
one another.
Unsupervised means that the computer does not use human coding or instructions to categorize the
documents as relevant or nonrelevant.
Chapter Two describes each step in greater detail.
All TAR software has algorithms. These algorithms are created by the software makers. TAR teams
generally cannot and do not modify the feature extraction algorithms.
The next step is for human reviewers with knowledge of the issues, facts, and
circumstances of the case to code or tag documents as relevant or nonrelevant. The
first documents to be coded may be selected from the overall collection of documents
through searches, identification through client interviews, creation of one or more
“synthetic documents” based on language contained, for example, in document
requests or the pleadings, or the documents might be randomly selected from the
overall collection. In addition, after the initial-training-documents are analyzed, the
TAR software itself may begin selecting documents that it identifies as: (i) most
helpful to refine its classifications; or (ii) most relevant, based on the human
reviewer’s feedback.
From the human reviewer’s relevancy choices, the computer learns the
reviewer’s preferences. Specifically, the software learns which combinations of terms
or other features tend to occur in relevant documents and which tend to occur in
nonrelevant documents. The software develops a model that it uses to predict and
apply relevance determinations to unreviewed documents in the overall collection.
Quality control and testing are essential parts of TAR, which ensure the
accuracy of decisions made by a human reviewer and by the software. TAR teams
have relied on different methods to provide quality control and testing. One popular
method is to identify a significant number of relevant documents from the outset and
then test the results of the software against those documents. Other software test the
effectiveness of the computer’s categorization and ranking by measuring how many
individual documents have had their computer-coded categories “overturned” by a
human reviewer. Yet other methods involve testing random samples from the set of
unreviewed documents to determine how many relevant documents remain. Methods
for quality control and testing continue to emerge and are discussed more fully in
Chapter Two.
No matter what software is used, the goal of TAR is to effectively categorize or
rank documents both quickly and efficiently, i.e., to find a reasonable number of
relevant documents while keeping the number of nonrelevant documents to be
reviewed by a human as low as possible. The heart of any TAR process is to categorize
or rank documents from most to least likely to be relevant. Training completion is
the point at which the team has identified a reasonable amount of relevant documents
proportional to the needs of the case.
How the team determines that training is complete varies depending upon the
software, the number of documents reviewed, and the results targeted to be achieved
after a cost benefit analysis. Under the training process in software commonly
marketed as TAR 1.0,
the software is trained based upon a review and coding of a
subset of relevant and nonrelevant documents, with a resulting predictive model that
is applied to all nonreviewed documents. Here, the goal is not to have humans review
all predicted relevant documents during the TAR process, but instead to review a
smaller proportion of the document set that is most likely to help the software be
reasonably accurate in predicting relevancy on the entire TAR set. The software
selects training documents either randomly or actively (i.e., it selects the documents
it is uncertain about for relevancy that it “thinks” will help it learn the fastest),
resulting in the predictive model being updated after each round of training. The
training continues until the predictive model is reasonably accurate in identifying
relevant and nonrelevant documents. At this point, all documents have relevancy
rankings, and a “cut-off” point is identified in the TAR set, with documents ranked at
or above the cut-off point identified as the predicted relevant set, and documents
below the cut-off point as the nonrelevant set.
In many TAR 1.0 processes, the decision whether the predictive model is
reasonably accurate is often measured based on the use of a control set, which is a
random sample taken from the entire TAR set, typically at the beginning of training,
and is designed to be representative of the entire TAR set. The control set is reviewed
for relevancy by a human reviewer and, as training progresses, the computer’s
classifications of relevance of the control set documents are compared against the
human reviewer’s classifications. When training no longer substantially improves
the computer’s classifications of the control set documents, training is viewed as
having reached completion. At that point, the predictive model’s relevancy decisions
are applied to the unreviewed documents in the TAR set. Under TAR 1.0, the
parameters of a search can be set to target a particular recall rate. It is important to
note, however, that this rate will be achieved regardless of whether the system is well
trained. If the system is undertrained, an unnecessarily large number of nonrelevant
documents will be reviewed to reach the desired recall, but it will be reached. Ceasing
training at the optimal point is not an issue of defensibility (achieving high recall),
but rather a matter of reasonableness, minimizing cost of reviewing many extra
nonrelevant documents included in the predictive relevant set.
It is important to note that the terms TAR 1.0 and 2.0 can be seen as marketing terms with various
meanings. They may not truly reflect the particular processes used by the software, and many
software use different processes. Rather than relying on the term to understand a particular TAR
workflow, it is more useful and efficient to understand the underlying processes, and in particular,
how training documents are selected, and how training completion is determined.
In many TAR 1.0 workflows, this point of reaching optimal results has been known as reaching
“stability.” It is a measurement that reflects whether the software was undertrained at a given point
during the training process. The term “stability” has multiple meanings. The term “optimum results”
is used throughout to eliminate potential confusion.
Compare this process with software commonly marketed as TAR 2.0. Here,
the human review and software training process are melded together; review and
training occur simultaneously. From the outset, the software continuously analyzes
the entire document collection and ranks the population based on relevancy. Human
coding decisions are submitted to the software, the software re-ranks the documents,
and then presents back to the human additional documents for review that it predicts
as most likely relevant. This process continues until the TAR team determines that
the predictive model is reasonably accurate in identifying relevant and nonrelevant
documents, and that the team has identified a reasonable number of relevant
documents for production. There are at least three indicators of when completeness
has been reached. The first is when a reasonable recall rate is reached (the human
review team has reviewed a set of documents that reached a certain level of recall
rate, which is calculated/tracked by the TAR software or by a TAR team member
during the review). The second is the point at which the software appears to be
offering up for review only nonrelevant or a low number of marginally relevant
documents. The third is the point at which the human review team has identified an
expected, pre-calculated number of relevant documents. In other words, the team
took a sample before review started to estimate the number of relevant documents in
the TAR set, and then the human team reviewed documents until it reached
approximately that number. When training is complete, the human reviewers will
have reviewed all the documents that the software predicted as relevant up to that
point of the review. If the system is undertrained, then the human reviewers will not
have reviewed a reasonable number of relevant documents for production, and the
process should continue until that point is reached.
Before the advent of TAR, producing parties rarely provided statistical
estimates as evidence to support the effectiveness of their document reviews and
productions. Only on a showing that the response was inadequate did the receiving
party have an opportunity to question whether the producing party fulfilled its
discovery obligations to conduct a reasonable inquiry.
But when TAR was first introduced to the legal community, parties provided
statistical evidence supporting the TAR results, primarily to give the bench and bar
comfort that the use of the new technology was reasonable. As the bench and bar
become more familiar with TAR and the science behind it, the need to substantiate
TAR’s legitimacy in every case should be diminished.
Nonetheless, because the development of TAR protocols and the case law on
the topic is evolving, statistical estimates to validate review continue to be discussed.
Accordingly, it is important to understand the commonly cited statistical metrics and
The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure do not specifically require parties to use statistical estimates to
satisfy any discovery obligations.
related terminology. At a high level, statistical estimates are generated to help the
bench and bar answer the following questions:
How many documents are in the TAR set?
What percentage of documents in the TAR set are estimated to be relevant,
how many are estimated to be nonrelevant, and how confident is the TAR team
in those estimates?
How many estimated relevant documents did the team identify out of all the
estimated relevant documents that exist in the review set, and how confident
is the team in that estimate?
How did the team know that the computer’s training was complete?
TAR typically ends with validation to determine its effectiveness. Ultimately,
the validation of TAR is based on reasonableness and on proportionality
considerations: How much could the result be improved by further review and at what
cost? To that end, what is the value of the relevant information that may be found
by further review versus the additional review effort required to find that
There is no standard measurement to validate the results of TAR (or any other
review process). One common measure is “recall,” which measures the proportion of
truly relevant documents that have been identified by TAR. However, while recall is
a typical validation measure, it is not without limitations and depends on several
factors, including consistency in coding and the prevalence of relevant documents.
“Precision” measures the percentage of actual relevant documents contained in the
set of documents identified by the computer as relevant.
The training completeness and validation topics will be covered in more detail
later in these guidelines.
A. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………8
1. KEY TAR TERMS …………………………………………………………………… 9
2. TAR SOFTWARE: ALGORITHMS ………………………………………………… 9
a. TIMING AND THE TAR WORKFLOW…………………………………...…...… 14
….…………………...………………………………………. ……….. 19
a. DECISION LOG..……………………………………..……………………...19
b. SAMPLING……………………..………………………..………………...… 20
c. REPORTS………………………………………………….…..…… . . …. 20
………………………………………………………………….…… 20
a. TRAINING COMPLETION……………………………………………….... . 21
………………………………………………………. ……. 21
…………..…………..……………………………………… 22
COMPLETION PROCESSES………………………....…….. . ………….. 22
b. VALIDATION………………………………………………………………… 24
………………………………….…..…………………………. 26
9. WORKFLOW ISSUE SPOTTING………….……….…………..……………….... 27
b. SUPPLEMENTAL COLLECTIONS…………………….………........ ….. …. 28
c. CHANGING SCOPE OF RELEVANCY………………...…………. . . ........ 28
TAR can be used for many tasks throughout the Electronic Discovery
Reference Model (EDRM), from information governance to deposition and trial
preparation, which are discussed in Chapter Three. This chapter focuses on the use
of TAR to determine relevancy of documents. To be more specific, the chapter focuses
on a suggested workflow by which a human reviewer works with a computer that can
be taught to classify relevant and nonrelevant documents in support of document
production obligations. When the human training and computer review are complete,
the documents capable of being analyzed will be classified into two piles: the predicted
relevant set, which may have been reviewed by humans or may be unreviewed but
predicted to be relevant (i.e., documents subject to potential production) and the
predicted nonrelevant set, which are typically not reviewed by humans (i.e.,
documents not subject to potential production).
Under this workflow, a human reviewer will have reviewed, or will have the
option to review, the predicted relevant set prior to production. The documents in the
predicted nonrelevant set typically are omitted from human review based on the
classification decisions made by the computer.
From this perspective, the computer
is supplementing the need to have humans engage in first-pass review of the
documents for relevancy.
The resulting benefits are often that: (i) the first-pass review can be completed
faster; (ii) the amount of human resources required to conduct the first-pass review
is substantially less; (iii) the overall cost of the review is lower (although there is
debate in the industry regarding the amount of those savings); and (iv) industry
experience and evidence from experimental studies suggest that TAR can make
relevance determinations as accurately as human review teams, provided that a
reasonable workflow is applied to suitable data.
The TAR workflow, to date,
can work to fully meet Fed. R. Civ. P. 26 discovery
obligations (and their state equivalents), often with lower cost and in shorter times
Please see the Appendix for further information on the definitions of predicted relevant set and
predicted nonrelevant set.
This workflow does not apply to any other use cases, such as using TAR to simply prioritize
documents for human review (this means the entire review set will still be reviewed by humans, but
the computer makes the review more efficient by prioritizing the most likely relevant documents to be
reviewed; this review can be done in support of production obligations), early case assessment,
opposing party production analysis, or fact/investigatory research.
We note “to date,” as it is fully anticipated that technology will continue to evolve, and new workflow
components will be incorporated into standard TAR workflows.
than linear review. A party should consider the workflow components herein when
formulating a final workflow to satisfy Rule 26 obligations.
To that end, there are a variety of software that can be used as part of this
workflow, each with its own unique terminology and a set of distinguishing
competitive advantage features. These guidelines provide a framework to address
the approaches that different software use. Workflow considerations are identified
throughout to help explain the differences among software.
To avoid confusion and miscommunication, it is important to explain basic
definitions and concepts relevant to the discussion.
Definitions of the key terms can
be found in the Appendix.
TAR is a review process. In order to engage in TAR, software is required.
There are numerous software available that may be used as part of a Rule 26(g)
reasonable inquiry that leads to a defensibly sufficient production. Drastically
simplified, the software applies a set of instructions and rules (“algorithms”) to a data
set. Generally, there are two main algorithms that the software uses to review
documents: (1) feature extraction algorithms, which allow the software to identify
content in documents, and thus establish relationships among documents in the TAR
set; and (2) supervised machine learning algorithms, which use the organized set of
features to infer relationships between documents and thus classify documents in the
data set pursuant to criteria such as relevance.
a) Feature Extraction Algorithms
At a high level, feature extraction algorithms: (i) analyze each document within
the TAR set; (ii) extract meaningful values, sometimes referred to as feature values,
from each document; and (iii) store these values.
After analyzing all documents in
Not all components may be needed to satisfy a Rule 26 obligation, which will depend on the specific
facts and circumstances of each matter. Note that references to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
throughout are intended to include their state law equivalents when relevant.
The Appendix contains the most technical language on statistics in these guidelines. The purpose
of the guide is NOT to educate on the minutiae of how to do statistical calculations and the differences
in approaches of statistical calculations; rather, it is to note that statistical calculations may occur
through the use of the TAR workflow, and the types of statistics (like recall) that are referred
throughout the guidelines need to be understood.
For example, if a document is about a blueberry pancake eating competition, one feature may be
blueberry pancakes.
the TAR set, the computer can then organize the TAR set according to the values of
each document’s features.
All TAR software has feature extraction algorithms. The feature extraction
algorithms are created by the software makers. TAR teams generally cannot and do
not modify the feature extraction algorithms.
b) Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms (Supervised Learning
Whereas a feature extraction algorithm allows the TAR software to develop a
representation of the content of documents and relationships among them, a
supervised machine learning algorithm allows a human reviewer to train the
software to recognize relevance. For the software to begin classifying documents as
to relevance, documents that are representative of relevant content must be identified
and submitted to the computer. For many supervised machine learning methods,
documents that are representative of nonrelevant content must also be identified and
submitted. Once a set of relevant and nonrelevant examples have been submitted,
the software analyzes their features and builds a predictive model, a classification
system that categorizes or ranks documents in the TAR set.
This process of
submitting representative examples and having the software analyze the examples
to build the model is often referred to as “training.”
Overall, supervised machine learning methods allow for a training process that
is iterative and interactive, when the human reviewer and software provide feedback
to each other to improve the software’s ability to analyze and classify documents. The
software will rank or classify the documents within the TAR set, and the team will
use the rankings or classifications to determine which documents are likely relevant,
and which are not. A more detailed discussion on training processes and variations
is found in Section C (5).
c) Varying Industry Terminology Related to Various Supervised
Machine Learning Methods
Supervised machine learning methods utilize iterative training processes.
Human reviewers code documents in multiple rounds and submit them to the TAR
software to fine-tune the software’s ability to classify relevant documents.
The terms “classifies,” “ranks,” and “categorizes” are used in this document. In the context of this
workflow, TAR software creates a predictive model or classifies documents in the TAR set as likely
relevant or nonrelevant. This classification can be expressed in various ways, depending on the
software. For example, some software rank documents based upon a scoring system from 0 100, with
0 being nonrelevant and 100 being relevant. Other systems do not use scores but categorize documents
as relevant and nonrelevant. However, even when categorization like this occurs, there is still an
underlying measure that the system is using to determine relevancy.
A defensible TAR workflow addresses the following components:
Identify the team to finalize and engage in the workflow
Select the software
Identify, analyze, and prepare the TAR set
Develop project schedule and deadlines
Human reviewer prepares for engaging in TAR
Human reviewer trains the computer to detect relevancy, and the computer
classifies the set documents
Implement review quality control measures during training
Determine when computer training is complete and validate
Final identification, review, and production of the predicted relevant set
Tasking the appropriate people, process, and technology to engage in the
workflow is critical to satisfying production obligations. With respect to the people,
a team should be identified to finalize and engage in TAR. Typically, this team may
include (in smaller-size actions, a single individual can serve multiple roles):
SERVICE PROVIDER. The service provider provides access to the TAR software.
The service provider can describe the workflow and support the process once it
begins. The service provider can be a client, law firm, e-discovery service
provider, or TAR software provider. Selection of the service provider is
discussed in Section C (2).
SOFTWARE PROVIDER. The software provider is the creator of the software.
Some service providers create their own software (and, thus, are also the
software provider), while others license it from software providers.
WORKFLOW EXPERT. A workflow expert or litigation support project manager
advises the team on the design and implementation of the workflow, and if
necessary, supports the defensibility of the process.
CASE MANAGER. The case manager is essential to every discovery project and
is often responsible for managing the data. This may include keeping track of
several items, such as: (a) the data that was collected and processed; (b) the
data that survived any culling criteria, including date or search term
limitations; (c) documents that were both included and excluded from the TAR
set; and (d) the predicted relevant set and predicted nonrelevant set that result
from the workflow.
LEAD ATTORNEY. There must be at least one lead attorney engaged in the
workflow who fully understands the scope of relevancy at issue. The lead
attorney is sometimes known as the subject matter expert on the case, or
someone who is most familiar with the claims and defenses of the case. The
lead attorney must work to ensure that every human reviewer and the
software are engaging in accurate document review. A lead attorney
sometimes engages in the actual review and training process of the workflow,
and thus can also act as a human reviewer.
HUMAN REVIEWER. A human reviewer reviews documents for relevancy, and
these relevancy determinations are used to train the software. A human
reviewer may also review documents that are predicted to be relevant to
confirm relevance and check for privilege before production. As such, every
human reviewer must be educated on the scope of relevancy to ensure
reasonably accurate and consistent training of the software.
In order to engage in the workflow, the producing party needs access to TAR
software. The decision on what software to use goes hand-in-hand with the service
provider selection. A key element to ensuring a successful project is a service provider
who will be assisting or managing the process. The producing party needs to perform
due diligence on the service provider selection. The service provider should have an
expert who can describe the process in a meaningful and understandable way,
including the steps that the team will need to take to ensure a reasonable review.
Other topics that the producing party might consider discussing with the service
provider are:
Does the service provider have a written TAR guide?
Which TAR software does the service provider have?
Can the service provider demonstrate by using measurable verification
methods that the software they use works for the particular assigned task?
How many TAR-based reviews in support of production obligations has the
service provider completed in the past six months or year? What were the
Has the service provider ever provided affidavits or declarations in support of
the workflow?
How does the service provider report on the progress or provide updates on the
What level of training and support will the service provider provide to the
Does the service provider have an expert that is able to support or participate
in discussions with the opposing party or the court on the use of TAR?
If supplemental collections or rolling productions are anticipated throughout
TAR, how will that impact the workflow?
If foreign language is at issue, how will foreign language documents be
Who will be reviewing and coding the training documents, and where does that
review take place?
What factors or criteria are assessed to determine whether the workflow is
Is the TAR software actively supported? (Does the software provider
periodically engage in upgrades, updates, and bug fixes to improve the
software and workflow?)
Each document review requires the producing party to first identify the
document set subject to review. This may involve “relevance culling criteria” that
will limit the document collection and review to what is potentially relevant to the
case. Typically, the relevance culling criteria will be based on custodians/document
repositories, date ranges, and file types, and may also involve search terms.
relevance culling criteria are often addressed during the Rule 26(f) meet and confer
After applying the relevancy culling criteria to the collected documents, an
appropriate member of the TAR team analyzes the resulting document set and
identifies problematic documents that the software will not be able to review.
Software predominantly analyzes a document’s text.
Documents with minimal or
too much textual content can be problematic because there is either too little or too
much information for the software to analyze.
Most TAR software prescribes a list of parameters to assist in identifying
problematic documents. For example, documents to be excluded from the workflow
are often based on file type, such as audio, video, and image files, as well as text size,
such as documents containing more than a set number of megabytes of text.
software vary in the types of files they are suited to analyze. The parameters used to
exclude documents from the TAR set should be discussed with the service provider.
If there is a very large volume of data of low richness, the relevance rates returned through search
terms or other culling methods should be tested. Alternatively, use of search terms may limit the
dataset to a size that TAR can manage. Although some oppose limiting a dataset before using TAR,
pre-TAR culling may nonetheless be reasonable and desirable under many circumstances.
Most software analyzes a document’s text. However, some software may analyze other document
metadata, such as email header fields and file names, and others may analyze a document’s visual
appearance independently of whether text is present.
For example, the TAR set may be limited to emails, documents, presentations, or spreadsheets; and
documents with a text size of less than a set number of megabytes. Any document not falling within
these limitations is excluded from the TAR set.
After this analysis of the document set is complete, any documents that were excluded
from the final TAR set should be tracked, and if necessary, sent through an alternate
review workflow.
A TAR set should also be analyzed for foreign languages. Most software can
analyze and review documents containing a mixture of human languages. Even so,
a separate TAR workflow may be necessary for handling documents from each
language. If documents from multiple languages are expected, the process for
identifying and handling these documents should be discussed with the service
Finally, once the TAR set is identified, it must be submitted to the software for
review preparation. The software will typically perform a “build” over the TAR set.
As described earlier, this building process involves the computer analyzing each
document’s text (and potentially some metadata), extracting certain features, and
organizing the TAR set according to these features. Typically, the native file types
(for example, Word, Excel, or PowerPoint) do not matter for building the index (the
build does not occur on the document’s native file format, but on each native file’s
extracted text, to the extent that text exists).
After the build is completed, the team is ready to engage in training the
software to identify what is relevant to the case.
a) Timing and the TAR Workflow
Although the volume of data and deadlines are key factors in determining a
project’s timeline and staffing, the increasing complexity of many projects requires
managing the project with forethought to completing various workflows. If the final
review population is unknown, an estimate of additional data that will be included in
the review population is helpful.
Both TAR 1.0 and TAR 2.0 have timing considerations that must be factored
into the project timeline. Generally, under a typical TAR 1.0 approach, the time it
takes to train the computer to reach optimal results must be factored in when
determining the length of time it will take to complete the review. To avoid a delay
in commencing review, any segment of the document population that will require
some level of review outside of TAR can be started.
Generally, under a typical TAR 2.0 approach, documents that are likely
relevant are prioritized for review based on a continuous update of the relevancy
Some software can support multiple builds, allowing for multiple workflows to be run
rankings throughout review. The initial prioritization can be commenced based on
documents counsel identifies prior to the review. If counsel has not identified any
relevant or key documents to assist in the prioritization, this can be accomplished by
review of a sample set of documents.
It is also important to understand the service provider’s production turnaround
time, from approval of a production submission to the time the production is available
for delivery, and account for this time in the project schedule. Creating a project
schedule from the outset is the pathway to a successful project as it focuses attention
on potential workflows and the establishment of deadlines, which provides clarity
and sets expectations from the start of the review.
There are a couple of key preparation items that must be undertaken before a
human reviewer can start to train the computer. Importantly, the scope of relevancy
must be defined, and the lead attorney must train any other human reviewer on that
scope. However, many times the scope of relevancy may evolve after the early stages
of a matter. Although the scope of discovery is typically defined through the
complaint and discovery request process, requesting and receiving parties frequently
disagree on the scope of discovery requests, which may cause delays (sometimes
substantial) in the final agreement or order on the scope of discovery for the matter.
Motion practice, including motions to dismiss, can affect when the final scope of
discovery is known. Ultimately, to use TAR, the lead attorney must be comfortable
defining the scope of relevancy to be applied to the workflow. The team should discuss
any negative consequences of engaging in the workflow prior to a reasonably defined
discovery scope.
Once the lead attorney determines the scope of relevancy, the human reviewer
or reviewers must be trained so that they may analyze and code training examples
accurately and consistently.
Workflow Consideration: Selecting the Human Reviewer to Train
TAR. The human reviewer performing the training may be a single
lawyer, a small group of attorneys, or a larger group of attorneys.
Selecting the team that will be reviewing and coding the training
examples can be dependent upon several factors, including production
deadlines, the scope of relevancy, the complexity of the subject matter,
the anticipated size of the training set, and the software to be used. For
example, a team of 15 human reviewers may generate more inconsistent
coding results to train the software in comparison to a team of two lead
attorneys, and thus the quality control review of those human reviewers
may require a greater effort than if the lead attorneys trained the
Workflow Consideration: Establishing the TAR Process Coding
Field(s). Most TAR workflows will use one tag (sometimes called “global
relevance” or “universal relevance” or “super relevance” tag), which
covers the entire scope of relevance. Under this approach, the same
global relevance tag would be used regardless of whether the document
being used to train is relevant to 1, 10, or 15 out of 15 relevant topics.
Some TAR software allow for the human reviewer to train the computer
to recognize more than one relevant topic, allowing training on sub-
topics or sub-issues of relevance, or on topics that overlap with relevance
(such as privilege). Other software allow the human reviewer to train
the computer to recognize all topics at the same time. Others may
require a separate training session for each topic. Introducing multiple
topics, if done carefully, can reduce the time for the review by reducing
the complexity of distinctions to be learned by the computer and
allowing adaptation to late-negotiated changes in the definition of
relevance. Commonly, however, more topics require more review time
and effort. If the lead attorney is considering training on more than
global relevancy, the pros and cons should be discussed with the team.
Finally, the workflow expert should set expectations for the lead attorney and
human reviewer on the training method experience, including what the workflow
components are, any key decision points, and estimated times for training the
Now that the scope of relevancy and the structure for coding documents is in
place, the human reviewer must engage in a process of conveying the decisions on the
scope of relevancy to the computer, with the computer using that training to
distinguish between relevant and nonrelevant documents in the remainder of the
TAR set. The iterative training steps include:
Identify training documents (selection of documents for human reviewer
The human reviewer codes the training documents for relevancy;
The human reviewer’s relevancy decisions are submitted to the software;
The software uses the training documents’ relevancy decisions to build a
predictive model, and applies the model to rank or classify all documents
in the TAR set; and
Repeat steps (1)-(4) (add more documents for human review and computer
training) until further review is no longer needed because review’s goals
have been met.
Workflow Consideration: Selecting Training Examples. Supervised
machine learning methods vary in how they select training examples for
the human reviewer.
Training examples can be chosen based on
human judgment, randomly, or by the computer based upon its analysis
of the current training set and the TAR set (“computer feedback,” also
known as active learning).
Which form of training example
identification should be used may depend upon: (1) the size and nature
of the TAR set; (2) the review goals; (3) the software used; (4) the service
provider’s recommendations; and (5) any party agreement or court
In selecting training examples by human judgment, the team finds examples
of relevant and nonrelevant documents that exist in the TAR set to train the
computer. The team may find these examples through the use of relevant key words,
clusters, concept searches, custodian information, or other metadata. The human
reviewer reviews those documents and codes for relevancy, and then submits those
examples to the computer to train it.
Training examples may also be selected randomly.
This means that the
training examples are selected without concern for document content or based on any
prior rounds of training.
Finally, the software may take into account prior training-round information
to make selections of training examples,
which allows the computer to provide
feedback based upon its categorization of documents after each round of training.
As a practical note, all TAR training methods can be effective in classifying documents. Some
methods may be more efficient (take less time) to achieve the review goals, but it is largely dependent
on the nature of the data set and circumstances of the case.
The first set of training examples is called a “Seed Set.” This set of training examples cannot be
selected by the computer based upon prior rounds of training, as there are no prior rounds of training
at that point.
Human selection and random selection have been traditionally known as “passive” selection methods
for training. This is because the computer is not involved in making subjective decisions on which
documents should be used as training examples.
This has been traditionally known as “active” training method. This is because the computer is
actively involved in identifying documents that should be used as training examples, which is done
based upon past training rounds.
The computer’s choice of which documents to put before the human reviewer depends
on the weighting of various factors by the machine learning algorithms used. One
method of this type of selection, used in TAR 2.0, is called “relevance feedback,”
whereby the software attempts to identify for review only those documents that are
most likely to be relevant. Other methods, which may be used in TAR 1.0 and also
sometimes in TAR 2.0, also take into account factors such as how different the
potential training examples are from each other and from previously coded examples,
as well as how unsure the software is about the examples.
There are differing views in the e-discovery industry as to the best method for
selecting training examples. Some of these differing views reflect preferences for
different types of workflows, and the fact that different workflows (and cost
structures) are well-suited to different ways of choosing training data. Other views
result from differing levels of concern for possible biases introduced when selecting
documents by human judgment or differing preferences by human reviewers. It is
important to recognize that any approach to selecting training data will produce an
effective predictive model if it is used to produce a sufficiently broad training set.
Thus, differing views over selection of training data are less about whether an
effective predictive model can be produced, than about how much work it will take to
do so.
Some general characteristics of different selection methods should be noted:
The quality of training documents selected by manual judgment depends on
the skill of the team, their knowledge of the TAR set, and the relevance
definition. Selection by manual judgment will typically improve the computer’s
ability to find relevant documents, but it may require more time and cost to
ensure enough relevant samples are identified that span the entire scope of
relevancy to be used to train the system. For example, if the team’s scope of
relevancy spans ten document production requests, but the team only finds
training-set examples that cover five out of ten requests, then the computer
may not identify documents relevant to the other five requests. Concerns
about such omissions and other forms of potential bias often lead to decisions
to combine selection by human judgment with other training document
selection methods.
Random selection is a rapid method of choosing training documents that is
supported by most software. It is independent of human judgment and gives
every document in the TAR set an equal chance to be selected. It requires no
human effort and is immune to concerns about biased selection. But training
sets produced by random sampling may need to be larger than those produced
by other methods, particularly when richness is low.
This is uncertainty feedback, where the computer attempts to present examples it is least certain
about for relevancy. The computer will avoid presenting documents for which it is most certain about
Computer feedback/active learning methods are also an efficient and
automated way of choosing training documents, though some require
substantially more computer time (as the computer processes decisions and
identifies new documents to review) than simple random sampling. Computer
feedback methods may require less training as compared with random
selection to produce an effective predictive model, particularly for low richness
TAR sets. Some TAR software may combine various types of computer
feedback learning to achieve the review goals.
If some documents in previous batches were chosen by manual judgment, those
choices may influence later choices made by computer feedback methodologies,
potentially leading to concerns about bias. On the other hand, some computer
feedback methods are designed to choose documents different from those in
previous training batches, and thus can help mitigate concerns of bias.
An important function of any document review is to ensure that relevancy
decisions are reasonably accurate and consistent.
Because a human reviewer
analyzes documents and applies their own understanding of the scope of relevancy,
there is variation in how documents are coded, which in turn causes variation in how
the software classifies documents for relevancy. This challenge is commonly
addressed by engaging in review quality control.
Many review quality-control measures that are applied in non-TAR workflows
can also be applied in TAR workflows and aid in ensuring reasonable review is taking
place. Some of these review quality-control options are discussed below.
For medium-to-large sized human reviewer teams, a common method to assist
those reviewers with their understanding of the matter and the scope of relevancy is
to create a decision log. A decision log is a record of relevancy questions made by the
lead attorney, which provide guidance to the human reviewer. The lead attorney
answers the questions and provides any needed clarification on the relevancy scope.
A question may touch on an issue that is not addressed in the current scope of
relevancy, resulting in the update of the scope. As more entries are added to the
decision log, the more valuable it becomes as a reference for the human reviewer.
Note that the larger the training-attorney team, the greater the chance for inconsistent coding.
Another long-established method to ensure quality is to use samples of
documents to both measure and improve the quality of coding by a human reviewer.
For example, a sample of a human reviewer’s coding decisions can be generated and
reviewed, in many instances, by the lead attorney, which ensures that the coding
values are in-line with the scope of relevancy. While reviewing the samples, a record
of the lead attorney’s overturns of the human reviewer’s relevancy decisions can be
maintained. This record of overturns can be used to re-educate the team on the scope
of relevancy by reinforcing the correct relevancy scope that should be applied.
Although using sampling in quality control for a human reviewer has similarities to
the use of coded data to evaluate (e.g., control sets) and train (e.g., training sets)
software, the fact that one is evaluating and aiding humans in their coding can
substantially change the priorities in sampling. Factors considered when developing
a sampling methodology for quality control of a human reviewer include: (a) who will
review the samples; (b) how to keep track of the sampling process; (c) how often will
documents be sampled; (d) how many documents will be re-reviewed; and (e) how will
the samples be selected.
In TAR workflows, the sampling of documents for review quality control can
also be based on the predictions of the software. For instance, sampling may be
focused on documents that the software ranks or categorizes as most likely to be
relevant. If the human reviewer identifies a large percentage of documents to be
nonrelevant, this may suggest an issue either with the human reviewer’s coding
decisions in the training set or with the effectiveness of the current predictive model.
Some TAR tools provide the ability, sometimes in the form of a report, to
identify documents for which the software’s classification and the human reviewer
coding disagree on relevancy. Using these tools, the team can easily identify training
set documents that: (1) the software considers as likely relevant and the human
reviewer coded as nonrelevant; or (2) the software considers as likely nonrelevant and
the human reviewer coded as relevant. This analysis can be done on a regular basis,
with a human reviewer re-reviewing inconsistently classified documents for final
resolution, with any changes resulting in updating of the software’s classification
decisions, and also, if need be, a continued re-education of the human reviewer on the
scope of relevancy.
In a TAR workflow, a major decision is when to stop the training process. In
practice, this usually means trying to quantify the percentage of relevant documents
identified and validate the success and reasonableness of the review, the adequacy of
which is assessed under Rule 26 proportionality and reasonableness factors. There is
currently no black letter law or bright-line rule as to what constitutes a reasonable
review; rather, each workflow must be analyzed for reasonableness based upon the
circumstances of the matter and the proportional needs of the case.
a) Training Completion
There are several indicators that provide information to allow the team to
make reasonable decisions on training completion. These measurements are directed
toward understanding whether the review process achieved optimal results. An
optimal review result will vary from case to case and does not have a technical
definition. In many instances, the training process is considered optimal if review of
further training documents is unlikely to substantially improve the results. Some
software provides measurements or indicators of training completion, while other
measurements can be derived by the team from estimates of effectiveness. There are
three broad approaches to understanding whether training results are optimal: (1)
tracking of sample-based effectiveness estimates; (2) observing sparseness of relevant
documents returned by the computer during active learning; and (3) comparing the
predictive model behaviors.
(i) Tracking of Sample-Based Effectiveness Estimates
By comparing how sample-based effectiveness estimates (e.g., recall at a fixed
cost level) change over time, the team can get a sense of whether further training is
of value. Two types of samples may be used. A control set is a random sample taken
from the entire TAR set,
typically at the beginning of training. The control set is
reviewed for relevancy by a human reviewer and, as training progresses, the
computer’s classifications of relevance of the control set documents are compared
against the human reviewer’s classifications.
When training no longer substantially
improves the computer’s classifications, this is seen as a point of optimal training.
An alternative to drawing a control set at the beginning of training is to draw a
random sample only when it is believed that training or review should be stopped.
This measurement is commonly taken in certain TAR 1.0 workflows.
(ii) Observing Sparseness of Relevant Documents Returned by
the Computer During Active Learning
Another measurement of training completion involves the human reviewer
continuing to train the computer on relevancy until the number of relevant
documents presented by the computer for human review is too low to justify
Note that as the control set is a random sample from the TAR set, it can be used to calculate various
statistical estimates, namely recall, richness, and precision.
Accurate coding of the control set by the human reviewer is very important since the coding is used
as the “gold standard” to measure how well the computer’s learning is progressing.
additional review. When the review reaches this point, it is seen as an indicator of
optimal training, and the training is complete, because no additional training is
anticipated to improve the predictive model or identify more relevant documents.
This measurement is common in TAR 2.0 workflows that use relevancy feedback
(iii) Comparison of Predictive Model Behaviors
Another approach to monitoring training completion is to directly compare the
rankings of classified documents across different training-round iterations. A wide
variety of approaches is possible, and the details are not always revealed by the
software provider. As an example, predictive models generated during different
iterations could be used to rank, score, or classify the entire TAR set. If those
predictions are becoming largely static (e.g., document ranks or categorizations are
not changing), then the team may be able to conclude that further training likely will
have diminishing benefits, because the behavior of the TAR predictive model is not
meaningfully changing at that point. The team may view this as the point of optimal
training and stop training.
(iv) Comparing Typical TAR 1.0 and TAR 2.0 Training Completion
The following example clarifies a variation between TAR 1.0 and 2.0
In a TAR set of 200,000 documents, 20,000 of the documents are relevant
(10% richness). For purposes of this example, the team intends to use the workflow
in an attempt to achieve a recall of at least 80%, i.e., identify at least 16,000 of the
20,000 relevant documents.
Many TAR 1.0 workflows typically start by randomly selecting 400 to 2,000
documents, which serve as a control set. A human reviews and identifies the relevant
documents in the control set.
The resulting percentage of relevant documents in
relation to all reviewed documents in the control set is a benchmark percentage,
defined as “richness,” which is used to evaluate the TAR review of the entire predicted
Note that the illustrations are provided at a high level and only reflect two possible TAR sets and
processes. The illustrations should not be used to conclude that situations similar to these are or are
not reasonable and proportionate. Each TAR project must be conducted on a case-by-case basis. In
addition, there may be variations in service providers’ TAR 1.0 and TAR 2.0 processes. This
illustration only provides two common examples of TAR (TAR 1.0 using a control set with uncertainty
feedback, and TAR 2.0 with no control set but using relevancy feedback only).
Again, this is a broad generalization of certain traditional TAR 1.0 processes, and there may be
variations in TAR 1.0 software. The size of the control set is influenced by the richness of the TAR set
and the margin of error for recall estimates. The lower the desired margin of error, the higher the
number of control set documents are required to reach that level of estimated certainty. Very low
richness (very small numbers of responsive documents in the TAR set) will also require a larger control
set in most instances.
relevant document set. The benchmark percentage of relevant documents in the
control set (richness) is a key element in analyzing when TAR has attained optimal
After the benchmark percentage of relevant documents has been determined,
the software begins the TAR training by randomly or actively selecting training
documents, which will include and identify both relevant and nonrelevant documents
(contrast with the TAR 2.0 example below). General experience has shown that 400
to 2,000 documents are used for training. These training documents are reviewed
and used to build the predictive model.
When review and processing of the training documents achieves “optimal
results,” the predictive model’s rankings are locked, and the final predictive model is
applied to the entire set of documents and used to identify the predicted relevant
document set. Determining when TAR has reached “optimal results” applies a
reasonableness test. It takes into account not only the percentage of identified
relevant documents compared with the control-set benchmark percentage, but also a
cost-benefit analysis. The cost-benefit analysis weighs the likelihood of identifying
significant relevant documents missed in the TAR results and the added costs and
burdens, which would be incurred in further processing and review to identify
them. To recall every relevant document, the TAR results would have to include a
large percentage of documents that are not relevant, which would increase the costs
and burdens of review. Depending upon the size of the TAR document set, every
percentage point could represent a very large number of predicted relevant
documents that are actually nonrelevant, which would result in unnecessary review
costs and burden. General experience has shown that achieving a recall rate of 75%
to 85% has been a good balance in many cases, but the facts and circumstances of
each case are different, and no rigid standards are appropriate. In our example, we
used an 80% recall rate for optimal results, which would require review of at least
16,000 documents identified as relevant, but likely more, as the TAR model
predictions cannot perfectly select only relevant documents for review.
For some traditional TAR 2.0 software, the workflow might start by generating
a random sample of the review population to get a sense of the richness. This allows
the team to estimate the number of relevant documents in the review set (here, 20,000
documents). Thus, for a recall goal of 80%, a team can estimate upfront the need to
identify at least 16,000 documents. Those relevant examples found in the richness
sample, along with any other relevant samples identified by the team, are then
submitted to the software to start learning relevancy. As each document is reviewed
and submitted to the software, the software continues to re-rank the document set
Although failing to identify 4,000 relevant documents may appear troubling, studies have
consistently shown that lawyers reviewing every document manually identify the same or fewer
number of relevant documents.
and present only those documents it believes are relevant (i.e., engages in relevancy
This process continues until optimal results are reached, which is when
the computer is returning a very low number of relevant documents for review. At
that point, all predicted relevant documents will have been used as training
examples. In this TAR 2.0 example, at least 16,000 documents will both be reviewed
by a human reviewer and used to train the computer to achieve the recall goal. In
practice, more than 16,000 documents will need to be reviewed, as neither human
selection nor TAR model predictions can perfectly select only relevant documents for
b) Validation
Whatever software is utilized, it must generate, or allow for the generation of
metrics or effectiveness measures, which allow the team to evaluate the workflow and
determine if the review goals have been met. In many instances, this means the team
will need to be able to measure the recall achieved. Estimates of other effectiveness
measures besides or in addition to recall may also be used. These methods are not
mutually exclusive. To the contrary, all these approaches may play a role in a
reasonable inquiry, consistent with Rule 26(b) proportionality considerations and
Rule 26(g).
Recall measurements are statistical in nature and involve random sampling,
which has underlying parameters that determine the sample size: richness,
confidence level, and confidence interval. These parameters dictate how many
sample documents need to be reviewed in order to achieve a certain comfort level with
the recall estimate. If the team achieves a recall level that it believes is reasonable
for the workflow and matter, then training can be considered complete and the
predicted relevant set is validated as reasonable. If the team does not achieve a
reasonable level of recall, it may need to go back and conduct additional training to
further identify more relevant documents to be added to the predicted relevant set.
Workflow Consideration: Identifying a target recall level prior to the
start of training. Some software requires the team to identify the
desired estimated recall level before the start of training. In these
situations, the human reviewer continues to review training examples
and use them in the training set until that estimated recall level is
One challenge that may occur with this process is that it is unknown
how long training will take, or how many documents will be needed in
It presents only those that are ranked or categorized as predicted relevant. Again, not all of these
documents will be relevant. As the review continues, the human reviewer will see lower numbers of
relevant documents.
the training set, to achieve the estimated recall level. This makes review
judgments difficult if the targeted recall is set too high, because it may
require unreasonable and disproportionate human review to train the
computer to be able to achieve that targeted recall. If that occurs (the
training goes beyond the reasonable and proportional review of
documents), the team may need to lower the targeted recall level so that
a reasonable and proportionate predicted relevant set can be identified
(e.g., a sliding scale based upon the document rankings).
At a particular recall percentage, there is an associated predicted relevant set
that is identified. The ability to determine the size of the relevant set for various
recall percentage options is a feature found in some software. As noted above, in
some TAR 2.0 software, the entire predicted relevant set has already been reviewed
by humans, and all that is left at that point is to calculate the recall achieved by that
predicted relevant set.
Workflow Consideration: How Recall Is Estimated. There are two
primary approaches to estimating the extent to which TAR has found
relevant documents.
One common approach involves taking a random
sample of the TAR set, reviewing it for relevancy, identifying the
relevant documents, and then determining the percentage of documents
that are relevant from this sample. By examining how this sample of
relevant documents is categorized by TAR, the recall of the review can
be estimated.
The second method of determining recall involves drawing a random
sample from the documents in the predicted nonrelevant set. The
sample is used to estimate the richness of the predicted nonrelevant set,
sometimes called the “elusion rate” of responsive documents in the
predicted nonrelevant set. The elusion rate can be used to estimate the
number of relevant documents in the nonrelevant set. This
measurement can be used to calculate recall when used with other
measurements, such as the number of estimated or actual responsive
documents in the responsive TAR set (depending on workflow).
Even if an acceptable recall level is attained, attorneys may further check TAR
performance by evaluating the importance of relevant documents found in validation
that were categorized nonrelevant by TAR. If the missed documents are especially
If the recall goals are not being met, it may also mean that the training itself may be at issue. If
that is suspected, the team may also need to engage in remedial measures (See Section 8(e)).
These examples are NOT intended to educate on the minutiae, or all variations, of how to do
statistical calculations.
Consistency of review decisions in the predicted nonrelevant set and the predicted relevant set is
important for this approach.
significant to the case and contain evidence that may not be contained in the relevant
set, the attorneys should consider whether additional training is needed to enable the
computer to identify other relevant documents in the predicted nonrelevant set.
There are variations in how recall is estimated, so it is important to understand
how the service provider or workflow expert calculates recall.
After the team trains and validates, the TAR process will have separated the
TAR set into the predicted relevant set and a predicted nonrelevant set. In some
workflows, the predicted relevant set will be a combination of documents the human
reviewer classified as relevant, along with documents not reviewed by the human
reviewer but the computer determined as relevant. In other workflows, the predicted
relevant set will be all documents reviewed and identified as relevant by the human
The predicted nonrelevant set will also be identified. Some of these documents
will have been reviewed by the human reviewer and used in the training set. But,
the vast majority of these documents will not have been reviewed by the human
reviewer, only the computer.
In addition to the predicted relevant and nonrelevant sets, a third group of
documents may also emerge from the TAR processdocuments that could not be
categorized by the TAR software. For example, documents containing illegible text,
solely comprised of numbers, or from which conceptually relevant content may not be
gleaned, will likely not be categorized. These documents should still be considered a
part of the review set and will need to be investigated for relevance outside of the
TAR process.
Finally, in every workflow leading up to a document production, steps should
be taken to address family members, privileged documents, confidentiality, redaction,
and other issues that fall outside the workflow process. An attorney should assess
For example, an attorney may believe 80% recall to be sufficient and proportional in a matter given
the needs of the case and the results of the TAR process. That view would be confirmed if the relevant
validation documents missed by TAR are relevant but of low value in context of the documents TAR
found. On the other hand, the attorney may reconsider TAR’s effectiveness if the missed documents
contain evidence that is key to the matter.
During the process of engaging in the TAR workflow, some documents will remain uncategorized,
because the computer was not able to make decisions on relevancy or because the documents are not
similar to any training documents or do not contain enough meaningful content. These documents
should be identified by the team and addressed through additional searching, sampling, or review,
depending on the case circumstances.
whether to fully review, partially review, or simply produce any documents that have
not yet had human review and that are in an unreviewed predicted relevant set and
family members. Considerations should include costs of further review, weighed
against the risks of producing nonrelevant documents that could include confidential,
private, or privileged
client information.
There are certain challenges that may arise during the workflow. Common
challenges include: (1) extremely low or high richness of the TAR set; (2)
supplemental collections; (3) changes to the scope of relevancy; and (4) unreasonable
training results. These challenges should be identified as early as possible in the
process and discussed with the service provider.
a) Extremely Low or High Richness of the TAR Set
The team will want to identify whether the TAR set at issue has extremely
low richness (a very small percentage of the TAR set is relevant) or extremely high
richness (a very high percentage of the documents in the TAR set is relevant).
If the TAR set’s richness is extremely high, it could undermine the utility of
using TAR to assist in identifying documents for relevancy. The team may want to
consider other measures to prioritize or organize the TAR set for review.
If the TAR set’s richness is extremely low, human reviewers may have a
difficult time training the software on what is relevant, because examples may be
scarce or difficult to come by in the TAR set. The team should discuss how to resolve
the training of the low richness TAR set, which will depend on the training method
used by the service provider.
The amount of training required under TAR 1.0 and TAR 2.0 depends upon the
TAR set’s richness and the statistical certainty required, such as margin of error and
confidence level. If richness is low, TAR 1.0 workflows, which use a control set, may
require more review. Conversely, if richness is high, TAR 2.0 workflows may require
more review.
Parties should consider protecting privileged documents from waiver, regardless of the
circumstances under which they were produced, with an order under Federal Rule of Evidence 502(d)
or similar order when available. Such an order should not, however, prevent a party from conducting
an appropriate privilege review if that party chooses. See The Sedona Conference, Commentary on
Protection of Privileged ESI (2014). Absent a Rule 502(d) order, Rule 502(b) only prevents waiver if
the producing party used reasonable procedures to identify and avoid producing privileged documents.
b) Supplemental Collections
If the team introduces new documents into the TAR set after the training has
already started, the human reviewer and the software may need to learn more about
the new documents in order to ensure reasonable training and review. There are two
main questions to ask the service provider when supplemental collections are
contemplated: (1) should the new documents be merged with the original TAR set,
or treated separately;
and (2) if merged, how or when does the team introduce these
new documents to the computer and ensure that the software has analyzed them
Overall, many supervised machine learning methods use the human and
software knowledge already acquired to train and categorize the supplemental
collection being added to the original TAR set. In other words, the software tries to
avoid starting from scratch by leveraging prior training applied to the TAR set.
Ultimately, the team will utilize core workflow components in an attempt to update
the education of the human reviewer and the software to complete training and
review of the documents, to conduct new statistical estimates of completion of review,
and to validate the training and review.
This leads to the identification of an
updated predicted relevant set and predicted nonrelevant set.
c) Changing Scope of Relevancy
Another challenge that may arise occurs when the scope of relevancy expands
or contracts during the TAR training, or at some point after the review has been
completed. In these situations, the team may need to go back and update the human
reviewer and the software on what is relevant (in other words, they may need to
conduct a “re-review” of documents to identify the reasonable predicted relevant set).
The team will need to assess how different the original review scope of relevancy was
from the new scope of relevancy.
If there are multiple new issues, or very broad new issues, the team will most
likely need to update the training and review to reflect this scope. If the differences
are discrete or narrow in nature, the team may be able to use other strategies to
identify those discrete topics for further review and avoid updating the training and
If the new documents are not merged with the original TAR set, then the new documents could go
through a separate, parallel TAR workflow. This would result in two different TAR exercises.
Note that if the team merges the supplemental collection with the original TAR set, any statistical
calculations on how well the review of the original TAR set was performed may be stale (due to the
supplement, the updated TAR set has new properties and may have new richness, recall, and
precision). In addition, the TAR workflow may be adjusted when supplemental documents are
expected. For example, limiting an upfront control set may reduce the total number of documents in a
review when dealing with supplemental collections, because there is no need to update a large control
set before continuing with training.
review. The team should work with the service provider and workflow expert to
understand what steps need to be taken to reasonably deal with this challenge.
d) Unreasonable Training Results
A challenge may also arise when, upon conducting validation of the training,
the team believes the review results are not reasonable. This determination can often
be made based on the quantity and quality of documents the software incorrectly
categorized. In these situations, there are several actions the team may take to
improve the review results, which will largely depend on what the issue is and what
software was used. Any remedial measures should be discussed with the service
provider and workflow expert to ensure defensibility of process, which may include
the following:
Confirm that the sampling techniques used were statistically appropriate,
including that the correct set of documents was sampled and a sufficient
number of documents was sampled;
Confirm that the control set and validation-set documents are coded correctly
by the human reviewer, if applicable;
Engage in additional control set document review to reduce the uncertainty of
effectiveness estimates;
Re-review training set documents to confirm the human reviewers’ relevancy
decisions and modify them as necessary;
Engage in additional review of training set documents to improve the training
Review documents that the human reviewer and computer classified
differently to correct any inconsistencies or to evaluate whether certain types
of documents create problems for categorization by concept;
Identify any large quantities of problematic documents in the TAR set that the
computer is having difficulties making relevancy classifications on, remove
them from the TAR set, and review them outside the workflow.
The greater the certainty/lower margin of error used to create the control set, the less likely it is
that additional review will change the metrics.
For example, this may involve using relevant documents identified in the predicted nonrelevant set
as training documents.
This may require creating a new control or validation set afterwards.
A. INTRODUCTION……………………..…………………………………………..…… 30
B. EARLY DATA ANALYSIS/INVESTIGATION……..……………………….................. 30
C. PRIORITIZATION FOR REVIEW…………………………………………………….. 31
E. P
G. REVIEW OF INCOMING PRODUCTIONS.. .……………………………………….. 33
H. D
1. RECORDS MANAGEMENT BASELINE ………………………………………. . 36
TAR can be an effective tool to identify relevant documents and respond to
discovery requests. But TAR can also be useful to handle other discrete discovery
tasks. Several examples of alternative tasks follow.
Early Case Assessment (ECA)
is one efficient way to get a high-level view of
the overall makeup of the documents. From here, counsel will have some
understanding of the content of the documents and can better assist with
development of legal strategy.
In an appropriate case, a practitioner may use TAR to assist in the
identification of the ESI that should be reviewed. Sample documents may be used to
identify conceptually similar documents and to build a general understanding of the
overall document collection.
Alternatively, finding documents that are conceptually
The concept of Early Case Assessment (ECA) used herein is limited to the analysis of data content
of documents.
In cases involving a large volume of ESI, practitioners may first use unsupervised machine learning
methods (e.g., clustering, concept search, near-duplicate detection, and visualization) early in the
dissimilar to sample nonrelevant documents can assist to identify documents that do
not need further review.
ECA may also bring any missing ESI to the forefront early in a matter rather
than later in the review process. This applies to both unexpected documents and to
documents that were expected but are missing from the collection. For this reason,
ECA tools can significantly assist in scope and cost containment.
TAR is an effective tool for prioritizing and organizing documents for attorneys
to focus their initial discovery review, increase reviewer efficiency, assist with
reviewer training at the start of the case (TAR 1.0), or facilitate consistency in
human-coding decisions. Counsel has two ways to leverage TAR in this context:
targeted review and full review.
Targeted review uses TAR on a subset of similar documents, which can be
identified often from knowledge gleaned from any ECA on an ESI collection.
Alternatively, unsupervised machine learning tools can be used to prioritize
documents in a targeted review. Email threading identification, communication
analysis, and topical clustering can group documents containing similar concepts into
review batches.
A full human review may follow the completion of the TAR process. The
documents identified by TAR as most likely to contain relevant content are prioritized
and reviewed initially. Such prioritization can help inform early development of legal
Counsel can also exclude documents with a low relevance score from manual
review by creating and reviewing only a sample set of these documents to verify that
they are in fact not relevant.
TAR is an effective tool for categorizing documents. The most common
workflow involves categorizing documents by relevance. But TAR can also be used to
identify documents by specific category such as privileged, confidential, or “hot”
documents, and by issues germane to the case. In these scenarios, the software is
trained in the same way as when categorizing and ranking for relevance. However,
reviewers might isolate as training exemplars discrete concepts, words or phrases, or
litigation so that they can gain objective insight into what the ESI collection includes. These early case
assessment (ECA) tools analyze and index the content of electronic documents without any input by a
human reviewer and separate the documents into conceptually similar groupings. The results often
give insight into the ESI collection, particularly when examining ESI produced from opposing parties.
even excerpts from documents. These examples are provided to the software for
training and then the categorization process identifies similar documents.
Privilege review is one area where existing permutations of TAR face
significant challenges that may make them less valuable to clients and counsel. This
is partly attributable to the fact that software analysis of text-based documents
cannot reliably account for legal context and nuance. In addition, the danger of
disclosing privileged documents, in contrast to merely non-responsive ones,
influences the risk analysis.
Although TAR can sometimes play a role in privilege review, it is essential to
understand the current significant limitations and risks of employing TAR in a
defensible privilege review. First, the standards that apply to privilege are highly
variable and subject to dispute among counsel. There are a variety of privileges that
protect information from disclosure, each with specific legal standards. While TAR
can determine the topic of a document, the topic alone may not determine whether
the document is privileged. Second, privileged information in a document may have
little traditional indicia signaling that the information might be privileged. In fact,
the same exact content may be privileged in one document and not in another. Third,
the content of a document alone does not determine whether a document meets the
legal standards governing privilege. Privileged documents are often about the same
topic as nonprivileged documents, but many TAR tools would tend to categorize
together documents about the same topic. There are myriad other factors impacting
that determination.
Current TAR processes may not overcome these challenges. The richness of
privileged materials in most cases will be relatively low, which presents a challenge
for any review. Moreover, recall rates will likely be unsatisfactory for privilege
review. Given that attorneys on the same review team may strongly disagree about
whether a document is privileged, it is not surprising that software struggle to
properly categorize documents as privileged or not privileged. The software cannot
account for the events surrounding the creation or dissemination of a document that
might render an otherwise privileged document not privileged.
Employing TAR in privilege review can sometimes be helpful in terms of
timing, prioritization of review, and coding consistency. Any discussion regarding the
use of TAR for privilege review, however, should begin with understanding the nature
of the privileged documents and the client’s concerns regarding the documents.
Depending on the circumstances, in some cases, it may be appropriate to use
TAR in conjunction with human/linear review prior to production of any documents.
In some cases, linear review can be skipped at the initial stages to expedite production
of non-privileged documents, leaving for later the work required for redactions,
privilege logging, and claw-backs/downgrades.
No matter the decision regarding whether and when to utilize TAR, strong
claw-back agreements or provisions should be negotiated and in place prior to any
production to foreclose a waiver argument.
TAR can be effectively used for quality control (QC): (1) during document
review to assess reviewer accuracy; (2) as a quality assurance checkpoint at the
completion of a specific review phase; (3) during the production preparation phase;
and (4) to complement other privilege screens.
TAR can be used effectively to assess the review team’s coding accuracy by
comparing the coding decisions from the human document review with the
categorization or ranking scores assigned by the algorithm and revisiting documents
when discrepancies exist. Depending on the number of discrepancies identified and
time or budget restraints, QC is typically limited to the discrepancies identified at
the very top and bottom of the ranked relevance scores. Based on the results, the
review manager can adjust the coding protocol, perform supplemental training, or
reassign members of the review team.
TAR can also be used to assess the overall quality of human coding at a specific
review phase, such as first-pass review. This approach helps to measure the overall
quality of the work product created by the human review, which is especially critical
when documents identified as relevant during one review phase need to move to a
second phase based on the decisions applied. This approach can identify relevant
documents that were wrongly tagged as nonrelevant. It can also find sets of
documents that were tagged relevant in the first-pass review but for which the
additional cost of second-pass review is not warranted; once identified, these
documents can be addressed together.
Finally, once review coding is complete, rankings can be applied during the
production-preparation phase as a final check to identify and correct coding
discrepancies and as an additional privilege screen to ensure only the intended
documents are disclosed to the requesting party.
TAR is an efficient tool for a responding party to identify and produce relevant
documents from large sources of ESI. But it is increasingly used by requesting parties
to efficiently review and analyze voluminous document productions.
TAR offers the ability to streamline a review of a “data dump” and zero in on
relevant data quickly based on documents that are relevant or key, to the extent they
have already been identified, or by sampling and review of the production to develop
relevant and nonrelevant coding decisions to train the TAR software.
The goal of reviewing incoming productions is to prepare key evidence and
understand noteworthy content, including developing timelines, assessing case
strengths and weaknesses, and understanding witness knowledge. TAR can aid those
goals with issue categorization and key document analysis. TAR can also be used to
effectively demonstrate gaps and to aid in motion practice (e.g., evaluate the
sufficiency of the incoming production and potential spoliation issues, and perform a
responsiveness analysis to evaluate whether the opposing party produced a data
dump replete with non-responsive content).
Using TAR on incoming productions generates very little controversy in terms
of disclosure, transparency, and opposing party challenges. Accordingly, techniques
used for incoming data can be broader in scope than produced data and need not be
limited by the terms of governing ESI stipulations. Many approaches are available
for review of incoming productions, with the order and combination dictated by team
preference, type of produced data, and importance of the produced data. TAR may be
used, for example, to categorize or rank documents by relevance or issues in the
TAR can be a powerful and effective tool to identify key documents for witness
interviews, depositions, and trial. Historically, the process of identifying key
documents to conduct substantive witness interviews or to examine or defend a
witness at deposition or trial involved search term and linear reviews. The review
would normally start with the witness’s custodial file followed by a broader search
among other documents collected or produced in the case. This process was time-
consuming, resource intensive, and susceptible to missing key information if a
witness used “code” terms.
TAR offers some significant advantages over key word searching and linear
review. Categorization and ranking allow counsel to identify key documents and
issues that apply to a specific witness. Categorization aids understanding of the types
of documents in the dataset and of key dates that can be converted into an interview
Unsupervised machine learning tools might also be used on incoming ESI productions to cluster
documents for case analysis or to identify key documents or good example documents for TAR analysis.
Alternatively, it may be useful to perform communication analysis using email threading.
TAR also equips attorneys to prepare for deposition and trial witnesses by re-
purposing previously reviewed documents under any review model. It allows a more
comprehensive analysis of documents that the witness may face or need to be
questioned on during deposition or trial (this is particularly true for Rule 30(b)(6)
witnesses) and should focus on finding and categorizing documents that counsel has
already determined to be critical for a witness. TAR accelerates the speed and
accuracy of this process over a larger number of documents and can identify holes in
a key document collection or witness narrative.
Even with these advantages, it is important to recognize that TAR may not
identify every document key to an individual witness. Not all ESI can be categorized
by TAR, and the success of TAR is dependent on the content of the documents and
the quality of the training and QC rounds. Still, TAR can help counsel prepare for
more effective witness interviews earlier in a litigation or investigation and
significantly improve the speed at which witness preparation materials can be
TAR can be used to help manage organizations’ ever-growing volume of
electronic information. Although machine learning can be incorporated into
enterprise-content-management software, TAR can be leveraged to perform episodic
electronic discovery and knowledge management tasks, including the identification,
preservation, or disposition of discovery data.
Among other things, TAR tools can prove valuable in:
Identifying data that is subject to retention under an organization’s
information management policy;
Assessing legacy data that may be appropriate for defensible deletion;
Segregating data that contains protected information, such as personally
identifiable information (“PII”), medical information, or other information
subject to privacy protections;
Capturing corporate records that may contain contractual obligations or
confidentiality clauses, including third-party notification provisions; and
Isolating potentially privileged, proprietary, or business-sensitive content
(e.g., intellectual property, product development, or merger and acquisition
The same techniques and approaches for leveraging TAR in electronic
discovery apply when using TAR for information governance. Consideration should
be given to litigation-hold requirements, regulatory records-retention requirements,
internal audit and compliance needs, other legal obligations (such as contractual
requirements), and business operational needs.
A records-retention schedule provides a good starting point for using TAR for
information governance. Many records management systems are rules-based,
categorizing records according to defined characteristics. Applying TAR to
information governance practices relies on users training the computer to identify
specific records or content that need to be isolated and preserved. Exemplar
documents can be identified through Boolean searches or targeted sample collection,
and additional exemplars can be found by running conceptual clusters and sampling
documents that reside in the same cluster as the identified exemplars. TAR offers the
added benefit of being language-agnostic, aiding in challenges associated with search
term translation and language identification. Given the wide variety of records
covered by corporate records retention schedules, a categorization approach can prove
more promising than a relevant/not relevant approach.
TAR may be used to manage legacy data, including backup tape contents and
“orphaned” data associated with departed employees. Legacy data is often viewed
with an eye to preserving only: (i) data subject to a regulatory preservation
requirement or legal hold; (ii) data subject to records-retention requirements; or (iii)
data that has lasting IP or strategic value to the company. When using TAR for these
purposes, it is advisable to use a layered, multi-featured approach (i.e., using both
TAR and other search strategies), combined with rigorous statistical sampling, to
ensure adequate capture before data is potentially destroyed.
As with the approach to records management, isolating protected or sensitive
material often begins with basic search strategies, including pattern-based searching
to identify credit card numbers, bank accounts, dates of birth, and other content that
follows a regular pattern. Once good exemplars are identified, TAR can be leveraged
to identify documents with similar content.
As with all machine learning, it is important to perform a file analysis at the
outset to isolate documents that might not be readily susceptible to TAR, including
handwritten or numerical documents that are likely to contain protected information.
Once the data is identified, it can be segregated for appropriate treatment, which may
include limited-access secure storage, redaction, or structured content management.
INTRODUCTION……………………………………………..................................... 37
B. SHOULD THE LEGAL TEAM USE TAR?…………………………...…….................. 37
1. A
2. IS THE COST AND USE REASONABLE?......................................................... 38
DECISION?………………………………………………………………..…….. 39
In any particular matter that involves document classification, questions can
arise early regarding appropriate tasks for TAR as well as the factors that might
enhance or diminish its value in a particular case. In other words, should the legal
team use TAR, and if so, which TAR review process? While the following sections
provide insight into how to assess these questions, it is not an exhaustive analysis.
Any use case must be analyzed by the facts and circumstances facing the legal team.
The threshold question of whether TAR should be used can be answered by
understanding a few key decision points, which relate to an assessment of the cost
and risk threshold in a particular case:
Are the documents appropriate for TAR?
Are the cost and use reasonable?
Is the timing of the task/matter schedule feasible?
If applicable, is the opposing party reasonable and cooperative?
If applicable, are there considerations related to the forum or venue in
which the case is based that influence the decision?
The types of documents that potentially will be subject to TAR is an important
factor to consider when deciding whether to use TAR. TAR software requires text to
work, and thus is at least somewhat dependent on the semantic content of the
document population being analyzed. However, documents with no text, too little
text (not enough meaningful content), or too much text (too much content to analyze)
should be set aside, because the software will not be able to classify them well, or at
all. With this in mind, TAR can generally be very effective at sorting through a
custodian’s email files, but may not be an effective tool for organizing or categorizing
the spreadsheets or videos attached to those same emails.
TAR is most effective when applied to text based, user-generated documents.
This often includes emails, electronic documents such as Word files and searchable
PDFs, presentation slides, etc. Such documents have sufficient semantic content for
the software to effectively analyze their characteristics and find meaningful patterns
it can apply to other documents in the population. Documents with little text or
substantive discussion (such as an email that says nothing more than “Please see
attached”) lack sufficient content and cannot be effectively analyzed. These
documents generally require more training examples or may not be correctly
categorized, if they are categorized at all.
TAR may not work well with the following additional data types:
Exports from structured databases, particularly those with little semantic
or user-generated language content;
Outlook Calendar Invitations, unless they include extensive semantic
content in the body of the invitation;
Hard copy documents with less-than-desirable OCR results (although
results may be better than results using other search methodologies, like
keyword searching);
Audio/video/image files, which generally lack any semantic content;
Foreign language/ESL documents, which can be analyzed by TAR, but may
require separate training sets for each language (N.B., mixed-language
documents may cause additional issues); or
Structured or semi-structured data stored in databases, such as Mobile
Data/Chat/MSM/ Social Media/IoT/Real Big Data.
Legal teams typically engage in a cost and risk–benefit analysis when deciding
whether to use TAR or conduct a full manual review of documents. The team must
be cognizant of the costs of access and use of the TAR software. For one, the volume
of documents at issue should be considered. If the volume of documents is small, the
cost of use
may be higher than if a different review method is used to identify
There are unique costs associated with using TAR, including cost of access to the TAR application,
development and implementation of workflow, and project management time. There are also other
cost risks identified further in this Chapter below.
relevant documents. In addition, with a very small document collection, the risk that
the collection is very rich (mostly relevant documents) also may negate the value of
the use of TAR.
As seen in Chapter 2, TAR is a more complex review than just releasing all
documents to a review team for review. As such, TAR is not an overnight process. A
TAR review may involve an initial delay in days or weeks as the documents are
indexed, the workflow is finalized, and the TAR process is set-up. Document
production deadlines or deposition schedules may impact the decision to use TAR.
For example, if two custodians will be deposed within two weeks of the first document
production, the team would need to ensure at a minimum that those two custodians’
documents are targeted for TAR. If those two custodians’ documents have not been
fully collected, supplemental collections and their impact on TAR must be considered.
This issue only relates to the use of TAR for relevancy determinations, when
disclosure concerns exist. A key consideration here is whether the opposing party
will be reasonable and cooperative in the use of TAR. Engaging in a protracted battle
with opposing counsel, spending time educating an adversary about TAR, or involving
the court may not be worth the cost savings otherwise afforded by TAR. With respect
to government agencies, a party relying on TAR to respond to subpoenas and requests
for information must carefully abide by the agency’s requirements and policies. The
Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice, for example, requires prior approval
of not only the format but also the method of production. “Before using software or
technology (including search terms, predictive coding, de-duplication, or similar
technologies) to identify or eliminate documents, data, or information potentially
responsive,” a party responding to the request must submit a written disclosure of
the particulars of the proposed process.
Like Item 4 above, this issue only relates to using TAR for relevancy
determinations. Just like the bar at large, the bench’s support and understanding of
TAR vary. There is insufficient guidance and conflicting case law relating to the
extent of disclosure about TAR the producing party must provide to the requesting
party. When disclosure occurs, and parties cannot agree about the TAR process to be
used, a judge may need to determine whether the producing party’s proposal is
reasonable. This is a risk for a producing party, as judges vary in their familiarity
and views on different approaches to TAR. For these reasons, the forum’s approach
to disclosure must be considered in calculating the overall risks and costs associated
with TAR.
TAR can be a faster and cheaper process than a traditional linear document
review. There are several factors that impact the relative costs of TAR, however, and
one’s goals, workflow, and timeline are all pertinent.
Document review is often the single largest expense of litigation-related
discovery frequently estimated at 60% to 70% of the total cost. TAR can reduce costs
dramatically, but the upfront costs incurred in the initial set-up and training
expenses, as well as the relative uncertainty about the outcome and timeline, are
important factors to consider. In addition, TAR does not eliminate the need for any
document review, and users should not be surprised when costs shift away from the
first level review to the more-expensive second-level/QC/Privilege review side of the
Unsurprisingly, cost savings resulting from the use of TAR vary considerably
from case to case. Factors such as data quality, the types of data included in the
population, the breadth or complexity of relevance, the richness of the data, and the
statistical thresholds applied, as well as costs associated with the service provider or
software (this is frequently a per document or per gigabyte fee); hourly consulting or
project management fees related to the TAR process (including possible expert fees)
affect the overall cost of the TAR project and the cost savings realized in comparison
to a linear review.
The costs of training the computer may be significantly reduced by re-using
previously reviewed and coded documents. Known-relevant documents and files can
often serve as training documents, allowing one to both jump-start the TAR
categorization while also reviewing fewer documents. However, even in these
situations, some care needs to be given to determining whether any individual
document is a good example for TAR training.
Parties and courts are wrestling with addressing the question of whether and
how TAR can impact proportionality.
To that end, even though the responding/producing party is generally
considered to be best-positioned to evaluate the best way to identify and produce
requested materials, a court in the future may, under a Rule 26 proportionality
analysis, question a party’s decision not to use TAR, when substantial cost savings
and effectiveness appear clear.
confidence interval and confidence level characterize the certainty of the point
For example, the recall point estimate of 80% can be combined with a
margin of error of 5%, allowing for a confidence interval of 75% (5% below 80%)
and 85% (5% above 80%). Moreover, a confidence interval is meaningful only if
accompanied by a confidence level, which is a measure of how likely the sample is
to represent the true set, within the confidence interval. Continuing the example
used here, a confidence level of 95% means that 95 times out of 100, the result of
the sample will include the actual recall within its confidence interval. Put
another way, there is a 95% chance that the actual recall is between 75% and 85%.
CONTROL SET. A control set is a random sample taken from the entire TAR set
that acts as a relevancy truth set against which the computer’s decisions can be
judged. It is used to estimate the computer’s effectiveness in classifying documents
during TAR. It may also be used to estimate the richness of the TAR set. Not all
workflows use a control set.
ELUSION. Elusion estimates how many relevant documents were missed and are
in the nonrelevant set. In the example used below in the recall definition, the
computer identified 800,000 documents as potentially nonrelevant. Because there
are a total of 100,000 relevant documents and 80,000 documents were identified
within the 100,000 potentially relevant documents, 20,000 relevant documents
were missed. The elusion of the TAR predictive model is therefore 20,000 / 800,000
= 0.025 or 2.5%.
ESTIMATE OR ESTIMATION. Knowing the exact value of an effectiveness measure
(such as recall) would require knowing the true relevancy status of every
document in the TAR set. In practice, therefore, one must estimate the
effectiveness using sampling techniques. These estimates allow for a statistical
certainty that the estimated values are close to the true value.
PRECISION. Precision measures the percentage of documents that are truly
relevant among all the documents the computer identified as potentially relevant.
Using the example in the recall definition, the computer identified 200,000
POINT ESTIMATE. A point estimate is an estimate that is a single value. Based on the recall
definition example below, the point estimate for recall is the single value of 0.80 (80%), since the
computer correctly identified 80,000 of the 100,000 total relevant documents. However, as provided in
the confidence interval and level definitions, a point estimate alone is of limited use, and therefore
should be combined with how confident we are in the point estimate.
documents as potentially relevant, of which 80,000 were identified as relevant by
human-review, resulting in a precision of 40% (80,000/200,000).
PREDICTED NONRELEVANT SET. The predicted nonrelevant set is a subset of
documents in the TAR set. It contains those documents in the TAR set that are
predicted as nonrelevant by the software and thus would be excluded from further
review or production efforts workflow.
PREDICTED RELEVANT SET. The predicted relevant set is a subset of documents in
a TAR review set. These are the documents that the software identifies as
relevant and subject to potential production as a result of the TAR process. No
matter what form of TAR used, the identification of the potential production set
is derived from the software’s predictions on what is relevant and nonrelevant. In
some workflows, the entire predicted relevant set is reviewed by humans during
the TAR training process. For example, in common TAR 2.0 workflows, the
software is only trying to return relevant documents to the humans, and the
humans review all the documents returned by the computer as predicted relevant.
In other workflows, the predicted relevant set is not reviewed in its entirety during
the TAR training process. For instance, in common TAR 1.0 workflows, the TAR
process is designed to build a predictive model to make relevancy calls on the
entire TAR set, and after TAR is complete, the human review team makes the
decision to review the entire relevant review set or to simply accept the software’s
relevancy decisions. In any event, documents originally predicted to be relevant
can be subsequently reviewed and determined actually to be relevant or
nonrelevant under both TAR 1.0 or TAR 2.0 workflows. Despite no longer being
a “prediction” at that point, these documents continue to be classified as part of
the “predictive relevant set” to eliminate confusion that would otherwise arise.
With this in mind, it is important to note that, like manual reviews, TAR
classifications are not perfect. The “predicted relevant set” will not contain all the
relevant documents from the TAR set: its recall will not be 100%. Nor will it
contain only relevant documents: its precision will not be 100%. Any documents
in the predicted relevant set that are subsequently determined to be nonrelevant
by a human reviewer can always be excluded from production (insofar as they are
not part of a family that includes relevant documents).
Just as there will be nonrelevant documents in the predicted relevant set, there will be some
estimated number of relevant documents in the “predicted nonrelevant set.” But for simplicity
purposes, we identify this as the predicted nonrelevant set because most of these documents have been
identified by the computer as nonrelevant, and thus will be excluded from further human review.
RECALL. Recall measures the percentage of documents found to be relevant.
Consider a workflow in which a TAR set of one million documents are collected, of
which 100,000 are relevant.
The computer identifies 200,000 documents as
potentially relevant and 800,000 documents as potentially nonrelevant. A human
review of the 200,000 potentially relevant documents shows that 80,000 are
relevant. Therefore, the effectiveness of the classification system, when measured
using recall is 80%, since the computer identified 80,000 of the 100,000 relevant
documents. The producing party may represent that their workflow achieved an
80% recall, i.e., the documents being produced represent 80% of the relevant
population prior to any possible privilege review.
REVIEW QUALITY CONTROL. During a document review, the team may engage in
quality control efforts to ensure the human reviewer’s and computer’s relevancy
decisions are as accurate as reasonably possible.
RICHNESS. Richness is the estimated proportion of documents in a data set that
are relevant. For example, if a set of one million documents contains 100,000
relevant documents, it has 10% richness. Richness is also known as prevalence.
TAR SET. This is the total set of documents that the workflow (the document
review) will be conducted on.
TRAINING SET. The training set is the subset of documents in the TAR set that the
human reviewer reviews to train the software on what is relevant. The training
set will contain relevant and nonrelevant documents. The software uses the
training set to produce a predictive model, and the predictive model will be used
to define the predicted relevant set. The number of relevant and nonrelevant
documents necessary to produce a predictive model with good effectiveness will
depend on the nature of the documents in the TAR set, the difficulty of the
relevance definition, and the particular TAR software and method used.
In order to estimate recall, the total number of relevant documents in the TAR set must be known.
Because the only way of identifying the total number of relevant documents in a set is to review the
entire TAR set, the total number of relevant documents must also be estimated.
Bolch Judicial Institute at Duke Law gratefully acknowledges the financial
support of its EDRM sponsors.
FTI Consulting
Morae Global Corporation
NightOwl Discovery