Organising the review process
in Microsoft Word
Correspondence to:
Alexander Nürnberg
CRS Clinical Research Services
Mannheim GmbH, Richard-
Wagner-Strasse 20, 67269
Grünstadt, Germany
Alexander Nürnberg
CRS Clinical Research Services Mannheim GmbH,
Grünstadt, Germany
Regulatory documents are prepared in a highly col-
laborative process within tight timelines. The time
and the resources required for collecting input,
organising document review, and processing the
reviewers responses often dwarf those invested in
the actual writing. In our company, I have devel-
oped Microsoft Word
macros to manage and
document the review process. This solution, com-
bined with the modifications of the review work-
flow, is efficient and, as it relies on the features
already contained within Microsoft Word, does
not require additional software.
Keywords: Macros, Document review, Microsoft
Review is the key process in document develop-
ment, which ensures the quality and the credibility
of the document.
It is also one of the most time-con-
suming steps for medical writers,
which has, if
poorly organised, a high potential for introducing
errors and inconsistencies into the document.
Software tools can speed up and greatly assist in
the organisation and the conduct of document
yet, software solutions that meet the
medical writers expectations are remarkably scarce.
Usually, documents are distributed in Microsoft
Word format and reviewed by using tools available
in Microsoft Word. These review tools, e.g. tracked
changes and comments, are not only widespread
and broadly accepted; they are also easily customi-
sable with macros. We, therefore, decided to adapt
them to our needs, aiming at a solution that:
Is intuitively clear and does not need initial (or
worse, on-going) training;
Promotes a strict separation between the review
itself and its implementation, with the
reviewers concentrating on the content and
the medical writers caring for the implemen-
tation, proper wording, and consistency check;
Guides the reviewers through the document,
focusing them on relevant issues;
Allows a parallel review and an unproblematic
consolidation of the reviewers responses;
Provides a clear documentation of the review
process, discussions, and resulting decisions;
Facilitates review organisation and processing
by the medical writers;
Leaves the ultimate control over the document
in the hands of the medical writers.
Our solution consists of changes in the review pra c-
tice and the progr amming adaptations of the com-
menting functionality in Micr osoft Word, involving
rules for tagging comments and a set of macros.
Changes in review practice
We have abandoned the track changes mode, which
is an excellent tool for indicating changes in a single
distributed copy, but is not practical if several
review ers are involv ed in the revie w. Instead, we dis-
tribute document copies that permit commenting
only and ask the review ers to provide their opinions
as comments in the document. This wa y, the
medical writer retains ownership of the document.
Upon review completion, comments from the
returned copies are automatically transferred into
the master document without producing conflicting
insertions and deletions. The resulting master docu-
ment containing all the comments represents a clear
record of the review process. This document can
then be conveniently processed by using dedicated
Tagging a comment
A comment in Microsoft Word conveys three major
pieces of information: the comment itself, the
author, and the scope (i.e. the marked text to
which the comment is attached). For an efficient pro-
cessing, we additionally specify the addressee, the
relevance, and the status of a comment by
© The European Medical Writers Association 2014
DOI: 10.1179/2047480613Z.000000000166 Medical Writing 2014 VOL. 23 NO. 1
introducing standard descriptive phrases (tags) into
the comments body.
The addressee of a comment is given by a boldfaced
upper case expression like @SOMEBODY:
(Figure 1A and B). By using this tag, we provide
guidance for the reviewers, denoting the comments
that need special attention. As the tags are in bold
uppercase, we reduce the risk of the comments or
the questions being missed. Unified abbreviations
implemented in the macro, e.g. @ALL,
@INVESTIGATOR, or @STAT, contribute addition-
ally to the clarity. In the end, this approach saves
the reviewers time, especially when the documents
contain numerous comments (a typical situation in
the early stages of document development).
The relevance (in our parlance rating) is shown in the
first line of a comment as boldfaced Ra ting: followed
by one of the fiv e categories (in descending order):
critical, major, minor, note, or editing (Figure 1B
and C). Assigning relevance to the comments and
the quest ions allows us to prioritise their processing
and to quantify document quality. In addition, we
introduced escalation rules, e.g. the critical comments
must be immediately clarified with the team, the
major comments need to be confirmed and follow ed
up, the minor comments requir e confirmation only
if declined, and the notes can be implemented or
rejected at the medical writers discretion.
We specify the processing state of a comment by
assigning the status using four categories: done,
pending, declined (rejected), and confirmed
(Figure 1B and C). Similar to the rating, this tag
can be smoothly added or changed by a macro.
Although Microsoft Word provides functionality for
replying to a comment, such replies appear as
normal comments, with the only visible difference
being an R added to the authors initials (It has
been changed in the newest version, Microsoft
Word 2013, where the replies are displayed as a
discussion tree. Comments can be also marked as
done in this version.). Often, however, people
add replies as a new comment, sometimes at a
rather arbitrary location. In either case, the original
comment and several replies form a bewildering
array, which becomes even more disorganised if
several unrelated issues are discussed within one
Our strategy is therefore to discuss each issue
within one comment, keeping the discussion
thread together. For this, we place a new reply
directly at the end of the initial comment and any
previous replies therein. Each reply starts with a
boldfaced expression REPLY(Initials): (added auto-
matically) and is followed by the actual reply
(Figure 1B and C). Of note, our macro prevents
addition of the eighth reply, notifying the user that
a telephonic conference may be a better solution.
Managing comments
Although it is already a great improvement when a
comment clearly states what has to be done and who
has to do it, the full effect of these ideas is only seen
on a document-wide macro solution. Such a macro
analyses the comments within the document,
Figure 1: Examples of Microsoft Word comments in our format. (A) A comment addressed to a bioanalyst and a study
nurse during an internal review. (B) A comment from a sponsor that we rated as critical and redirected to the bioanalyst.
The bioanalyst replied, declining the proposal. Hence, the status of the comment is declined. (C) A comment to the
statisticians during an internal review. There are two replies from the statisticians. Note that we set the user initials in
Microsoft Word to company name/initials to distinguish in a better manner between the internal and the external
comments and to provide clarity for our customers.
Nürnberg Organising the review process in Microsoft Word
14 Medical Writing 2014 VOL. 23 NO. 1
extracting information on the addressees, the
ratings, the status, and the replies. The extracted
information can be used in several ways.
Comments can be selected on the basis of their
tags (Figure 2). The macro allows a flexible combi-
nation of tags, e.g. selection of all the comments to
the investigator that are pending and critical, and
do not contain replies. The selected comments can
then be exported into a Microsoft Word or Excel
file, with the tags and the replies displayed in
separate columns (Figure 3). We use these lists
for documentation of the review process, for over-
views, for preparing telephonic conferences and
meetings, and as supportive documents for the
Alternatively, the comments can be selectively
deleted from the document. We routinely remove
unrelated comments from the distributed copies,
leaving the complete set of comments in the
master document only. This approach is especially
useful for an interim clarification of a single issue:
in this case, we can easily create an ad hoc copy of
the document that contains only issue-specific
Other applications of the macro include quality
metrics, with the overall number and relevance of
the comments being measures of document
quality, estimation of the remaining work load
using the status tag, and work allocation. The
macro can also control the proper implementation
of the reviewers comments, e.g. requiring that all
the declined comments are replied or that all the
critical and major comments are processed. Finally,
small and handy tools incorporated into the
macro, e.g. predefined replies or copy/paste of the
entire comment, provide go od assistance and
enhance productivity.
Certainly, the presented approach requires accus-
toming and some tuning of the review workflow,
but its benefits clearly stand out: document develop-
ment becomes more standardised and efficient.
Although we mostly use these tools internally
(external reviewers are invited but not required to
mark comments in our way), this approach has
been already accepted by several sponsors due to
its obvious benefits. Other companies also use
macro-assisted approaches in a similar manner
with a noticeable increase in the productivity and
the streamlining of the review process (Gwyn
Hopkins, personal communication). One macro of
particular interest in this context extends the
compare/combine functionality of Microsoft Word
to be able to combine the comments of several docu-
ments in one go, again demonstrating the power of
macro programming and its opportunities.
Figure 2: Comments manager used for selection of comments on the basis of five attributes.
Nürnberg Organising the review process in Microsoft Word
15Medical Writing 2014 VOL. 23 NO. 1
In conclusion, the author wants to encourage
medical writers to use macros in their daily work
and to invite them to discussions and exchange of
ideas. Macros are useful for a variety of tasks per-
formed by medical writers, saving time, resources,
and improving document quality. They can also
promote new ideas: forcing people to manually
add predefined text expressions in a specific
format most probably would have failed, whereas
the same ideas provided as easy-to-use menu
buttons were highly appreciated.
I thank Dr Gwyn Hopkins and Nadja Faißt for dis-
cussion and comments on the manuscript. I am also
grateful to all my colleagues who supported these
ideas. A special thanks goes to Anja Lerps,
Hannelore Putz-Gei ßler, and Tanja Knerr for
testing the macro and providing suggestions.
Conflicts of interest and disclaimers
The author is an employee of CRS Clinical Research
Services Mannheim GmbH. This is an independent
publication and is not affiliated with, nor has it been
authorised, sponsored, or otherwise approved by
Microsoft Corporation.
The screenshot of Microsoft Word shown in Figure 2
is used with permission from Microsoft.
Supplementary material
Online supplementary material 1 of a demon-
stration file, containing the simplified macros
described above, is available.
1. Van Der Geest T, Van Gemert L. Review as a method
for improving professional texts. J Bus Tech Commun
2. Bernhardt SA. Improving document review practices
in pharmaceutical companies. J Bus Tech Commun
3. Cuppan GP, Bernhardt SA. Missed opportunities in the
review and revision of clinical study reports. J Bus Tech
Commun 2012;26(2):13170.
Author information
Alexander Nürnberg is a medical writer at CRS Clinical
Research Services Mannheim GmbH.
Figure 3: An example of an exported comment. For clarity, the macro exports the whole paragraph surrounding the comments scope. The scope (i.e. the marked text to which the
comment is attached) is then automatically highlighted.
Nürnberg Organising the review process in Microsoft Word
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