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Evaluation Systems, Pearson, 300 Venture Way, Hadley, MA 01035
Frequently Asked Questions About the
Pearson ePortfolio System
This document provides answers to FAQs about:
Getting started
System setup
Video recordings
Submitting portfolio work
About faculty feedback
Troubleshooting tips
Please note that links to third-party software are provided by Pearson as a
courtesy, and do not constitute an endorsement of any third-party products or
services you may access. If you do access a third-party site and/or software,
you do so at your own risk.
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Evaluation Systems, Pearson, 300 Venture Way, Hadley, MA 01035
Getting Started
As a candidate, how do I access the Pearson ePortfolio system?
To begin, you should register for the edTPA assessment. From
select Candidates, then Register. Follow the instructions to create an account
and register for edTPA. When you finish the registration process, you will be able
to begin building your portfolio on the Pearson system.
As a faculty reviewer, how do I access the Pearson ePortfolio system?
Your institution's edTPA Coordinator will send you an invitation email through
the Pearson system. Click on the link provided in the e-mail to become a faculty
reviewer. On the sign-in page, enter your email address and create a password.
You will now have access to the system.
Once you have established your account, you can access the system directly
or from the direct links in the candidate requests for
feedback that you receive by email.
Where do I begin once I sign in?
To begin, you should access the Assessment Handbook, available through the
system Portfolio Summary page, in the Instructions bar on the top left-hand side
of the page. Read this document carefully; it contains the content of the
assessment as well as other important information about building and
submitting your portfolio.
You should also review the various resources available to guide you through
using the Pearson ePortfolio system. See the Prepare page for
candidates for available materials, including video tutorials, tips for uploading
your video files, and specific tips for Mac users.
What alternative arrangements are available?
Pearson will work diligently with any candidate or faculty member requesting
special arrangements. For more information please review the page
for alternative testing arrangements or contact Customer Support (see Contact
Us on
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Evaluation Systems, Pearson, 300 Venture Way, Hadley, MA 01035
System Setup
What are the system requirements to use the Pearson ePortfolio
You will need access to a computer with the following minimum specifications:
Operating System Browsers Supported
Windows 7 or later
Internet Explorer 11 or
Chrome (latest version)
Firefox (latest version)
High speed
Adobe Reader 10.1.3*
or later
Microsoft® Word™
1997-2003 or later,
or OpenOffice 3
Mac, OS X v10.9 or
Safari 9 or later
Chrome (latest version)
(Firefox users on a Mac
may experience known
browser issues)
High speed
Adobe Reader 10.1.3*
or later
Microsoft® Word™
1997-2003 or later,
or Ope nOffice 3
*Adobe Reader is available free of charge at ader/. If you are unable to
update to Reader version 10.1.3, you may use version 9.5 as an alternative. Version 10.1.2 may
cause unresolved errors when attempting to view embedded documents on the edTPA website.
How do I download the templates and type in my responses?
From your Portfolio Summary page, click Start to access your portfolio page for
a particular Part. Download the template using the link in the Instructions bar on
the left-hand side of the page. Templates are formatted as word-processing
files. Open the template using your word-processing software, and begin typing
where you are prompted to record your response(s).
Can I print out the documents with my responses and mail in the
completed pages instead?
No, all candidate assessment work must be submitted online.
Can I update my work after I have already uploaded it?
Yes, you may update your work at any time before you submit your portfolio by
changing and re-uploading your original file. You must save your original file, as
the system converts your uploaded work to a file that you will not be able to
edit. When you re-upload your file, the system will automatically replace your
original submission with the new file.
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Evaluation Systems, Pearson, 300 Venture Way, Hadley, MA 01035
Video Recordings
Where do I obtain a digital camcorder in order to complete my video
If you do not own a digital camcorder, check if your institution has one you can
use. You can also check with friends or family members before deciding to
purchase your own.
To ensure you use a digital camcorder that meets technical specifications, please
review the document Troubleshooting Tips for the Pearson ePortfolio System,
available on the edTPA website.
What information must be included in my video recording?
The instructions for the Parts related to the videos describe in detail the
requirements for the video content. These instructions can be found in the
Assessment Handbook, available through the system Portfolio Summary page, in
the Instructions bar on the top left-hand side of the page.
My school already collects and keeps on file video release forms from its
students. Are these forms adequate for this assessment?
You should review these video release forms to make sure that the language
allows for the release of videos to a third party such as Pearson. If you have any
questions, contact Customer Support (see Contact Us on
I am unable to obtain releases or appropriate permission to video
record (e.g., my principal or supervising teacher will not allow video
recording). How should I proceed?
Contact Customer Support (see Contact Us on
), who can direct
this issue to a Pearson test coordinator who will contact you.
What kinds of video files can I upload?
The following file formats are acceptable: .asf, .qt, .mov, .mpg, .mpeg, .avi,
.wmv, .mp4, and .m4v.
Is there a limit to the video file size?
We recommend file sizes between 200 and 300 MB; the maximum size that the
system accepts is 500 MB.
Why is there a 500 MB limit on file uploads?
The Pearson ePortfolio system has a 500 MB size limit for each uploaded file.
There is no limit on the number of megabytes (MB) uploaded for an entire
portfolio. A 500 MB limit was set to encourage the compression of large videos
before candidates attempt an upload. The success of an upload through any
application depends heavily on the type of network, the file size, and the
network capacity at upload time.
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Evaluation Systems, Pearson, 300 Venture Way, Hadley, MA 01035
How do I upload a video file?
Training materials are provided on the Prepare page for candidates
This page includes a video overview with a tutorial for uploading files, called
Preparing Your Assessment with the Pearson ePortfolio System. There is also
other support material, including Troubleshooting Tips.
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Evaluation Systems, Pearson, 300 Venture Way, Hadley, MA 01035
My video won't upload. What should I do?
Review the following chart to help identify steps you can take to ensure your
video uploads successfully. If you continue to experience difficulties, review the
Troubleshooting Tips or contact Customer Support (see Contact Us on
*If Your Upload
Speed Is:
**And Your File
Size Is:
Please Try the Following:
Less than 1.5 Mbps
Less than 200 MB
Try to upload on your institution network or
another broadband network.
200 MB or greater Convert your video to a sm alle r file size.
1.5 Mbps or greater
Less than 200 MB
Try to upload again on your prim ary network
connection, possibly at a different time of day.
Try to upload on your institution network or
another broadband network.
200 MB or greater Convert your video to a sm alle r file size.
* Your upload speed can be determined at If you require further instructions,
please contact Customer Support. Uploads that take more than an hour may be interrupted by
network issues. You should target a file size that can be uploaded in less than an hour.
** Your file m ust be in one of the following video file form ats: .asf, .qt, .m ov, .m pg, .m pe g, .avi,
.wmv, .mp4, or .m4v. If it is not, try to convert your video to the appropriate format using the
software for your digital camcorder. Com pression and conversion instructions are also available for
both PC and Mac computers along with other helpful information; see the Prepare page
for candidates.
Video Tips for Popular Cameras
iPhone® and iPad®
If you are planning to use your iPhone® (4 or later), or iPad® (2 or later)
mobile digital device to record your video, keep in mind the following:
The camera on the front is a VGA-quality camera and is much lower
resolution than the camera on the back. You may want to consider using
this front camera to record your video since the file will be smaller and
easier to upload. The resolution should still be adequate for viewing.
The camera on the rear is high-definition. Using this HD camera to record
your video will produce a very large file. In order to upload it to the
Pearson ePortfolio system you will need to compress the file before
Note: iPhone 3G devices only have VGA video recording.
Flip™ UltraHD, MinoHD, SlideHD Cameras
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Evaluation Systems, Pearson, 300 Venture Way, Hadley, MA 01035
If you use a Flip camera to record high-definition video, the resulting file will be
very large. In order to upload it to the Pearson ePortfolio system, you will need
to compress the file before uploading. One way to reduce the file size is to use
the FlipShare™ software. Instructions can be found at:
Submitting Portfolio Work
Do I need to complete the entire assessment before I can submit my
portfolio for scoring?
All required work must be uploaded and must comply with the requirements in
order to submit your portfolio for scoring.
About Faculty Feedback
As a candidate, how do I send a request for feedback to my professor?
How do I review my professor's feedback?
After you have uploaded your work, you may submit a request for feedback if
your institution is using this feature of the Pearson ePortfolio system. To request
feedback from your professor, click the Request Part Feedback button from the
Part page within your portfolio. The system will generate a standard message
with pre-filled information in the header. Open the dropdown menu in the "To"
field to select your professor from the list of faculty from your institution. Fill out
the rest of the form and click Send. The system will send your request to your
professor. If your professor's name is not listed in the system, contact your
institution's edTPA coordinator.
For an overview on requesting and receiving feedback, you may watch a training
video provided on the Prepare page for candidates
As a faculty reviewer, how can I see the assignments my students are
being asked to complete?
Faculty reviewers can obtain edTPA assessment materials from their institution.
Please contact your institution's edTPA Coordinator.
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Evaluation Systems, Pearson, 300 Venture Way, Hadley, MA 01035
As a faculty reviewer, how do I respond to a candidate's request for a
review of their materials?
When a candidate requests feedback, the system will generate an email
message and send it to your email address on record. The email will contain a
link to the system; click this link and then sign in to your account.
Within the system, you will see the candidate's request in your Message Center.
Select the message and then click the Review Work and Reply button. You will
then be able to review the candidate's work and enter your feedback.
For an overview on providing feedback to candidates, you may watch a training
video provided on
. Select the Faculty tab at the top of the page
and follow the link for Faculty Resources.
As a faculty reviewer, can I download my students' videos?
No. You may only view your students' videos within the Pearson ePortfolio
system. Due to program privacy policies, users may not download video files.
Troubleshooting Tips
When I attempt to upload a video file, the upload takes a very long time
and then closes without finishing. What is wrong?
Please review the answer for the question above, "
My video won't upload. What
should I do?"
When I uploaded a file, I got a Processing message for a long period of
time. Is this normal?
The "Processing" message indicates your file has been uploaded, but more time
is needed for the file to be displayed in the Pearson ePortfolio system.
The duration of this process can vary depending on the file size. Documents
should appear in the "Ready" state within 15 minutes after an upload has
completed; video files may take as long as one hour to appear as "Ready."
You can continue to perform other functions on the Pearson ePortfolio system or
sign out while a file upload is in a Processing state.
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Evaluation Systems, Pearson, 300 Venture Way, Hadley, MA 01035
I received an error stating my video file is too large. My video is only 10
minutes long. Why am I getting this error?
Video length is not an accurate measurement of video file size. Videos recorded
in high-definition will have large file sizes, despite the short length of the
If you are planning to use your iPhone® (4 or later), or iPad® (2 or later)
mobile digital device to record your video, keep in mind the following:
The camera on the front is a VGA-quality camera and is much lower
resolution than the camera on the back. You may want to consider using
this front camera to record your video since the file will be smaller and
easier to upload. The resolution should still be adequate for viewing.
The camera on the rear is high-definition. Using this HD camera to record
your video will produce a very large file. In order to upload it to the
Pearson ePortfolio system, you will need to compress the file before
Note: iPhone 3G devices only have VGA video recording.
Are there any free tools available for video compression?
Yes. See the Prepare page for candidates
for information about
compression tools for PCs and Macs.
I have an image to submit, but the system doesn't allow me to upload it.
What should I do?
Image files (e.g., .jpg, .bmp, .gif) are not valid file formats for submission. You
can insert the image into a Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer document, and
save it using the "File/Save" or "File/Save As..." features in those applications.
Im attempting to upload a file, but the file appears grayed-out and/or
doesn’t appear in the pop-up window where I choose the file I wish to
The Pearson ePortfolio system is configured to only recognize the acceptable file
formats stated in each Part template. Files that are not in an acceptable format
will not be available to upload. Please refer to the Part template for complete
information regarding the acceptable file formats for each Part.
See the Prepare page for candidates
for guidelines and tutorials for
completing the edTPA assessment in the Pearson ePortfolio system.
My files are listed as "In Progress," but I uploaded them a week ago. Is
something wrong?
On the Portfolio Summary page, any Part that has at least one uploaded file will
appear as "In Progress." This means that one or more files in the Part have been
successfully uploaded to the Pearson ePortfolio system, and that work on that
Task Part is in progress. It is not an indication of any specific file upload status.
Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Evaluation Systems, Pearson, 300 Venture Way, Hadley, MA 01035
When you are ready to submit your portfolio materials for scoring, you must
"Mark Complete" each individual Part.
See the Prepare page for candidates
for guidelines and tutorials for
completing the edTPA assessment in the Pearson ePortfolio system.
I am unable to submit my portfolio because it tells me one or more
Tasks are incomplete, but I have uploaded all of my files. Why can't I
submit my portfolio?
If you receive an error indicating one or more Tasks are incomplete, you have
not yet selected "Mark Complete" in one or more Task Parts. Note that you must
meet the minimum file requirement indicated in each Part in order to be able to
select "Mark Complete."
See the Prepare page for candidates for guidelines and tutorials for
completing the edTPA assessment in the Pearson ePortfolio system, including a
video tutorial about submitting your assessment.
I recorded both video clips in one file, or was only required to complete
one video. How do I bypass the file requirement in order to submit my
You may not bypass file requirements for any Part in your edTPA portfolio. In
order to submit your edTPA materials for scoring you must upload the number of
files specified in the Pearson ePortfolio system.
Questions regarding these file requirements should be directed to an advisor or
the edTPA Program Administrator at your institution.