Managing the Server
This chapter includes the following sections:
Toggling the Locator LED, page 1
Toggling the Locator LED for a Hard Drive, page 2
Managing the Server Boot Order, page 2
Resetting the Server, page 4
Shutting Down the Server, page 5
Managing Server Power, page 6
Configuring Power Policies, page 8
Managing the Flexible Flash Controller, page 12
Configuring BIOS Settings, page 15
Toggling the Locator LED
Before You Begin
You must log in with user or admin privileges to perform this task.
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters chassis command mode.Server # scope chassis
Step 1
Enables or disables the chassis locator LED.Server /chassis # set locator-led {on | off}
Step 2
Commits the transaction to the system
Server /chassis # commit
Step 3
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This example disables the chassis locator LED and commits the transaction:
Server# scope chassis
Server /chassis # set locator-led off
Server /chassis *# commit
Server /chassis #
Toggling the Locator LED for a Hard Drive
Before You Begin
You must log in with user or admin privileges to perform this task.
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters chassis command mode.Server # scope chassis
Step 1
Enters hard disk drive (HDD) command mode.Server/chassis # scope hdd
Step 2
Where drivenum is the number of the hard drive whose
locator LED you want to set. A value of 1 turns the
LED on while a value of 2 turns the LED off.
Server /chassis/hdd # set locateHDD
drivenum {1 | 2}
Step 3
This example turns on the locator LED on HDD 2:
Server# scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope hdd
Server /chassis/hdd # locateHDD 2 1
HDD Locate LED Status changed to 1
Server /chassis/hdd # show
Name Status LocateLEDStatus
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------
HDD1_STATUS present TurnOFF
HDD2_STATUS present TurnON
HDD3_STATUS absent TurnOFF
HDD4_STATUS absent TurnOFF
Server /chassis/hdd #
Managing the Server Boot Order
Server Boot Order
Using CIMC, you can configure the order in which the server attempts to boot from available boot device
When you change the boot order configuration, CIMC sends the configured boot order to the BIOS the next
time the server is rebooted. To implement the new boot order, reboot the server after making the configuration
change. The new boot order will take effect on any subsequent reboot. The configured boot order is not sent
again until the configuration is changed again.
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Managing the Server
Toggling the Locator LED for a Hard Drive
The actual boot order will differ from the configured boot order if either of the following conditions occur:Note
The BIOS encounters issues while trying to boot using the configured boot order.
A user changes the boot order directly through the BIOS.
Configuring the Server Boot Order
Do not change the boot order while the host is performing BIOS power-on self test (POST).Note
Before You Begin
You must log in with user or admin privileges to perform this task.
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters bios command mode.Server# scope bios
Step 1
Specifies the boot device options and order. You can
select one or more of the following:
Server /bios # set boot-order
Step 2
cdrom—Bootable CD-ROM
fdd—Floppy disk drive
hdd—Hard disk drive
pxe—PXE boot
efi—Extensible Firmware Interface
Commits the transaction to the system configuration.Server /bios # commit
Step 3
The new boot order will be used on the next BIOS boot.
This example sets the boot order and commits the transaction:
Server# scope bios
Server /bios # set boot-order hdd,cdrom,fdd,pxe,efi
Server /bios *# commit
Server /bios # show detail
Server /bios #
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Managing the Server
Configuring the Server Boot Order
What to Do Next
Reboot the server to boot with your new boot order.
Viewing the Actual Server Boot Order
The actual server boot order is the boot order actually used by the BIOS when the server last booted. The
actual boot order can differ from the boot order configured in CIMC.
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters bios command mode.Server# scope bios
Step 1
Displays the boot order actually used by the BIOS
when the server last booted.
Server /bios # show actual-boot-order
Step 2
This example displays the actual boot order from the last boot:
Server# scope bios
Server /bios # show actual-boot-order
Boot Order Type Boot Device
------------ ------------------------- -----------------------------------
2 CD/DVD Cisco Virtual CD/DVD 1.18
3 Network Device (PXE) Cisco NIC 23:0.0
4 Network Device (PXE) MBA v5.0.5 Slot 0100
5 Network Device (PXE) MBA v5.0.5 Slot 0101
6 Network Device (PXE) MBA v5.0.5 Slot 0200
7 Network Device (PXE) MBA v5.0.5 Slot 0201
8 Network Device (PXE) Cisco NIC 22:0.0
9 Internal EFI Shell Internal EFI Shell
10 FDD Cisco Virtual HDD 1.18
11 FDD Cisco Virtual Floppy 1.18
Server /bios #
Resetting the Server
If any firmware or BIOS updates are in progress, do not reset the server until those tasks are complete.Important
Before You Begin
You must log in with user or admin privileges to perform this task.
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Managing the Server
Viewing the Actual Server Boot Order
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters chassis command mode.Server# scope chassis
Step 1
After a prompt to confirm, resets the server.Server /chassis # power hard-reset
Step 2
This example resets the server:
Server# scope chassis
Server /chassis # power hard-reset
This operation will change the server's power state.
Shutting Down the Server
If any firmware or BIOS updates are in progress, do not shut down the server until those tasks are complete.Important
Before You Begin
You must log in with user or admin privileges to perform this task.
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters chassis mode.Server# scope chassis
Step 1
Shuts down the server.Server /chassis # power shutdown
Step 2
The following example shuts down the server:
Server# scope chassis
Server /chassis # power shutdown
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Managing the Server
Shutting Down the Server
Managing Server Power
Powering On the Server
If the server was powered off other than through the CIMC, the server will not become active immediately
when powered on. In this case, the server will enter standby mode until the CIMC completes initialization.
If any firmware or BIOS updates are in progress, do not change the server power until those tasks are
Before You Begin
You must log in with user or admin privileges to perform this task.
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters chassis command mode.Server# scope chassis
Step 1
Turns on the server.Server /chassis # power on
Step 2
This example turns on the server:
Server# scope chassis
Server /chassis # power on
This operation will change the server's power state.
Server /chassis # show
Power Serial Number Product Name UUID
----- ------------- ------------- ------------------------------------
on Not Specified Not Specified 208F0100020F000000BEA80000DEAD00
Powering Off the Server
If any firmware or BIOS updates are in progress, do not power off the server until those tasks are complete.Important
Before You Begin
You must log in with user or admin privileges to perform this task.
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Managing the Server
Managing Server Power
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters chassis command mode.Server# scope chassis
Step 1
Turns off the server.Server /chassis # power off
Step 2
This example turns off the server:
Server# scope chassis
Server /chassis # power off
This operation will change the server's power state.
Server /chassis # show
Power Serial Number Product Name UUID
----- ------------- ------------- ------------------------------------
off Not Specified Not Specified 208F0100020F000000BEA80000DEAD00
Power Cycling the Server
If any firmware or BIOS updates are in progress, do not power cycle the server until those tasks are
Before You Begin
You must log in with user or admin privileges to perform this task.
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters chassis command mode.Server# scope chassis
Step 1
Power cycles the server.Server /chassis # power cycle
Step 2
This example power cycles the server:
Server# scope chassis
Server /chassis # power cycle
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Managing the Server
Power Cycling the Server
Configuring Power Policies
Viewing the Power Statistics
PurposeCommand or Action
Displays the server power consumption statistics
and the power cap policy.
Server# show power-cap [detail]
Step 1
The displayed fields are described in the following table:
The power currently being used by the server, in watts.Current Consumption
The maximum number of watts consumed by the server since the last
time it was rebooted.
Maximum Consumption
The minimum number of watts consumed by the server since the last
time it was rebooted.
Minimum Consumption
The minimum amount of power that can be specified as the peak power
cap for this server, in watts.
Minimum Configurable Limit
The maximum amount of power that can be specified as the peak power
cap for this server, in watts.
Maximum Configurable Limit
Additional fields are described in the following table:
If power capping is enabled, the system monitors how much power is
allocated to the server and takes the specified action if the server goes
over its maximum allotment.
Enable Power Capping
The maximum number of watts that can be allocated to this server. If
the server requests more power than specified in this field, the system
takes the action defined in the Non-Compliance Action field.
Enter a number of watts within the range defined by the Minimum
Configurable Limit field and the Maximum Configurable Limit
Peak Power
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Managing the Server
Configuring Power Policies
The action the system should take if power capping is enabled and the
server requests more than its peak power allotment. This can be one of
the following:
force-power-reduction—The server is forced to reduce its power
consumption by any means necessary. This option is available
only on some C-Series servers.
none—No action is taken and the server is allowed to use more
power than specified in the Peak Power field.
power-off-host—The server is shut down.
throttle—Processes running on the server are throttled to bring
the total power consumption down.
Non-Compliance Action
This example displays the detailed power statistics:
Server# show power-cap detail
Cur Consumption (W): 247
Max Consumption (W): 286
Min Consumption (W): 229
Minimum Configurable Limit (W): 285
Maximum Configurable Limit (W): 1250
Power Cap Enabled: yes
Peak Power: 0
Non Compliance Action: throttle
Power Capping Policy
The power capping policy determines how server power consumption is actively managed. When power
capping is enabled, the system monitors how much power is allocated to the server and attempts to keep the
power consumption below the allocated power. If the server exceeds its maximum allotment, the power
capping policy triggers the specified non-compliance action.
Configuring the Power Cap Policy
This feature is not available on some servers.Note
Before You Begin
You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.
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Managing the Server
Power Capping Policy
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters the power cap command mode.Server# scope power-cap
Step 1
Enables or disables the capping of power to the server.Server /power-cap # set
enabled {yes | no}
Step 2
Specifies the maximum number of watts that can be allocated to
this server. Enter a number of watts within the range defined by
Server /power-cap # set
peak-power watts
Step 3
the Minimum Configurable Limit field and the Maximum
Configurable Limit field of the show power-cap detail command
output. These fields are determined by the server model.
If the server requests more power than specified in this command,
the system takes the action defined by the set
non-compliance-action command.
Specifies the action the system should take if power capping is
enabled and the server requests more than its peak power allotment.
This can be one of the following:
Server /power-cap # set
{force-power-reduction |
Step 4
none | power-off-host |
force-power-reduction—The server is forced to reduce its
power consumption by any means necessary. This option is
not available on some server models.
none—No action is taken and the server is allowed to use
more power than specified in the peak power setting.
power-off-host—The server is shut down.
throttle—Processes running on the server are throttled to
bring the total power consumption down.
Commits the transaction to the system configuration.Server /power-cap # commit
Step 5
This example enables and configures a power cap policy and commits the transaction:
Server# scope power-cap
Server /power-cap # set enabled yes
Server /power-cap *# set peak-power 1000
Server /power-cap *# set non-compliance-action throttle
Server /power-cap *# commit
Server /power-cap # show detail
Cur Consumption (W): 688
Max Consumption (W): 1620
Min Consumption (W): 48
Minimum Configurable Limit (W): 500
Maximum Configurable Limit (W): 2000
Power Cap Enabled: yes
Peak Power: 1000
Non Compliance Action: throttle
Server /power-cap #
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Managing the Server
Configuring the Power Cap Policy
Configuring the Power Restore Policy
The power restore policy determines how power is restored to the server after a chassis power loss.
Before You Begin
You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters the chassis command mode.Server# scope chassis
Step 1
Specifies the action to be taken when chassis power is restored.
Select one of the following:
Server /chassis # set policy
{power-off | power-on |
Step 2
power-off—Server power will remain off until manually
turned on. This is the default action.
power-on—Server power will be turned on when chassis
power is restored.
restore-last-state—Server power will return to the state
before chassis power was lost.
When the selected action is power-on, you can select a delay
in the restoration of power to the server.
Specifies whether server power will be restored after a fixed
or random time. The default is fixed. This command is accepted
only if the power restore action is power-on.
Server /chassis # set delay
{fixed | random}
Step 3
Specifies the delay time in seconds. The range is 0 to 240; the
default is 0.
Server /chassis # set
delay-value delay
Step 4
Commits the transaction to the system configuration.Server /chassis # commit
Step 5
This example sets the power restore policy to power-on with a fixed delay of 180 seconds (3 minutes) and
commits the transaction:
Server# scope chassis
Server /chassis # set policy power-on
Server /chassis *# set delay fixed
Server /chassis *# set delay-value 180
Server /chassis *# commit
Server /chassis # show detail
Power: on
Serial Number: QCI1404A1IT
Product Name: UCS C200 M1
PID : R200-1120402
UUID: 01A6E738-D8FE-DE11-76AE-8843E138AE04
Locator LED: off
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Managing the Server
Configuring the Power Restore Policy
Description: Testing power restore
Power Restore Policy: power-on
Power Delay Type: fixed
Power Delay Value(sec): 180
Server /chassis #
Managing the Flexible Flash Controller
Cisco Flexible Flash
Some C-Series Rack-Mount Servers support an internal Secure Digital (SD) memory card for storage of server
software tools and utilities. The SD card is hosted by the Cisco Flexible Flash storage adapter.
The SD storage is available to CIMC as four virtual USB drives. Three are preloaded with Cisco software
and the fourth can hold a user-installed hypervisor or other content. The four virtual drives are as follows:
Cisco UCS Server Configuration Utility (bootable)
User-installed (may be bootable)
Cisco drivers (not bootable)
Cisco Host Upgrade Utility (bootable)
For information about the Cisco software utilities and packages, see the Cisco UCS C-Series Servers
Documentation Roadmap at this URL:
Configuring the Flexible Flash Controller Properties
Before You Begin
You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.
Cisco Flexible Flash must be supported by your platform.
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters the chassis command mode.Server# scope chassis
Step 1
Enters the Cisco Flexible Flash controller command mode
for the specified controller. At this time, the only permissible
index value is FlexFlash-0.
Server /chassis # scope flexflash
Step 2
Enters the operational profile command mode.Server /chassis/flexflash # scope
Step 3
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Managing the Server
Managing the Flexible Flash Controller
PurposeCommand or Action
Specifies the number of read/write errors that are permitted
while accessing the Cisco Flexible Flash card. If the number
# set error-count-threshold
Step 4
of errors exceeds this threshold, the Cisco Flexible Flash
card is disabled and you must reset it manually before CIMC
attempts to access it again.
To specify a read/write error threshold, enter an integer
between 1 and 255. To specify that the card should never be
disabled regardless of the number of errors encountered,
enter 0 (zero).
The slot in which the primary copy of the data resides.Server
Step 5
Currently, Cisco Flexible Flash cards are
supported only in slot 1. Therefore, this field
must be set to slot1.
# set raid-primary-member {slot1
| slot2}
Specifies a list of virtual drives to be made available to the
server as a USB-style drive. The options are as follows:
# set virtual-drives-enabled list
Step 6
SCU—The server can access the Cisco UCS Server
Configuration Utility.
DRIVERS—The server can access the Cisco drivers
HV—The server can access a user-installed hypervisor.
HUU—The server can access the Cisco Host Upgrade
When specifying more than one option, you must enclose
the list in quotation marks (").
Commits the transaction to the system configuration.Server /chassis/adapter # commit
Step 7
This example configures the properties of the flash controller:
Server# scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope flexflash FlexFlash-0
Server /chassis/flexflash # scope operational-profile
Server /chassis/flexflash/operational-profile # set error-count-threshold 100
Server /chassis/flexflash/operational-profile *# set raid-primary-member slot1
Server /chassis/flexflash/operational-profile *# set virtual-drives-enabled "SCU HUU"
Server /chassis/flexflash/operational-profile *# commit
Server /chassis/flexflash/operational-profile #
Booting from the Flexible Flash
You can specify a bootable virtual drive on the Cisco Flexible Flash card that will override the default boot
priority the next time the server is restarted, regardless of the default boot order defined for the server. The
specified boot device is used only once. After the server has rebooted, this setting is ignored.
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Managing the Server
Booting from the Flexible Flash
Before you reboot the server, ensure that the virtual drive you select is enabled on the Cisco Flexible Flash
Before You Begin
You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.
Cisco Flexible Flash must be supported by your platform.
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters the BIOS command mode.Server# scope bios
Step 1
The virtual drive from which the server attempts to boot the
next time it is restarted. This can be one of the following:
Server /bios # set boot-override
{None | SCU | HV | HUU}
Step 2
None—The server uses the default boot order
SCU—The server boots from the Cisco UCS Server
Configuration Utility
HV—The server boots from the hypervisor virtual drive
HUU—The server boots from the Cisco Host Upgrade
Commits the transaction to the system configuration.Server /bios # commit
Step 3
This example specifies that the server boots from the Cisco UCS Server Configuration Utility the next time
it is restarted:
Server# scope bios
Server /bios # set boot-override SCU
Committing the boot override BIOS will try boot to
the specified boot device first. Failure to detect
the boot device BIOS will boot from the list
configured in the BIOS boot order.
Server /bios *# commit
Server /bios #
Resetting the Flexible Flash Controller
In normal operation, it should not be necessary to reset the Cisco Flexible Flash. We recommend that you
perform this procedure only when explicitly directed to do so by a technical support representative.
This operation will disrupt traffic to the virtual drives on the Cisco Flexible Flash controller.Note
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Managing the Server
Resetting the Flexible Flash Controller
Before You Begin
You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.
Cisco Flexible Flash must be supported by your platform.
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters the chassis command mode.Server# scope chassis
Step 1
Enters the Cisco Flexible Flash controller command
mode for the specified controller. At this time, the only
permissible index value is FlexFlash-0.
Server /chassis # scope flexflash
Step 2
Resets the Cisco Flexible Flash controller.Server /chassis/flexflash # reset
Step 3
This example resets the flash controller:
Server# scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope flexflash FlexFlash-0
Server /chassis/flexflash # reset
This operation will reset Cisco Flexible Flash controller.
Host traffic to VDs on this device will be disrupted.
Continue?[y|N] y
Server /chassis/flexflash #
Configuring BIOS Settings
Viewing BIOS Status
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters the BIOS command mode.Server# scope bios
Step 1
Displays details of the BIOS status.Server /bios # show detail
Step 2
The BIOS status information contains the following fields:
The version string of the running BIOS.BIOS Version
The order of bootable target types that the server will
attempt to use.
Boot Order
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Managing the Server
Configuring BIOS Settings
This can be None, SCU, HV, or HUU.Boot Override Priority
The status of any pending firmware update or
recovery action.
FW Update/Recovery Status
The percentage of completion of the most recent
firmware update or recovery action.
FW Update/Recovery Progress
This example displays the BIOS status:
Server# scope bios
Server /bios # show detail
BIOS Version: "C460M1.1.2.2a.0 (Build Date: 01/12/2011)"
Boot Override Priority:
FW Update/Recovery Status: NONE
FW Update/Recovery Progress: 100
Server /bios #
Configuring Main BIOS Settings
Before You Begin
You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters the BIOS command mode.Server# scope bios
Step 1
Enters the main BIOS settings command mode.Server /bios # scope main
Step 2
The BIOS parameters available depend on the model of the server
that you are using. For descriptions and information about the
options for each BIOS setting, see one the following topics:
Configure the BIOS
Step 3
Main BIOS Parameters for C22 and C24 Servers
Main BIOS Parameters for C200 and C210 Servers
Main BIOS Parameters for C250 Servers
Main BIOS Parameters for C260 Servers
Main BIOS Parameters for C460 Servers
Commits the transaction to the system configuration.Server /bios/main # commit
Step 4
Changes are applied on the next server reboot. If server power is
on, you are prompted to choose whether to reboot now.
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Managing the Server
Configuring Main BIOS Settings
This example configures the BIOS to pause the boot upon a critical POST error and commits the transaction:
Server# scope bios
Server /bios # scope main
Server /bios/main # set POSTErrorPause Enabled
Server /bios/main *# commit
Changes to BIOS set-up parameters will require a reboot.
Do you want to reboot the system?[y|N] n
Changes will be applied on next reboot.
Server /bios/main #
Configuring Advanced BIOS Settings
Depending on your installed hardware, some configuration options described in this topic may not appear.Note
Before You Begin
You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters the BIOS command mode.Server# scope bios
Step 1
Enters the advanced BIOS settings command mode.Server /bios # scope
Step 2
The BIOS parameters available depend on the model of the server
that you are using. For descriptions and information about the
options for each BIOS setting, see one the following topics:
Configure the BIOS
Step 3
Advanced BIOS Parameters for C22 and C24 Servers
Advanced BIOS Parameters for C200 and C210 Servers
Advanced BIOS Parameters for C250 Servers
Advanced BIOS Parameters for C260 Servers
Advanced BIOS Parameters for C460 Servers
Commits the transaction to the system configuration.Server /bios/advanced #
Step 4
Changes are applied on the next server reboot. If server power is
on, you are prompted to choose whether to reboot now.
This example enables low voltage DDR memory mode and commits the transaction:
Server# scope bios
Server /bios # scope advanced
Server /bios/advanced # set LvDDRMode Enabled
Server /bios/advanced *# commit
Changes to BIOS set-up parameters will require a reboot.
Do you want to reboot the system?[y|N] n
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Managing the Server
Configuring Advanced BIOS Settings
Changes will be applied on next reboot.
Server /bios/advanced #
Configuring Server Management BIOS Settings
Before You Begin
You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters the BIOS command mode.Server# scope bios
Step 1
Enters the server management BIOS settings command mode.Server /bios # scope
Step 2
The BIOS parameters available depend on the model of the server
that you are using. For descriptions and information about the
options for each BIOS setting, see one the following topics:
Configure the BIOS settings.
Step 3
Server Management BIOS Parameters for C22 and C24
Server Management BIOS Parameters for C200 and C210
Server Management BIOS Parameters for C250 Servers
Server Management BIOS Parameters for C260 Servers
Server Management BIOS Parameters for C460 Servers
Commits the transaction to the system configuration.Server
/bios/server-management #
Step 4
Changes are applied on the next server reboot. If server power is
on, you are prompted to choose whether to reboot now.
This example enables automatic detection of the BMC and commits the transaction:
Server# scope bios
Server /bios # scope server-management
Server /bios/server-management # set BMCPnP Enabled
Server /bios/server-management *# commit
Changes to BIOS set-up parameters will require a reboot.
Do you want to reboot the system?[y|N] n
Changes will be applied on next reboot.
Server /bios/server-management #
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Managing the Server
Configuring Server Management BIOS Settings
Restoring BIOS Defaults
Before You Begin
You must log in as a user with admin privileges to perform this task.
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters the BIOS command mode.Server# scope bios
Step 1
Restores BIOS default settings. This command
initiates a reboot.
Server /bios # bios-setup-default
Step 2
This example restores BIOS default settings:
Server# scope bios
Server /bios # bios-setup-default
This operation will reset the BIOS set-up tokens to factory defaults.
All your configuration will be lost.
Changes to BIOS set-up parameters will initiate a reboot.
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Managing the Server
Restoring BIOS Defaults
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Managing the Server
Restoring BIOS Defaults