Short Quotations
Prose: Less than four (4) typed lines of prose 
o Author’s last name 
o Page number 
after 
According to John Brown, the writing center proves to be a “calm and quiet area to learn
more about writing techniques” (22).
Poetry: Three (3) lines or less of a poem 
MLA In-Text
Long Quotations
Prose: More than four (4) typed lines of prose 
 
After attending the writing center, John described his experience:
The writing tutor that I worked with was beyond helpful in the entire process. She was
able to look over my paper with me and ask questions to lead me into finding better ways
to write. I felt totally comfortable with her. I was surprised at how fast my appointment
went and cannot wait to schedule another meeting with her next week. (Brown 42)
Poetry: More than three (3) lines of poetry 
In the poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” Robert Frost hints that life is fleeting:
Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour. (1-4)
General Guidelines
In-text Citation Patterns and Samples
Patterns for In-text Citations
Sample In-text Citations
Single Author
Human beings have been described as
“symbol-using animals” (Burke 3).
Kenneth Burke describes human beings as
“symbol-using animals” (3).
Two Authors
Student writers tend to quote too much when
using material from outside sources (Graff
and Birkenstein 42).
Three Authors
“These social facts find a new view of
Mexico and its people” (Poll, Pit, and Diaz
More than Three Authors
“The quadratic equation symbolizes
proximity to the divine” (Spencer et al. 354).
No Author Listed by Title
Many global warming hotspots exist in North
America (“The Impact of Global” 68).
Organization/Corporation as Author
The 2001 survey of human resource managers
addressed employee discipline (Amer.
Management Assn. 5).
Scholarly Journal Article
"The struggle to revolutionize the institution
of marriage is, however, far from over. Next
is the battle for divorce equality (Tait 1245).
Internet Document with no Fixed Pages or
Section Numbers
“Steinbeck proposed that the American
political structure demonized the common
man” (Stephan).
Indirect Source (one source quoted in
another source)
Robert Cahn says, “the national interest might
be served better by wilderness than by
development” (as qtd. in McDonald 141).
Works in Anthologies
“When Miss Emily Grierson died, our whole
town went to her funeral” (Faulkner 696).
Prose Plays
“It is the Oriental in her at war with her
Western education” (M. Butterfly 1.10).
Verse Plays
(Title act.scene.lines)
 
“Faith, that was not so well: yet would I
knew/That stroke would prove the worst!”
(Othello 4.2.3-4).
“Speak of me as I am. Nothing extenuate/Nor
set down aught in malice” (5.2.342-43).
“If ever two were one, then surely we. / If
ever man were loved by wife, then thee
(Bradstreet, lines 1-2).
Two Works by Same Author
 
“But women grow up thinking they need to
look like Barbie, which for most women is
impossible” (Barry, “The Ugly Truth” 3).
Dave Barry comments on the influences on
women’s self-esteem: “[W]omen grow up
thinking they need to look like Barbie, which
for most women is impossible” (“The Ugly
Truth” 3).