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Linkages and spillovers in global production networks: >rm-level Linkages and spillovers in global production networks: >rm-level
analysis of the Czech automotive industry analysis of the Czech automotive industry
Petr Pavlinek
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Pavla Žížalová
Charles University in Prague
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Pavlinek, Petr and Žížalová, Pavla, "Linkages and spillovers in global production networks: >rm-level
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Linkages and spillovers in global production
networks: firm-level analysis of the Czech
automotive industry
Petr Pavlı
and Pavla Z
*University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA and Charles University in Prague, Czechia
**Charles University in Prague, Czechia and PricewaterhouseCoopers, Czechia
Corresponding author: Petr Pavlı
nek, Department of Geography and Geology, University of Nebraska at
Omaha, 6001 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE 68182-0199, USA. email 5[email protected]4
The aim of this article is to analyze the linkages between and spillovers from foreign-
owned (foreign) to domestic-owned (domestic) firms in the Czech automotive industry.
Theoretically and conceptually, our research draws on two strands of literature:
spillovers, linkages and effects of foreign direct investment on domestic firms and
regional economic development; and literature on global production networks, global
value chains and industrial upgrading. Empirical analysis is based upon unique data
collected by the authors through a questionnaire completed by 317 foreign and
domestic firms in 2009 and on-site interviews with 100 firms conducted between
2009 and 2011. Data analysis has identified a low share of domestic suppliers in the
total supplies of Czech-based foreign firms and diverse spillover effects from foreign to
domestic firms. Domestic firms vary in their capabilities and absorptive capacity which,
along with the particular nature of the contemporary automotive value chain,
significantly influence their ability and potential to benefit from linkages and spillovers.
Keywords: Linkages, spillovers, automotive industry, domestic and foreign firms, Czechia
JEL classifications: L62, D24
Date submitted: 9 January 2014 Date accepted: 11 September 2014
1. Introduction
In an increasingly globalized economy, and especially in less developed and middle-
income economies, the role of transnational corporations (TNCs) is considered to be
crucial for economic development (Meyer, 2004; Jindra et al., 2009). Value creation is a
fundamental precondition for successful economic development (Henderson et al.,
2002; Coe et al., 2004) and TNCs can create or enhance opportunities for value creation
by their decisions to invest in particular countries, regions and localities. Through the
geographic diffusion of broadly defined technology, which in addition to production
methods and technologies includes production organization and management (Go
and Greenaway, 2004), foreign direct investment (FDI) has direct and indirect effects
on host economies. Direct effects include employment effects, trade effects, effects on
capital formation and tax revenues. Indirectly, FDI may influence the industrial
environment of host economies and the behavior and performance of host country
firms in the form of spillovers from foreign-owned (henceforth foreign) firms through
ß The Author (2014). Published by Oxford University Press
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs licence (http://creative, which permits non-commercial reproduction and distribution of the work, in any medium, provided the original
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Journal of Economic Geography 16 (2016) pp. 331–363 doi:10.1093/jeg/lbu041
Advance Access Published on 14 October 2014
at University of Nebraska-Omaha on September 12, 2016 from
acquisition of skills, through imitation, competition and exports (Blomstro
m and
Kokko, 2001; Go
rg and Greenaway, 2004; Dunning and Lundan, 2008). In other
words, the productivity and/or efficiency of host country firms may increase following
the entry of foreign firms as foreign investors are unable to fully internalize their firm
specific advantages, such as superior process and product technology and marketing
skills, which may spill over to local firms (Blomstro
m et al., 2000; Blomstro
m and
Kokko, 2001; Dunning and Lundan, 2008).
The aim of this article is to analyze linkages between foreign and domestic-owned
(henceforth domestic) firms and spillovers from foreign to domestic firms in the Czech
automotive industry. The contemporary automotive industry is typified by the high
degree of vertical disintegration and, therefore, by strong backward linkages between
lead firms (assemblers) and hundreds of their component suppliers organized in
hierarchically structured production networks (Humphrey and Memedovic, 2003). The
automotive industry thus represents an excellent economic sector to study spillovers
from foreign to domestic firms. With the 2012 production of 1.2 million vehicles, the
Czech automotive industry provides a relevant example of the automotive industry
periphery that has been integrated into the European and global automotive production
networks through large inflows of FDI since the early 1990s (Pavlı
nek, 2002a, 2002c,
2003). However, despite the importance of the automotive industry for the Czech
economy and the dominant role of FDI in the sector (Pavlı
nek, 2008, 2012a, 2012b;
nek and Z
enka, 2010, 2011), FDI’s effects on domestic firms in the Czech
automotive industry have not been systematically studied. In this article, we employ the
qualitative research methodology to focus on backward linkages between TNCs’
foreign subsidiaries and domestic suppliers through buyer–supplier relationships,
because they are considered to be the most important channel through which spillovers
develop (Javorcik, 2004; Ivarsson and Alvstam, 2005; Blalock and Gertler, 2008). We
have collected unique data about the effects of foreign investors on domestic
automotive firms through a questionnaire completed by 317 foreign and domestic
firms in 2009 and on-site interviews with 100 automotive firms between 2009 and 2011.
Our main goal is to evaluate the extent to which linkages and spillovers from foreign to
domestic firms have developed in the Czech automotive industry after its liberalization
in the early 1990s and through which mechanisms they occur because the study of
mechanisms of FDI spillovers has been neglected (Meyer, 2004; Spencer, 2008;
Contreras et al., 2012; Hallin and Lind, 2012). Specifically, we focus on three questions:
First, how strong are the linkages between foreign and domestic firms and what kind of
spillovers can be identified in the Czech automotive industry? Second, what are the
effects of these linkages and spillovers on technological, organizational and strategic
competences of domestic suppliers? Third, why are some domestic suppliers able to
benefit from linkages with foreign firms to enhance their competitiveness and improve
their position in the automotive value chain while others are unable to do so?
Theoretically and conceptually, our research draws on two strands of literature. First
is vast literature on spillovers, linkages and effects of FDI on domestic firms and
regional development (e.g. Firn, 1975; Dicken, 1976; Britton, 1980; Hayter, 1982;
Phelps, 1993; Amin et al., 1994; Aitken and Harrison, 1999; Blomstro
m and Kokko,
2001; Hansen et al., 2009; Jindra et al., 2009). Second is literature on global production
networks (GPNs,) global value chains (GVCs) and industrial upgrading (e.g.
Kaplinsky, 2000; Henderson et al., 2002; Humphrey and Schmitz, 2002; Gereffi
et al., 2005).
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We argue that spillover effects from FDI at the firm level vary significantly across the
Czech automotive industry and are strongly affected by differences in the capabilities
and absorptive capacity of domestic firms and by the changing organization of the
automotive industry. Our analysis suggests that domestic firms were affected by
horizontal and vertical spillovers in the 1990s and 2000s. Indirect horizontal and
vertical spillovers were more important than direct vertical spillovers in the form of
direct technology and knowledge transfer from foreign to domestic firms despite the
integration of domestic firms into automotive GPNs through the development of
supplier linkages with foreign firms. The importance of direct spillovers varies with the
capabilities of domestic firms to exploit them and is related to the position of firms in
the automotive value chain and the supplier hierarchy.
The article is organized as follows. We begin with a discussion of the relationship
among FDI, linkages and spillovers in which we emphasize the importance of linkages
between foreign and domestic firms for the potential development of spillovers. Next,
we demonstrate how changes in the organization of the contemporary automotive
industry undermined the position of domestic firms in the automotive GPNs and with it
the potential for spillovers from foreign to domestic firms. In the fourth section, we
briefly analyze the general effects of FDI in the Czech automotive industry and we
argue that FDI resulted in productivity spillovers but not necessarily in technology
spillovers. In the fifth section, we present an empirical analysis of linkages between
foreign and domestic firms based on our unique quantitative firm-level data. In the
sixth section, we examine spillovers from foreign to domestic firms. We summarize the
main findings of the article in the conclusion.
2. FDI, linkages and spillovers
After decades of research following the work of Caves (1974), there is no academic
consensus about the benefits and drawbacks of FDI for host economies generally and
for productivity of domestic firms in the form of spillovers specifically. This lack of
consensus has been explained, for example, by the different ways in which FDI
spillovers are measured. Differences in research design, methodology and data can
influence research results (Barrios et al., 2011). While analyses using cross-sectional
data tend to find statistically significant spillovers on productivity of domestic firms,
panel data econometric techniques tend to find statistically negative or insignificant
spillovers (Go
rg and Strobl, 2001; Javorcik, 2004; Meyer, 2004). The lack of consensus
on FDI spillovers also reflects the fact that FDI effects on host economies depend on a
large number of different factors, such as FDI characteristics, the size of host country
firms, the nature of vertical linkages between foreign and domestic firms, worker
mobility, the technological gap between foreign and host country firms and the
absorptive capacity of domestic firms (Blomstro
m and Kokko, 2001; Go
rg and
Greenaway, 2004; Crespo and Fontoura, 2007; Smeets, 2008; Havranek and Irsova,
2011). Spillovers also differ within individual countries depending on the industry, the
nature of operations, the mode of entry of foreign investors, the length of time since the
original investment, the domestic or export market orientation of foreign firms, and
other factors (e.g. Amin et al., 1994; UNCTAD, 2001; Carrillo et al., 2004; Scott-
Kennel, 2007; Dicken, 2011). Furthermore, Meyer and Sinani (2009) have argued that
spillovers vary according to the level of economic development of host countries with
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very rich and very poor countries benefiting from inward FDI, while middle income
economies being negatively affected by FDI. In contrast, according to Blomstro
m and
Kokko (2001), the poorest developing countries do not benefit from FDI spillovers but
middle-income economies do. There are also important differences within individual
countries with more developed regions benefitting economically more from foreign
subsidiaries than less developed regions (Dimitratos et al., 2009). Potential benefits of
FDI for host economies thus strongly depend on the context of the individual countries
and are, therefore, highly spatially variegated. Despite this lack of academic consensus
on the effects of FDI in host economies, policy makers tend to assume generally positive
FDI effects on host economies and host country firms, especially in terms of FDI’s
potential for technology and knowledge transfer (Harding and Javorcik, 2011; Hallin
and Lind, 2012). This belief has translated into economic policies that are supportive of
FDI in the majority of countries and in vast public expenditures to attract FDI in both
more and less developed countries (Meyer, 2004; Harding and Javorcik, 2011;
UNCTAD, 2012).
In this article, we differentiate between productivity and technology spillovers.
Productivity spillovers are defined as the effect of the presence of foreign firms on
productivity in domestic firms (Go
rg and Strobl, 2001) in the form of increased
availability of information regarding more efficient production processes of foreign
firms in a host economy. The presence of foreign firms also increases the pressure on
domestic suppliers to become more efficient through productivity improvements in the
form of better machinery and organization of production. Foreign firms typically have
specific requirements on domestic suppliers in terms of the quality of supplied parts and
components, such as technology audits and quality certificates, before they can start
supplying foreign firms. Meeting these requirements increases the productivity and
competitiveness of domestic firms, which can be achieved without the direct or indirect
transfer of technological knowledge and know-how from foreign firms. Domestic firms
thus become more efficient by imitating the process technologies of foreign firms while,
at the same time, lacking innovation capabilities to further exploit, advance or develop
these technologies. As such, productivity spillovers are especially related to process
upgrading in domestic firms. Technology spillovers refer to the diffusion of technology
and know-how from foreign to domestic firms (Hatani, 2009) in such a way that will
make them not only more efficient producers but also increase their innovation
capabilities through the transfer of technological know-how. For example, new
specialized software will allow domestic firms not only to contribute to cost reductions
and increased efficiency but will also allow them to design and produce their own tools
or molds they used to buy from other firms, which will increase the value-added of their
production. Thus, technology spillovers, in addition to process upgrading, may also
encourage product and functional upgrading in domestic firms. By distinguishing
between productivity and technology spillovers we are trying to distinguish between
more efficient production on one side and increased technological capabilities on the
other side that would allow domestic firms to narrow the gap between them and foreign
firms. We argue that more efficient production and the use of better technologies
broadly defined do not necessarily increase the technological capabilities of domestic
firms. At the same time, we recognize that productivity and technology spillovers are
closely interrelated.
Spillovers from foreign to host country firms have two basic forms, horizontal and
vertical. Horizontal spillovers are mostly unintentional spillovers to firms in the same
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industry, including competitors, while vertical spillovers are unintentional and
intentional spillovers to domestic suppliers and customers (Blalock and Gertler, 2008;
Hallin and Lind, 2012). Vertical spillovers to a large extent depend on the development
and intensity of forward and backward linkages between TNCs’ foreign subsidiaries
and domestic firms through buyer–supplier relationships in the host economy
(UNCTAD, 2001; Giroud and Scott-Kennel, 2009; Hansen et al., 2009). These forward
and backward linkages may lead to intended and unintended spillovers of technologies,
skills, various forms of knowledge and know-how from foreign to domestic firms
m and Kokko, 2001; Giroud and Scott-Kennel, 2009) (Figure 1).
Linkages between foreign and domestic firms are thus an important precondition for
vertical spillovers to occur (Blomstro
m and Kokko, 1998; UNCTAD, 2001; Go
rg and
Strobl, 2005; Scott-Kennel, 2007; Santangelo, 2009). The impact of linkages on
domestic firms could be both positive and negative, depending on what Cohen and
Levinthal (1989) called a firm’s ‘learning’ or ‘absorptive’ capacity (see also Cohen and
Levinthal, 1990; Girma, 2005). Absorptive capacity refers to the ability of firms to
‘identify, assimilate and exploit knowledge from the environment’ (Cohen and
Levinthal, 1989, 569). It also includes the ability of firms to identify and exploit new
scientific and technological knowledge generated by public research centers and
universities (Cohen and Levinthal, 1989). As such, absorptive capacity depends
particularly on R&D capabilities of firms (Cohen and Levinthal, 1989; Sturgeon et al.,
2010) and it is enhanced by their R&D investment. Firms that conduct their own R&D
are better at using and imitating external knowledge than firms without their own
R&D, including better abilities to imitate externally available process or product
innovations generated by other firms (Cohen and Levinthal, 1989, 1990). Domestic
firms that are able to absorb foreign technology and improve their overall competi-
tiveness can benefit from their integration into GPNs through increased production,
sales and employment (Scott-Kennel, 2004; Ivarsson and Alvstam, 2005). Such firms
can also gradually improve their position in GPNs and GVCs through improved
capabilities and functional upgrading (Humphrey and Schmitz, 2002). Absorptive
capacity is thus considered to be crucial for the ability of domestic firms to benefit from
FDI (Ernst and Kim, 2002; Kohli, 2004; Meyer, 2004) and upgrade their production
and products or services to meet buyers’ requirements (Dunning and Lundan, 2008).
Low technological and organizational capabilities of domestic firms may prevent them
from absorbing foreign technology and from benefitting from the presence of foreign
firms. This may result in negative consequences for domestic firms caused by FDI, such
as crowding out effects, leading to the loss of competitiveness, downgrading and closure
m and Kokko, 1998; De Backer and Sleuwaegen, 2003; Go
rg and
Greenaway, 2004; Oetzel and Doh, 2009). Generally, the absorptive capacity of
domestic firms as well as the number and intensity of linkages tend to increase with the
overall level of development of host economies (Dunning and Lundan, 2008; Meyer and
Sinani, 2009). However, large differences exist between different industries and different
regions in the degree of linkages, especially in less-developed economies (UNCTAD,
The increasing integration of developing country suppliers into GPNs and GVCs,
which are mostly organized by developed country lead firms, has not necessarily lead to
the formation of strong linkages between foreign subsidiaries and domestic firms (e.g.
Belderbos et al., 2001; Pavlı
nek, 2004; Giuliani et al., 2005). The experience of weak
linkages between foreign and domestic firms has also been the case of peripheral regions
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in developed countries (e.g. Schackmann-Fallis, 1989; Crone, 2002; Hewitt-Dundas
et al., 2005; Tavares and Young, 2006). Especially small domestic firms face high-entry
barriers to GPNs and GVCs (Hatani, 2009; Nolan and Zhang, 2002).
It has long been recognized by economic geographers and economists that
(technology) spillovers are innately geographical (e.g. Jaffe et al., 1993) because the
geographic proximity of economic actors increases the chances for spillovers by
facilitating the flow of information, especially among firms with linkages within
regional production systems (e.g. Florida, 1996). In addition to localized patterns of
codified knowledge, geographic proximity facilitates face-to-face contacts and the
exchange of highly localized tacit knowledge (Gertler, 2003; Howells, 1996, 2002;
Storper and Venables, 2004). The exchange of information and interactions of firms
within clusters may increase firms’ capabilities through processes of localized learning
(Maskell and Malmberg, 1999, 2007; Bathelt et al., 2004). The clustering of suppliers
around assembly plants as well as the clustering of automotive R&D is typical for the
contemporary automotive industry and has been well documented (e.g. Carrincazeaux
et al., 2001; Frigant and Lung, 2002; Lung, 2004; Sturgeon et al., 2008). Our previous
research has identified such clustering of suppliers and R&D in the Czech automotive
industry (Pavlı
nek and Jana
k, 2007; Pavlı
nek, 2012b). Figures 2–3 suggest the
importance of clustering in the Czech automotive industry around large passenger
car assembly plants, in and around large cities, especially Prague, Pilsen and Brno, and
along highways connecting Prague with Liberec through Mlada
Boleslav (the main
Figure 1. The classification of spillovers.
Source: The authors.
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koda Auto production complex) and with Pilsen and Germany. Both foreign and
domestic firms are located in these clusters. Based on the previous research, we can thus
assume that the clustering and agglomeration of automotive suppliers facilitate the
development of spillovers between foreign and domestic firms in the Czech automotive
3. Internationalization of the automotive supplier industry and its
consequences for domestic suppliers in less developed countries
Before turning to the empirical analysis of linkages between foreign and domestic firms
and spillovers in the Czech automotive industry, we will first investigate the position of
domestic firms in automotive GPNs and review the general effects of FDI in the Czech
automotive industry. In this section, we briefly demonstrate how the increasing
globalization of the automotive industry has undermined the position of domestic
suppliers in automotive GPNs. Consequently, the potential for linkages and vertical
spillovers from foreign to domestic firms has been diminished.
The contemporary automotive industry represents a typical example of quasi-
hierarchical (captive) value chains in which powerful lead firms organize and regulate
vertical production networks of component suppliers (Humphrey and Schmitz, 2004;
Gereffi et al., 2005). Large assemblers (lead firms) set the basic parameters of
automotive GPNs by wielding their corporate and market power. Lead firms define the
koda Auto
Toyota Peugeot Citroën
Škoda Auto
Tatra (heavy trucks)
Avia (trucks)
Iveco (buses)
SOR (buses)
TEDOM (buses)
Škoda Auto
First tier supplier
Second tier supplier
Third tier supplier
ic ow
n o
Divided highway
Figure 2. The 2009 spatial distribution of foreign and domestic automotive firms in Czechia
based on their position in the supplier hierarchy.
Source: Authors.
Linkages and spillovers in global production networks
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architecture of the final product and of its crucial parts, select suppliers of modules and
the most important components, set the schedule of their deliveries, and develop quality
control mechanisms to be employed throughout the production network (Humphrey
and Schmitz, 2002, 2004; Coe et al., 2004). During the 1990s and 2000s, the largest core-
based automakers invested heavily in new assembly plants located in the less developed
‘emerging’ economies (Humphrey, 2000; Sturgeon and Lester, 2004). They were
attracted by the profit-making potential of export-oriented low-cost production in
peripheral regions such as Mexico and East-Central Europe, which are located close to
automotive core markets and within regional trade agreements, and by potentially very
large domestic markets in rapidly growing economies such as China and India
(Humphrey et al., 2000; Pavlı
nek, 2002c; Liu and Dicken, 2006; Liu and Yeung, 2008;
Van Biesebroeck and Sturgeon, 2010).
The geographic expansion of assembly operations and the contemporaneous
development of modular design and production (Baldwin and Clark, 1997; Frigant
and Talbot, 2005) compelled lead firms to increasingly demand global (follow) sourcing
of certain components. Leading Tier 1 suppliers (sometimes referred to as Tier 0.5
suppliers) met this demand by rapidly internationalizing their operations through a
wave of mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures in order to quickly develop their ability
to supply lead firms wherever they assemble vehicles (Sturgeon and Lester, 2004). These
‘global’ suppliers have also become increasingly specialized in particular technologies
and the production of distinct modules (Sadler, 1999), and they significantly enhanced
their R&D capabilities. As the differences in capabilities among suppliers increased, the
0 100 km
Škoda Auto
Toyota Peugeot Citroën
Škoda Auto
Tatra (heavy trucks)
Avia (trucks)
Iveco (buses)
SOR (buses)
TEDOM (buses)
Škoda Auto
Less than 50
50 - 249
More than 249
c owne
Divided highway
Figure 3. The 2009 spatial distribution of foreign and domestic automotive firms in Czechia
based on their number of employees.
Source: Authors.
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entire supplier industry has been reorganized into distinct tiers (e.g. Humphrey and
Memedovic, 2003; Pavlı
nek and Jana
k, 2007). Tier 1 suppliers are the most
internationalized and supply modules and the most sophisticated components, which
they co-design with lead firms. Tier 2 suppliers are less internationalized and supply
lead firms and Tier 1 suppliers with less sophisticated and lower value-added
components. Tier 3 suppliers are the least internationalized and supply low value-
added, simple, standardized and slow-changing components in the entire GPN.
The internationalization and geographic expansion of leading suppliers and the
restructuring of the supplier industry have had important consequences for domestic
automotive suppliers in less developed countries. The widespread follow sourcing and
the importance of long-term supplier relationships, based upon reputation and trust,
favor existing core-based suppliers who are now required to supply lead firms in foreign
locations wherever their high-volume final assembly takes place (Humphrey, 2003;
Ivarsson and Alvstam, 2005). Domestic firms are typically ill positioned to compete
with established foreign suppliers, which are often controlled by large TNCs and are
experienced in delivering high quality components in a just-in-time regime in multiple
foreign locations (Humphrey and Memedovic, 2003; Meyer, 2004). Experienced foreign
suppliers also already possess management and quality expertise required by lead firms
and capital to grow rapidly in foreign locations (Humphrey, 2000). As a result, foreign
lead firms often develop supplier networks through follow sourcing in less developed
host countries consisting almost exclusively of their established foreign suppliers,
including Tier 2 and Tier 3 suppliers. Because of high entry barriers, domestic firms find
it almost impossible to enter such ‘closed’ supplier networks, and if they do, they
play only a marginal role in them by delivering simple low value-added components
(2009–2011 interviews; Barnes and Kaplinsky, 2000). This situation prevents the
development of supplier linkages between foreign and domestic firms and consequently
prevents the development of vertical spillovers. In the context of the Czech automotive
industry, this has been the case of Japanese and South Korean automotive lead firms,
which relied on follow sourcing and almost totally excluded domestic companies from
their production networks (2009–2011 interviews; see also Sturgeon and Lester, 2004).
Hatani (2009) has conceptualized such a situation as ‘spillover interception’ in which
spillovers from foreign to domestic firms fail to materialize in middle-income economies
despite high levels of FDI, and which has been supported by empirical evidence found
in numerous studies (Meyer and Sinani, 2009). Therefore, although FDI and linkages
between foreign and domestic firms are a necessary precondition for vertical spillovers
to develop, they do not guarantee that spillovers will occur (Saliola and Zanfei, 2009).
Restructuring of the supplier industry has significantly reduced the number of
suppliers (Sadler, 1999). Domestic suppliers who survived the restructuring and
consolidation of the supplier industry have become predominantly concentrated in the
lowest tiers of the supplier hierarchy (Barnes and Kaplinsky, 2000; Sturgeon and Lester,
2004). Typically, there are only very few Tier 1 domestic suppliers, if any at all, in less
developed countries (Pavlı
nek and Jana
k, 2007). The number of domestic Tier 2
suppliers has also diminished as these were often taken over by foreign firms during
their internationalization drive (Humphrey, 2000, 2003; Sturgeon and Lester, 2004).
Although the performance of domestic suppliers tends to improve with their integration
into GPNs (UNCTAD, 2001), they usually lack the necessary size and resources to
engage in product and process innovation at the scale required by lead firms (Aller
et al., 1999; Pavlı
nek, 2012b). Therefore, they tend to specialize in the supply of simple
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standardized components. Their incorporation into automotive GPNs is based mainly
on their low-production costs. In such cases, there may be little or no knowledge
transfer from foreign to domestic firms even if the domestic firms supply large volumes
of components and materials to foreign firms (Saliola and Zanfei, 2009). In many less
developed countries, domestic suppliers lack basic capabilities, such as process and
project management capabilities or know-how and engineering capabilities that limit
their integration into automotive supplier networks (Lockstrom et al., 2011). In such a
situation, even a long-term presence of foreign firms in host countries may not lead to
the increase in linkages with domestic firms (Saliola and Zanfei, 2009).
The continuous cost-cutting pressure and the emphasis on product quality through-
out automotive GPNs stimulate process and product upgrading among suppliers
(Humphrey and Schmitz, 2002, 2004). As long as domestic suppliers participate in
GPNs, these cost-cutting and quality demands are favorable for the development of
vertical spillovers since foreign firms might be willing to help their domestic suppliers
achieve desired quality and price of supplied components through sharing some of their
broadly defined technology. Spillovers may improve the position of domestic firms in
automotive GPNs. More capable and competitive domestic firms could help decrease
the dependence of the automotive industry on foreign capital in less developed
countries. They can also increase their value creation, enhancement, and capture that
are crucial for regional development (Henderson et al., 2002; Coe et al., 2004).
Ultimately, this may help enhance the competitive position of the entire economy in the
international division of labor. However, the increasing globalization of the automotive
industry has led to a decreasing role of domestic suppliers in automotive production
networks (Barnes and Kaplinsky, 2000; Humphrey and Salerno, 2000; Humphrey,
2000, 2003; Humphrey and Memedovic, 2003). Consequently, the potential for vertical
spillovers has tended to diminish in host economies.
Still, it is difficult to make any general conclusions about automotive suppliers in less
developed countries since the nature of the automotive industry and the related
opportunities for domestic suppliers depend on a number of different factors, including
market size, institutional factors and the distance from developed country markets
(Sturgeon and Van Biesebroeck, 2011). However, we think it is safe to conclude that the
recent changes in the organization and functioning of automotive GPNs have been
unfavorable for the integration of domestic suppliers into these networks. Domestic
suppliers tended to be increasingly excluded from the existing GPNs or were unable to
integrate in cases of newly developed supplier networks. Such a situation tends to
weaken backward linkages between foreign firms and domestic suppliers and
undermines the potential for spillovers. On a more general level, it has been argued
that changes in the sourcing strategies of automotive TNCs tended to undermine
engineering and design capabilities of less-developed countries (Humphrey, 2000, 2003).
To investigate these issues in a specific context, we will turn to the analysis of FDI,
linkages and spillovers in the Czech automotive industry.
4. FDI effects in the Czech automotive industry
In this section, we argue that large inflows of FDI into the Czech automotive industry
in the 1990s and 2000s resulted in strong productivity spillovers but not necessarily in
technology spillovers from foreign to domestic firms. We contend that the position of
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firms in automotive GVCs and GPNs affects the development of spillovers from foreign
to domestic firms.
Our previous work on FDI in the Czech automotive industry, and in East–Central
Europe as a whole, highlighted the crucial role of FDI in its post-1990 restructuring
(e.g. Pavlı
nek, 2002a, 2002b, 2002c) and upgrading (Pavlı
nek et al., 2009; Pavlı
nek and
enka, 2011; Pavlı
nek, 2012b). As of 2012, foreign investors invested more than EUR 8
billion in the narrowly defined Czech automotive industry (NACE 29) making it,
together with the real estate sector, the third largest recipient of FDI in Czechia after
the banking industry and the wholesale–retail industry (CNB, 2012). By 2008, there
were 225 foreign automotive firms employing 135,827 workers in the broadly defined
automotive industry.
Foreign firms dominate the sector, accounting for more than
90% of turnover, value-added, profit, income taxes, tangible assets and R&D
expenditures (Table 1).
The post 1990 economic liberalization and subsequent FDI exposed domestic firms
to foreign competition, which introduced much higher standards for the quality of
supplied components, quality-management practices, and the timing of delivery
nek, 2002b, 2003). To quickly achieve new standards, Volkswagen (VW)
organized the restructuring of the supplier base of its newly acquired Czech assembler
koda Auto through follow sourcing and upgrading its domestic suppliers in the early
1990s. S
koda Auto actively encouraged foreign takeovers of its pre-1991 domestic
suppliers to transfer foreign technology from foreign (mostly VW’s) suppliers. By 2005,
94 joint ventures had been established between S
koda Auto’s domestic and foreign
suppliers in Czechia and Slovakia (the vast majority of them in Czechia) and foreign
suppliers built 58 new factories to supply S
koda Auto (Pavlı
nek, 2008). Mergers,
acquisitions and newly built foreign factories were not limited to S
koda Auto suppliers
but affected the entire Czech automotive components industry. In the process, the most
capable domestic suppliers were taken over by foreign firms. For VW, foreign
acquisitions and joint ventures represented the fastest and most efficient way of
transferring foreign technology to the Czech automotive industry. At the same time,
koda Auto educated its domestic suppliers who remained in domestic hands about the
ways of achieving new standards. All its suppliers had to undergo a quality system
certification process and pass S
koda Auto’s regular quality audits in order to continue
supplying. Automotive suppliers have to continuously upgrade their production
through better technology, more efficient work organization and management practices
in order to survive. Especially lower tier suppliers who supply simple low value-added
standardized components can be relatively easily replaced if they are unable to keep up
with the relentless competitive pressure in the automotive industry and the ongoing
price squeeze by lead firms (Ernst and Kim, 2002). Those S
koda suppliers who could
not upgrade quickly were replaced by foreign suppliers (see also De Backer and
Sleuwaegen, 2003; Pavlı
nek, 2003). About two-thirds of original pre-1989 S
suppliers stopped supplying S
koda Auto in the 1990s (Pavlı
nek, 2008).
Although horizontal spillovers were especially negative for the domestic firms that
were forced to exit the automotive industry, the exit of uncompetitive domestic firms
1 In addition to NACE 29 firms, the broadly defined automotive industry includes firms from other
industrial sectors that are involved in the automotive value chain, such as suppliers from the plastic
industry, rubber industry, electrical equipment, and iron and steel industry.
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was a necessary part of the restructuring and upgrading of the domestic automotive
industry that increased its overall competitiveness and without which it could not have
survived in the long run. Crowding out effects of FDI in the Czech automotive industry
also need to be understood in the context of changes in the global automotive industry
that tended to marginalize domestic suppliers in automotive GPNs (Barnes and
Kaplinsky, 2000; Humphrey, 2000, 2003). Those few domestic suppliers in the narrowly
defined automotive industry, who survived strong crowding out effects of FDI in the
1990s, benefitted from the rapidly growing automotive production in Czechia and also
from exports. In addition to the crowding out of domestic firms, FDI thus strongly
encouraged process and product upgrading of those who survived through productivity
spillovers (Pavlı
nek and Z
enka, 2011) and indirect spillovers in the form of increased
requirements and competition from foreign firms. However, it does not necessarily
mean that technological knowledge has been transferred along with the productivity
spillovers (Hatani, 2009). We will address this issue in the empirical analysis of
spillovers in the Czech automotive industry.
During the 2008–2009 economic crisis, lower-tier suppliers (both domestic and for-
eign) were further squeezed by assemblers and forced to lower their prices by 10–20%
(interview 8 July 2011). Consequently, 15 suppliers went bankrupt or closed their
automotive plants in Czechia and four plants were relocated abroad during, and
immediately after, the economic crisis (Pavlı
nek, 2012a). These enormous price
pressures contribute to process upgrading but make it extremely difficult for
automotive suppliers to engage in functional upgrading (Pavlı
nek and Z
enka, 2011).
The economic crisis thus contributed to the further marginalization of domestic
suppliers in the automotive supply chain.
These crowding out effects of FDI need to be understood in the context of trade and
FDI liberalization and institutional changes related to the political–economic
transformation of the 1990s (see Pavlı
nek, 2002b; Drahokoupil, 2009). Government
policies affected potential spillovers from foreign to domestic firms especially in the
early 1990s. During the negotiations of the terms of joint venture between S
koda and
VW in 1991, the government openly supported the development of linkages between
foreign and domestic firms by securing the temporary protection of S
koda’s domestic
Table 1. Basic indicators of the domestic and foreign firms in the broadly defined Czech automotive
industry, 2008
Domestic Foreign Domestic (%) Foreign (%)
Number of firms 250 225 52.6 47.4
Employment 37,125 135,827 21.5 78.5
Turnover (billion CZK) 62.3 730.0 7.9 92.1
Value-added (billion CZK) 15.4 144.8 9.6 90.4
Profit (billion CZK) 0.7 22.8 3.0 97.0
Wages (billion CZK) 8.7 60.1 12.7 87.3
Income taxes (billion CZK) 0.8 7.4 9.2 90.8
Tangible assets (billion CZK) 16.3 193.2 7.8 92.2
R&D expenditures (billion CZK)
0.6 9.0 6.1 93.9
Notes: Includes firms with more than 20 employees, financial indicators are in constant prices,
2007 data.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on various databases.
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suppliers. After S
koda’s takeover, existing domestic suppliers were granted a transition
period during which they continued to supply S
koda but had to gradually achieve VW’s
quality standards (Pavlı
nek, 2008). Between 1992 and 1998, however, the government
failed to openly support the development of linkages between foreign and domestic
firms. In the absence of an explicit industrial policy, the government FDI policies were
either completely absent (1992–1997) or limited to the indiscriminate attraction of FDI
(1998–2001) (Pavlı
nek and Z
enka, 2011). After 2000, the government began promoting
linkages between foreign and domestic firms and links between firms (both domestic
and foreign) and universities. Since 1999, CzechInvest, the state investment promotion
agency, has operated the ‘Supplier Development Program’ in order to foster links
between foreign and domestic firms and attract more foreign investors in the Czech
automotive industry. It consists of the provision of a database of Czech-based (both
domestic and foreign) automotive suppliers, including a list of their products and
capabilities; the arrangement of links between Czech-based suppliers and incoming
foreign investors; and the identification of potential domestic firms suitable for mergers
and acquisition (CzechInvest, 2014). Between 2002 and 2013, the government together
with the EU spent EUR 42.5m to support the formation and operation of about 60
regional cluster organizations in various industries. These clusters had to have at least
15 members, 60% of them small- and medium-size enterprises, and had to include a
university and/or research institute. The Moravia-Silesia automotive cluster is the only
cluster formed in the automotive industry. It supports innovation activities, competi-
tiveness and export capabilities of its 62 members (domestic and foreign firms,
engineering service providers, universities, technical high schools and a regional
development association of producers), through inter-firm cooperation and close links
to state and regional institutions (MIT and CzechInvest, 2013). Our survey of 274
automotive firms revealed that only 29% of them were actively involved in some form
of cooperation with other stakeholders, such as organized partnerships or clusters. The
poor participation of automotive firms has thus limited the potential benefits of these
programs in the Czech automotive industry.
5. Backward linkages between foreign firms and domestic suppliers
Our analysis of spillovers in the Czech automotive industry is based on detailed firm-
level data collected through personal interviews with senior managers of selected
automotive firms and a survey of Czech-based automotive firms. We have drawn on a
database of 490 Czech-based automotive firms with 20 or more employees in the
broadly defined automotive industry (CSO, 2009) to conduct a survey in 2009, which
yielded a response rate of 65% (317 firms). The survey provided firm-level data about
linkages between domestic and foreign suppliers in Czechia. The interviews with 100
foreign and domestic automotive firms were carried out by the authors between
December 2009 and August 2011 (Table 2). The interviews, in which foreign and
domestic firms were targeted with different questions, collected more detailed
information about spillovers than the survey and are, therefore, the main source of
data for our analysis presented here. A large number of surveyed and interviewed firms
at different positions of the automotive value chain yielded a highly representative
sample. In-depth interviews allowed us to investigate factors behind spillovers and
mechanisms through which they occur. Therefore, in addition to the identification of
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different types of spillovers, our qualitative data allowed us to examine their
consequences for technological, organizational and strategic competences of domestic
suppliers and explain why only certain domestic suppliers have been able to benefit
from spillovers. We have classified Czech-based suppliers into tiers based on the
sophistication and value-added of supplied components while ignoring their degree of
internationalization and their size as criteria for their classification. As opposed to some
recent studies (e.g. Giroud et al., 2012), we differentiate between Czech-based foreign
firms and domestic firms and analyze their supplier linkages to evaluate the effects of
FDI on domestic firms. This distinction is very important since, as we have already
shown, foreign firms and domestic firms play very different roles in contemporary
automotive supplier networks because of the widespread use of follow sourcing by lead
We have argued that the development of vertical spillovers depends on the existence
and intensity of linkages between foreign and domestic firms. Therefore, the starting
point of our empirical analysis is the evaluation of linkages between foreign and
domestic firms. Czech-based foreign firms were asked during interviews to estimate to
what extent they source components and materials from domestic firms, other Czech-
based foreign firms and from abroad. We want to emphasize that these figures are
based on qualified estimates of respondents rather than the precise data. In most cases,
firms do not differentiate among Czech-based suppliers according to their ownership
structure. Still, we believe that these qualified estimates are an important source of
information about the extent of linkages between domestic and foreign firms. The
results, which are summarized in Table 3, show a low share of parts and components
sourced from domestic suppliers (13.5%) and a high share sourced from abroad
(76.0%). Overall, Czech-based foreign firms sourced 86.5% of their total supplies from
other foreign firms supplying both from abroad and from Czechia. This relatively low
share of domestic suppliers of the total supplies to Czech-based foreign firms is also
supported by the survey data. Out of 146 surveyed foreign firms, 98 (67.1%) reported
Table 2. Basic characteristics of the interviewed and surveyed firms compared to the
total database
Interviewed firms Surveyed firms Total database
Total number of firms 100 317 490
Domestic firms 38 162 228
Foreign firms 62 155 262
Assemblers 6 7 8
Tier 1 19 42 52
Tier 2 32 102 149
Tier 3 43 166 281
Small size 8 41 51
Medium size 33 143 233
Large size 59 133 206
Average size 1,056 488 364
Note: Size categories of firms: small firms less than 50 employees, medium-size firms
50–250 employees, large firms more than 250 employees.
Source: Authors’ 2009 survey and 2009–2011 interviews, CSO (2009).
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the share of supplies from domestic firms to be less than 25%. Only 21 foreign firms
(14.4%) estimated that more than 50% of their total supplies were sourced from
domestic suppliers, while almost two-thirds (94 firms) were sourcing more than 50% of
their total supplies from abroad (Table 4).
However, 40% (25) of interviewed foreign firms, all of them greenfield investors,
reported that the share of domestic suppliers in their total supplies increased since their
investment, and 35% (22) reported an increase in supplies from Czech-based foreign
firms. This would support the arguments about the gradual development of linkages
between foreign and domestic firms and the increasing embeddedness of foreign
investors in host economies with time (e.g. Dunning and Lundan, 2008; Dicken, 2011).
At the same time, however, seven large formerly domestic firms that were taken over by
foreign investors, including assemblers such as S
koda Auto, Avia and Tatra, reported a
significant decrease in the share of domestic suppliers of their total volume of supplies.
This decrease reflects their integration into GPNs after their foreign takeovers and the
importance of centralized sourcing strategies of TNCs. In the process, many traditional
domestic suppliers were replaced with the established foreign suppliers of their new
foreign owners. In some cases, production increases following the foreign takeover
required increases in supplies that undercapitalized small- and medium-sized domestic
suppliers were unable to meet. Consequently, their overall share of supplies decreased,
or they were replaced by foreign suppliers.
The share of domestic suppliers also
decreased because many of them were taken over by foreign firms and, with the change
of ownership, became foreign suppliers.
According to our data, foreign Tier 3 suppliers account for 44% of all foreign
automotive suppliers located in Czechia. A low share of supplies sourced by foreign
Tier 3 firms from domestic suppliers underscores the fact that their assembly operations
of simple standardized components were most often set up to exploit lower-labor costs
in Czechia, rather than to tap into the local manufacturing expertise. Since simple
standardized components are not usually supplied in a just-in-time regime, the
Table 3. The average share of the total volume of automotive supplies sourced by
Czech-based foreign firms (in %)
Number of firms Per cent share of total supplies from
Domestic firms Czech-based
foreign firms
Total 62 12.6 10.9 76.5
Tier 1 14 13.7 10.8 75.5
Tier 2 21 15.4 7.7 76.9
Tier 3 22 7.0 7.9 85.1
Assemblers 5 20.0 32.0 48.0
Source: Authors’ 2009–2011 interviews.
2 13.5% of the interviewed domestic firms lost their former domestic customers after these were taken over
by foreign firms (2009–2011 interviews).
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proximity of Tier 3 suppliers to assembly operations in Western Europe is less
important than low-production costs (Frigant and Lung, 2002; Pavlı
nek and Jana
2007; Klier and Rubenstein, 2008). The majority of parts and components for foreign
Tier 3 suppliers are now supplied from low-cost countries, particularly China and India,
where production costs are significantly lower than in Czechia. As a result, foreign Tier
3 suppliers tend to have only tenuous, if any, linkages with domestic automotive firms
(Table 3). At the same time, the main reason behind a low share of domestic suppliers in
supplying Tier 1 foreign firms is the relative lack of domestic firms capable of supplying
more sophisticated, high-quality components at the price and quantity required by Tier
1 firms (2009–2011 interviews). A small average size of domestic automotive firms (149
workers) compared to foreign firms (604 workers) in 2008 (Table 1) makes it difficult
for domestic suppliers to produce components and parts in volumes required by high-
volume assemblers and Tier 1 suppliers. As a result, the majority of these components
are also supplied from abroad and by Czech-based foreign suppliers (Table 3). At least
theoretically, therefore, domestic firms should be in the best position to supply foreign
Tier 2 suppliers. However, even in this case, domestic suppliers do not account for a
significantly higher share of supplies of foreign firms as they have had increasing
difficulties to compete with imports from both lower-cost and more developed
countries. A director of a Tier 2 domestic supplier argued in 2011:
Our prices always keep on going down. What cost 10 euros ten years ago costs 4 euros now.
However, the greatest decrease was in the past three years during the economic crisis when we
got really squeezed by assemblers. More or less, we were included in global sourcing together
with the Chinese and Indians, and assemblers squeezed everything out of us that was left
(interview, July 8, 2011).
Additional reasons for a low share of domestic supplies to foreign firms are suggested in
Table 5. According to foreign suppliers, the most important advantages of domestic
suppliers include their geographic proximity, flexibility and low prices. At the same
time, the lower quality of their products, together with their smaller size, lower
reliability and less competitive prices compared to foreign suppliers are considered to be
their most important disadvantages. Suppliers from more developed countries often
supply higher quality components at competitive prices despite higher labor costs
Table 4. The distribution of the total volume of automotive supplies sourced by Czech-based foreign firms
Share of supplies Domestic firms Czech-based foreign firms Foreign firms
(%) Number of firms (%) Number of firms (%) Number of firms (%)
0 22 15.1 49 33.6 13 8.9
1–24 76 52.1 54 37.0 17 11.6
25–49 27 18.5 28 19.2 22 15.1
50–74 17 11.6 10 6.8 40 27.4
75–99 2 1.4 3 2.1 49 33.6
100 2 1.4 2 1.4 5 3.4
Total 146 100.0 146 100.0 146 100.0
Source: Authors’ 2009 survey.
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because of their use of advanced technologies and more efficient, less labor intensive
production processes compared to domestic firms.
According to Czech-based foreign firms, the two most important reasons for a low
share of supplies sourced from domestic suppliers are the unavailability of particular
parts, components and materials in Czechia and the centralized sourcing by foreign lead
firms (Table 6). This means that Czech-based foreign firms have no or very limited
influence on where their most important supplies are sourced from. When they have a
choice, they choose suppliers that meet their price, quality and quantity requirements.
The majority of interviewed managers argued that whether suppliers were foreign or
domestic was not an important selection criterion. Tier 3 foreign firms are most affected
by centralized sourcing and, therefore, have the weakest linkages with domestic firms
(compare with Table 3). Even if domestic suppliers are competitive, because of their
small or medium size, they are often unable to meet the requirement of centralized
sourcing to supply the entire production network of a particular foreign firm. For Tier 1
suppliers, the most important reason for sourcing supplies abroad is their unavailability
in Czechia. Examples include electronic components or parts made of advanced plastic
Technology spillovers from foreign to domestic firms should potentially contribute to
process and product upgrading of domestic firms which, over time, should be reflected
in the gradually increasing quality and sophistication of supplied components by
domestic firms. How did linkages between foreign and domestic firms influence
domestic firms from the point of view of foreign firms? More than two-thirds of foreign
firms argued that their requirements on domestic suppliers were higher than the Czech-
industry standards at the beginning of their supplier relationship, especially in terms of
quality of supplied parts and components. In 60% of the cases, domestic suppliers were
asked to meet specific requirements before they could start supplying foreign firms,
especially to undergo technology audits and obtain quality certificates (Table 7).
Approximately half of the respondents argued that both the quality (25 responses) and
the sophistication (29 responses) of parts and components supplied by domestic
suppliers increased over years in response to the increased quality and sophistication
requirements of their customers. This empirical evidence points to strong productivity
Table 5. Strengths and weaknesses of domestic firms according to Czech-based foreign firms
Strengths No. of firms (%) Weaknesses No. of firms (%)
Geographic proximity 25 59.5 Product quality 16 39.0
Flexibility 20 47.6 Size 8 19.5
Product prices 12 28.6 Reliability 8 19.5
Communication 5 11.9 Product prices 8 19.5
Transportation costs 3 7.1 Instability 4 9.8
Product quality, know-how 3 7.1 Managerial skills 3 7.3
Technology 3 7.3
Financial resources 2 4.9
Productivity 2 4.9
Notes: 42 foreign firms listed at least one strength and 41 foreign firms listed at least one weakness of
domestic firms. Each firm could list more than one strength and weakness of domestic firms.
Source: 2009–2011 interviews.
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spillovers especially at the beginning of supplier relationships between foreign and
domestic firms. However, according to foreign firms, no domestic suppliers have
upgraded to the extent that would allow them to improve their position in the supplier
hierarchy. Not surprisingly, 59% of foreign firms argued that foreign suppliers supply
more sophisticated and complex products than domestic suppliers.
The analysis of foreign firms has revealed their limited linkages with domestic firms.
While these data suggest that domestic firms only play a marginal role in supplying
Czech-based foreign firms, it does not mean that most domestic automotive firms do
not supply foreign firms. The low share of domestic suppliers in supplying Czech-based
foreign firms corresponds with their low share of the total turnover, value-added and
Table 7. Requirements on domestic suppliers by Czech-based foreign firms
Yes No
(%) (%)
Higher requirements on domestic suppliers than was the domestic
industry standard at the beginning of the supply relationship
in terms of:
38 67.9 18 32.1
Quality of parts/components 29 51.8
Production technology 15 26.8
Timing of delivery 8 14.3
Domestic suppliers asked to meet specific requirements before they
could start supplying
35 60.3 23 39.7
Quality certificate 19 32.8
Technology audit 18 31.0
Increase in parts/components quality 14 24.1
New production technologies 6 10.3
New machinery 2 3.4
Notes: a: only at the beginning of investment. These were standard requirements in the automotive industry
abroad. Each firm could list more than one from the list of requirements.
Source: 2009–2011 interviews.
Table 6. Reasons for sourcing supplies from abroad by Czech-based foreign firms
Centralized sourcing Unavailability in Czechia Low quality in Czechia Total firms
(%) (%) (%)
Total 40 64.5 40 64.5 25 40.3 62
Assemblers 4 80.0 4 80.0 2 40.0 5
Tier 1 8 57.1 11 78.6 5 35.7 14
Tier 2 11 52.4 12 57.1 9 42.9 21
Tier 3 17 77.3 13 59.1 9 40.9 22
Note: Each firm could list more than one reason for sourcing supplies from abroad.
Source: 2009–2011 interviews.
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other financial indicators of the Czech automotive industry (Table 1). Both the survey
and company interviews show that the vast majority of domestic automotive firms are
involved in supplier linkages with foreign firms. 92% of the interviewed domestic
companies supply foreign firms. Therefore, we need to turn to domestic firms for a
better understanding of the nature of linkages between foreign and domestic firms and
their consequences for spillovers.
6. Spillovers and FDI effects on domestic firms
In the next step, we have analyzed interviews with 37 domestic firms about their
linkages with foreign firms and spillovers. Our sample included 20 firms that existed
during the centrally planned economy before 1990 and 17 firms that were established
after 1990. Five firms were small (less than 50 employees), 20 were medium-sized (50–
250 employees), and 12 were large (more than 250 employees). More than half (21 firms,
57%) where classified as Tier 3 suppliers, 11 (30%) were Tier 2 firms, 4 (11%) were Tier
1 firms and there was also one small assembler of buses. Generally, higher-tier suppliers
are in a better position to benefit from linkages than lower-tier suppliers (UNCTAD,
2001). Our interview questions were designed to identify horizontal and vertical
spillovers based on direct and indirect relationships between foreign and domestic firms.
Overall, 49% of interviewed domestic firms argued that they were positively affected
by the entry and operation of foreign firms in the Czech automotive industry, while
19% believed that they were affected negatively and 38% of firms believed that the
entry of foreign firms had no effect on them at all. Increased sales, because of new
customers among Czech-based foreign firms, was by far the most important positive
effect of foreign firms on domestic firms, cited by 70% of domestic firms. In several
cases, domestic firms were established to take advantage of the increased demand for
parts and components generated by the entry of foreign firms. The increased
competition for workers in the local labor market was the most important negative
effect of foreign firms on domestic firms cited by 46% of interviewed domestic firms.
Only about one-third of domestic firms were negatively affected by product competition
from Czech-based foreign firms (Table 8).
Less than half of the interviewed domestic firms were affected by technology
spillovers (Table 9). The most important technology spillovers included learning about
new technology, new methods of quality management and new organizational and
management methods. Domestic firms could experience these spillovers either directly
or indirectly. Direct effects refer to the direct active help of foreign firms to domestic
firms. Examples include a foreign firm providing production technology to a domestic
firm or training managers of domestic firms in quality management. Indirect
(demonstration) effects refer to a situation in which domestic firms learned about
new technology indirectly from foreign firms, for example, through observation during
visits of foreign firms. Indirect spillovers, especially in the form of demonstration
effects, played much more important role than direct effects. Technology transfer
through workers previously employed by foreign firms affected only 16% of the
interviewed domestic firms (Table 9).
Overall, one-third of the interviewed domestic firms experienced some direct
spillovers from foreign firms, suggesting the limited significance of direct spillovers
for domestic firms (Table 10). Direct spillovers took place especially in those cases when
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Table 10. Direct spillovers from foreign to domestic firms in the Czech automotive industry
No. of firms (%)
Quality certificates advise 5 13.5
Management training 4 10.8
Provision of technology (license, sale, etc.) 4 10.8
Blue-collar workers training 3 8.1
Production organization advise 3 8.1
Production inputs 2 5.4
Suppliers connections 2 5.4
Domestic firms with direct spillovers 12 32.4
Note: N ¼ 37.
Source: 2009–2011 interviews.
Table 8. General effects of the entry and operation of foreign firms in the Czech automotive industry on
domestic firms according to domestic firms
General FDI effects Yes (%) No (%)
New customers among foreign firms 26 70.3 11 29.7
Increased competition in the labor market 17 45.9 16 43.2
Increased direct (product) competition 12 32.4 25 67.6
Decreased share of the domestic market 6 16.2 25 67.6
Note: N ¼ 37. Not all interviewed firms answered all questions.
Source: 2009–2011 interviews.
Table 9. Technology spillovers from foreign to domestic firms in the Czech automotive industry
No. of
(%) Indirect
(%) Direct
Learning about new technology 16 43.2 15 40.5 4 10.8
Learning about new quality management
14 37.8 12 32.4 2 5.4
Learning about new organizational and
management methods
12 32.4 10 27.0 4 10.8
Access to new components/parts 10 27.0 9 24.3 2 5.4
Technology transfer through workers
previously employed by foreign firms
6 16.2
Learning about new marketing methods 2 5.4 1 2.7 1 2.7
Firms affected by technology spillovers 17 45.9
Note: N ¼ 37. Each firm could be affected by both indirect and direct effects.
Source: 2009–2011 interviews.
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foreign firms were interested in sourcing components and parts from domestic firms
and domestic firms needed help to achieve the required quality and efficiency of
production. These requirements significantly affected domestic firms because 62% of
the interviewed domestic firms had to meet such specific requirements before they could
start supplying foreign firms. These prerequisites were important especially in the early
and mid-1990s when the linkages between domestic and foreign firms began to form
and when domestic firms had no prior experience with supplying foreign firms. The
most frequent requirement of foreign firms, before entering into the supply relationship
with domestic firms, was the possession of an international quality certificate and
technological audits (30% of domestic firms). Other requirements, together listed by
32% of domestic firms, included demands to improve the quality of particular parts or
components, timing of deliveries and lowering their prices.
The most important negative spillovers experienced by domestic firms were related to
increased competition on the local labor market because of the entry of foreign firms.
These include the loss of workers because of poaching by foreign firms (40.5% of the
interviewed domestic firms), followed by the necessity to increase wages in order to keep
up with foreign firms and stay competitive in the labor market (24.3%). These negative
spillovers are place specific and are strongly affected by the distance decay effect
within particular clusters of automotive production. Additionally, 13.5% of the
interviewed domestic firms were negatively affected by the loss of supplier contracts
due to the takeover of former Czech customers by foreign firms. No domestic firm
reported a worsened access to credit because of the presence of foreign firms, and 27%
of the interviewed domestic firms did not experience any negative spillovers from
foreign firms.
6.1. Absorptive capacity of domestic firms
How can we explain the limited significance of technology and direct spillovers from
foreign to domestic firms in the Czech automotive industry? One possible explanation is
the low absorptive capacity of domestic firms (Carrillo et al., 2004). Although
absorptive capacity is a ‘fuzzy concept’ which cannot be empirically measured directly,
we use R&D employment of domestic firms and their cooperation with universities and
public research institutes as proxy measures to evaluate their absorptive capacity
(Humphrey and Oeter, 2000). The R&D employment in domestic automotive firms
increased from 292 in 1997 to 585 in 2007 and their R&D expenditures grew by 158%,
suggesting an increasing absorptive capacity of domestic automotive firms (CSO, 2009).
However, a closer look at the data reveals that out of 250 domestic firms in the broadly
defined automotive industry only 69 (28%) employed any R&D workers, 38 (15%)
employed more than 3 R&D workers and 14 (6%) employed more than 10 in 2007
(CSO, 2009). The fact that almost three-fourths (72%) of domestic automotive firms
employed no R&D workers suggests their low absorptive capacity (see also Pavlı
Out of 37 interviewed domestic firms, 18 (49%) employed R&D workers and an
additional 6 (16%) reported workers in design and engineering, 14 (38%) employed
three or more R&D workers and 7 (19%) employed 10 or more. The fact, that 35% of
the interviewed domestic firms did not employ any R&D workers and an additional
27% employed only one or two suggests a low-absorptive capacity of the majority of
domestic firms. The information collected during interviews also revealed that a
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majority of the domestic firms had no links with universities and public research
institutes. Ten of the 37 interviewed domestic firms (27%) cooperated with Czech
universities on R&D activities in the form of joint R&D projects, product testing and
measurements, and by supporting selected university students in an effort to recruit
them. Only one interviewed domestic supplier cooperated with a public research
institute on joint research projects supported by national R&D programs. The interview
data were further supported by the information collected by the survey according to
which 19% (31 of 163) surveyed domestic automotive firms were engaged in some form
of R&D cooperation with universities. We argue that the low-absorptive capacity of the
majority of domestic firms contributes to limited spillovers from foreign to domestic
firms and that differences in absorptive capacity contribute to differences in abilities of
domestic firms to benefit from potential spillovers from foreign firms.
6.2. Classification of domestic suppliers based on spillovers
In our approach, we combine both the experience of foreign firms with domestic
suppliers and the experience of domestic suppliers with foreign firms to investigate
spillovers from foreign to domestic firms. Our field work suggests that domestic
suppliers are a highly variegated group of firms with different capabilities and a
different absorptive capacity whose relationships with foreign firms vary as well as their
abilities to benefit from potential spillovers (see also Kohli, 2004; Sturgeon and Van
Biesebroeck, 2009; Klier and Rubenstein, 2010). During our interviews, we could clearly
see that some suppliers have been able to benefit from spillovers while others have not.
Therefore, treating domestic automotive firms as a homogeneous group obscures the
complex reality and may lead to generalizations that do not necessarily apply to a
significant number of domestic firms. To address this problem, we have categorized
domestic firms into four distinct groups based on our interview data about spillovers
from foreign firms. These four categories are related to the type of product, the firm’s
position in the GPN, production and R&D capabilities, and spillover effects (Table 11).
The table suggests that there are only a few (11%) domestic Tier 2 and Tier 1
innovation-oriented and relatively highly capable suppliers (Category 3), including
domestic engineering service providers. These firms have a high-absorptive capacity and
are, therefore, able to benefit from spillovers. All domestic firms classified in this
category were affected by horizontal spillovers, especially through demonstration effects
in terms of learning about new management systems and new technology, access to new
technology, and through increased market opportunities provided by Czech-based
foreign subsidiaries and through exports. Supplier linkages played an important role in
transferring information and knowledge from foreign firms about quality requirements
and new delivery systems. The majority of these domestic firms have begun to
internationalize their production by setting up subsidiaries abroad. For example,
according to the director of a large domestic supplier (2300 workers) of door and cockpit
systems, R&D is its most important source of competitiveness. In 2011, it employed 150
R&D workers. Since the early 1990s, the company has learned ‘everything from foreign
firms through supplier linkages, although it did not receive any direct technical,
management, financial or procurement assistance from foreign firms. Its turnover
increased ten times between 1990 and 2011. Today, it supplies all of the major assemblers
with the exception of Nissan and Hyundai/Kia. It is one of the very few domestic
suppliers that have tentatively begun to internationalize by setting up small subsidiaries
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Table 11. Categorization of domestic firms based on spillover effects in the Czech automotive industry
Category 1 (N ¼ 10, 27%) Category 2 (N ¼ 21, 56.8%) Category 3 (N ¼ 4, 10.8%) Category 4 (N ¼ 2, 5.4%)
Type of product Standardized, simple, low value-
added parts based on detailed
customer specifications (e.g. cast-
ings), products designed by
Higher value-added and more
complex products/components
that may be partly based on in-
house development (e.g. bearings,
engine components, bus and truck
Final parts/components based on
in house know-how and R&D
Final parts/ components that
may be based on in-house
know-how and R&D
Position in GPN Captive Tier 3 suppliers Tier 3 and Tier 2 suppliers Tier 2 and Tier 1 suppliers Tier 2 and Tier 3 suppliers
R&D activities and
absorptive capacity
None or only technical support of
production and/or simple tech-
nical construction
Mostly technical development and
engineering focused on incremen-
tal process and product
Development of new products,
material development, engineer-
ing, process innovation
Product development, produc-
tion process development
Firms with R&D workers: 20% Firms with R&D workers: 48% Firms with R&D workers: 100% Firms with R&D workers:
College-educated workers: 5.2% College-educated workers: 16.0% College-educated workers: 21.9% College-educated workers:
Capabilities Operational Duplicative Adaptive and innovative Duplicative
Basic manufacturing skills
Quality control
Maintenance and procure-
ment capacity
Expansion of production
through investment
Purchase and use of external
Adaptation and improvement
of external technologies
Development of new tech-
nical, engineering and design
New products and processes
developed through formal
R&D activities
Expansion of production
through investment
Purchase and use of ex-
ternal technologies
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Table 11. Continued
Category 1 (N ¼ 10, 27%) Category 2 (N ¼ 21, 56.8%) Category 3 (N ¼ 4, 10.8%) Category 4 (N ¼ 2, 5.4%)
Spillover effects Passing by Enhancement Interactive Negative
Only a potential for spillovers
Mixture of different spillovers
Prevalence of demonstration/
indirect spillovers through:
Predominantly negative direct
spillovers through:
Demonstration effects:
access to new technology
and quality control
Direct effects through
Demonstration effects: access
to new technology,
organizational, management
and marketing methods;
Direct effects: management
training, support in search
for new suppliers
Pressure put on quality,
delivery and in-house
Co-design with customers
Direct competition
Employee poaching
Complementarity and coupling
between the supplier and oppor-
tunities provided by links with
foreign investors and the integra-
tion into GPNs
Missing endogenous competencies
and absorptive capacity to fully
benefit from the inclusion in
GPNs. Supplier assets and cap-
abilities do not match the needs of
Source: The authors
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in Russia, China and South Africa. It is also one of the very few domestic companies
that, according to its director, improved its position in the supplier hierarchy from Tier 3
to Tier 2 in the past 20 years (interviews on 24 June 2005 and 8 August 2011).
A small group of capable domestic firms (5%; Category 4) has been strongly affected
by negative direct horizontal spillovers, especially in terms of employee poaching and
direct product competition. Still, these firms have survived FDI’s crowding out effects
by switching to new products and new markets. For example, a domestic supplier of
fuel injectors for diesel engines has been negatively affected by a foreign Tier 1 firm that
set up three subsidiaries to produce fuel injection systems in the same town in order to
tap into the domestic firm’s skilled labor force and low-labor costs in the 1990s. Its
three subsidiaries were generously supported by government investment incentives for
every newly created job and by tax holidays. They actively recruited workers of the
domestic firm by offering higher wages and openly preferring them to other job
applicants. By 2005, they were employing about 5000 workers in the region. Out of
these, about 3000 workers were trained by and formerly worked at the domestic firm.
The domestic firm lost its most qualified and skilled workers despite substantially
increasing wages. It also lost its market share to its foreign competitor and was forced
to completely abandon supplying the automotive industry. In order to survive, it has
specialized in the production of injection pumps and fuel injection systems for
agricultural and construction machinery. Its employment dropped from 6000 workers
in 1989 to 1900 in 2011 and the number of R&D workers declined from 92 to 25
between 1995 and 2011. R&D capabilities and the related absorptive capacity of the
domestic firm were crucial in switching to new products and new markets (interviews on
11 July 2005 and 11 April 2011).
About one-fourth (27%) of the interviewed domestic suppliers (Category 1) is unable
to benefit from direct vertical spillovers because of their low capabilities and low
capacity to effectively absorb knowledge from foreign firms (Ernst and Kim, 2002).
These Tier 3 suppliers have low competencies that are limited to simple manufacturing
and assembly operations and they supply standardized, simple, low value-added parts
and components based on detailed customer specifications. The absence of R&D
functions in 80% of these firms and a low share of college educated workers are
important indicators of their low-absorptive capacity (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990;
Giroud et al., 2012). The low-absorptive capacity of these domestic firms prevents them
from exploiting potential direct spillovers from foreign firms which, in turn, prevents
them from narrowing their gap behind foreign firms. As a result, these domestic
suppliers experience the ‘spillover interception’ (Hatani, 2009). For example, a Czech-
based subsidiary of a foreign Tier 1 firm (AB) outsourced the low-volume production of
its older spare parts to a medium-size domestic firm which was established in 2000 and
employed 60 workers at the time of the interview. AB also helped the domestic firm to
launch the production of these spare parts by providing its old production line, helping
to organize the production, assisting with achieving the quality certificate, and by
providing the administrative support. It also helped the domestic firm to establish links
with its existing suppliers. In other words, the domestic firm benefited from the direct
knowledge transfer from AB in the form of technical assistance, the provision of various
information and administrative assistance (see Giroud et al., 2012). Consequently, its
number of employees increased 12 times, its revenues 13 times, but its value added only
2.7 times between 2000 and 2010. At the same time, however, despite this help, the
domestic supplier has failed to develop its own know-how, it has been unable to fully
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absorb the technology provided by AB and has remained strongly dependent on AB,
which buys more than 90% of its output. AB taught its domestic supplier how to use its
technology to produce spare parts but since it is too advanced for the domestic firm, it
does not fully understand its know-how and it does not engage in any R&D activities on
its own. In other words, technology has been transferred, which significantly increased
AB’s productivity (productivity spillovers), but technological knowledge has not,
indicating the absence of technology spillovers. Although the domestic firm has learned
a lot through its cooperation with AB and it has been growing, it remains a typical
captive Tier 3 supplier producing simple standardized low value-added spare parts and
remains highly dependent on AB, its key customer (interview on 25 March 2011) (see
also Gereffi et al., 2005).
Tier 3 and Tier 2 suppliers who supply various automotive parts and components
that are partly based on their in-house process and product development represent the
most numerous category of the interviewed domestic suppliers (57%; Category 2).
These suppliers have employed foreign technology and invested in the expansion of
production in order to tap into the increased demand for automotive components in
Czechia and abroad. Their higher absorptive capacity, which is also indicated by a
higher presence of R&D functions (in 48% of the firms in the category), allowed them
to benefit from various horizontal and mainly indirect vertical spillovers through
backward linkages with foreign firms and through demonstration effects. They gained a
valuable experience by supplying foreign firms which they used to win contracts to
supply other foreign firms both in Czechia and abroad. Overall, they have been able to
keep up with competition through process and product upgrading in their particular tier
but unable to improve their position in the supplier hierarchy. Some of these domestic
firms benefited from direct vertical spillovers from foreign firms. For example, a large
domestic supplier of metal castings (300 employees) received direct knowledge transfer
from foreign firms in order to meet their requirements after it was selected to supply
them. Prior to the start of the supplier relationship, foreign firms sent their experienced
process engineers to the domestic firm for up to one week to improve its production
processes in order to ensure 100% reliability of their future supplier. Although foreign
firms offered this help free of charge, any resulting savings were split between the
domestic firm and the foreign firm providing help. The domestic firm learned how to
improve the quality of its products, the reliability of its machinery and how to
streamline its production through supplier linkages with foreign firms. At the same
time, it has been actively upgrading its production processes and its products in order to
increase its competitiveness. The domestic firm designs its own machinery and it has
gradually shifted from the production of castings to work pieces and preassembled
simple modules that now account for 20% of its output (interview on 17 December
2009). However, it is important to note that such examples of direct knowledge transfer
from foreign to domestic firms have been mentioned very rarely during our interviews
(Table 10), suggesting that, overall, they do not play a very important role in the Czech
automotive industry.
7. Conclusion
Our analysis has identified diverse spillover effects from foreign to domestic firms in the
Czech automotive industry. Although econometric studies have mostly found either
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statistically insignificant or negative horizontal spillovers from foreign to domestic
firms in East–Central Europe (Djankov and Hoekman, 2000; Jarolı
m, 2000; Kinoshita,
2001; Konings, 2001; Go
rg et al., 2006), our firm-level qualitative data suggest that both
positive and negative horizontal spillovers have affected domestic firms. Negative
horizontal spillovers, especially in the form of increased competition and increased
quality requirements, led to strong crowding out effects that forced the majority of
domestic firms to be either acquired or form joint ventures with foreign firms or exit the
automotive industry in the 1990s. The domestic firms that survived these challenges
benefited from positive horizontal spillovers, especially from demonstration effects,
imitation and increased access to both domestic and international markets to upgrade
their products and processes and become integrated in automotive GPNs. This suggests
that negative horizontal spillovers played the most important role after the entry of FDI
but may only be temporary, although some negative horizontal spillovers, such as
employee poaching and increased labor market competition, continue to negatively
affect domestic firms. It also suggests that positive horizontal spillovers affected those
domestic firms that survived the original restructuring of the 1990s (see also Kosova
2010). Overall, at least in terms of the extent of impact, horizontal spillovers in the form
of increased product and labor market competition, quality requirements, demonstra-
tion effects and market access have played a more important role than vertical spillovers
in the Czech automotive industry after 1990 because they affected the vast majority of
domestic automotive firms. This finding challenges the conclusion of Gers
l (2008, 243),
who found vertical spillovers to be ‘much more important’ than horizontal spillovers in
the Czech manufacturing industry as a whole.
Vertical spillovers from foreign to domestic firms were more selective than horizontal
spillovers. Our analysis of linkages between foreign and domestic firms revealed that
Czech-based foreign firms source 86.5% of their total supplies from other foreign firms
both from abroad and from Czechia and only 13.5% from domestic suppliers. The most
important reasons for a low share of supplies from domestic firms include the
centralized sourcing by automotive TNCs, the unavailability of particular materials or
parts in Czechia and often a low quality of supplies by domestic suppliers. These
reasons tend to outweigh the advantages of geographic proximity, flexibility and often
lower prices of domestic firms. However, a low share of domestic suppliers does not
mean that linkages between foreign firms and domestic firms are weak because the low
share of domestic suppliers corresponds with their low share of the total output of the
Czech automotive industry. Almost all interviewed domestic firms were to a greater or
lesser extent integrated into automotive GPNs through their supplier linkages with
foreign firms, which is the basic precondition for the development of vertical spillovers.
Our data point to strong productivity spillovers from foreign to domestic firms
especially at the beginning of their supplier relationships. This is because, in most cases,
foreign firms imposed higher requirements on domestic firms with respect to quality
and sophistication of supplied parts and components than was the industry standard in
Czechia. However, despite the integration of domestic firms into GPNs and strong
supplier linkages between domestic and foreign firms, we have found that only less than
half of the interviewed domestic firms reported any technology spillovers from foreign
firms and only one-third experienced direct technology spillovers. In other words, while
linkages between foreign and domestic firms are an important precondition for vertical
spillovers to occur, there is no guarantee that vertical spillovers will actually develop in
the presence of these linkages. One plausible explanation of weak vertical spillovers
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from foreign to domestic firms is the low absorptive capacity of domestic firms, which is
suggested by a high share of domestic firms with no R&D capabilities and by the weak
links of domestic firms with universities and public research institutes.
We acknowledge the limitations of our analysis that has focused on the existing
domestic firms. A part of the explanation of weak direct vertical spillovers may lie in the
fact that the majority of most capable domestic suppliers were taken over by foreign
firms in the 1990s and 2000s. These former domestic firms benefited from direct
transfers of technology and know-how from their new foreign owners. At the same
time, we did not investigate domestic firms that did not survive and that might have
experienced strong negative spillovers from foreign firms. Our focus on the existing
domestic firms would thus tend to underestimate the real extent of both positive and
negative FDI effects on domestic firms.
Our research suggests that the failure to consider the heterogeneity of domestic firms
may lie behind many inconclusive results of various analyses about spillovers from
foreign to domestic firms as these effects can significantly differ among different firms
or groups of firms. Consequently, it makes it almost impossible to generalize the effects
of spillovers on technological, organizational and strategic competences of domestic
firms as a whole. Therefore, instead of treating domestic firms as a homogeneous group,
we classified them into four basic types. Our classification shows large differences in the
capabilities and absorptive capacity of domestic firms which significantly influence their
ability to benefit from spillovers.
Our research also shows how the particular nature of GPN influences the potential of
domestic firms to benefit from linkages and spillovers in the form of improving their
overall position in the value chain. In our case of the quasi-hierarchical value chain,
even direct positive spillovers did not help domestic firms improve their position in the
supplier hierarchy. As a result, the vast majority of domestic automotive firms remain
locked in subordinate positions as Tier 3 and Tier 2 suppliers in automotive GPNs
dominated by foreign lead firms. Consequently, despite high levels of FDI, domestic
firms continue to lag behind foreign firms (Peter et al., 2012) with limited chances to
significantly improve their position in the automotive value chain and become major
competitive players in the Czech and European automotive industry. Given this
inability to close the gap between themselves and foreign firms and given the
contemporary nature of the global automotive industry and limited technology
spillovers from foreign firms, the marginalized and vulnerable position of domestic
automotive suppliers of less developed countries in the automotive GPNs is likely to
persist in the foreseeable future.
The authors wish to thank the editor and four anonymous referees for their comments on an
earlier version of this article. We are grateful to Jan Z
enka for help with the administration of the
company survey and conducting company interviews. We also want to thank Karel Hostomsky´
for preparing the maps.
This work was supported by the Czech Science Foundation [Grant Number 13-16698S].
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