Revised 5/28/2024
Laptop Agreement
Parent/Student Handbook
Grades 6-12
Student and Parent Laptop Agreement 2024-2025
McKinney ISD Device Protection Plan
Based on TEC 11.158 the school district may require payment of a reasonable fee not to exceed the
actual maintenance cost for the use of musical instruments, technology, and uniforms owned or rented by
McKinney ISD.
McKinney ISD offers an annual Device Protection Plan for $74.00, or $37.00 if the student is receiving
free/reduced lunch, to cover the laptop in case of accidental damage, theft, fire, water damage or
vandalism. The Device Protection Plan does not cover any intentional damage or neglect. A deductible of
$50 will be charged upon the first incident to cover accidental damage, theft, fire, water damage or
vandalism. Additional incidents will be charged a deductible of $125. A police report will be required within
24 hours of reporting a theft of a device.
The annual Device Protection Plan can be paid online through My School Bucks or to the campus
bookkeeper via cash or check.
If the student laptop requires repair, the student will be issued a loaner laptop until their assigned laptop is
repaired. Students will be given two weeks to pay or set up a payment plan for the incident/repair fee.
After two weeks students in default of paying the incident/repair fee will be required to return the loaner
laptop. Once the incident/repair fee has been paid the repaired laptop will be returned to the student.
Students that have not paid for the Device Protection Plan or damaged the laptop deliberately are not
covered by the agreement and will be subject to the price list below:
Loss, Deliberate Damage or Neglect
Repair/Replacement Cost
Broken Screen
Logic Board
Power Adapter and Cord
Replacement Value of Device
Any student that does not have a laptop during state testing days will be provided with a laptop for the day
of the test. Campus staff will check out the laptop to the student and collect the laptop at the end of that
day’s testing.
McKinney ISD 1:1 Laptop Program Terms of Service
McKinney ISD offers an annual Device Protection Fee of $74.00 or $37.00 if the student is receiving
free/reduced lunch, to cover accidental damage, theft, fire, water damage or vandalism. The Device
Protection Plan does not cover any intentional damage or neglect. Parents and students must always
comply with the MISD Student Code of Conduct, including the MISD Acceptable Use Policy for Electronic
Resources. Any failure to comply may cause the termination of student rights to possession immediately
and MISD may take the laptop.
McKinney ISD provides the laptop “As-is”. McKinney ISD makes no warranties, express or implied, or
merchantability, marketability, fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise, except as set forth herein.
Any implied warranties are expressly disclaimed and excluded.
At all times the legal title to the laptop is maintained by McKinney Independent School District. Your right
of possession and use is limited to and conditioned upon your full and complete compliance with the
McKinney ISD Student Code of Conduct including the MISD Acceptable Use Policy for Electronic Resources
(available on the district website), and the McKinney ISD Laptop Agreement.
You have no rights of confidentiality when using the laptop. Contents of email, information regarding your
internet usage, and network communications may be reviewed at the sole discretion of McKinney ISD. By
signing this Agreement, you further acknowledge that McKinney ISD is required by law to comply with the
Texas Public Information Act. As such, you agree to fully and timely comply with any and all directives
issued by McKinney ISD in its efforts to comply with the Public Information Act. You further recognize that
this may mean that email content, internet use history, network communications, and other similar
information shall be releasable to third parties if so, required by law.
If you lack sufficient storage space on the laptop, you must delete music, games, photos, etc. to make
necessary instructional-related programs accessible. It is your responsibility to ensure that work is not
lost due to mechanical failure, accidental deletion or re-imaging. Students should use cloud storage
programs which allow access to documents via the Internet.
Term of Agreement:
Your right to use and possess the laptop terminates no later than the last day of the school year,
unless terminated earlier by McKinney ISD, or upon withdrawal from the district.
Your failure to return the laptop in a timely manner will be considered unlawful appropriation of
McKinney ISD property and appropriate legal action will be taken.
Indemnity Provision:
You shall defend, exempt, indemnify and hold harmless McKinney ISD, its officers, agents, servants,
representatives, and/or employees of and from any and all claims, suits, actions, legal proceedings,
demands, damages, or judgments, including all expenses, attorney fees, witness fees, costs, and costs
and expenses of appeals therefrom, arising out of your use of the laptop including, but not limited to, your
intentional or negligent acts and/or omissions. This paragraph shall survive termination of this
What kind of computer will my student be issued?
Students will be provided with a 13” Apple MacBook Air laptop. Students who enroll later in the school
year may be provided with a newer refurbished device depending on the campus’s inventory.
How is this initiative being funded?
Funding for the expansion will come from two sources: 2021 Bond Program Investment Interest Earnings
and 2021 Bond Program Completed Project Savings.
Will my student be allowed to bring the laptop home from school?
Yes. The goal of this initiative is a blended learning model that will connect students with learning
resources outside the four walls of their classroom. Students will be issued a 13” MacBook Air laptop and
this device will serve as their technology tool for school. Student devices will come home each night and
go back to school the following day, just like a binder or a textbook would.
Is there an “Opt-Out” choice?
The 1:World student laptop program is an instructional initiative supported by technology. Students will
be expected to bring their laptops to school each day to use at school and at home. Students may bring
a personal laptop if they wish. Parents may file an Application for Exception available from campus
administration, pursuant to McKinney Independent School District Board of Trustees’ Policies EMB
I am not comfortable with my child being responsible for such an expensive piece of equipment. I
can’t afford to replace it if it gets broken.
McKinney ISD offers an annual Device Protection Plan that can be paid through My School Bucks or
via cash or check to the campus bookkeeper. Parents are also encouraged to buy a cover for the
laptop to provide protection from damage.
How do I pay the annual Device Protection Plan?
Parents can pay for the annual Device Protection Plan online through My School Bucks or via cash or
check to the campus bookkeeper.
How can I be sure that my student will be safe on the Internet while using this technology at
As with all technology, parent supervision is critical to student safety on the Internet while at home. The
district will support online safety by adding a web content filter to each device. Students’ Internet access
will be filtered at home as they are at school.
If you witness inappropriate content, please contact campus administration.
Why a Mac? There are much less expensive laptops or tablets on the market.
After much research, planning, goal setting, etc. the district made a final decision that a MacBook Air
would best serve our students’ needs. We have options for all the Office tools on a Mac and the Apple
suite of productivity software tools.
Will my student get a backpack to carry the laptop?
Backpacks will not be provided for students to carry their laptops. Students should provide their own case
to protect their devices.
If my student withdraws from MISD, where should I return the laptop?
Should any student withdraw from MISD, the student laptop should be returned to the campus they
attended. Campus administrators can direct you to the process they have in place on the campus for
laptop return.
Who should I contact if my student’s laptop is stolen?
If your student’s laptop is stolen at school your first contact should be the campus administration. If your
student’s laptop is stolen at your home etc. you should contact the police and then contact your campus
administrator during regular business hours with a police report.
Can my student use their own Apple ID or email account on this laptop?
No. Students must use the district provided Apple ID on the laptop. Google email accounts are
provided through MISD. Email access and rights are determined by grade level.
What should we do if my child’s laptop begins to have technical issues?
Students having technical issues with their devices should enter a ticket in the Student Help Desk
How do you know that students are using these devices appropriately?
This program does require a level of trust and responsibility for students. Students are required to read
and sign the Acceptable Use Policy for MISD and adhere to the Student Code of Conduct. If students
violate either of these policies, they may be subject to disciplinary action per the MISD Student Code of
Giving access to computers in the classroom is a carefully constructed process that considers
instructional design. It is also an opportunity for teachers to model the responsible use of technology
and teach Internet etiquette. The district has a web content filter in place that is the same for all MISD
technology regardless of type, (desktop, laptop, and/or tablet computer). This filter will be in place at
home and at school.
Will my student be able to download software to his device?
Any necessary course-specific software will be accessible to download from the MISD Self-Service
Portal. This includes any software required for dual credit courses from Collin College. Any other
software will be restricted from installation as it is a violation of the Acceptable Use Policy.
Will my student be able to use FaceTime or iMessage the district-provided laptop?
Both the FaceTime and iMessage applications will be restricted for students on their district-provided
Can we add a home printer to our student’s laptop computer?
Yes. Directions for adding a printer driver through the MISD Self-Service Portal will be provided for your
How will my child submit assignments?
Students will use the Canvas Learning Management system to access course materials, content,
and resources.
Will course textbooks be available online to access via my child’s laptop computer?
As vendors continue to provide online access to their textbooks and ancillary materials, we will make
them available through the corresponding courses in Canvas and our SSO user portal.
Can my student customize the laptop with stickers?
Stickers may not be put directly on the laptop. If a student would like to add stickers to the laptop, they
should purchase a cover and add the stickers to the cover. Stickers must be school appropriate and in line
with the Student Code of Conduct.
How can I manage my student’s screen time at home when you have provided my student with a
device to use anytime they want?
Nothing should change about the rules of your home when it comes to technology. These devices are
being provided as tools for learning and any use beyond schoolwork would be a parent/family decision
based on your standards for technology use for your child in your home. Home Internet providers can
also provide information on tools for monitoring screen time at home.
Will I have an opportunity to purchase the laptop when my student graduates?
Yes. graduating seniors can purchase their device based on the fair market value of the laptop at their