WASHINGTON, DC 20301-3500
SUBJECT: Approved Defense Logistics Management Standards Change 1244B, Establishing
Visibility of Unique Item Tracking Program Items for Component-Owned Assets
Stored at DoD Storage Activities and Corresponding Revisions to the Small Arms
and Light Weapons Program
The attached change to Defense Logistics Management Standards, as outlined in the
attachment, is approved for implementation.
Addressees may direct questions to Rafael Gonzalez, e-mail: [email protected].
Others must contact their designated Process Review Committee representative available at
Leigh E. Method, SES
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
for Logistics
As stated
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.04.22 18:24:02 -04'00'
Attachment, ADC 1244B
Page 1
ADC 1244B
Establishing Visibility of UIT Program Items for Component-Owned Assets
Stored at DoD Storage Activities and Corresponding Revisions to the Small
Arms and Light Weapons Program
a. Technical POC: Defense Enterprise Standards Office (DEDSO), Mr. Rafael
Gonzalez, e-mail: [email protected].
b. Functional POC: DEDSO, Mr. Rafael Gonzalez, e- mail: [email protected].
a. Department of Defense (DoDM) 4140.01, Volume 9, DoD Supply Chain Materiel
Management Procedures: Materiel Programs, February 16, 2018; revised by Change 2, May 16,
b. DoDM 4140.01, Volume 11, DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Procedures:
Inventory Accountability and Special Management and Handling, March 8, 2017; revised by
Change 3 June 3, 2019
c. DoDM 4160.21, Volume 1, Defense Materiel Disposition: Disposal Guidance and
Procedures, October 22, 2015; revised by Change 3 October 2, 2019
d. DoD Item Unique Identification (IUID) Working Group Meeting minutes, September
15, 2016
e. Defense Logistics Manual (DLM) 4000.25, Volume 2, Supply Standards and
f. ADC 1111, Revise Procedures for Intransit Control of Materiel Turned In To Defense
Logistics Agency (DLA) Disposition Services and Establish use of the DLMS 527R for a New
Disposition Services Turn-In Receipt Acknowledgement (TRA) Transaction
g. ADC 1198, Establishing and Maintaining Accountability for Service Owned Capital
Equipment Stored at DLA Distribution Centers, October 6, 2016
h. Addendum to ADC 1198A, Establishing and Maintaining Accountability for Service
Owned Capital Equipment Stored at DLA Distribution Centers (Missing Serial Numbers, and
Remove 867I Issue Transaction), September 6, 2017
i. ADC 1244, Establishing Visibility of Unique Item Tracking (UIT) Program Items for
Service-Owned Assets Stored at DLA Distribution Centers and Corresponding Revisions to
Inventory Procedures Related to Capital Equipment, February 5, 2018
Attachment, ADC 1244B
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3. APPROVED CHANGE(S): Significant changes after staffing the proposed change are in
green shade
a. Brief Overview of Change: This change provides additional procedures for all active
Component, UIT programs within the DoD supply chain. The changes in this document will
help streamline current practices and reduce duplication of efforts within the DoD. This change
(1) Applicable to Small Arms/Light Weapons (SA/LW) and:
(a) authorizes the procedures documented under DLM 4000.25, Volume
2, Chapter 30, Procedures for Serially Managed Materiel Requiring Owner Visibility for the
SA/LW Program (Reference 2.e.),
(b) clarifies the necessary guidance in DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, Chapter
16, DLA Disposition Services (Reference 2.e.), to address scenarios for non-compliant materiel
identification and serial number assignment,
(c) sunsets DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, Chapter 18 (Reference 2.e.) and
applicable appendices listed under section 4.d. Applicable business rules pertaining to SA/LW
will now be documented under DLMS Volume 2, Chapter 30, Procedures for Serially Managed
Materiel Requiring Owner Visibility,
(d) sunsets the following transaction formats:
1. DLMS 140A SA/LW Reporting transaction and equivalent
legacy Document Identifier Codes (DIC), (DSC, DSD, DSF, DSM, and DSR),
2. DLMS 888A SA/LW Data Change transaction and equivalent
legacy DIC’s (DSA, and DSB). This transaction allows multi-field corrections of records in the
DoD Central Registry without the need to conduct the appropriate accountable action in a supply
system. However, under the active UIT programs, all changes to the serialization data will
required the appropriate DLMS accountable action; and
(e) revises the definition for SA/LW.
(2) Applicable to all UIT Programs to include Small Arms/Light Weapons
(a) revises the definition of line item for Serially Managed Items
Requiring Owner Visibility,
(b) authorizes the materiel receipt acknowledgement (MRA) and TRA to
carry serialization data,
Attachment, ADC 1244B
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(c) makes the necessary changes to the applicable DLMS supply
transactions to support standardization of procedures when handling UIT items,
(d) adds the requirement for all DoD Components to transmit the DLMS
856S Shipment Status or 856R Shipment Status Materiel Returns transactions as applicable for
every shipment or return,
(e) documents upcoming changes to DoD policy affecting all active UIT
programs; and
(f) document other administrative changes.
b. Background:
(1) In accordance with DoDM 4140.01, Volume 9, Materiel Programs (Reference
2.a.), the DoD Components will transition from uniquely identifying items only by serial number
and will use a combination of the unique item identifiers (UII) and DoD compliant serial
numbers (hereafter referred to as serialization data). DoD Components and manufacturers will
continue to use the human readable serial numbers as a mandatory supporting data element. The
intention is to capture the serial number and, when available, the UII for all commodities within
a UIT program.
(2) DoDM 4140.01 Volume 11, Inventory Accountability and Special
Management and Handling (Reference 2.b.) requires DoD Components to account for all
secondary item inventories for which they are responsible within the DoD supply chain. In
addition, section 3.2. Accountable Record for Inventory further describes the minimal data
elements required to include serialization data as part of the total item property record. All DoD
Components will ensure their respective accountable system of record complies with all data
element requirements documented in this policy to include serial number.
(3) To streamline current practices when handling SA/LWs, DoD Policy will no
longer require the use of Component SA/LW registries. DoD Components may choose to retain
their respective service-level weapon registry; however, the Component accountable system of
records will be the authoritative source for serialization data as stated in DoDM 4140.01 Volume
(a) In support of this change, Service level component registries will no
longer exchange DLMS transactions for the purpose of inventory in-transit visibility. Instead,
the warehousing systems are expected to exchange the appropriate information using variable
length format for all inter-component shipments. The accountable system of record for each
Component is expected to record and maintain the highest-level accountability of any controlled
item to include SA/LWs.
(b) The implementation of this change does not change how DoD
Components research, investigate, and resolve discrepancies and other inquiries between
Components. DoD Components will continue to maintain a valid point of contact that will assist
other Components to include the Army, as necessary.
Attachment, ADC 1244B
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(c) Due to changes in policy regarding Component registries, the Army
will be transitioning from a repository into an application programming interface (API) enabled
query architecture supporting real-time data exchange. The DoD Central Registry will no longer
serve as the repository for Service level weapons registry data. The new API based query
architecture will allow the Army to continue with their responsibilities as stated in DLMS
4000.25, Chapter 30 without the need to store data or rely on transactions and reports from the
Services to respond to inquiries from law enforcement and other authorized entities.
(d) Pending implementation by the Army, the intent of the Army query
tool in combination with the Services’ APSR API instances, is to provide the capability to query
all DoD Components’ accountable systems to obtain real time information. Each DoD
Component will be responsible for coordination and development of an API for their respective
APSRs in accordance with the Army API format. The APIs for each APSR must then be
registered and tested with the Army query tool. These requirements are pending further
discussions and agreements by the DoD Joint Small Arms/Light Weapons Coordinating Group
along with the appropriate subject matter experts. The Army will document the appropriate
technical requirements as they become available under a separate document. The API is
fundamental for this change however, the system requirements are not part of the scope of this
change and not in this document.
(4) As a result of the numerous changes in this document affecting the SA/LW
Program, the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics
(ODASD(Logistics)) will identify and draft the necessary DoD policy changes to support this
effort and ensure policies are in alignment with procedures.
c. Approved Change in Detail: This change provides additional procedures for all
active Component UIT programs, including SA/LW as follows:
(1) Applicable to Small Arms/Light Weapons:
(a) Authorizes the procedures documented under DLM 4000.25, Volume
2, Chapter 30, Procedures for Serially Managed Materiel Requiring Owner Visibility for the
SA/LW Program (Reference 2.e). Consequently, this change will terminate any specific SA/LW
practices documented in DLMS Volume 2, Chapter 18, Small Arms and Light Weapons Serial
Number Registration and Reporting.
(b) Clarify in DLM 4000.25 Volume 2, Chapter 16, DLA Disposition
Services that the turn-in activity is responsible to ensure proper materiel identification and
applicable certifications are in place prior to shipment. The turn-in activity will use a cataloged
national stock number (NSN) or a valid management control number (MCN) (MCNs are
authorized, under limited scenarios to include the disposal of serialized items without NSN or
items that do not qualify for a cataloged NSN. Army is the authorized source for establishing a
new MCN.) to identify and label the physical materiel and will include the same NSN/MCN in
the shipping documentation; local stock numbers (LSN) are not allowed for inter-Component
shipments. DLA Disposition Services Small Arms Anniston, Alabama will file a supply
discrepancy report (SDR) for shipment without proper identification and hold the materiel,
awaiting disposition instructions from the turn-in activity.
Attachment, ADC 1244B
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(c) Sunsets and marks as reserved the following portions of DLM
1. Chapter 18, SA/LW Reporting
2. Appendix 2.13, SA/LW Error Transaction Reject Codes
3. Appendix 2.12, SA/LW Transaction Codes
(d) Sunsets and removes the following transaction formats from the
DEDSO implementation convention (IC) webpage as part of this change:
1. DLMS 140A SA/LW Reporting transaction and equivalent
legacy Document Identifier Codes (DIC), (DSC, DSD, DSF, DSM, and DSR).
2. DLMS 888A SA/LW Data Change transaction and equivalent
legacy DIC’s (DSA, and DSB). This transaction allows multi-field corrections of records in the
DoD Central Registry without the need to conduct the appropriate accountable action in a supply
system. However, under active UIT programs, all changes to the serialization data will require
the appropriate DLMS accountable action.
(e) To standardize the definition of SA/LW across policies,
ODASD(Logistics) included several changes to the current definition as shown in Enclosure 1.
The intent is to reach consensus across DoD Components via this change. The revised
definitions for SA/LW shown in Enclosure 1 reflect more current definitions. Upon approval of
this change, ODASD(Logistics) will update all appropriate policies with the new definition.
(2) Applicable to all UIT Programs to include Small Arms/Light Weapons:
(a) Clarify the definition of line item for serialized items requiring owner
visibility. Under capital equipment and active UIT programs, the definition for line item
includes the NSN + serial number + UII (when available) + Owner. For the physical storage of
serially managed items, the intent is to allow DoD Components to store materiel by NSN, supply
condition code (SCC), and owner and not by serial and UII. This will allow storage activities to
store multiple items of the same NSN, SCC, and Owner in the same location. This change will
update all appropriate language to ensure the intent is clearly defined.
(b) Authorizes the DLMS 527R MRA and TRA (Reference 2.f.) to carry
serialization data. Although serialization data is not restricted in the DLMS 527R MRA
transaction, there are no clear instructions or proper authorization to use it. This change allows
the MRA transaction to carry serialization data and serves as the receipt acknowledgement for
the shipment of serially managed items requiring owner visibility. The receiving activity will
match the shipment status/shipment return with the MRA/TRA to close the due-in balance status.
A successful match of the shipment status/materiel returns and the MRA/TRA closes the in-
transit balance and ensures the materiel shipped matches the materiel received. The receiving
activity will submit the SDR for discrepancies between the shipment status/shipment materiel
return and the MRA/TRA. Disposition Services uses the TRA in lieu of the MRA.
Attachment, ADC 1244B
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(c) Makes the following changes to applicable DLMS transactions to
increase the accountability of materiel. All changes apply to storage activities to include DLA
Disposition Services unless otherwise stated. Changes are as follows:
1. Adds the following qualifiers to DLMS 856S Shipment Status
and the 856R Shipment Status Materiel Returns transactions (See Enclosure 5):
a. OW Owner of Property to enable the transaction to
carry the owner data field. This change will allow the storage activity to indicate the future
owner of the materiel upon receipt when it is other than the receiving activity. The transaction
requires identification of the owner when shipping materiel to a storage activity for the purpose
of maintenance or loaned materiel. The materiel owner is also required when shipping serially
managed items requiring owner visibility to a DLA storage activity. The receiving activity will
use the shipment status, or the materiel return transaction, and the DLMS 527D Pre-Positioned
Materiel Receipt (PMR), to establish a due-in and assist during the receipt process. The intent of
this new qualifier is to provide another mechanism for the DoD Components to convey the
ownership for a given shipment and not to replace or eliminate the requirement for inventory
control points to comply with the PMR requirements. The shipment status/materiel return and
the PMR transactions are not mutually exclusivewhen both transactions are present, the
receiving activity will use the PMR to determine the materiel owner and the shipment status to
confirm the serialization data.
b. 035 Borrower Action to DLMS 856S Shipment Status.
This qualifier enables DoD Components to identify shipment transactions for loaned property.
For the purpose of loans, the loaner is the entity or organization that owns the materiel. The
loanee is the organization receiving the loan. When the loanee acknowledges receipt of the
materiel, the owning DoD Component (loaner) will establish and maintain an associated loan
balance until the materiel is returned. Upon receipt, the materiel will remain under the original
owner (loaner) and the loanee becomes the materiel manager.
2. SCP Security Cooperation Programs and A13 Other
Shipments to DLMS 856S Shipment Status. These new qualifiers will help identify shipments
to entities outside of the DoD.
3. Adds the following qualifiers to DLMS 947I Inventory
Adjustment transaction (see Enclosure 5):
a. Quantity or Status Adjustment Reason Code
WS Suspected Lost or Stolen to identify inventory loss of a serially managed item under
b. Quantity or Status Adjustment Reason Code WR
Found/Recovered to identify a serially managed item recovered as the result of an investigation.
4. Adds the requirement for all DoD Components to transmit the
DLMS 856S Shipments Status or 856R Shipment Status Materiel Returns as applicable for inter
Component shipments of serially managed items. Shipping documentation may be available for
validating serialization data; however, it does not substitute or supersede the requirement for the
Attachment, ADC 1244B
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shipping activity to provide the shipment status transaction upon shipment. A serially managed
item received without a corresponding shipment status will result in the receiving activity having
to generate an SDR and suspend the material. Compliance with this requirement will ensure the
receiving activity can establish a due-in and confirm the serialization data at time of receipt. The
receiving activity will prepare a due-in using the information available from the shipment status
and/or the PMR transactions. The document number is the data element that connects the
shipment status transaction and the incoming shipment. When the serialization data does not
match or is missing, a systemic trigger is necessary to alert the user performing the receipt that
an SDR is required. The receiving activity will then follow the SDR process and suspend the
materiel until resolution.
a. The shipping activity will respond with one of the
following disposition instructions: (1) confirm shipment and retain material (SDR Reply Code
130) or (2) return the materiel (SDR Reply Code 105) in response to the SDR.
b. Pending DLMS implementation, Components under
legacy environment will provide the DIC AS_ and will communicate the serial numbers via other
means to ensure the necessary information is available at time of receipt. Failing to provide
serialization data will result in an SDR being generated and the materiel to be suspended.
(3) Given the extent of the changes in this proposal, several DoD policies will
need updates to support all the new changes pertaining small arms/light weapons. Some of the
policies identified for a change include but it is not limited to:
(a) DoD 4140.01 Volume 11, Inventory Accountability and Special
Management and Handling.
(b) DoDI 5000.64, Accountability and Management of DoD Equipment
and Other Accountable Property.
(c) DoDM 5100.76, Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms,
Ammunition, and Explosives (AA&E), Enclosure 11.
d. Revisions to Defense Logistics Manuals:
(1) Sunset and reserve DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, Chapter 18, Small Arms/Light
Weapons Serial Number Registration and Reporting, as shown in Enclosure 1.
(2) Sunset and reserve DLM 4000.25, Appendix 2.13, Small Arms and Light
Weapons Error Transaction Reject Codes, as shown in Enclosure 1.
(3) Sunset and reserve DLM 4000.25, Appendix 2.12, Small Arms and Light
Weapons Transaction Codes, as shown in Enclosure 1.
(4) Revise DLM 4000.25, Volume 1, Appendix 2, Terms and Definitions, as
shown in Enclosure 1.
Attachment, ADC 1244B
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(5) Revise DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, Chapter 16, Disposition Services, as shown
in Enclosure 2.
(6) Revise DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, Chapter 17, Supply Discrepancy Report, as
shown in Enclosure 3.
(7) Revise DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, Chapter 30, Procedures for Serially
Managed Materiel Requiring Owner Visibility, as shown in Enclosure 4.
e. Approved Transaction Flow: DoD Components will no longer transmit the DLMS
140A or the DLMS 888A transactions. These transactions will be sunset and removed from the
DEDSO IC webpage by the implementation date in paragraph 8.
4. REASON FOR CHANGE: This change streamlines procedures under active UIT program
and increases accountability of materiel.
a. Advantages: This change simplifies the reporting and transaction flow between DoD
b. Disadvantages: There are no known disadvantages.
a. Users of this change have fully implemented the relevant DLMS transaction capability in
their business application. All Component ICPs and/or shippers must have the ability to send PMR,
Shipping Notice or equivalent prior to shipping serialized materiel. Both PMR and Shipment Status
transactions are mandatory.
b. Implementation of DoD guidance regarding human readable serial number
conventions must be in place. This will ensure proper exchange of human readable serial
numbers between systems without compromising data. The implementation of the human
readable serial number guidance requires a joint implementation.
c. These procedures apply to assets with a valid cataloged NSN. Federal Logistics
Information System (FLIS) IUID Indicator Y, in conjunction with the FLIS UIT Designator
Code, identifies the items subject to these procedures. MCNs are authorized, under limited
scenarios to include the disposal of serialized items without NSN or items that do not qualify for
a cataloged NSN. Army is the authorized source for establishing a new MCN.
7. For serialized items, DLA Disposition Services will capture and transmit serialization data at
time of receipt. Disposition Services is not required to further track the item(s) after the materiel
is declared excess and DLA Disposition Services takes ownership.
Attachment, ADC 1244B
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a. This change will be a DoD joint implementation. DoD Components are expected to
be ready for implementation no later than Dec 2024. Calendar year 2025 will be the
implementation timeframe. A specific date will be agreed upon between the Components via the
Joint Small Arms/Light Weapons Coordinating Group.
b. US Navy will have a delayed implementation due to AIS constraints. However, Navy
Crane Registry will implement the DLMS 856S Shipment Status and the 527R Materiel Receipt
Acknowledge to allow other Components to move forward with implementation.
c. In addition to the changes in this document, all DoD Components must implement
current serial number guidance defined in ADC 1244 (Reference 2.i.) in their respective
accountable systems. This will ensure serial number data can be exchange between systems
without losing alpha numeric or special characters.
IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS CHANGE: This change enables Components, to meet the
requirements for visibility of active UIT program items. No savings or cost avoidance can be
calculated at this time.
a. New/Changes to Data Elements:
(1) Remove from LOGDRMS the elements and code lists for the Small Arms and
Light Weapons Error Transaction Reject Code and the Small Arms and Light Weapons
Transaction Code.
(2) Incorporate new qualifiers OW, 035, SCP, WS, WR, in the respective DLMS
transactions routing maps as documented in enclosure 5.
b. Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS):
(1) On the implementation date, remove transaction mapping for DLMS 140A
and 888A and all equivalent DICs. DEDSO will notify DAAS when the implementation date is
identified. After implementation date, all DLMS 140A and 888A (Legacy DIC DSC, DSD,
DSF, DSM, or DSR) will be rejected.
(2) Update the DLMS 856S Shipment Status mapping to add the new qualifiers
identified in Enclosure 5.
(3) Update the DLMS 856R Shipment Status Materiel Returns to add the new
qualifier identified in Enclosure 5.
(4) Update the DLMS 947I Inventory Adjustment (Version 4030) to add the new
qualifiers identified in Enclosure 5
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(5) Ensure MRAs and Shipment Status transactions are available in WEBVLIPS.
(6) DAAS WebSDR will need to be updated to include new discrepancy codes
and definitions as stated above.
c. Non-DLM Publications: DoD Components to update publications as necessary.
Not applicable.
Concur as written
As noted.
Concur with Comments, See Enclosure 6.
As noted ADC updated.
Marine Corps
Concur with Comments. See Enclosure 7.
As noted.
Air Force
Concurs as written.
a. Clarification required for multiple processes within
the Unique Item Tracking (UIT) Program and the Small
Arms and Light Weapons Program.
b. Recommended resolution: Request discussion with
the Air Force Support Equipment Manager and also Air
Force Materiel Command.
As noted.
Concur with Comment. Based on discussion with Ms.
Mulligan, DLA rescinds previous comments related to
the SDR and request that trend analysis after one year
(no more than 24 months) are executed to determine
whether response SDRs are required vice info only. The
SDRs were the major challenge in DLAs comments
since this would significantly impact the suspended
assets program which already has a burdensome
response time.
As noted.
Concur as written
As noted.
Not applicable.
Enclosure 1, ADC 1244B
Page 1
Enclosure 1
1. Defense Logistics Manual (DLM) 4000.25, Volume 1, Concepts and Procedures
Make the following changes to Volume 1. Additions are shown in red bold italics and deletions
by double strikethrough text.
Appendix 2, Terms and Definitions
Preceding text not shown
records between the activity(s) having physical custody /or accountability of small arms
and light weapons and the Component Registry for the purpose of ensuring that the
records are in agreement and/or adjusting the difference between the records. so that
the records agree.
Intervening text not shown
SMALL ARMS AND LIGHT WEAPONS. For the purpose of DoD small arms and light
weapons reporting, small arms and light weapons are defined as man-portable
weapons made or modified to military specifications for use as lethal instruments of war
that expel a shot, bullet or projectile by action of an explosive. Small Arms are broadly
categorized as those weapons intended for use by individual members of armed or
security forces are individually operated weapons which are portable or can be
fired without special mounts or firing devices and which have potential use in
civil disturbances and are vulnerable to theft. Examples include:
Handguns (e.g., revolvers and self-loading pistols)
Shoulder-fired weapons (e.g., carbines, rifles, and shotguns)
Sub-machine guns
Assault rifles
Light automatic weapons
They include handguns rifles and carbines; sub-machine guns; and light machine
guns. Light weapons are broadly categorized as those weapons designed for use by
two or three members of armed or security forces serving as a crew, although some
may be used by a single person. They include heavy machine guns; hand-held under-
barrel and mounted grenade launchers; portable anti-aircraft guns; portable anti-tank
guns; recoilless rifles; man-portable launchers of missile and rocket systems; and
mortars. Examples include:
General purpose, medium and heavy machine guns
Under-barrel, mounted, and automatic grenade launchers
Portable anti-aircraft guns
Portable anti-tank guns
Recoilless rifles up to and including 106 mm
Enclosure 1, ADC 1244B
Page 2
Launchers of missile and rocket systems
Mortars up to and including 100-120 mm (includes high velocity mortars
Associated suppressors, silencers, mufflers, and noise suppression devices appropriate
for previously listed small arms and light weapons are included and will be reported
within an accountable systemthe Component and DoD registries.
Antique small arms and light weapons as identified in 18 USC Section 921, “Gun
Control Act,” will follow the owning Component’s inventory control and
accountability procedures and be tracked within an accountable system.
Intervening text not shown
individual transactions affecting the small arms and light weapons serial numbers' status
within any Component supply APSR. registry.
2. Defense Logistics Manual (DLM) 4000.25, Volume 2, Supply Standards and Procedures
Delete the following chapters and appendices and mark as RESERVED in the Table of Contents
and Title page:
Chapter 18, Small Arms and Light Weapons Serial Number Registration and Reporting
Appendix 2.12, Small Arms and Light Weapons Transaction Codes
Appendix 2.13, Small Arms and Light Weapons Error Transaction Reject Codes
Enclosure 2, ADC 1244B
Page 1
Enclosure 2
DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, Supply Standards and Procedures, Chapter 16, Disposition
Make the following changes to Volume 2. Additions are shown in red bold italics and deletions
by double strikethrough text. Update existing paragraph numbering as necessary.
Chapter 16, Disposition Services
Preceding text not shown
C16.3.1 Applicability. Refer to this manual’s Definitions and Terms for the
definition of applicable small arms/light weapons (SA/LW).
C16.3.2. Federal Supply Classification. Conventional small arms generally fall
into one of the following Federal supply classifications (FSC): 1005, 1010, 1015, 1025,
1040, 1055, 1090, and 1095; however, this list will not be considered all inclusive. DLA
Disposition Services will treat any weapon meeting the general guidelines of a SA/LW
accordingly, regardless of FSC.
C16.3.23. Small Arms/Light Weapons Requisitioning. Customer generated DLMS
511R Requisitions for SA/LW will be by NSN and quantity, and may specify a DTID
number. Neither the customer requisition to DLA Disposition Services nor the resulting
DLMS 940R MRO to the DLA Disposition Services Field Office will specify a serial
number. Upon shipment, DLA Disposition Services will communicate to the
receiving activity any serialization data via DLMS 856S Shipment Status
transaction in accordance with the DLMS 4000.25, Chapter 30. However, serial
number of the weapon(s) selected for issue will be carried on the DLMS 140A, with
Transaction Code S, Small Arms Shipment transaction (one copy to the requisitioning
activity and another copy to the DLA SA/LW registry. The serial numbers included in
the shipment will may also be included in the DLMS 945A Materiel Release Order
Confirmation response from DLA Disposition Services Field Offices back to DLA
Disposition Services for verification of the specific weapons issued and records update.
C16.3.4. Serial Number and Unique Item Identifier Reporting. Any SA/LW unique
transactions (DLMS 140A/888A) required by the current business process will be
generated separately.
C16.3.35. Redistribution or Disposal. When the DLA Disposition Services Small
Arms Anniston, Alabama, takes redistribution or disposal action, the resulting DLMS
940R redistribution order or disposal release order will pass the weapons serial number
serialization data to the DLA Disposition Services Field Office directing specific
weapons for release. This serial number will be included in tThe DLMS 945A
Redistribution Order (RDO)/Disposal Release Order (DRO) Confirmation will include
Enclosure 2, ADC 1244B
Page 2
the serialization data in the response from DLA Disposition Services Field Offices
back to DLA Disposition Services Small Arms Anniston, Alabama, for verification that
the correct weapon was issued.
Intervening text not shown
C16.7.7.5. Turn-in of Small Arms/Light Weapons. Upon arrival of every
SA/LW shipment, When SA/LW materiel is received, DLA Disposition Services DEMIL
Center, Anniston, Alabama willmust identify eachthe SA/LW by a valid NSN or
previously assigned DoD SA/LW Registry assigned management control number
(MCN), in addition to a separate serial number for each individual weapon. The
shipper must provide proper materiel identification and serialization data for
every turn-in shipment.
C16. Verification and Passing of SA/LW Serial Numbers. During
the pre-receipt process, the field office will sight verify each weapon received by the
serial number(s) with the associated shipping documents received. Upon sight
verification, To report the receipt, the field office will receipt the SA/LW and record
serialization data. In addition, the field office will transmit a TRA to the shipping
activity to acknowledge the receipt. The TRA transaction will include the
serialization data to allow the shipping activity to close any pending in-transit
balance. and also send a DLMS 140A, Transaction Code R, Receipt, to the DLA
SA/LW registry and the generating activity’s SA/LW registry. Receipt reporting to DLA
Disposition Services and SA/LW registry receipt reporting must be within applicable
MILSTRAP/DLMS time standards. There is a “many-to-one” relationship between a
weapon SA/LW serial number and DTID number or DTID number and suffix; therefore,
the weapon serial number will be looped on the DLMS 527R Receipt transaction
contains a loop to include multiple serial numbers when necessary. The DLMS
140A transaction has a “one-to-one” relationship for weapon serial numbers. The
system produces two DLMS 140A transactions to each generating activity. For
example, each DLMS 527R Receipt transaction for SA/LW will contain the DTID
number or DTID number and suffix and a specific weapon serial number for each
individual weapon (e.g., if ten weapons make up the DTID number or DTID number and
suffix quantity, DLA Disposition Services will receive one Receipt transaction for that
DTID number or DTID number and suffix, with ten unique serial numbers). Additionally,
that same receipt transaction produces 20 DLMS 140A transactions (e.g., ten outbound
to the DLA SA/LW registry and ten outbound to the generating activity)
C16. Materiel Identification on Disposition Services Turn-In
Receipt Acknowledgement (TRA). The When the field office receives a will not accept
any SA/LW identified by a Service LSN or invalid materiel identification. DoD
Components will ensure all shipments to DLA Disposition Services Field Offices
carry a valid NSN, or MCN assigned by the Army. DLA Disposition Services
DLA has advised that use of the SA/LW serial number will not be implemented initially in the 527R
Receipt transaction at the field offices. DLA must provide Enterprise Business Standards Office with
their planned Distribution Standard System (DSS) implementation date when known.
Enclosure 2, ADC 1244B
Page 3
Anniston, Alabama will hold the discrepant materiel and follow the SDR process
as stated in Chapter 17. The turn-in activity is responsible for providing prompt
resolution to the SDR. The lack of a positive resolution in a timely matter will
cause the return of the shipment to the turn-in activity. the field office conducts
research to determine the valid NSN. If the turn-in activity field office cannot identify a
valid NSN for the weapon, the DoD Component will contacts the Army DoD SA/LW
Registry andto obtain an MCN prior to shipment. in accordance with Chapter 18
procedures. The field office uses the valid NSN, or the DoD SA/LW Registry assigned
MCN, as the primary materiel identification in the 527R Receipt transaction at
2/LIN02/LIN03/010. The receipt process Field Office receipt process will trigger a TRA
transaction to the shipping activity indicating a successful receipt of the
weapon(s). sent to the DoDAAC in the original DTID number. When the materiel
identification in the Receipt transaction differs from that provided in the DTID, the TRA
will reflect the DTID materiel identification as the primary identification (LIN02/LIN03)
and the valid NSN, or DoD SA/LW Registry assigned MCN, actually received into DLA
Disposition Services inventory as a secondary identification (LIN16/LIN17). Inclusion of
both materiel identification numbers in the TRA transaction provides linkage to audit
trails maintained by the field office. The TRA transaction will include the SA/LW
serialization data serial number(s) reported in the corresponding 527R receipt
C16. Partial Weapon Turn-in
C16. Turn-in activities must include a list of missing parts
on the DTID (or an attached continuation page) or a signed statement certifying that the
weapons have missing parts when transferring partial/incomplete weapons to DLA
Disposition Services Small Arms Anniston, Alabama, under the whole weapon NSN.
If using a missing parts list and the shipment includes multiple weapons, associate each
list of missing parts with the serial number of the whole weapon. Shipments of a partial
weapon identified under the whole weapon NSN but lacking the required list of missing
parts or equivalent certification are discrepant. DLA Disposition Services will generate
an SDR in accordance with Chapter 17 SDR guidance. will hold rejected serialized
weapons/weapon parts in a segregated location pending resolution of the SDR. If the
DLA Disposition Services Small Arms Anniston, Alabama, does not receive a reply to
the SDR with the updated documentation or is otherwise unable to resolve the
discrepancy within 25 days, DLA Disposition Services Small Arms Anniston, Alabama,
will return the partial weapons to the turn-in activity. If DLA Disposition Services Small
Arms Anniston, Alabama, cannot locate the turn-in activity, DLA Disposition Services
Small Arms Anniston, Alabama, will contact DoD Registry for resolution/disposition
instructions or referral to the owning Service.
DLA advised that the DLA Disposition Services Field Offices will not include the SA/LW serial number in
the 527R TRA transaction as part of TRA initial implementation. DLA must provide DLMS Program
Office their planned implementation date for including the SA/LW serial number in the TRA, when
Refer to ADC 1175,Procedures for Turn-In of Partial SA/LW to DLA Disposition Services and SDR
Procedures for Associated Discrepancies (SA/LW/SDR/Supply/MILSTRIP).
Enclosure 2, ADC 1244B
Page 4
C16. DLA Disposition Services Small Arms Anniston,
Alabama, will NOT accept a turned in weapon subcomponent, such as the upper
receiver, butt stock assembly, or barrel assembly, without its matching serialized
receiver under its end item NSN. When identifying the serialized receiver on a weapon,
the term “serialized receiver” refers to the receiver that displays or holds the serial
number of a particular weapon. DLA Disposition Services Small Arms Anniston,
Alabama, will receipt the subcomponent under the applicable materiel identification for
the subcomponent(s) and submit an informational SDR to the generator. DLA
Disposition Services will send a Disposition Services Turn-In Receipt Acknowledgement
transaction citing the turn-in materiel identification (for reconciliation by the turn-in
activity) and the actual materiel identification used for the DLA Disposition Services
receipt. It is the responsibility of the turn-in activity to correct SA/LW Registry and IUID
Registry as applicable. DLA Disposition Services Small Arms Anniston, Alabama, will
mutilate and/or destroy non-serialized weapon parts consistent with the demilitarization
code requirements, local policies, laws, and regulations.
Enclosure 3, ADC 1244B
Page 1
Enclosure 3
DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, Supply Standards and Procedures,
Make the following changes to Volume 2. Additions are shown in red bold italics, and deletions
are shown by double strikethrough text.
Appendix 7.28, Supply discrepancy Report Relevant Data Elements
Preceding elements not shown
U04 Unique identification (UII/serial number) not provided on shipping
notice/returns notice.
Intervening elements not shown
U15 Missing shipping/return notice
Chapter 17, Supply Discrepancy Reporting. Update existing paragraph numbering as
C17.3.2.3. Condition of Materiel
C17. Condition Misrepresented. Report when the condition of
an item valued in excess of $100 per line-item is found to be other than shown on the
shipping document, or, in the case of subsistence, on supporting inspection/test
certificates or records. Use the hazardous materiel discrepancy code when applicable.
C17. For serially managed items to include capital
equipment and UIT programs items, SDRs indicating a receipt in other than the
original condition shipped will include UII and serial number (when available) for the
discrepant quantity received. When all items are discrepant, no UII and/or serial
number is required for IUID materiel as this information is already known to the relevant
Intervening text not shown
C17.3.8. Discrepancies in Item Unique Identification (IUID) Data.
C17.3.8.1. Serial numbers are mandatory for all serially managed
items to include capital equipment and UIT Programs. Report supply-related
discrepancies involving IUID under DoD IUID Supply policy., including but not limited to
Unique Item Tracking (UIT) programs, capital equipment candidates, or as
Refer to ADC 1198, “Establishing and Maintaining Accountability for Service Owned Capital Equipment Stored at
DLA Distribution Centers.
Refer to ADC 1030, “Intra-DLA Revision to Procedures to Support DLMS 945A, Materiel Release Advice,
Cancellation Reason Code and Denial Management Code for Redistribution Orders Associated with DLA
Disposition Services under Reutilization Business Integration (RBI) (Supply/Logistics).
Enclosure 3, ADC 1244B
Page 2
contractually required. Pending full transition to DoD IUID Supply policy using the UII,
SDRs identifying discrepancies in unique identification will be prepared citing both UII
and/or corresponding serial number, when both are available. Until UII is implemented
as the primary identifier under full IUID implementation across the Department of
Defense, the human readable serial number is mandatory in the SDR for discrepancy
scenarios identified in this chapter, as is the UII when available. The intent is to capture
both serial number and UII, however not all items are marked and the UII cannot be
considered a mandatory element at this time. That is the context in which the term
“serial number/UII” is used in this chapter.
Applicability under DoD IUID Supply Policy
is identified by NSNs with IUID Indicator Yes (Y). For missing or mismatched unique
item identification of items that are DoD serially managed/tracked, use the applicable U-
series discrepancy code (see Table C17.T1.). Report missing or mismatched materiel
identification unrelated to IUID (e.g., missing or mismatched part number or NSN) using
the applicable packaging (labeling/marking), documentation, technical data, or wrong
item discrepancy code(s). Report quality-related deficiencies involving IUID, (e.g.,
improperly constructed unique item identifier within the 2D data matrix), using Product
Quality Deficiency Report (PQDR) procedures under DLA Regulation 4155.24, et al.
C17.3.8.2. In order to facilitate reporting of discrepancies, particularly
those involving discrepancies where inclusion of the serial number/UII is
required/desirable, the SDR submission process should be integrated with the receiving
process, allowing receipt data to be captured once and reused. IUID discrepancies may
be related to the packaging label, including automated information technology (AIT)
readable content; the item marking, including AIT readable marks; supply
documentation; the due-in record; and/or a mismatch between the item and any of
these. When reporting an IUID missing or mismatch (including shortage, overage, and
incorrect item) the serial number/UII may be specifically identified as applicable to items
received or not received using the IUID Received/Not Received Indicator. If the SDR
does not include the indicator, the UII and/or serial number will be interpreted as
applicable to the materiel received. Pending integrated capability to support IUID
reporting in SDRs, attachment files may be uploaded/transmitted to DoD WebSDR to
identify UIIs and/or serial numbers UIIs.
C17.3.8.3. Discrepancies involving missing or mismatched unique
identification identified during receipt of new procurement materiel (including direct
vendor delivery (DVD)) must be reported prior to acceptance. Receipt new
procurement materiel requiring IUID or serial number tracking in a suspended condition
pending resolution.
C17.3.8.4. Pending full transition to DoD IUID Supply Policy procedures, only
Report missing serial number/UII in DLMS shipment status transactions (Discrepancy
Code U04) for shipments of serially managed items under an established UIT
Refer to ADC 1244, “Establishing Visibility of Unique Item Tracking (UIT) Program Items for Service-Owned
Assets Stored at DLA Distribution Centers and Corresponding Revisions to Inventory Procedures Related to
Capital Equipment.”
Discrete data entries (rather than attachment files) for serial number/UII identification are required under ADC
1244 beginning December 2018.
Enclosure 3, ADC 1244B
Page 3
program. items and capital equipment candidates originating at DLA Distribution
C17.3.8.5. The materiel owner is responsible for IUID Registry updates
associated with discrepancies for mismatched IUID information.
C17.3.8.6. To comply with Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness
(FIAR) requirements regarding accountability and management of materiel,
serially managed items under an active UIT Program requires serialization data
and owner visibility. in support of Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness (FIAR)
compliance, for accountability and management of capital equipment, capital
equipment candidates require serialization data visibility.
The materiel owner also
requires serialization data visibility for UIT program items at DLA Distribution Centers.
Thus, serially managed items under an active capital equipment candidates and UIT
program items received at DLA Distribution Centers without a serial number will not only
require an SDR, but will stop the equipment in the supply chain until a serial number is
identified and the materiel is marked. If the storage activity distribution center cannot
determine the serial number using the associated shipment notice and marks/labels on
the item or packaging, the distribution center storage activity will report the receipt in a
suspended condition) and submit the SDR to the owner citing Discrepancy Code U13
and other applicable discrepancy code(s) with clarifying remarks. The materiel owner is
responsible for determining the appropriate serial number and providing disposition for
marking the item.
C17. For inter Component shipments and returns to a
storage activity, the shipping documentation may be available for validating
serialization data; however, it does not substitute or supersede the requirement
for the shipping activity to provide the shipment status transaction in advance. A
UIT serially managed item received without a corresponding shipment status will
result in the generation of an SDR with Discrepancy Code U15 and the materiel
will be suspended. Compliance with this requirement will ensure the receiving
activity can establish a due-in in advance and confirm the serialization data at
time of receipt.
C17. The receiving activity will prepare a due-in using the
information available from the shipment status and/or the PMR transactions. The
document number is the data element that connects the Shipment Status
transaction and the incoming shipment. When the serialization data does not
match or is missing, a systemic trigger is necessary to alert the user performing
the receipt that a SDR is required. The receiving activity will then follow the SDR
process and suspend the materiel using Discrepancy Code U15. When the
Refer to ADC 1198/ADC 1198A, Establishing and Maintaining Accountability for Service Owned Capital
Equipment Stored at DLA Distribution Centers - (Missing Serial Numbers and Remove 867I Issue
Refer to ADC 1244, “Establishing Visibility of Unique Item Tracking (UIT) Program Items for Service-Owned
Assets Stored at DLA Distribution Centers and Corresponding Revisions to Inventory Procedures Related to
Capital Equipment.”
Enclosure 3, ADC 1244B
Page 4
discrepancy is solely due to missing a shipment status/materiel returns, the
shipping activity will respond with SDR Disposition Reply Code 105 or 130 as
C17.3.8.7. SDRs prepared for a mismatch with no discrepancy in quantity or
stock number received will include the serial number/UII identifying the mismatch. That
is, identify the serial number/UII for item(s) received that do not correspond to the
shipment status, as well as the serial number/UII for the expected item(s) NOT
received. Serial number is mandatory for capital equipment candidates and UIT
program items. Cite the IUID discrepancy code.
C17.3.8.8. SDRs prepared for a shortage of items identified by IUID Indicator
Y will include the serial number/UII for the item(s) NOT received based upon
comparison with the shipment status (when available) or shipping documentation.
Serial number is mandatory for capital equipment candidates and UIT program items.
Cite the applicable discrepancy code for the shortage and the IUID discrepancy code.
C17.3.8.9. SDRs prepared for an overage of items identified by IUID
Indicator Y will include the serial number/UII for the extra item(s) received based upon
comparison with the shipment status (when available) or shipping documentation.
Serial number is mandatory for capital equipment candidates and UIT program items.
Cite the applicable discrepancy code for the overage and the IUID discrepancy code.
C17.3.8.10. SDRs prepared for receipt of an incorrect item where the item
received is identified by an NSN with a IUID Indicator Y will include the serial
number/UII for the wrong item. Serial number is mandatory for capital equipment
candidates and UIT program items. Cite the applicable discrepancy code for the
incorrect item receipt and the IUID discrepancy code
C17.3.8.11. SDRs prepared for receipt of a condition discrepancy (i.e., the
materiel condition is misrepresented or otherwise deviates from the original condition on
the shipping document or the prepositioned materiel receipt) where the item received is
a serially managed item capital equipment candidate or UIT program item will include
the serial number/UII for the discrepant item. Serial number is mandatory for capital
equipment candidates and UIT program items. Cite the applicable discrepancy code for
the condition discrepancy and the IUID discrepancy code.
Intervening text not shown
C17. By exception, DLA Disposition Services will not generate SDR follow-ups
for turn-in of partial weapons lacking the required list of missing parts or a signed
statement certifying that the weapons have missing parts. Turn-in activities are required
to respond to the SDR within 25 days. Additionally, After the 25 days, DLA Disposition
Services will attempt to contact the turn-in activity off-line to achieve resolution. The
lack of a positive resolution in a timely matter will cause the return of the
shipment to the turn-in activity. and if it has not resolved the issue within 25 days,
DLA Disposition Services will return the serialized weapons/weapon parts or contact the
Enclosure 3, ADC 1244B
Page 5
DoD Registry Army Logistics Data Analysis Center (LDAC) for resolution/disposition
instructions or referral to the owning Service as necessary in order to identify the
turn-in activity or alternate recipient. Subsequently, LDAC may contact others to
include item managers as deemed necessary to provide resolution. Upon resolution
of the SDR or when the SDR resulted in the return of the shipment, DLA
Disposition Services will update the Action Code from 3C, to 3B and update the
remarks appropriately to ensure the SDR is closed out.
Intervening text not shown
C17.3.18. Materiel Receipt Acknowledgement (MRA). ICPs will monitor
for discrepancies reported on MRAs (DLMS 527R) to ensure identified discrepancies
have been properly reported.
Enclosure 4, ADC 1244B
Page 1
DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, Supply Standards and Procedures,
Make the following changes to Volume 2. Additions are shown in red bold italics and deletions
by double strikethrough text. Update existing paragraph numbering as necessary
Chapter 30, Procedures For Serially Managed Materiel Requiring Owner Visibility
C30.1.1. Purpose. This chapter covers the additional procedures required for
serially managed materiel requiring owner visibility while physically located at DLA
Distribution Centers, hereafter referred to as storage activities. See section C30.5. for
the categories of serially managed materiel covered by this chapter.
C30.1.1.1. For these procedures, the serial number is mandatory in the DLMS
transaction, as is the unique item identifier (UII), when available. The intent is to
capture both serial number and UII. Many legacy items have not been marked with an
assigned UII; therefore, the UII cannot be considered a mandatory data element until
transition to management by UII is complete across the Department of Defense.
is the context in which the term “serial number/UII” is used in this chapter.
C30.1.1.2. Serially managed items requiring owner visibility will follow
DoD serial number guidance as stated in C30.4.4. Any serially managed item
coming to the DoD, regardless of the source, must comply. DoD Components will
add the necessary contractual clause to ensure vendor compliance in any new
procurement contracts/acquisition actions. This requirement will safeguard the
integrity of the serial number in all of DoD systems. Legacy items will only need
remarking prior to inter-component shipments. A legacy item with a non-
compliance serial number will stop the receipt process and result in the materiel
to be suspended awaiting disposition.
C30.1.1.3. Under capital equipment and active UIT programs, the
definition for line item includes the NSN + SCC + serial number + UII + owner.
However, for the physical storage of serially managed items, the intent is to allow
DoD Components to store materiel by NSN, SCC, and owner and not by serial and
UII. This will allow storage activities to store multiple items of the same NSN,
SCC, and owner in the same location.
. These procedures require record keeping by both the owner and
storage activity and the constant transaction exchange at the item instance level (serial
The UII is an identifier used to uniquely identity an individual item used within the Department of
Defense. The UII may be a DoD Recognized IUID equivalent [e.g., Vehicle identification number
(VIN)] or a composite structure defined by the Department of Defense [refer to UII Construct 1 and UII
construct 2]. Refer to DoD policy and supporting documentation for specific IUID guidance at Refer to the most current version of MIL-STD-130 for
specific guidance marking of U.S. Military property.
Enclosure 4, ADC 1244B
Page 2
number/UII) to ensure that the records of both reflect the correct serial numbers/UIIs, by
storage location, owner, and supply condition code (SCC).
Intervening text not shown
C30.2.1. The provisions of this chapter apply to the Military Departments
including Coast Guard and Defense Agencies (hereafter referred to as the DoD
C30.2.2. This Chapter’s procedures supplement (are additive) the procedures in
DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, and 17.
Intervening text not shown
C30.3.1. Classified activities that determine the visibility of specific items may
compromise operational security must request guidance from their DoD Components.
C30.3.2. DoD Small Arms and Light Weapons (SA/LW) Serialization
Program. The DoD SA/LW Serialization Program unique item tracking (UIT) program
has unique transaction requirements and procedures documented in Chapter 18. The
SA/LW program is also subject to the item unique identification (IUID) transaction
requirements, which are identified at paragraph C30.13.
C30.3.32. The DoD excludes all iItems that are not cataloged in the Federal
Logistics Information System (FLIS) from the procedures in this chapter, with the
exception of management control numbers (MCN) under the SA/LW Program. not
assigned a national stock number (NSN) in the Federal Logistics Information Systems
C30.3.4.3. The procedures in this chapter do not directly address update of the
IUID registry. The procedures for updating the IUID registry are contained in the DoD
Procurement Toolbox found on the “Unique Identification” link at Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment
(PIEE) Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF) eBusiness Suite web based training video
tutorials of different aspects of the IUID registry and baseline functionality are available
at (click on “Help/Training”).
Intervening text not shown
C30.5.1.2. DoD Small Arms and Light Weapons Serialization Program
(DoDSALWSP). The DoD SA/LW Serialization Program is subject to the IUID
transactions requirements identified in this chapter. In addition, section 30.13.
Enclosure 4, ADC 1244B
Page 3
provides specific instructions for scenarios pertaining to SA/LWs. This chapter
identifies DoDSALWSP as a placeholder. The future vision is to transition the
DoDSALWSP to use of standard logistics transactions under these procedures where
possible. However due to the existing unique small arms and light weapons (SA/LW)
procedures and transactions, the Enterprise Business Standards Office, working in
conjunction with the Joint Small Arms and Light Weapons Coordinating Group, will develop a
separate proposed DLMS change to address this transition. Accordingly, these procedures do
not apply to DoDSALWSP at this time. Refer to Chapter 18 for DoDSALWSP procedures and
C30. To maintain full accountability of all SA/LW within
the DoD, Components will ensure all SA/LW are properly recorded and managed
in their respective accountable system of record in accordance with DoDM
4140.01. All SA/LW must be reconciled by line item as stated in the DLM 4000.25,
Chapter 6 Physical Inventory Control. Components will follow the procedures in
this chapter as well as those listed in paragraph C30.2.2. for intra and inter
Component shipments pertaining SA/LW.
C30. The accounting of SA/LW includes, but is not
limited to: Newly procured weapons; returns; Weapons procured from
commercial sources to include offline ordering; Lost, abandoned, or unclaimed
privately owned weapons turned over for disposal; Weapons purchased with non-
appropriated funds turned over for disposal; Ceremonial/Training weapons; Lost,
stolen, and/or recovered weapons; Captured, confiscated, or abandoned enemy
weapons; Recovered weapons turned over to the DoD by law enforcement or
foreign countries; Museum/historical weapons; and Loans.
C30. DoD Components must establish active, inactive
and historical records of all SA/LW to include those previously under custody/
ownership. All SA/LW records must be retained in accordance with the National
Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The history of weapons must be
readily available to respond to FOIA requests, law enforcement inquiries, or any
other official request from an authorized organization.
Intervening text not shown
Intervening text not shown
C30.8.2.3. Shipping Activity Processes
C30. Advance Shipment Notice (From Procurement Source).
When the procuring DoD Component orders UII items from a vendor, the procuring DoD
Component must ensure that the applicable clause requiring the vendor to provide IUID
information in accordance with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement
Enclosure 4, ADC 1244B
Page 4
(DFARS), “Item Unique Identification” clause is included in the contract.
contractor must submit IUID information to the WAWF PIEE e-Business Suite
Invoicing, Receipt, Acceptance, and Property Transfer (iRAPT) in accordance with the
iRAPT Wide Area Workflow Implementation Guides for the 856, Ship Notice/Manifest;
857 Shipment and Billing Notice; direct online input; or another comparable information
exchange method supported by PIEE. WAWFiRAPT will disseminate the vendor
shipment information to the procuring activity to satisfy the shipment performance notice
requirement for the vendor to provide notification of shipment to the procuring activity
using DLMS 856, Advance Shipment Notice (ASN), including UII(s) and serial numbers,
or comparable 856 transaction. DLMS-compliant receiving activities must coordinate
with WAWFiRAPT for dissemination of the vendor shipment information to the receiving
system using the DLMS 856 ASN, including UII(s) and serial numbers.
C30. Shipment Status/Shipment Status Materiel Returns
C30. Chapter 5 contains procedures to prepare and
report the shipment status. Chapter 11 contains procedures to prepare and report
the shipment status materiel returns. The shipping activity will report shipment
status/materiel return with the serial numbers/UIIs selected for shipment, to the
receiving DoD Component activity. Shipping documentation may be available for
validating serialization data; however, it does not substitute or supersede the
requirement for the shipping activity to provide the shipment status transaction
at time of shipment. For inter-Component shipments, a serially managed item
received without a corresponding shipment status will result in the materiel to be
suspended. Compliance with this requirement will ensure the receiving activity
can establish a due-in, in advance and confirm the serialization data at time of
receipt. The receiving activity will prepare a due-in using the information
available from the shipment status and/or the PMR transactions. The document
number is the data element that connects the shipment status transaction and the
incoming shipment. When the serialization data does not match or is missing, a
systemic trigger is necessary to alert the user performing the receipt that a SDR
is required. The receiving activity will then follow the SDR process and suspend
the materiel until resolution. The receiving DoD Component will enter the data in its
AIS as a due-in and when the items are actually received, confirm that the serial
numbers/UIIs match the numbers reported as shipped by the shipment status
transaction. Resolve mismatched serial numbers/UIIs following the procedures in
Chapters 6, 17, and the additive procedures under discrepancy reporting processes
C30. Pending DLMS implementation, Components
under a legacy environment will provide the Document Identifier Code AS_
(Shipment Status) and will communicate the serial numbers via other means to
See for specific UID DFARS clause information to include in the contract.
Enclosure 4, ADC 1244B
Page 5
ensure the necessary information is available at time of receipt. Failing to
provide serialization data will result in the materiel to be suspended.
C30. DLA Disposition Services Shipment Status. The
requirement to provide a shipment status, documented in paragraph C30.
applies to materiel shipped or received by DLA Disposition Services.
C30. Shipment Status Materiel Returns. Chapter 11
contains procedures to prepare and report the shipment status materiel returns.
Shipping activities will provide the serial number/UII in the shipment status material
returns transactions for materiel being returned.
C30. Reporting Materiel Ownership via Shipment
Status/Materiel Return. DoD Components will communicate the future owner of
the materiel shipped when it is other than the receiving activity. The owner data
element is also required for: (1) inter component shipments for the purpose of
maintenance or loans; (2) shipment to a DLA storage activity requiring serial
number tracking. The intent is to communicate the future owner, when known,
for all commodities to include serially managed items and not to eliminate the
requirement to provide the PMR. Inventory control points (ICP)s are still required
to provide a PMR in advance for all shipments. The shipment status and the PMR
transactions are not mutually exclusivewhen both transactions are present, the
receiving activity will use the PMR to determine the materiel owner and the
shipment status/materiel return to confirm the serialization data.
Intervening text not shown
C30. Receipt. Chapter 13 contains procedures to prepare and report
receipts. Receiving activities will perform the use the receipt transaction to record
receipts process by serial number/UII and transmit; the materiel receipt
acknowledgement (MRA) receipt transaction to will report the serialization data serial
numbers/UIIs that were actually receipted received to the shipping activity. The
receiving activity will use the information in the shipment notice and/or the PMR
to establish a due-in in advance to the receipt. Shipping documentation may be
available for validating serialization data; however, it does not substitute or
supersedes the requirement for the shipping activity to provide the shipment
status transaction in advance. A serially managed item received without a
corresponding shipment status will result in the materiel to be suspended.
information If the serial numbers/UIIs did not match the serial numbers/UIIs on the
shipment notice Components will follow discrepancy reporting procedures below. The
receiving activity will validate the serialization data during the receipt process
and follow the SDR process for missing serial number(s) or mismatches on serial
number/UII. A missing serial number on the physical item(s) at receipt will stop the
item in the supply chain and must follow the discrepancy reporting procedures below.
Missing serial number(s) and mismatches on serial number/UII will be considered
discrepancies. Storage activities will not suspend or report a discrepancy at
receipt solely due to missing UII.
Enclosure 4, ADC 1244B
Page 6
C30. When the storage activity receives the
physical shipment without a matching shipment status (due-in) transaction, the
receiving activity will treat it as a potential misdirected shipment. The receiving
activity will receipt the shipment in a suspended condition and follow the SDR
C30. Receiving storage activities will maintain
locator records within their supporting AIS of the location where each serial number/UII
is stored at that activity.
C30. The storage activity will send the receipt
transaction to the owner and include the serial numbers and when available, the UII(s).
The owner will record the serial numbers/UIIs on the owner record. The owner will
update the IUID registry using existing IUID registry procedures.
Intervening text not shown
C30. Materiel Receipt Acknowledgement (MRA). DLMS
Volume 2, Chapter 10, Materiel Receipt Acknowledgement contains procedures to
prepare and report MRAs. In addition, receiving activities will use the MRA to
report the receipt of a serially managed item by serial number/UII to the shipping
activity. This will ensure the materiel receipted matches the materiel shipped.
The receiving activity will match the shipment status/materiel return with the
MRA/TRA to close the due-in status. A successful match of the DLMS 856S
Shipment Status, 856R Shipment Status Materiel Returns, and the MRA/TRA
closes the in-transit balance and ensures the materiel shipped matches the
materiel received. The receiving activity will submit the SDR for discrepancies
between the shipment status/materiel return and the MRA/TRA.
C30. Disposition Services uses the TRA in lieu
of the MRA.
C30. Shipping activities will use the MRA follow-
up process for outstanding shipments awaiting receipt acknowledgement as
stated in DLMS Volume 2, Chapter 10. The shipping activities may use the WEB
Visual Logistics Information Processing System (WEBVLIPS) to research for
missing MRAs before submitting a follow-up.
C30. After 30 days, certain serially managed
items, such as SA/LWs, without a matching receipt acknowledgement or offline
confirmation of receipt will require an investigation as potential lost or stolen
asset(s) in accordance with section C30.13.
Intervening text not shown
Enclosure 4, ADC 1244B
Page 7
C30.8.2.5. Supply Discrepancy Reporting (SDR) Processes
C30. Serially managed items requiring owner visibility at the
storage activity, that are received without a serial number will not only require an SDR,
but will stop the item in the supply chain until a serial number is identified and the
materiel is marked. If the storage activity cannot determine the serial number using the
associated shipment notice and marks/labels on the item or packaging, the storage
activity DLA Distribution Centers will receipt the materiel without a serial number in a
suspended condition and submit the SDR under Chapter 17 SDR procedures. The
materiel owner is responsible for determining the appropriate serial number and
providing disposition for marking the item. Upon positive resolution of the missing or
mismatched serial number/UII scenario, separate dual inventory adjustment
transactions are required to update the serial number/UII and update the SCC of the
suspended item to the appropriate SCC.
Intervening text not shown
C30. Inventory Adjustments. The inventory adjustment function
encompasses increases, decreases, or dual adjustments. The C6.4 procedures for
processing and reporting Inventory Adjustments (Physical Inventory) are applicable with
the following additions:
C30. Inventory adjustment (gain, loss, or dual)
transactions will include the serial number/UII when adding, removing, or correcting a
serial number/UII.
C30. When a discrepancy exists solely on mismatched
serial number and/or UII, the storage activity will transmit a DLMS 947I Inventory
Adjustment, Inventory Transaction Type Code DU (Inventory Adjustment Dual),
Quantity or Status Adjustment Reason Code AQ (Inventory Adjustment (UII and/or
serial number mismatch)) to correct the serial number/UII in question. The storage
activity will collaborate with the materiel owner(s) to research inventory adjustments due
to serial number/UII discrepancies resulting in a mismatch (Quantity or Status
Adjustment Reason Code AQ) in accordance chapter 6. When the item was previously
suspended, two inventory adjustment transactions are required to correct the serial
number/UII, and to update the SCC.
C30. Items where a discrepancy exists solely on missing
serial number/UII requires a dual inventory adjustment transaction. The storage activity
will transmit a DLMS 947I Inventory Adjustment, Inventory Transaction Type Code DU
(Inventory Adjustment Dual), Quantity or Status Adjustment Reason Code AM (Missing
Unique Item Identifier (UII)/Serial Number) to add the serial number/UII in question to
the existing records. The storage activity may add multiple missing serial number/UII
using a single transaction. When the item was previously suspended, a dual inventory
adjustment transaction will be required to cite the impacted serial number(s)/UII(s) to
update the suspended item(s) from the suspended SCC to the appropriate SCC.
Enclosure 4, ADC 1244B
Page 8
C30. In response to a Physical Inventory Request, the
storage activity will transmit to the owner a DLMS 947I Inventory Adjustment with zero
quantity, Quantity or Status Adjustment Reason Code AA (Physical Count) by line item
indicating the completion of the inventory. Inventory adjustment transactions with
Quantity or Status Adjustment Reason Code AA and zero quantity must include all
serial number/UII(s) associated to the NSN, Condition Code, and Owner from the initial
request. The storage activity will send all gain, loss, or dual adjustment transactions
prior to sending the final inventory adjustment transaction (Reason Code AA, zero
quantity) containing all serial numbers/UIIs. The owner will process all inventory
adjustments prior to processing the final inventory adjustment.
C30. Owner/managers processing location reconciliation
history transactions resulting from End-of Day processing or an owner-initiated location
reconciliation request where there is a mismatch on serial number/UII between the
owner records and the transactions received from the storage activity. The history
transactions will perpetuate the serial numbers/UIIs included in the original transactions.
C30. After 30 days (90 days for OCONUS) without a
positive confirmation of receipt, certain serially managed assets such as
SA/LW(s) requires an investigation for potential lost or stolen assets. The DoD
Component will follow the instructions documented in section C30.13. for
reporting lost or stolen SA/LW. The shipping activity will also perform the
necessary inventory adjustments to account for the loss/gain of materiel pending
an investigation and report to the corresponding APSR as necessary.
C30. The shipping activity will initiate the
investigation and perform an inventory adjustment using Quantity or Status
Reason Code WS, Suspected Lost or Stolen, to record the loss of the missing
asset pending an investigation.
C30. When the materiel is found, the shipping
activity will perform an inventory adjustment using Quantity or Status Reason
Code WR, Found/Recovered, to report the gain of the asset(s) resulting from the
Intervening text not shown
C30.13. Additional Instructions under the DoD Small Arms/Light Weapons
(SA/LW) Program
C30.13.1. Law Enforcement Inquiries. Within 72 hours, the Army is
responsible for providing the initial response to law enforcement. The initial
response will include the identification of the last known owner or custodial
activity (to include contact information) for a given serialized weapon identified
as DoD property. The Army may also be contacted by other authorized entities
inquiring about a particular small arm/light weapon. In response, the Army will
provide the last known owner to the inquirer. The last known owner will
Enclosure 4, ADC 1244B
Page 9
collaborate with law enforcement and other authorized entities to provide any
additional information requested in a timely matter. In compliance with NARA,
the Army must maintain records of all inquiries.
C30.13.2. Non-Compliant characters in the serial number
C30.13.2.1. All serialized items to include SA/LW must follow DoD
guidance for serial numbers. DoD Components will ensure that any new
procurement contracts/acquisitions follow the DoD guidance on human readable
serial numbers. DoD Component will need to remark legacy non-compliant serial
numbers prior to any inter-component shipment. DoD Components are not
required to remark SA/LWs prior to turn-in materiel to DLA Disposition Service
Field Office Anniston, Alabama for disposal. The tracking of serially managed
SA/LWs ends upon positive receipt of the turn-in. When a Component acquires a
SA/LW through the DLA Disposition Services Reutilization Program, the
Component will resume the serialization tracking of the SA/LW and will ensure
the serial number follows current DoD serial number guidance.
C30.13.2.2. The DoD Components will assign a new serial number
to foreign weapons containing unidentifiable characters in the original serial
number (non-English alpha characters/non-Arabic numerals). All new serial
numbers must follow DoD guidance as stated in section C30.4.4. Upon
assignment, the DoD Component will permanently inscribe the newly assigned
serial number on the weapon, except for those with historical artifact value or
weapons turn-in to DLA Disposition Services for disposal. When permanent
inscription is not possible, the DoD Component will securely tag the SA/LW. DoD
Components will maintain records of the original serial number for a historical
cross-reference of the weapon.
C30.13.3. Assignment of Management Control Numbers (MCN)
C30.13.3.1. The MCN is a control number assigned by the Army to
enable the movement of SA/LW without a valid NSN. The intent of the MCN is to
be temporary, pending the assignment of a cataloged NSN. Once a SA/LW
qualifies for a cataloged NSN, DoD Components will transition from the MCN to
NSN within 90 days. The MCN will remain part of the SA/LW identification
pending assignment of a valid NSN. DoD Components will not use the MCN to
circumvent or avoid the cataloging process. All DoD Components are
responsible for catalog qualifying items as described in DoDM 4100.39, Federal
Logistics Information System, and Stock Numbering Criteria. MCNs for heritage
assets, as defined in DoDI 5000.64 “Accountability and Management of DoD
Equipment and Other Accountable Property”, are exempt from the 90 days to
transition to NSN.
C30.13.3.2. DoD Components will request a new MCN from the Army
when a cataloged NSN is not available. The Army is the authoritative source for
MCNs. To ensure no duplicate MCNs, the Components must provide a detail
Enclosure 4, ADC 1244B
Page 10
description of the weapon to include, but not limited to, make, model, caliber,
manufacturer, manufacturer commercial and government entity (CAGE) code,
and/or nomenclature, unit price, and supporting documentation. Examples of
acceptable supporting documentation includes procurement documents, bills of
sale, photograph of the weapon’s data plate, and technical drawings. Army
publication DA 708-1 provides additional guidance pertaining to the assignment
of MCNs.
C30.13.4. Reporting Potential Lost or Stolen SA/LW. Each Component must
establish proper procedures to ensure reporting of lost, stolen, unaccounted,
and/or recovered SA/LW under the provisions of DoDM 5100.76, “Physical
Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives”. DoD
Components are responsible for reporting lost, damaged, or destroyed SA/LW in
accordance with DoD 7000.14-R Volume 12, Chapter 17 Financial Liability for
Government Property Lost, Damaged, Destroyed, Or Stolen.
will ensure the capture of all necessary details and the resolution of the
investigation as evidential matter.
C30.13.5. Duplicate Serialization Data. A human readable serial number is a
combination of alpha-numeric characters, forward slashes, and dashes that in
combination with other data elements, helps uniquely identify a serially managed
item. However, a human serial number alone is only unique to the manufacturer
and not to the DoD. A duplicate serial number refers to two or more items where
the NSN, serial number, UII (when available), and manufacturer CAGE code are
the same. Two identical items with the same serial number may not necessarily
be a duplicate. DoD Components will report discrepancies at time of receipt
using the SDR; storage quality control report (SQCR) for materiel in storage.
C30.13.5.1. When a potential duplicate serial number exists, the DoD
Component will contact the Army for assistance in the validation of the duplicate.
The DoD Component will suspend any movement of the SA/LW pending
resolution. Upon confirmation of the duplicate serial number, the Army will direct
the DoD Component to issue a modified serial number using selected alpha suffix
to maintain a historical cross-reference. The Component will permanently
inscribe the modified serial number into the SA/LW. For a SA/LW that cannot be
permanently inscribed due to its historical value, the Component will securely tag
the SA/LW with the modified serial number.
C30.13.5.2. Under new procurement, a duplicate human readable serial
number will result in contractor non-compliance. DoD Components are
responsible for coordinating with the manufacturer for resolution of the duplicate
serial number(s). SDR procedures apply for duplicate human readable serial
numbers in a new procurement shipment.
Enclosure 4, ADC 1244B
Page 11
C30.13.5.3. A legacy SA/LW with a duplicate serial number may be
suffix when the CAGE code is unknown.
C30.13.6. Non-Standard Acquisitions. When DoD Components
purchase/acquire SA/LWs from sources other than new procurement, it is the
responsibility of the DoD Component to account for the SA/LW(s) in accordance
to DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, Chapter 13, Materiel Receipt. Examples of non-
standard acquisitions includes but it is not limited to offline purchases,
commercial acquisition outside of the DoD acquisition process, and turn-ins for
disposal by private entities (i.e., Morale, Welfare, and Recreation, or any
procurement outside of the DoD supply chain). SA/LW(s) acquired through non-
standard acquisition methods will require serialization and permanent marking.
C30.13.7. Nonappropriated Funds Purchases. SA/LWs purchased with non-
appropriated fund purchases or privately owned SA/LWs are exempt from
serialization program requirements as these are under the control of civil
authorities under the Gun Control Act of 1968. However, DoD Components will
account for SA/LWs purchased with non-appropriated funds and/or privately
owned once the property is turned over to the DoD Component for disposal. In
the absence of NSN and/or serial number, the DoD Component will assign a new
serial number and follow the procedures to request a MCN from the Army.
C30.13.8. Shipments Outside the Control of the Department of Defense.
C30.13.8.1. DoD Components shipping weapons to entities outside of
the DoD will retain all evidential matter pertaining to the shipment and have it
readily accessible to respond to inquiries from law enforcement when requested.
The shipping activity will need to obtain acknowledgement of receipt (electronic
or offline) prior to closing in-transit status.
C30.13.8.2. When shipping SA/LWs to FMS and Grant Aid customers,
DoD Components will release property accountability at time of shipment. The
last DoD Component is responsible for retaining all evidential matter of the
shipment and must be available to respond to inquiries pertaining the shipment.
If the weapon is returned to the DoD supply chain, the Component will re-
establish property accountability via the receipt process and update their
respective APSR.
C30.13.9. Loan of SA/LW(s). Loan of SA/LW may occur within the DoD or
under the Law Enforcement Support Program. For the purpose of loans, the
loaner is the entity or organization that owns the SA/LW while the loanee is the
organization receiving the loan. The accountability of the SA/LW(s) remains with
the DoD owning Component (Loaner) while the custodial accountability transfers
to the authorized DoD organization or Law Enforcement Agency (loanee) until the
SA/LW(s) returns to the loaner.
Enclosure 4, ADC 1244B
Page 12
C30.13.9.1. DoDM 4140.01 Volume 11 and DoDM 4160.21. provides
additional instructions regarding the accountability of assets while in loan.
C30.13.9.2. Loans of SA/LW are not authorized after property is
officially declared excess and transferred to DLA Disposition Services as stated
in DoD 4160.21.
C30.13.10. Shipment of Partial Weapons to DLA Disposition Services Small
Arms Anniston, Alabama. DoD Components will follow procedures for the
shipment of partial weapons as described under DLM 4000.25 Volume 2, Chapter
16 Disposition Services.
C30.13.11. New/re-engineered weapons. The JSALWCG chairperson will
determine the reportability of new/re-engineered weapons when the SA/LW
classification is unknown. The chairperson will then notify the results to the DoD
Components. If no determination can be reached, the chairperson will reach out
to the JSA/LWCG for further consideration.
C30.13.12. JSA/LWCG. JSA/LWCG responsibilities are as set forth in DoDM
4140.01, “DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Regulation”.
Enclosure 5, ADC 1244B
Page 1
Enclosure 5
Revise X12 EDO Implementation Convention (IC) as shown
Changes are identified by bold italics and deletions by single strikethrough text
Change Table for
DLMS 527R Receipt
IC Cover pages
Add ADC 1244B to DLMS Introductory notes:
- ADC 1244B, Establishing Visibility of Unique Item
Tracking (UIT) Program Items for Service-Owned Assets
Stored at DoD Storage Activities and Corresponding
Revisions to the Small Arms and Light Weapons Program
Identifies DLMS
Changes included
in the IC.
Revise Segment level note 6 as follow:
6. Under DoD IUID policy, active UIT programs require
serialization data visibility. Authorized for use with receipts,
MRA and TRA for all UIT programs with the exception of
SA/LW. Prepare the receipt with the appropriate serialization
data (serial number and when available, include the UII. For
SA/LW, refer to the separate program procedures pending
transition to DLMS logistics transactions. Refer to ADC 1244,
and ADC 1244B.
Authorize the use
of serial
number/UII for
Change Table for
DLMS 856S Shipment Status
IC Cover pages
Add ADC 1244B to DLMS Introductory notes:
- ADC 1244B Establishing Visibility of Unique Item Tracking
(UIT) Program Items for Service-Owned Assets Stored at DoD
Storage Activities and Corresponding Revisions to the Small
Arms and Light Weapons Program
Identifies DLMS
included in the
Add new qualifiers 035, SCP, and A13 with DLMS notes:
035 Borrower Action
DLMS Note: Use to identify shipments of loaned property.
SCP DoD Security Cooperation Program (DSCP)
DLMS Note: Local code SCP is established for use in this
transaction. Use to identify a shipment for the purpose of
(DSCP) (i.e., FMS and Grand Aid). Code maintenance has been
submitted to X12. Pending approval at X12 it will be added in a
future release.
A13 Other
DLMS Note: Use to identify shipments to entities outside of the
DoD. Qualifier A13 does not apply to loans.
shipments of
loaned property
shipments for
shipments outside
of the DoD
Add new qualifier OW and DLMS note:
OW Owner of Property or Unit
DLMS Note: Shipping activities must use to indicate the
materiel owner when the recipient will not be the new materiel
owner. Authorized for all commodities and required for active
UIT program items. See ADC 1244B
Sends transaction
copy and
identifies the
Materiel Owner
Enclosure 5, ADC 1244B
Page 2
Change Table for
DLMS 856R Shipment Status Materiel Returns
IC Cover pages
Add ADC 1244B to DLMS Introductory notes:
ADC 1244B Establishing Visibility of Unique Item Tracking
(UIT) Program Items for Service-Owned Assets Stored at DoD
Storage Activities and Corresponding Revisions to the Small
Arms and Light Weapons Program
Identifies DLMS
included in the
Add new qualifier OW and DLMS note:
OW Owner of Property or Unit
DLMS Note: Shipping activities must use to indicate the materiel
owner when the recipient will not be the new materiel owner.
Authorized for all commodities and required for active UIT
program items. See ADC 1244B
Sends transaction
copy and
identifies the
Materiel Owner
Change Table for
DLMS 947I Inventory Adjustment (Version 4030)
IC Cover pages
Add ADC 1244B to DLMS Introductory note:
ADC 1244B, Establishing Visibility of Unique Item Tracking
(UIT) Program Items for Service-Owned Assets Stored at DoD
Storage Activities and Corresponding Revisions to the Small
Arms and Light Weapons Program
included in the
Add new qualifiers, WR and WS with DLMS notes:
WR Found/Recovered
DLMS Note: Local Code WR is established for use in this segment.
Use to identify a recovered asset as part of an investigation where
the asset in question is now under DoD custody. A code
maintenance request will be submitted to X12 to add this code in a
future version.
WS Suspected Loss/Stolen
DLMS Note: Local Code WS is established for use in this segment.
Use to identify a potential lost or stolen asset no longer in custody,
pending an investigation. A code maintenance request will be
submitted to X12 to add this code in a future version.
Provide the
means to
identify an
inventory gain
associated to a
Provide the
means to
identify an
inventory loss
associated to an
Add to existing DLMS Note 7:
7. Under DoD IUID policy, active UIT program items require
serialization data visibility. Authorized for all UIT programs. with
the exception of SA/LW, prepare materiel release confirmation with
the serial number as mandatory and when available, include the UII.
For SA/LW refer to the separate program procedures pending
transition to DLMS logistics transactions. Refer to ADC 1244 and
ADC 1244B.
authorizes this
segment for
small arms/light
Enclosure 6, ADC 1244B
Page 1
Enclosure 6 Navy Concur with comments for PSC 1244B
Enclosure 6, ADC 1244B
Page 2
Enclosure 7, ADC 1244B
Page 1
Enclosure 7 Headquarters Marine Corps Concur with comments for PSC 1244B
Enclosure 7, ADC 1244B
Page 2