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© Lymphoma Action
Travel insurance
If you have lymphoma and you plan to travel to another country, it’s important
to arrange suitable insurance before you go.
On this page
What is travel insurance and why is it important?
Is travel insurance expensive for people who have lymphoma?
Travel insurance policies
Where can I find travel insurance?
Frequently asked questions about travel insurance and lymphoma
We have separate information about the topics in bold font. Please get in
touch if you’d like to request copies or if you would like further information
about any aspect of lymphoma. Phone 0808 808 5555 or email
What is travel insurance and why is it important?
Travel insurance helps to cover the costs of things that don’t go to plan while
you’re travelling away from home, such as cancelled flights and lost baggage.
Many policies also include medical cover.
Having medical cover as part of your insurance could help if you become
unwell while you’re away. It might:
save you from paying for any unexpected treatment you need
cover expenses such as the cost of your flight ticket if you need to
return home sooner than planned.
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Often, with this type of cover, if you need to make a claim, the insurer might
pay directly for large expenses such as hospital bills. For smaller costs, you
might pay for smaller costs yourself and then claim the money back later. It’s
important to read all the information in the terms and conditions of your policy
document. Tell your insurer as soon as possible about any costs you get
wherever possible, before you have any treatment.
I was diagnosed with lymphoma while I was travelling between
Australia and America so had to receive initial scans and
general care in America before returning home. Thankfully, I
had adequate travel insurance in place so the costs were
covered by the insurance company.
Greg, diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma
Is travel insurance expensive for people who
have lymphoma?
Travel insurance is usually more expensive for people who have a health
condition, including lymphoma. This is because insurance companies work out
the cost of the cover (premium) based on how likely it is that someone will
make a claim. To do this, they consider:
how likely you are to cancel your trip
how likely you are to become unwell when you’re away
the cost of any medical treatment you might need.
Medical screening questions
To help insurers work out how likely you are to make a claim, they ask
questions about your lymphoma. This is known as ‘medical screening.
Generally, medical screening includes questions about:
your lymphoma diagnosis (type and, if relevant, its stage)
whether your lymphoma affects your brain and spinal cord
what treatment you have had
whether you’re currently having treatment or when it finished. (Note that
if you are on maintenance therapy, some companies might count you
as ‘currently having treatment’ but others might not.
your outlook (prognosis)
when you had your last check-up
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© Lymphoma Action
the date of your next planned hospital appointment
if you have any upcoming tests or scans
if you are taking any medication, including strong painkillers.
It’s a good idea to have this information ready before you start looking for
Answer the questions honestly. If you don’t tell your insurance company
everything they need to know about your health, you might not be covered if
you need to make a claim.
If you have more than one medical condition, you’ll be asked separate medical
screening questions for each of them. This is so that your insurance company
can create a suitable policy for you.
Travel insurance policies
Your policy lists exactly what you are covered for. Ask your insurer to explain
anything you are unsure about. When you travel, take your policy number and
the contact details of your insurance company with you. You could take a
photo of your insurance document and last hospital letter with you on your
mobile phone.
If there are any changes to your health, let your insurer know before you travel
so that you can discuss updating your policy.
Levels of cover
There are different cover options. Think about how much you are willing and
able to pay, and what an insurance company is offering for the price.
A company might offer cover for:
all medical conditions, including your lymphoma
all medical conditions except for your lymphoma. (This is known as an
‘exemption’ or ‘exclusion’ policy.)
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Exemption policies are usually cheaper than cover that includes your
lymphoma, but might mean you’re not covered for a health issue that could
be linked to your lymphoma, even if it’s unlikely to be. For example, you might
develop heart problems that aren’t caused by the lymphoma. However, an
insurer could refuse to cover you if there could be a link
between chemotherapy drugs youve had in the past and your heart
problems now. Another example is if you develop an illness related to having
a lowered immune system. An insurance company could argue that this
might be connected to your lymphoma. In this case, it wouldn’t be covered by
an exemption policy.
If you are thinking about taking cover that excludes your lymphoma, discuss
this first with your doctor.
Single-trip and multi-trip cover
Single-trip insurance could be cheaper than an annual policy, even if you
travel more than once a year. This is because your risk might be considered
lower by the time you next need cover, which would lower the price.
Existing policies
If you already have an annual travel insurance policy, you should tell your
insurer about your diagnosis of lymphoma. They might agree to cover you for
your lymphoma for an additional cost. If you don’t tell them, you are unlikely to
be fully covered if you need to make a claim.
If your existing insurance company won’t offer cover for your lymphoma, you
could get separate insurance from another company to provide this cover.
I think it is so important to my mental health to plan something
ahead, even if it’s a weekend break not too far away. When I
am at risk of relapse or in the midst of treatment, we choose
places to go within the UK or a country where you are confident
that good medical care is easily available. We love to go to
remote Greek islands which don’t have any medical care so we
only go there when we are reasonably confident that I am well
or can get back in me to the UK in time to get help if I need it.
Nuala, diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma
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Where can I find travel insurance?
Searching online is a good starting point to help you to see what insurance is
available. You should also be able to get a rough idea of the price. However,
you usually need to speak to a company on the phone to answer their
medical screening questions. The final price is likely to be higher than the
initial online quote.
Below, we list some insurance providers you could try. The cover a
company offers depends on your individual circumstances, so we’re unable to
recommend specific companies.
Insurance providers include:
General insurers and brokers some general insurance companies
and brokers might offer you cover. This is more likely if you’ve been in
remission (no evidence of lymphoma on tests and scans) for a number
of years.
Specialist travel brokers that provide cover for people who have
medical conditions.
High street banks and building societies some offer travel
insurance if you have an account with them.
Credit card companies some offer travel insurance if you pay for
your trip using their credit card.
Private healthcare insurance some companies offer travel
insurance. Some employers offer private healthcare as part of their
employee benefits package.
Package tours companies who provide these often offer travel
insurance, although it can be very expensive.
Not all companies offer cover for pre-existing medical conditions. You
might find it helpful to look at price comparison websites. Some of these
include companies that do.
Searching for travel insurance can be tiring, and it can be emotionally difficult
to answer questions about your lymphoma. Although you will need to answer
the questions yourself, you could ask someone to be with you for support. You
might also find it helpful to limit the number of companies you approach in a
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Frequently asked questions about travel insurance and
In this section, we answer some questions people often have about travel
insurance and lymphoma. Your medical team and travel insurers can give you
advice and information specific to your situation.
Should I speak to my medical team before I travel?
Yes. They can advise you on whether your plans are safe. Your consultant or
clinical nurse specialist might also have useful suggestions for finding travel
insurance based on what they’ve heard from other people affected by
Your travel insurance company might ask that you have a ‘fit to travel’
certificate from your GP. If you’re travelling by aeroplane, this is sometimes
called a ‘fit to fly’ certificate. Ask your GP surgery how much they charge for
one. It usually costs £20 to £40. You’ll need a fit to travel note each time you
travel, even if you have multi-trip cover.
Does having lymphoma make it difficult to get travel insurance?
Different insurance companies take different approaches to people who have
a pre-existing medical condition:
Some companies won’t offer insurance at all because they think the
risk of you making a claim is too high.
Some companies might offer only cover that excludes your
Most companies do not offer insurance to people who are having
Many companies won’t offer cover for a set amount of time (often 12
months) after finishing treatment.
A company might not offer you cover if another company has already said
they won’t. Some people find it helps to first talk in general terms and ask a
company what cover they could provide, instead of getting a detailed quote
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Do my friends and family need to tell their insurers about my
Even if they’re travelling on a completely separate trip from you, close family
members and friends might want to let their insurers know about your
lymphoma. This is in case they choose to come early if you are unwell, or if
they want to travel to stay with you where you are. Their policy should outline
exactly what they’re covered for.
If I’m travelling with other people, should we all use the same
This might be helpful. Some companies will only offer cover if you take this
approach, in case the trip needs to be cut short for everyone if you’re unwell.
How might the UK leaving the European Union (Brexit) affect travel
At the time of writing, this is not clear. It depends on the agreements the UK
makes with different countries, including whether the European Union
Insurance Card (EHIC) scheme will still be active. You can find out more on
the NHS website.
Medical Travel Compared is a comparison website that is free to use. It
answers some frequently asked questions about how Brexit affects travel
How does the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) affect travel?
You can find up-to-date guidance on travel advice during the pandemic on the
UK government website and Northern Ireland direct government services
website. Medical Travel Compared also has updates about covid-19 and
travel insurance.
British Medical Association, 2020. Medico-legal aspects of providing
certificates. Available at:
certificates (Accessed September 2020).
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Cancer Research UK, 2019. Getting travel insurance. Available at:
travel-insurance (Accessed September 2020).
GOV.UK, 2020. Healthcare for UK nationals visiting the EU. Available at:
switzerland-healthcare (Accessed September 2020).
Medical Travel Compared, 2020. The 2020 guide to fit to fly certificates.
Available at:
insurance/medical/fit-to-fly-certificates/ (Accessed September 2020).
Which, 2020. Travel insurance for cancer patients. Available at:
insurance-for-cancer-patients-a6kuw6h7x384#headline_1 (Accessed
September 2020).
Lisa Castellaro, Macmillan Lymphoma Clinical Nurse Specialist,
University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust
Aileen Chadwick, Macmillan Haematology Clinical Nurse Specialist,
Manchester Royal Infirmary NHS Foundation Trust.
We would like to thank the members of our Reader Panel who gave
their time to review this information.
Content last reviewed: November 2020
Next planned review: November 2023
© Lymphoma Action
Tell us what you think and help us to improve our resources for people
affected by lymphoma. If you have any feedback, please visit lymphoma- or email
All our information is available without charge. If you have found it useful and
would like to make a donation to support our work you can do so on our
website Our information could not be produced
without support from people like you. Thank you.
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We make every effort to make sure that the information we provide is accurate
at time of publication, but medical research is constantly changing. Our
information is not a substitute for individual medical advice from a trained
clinician. If you are concerned about your health, consult your doctor.
Lymphoma Action cannot accept liability for any loss or damage resulting from
any inaccuracy in this information or third party information we refer to,
including that on third party websites.