Car Hire Excess
It’s good to live
Welcome to your laya
healthcare car hire excess
insurance policy.
This policy document along with your insurance schedule and completed application form the basis
of your contract of insurance. Together, these documents explain what you are covered for. The policy
document contains conditions and exclusions which you should be aware of. You must keep to all the
terms and conditions of the insurance.
Please read this policy document to make sure that the cover meets your needs and please check the
details outlined within your insurance schedule and completed application form to make sure that the
information shown is correct.
Signed for and on behalf of
Declan O’Rourke
General Manager AIG Europe S.A.
30 North Wall Quay,
International Financial Services Centre,
Dublin 1,
D01 R8H7
Car Hire Excess Insurance
Section 1 – Definitions/Meanings of words used in your policy 3
Section 2 – Excess Reimbursement 4
Section 3 – Supplemental Liability (SLI)/Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) 5
Section 4 Personal Accident 9
Section 5 – General Exclusions Applicable to this Policy 11
Section 6 – Policy Conditions 13
Section 7 – How we use personal information 13
Section 8 – Cooling Off Period and Cancellation 15
Section 9 – What to do in the Event of a Claim 15
Section 10 – Complaints Procedure/Caring for Our Customers 16
Car Hire Excess Insurance
Insurance providers
Laya Healthcare Car Hire Excess insurance is
underwritten by AIG Europe S.A.. AIG Europe S.A.,
an insurance undertaking with R.C.S. Luxembourg
number B 218806. AIG Europe S.A. has its
head office at 35 D Avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855,
Luxembourg, AIG Europe S.A.
is authorised by the Luxembourg Ministère des
Finances and supervised by the Commissariat
aux Assurances 7, boulevard Joseph II, L-1840
Luxembourg, GD de Luxembourg, Tel.: (+352) 22
69 11 - 1,,
AIG Europe S.A. Ireland branch is an insurance
company and has its registered branch office at 30
North Wall Quay, International Financial Services
Centre, Dublin 1, D01 R8H7 and branch registration
number 908876 and is regulated for conduct of
business in Ireland by the Central Bank of Ireland.
Contact details of the Central Bank of Ireland are
P.O. Box 559, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, D01 F7X3.
Telephone: 1890 77 77 77
Fax: 01 6716561.
E-mail: enquir[email protected]
Web: http://www.
If a solvency and financial condition report of AIG
Europe S.A. is available, it can be found at http://
Insurance Compensation Fund
You may be entitled to compensation from the
scheme in the unlikely event that AIG Europe S.A.
cannot meet its obligations. The maximum amount
that could be available in respect of any sum due
to a policyholder is 65% of the sum due or EUR
825,000, whichever is the lesser.
Further information on the Insurance
Compensation Fund is available on the Central
Bank of Ireland’s website though the following link: industry-
market-sectors/insurance- reinsurance/solvency-
Your Car Hire Excess Insurance
Welcome to your Laya Healthcare Car Hire Excess
Insurance policy and thank you for arranging your
insurance with us. It is a contract of insurance
between You, the policyholder, and Us, AIG Europe
S.A. and is made up of this policy document and
your schedule In return for the payment of your
premium, we will, subject to the terms, conditions
and limitations of this policy:
indemnify you for the costs to reimburse you
under Section 2 (Excess Reimbursement)
Indemnity you, if operative, under Section 3
(Supplemental Liability)
pay the benefit to you under Section 4 (Personal
Please read this policy document to make sure that
the cover meets your needs and please check the
details outlined within your insurance schedule
and confirmation email to make sure that the
information shown is correct.
This policy reflects the demands and needs of a
person who wishes to purchase car hire excess
insurance benefits.
AIG Europe S.A, Ireland branch does not provide
advice or any personal recommendation about this
Commission & Fees
When Laya Healthcare sell you a policy, Laya
Healthcare receive commission from the insurer
which is a percentage of the total premium.
You agree to abide by the conditions of the
Impact of Misrepresentation
The impact of any Misrepresentation by you to
any of the answers provided on the completed
application form is as follows:
A. Innocent Misrepresentation:
Where you have answered all questions in the
completed application form honestly and with
reasonable care but where you made an innocent
misrepresentation (that is, one that is neither
negligent nor fraudulent) we will pay any covered
claim event subject to the terms and conditions of
this insurance.
B. Negligent Misrepresentation:
If you make a negligent misrepresentation or fail to
take reasonable care in completing the completed
application form the cover under this insurance
may not fully operate and in the event of a claim we
will exercise one of the following remedies:
(a) If knowing the full details we would not have
entered into this contract of insurance, we may
avoid the contract, refuse all claims and return
any premiums paid by you.
(b) If we would have entered into the insurance
contract, but on different terms (excluding
terms relating to the premium), this contract
of insurance may be treated as if it had been
entered into on those terms.
(c) If we would have entered into this contract of
insurance but have charged a higher premium,
we may reduce proportionately the amount to
be paid on the claim.
(d) Where there is no outstanding claim under this
contract of insurance, we may either:
(i) give notice to you that in the event of
a claim we will exercise the remedies in
paragraphs (a) to (c), or
(ii) terminate the contract of insurance by
giving reasonable notice to you.
C. Fraudulent Misrepresentation:
If you make a fraudulent misrepresentation or
where any conduct by you or involves fraud of any
kind we shall be entitled to avoid this contract of
insurance and refuse any claims.
Section 1 – Definitions /
Meanings of words used
in your policy
We use certain words in this policy which have a
specific meaning. They have this specific meaning
wherever they appear in the policy and schedule,
and are shown in bold print. Please also see
Section 4, Personal Accident, for definitions that
are specific to that section
Accidental damage – means the sudden and
unforeseen accidental damage to the insured
Rental car or any third party property not
otherwise specifically excluded from this policy
Car rental agreement - means the contract signed
by the lead named driver (who must be the name
on the Schedule as issued) that states the excess
to which the lead named driver is responsible
Completed Application Form - The application
form provided by us to the Insured Person at pre-
contractual stage of a contract of insurance. The
Insured Person must answer all of the questions
on the completed application form honestly and
with reasonable care, failure to do so may be
regarded as a Misrepresentation (see impact of
misrepresentation section).
Doctor – means a medical practitioner who is
currently registered with the appropriate Medical
Council to practise medicine. This does not include:
you; or
your brother, brother-in-law, daughter, daughter-
in-law, father, father-in-law, fiancé, fiancée,
grandchild, grandparent, husband, mother,
mother-in-law, partner, sister, sister-in-law, son,
son-in-law or wife
Endorsement – means any terms and conditions
additional to this policy and specified on your
Insured person(s) – means the lead contracting
person named on this policy who must be the
person named as the main driver in the Car rental
agreement and is eligible to operate and drive the
Rental car and who is aged between 21 and 85
years old
Misrepresentation – Innocent, negligent or
fraudulent answers provided by the Insured
Person to the questions on the your completed
application form
Period of insurance – means the period specified
on your schedule
Personal Effects – items normally worn, used or
carried by you in daily life, but not money, credit
cards or items held or used for business purposes
Premium – means the amount referred to as such
on your schedule.
Rental car – means any car rented under a contract
on a daily or weekly basis from such a rental
Company or Agency, which must be fully licensed
with the regulatory authority of that Country, State
or Local Authority.
Schedule – means the schedule issued to you and
any endorsement attaching to it
You, Your – means the person(s) named on the
schedule attached to and forming part of this
War – means armed hostilities between two or
more countries, whether declared or not, or any
warlike activities, including use of military force
by any sovereign nation to achieve economic,
geographic, nationalistic, political, racial, religious
or other ends.
We, us, our – AIG Europe S.A.
Geographical Limit of Cover (Europe) – Republic
of Ireland, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom and
member states of the European Union, Andorra,
The Azores, Balearic Islands, Bulgaria, Canary
Islands, Channel Islands, Egypt, Gibraltar, Iceland,
Liechtenstein, Madeira, Moldova, Monaco,
Morocco, Norway, Romania, Russia (West of the
Urals), San Marino, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey,
Ukraine, not exceeding 31 consecutive days for any
one car rental agreement.
Geographical Limit of Cover (Worldwide) – All
countries excluding; Afghanistan, The Balkans,
Belarus, Cuba, Congo, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast,
Lebanon, Liberia, North Korea, Myanmar, Sudan,
Syria, Zimbabwe or the Crimea Region, not
exceeding 60 consecutive days for any one car
rental agreement.
Section 2 – Excess
What is covered
A. Damage, Theft, and Loss of Use
We shall indemnify the insured person(s), as
named on the Car rental agreement, for the
amount of the excess for which an insured person
is liable under the Car Rental Agreement, subject
to a maximum of the amount of the excess or
€4,000 (or equivalent in local currency) whichever
is the lower for any one claim and subject to a
maximum of the amount of the excess or €5,000
(or equivalent in local currency) whichever is the
lower in any one period of insurance, in respect of
damage (including damage to windows and tyres,
the undercarriage and the roof), fire or vandalism
to, or theft or loss of use of, the rental car during
the period of insurance
B. Car Rental Key Cover
We shall indemnify the insured person(s), for
costs incurred up to a maximum of €600 (or
equivalent in local currency), for each and every
claim but subject to a maximum of €2,500 in any
one Period, for replacing a lost or stolen rental car
key and replacement locks and locksmith charges
C. Baggage Cover
We shall indemnify the insured person(s) against
loss of or damage to baggage and/or personal
effects as a result of theft or attempted theft
following visible and forcible entry into the rental
car, provided that such theft or attempted theft
is proved and that the baggage and/or personal
effects are secured in the rental car in either a
locked boot or locked glove box
We shall indemnify the insured person(s) for such
loss or damage during the period of insurance up to:
500 in total for any one claim
150 for any single item
The maximum payment for any single item for
which an original receipt, proof of purchase or
insurance valuation (obtained prior to the loss) is
not supplied will be €75, subject to a maximum
aggregate amount of €250 for all such items
Section 2 of this insurance (Excess Reimbursement)
provides Worldwide cover, not exceeding
60 consecutive days for any one car rental
agreement, or Europe cover, not exceeding
31 consecutive days for any one car rental
agreement, (as stated in your schedule) but
excludes the countries listed at clause 25 in
the exclusions section below, for the period of
Section 3 – Supplemental
Liability (SLI) / Collision
Damage Waiver (CDW)
The cover provided by the Supplemental Liability
section of this Policy shall apply only in excess
of (i.e. over and above) the limits of indemnity
specified under any other insurance taken out by
the Policyholder and following payment of the full
limits under such other insurance. Please note
that where the Policyholder has taken out liability
insurance cover under the Car rental agreement,
the Policyholder may consider the amount of
cover under that agreement to be sufficient, in
which case the Supplemental Liability Coverage
provided by this Policy may not be required.
What is covered
A. Loss Damage Waiver (or Collision Damage
Waiver (CDW)
We will indemnify the insured person(s) for losses
incurred during a Covered Rental period, as a result
of damage, fire, vandalism, theft or loss of use of
the rental car issued for business or pleasure, up
to the lower of:
US$100,000 (or the equivalent in local
currency), or the value of the rental car;
We will also pay legal costs incurred with our
written consent in the defence of any claim which
may be the subject of indemnity under this Policy
The indemnity provided by this Section 3A shall
apply only in excess (i.e. over and above) the limits
of indemnity specified under any other insurance
taken out by the Policyholder
B. Bodily injury and Damage to Material
We shall indemnify the insured person(s) against
all sums which they shall become legally liable to
pay as damages and claimants costs in respect of
claims for bodily injury and damage to material
property arising out of an accident resulting from
the use of a rental car during the Period
The indemnity provided by this Section 3B shall
apply only in excess of (i.e. over and above)
the limits of indemnity specified under any
other insurance taken out by the Policyholder
and the maximum we will pay in respect of all
claims arising from any one accident shall be the
difference between such limit of indemnity and US
C. Un-Insured & Underinsured Motorist
Where an insured person(s) is injured by an
uninsured or under-insured motorist, or by a
motorist whose insurance is repudiated by his/her
insurance company, and the Insured person(s) is
awarded damages (not including costs, which are
not covered under this policy) in respect of that
injury by a court of law, we shall pay to the insured
person(s) the uninsured balance of the award. The
indemnity provided by this Section 3C shall apply
only in excess of (i.e. over and above) the limits
of indemnity specified under any other insurance
taken out by the Policyholder and the maximum we
will pay under this Section 3C shall be
the the difference between such limit of indemnity
and the amount of damages (not including costs,
which are not covered under this policy) awarded
in favour of the insured person(s) against the
motorist for which that motorist is uninsured up to
the sum of US$100,000
D. Hit and Run Motorist Compensation
Where an insured person(s) is injured, or his/
her property is damaged by an unidentified or
untraceable motorist, and an award of damages is
made in favour of the insured person(s) in respect
of that injury or property damage by a court of law,
we shall pay to the insured person(s) the sum of
damages awarded
The indemnity provided by this Section 3D shall
apply only in excess of (i.e. over and above) the
limits of indemnity specified under any other
insurance taken out by the Policyholder and the
maximum we will pay under this Section 3D shall
be the difference between such limit of indemnity
and the amount of damages (not including costs,
which are not covered under this policy) awarded
in favour of the insured person(s) up to the sum of
E. Lost or Stolen Rental car Keys
We shall indemnify insured person(s) for costs
incurred, up to a maximum of
€600 for each and every claim, subject to a
maximum of €2,500 for all claims in any one
period of insurance, for the costs of replacing a
lost or stolen rental car key, including replacement
locks and locksmith charges The indemnity
provided by this Section 3E shall apply only
in excess of (i.e. over and above) the limits of
indemnity specified under any other insurance
taken out by the Policyholder
Section 3 of this insurance (SLI/CDW) provides
cover in respect of events taking place in the
USA and/or Canada only (or if specifically noted
on your Schedule, in South & Central America)
for the period of insurance, not exceeding
60 consecutive days for any one car rental
What is not Covered –
Sections 2 and 3
We will not cover the following:
1. Any insured person(s) where the appropriate
or additional premium has not been paid in full
2. Insurance effected in circumstances where a
claim might reasonably be anticipated
3. Loss, damage, accidents, proceedings or any
other events that may otherwise give rise
to a claim under this policy where Claims
Notification has not been made within 31
days of the occurrence of the loss, damage,
accident, insured person(s) becoming aware
of proceedings, or other event
4. Loss arising from:
deliberately self-inflicted injury or illness,
alcoholism or the use of alcohol, the use
of drugs other than in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instruction or treatment
prescribed and directed by a registered
the use of drugs for the treatment of drug
or deliberate or reckless exposure to
danger (except in an attempt to save
human life).
5. Loss arising from, or in connection with,
any fraudulent, dishonest or criminal act
committed by any insured person(s) or any
person with whom they are in collusion
6. Loss arising from the operation of the rental
car in violation of the terms of the Car rental
7. Loss arising from, or in connection with,
transporting contraband or illegal trade
8. Loss arising from driving by persons who are
not named in the Car rental agreement
9. Losses occurring whilst driving other than on a
dedicated public highway
10. Driving by persons who do not have a valid
driving licence
11. Losses where the rental car is not licensed for
road use
12. Insured person(s) when driving any kind of
vehicle while the alcohol level in their blood is
higher than the legal limit of the country where
the incident occurs
13. Losses where the rental car is used in, or
training for, racing competitions, trials, rallies
or speed testing
14. Fines, penalties, exemplary or punitive
damages or any other type or kind of judgment
or award which does not compensate the
party benefiting from the award or constitute
a judgment for any actual loss or damage
15. Loss or damage which, but for the existence
of this insurance, should be recoverable under
any other insurance
16. Any expenses assumed, waived or paid by the
Rental Company or its insurers.
17. Loss arising in respect of vehicles which are
not rental cars
18. Expenses reimbursed by any insured person’s
employers’ insurer
19. Loss arising from wear and tear, gradual
deterioration, insect or vermin, inherent vice or
inherent damage
20. Loss arising on the rental of any vehicle other
than a private car with less than 9 seats
21. Loss arising on the rental of “expensive
or exotic” vehicles not considered to be
a conventional and usual rental car, and
“antique” vehicles, which are over 20 years
old or which have not been manufactured for
10 years or more or any vehicle with a retail
purchase price in excess of €100,000
22. Damage to the rental car’s contents
23. Replacement of locks when only the parts need
to be changed
24. The hire of a rental car by an individual whose
main residence is located within the USA or
Canada, The Caribbean, South and Central
25. In respect of any claim under Section 2 (Excess
Reimbursement), loss or damage arising from
any journey in, to or through the following
countries; Afghanistan, Belarus, Cuba,
Congo, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Liberia,
Lebanon, North Korea, Myanmar, Sudan,
Syria, The Balkans, Zimbabwe or the Crimea
26. Losses arising outside the period of insurance
27. Anyone under 21 years or over 84 years of age
28. Any claim under Section 2A (Damage, Theft
and Loss of Use) or Section 3A (Loss Damage
Waiver) arising from theft, attempted theft
or vandalism which is not reported to an
appropriate police authority within 24 hours of
theft, attempted theft or vandalism or where an
official police report has not been obtained
29. Any claim under Section 2C (Baggage Cover)
arising from
theft or damage of banknotes, currency
notes and coins, photographic or video
equipment, camcorders, radios or personal
stereo equipment, computers, computer
games or associated equipment, mobile
telephones, telescopes or binoculars, furs,
jewellery, watches, or articles made of or
containing gold, silver or other precious
wear, tear or depreciation of baggage and/
or personal effects
claims arising from theft or attempted theft
which is not reported to an appropriate
police authority within 24 hours of
discovery or where an official police report
has not been obtained
loss or damage arising from theft or
attempted theft in respect of which
evidence of forced entry has not been
confirmed by the Rental Company and/or
police, or where baggage and/or personal
effects were not within a locked boot or
locked glove box
30. Benefits payable under any uninsured or
underinsured motorist law, first party benefit
law or no-fault law, or law similar to the
foregoing in any territory or jurisdiction
31. Any obligation for which an insured person
may be held liable under any Workers
Compensation Act, disability benefits or
unemployment law or any similar law
32. Bodily injury to any person employed by
an insured person and arising out of and
in the course of such employment or the
spouse, child, parent, brother or sister of such
employee as a consequence of such bodily
33. Bodily injury to any fellow employee of
an Insured Person, sustained while as a
passenger in the rental car and arising out
of and in the course of the fellow employee’s
34. Damage to material property transported by
an Insured Person or in the care, custody or
control of an insured person
35. Bodily injury or damage to material property
arising out of the actual, alleged or threatened
discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration,
release or escape of pollutants
36. Loss or destruction of or damage to any
property whatsoever, or any liability, loss
or exposure whatsoever resulting or arising
there from, or any consequential loss directly
or indirectly caused by or contributed to
by or arising from (a) ionising radiation or
contamination by radioactivity from any
nuclear fuel or any waste or the combustion of
nuclear fuel or (b) radioactive toxic explosive
or other hazardous properties or any explosive
nuclear assembly or nuclear component
37. Loss or damage directly or indirectly
occasioned by, happening through, or in
consequence of war, invasion, acts of foreign
enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared
or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution,
insurrection, terrorism, military or usurped
power or confiscation or nationalisation or
requisition or destruction of or damage to the
rental car or to property by or under the order
of any government or public or local authority
SECTION 4 - Personal
Definitions / Meanings of words
used in this section
Accident – means a sudden, unexpected, and
specific event, external to the body which occurs at
an identifiable place and time during the period of
insurance which results in bodily injury
Bodily injury – means identifiable physical injury to
your body which is caused directly and solely by
an accident, is not intentionally self inflicted and
does not result from sickness or disease
Benefit – means the amounts payable under items
1-9 in the Table of benefits shown in this section of
the policy
Coma – means your continuous unconscious state
Gradually operating cause – means a cause that
is the result of a series of events which occur or
develop over time that cannot be attributable to a
single accident
Hospital – means an institution which has
accommodation for in-patients and facilities for
diagnosis, surgery and treatment. It does not
include a long-term nursing home, a rehabilitation
centre, an old people’s or convalescence home or
an extended-care facility.
Hospitalisation – means admission to a hospital as
an in-patient and for at least 24 hours in a row
Loss – means permanent, total and irrecoverable
loss of use, or the permanent and total loss by
physical severance (separation), of a limb being a
foot or leg; or
hand or arm
Loss of sight – means the physical loss of one or
both eyes or the loss of a substantial part of the
sight of one or both eyes. A substantial part means
that the degree of sight remaining after the bodily
injury is 3/60 or less on the Snellen scale after
correction with spectacles or contact lenses. (At
3/60 on the Snellen scale a person can see at 3 feet
something that a person who has not suffered loss
of sight should be able to see at 60 feet)
Operative time – means whilst driving, entering
or alighting from an insured rental car during the
period of insurance and within the geographical
limits of cover limits
Paraplegia – means the permanent and total
paralysis of lower limbs, bladder and rectum
Permanent total disablement – means disability,
other than by loss of limb or loss of sight, which
totally and permanently prevents you from doing
any paid work whatsoever for the remainder of
your life
Quadriplegia – means the permanent and total
paralysis of both upper limbs and both lower limbs
What is Covered –
Section 4
If you suffer bodily injury during the operative
time which, within two years solely and
independently of any other cause, results in
death, loss of limb, loss of sight, permanent
total disablement, quadriplegia, paraplegia,
hospitalisation or coma, we will pay to you, or
your legal representative if you die, the appropriate
item shown in the Table of Benefits below
Benefit Sum Insured
Item 1 - Death €20,000
Item 2 - Loss of one limb or
loss of sight in one eye
Item 3 - Loss of one or
more limbs or loss of one
limb and loss of sight in
one eye
Item 4 - Loss of sight in
both eyes
Item 5 – Permanent total
Item 6 - Quadriplegia €40,000
Item 7 - Paraplegia €25,000
Item 8 - Hospitalisation
for each week payable
for maximum of 10 weeks
in total within 24 months
from the date of bodily
Item 9 - Coma benefit per
week payable for up to 26
continuous weeks in total
within 24 months from the
date of bodily injury
What is Not Covered –
Section 4
We will not pay any claim or indirectly resulting
from, contributed by or arising from;
1. You being under 21 years of age at the date of
the accident
2. War, civil war, invasion, insurrection,
revolution, use of military power, or usurpation
of government by military power
3. Permanent total disablement benefit if you
are over 65 years of age
4. Any claim for bodily injury which is directly
or indirectly resulting from anxiety, stress
disorder, post traumatic stress disorder,
psychological or psychiatric illness or condition
or other mental or nervous disorder
5. You being in charge of a rental car having a
blood/urine alcohol level above the legal limit
stated in the Road Traffic Acts of that particular
6. Back injuries unless supported by a diagnosis
using appropriate medical imaging techniques
(such as X-rays, CT or MRI scans)
7. You being in charge of a rental car having
taken drugs other than in accordance with the
manufacturers instructions or as prescribed by
a doctor
8. You driving a rental car when your are not in
possession of a valid licence to drive such a
vehicle as required by law
9. Suicide or attempted suicide or intentional self
inflicted injuries
10. Any claim for bodily injury which is directly
or indirectly resulting from any gradually
operating cause
11. Whilst using the insured rental car for racing
or competition or when using the insured
rental car for hire, reward, courier services, or
the carriage of paying passengers
Provisions relating to
Section 4
1. If death occurs within thirteen weeks of bodily
injury, the benefit under item 1 will be paid
and not the benefits under items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or
7 as long as death was a result of bodily injury
2. When more than one form of disability results
in bodily injury from the same accident the
maximum amount payable will be €40,000
3. Upon the payment of a claim under items 1- 7
cover will stop in respect of the person for
whom such payment is made
4. A daily rate of 1/7th of the weekly rate
will be payable in respect of periods of
hospitalisation of less than 7 days.
Section 5 - General
Exclusions Applicable to
this Policy
We will not cover the following:
1. Any car not specified on your schedule as the
property insured
2. Any amount in excess of the sum insured, or
value, whichever is less;
3. Any car where evidence of ownership has not
been provided
4. Any losses arising out of driving as your
occupation or profession
5. Losses that result from the direct actions
of member of your family, or actions that a
member of your family knew about or planned
6. Depreciation or consequential loss of any kind
7. Losses caused by illegal acts
8. Losses that you have intentionally caused
9. Losses due to mechanical failure, electrical
failure, software failure, or data failure
including, but not limited to any electrical
power interruption, surge, brownout or
blackout, or telecommunications or satellite
systems failure
10. Losses due to property that has been
confiscated, destroyed or seized by any
government or public entity
11. Losses due to fire, smoke, lightning, wind,
water, flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption,
tidal wave, landslide, hail, vermin, insects or
act of God
12. Ionising radiation or contamination by
radioactivity from any nuclear fuel, or from
any nuclear waste from burning of nuclear fuel,
or the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other
hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear
assembly or nuclear component thereof or
Pressure waves from aircraft or other aerial
devices travelling at supersonic speeds
13. Claims arising out of the misuse of a solvent or
solvents by inhalation
14. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary
within the insurance or any endorsement
thereto we shall not be liable in respect
of liability loss damage cost or expense of
whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused
by, resulting from or in connection with any of
the following regardless of any other cause or
event contributing concurrently or in any other
sequence to the loss
(i) war invasion, acts of foreign enemies,
hostilities, or warlike operations (whether
war be declared or not), civil war, mutiny,
civil commotion assuming the proportions
of or amounting to a popular uprising,
military rising, insurrection, rebellion,
revolution, military or usurped power,
martial law, confiscation or nationalisation
or requisition by or under the order of any
Government or public or local authority
(ii) any act of terrorism – means an act,
including but not limited to the use of force
or violence and/or the threat thereof,
of any person or group(s) of persons,
whether acting alone or on behalf of or
in connection with any organisation(s) or
government(s), committed for political,
religious, ideological or other purposes
including the intention to influence any
government and/or to put the public, or in
any section of the public, in fear
15. Any car rental agreement exceeding 31
consecutive days for Europe cover or any car
rental agreement exceeding 60 consecutive
days for Worldwide cover.
16. The Insurer shall not be deemed to provide
cover and the Insurer shall not be liable to pay
any claim or provide any benefit hereunder
to the extent that the provision of such cover,
payment of such claim or provision of such
benefit would expose the Insurer, its parent
company or its ultimate controlling entity to
any sanction, prohibition or restriction under
United Nations resolutions or the trade or
economic sanctions, laws or regulations of
the European Union or the United States of
Section 6 - Policy
1. You must be a resident of the Republic of
Ireland and at least 21 years of age
2. Unless we have agreed otherwise with you,
Irish Law and the decisions of the Irish Courts
will govern this insurance
3. This insurance may only be altered, varied or
its conditions relaxed, or premiums changed
by one of our authorised officials, giving you
30 days notice in writing to your last known
address or via your insurance intermediary
4. This insurance is non-transferable
5. Cover excludes costs or payments recoverable
from any party, under the terms of any other
insurance, including but not limited to your
household or motor insurance, unless agreed
by us, other than section 4 (Personal Accident)
6. Any dispute regarding the terms of this
contract including any question regarding
its existence, validity or termination will be
referred to and resolved by arbitration in the
Republic of Ireland in accordance with the
Arbitration Laws of the Republic of Ireland
during the term of this contract
7. The benefits detailed in this policy in respect
of the rental car are only payable to you and
any claim may only be presented by you
8. If you or anyone acting on your behalf makes
a claim under this policy and know the claim
is false or fraudulent in any way, the cover is
void, the claim will not be paid and all monies
received by you or your representatives, must
be immediately repaid to us
9. The cover under this policy is based on the
answers and information you have given
us and confirmed on your schedule and
completed application form. You must tell
us immediately or as soon as possible if any of
this information changes, as your cover may
be affected and may be invalidated in the event
of a claim (see impacts of misrepresentation
10. In the event that a third party is deemed
liable for part or all of any claim, we may
exercise our right of subrogation. You shall,
at our request and our expense, agree to
and permit us to do such acts and things as
may be necessary or reasonably required for
the purpose of exercising this right. You will
take no action or make any agreements that
may weaken or remove our rights under this
clause without our prior written permission.
We will pay any costs or expenses involved
in exercising our right of subrogation.
Without prejudice to the foregoing, we will
not exercise its rights of subrogation against
you in connection with a claim unless it is not
permitted to do so under sections 23, 24 and
25 of the Consumer Insurance Contracts Act
2019 (Ireland).
11. The observance by you of the terms,
conditions and endorsements of this policy
as far as they relate to anything to be done
or complied with by you will be a condition
precedent to any liability by us
12. You must answer all questions on the
completed application form honestly and
with reasonable care. Failure to do so may
result in this insurance being cancelled or we
may refuse to deal with any claims or reduce
the amount of a claim payment, as detailed
under the impact of misrepresentation
13. Third Party Contract Rights. Nothing in
this policy is intended to confer a directly
enforceable benefit on any third party other
than an Insured, unless permitted pursuant
to section 21 of the Consumer Insurance
Contracts Act 2019 (Ireland).
Section 7 – How we use
Personal Information
AIG Europe S.A. is committed to protecting the
privacy of customers, claimants and other business
Personal Information” identifies and relates to
you or other individuals (e.g. your partner or other
members of your family). If you provide Personal
Information about another individual, you must
(unless we agree otherwise) inform the individual
about the content of this notice and our Privacy
Policy and obtain their permission (where possible)
for sharing of their Personal Information with us.
The types of Personal Information we may
collect and why
Depending on our relationship with you, Personal
Information collected may include: contact
information, financial information and account
details, credit reference and scoring information,
sensitive information about health or medical
conditions (collected with your consent where
required by applicable law) as well as other
Personal Information provided by you or that we
obtain in connection with our relationship with
you. Personal Information may be used for the
following purposes:
Insurance administration, e.g. communications,
claims processing and payment
Make assessments and decisions about the
provision and terms of insurance and settlement
of claims
Assistance and advice on medical and travel
Management of our business operations and IT
Prevention, detection and investigation of crime,
e.g. fraud and money laundering
Establishment and defence of legal rights
Legal and regulatory compliance (including
compliance with laws and regulations outside
your country of residence)
Monitoring and recording of telephone calls for
quality, training and security purposes
Market research and analysis
Sharing of Personal Information
For the above purposes Personal Information
may be shared with our group companies and
third parties (such as brokers and other insurance
distribution parties, insurers and reinsurers, credit
reference agencies, healthcare professionals and
other service providers). Personal Information
will be shared with other third parties (including
government authorities) if required by laws or
regulations. Personal Information (including details
of injuries) may be recorded on claims registers
shared with other insurers. We are required to
register all third party claims for compensation
relating to bodily injury to workers’ compensation
boards. We may search these registers to prevent,
detect and investigate fraud or to validate your
claims history or that of any other person or
property likely to be involved in the policy or
claim. Personal Information may be shared with
prospective purchasers and purchasers, and
transferred upon a sale of our company or transfer
of business assets.
International transfer
Due to the global nature of our business, Personal
Information may be transferred to parties located
in other countries (including the United States,
China, Mexico Malaysia, Philippines, Bermuda
and other countries which may have a data
protection regime which is different to that in
your country of residence). When making these
transfers, we will take steps to ensure that your
Personal Information is adequately protected and
transferred in accordance with the requirements
of data protection law. Further information about
international transfers is set out in our Privacy
Policy (see below).
Security of Personal Information
Appropriate technical and physical security
measures are used to keep your Personal
Information safe and secure. When we provide
Personal Information to a third party (including our
service providers) or engage a third party to collect
Personal Information on our behalf, the third
party will be selected carefully and required to use
appropriate security measures.
Your rights
You have a number of rights under data
protection law in connection with our use of
Personal Information. These rights may only
apply in certain circumstances and are subject
to certain exemptions. These rights may include
a right to access Personal Information, a right to
correct inaccurate data, a right to erase data or
suspend our use of data. These rights may also
include a right to transfer your data to another
organisation, a right to object to our use of your
Personal Information, a right to request that
certain automated decisions we make have human
involvement, a right to withdraw consent and a
right to complain to the data protection regulator.
Further information about your rights and how you
may exercise them is set out in full in our Privacy
Policy (see below).
Privacy Policy
More details about your rights and how we collect,
use and disclose your Personal Information can
be found in our full Privacy Policy at: https:// or you may request a
copy by writing to: Data Protection Officer, AIG
Europe S.A., 30 North Wall Quay, International
Financial Service Centre, Dublin 1 or by email at:
Section 8 – Cooling Off
Period and Cancellation
Cooling Off period
If this cover does not meet your needs, you may
return this policy and schedule to us within 14
working days of the start date of cover shown in
the original schedule or the day, on which you
receive this policy and schedule, whichever is the
If you cancel this policy within the cooling-off
period and there are no claims, you will receive a
full refund in premium including any administration
charge. However, if there has been a claim, we
will not refund any part of the premium or any
administration fee
You can cancel this policy at any time after the
cooling-off period by giving us notice in writing to
AIG Europe S.A., 30 North Wall Quay, International
Financial Services Centre, Dublin 1 or by e-mail to
Cancellation will only take effect upon our receipt
of your written cancellation request. Please be
aware that due to the nature of the cover provided
by an annual car hire excess insurance policy,
no refunds will be issued for policies cancelled
after the 14-day cooling off period has expired. If
this policy is cancelled and the premium is paid
by direct debit, you must tell your chosen bank,
building society or financial institution to stop
making payments
If we cancel this policy we will give you 7 days
notice in writing and we will return to you the
unused portion of the premium
This insurance will automatically cancel:
if the premium is not paid.
if you submit a claim knowing it to be false,
fraudulent or a misrepresentation
Section 9 - What to do in
the Event of a Claim
Should you wish to claim under this policy you
should call AIG Claims Department as soon
as possible and no later than 31 days after the
incurred loss. You must give us any information or
help that we ask for. You must not settle, reject,
negotiate or agree to pay any claim without our
written permission. Full details of how to claim are
set out below
How to Make a Claim
To make a claim, You must contact us.
Phone: +353 1 2081400
Fax Number: + 353 1 2837773
In the event of any accidents, proceedings or any
other events that may give rise to a claim, please
contact us within 31 days of the incurred loss to
notify us and request a claim form to be sent to
you by email, fax or post. You can also use the
email link on the Claims Page of our website shown
above to notify us Please fully complete, sign and
date the claim form and return it with all supporting
documentation outlined below by email, fax or
1. A copy of your policy from us
2. A copy of your Car rental agreement.
3. A copy of your Charge Receipt (if separate
from the Rental Agreement)
4. If the incident by law requires the attendance
of the Police, we will require a copy of the
Police Report
5. Renter’s copy of the rental companys accident
damage report
6. Invoices / receipts / other documents
confirming the amount you have paid in
respect of Accident / Damage / Loss etc. for
which the Vehicle Rental Company holds you
7. A copy of your credit card statement showing
payment of the damages claimed
8. A copy of the driving licence of the person
driving the rented vehicle involved in the
accident (the driver)
9. The name and address of your bank together
with the sort code and account details. This
will facilitate reimbursement as we prefer to
make the payment directly to your bank
10. Medical certification and/or a death certificate
in respect of any claims under Section 4,
Personal Accident
You should read the above carefully as it is
necessary to comply with the conditions of this
policy. Failure to abide by the conditions of this
policy, may invalidate your claim.
Section 10 - Complaints
Procedure/Caring for Our
AIG Europe S.A. wants to give you the best
possible service. If you feel you have cause for
complaint, you should contact:
The Customer Complaints Officer
AIG Europe S.A.,
30 North Wall Quay, IFSC,
Dublin 1, D01 R8H7.
Phone: +353 1 208 1400
At any stage you may contact any of the following:
Insurance Ireland
Insurance Centre,
5 Harbourmaster Place, IFSC,
Dublin 1, D01 E7E8.
Phone: +353 1 676 1820
Fax: +353 1 676 1943
Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman
3rd Floor, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2,
D02 VH29.
Phone: +353 1 567 7000
Your right to take legal action is not affected by
following any of the above procedures.
All claims by the insured person(s) under this Policy
shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of
Ireland whose courts alone shall have jurisdiction in
any dispute arising under this insurance.
Laya Healthcare Car Hire Excess insurance is
underwritten by AIG Europe S.A.
AIG Europe S.A.
30 North Wall Quay,
International Financial Services Centre,
Dublin 1,
D0 1 R 8 H 7.
it’s good to live
Health Insurance provided by Elips insurance
(Inc. Liechtenstein) trading as laya healthcare.
Laya healthcare limited, trading as laya healthcare
and laya life is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.