Geo 101 Physical Geography Lab, Fall 2015
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Geography 101-01 Syllabus
Physical Geography Lab, Fall 2015
Southwestern College School of Mathematics, Science & Engineering
Class No/Section: GEOG-101-01 (Reg Code: 94895/01
Instructor: Michelle Kinzel, M.S.
Class Meeting: Lab Wednesday, 1:20 4:30, Wednesday Room 462. Office hours by appointment, with
2 dates reserved, 9/2 and 10/7 12:00 1:00pm, in Office Space behind 462. For other times, please see
your instructor.
Prerequisites: None. Recommended enrollment: GEO 100 Lecture.
Required Textbook: Ocean and Earth Sciences Laboratory Manual. By Professor Ken Yanow. $22.65
Recommended: Goode’s World Atlas, ISBN: 0-321-65200-2, calculator, notebook for maps and
handouts, colored pencils and colored markers for map making.
Blackboard: Class PowerPoint materials, make up labs, map templates and field trip information will be
posted on Blackboard. If you miss class when these are distributed or covered, you will be responsible
for accessing and printing these on your own for reference.
Important Administrative Dates:
Please be advised that it is the student’s responsibility to take care of any administrative procedures
involved in dropping a course should s/he stop attending a class. Please talk to me prior to dropping the
class so we can explore ways to help you avoid a drop.
Important Administrative Dates Fall 2015
Last Date to Add …………………………………Sept 6, 2015
Last Date to Drop without a “W”……………Sept 11, 2015
Last Date to Drop with a “W”…………………Nov 13, 2015
Geo 101 Physical Geography Lab, Fall 2015
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Physical Geography Lab Course Catalog Description:
Provides laboratory exercises to solidify concepts learned in physical geography GEOG 100. This lab
course is designed for students who are currently enrolled (or completed) in physical geography class.
We will complete a number of hands on exercises using computer programs, measurements and
observations made around the school campus and in the classroom.
Course Objective:
• To provide the geography student with laboratory experience in various topics in physical geography.
Class Attendance:
Each student is required to attend every class meeting with the exception of certain unavoidable
circumstances such as serious illness/accident or family emergency. The student must immediately
notify the instructor by email regarding absences. In prolonged cases, the student should file a petition
for a Leave of Absence in the Admissions Center. The college policy states that a student may be
dropped from the course for excessive unexcused absences if they equal an amount greater than 12% (3
class meetings for this course) of the scheduled class meeting times. I will be keeping track of
attendance by signing off your labs at the end of each class period.
Classroom Conduct/Rules:
In accordance with the College policy, a student will be excluded from two class meetings due to
misconduct/disruptive behavior such as excessive talking, disrespect for instructor and/or classmates
etc. Here are a few ground rules for enhanced learning experience for all:
• Cell phone use in classroom (including texting) is not allowed, therefore switch it to “silent” mode or
turn off. Cell phones must be put away, out of sight, during lab. All calls and texting activity must occur
outside of the classroom, even on breaks.
• Laptop use is permitted as long as it is used for lab activities and class-related research purposes. You
will be asked to turn it off for engaging in activities such as chatting, browsing the web for sites
unrelated to the course etc.
• Food, beverages in open containers, and smoking are not allowed in the classroom.
Grading Policy:
Final grades are calculated using a percentage scale as follows:
A 90-100%, B 80-89%, C 70-79%, D 60-69%, F 0-59%:
These grades are based on 1 midterm (100 points) , 1 final (100 points) , and 13 labs (260 pts).
Geo 101 Physical Geography Lab, Fall 2015
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Each exam will be given at the beginning of class on the day specified in the schedule. Exams are based
on lab stations and group work; therefore, there will be no make-up for missed exams! You must
Both exams are MANDATORY and failure to take either one will result in an automatic “F” letter grade.
• Each lab will consist of classroom activities, computer sessions or field trips. You will either turn in a
lab summary/report, have your lab manual signed off, or have a computer screenshot signed off or
emailed to your instructor. Late submissions are potentially assigned only partial credit. You should
take additional notes during each lab period for preparing for the exam, as not all material is in your
required lab book.
Field Trips: One of the best ways to study our Earth is to get out in the field and experience it! There
will be 3 field trips during this class, and each student is responsible for their own transportation. If you
do not have your own form of transportation, please coordinate with your classmates. In fact, everyone
should carpool! There is a modest materials fee for the Discovery Nature Center, but entrance to local
San Diego Attractions (San Diego Zoo and Discovery Nature Center) is free. If you are absent to a field
trip, I will allow you to complete as much work as you can on your own (limited points) and offer self-
guided tours to outdoor areas for makeup points.
Making Up Labs: This type of course is designed to take you through hands on activities in Physical
Geography. We will be performing experiments, doing group work, making maps, conducting Internet
Searches and collecting data around campus. These activities are difficult to replicate on your own, or
make up for missed classes. ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY and the key to a good grade in this class.
Disability Support Services (DSS): Students with disabilities, who may need academic accommodation,
should discuss their options with me during the first two weeks of class. Many possible services are
available, including note-takers, specialized computer equipment, and extra time on exams. This
syllabus and course handouts are available in alternate media upon request.
Plagiarism: Academic dishonesty of any type by a student provides grounds for disciplinary action by the
instructor or college. In written work, no material may be copied from another source (including the
internet) without proper quotation marks, footnotes or appropriate documentation.
Student Services: There are many support services available to students including tutoring, a Math
Center, Writing Center, and Blackboard Support. Please see your instructor to talk about resources
available to assist you in a successful educational experience. Extra credit will be given to any student
who explores the Academic Success Center or other support services on campus.
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GEOG 101-01 Physical Geography Lab, Fall 2015
Tentative Lab and Exam Schedule*
Lab Topic/Exam
Lab 1: General Geography
Lab 2: Earth-Sun Relationships, The Seasons
Lab 3: Atmospheric Humidity ,Specific Heat, Latent Heat,
Lab 4: Ocean Currents and Ocean Chemistry
Lab 5: Sustaining Our Oceans Coral Reefs/Gray Whales
Lab 6 Tides and Tide Pools
Field Trip, Cabrillo National Monument Free Admission
Lab 7: Climate Change Marine Reserves
Lab 8: Geoengineering in Our Oceans
Review for Midterm
Lab 9 Weather Map/Climate Classification Analysis
Field Trip to San Diego Zoo Free Admission
Lab 10: Sea Turtle Migrations
Veteran’s Day – No Class
Lab 11: Plate Tectonics. Mapping Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Lab 12: Topography Maps
Lab 13: Waves
Field Trip to Imperial Beach Pier Free Field Trip
Final Exam
*This schedule is subject to change at the Instructor’s discretion.
The lab activities will involve live demonstrations, lab stations, group work, interactive computer
sessions and field trips in addition to the lab activities from the required textbook, and there is limited
opportunity for make-ups. You will need to make sure you attend class.