Flying Under the Radar
Wildlife Trafficking in the Air Transport Sector
Mary Utermohlen & Patrick Baine
Flying Under the Radar
The USAID Reducing Opportunities for Unlawful Transport of Endangered Species (ROUTES) Partnership brings
together government agencies, transportation and logistics industry companies and representatives, international
conservation, development and law enforcement organizations and donors in order to disrupt wildlife trafficking activities,
and forms a key element of the concerted international response to addressing wildlife poaching and associated criminal
activities worldwide.
At the heart of ROUTES is a core group of partners collaborating with the U.S. Government and the transport sector
that includes the Center for Advanced Defense Studies (C4ADS), Freeland, the International Air Transport Association
(IATA), TRAFFIC, and WWF. The Partnership is funded by USAID and coordinated by TRAFFIC.
For more information on the ROUTES Partnership visit
Flying Under the Radar
C4ADS ( is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
organization dedicated to data-driven analysis and
evidence-based reporting of conflict and security
issues worldwide. We seek to alleviate the analytical
burden carried by public sector institutions by
applying manpower, depth, and rigor to questions of
conflict and security.
Our approach leverages nontraditional investigative
techniques and emerging analytical technologies.
We recognize the value of working on the ground in
the field, capturing local knowledge, and collecting
original data to inform our analysis. At the same
time, we employ cutting edge technology to manage
and analyze that data. The result is an innovative
analytical approach to conflict prevention and
ABOUT ROUTES AND Flying Under the Radar
Under the ROUTES Partnership, C4ADS aims
to identify and track wildlife trafficking trends
and modus operandi, as well as assess the effects
of ROUTES’ efforts. In Year 1, the Partners have
focused on trafficking through the air transit
sector, and thus this report examines the trends,
transit routes, and modus operandi used by wildlife
smugglers exploiting the aviation industry. To ensure
the relevance of our analysis to the current state of
wildlife trafficking and guarantee a timely delivery
of our results prior to Year 2, C4ADS has focused
initially on trafficking of ivory, rhino horn, reptiles,
and birds by air from 2009 to August 2016. Future
ROUTES reports will examine a broader scope of
wildlife trafficking activity. This report will establish
a baseline for continued analyses in Years 2 through
5 of the ROUTES project.
The mention of any individual, company,
organization, or other entity in this report does
not imply the violation of any law or international
agreement, and should not be construed as such.
This report is made possible by the generous support
of the American People through the United States
Agency for International Development (USAID).
The contents are the responsibility of C4ADS and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the ROUTES
Partners, USAID or the United States Government.
Mary Utermohlen received degrees in International
Relations and Accounting from the College of
William & Mary, with concentrations in Hispanic
Studies and Economics. Mary has studied in Spain
and in the UK, speaks Spanish and is learning
Portuguese. She writes for the Diplomatic Courier,
and has written for the US Army’s Training Brain
Operations Center. Mary manages the C4ADS
Environmental Crimes Fusion Cells timber and
IUU fishing portfolios.
Patrick Baine received his undergraduate degree
in Political Science and Chinese Language from
Appalachian State University. He then lived,
worked, and studied in China for five years, which
included a one-year Master’s Certificate program at
the Hopkins-Nanjing Center. Patrick received his
Master’s in International Relations and International
Economics from The Johns Hopkins School of
Advanced International Studies with a specialization
in Quantitative Methods and Economic Theory. His
research at C4ADS concentrates on international
wildlife trafficking with a focus on Asia.
The authors would like to thank the team of people
who assisted with the data collection, analysis, and
editing expertise needed for this report: Spike Nowak,
for his help with R; Ethan Krauss, for his substantial
help in the earliest phase of data collection; Allie Van
Vliet and Elina Saxena for their data collection and
structuring efforts; and finally Evangeline Hines, for
her technological, formatting, and editing prowess.
This report could not have been written without
The authors would also like to thank the World
Customs Organization (WCO), International Air
Transport Association (IATA), the US Fish &
Wildlife Service (FWS), US Department of Homeland
Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement,
TRAFFIC, Nitin Sekar, and Fiona Underwood for
their help in reviewing the report.
Flying Under the Radar
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. 9
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 10
Air TrAnsporT secTor ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
convergence wiTh criminAl neTworks ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 11
heAlTh risks ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
wildlife TrAfficking & seizure dATA ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 14
The dATA �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
Figure 1. Number of air seizures contained within the C4ADS Air Seizure Database by category
............................................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 2. Data availability for each seizure within the C4ADS Air Seizure Database ......... 15
dATA gAps & BiAses �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
TRENDS AND TOTALS ..................................................................................................................17
Figure 3. Global heat map for all trafficking instances in the air transport sector between
January 2009 and August 2016
.......................................................................................... 17
Figure 4. Seizure count timeline by category between January 2009 and August 2016 ........ 18
Table 1. Top ten countries by number of trafficking instances between January 2009 and
August 2016
Figure 5. Number of seizures by country for those countries with more than 10 seizures between
January 2009 and August 2016
counTry enforcemenT index ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 20
Figure 6. Country Enforcement Index for countries with twenty or more trafficking instances
between January 2009 and August 2016
TRENDS AND TOTALS – IVORY ................................................................................................. 22
Figure 7. Timeline of ivory seizures made in airports between January 2009 and August 2016
............................................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 8. Weight of ivory seized (kg) per year between January 2009 and August 2016 ....... 22
Figure 9. Average weight of ivory seized (kg) per year between January 2009 and August 2016
............................................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 10. Global heat map for ivory trafficking instances in the air transport sector between
January 2009 and August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
Table 2. Top ten countries by number of ivory trafficking instances between January 2009 and
August 2016
pArisiAn AnTiques And excess luggAge ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24
TRENDS AND TOTALS – RHINO HORN ................................................................................... 25
Figure 11. Timeline of rhino horn seizures made in airports between January 2009 and August
..................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 12. Weight of rhino horn seized (kg) per year between January 2009 and August 2016
Figure 13. Average weight of rhino horn seized (kg) per year between January 2009 and August
..................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 14. Global heat map for rhino horn trafficking instances in the air transport sector
between January 2009 and August 2016
Table 3. Top ten countries by number of rhino horn trafficking instances between January 2009
and August 2016
................................................................................................................. 26
TRENDS AND TOTALS – REPTILES ........................................................................................... 27
Figure 15. Timeline of reptile seizures made in airports between January 2009 and August
..................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 16. Number of reptiles seized per year between January 2009 and August 2016 ....... 27
Figure 17. Average number of reptiles per seizure between January 2009 and August 2016 . 27
Figure 18. Global heat map for reptile trafficking instances in the air transport sector between
January 2009 and August 2016
Table 4. Top ten countries by number of reptile trafficking instances between January 2009 and
August 2016
TRENDS AND TOTALS – BIRDS.................................................................................................. 29
Figure 19. Timeline of bird seizures made in airports between January 2009 and August 2016
............................................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 20. Number of birds seized per year between January 2009 and August 2016 .......... 29
Figure 21. Average number of birds seized per year between January 2009 and August 2016
............................................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 22. Global heat map for reptile trafficking instances in the air transport sector between
January 2009 and August 2016
Table 5. Top ten countries by number of bird trafficking instances between January 2009 and
August 2016
hAir curlers from guyAnA ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31
AIRPORTS AND ROUTES ............................................................................................................. 33
Flying Under the Radar
Figure 23. All trafficking routes by air recorded in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database ......... 33
Figure 24. Country level flight route information for countries with five or more trafficking
instances between January 2009 and August 2016
Figure 25. Airport seizure count by category for airports with five or more seizures between
January 2009 and August 2016
AIRPORTS AND ROUTES – IVORY ............................................................................................. 37
Figure 26. Ivory trafficking routes by air recorded in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database ...... 37
Figure 27. Country level flight route information for countries with six or more ivory trafficking
instances between January 2009 and August 2016
Figure 28. Airport seizure count for airports with four or more ivory seizures between January
2009 and August 2016
repeATing rouTes ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 39
AIRPORTS AND ROUTES – RHINO HORN .............................................................................. 40
Figure 29. Rhino horn trafficking routes by air recorded in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database
Figure 30. Country level flight route information for countries with three or more rhino horn
trafficking instances between January 2009 and August 2016
............................................ 41
Figure 31. Airport seizure count for airports with three or more rhino horn seizures between
January 2009 and August 2016
.......................................................................................... 41
AIRPORTS AND ROUTES – REPTILES ....................................................................................... 42
Figure 32. Reptile trafficking routes by air recorded in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database ... 42
Figure 33. Country level flight route information for countries with six or more reptile trafficking
instances between January 2009 and August 2016
............................................................. 43
Figure 34. Airport seizure count for airports with three or more reptile seizures between January
2009 and August 2016
shifTing TrAnsiT rouTes, nArcoTics, And repTiles ������������������������������������������������������������� 45
AIRPORTS AND ROUTES – BIRDS .............................................................................................46
Figure 35. Bird trafficking routes by air recorded in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database ........46
Figure 36. Country level flight route information for countries with four or more bird trafficking
instances between January 2009 and August 2016
............................................................. 47
Figure 37. Airport seizure count for airports with three or more bird seizures between January
2009 and August 2016
........................................................................................................ 47
MODUS OPERANDI ....................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 38. Methods of transport for all trafficking instances in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database
Flying Under the Radar
between January 2009 and August 2016 .............................................................................49
common modus operAndi ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 50
MODUS OPERANDI – IVORY ....................................................................................................... 54
Figure 39. Methods of transport for ivory trafficking instances by air between January 2009
and August 2016
................................................................................................................. 54
hAndmAde vesTs in hong kong ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 56
frAudulenT documenTATion ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 57
MODUS OPERANDI – RHINO HORN ........................................................................................ 58
Figure 40. Methods of transport for rhino horn trafficking instances by air between January
2009 and August 2016
indirecT TrAnsiT rouTe And ‘losT’ luggAge �����������������������������������������������������������������������60
souTh AfricAn TAxidermy ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������60
MODUS OPERANDI – REPTILES ................................................................................................. 61
Figure 41. Methods of transport for reptile trafficking instances by air between January 2009
and August 2016
................................................................................................................. 61
repeAT offenders ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 64
lizArds & germAny �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 65
MODUS OPERANDI — BIRDS ....................................................................................................... 67
Figure 42. Methods of transport for bird trafficking instances by air between January 2009 and
August 2016
The h5n1 virus �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 69
cusTom-mAde cloThing �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70
CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................... 71
RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................................................. 74
APPENDIX I – SEIZURE DATA BIASES & VULNERABILITIES ............................................... 80
APPENDIX II – R PACKAGES ....................................................................................................... 85
APPENDIX III – TRAFFICKING HEAT MAPS ............................................................................86
APPENDIX IV – COUNTRY ENFORCEMENT INDEX .............................................................. 89
Figure 43. Country Enforcement Index for countries with five or more trafficking instances 89
Flying Under the Radar
APPENDIX V – TRAFFICKING ROUTES MAPS ........................................................................ 91
APPENDIX VII – SEIZURE REPORTING ..................................................................................... 95
END NOTES .....................................................................................................................................96
Flying Under the Radar
Executive Summary
Environmental crime is estimated to be worth between $91 and 258 billion, with wildlife crime making
up $7 to 23 billion of the total,
and is currently estimated to be growing at two to three times the speed of
the global economy.
Over the past few years, myriad studies and reports have examined the economic and
environmental devastation wreaked by wildlife crime, as well as its intertwining links to transnational criminal
iii iv
Few studies, however, have focused on the transport systems used by wildlife traffickers, despite
the large benefits that traffickers have gained from the increasing interconnectedness of global infrastructure
and transport systems. Flying Under the Radar examines wildlife trafficking through the air transport sector,
and is designed to support law enforcement and the private sector’s efforts to stem the hidden flow of illegal
wildlife through their jurisdictions and supply chains.
Given the covert nature of illegal activity, wildlife traffickers’ past, current, and potential future moves must
be assessed by obtaining and analyzing detailed wildlife seizure data. Where this data exists, however, it
exists largely in partial and incomplete form, or held disparately and privately by various intergovernmental
organizations and enforcement agencies. To mitigate this challenge, C4ADS’ analysts spent three months
building a baseline of information by collecting and structuring open source seizure data for four categories
of wildlife and wildlife products (ivory, rhino horn, live reptiles, and live birds). These categories were
specifically chosen based on data availability and trafficking frequency, and collectively account for about
66% of trafficked wildlife products, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
C4ADS’ analysts collected the majority of this data from country reporting and news media, as most seizure
databases do not provide the requisite detail for inclusion in an assessment of air trafficking.
The use of seizure data, while currently the best method available for investigating trafficking activity of
all types, can lead to a variety of mistaken conclusions. For instance, better public seizure reporting may
create the appearance of a trafficking problem where none exists. Still, seizure data, taken together with the
appropriate caveats, provides a good picture of overall trafficking activity, and can be used to direct future
anti-trafficking efforts.
Wildlife trafficking is a global problem that takes advantage of enforcement loopholes, lack of awareness,
limited public and private sector coordination, capacity gaps, and lagging technology and procedures to move
illicit products through the licit transportation system. As international travel continues to exponentially
increase, particularly in the air transport sector, enforcement and the private sector should make immediate
changes to better stem the international flow of illicit wildlife. Without such changes, wildlife traffickers
will continue to find the illegal wildlife trade a profitable, comparatively easy and low-risk enterprise, at
substantial detriment to ecosystems, economies, and global security.
Flying Under the Radar is divided into three main sections:
Trends and Totals examines the overall conclusions that can be drawn from the seizure data contained
within the C4ADS Air Seizure Database, such as the changes in seizure sizes over time, a Country
Enforcement Index for countries involved in twenty or more trafficking instances, and an analysis of
the number of trafficking instances per country.
Airports and Routes maps out the international and domestic transit routes that appear in our data,
evaluates countries’ roles in different illicit wildlife supply chains, and assesses airport seizure
Modus Operandi details the common methods used by traffickers, as well as methods that seem to be
specific to one category of wildlife and wildlife products.
Flying Under the Radar
Wildlife trafficking is one of the most prominent forms of international organized crime in the world,
ranking just behind drugs, human, and arms trafficking in estimated annual value.
The illegal wildlife trade
is driven by both legal and illegal demand for wildlife products. A 2016 UNODC report found that traffickers
that launder their illicit goods through legal commercial systems have access to substantially larger demand
markets than those relying on the black market alone.
The size of the legal wildlife trade can therefore give
some indication of the growth of illegal wildlife trafficking; according to one estimate, the legal trade in
wildlife products grew from around $60 billion in the 1990s to over $323 billion in 2009, a 438% increase.
Demand for a number of protected species and illicit wildlife products have experienced a similar upswing;
ivory trafficking in particular has undergone a well-documented rise. A 2013 study by Fiona Underwood,
Robert Burn, and Tom Milliken found that ivory trafficking was “rapidly increasing and at its highest level
for 16 years, more than doubling from 2007 to 2011 and tripling from 1998 to 2011.
Another Underwood,
Burn, and Milliken report from September 2016 found that ivory trafficking activity, as measured by seizure
weights, continued to increase through 2015, appearing to almost triple between 2007 and 2015.
recently completed Great Elephant Census, a series of country surveys on the number and distribution of
remaining African elephant populations, found that overall, “Savanna elephant populations declined by 30
percent (equal to 144,000 elephants) between 2007 and 2014.
The Census stated that “devastatingly low
numbers of elephants were found in northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo, northern Cameroon and
southwest Zambia,” so low, in fact, that researchers believe those populations currently face extinction.
Other countries, such as Tanzania and Mozambique, lost substantial numbers of elephants – Tanzania alone
lost as much as 60% of its elephant population, down from 109,051 in 2009 to 43,330 in 2014.
Less well-documented, but just as urgent, trafficking of other wildlife species seems to have mirrored the surge
in ivory trafficking. Rhino horns, for instance, frequently move along the same routes as ivory due to the animals
overlapping habitats and their associated demand countries (primarily China, Vietnam, and Thailand).
As a result, rhinos are frequently targeted by the same or connected trafficking networks, and have experienced
catastrophic declines of their own within a similar timeframe. According to Save the Rhino, “By the end of
2015, the number of African rhinos killed by poachers had increased for the sixth year in a row with at least
1,338 rhinos killed by poachers across Africa…
The number of rhinos poached within South Africa alone
exploded from 13 in 2007 to 1,215 in 2014.
In addition to the current plight of elephants and rhinos, many other species are suffering, and, in some cases,
have been pushed to the brink of extinction due to pressure from the illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife products.
For example, the helmeted hornbill was up-listed from Near Threatened to Critically Endangered in 2015, in
large part due to “intense hunting pressure” by traffickers interested in profiting off the hornbills casque.
The population of the ploughshare tortoise, a critically endangered and highly coveted species for the pet
trade, has fallen 25% over one generation to a current estimate of 200 mature individuals.
Air Transport Sector
Enforcement and customs agencies at airports around the world are struggling to keep up with growing
security and illicit goods concerns associated with rapidly increasing passenger and cargo traffic. For example,
covert testing of United States’ airports enforcement success rates in 2015 found that security screeners failed
to identify banned material in 95% of instances.
The resulting investigation by the US Transportation
Security Administration (TSA) found that “Pressures driven by increasing passenger volume, an increase
in checkpoint screening of baggage due to fees charged for checked bags as well as inconsistent or limited
Flying Under the Radar
enforcement of size requirements for [bags]...create a stressed environment at airport checkpoints.
yearly passenger traffic expected to double to 7.2 billion by 2035,
these problems will only intensify without
a substantial effort to upgrade and modernize airport security procedures.
Traffickers can exploit capacity problems, corruption, and other issues within the air transport sector to
move products, from something as small as an ivory bangle, to rhino horns wrapped in foil in a suitcase, to a
two-ton cargo shipment. Different enforcement strategies are needed depending on which specific transport
method (passenger, luggage, air freight) is chosen. Air freight shipments, for example, must be accompanied
by documentation like an air waybill. Ivory shipped as cargo will therefore leave a trail of paperwork behind,
likely complete with falsified information and other red flags that can be identified with the proper training
or technology. By contrast, passengers carrying live animals may be identified by suspicious behavior, full-
body scanners, or physical searches. Knowing how contraband is likely to be moving is therefore instrumental
to preventing trafficking through airports.
An airport’s exposure to trafficking of illicit goods can generally be determined by assessing the airport’s
size, flight routes, screening procedures, and infrastructure. Large international ports with lax screening
procedures for trafficked goods, but many connecting flights, are at the highest risk;
these airports present
traffickers with both plentiful flight options and a low risk of interdiction. Of those high-risk airports, the
ones that are in the process of expansion are some of the most vulnerable. Traffickers seem to pay particular
attention to opening flight routes, perhaps believing that enforcement and staff along new routes will be less
aware of the wildlife trafficking risk than those on well-established ones.
Traffickers’ need for a diverse assortment of international flights leads them to frequently use large,
international hub airports. Dubai Airport in the United Arab Emirates, for instance, is the busiest airport
by passenger traffic in the world, seeing 77.5 million passengers in 2015.
The UAE is also the only country
that appears as a prominent country for each category covered in this report, likely due at least in part to
Dubais advanced airport screening technologies.
For wildlife trafficking specifically, an airport’s location will also determine the type and number of illegal
wildlife and wildlife products that move through it. For example, Jomo Kenyatta Airport in Kenya is the
ninth busiest airport in Africa,
and has the most seizures of any of the airports within C4ADS’ Air Seizure
Database. It is the busiest airport in a strategic location on the East Coast of Africa,
with a large number
of international flights that enable traffickers to move ivory and rhino horn from West, Central, or Southern
Africa through Jomo Kenyatta to Asian hubs like Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok.
Convergence with Criminal Networks
The high profits and low risk associated with trafficking through airports have attracted the attention of
sophisticated criminal networks. These criminal organizations are able to exploit high corruption levels in
some airports to move large quantities of illicit goods frequently. In one instance, a Chinese national was
arrested in Guangzhou Baiyun Airport on his way back from Nigeria with 39.5 kilograms of ivory and 30.95
kilograms of rhino horn.
The suspect told police, “Nigeria probably has the world’s most relaxed custom
regulations. You dont even need to be present to check your luggage.
He was later linked to a Lagos-based
trafficking syndicate that had allegedly completed 18 successful shipments to Guangzhou buyers in one year.
In other instances, wildlife trafficking networks utilize the same individuals, routes, and modus operandi
as other illicit networks. A number of seizures have highlighted the overlap between narcotics and wildlife
Flying Under the Radar
trafficking supply chains in particular. In June of 2010, officials at Kuala Lumpur Airport discovered 285
radiated tortoises, 14 spider tortoises, and one ploughshare tortoise packed in two suitcases with drugs.
three species are listed under CITES Appendix I.
The involvement of organized criminal syndicates in wildlife trafficking subverts developing economies, and
presents a substantial security risk to airports.
Health Risks
Beyond the environmental, economic, and security implications of wildlife trafficking, the illicit trade in live
animals presents a potential health risk to other animals and even humans. International and national health
agencies and organizations have instituted policies intended to mitigate the danger of imported live animals
carrying infectious diseases from their countries of origin. For example, birds can reportedly carry over 60
diseases that are transferrable to humans, including Salmonellosis, E. coli, avian tuberculosis, and multiple
bird flu virus strains.
xxxii xxxiii xxxiv
One strain, H5N1, has a mortality rate of about 60% according to the World
Health Organization.
To combat this risk, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) currently
prohibits the importation of birds or bird eggs from 49 different countries “due to the presence of highly
pathogenic avian influenza.
Wildlife traffickers, however, do not burden themselves with the paperwork
and procedures necessary to ensure the health of their cargo: 38% of seizures contained within the bird
category of C4ADS’ Air Seizure Database originated in one of these 49 prohibited countries.
Wildlife Trafficking & Seizure Data
The trends, transit routes, and modus operandi associated with wildlife trafficking are intrinsically difficult
to track – traffickers do not publicize their best practices. Seizure data, however, provides a window into the
otherwise opaque world of trafficking activity. Compiling detailed seizure data over time allows for analysis of
traffickers’ techniques and the flight routes they most frequently exploit, along with their evolution over time.
C4ADS acknowledges, however, a system-wide lack of consistent, accurate, adequately detailed, and publicly
available seizure information
for wildlife trafficking and similar crimes. A report released in September
2016, A review of global trends in CITES live wildlife confiscations, notes the utility of seizure data for enforcement
efforts and describes one of the largest inhibitors preventing comprehensive and detailed seizure analysis:
In order to effectively detect, monitor and address [the illegal wildlife trade (IWT)], national authorities
require detailed centralized information (such as the source, date, location, species, quantity, intended
destination and purpose) regarding seized shipments (UNODC 2012). Currently, a small number
of countries are reported to maintain national databases that record such information (UNODC
2012)…However, of the existing IWT databases, only seizure information from the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES) trade database is currently
made fully available to the public for subsequent interpretation and analysis.
Although several wildlife seizure databases exist, those that are publicly available lack the detail necessary
for incorporation into the C4ADS Air Seizure Database. In particular, the databases that C4ADS examined
lacked transit method information, preventing C4ADS analysts from identifying seizures made in the air
transport sector. For example, the following databases, while useful for certain purposes, could not be used
for this report:
CITES Trade Database: While the publicly available CITES Trade Database contains hundreds of
Flying Under the Radar
thousands of seizures, it does not specify seizures made by air, land, or sea, nor does it provide sufficient
detail to cross-reference seizures to avoid duplication. Furthermore, not all CITES signatories report
to the Management Authority as requested, and even for those countries that do report, CITES notes
that seizure information is “often absent or provided in insufficient detail.
US Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) LEMIS Database: C4ADS received extensive data from the LEMIS
database, which tracks all wildlife seizures within the United States, through a Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) request. Although the seizures could be sorted by location (e.g. New York), the seizures
were not separated by air, land, or sea transit (e.g. John F. Kennedy Airport versus the Port of New
York), and therefore could not be incorporated in our analysis. C4ADS will be submitting a second
FOIA request for a more detailed version of the data.
The Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS) Database: The ETIS Database records all seizures of
elephant specimens reported to CITES beginning in 1989, and is managed by TRAFFIC on behalf
Although the Database is likely the most comprehensive database on ivory seizures in the
world, it is not publicly available.
The European Union (EU) Trade in Wildlife Information Exchange (TWIX): The EU-TWIX database holds
all seizures reported by the 28 EU Member States.
The database is only available to wildlife law
representatives from within the EU.
Even when detailed seizure data is available, the data itself is vulnerable to a number of inherent biases. For
example, wildlife seizures are more likely to occur in jurisdictions where enforcement officials are aware of
and trained to look for wildlife trafficking, which may lead to the perception that trafficking is worse in
areas with better enforcement. In prominent transit jurisdictions, where enforcement has limited ability to
screen passengers and shipments between flights, officials are less likely to make seizures, leading either to a
lack of emphasis on those areas in the data, or creating the appearance of ineffective enforcement. A more
detailed discussion of the various drawbacks of seizure data can be found in the Methodology and Appendix
I: Seizure Data Biases & Vulnerabilities.
In Flying Under the Radar, we analyze the seizure data in C4ADS’ Air Seizure Database to identify evident
wildlife trafficking trends, while taking into account biases in the data. In some places, we rank countries,
airports, and transit routes by ‘prominence’ – in other words, prominence within the Database – with the
understanding that a more complete dataset could provide different results. The majority of our analysis
should be interpreted similarly; our findings showcase the patterns visible within our Database, and should
not necessarily be construed to be more broadly applicable.
Still, seizures provide enforcement and the public with a rare window into the day-to-day operations of
traffickers. Compiling and analyzing seizures by type or category can begin to ‘pull back the veil’ shrouding
illicit supply chains in secrecy, illuminating previously unknown aspects of trafficking and providing
enforcement agencies with valuable information. Crafting anti-trafficking strategies based on this information
may improve the likelihood that the illicit wildlife trade through airports can be stopped.
Flying Under the Radar
This report is intended to provide insight into the mechanisms that allow, abet, or fail to stop wildlife
trafficking through the air transport sector, focusing in particular on the most common trends,
routes, and modus operandi utilized by wildlife traffickers. The information within this report is
based on C4ADS’ Air Seizure Database, which covers seizures from January 2009 to August 2016. The
Database was compiled over a period of three months through extensive, multilingual open source
research conducted by C4ADS analysts and supplemented wherever possible by additional resources, including
correspondence with law enforcement personnel and other organizations in the anti-wildlife trafficking
Throughout Flying Under the Radar, we refer to the data contained within the Database as both ‘seizures’ and
trafficking instances.’ We use the term ‘seizures’ to refer to the physical interdiction of wildlife or wildlife
products within an airport, whereas ‘trafficking instances’ refer to seizures in a broader context; for instance,
if a country makes no seizures but experiences a lot of trafficking activity through its airports, it would be
inaccurate and misleading to quantify that trafficking activity in terms of number of seizures (e.g. ‘Country X
has 10 seizures, but made none’). Instead, we would attempt to quantify that activity in terms of ‘trafficking
instances’, or the number of times illegal wildlife traffickers or shipments moved through or were intended
to move through a specific country or airport (e.g. ‘Country X has 10 trafficking instances, but made no
The Data
C4ADS chose to focus on ivory, rhino horn, live reptiles, and live birds in particular to establish a baseline
of information that can be built upon moving forward. Focus on these particular species and categories,
rather than the entirety of wildlife trafficking, allows us to obtain results that are both detailed and broadly
representative of wildlife trafficking.
Together, these four categories represent 66% of trafficked wildlife
products in UNODC’s World Wildlife Seizure Database (World WISE).
The number of seizures contained within each
category in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database
varies for a number of reasons. First, reporting
standards vary by category. For example, given
the popularity of elephants and their increasingly
well-documented plight, ivory seizures are
more likely to receive media attention than,
for instance, a seizure of two endangered
canaries. Second, the number of seizures in
each category is in part determined by the
characteristics of the animal being trafficked,
such as the size of the species’ population, or
the ease of transporting a particular species or
product. For example, rhino horn is trafficked
far less frequently, and in far fewer numbers,
than ivory and other animal products, in large
part due to the inherent difficulty in obtaining
rhino horn.
Ivory Rhino Horn Reptiles Birds
Seizure Count
Figure 1. Number of air seizures contained within the C4ADS Air Seizure
Database by category
Flying Under the Radar
All four categories are plagued by a lack of publicly available, detailed seizure data to varying extents. Ivory and
rhino horn seizures receive the most media attention and are therefore the most complete, while information
on reptile and bird seizures is by far the least detailed. Many seizures are reported simply as seizures of ‘birds,
or ‘snakes’ without much additional information. This kind of reporting can be challenging to incorporate
in our analysis, as it lacks species, transit, or transport method information, which is critical to an analysis
of trafficking trends. We have worked to overcome this information gap by researching every seizure we
identified in order to obtain as much supporting evidence for each as possible.
C4ADS compiled information on each seizures date, location, weight or quantity, species, detailed transit
route information (city-specific wherever possible), obfuscation method, transport method, manner of
detection, airline and flight number, and any relevant additional information. We defined ‘transport method
as passenger clothing/items, checked luggage, or air freight, and ‘obfuscation method’ as the way in which
contraband had been concealed (e.g. inside a shipment of timber). Some categories, like seizure location,
seizure airport, and transport method, were available for well over three quarters of the seizures, while other
categories, like obfuscation method, method of detection, and airline, were available for less than a quarter
of the seizures we collected.
The publicly available resources we used for this report included, but were not limited to:
Local news reports
CITES annual reports
Robin des Bois’s On the Trail Bulletins
TRAFFIC Bulletins
Academic or statistical reports (e.g. CITES ETIS reports, etc.)
Method of Detection
Obfuscation Method
Transit Location(s)
Weight of Items Seized
Number of Items Seized
Destination Location
Origin Location
Mode of Transport
Seizure Airport
Seizure Location
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Information Availability
Figure 2. Data availability for each seizure within the C4ADS Air Seizure Database
Flying Under the Radar
As mentioned above, C4ADS analysts cross-referenced seizures across multiple sources whenever possible.
Photos and videos in particular were used to verify reported seizure information, and were stored in the
Database alongside relevant seizures. C4ADS analysts also relied on some confidential seizure information.
This information was used to better understand our results and support our findings, although no confidential
data is specifically discussed within the report.
The methodology for specific graphs and graphics from each section can be found in the appendices. The
majority of the graphics developed for this report were made using R 3.3.1.
See Appendix II: R Packages
for the R packages we used.
Data Gaps & Biases
The accuracy of the data compiled within these categories, and as a result C4ADS’ associated analysis, is
dependent on a variety of factors. Some airports and countries more proactively report on wildlife seizures,
leading to an overrepresentation of those locations in the Database. Other countries simply have better
enforcement, while still other countries have effective customs and security agencies at their ports but do
not prioritize the identification of illegal wildlife. In other cases, seizures are frequently reported on, but
the available seizure information is contrasting, inaccurate, or incomplete. Some jurisdictions frequently
report on seizures, but fail to release crucial information, such as transit routes or transport method, further
affecting the accuracy of the data. We did not include any aggregated seizure information (e.g. ‘Between
2013 and 2015, 100 ivory seizures were made at X Airport’) to prevent double-counting seizures, and because
aggregate seizure numbers tell us little about wildlife trafficking trends, routes, or modus operandi.
One of seizure datas biggest failings is inherent to its very nature – seizures only capture trafficking strategies
that have been ineffective. As a result, seizure information may reflect trafficking methods that are already
known to enforcement, but entirely miss the most effective smugglers and their contraband. Furthermore,
media reports on seizures are more likely to cover the most newsworthy trafficking instances – generally either
large-scale shipments or unusual trafficking attempts (e.g. birds hidden in a smuggler’s underwear). Small-
scale, mundane trafficking, such as a couple ivory bangles carried by unwitting tourists, is far less likely to be
reported on and reach the open source.
Another significant downside to seizure data is its frequent inability to determine the cause of trafficking
patterns. For instance, it is often impossible to tell whether airports with high seizure counts are making so
many seizures because of extremely effective enforcement strategies, or if the volume of trafficking through
those airports is high enough or blatant enough to create the appearance of effective enforcement. Even so,
identifying detailed route information for seizures (i.e. where did a shipment originate, what airports did it
transit through, and what airport was it destined for) can help clarify this issue by revealing which airports
frequently fail to stop contraband along each route. Further discussion of the various biases and failings of
seizure data can be found in Appendix I: Seizure Data Biases & Vulnerabilities.
Despite these disadvantages, seizure data provides valuable insight into traffickers’ operations. Adequately
detailed and carefully interpreted seizure data can even compensate for some of its shortcomings. As a result,
we base our analysis on detailed seizure data, but provide caveats as appropriate.
Flying Under the Radar
Trends and Totals
Identifying and tracking patterns in combined seizure data provides insight into international wildlife
trafficking and how it has shifted, or remained the same, over time. This type of information has myriad
uses. It can, for example, direct anti-poaching efforts on the ground as emerging poaching and trafficking hot
spots shift, help enforcement agencies anticipate the most likely next moves of trafficking networks, and track
relative enforcement success rates over time. In this section, we examine the geographic spread of wildlife
trafficking, as well as fluctuations in the number and size of seizures made each year. Overall, according
to C4ADS’ Air Seizure Database, 114 countries had at least one instance of wildlife trafficking in the air
transport sector between January 2009 and August 2016.
The following heat maps are a representation of the number of known trafficking instances associated with
each country. Each instance is included in the maps using its country-level route information (origin, transit,
and destination location), rather than its seizure location. For instance, if a cargo shipment was stopped at
its origin in Uganda, we counted Uganda as its origin location. Similarly, if an individual was caught carrying
baby birds through an airport in Brazil on their way from Peru to the United States, we counted Brazil as a
transit location, Peru as an origin location, and the United States as a destination location for that trafficking
instance. If neither origin, nor transit, nor destination information was available for a trafficking instance, it
could not be included in the heat maps. The origin location was defined as the origin of the shipment, rather
than the origin of the wildlife or wildlife product, which we defined as the source. Of the seizures within the
Database, 120, or 15.5%, are not represented in Figure 3 due to a lack of trafficking instance information.
Figure 3 maps all of the countries that illegal ivory, rhino horn, reptile, or bird traffickers moved or intended
to move their contraband through between January 2009 and August 2016, according to the C4ADS Air
Seizure Database. The media and enforcement attention given to ivory, and as a result, the comparatively
high number of ivory seizures within our Database, may have led to an overrepresentation of Africa and Asia
in the above heat map.
Figure 3. Global heat map for all trafficking instances in the air transport sector between January 2009 and August 2016
The heat map represents the total number of times that a successful or planned trafficking instance was recorded for each
country. The map includes instances where the product did not actually enter a country because it was seized earlier in the route.
Flying Under the Radar
East and Southeast Asian countries constitute six of the top ten
countries ranked by number of air trafficking instances in Table 1.
China stands out in particular in this analysis with the most instances
of wildlife trafficking overall. The disparity in trafficking instances
between China and the other countries is in part caused by its central
role in the ivory trade, which constitutes 101 out of Chinas 174 total
trafficking instances. Other countries, such as Kenya and the United
Arab Emirates (UAE), have had a high number of trafficking instances
due to their role as transit points for products destined for markets in
As shown in Figure 4, all four categories show similarly low seizure
numbers in 2009 and 2010, followed by significant growth in ivory,
reptile, and bird seizures in 2011 and 2012. This is likely due to
steadily increasing media and public focus on wildlife trafficking in
those years, largely as a result of increased interest in the illegal ivory
trade. It is also possible that, as in the case of ivory trafficking, wildlife
trafficking in general began to spike after 2008.
For example, reptile
seizures in the air transit sector appear to have increased almost as
much ivory seizures, at their peak in 2015 recording more seizures than ivory. But despite increased law
enforcement attention and awareness, the total number of rhino horn seizures has remained relatively
constant throughout the reporting period, while bird seizures have declined slightly following an upsurge
from 2009 to 2012.
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Seizure Count
Rhino Horn
Figure 4. Seizure count timeline by category between January 2009 and August 2016
Country Sum
China 174
Thailand 102
United Arab Emierates 82
Kenya 69
India 57
Vietnam 53
Malaysia 52
Indonesia 49
USA 36
Mozambique 32
Table 1. Top ten countries by number of
trafficking instances between January 2009
and August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
Figure 5 exhibits the countries counting the highest numbers of seizures. China ranks first due to its prominent
role in all four categories. With such a high volume of illicit wildlife being trafficked into the country, and
simply by virtue of being such a populous country, it may be inevitable that China has the highest rate of
seizures. Given the hidden nature of trafficking activity, it is impossible to know whether the size of Chinas
ivory market or good enforcement contribute more to China’s high seizure count. Recently, however, China
has openly opposed the illegal ivory trade, and in 2016, committed to closing its ivory markets by the end of
How Chinas ivory seizure count is affected by this change may provide some indication of whether
enforcement or market activity drives the high number of seizures in Chinese airports.
Kenya, the country with the second highest seizure count, is perhaps the most common transit country
for wildlife moving by air from Africa to East and Southeast Asia. Kenyan authorities have been proactive
in addressing wildlife crime moving through Jomo Kenyatta Airport in Nairobi, leading to its high seizure
Like China, Thailand is a major destination for wildlife products. Malawi appears prominently in
the data largely due to a May 2015 report on wildlife seizures and trafficking produced for the Department of
National Parks and Wildlife of Malawi.
Countries like the United Kingdom, Nigeria, and France have high seizure counts for a variety of reasons.
Nigeria has one of the largest airports in West Africa, likely contributing to its frequent use as a departure
point for passengers and shipments, particularly those on their way to Europe or East Africa. France is both a
frequent transit point and destination for travelers leaving Africa. The United Kingdom, like France, features
as both a transit and destination point, although trafficking instances through the UK seem to involve a more
diverse array of illegal wildlife and wildlife products than wildlife trafficked through France.
Other countries are specific to certain species. For example, India seems to be the epicenter of South Asian
reptile trafficking. Pakistan also features prominently in reptile trafficking, although it appears to play a
role in Middle Eastern bird trafficking as well. Russia comes up as a frequent origin for falcons and hawks
destined for Middle Eastern raptor markets.
United Kingdom
South Africa
0 20 40 60 80
Seizure Count
Figure 5. Number of seizures by country for those countries with more than 10 seizures between January 2009 and August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
Country Enforcement Index
Assessing the ability of enforcement agencies to address covert crimes is inherently difficult. Seizure
data combined with transit route data, however, delivers an approximation of enforcement success
rates. The Country Enforcement Index is a quantitative representation of each country’s ability to
detect and seize illicit wildlife products traveling through its airports. Higher numbers indicate more
effective enforcement and lower numbers indicate that the country is unable to detect a large number of
illicit products going through its airports. Note, however, that luggage and cargo are rarely re-screened
during transit stops, and therefore frequent transit airports may have better enforcement than the Index
indicates. The percentages represented in this chart were derived using the following equation:
We define ‘successfully attempted trafficking instances’ as the number of times illicit wildlife products
were trafficked through a country, regardless of whether they were seized. Only countries linked to
twenty or more trafficking instances were included in Figure 6 (See Appendix IV for the Country
Enforcement Index for countries linked to five or more trafficking instances). Seizures made prior to
arrival in a given country were removed from that country’s assessment, as the country was never in a
position to stop that individual or shipment. For instance, a suitcase full of turtles stopped in Miami
on its way to the United Kingdom from Brazil would count as a missed shipment for Brazil, a successful
seizure for the US, and nothing at all for the UK. The Country Enforcement Index can therefore be
seen as a metric for the success of a country’s customs and enforcement agencies, although it still suffers
from the inconsistencies in reporting and biases of seizure data that trouble any analysis of global wildlife
trafficking trends. See Appendix IV for a more thorough discussion of the biases affecting the Index.
Figure 6. Country Enforcement Index for countries with twenty or more trafficking instances between January 2009 and
August 2016
61.9 %
82.3 %
76.9 %
72.7 %
79 %
63.3 %
91.7 %
38.7 %
28.6 %
47.8 %
75.9 %
68.9 %
84.6 %
88.5 %
South Africa
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Country Enforcement Indicator
Flying Under the Radar
Malawi appears as the country with the highest enforcement ratio: around 91.7% of air trafficking
instances detected involving Malawi were stopped at airports within the country. This is likely due to a
May 2015 report on wildlife trafficking and seizure activity in Malawi, although it should be noted that
few shipments have successfully made it through Malawi to be seized elsewhere, even after the release of
the 2015 report.
Another finding in the Country Enforcement Index is the fall in Thailand’s ranking from third place
by seizure number (Figure 5) to seventh place by Enforcement Indicator. This suggests that although
Royal Thai Customs and other Thai enforcement agencies make a large number of seizures, the volume
of trafficking incidents successfully moving through Thailand is even higher than the seizure number
Flying Under the Radar
Trends and Totals – Ivory
The C4ADS Air Seizure Database recorded 283 total
seizures of ivory in airports between January 2009 and
August 2016, for a total of 32,974.97 kilograms of ivory.
Ivory trafficking through the air transport sector makes
up about 13% of total ivory seizures by weight since 2009.
Ivory seizures in the air transit sector (Figure 7) reached a
peak in 2013 with 73 seizures before declining slightly in
the years following. The increase in seizures from 2010 to
2013 may represent an overall growth in ivory trafficking
activity. In Illegal Trade in Ivory and Rhino Horn, Tom
Milliken notes, “the three most recent years – 2011, 2012,
and 2013 – represent the three years in which the highest
quantity of ivory was seized and reported to ETIS over the
last 25 years.
Figure 7 reveals that large-scale seizures (greater than 500 kilograms) at airports have remained relatively
constant throughout the period covered.
The slight growth of medium-scale seizures (between 100 and 500
kilograms) over that period may provide some insight into the operations of ivory traffickers. Changes in the
size of ivory consignments shipped by air over time (Figures 7 and 9) suggest that ivory trafficking networks
may increasingly prefer breaking large-scale shipments down into multiple smaller size shipments. This may be
due to a belief that smaller consignments are subject to less scrutiny, or a response to increased enforcement
pressure, or an attempt to mitigate the risks associated with the seizure of a large-scale shipment. Figure 8,
which displays the total weight of ivory seizures by year, shows that the weight of ivory seized in airports has
demonstrated slight growth throughout the period covered by this report, reaching its highest level in 2015.
The high average weight per seizure in 2009 and 2010 suggests that the media may only have reported on
large-scale seizures in those years (Figure 7). Large-scale seizures may be overrepresented in the data as a whole,
since specific weight is more likely to be reported for significant seizures. In later years, as attention to ivory
trafficking increased, local media reports began publishing stories on smaller-scale seizures as well. Likely in
accordance with this change, the average weight of ivory seizures per year (Figure 9) dropped significantly
beginning in 2011, even as the number of ivory seizures continued to rise.
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Seizure Count
All Seizures
Seizures 100-500 kg
Seizures > 500 kg
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Weight (kg)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Weight (kg)
Figure 9. Average weight of ivory seized (kg) per year between
January 2009 and August 2016
Figure 8. Weight of ivory seized (kg) per year between January
2009 and August 2016
Figure 7. Timeline of ivory seizures made in airports
between January 2009 and August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
The heat map for ivory trafficking instances (Figure 10) highlights all the countries with intended or actual
ivory trafficking activity through their airports between January 2009 and August 2016. Figure 10 indicates
that Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa are the most significant regions for the illegal ivory trade through airports.
The other countries featured in the heat map would be more prominent if not for Chinas outsized demand
for ivory relative to the rest of the world. China has almost double the number of trafficking instances as
compared to Kenya, highlighting the important role that it continues to play in the illegal ivory trade.
Thailand and Vietnam are also significant destinations for ivory moved by air, with 34 and 23 trafficking
instances respectively between January 2009 and August 2016.
In Africa, Kenya has the largest number of ivory trafficking instances
by air with 52. Kenyas high rate of trafficking instances has been
attributed to…Kenya’s relatively well-developed transportation
More specifically, Jomo Kenyatta Airport’s role as
the busiest airport in East Africa,
as well as its position between
Africa and Asia, likely leads to its central role as a transit point for
Other hub airports in East Africa and the Middle East are frequently
used as transit airports as well. The UAE and Ethiopia also function
as transit hubs, connecting flights from Central and West Africa to
Asian airports. The UAE is the only country in the top ten list for
all four categories, highlighting the importance of transit hubs in
facilitating the international flow of illicit wildlife.
Europe and the United States display relatively few ivory trafficking
instances, although a number of European airports are increasingly
used as transit points between West African and Asian airports.
Figure 10. Global heat map for ivory trafficking instances in the air transport sector between January 2009 and August 2016
Country Trafcking
China 102
Kenya 52
Thailand 34
Malawi 24
Vietnam 23
Nigeria 22
United Arab Emirates 22
Ethiopia 21
DRC 17
Angola 16
Table 2. Top ten countries by number of ivory
trafficking instances between January 2009
and August 2016
The heat map represents the total number of times that a successful or planned trafficking instance was recorded for each
country. The map includes instances where the product did not actually enter a country because it was seized earlier in the route.
Flying Under the Radar
Parisian Antiques and Excess Luggage
A number of seizures have highlighted the importance of front companies to ivory and rhino horn
traffickers. In some cases, Parisian antiques stores are implicated; in other cases, more typical front
companies are used, including used tire, auto, and auto parts businesses, as well as companies exporting
cheap products in bulk, like plastic scrap, shredded paper, or beans.
On January 23, 2013, Dong Mou, a Chinese antiques shop owner, was caught in Shanghai Pudong
Airport with three suitcases full of illegal ivory and rhino horn products.
He had arrived in Shanghai
on China Eastern Airlines flight MU554 from Paris.
According to Chinese news reports on the seizure,
Dong had traveled to France seven times as part of his antiques business, but claimed that he had only
purchased ivory and rhino horn products on this one occasion.
Two months later in March of 2013, Chinese media reported that two Chinese travelers on their way home
from France had been discovered at Shanghai Pudong Airport carrying illegal elephant ivory, mammoth
ivory, and rhino horn.
The two suspects were carrying five suitcases packed with 13 kilograms of rhino
horn, 42 kilograms of ivory, and 1.3 kilograms of mammoth ivory.
They allegedly confessed to officials
that the illicit items were purchased at antiques stores in Paris.
Officials discovered 142 kilograms of ivory in six suitcases in Charles de Gaulle Airport.
All six bags belonged to one passenger
who was traveling from Angola to Vietnam through Paris.
© Radio France - Adrien Bossard
Other seizures outside of the air transport sector have been linked to Parisian antiques as well. In
September 2015, French customs officials searched a vehicle and discovered four raw elephant tusks,
equaling 43 kilograms of ivory, hidden inside.
According to a French press release, French authorities
investigated the three individuals present in the car at the time of the seizure and uncovered links between
all three suspects and an international wildlife trafficking organization, headed by a French-Vietnamese
individual who owns a Paris-based international trading company dealing in antiques, perfume, and
beauty products.
One customs official was quoted as saying, “He used [the international trading
company] to organize the trafficking of ivory.
On May 25th, 2016, officials searched the company’s
headquarters in Seine-Saint-Denis and discovered sixteen African elephant tusks, totaling 212 kilograms,
hidden in wooden pallets in his office.
It was the largest ivory seizure conducted by French customs
since December 2006.
These seizures showcase a number of common trafficking methods – the use of a shell or cover company
to obfuscate the true nature of a trafficking business, an unusual number of suitcases per passenger – as
well as a trafficking route between Charles de Gaulle Airport and Shanghai Pudong Airport.
Image 1. One seizure in early June 2016 further highlighted traffickers’ reliance on excess luggage to move contraband.
Flying Under the Radar
Trends and Totals – Rhino Horn
The C4ADS Air Seizure Database recorded 85
total seizures of rhino horns in airports between
January 2009 and August 2016. Rhino horn
was seized along with ivory in 23 instances, or
27% of the time. Rhino horn seizure size can be
reported by number of rhino horns or by weight,
preventing a completely reliable estimate of total
rhino horn seized in the time period analyzed.
However, using an approximate weight of 2.78
kilograms per horn,
estimates can be made.
Rhino horn seizures (Figure 11) have remained
relatively constant compared to ivory seizures,
staying around the overall mean of 11 seizures
per year. The upward growth in rhino horn
seizures in the initial two years is followed by a
significant dip in 2011 and 2012.
Large-scale seizures in airports (over 30 kilograms), depicted in Figure 11, have been fairly infrequent, despite
an increase in 2013 and 2014.
Medium-scale seizures (between 10 and 30 kilograms) generally account for
a little less than half of all rhino horn seizures each year. 2015 was an unusual year in that overall seizure
numbers spiked, but medium- and large-scale seizure numbers remained low – even lower than in 2014, which
had ten fewer seizures than 2015. This may signal a shift from larger to smaller rhino horn shipments.
The weight of rhino horns seized per year (Figure 12) peaked in 2013, with 359 kilograms recorded seized.
There was a notable decline in the weight of rhino horns seized in 2011, which coincides with the dip in
overall seizures mentioned above. The average weight of rhino horns per seizure (Figure 13) in 2011 was also
low, indicating that 2011 may have been an unusual year for either rhino horn trafficking or reporting of
rhino horn trafficking incidents. The average weight of rhino horns per seizure grew steadily between 2011
and 2014, but saw a temporary drop in 2015, prior to a large spike in the first part of 2016.
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Weight (kg)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Seizure Count
All Seizures
Seizures 10-30 kg
Seizures > 30 kg
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Weight (kg)
Figure 13. Average weight of rhino horn seized (kg) per year
between January 2009 and August 2016
Figure 12. Weight of rhino horn seized (kg) per year between
January 2009 and August 2016
Figure 11. Timeline of rhino horn seizures made in airports between
January 2009 and August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
Rhino horn trafficking, although geographically similar to ivory
trafficking, has the narrowest supply chain of the four categories
in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database. Rhino horn trafficking is far
more concentrated in Southern Africa and East Asia than ivory.
The rhino horn heat map (Figure 14) depicts all countries that
experienced attempted or actual rhino horn trafficking activity
during the period of interest, and clearly reflects the importance
of Mozambique and South Africa as supply countries. China,
Vietnam, and Thailand are prominent on the demand side
of the trade. Although Vietnam is widely considered to be the
largest market for rhino horn,
C4ADS’ seizure data suggests
that China also plays a major role in the rhino horn trade; China
was the destination for 25 seizures in the Database with a total
weight of 548 kilograms, while Vietnam was the destination for 18
seizures, with a total weight of 466 kilograms (Table 3). Qatar and
the UAE are also highly ranked in Table 3, likely due to their roles
as transit points for traffickers headed to Asia.
Country Trafcking
China 24
Mozambique 19
Vietnam 18
South Africa 11
Qatar 10
Kenya 9
Thailand 9
France 5
United Arab Emirates 5
Nigeria 4
The heat map represents the total number of times that a successful or planned trafficking instance was recorded for each
country. The map includes instances where the product did not actually enter a country because it was seized earlier in the route.
Table 3. Top ten countries by number of rhino
horn trafficking instances between January
2009 and August 2016
Figure 14. Global heat map for rhino horn trafficking instances in the air transport sector between January 2009 and August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
Trends and Totals – Reptiles
The C4ADS Air Seizure Database identified
259 total seizures of live reptiles in airports
between January 2009 and August 2016, for
a total of 121,497 seized reptiles. Besides a
minor dip in 2013, reptile seizure numbers
(Figure 15) have grown steadily since 2009,
reaching a peak of 61 seizures in 2015.
Large-scale seizures (greater than 1,000 reptiles)
have remained constant, at approximately five
seizures per year, with the exception of 2011,
when no large-scale seizures were made.
Medium-scale seizures (between 100 and
1,000 reptiles) have grown steadily. These
seizures represent a significant portion of total
reptile seizures, growing to about half of all
seizures each year between 2013 and 2016.
Figure 16 depicts the total number of reptiles seized per year in the air transport sector. The number of
reptiles seized per year between 2013 and 2016 is substantially higher than in the initial four years covered by
this study. A peak of 30,016 reptiles were seized in 2013. The average number of animals per seizure (Figure
17) reveals a 575% increase in the number of reptiles per trafficking attempt between 2012 and 2013, growing
from 158 in 2012 to 909 in 2013. This is because of a couple of unusually large seizures in 2013, including
a seizure of 9,000 red-eared slider turtles in Chennai, India in March 2013
and a seizure of 10,043 red-
eared slider turtles in Kolkata, India in July.
However, the average number of reptiles per seizure remained
comparatively high after 2013, which may signify a shift towards larger-scale reptile trafficking attempts during
this time period, or an increase in enforcement capabilities or seizure reporting.
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Number of Reptiles
All Seizures
Seizures 100-1000 Reptiles
Seizures > 1000 Reptiles
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Number of Reptiles
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Number of Reptiles
Figure 17. Average number of reptiles per seizure between
January 2009 and August 2016
Figure 16. Number of reptiles seized per year between January
2009 and August 2016
Figure 15. Timeline of reptile seizures made in airports between January
2009 and August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
The heat map for reptile trafficking instances (Figure 18) is more geographically diverse than those for ivory
and rhino horn, which clearly reflect an African and Asian focus. South Asia emerges as the epicenter of
the illegal reptile trade, and focus shifts from Africa to the Americas. The top five countries for reptile
trafficking instances (Table 4) are concentrated in and around South, East, and Southeast Asia, highlighting
the importance of this region for the illicit reptile trade.
The high number of trafficking instances in India appears to be
primarily driven by the export of Indian star tortoises (CITES
Appendix II) and black pond turtles (CITES Appendix I). Out of
54 total reptile trafficking instances involving India, 41 originated
in the country. Of these 41 instances, 24 contained Indian star
tortoises and 13 contained black pond turtles. The turtles were
mainly destined for Thailand, China, and Malaysia. A study
documenting the illegal trade in Indian star tortoises argues
that high demand for these turtles in China and Thailand is
responsible for the high rate of trafficking.
This finding is
reflected in C4ADS’ data. For example, while India is mainly an
origin point in the reptile trade, Thailand is mainly a destination.
Out of 53 total reptile trafficking instances involving Thailand, 37
were destined for the country.
Although Africa is not central to the reptile category of the
Database, Madagascar is an important origin for trafficked reptiles,
with 31 total trafficking instances. Many of the seized animals were
radiated and ploughshare tortoises (both CITES Appendix I), two
critically endangered species that are native to Madagascar.
Country Trafcking
India 54
Thailand 53
China 43
Indonesia 35
Malaysia 35
Madagascar 31
United Arab Emirates 27
Bangladesh 17
Mexico 15
USA 14
The heat map represents the total number of times that a successful or planned trafficking instance was recorded for each
country. The map includes instances where the product did not actually enter a country because it was seized earlier in the route.
Table 4. Top ten countries by number of reptile
trafficking instances between January 2009
and August 2016
Figure 18. Global heat map for reptile trafficking instances in the air transport sector between January 2009 and August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
Trends and Totals – Birds
The C4ADS Air Seizure Database recorded 146 total
seizures of birds in airports between January 2009
and August 2016, totaling 9,934 seized birds. The
number of bird seizures (Figure 19) has remained
relatively constant during this time period, hovering
around an average of 18 seizures per year. There was
a marked decline in bird seizures in 2013, following
three years of slow but constant growth between
2009 and 2012.
Large-scale seizures (greater than 150 birds) have
declined slightly, and do not correspond to the
variability of the overall seizure numbers.
Medium-scale seizures (between 15 and 150 birds),
however, do reflect the changes in overall bird seizure
numbers, with the exception of 2011, when medium-
scale seizures decreased rather than increased.
The total number of birds seized per year (Figure 20) peaked in 2010, when 3,190 birds were seized. This
peak is due to two large seizures, one of 1,000 African grey parrots in Douala, Cameroon in February
another of 1,000 birds, mostly of protected species, in Dhaka, Bangladesh in July.
The spike in birds seized
in 2014 was driven by two large seizures of 470 and 400 birds in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Other than
2014, the total number of birds seized in airports per year has declined steadily between 2010 and 2016.
The average number of birds per seizure (Figure 21) displays few large variations in the number of birds per
trafficking attempt from year to year. Aside from the exceptional year of 2010, the average number of birds
per seizure has remained relatively constant around 50. This low average is likely due to the difficulty of
transporting a large number of birds by air freight or in carry-on baggage; the comparatively fragile nature of
most bird species prevents them from being packaged tightly or in large numbers. As a result, most birds are
carried on traffickers’ persons, and therefore can only be moved in relatively small numbers.
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Seizure Count
All Seizures
Seizures 15-150 Birds
Seizures > 150 Birds
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Number of Birds
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Number of Birds
Figure 21. Average number of birds seized per year between
January 2009 and August 2016
Figure 20. Number of birds seized per year between January
2009 and August 2016
Figure 19. Timeline of bird seizures made in airports between
January 2009 and August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
The heat map for bird trafficking instances through airports worldwide (Figure 22) is similar to the reptile
heat map in its geographic diversity. The bird category of the C4ADS Air Seizure Database centers on North
and South America, with some activity in Asia and the Middle East. The UAE has the highest number of bird
trafficking instances according to the Database. This appears to be due in part to the Emirati falcon trade;
24 out of the UAE’s 28 bird trafficking instances were destined for the country, and 13 of those trafficking
instances involved falcons.
Brazils high number of trafficking instances was in part the result of
the domestic trade in tropical birds. Seven of the seizures recorded in
the Database are from domestic flights. Since trafficking instances are
counted each time a plane lands in a different airport, these domestic
seizures are counted twice in Table 5, once for the origin city and
once for the transit or destination city. Similar to Brazil, 10 out of
Russias 15 trafficking instances are from domestic flights. 14 of these
15 seizures involved falcons.
The United States ranks third in terms of bird trafficking instances,
with 19 total instances. The US was listed as the destination for 18 of
these trafficking instances, seven of which involved finches from Cuba
and South America. The demand for finches appears to be driven
in part by the popularity of songbird speed-singing competitions in
South American immigrant communities in the US.
Country Trafcking
United Arab Emirates 28
Brazil 23
USA 19
Russia 15
Pakistan 12
Indonesia 11
Guyana 10
Vietnam 8
Mexico 8
The heat map represents the total number of times that a successful or planned trafficking instance was recorded for each
country. The map includes instances where the product did not actually enter a country because it was seized earlier in the route.
Table 5. Top ten countries by number of bird
trafficking instances between January 2009
and August 2016
Figure 22. Global heat map for reptile trafficking instances in the air transport sector between January 2009 and August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
Hair Curlers from Guyana
Bird traffickers, generally unable to rely on air freight to conceal their contraband, must find creative
ways to store birds in their luggage or on their persons. Unlike ivory and rhino horn smugglers,
bird traffickers must also find a way to keep their illicit cargo quiet throughout the journey without
substantially harming them. One smuggling network devised a system utilizing bright lights, rum, and
hair curlers to hide finches in their clothing or carry-on bags.
In April of 2016, two individuals, Dhanwattie Persaud and Kayun Mohammed, were found attempting
to smuggle Guyanese finches and other birds out of Cheddi Jagan Airport in Guyana in two separate
instances. Persaud was scheduled to fly to John F. Kennedy Airport in New York on a Caribbean Airlines
flight, and Mohammed was destined to leave on a Fly Jamaica flight for Canada the next day.
Both were discovered carrying birds stuffed inside hair curlers during the luggage screening process.
Each received the standard six-month prison sentence for smuggling birds out of Guyana without the
necessary permits.
Persaud and Mohammed were likely attempting to smuggle the birds into New York City, where they
could sell them to finch ‘racers.’ For years, men have been packing into a park in Queens every Sunday
to watch finches ‘race,’ or compete to hit the highest number of songs first.
While some of the finches
used in the competitions are imported into the US through legal channels, it seems that a large number
of the birds are moved illegally, partially to avoid regulations that the competitors consider detrimental
to their health. For example, one man told US federal investigators that the birds “are not the same after
they go through quarantine,” referencing the 30-day quarantine required to bring birds into the United
Image 2. Finches hidden inside plastic hair curlers Source: US Fish and Wildlife Service
Flying Under the Radar
The upswing in bird seizures in JFK Airport resulting from the races led the US Fish and Wildlife
Service (FWS) to open an investigation, Operation G-Bird, into the finch trade from Guyana.
agents discovered that “smugglers sometimes sedated the finches with rum or kept them awake with
spotlights before they were lowered, wings pressed in a straitjacket position, into enclosure devices.
The traffickers frequently relied on hair curlers or cardboard tubes to smuggle the birds through security
and customs without setting off airports’ metal detectors. Despite the eight-years long investigation, the
Guyanese finch smuggling trade still seems to be fairly prominent:
2006: Terrence McLean was caught attempting to smuggle 13 finches into JFK Airport inside
plastic hair curlers in his carry-on bag.
Airport officials allegedly became suspicious when they
found grass seed in McLeans suitcase.
2012: US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents stopped Marlon Hariram after arriving
in JFK Airport on an Easy Jet flight from Cheddi Jagan Airport in Guyana.
Hariram had
stuffed nine finches in cardboard toilet paper rolls, and then covered them with netting and
packaging tape and tucked them up his sleeves.
After investigation, agents discovered that
Hariram had been caught smuggling finches three times in the US and once in Guyana.
2012: Guyanese officials stopped Shivashtil Ramrattan as he moved through Cheddi Jagan
Airport because he “looked suspicious.
After a pat check, the officials discovered that he had
hidden two finches in hair curlers and stuffed them in the crotch of his pants.
Ramrattan was
fined for attempting to illegally export the birds.
2013: A Guyanese man was arrested on arrival at JFK Airport with a number of finches hidden
in plastic hair curlers.
He was discovered when the birds were heard singing as he moved
through customs screening.
He was later sentenced to six months in jail.
2014: Guyanese officials arrested Nazeem Karim after he was discovered attempting to smuggle
25 finches and other birds hidden in hair curlers to New York on Travel Span flight V2502.
Karim was fined $100,000 and disqualified from obtaining an import/export license for five
2014: Officials at Cheddi Jagan Airport arrested Nazir Khan as he was about to board Caribbean
Airlines flight BW606 to Canada.
Although he had successfully made it through security and
customs, he was discovered when he stopped to help another passenger and dropped two hair
curlers stuffed with finches on the tarmac in the process.
2014: The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) in Toronto Pearson Airport discovered 19
songbirds” in Vishnu Narine’s jacket. The birds were inside plastic hair curlers that had been
taped together and then inserted into hidden pockets in the jacket’s lining.
Narine pled guilty
to a charge of causing distress to an animal and was sentenced to 12 months of probation and
a $400 fine.
Flying Under the Radar
Airports and Routes
Analysis based on seizure data naturally over-emphasizes countries with good enforcement and under-
emphasizes, or even fails to mention, countries performing poorly. This can be partially addressed by
collecting detailed and thorough data on the actual or intended transit routes of illicit shipments. Compiled
transit route data can help to reveal the scope of wildlife trafficking in previously overlooked jurisdictions, the
overall flow of the wildlife trade over time, as well as those airports that traffickers may consider less risky.
Although transit route information cannot be considered directly reflective of the success of enforcement
in certain airports, it can direct customs and enforcement to the weakest points in the air transport sector.
Understanding how common transit routes shift over time in response to pressure, such as improved
enforcement capabilities, can help customs anticipate changes in trafficking activity.
The following routes maps are a representation of the known flights associated with trafficking instances in
the Database. Trafficking instances were only included in this analysis if more than one location along the
flight route was available. For example, if a news article only reported that a bird was seized at its destination in
New York, but did not contain any information about its origin or transit location, it could not be included in
the routes maps. Flights were included, however, if route information was reported, but the smuggled wildlife
or wildlife product did not reach its intended transit or destination location. For example, if a trafficker was
intercepted in Nairobi prior to boarding a flight to Cairo, the route from Nairobi to Cairo was still included
in this analysis. Note that capital cities were used in the routes maps when only country-level information was
provided. Routes information was not grouped by airport, as airport-specific information is generally only
available for seizure locations, while origin, transit, and destination points are generally referred to by city
or country. 28.6%, or 221, of the seizures within C4ADS’ Air Seizure Database could not be included in the
routes maps due to inadequate flight information.
Figure 23. All trafficking routes by air recorded in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database
The trafficking routes map represents the flights used to traffic wildlife products through the air transport sector. This includes
instances where the product did not actually enter a country because it was seized earlier in the route. The transparency of the line
for each route represents the number of times it was used and the bubbles represent the total number of flights to and from each city.
Flying Under the Radar
The specific roles that airports play within the international trafficking system are largely dependent on their
geographic location. For instance, most African airports are origin points for illicit ivory shipments, but
airports in the Greater Horn of Africa are generally transit points. Similarly, Middle Eastern airports serve as
common transit points for ivory moving from East or Southern Africa to Asia, while European airports are
frequently used to move ivory from West Africa to Asia. Southeast and East Asian airports are predominantly
Figure 23 displays the wildlife trafficking routes recorded in C4ADS’ Air Seizure Database. The most
common routes for illicit products tend to follow the most frequent air passenger routes from hub airports
near supply markets in the Southern Hemisphere to hub airports near demand markets in the Northern
Hemisphere. Since hub airports are more likely to have a variety of international flight routes available for
traffickers to choose from, they are more likely to be exploited by traffickers than smaller, regional airports.
As a result, international airlines based at major hub airports are disproportionately exposed to trafficking.
Targeting these chokepoints will have a larger impact on traffickers’ operations than focusing on regional
airports alone.
A few instances in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database indicate that domestic flight routes are used as well.
This is particularly true in Brazil and Russia, both large countries with fairly well developed infrastructure
and significant illicit bird trades. Domestic flights in these countries appear to move tropical and raptor bird
species from more remote regions to prominent international airports in Sao Paulo and Moscow, where the
animals are moved to international flights. Still, only 14.8% of the 128 flights in the Database are domestic
The total country-level transit graph (Figure 24) counts the number of times a country has been linked to an
ivory, rhino horn, reptile, or bird trafficking instance. The graph is a representation of the transit data for
each country, and is intended to show each country’s relative role in the illicit wildlife supply chain.
United Kingdom
DR Congo
South Africa
0 50 100 150
Trafficking Instance Count
Figure 24. Country level flight route information for countries with five or more trafficking instances between January 2009 and
August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
Six of the top ten countries shown in Figure 24 are primarily destinations. Destination countries often count
a higher number of trafficking instances, in part because illicit wildlife is generally sourced from several
different countries, but tends to consolidate in demand markets. In addition, passengers and shipments are
more likely to be screened on arrival at destination airports, likely leading to a higher number of seizures in
those jurisdictions. Four of those six destination countries, China, Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia, are
common destinations for ivory, rhino horn, and reptiles. The UAE is another major destination, largely due
to the import of birds and reptiles into the country, although it is also used by ivory and rhino horn traffickers
as a transit location on the way to Asian markets. The United States is also highlighted as a major destination
point for wildlife trafficking, mainly due to its role in the bird and reptile trades.
The major origin countries are generally more geographically diverse than the destination countries, and
therefore are associated with fewer trafficking instances than destination countries. Origin countries are
mostly split between African countries with major international airports (Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria,
South Africa, Uganda), and countries with comparatively intact ecosystems and prominent reptile and bird
populations (India, Indonesia, Madagascar). Madagascar is the only exclusively origin country in Figure 24.
All of its trafficking instances represent the illegal export of native Malagasy reptile species.
At least two clear transit trends are visible in Figure 24. First, countries with high counts of transit instances
are generally located between the supply habitats and demand markets for ivory and rhino horn. For example,
the prominent transit countries reflect the general transit locations for ivory and rhino horn shipments
– large airports in or near the Horn of Africa and the Middle East (Kenya, the UAE, Qatar, Ethiopia).
Thailand, another common transit country, is occasionally used by ivory traffickers as a transit point on the
way to destination airports like Hong Kong. Similarly, France and other European nations are increasingly
mentioned as transit points for ivory traffickers seeking alternative routes for contraband moving from West
Africa to Asia. Second, bird and reptile transit locations do not appear prominently in the C4ADS Air
Seizure Database because for the most part, they do not exist. Bird and reptile traffickers seem to rely on
direct flights, rather than complex trafficking routes, likely due to the difficulty of transporting live animals.
In Figure 25, airport-level seizure data is broken down by category. Certain airports, including hubs like
Suvarnabhumi (Thailand), Dubai (UAE), Hong Kong (China), and Tan Son Nhat (Vietnam), see several
different types of wildlife products flowing through their airports. According to the Database, Suvarnabhumi
Airport is the only airport that has seized species from all four different wildlife categories covered in this
report. Others seize high numbers of one specific illicit wildlife product, generally determined by the airport’s
geographic location. Lilongwe Airport (Malawi), for example, has the third highest number of seizures
according to the Database. Over 95% of those seizures were of ivory, and the remaining 4.5% were of rhino
horn, which can be expected given Lilongwes proximity to elephant and rhino populations and poaching
Figure 25 further indicates that ivory and rhino horn seizures generally follow the same transit routes, and are
therefore often seized in the same airports. Reptile and bird seizures do not follow a similar pattern. Reptile
seizures generally occur in South and Southeast Asian airports (Suvarnabhumi in Thailand, Soekarno-Hatta
in Indonesia, Chennai in India, and Shahjalal in Bangladesh), with the exceptions of Dubai in the UAE and
Ivato in Madagascar. Bird seizures occur less frequently and are far more geographically diverse than the other
categories, although seizures tend to occur in the Middle East (Dubai in the UAE) and the Americas (Miami
and Los Angeles in the US, Sao Paulo in Brazil, and Cheddi Jagan in Guyana).
Flying Under the Radar
Bengaluru Airport
Cape Town Airport
Jinnah Airport
Sao Paulo–Guarulhos Airport
Abu Dhabi Airport
Heathrow Airport
Los Angeles Airport
Miami Airport
Addis Ababa Bole Airport
Changi Airport
Cheddi Jagan Airport
Brussels Airport
Cairo Airport
Chhatrapati Shivaji Airport
Guangzhou Baiyun Airport
Taiwan Taoyuan Airport
Charles de Gaulle Airport
Kuala Lumpur Airport
Beijing Capital Airport
Noi Bai Airport
Murtala Mohammed Airport
Shahjalal Airport
O.R. Tambo Airport
Shanghai Pudong Airport
Maputo Airport
Tan Son Nhat Airport
Ivato Airport
Chennai Airport
Soekarno-Hatta Airport
Hong Kong Airport
Entebbe Airport
Dubai Airport
Lilongwe Airport
Suvarnabhumi Airport
Jomo Kenyatta Airport
0 20 40
Seizure Count
Rhino Horn
Figure 25. Airport seizure count by category for airports with five or more seizures between January 2009 and August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
Airports and Routes – Ivory
Figure 26 displays the ivory trafficking routes recorded in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database. 185, or 65%, of
the 283 ivory seizures recorded in the database contained sufficient information for inclusion in our ivory
routes analysis. There are 54 countries linked to ivory trafficking in the Database.
While ivory trafficking routes generally move from Africa to East Asia, our data suggest that traffickers tend
to utilize large hub airports along the way. This is likely due in part to the fact that hub airports are more
likely to have a variety of large international flights. East Africa is the largest African exit region for ivory;
shipments originating in Central or West Africa tend to fly through Nairobi, Addis Ababa, or occasionally
Entebbe prior to arrival in Asia. Other common transit points include Dubai and Doha in the Middle East,
as well as Paris, Amsterdam, and Istanbul in Europe.
The importance of transit hubs can be seen clearly in the data. Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta Airport is the busiest
airport in East and Central Africa,
and counted more flights associated with ivory trafficking instances
than any other city in the Database.
Of the 79 ivory trafficking flights associated with airports in the city, 28
arrived in Nairobi from other African airports, and 51 departed from Nairobi. Out of the 51 flights departing
from Nairobi, 25 left Nairobi for Bangkok, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong. Kinshasa to Nairobi and Maputo
to Nairobi are two of the most frequently used flights identified in the Database, both with seven instances.
Nairobi to Bangkok is used twice as often, with 14 flights.
Figure 27 breaks down the prominent countries highlighted in the routes map by the number of times each
country was listed as an origin, transit, or destination point. The data is split by country, rather than airport, to
account for transit information reported at the country level. China emerges as the most common destination
The ivory trafficking routes map represents the flights used to traffic ivory products through the air transport
sector. This includes instances where the product did not actually enter a country because it was seized earlier in the
route. Each line represents one flight and the bubbles represent the total number of flights to and from each city.
Figure 26. Ivory trafficking routes by air recorded in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database
Flying Under the Radar
for ivory moved through the air transport sector,
with over 100 successful or attempted trafficking
instances recorded in the C4ADS Air Seizure
Database. Kenya has the second largest number of
trafficking instances, and appears only as a transit
and origin point for ivory.
Figure 27 does reveal some apparent anomalies:
South Africa as a transit location, and France as
a prominent country for ivory trafficking. South
Africa is occasionally chosen by traffickers as an
unusual transit route for ivory moving to Asia,
with shipments sometimes even transiting to
Australia before arrival in Southeast or East Asia.
France is a fairly common transit point for ivory
moving from West Africa to Asia, and can be
an origin point for ivory purchased in Paris and
destined for East Asian markets.
Ethiopia and the UAE are identified (Figure 27) as frequent transit points. Airports in common ivory origin
locations such as Harare, Nairobi, and Abuja all have direct flights to Dubai. These routes account for 11 of
the 16 total instances that have flown into Dubai Airport. Hong Kong is the most common destination for
ivory trafficked through Dubai, and accounts for 10 of the 17 flights leaving of Dubai. Note that Dubai and
Hong Kong are also the two busiest airports by passenger traffic in the world.
Common origin points for ivory include Malawi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, Uganda,
and Kenya. According to the Great Elephant Census, all of these countries, except for Kenya, have fairly small
elephant populations, from an estimated 817 in
Malawi to 4,864 in Uganda.
By comparison,
elephant range states Tanzania and Botswana
have an estimated 42,871 and 130,451 elephants
respectively, despite significant population
declines in Tanzania.
This may suggest that
elephants are poached elsewhere before their
ivory is moved to locations with smaller elephant
populations, and perhaps lower rates of awareness,
prior to entering the air transport sector.
Figure 28 ranks each airport with at least five
seizures by the number of ivory seizures made in
that airport. Jomo Kenyatta Airport accounted
for the most seizures with 48, followed closely by
Kamuzu Airport in Malawi with 42, and Entebbe
Airport in Uganda with 30. Of the Asian transit
and destination airports, Suvarnabhumi and
Hong Kong rank highest.
Beijing Capital Airport
Guangzhou Baiyun Airport
Harare Airport
Kuala Lumpur Airport
Maputo Airport
Noi Bai Airport
Dubai Airport
Shanghai Pudong Airport
Addis Ababa Bole Airport
Cairo Airport
Tan Son Nhat Airport
Murtala Mohammed Airport
Hong Kong Airport
Suvarnabhumi Airport
Entebbe Airport
Lilongwe Airport
Jomo Kenyatta Airport
0 10 20 30 40 50
Seizure Count
South Africa
DR Congo
0 25 50 75 100
Trafficking Instance Count
Figure 28. Airport seizure count for airports with four or more ivory
seizures between January 2009 and August 2016
Figure 27. Country level flight route information for countries with
six or more ivory trafficking instances between January 2009 and
August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
Repeating Routes
Traffickers rarely design unique smuggling methods for each trafficking instance. Instead, seizure
information reveals that traffickers frequently utilize trafficking routes repeatedly, often in tandem with
certain modus operandi, over the course of days, weeks, or even months. Two seizures in 2015 support
the theory that trafficking networks use the same strategies repeatedly.
On September 2, 2015, Hong Kong Customs examined an air freight package that seemed suspicious
to officials after a standard X-ray screening.
Customs opened the package and discovered 24
kilograms of worked ivory packed in sawdust, rather than the ‘decorative tiles’ that had been declared
on the consignment’s air waybill.
The shipment had originated in Zimbabwe and transited through
Amsterdam before arrival in Hong Kong.
Four days later, Hong Kong Customs officials discovered two more airmail parcels. Both were declared
as ‘decorative tiles,’ and both had originated in Zimbabwe and transited through Amsterdam.
opening the boxes, officials discovered 51 kilograms of worked ivory pieces packed in sawdust, just as the
previous shipment had been.
This example is typical of many seized ivory consignments; multiple shipments are stopped within days
or weeks of each other, all having taken the same transit route, packaged in the same way, and falsely
declared as the same good.
Source: Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department
Image 5. Ivory discovered in the September 6, 2015 seizure.Image 4. Boxes from the September 6, 2015 seizure.
Image 3. Ivory confiscated in the September 2, 2015 seizure. Source: Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department
Flying Under the Radar
Airports and Routes – Rhino Horn
Figure 29 maps all rhino horn trafficking routes recorded in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database. 54, or 64%,
of the 85 seizures recorded in the Database contained sufficient information for inclusion in the rhino horn
routes map. There are 33 countries linked to rhino horn trafficking in the Database.
The rhino horn routes map shows a clear trend of movement from Southern Africa to East and Southeast
Asia. Southern Africa emerges as the most significant origin location, as criminal networks source rhino horn
from the largest remaining white rhino populations in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe,
but regularly move their contraband through airports in Mozambique. Rhino horn leaving Southern Africa
may transit through East Africa or the Middle East, or may travel directly from Maputo or Johannesburg to
Asian hubs in Bangkok, Hanoi, Hong Kong, and Beijing.
Like in the ivory routes map, East African and Middle Eastern hubs facilitate the movement of rhino horn from
its source to large demand markets. Jomo Kenyatta Airport in Nairobi appears in particular as a prominent
transit point. For example, the most utilized route in the rhino horn category of the Database is from Maputo
to Nairobi, with five separate instances of rhino horn trafficking. Alongside Nairobi, Middle Eastern (Doha,
Abu Dhabi, and Dubai) and European transit hubs (Paris) are the most important transit locations for rhino
horn – Doha alone counts 16 rhino horn trafficking flights. Flights from Paris have moved rhino horn to
Asian hubs like Shanghai, Beijing, and Hanoi. Some Asian airports also act as important transit locations;
for example, the second most common route is a flight from Bangkok to Hanoi in Vietnam, one of the most
prominent destination markets for rhino horn, with four flights counted in the Database.
The rhino horn trafficking routes map represents the flights used to traffic rhino horn products through the air transport
sector. This includes instances where the product did not actually enter a country because it was seized earlier in the
route. Each line represents one flight and the bubbles represent the total number of flights to and from each city.
Figure 29. Rhino horn trafficking routes by air recorded in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database
Flying Under the Radar
Despite lower seizure numbers, rhino horn transit
routes reflect those for ivory to a large extent in
Figure 30. The Middle East and Greater Horn
of Africa again feature as transit points, with
Southeast and East Asian countries appearing
as destinations. Countries like France, Nigeria,
Uganda, and Ethiopia appear as origin countries,
but have small to nonexistent rhino populations.
This suggests that traffickers are moving horns
from source countries to these origin locations
before flying them to demand markets. In the
case of France, rhino horns are sometimes bought
at antique stores before leaving for more typical
markets in East Asia.
There are a number of significant differences
between the ivory and rhino horn transit graphs,
however. First, the origins of trafficking instances
have condensed from 33 countries in our ivory
data to just 17 countries in our rhino horn data.
Rather than a diverse array of African origin points, Figure 30 reveals that Mozambique and South Africa are
by far the most common origin locations for illicit rhino horn trafficked via the air transport sector, according
to the C4ADS Air Seizure Database. Second, although Vietnam is a prominent destination for both ivory
and rhino horn consignments, it is more significant as a destination point for rhino horn. Finally, Laos also
emerges as a prominent destination point.
Figure 31 displays the airports with the largest
numbers of seizures, using three seizures as a
baseline for inclusion. Of the 33 countries that
have had at least one instance of rhino horn
trafficking by air, 21 (62%) have seized rhino
horns. According to the Database, a large number
of rhino horn seizures tend to occur in origin
airports OR Tambo and Maputo; OR Tambo
in South Africa has made the most rhino horn
seizures, with 11 total seizures, followed by Maputo
Airport in Mozambique with 10. This may be
because rhino horn trafficking instances primarily
originate in either South Africa or Mozambique,
and are then dispersed across a much wider variety
of transit and destination ports. Still, destination
airports like Tan Son Nhat, Suvarnabhumi,
Beijing, Shanghai and Noi Bai have also seized
several shipments of rhino horn. Jomo Kenyatta is
the only primarily transit airport to stop three or
more rhino horn trafficking instances.
South Africa
0 5 10 15 20 25
Trafficking Instance Count
Entebbe Airport
Hong Kong Airport
Shanghai Pudong Airport
Noi Bai Airport
Suvarnabhumi Airport
Beijing Capital Airport
Jomo Kenyatta Airport
Tan Son Nhat Airport
Maputo Airport
O.R. Tambo Airport
036 9 12
Seizure Count
Figure 31. Airport seizure count for airports with three or more rhino
horn seizures between January 2009 and August 2016
Figure 30. Country level flight route information for countries with
three or more rhino horn trafficking instances between January 2009
and August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
Airports and Routes – Reptiles
The reptile routes map shows all reptile trafficking routes recorded in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database.
195, or 75%, of the 259 seizures recorded in the Database contained sufficient information for inclusion.
With 73 total countries involved in at least one reptile trafficking instance, the reptile category is the most
geographically diverse of the four categories used in this report. Despite the diffuse geography of the reptile
trafficking instances in the Database, a majority of reptile trafficking appears to be concentrated in a few
Southern Asian countries, almost entirely due to the illegal trade of two endangered turtle species.
Southern Asia has by far the highest number of reptile trafficking instances. Many of these instances are part
of the trade in turtles moving from India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Pakistan to Thailand, Malaysia, and
Singapore. Turtles originating in Northern India and Bangladesh are generally destined for Bangkok, while
turtles smuggled from Southern India usually fly to Kuala Lumpur. Bangkok is associated with the highest
number of reptile trafficking flights in the Database, with 54 flights, 40 of which were destined for Bangkok,
and often originated in Madagascar. Kuala Lumpur is second with 38 flights, 30 of which were destined for
Kuala Lumpur, and eight of which left from the airport.
In contrast to the rhino horn or ivory routes maps, the reptile map shows a marked shift away from Africa.
The only African airports that appear prominently are Jomo Kenyatta Airport in Nairobi and Ivato Airport
in Madagascar. The route between Ivato and Jomo Kenyatta appears to be commonly used, however, with
seven different instances.
Europe appears as a prominent destination for reptiles originating in the Americas, Africa, and Asia. 17%
of reptile seizures within the Database were either destined for or transited through at least one European
country, compared to 9.9% in the other three categories of the C4ADS Air Seizure Database.
The reptile trafficking routes map represents the flights used to traffic reptiles through the air transport sector.
This includes instances where the product did not actually enter a country because it was seized earlier in the
route. Each line represents one flight and the bubbles represent the total number of flights to and from each city.
Figure 32. Reptile trafficking routes by air recorded in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database
Flying Under the Radar
Figure 33 reveals that the animals arriving in European
hubs like London, Paris, Amsterdam, and Berlin come
from a wide variety of regions. For the most part,
however, seized reptiles destined for European pet
markets seem to primarily originate in the Americas,
followed by Southeast Asia and Africa.
The reptile routes data differs from ivory and rhino
horn in another important way: transit hubs appear
to be almost nonexistent. While ivory and rhino horn
trafficking instances are clearly consolidated in East
Africa, the Middle East, and Europe prior to export to
East Asia, reptile traffickers appear to rely much more
heavily on direct flights. While a circuitous route may
benefit ivory and rhino horn traffickers who prefer
to arrive from airports far from elephant and rhino
populations, direct flights help live reptile traffickers
evade multiple checkpoints and put less stress on the
reptiles themselves.
The importance of South and Southeast Asia to reptile trafficking is clearly displayed in Figure 33. Although
China still features prominently, particularly as a destination, the focus shifts south to India, Thailand,
Malaysia, and Indonesia. This region ranks highest in the data largely due to the trafficking of black pond
turtles and Indian star tortoises from India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Pakistan to Thailand, China, and
Malaysia, the three largest destinations for reptiles according to Figure 33.
Only three African countries seem to play prominent roles in the reptile trade, according to the C4ADS
Air Seizure Database: Madagascar, Sudan, and Kenya. Madagascar is a significant origin point for reptiles,
ranking only behind India in its role as an origin location. Sudan is a frequent origin for Nile crocodiles
destined for Dubai, and Kenya is the only primarily transit country identified by the data.
Unlike in the ivory and rhino horn routes maps,
where East Asia was the only dominant destination,
the UAE and Europe have shifted from primarily
transit locations to prominent destinations, largely
as a result of the pet trade in both regions. Russia,
Mexico, and the United States, largely absent from
both the ivory and rhino horn transit analyses,
appear as both origin and destination markets for
Figure 34 counts the number of reptile seizures
for airports with at least three seizures. Of the 73
countries involved in reptile trafficking, 48 (64%)
have made seizures. Four of the top 18 airports by
seizure numbers are Indian airports, accounting for
34 seizures. Thailand follows with 23 seizures in
Suvarnabhumi Airport alone. Taken together, the
Changi Airport
Heathrow Airport
Allama Iqbal Airport
Bengaluru Airport
Brussels Airport
Cochin Airport
Munich Airport
Shanghai Pudong Airport
Charles de Gaulle Airport
Kuala Lumpur Airport
Hong Kong Airport
Chhatrapati Shivaji Airport
Shahjalal Airport
Soekarno-Hatta Airport
Ivato Airport
Chennai Airport
Dubai Airport
Suvarnabhumi Airport
0 5 10 15 20
Seizure Count
United Kingdom
0 20 40
Trafficking Instance Count
Figure 34. Airport seizure count for airports with three or more
reptile seizures between January 2009 and August 2016
Figure 33. Country level flight route information for countries
with six or more reptile trafficking instances between January
2009 and August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
South and Southeast Asian regions represent 44% of the seizures within the reptile category. The remaining
56% of seizures are spread across East Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Madagascar. With the exception
of Ivato Airport in Madagascar, no individual African or American airport has made three or more reptile
seizures according to the Database, even though Africa and the Americas have been involved in at least 49
and 29 reptile trafficking instances respectively. This disparity may be due to limited public reporting in
those jurisdictions on reptile seizures, lower awareness of reptile trafficking amongst African and American
enforcement agencies, poor training on wildlife trafficking, or, alternatively, enforcement in those areas could
be choosing to prioritize seizing other types of contraband.
Flying Under the Radar
Shifting Transit Routes, Narcotics, and Reptiles
Past interrogations of wildlife traffickers have revealed that smuggling networks monitor not only
enforcement levels within airports, but also the creation of new international transit routes, which
traffickers consider to be less risky. Some cases have shown that other criminal actors support wildlife
trafficking networks, or at the very least, search for the same enforcement loopholes. One seizure in 2015
revealed how different networks overlap, as well as how these networks adapt to and take advantage of
situational changes.
On September 27, 2015, officials at Tamil Nadus Madurai International Airport (India) seized a shipment
of 247 Indian star tortoises.
The suspect arrested in connection with the seizure admitted to authorities
that he had obtained the tortoises in Chennai, India, and was taking them to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia
through Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Although Indian star tortoises, listed on CITES Appendix II, are frequently trafficked in and around
India, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka, this was the first seizure of tortoises at the airport – most previous
seizures at Madurai Airport had been of either drugs or gold.
Prior to this seizure, most illicit tortoise
trafficking instances in India had moved through Chennai, Chhatrapati Shivaji, Cochin, or Bengaluru
Airports. A district forest officer involved in the investigation suggested that the traffickers might have
chosen Madurai because the airport was adding new international routes at the time, and the airport
officials and staff were not familiar with wildlife smuggling.
A subsequent investigation revealed that
the suspect involved in the seizure had a history of smuggling drugs, including a hallucinogenic veterinary
drug Ketamine, but he insisted that this instance was his first experience transporting tortoises.
This particular instance demonstrated how narcotics and wildlife smuggling networks operating within
India can intersect, as well as how different criminal networks adapt to take advantage of the same gaps
in certain airport’s screening capabilities. This suggests that a diverse array of illicit commodities may be
moved through the same international airports that are perceived as less risky, either due to enforcement
loopholes, a lack of capacity or awareness, corruption, or rapid expansion.
Image 6. Tortoise and narcotics trafficking suspect Abdul Alim and a few of the trafficked Indian star tortoises. Source: S. James
Flying Under the Radar
Airports and Routes – Birds
The bird routes map shows all bird trafficking routes recorded in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database. 118, or
81%, of the 146 bird seizures recorded in the Database contained sufficient information for inclusion in our
analysis. There are 68 total countries linked to at least one bird trafficking instance, making the bird routes
data second only to the reptile routes data in terms of geographic diversity.
Unlike the ivory, rhino horn, and even reptile routes maps, there is no clear geographical flow associated with
international bird trafficking routes. However, three regions of interest do appear: the Americas, Europe, and
the Middle East. In contrast to ivory and rhino horn trafficking routes, the bird routes map reveals that Africa
and East Asia are the least relevant regions to bird trafficking, according to the Database. The only visible
pattern appears to be general movement from the Southern to the Northern Hemispheres, suggesting that
birds are moved from their natural habitats in South America and Southeast Asia to live pet markets in the
US, Europe, and the Middle East.
Of the three destination regions visible in Figure 35, the Middle East appears to be the most prominent.
Dubai was involved in 21 of the 130 flights recorded within the bird routes data, 13 more than the next most
prominent city, Sao Paulo in Brazil. The two most frequent routes associated with Dubai were Moscow and
Brussels to Dubai Airport. Still, each route was only counted twice, highlighting the diverse nature of bird
trafficking even in regards to its most significant airport.
The most common route overall, however, was from Georgetown, Guyana to New York City, with six total
instances. Each of these instances involved finches likely destined for singing competitions in Queens. Miami
and Los Angeles Airports are also common destinations for birds trafficked from Europe, South America,
and Asia.
Figure 35. Bird trafficking routes by air recorded in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database
The bird trafficking routes map represents the flights used to traffic birds through the air transport sector. This
includes instances where the product did not actually enter a country because it was seized earlier in the route.
Each line represents one flight and the bubbles represent the total number of flights to and from each city.
Flying Under the Radar
The bird routes map is also unusual in comparison
to the other three maps in the high number of
domestic flights counted within the bird category.
For example, the majority of the routes associated
with Brazil and Russia are domestic flights.
Russian hawks and falcons seem to be flown
through Moscow before arrival in the Middle East
or Vladivostok Airport on the southeastern edge
of Russia.
Bird trafficking routes are similar to those for
reptiles in that trafficking route information is
extremely limited (Figure 36). The Americas,
Europe, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia
dominate as origin and destination locations. Africa
is entirely absent and China drops significantly,
out of the top three for the first time, and ties
with five other countries with six total trafficking
instances. Of all the prominent countries, only
nine have been listed as transit locations for past
trafficking instances. Of those nine transit countries, four are in Europe, and two are in Southeast Asia. The
four European countries – the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, and France – seem to serve partly as transit
points between South America and the Middle East.
The remaining three transit countries are the UAE, Brazil, and Russia. According to Figure 36, the UAE
is both the largest destination for birds and one of the largest transit countries. Brazil and Russia appear
as transit locations due to the large number of domestic flights counted within the bird category for each
country. Trafficked birds in both countries seem to funnel through airports in their largest cities, Sao Paulo
and Moscow, from smaller, domestic airports with limited or no international flights. As a result, Sao Paulo
and Moscow are often categorized as transit points, rather than origin points, for trafficking instances
originating in both countries.
Figure 37 displays the number of bird seizures made in
airports, using three seizures as a baseline for inclusion.
Out of the 68 countries involved in bird trafficking, 43
(63%) have made at least one seizure.
In line with its role as a major destination point for bird
trafficking, Dubai also leads by actual seizure numbers
(Figure 37). Russian and Vietnamese airports, despite
the high numbers of trafficking instances originating
in both countries, do not appear on the list of top
airports for seizures. This may indicate a failure in
enforcement, limited reporting, or a lack of awareness
of bird trafficking. American airports, by contrast,
together account for 12 seizures, and the second most
prominent country, Brazil, accounts for eight, which
may suggest better enforcement or reporting in those
Ben Gurion Airport
Brasilia Airport
Domodedovo Airport
JFK Airport
Simon Bolivar Airport
Abu Dhabi Airport
Jinnah Airport
Los Angeles Airport
Taiwan Taoyuan Airport
Miami Airport
Sao Paulo–Guarulhos Airport
Cheddi Jagan Airport
Soekarno-Hatta Airport
Dubai Airport
0510 15
Seizure Count
United Kingdom
0 10 20
Trafficking Instance Count
Figure 37. Airport seizure count for airports with three or more
bird seizures between January 2009 and August 2016
Figure 36. Country level flight route information for countries with
four or more bird trafficking instances between January 2009 and
August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
countries. Cheddi Jagan Airport in Guyana ranks third in terms of seizures (Figure 37) and seventh in terms
of trafficking instances (Figure 36), which may imply that Guyana has been comparatively successful in
detecting illicit bird trafficking.
Finally, although Israel is not ranked as a prominent country for bird trafficking, it ties for fifth in terms of
the number of bird seizures made at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, and has seized 100% of known bird
trafficking instances within its borders. The inclusion of Ben Gurion Airport in Figure 37 suggests that
Israeli enforcement is particularly successful in identifying bird trafficking, despite Israel not being known as
a wildlife trafficking hotspot.
Flying Under the Radar
Modus Operandi
Tracking wildlife seizures over time reveals certain patterns in the various ways that traffickers move their
contraband through the air transport sector. Seizures reveal that traffickers often rely on the same methods
to move goods over time; for instance, tin foil has been used for years to hide ivory and other illicit products.
In other cases, traffickers’ modus operandi shift over time in response to heightened or changed enforcement
efforts, and to some extent, vary depending on the species or product being trafficked. Note that less effective
trafficking methods are more likely to be caught, and therefore included in our analysis, and that the most
effective tactics may never be identified. Still, understanding the various strategies that traffickers utilize,
frequently successfully, to evade detection will allow enforcement to develop better targeting mechanisms,
and can lead to substantially decreased vulnerability to trafficking within airports.
A crucial factor in intercepting wildlife traffickers and their contraband is knowing how it will be moved –
should enforcement be prepared for individual passengers carrying illegal products on their person? Should
private sector actors, such as airlines, be on the lookout as well, or does wildlife trafficking through the air
transport sector primarily affect national postal services? What obfuscation methods are most common and
easiest to detect? Wildlife trafficking cannot be addressed effectively without first answering these questions.
Conventional wisdom, particularly in regards to ivory trafficking, maintains that the majority of illicit wildlife
and wildlife products transported by air are moved by air cargo. This belief has led some in the transport
sector to argue that wildlife trafficking is a problem for cargo airlines to solve, and does not generally apply to
passenger airlines. C4ADS’ data suggests that this is not the case; trafficked wildlife was moved through air
freight – all air freight and cargo shipments – only 14% of the time. Luggage, or checked baggage, appears to be
Figure 38. Methods of transport for all trafficking instances in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database between January 2009 and August
Flying Under the Radar
by far the most prominent category, accounting for 44% of the trafficking instances catalogued in C4ADS’
Air Seizure Database. The next largest category, unknown, reflects the same lack of detail that plagues all
wildlife seizure data and analyses; transport method is unknown for 37% of seizures.
It is possible that our transport method results reflect the success of screening methods for each transport
method. For example, luggage seizures could be high as a result of comparatively effective screening methods
for luggage, and air freight seizures could be low due to comparatively ineffective screening procedures for air
Transport method is more frequently reported for reptile and bird trafficking instances than either ivory or
rhino horn. This could be a result of the strange ways traffickers of these species move their contraband (e.g.
in their underwear), or it could reflect increased public interest in the fate of live trafficked animals.
Common Modus Operandi
The various modus operandi addressed in this section include:
Obfuscation methods (tin or aluminum foil, paper, various agricultural products, etc.)
Prominence of repeat offenders
Abandoned or exchanged luggage
Use of multiple suitcases
Incorrect or incomplete customs declarations
Circuitous air transit routes
Use of shell or cover companies
Custom clothing
Use of ketamine and other drugs to sedate live animals
Other methods not covered in this section include:
Falsification of CITES permits
Collusion between customs officers and smugglers
Collusion between industry employees and smugglers
Some wildlife trafficking methods are consistently used across all four categories, and extend even to other
contraband, like narcotics. For example, tin or aluminum foil is believed to prevent X-ray scanners from
producing clear images, and as a result is used to obfuscate ivory, rhino horn, weapons, ammunition, etc.
Live birds have even been found wrapped in tin foil and stuffed inside suitcases. In one instance at Changi
Airport in Singapore, officials discovered three white-rumped shamas along with six melodious laughing
thrushes (CITES Appendix II) inside one mans suitcase.
The birds had been stuffed inside cylindrical
tubes, wrapped in aluminum foil, and stored inside black trash bags.
None of the birds survived.
Flying Under the Radar
Plastic wrap and tape are also frequently used, particularly for live animals like turtles, whose movement is
often restrained to prevent detection.
In 2013, Royal Thai Customs arrested a Thai man as he attempted to collect a suitcase containing 54
ploughshare tortoises and 21 radiated tortoises (both CITES Appendix I).
The bag was the property of a
woman who had flown from Madagascar to Bangkok through Nairobi, and was not the property of the Thai
man who collected it.
Further investigation revealed that the Thai suspect had previously been arrested
for wildlife trafficking.
This instance displays a number of the hallmarks of organized wildlife trafficking:
the reptiles were taped and hidden in checked luggage; the suitcase belonged to another individual, but was
abandoned at the destination by its owner for pickup by someone else; and the Thai man arrested was a repeat
Image 7. Ploughshare and radiated tortoises (both CITES Appendix I) discovered in a suitcase at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok,
Thailand. The tortoises were wrapped in tape to obstruct their movement. Source: P. Tansom/TRAFFIC
The sheer volume of air passengers and cargo that pass through large airports every day creates a substantial
enforcement challenge – the real world equivalent of finding a needle in a haystack. Faced with such a
task, customs and enforcement prioritize safety concerns, followed by technically ‘higher-level’ crimes, like
narcotics trafficking. Wildlife traffickers know they will not likely be targeted, and even if they are caught,
they may not be detained.
In one high profile ivory seizure in Zurich Airport in July 2015, three Chinese citizens were caught trafficking
262 kilograms of ivory, and one kilogram of lion products, in their luggage. The suspects were planning on
traveling from Tanzania, through Switzerland, to Beijing, China. The ivory had been wrapped in paper and
aluminum foil before being placed in suitcases. Zurich Airport Customs Chief Heinz Widmer told reporters,
“We started to search the passengers, and…we found in the system that three Chinese people are traveling
together and they have in total eight suitcases.
The unusually high number of suitcases led the officials to
detain the suspects “temporarily.
Each suspect was reportedly asked to pay a fine of $102,000, although
they were allegedly unable to pay such a high fine on the spot, and negotiated fines of “a lesser, undisclosed
Flying Under the Radar
amount of money” before their release later that day.
The three suspects were last reported to be safely
at home in China, despite the initiation of a criminal investigation into the incident in Tanzania.
Wildlife traffickers are frequently identified as repeat offenders. The following list chronicles only a few of
many trafficking instances involving repeat offenders:
In 2010, an airline passenger refused to open his bags as he went through security screening. The
Brazilian Federal Police were summoned and discovered 232 birds in his luggage. The suspect had
two previous wildlife offenses.
In 2013, 8.77 kilograms of ivory were discovered in Shenyang Xintai Airport in China. The suspect
involved in the case had traveled from Kenya through Seoul, South Korea. The suspect had smuggled
ivory from Kenya to China six times in one year at the time of his arrest.
A 2015 seizure of 200 Indian star tortoises (CITES Appendix II) resulted in two arrests. The suspects
identified one “Dinesh Jothimani” as the organizer of the trafficking attempt, making this the fourth
seizure linked to Jothimani.
Both the white-rumped shamas case and the Zurich ivory seizure case discussed above highlight two commonly
used trafficking methods: the abandonment of a suitcase somewhere along the chain by its original carrier,
and the use of multiple suitcases per person. The latter approach will be explored in more detail below in
regards to ivory trafficking.
Image 8. 232 saffron finches and double-collared seedeaters discovered in Brasilia Airport in 2010. The trafficker moving the
animals had two previous wildlife offenses. Source: Reprodução/Ibama
Searching for examples of abandoned or exchanged luggage will yield plentiful results, including:
Black pond turtles discovered in four suitcases abandoned by their owners on the way from India to
Bangkok in 2014.
Indian narrow-headed soft-shelled turtles (CITES Appendix I/II) found in a large bag abandoned in
Hazrat Shahjalal Airport in Bangladesh.
270 birds that had been packed in luggage and exchanged from one trafficker to the next in Eduardo
Gomes Airport in Sao Paulo in 2011.
Nine rhino horns discovered in a suitcase in Bangkok in 2014 after the trafficker purposefully left his
Flying Under the Radar
bag behind so that it would follow him as lost luggage.
110 kilograms of ivory packed in two suitcases and abandoned in Heathrow Airport when the
associated Vietnamese traffickers bought tickets back to Angola rather than continue on to their
Increased knowledge of this and other common trafficking methods can inform and direct customs,
enforcement, and private sector action in airports, particularly those with a substantial trafficking problem but
little visibility on the issue. Detailed seizure data can reveal shifting trafficking trends and methodologies as
traffickers become aware of heightened and targeted enforcement action in specific ports. In fact, past seizure
information, limited though it may be, clearly shows enforcement-driven changes in trafficking patterns.
In one 2015 seizure, the Indian Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) seized 72 black pond turtles from
two smugglers in Kempegowda Airport, India.
The suspects had taped the turtles’ legs together, covered
them in cardboard and pillow covers, and placed them in two suitcases.
Although the smugglers were
originally planning on moving the animals from Chennai to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, they were instructed
to use Kempegowda Airport instead of Chennai, since “security was heightened at the Chennai airport.
In other instances, networks have shifted from carrying contraband on their persons
to removing the
contraband and stowing it in their carry-on bags prior to security screenings in response to enforcement
Tracking these sorts of changes over time can help officials become as versatile as the traffickers
they work to stop.
Flying Under the Radar
Modus Operandi – Ivory
The above graph separates all of the ivory seizures within the C4ADS Air Seizure Database by transport
method. Although the press frequently reports the details of ivory seizures, 49% of the ivory seizures in the
Database did not have associated transport method information. By comparison, reptile and bird seizures
in the Database included transport method information for around 75% of instances. Of all the categories
reviewed in this report, ivory traffickers seemed to most heavily rely on air freight, although air freight
shipments still only represented 17% of the total ivory trafficking instances.
Because of ivory tusks’ large size, traffickers are rarely able to transport raw ivory in their carry-on baggage. In
addition, ivory’s high value allows traffickers to ship large ivory consignments by air freight, one of the most
expensive options for air transport. Air freight shipments, however, require a fair amount of documentation,
such as an air waybill, that list the shipper and consignees of the shipment, as well as the products shipped
and a number of other details. Ivory traffickers must therefore falsify the information included on air waybills
and any other required documentation to evade detection. Smugglers frequently declare ivory as bulk low-
value goods, such as ‘plastic scrap,’ technological parts and pieces, ‘decorative tiles,’ and a wide variety of
agricultural products, such as avocados and beans. In order to throw off trained sniffer dogs, traffickers often
package illicit goods with products like pepper, dried fish, or garlic.
Traffickers may also list nonexistent
or defunct companies as the shipper and consignee, including fake addresses and phone numbers, to ensure
that enforcement agencies will not be able to easily identify the true source and destination of a shipment in
case of a seizure.
Modus operandi utilized by ivory traffickers have included:
Aluminum or tin foil, paper, plastic, or cloth as obfuscation method
Figure 39. Methods of transport for ivory trafficking instances by air between January 2009 and August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
Abandonment or exchange of luggage
Additional luggage
Custom clothing
Shell or front companies
Circuitous transit routes
Missing, incomplete, or fraudulent customs documentation
Ivory is sometimes trafficked along with:
Rhino horn
Pangolin or pangolin scales
Lion teeth and/or claws
Leopard skins
Mammoth ivory
The following case studies describe a number of other common trafficking strategies, including the use of
custom-made clothing, continued use of the same transit routes, and fraudulent documentation. Compiling
detailed information on wildlife traffickers’ smuggling strategies provides customs and enforcement with
clear red-flag indicators that can help to target high-risk passengers and shipments, thereby improving
enforcement’s success rate.
Flying Under the Radar
Handmade Vests in Hong Kong
An ongoing trafficking trend in Hong Kong highlights smugglers’ repeated use of certain routes and
modus operandi. On August 7, 2015, Hong Kong Customs stopped one 18-year-old man arriving in
Hong Kong Airport from Harare Airport, Zimbabwe via Dubai Airport.
He was wearing a tailor-made
vest containing 15 kilograms of worked ivory at the time of his arrest.
A little over two weeks later, a
42-year-old man was arrested after arrival in Hong Kong Airport with 15 kilograms of worked ivory.
He had hidden the ivory in a tailor-made vest as well, but had stowed the vest in his hand baggage prior
to his arrest.
Although he also transited through Dubai Airport, he was traveling from Abuja, Nigeria
(likely Nnamdi Azikiwe Airport).
The seizures seemed to match another 15-kilogram seizure from July
of that year, although the suspect in that case originated in Lagos, rather than Abuja, and carried ivory in
his pants as well as a hand-made vest.
Since then, an additional eight individuals have been arrested under similar circumstances in Hong Kong
Airport prior to September 2016. Each instance generally matches the following description:
Transit route of Abuja, Nigeria or Harare, Zimbabwe*
to Dubai, UAE to Hong Kong
Tailor-made vest
About 15 kilograms of ivory per suspect
One or two vests per male suspect
The suspects have not been found wearing the vests since the incident on August 7th. Instead, the
vests are almost always discovered in their carry-on baggage. Ivory has also been found in the suspects’
underwear, pants, and backpacks. No other seizures using similar vests have been publicly reported in
Nigeria, Zimbabwe, or the United Arab Emirates. Although this report only focuses on events occurring
between 2009 and August 2016, it is worth noting that multiple seizures made in October 2016 suggest
that this trend is ongoing.
In this particular case, enforcement in Hong Kong have made multiple arrests, and yet the trend
continues, suggesting that Hong Kong authorities may be missing enough of these instances to warrant
the continued use of this strategy.
* One seizure made on April 17, 2016 matched the modus operandi of the other seizures, but originated
in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
Source: Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department
The first vest is similar to the vests used in the earlier seizures, while the second vest more closely resembles those used in later
seizures. Source: Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department
Image 12. Vest seized on November 7, 2015 in Hong Kong.Image 11. Vest seized on November 7, 2015 in Hong Kong.
Image 10. Vest seized on August 24, 2015.Image 9. Vest seized on August 7, 2015.
Flying Under the Radar
Fraudulent Documentation
Ivory consignments shipped in air freight generally share a number of the same characteristics; for
example, they are often declared as low-value bulk goods and destined for defunct or nonexistent
In July of 2012, Thai officials opened six crates declared as “handicrafts” as part of a routine search
and discovered 158 raw ivory tusks weighing 456 kilograms.
The ensuing investigation revealed that
the consignment had left Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo and transited through Jomo
Kenyatta Airport in Nairobi before reaching its destination in Bangkok.
The Kenya Wildlife Service
(KWS) and Suvarnabhumi Airport’s Cargo Clearing Customs Bureau reported that the consignee listed
on the shipment’s air waybill was one Johnson Controls Air Express in Thailand.
Transit information associated with the consignment’s air waybill number reveal that the ivory was
shipped on two Kenya Airways flights, KQ550 and KQ886, on July 12th. Soon after the seizure,
media outlets began reporting that “Johnson Controls Air Express” was not a real company.
documentation for the company does not appear to exist.
In another case in May 2011, Kenyan authorities discovered 1.4 tons of ivory abandoned at the “import
cargo section” of Jomo Kenyatta Airport, although the shipment was destined for export to Lagos,
The ivory had been packaged in metal boxes smeared with pepper.
Airport officials
revealed that paperwork associated with the consignment claimed that the boxes had originated in the
“Embassy of the Republic of Papua, New Guinea” and the “Embassy of Brunei” in Nairobi.
soon discovered that neither embassy existed in Nairobi, even though addresses had been listed on the
air waybill for both.
The shipment was destined for “Roadside Ventures Ltd.” in Nigeria,
but may
have been intended for Roadside Ventures (Express) Ltd., a freight forwarding and customs clearance
company based in Lagos. It is also possible that the name “Roadside Ventures” was used to distract from
the real destination of the shipment.
A little over a year later, sniffer dogs at Jomo Kenyatta Airport discovered a 745-kilogram shipment of
According to reports, the shipment had been declared as ‘motor vehicle spare parts,’ was packed
in crates, sprayed with pepper, and covered with aluminum foil.
The shipment was also destined for
Lagos, Nigeria,
although enforcement did not publicly release more detailed information.
Image 14. Air waybill information for the July 2012 air freight shipment. Source:
Image 13. Officials open one of the six boxes involved in the seizure. The box reads, “Republic of South Africa.
Flying Under the Radar
Modus Operandi – Rhino Horn
Figure 40 divides the rhino horn seizures within the C4ADS Air Seizure Database by transport method, and
reveals that the modus operandi of rhino horn traffickers most closely matches that of ivory traffickers. Like
ivory, unknown trafficking methods account for around half of rhino horn trafficking instances. Luggage and
air freight appear to be the most common ways that both rhino horn and ivory are moved, although luggage
is 5% more common for rhino horn seizures within the Database. There is one striking difference, however;
according to our data, rhino horn is rarely smuggled on a persons body or in their carry-on luggage, likely
due to their unwieldy size and shape. Note that it is possible that traffickers are also moving rhino horn
powder through airport security in their carry-on baggage, although it seems that if this is the case, they are
not getting caught.
Modus operandi utilized by rhino horn traffickers have included:
Aluminum or tin foil, paper, plastic, or cloth as obfuscation method
Abandonment or exchange of luggage
Additional luggage
Shell or front companies
Circuitous transit route
Missing, incomplete, or fraudulent customs documentation
Figure 40. Methods of transport for rhino horn trafficking instances by air between January 2009 and August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
Rhino horn is sometimes trafficked along with:
Pangolin or pangolin scales
Lion teeth and/or claws
Leopard skins
Mammoth ivory
Unlike live animal traffickers, who benefit most from direct flights, rhino horn traffickers have been known
to send or take their contraband on circuitous routes through airports they suspect will not be on the lookout
for rhino horn. For instance, one Vietnamese individual carrying eight black rhino horns flew from Maputo,
Mozambique to Vietnam via Entebbe Airport, Uganda; Dubai Airport, UAE; Changi Airport, Singapore;
and Laos.
He was finally stopped in Singapore with 21.5 kilograms of rhino horn in his checked baggage,
and eventually sentenced to 15 months in prison.
Rhino horn traffickers are also able to exploit legal loopholes for the import and export of taxidermy to
smuggle rhino horn. Poachers and traffickers in the well-known Xaysavang Network, for instance, would
take horns from poached rhinos to taxidermists to have them mounted as hunting trophies so that they
could be exported. A former member of the network allegedly told South African police, “The trophy is just
a cover for getting the horn out of South Africa and into Asia. Once in Asia, it obviously would enter the
black market as rhino horn for ‘medicinal purposes.
Flying Under the Radar
Indirect Transit Route and ‘Lost’ Luggage
Traffickers often go to great lengths to separate themselves from their illegal cargo, even when they pack
their contraband in their own suitcases.
In one case from January 2014, customs officials at Bangkoks Suvarnabhumi Airport seized nine rhino
horns weighing 21.8 kilograms from a lost suitcase.
After investigation, the officials discovered
that a Vietnamese national had purposefully left the suitcase behind so that it would follow him as
lost luggage. The horns were in transit from Nairobi to Hanoi at the time of their seizure, and had
reportedly passed through at least one other airport prior to arrival in Nairobi.
South African Taxidermy
Other South African trafficking networks have utilized, and likely continue to utilize, taxidermists to
ensure the safe passage of rhino horn and other products. In one instance in December of 2015, the
South African Revenue Service (SARS) discovered two horns weighing over 10 kilograms at OR Tambo
Airport in Johannesburg.
According to a SARS press release, “Customs officials found the horn
in a shipment of taxidermy that had been profiled for examination at a well-known cargo forwarding
SARS reported that the cargo forwarding company then contacted the owner of the shipment to request
the required export documentation for the rhino horns, but did not received a response within the
necessary timeframe.
The horns were confiscated as a result.
Trafficking networks have also been known to use this same method to transport ivory from Southern
Africa to Asia,
as well as wildlife products from Africa to the US.
Image 15. Nine rhino horns discovered in the “lost” suitcase. © Royal Thai Customs
Flying Under the Radar
Modus Operandi – Reptiles
The above graph demonstrates the different transport methods used for all of the reptile seizures contained
within the C4ADS Air Seizure Database. According to Figure 41, reptile traffickers appear to rely on luggage
far more than any other method. Numbers of air freight shipments and passenger trafficking instances more
closely resemble the transport breakdown for ivory (17% and 4% respectively). Close to a quarter of reptile
seizures contained within the Database lack transport method information entirely. Despite these unknowns,
the reptile dataset is the most complete of the four categories covered in this report, with a total of 77% of
reptile seizures’ transport methods accounted for (compared to 51%, 46%, and 74% for ivory, rhino horn,
and birds respectively).
Luggage appears to be the preferred method of reptile traffickers for a variety of reasons. Most turtle species
can be easily packaged by the dozens in a standard suitcase. Hardier than birds, some turtle and other reptile
species can go without food or water for up to ten days, and therefore give smugglers more flexibility to choose
the most advantageous trafficking method available. These species’ durability allows traffickers to travel with
their contraband to their destination; abandon their luggage at some point along the transit route; send the
animals along a more circuitous transit route than usually used for live animals; or leave their suitcase for an
extended period of time in an airport’s baggage claim, with the knowledge that they can either retrieve the
suitcase later or hope the airline will transport the luggage directly to the traffickers declared address.
Modus operandi utilized by reptile traffickers have included:
Tape, plastic, or cloth as obfuscation method
Abandonment or exchange of luggage
Figure 41. Methods of transport for reptile trafficking instances by air between January 2009 and August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
Additional luggage
Missing, incomplete, or fraudulent customs documentation
Fraudulent paperwork claiming the animals are captive-bred
Use of sedatives to inhibit animals’ movements
Reptiles are sometimes trafficked along with:
To ensure the safe passage of their illicit cargo, traffickers frequently tape the animals or wrap them in
plastic to restrict their movement. In one instance in May 2016, 60 Egyptian cobras were discovered in two
polystyrene boxes in Cairo Airport. An official detected suspicious movements within the boxes during an
X-ray. The snakes were discovered packed in ice to limit their movements, and with their mouths sewn shut
with surgical thread, presumably to protect the traffickers and prevent the snakes from biting each other or
hissing during transit.
Image 16. Six of the cobras seized in Cairo in May 2016 with their mouths sewn shut. Source: IFAW
In other recent cases, reptile traffickers appear to be increasingly relying on prescription and veterinary drugs
to keep their contraband subdued during their journey. During a two-day workshop held by WWF-Pakistan,
Syed Mahmood Nasir, the Pakistani Inspector General of Forests in the Ministry of Climate Change, noted
the importance of tracking smugglers’ shifting strategies to effectively tackle the wildlife trade, and cited a
Flying Under the Radar
recent seizure of 144 anesthetized black pond turtles in Lahore Airport as evidence of a change in trafficking
A case from April 2014 displayed a number of the hallmarks of this apparent trend in South
Asia – an airline employee found “what they thought to be mangoes” packed tightly in the check-in baggage
of Abdul Harish, who was on his way from Trivandrum Airport, India to Bangkok through Colombo, Sri
Customs officials detained Harish when they found him to be “extremely edgy” during customs
Officials eventually discovered 460 Indian star tortoise hatchlings (CITES Appendix II)
crammed in Harishs suitcase. The turtles had been “drugged and immobilized after being dipped in a
sleeping pill solution.
Local news outlets later reported that Harish was already listed as a ‘sensitive
traveler by the Immigration Department at the time of the seizure.
Image 17. Some of the Indian star tortoise hatchlings discovered in the luggage of Abdul Harish. Soure: The Hindu
Many other reptile trafficking incidents, particularly in the South Asian region, display similarities to the
Trivandrum seizure: the animals are tightly packaged in check-in luggage, drugged to restrain their movement,
and moved by a criminal suspect, if not a repeat offender. In some cases, seasoned drug mules have even been
used to move reptiles instead of, or packaged with, their usual narcotics.
Some recent seizures suggest
that Ketamine, a veterinary drug popular for its hallucinogenic tranquilizing properties as well as the “most
commonly used drug in wildlife immobilization,
clxxxviii clxxxix
may be increasingly used by wildlife traffickers to
sedate reptiles and other animals (see Shifting Transit Routes, Narcotics, and Reptiles).
Flying Under the Radar
Repeat Offenders
The low penalties and comparatively limited attention paid to wildlife trafficking crimes allow wildlife
traffickers to continue their operations more or less unimpeded, despite past wildlife smuggling offenses.
In the fall of 2010, Malaysian officials in Kuala Lumpur Airport discovered 95 boa constrictors, two
rhinoceros vipers, and a matamata turtle in the luggage of a man named Wong Keng Liang (Anson
Wong) after his suitcase broke open on a luggage conveyor belt.
He was only charged with smuggling
the boa constrictors, as the other species were not endangered.
A full decade previously, Wong, or the “Lizard King”, had been at the center of an animal-smuggling ring
that had reportedly trafficked and sold over 300 protected Asian and African reptiles.
After a five-
year investigation involving authorities in five countries, US agents eventually arrested him in Mexico
City Airport in 1998.
In 2001, he was sentenced to 71 months in jail, a $60,000 fine, and a three-
year ban from selling animals in the US, even though he had pled guilty to crimes carrying maximum
penalties of 250 years in prison and a $12.5-million fine.
After his 2010 arrest, Wong was sentenced to five years in jail for smuggling the endangered boas, but
was released in February 2012 after serving only 17 months.
In 2015, a documentary by journalist
Steve Chao revealed that Wong continues to trade endangered reptile species, including endangered
ploughshare tortoises from Madagascar, out of Penang, Malaysia.
Image 18: Anson Wong
Flying Under the Radar
Lizards & Germany
While India and its surrounding nations remain the epicenter of turtle and tortoise trafficking, Germany
is a prominent destination for illegally trafficked lizards. A 2015 article by The Guardian focused on a
large reptile trade fair in Hamm, Germany and highlighted just how lucrative the illicit reptile trade
had become there.
The article pointed to one large loophole: “...while collecting species in the wild
and exporting them is illegal in their countries of origin, they may be freely bought and sold in Europe
without a crime being committed – and no extradition treaties apply.
This loophole would be in
prominent display at fairs like the one The Guardian covered, except for one convenient policy – the
organizers ban photography.
One trader in particular at the Hamm fair has been linked to reptile trafficking. On September 9th,
2014, Costa Rican officials at the Juan Santamaría International Airport noticed Maciej Oskroba
behaving suspiciously” and “repeatedly adjusting his bag.
A search of his luggage revealed “184
frogs, 42 lizards, nine snakes and 203 tadpoles – all in plastic food containers stuffed with leaves.
According to media reports, Oskroba was taking the animals to Dusseldorf, Germany through Panama.
Despite facing a potential fine of “40 times a monthly salary” or three years in prison, Oskroba was
deported from Costa Rica about a week later.
A Facebook page for a ‘Maciej Oskroba’ lists information for a website, The
website contains contact information for Oskroba, as well as a list of reptiles apparently for sale. One
page on the site states, in German, “Please use the contact function listed below to inquire about the
species listed.” The website mentions such species as the Abronia graminea, or the terrestrial arboreal
alligator lizard, which is given ‘Special Protection’ under Mexican law, and the Varanus prasinus, or
emerald monitor lizard, which is listed on CITES Appendix II and is protected in its home territory of
Indonesian New Guinea. The site also lists the Varanus acanthurus, or northern blunt-spined monitor
lizard, which is illegal to export from Australia, the only place where it lives in the wild.
Image 20. An image of snakes in their containers posted by RARE-HERPS is similar to an image of reptiles trafficked by
Oskroba in 2014. Source: Facebook.
Image 19. The animals seized from Maciej Oskroba on September 9, 2014. Source: Costa Rican Public Security Ministry.
Flying Under the Radar
One photo posted on RARE-HERPS’s Facebook page showcases a stack of approved CITES permits
alongside the comment, “A lot of nice animals can finally move to Japan and the United Staates [sic].
Cites approved. NonCites will complete the shipments.
Another post on the page mentions RARE-HERPS’s reliance on flights. The accompanying photo
depicts a cargo parcel on the ground in front of Lufthansa Cargo – the photo itself is tagged to Lufthansa
Animal Lounge. The comment on the photo seems to reveal the destinations of and species included in
the company’s most recent air shipments, and mentions the arrival of new inventory.
After the Costa Rican seizure in 2014, Edwin Retana, a prosecutor with the Alajuela Flagrancy Court,
told the Tico Times, “These cases are very rare. But most similar cases would turn out exactly the same
Rafael Gutiérrez, an official with Costa Rica’s National Parks Service, added, “We dont see it
that often. But then again, maybe people just dont get caught.
Image 22. A package waits outside of Lufthansa Cargo’s Animal Lounge. Source: Facebook.
Image 21. A stack of CITES permits posted to RARE-HERPS’s Facebook page. Source: Facebook
Flying Under the Radar
Modus Operandi — Birds
Figure 42 displays the different transport methods used by bird traffickers, according to C4ADS Air Seizure
Database. Figure 48 reveals that birds are found hidden on a trafficker’s person or in a traffickers carry-on
luggage 15% of the time, compared to 4%, 0%, and 4% for the other categories. Bird traffickers are the least
likely to use air freight, with only 10% of trafficking instances utilizing this option. Luggage remains by far
the most common trafficking method. The bird data was the second most complete category of the four, with
74% of seizures’ transport methods reported, compared to 77% for reptiles.
Bird traffickers’ reliance on carry-on luggage and clothing is likely due to the delicate nature of most bird
species. Unlike some reptiles, birds will not survive if left tightly packed in a suitcase for days at a time. They
also tend to be more susceptible to changes in temperature, so it may be comparatively less risky for a trafficker
to carry birds with them into the climate-controlled cabin of a plane than to leave them unsupervised in the
luggage compartment.
Modus operandi utilized by bird traffickers have included:
Cloth, hair curlers, plastic bottles, or tape to prevent movement and/or noise
Custom-made clothing
Abandonment or exchange of luggage
Missing, incomplete, or fraudulent customs or health documentation
Fraudulent paperwork claiming the animals are captive-bred
Use of sedatives to inhibit animals’ movements
Figure 42. Methods of transport for bird trafficking instances by air between January 2009 and August 2016
Flying Under the Radar
Birds are sometimes trafficked along with:
Transport methods for birds are otherwise fairly similar to those for reptiles. When traffickers choose to
transport birds by checked baggage, they, like reptile traffickers, attempt to prevent the animals from moving
or making noise. One trafficker attempting to move 66 birds through Ignacio Agramonte Airport, Cuba to
the United States attempted to keep the birds quiet by sealing their beaks shut.
Customs officials stopped
him after noticing suspicious bulges in his pants.
A number of bird seizures have directly resulted from
traffickers failing to keep their contraband still and quiet. In one 2012 case, 35 birds were discovered in a
suitcase after airport security heard noise emanating from the bag and could see it moving slightly.
Some smugglers resort to riskier means to try to keep the birds quiet. In one seizure made in Malta Airport
in November 2009, a Libyan man was found with 200 sedated canaries in his jacket and bag on his way to
According to Mario Spiteri, the Animal Welfare Department Director for Malta, “They were
sedated with what smelt like lighter liquid” and a number of the birds had already died.
A spokesman
for Malta Airport reportedly told the press that airport security and enforcement officials were discovering
similar cases about twice a week.
Image 23. Some of the canaries discovered in Malta Airport in 2009. Source: Times of Malta
Illegal bird trafficking presents an unusual danger to officials and industry personnel compared to ivory, rhino
horn, and reptile smuggling. Trafficked birds generally do not go through the required health screenings and
precautions necessary for legal bird shipments.
Flying Under the Radar
The H5N1 Virus
Despite the danger involved in smuggling potentially ill birds, trafficking incidents involving the H5N1
virus and other illnesses seem fairly common.
In July of 2012, Taiwanese authorities seized 38 pet birds that had been smuggled into the country from
southern China.
The animals tested positive for the fatal H5N1 bird flu virus.
The birds were
discovered in Taoyuan Airport in the carry-on luggage of a trafficker who claimed he had bought the
birds in Guangzhou, China on his way back from Macau.
According to the Deputy Director-General
of the Taiwanese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Chou Jih-haw, “This marks the
third time the virus has been detected at the country’s borders.
After the seizure, all 38 birds were
destroyed, and the smuggler and eight other people were monitored for signs of the disease.
About a year later, 60 parrots and birds-of-paradise (CITES Appendix II) were discovered by sniffer dogs
in Vienna Airport, Austria.
Over half of the birds had died in transit, and one tested positive for
the H5N1 avian flu virus, a disease with a mortality rate of 60% amongst humans.
39 of the birds
were dead at the time of the seizure, and the 21 surviving birds were put down as a precaution.
traffickers involved in the case, both from the Czech Republic, were set free to await trial.
The frequency of these cases suggests that the judicial penalties for trafficking sick birds, even combined
with the risk of serious illness, are not sufficient to deter bird traffickers.
Flying Under the Radar
Custom-made Clothing
Custom-made clothing seizures are fairly common – birds have been discovered in passengers’ altered
tights and leggings in Australia and the US, a specially made vest in Australia, socks in the United
Kingdom, in socks taped to a passengers arms and legs in the US, etc.
Many of the
suspects caught using custom-made clothing to smuggle birds have been repeat offenders. In one instance
on May 9, 2010, customs officials in Cayenne Airport, French Guiana, stopped a Dutch tourist passing
through security with a strange mass at his waist.
Upon further inspection, officials found a specially
made pocket sewed into the suspect’s pants that was designed to carry 16 hummingbirds.
The birds had been wrapped tightly in cloth, taped, and inserted into separate pockets.
He was sentenced to six months in prison, five suspended sentences, and a criminal fine of €6,000.
Officials later discovered that the suspect had been arrested in 2008 while carrying 53 hummingbirds.
Image 24. The custom-made pouch discovered sewed into a traffickers pants. Source: Carina Francuske Guyana.
Image 25. Some of the birds retrieved from the suspect’s pants. Source: Carina Francuske Guyana.
Flying Under the Radar
Wildlife trafficking is a global problem that takes advantage of enforcement loopholes, lack of awareness,
limited public and private sector coordination, capacity gaps, and lagging technology and procedures to move
illicit products through the licit transportation system. As international travel continues to exponentially
increase, particularly in the air transport sector, enforcement and the private sector should make immediate
changes to better stem the international flow of illicit wildlife. Without such changes, wildlife traffickers
will continue to find the illegal wildlife trade a profitable, comparatively easy, and low-risk enterprise, at
substantial detriment to ecosystems, economies, and global security.
In Flying Under the Radar, we find that ivory, rhino horn, reptile, and bird traffickers seem to frequently use
large hub airports, and often exploit the same vulnerabilities within the air transport sector. Given the diverse
trafficking methods used by ivory, rhino horn, reptile, and bird traffickers, we are prevented from making
further general conclusions about wildlife trafficking by air. Instead, we provide brief overviews of our main
findings for each category below.
Trend s
Between January 2009 and August 2016, ivory seizure numbers seemed to substantially increase. To a large
extent, this growth is likely reflecting a corresponding increase in reporting on and interest in ivory seizures
all over the world. It is unclear to what degree the increase indicates an increase in enforcement effectiveness
and attention to ivory trafficking, although this likely had an impact as well.
Over the same period, the number of large-scale ivory seizures made each year more or less remained the
same, while medium-scale ivory seizures increased slightly.
The ivory trafficking routes within the C4ADS Air Seizure Database reflect a clear Africa to Asia flow; ivory
seems to be funneled through hub airports in East Africa and the Middle East prior to arrival at large Asian
airports. In some instances, European hubs are used by ivory traffickers as alternate transit points. Although
many enforcement agencies are prevented from screening passengers and shipments in transit, to the extent
possible, targeting hubs in transit regions will help to stem the flow of ivory through airports.
Modus Operandi
We find that ivory is most often moved in checked luggage, followed by air freight. Ivory traffickers also seem
to use specific trafficking methods repeatedly over time. Keeping track of known methods may therefore
increase enforcement’s ability to interdict illicit ivory.
Rhino Horn
Trend s
There are far fewer rhino horn seizures in the Database than any other category covered in this report, and
as a result, a small change in rhino horn seizure numbers can appear large. Still, overall rhino horn seizure
Flying Under the Radar
numbers have remained fairly steady around an average of 11 seizures per year.
Rhino horn routes follow the flow of ivory from Africa to Asia using transit hubs in East Africa, the Middle
East, and occasionally Europe. While their paths are similar, rhino horn trafficking routes are far more
concentrated in a few significant countries. For instance, southern Africa plays a large role as the origin of
most rhino horn shipments, and China and Vietnam are by far the largest destinations in the Database.
Modus Operandi
Rhino horn is often smuggled along with ivory, and is generally moved in checked luggage or in air freight.
Like ivory, around half of the rhino horn seizures within the Database do not have associated transport
method information. Out of all the categories covered in this report, rhino horn is least likely to be carried
onto a flight in a passengers carry-on bag.
Trend s
According to the C4ADS Air Seizure Database, reptile seizures have increased overall since 2009. This
increase is at least partially a reflection of increased attention, reporting, and enforcement efforts.
The reptile heat map reveals that reptile smuggling is a far more global issue than either ivory or rhino
horn trafficking. Asia, particularly South Asia, appears as the most prominent reptile trafficking region in
the world, likely due to the turtle trade between India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and other Southeast Asian
The reptile routes map reflects the findings of the heat map, and further demonstrates the geographic
diversity of reptile trafficking. Flights carrying trafficked reptiles have passed through Asia, Africa, the
Middle East, Europe, and the Americas, although South Asia again dominates. Unlike with ivory and rhino
horn trafficking, North and Central America appear fairly prominent as well.
Modus Operandi
Transport method information indicates that reptiles are far more likely to be moved in checked luggage than
by air freight or with passengers. Of all the categories covered in this report, the reptiles category seemed to
converge most with narcotics smuggling through airports.
Trend s
The number of bird seizures within the C4ADS Air Seizure Database has remained relatively constant over
time, although seizures did seem to spike in 2012.
The birds heat map shows bird trafficking to be a global issue, with the Americas counting the most bird
trafficking instances overall. The UAE, Russia, Pakistan, and Indonesia are also prominent.
Flying Under the Radar
While the bird routes map reflects the international nature of bird trafficking, flights seem to be concentrated
around the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. One particularly common flight appears between South
America and New York in the United States. Bird trafficking in Africa and Asia appears to be comparatively
Modus Operandi
While birds seem to be primarily smuggled in checked baggage according to the Database, birds are also
comparatively more likely to be hidden in the clothes of a trafficker than ivory, rhino horn, or reptiles. Birds
often die in transit, and trafficked birds have been found on a number of occasions to be suffering from
infections or diseases, including H5N1, that can be passed on to humans.
Flying Under the Radar
Given the truly global nature of wildlife trafficking, and therefore the number of regions that we found to
be impacted by it, we have refrained from producing regional recommendations. Instead, we chose to take a
wider approach, in an effort to produce broadly applicable recommendations that, if implemented, could have
a large impact on global wildlife trafficking by air. Our recommendations are grouped below by topic, and
are meant to be applicable to enforcement, industry, intergovernmental organizations, and nongovernmental
To expand and improve future analyses, we recommend that the appropriate stakeholders make available
more detailed public seizure reports, and begin to include transport sector information (air, maritime, land) in
existing databases. While public reporting processes are perhaps challenging at first to implement, improved
seizure data would allow C4ADS and other organizations to provide better and more helpful support to
enforcement and industry alike. We acknowledge that not all seizure information can be made available
given security and other concerns, but any increase in the amount of publicly available seizure data would be
beneficial to the sector as a whole.
In addition, many of the security vulnerabilities and modus operandi identified in our report are utilized by
more than just wildlife traffickers. Our broadly applicable recommendations could therefore be applied to
other crime types as well.
For agencies and organizations interested in taking a more proactive approach to combatting wildlife trafficking,
we have included examples, possible paths forward, and organizations to contact whenever possible.
implementation of many of our recommendations can also be supported by the Reducing Opportunities
for Unlawful Transport of Endangered Species (ROUTES) Partnership and United for Wildlife. ROUTES
provides data and analysis, training, support, and awareness materials to interested industry and government
agencies in an effort to reduce wildlife trafficking through the legal transport sector. United for Wildlife, a
partnership of seven conservation organizations and The Royal Foundation, spearheaded the Buckingham
Palace Declaration, an agreement committing signatories to “take real steps to shut down the routes exploited
by traffickers of the illegal wildlife trade…
Current signatories include airlines, shipping companies,
conservation organizations, and trade organizations.
We recommend the following steps be taken to improve enforcement success rates and reduce wildlife
trafficking by air.
1. Increased awareness among air passengers, airline and airport employees, and enforcement
Increased awareness of the issue of wildlife trafficking through the air transport sector amongst all affected
parties will lead to more seizures of illegal wildlife and wildlife products.
Informed passengers will be
more likely to report suspicious activity to airline and airport personnel, and airport staff and enforcement
will be more likely to recognize illegal consignments and suspicious behavior.
A number of airports have already implemented measures designed to heighten passenger awareness of
wildlife trafficking. Jomo Kenyatta Airport, for example, clearly displays signs around the entrance to the
airport declaring certain wildlife products as banned goods. A conspicuously placed display case in Keflavik
Flying Under the Radar
Airport in Iceland showcases illegal wildlife products seized at the airport, including brief information in
English and Icelandic on CITES permitting and the dangers of the illegal wildlife trade.
Wildlife trafficking awareness training and materials can be tailored and delivered to customs, enforcement,
and the appropriate personnel by government agencies such as the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS);
nongovernmental organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), TRAFFIC, and Freeland; trade
associations like the International Air Transport Association (IATA); and broader partnerships like ROUTES
and United for Wildlife.
2. The adoption or creation of a pamphlet or tool tailored to each country to help customs and
enforcement identify restricted species commonly trafficked through their territory.
One barrier to increased wildlife seizures is the inability of customs officials to determine which wildlife
products or species are in fact banned or protected.
A number of nonprofits have already begun to address this issue, including:
Freeland, a nonprofit dedicated to tackling wildlife trafficking and human slavery, released a mobile
phone application in 2016 to assist law enforcement agencies in the identification and handling of
trafficked species.
WildScan can be downloaded for free on Apple and Android devices, and is
currently available in English, Khmer, Bahasa Indonesian, Thai, and Vietnamese.
Tikki Hywood Trust, a Zimbabwean nonprofit dedicated to conservation, education, and legislation,
has developed a handbook to assist all relevant enforcement stakeholders in assessing and docketing
identified wildlife crimes appropriately.
This approach could be repurposed to include information
on the identification of species relevant to particular jurisdictions.
3. Further training on red flag indicators associated with wildlife traffickers and shipments.
Law enforcement, as well as airline and airport staff, benefit from periodic trainings on the identification
of illegal activity. While suspicious behavior exhibited by traffickers can be easy to identify, documentation
associated with a shipment is not always obviously fraudulent. Additional training tailored to the detection
of high-risk air freight consignments in particular will assist customs officials in more accurately identifying
illicit shipments.
Common red flags for passenger behavior include anxious behavior and bulging clothing. Common red
flags for air waybills include inconsistent weights, shipments of low-value bulk goods, partial or non-existent
shipper or consignee information, an unusually low estimated price given the declared products being
shipped, inconsistent information (e.g. used tire products being shipped to ‘ABC Furniture Company’), etc.
Screening trainings can be provided by organizations like the World Customs Organization (WCO), which
provides training modules on countering illicit wildlife trafficking through its Aircop project, which aims
to train customs and other law enforcement officers in the air domain. Other customs and enforcement
agencies like the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and US Customs and Border Protection
(CBP) have provided similar training programs in the past.
4. Create and provide training for airline staff on how to safely handle trafficked live or dead animals
after discovery.
Flying Under the Radar
To ensure the safety of airline personnel and passengers, as well as the animals themselves, protocols should
be developed to help airline employees handle animals immediately after discovery. In particular, staff should
be trained to deal with wildlife that gets loose or is discovered in flight, as well as how to deal with dead
animals without creating a health risk for employees or passengers.
5. Incorporate training on wildlife protocols into existing training programs.
To reduce the amount of additional time that separate trainings tailored to wildlife might entail, training on
the above and below protocols should be incorporated into existing training programs whenever possible.
6. Develop clear escalation procedures upon discovery of potential illegal activity.
Developing and disseminating clear escalation procedures for relevant enforcement officials and security
personnel to report or deal with identified or suspected illegal activity will help to ensure that trafficking
instances are promptly addressed. In addition, all relevant airport and airline staff should be made aware of
ways that they can report suspicious activity to the relevant authorities. Finally, the creation of a public tip
hotline for airports will increase the chances that officials will be able to intercept and stop illegal wildlife
trafficking instances. Note that creating a system that allows informants to remain anonymous will likely help
encourage reporting on suspected trafficking instances.
In the case of human trafficking, a number of organizations have developed pamphlets for airline passengers
and airport personnel to assist in the identification of potentially trafficked individuals, complete with risk
indicators or ‘Signs to Look Out For,’ first response protocols, and next step protocols. See Appendix VI for
a Human Trafficking Assessment Tool for Airlines & Airports by Human Trafficking Hotline that could be used as
a basis for a Wildlife Trafficking Assessment Tool.
7. Develop post-seizure procedures to safely and securely store wildlife products or ensure the proper
care of trafficked live animals.
In some locations, customs officials are reluctant to stop illegal wildlife traffickers or shipments due to non-
existent post-seizure procedures, such as a secure warehouse to store seized ivory.
In other cases, customs
officials may seize illegal wildlife and store it according to existing procedures, only for the product or animals
to be trafficked back into the illegal wildlife trade.
ccxlv ccxlvi
Where post-seizure procedures do not exist, customs should work to build a comprehensive post-seizure
process and disseminate it to all relevant employees. Illegal wildlife products should be stored in a secured
warehouse or similar location, with multiple checks in place to prevent seized products leaking back into the
illegal market. In Kenya, for example, seized ivory is stored in two vaults behind steel doors with multiple
locks, defended by armed guards.
For live animals, a suitable wild animal veterinary practice, zoo, or safari park must be identified. An
appropriate destination will be specially equipped to care for and rehabilitate wild animals, and will have
sufficient capacity to receive dozens of animals at once. Any selected practice must be carefully vetted to
ensure the security of the animals in their care. CITES provides guidelines to assist countries in identifying
the proper course of action (reintroduction to natural habitat, captivity, or euthanasia) for seized animals,
depending on conservation status and health needs.
Flying Under the Radar
8. Dedicate additional resources to combatting the illegal wildlife trade in common hub airports
exploited by wildlife traffickers.
Additional resources and attention should be committed to addressing wildlife trafficking in hub airports,
particularly in Europe, East and Southern Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
As enforcement targets wildlife trafficking through hub airports in these regions, traffickers will naturally
shift their operations away from those hubs to hubs in new locations or to smaller regional airports. As a
result, it will be necessary to monitor seizure evidence of shifting trafficking patterns so that enforcement
efforts can shift to match.
9. Develop or enhance security procedures for transit flights.
Most enforcement officials currently have limited ability to screen passengers and shipments for illicit goods
in transit, putting the burden of detection entirely on origin and destination locations. If screening for illicit
goods could be increased in transit, enforcement officials would have an additional opportunity to stop illegal
wildlife trafficking.
This is, of course, only possible in certain circumstances. For example, when passengers and shipments have
extremely short layovers, adding another layer of complication is not feasible. In instances where a flight
lands to offload some passengers and re-fuel before flying to another destination, many passengers and their
luggage will not even exit the plane, and therefore cannot be screened. Note that it is possible that traffickers
are aware of this and take advantage of these types of flight schedules when planning their route.
enforcement will likely not be able to remove these vulnerabilities entirely, it will be necessary to develop more
creative procedures to stop illicit trafficking activity under these circumstances. For example, implementing
customs screening for departing passengers, baggage, and cargo will likely have a significant impact on the
operations of illegal wildlife traffickers, and will reduce the risk that transiting passengers and shipments are
carrying illegal wildlife or wildlife products.
10. Develop and maintain a comprehensive internal database of entities previously involved in wildlife
Our findings highlight the prevalence of repeat offenders involved in wildlife trafficking. To counter this
threat more effectively, enforcement should take note of individuals and companies that have previously
been involved in wildlife seizures in their jurisdictions through the creation of a comprehensive database of
entities, or through the addition of wildlife offenders to existing databases.
A useful database would be computer-based, managed by one designated individual or agency, and continuously
updated with detailed information on relevant entities. For an individual, necessary information would
include: name, age, a photo (or physical characteristics), passport information, and detailed information on
past seizures. For a company, the following categories would be relevant: name, phone numbers, addresses,
point of contact, and detailed information on past seizures. The seizure entities database would ideally be
either a part of, or linked to, the database used for seizure information (See Recommendation 13). In the
absence of sophisticated technology like Palantir or i2, a simplistic way to store such information would be in
an encrypted Excel file.
11. Develop a system to test wildlife seizure protocols.
After the implementation of updated or new customs and enforcement seizure protocols for wildlife, officials
should attempt to assess the effectiveness of their new seizure procedures. Covert testing is the most reliable
Flying Under the Radar
way to determine enforcement success rates, as most other methods must estimate the amount of unidentified
trafficking activity.
Effective testing should be convincing, varied, and occur on multiple occasions to track changes in enforcement
success over time. Results and findings should be presented in de-briefs to leadership and relevant officials.
The US TSA conducts covert testing of security systems within the US and abroad using trained ‘Red Teams
from the Department of Homeland Security. Red Team members generally carry fake improvised bombs and
attempt to successfully pass through airport security.
This strategy could be altered slightly to test airport
screening protocols for the detection of illicit contraband, including illegal wildlife.
Seizure Reporting
12. Develop a reporting mechanism for seizures.
After a seizure has taken place, reporting mechanisms should exist to ensure that seizure information is
preserved, consolidated, and delivered to the appropriate agency for inclusion in a seizure database.
Consolidated seizure information provides customs and enforcement officials with a way to track their own
success rate, as well as monitor shifting trafficking patterns and modus operandi over time.
A successful mechanism will be relatively simple and easy to understand, and will be accompanied by training
of customs and enforcement officials on reporting protocols. The more detailed seizure information is, the
more can be done with it; given time and capability constraints, however, consistently compiling and storing
detailed seizure information may not always be feasible; see Appendix VII for a seizure reporting template
containing the baseline of information that should be collected and stored after seizures. The inclusion
of routes information (origin, transit, and destination locations) for each seizure would go a long way to
fixing many of the problems with seizure data highlighted in this report. Note that other organizations like
the WCO have created more detailed seizure reporting templates (See Appendix VII). All collected seizure
information should be stored in one centralized database (see Recommendation 13 below).
13. Store collected seizure information in one centralized database in each country.
In some countries, seizure information is held only by the agency that made the actual seizure, and is not
shared amongst the relevant customs and enforcement agencies within the country.
In these and other
cases, seizure information is often stored in hard copy, preventing easy dissemination or storage of the seizure
Similar to Recommendation 10 above, a useful database would be computer-based, ideally managed by one
designated agency, and continuously updated with detailed information on relevant entities. In the absence
of sophisticated technology like Palantir or i2, a simplistic way to store such information would be in an
encrypted Excel file. Regardless of the database manager, all relevant enforcement agencies would have access
to the database.
Once a database is designed and put to use, officials will be able to easily organize and partition information
for CITES reporting and for other purposes. For example, if an official would like to identify past seizures
using a specific type of obfuscation method, they should be able to search for the method in question and
quickly compile a list of relevant seizures. Maintaining detailed seizure records will assist in the prevention of
trafficking instances involving repeat offenders or common modus operandi.
Flying Under the Radar
14. Publicly release non-sensitive seizure information.
Once a seizure reporting mechanism is developed and implemented, and after the establishment of a
centralized database for seizure information, seizure details should be released to the public to whatever
extent possible, preferably in the form of press releases. Publishing seizure reporting, either on a website
or in periodic public reporting, provides clear evidence that enforcement efforts are effective in preventing
trafficking of all types.
In addition, providing public seizure data will allow for the creation of a positive feedback loop between
enforcement, industry, and nongovernmental organizations. For example, more seizure data improves the
type of analysis done in this report, which in turn informs enforcement about global trafficking trends and
patterns. Furthermore, publishing information on seizures can provide positive feedback to individuals who
report suspicious activity, encouraging more people to come forward and do the same. Still, we acknowledge
the need to keep some information confidential.
The Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department
and the South African Revenue Service (SARS),
example, maintain websites for departmental press releases on seizures and other developments. Hong Kong
Customs also releases their own statistics on their caseload, seizures, and arrests over time.
Some customs
and enforcement agencies also maintain social media accounts where they post seizure information and other
relevant news. These reporting strategies are good models for those seeking to publicize their enforcement
15. Pursue shift towards electronic paperwork for air freight and updated technology for screening.
Steadily increasing passenger and cargo volume has put pressure on existing screening and enforcement
procedures that are straining to effectively deal with the increase.
Furthermore, inconsistencies in
documentation may be more likely to be caught if passenger and shipment paperwork become fully electronic
and is scanned by a computer system, rather than an individual.
Implementing new technologies can take pressure off overwhelmed customs officials, expedite the screening
process for passengers and cargo, facilitate global trade, and improve interdiction success rates. Dubai Customs
World in partnership with Dubai Customs, for instance, have implemented cutting-edge technologies such
as an in-house designed Risk Engine, which is designed to quickly identify high-risk shipments.
Security, a joint initiative of IATA and Airports Council International (ACI), is in the process of assessing
risk-based security concepts, advanced screening technologies, and process innovations” to create guidance
materials for the aviation community and for specific airports.
Flying Under the Radar
Appendix I – Seizure Data Biases & Vulnerabilities
Although seizure data remains the most effective way to monitor trafficking, measuring intentionally hidden
practices using only those practices that are discovered – and subsequently reported on – is inherently
problematic. To accurately interpret the various insights that seizure data provides, it is necessary to be aware
of possible biases within the data, and how they may have affected our results.
Throughout Flying Under the Radar, we have attempted to be as candid as possible about the limitations of
data to not only identify areas for improvement, but also assess how each issue may have affected our analyses.
Note that the following list is not meant to be exhaustive.
1. No baseline of wildlife seizures in the air transport sector.
During our research for this report, we found little transport-specific information on trafficking,
particularly in relation to wildlife crime. We did not find any other reports on wildlife trafficking through
the lens of one specific transport sector. This finding was reflected in the lack of transport method-
specific information in the majority of the wildlife seizure databases that we are aware of or have access
to. Similarly, although there have been quite a few reports on ivory and rhino horn trafficking, we found
little information on past reptile and bird seizure analyses. As a result, we were unable to reliably compare
our findings to past analyses.
2. Successful trafficking instances are not captured in seizure data, and therefore are not included.
Because it is impossible to measure successful smuggling activity – or trafficking instances that are never
stopped – seizure data inevitably misses some of the most effective smuggling strategies. For instance:
Because enforcement resources tend to be greater at large airports, it is possible that smaller
airports are underrepresented in the Database.
a. Domestic trafficking instances may be underrepresented as well, since domestic
flights tend to move through smaller airports.
b. Traffickers with sufficient funds may be choosing non-scheduled (e.g. private) flights
over scheduled flights.
The inevitable exclusion of successful trafficking instances from seizure data has a particularly large
impact on determining enforcement success rates (the Country Enforcement Index, see Figure 6 and
Appendix IV). Although the Index can only be based on trafficking that has been stopped, a true
enforcement success rate would measure those shipments that successfully reach their destination as well.
3. Human error.
4. Variability in enforcement reporting processes.
Countries whose enforcement agencies have a well-established wildlife seizure reporting system in place
Flying Under the Radar
will be more likely to have a comprehensive database including wildlife seizure data. In particular, countries
that have established a public seizure reporting protocol and platform (e.g. Hong Kong Customs and
Excise Department’s press release archive) may be overrepresented in the Database. By contrast, countries
lacking reporting systems and seizure press release platforms may be underrepresented in our data.
5. Variability in local media seizure reporting.
Local media reporting of wildlife seizures varies substantially from country to country. The likelihood that
wildlife seizures will make it into local news stories appears to depend on a variety of factors, including,
but not limited to, local awareness of and interest in wildlife trafficking, freedom of the press, and quality
of seizure reporting.
6. Variability in CITES reporting.
While some countries consistently provide CITES with comprehensive seizure information, many report
sporadically or not at all. Even within reports that make it to CITES, the detail and accuracy of the
contained seizure data can vary considerably from country to country. As a result, countries with a better
history of CITES reporting may be overrepresented in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database, while countries
without CITES reports may be underrepresented.
7. Inaccurate or contradictory reporting.
Seizure information in the media and even in confidential government reporting is often fraught with
inaccuracies, particularly right after the seizure takes place. If these mistakes were never rectified, then
those inaccurate reports may be included in our data. Contradictory seizure reports can both add
confusion to our analyses, as well as lead to the potential duplication of seizures within our Database.
Whenever possible, we attempted to clarify any apparent inconsistencies in the seizure information that
we discovered by looking for additional, official sources. Still, the potential for inaccurate reporting is a
constant and, to some extent, inevitable problem for seizure data.
8. Aggregated seizure reporting.
Some countries consistently release information on aggregated wildlife seizures, but do not report on
individual seizures. While refraining from publishing detailed information on certain seizures may
have a worthwhile purpose – confidentiality or security concerns – not publishing any seizure-specific
information prevents accurate analysis of shifting trafficking trends. We did not include any aggregated
seizure information (e.g. “Between 2013 and 2015, 100 ivory seizures were made at X Airport”) to prevent
double-counting seizures, and because aggregate seizure numbers tell us comparatively little about wildlife
trafficking trends, routes, or modus operandi.
9. Non-digital reporting.
In jurisdictions where non-digital reporting remains a prominent source of news, seizure information
may only make it into newspapers, and never on to the internet, where articles become more easily
10. Seizure size biases.
Larger seizures are more likely to be considered newsworthy by local media, and are therefore more likely
to reach the open source. Reports on larger seizures are also more likely to include specific details about
the seizure, including route information and obfuscation methods. As a result, our data tend to be more
Flying Under the Radar
inclusive of large-scale and medium-scale seizures than small-scale seizures. This bias could impact the
average weights of seizures within each category of the Database. Since we are more likely to have route
and other information associated with larger seizures as well, our data could be missing information on
common routes and trafficking methods associated with small-scale wildlife trafficking.
11. Language biases.
While a multi-lingual team of analysts worked together to compile the seizure information within our
Database, we were generally not able to search for seizures in less commonly used languages such as
Bengali or Laotian. Because of this, seizure reports in less common languages may not be included in our
Database, even if the reports are in the open source.
Similarly, because our team is most proficient in English, news stories written in English were more likely
to be discovered and included in the Database. However, many countries publish seizure information in
English regardless of their native language.
Public Perceptions
12. Level of awareness and public interest.
Customs and enforcement agencies are far more likely to make wildlife seizures if they are aware of the
problem in the first place. Government agencies are more likely to report on wildlife seizures if their
citizens are aware of and express interest in the issue. For instance, in Kenya, where ivory trafficking is a
well-known problem, many ivory seizures are publicly reported on by local media organizations.
Enforcement & Screening
13. Better enforcement leads to more seizures.
Effective enforcement strategies lead to higher seizure numbers, which may incorrectly create the
appearance of a large trafficking problem. If a country couples good enforcement with robust reporting,
this problem is magnified. Likewise, ineffective enforcement strategies may suggest that a country has
less of a trafficking problem than it actually does, particularly when paired with poor reporting. Since
successful smuggling statistics are unknowable, it is difficult to tell if good enforcement or large volumes
of trafficking are behind high seizure numbers.
As discussed elsewhere, this problem can be rectified to some extent by compiling the route information
associated with seizures. Route information allows for the identification of airports that consistently make
fewer seizures but experience high levels of trafficking. This solution does not work as well, however, as
an indicator for enforcement success in destination airports. Unlike trafficking in origin and transit
airports, if an illicit commodity successfully passes by enforcement in a destination airport, no other
enforcement agencies in the air transport sector will be able to catch their mistake.
14. Customs and enforcement priorities.
Enforcement agencies generally do not have the resources to prioritize every type of trafficking that moves
by air. Enforcement must therefore prioritize. In some airports, trafficked wildlife is a top priority, but in
many others, other types of trafficking – arms, narcotics, etc. – far outrank wildlife. For example, a survey
Flying Under the Radar
of customs officials by WCO in 2014 found that wildlife consistently ranked last in terms of importance
in every region except for two – East and Southern Africa and Asia Pacific.
Enforcement agencies
with particularly limited resources may not have the ability to provide training or guidance on wildlife
trafficking at all. As a result, these jurisdictions are likely underrepresented in our analysis.
15. Limited screening of passengers and shipments in transit.
Customs and enforcement officials in most airports are not able to screen passengers or shipments that
are already in transit. Seizures are therefore much more likely to take place at the origin or destination
point of trafficking instances. The resulting under emphasis on transit airports in our data has likely
skewed our results in the Country Enforcement Index. Note that the inclusion of wildlife categories that
do not share the same supply chains as ivory and rhino horn has likely mitigated this effect to an extent.
16. Seizures made for undisclosed reasons.
Seizure reports occasionally do not include the reason for the seizure, although in ivory and rhino horn
trafficking instances, the reason for the seizure is often clear. But live animal seizures can occur because
the animals are of a protected or CITES-listed species, or the animals may be legal to transport, but were
discovered in inhumane conditions. In the latter case, the seizure may not be indicative of trafficking
activity, and therefore may not be relevant to wildlife seizure analyses, but without further information
that distinction cannot be made.
17. No clear post-seizure procedure.
In some jurisdictions, customs and enforcement agencies have not developed clear post-seizure procedures
to direct enforcement officials after the discovery of illegal wildlife. In other regions, enforcement does
not have the resources to seize and store valuable illicit products or to care for live animals. When this
occurs, officials may refrain from seizing illegal wildlife or wildlife products entirely, or they may impose
a fine, but allow the trafficker to continue with their contraband.
18. Freedom of the press.
In certain countries, reporting on environmental issues is discouraged. In extreme cases, environmental
journalists have been killed for their articles.
This is, of course, especially true in countries where no
free press exists. Public seizure reporting in many of these jurisdictions is, understandably, limited. Any
seizures made in these areas are therefore unlikely to make it into the C4ADS Air Seizure Database.
19. Corruption levels.
Corruption plays a large role in determining whether seizures will be made, or whether illegal products
will be allowed to pass for the price of a bribe. Although the World Bank produces numeric estimates
of corruption at the country level, we found corruption levels to vary from port to port within certain
countries, and so decided against quantitatively incorporating corruption in our analysis. We are, however,
considering ways to incorporate corruption in future reports.
20. Perception of seizures.
Some governments proudly publicize wildlife seizures as evidence of enforcement success at their airports,
Flying Under the Radar
while others choose to suppress news of seizures, thinking of them instead as evidence of a weakness.
This seems to be particularly true with large-scale ivory seizures. The C4ADS Air Seizure Database will
naturally have more seizures from countries with a positive perception of seizures than from countries
with neutral or negative perceptions.
Biases & Vulnerabilities within Routes Data
21. Overrepresentation of capitals in the routes maps.
Route information is most often reported at the country level (e.g. “The rhino horn consignment transited
through Kenya and Malaysia before arrival in Shanghai”). To include country-level routes data in our
analysis, we substituted capital cities when only country-level information was provided. As a result, our
routes maps may overemphasize capital cities.
22. False origins and destinations.
Smuggled wildlife and wildlife products are often moved across national borders by land or sea prior to
entering the air transport sector. For instance, wild birds from Peru may be driven across the border to
Bolivia before being carried onto a plane at El Alto Airport. Similarly, ivory shipments are sometimes
flown into Vietnam before being driven across the border into China. When this occurs, the origins and
destinations recorded in our air routes data do not accurately reflect the true source and destination of
the trafficking instance in question.
23. Incomplete route details.
Open source reporting on seizures frequently neglects to include route information, preventing the
inclusion of a number of our identified seizures in the routes maps.
In addition, seizure reports will often state the route of a seizure, but will not explain which airports
acted as origin, transit, or destination. For example, a media report might read, “Two Taiwanese citizens
were intercepted in Taoyuan Airport while boarding a flight to Vietnam,” but will not specify whether
Vietnam was intended to be a transit or destination point. In most of these cases, further investigation
can lead to a possible answer, but there is still a degree of guesswork involved in categorizing the airport
in question.
Flying Under the Radar
Appendix II – R Packages
The following R packages were used in this project:
ggplot2 -- H. Wickham. ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New
York, 2009
plyr -- Hadley Wickham (2011). The Split-Apply-Combine Strategy for Data Analysis. Journal
of Statistical Software, 40(1), 1-29. URL
dplyr -- Hadley Wickham and Romain Francois (2016). dplyr: A Grammar of Data
Manipulation. R package version 0.5.0.
reshape2 -- Hadley Wickham (2007). Reshaping Data with the reshape Package. Journal of
Statistical Software, 21(12), 1-20. URL
extrafont -- Winston Chang, (2014). extrafont: Tools for using fonts. R package version 0.17.
RColorBrewer -- Erich Neuwirth (2014). RColorBrewer: ColorBrewer Palettes. R package
version 1.1-2.
ggalt -- Bob Rudis (2016). ggalt: Extra Coordinate Systems, Geoms and Statistical
Transformations for ‘ggplot2. R package version 0.1.1.
maps -- Original S code by Richard A. Becker, Allan R. Wilks. R version by Ray Brownrigg.
Enhancements by Thomas P Minka and Alex Deckmyn. (2016). maps: Draw Geographical
Maps. R package version 3.1.1.
geosphere -- Robert J. Hijmans (2016). geosphere: Spherical Trigonometry. R package version
cobs -- Pin T. Ng and Martin Maechler (2015). COBS -- Constrained B-splines (Sparse matrix
based). R package version 1.3-1. URL
igraph -- Csardi G, Nepusz T: The igraph software package for complex network research,
InterJournal, Complex Systems 1695. 2006.
Flying Under the Radar
Appendix III – Trafficking Heat Maps
The trafficking heat maps reflect the number of trafficking instances associated with each country, as recorded
in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database. Each trafficking instance is counted once for each country along its
known transit route, regardless of the location of the seizure. For example, if a wildlife trafficker planned to
move ivory from Nigeria to China via France, Nigeria will be counted as the origin, France as transit, and
China as the destination, regardless of where the ivory was seized. Counting trafficking instances in this way,
rather than by seizure count, can reveal countries with a trafficking problem but with limited enforcement or
reporting capabilities.
Totals Heat Map
The above heat map depicts all countries involved in ivory, rhino horn, reptiles, and birds trafficking instances through the air
transport sector according to the C4ADS Air Seizure Database (January 2009 to August 2016).
Flying Under the Radar
Ivory Heat Map
The above heat map showcases all countries involved in ivory trafficking through the air transport sector, according to the C4ADS
Air Seizure Database (January 2009 to August 2016).
Rhino Horn Heat Map
The above heat map displays all countries involved in rhino horn trafficking through the air transport sector, according to the
C4ADS Air Seizure Database (January 2009 to August 2016).
Flying Under the Radar
Reptile Heat Map
The above heat map depicts all countries involved in reptile trafficking through the air transport sector, according to the C4ADS
Air Seizure Database (January 2009 to August 2016).
Bird Heat Map
The above heat map shows all countries involved in bird trafficking through the air transport sector, according to the C4ADS Air
Seizure Database (January 2009 to August 2016).
Flying Under the Radar
Appendix IV – Country Enforcement Index
The Country Enforcement Index is a quantitative representation of each country’s ability to detect and seize
illicit wildlife products traversing through its airports. Higher numbers indicate more effective enforcement
and lower numbers indicate that the country is unable to detect a large number of illicit products going
through its airports. The percentages represented in this chart were derived through the following equation:
We define ‘successfully attempted trafficking instances’ as the number of times illicit wildlife products were
trafficked through a country, regardless of whether they were seized. Only countries linked to five or more
trafficking instances were included. Seizures made prior to arrival in a given country were removed from that
country’s assessment, as that country was never in a position to stop that individual or shipment.
As with all analyses based on seizure data, a number of biases may be affecting the Index’s findings. For
instance, enforcement in countries with better reporting regimes or greater media interest in wildlife seizures
are more likely to have a higher Country Enforcement Indicator. By the same reasoning, well-performing
enforcement in countries with less reporting or media interest may rank lower in the Index. The impact of
0 %
70 %
66.7 %
50 %
61.9 %
82.3 %
33.3 %
27.8 %
77.8 %
17.6 %
55.6 %
88.9 %
58.3 %
76.9 %
72.7 %
66.7 %
0 %
25 %
79 %
63.3 %
91.7 %
50 %
55.6 %
38.7 %
50 %
28.6 %
63.2 %
10 %
68.8 %
47.8 %
0 %
88.9 %
50 %
75.9 %
68.9 %
52.6 %
85.7 %
84.6 %
88.5 %
18.2 %
Ivory Coast
DR Congo
South Africa
United Kingdom
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Country Enforcement Indicator
Figure 43. Country Enforcement Index for countries with five or more trafficking instances
Flying Under the Radar
reporting differences on the Index’s results can, however, be reduced by compiling detailed route information
for each seizure.
Note that common transit countries are generally unable to screen or stop passengers and shipments between
flights, and therefore may be misrepresented in the Index. Enforcement in air transit jurisdictions like the
UAE may appear to be performing poorly compared to enforcement in origin (e.g. Malawi) and destination
locations (e.g. China). This particular bias is mitigated to some extent by simultaneously analyzing wildlife
products with vastly different supply chains (i.e. bird trafficking origin countries are very different from ivory
origin countries). In contrast, primarily destination countries are more likely to have a higher Enforcement
Indicator, since trafficking instances that are not stopped at their destination cannot be seized at another
airport along their route.
Flying Under the Radar
Appendix V – Trafficking Routes Maps
The trafficking routes maps display the transit routes recorded in the C4ADS Air Seizure Database. Only
trafficking instances with associated route information were included in the routes maps – 28.6% of the
instances within the Database did not include the requisite information for inclusion.
Lines in the Totals Routes Map below represent one specific route. The opacity of each line reflects the
number of times that route was taken. Each circle represents specific cities, and the size of each circle is
determined by the number of times each location appeared in the routes data. City-specific information
was used wherever possible, but capital cities were used for seizure instances that only included country-level
information (e.g. a seizure made in the UK after arrival from Turkey would be depicted as one line connecting
Ankara and London; a trafficking instance originating in Kenya, transiting through the UAE, and arriving in
Indonesia would be displayed here as two lines – Nairobi to Abu Dhabi and Abu Dhabi to Jakarta).
Lines in the ivory, rhino horn, reptiles, and birds routes maps represent one flight each. Lines are lighter in
color at the origin of trafficking instances, and become darker as the flight approaches its destination.
Totals Routes Map
The above routes map charts all air trafficking routes contained within the C4ADS Air Seizure Database (January 2009 to
August 2016).
Flying Under the Radar
Ivory Trafficking Routes Map
The above routes map depicts the ivory trafficking routes contained within the C4ADS Air Seizure Database (January 2009 to
August 2016).
Rhino Horn Trafficking Routes Map
The above routes map charts the rhino horn trafficking routes contained within the C4ADS Air Seizure Database (January 2009
to August 2016).
Flying Under the Radar
Reptile Trafficking Routes Map
The above routes map portrays the reptile trafficking routes contained within the C4ADS Air Seizure Database (January 2009 to
August 2016).
Bird Trafficking Routes Map
The above routes map plots the bird trafficking routes contained within the C4ADS Air Seizure Database (January 2009 to
August 2016).
Flying Under the Radar
Appendix VI – Human Trafficking Assessment Tool for Airlines &
Flying Under the Radar
Appendix VII – Seizure Reporting
In an attempt to reduce the amount of time and effort needed to track seizures, C4ADS designed the below
template as a simplistic framework for seizure reporting. A more detailed seizure reporting template is included
in WCO’s Customs Enforcement Network (CEN) platform.
Seizure Date:
Individual 1:
Sex: Age: Nationality: Passport: Repeat
Offender: Y/N
Individual 2:
Sex: Age: Nationality: Passport: Repeat
Offender: Y/N
Contraband Seized 1: Weight/Number:
Contraband Seized 2: Weight/Number:
Airline: Flight No.:
Origin: Transit Location(s): Destination:
(Check one)
Air Freight Luggage Passenger Carry-
Passenger Clothes Other
Number of Suitcases or Freight Parcels:
Obfuscation Method (e.g. tin foil, garlic):
Manner of Detection (e.g. X-ray revealed suspicious object):
Suspect(s) History:
Additional Details:
Flying Under the Radar
End Notes
i Nellemann, C. (Editor in Chief); Henriksen, R., Kreilhuber, A., Stewart, D., Kotsovou, M., Raxter,
P., Mrema, E., and Barrat, S. (Eds). The Rise of Environmental Crime – A Growing Threat To Natural
Resources Peace, Development And Security. United Nations Environment Programme and RHIPTO Rapid
Response–Norwegian Center for Global Analyses, 2016.
iii Vira, Varun and Thomas Ewing. Ivory’s Curse: The Militarization & Professionalization
of Poaching in Africa. Born Free USA and C4ADS, April 2014.
Vira, Varun, Thomas Ewing, and Jackson Miller. Out of Africa: The Global Trade in
Illicit Elephant Ivory. Born Free USA and C4ADS, August 2014.
UNODC. World Wildlife Crime Report: Trafficking in Protected Species. UNODC, May 2016.
vi Nellemann, C. (Editor in Chief); Henriksen, R., Kreilhuber, A., Stewart, D., Kotsovou, M., Raxter,
P., Mrema, E., and Barrat, S. (Eds). The Rise of Environmental Crime – A Growing Threat To Natural
Resources Peace, Development And Security. United Nations Environment Programme and RHIPTO Rapid
Response–Norwegian Center for Global Analyses, 2016.
UNODC. World Wildlife Crime Report: Trafficking in Protected Species. UNODC, May 2016.
viii “Background.” TRAFFIC. TRAFFIC International.
ix Underwood FM, Burn RW, and T. Milliken. Dissecting the Illegal Ivory Trade: An Analysis of Ivory
Seizures Data. PLoS ONE 8(10): e76539, 2013. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0076539.
x Milliken T., Underwood, F.M., Burn, R.W., and L. Sangalakula. “Addendum to the Elephant Trade
Information System (ETIS) and the Illicit Trade in Ivory: A report to the 17th meeting of the Conference of
the Parties to CITES.” CoP17 Doc. 57.6 (Rev. 1) Addendum. 22 Sep. 2016.
“Great Elephant Census Final Results.” Great Elephant Census. http://www.greatelephantcensus.
xii The Great Elephant Census | A Paul G. Allen Project.” Great Elephant Census. Great Elephant
Census, 31 Aug. 2016.
8ea022a952/147266734 4389/GEC+Results+Summary+Fact+Sheet+FINAL_8+26+2016.pdf.
Mathiesen, Karl. “Tanzania Elephant Population Declined by 60% in Five Years, Census Reveals.
The Guardian, 02 June 2015.
UNODC. World Wildlife Crime Report: Trafficking in Protected Species. UNODC, May 2016.
Flying Under the Radar
xv “Poaching Statistics.” Save the Rhino. Save the Rhino International.
xvi Ibid.
xvii “Rhinoplax Vigil.” IUCN Red List. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural
xviii Astrochelys Yniphora.” IUNC Red List. International Union for Conservation of Nature and
Natural Resources.
xix Fishel, Justin and Mike Levine. “TSA Director Reassigned in Wake of Security Failures.” ABC
News. ABC News, 2 June 2015.
stor y?id=31458476.
Neffenger, Peter V. “TSA Security Gaps.” Statement before the United States House Committee
on Oversight and Government Reform, 3 Nov. 2015.
“IATA Forecasts Passenger Demand to Double Over 20 Years.” International Air Transport
xxii Vira, Varun, Thomas Ewing, and Jackson Miller. Out of Africa: The Global Trade in
Illicit Elephant Ivory. Born Free USA and C4ADS, August 2014.
“Wildlife smugglers eye emerging airports.” The Times of India. 29 Sep. 2015. http://timesofindia.
xxiv ACI Media Releases.” Airports Council International. 9 Sep. 2016.
Iyorah, Festus. “The 10 Largest Airports in Africa.” The African Exponent. The Exponent Network,
13 Sep. 2016.
xxvi Ibid.
xxvii “象牙走私拼图牙贸易生走私市The Paradox of Ivory Smuggling: The Legal Ivory Trade
Promotes a Rapidly Expanding Black Market).” Weekly Times, 20 June 2014.
xxix Ibid.
xxx Rare Tortoises and Drugs Found in Abandoned Luggage.” WWF. World Wildlife Fund for Nature,
15 June 2010.
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) monitors the transnational
Flying Under the Radar
wildlife trade, and lists endangered species on one of three appendices at the behest of its party countries.
Appendix I bans all international trade in a species, except in exceptional circumstances, while Appendix II
lists all species whose trade must be controlled to preserve the health of the species. Appendix III “contains
species that are protected in at least one country, which has asked other CITES Parties for assistance in
controlling the trade.” (How CITES Works.” Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of
Wild Fauna and Flora.
“Birds and Their Droppings Can Carry Over 60 Diseases.” Medical News Today. MediLexicon
International Ltd., 22 Sep. 2014.
xxxiii Jacob, Jacqueline P. et. al. Avian Diseases Transmissible to Humans. University of Florida – Institute
of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) Extension.
Nordqvist, Christian. “What is Avian Flu? What is Bird Flu?” Medical News Today. MediLexicon
International Ltd., 23 Feb. 2015.
xxxv “FAQs: H5N1 Influenza.” World Health Organization. WHO.
xxxvi Import Procedures for a Pet Bird Entering (Non-U.S. Origin) the United States.” USDA APHIS.
USDA, 18 Oct. 2016.
Neil D’Cruze and David W. Macdonald note, “we raise pre-existing concerns that CITES records
are incomplete, with no data on live seizures provided by 70% of countries party to CITES.” (D’Cruze, N,
Macdonald DW. “A Review of Global Trends in CITES Live Wildlife Confiscations.” Nature Conservation
15: 47-63, 22 Sep. 2016. doi: 10.3897/natureconservation.15.10005.)
D’Cruze, N, Macdonald DW. “A Review of Global Trends in CITES Live Wildlife Confiscations.
Nature Conservation 15: 47-63, 22 Sep. 2016. doi: 10.3897/natureconservation.15.10005.
xxxix A guide to using the CITES Trade Database.” Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
“The Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS).” Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
xli “EU TWIX.” EU-TWIX. 2016.
xlii The “open source” here refers to all publicly available sources of information, e.g. local news reports,
CITES reports, customs press releases, etc.
xliii Other species, such as pangolins and abalone, which were not initially included in our analysis due
to time constraints, will be incorporated into the seizure databases in future years.
xliv UNODC. World Wildlife Crime Report: Trafficking in Protected Species. UNODC, May 2016.
xlv R Core Team. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical
Computing, Vienna, Austria, 2016.
Flying Under the Radar
xlvi Milliken, Tom. Illegal Trade in Ivory and Rhino Horn: An Assessment to Improve Law Enforcement
Under the Wildlife TRAPS Project. USAID and TRAFFIC International, 2014.
国务院办公厅关于有序商业性工销售象及制品动的通知.” The State Council of
China. 30 Dec. 2016.
“Wild and Precious Exhibit Travels from Bangkok and Shanghai to Beijing and Nairobi.” Convention
on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
Precious_Exhibit_travels_from_Bangkok_and_Shanghai_to_Beijing_and_Nairobi;Kenya Airways Backs
Anti-Poaching Campaign.” WildlifeDirect. 30 July 2013.
A May 2015 report undertaken on behalf of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife of
Malawi included Malawis wildlife seizure data from 1989 to 2014. The report’s authors gathered the data
from a variety of different Malawian government agencies that had compiled their own internal seizure
databases in hard copy. According to the report, “…reviewers found there to be a lack of reliable available data,
making it is [sic] almost impossible to identify detailed crime patterns or trends. Several agencies seemed to
have not historically recorded or retained wildlife crime data, and those that did often stored it in hard copy
only, making it very difficult to access and analyse. In total, 50 wildlife crime cases were analysed by reviewers,
the majority of which were ivory offences at airports.” (Waterland, Shelley, et. al. Illegal Wildlife Trade Review
Malawi. German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH: German International Cooperation, Lilongwe
Wildlife Trust, Born Free Foundation, and the Department of National Parks and Wildlife of Malawi, May
li Milliken, Tom. Illegal Trade in Ivory and Rhino Horn: An Assessment to Improve Law Enforcement
Under the Wildlife TRAPS Project. USAID and TRAFFIC International, 2014.
Figure 7 depicts a timeline of all ivory seizures in the Database, as well as timelines for large-scale
(greater than 500 kilograms) and medium-scale (greater than 100 kilograms) shipments. Seizures are split by
weight class as different size shipments tend to share certain characteristics. Large-scale ivory shipments, for
instance, indicate organized criminal involvement and generally move by air freight. Medium-scale shipments
are indicative of organized crime as well, but can move in air freight shipments or in multiple checked
suitcases. Medium-scale air freight shipments often follow each other in quick succession. Small-scale ivory
trafficking (anything below 100 kilograms) can include anything from an uneducated tourist with an ivory
bangle, to small-scale networks moving worked ivory to workshops or markets elsewhere.
China is the world’s largest legal and illegal ivory market according to the Elephant Action League,
Wildaid, and other conservation organizations. A report by Fiona Underwood, Robert Burn, and Tom Milliken
titled Dissecting the Illegal Ivory Trade: An Analysis of Ivory Seizures Data attribute the rapid growth in
illegal ivory trade activity since 2007 to the increased consumption in China. (Crosta, Andrea, et. al. Blending
Ivory: Chinas Old Loopholes, New Hopes. Elephant Action League, Dec. 2015.
content/uploads/2016/02/Report-China-Blending-Ivory-Dec2015.pdf; Ivory Demand in China 2012-2014.
WildAid, Save the Elephants, and the African Wildlife Foundation, 2014.
files/resources/Print_Ivory%20Report_Final_v3.pdf ; Underwood FM, Burn RW, Milliken T. Dissecting the
Flying Under the Radar
Illegal Ivory Trade: An Analysis of Ivory Seizures Data. PLoS ONE 8(10): e76539, 2013. doi:10.1371/journal.
Weru, Sam. Wildlife Protection and Trafficking Assessment in Kenya: Drivers and Trends of
Transnational Wildlife Crime in Kenya and Its Role as a Transit Point for Trafficked Species in East Africa.
TRAFFIC, 2016.
Iyorah, Festus. “The 10 Largest Airports in Africa.” The African Exponent. The Exponent Network,
13 Sep. 2016.
lvi Zhao Wen. “Man gets 7 years for smuggling ivory items.” Shanghai Daily. 19 June 2013. http://; Wang Lin. ().” Sohu. 18 June 2013.
lviii Ibid.
lix “Shanghai Arrests for illegal rhino horn and ivory purchases.” Xinhua News. 20 March 2013. https://
lx Ibid.
lxi Ibid.
lxii Plus de 350 kilos d’ivoire saisis par la douane en Ile-de-France.” French Customs. 8 June 2016. www.
lxiii Ibid.
lxiv Aslanoff, Samuel. “Plus de 350 kilos d’ivoire saisis par la douane en Ile-de-France.” France Bleu,
8 June 2016.
lxvi Ibid.
lxvii “VIDEO. Une saisie record de 350 kilos de defenses déléphants, en France.” Normandie Actu.
9 June 2016.
lxix Milliken, Tom. Illegal Trade in Ivory and Rhino Horn: An Assessment to Improve Law Enforcement
Under the Wildlife TRAPS Project. USAID and TRAFFIC International, 2014.
In the 2014 report, Illegal Trade in Ivory and Rhino Horn: An Assessment to Improve Law
Enforcement Under the Wildlife TRAPS Project, Milliken determines the average weight of trafficked rhino
horns to be 2.78 kilograms. This estimate assumes that 90% of trafficked horns are from white rhinos, and
combines the average weight of white rhino horns (2.94 kg) and black rhino horns (2.65 kg).
Milliken, Tom. Illegal Trade in Ivory and Rhino Horn: An Assessment to Improve Law Enforcement
Flying Under the Radar
Under the Wildlife TRAPS Project. USAID and TRAFFIC International, 2014.
Like with ivory, larger shipments of rhino horn are generally indicative of more sophisticated criminal
involvement. To monitor changes in different weight classes over time, we assigned the top 10% of rhino horn
seizures by weight to the large-scale weight class, and the top 10-50% to the medium-scale class. All other
seizures were considered small-scale.
Milliken, Tom. Illegal Trade in Ivory and Rhino Horn: An Assessment to Improve Law Enforcement
Under the Wildlife TRAPS Project. USAID and TRAFFIC International, 2014.
files/documents/1865/W-TRAPS-Elephant-Rhino-report.pdf; Dixon, Robyn. “Vietnam, the Biggest Hub for
Illegal Rhino Horn Trafficking, Has Done Little to Stop It.” Los Angeles Times. 26 Sep. 2016. www.latimes.
As illegal shipments grow larger, a higher degree of coordination, is necessary to increase the chances
that shipments will arrive at their destinations unimpeded. In keeping with this principle, reptile shipments
have been divided into large- and medium-scale categories in order to identify shifting patterns in likely
organized criminal activity. The top 10% of reptile seizures by weight are considered large-scale, while the top
10-50% by weight are medium-scale.
Oppili, P. “Over 8,000 Captive Baby Tortoises Die.” The Hindu. 29 March 2013. www.thehindu.
lxxvi “Custom Officials Seize Over 10,000 Exotic Turtles at Kolkata Airport; Suspected Smugglers
Detained.” International Business Times. 20 July 2013.
D’Cruze, Neil, et. al. “A Star Attraction: The Illegal Trade in Indian Star Tortoises.” Nature
Conservation, vol. 13, 9 Nov. 2015, pp. 1-19.
lxxviii Similarly to the previous categories, larger bird shipments are more likely to be associated with
organized criminal activity. Tracking changes in those shipments can therefore give some indication of
changes in the modus operandi of criminal networks. To that end, the top 10% of bird seizures by weight are
classified as large-scale, and the top 20-50% by weight are considered medium-scale.
1000 Grey Parrots Rescued from Trappers in Cameroon.” Wildlife Extra. Feb. 2010. www.
lxxx “Bird Smuggling Bid Foiled.” The Daily Star. 3 July 2010.
lxxxi Hoang, Viet. “Police Seize Hundreds of Smuggled Birds at Tan Son Nhat Airport.” Thanh Nien
News. 9 Sep. 2014.
Rueb, Emily S. “Tiny Birds, Big Drama: Inside the World of the Birdmen of Queens.” The New York
Times. The New York Times Company, 31 July 2015.
“Two fined for bird smuggling.” Kaieteur News. 1 May 2016. www.kaieteurnewsonline.
lxxxiv Ibid.
Flying Under the Radar
lxxxv Ibid.
lxxxvi Rueb, Emily S. “Tiny Birds, Big Drama: Inside the World of the Birdmen of Queens.” The New York
Times. The New York Times Company, 31 July 2015.
lxxxviii Ibid.
lxxxix Ibid.
xc Marzulli, John. “Time to Raid Your Nest, Bird Smuggler.” Daily News. NY Daily News, 14 April 2009.
xci Ibid.
xcii Marzulli, John. “Clip JFK Flier with Finches Up His Sleeve.” Daily News. NY Daily News, 27 June
xciii Ibid.
xciv “Finch Smuggler Sentenced for Trafficking for ‘Tweets’.” U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Northeast Blog.
6 May 2013.
t w e e t s /.
“US-based Guyanese found with birds in pants crotch at airport.” Stabroek News. 5 Sep. 2012. http://
xcvii Ibid.
xcviii “Man caught trying to smuggle singing birds through airport.” News Source Guyana. 21 Jan. 2014.
xcix Ibid.
c Ibid.
ci “Smuggler Found with Birds in Hair Curlers During Airport Search.” Stabroek News. 23 Jan. 2014.
cii Ibid.
ciii “Would-Be Smuggler Nabbed at Airport with Birds in Curlers.” Stabroek News. 17 June 2014. www.
civ Ibid.
cv Brampton Man Attempts to Conceal 19 Songbirds During Visit to Toronto Pearson International
Airport.” Ontario SPCA. 26 Mar. 2015.
Flying Under the Radar
cvi Ibid.
cvii Todorova, Vesela. “Dubai ‘Major Hub’ for Wildlife Trafficking: Report.” The National. Abu Dhabi
Media, 4 Dec. 2013.
cviii Air Transport in Kenya.” Fortune of Africa.
k e n y a /.
cix Nairobi’s prominence in the ivory category of the C4ADS’ Air Seizure Database is likely an effect of
heightened awareness, stronger enforcement, and frequent reporting.
cx ACI Media Releases.” Airports Council International. 9 Sep. 2016.
“Country-by-Country Findings.” The Great Elephant Census. Vulcan and The Paul G. Allen
Foundation, 31 Aug. 2016.
cxiii Hong Kong Customs Seizes Suspected Ivory Cut Pieces at Airport.” Customs and Excise Department:
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 4 Sep. 2015.
cxv Ibid.
cxvi Hong Kong Customs Seizes Suspected Ivory Cut Pieces at Airport (with Photos).” Customs and
Excise Department: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 7 Sep. 2015. www.
cxviii Emslie, R. “Ceratotherium simum.” The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2012. http://dx.doi.
cxix Zhao Wen. “Man gets 7 years for smuggling ivory items.” Shanghai Daily. 19 June 2013. http://; Wang Lin. “ ().” Sohu. 18 June 2013. http://; “Shanghai Arrests for illegal rhino horn and ivory purchases.
Xinhua News. 20 March 2013.
“Man Remanded for Smuggling Star Tortoises.” The Hindu. 29 Sep. 2015.
cxxi Ibid.
cxxii Wildlife smugglers eye emerging airports.” The Times of India. 29 Sep. 2015. http://timesofindia.
Flying Under the Radar
cxxiii Ibid.
cxxiv “Man Remanded for Smuggling Star Tortoises.” The Hindu. 29 Sep. 2015.
cxxv “Wildlife smugglers eye emerging airports.” The Times of India. 29 Sep. 2015. http://timesofindia.
cxxvi Airplane Handgun Smuggle Bid Is Foiled by Feds.” The Smoking Gun. 13 May 2013. www.
cxxvii Osada, Jasmine. “Terminally Ill Man Jailed 9 Weeks for Smuggling Birds.” The Straits Times. 17 Oct.
cxxviii Ibid.
cxxix Ibid.
cxxx Ibid.
cxxxi Ibid.
cxxxii “Largest Seizure of Critically Endangered Ploughshare Tortoises Made in Thailand.” TRAFFIC.
TRAFFIC International, 19 Mar. 2013.
Justice, Adam. “Zurich Airport Customs Seize Record 262kg of Ivory.” International Business Times.
IB Times Co. Ltd., 4 Aug. 2015.
cxxxiv “Eight Suitcases Full of Ivory Seized at Zurich Airport.” The Guardian. Guardian News and Media
Limited, 4 Aug. 2015.
“Chinese Ivory Smugglers Return Home.” Beijing International.
cxxxvi The incident did not appear to be isolated; Tanzanian officials at the time of the seizure noted
similarities between the case and a July 2013 drug smuggling case, when two Tanzanian socialites reportedly
smuggled several large bags packed full of drugs through Julius Nyerere Airport in Dar es Salaam. (“Cunning
Chinese Ivory Smugglers Unmasked.” The Citizen. 17 Aug. 2015.
“Ibama Apreende Pássaros Que Embarcavam Ilegalmente No Aeroporto De Brasília.” ADERJ.
Associação Defensores Da Represa De Jurumirim, 16 Nov. 2010.
Cobra II Newsletter Issue 1; Wee, Darren. “Kenya Extradites Alleged Illegal Ivory Kingpin to China.
South China Morning Post. South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd, 10 Feb. 2014.
“On the Trail: Information and Analysis Bulletin on Animal Poaching and Smuggling | N°11 / 1st
October – 31st December 2015.” Robin Des Bois. ROBIN DES BOIS, 9 Mar. 2016.
Flying Under the Radar
cxl “Ibama Apreende Pássaros Que Embarcavam Ilegalmente No Aeroporto De Brasília.” ADERJ.
Associação Defensores Da Represa De Jurumirim, 16 Nov. 2010.
Ibama-apreende-passaros-que-embarcavam-ilegalmente-no-aeroporto-de-Brasilia/1220.html. ; “230 Carios-
da-Terra São Apreendidos no Aeroporto de Brasilia.” ANDA. Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais, 16
Nov. 2010.
“230 Turtles from India Seized at Bangkok Airport: Report.” NDTV. Indo-Asian News Service, 15
May 2014.
cxlii “510 Tortoises Rescued at Dhaka Airport.” Prothom Alo. 15 Dec. 2014.
cxliii “Ibama Pode Sacrificar Pássaros que PF Apreendeu.” O Globo. 24 June 2011. https://blogmarcelolira.
cxliv Thailand Rhino Horns.” AP Archive. The Associated Press, 20 June 2014.
metadata/youtube/4081ad2f16c3885f5ec7edb366f7deef; “On the Trail: Information and Analysis Bulletin
on Animal Poaching and Smuggling | N°4 / 1st January – 31st March 2014.” Robin Des Bois. ROBIN DES
BOIS, 9 Mar. 2016.
Al-Othman, Hannah. “Huge Haul of Illegal Ivory Found in Suitcase at Heathrow Airport.” Evening
Standard. 23 Nov. 2015.
Gowhar, Imran. “Terrapin Smuggling Racket Busted, Two Held.” The Hindu. 30 June 2015. www.
cxlvii Ibid.
cxlviii Ibid.
cxlix “Hong Kong Customs Seizes Suspected Ivory Tusks and Ivory Products at Airport (with Photo).
Customs and Excise Department: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 28 July
Hong Kong Customs Seizes Suspected Ivory Products at Airport (with Photos).” Customs and
Excise Department: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 17 April 2016. www.
Momanyi, Bernard. “Airport Staff Suspects in Sh130m Ivory Probe.” Capital News. Capital Digitel
Media, 6 May 2011.; AFP.
“Kenya Seizes 600 kg of Nigeria-Bound Ivory.” Modern Ghana. MG Media Group, 22 June 2012. www.
“Hong Kong Customs Seizes Suspected Ivory Products at Airport (with Photos).” Customs and Excise
Department: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 7 Aug. 2015. www.customs.
cliv “Hong Kong Customs Seizes Suspected Ivory Cut Pieces and Products at Airport (with Photos).
Customs and Excise Department: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 24
Flying Under the Radar
Aug. 2015.
clv Ibid.
clvi Ibid.
clvii “Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected ivory tusks and ivory products at airport (with photo).
Customs and Excise Department: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 28
July 2015.
“Hong Kong Customs Seizes Suspected Ivory Products at Airport (with Photos).” Customs and Excise
Department: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 3 Nov. 2015. www.customs.
“Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected ivory products at airport (with photos).” Customs and Excise
Department: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 17 April 2016. www.
Customs Seized Smuggled Ivory Worth 22.80 Million Baht.” Suvarnabhumi
Airport Cargo Clearance Customs Bureau.
clxii Ibid.
clxiii Thailand seizes half-tonne of ivory from Kenya.” Agence France-Presse. 17 July 2012. www.
clxiv Momanyi, Bernard. “Airport staff suspects in Sh130m ivory probe.” Capital News. 6 May 2011. www.
clxv Ibid.
clxvi Ibid.
clxvii Ibid.
clxviii Ibid.
clxix Momanyi, Bernard. “700kgs of ivory netted in Kenya.” Capital News. 22 June 2012. http://www.
clxx Ibid.
clxxi Ibid.
clxxii140(图)” China News Network. 17 Jan. 2014. www.
Thailand Rhino Horns.” AP Archive. The Associated Press, 20 June 2014.
clxxiv “Thailand Rhino Horns.” AP Archive. The Associated Press, 20 June 2014.
Flying Under the Radar
clxxv Customs Officials Confiscate Rhino Horns at ORTIA.” SARS. 23 Dec. 2015.
clxxvi Ibid.
clxxvii Ibid.
clxxviii Ndlazi, Sakhile. “Tusks of R17m Seized.” Pretoria News. 3 March 2016.
clxxix Moseley, Brandon. “Rhino Poachers Indicted in Montgomery.” Alabama Political Reporter. www.
clxxx Kous, Dima Abo. “Smuggled Cobras Rescued at Cairo Airport Thanks to Our Trainings.
International Fund for Animal Welfare. 9 May 2016.
“Workshop on Illegal Wildlife Trade Held in Islamabad.” Islamabad Scene. 10 Feb. 2016. http://
clxxxii “When ‘Mangoes’ Stirred to Life.” The Hindu. 29 April 2014.
clxxxiii Ibid.
clxxxiv Ibid.
clxxxv Ibid.
clxxxvi Ibid.
clxxxvii “Trafic de Tortues de Madagascar.” Madagascar Tribune. 16 June 2010.
clxxxviii Davis, Kathleen. “Ketamine: Facts, Effects and Hazards.” Medical News Today. MediLexicon
International Ltd., 18 Nov. 2015.
“Most Frequently Used Drugs.”
cxc On the Trail: Information and Analysis Bulletin on Animal Poaching and Smuggling | N°10 /
1st July – 30th September 2015.” Robin Des Bois. ROBIN DES BOIS.
uploads/ON_THE_TR AIL _10.pdf.
“Malaysia Jails Man Who Smuggled 95 Snakes on a Plane.” BBC News. 9 Sep. 2010.
cxcii Smuggler caught after bag holding 95 boa constrictors bursts open at airport.” The Guardian.
Guardian News and Media Limited. 3 Sep. 2010.
Christy, Bryan. “Asias Wildlife Trade.” National Geographic. National Geographic Partners, LLC,
Jan. 2010.
cxciv Ibid.
Flying Under the Radar
cxcv Ibid.
cxcvi Anson Wong. Notable Ansons. 28 Aug. 2010.
cxcvii Lim, Balqis. “On the trail of wildlife smugglers.” News Straits Times. 24 Nov. 2013. https://
cxcviii Chao, Steve. “Return of the Lizard King.” Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera Media Network, 21 April 2015. www.
cxcix Neslen, Arthur. “Lizard traffickers exploit legal loopholes to trade at world’s biggest fair.” The
Guardian. Guardian News and Media Limited. 11 Nov. 2015.
cci Ibid.
ccii Costa Rica police seize 170 wild animals from German tourist’s luggage.” The Tico Times. 9 Sep.
cciii Fendt, Lindsay. “German tourist busted at Costa Rica airport smuggling 400 animals is released with
no fine.” The Tico Times. 20 Sep. 2014.
Hamilton, Megan. “Costa Rica Deports German Caught Smuggling Hundreds of Animals.” Digital
Journal. 20 Sep. 2014.
ccvi Costa Rica police seize 170 wild animals from German tourist’s luggage.” The Tico Times. 9 Sep.
ccvii Fendt, Lindsay. “German tourist busted at Costa Rica airport smuggling 400 animals is released with
no fine.” The Tico Times. 20 Sep. 2014.
Fendt, Lindsay. “German tourist busted at Costa Rica airport smuggling 400 animals is released with
no fine.” The Tico Times. 20 Sep. 2014.
ccx Robinson, Julian. “Budgie Smuggling: Passenger Arrested at Cuba Airport with 66 Tiny Birds Sewn
into His Trousers after Customs Officer Spots ‘Bulge’.” Associated Newspapers Ltd., 3 June
ccxii Stagno-Navarra, Karl. “Smuggled Birds Get Radiation Dose by Airport Security.” Malta Today. Media
Flying Under the Radar
Today Co. Ltd., 28 Feb. 2012.
“Man Caught Carrying 200 Canaries at Airport.” Times of 21 Nov. 2009. www.
ccxiv Ibid.
ccxv Ibid.
ccxvi Ibid.
ccxvii Hsu, Christine. “Taiwan Finds 3rd Case of Deadly H5N1 Virus in Birds Smuggled from China.
Medical Daily. IBT Media Inc., 17 July 2012.
ccxix Ibid.
ccxx Ibid.
ccxxi Ibid.
ccxxii “On the Trail: Information and Analysis Bulletin on Animal Poaching and Smuggling | N°1 / 1st
April – 30th June 2013.” Robin Des Bois. ROBIN DES BOIS.
ON-THE-TR AIL -1.pdf.
ccxxiv Ibid.
ccxxv Ibid.
ccxxvi Malkin, Bonnie. “Man caught smuggling pigeons in his trousers.” The Telegraph. Telegraph Media
Group Limited. 3 Feb. 2009.
ccxxvii DellAmore, Christine. “PHOTO: Smuggler Caught With 14 Birds in Pants.” National Geographic
News. National Geographic Society. 6 May 2009.
TRAFFIC Bulletin Seizures and Prosecutions: March 1997 – October 2014. TRAFFIC. 2014
ccxxix “Man jailed for trying to smuggle peregrine falcon eggs out of Birmingham Airport.” Birmingham
Post. Birmingham Post. 30 May 2013.
“Rare birds found taped to passenger’s body at LAX.” LA Now. Los Angeles Times. 29 Aug. 2011.
ccxxxi Longbottom, Wil. “The Man Packing a Dozen Peckers in His Pants: Traveller Arrested Smuggling Live
Hummingbirds in His Trousers.” Associated Newspapers Ltd., 27 Sep. 2011. www.dailymail.
Flying Under the Radar
ccxxxii Ibid.
ccxxxiii Ibid.
ccxxxiv Ibid.
ccxxxv The examples mentioned in the Recommendations are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all
organizations working on these issues.
ccxxxvi The Buckingham Palace Declaration.” 15 March 2016.!/2016/03/the-
ccxxxvii Ibid .
ccxxxviii CITES SC66 National Ivory Action Plan Progress Report. Convention on the International Trade
in Endangered Species, SC66, doc. 29, annex 9, Sep. 2015.
“WildScan.” Freeland. Freeland Foundation.
ccxl Ibid.
ccxli Legislation.” Tikki Hywood Trust.
ccxlii See for information regarding
CBP’s Carrier Liaison Program.
ccxliii See “A Review of Global Trends in CITES Live Wildlife Confiscations” for an assessment of current
CITES protocols for live wildlife seizures and associated recommendations. (D’Cruze, N, Macdonald DW.
A Review of Global Trends in CITES Live Wildlife Confiscations.” Nature Conservation 15: 47-63, 22 Sep.
2016. doi: 10.3897/natureconser vation.15.10005.)
Actman, Jani. “What Happens to Smuggled Animals After They’re Seized?” National Geographic.
National Geographic Partners, LLC, 30 Sep. 2016.
In one instance in 2015, Vietnamese officials seized “42 live, critically endangered” pangolins and
delivered them to forest rangers, presumably for rehabilitation. The forest rangers instead sold all 42 animals
to local restaurants, claiming that “the animals were too weak to be rescued anyway.” (Bryce, Emma. “Critically
Endangered Pangolins Rescued, Then Sold as Food.” The Guardian. Guardian News and Media Limited,
20 Feb. 2015.
Before Spain designated a rescue center to receive rescued wildlife, “some of its seized animals went
to a zoo now under investigation for ties to the illegal wildlife trade.” A nonprofit organization, Animal
Advocacy and Protection, is now Spains designated rescue center. According to Raquel Garcia, head of
public policy for the organization, “We bring [the animals] in, rehabilitate them if they’re social animals,
and make sure they’re placed in a legitimate location.” (Actman, Jani. “What Happens to Smuggled Animals
After They’re Seized?” National Geographic. National Geographic Partners, LLC, 30 Sep. 2016. http://news.
“Inside the Vault Holding 80 Tonnes of Illegal Ivory.” ITV. ITV PLC, 15 March 2016.
Flying Under the Radar
ccxlviii “Gaps in Data Place Thousands of Illegally Traded Wild Animals at Risk, Say Researchers.” University
of Oxford. 22 Sep. 2016.
South Africa seizes two Vietnamese with record 41kg of rhino horns.” Toi Tre News. 2 Nov. 2014.
ccl Fishel, Justin, et. al. “EXCLUSIVE: Undercover DHS Tests Find Security Failures at US Airports.
ABC News. 1 June 2015.
failures/ story?id=31434881.
See for Hong Kong press
cclii See for South African press
ccliii See for
an example.
ccliv A May 2015 report undertaken on behalf of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife of
Malawi included Malawis wildlife seizure data from 1989 to 2014. The report’s authors gathered the data
from a variety of different Malawian government agencies that had compiled their own internal seizure
databases in hard copy. According to the report, “…reviewers found there to be a lack of reliable available data,
making it is [sic] almost impossible to identify detailed crime patterns or trends. Several agencies seemed to
have not historically recorded or retained wildlife crime data, and those that did often stored it in hard copy
only, making it very difficult to access and analyse. In total, 50 wildlife crime cases were analysed by reviewers,
the majority of which were ivory offences at airports.” (Waterland, Shelley, et. al. Illegal Wildlife Trade Review
Malawi. German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH: German International Cooperation, Lilongwe
Wildlife Trust, Born Free Foundation, and the Department of National Parks and Wildlife of Malawi, May
Neffenger, Peter V. “TSA Security Gaps.” Statement before the United States House Committee
on Oversight and Government Reform, 3 Nov. 2015.
“Dubai Customs: World Class Standards.” Terminal Operator.
cclvii Smary Security. International Air Transport Association and Airports Council International. www.
cclviii Vanishing Point: Criminality, Corruption and the Devastation of Tanzanias Elephants. Environmental
Investigation Agency. Nov. 2014.
lo-res1.pdf; Lee, Vicky. “Tanzanias ivory problem more than Chinese diplomatic bags.” Environmental
Investigation Agency. 10 Nov. 2014.
Chang-Ryung Han. A Survey of Customs Administration Perceptions on Illegal Wildlife Trade. World
Customs Organization. July 2014.
Flying Under the Radar
cclx Elbein, Saul. “Dying for the Planet: Attacks on Environmental Journalists in the Age of Climate
Change.” Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.
cclxi “Human Trafficking Assessment Tool for Airlines & Airports.” Human Trafficking Hotline.
For more information on CEN, see
Flying Under the Radar
The USAID Reducing Opportunities for Unlawful Transport of Endangered Species (ROUTES) Partnership
brings together government agencies, transportation and logistics industry companies and representatives,
international conservation, development and law enforcement organizations and donors in order to disrupt
wildlife trafficking activities, and forms a key element of the concerted international response to addressing
wildlife poaching and associated criminal activities worldwide.
For more information on the ROUTES Partnership visit