Life Christian
March 2019
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
Table of Contents
Life Christian Academy Overview and
Statement of Faith………………………………………………………………...…4
1. Admissions Policy.……………………………….…….………………….…..…4
1.1 New Family Enrollment
2. Organizational Structure…………………………………………………........…5-9
2.1 LCA Board
2.1.1 Responsibility
2.1.2 Membership
2.1.3 Term of Office
2.1.4 Selection
2.1.5 Voting Requirements
2.2 School Administrative Staff
2.2.1 School Principal
2.2.2 Financial Officer
2.2.3 High School Coordinator
2.2.4 Testing Coordinator
2.3 Team Leaders
2.4 Other Positions
3. Legal Procedures and Policies………………….……………………….……….9-11
3.1 Alabama State Law
3.2 Probation Policy
3.3 Dismissal Policy
3.4 Protection of Privacy Policy
4. Medical Policy………………………………………………………………………...12
4.1 Campus Health Policy
4.2 Immunization
4.3 Allergies
4.4 Drug Dispensing
5. Tuition and Fees Policies………………………….…………………..…….……..12
6. Standardized Testing Policy………………………........................................12-13
7. Class Policies………………………………………..…..……………..…..........13-14
7.1 Teacher Selection Policy
7.2 Class Enrollment
7.3 Class Payment
7.4 Class Fees and Refunds
7.5 Class Requirements
7.6 Class Attendance
7.7 Classes and Inclement Weather
7.8 Lunch
7.9 Chapel
7.10 Class Days
8. Special Projects/Activities/Field Trips…….….….…………………….……..14
8.1 Planning Projects or Field Trips
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
8.2 Unaccompanied Students
8.3 Students Represent LCA to the Community
9. Parent Responsibilities…………………………….……………………….…14-16
9.1 Records
9.2 Application Forms / Re-enrollment forms
9.3 Attendance Records
9.4 Goals and Curriculum
9.5 Four-Year Plan and Course Descriptions
9.6 Lesson Plans/Journal
9.7 Report Cards
9.8 Work Samples
10. Attendance Policy……………………….............….…………………………..…16
11. Certificate of Completion in Lieu of Graduation……………...……..……..16
12. Student Behavior Policy……………………………………………………….16-18
12.1 Student Behavior Requirements
12.2 Student Dress Code
12.3 Student Security
13. Disciplinary Procedures for Student Behavior Violations………….........18-19
13.1 Corporal Punishment
13.2 Specific Disciplinary Procedures
14. Procedural Explanations.………………………….…..………………….......19-20
14.1 Suspensions/Expulsions
14.2 Behavior Records
14.3 Appeal Process to Board Decisions
15. High School Manual…………………………………….……………………….20-25
15.1 Definition of a High School Student at LCA
15.2 Credits and Activities for Eighth Grade Students
15.3 Records Required for High School Students
15.4 Standardized Testing Requirements
15.5 Graduation Requirements
15.5.1 Course of Study Requirements
15.5.2 Standardized Testing Competency
15.5.3 Bible Reading Requirement
15.5.4 Research Paper/Project
15.5.5 Vocational/Technical Course of Study
15.6 General Criteria for Honors/Advanced Placement (AP) Classes
15.7 Dual Enrollment
15.8 LCA Service Club
15.9 American Christian Honor Society
15.10 Student Council
15.11 Early Graduation
15.12 Transcript Request
15.13 Driver’s Permits
15.14 Students Transferring into LCA
15.15 Part-Time High School Students
16. Student Policy Agreement Form ….................................................................26
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
Life Christian Academy Overview
Life Christian Academy (LCA) is ministry of New Life Baptist Church (NLBC). Ephesians 6:4 instructs
fathers to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. LCA operates to allow Christian
parents to educate their children in a Christian environment, from the Christian perspective and provide
resources and activities necessary to assist parents in achieving a balanced education for their students
with emphasis on character, excellence, and creativity.
School requirements are designed to aid in this endeavor. LCA has an organizational structure in place.
This structure includes the LCA School Board and an administrative staff who all work together to help
keep the school above reproach and accountable.
Statement of Faith
Life Christian Academy families come from diverse denominational backgrounds, and by joining with Life
Christian Academy you become part of an extended family; therefore, school requirements are that the
parents in our families be born-again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who agree with the following
statement of faith. The statement of faith is by no means a complete doctrinal statement of New Life
Baptist Church, but represents a core of central beliefs that are considered essential for effective bonding
and fellowship among families. Our Statement of Faith is as follows:
We believe:
The Bible is the only inspired and infallible written Word of God and constitutes complete and final
revelation and is the final authority for faith and life. The Bible, in its original autograph of Old and
New Testaments, is without error in whole and in part including theological concepts as well as
geographical, geological, and historical details.
That one God has existed from all eternity in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and
God the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ was God come in human flesh being fully God and fully man,
being born of a virgin and without sin.
All mankind is in violation of God’s righteous requirements and His holy character both by nature
and act and is therefore under his wrath and condemnation. The central purpose of the first
coming of Jesus Christ was to pay the penalty for man’s sin through His substitutionary death on
the cross the successful accomplishment of which was attested to by His subsequent visible,
bodily resurrection.
Salvation is offered to everyone as a gift, free to the sinner. This gift must be responded to in
individual faith, not trusting in any personal works whatsoever, but relying wholly on the sacrificial
work and death of Jesus Christ alone and His atoning blood.
The school requires that both parents be professing Christians, be in agreement about the home education
of their children, and be faithful, active members in a Bible believing church. The primary teacher in the
family should not be employed full-time outside of the home.
1.1 New Family Enrollment
Families seeking to enroll with LCA must complete the following application steps. Forms must be
returned and approved before enrollment will be considered complete.
1. Meet admissions requirements as specified above and complete an Application Packet
2. Pay registration fee (additional fee after April 20)
3. Attend an interview of entire family with at least two LCA Board members
4. Complete the Enrollment Packet and return by their due dates
5. Provide documentation of immunization or exemption to the office
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
Life Christian Academy is composed of a School Board, Administrative Staff, Team Leaders, and Volunteers.
Each is described below.
2.1 LCA Board
The LCA Board is the principal governing body of Life Christian Academy. The policies concerning
responsibilities, selection, and voting requirements are given below.
2.1.1 Responsibility
The LCA Board is responsible for the following:
Setting all school policies
Approving the High School Coordinator as he/she may automatically become a Member of the
Approving all paid positions
Ensuring fiscal integrity, which includes setting school tuition rates and other fees, approving staff
salaries, and tuition credits for volunteer positions
Annual review of financial records
Overseeing selection and approving membership of candidate families
The deciding body on any suspensions, expulsions, and written appeals
Ensuring that the school is run in accordance with Board policy
Assisting the Principal upon request
2.1.2 Membership
There shall be a minimum of seven (7) voting members on the Board. Required members are:
1. Pastor of New Life Baptist Church (Board Chairman)
2. NLBC lay elder or deacon
3. LCA School Principal
4. LCA Financial Officer
5. LCA High School Coordinator
6. At least two school members selected from the school-at-large
2.1.3 Term of Office
All board members, except for the Pastor, Principal, Financial Officer, and the High School Coordinator,
will serve a term length of two years, with the option of serving a third year pending board approval.
A board member appointed to fulfill a vacated position can be selected for another full term of two to three
years at the end of the term of the original board member.
2.1.4 Selection
LCA Board selection will be handled in the following manner:
Recommendations/nominations shall come from the current Board.
From this pool of nominees, the sitting Board will select two or three to approach.
The Board Chairman will then contact the nominees in order to fill the positions.
2.1.5 Voting Requirements
Decisions of the Board will be made based on simple majority. Some decisions will require a super-
majority. The following schedule defines a super-majority: 4 of 6, 5 of 7, 6 of 8. The following board
decisions will require a super-majority: amendments to LCA Policies, expulsion of a student or family from
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
the school, and approval of new staff positions. The Chairman will not vote, except to break ties and in
cases where a super-majority is required.
LCA policies shall not conflict with New Life Baptist Church policies and are subject to the directives of the
Church Elders. Church policy will always take precedence.
2.2 School Administrative Staff
The School Administrative Staff exists to ensure that the school runs smoothly and that all necessary support
is in place and active so that LCA remains a distinctly Christian school in word and practice. Depending on
the current needs of the school the following positions may be staffed:
2.2.1 School Principal
The School Principal is the chief administrator for the school and shall ensure that the school runs smoothly
and that all necessary support is in place and active. Responsibilities include:
Ensure all families follow school policy
Provide status report to NLBC Elders and Pastor
Set agendas for LCA Board Meetings and Parent Meetings
Implement Enrollment and monitor the progress, verifying that all required paperwork has been
turned in and sent to the appropriate destination
Set up family interviews, coordinating the time with the family and those interviewing the family
Conduct New Family Orientation
Enroll students in classes
Maintain up-to-date school data base and student records
Implement Withdrawal procedures for families leaving LCA and verify that all appropriate forms
are sent to proper destinations
Handle questionable situations as they arise or refer them to the NLBC Pastor and LCA school
Create school calendar
Secure and interface with teachers and team leaders; contact NLBC Pastor about situations of
concern with team leaders, families, students, or teachers
Serve as team leader for team leaders
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
Assist and monitor assessment testing
Remain in close contact with the High School Coordinator to ensure unity of purpose and vision
Remain aware of which classes are wanted or needed
Assist families in finding solutions for academic difficulties
Oversee coordinators and volunteers
Oversee school safety
Oversee school activities
Oversee school web site
Oversee attendance
Remain informed of school operations to be able to answer questions families may have
Ensure that LCA remains a distinctly Christian school in word and practice
Handle situations if a family is contacted by truancy authorities
Make and send transcripts for 1
- 8
grade students
2.2.2 Financial Officer
The responsibilities of the Financial Officer include:
Keep records up-to-date for all incoming and out-going funds
Pay all LCA bills in a timely manner
Balance the check book each month
Send late notices when needed and assess fines for accounts overdue
Monitor budget status of all fund accounts
Log all checks (incoming and outgoing) into the computer
Create a deposit record
Prepare and make deposits
Attach deposit receipts to deposit record and file
Send financial statements to families at least tri-annually
Prepare and present financial statements to the board regularly
Reimburse NLBC monthly for LCA payroll
2.2.3 High School Coordinator
The High School Coordinator (HSC) is the primary administrator overseeing the needs for the families of
high school students. This person will:
Meet with each family to discuss the student’s four-year plan for graduation and encourage ways
to meet the requirements for his/her post high school goals
Collect course descriptions and report cards for each high school student annually
Train and encourage high school parents annually
Gather all relevant data on each high school student transferring out
Prepare high school transcripts for students leaving LCA
Monitor progress of high school students towards their four-year plan
Publicize high school requirements and deadlines
Remain aware of LCA high school activities
Provide honor society and service club information and awards
Interface with college officials for dual enrollment and college applications
Serve on school board
Supervise/direct graduation annually
2.2.4 Testing Coordinator
The Testing Coordinator implements, monitors, and provides results for all tests LCA administers. This
person will:
Interface with testing agencies
Provide Principal with available testing dates
Register students for testing
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
Gather and train volunteers to administer exams
Report results to Principal
2.3 Team Leaders
The Team Leader’s responsibilities to LCA:
Be responsible for overseeing assigned families
Attend the major activities of the school (Parent Meetings and school-wide activities).
Supervise the coordination of their team for the implementation of one LCA school-wide activity
as follows:
o Be the contact person for questions
o Be responsible for preparing any necessary pre-event materials
o Find a location suitable for event
o Provide people to set-up and run event
o Verify facilities are returned to their original state
The Team Leader’s responsibilities to their families:
Be their contact person to answer any questions they may have or to forward them to the one
who may know
Check records of each team member during the months of September, January, and May
Approve lesson plan documentation; train where necessary
Approve “creative alternative” school days
Meet with their whole team at least once (more times, if needed) to guide moms in implementing
their school-wide team activity
Supervise progress of moms in planning and action taken for school-wide activity
Report any policy infractions to the LCA staff
Try to contact each family at least once in the months between record checks
2.4 Other Positions
ACEA Coordinator - LCA is a member of the Alabama Christian Education Association (ACEA), which
offers Academic, Bible, Art, Music, and Speech competitions for students enrolled in ACEA member
schools. Students who place first at the state level are invited to participate in the American Association of
Christian Schools (AACS) National Competition, which is held annually at Bob Jones University.
LCA’s ACEA coordinator keeps LCA students informed of ACEA competition opportunities and assists in
their participation by providing them with competition details and rules. The coordinator acts as liaison
between the competition organizers and the school office and files all paperwork pertaining to student
participation in the state and national competitions. The ACEA coordinator attends all competition events
or enlists another LCA parent to represent the school.
Basketball Coach - The LCA head basketball coach is responsible for all aspects of the LCA basketball
program. This includes establishing and maintaining a Godly discipline within the program, selecting the
players for each team, coaching the players, discipling the players (Matthew 28:19), vetting and selecting
assistant coaches, establishing the practice schedule, conducting the practices, establishing the game
schedule, finding places to practice and play games, coordinating with other schools on game logistics
(i.e., place, time), and performing all other logistics and coordination required to run the basketball
Science Fair Coordinator - Meets with the families interested in entering a project in the science fair to give
guidance with project selection, project research, and project design and implementation. This coordinator
will also, with help from the school, set the date for the science fair, establish the location, communicate this
information to the school, and secure trained, fair and independent judges for the projects.
Yearbook Coordinator - The LCA Yearbook Coordinator is in charge of photographing the group photos of
classes, taking candid photos of the various activities in which LCA is involved, laying out and designing
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
the pages in the yearbook, creating a database of photos to students for the individual photo pages,
collecting images and captions from the families for the family pages, and making sure all the Seniors turn
in their items for the Senior pages. The Coordinator must also keep aware of deadlines for renewal
contracts, ordering the yearbooks, and handing them out at the August parent meeting.
3.1 Alabama State Law
Compulsory Attendance Ages: “between the ages of six and 17.” The parent, legal custodian, or
guardian of a child who is six years old may opt out of enrolling the child in school by written notification to
the local school board that the child will not be enrolled until age seven. A child attending a church school
prior to attaining his or her 16th birthday may withdraw at age 16. Alabama Code § 16-28-3.
Required Days of Instruction: 180 days (public schools only).
Required Subjects: None.
Home School Statute: None.
Home Educators have three options:
Option 1: Attend a Church School. A church school “[i]ncludes only schools that offer instruction in
grades K-12, or any combination thereof, including preschool, through on-site or home programs, and are
operated as a ministry of a local church, group of churches, denomination, and/or association of churches
which do not receive any state or federal funding.” Ala. Code § 16-28-1. A home may be the location
where a child receives instruction as a student attending a church school. A parent may establish the
church school in the home, or the home may be an extension of an existing church school.
a. “The enrollment and attendance of a child in a church school shall be filed with the local public school
superintendent by the parent … on a form provided by the superintendent ... which shall be countersigned
by the administrator of the church school….” Ala. Code § 16-28-7. (No requirement to file annually. Only
need to file this form once at initial enrollment in church school.)
b. The principal teacher of the church school must keep an attendance register for each day of the school
year. Ala. Code § 16-28-8.
c. If the local school district believes a family is not in compliance with the law, it must give the family 3
days’ written notice (Ala. Code § 16-28-16) prior to instituting criminal charges. In an HSLDA case, the
Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals reversed the conviction of a home school father who only received a 2-
hour verbal notice from a truant officer. Maas v. Alabama, 601 So. 2d 209 (Ala. Ct. App. 1992).
d. According to an Alabama Attorney General’s opinion dated January 3, 1997, “[o]ther than the state laws
requiring parents to report attendance and for church schools to report if a student is no longer in
attendance at such a church school, there is no provision of Alabama law that permits or requires any state
or local authority to regulate a church school.”
Option 2: Attend a Private School. A private school “[i]ncludes only such schools that are established,
conducted, and supported by a nongovernmental entity or agency offering educational instruction in
grades K-12, or any combination thereof, including preschool, through on-site or home programs.” Ala.
Code § 16-28-1. A home may be the location where a child receives instruction as a student attending a
private school. A parent may establish the private school in the home, or the home may be an extension of
an existing private school.
a. Private schools must register annually by October 10 with the Alabama Department of Education and
must complete “uniform blanks” furnished by the Department, “giving such statistics as relate to the
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
number of pupils, the number of instructors, enrollment, attendance, course of study, length of term, cost of
tuition, funds, value of property, and the general condition of the school.” Ala. Code § 16-1-11.
b. At the end of the fifth day from the opening of public school, the principal teacher of each private school
must report on forms prescribed by the State Superintendent of Education to the county superintendent or
city superintendent “the names and addresses of all children of mandatory school attendance age who
have enrolled in such schools; and thereafter, throughout the compulsory attendance period, the principal
teacher of each school … shall report at least weekly the names and addresses of all children of
mandatory school attendance age who enroll in the school or who, having enrolled, were absent without
being excused, or whose absence was not satisfactorily explained by the parent, guardian, or other person
having control of the child.” Ala. § 16-28-7.
c. Private schools must furnish all reports that may be required by the State Superintendent of Education
and by the county superintendent of education or by the city board of education with reference to the
school attendance laws. Ala. Code § 16-28-8.
d. The principal teacher of the private school must keep an attendance register for each school day of the
year. Ala. Code § 16-28-8.
e. Private schools must require each pupil who is admitted to the school to present a certificate of
immunization or testing for the prevention of the communicable diseases designated by the State Health
Officer, except when the parent or guardian claims a religious or medical exemption. Ala. Code §§ 16-30-3
and 16-30-4.
f. Every private school “shall carry out a system of physical education, the character of which shall conform
to the program or course outlined by the Department of Education.” Ala. Code § 16-40-1.
g. Private schools in which 25 or more persons are congregated regularly for instruction must meet the
requirements of the building code unless the building was used for that purpose prior to the effective date
of the code. Ala. Code §§ 41-9-160(2) and 41-9-163(c).
Option 3: Instruction by a Private Tutor. Under Ala. Code § 16-28-5, a child may be instructed by a
private tutor. Under this statute:
a. The private tutor must be a state-certified teacher.
b. The private tutor must offer instruction “in the several branches of study required to be taught in the
public schools…, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., and who uses the English language in
giving instruction.”
c. The private tutor must file with the county superintendent, a statement showing the child or children to
be instructed, the subjects taught, and period of instruction. The tutor must keep a register of the child’s
work showing daily hours of instruction and attendance and shall make such reports as the State Board of
Education may require.
Teacher Qualifications: No qualifications required to teach in a church or private school. A private tutor
must be a state-certified teacher. Ala. Code § 16-28-5.
Standardized Tests: Not required by statute.
Freedom from State Regulation: “Nonpublic schools, including private, church, parochial, and religious
schools, offering educational instruction in grades K-12, as well as home-schooled students, are not
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
subject to licensure or regulation by the state or any political subdivision of the state, including the State
Department of Education.” Sec. 2(b), Act 2014-245.
College Anti-discrimination Provisions: “Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, no public
two-year or four-year institution of higher education in the state may deny admission to or otherwise
discriminate against an otherwise qualified student based on the consideration, whether in whole or in part,
that the student attended, graduated from, or is enrolled in a nonpublic school, including private, church,
parochial, and religious schools, or was home schooled.” Sec. 6, Act 2014-245.
Religious Freedom Act: Alabama Constitution Amendment 622.
3.2 Probation Policy
LCA reserves the right to place families on probation when school requirements are not followed.
Probation places a family at risk regarding continued enrollment at LCA. LCA recognizes that sometimes
extenuating circumstances may prevent a family from being able to comply with LCA requirements. When
special circumstances warrant, communication with the school Principal will often prevent the family from
being placed on probation.
At the discretion of the school board, a family will be placed on probationary status for failing to comply in
any of the following areas:
failure to remain active in a local church
account falls behind by 30 days
required record-keeping falls behind by 30 days
failure to attend a required parent meeting
failure to follow policies stated in the Policy Manual
failure to pay fees incurred through participation in LCA
If the school board deems it necessary to place a family on probationary status, the board will decide what
consequences, if any, the family will face during the probationary period. The LCA School Board will notify
the family in writing that they have been placed on probationary status. With the notification, the LCA
School Board will instruct the family of the consequences which have been levied against the family, as
well as how to remedy the situation.
The family will be removed from probationary status when one of the following occurs:
the deficiency is corrected to the satisfaction of the school staff
the family successfully appeals to the school board
Potential consequences of being on probation may include any of the following:
academic records being withheld
registration for the following year being rejected
participation in social activities, classes, or field trips being denied/limited
being withdrawn from LCA
3.3 Dismissal Policy
If the problem is not remedied within 30 days of being placed on probation, the school board may re-
evaluate the situation. If the board deems it necessary to levy additional consequences, they will notify the
family accordingly.
3.4 Protection of Privacy Policy
In order to protect the privacy of a family, the school will not release information concerning a family except
by permission. Families who are enrolled in the school shall not give out the directory, information in it, or
use information otherwise obtained through the school for business, profit, or charitable organizations,
without the permission of the family.
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
4.1 Campus Health Policy
Students should not be sent to classes or any other LCA activity if they have had any of the following
during the past 24 hours:
A fever
Any type of stomach upset
Symptoms of communicable diseases or viruses (Chicken Pox, the flu, pink eye, bad colds, etc.)
Frequent coughing, sneezing, nose blowing
A rash, except for botanically induced rashes (poison ivy, etc.)
4.2 Immunization
LCA requires that immunizations for all children in the family be kept current according to state
recommendations. Parents may obtain a “Blue Card” from their doctor, which is issued by the County
Health Department and is the certification of immunization. Those who cannot in good conscience provide
certain immunizations for their children must follow the current Alabama state law to obtain a waiver for
this requirement.
4.3 Allergies
If a child suffers with severe allergies, the office must be informed, along with the student’s teachers, and
the lunchroom monitors, as medically necessary according to section 12.1, “Student Behavior.”
4.4 Drug Dispensing
LCA will not administer any medication to a student.
Tuition is calculated by the cost we anticipate expending to cover each family for the school year. This can
be paid in one payment OR ten equal payments.
Tuition is due by the 10
of the month.
Any tuition payment not received by the office by the due date will be automatically billed a $5 late
fee for each week it is late, up to $20, except when an extension has been approved by the
LCA recognizes that special circumstances arise which may delay a family’s ability to pay the full
amount on time. If a balance is owed, the family is asked to make arrangements with the Principal
for a payment schedule.
This same late fee policy applies to all forms due into the office that have assigned due dates.
The maximum late fee per item due in the office is $20.
Any returned checks will incur a fee equal to that assessed to LCA by our bank.
Any family who is consistently late paying their tuition by the due date or falls behind more than 30 days
and has not made prior arrangements with the LCA Principal or Financial Officer will receive a call from a
board member and could possibly be placed on probation.
Testing is required for students in the fourth, sixth, eighth, and tenth grades. High school students
are exempt if LCA testing graduation requirements have been met. Testing is also provided for students in
other grades if parents choose to use it. The primary goal of standardized testing is to aid the parents in
determining their students’ progress.
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
The payment for the testing is the responsibility of the parent and the cost will be announced at the
beginning of each school year.
Families that need their student to be tested by an alternative form of evaluation must provide sufficient
cause for an exception and work out an acceptable alternative with the school testing coordinator and
Principal by the end of the first semester.
7.1 Teacher Selection Policy
LCA teachers are qualified to teach the designated class by vocational experience or education. All
teachers that teach classes at LCA are screened and interviewed by school administration. The teachers
are required to fill out applications, supply references and personal histories, sign Statements of Faith, and
comply with LCA Classroom Teaching Requirements. Additionally, each teacher is required to complete a
one-time LCA initiated background check before class begins.
7.2 Class Enrollment
Enrollment for Friday classes will be offered during the Spring. Late enrollment will be left to the discretion
of the teacher of the class.
7.3 Class Payment
It is the responsibility of the parent to pay each teacher in a timely manner. One-half of the first semester
fees are due by July 10. The balances of the fees are due upon the second class meeting. If the due date
is not met, the student may be dropped from the class. If the fee is paid later, the student can be added
back into the class if room allows, and if there is not room, the student will be placed on the waiting list. If a
teacher experiences difficulty collecting fees from a family during the remainder of the year, the teacher will
report this to the Financial Officer, who will then report it to the Board for consideration of probation.
Teachers are giving of their time and effort for a nominal fee, therefore, everyone should return the
consideration by allowing the teachers to plan their budgets.
7.4 Class Fees and Refunds
Initial outlay by the teacher precludes reimbursement for some of these funds. Reimbursement of the
remaining tuition is at the teacher’s discretion in the cases of major financial hardship or job transfers.
7.5 Class Requirements
Students must maintain at least a “C” average in order to remain in an LCA class. If a student falls below a
“C” average by the end of the first nine weeks (or any nine-week period), they will be asked to withdraw
from the class because they are either unable or unmotivated to handle the work required.
Classes are offered at LCA as a resource tool to help parents educate their children. Parents are still
responsible to see that the students are completing assignments for LCA classes. Most teachers send
home graded quizzes and tests with the students. We recommend that parents insist on seeing these and
having the student organize and keep them.
7.6 Class Attendance
LCA class teachers will keep attendance and regular attendance is expected. If your student will not be
attending a class, please contact the school to let the office know not to expect him/her. If a student is not in
class and the parent has not contacted the office, the parent may be called.
7.7 Classes and Inclement Weather
LCA will follow the Madison County School system with regard to severe or hazardous weather.
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
7.8 Lunch
Lunch is from 12:00-12:30 on Fridays. Pizza can be purchased in two ways: 1) a semester Pizza Pass
purchased at the beginning of each semester 2) weekly purchases of individual slices by students signing
up on Friday mornings before 11:00. Students are welcome to bring their lunch. Microwaves are available
in the kitchen for use. Stoves are not permitted to be used by students.
7.9 Chapel
Chapel is required for all students on the premises during chapel time. The purpose of Chapel is to
worship the living God through song, prayer, and the preaching of the Word. We do not offer an
“invitation.” If a child inquires about salvation, the Gospel will be explained and the parents will be
contacted. Doctrine will be confined to those affirmed by each family on the Statement of Faith.
7.10 Class Days
LCA offers High School classes on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Part-time members are eligible for
High School classes only. Additionally, on Friday, enrichment classes are held for K-12 grades.
On Tuesday and Thursday of each week, the gym is set up as a study hall. This study hall is for students
who need a place to work between classes. Each student should bring school work and work quietly
according to the guidelines set forth by the LCA staff.
8.1 Planning Projects or Field Trips
Special projects, activities, and field trips intended as a school-wide function must be approved by a school
administrator and put on the official school calendar (in the office). No advertisement or expenditures
should occur until approval is complete. An LCA staff member or parent must act as a sponsor for all
school functions and be present during the entire length of the activity.
8.2 Unaccompanied Students
Any parent who does not wish to accompany their student to an LCA activity where a parent or guardian is
required must have a designated adult who agrees to be responsible for the student and to be present at
all times.
8.3 Students Represent LCA to the Community
LCA expects all students to exhibit Christ-like behavior at school activities. If a student is unable to behave
appropriately at an LCA class, activity, or field trip, a team leader or the LCA staff member will ask the
parent and the child to leave. Parents are asked to comply in a godly manner. Any student asked to leave
a second activity/class because of misbehavior may not be allowed to participate in any field trips,
activities, or classes for the rest of the school year. Any parent who feels their child was treated unjustly
should contact the School Principal.
9.1 Records
In order to legally support your homeschooling efforts and for accountability purposes, LCA requires the
following academic documentation from each family.
State Law Requires (For those choosing the “Church School” option)
Church school enrollment form
Attendance Records
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
LCA Requires
Application Forms / Re-enrollment Forms
Goals and Curriculum (grades 1-8)
Four Year Plan and Course Descriptions (grades 9-12)
Lesson Plans/Journal
Report Cards
Work Samples
9.2 Application Forms / Re-enrollment Forms
Application Forms and/or Re-enrollment Forms must be completed, approved, and on file in the office
before the family is considered fully enrolled and before they are eligible to participate in classes and
9.3 Attendance Records
Attendance records are a requirement of the state, therefore LCA requires each family to maintain an LCA
Attendance Form for their student(s), and to submit their Attendance Form to LCA at the end of each
9.4 Goals and Curriculum
Goals and Curriculum Forms for grades 1-8 document the commitment to instruction and long-range
planning for the year. This form must be completed for every student enrolled in these grades and turned
in at the beginning of the school year to the family’s team leader.
9.5 Four-Year Plan and Course Descriptions
The four- year plan maps out a course of study for the high school years, while the course description
details the plan for each course therein. Both plans are written by the parent after training by the High
School Coordinator and are useful tools in planning, communicating, and documenting progress toward
LCA’s graduation requirements. The objective is to ensure that the student is academically prepared for
the student’s goals after high school.
High school students transferring from another school must meet with the High School Coordinator to
determine credits needed for graduation.
9.6 Lesson Plans / Journal
Lesson plans come in a wide variety of formats. The lesson plan is the primary means of supporting and
justifying the home education process, therefore it must show what is taught and needs to have regular
notes and comments regarding student progress.
The documentation for each school day must be organized and easy to understand. It is recommended
that you keep your school day count* somewhere on your lesson plan or journal. *A minimum of 180
days of school per year is required by LCA.
9.7 Report Cards
Report cards are provided by LCA, and grades should be recorded at the end of each semester. Grading
should be recorded as follows, depending on the grade level:
For K-2
grades, the teacher may decide what grading scale he/she wishes to use.
For 3
grades, letter grades (A, B, C, and D) should be used.
For high school (9
grades and 8
graders earning high school credit), the report cards
should reflect the numerical grade earned. A copy of each student’s report card should be turned
into team leaders after each semester plus a copy to the HSC.
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
9.8 Work Samples
A sample of each student’s work in the disciplines of writing and math are to be shown to the family’s team
leader in January of each year.
The LCA school year begins June 1 and ends May 31. This provides each family 365 days in which to
conduct their home education program. LCA requires that at least 180 school days out of the possible 365
be documented. A school day is defined as a planned and documented day of instruction in which:
At least three core subjects (i.e. reading, spelling, creative writing, arithmetic, English, Bible,
language, geography, science, health, or history) are taught, OR
A minimum of three hours is spent in learning activities in core subject(s).
Please note that this is a minimum.
Out of these 180 required school days, a family is allowed:
Ten (10) days per semester, (twenty days per year) for sickness or any necessary
absence of the teacher or the student (when plans had been made to teach that day)
Five (5) “In-Service” or teacher preparation days to be used for such things as seminars,
lesson preparation, grading, organizing, planning, preparing the instruction work site, etc.
A limited number of Excused Absences (which must be approved individually by the
Principal) each semester for special family emergencies or problems that exceed the ten
(10) absent days.
A student who has special learning problems and cannot meet LCA’s graduation requirements can receive
a certificate of completion. The parents will need to meet with the LCA Principal and High School
Coordinator to determine a four-year plan and set goals to be met by the student.
12.1 Student Behavior Requirements
Because we are in a facility that is both a Church and a school, it is necessary to clarify a few behavioral
rules so that our students know what is expected of them. We want to be fair to them, but we also want to
respect the Church members who provide this facility for our use as well as the other families in the school.
Parents should go over these rules with their students.
The following are violations of the LCA Student Behavior Policy:
Disrespectful attitudes or behavior toward others; everyone should treat one another as they
would like to be treated
Classroom distractions, including: violating class rules, ringers on cell phones, texting, etc.
Plagiarism or cheating
Running or horse playing inside the building
Profane or disrespectful talking
Yelling or screaming
Possession of weapons
Possession of illegal or prescription drugs unless medically necessary and the office is notified
(e.g. diabetic or severe allergy medications that require immediate treatment)
Eating during class unless it is part of the class activity
Food or drink in the auditorium
Chewing gum
Technology devices of any kind during Friday classes unless approved by a teacher; high school
students may use technology devices while waiting in the gym on Tuesday and Thursday if
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
permitted by the parent, and the device should only be used in a way that edifies the individual and
honors God
Accessing the pantry or ice box without permission
Inappropriate contact, excessive hugging, hand-holding, or kissing on campus or during any off-
campus LCA activities
Leaving class before it is over unless given permission by the teacher
Leaving campus without permission before classes are dismissed
Leaving in a car with other student(s) unless given parental permission in writing or by phone to
the school office
Leaving a mess after eating or other personal or school activity
Disturbing or altering the property of NLBC; the decorations, supplies, materials in the rooms, as
well as the building, must be respected and remain exactly as the Church members left them,
including the nursery
Loitering in the parking lot or outside of the building
12.2 Student Dress Code
The Scriptures clearly teach that as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ we are to present a Christian
lifestyle before the world (1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:23-24). This lifestyle also includes the area of
dress. LCA is composed of many families of varying values, and as Christian families, we should not wish
to offend each other (Romans 14:7-9). Therefore, we request that you observe the guidelines given below
for any LCA activityon campus or off.
If a member of the staff, a teacher, or a field trip leader, observes that a student is in violation of the dress
code, the student will be asked to go home or change clothing. The parent is responsible for bringing the
student appropriate attire. If the violation is not blatantly immodest, the school staff may allow the student
to continue the class or activity until appropriate attire has been supplied. The goal is to handle correction
discreetly to protect the student’s privacy. Questionable attire is subject to the opinion of the highest
authority present, with compliance required. A parent may appeal later to the LCA School Board.
General guidelines:
All clothing worn must be modest and in good taste. (1 Timothy 2:8-10)
Clothing that is too short, too tight, worn-out, torn, or sloppy is not considered appropriate attire for
Christian school activities.
Specific guidelines:
Shirts should have some type of sleevecombinations of shirts are acceptable as long as one has
Necklines should not be lower than 1” below the collarbone.
Shorts should be pant style in design. Gym shorts may be worn during P.E. only and must be knee
Shorts, skirts and dresses should be knee length or longermeaning at least to the top of the
All undergarments should remain as such: under garments! (even when raising arms, sitting, and
during P.E.)
Students are not to wear hats inside the building. Students may wear hats during outdoor
activities as a means of sun protection.
Beyond girls having earrings, no body piercing is allowed by any students; male students are not
allowed to wear earrings.
Hair should be neatly kept and out of eyes
No tight or form fitted clothing. A general rule of “pinch one inch” should be applied to outer
garments. In other words, the clothing should be loose enough for the student to easily
“pinch one inch” of material.
No sweat pants except during P.E or karate
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
No shirt or T-shirt with a logo that may be offensive in nature (Romans 14:13, 20-21)
No Gothic, punk, or rap attire (often characterized by all black attire, exotic hair, and intimidating
designs on shirts)
No tummies showing even when raising arms, sitting, and during P.E.
12.3 Student Security
For the safety of all, LCA has only one designated student entrance and exit to the school campus. All
entries and exits are through this single access door located at the LCA Office entrance. The exception is
the designated Friday pickup and drop-off times which will be at the front entrances and monitored by
school officials. All other doors will be secured and locked and are to be used for emergency exit only.
Students are not to open any doors for anyone at any time.
13.1 Corporal Punishment
LCA does not administer any form of corporal punishment. This is the jurisdiction of the parents.
13.2 Specific Disciplinary Procedures
Life Christian Academy’s discipline policy should be viewed in the context of LCA's stated goal of assisting
parents in the training of their children. LCA is committed to ensuring children can learn in a safe
environment, conducive to spiritual growth and learning. To accomplish this, the staff will do everything in
its power to include parents in the discipline process, to be fair, and to be consistent.
The following guidelines may be adjusted as the LCA school administration and school board deem
necessary to protect the physical and emotional well-being of students, staff, and LCA in general. Students
and families are expected to demonstrate Christian values and reflect the character of Christ as a pattern
of life.
The following measures build according to the frequency of violations and according to the severity of the
violation. Our goal is to support Christian families as they seek to train their children in the things of the
Lord, one area of which is obedience to authority.
Level IStudent Corrected with Compliance Required
When a student violates any of the LCA Student Behavior Policies set forth in this manual, excluding
those offenses which are Suspensions or Expulsions as indicated by Levels IV and V.
Level IIStudent Corrected, Parent Contacted and Recorded in Students File
When a student repeatedly (two times or more) violates behavior policy
Level IIIStudent Corrected, Parent/Administration Conference, and Recorded in Student File
1. When a student does not comply with correction given them by administration, teacher, or other
LCA authority
2. Repeated offenses from Levels I-II
3. Inappropriate display of affection
4. Cutting class or leaving campus without parental permission and staff awareness
Level IVSuspensions (suspensions are effective the next day(s) which the student is to be at
One Day Suspensions
1. Repeated offenses from Levels I-III
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
2. Cursing, profanity of any type, and inappropriate gestures
3. Conspiracy of inciting to fight or fighting
4. Bullying
5. Verbally insulting school personnel
Three Day Suspensions
1. Repeated offenses from Levels I-IV
2. Cheating/Plagiarism
3. Lying
4. Theft
5. Purposely damaging or altering the facilities of NLBC/LCA
Suspension for the Remainder of the Semester or Year
1. Repeated offenses from Levels I-IV
2. Inappropriate sexual language or behavior
3. Possession or use of tobacco products
4. Confirmed threats of violence to students, faculty, or the school in general
5. Explicit pictures or pornography
6. Attempting to, conspiring to, or vandalizing others and/or school property (restitution required)
Level VExpulsion
1. Repeated offenses Levels I-IV
2. Possession or use of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia, alcohol, or misuse of prescription drugs
3. Possession of firearms or weapons
4. Sexual harassment: pressure for sexual activity
5. Any other action that the LCA board deems severely harmful (physically, spiritually, or morally) to
the students, staff, or the school in general
14.1 Suspensions / Expulsions
Whenever an incident is reported or occurs which would mean the suspension or expulsion of a student,
the parents will immediately be contacted, and the student may be sent home. Afterward all parties
involved will be consulted and facts will be established. Then the administration and/or representation from
the board will meet with the student(s) and parents. Until this process is complete, the student(s) under
review may not be allowed to attend LCA classes or functions. However, the student will be allowed to
continue class work off campus until review by the board is complete. Students may lose all academic
credits during the time they are suspended.
In all cases of suspension, the LCA Board reserves the right, to increase or decrease the length of
suspension or move immediately to expulsion based on review of all facts and the severity of the student
misconduct. All suspensions require a majority vote of board members present at the board meeting.
Expulsions require three quarters (75%) super majority vote of the board members present at the board
meeting. Board decisions require that a quorum of board members is present. Suspensions and
expulsions are only determined by the board.
Expelled students will no longer be covered by LCA as their church school covering.
14.2 Behavior Records
LCA administration will keep records of behavior policy violations. Suspensions and expulsions may
become a part of the student’s permanent record.
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
14.3 Appeal Process to Board Decisions
Parents may address the board any time prior to a final board decision. Appeals to final decisions will only
be considered if new information is being presented.
15.1 Definition of a High School Student at LCA
Students enrolled in grades 9-12 who are children of full-time member LCA families are high school
students. These students have opportunity to take their coursework at home or at a co-op class. They can
also participate in member testing, extracurricular, service, or social activities.
All high school families must meet requirements of overall membership as outlined in this Member Policy
Manual, such as attendance, record checks, team service, testing, and fees. Parents are asked to attend
high school training or schedule a conference with the High School Coordinator (HSC) prior to beginning
high school, prior to beginning the senior year, and as needed at other times. Annual training is
15.2 Credits and Activities for Eighth Grade Students
High school coursework is not required for eighth grade students. Eighth grade students can earn a
maximum of four high school credits for high school level academic core or required subjects,
including foreign language courses. The following subjects are not approved for high school credit
when taken in eighth grade: Chorus, Drama, PE, and Bible.
Parents should attend high school training or meet with the HSC before beginning high school coursework.
For advanced students, additional high school credits may be allowed with prior approval of the
Eighth grade students may be invited to a limited number of extracurricular and service activities. This will
be announced by the planning team for each event.
15.3 Records Required for High School Students
Late fees may apply as listed in member policy.
A. Four-Year Coursework Plan
Due August 10 prior to entering ninth grade
If doing early high school credit, file prior to eighth-grade year
Updates should be filed annually and as needed
B. Course Descriptions:
Due August 10 for each course the student will be taking that year for high school credit.
Course descriptions should include the student’s name, grade, school year, course title,
curriculum, and course description.
Parents are advised to also include when and where the class is taught and by whom.
C. Report Cards
Copies should be turned in to the family’s team leader and the High School Coordinator at the
end of each semester.
Final grade card is due in the high school office by June 10.
Course titles should be specific and should match those on your course descriptions.
The grade card should include the credit awarded for the course and the numerical grade on a
100-point scale.
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
No grade above 100 will be recorded on the transcript except for Advanced Placement (AP)
exam scores 3 or higher and dual-enrollment grades.
No grade below 70 or “C” grade will be recorded on the transcript.
15.4 Standardized Testing Requirements
All high school students are required to take at least one standardized test in the eighth and tenth grades
and as needed to meet graduation requirements. The tests available for annual evaluation are:
PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 8/9/10, ASVAB, SAT, ACT, CLT or IOWA Achievement Tests. To graduate,
students must fulfill one of the requirements listed below in Section 15.5.2, Standardized Testing
15.5 Graduation Requirements
On completion of the requirements listed below and supporting documentation, a student is awarded a
diploma from LCA equivalent to an Alabama State standard diploma.
15.5.1 Course of Study Requirements:
Student must successfully complete an approved course of study in the disciplines listed below, minimum
24 Credits, effective graduating class of 2020:
Subject Area
Credits (minimum)
4 (to include Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry or equivalent**)
4 (to include Biology, a physical science or equivalent)
Social Studies
4 (to include World History, US History 1 & 2, US
Government ½ credit, Economics ½ credit or equivalent)
CTE* and/or Fine Arts and/or Foreign
Career Preparedness/Life Skills
1.5 or more
*CTE: Career and Technical Training **Equiv. modifications may be approved by HSC
Credit can be earned for both formal and informal types of coursework.
Formal courses are those curriculum or classes which contain a pre-planned unit-of-study
provided by a recognized publisher or school. The credits have usually been predetermined
by the publisher or school.
Informal courses are those which are specially designed for the student by the parent rather
than a publisher or school. Determination of a credit for these courses are as follows:
one credit: ~ 90-150 total hours of coursework
half credit: ~ 45-90 total hours of coursework
15.5.2 Standardized Testing Competency
To graduate, students must fulfill one of the following requirements.
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
Minimum Score
790 (combined math and critical reading)
grade level in BASIC BATTERY
15.5.3 Bible Reading Requirement
Students must read through the entire Bible at least one time in the high school years. This requirement is
not the same as the Bible Course but may be included in the Bible classes.
15.5.4 Research Paper / Project
Note that a research paper is no longer required but highly encouraged for college-bound students.
Vocational students are encouraged to complete a research project.
15.5.5 Vocational / Technical Course of Study
A vocational/technical course of study is recommended for students who plan to enter the work force or
attend a technical school rather than attend a four-year college after graduating from LCA. Parents may
design a course of study which includes hands-on or on-the-job training. Students should keep a strong
core curriculum but use their CTE, Career Prep & Life Skills, and elective courses to prepare for the
vocation. These courses can include an apprenticeship, dual enrollment, vocational courses, or on the job
15.6 General Criteria for Honors / Advanced Placement (AP) Classes
LCA will offer honors and AP classes as teacher availability allows. When completed, honors classes will
be indicated as such on transcripts. Parents may teach honors classes at home or enroll online and
designate them on course descriptions and grade cards.
AP Courses: Due to AP certification requirements, only courses that are official College Board certified
AP courses taught by official College Board certified AP Instructors may be listed as AP on the official
transcript. However, if a student passes an AP exam with a “3” or higher, the class will be designated as
an honors class on the transcript and denoted as a weighted grade by adding 10 points (based on a 100-
point scale). The letter grade will receive a weighting of one additional point (based on a four-point scale).
Any parent may teach to the AP syllabus found at, but the student must pass the
AP exam with a score of “3” or higher to have it noted as “Honors” on the transcript.
NOTE: if a student takes a College Board certified online AP course and successfully completes the
course with a grade of “C” or higher, the student will receive a weighted grade based on completion of the
course. In this case, the student is not required to take the corresponding AP exam to receive the
weighted grade. However, even if the student does take the AP exam and passes with a score of “3” or
higher, the student will not receive double weighting of the grade (weighting for both course completion
and exam score). College Board certified on-line AP courses may receive the AP designation on the
Guidelines for AP Test Credit and Weighting of Grades:
Student must take a corresponding class within the same school year that the test is taken.
To earn early college credit, any student can register and complete any AP exam offered.
However, only AP exams that have a corresponding high school course taught within the
same school year as the AP exam will be awarded the weighted grade.
Weighted grades will not be arbitrarily assigned to a non-corresponding course.
AP exams cannot be used as CLEP exams for LCA credit (e.g., if a student takes the Calculus
AP exam and earns a score of “3” or higher, but has not taken a formal Calculus class, there
will be no awarding of a Calculus grade).
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
Guidelines for Honors Classes:
Content is accelerated and/or more complex than the corresponding “regular” class.
Course emphasizes critical thinking and application.
Course includes experiential instruction (hands-on learning opportunities such as labs, field
trips, competitions, projects, and/or guest speakers).
Class is interdisciplinary (especially important: written and oral communication skills).
Assessments require the student to use enhanced thought processes.
15.7 Dual Enrollment
LCA has an agreement with University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), Calhoun Community College,
University of Alabama Early College, and Bryan College whereby a student in 10-12
grade may enroll in a
college course and gain high school and college credit for the course. Other colleges may be considered
Procedure for Dual Enrollment:
1. Student must apply for admission to the college as a dual credit student.
2. Admission requirements include:
GPA of 3.0 (B average)
Acceptable ACT or SAT scores or placement test at the college
Must be on grade level with high school course requirements
Written permission from parents and school officials
3. Contact the HSC for a registration/approval form and transcript to be sent to the college.
4. The student is responsible for all costs related to the courses.
Guidelines for Dual-Enrollment Courses, Credit, and Weighting of Grades:
Dual enrollment course grades will be weighted according to the same scale as AP weighting.
Students may take college courses in advanced core courses or in trade/technical classes
such as cybersecurity, machine tool, welding, EMT, etc.
Classes taken at colleges (three or four credit hours) will be shown as one credit on the
student’s high school transcript per current Dual Enrollment Agreements with colleges.
Exceptions and pre-requisites may apply. See HSC for details and annual updates.
No PE classes can be taken for dual enrollment.
Any classes taken for dual enrollment below the 100- college level may be applied to the high
school transcript for credit but will not have weighted grades on the transcript.
Prerequisites/placement exams or ACT scores are required by the college for some classes.
15.8 LCA Service Club
Service awards can be earned by students in grades 9-12 who do any type of volunteer
work. Hours may be recorded on the student’s transcript.
Use the Service Project Form or your own to document the hours spent in service activities.
Service projects for this award are considered activities done outside the home for individuals
or organizations without compensation.
Any number of hours may be entered on the transcript, even if it is less than enough for a
Service hours earned may be applied towards the high school transcript and are cumulative
over the years of high school. Service hours earned during class or club activities may be
One point is earned for each hour of service. Do not count anything less than a quarter of an
hour. Points will be recognized as follows for annual awards:
100 points or more: Gold medal
75 points or more: Silver medal
50 points or more: Bronze medal
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
15.9 American Christian Honor Society
The American Christian Honor Society by the American Association of Christian Schools (AACS) is a
Christian organization which seeks to honor qualified students. Members of this chapter shall be selected
by an administrator/teacher/council based on Christian scholarship, service, and character. A student is
eligible to apply if he/she is in the 10
grade and completes the following membership requirements:
Scholarship: The prospective member must have a cumulative average of at least 90
Service: The prospective member must have completed and documented at least 50 hours of
service. “Service” may be service projects or unpaid volunteer work and can be the same
hours listed for service club.
Character: The student must exhibit good moral character and dependability while exercising
influence on peers in upholding our school ideals. Two recommendations from someone other
than a parent will be required. The student should exhibit character qualities according to the
following guidelines:
o Holds Christian principles of morality and ethics
o Cooperates by complying with school regulations
o Demonstrates the highest standard of honesty and reliability
o Shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others
o Takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations
o Exhibits perseverance in application to his/her studies
o Exemplifies desirable personality qualities (cheerfulness, friendliness, contentment)
o Shows dependability in any responsibility he/she accepts
An eligible student who wishes to become a member of the American Christian Honor Society must
complete the application and return it, along with the required documents, to the High School Coordinator
by May 31. Membership will be retroactive to the school year just completed.
15.10 Student Council
The LCA Student Council comprises students in grades 9-12. The council serves as representatives of the
student body and is primarily charged with planning high school activities and service projects. Any student
desiring to be a member of the council must fill-out an application prior to the beginning of the school year
and turn it in to the Student Council Advisor.
15.11 Early Graduation
Students desiring to complete high school coursework in less than four years must score AT or ABOVE
grade level on standardized achievement tests, complete all graduation requirements, and consult with the
15.12 Transcript Requests
Transcripts are issued from the LCA high school office.
Requests for transcripts can be sent by email to the High School Coordinator.
Three to five days for the request to be filled should be allowed.
The full name of the receiving institution or person and full address should be provided.
15.13 Driver’s Permits
For a student to apply for a Learner’s Permit from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), he/she will
need proof of enrollment. See the LCA administrator or secretary for this form. Three days should be
allowed for the LCA office to prepare the form before the DMV appointment.
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
15.14 Students Transferring into LCA
Parents of transfer students must complete the Four-Year Coursework Plan for their high school students
and meet with the HSC. Only those credits listed on transcripts from other schools will be transferred to
LCA. Parent transcripts and course descriptions may also be accepted from home schooling families
transferring from locations that do not require enrollment in a cover school. Credits from transfer schools
below 70% will not be added to the LCA transcript.
Students transferring into LCA in their 11
or 12
grade years will be asked to submit an unofficial
transcript or high school grade cards and four-year plan at the time of member application to LCA.
Records will be reviewed as part of the application process. This procedure is to ensure that the student
can meet LCA graduation requirements.
15.15 Part-time High School Students
The LCA office will accept applications for families who wish to participate in LCA on a limited basis. Part-
time students will be included in classes and testing for high school students, but extracurricular events will
be on a limited basis. Part-time families are responsible to complete an annual part-time application and
pay tuition and class fees per semester and testing fees per test.
For annual paperwork templates, testing registration, high school planning worksheets and forms and for
all other non-policy needs please see the LCA website or the high school coordinator.
Life Christian Academy Member Policy
Policy Agreement Form
Sign and return by September 10
(or 2 weeks after enrollment, whichever is latest).
ALL students AND a PARENT need to sign this form.
I certify that I have read, and agree to comply with, the rules and dress code for students as listed
in the Policies For Students.
Parent’s Signature Date
Student’s Signature Date
Student’s Signature Date
Student’s Signature Date
Student’s Signature Date
Student’s Signature Date
Student’s Signature Date
Life Christian Academy