Your Name
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To Members of the Search Committee,
When I saw the job description for your associate pastor of adult ministries position at
(name of church), I was excited at the prospect of serving God at (name of church) by
(state here the stuff in the job description that caught your eye, e.g., leading Bible studies,
mentoring, teaching, contacting new members).
The interpersonal qualities of (list some things from the posting that are a fit for you, e.g.,
self-discipline, motivation, compassion, etc.) that you are seeking in this individual are
the areas that I feel God has uniquely gifted me with.
As you will see from my attached resume, my experience in discipleship, teaching, and
preaching in both traditional Christian and diverse settings is broad. These skills will
enable me to meet challenges and ensure the success of the adult ministry programs at
(name of church). My desire is to serve God in a Christian community such as yours, and
I believe God has equipped me for this service.
I look forward to an opportunity to meet with your committee in person to learn more
about (name of church) and how I would complement your ministry team. Please contact
me at (you should enter in a number where you would prefer they leave you a message)
at your convenience to schedule an interview.
Your Name
Enclosure: Resume