Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________
Regents Review Ms. Carey
A major goal of both the Sepoy Mutiny in India and the Boxer Rebellion in China was to
(1) rid their countries of foreigners
(2) expand their respective territories
(3) receive international military support
(4) restore an absolute monarch to the throne
Which group was accused of violating human rights in the city of Nanjing during World War II?
(1) Americans (2) Chinese
(3) Japanese (4) Germans
One way in which the Hitler Youth of Germany and the Red Guard of China are similar is that
both organizations
(1) required unquestioning loyalty to the leader
(2) helped increase religious tolerance
(3) hindered imperialistic goals
(4) led pro-democracy movements
Which set of events in 19th- and 20th-century Chinese history is in the correct chronological
(1) Great Leap Forward Opium Wars Long March Four Modernizations
(2) Four Modernizations Long March Opium Wars Great Leap Forward
(3) Opium Wars Long March Great Leap Forward Four Modernizations
(4) Long March Four Modernizations Great Leap Forward Opium Wars
A goal of both the Boxer Rebellion in China and the Mau Mau movement in Kenya was to
(1) promote laissez-faire capitalism (2) end foreign control
(3) develop modern industries (4) create a totalitarian state
The Communist Revolution in China differed from the 19th-century Marxist ideals because this
revolution was primarily supported by the
(1) warlords (2) peasants
(3) factory owners (4) gentry
One way in which the Sepoy Rebellion in India and the Boxer Rebellion in China are similar is
that both attempted to
(1) remove foreign influences (2) restore democracy
(3) modernize their economy (4) end religious conflict
The Opium Wars of the mid-19th century marked the beginning of the
(1) rivalry between China and Taiwan
(2) domination of China by foreign powers
(3) decline of European influence in East Asia
(4) global effort to combat drug use
One way in which the Great Leap Forward and the Four Modernizations are similar is that each
was an attempt to
(1) increase farm and factory output
(2) develop a democratic government
(3) strengthen economic ties with communist neighbors
(4) reduce the gap between rich and poor
The Boxer Rebellion and the work of Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-sen) are most closely associated with
(1) Long March (2) Golden Age of China
(3) Cultural Revolution (4) rise of nationalism in China
One similarity between the Sepoy Rebellion in India and the Boxer Rebellion in China is that
both were
(1) religious reform movements
(2) reactions to the opium trade
(3) attempts to end foreign interference
(4) successful revolts against absolute monarchs
Base your answer to the following question on the passage below and on your knowledge of social
. . . . Our celestial empire [China] rules over ten thousand kingdoms! Most surely do we possess a
measure of godlike majesty which ye cannot fathom! Still we cannot bear to slay or exterminate
without previous warning, and it is for this reason that we now clearly make known to you the
fixed laws of our land. If the foreign merchants of your said honorable nation desire to
continue their commercial intercourse, they then must tremblingly obey our recorded statutes,
they must cut off forever the source from which the opium flows, and on no account make an
experiment of our laws in their own persons! Let then your highness [Queen Victoria] punish
those of your subjects who may be criminal, do not endeavor to screen or conceal them, and
thus you will secure peace and quietness to your possessions, thus will you more than ever
display a proper sense of respect and obedience, and thus may we unitedly enjoy the common
blessings of peace and happiness. What greater joy! What more complete felicity [harmony]
than this! . . .
Chinese High Commissioner Lin Zexu’s letter to Queen Victoria
Which event is most directly related to the 19th century situation described in this passage?
(1) signing of the Treaty of Nanjing
(2) Russo-Japanese War
(3) annexation of Korea
(4) Sepoy Rebellion
One way in which the Aswan Dam in Egypt and the Three Gorges Dam in China are similar is that
(1) convert salt water to freshwater
(2) harness natural forces to produce energy
(3) provide fertilizers for agricultural production
(4) connect small bodies of water to larger bodies of water
Which of these groups were the major supporters of 20th-century communist revolutions?
(1) priests and artisans (2) bourgeoisie and nobility
(3) entrepreneurs and capitalists (4) workers and peasants
The “one child” policy in China, established during the late 1970s, was an attempt to
(1) gain the support of the upper classes
(2) increase tax revenue for government programs
(3) eliminate Western influence
(4) reduce the population growth rate
The gathering at Amritsar (1919), the rallies in Soweto (1976), and the demonstrations in
Tiananmen Square (1989) directly resulted in
(1) rejection of Western ideas
(2) promises of economic reform
(3) movements toward democracy
(4) violence against the protestors
What was a direct result of the Four Modernizations introduced in China by Deng Xiaoping?
(1) Freedom of speech was guaranteed.
(2) Goods and services were evenly distributed.
(3) Economic opportunities were expanded.
(4) Fewer consumer goods were produced.
Which factor led to the rise of communist revolutions in Russia and in China?
(1) increase in agricultural production around the world
(2) onset of the global depression that restricted trade
(3) scarcity of workers for available jobs
(4) unequal distribution of wealth between social classes
The primary goal of the student protests in Tiananmen Square (1989) was to
(1) support the policies of the Chinese Communist Party
(2) decrease the amount of Western influence in China
(3) encourage the spread of industrialization throughout China
(4) increase political freedom and rights in China
One way in which the Chinese Revolution (19451949) and the Cuban Revolution (19561959) are
similar is that the leaders of both revolutions
(1) embraced capitalist ideas
(2) rejected industrial development
(3) used peaceful methods to achieve their goals
(4) relied on support from the peasants
By the late 1970s in China, the growing size of its population influenced the government’s
decision to
(1) encourage people to migrate to other countries
(2) force families to work on communes
(3) engage in wars to gain territory
(4) institute a one-child policy
Base your answer to the following question on the passage below and on your knowledge of social
. … Since the beginning of China as a nation, we Chinese have governed our own country despite
occasional interruptions. When China was occasionally occupied by a foreign race, our ancestors
could always in the end drive these foreigners out, restore the fatherland, and preserve China
for future generations of Chinese. Today when we raise the righteous standard of revolt in
order to expel an alien race [the Manchus] that has been occupying China, we are doing no more
than our ancestors have done or expected us to do. Justice is so much on our side that all
Chinese, once familiarizing themselves with our stand, will have no doubt about the
righteousness of our cause.…
“A Public Declaration,” 1906
Which conclusion can be drawn from this passage?
(1) China can no longer remain isolated from its neighbors.
(2) The Chinese people are happy with the rule of the Manchu.
(3) The Chinese people wanted to end foreign occupation.
(4) China has prospered under the rule of foreign powers.
One way in which the Treaty of Nanking and the Treaty of Versailles are similar is that in both
treaties the provisions called for
(1) monarchs to be returned to their rightful places
(2) reparations to be paid by defeated countries
(3) existing borders to be maintained
(4) peacekeeping organizations to be established
The Great Wall of China and the Berlin Wall were both intended to
(1) halt the spread of communism
(2) isolate unpopular governments
(3) limit the movement of peoples
(4) keep people from smuggling illegal goods
During the Great Leap Forward, Chinese peasants were forced to
(1) join communes (2) move to the cities
(3) convert to Christianity (4) attack the Red Guards
The economic policies of Mikhail Gorbachev of the Soviet Union and of Deng Xiaoping of China
(1) elements of capitalism (2) boycotts on foreign products
(3) a one-child policy (4) a reliance on agricultural self-sufficiency
• Opium War (1839–1842)
• Taiping Rebellion (1850–1864)
• Boxer Rebellion (1898–1901)
This series of events is most closely associated with the
(1) spread of communism to China and Korea
(2) growing concerns about the influence of the West in China
(3) alliance formed between Vietnam and China
(4) increasing expansion of civil and political rights in China
What was a goal of the student protestors in Tiananmen Square in 1989?
(1) independence for Taiwan (2) removal of troops from South Korea
(3) access to foreign products (4) democratic reforms
In 1989, the goal of the protest movement staged by Chinese students in Tiananmen Square was
(1) bring about democratic reforms
(2) improve job opportunities in the military
(3) expand foreign investment in Hong Kong
(4) limit the amount of land designated for the “responsibility system”
Base your answers to the following questions on the passage below and on your knowledge of
social studies
. . . . (1) Internally, arouse the masses of the people. That is, unite the working class, the
peasantry, the urban petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie, form a domestic united
front under the leadership of the working class, and advance from this to the establishment of
a state which is a people’s democratic dictatorship under the leadership of the working class
and based on the alliance of workers and peasants.
(2) Externally, unite in a common struggle with those nations of the world which treat us as
equals and unite with the peoples of all countries. That is, ally ourselves with the Soviet Union,
with the People’s Democracies and with the proletariat and the broad masses of the people in all
other countries, and form an international united front
. . . . Source: Mao Tse-Tung [Mao Zedong], Selected Works, Volume Five,
19451949, New York International Publishers
In this passage, Mao Zedong is suggesting that China
(1) create a government under the leadership of industrialists
(2) give up its independence and become a part of the Soviet Union
(3) rely on the United Nations for economic aid
(4) join with the Soviet Union as a partner in communism
In this passage, Mao Zedong is using the ideas of
(1) Thomas Malthus (2) Adam Smith
(3) Karl Marx (4) Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-Shek)
Which type of warfare did Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, and Ho Chi Minh all engage in as leaders
of revolutionary movements in their respective nations?
(1) guerilla (2) trench
(3) unrestricted submarine (4) biological
One way in which Joseph Stalin’s five-year plans and Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward are
similar is that both plans were
(1) efforts to reduce human rights violations
(2) policies to improve relations with the West
(3) methods used to control population growth
(4) attempts to increase agricultural and industrial production
What was one social change Mao Zedong instituted in China after 1949?
(1) granting legal equality for men and women
(2) requiring arranged marriages
(3) adopting the practice of foot binding
(4) mandating Confucianism as the state philosophy
Mao Zedong and some of the survivors of the Long March emerged as the core leaders in which
(1) Angola (2) Cambodia (3) China (4) Nicaragua
Which Chinese leader is most closely associated with leading the Great Leap Forward and the
Cultural Revolution?
(1) Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-sen) (2) Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek)
(3) Mao Zedong (4) Deng Xiaoping
The Long March is significant in Chinese history because it
(1) ended Japanese occupation of China
(2) reinforced the concept of the Mandate of Heaven
(3) caused the Boxer Rebellion
(4) established Mao Zedong as a revolutionary leader
The difficult, year-long journey made by Mao Zedong and his Communist followers in 1934
through China’s mountains, marshes, and rivers was called the:
(1) Cultural Revolution (2) Great Leap Forward
(3) Boxer Rebellion (4) Long March
Base your answer to the following questions on the chart below and on your knowledge of social
Between 2002 and 2007, the People’s Republic of China spent the most money on which type of
foreign aid in Africa?
(1) enhancing the military strength of its allies
(2) providing humanitarian relief
(3) improving infrastructure
(4) obtaining natural resources
Which inference about China’s foreign aid policy can best be made using information
from this chart?
(1) China provided technical assistance to decrease its industrial pollution.
(2) China focused on developing regions in order to advance its economic interests.
(3) China used the military to achieve economic advantages for itself.
(4) China sought to enhance its image as the primary protector of human rights.
Base your answer to the following question on the chart below and on your knowledge of social
Which factor in China is the most likely cause of the population trend shown in this chart?
(1) famine due to the establishment of communes
(2) employment opportunities
(3) spread of disease
(4) one-child policy
Which potential problem is faced by the government of China due to the trend shown in
this chart?
(1) a shortage of recruits for the military
(2) declining labor supply in cities
(3) a growing percentage of the population living in rural areas
(4) overcrowding in urban areas