Ojai Valley School
Tuition Insurance Overview
What is Tuition
Tuition insurance helps protect the
investment you are making in your child's
education. Your enrollment contract with
the school financially obligates you to pay
the full amount of tuition and fees for your
child to attend regardless of withdrawal for
any reason.
We understand unforeseen events occur.
Take the worry out of your investment and
pass the risk on to PROTECT MY
What does the Tuition
Insurance Plan Cover?
Covered Reasons under this policy are
listed below. If you suffer a covered loss,
we will pay the percentage listed in the
Declarations for that covered reason of the
student’s average daily cost for tuition
expenses and fees with the exception of
Medical Withdrawal, the cause of any
withdrawal must occur during the policy
Medical Withdrawal
100% of the remaining tuition.
A Student is unable to attend all scheduled classes
for an extended period of time and is forced to
withdraw from your educational institution due to a
Mental Health Illness, Injury, or Sickness.
Withdrawal for a Mental Health Illness must be
diagnosed by a physician who advises the student to
take a complete withdrawal from school for the
covered term. Withdrawal for Injury or Sickness
must be diagnosed by a physician, be disabling
enough to make a reasonable person take a
withdrawal from school, and the physician advises
the student to take a complete withdrawal from
Medical Withdrawal Special ExclusionWe will not
pay for Medical Withdrawal when it is the direct
result of the “student” being under the influence of
drugs or intoxicants, unless prescribed by a
Academic Discharge
50% of the remaining tuition.
A student’s dismissal by your educational institution
for failing to meet acceptable academic standards,
established by you prior to the covered term.
Disciplinary Discharge
50% of the remaining tuition.
A student’s dismissal by your educational institution
for failing to meet acceptable standards of behavior
established by you prior to the covered term.
100% of the remaining tuition.
A student’s withdrawal from your educational
institution due to the death of the student or tuition
payer unrelated to 6. Disease Contamination.
Involuntary Unemployment of Tuition
100% of the remaining tuition.
A student’s withdrawal from your educational
institution due to the Involuntary Unemployment of
the tuition payer. Involuntary Unemployment does
not apply to Temporary Employment, independent
contractors, reduction of work hours, strikes, or self-
employed persons. Employee must be let go by the
employer. Please see definition of involuntary
unemployment below.
Disease Contamination
50% of the remaining tuition.
a. A student is barred from attending all
scheduled classes due to accidental
contamination of the covered location which
results in a covered illness requiring the
closure of all or part of a covered location if:
i. The closure is caused by a disease
contamination event declared by the
National Center for Disease Control, or
the applicable city, county, or state
Department of Health; and
ii. The contamination is confirmed by a
qualified expert or experts and reliable
laboratory testing.
b. Covered payment is calculated beginning 14
calendar days after the withdrawal date of the
student or closure date of your educational
c. In no event will we pay more than the Disease
Contamination maximum limit of insurance listed
in the Declarations.
Job Transfer of Tuition Payer
100% of the remaining tuition.
A student is forced to withdrawal from your institution
due to the job transfer of the tuition payer.
Voluntary Withdrawal of Student
50% of the remaining tuition.
a. A “student” voluntarily withdrawals from your
educational institution for any reason that is not
excluded by this policy and the student fulfills the
waiting period.
b. Waiting Period means the 14 calendar days in
which the student must be enrolled in your
educational institution and attend regularly
scheduled classes before Voluntary Withdrawal
of Student Covered Reason becomes payable.
Tuition Continuance Coverage
Endorsement (Included)
In the event of Involuntary Unemployment or Death
of a tuition payer, the student does not have to
withdraw from school for coverage to apply.
We will not pay for any loss under this policy, arising
directly or indirectly out of, or are contributed to in
whole or in by part, or as a result of, or from, or that
occur to, or are as a result of the actions of, the
Insured, Student, or Tuition Payer:
1. Suicide, attempted suicide, or intentionally self-
inflicted injury, while sane or insane;- Does not
apply to voluntary withdrawal coverage if part of
2. Pregnancy or childbirth;- Does not apply to
voluntary withdrawal coverage if part of plan.
3. Closure of your education institution for any
reason not covered by this policy;
4. Acts committed with the intent to cause a loss
under this policy;
5. Failure to attend class for any reason other than
a covered reason;
6. Early graduation or early completion of classes,
sessions, or activities;
7. Forcible induction or military draft into the armed
8. Declared or undeclared war, or any act of war;
9. The commission of or attempt to commit a felony;
10. Any criminal, fraudulent or dishonest act, error or
omission, or any intentional or knowing violation
of law by you, any of your partners, directors or
trustees, or the tuition payer;
11. Nuclear reaction, radiation, or radioactive
12. Governmental action, seizure, confiscation or
destruction by order of any governmental
What are the Coverage
Effective and Completion
Medical Withdrawals, Non-Medical Withdrawals and
Coverage begins on the Effective Date noted above for
students that have elected to enroll in the program prior
to that Effective Date. Coverage ends the last day of the
academic year or once the student has withdrawn from
Voluntary Withdrawal Trigger (if applicable)
Coverage begins 14 calendar days after the first day of
class or 14 days from the student’s date of enrollment in
the program, whichever is later. The student must attend
regularly scheduled classes during these 14 days in
addition to remaining enrolled at the school. Coverage
ends the last day of the academic year or once the
student has withdrawn from school.
Late Entering Students
Any student who has not elected to enroll in the tuition
program by the Effective Date will have a 14 calendar
day waiting period before coverage becomes effective.
In order to have coverage be effective the first day of the
school year, a student would need to notify the school
business office of their intent to enroll in the program at
least 14 days prior to the first day of classes. Late
entering students are still subject to the voluntary
withdrawal waiting period listed above.
1. Average Daily Cost means a student’s tuition
expenses and fees divided by the actual
academic calendar days in the school year.
If a student has already used a portion of the
tuition expenses and fees, the average daily cost
is the unused pro-rata portion of tuition expenses
and fees.
2. Disease Contamination- Covered Illness means
clear, visible, identifiable internal or external
symptoms of injury, illness or death of a student
caused by any of the following as defined by the
United States Centers for Disease Control and
a. Bacterial microorganisms transmitted
through human contact with food;
b. Hepatitis virus;
c. Legionnaire’s disease; and
d. Noroviruses;
a. Covered Illness does not include any
other type of illness, bacteria, virus, or
3. “Covered location” means:
a. That part of a premises you occupy
which is listed as a covered location on
the Declarations, including the area
within 1,000 feet of that premises.
b. If you have more than one covered
location under a., the term covered
location means only the location that
was forced to close resulting in the
covered loss.
c. If you occupy only part of the site at a
covered location, this phrase is further
defined as:
(1) The portion of the building
which you rent, lease or
occupy; and
(2) Any area within the
building or on the site at
which the described
premises are located, if
that area services, or is
used to gain access to, the
described premises.
4. Covered Loss means your loss of tuition and fees
for a student’s covered reason.
5. DSM means the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders published by the
American Psychiatric Association. The manual in
effect at the time of the withdrawal or dismissal is
contemplated in this definition.
6. Involuntary Unemployment means when a tuition
payer is terminated from employment because of
a business decision that is outside of his or her
control during the covered term. Involuntary
Unemployment does not apply to Temporary
Employment, independent contractors, or self-
employed persons.
7. Job Transfer means when a tuition payer:
d. is transferred or accepts a new job
located greater than 100 miles from his or
her current job;
e. is forced to move from their current
residence, requiring a change of address;
f. occurs during the covered term
8. “Physician” means a skilled health-care
professional trained and licensed to practice
medicine. The physician must be someone other
than a member of the “student’s” family.
9. Student means your students whose names are
listed on the schedule attached to and made a
part of this policy.
10. Tuition Expenses and Fees means any expenses
incurred and are paid or payable for the student’s
enrollment with you for the covered term that is
listed on the schedule attached to and made part
of this policy.
11. Tuition payer means the person responsible for
paying the tuition expenses and fees of the
12. Withdraw or Withdrawal means the complete
withdrawal of a student from the current covered
term due to a covered reason from your
educational institution that prevents the student
from attending regularly scheduled classes,
sessions, or activities. The withdrawal must
prevent the student from receiving academic
credit for the covered term.
What Happens in the
Event of a Claim?
Contact your school’s business office to file a claim.
Once a claim is reported and coverage is confirmed, the
amount owed will be paid directly to the school to settle
your account. For privacy reasons all correspondence will
only be sent directly to the school.
The cost of the coverage will be detailed in your
enrollment contract.
Please contact your school’s business office or email
*This overview is meant to be an easy to refer to
reference. A copy of the complete tuition refund policy will
be on file at your school’s business office. In the event of
any discrepancies, the language in the policy will be