What does the Tuition Insurance Plan
Medical Withdrawal of Student:
The policy will pay 100% of the remaining tuition if a student
is unable to attend all scheduled classes for an extended
period of time and is forced to withdraw by the direction of a
licensed physician. This also includes death of a student.
Academic Discharge of Student:
The policy will pay 100% of the remaining tuition if a student
is dismissed by their educational institution for failing to meet
acceptable academic standards as established by the
Disciplinary Discharge of Student:
The policy will pay 100% of the remaining tuition if a student
is dismissed by their educational institution for failing to meet
acceptable standards of behavior as established by the
Death of Tuition Payer:
The policy will pay 100% of the remaining tuition if a student
completely withdraws from the educational institution due to
the death of the tuition payer.
Involuntary Unemployment of Tuition Payer:
The policy will pay 100% of the remaining tuition if a student
withdraws from school due to the involuntary unemployment
of the tuition payer.
Disease Contamination:
The policy will pay 100% of the remaining tuition if a student
is barred from attending all scheduled classes due to
accidental contamination of a covered location which results
in a covered illness requiring the closure of a covered
Job Transfer of Tuition Payer:
The policy will pay 100% of the remaining tuition if a student
is forced to completely withdraw from school due to the job
transfer of the tuition payer to a location greater than 100
miles from his or her current job.
Voluntary Withdrawal:
The policy will pay 70% of the remaining tuition if a student
voluntarily withdraws from school for a reason not excluded
by the policy.
*This overview is meant to be an easy to refer to reference.
A copy of the complete tuition refund policy will be on file at
your school’s business office. In the event of
discrepancies, the language in the policy will be used.
What are the Coverage Effective
and Completion Dates?
Medical Withdrawals, Non-Medical
Withdrawals and Dismissals – Coverage begins
7/1 for students that have elected to enroll in the
program prior to 7/1. Coverage ends the last day
of the academic year or once the student has
withdrawn from school.
Voluntary Withdraw – coverage begins 14
calendar days after the first day of class or 14
days from the student’s date of enrollment in the
program, whichever is later. Coverage ends the
last day of the academic year or once the student
has withdrawn from school.
Late Entering Students- Any student who has
not elected to enroll in the tuition program by
7/1 will have a 14 calendar day waiting period
before coverage becomes effective. In order to
have coverage be effective the first day of the
school year, a student would need to notify the
school business office of their intent to enroll in the
program at least 14 days prior to the first day of
classes. Late entering students are still subject to
the voluntary withdrawal waiting period listed
Losses resulting from the following are not
covered as part of the policy:
1) Failure to attend classes for any reason other than a
covered cause of loss.
2) Suicide or any attempt at suicide or self-inflicted injury or
any attempt at intentionally self-inflicting injury or any act of
3) Early graduation or early completion of classes, sessions
or activities.
4) Medical expenses of any kind.
5) The voluntary joining or induction of the “student” or
“tuition payer” into the armed forces.
6) Pregnancy or childbirth of the “student” or “tuition payer.”
7) For Medical Withdrawal only - The “student” being under
the influence of any drug or alcohol unless taken under the
advice of and administered by a licensed medical “physician”
for medical treatment.
8) The “student” commission of or attempt to commit a
9) Any loss of tuition or school “fees” which occurred prior to
the inception of the “student’s” participation in this coverage.
10) Loss of tuition or school “fees” due to participation in a
riot by the “student” or “tuition payer.”
11) Any criminal, fraudulent or dishonest act, error or
omission, or any intentional or knowing violation of law by
you, any of your partners, directors or trustees, or the
12) Seizure or destruction of property by order of
governmental authority which leads to the closure of your
institution. Such loss or damage is excluded regardless of
any other cause or event that contributes concurrently or in
any sequence to the loss. This exclusion applies whether or
not the loss event results in widespread damage or affects a
substantial area.
13) Nuclear reaction or radiation, or radioactive
contamination, however caused.
14) War and military action including undeclared or civil war;
warlike action by a military force, including action in
hindering or defending against an actual or expected attack,
by any government, sovereign or other authority using
military personnel or other agents; or insurrection, rebellion,
revolution, usurped power, or action taken by governmental
authority in hindering or defending against any of these.
15) The closure of your educational institution for any
reason not covered by this policy.
What is Tuition Insurance?
Tuition insurance helps protect the investment you
are making in your child's education. Your enrollment
contract with the school financially obligates you to
pay the full amount of tuition and fees for your child
to attend regardless of withdrawal for any reason.
We understand unforeseen events occur. Take the
worry out of your investment and pass the risk on to
For a covered cause of loss, Tuition Insurance will
pay the remaining portion of tuition and fees up to
the co-insurance percentage listed on the policy.
Complete Withdrawal:
The withdrawal of a student due to a covered cause
of loss from the educational institution that prevents
the student from attending regularly scheduled
classes, sessions or activities. The complete
withdrawal of a student must prevent the student
from receiving credit for the covered term.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders. The most current edition is contemplated
in this definition.
Tuition Continuance(Included):
Allows the student to stay enrolled in school if the
tuition payer loses their job or dies. Protect My
Tuition will pay the remaining, unearned tuition
minus any co-insurance percentage.
Tuition Payer:
The person responsible for paying the “fees” and
tuition of the “student.”
What Happens in the Event of a
There are three ways to report a claim:
1) Go to www.protectmytuition.com, click on “Claims”
input your school code, DiscoverySchool , and then
enter the necessary claims information.
2) Email [email protected] the details of
your claim.
3) Visit your school’s business office and pick up a
claims form.
Once a claim is reported and coverage is confirmed,
the amount owed will be paid directly to the school to
settle your account.
The cost of the coverage will be detailed in your
enrollment contract. You must elect coverage by the
first day of the enrollment contract or a 14-day waiting
period will be placed on the policy.
Please contact your school’s business office or email
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The Discovery School
2019 2020 Plan Details
“The future is unpredictable…
tuition insurance just makes sense.”