Table Tennis England
Bradwell Road, Loughton Lodge, Milton Keynes, MK8 9LA
T 01908 208860 E [email protected]
Table Tennis England is a trading name of English Table Tennis Association Limited, registered in England at Bradwell Road, Loughton Lodge, Milton
Keynes, MK8 9LA.Registered in England Company number 04268058
Table Tennis England Selection Policy
Commonwealth Games 2022
January 2022
The 2022 Commonwealth Games are taking place between 28
July to 8
August 2022 in Birmingham,
1. Event Purpose
It is open to Table Tennis England to nominate four male and four female athletes to represent England in
Team, Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles events to represent England at the 2022 Commonwealth Games.
Table Tennis England aims to select teams, individuals and pairs who are able to (in priority order):
1. Win a medal or contribute significantly to a team medal, or;
2. Support the development of young players with a rising international profile;
2. Eligibility
Table Tennis England will only consider athletes for nomination who:
1. Are affiliated to Table Tennis England, holding a valid Player Licence;
2. Are eligible to represent England in ITTF and ETTU approved competitions and have a valid British
3. Are ranked in the top 10 on the Table Tennis England National Ranking list and have an actual and
active senior world ranking on the most recent list ( at the time of
selection unless the Table Tennis England Selection Panel have accepted mitigating circumstances in
writing prior to selection (athletes should apply in writing to the Chair as soon as possible, providing
full explanation why their world ranking is no longer active and evidence of injury or other relevant
information to [email protected]);
4. Have not retired from representing England in international competition unless fully re-engaged with
Table Tennis England performance staff;
5. Have satisfied the selection panel of their physical readiness to perform by the date of selection. It is
the athlete’s responsibility to provide evidence of this to the panel when requested by the Table
Tennis England Head of England Performance or their delegate. This includes fitness and training
history data;
6. Are not currently under disqualification or suspension under the rules of Table Tennis England, ITTF
or ETTU;
7. Are not currently serving any sanction for an anti-corruption or anti-doping rule violation under any
relevant anti-corruption or anti-doping rules;
8. Have provided Table Tennis England with a signed Acknowledgement, notifying an intention to be
considered for selection, by 28/02/2022, as set out at the end of the Selection Policy;
9. Fully meets any requirements imposed by the Commonwealth Games Federation, host nation or
other organising body including in relation to COVID-19 vaccination or COVID-19 passports, including
any such requirements as may be imposed after any selections may have been made;
10. Have signed a CGE Team Members’ Agreement to accept their place on the team. The Agreement
will include a code of conduct and a commitment to (for example) adhere to specified travel dates,
to observe certain sponsorship guidelines and to wear appropriate apparel;
11. Have completed the appropriate UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) Clean Sport education and training;
12. Have signed and returned the Commonwealth Games Entry & Eligibility form.
3. Scope of the Team
Table Tennis England will nominate athletes to Commonwealth Games England (CGE). It is for CGE to enter
athletes into the Commonwealth Games and CGE is entitled to accept or reject Table Tennis England
nominations in line with CGE policies. Nomination for selection by Table Tennis England does not therefore
guarantee selection to Team England.
Following the overriding objectives of this policy as set out in the event purpose above, the selection panel
will select athletes in the following order:
Commonwealth Games Team Competition; then
Commonwealth Games Singles Competition; then
Commonwealth Games Doubles Competition; and finally
Commonwealth Games Mixed Doubles Competition.
For the avoidance of doubt, players must be selected for the Team event before they can be considered for
any singles or doubles events. The selection panel will select the following for each event category;
i. Commonwealth Team Competition
The selection panel will select four male athletes for the men’s team event and four female
athletes for the women’s team event. In each team match, the team coach will then select three
players from these to compete in each match by the time required by the organising committee;
ii. Commonwealth Singles Competition
The selection panel will select three male athletes for the men’s singles event and three female
athletes for the women’s singles event. Athletes MUST first have been selected for the
Commonwealth Team Competition in order to be eligible. The three highest world ranked athletes
at the time of selection will be selected for the singles competition;
iii. Commonwealth Doubles Competitions
The selection panel will select two men’s doubles pairs for the men’s doubles event, two women’s
doubles pairs for the women’s event, and three mixed doubles pairs of mixed doubles event.
Athletes selected to any of these events MUST first have been selected for the Team Competition
in order to be eligible.
4. Criteria
Selection can be achieved through the following process, in the following order:
a) Automatic Selection, then;
b) Play-Off Selection, then;
c) Wild-Card Selection.
a) Automatic Selection
Eligible athletes will gain automatic selection, subject to compliance with the rest of this policy, if they meet
one or more of the following criteria:
- Top 100 ITTF/WTT senior ranking (for two months or more within the qualification period of
01/01/2020 to 31/04/2022)
In the event there are more automatic selections than places available, places will be offered to eligible
athletes in world ranking order on the first ranking list published after the conclusion of the qualification
period (not the selection panel meeting date).
b) Play-Off Selection
Following any automatic selections, if any places remain available the panel will invite all remaining eligible
athletes’ to compete in a play-off competition. Further information regarding the play-off can be found in
Appendix 1.
Where a play-off competition is held, athletes will be selected based on their position in the play-off
competition for any remaining places available. Should an athlete decide not to accept their place following
the play off competition, it will move to the Wild-Card selection element of the selection process (point 4c) to
determine any further selections required.
c) Wild-Card Selection
A wild-card selection will be made by the selection panel in the following circumstances:
Government restrictions have prevented a play-off competition from take place if required;
An athlete(s) who has earned selection through either the automatic (point 4a) or play-off selection
(point 4b) of this policy has decided not to accept their place within the team;
Injury, Illness, or other reasons have prevented an athlete(s) from accepting their place within the
For any other reason, a place remains available for selection and the selectors consider it
appropriate, in their discretion, to seek to fill that place.
The selection panel can select any eligible athletes up to four required to meet the team size needed. In
considering an athlete to select (if any), the panel will consider the following (non-exhaustive) factors and
criteria from within the qualification period, giving such weight to such factors as it sees fit in its discretion:
(i) Performance in World & European Championships;
(ii) Two best wins as defined by the opponents ranking at the time of competition (these wins will
only be accepted in ITTF/WTT ranking point events);
(iii) Performances in ITTF/WTT ranking events;
(iv) ITTF/WTT ranking profile;
(v) Athlete’s development potential and ability to represent England at future events;
(vi) Team engagement and commitment to team competitions as experienced by the selection panel;
(vii) Any other information that the selection panel may deem relevant
5. Selection Panel
A selection panel will be established comprising:
a) Table Tennis England Team Leader (Chair);
b) Table Tennis England National Men’s Coach (for male selections)
c) Table Tennis England National Women’s Coach (for female selections)
d) CGE Independent Observer (non-voting, at CGE’s discretion)
In the event of a split-decision, the Chair will have the casting vote. Additional experts may be asked to provide
evidence and/or advice to the selection committee, at the request of the Chair.
In the event of any conflict of interest for any member, the Table Tennis England conflict of interest policy
should be adhered to (
of-Interest-Policy.pdf). Any member with a conflict of interest shall not be entitled to vote on that issue.
6. Medical
At the time of their selection, any selected athlete may have their medical status confirmed by a nominated
Table Tennis England Medical adviser. Any selected athlete may, at any other time, be required by the Table
Tennis England Team Leader (and /or their delegate) to undergo fitness or medical assessments to ensure that
they have maintained an adequate level of fitness to perform to the best of their ability. The Table Tennis
England Team Leader (and /or their delegate) will specify the process by which a selected athlete is to confirm
his or her continued health and fitness, which might include participating in certain events or undergoing
fitness tests.
7. Funding & Kit
CGE will cover all accommodation, travel insurance and competition costs associated with attending this
event. For the avoidance of doubt, unless otherwise notified travel to and from the games will be at the
athletes’ own expense. All athletes and staff will be required to use and wear all CGE provided clothing and
equipment, save for eyewear, shoes, bats and balls.
8. Event-Specific Qualification Period & Selection Timeline
Table Tennis England reserves the right to amend this Policy at its sole discretion and will make any amended
version publicly available (including the date on which any amendment was made) at this page. Table Tennis
England is continually monitoring the latest advice and developments in respect of COVID-19 in particular, and
it is acknowledged that changes to the qualification and/or selection pathway may be made at relatively short
notice. Table Tennis England will use all endeavours to keep all athletes up to date as soon as possible in the
event of any changes to this policy.
Qualification Period
TTE Application Deadline
Automatic Selection Notification
Play-Off Competition Notification
Play-Off Competition
Play-Off Selection Notification
Public Announcement
CWG Entry Deadline
Prep Camp
Village Entry
*May be subject to change, notice will be provided as much as possible but may be limited.
9. Media & Communication
All selected athletes are required to adhere to the Social Media guidance which can be found on the Table
Tennis England website at the following address:
All athletes, whether selected or not are required to keep the notification of their selection or non-selection
confidential until directed by Table Tennis England.
10. De-Selection
Table Tennis England retains the right to deselect any selected athlete under any of the following
circumstances (whether automatic or wild card selection):
i. The player is no longer eligible for selection for this event;
ii. The player does not adhere to the code of conduct or team members agreement;
iii. The player in the sole opinion of the Wildcard Selection Panel, is no longer physically or mentally
able to perform at the level consistent with that which earned their initial selection;
iv. The player fails to comply with any reasonable training or competition programme set out by Table
Tennis England performance staff;
v. Any exceptional circumstances exist which in the reasonable opinion of the Selection Panel justify
the non-selection or de-selection of the athlete concerned.
Should a selected players fall under any of the above stated points, the following de-selection process shall
be followed:
a. Selection Panel will review the possible de-selection issue in relation to the specific athlete and vote
on whether the athlete should be deselected;
b. If deselection has been agreed by the panel, the Chair will notify the athlete in writing that they have
been deselect and the reason why this decision has been made;
c. If the athlete disagrees with the panel’s decision, they will have a right of appeal in accordance with
the appeals process.
11. Appeals
The appeals process is set out here:
a. Eligible athletes are entitled to appeal a decision by the Selection Panel not to select them for this
event, in accordance with the procedure set out here. The appeal process is intended to be quick, fair
and independent.
b. If an athlete wishes to appeal, he or she must notify the Table Tennis England Accountable Officer
([email protected]) that they wish to appeal as soon as possible, and in any event no
more than by 48 hours after they have been notified of their non-selection. Such a notification must
be given in writing (e- mail is acceptable).
c. The athlete must, within 48 hours following such notification, provide to the Table Tennis England
Accountable Officer a written document setting out the grounds for the appeal (the “Grounds of
Appeal”). The Grounds of Appeal must include the fullest explanation possible, in the time available, of
the basis for the athlete’s appeal, together with any evidence (such as performance data or results)
that they rely on. Athletes should note that the only available grounds of appeal are:
i. Failure to adhere to the procedure set out in the selection policy;
ii. The decision maker was unreasonable or irrational;
iii. The decision maker was biased or;
iv. The decision was based on a material error of fact
An athlete does not have a right of appeal against any judgment or discretion exercised in the course
of making nomination decisions, or against the content of the applicable selection criteria.
d. If, in the reasonable view of the Table Tennis England Accountable Officer, the appeal may affect other
athletes (“Affected Athletes”), then they must provide the Grounds of Appeal to any such persons as
soon as possible.
e. The selection appeal will then as soon as possible be referred to Sport Resolutions (UK) for
determination by way of binding, confidential, arbitration. An athlete seeking to appeal will,
accordingly, be required to pay to Table Tennis England a deposit of £250 towards the cost of using
Sport Resolutions’ services, which should be paid at the same time as the Grounds of Appeal are
provided. This sum will be reimbursed to the athlete in the event that the appeal is upheld (i.e.
succeeds) but will otherwise be forfeited and should the costs of the appeal exceed £250 (and the
athlete loses the appeal) then he/she will be required in addition to pay such excess cost.
f. Table Tennis England must, as soon as possible and by no later than 4pm three working days after
receipt of the Grounds of Appeal, serve on the appealing athlete and on any Affected Athlete a written
response to the appeal, including the fullest explanation possible, in the time available, of the basis for
that response together with any evidence that Table Tennis England wishes to rely on.
g. Any affected athlete may also, as soon as possible and by no later than by 4pm three working days
after receipt of the Grounds of Appeal, serve on Table Tennis England a written response to the appeal,
including the fullest explanation possible, in the time available, of the basis for that response together
with an evidence that they wish to rely on. Table Tennis England must provide this written response to
the appealing athlete as soon as possible.
h. The appeal will then proceed, on the earliest possible date, by way of oral hearing in front a single
legally qualified arbitrator appointed by Sport Resolutions (UK). The appealing athlete, Table Tennis
England and any Affected Athlete are entitled to attend such a hearing, with representatives if they so
wish. Alternatively, if the athlete, Table Tennis England and any Affected Athlete agree, the appeal will
be determined on the papers by such an arbitrator. The arbitrator may set any directions in connection
with such a hearing or written determination as they consider fair and appropriate, and may likewise
determine how any such hearing is to be conducted in order for that hearing to be fair, always bearing
in mind the need for the matter to be concluded quickly.
i. The arbitrator will endeavour to render a decision in respect of the appeal as soon as possible. In the
interests of expediency, the arbitrator may initially render a brief summary of the decision with full
reasons to follow. Sport Resolutions (UK) will be responsible for notifying all participants of the
j. The arbitrator may either dismiss the appeal, or uphold the appeal in which case he must remit the
selection decision back to the Table Tennis England Selection Panel, with any guidance which the
arbitrator may consider appropriate. The arbitrator will not have jurisdiction to select or deselect any
k. The arbitrator’s decision will be final: if an athlete’s appeal is dismissed, he or she will have no further
right of appeal. If the appeal is upheld, then this appeal process may be invoked in respect of the fresh
selection decision, time allowing.
l. Save as may otherwise be agreed between them, all participants to the appeal process are required to
keep the fact and contents of the appeal process confidential.
12. Acknowledgement
Each athlete shall acknowledge that they have read, understood and accepted these Selection Criteria and
Guidelines by signing the enclosed copy and returning it to the Performance Department by email
([email protected] or in writing by 28/02/2022 to Bradwell Road, Loughton Lodge,
Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK8 9LA.
This selection criteria remains subject to change as a result of the unique and extenuating circumstances
caused by COVID-19 and the subsequent impact on international sporting calendars. CGF and Table Tennis
England will be closely monitoring the Athlete Allocation System to determine if any changes are
necessary. Table Tennis England therefore reserves the right to amend the selection policy or process in the
event of unforeseen circumstances. Any changes will be notified by email and published on Table Tennis
England Website.
For any Under 18 athletes, a parent or guardian will also be required to sign the returned copy. Athletes should
retain the second copy for their own records.
Table Tennis England
Commonwealth Games 2022
Version: 1.4
Acknowledged by:
Name__________________ Signed______________________
Date_____________ (Athlete)
Name__________________ Signed______________________
Date____________ (Parent)
Appendix 1: Playoff Information
As set out in section 4 of the selection policy, a play-off competition will be arranged to determine selection
for any remaining places available following the automatic selection element of the selection process (point
Following the application deadline, all applications will be reviewed. All eligible athletes’ who have not
been selected under the Automatic Selection criteria (Point 4a) will be invited to compete in a play-
off competition for any remaining athlete places and will be informed of this by 09/05/2022. This
information will include details of number of places available, finalised play-off format, timings, etc.
Venue for play-off competition - TT Salle, David Ross Sports Village, University of Nottingham, Beeston
Lane, Lenton Abbey, Nottingham, NG7 2RD;
Playing Format will be determined by the number of eligible athletes in consideration;
Athletes will be required to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements for the play-off,
including any international travel and accommodation necessary;
The play-offs will be over seen by an appointed referee and all matches will have umpires;
This is a non-ranking competition.