VIII. Privacy Telephone Consumer Protection Act
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Telephone Consumer Protection Act
Introduction and Overview
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA)
amended the Communications Act of 1934
and was enacted
to address telephone marketing calls and certain telemarketing
practices. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
has regulatory authority under the statute.
In 1992, the FCC adopted rules to implement the TCPA,
including the requirement that entities making telephone
solicitations institute procedures for maintaining company-
specific do-not-call lists.
In 2003, the FCC, in coordination
with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), revised its TCPA
rules to establish a national Do-Not-Call registry .
national registry is nationwide and covers almost all
telemarketers. The FTC administers the registry, which went
into effect on October 1, 2003. To reduce the number of hang-
up and dead air calls consumers experience, the FCC’s TCPA
regulations also contained restrictions on the use of autodialers
and requirements for transmitting Caller ID information.
Subsequently, the Junk Fax Prevention Act of 2005 amended
provisions of the TCPA related to unsolicited advertising faxes
and became effective on July 9, 2005. In 2010, the TCPA was
amended to prohibit manipulation of caller identification
information, and was amended again in 2015 to provide an
exception for calls to collect a debt owed to or guaranteed by
the United States from the prohibitions on autodialed calls or
prerecorded calls to cell phones and residential lines.
However, the Supreme Court deemed this exception
unconstitutional in July 2020.
In 2012, the FCC revised its regulations to require
telemarketers to (1) no longer allow telemarketers to use an
established business relationshipto avoid getting consent
from consumers, (2) obtain prior express written consent from
consumers before making calls with an autodialer or that
contain a message made with a p rerecorded or artificial voice,
and (3) require telemarketers to provide an automated,
interactive op t-out mechanism during each of the type of calls
mentioned above in (2)” so that consumers can immediately
tell the telemarketer to stop calling.
The FCC revised its regulations twice in 2019 to provide a
safe harbor from liability for making calls to reassigned
telephone numbers and to eliminate the requirement for an
47 U.S.C. § 227
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200
FTC’ s regulation (16 C.F.R. §310.4), the Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud
and Abuse Prevention Act, and the Do Not Call Implementation Act (15 USC
6151-6155) form the basis of the Do-Not-Call registry.
Barr v. American Association of Political Consultants, Inc., 140 S.Ct. 2335
opt-out notice on fax advertisements sent with the recipient’s
prior express permission or consent. The FCC further revised
its regulation in 2021 to implement the Pallone-Thune
Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and
Deterrence Act (TRACED Act), in which it codified
exemptions for calls to wireless numbers, amended
exemptions for artificial or prerecorded voice calls made to
residential telephone lines, and included exemptions for calls
by financial institutions provided the call is not charged to the
called person’s plan limits on minutes or texts.
The FCC’s TCPA regulations apply without excep tion to
financial institutions, including banks, savings associations,
and credit unions engaged in any of the telemarketing
activities targeted by the TCPA and the FCC’s final
rulemaking. Occasionally, the FCC issues declaratory rulings,
also referred to as declaratory orders. The declaratory rulings
are issued for the purpose of clarifying the interpretation and
application of the TCPA and its implementing regulations,
usually to resolve uncertainty and terminate controversies, and
are authoritative as to the FCC’s view on the laws and rules
they administer. Therefore, the declaratory rulings are
included in the examination procedures in this chapter as
reference materials and guidance about how the FCC would
interpret the TCPA and its imp lementing regulations in a given
factual scenario. However, when examiners discover TCPA
violations, financial institutions should be cited for violations
of the TCPA and/or its implementing regulations, not the
related FCC declaratory rulings.
Pursuant to section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, 12
U.S.C. § 1818, the FDIC, the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve Sy st em, and the Office of the Comptroller of
the Currency have authority to enforce compliance with any
laws or regulations in connection with its regulated
banks. This section 8 authority allows the agencies to imp ose
cease and desist orders, restitution, and/or civil money
penalties when they discover violations of the TCPA.
Moreover, the National Credit Union Administration has
supervisory and enforcement authority under the Federal
Credit Union Act, 12 U.S.C. § 1786(e) and §1786(k). This
authority allows the NCUA to consider instituting civil
enforcement actions against credit unions and institution
affiliated parties when the agency discovers violations of the
The 2021 revisions became effective on March 29, 2021, except for the
amendments to 47 C.F.R. §§ 64.1200(a)(3)(ii) through (v), (b)(2) and (b)(3),
and (d), which are delayed indefinitely. See 86 Fed. Reg. 11443 (Feb. 25,
2021). These examination procedures reflect currently effective provisions.
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In this chapter, the use of the words person” and “entity
includes banks, savings associations, and
credit unions, and
third parties acting on behalf of those financial institutions.
Key Definitions (47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(f))
Advertisement means any material advertising the
commercial availability or quality of any property, goods, or
Automatic Telephone Dialing S ystemand “Autodialer”
mean equipment which has the cap acity to store or produce
telephone numbers to be called, using a random or sequential
number generator; and to dial such numbers.
Clear and Conspicuousmeans a notice that would be
apparent to the reasonable consumer, separate and
distinguishable from the advertising copy or other disclosures.
With respect to facsimiles and for purposes of notices
contained in an unsolicited advertisement
, the notice must be
placed at either the top or bottom of the facsimile.
Emergency Purposesmeans calls made necessary in any
situation affecting the health and safety of consumers.
Established Business Relationshipfor the purposes of
telephone solicitations means a prior or existing relationship
formed by a voluntary two-way communication between a
person or entity and a residential subscriber, with or without
an exchange of consideration, on the basis of the subscriber’s
purchase or transaction with the entity within the 18 months
immediately p receding the date of the telephone call, or on the
basis of the subscriber’s inquiry or application regarding
products or services offered by the entity within the three
months immediately p receding the date of the call, which
relationship has not been previously terminated by either
The subscriber’s seller-sp ecific do-not-call request,
as discussed under the Company-Specific Do-Not-
Call Lists section below,
terminates an established
business relationship for purposes of telemarketing
and telephone solicitation even if the subscriber
continues to do business with the seller.
This is the statutory definition in 47 U.S.C § 227. The text of the definition in
the regulation does not contain certain punctuation found in the statutory
definition, like the comma. The United States Supreme Court cited to the
statutory definition in Facebook v. Duguid 592 U.S. (2021); (141 S.Ct. 1163).
To qualify as an “ automatic telephone dialing system, a device must have the
capacity either to store a telephone number using a random or sequential
generator or to produce a telephone number using a random or sequential
number generator. Also see 2020 Declaratory Ruling and Order (FCC 20-
670, June 25, 2020) under References section in these procedures for
additional FCC guidance on automatic telephone dialing system.
The subscriber’s established business relationship
with a particular business entity does not extend to
affiliated entities unless the subscriber would
reasonably expect them to be included given the
nature and type of goods or services offered by the
affiliate and the identity of the affiliate.
Established Business Relationshipfor purposes of the
use of telephone facsimile machine, computer, or other
device to send unsolicited advertisements to a telephone
facsimile machine on the sending of facsimile
advertisements means a prior or existing relationship formed
by a voluntary two-way communication between a person or
entity and a business or residential subscriber, with or without
an exchange of consideration, on the basis of an inquiry,
application, purchase, or transaction by the business or
residential subscriber regarding products or services offered by
such person or entity, which relationship has not been
previously terminated by either party.
Facsimile Broadcaster means a person or entity that
transmits messages to telephone facsimile machines on behalf
of another person or entity for a fee.
Personal Relationshipmeans any family member, friend,
or acquaintance of the telemarketer making the call.
Prior Express Written Consent means an agreement, in
writing, bearing the signature of the person called that clearly
authorizes the seller to deliver or cause to be delivered to the
person called advertisements or telemarketing messages using
an automatic telephone dialing system or an artificial or
prerecorded voice, and the telephone number to which the
signatory authorizes such advertisements or telemarketing
messages to be delivered.
The written agreement shall include a clear and
conspicuous disclosure informing the person signing
o By executing the agreement, such person
authorizes the seller to deliver or cause to
be delivered to the signatory telemarketing
calls using an automatic telephone dialing
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(4)(iii)(A)
Set forth in paragraph (d)(3) of the regulation.
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system or an artificial or prerecorded voice;
o The person is not required to sign the
agreement (directly or indirectly), or agree
to enter into such an agreement as a
condition of purchasing any property,
goods, or services.
The term signature” shall include an electronic or
digital form of signature, to the extent that such form
of signature is
recognized as a valid signature under
app licable federal law or state contract law.
Seller means the person or entity on whose behalf a
telephone call or message is initiated for the purpose of
encouraging purchase or rental of, or investment in, property,
goods, or services, which is transmitted to any person.
Senderfor purposes of the prohibitions discussed under
Prohibitions on Use of Telephone Fax Machine, Computer, or
Other Device to Send Unsolicited Advertisement to a
Telephone Fax Machine section below
, means the person or
entity on whose behalf a facsimile unsolicited advertisement is
sent or whose goods or services are advertised or promoted in
the unsolicited advertisement.
“Telemarketer means the person or entity that initiates a
telephone call or message for the purpose of encouraging the
purchase or rental of, or investment in, property, goods, or
services, which is transmitted to any person.
“Telemarketingmeans the initiation of a telephone call or
message for the purpose of encouraging the purchase or rental
of, or investment in, property, goods, or services, which is
transmitted to any person.
Telephone Facsimile Machine means equipment which
has the capacity to transcribe text or images, or both, from
paper into an electronic signal and to transmit that signal over
a regular telephone line, or to transcribe text or images (or
both) from an electronic signal received over a regular
telephone line onto paper.
Telephone Solicitationmeans the initiation of a telephone
call or message for the purpose of encouraging the purchase or
rental of, or investment in, property, goods, or services, which
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200 (a)(4)
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(1)
See 2015 Declaratory Ruling and Order (FCC 15-72, July 10, 2015) under
References section in these procedures for additional FCC guidance on
emergency communications by financial institutions.
is transmitted to any person, but such term does not include a
call or message:
To any person with that person’s prior express
To any person with whom the caller has an
established business relationship; or
By or on behalf of a tax-exempt nonprofit
Unsolicited Advertisement means any material advertising
the commercial availability or quality of any property, goods,
or services, which is transmitted to any person without that
person’s prior express invitation or permission, in writing or
Restrictions on Telemarketing, Telephone
Solicitation, and Facsimile Advertising - Delivery
Restrictions (47 C.F.R. § 64.1200)
Prohibitions on Autodialed or Prerecorded Calls to Cell
Phones and Other Sensitive Numbers (47 C.F.R. §
General Prohibitions
No person or entity may initiate any telephone call (other
than a call that is made for emergency purposes
or with
the prior express consent of the called party) using an
automatic telephone dialing system or an artificial or
prerecorded voice, except as provided in the Exceptions to
the General Prohibitions section below,
Any emergency telephone line, including any 911
line and any emergency line of a hosp ital, medical
physician or service office, health care facility,
poison control center, or fire protection or law
enforcement agency ;
The telephone line of any guest room or patient room
of a hospital, health care facility, elderly home, or
similar establishment; or
Any telephone number assigned to a paging service,
cellular telep hone service, specialized mobile radio
service, or other radio common carrier service, or
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(2)
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any service for which the called party is charged for
the call.
o Note: A person will not be liable for violating
this prohibition
when the call is placed to a
wireless number that has been ported from
wireline service and such call is a voice call;
not knowingly made to a wireless number; and
made within 15 days of the porting of the
number from wireline to wireless service,
provided the number is not already on the
national do-not-call registry or callers
company-specific do-not-call list.
Exceptions to the General Prohibitions
No person or entity may initiate, or cause to be initiated,
any telephone call that includes or introduces an
advertisement or constitutes telemarketing, using an
automatic telephone dialing system or an artificial or
prerecorded voice, to any of the lines or telephone
numbers described above, other than:
A call made with the prior express written
consent of the called party or the prior express
consent of the called p arty when the call is made
by or on behalf of a tax-exempt nonprofit
organization; or
A call that delivers a health caremessage
made by, or on behalf of, a covered entityor
its business associate, as those terms are
defined in the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule.
Prohibitions on Prerecorded Calls to Residential Lines (47
C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(3))
No person or entity may initiate any telephone call to any
residential line using an artificial or prerecorded voice to
deliver a message without the prior express written consent of
the called p arty, unless the call:
Is made for emergency purposes;
Is not made for a commercial purpose;
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(1)(iii)
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(2)
45 C.F.R. § 160.103
45 C.F.R. § 160.103
Is made for a commercial purpose but does not
include or introduce an advertisement or constitute
Is made by or on behalf of a tax-exemp t nonprofit
organization; or
Delivers a health caremessage made by, or on
behalf of, a covered entity or its business
associate, as those terms are defined in the HIPAA
Privacy Rule.
Safe Harbor (47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(m))
A person will not be liable for violating the prohibitions under
the Prohibition on Autodialed or Prerecorded Calls to Cell
Phones, Other Sensitive Numbers section and the Prohibition
on Prerecorded Calls to Residential Lines section above
making a call to a number for which the person previously had
obtained prior express consent of the called party as required
in those same sections
but at the time of the call, the number
is not assigned to the subscriber to whom it was assigned at
the time such prior express consent was obtained if the person,
bearing the burden of proof and persuasion, demonstrates that:
The person, based upon the most recent numbering
information reported by telecommunications carriers
to the North American Numbering P lan
Administrator, by querying the database operated by
the North American Number Plan Administrator and
receiving a response of no”, has verified that the
number has not been permanently disconnected since
the date prior express consent was obtained as
required in the Prohibition on Autodialed or
Prerecorded Calls to Cell Phones, Other Sensitive
Numbers section and the Prohibition on Prerecorded
Calls to Residential Lines section above;
The person's call to the number was the result of the
database erroneously returning a response of no” to
the person's query consisting of the number for
which prior express consent was obtained as required
in the Prohibition on Autodialed or Prerecorded
Calls to Cell Phones, Other Sensitive Numbers
section and the Prohibition on Prerecorded Calls to
Residential Lines section above
and the date on
which such prior express consent was obtained.
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(1), (2), or (3)
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(1), (2), or (3)
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(1), (2), or (3)
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(1), (2), or (3)
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Disclosures and Notices for Artificial or Prerecorded Voice
Telephone Messages (47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(b))
All artificial or p rerecorded voice telep hone messages shall:
At the beginning of the message, state clearly the
identity of the business, individual, or other entity
that is responsible for initiating the call. If a business
is responsible for initiating the call, the name under
which the entity is registered to conduct business
with the State Corporation Commission (or
comparable regulatory authority) must be stated;
During or after the message, state clearly the
telephone number (other than that of the autodialer or
prerecorded message player that placed the call) of
such business, other entity, or individual. The
telephone number provided may not be a 900 number
or any other number for which charges exceed local
or long distance transmission charges. For
telemarketing messages to residential telep hone
subscribers, such telephone number must permit any
individual to make a do-not-call request during
regular business hours for the duration of the
telemarketing campaign; and
In every case where the artificial or prerecorded
voice telephone message includes or introduces an
advertisement or constitutes telemarketing and is
delivered to a residential telephone line or any of the
lines or telephone numbers described in the first
paragraph under the Prohibition on Autodialed or
Prerecorded Calls to Sensitive Numbers and Cell
Phones section above (General Prohibition
provide an automated, interactive voice- and/or key
press-activated op t-out mechanism for the called
person to make a do-not-call request, including brief
explanatory instructions on how to use such
mechanism, within two (2) seconds of providing the
identification information required in the first bullet
above in this section.
When the called person elects
to opt out using such mechanism, the mechanism
must automatically record the called person’s
number to the seller’s do-not-call list and
immediately terminate the call. When the artificial or
prerecorded voice telephone message is left on an
answering machine or a voice mail service, such
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(1)(i) through (iii)
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(b)(1)
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(e). The Do-Not-Call Lists section of the examination
procedures are also applicable to any person or entity making telephone
solicitations or telemarketing calls to wireless telephone numbers.
message must also provide a toll free number that
enables the called p erson to call back at a later time
and connect directly to the automated, interactive
voice- and/or key press-activated op t-out mechanism
and automatically record the called person’s number
to the seller’s do-not-call list.
Do-Not-Call Lists
Nationwide Do-Not-Call List (47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(c)(2))
No person or entity shall initiate any telep hone
solicitation to a residential telephone subscriber or
wireless telephone subscriber
who has registered his or
her telephone number on the national do-not-call registry
of persons who do not wish to receive telephone
solicitations that is maintained by the Federal
Such do-not-call registrations must be
honored indefinitely, or until the registration is cancelled
by the consumer or the telephone number is removed by
the database administrator. Any person or entity making
telephone solicitations (or on whose behalf telephone
solicitations are made) will not be liable for violating this
requirement if:
It can demonstrate that the violation is the result
of error and that as part of its routine business
practice, it meets the following standards:
o It has established and implemented
written procedures to comply with the
national do-not-call rules;
o It has trained its personnel, and any
entity assisting in its comp liance, in
procedures established pursuant to the
national do-not-call rules;
o It has maintained and recorded a list of
telephone numbers that the seller may
not contact;
o It uses a process to p revent telep hone
solicitations to any telephone number
on any list established pursuant to the
do-not-call rules, employing a version
of the national do-not-call registry
obtained from the administrator of the
47 C.F.R. § 64.1100(h). The term subscriber is any one of the following: (1)
The party identified in the account records of a common carrier as
responsible for payment of the telephone bill; (2) Any adult person
authorized by such party to change telecommunications services or to charge
services to the account; or (3) Any person contractually or otherwise lawfully
authorized to represent such party.
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registry no more than 31 days prior to
the date any call is made, and maintains
records documenting this process;
o It uses a process to ensure that it does
not sell, rent, lease, purchase or use the
national do-not-call database, or any
part thereof, for any purpose except
compliance with this section and any
such state or federal law to prevent
telephone solicitations to telephone
numbers registered on the national
It p urchases access to the relevant do-not-call
data from the administrator of the national
database and does not participate in any
arrangement to share the cost of accessing the
national database, including any arrangement
with telemarketers who may not divide the costs
to access the national database among various
client sellers; or
It has obtained the subscriber’s prior express
invitation or permission. Such permission must
be evidenced by a signed, written agreement
between the consumer and seller which states
that the consumer agrees to be contacted by this
seller and includes the telephone number to
which the calls may be p laced; or
The telemarketer making the call has a p ersonal
relationship with the recipient of the call.
Company-Specific Do-Not-Call Lists, Mandatory Procedures,
and Opt-Out Requests (47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(d))
No person or entity shall initiate any call for telemarketing
purposes to a residential telephone subscriber or wireless
telephone subscriber
unless such person or entity has
instituted procedures for maintaining a list of persons who
request not to receive telemarketing calls made by or on
behalf of that person or entity.
The procedures instituted
must meet the following minimum standards:
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(e). The Do-Not-Call Lists section of the examination
procedures are also applicable to any person or entity making telephone
solicitations or telemarketing calls to wireless telephone numbers.
Persons or entities making calls for
telemarketing purposes must have a written
policy, available upon demand, for maintaining a
do-not-call list;
Personnel engaged in any aspect of
telemarketing must be informed and trained in
the existence and use of the do-not-call list;
If a person or entity making a call for
telemarketing purposes (or on whose behalf such
a call is made) receives a request from a
residential telephone subscriber or wireless
telephone subscriber not to receive calls from
that person or entity, the person or entity must
record the request and place the subscriber’s
name, if provided, and telephone number on the
do-not-call list at the time the request is made.
Persons or entities making calls for
telemarketing purposes (or on whose behalf such
calls are made) must honor a residential
subscriber’s or wireless telephone subscriber’s
do-not-call request within a reasonable time from
the date such request is made. This period may
not exceed 30 days from the date of such request.
If such requests are recorded or maintained by a
party other than the person or entity on whose
behalf the telemarketing call is made, the p erson
or entity on whose behalf the telemarketing call
is made will be liable for any failures to honor
the do-not-call request. A person or entity
making a call for telemarketing purposes must
obtain a consumer’s prior express permission to
share or forward the consumer’s request not to
be called to a party other than the person or
entity on whose behalf a telemarketing call is
made or an affiliated entity;
A person or entity making a call for
telemarketing purposes must provide the called
party with the name of the individual caller, the
name of the person or entity on whose behalf the
call is being made, and a telephone number or
address at which the person or entity may be
contacted. The telephone number provided may
47 C.F.R. § 64.1100(h). The term subscriber is any one of the following: (1)
The party identified in the account records of a common carrier as
responsible for payment of the telephone bill; (2) Any adult person
authorized by such party to change telecommunications services or to charge
services to the account; or (3) Any person contractually or otherwise lawfully
authorized to represent such party.
See 2015 Declaratory Ruling and Order (FCC 15-72, July 10, 2015) under
References section in these procedures for additional FCC guidance.
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not be a 900 number or any other number for
which charges exceed local or long distance
transmission charges;
In the absence of a specific request by the
subscriber to the contrary, a residential
subscriber’s or wireless telephone subscriber’s
do-not-call request shall ap ply to the p articular
business entity making the call (or on whose
behalf a call is made), and will not apply to
affiliated entities unless the consumer reasonably
would expect them to be included given the
identification of the caller and the product being
advertised; and
A person or entity making calls for telemarketing
purposes must maintain a record of a consumer’s
request not to receive further telemarketing calls.
A do-not-call request must be honored for 5
years from the time the request is made.
Tax-exempt nonprofit organizations are not required to
comply with provisions contained within this Mandatory
Procedures, Company-Specific Do-Not-Call Lists, and
Opt-Out Requests section.
Other Restrictions on Calls
Simultaneous Engagement of Multi-line Businesses (47 C.F.R.
§ 64.1200(a)(5))
No person or entity may use an automatic telep hone
dialing system in such a way that two or more telep hone
lines of a multi-line business are engaged simultaneously.
Disconnected Calls (47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(6))
No person or entity may disconnect an unanswered
telemarketing call prior to at least 15 seconds or four (4)
Abandoned Calls (47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(7))
No person or entity may abandon more than three percent
of all telemarketing calls that are answered live by a
person, as measured over a 30day period for a single
calling campaign. If a single calling camp aign exceeds a
30–day period, the abandonment rate shall be calculated
separately for each successive 30day period or portion
thereof that such calling campaign continues. A call is
abandoned” if it is not connected to a live sales
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(1)(i) through (iii)
representative within two (2) seconds of the called
person’s completed greeting.
Whenever a live sales representative is not available to
speak with the person answering the call, within two (2)
seconds after the called person’s completed greeting, the
telemarketer or the seller must provide:
A prerecorded identification and opt-out
message that is limited to disclosing that the call
was for telemarketing purposesand states the
name of the business, entity, or individual on
whose behalf the call was p laced, and a
telephone number for such business, entity, or
individual that permits the called person to make
a do-not-call request during regular business
hours for the duration of the telemarketing
campaign; provided, that, such telephone number
may not be a 900 number or any other number
for which charges exceed local or long distance
transmission charges; and
An automated, interactive voice- and/or key
press-activated op t-out mechanism that enables
the called p erson to make a do-not-call request
prior to terminating the call, including brief
explanatory instructions on how to use such
mechanism. When the called person elects to
opt-out using such mechanism, the mechanism
must automatically record the called person’s
number to the seller’s do-not-call list and
immediately terminate the call.
A call for telemarketing purposes that delivers an
artificial or prerecorded voice message to a residential
telephone line or to any of the lines or telephone numbers
described in the Prohibition on Autodialed or
Prerecorded Calls to Sensitive Numbers and Cell Phones
section above (General Prohibition
) after the subscriber
to such line has granted prior express written consent for
the call to be made shall not be considered an abandoned
call if the message begins within two (2) seconds of the
called p ersons comp leted greeting.
The seller or telemarketer must maintain records
establishing comp liance with this Abandoned Calls
section. Calls made by or on behalf of tax-exemp t
nonprofit organizations are not covered by the provisions
in this Abandoned Calls section.
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Determining Type of Telephone Line (47 C.F.R. §
No person or entity may use any technology to dial any
telephone number for the purpose of determining whether
the line is a facsimile or voice line.
Calls Made by Financial Institutions
(47 C.F.R. §
A person or entity will not be liable for making any
telephone call
using an automatic telephone dialing
system or an artificial or prerecorded voice; to any
telephone number assigned to a paging service, cellular
telephone service, specialized mobile radio service, or
other radio common carrier service, or any service for
which the called party is charged for the call; provided
that the call is not charged to the called person or counted
against the called p erson’s plan limits on minutes or texts
and all of the following conditions are met:
Voice calls and text messages:
Must be sent only to the wireless telephone
number provided by the customer of the
financial institution;
Must state the name and contact information of
the financial institution (for voice calls, these
disclosures must be made at the beginning of the
Are strictly limited to those for the following
purposes: transactions and events that suggest a
risk of fraud or identity theft; possible breaches
of the security of customerspersonal
information; steps consumers can take to prevent
or remedy harm caused by data security
breaches; and actions needed to arrange for
receipt of pending money transfers;
Must not include any telemarketing, cross-
marketing, solicitation, debt collection, or
advertising content; and
Must be concise, generally one minute or less in
length for voice calls (unless more time is
needed to obtain customer responses or answer
As defined in section 4(k) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, 15
U.S.C. 6809(3)(A).
The term call” includes a text message, including a short message service
(SMS) call.
customer questions) or 160 characters or less in
length for text messages.
A financial institution:
May initiate no more than three messages
(whether by voice call or text message) p er event
over a three-day period for an affected account;
Must offer recip ients within each message an
easy means to opt out of future such messages;
voice calls that could be answered by a live
person must include an automated, interactive
voice- and/or key press-activated op t-out
mechanism that enables the call recip ient to
make an op t-out request prior to terminating the
call; voice calls that could be answered by an
answering machine or voice mail service must
include a toll-free number that the consumer can
call to opt out of future calls; text messages must
inform recipients of the ability to opt out by
reply ing STOP,” which will be the exclusive
means by which consumers may opt out of such
messages; and,
Must honor opt-out requests immediately .
Calling Times (47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(c)(1))
No person or entity shall initiate any telephone solicitation
to any residential telephone subscriber before the hour of 8
a.m. or after 9 p.m. (local time at the called party’s
Caller ID Information and Blocking (47 C.F.R. § 64.1601(e))
Any person or entity that engages in telemarketing, as
in the TCPA regulations and reiterated in the
Key Definitions section above, must transmit caller
identification information. Caller identification
information must include either the calling party number
or the automatic numbering information, and, when
available by the telemarketer’s carrier, the name of the
telemarketer. It shall not be a violation of this paragraph
to substitute (for the name and phone number used in, or
billed for, making the call) the name of the seller on behalf
of which the telemarketing call is p laced and the sellers
customer service telephone number. The telephone
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(f)(10)
VIII. Privacy Telephone Consumer Protection Act
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number so provided must permit any individual to make a
do-not-call request during regular business hours. The
person or entity engaging in telemarketing is also
prohibited from blocking the transmission of caller
identification information.
Tax-exempt nonprofit organizations are not required to
comply with this Caller ID Information and Blocking
Prohibitions on Use of Telephone Fax Machine, Computer,
or Other Device to Send Unsolicited Advertisement to a
Telephone Fax Machine (47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(4))
General Prohibitions and Notification Requirements (47
C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(4)((i) through (iii))
No person or entity may use a telephone facsimile
machine, computer, or other device to send an unsolicited
advertisement to a telep hone facsimile machine, unless:
The unsolicited advertisement is from a sender
with an established business relationship, as
defined in the Key Definitions section above,
with the recip ient; and
The sender obtained the number of the telephone
facsimile machine through:
o The voluntary communication of such
number by the recipient directly to the
sender, within the context of such
established business relationship; or
o A directory, advertisement, or site on the
Internet to which the recipient voluntarily
agreed to make available its facsimile
number for public distribution. If a sender
obtains the facsimile number from the
recipients own directory, advertisement, or
Internet site, it will be presumed that the
number was voluntarily made available for
public distribution, unless such materials
explicitly note that unsolicited
advertisements are not accepted at the
specified facsimile number. If a sender
obtains the facsimile number from other
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(f)(6)
sources, the sender must take reasonable
steps to verify that the recipient agreed to
make the number available for public
The advertisement contains a notice that informs
the recipient of the ability and means to avoid
future unsolicited advertisements. A notice
contained in an advertisement complies with the
requirements only if:
o The notice is clear and conspicuous and on
the first page of the advertisement;
o The notice states that the recip ient may
make a request to the sender of the
advertisement not to send any future
advertisements to a telephone facsimile
machine or machines and that failure to
comply, within 30 days, with such a request
meeting the requirements set out in the
Telephone Facsimile Machine Opt-Out
Requests section is unlawful;
o The notice sets forth the requirements for
an opt-out request under the Telephone
Facsimile Machine Opt-Out Requests
section below in this section;
o The notice includes:
A domestic contact telep hone
number and facsimile machine
number for the recipient to
transmit such a request to the
sender; and
If neither the required telephone
number nor facsimile machine
number is a toll-free number, a
separate cost-free mechanism
including a Web site address or
email address, for a recipient to
transmit a request pursuant to
such notice to the sender of the
advertisement. A local telep hone
number also shall constitute a
This provision shall not apply in the case of an unsolicited advertisement that
is sent based on an established business relationship with the recipient that
was in existence before July 9, 2005, if the sender also possessed the
facsimile machine number of the recipient before July 9, 2005. There shall
be a rebuttable presumption that if a valid established business relationship
was formed prior to July 9, 2005, the sender possessed the facsimile number
prior to such date as well.
VIII. Privacy Telephone Consumer Protection Act
VIII–5.10 FDIC Consumer Compliance Examination Manual August 2022
cost-free mechanism so long as
recipients are local and will not
incur any long distance or other
separate charges for calls made to
such number; and
o The telephone and facsimile numbers and
cost-free mechanism identified in the notice
must permit an individual or business to
make an op t-out request 24 hours a day, 7
days a week.
Telephone Facsimile Machine Opt-Out Requests (47 C.F.R. §
A request not to send future unsolicited advertisements to
a telephone facsimile machine comp lies with the
requirements under this subparagraph only if:
The request identifies the telephone number or
numbers of the telephone facsimile machine or
machines to which the request relates;
The request is made to the telephone number,
facsimile number, Web site address or email
address identified in the sender’s facsimile
advertisement; and
The person making the request has not,
subsequent to such request, provided express
invitation or permission to the sender, in writing
or otherwise, to send such advertisements to
such person at such telephone facsimile
A sender that receives a request not to send future
unsolicited advertisements that complies with the
requirements in the bulleted list above must honor that
request within the shortest reasonable time from the date
of such request, not to exceed 30 days, and is prohibited
from sending unsolicited advertisements to the recipient
unless the recipient subsequently provides prior express
invitation or permission to the sender. The recipient’s opt-
out request terminates the established business
relationship exemption for purposes of sending future
unsolicited advertisements. If such requests are recorded
or maintained by a party other than the sender on whose
behalf the unsolicited advertisement is sent, the sender
will be liable for any failures to honor the opt-out
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(4)(v)
A facsimile broadcaster will be liable for violations of the
provisions in this Prohibition on Use of Telephone Fax
Machine, Computer, or Other Device to Send Unsolicited
Advertisement to a Telephone Fax Machine section,
including the inclusion of opt-out notices on unsolicited
advertisements, if it demonstrates a high degree of
involvement in, or actual notice of, the unlawful activity and
fails to take steps to prevent such facsimile transmissions.
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(4)
VIII. Privacy Telephone Consumer Protection Act
FDIC Consumer Compliance Examination M an u al — August 2022 VIII–5.11
Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 - 47 U.S.C. 227
FCC Regulation:
Restrictions on Telemarketing, Telephone Solicitation, and
Facsimile Advertising; Delivery restrictions -
47 C.F.R.
Calling Party Telephone Number; Privacy - 47 C.F.R.
Definitions - 47 C.F.R. § 64.1100(h)
Declaratory Rulings
FCC Declaratory Ruling
The hyperlink will enable you to
search FCC Declaratory Rulings.
Below are hyperlinks to some rulings:
2020 Declaratory Ruling
(DA 20-670, June 25,
Clarifies that the fact that a calling platform or other
equipment is used to make calls or send texts to a
large volume of telephone numbers is not probative
of whether that equipment constitutes an autodialer
under the TCPA. Instead, if a calling platform is not
capable of originating a call or sending a text without
a person actively and affirmatively manually dialing
each one, that platform is not an autodialer and calls
or texts made using it are not subject to the TCPA’s
restrictions on calls and texts to wireless phones.
The FCC also confirms that, even when a party uses
an autodialer to send a message, it may still avoid
TCPA liability by obtaining the recipient’s prior ex-
press consent.
2020 Declaratory Ruling
(DA 20-318, March 20,
Establishes that COVID-19 Pandemic constitutes an
emergency under the TCPA and that hospitals,
health care providers, state and local health officials,
and other government officials may lawfully com-
municate information about the novel coronavirus as
well as mitigation measures without violating federal
ACA Int’l v. FCC, 885 F.3d 687 (D.C. Cir. 2018).
2018 Report and Order
(FCC 18-177, December
13, 2018)
Addresses calls to reassigned phone numbers by es-
tablishing a single, comp rehensive database that will
contain reassigned number information from each
provider that obtains North
American Numbering Plan (NANP) U.S. geographic
numbers that will enable any caller to verify whether
a telephone number has been reassigned before call-
ing that number.
2015 Declaratory Ruling and Order
(FCC 15-72,
July 10, 2015)
Preserves consumers’ rights to stop unwanted ro-
bocalls, including both voice calls and texts, and
clarifies whether conduct violates the TCPA, and de-
tails simp le guidance intended to assist callers in
avoiding violations. In this Declaratory Ruling, the
FCC refers to calls that require consumer consent un-
der the TCPA as robocalls,” “covered calls and
texts,” or voice calls and texts.Unless otherwise
indicated, the termrobocalls” includes calls made
either with an automatic telep hone dialing sy stem
(“autodialer”) or with a prerecorded or artificial
voice. Note that the D.C. Circuit set aside portions of
this Declaratory Ruling related to the types of calling
equipment that fall within the TCPA’s restrictions
and the approach to calls made to reassigned num-
2012 Report and Order
(FCC 12-21, February 15,
Establishes that prior express consent for telemarket-
ing calls must be in writing and meet certain content
and display criteria. The Order makes clear that for
informational calls, including debt collection calls,
prior express consent can be either oral or in writing.
VIII. Privacy Telephone Consumer Protection Act
VIII–5.12 FDIC Consumer Compliance Examination Manual August 2022
Examination Objectives
1. Determine the financial institution’s compliance with the
provision of the TCPA and the corresponding regulation,
as applicable to the institution’s product offering and
2. Assess the quality of the financial institution’s compliance
management system and its policies and procedures for
implementing the TCPA provisions and corresponding
3. Determine the reliance that can be placed on the financial
institution’s internal controls and procedures for
monitoring the institution’s comp liance with the
provisions of the TCPA and the corresponding regulation.
4. Determine corrective action when violations of law are
identified or when the financial institution’s policies or
internal controls are deficient.
Examination Procedures
1. Determine whether the financial institution or a third-p arty
telemarketing firm on behalf of the financial institution
engages in telemarketing, telephone solicitation, and
facsimile advertising activities covered by the TCPA:
a. Does the institution (or a third party) place
calls for telemarketing purposes to
residential telephone or wireless telephone
subscribers that could be listed on the
national do-not-call registry or the
institution’s own internal do-not-call
b. Does the institution (or third party) employ
technology to assist in placing calls for
marketing purposes (as opposed to
manually dialing numbers)? If so:
i. Does the institution (or third
party) use an automatic telephone
dialing sy stem? (To qualify as an
automatic telep hone dialing
system, a device must have the
capacity to both (1) store or
produce telephone numbers to be
called, using a random or
47 C.F.R. § 64.1200
sequential number generator and
(2) to dial such numbers.)
ii. Does the institution (or third
party) place calls to any
residential line or cellular
telephone service using an
artificial or prerecorded voice to
deliver a message?
c. Does the institution (or third party) use a
telephone facsimile machine, computer, or
other device to send advertisements to a
telephone facsimile machine?
If the financial institution itself does not engage directly
(or indirectly through a third-party telemarketing firm)
in any form of telemarketing or telephone solicitation
(including the use of artificial or prerecorded voice
messages), or facsimile advertising: STOP. No further
examination for compliance with the TCPA is
necessary. Examiners should conclude the TCPA
review and document their finding according to agency
procedures. Otherwise, continue with step 2 below.
2. Obtain information pertinent to the area of examination
from the financial institution’s comp liance management
system, relating to TCPA, including historical examina-
tion findings, complaint information, training records, in-
ternal monitoring and audit materials, p olicies and p roce-
dures governing telemarketing, telephone solicitations,
and facsimile advertising.
3. Through discussions with management and review of the
documents and sy stems listed below, assess the adequacy
of the financial institutions internal controls to ensure
compliance with the TCPA. For instance, identify proce-
dures used daily to detect errors and violations in a timely
manner. Also, review the procedures used to ensure com-
pliance when changes to bank operations or the regulatory
environment occur (e.g., applicability to text messages,
reassigned telephone numbers, calls made for “emergency
Organizational charts
Process flowcharts
Policies and procedures, including those to mon-
itor third parties
Disclosures and notices
VIII. Privacy Telephone Consumer Protection Act
FDIC Consumer Compliance Examination M an u al — August 2022 VIII–5.13
Scripts and computer programs, including docu-
mentation on computer testing and validation
Telephone communication systems (voice, text,
and facsimile)
Do-Not-Call lists
Contact, tracking, and consumer consent/op t-out
Checklists/worksheets and review documents
4. Determine the extent and adequacy of the training re-
ceived by individuals whose responsibilities relate to
compliance with the TCPA, including training scope, fre-
quency, and management oversight. Review any training
materials pertaining to the TCPA and determine if the
training is appropriately tailored to the financial institu-
tion’s risk profile and covers the various aspects of the
provisions that apply to the operations under review.
5. Review financial institution’s compliance monitoring pro-
cedures and/or audit materials, including workpapers and
reports to determine whether:
The scope of any monitoring procedures and/or
audits address all applicable provisions of the
Steps are taken to follow-up on previously iden-
tified deficiencies;
The monitoring procedures and/or audit include
samples covering all applicable types of mes-
sages and delivery channels and methods;
The monitoring/audit work performed is accu-
Significant deficiencies and the root cause of the
deficiencies are included in reports to manage-
ment or to the Board of Directors;
Management responds promptly to identified de-
ficiencies and has taken corrective actions that
are effective and lasting; and
The frequency of monitoring and audit is appro-
priate, based upon the financial institution’s risk
6. Review the financial institution’s record retention prac-
tices to determine whether documentation and evidence of
compliance is retained as required.
7. If any complaints based on the TCPA have been filed
against the financial institution or a third party used by
the institution, determine why the comp laints were filed
and how they were resolved.
Transaction Testing Procedures
The transaction testing proce dure s to be e mpl oye d de pe nd
upon the adequacy of the financial institution’s compliance
program and level of risk identified.
1. Obtain a list of telemarketing programs for products and
services that the financial institution promoted in-house or
through a third-party.
2. Review a samp le of call logs, call scrip ts, recorded call
sessions, and facsimile advertisements, observe call
center operations, evaluate automated messaging and opt-
out systems, and through testing of marketing programs
assess the institution’s level of compliance.
Examination Conclusions
1. Conclude the examination after taking the following
Fully address identified deficiencies and
violations, if any;
M aintain appropriate supporting workpaper
o For the violation(s), document the root
cause by identifying weaknesses in
internal controls, audit and compliance
monitoring, training, management
oversight, or other factors; also
document whether the violation(s) are
repetitive or sy stemic.
o Document action(s) needed to correct
violations and weaknesses in the
institution’s compliance program.
Discuss findings with financial institution
management and Board of Directors, including
adequacy of the institution’s compliance
management system, supervisory concerns and
recommendations, and violations of laws and
regulations, and also obtain a commitment from
management for corrective action(s).
Write comments, as ap plicable, in the Report of
VIII. Privacy Telephone Consumer Protection Act
VIII–5.14 FDIC Consumer Compliance Examination Manual August 2022
Include appropriate violation write-ups; and
Discuss proposed enforcement action, if needed.