S3-Link APIs for Amazon S3
This guide is for REST APIs for Amazon S3. We have APIs for the below purposes.
1. Create Record Home Folder for Salesforce record
2. Upload File in Amazon S3
3. Download File from Amazon S3
4. Sync Record Home Folder
5. Create S3-Files in Salesforce with folder structure
6. Delete S3-Files from Salesforce and Amazon S3
We have Apex REST methods for the above operations in our managed package. Lets go through those
Salesforce Authorization
You will have to authorize all below Salesforce callouts by passing the access token as a request
parameter. Check the link below to get the access token using username and password. The value of
access_token” needs to be passed as the Authorization” request parameter in all below methods.
Create Record Home folder for Salesforce record
The method will get the Salesforce record Id from the URL and create a folder structure AWS Bucket
Name/Object Plural Label/Record Name for the Salesforce record.
You will need an API user in your Salesforce org. That API user will need View All and Modify All
permission of S3-File, S3-Folder, and object whose record id is passed in the URL. Make sure that
the user has access to all the fields of both S3-File and S3-Folder objects.
Request Syntax
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Authorization: Bearer sessionId
Replace recordId with your Salesforce Record Id to attach file.
Replace sessionId with your Salesforce Session Id.
Replace instance with your Salesforce server URL.
URI Request Parameters
The request doesn’t require any URI parameters.
Request Body
The request doesn’t require any request body
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response. In the response, you will
get the details of the record home S3-Folder created successfully for the Salesforce record.
Sample CURL
Here is a sample CURL for this action.
der/00190000027DPLT" -H "Authorization: Bearer
4J.I5Y9Zp2zYFMSUi8_BSVTLFptfW14gNLP" -H "X-PrettyPrint: 1"
Sample CURL Response
Here is a sample CURL response for this action.
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Upload File in Amazon S3
This method will upload a file in Amazon S3 through Salesforce and attach those files with a Salesforce
record. There is a limit of 6 MB per file. The method will get the Salesforce record Id from the URL and
create a folder structure AWS Bucket Name/Object Plural Label/Record Name for the Salesforce record.
After that, it will upload files in Amazon S3 in the above mentioned folder structure. It will also create
the S3-File record in Salesforce and that S3-File record will be attached to the Salesforce record.
You will need an API user in your Salesforce org. That API user will need View All and Modify All
permission of S3-File, S3-Folder, and object whose record id is passed in the URL. Make sure that
the user has access to all the fields of S3-File and S3-Folder objects.
Request Syntax
Host: https://instance.salesforce.com/services/apexrest/NEILON/S3Link/v1/uploadfile/recordId
Authorization: Bearer sessionId
filename: fileName
Content-Type: contentType
Replace recordId with your Salesforce Record Id to attach file.
Replace sessionId with your Salesforce Session Id.
Replace instance with your Salesforce server URL.
URI Request Parameters
The request requires the following URI parameters.
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1. filename
Name of the file. This is required. The file name cannot contain “? or “/” special
2. Content-Type
Content type of the file.
3. NEILON__Description__c
Description of the file.
4. NEILON__Category__c
Category of the file.
Request Body
The request accepts binary data from a file that needs to be uploaded in Amazon S3.
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response. In the response, you will
get a JSON of NEILON__File__c record created in Salesforce.
Sample CURL
Here is a sample CURL for this action.
/00190000027DPLT" -H "Authorization: Bearer
4J.I5Y9Zp2zYFMSUi8_BSVTLFptfW14gNLP" -H "X-PrettyPrint: 1" -H "filename: 3.jpg" -H
"Content-Type: image/jpg" -H "NEILON__Category__c: Whitepapers" --data-binary @C://3.jpg
Sample CURL Response
Here is a sample CURL response for this action.
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\"NEILON__Access_Type__c\":\"Public Download
Download File from Amazon S3
This method will download a file in Amazon S3 through Salesforce. There is a limit of 6 MB per file. The
method will get the S3-File record Id from the URL and download that file from Amazon S3.
You will need an API user in your Salesforce org. That API user will need View All and Modify All
permission of S3-File, S3-Folder, and object whose record id is passed in the URL. Make sure that
the user has access to all the fields of S3-File and S3-Folder objects.
Request Syntax
Host: https://instance.salesforce.com/services/apexrest/NEILON/S3Link/v2/filecontent/recordId
Authorization: Bearer sessionId
Replace recordId with your S3-File Record Id to download the file.
Replace sessionId with your Salesforce Session Id.
Replace instance with your Salesforce server URL.
URI Request Parameters
The request doesn’t require any URI parameters.
Request Body
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The request doesn’t require any request body
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response. In the response, you will
get base64 file content for the Amazon S3 file.
Sample CURL
Here is a sample CURL for this action. Run this CURL from a location other than C:\ drive because
sometimes because of your local machine permissions, files cannot be saved in C:\ drive. Below
sample URL will download the file from AWS and create a File.pdf file in your local machine.
t/a012v00003IYm6s" -H "Authorization: Bearer
4J.I5Y9Zp2zYFMSUi8_BSVTLFptfW14gNLP" -H "X-PrettyPrint: 1" -o File.pdf
Sample CURL Response
This request will not return any text response unless there is any error in the request.
Sync Record Home Folder
Method will get the Salesforce record Id from the URL and sync all files related to that record at AWS
Bucket Name/Object Plural Label/Record Name.
You will need an API user in your Salesforce org. That API user will need View All and Modify All
permission of S3-File, S3-Folder, and object whose record id is passed in the URL. Make sure that
the user has access to all the fields of both S3-File and S3-Folder objects.
Request Syntax
Host: https://instance.salesforce.com/services/apexrest/NEILON/S3Link/v1/syncfolder/recordId
Authorization: Bearer sessionId
© Neilon Technologies LLP. All rights reserved.
Replace recordId with your Salesforce Record Id Or S3-Folder Id to sync.
Replace sessionId with your Salesforce Session Id.
Replace instance with your Salesforce server URL.
URI Request Parameters
The request doesn’t require any URI parameters.
Request Body
The request doesn’t require any request body
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 or HTTP 201 response. HTTP 201
if the folder will be synced asynchronously.
Sample CURL
Here is a sample CURL for this action.
/00190000027DPLT" -H "Authorization: Bearer
4J.I5Y9Zp2zYFMSUi8_BSVTLFptfW14gNLP" -H "X-PrettyPrint: 1"
Sample CURL Response
Here is a sample CURL response for this action.
"status" : "OK",
"sObjects" : null,
"message" : null,
"data" : null,
"code" : "200"
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Create S3-Files in Salesforce with folder structure
If files will be uploaded in Amazon S3 through Salesforce, we create S3-Folders and S3-Files custom
object records to store metadata of Amazon S3 files and Salesforce users can access Amazon S3 files
using those S3-File records in Salesforce. But if files are uploaded in Amazon S3 outside of Salesforce, you
will have to create those S3-Folders and S3-Files records manually or programmatically in order to allow
your Salesforce users to access those files. We have REST APIs which you can call from anywhere outside
of Salesforce to create S3-Files and S3-Folders records.
You will need an API user in your Salesforce org. That API user will need View All and Modify All
permission of S3-File and S3-Folder objects. Make sure that the user has access to all the fields
of both S3-File and S3-Folder objects.
Request Syntax
Host: https://instance.salesforce.com/services/apexrest/NEILON/S3Link/v1/creates3files/
Authorization: Bearer sessionId
Replace sessionId with your Salesforce Session Id.
Replace instance with your Salesforce server URL.
URI Request Parameters
The request doesn’t require any URI parameters.
Request Body
The request accepts the binary data of JSON with information about Amazon S3 files. Below is
sample data.
© Neilon Technologies LLP. All rights reserved.
"NEILON__Amazon_File_Key__c":"Accounts/Greenwich Media/4.jpg",
File name and folder names you are passing in the NEILON__Amazon_File_Key__c
cannot contain special characters ? and /
File name and folder names you are passing in the NEILON__Amazon_File_Key__c must
not exceed 80 characters.
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response. In the response, you will
get a JSON of the list of NEILON__File__c records created in Salesforce.
Sample CURL
Here is a sample CURL for this action.
les/" -H "Authorization: Bearer
4J.I5Y9Zp2zYFMSUi8_BSVTLFptfW14gNLP" -H "X-PrettyPrint: 1" -H "Content-type:
application/json" -d @C://FilesData.txt
Sample CURL Response
Here is a sample CURL response for this action.
\"NEILON__Access_Type__c\":\"Public Download
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Delete S3-Files in Salesforce and Amazon S3
If files will be deleted in Salesforce, we delete those files from Amazon S3 as well. But if files are deleted
directly in Amazon S3, you will have to delete those S3-Files records manually or programmatically from
Salesforce. We have REST apis which you can call from anywhere outside of Salesforce to delete S3-Files
You will need an API user in your Salesforce org. That API user will need View All and Modify All
permission of S3-File. Make sure the user has access to all the fields of both objects
Request Syntax
Host: https://instance.salesforce.com/services/apexrest/NEILON/S3Link/v1/deletes3files/
Authorization: Bearer sessionId
Replace sessionId with your Salesforce Session Id.
Replace instance with your Salesforce server URL.
URI Request Parameters
The request doesn’t require any URI parameters.
Request Body
The request accepts the binary data of a list of AWS file paths that need to be deleted. Below is
sample data. Here “testdemos3link” is the Amazon S3 bucket name.
"testdemos3link/Accounts/Greenwich Media/4.jpg"
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Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response. In the response, you will
get the AWS file paths whose S3-Files records are successfully deleted.
Sample CURL
Here is a sample CURL for this action.
les/" -H "Authorization: Bearer
4J.I5Y9Zp2zYFMSUi8_BSVTLFptfW14gNLP" -H "X-PrettyPrint: 1" -H "Content-type:
application/json" -d @C://DeleteFilesData.txt
Sample CURL Response
Here is a sample CURL response for this action.
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