August 21, 2024
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Table of Contents
REST API Overview .................................................................................................................. 1
Getting Started with the REST API .............................................................................................. 4
Supported Resources, Methods and API Features ......................................................................... 7
REST API Known Limitations ...................................................................................................... 9
Authentication ....................................................................................................................... 12
OAuth 2.0 Authorization ......................................................................................................... 14
Managing API Integration Applications ................................................................................. 14
Auditing and Managing OAuth 2.0 Authorizations ................................................................... 22
OAuth 2.0 for Integration Applications Developers .................................................................. 24
Authorizing Applications to Access OpenAir on Your Behalf ...................................................... 33
Request Format ..................................................................................................................... 36
Response Format .................................................................................................................. 40
Returned Data ...................................................................................................................... 41
Attribute Naming Convention, Data Types and Formats ............................................................... 42
Custom Fields ....................................................................................................................... 43
Active Filter Set ..................................................................................................................... 44
Filtering ............................................................................................................................... 45
Pagination ............................................................................................................................ 48
Sorting ................................................................................................................................. 50
Referenced Objects and Expansion .......................................................................................... 53
Errors .................................................................................................................................. 58
API Limits ............................................................................................................................. 62
RateLimit .......................................................................................................................... 63
Web Services Logs ................................................................................................................. 65
Generated API Documentation JSON ........................................................................................ 66
Testing the REST API Using Postman ........................................................................................ 70
REST API Endpoint Reference .................................................................................................. 79
Attachments ..................................................................................................................... 79
Contacts ........................................................................................................................... 81
Insert a Contact ............................................................................................................ 83
Get the List of Contacts .................................................................................................. 85
Get a Contact ............................................................................................................... 87
Update a Contact .......................................................................................................... 88
Delete a Contact ........................................................................................................... 90
Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint Reference for Contacts ............................ 91
Expense Reports ............................................................................................................... 92
Insert an Expense Report ............................................................................................... 94
Insert an Overlapping Expense Report .............................................................................. 97
Get the List of Expense Reports ....................................................................................... 99
Get an Expense Report ................................................................................................. 101
Update an Expense Report ............................................................................................ 104
Delete an Expense Report ............................................................................................. 106
Get the List of Receipts in an Expense Report .................................................................. 107
Get a Receipt associated with an Expense Report ............................................................. 110
Add an Attachment to an Expense Report ....................................................................... 113
Get the List of Attachments Associated with an Expense Report .......................................... 115
Get an Attachment Associated with an Expense Report ...................................................... 117
Get an Attachment File Associated with an Expense Report ................................................ 119
Get the Thumbnail for an Attachment Associated with an Expense Report ............................. 120
Replace an Attachment to an Expense Report .................................................................. 121
Delete an Attachment Associated with an Expense Report .................................................. 123
Delete Attachments Associated with an Expense Report ..................................................... 125
Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint Reference for Expense Reports ................ 126
Job Codes ....................................................................................................................... 127
Insert a Job Code ......................................................................................................... 128
Get the List of Job Codes .............................................................................................. 130
Get a Job Code ............................................................................................................ 132
Update a Job Code ...................................................................................................... 133
Delete a Job Code ........................................................................................................ 135
Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint Reference for Job Codes ......................... 136
Projects .......................................................................................................................... 137
Insert a Project ........................................................................................................... 146
Insert Multiple Projects ................................................................................................. 148
Create a Project from Template ..................................................................................... 150
Get the List of Projects ................................................................................................. 154
Get a Project ............................................................................................................... 156
Update a Project ......................................................................................................... 158
Update Multiple Projects ............................................................................................... 160
Delete a Project ........................................................................................................... 163
Delete Multiple Projects ................................................................................................ 164
Add an Attachment to a Project ..................................................................................... 165
Get the List of Attachments Associated with a Project ........................................................ 167
Get an Attachment Associated with a Project ................................................................... 170
Get an Attachment File Associated with a Project .............................................................. 172
Get the Thumbnail for an Attachment Associated with a Project .......................................... 173
Replace an Attachment to a Project ................................................................................ 174
Delete an Attachment Associated with a Project ................................................................ 176
Delete Attachments Associated with a Project .................................................................. 178
Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint Reference for Projects ........................... 179
Project Milestones ........................................................................................................... 180
Get the List of Project Milestones ................................................................................... 183
Get a Project Milestone ................................................................................................ 185
Project Phases ................................................................................................................. 188
Get the List of Project Phases ........................................................................................ 191
Get a Project Phase ..................................................................................................... 193
Project Tasks ................................................................................................................... 195
Insert a Project Task .................................................................................................... 199
Get the List of Project Tasks .......................................................................................... 201
Get a Project Task ....................................................................................................... 204
Add an Attachment to a Project Task .............................................................................. 206
Get the List of Attachments Associated with a Project Task ................................................. 208
Get an Attachment Associated with a Project Task ............................................................. 211
Get an Attachment File Associated with a Project Task ....................................................... 213
Get the Thumbnail for an Attachment Associated with a Project Task .................................... 214
Replace an Attachment to a Project Task ......................................................................... 215
Delete an Attachment Associated with a Project Task ......................................................... 217
Delete Attachments Associated with a Project Task ............................................................ 219
Receipts ......................................................................................................................... 220
Insert a Receipt ........................................................................................................... 223
Get the List of Receipts ................................................................................................ 225
Get a Receipt .............................................................................................................. 228
Update a Receipt ......................................................................................................... 230
Delete a Receipt .......................................................................................................... 232
Add an Attachment to a Receipt ..................................................................................... 233
Get the List of Attachments Associated with a Receipt ....................................................... 236
Get an Attachment Associated with a Receipt ................................................................... 238
Get an Attachment File Associated with a Receipt ............................................................. 240
Get the Thumbnail for an Attachment Associated with a Receipt .......................................... 241
Replace an Attachment to a Receipt ............................................................................... 242
Delete an Attachment Associated with a Receipt ............................................................... 244
Delete Attachments Associated with a Receipt .................................................................. 246
Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint Reference for Receipts ........................... 247
Time Entries .................................................................................................................... 248
Insert a Time Entry ...................................................................................................... 250
Get the List of Time Entries ........................................................................................... 252
Get a Time Entry ......................................................................................................... 255
Delete a Time Entry ..................................................................................................... 257
Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint Reference for Time Entries ...................... 258
Release History .................................................................................................................... 260
REST API Overview 1
REST API Overview
OpenAir REST API provides an interface for integration applications to exchange information with
Is organized around REST.
Uses predictable resource-oriented URLs.
Accepts JSON-encoded request bodies.
Returns JSON-encoded responses.
Uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication and verbs.
The REST API lets you:
Use CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations on OpenAir records.
Retrieve a list of records from a collections and use pagination.
Filter OpenAir record collections.
The REST API is a service layer that is built on top of the business layer in OpenAir. This ensures that
business rules configured for your OpenAir account are applied when an integration application interacts
with your OpenAir data through OpenAir REST API. Business rules include OpenAir account configuration
settings and access control mechanisms, as well as any user scripts deployed on your OpenAir account.
This guide provides a reference for using the REST API. This section provides a high level overview. Review
Getting Started with the REST API for guidance about setting up and using the API. Other sections in this
guide address specific conceptual topics, including Supported Resources, Methods and API Features,
OAuth 2.0 Authorization and Authentication, Request Format, Response Format, Active Filter Set, Errors,
API Limits, Web Services Logs and API features including Filtering, Pagination, Sorting and Referenced
Objects and Expansion. The final section gives reference information about supported endpoints,
methods, and resources — REST API Endpoint Reference.
You can also access the generated REST API reference documentation in OpenAPI 3.0 JSON format and
use it alongside this guide. For more information, see Generated API Documentation JSON.
Key Concepts 2
Important: The REST API was introduced in the October 10, 2020 OpenAir release. It is an
initial version with limited functionality.
Some optional features and application settings may not be fully supported.
The current scope of the REST API is limited to selected OpenAir modules and entities. It
supports the following resources: Expense reports (including attachments), Receipts (including
attachments), Projects, Job codes, Contacts. See Supported Resources, Methods and API Features.
As with any other API or platform features, it is crucial that you test integration applications
leveraging the REST API extensively on a Sandbox account. Make sure your integration
applications run smoothly without error on a non-production account before you implement it on
your production account.
Key Concepts
OpenAir REST API is an application programming interface (API) - a set of functions and procedures that
let application developers access OpenAir functionality and data within their application. The information
is exchanged across the internet in a consistent format.
Note: The REST API follows the same security best practice as OpenAir. All data is encrypted in
transport using the industry standard transport layer security (TLS) protocol.
Representational State Transfer (REST) refers to the architectural style used to create web services that
let developers access OpenAir resources at pre-defined URLs using the HTTP protocol and perform CRUD
operations (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) on these resources.
A resource represents OpenAir data that can be uniquely identified. Each resource has its own unique
URL. When accessing the URL, information and content can be returned as a JSON-encoded string, in the
case of record information, or as download file, in the case of file attachments.
In OpenAir, the most important resource is a record. Resources can be grouped into collections that each
contain only one type of resources - for example, a collection of expense report records. A resource can
also contain a sub-collection — for example, an expense report contains a sub-collection of receipts, with
each receipt being a sub-resource. Collections are themselves resources as well.
REST API Benefits
The main benefits of REST web services include the following:
Business Layer API — In contrast with the XML API and SOAP API, which interface with the data layer
in OpenAir, the REST API interfaces with the business layer. The business logic is already applied —
REST API Limitations 3
you do not need to replicate the business logic in your integration applications. This makes integration
applications simpler and faster as it reduces the volume of data that needs to be exchanged and
processed. It also ensures that behavior is consistent with the OpenAir web application and across
integrated applications and that you can take advantage of new features in OpenAir when they
become available or when they are enabled for your account.
OAuth 2.0 — The REST API supports OAuth 2.0 exclusively for authentication and authorization, which
is a more robust and reliable way to access data.
JSON-encoded request bodies and responses — JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight
data-interchange format which is self-describing and human-readable.
Easier deployment — REST has a more flexible and lightweight architecture than SOAP, which
requires heavy programming and deployment environment (C#, Java).
REST API Limitations
Consider the following information when working with the REST API.
The REST API was introduced in the October 10, 2020 OpenAir release. It is an initial version with
limited functionality. Some OpenAir features and application settings may not be fully supported. See
REST API Known Limitations.
The current scope of the REST API is limited to selected OpenAir resources. See Supported Resources,
Methods and API Features.
As with any other API or platform features, it is crucial that you test integration applications leveraging
the REST API extensively on a Sandbox account. Make sure your integration applications run smoothly
without error on a non-production account before you implement it on your production account.
Getting Started with the REST API 4
Getting Started with the REST API
You can use the following steps to set up and get familiar with the REST API before using it in your
integration applications:
Step 1 — Prerequisites and Setup
Step 2 — Read the Relevant Documentation
Step 3 — Register an API Integration Application
Step 4 — Test and Familiarize Yourself With the REST API on a Sandbox Account
Step 1 — Prerequisites and Setup
The following features must be enabled for your OpenAir account to use the REST API.
Feature How to enable / Usage
API Access Contact your OpenAir account manager.
REST API Contact OpenAir Customer Support.
REST API definition
(OpenAPI 3.0 / JSON)
Account administrators and employees with the Export data role permission can access the
REST API reference documentation in OpenAPI 3.0 JSON format.
To access the generated API reference documentation, including resource and method
references specific to your account, go to Administration > Global Settings > Account >
Integration: Import/Export and click REST API documentation under Account data. For more
information, see Generated API Documentation JSON.
Step 2 — Read the Relevant Documentation
This guide provides a reference for using the REST API. The guide is organized around the following
conceptual topics for ease of reference:
Supported Resources, Methods and API Features — Get a quick overview of what you can do using the
REST API Known Limitations — Review the list of features that are only partially supported or not
currently supported.
Authentication — Ensure each API request must have the relevant authorization.
OAuth 2.0 Authorization — Register client applications so they can use the OAuth 2.0 authorization
code flow to access your OpenAir account.
Request Format — Review how to form your API requests.
Response Format — Get an overview of the information returned in the API responses.
Returned Data — Review what to expect in the data returned and how to include only what you need
in the response data.
Attribute Naming Convention, Data Types and Formats — Review the naming convention for resource
attributes (fields), and the data types and formats used.
Custom Fields — Review special considerations concerning custom fields defined for your OpenAir
Active Filter Set — Specify the filter set to be applied to your requests.
Step 3 — Register an API Integration Application 5
Filtering — Build query expressions to retrieve the resources matching your search criteria.
Pagination — Control the volume of data returned in the response and how to navigate multiple
pages of data.
Sorting — Sort a returned list of objects in ascending or descending order.
Referenced Objects and Expansion — Expand object referenced by ID in the main response payload.
Errors — Review possible API errors to handle errors programmatically in your client applications.
API Limits — Review the API limits set for your OpenAir account.
Web Services Logs — Access log reports to audit API requests for your account, and troubleshoot your
Generated API Documentation JSON — Access a generated reference document in OpenAPI 3.0 JSON
format. The generated documentation includes account specific information such as custom fields.
This guide also include descriptions for each endpoints and methods for reference — See REST API
Endpoint Reference. For account specific reference documentation, use Generated API Documentation
The business logic configured for your account may impact API requests and responses. Make sure you
consult the relevant documentation, for information about OpenAir business rules. For example:
For a description of account global and application settings and access control mechanisms, see
Administrator Guide and Security.
For a description of optional features that may impact behavior, see Optional Features.
For a description of user scripting, see User Scripting.
For reference documentation about the OpenAir database, see Database and the OpenAir Data
Note: Unless you are viewing this help topic in the OpenAir Help Center, links to the data
dictionary use the generic OpenAir domain for production accounts ( In
some instances, you may need to replace the generic domain name with your account-specific
domain name in the link URLs.
To view the OpenAir Data Dictionary, use the following URL:
https://<account-domain>/database/single_user.html, where <account-domain> is the
account-specific domain for your account.
To view the details of a specific table, append a hash symbol # followed by the table name to
the end of the data dictionary URL.
For example, use https://<account-domain>/database/single_user.html#project to view
the details of the Project table.
For more information about your account-specific domain name, see the help topic Your
OpenAir Account URLs.
Step 3 — Register an API Integration Application
The REST API supports OAuth 2.0 exclusively for authentication and authorization. An account
administrator must register an application in OpenAir and enable it before you can use the REST API.
Step 4 — Test and Familiarize Yourself With the REST API on a Sandbox Account 6
To register an application, go to Application > Global settings > API integration Applications and click
Add new app. Note the client ID, client secret and redirect URI for the application. You will need this
information to get the user’s permission and to obtain an access token. For more information, see OAuth
2.0 Authorization.
Step 4 — Test and Familiarize Yourself With the
REST API on a Sandbox Account
Important: The REST API was introduced in the October 10, 2020 OpenAir release. It is an
initial version with a limited scope and functionality. Some OpenAir business logic may not be fully
supported. Review the list of features that are only partially supported or not currently supported
— see REST API Known Limitations. As with any other API or platform features, it is crucial that you
test integration applications leveraging the REST API extensively on a Sandbox account. Make sure
your integration applications run smoothly without error on a non-production account before you
implement it on your production account.
You can use a GUI REST client to test and familiarize yourself with the REST API. A GUI REST client lets you:
Execute HTTP requests from a user-friendly interface instead of using a command-line utility such as
Save your requests and other important information and reuse them again later.
Get a new access token using the built-in GUI REST client functionality.
Enter request information more easily and in the right format ( headers, query parameters).
See the response in a prettified JSON view or a raw format.
This guide includes some guidelines working with the Postman desktop application to test the REST API.
See Testing the REST API Using Postman.
Supported Resources, Methods and API Features 7
Supported Resources, Methods and API
The current scope of the REST API is limited to selected OpenAir modules and entities.
The following table summarizes the methods available for supported resources. For more information
about the endpoints and methods, see REST API Endpoint Reference.
(Use the endpoints and
methods specific to the
object the attachments are
associated with)
Expense reports
Job codes
Project milestones
(objects with Task
classification set
to “Milestone” only)
Project phases
(objects with Task
classification set
to “Phase” only)
Project tasks
(objects with Task
set to “Task” only)
(objects with Task
set to “Task” only)
Time entries
The following table summarizes the API features available for supported resources. It includes two
columns for the Expansion feature to show the resource endpoints for which the feature is available, and
the referenced objects that can be expanded.
For more information about the Filtering feature, see Filtering.
For more information about the Pagination feature, see Pagination.
For more information about the Sorting feature, see Sorting.
For more information about the Expansion feature, see Referenced Objects and Expansion.
Supported Resources, Methods and API Features 8
Resources Filtering Pagination Sorting Expansion
(Referenced Objects)
(Use the endpoints and
methods specific to the
object the attachments are
associated with)
Expense reports
Job codes
Project milestones
Project phases
Project tasks
Time entries
Users (display name only)
REST API Known Limitations 9
REST API Known Limitations
The following table lists features and configuration settings that are only partially supported or not
currently supported. The “Feature or Setting Type” column indicates whether it is a standard OpenAir
feature, an API feature, an Application setting, Global setting, User setting or Role permission controlled
by account administrators, or an optional feature controlled by OpenAir Customer Support and
documented in Optional Features. Other limitations specific to your account configuration may apply.
Feature / Setting Feature or
Setting Type
Partially / Not
User proxy Standard Not currently
The REST API largely supports both Latin1 and
UTF-8 encoded characters in the response.
There are some known issues for specific
Approval actions (Submit,
Approve, Reject, Unapprove)
Standard Not currently
Bulk actions Standard Partially
The ability to create, update, or delete
multiple resources in the same collection is
only supported for projects. Deleting multiple
attachments is also supported.
Form messages set in form
permissions and form rules.
Standard Not currently
See Form permissions form in OpenAir
Repeat receipt Standard Not currently
See Receipt entity properties form in OpenAir.
Selection from sorted
dropdown list of available values
Standard Not currently
See Receipt entity properties form in OpenAir.
Sorting Standard Not currently
The ability to specify a sort order for the list
of resources returned in the response is not
currently supported.
Upsert operation using an
external ID parameter
REST API Not currently
This method is not currently supported. The
upsert operation would enable you to create a
record or update an existing record, using an
external ID as a parameter. It would be useful
for synchronizing data between OpenAir and
an external system.
Hide the "Expense type
location" field on receipts
Application Partially
Administration > Application Settings >
Expenses > other Settings.
In some circumstances, the REST API accepts
values for the hidden "Expense type location"
field if the new value is the same as the
existing value or the value set automatically by
Hide the "Reimbursable/Non-
reimbursable" drop-down on
Application Partially
Administration > Application Settings >
Expenses > other Settings.
In some circumstances, the REST API accepts
values for the hidden "Reimbursable/Non-
reimbursable" field if the new value is the
REST API Known Limitations 10
Feature / Setting Feature or
Setting Type
Partially / Not
same as the existing value or the value set
automatically by OpenAir.
Foreign currency receipt
markup (%)
Application Not currently
Administration > Application Settings >
Expenses > other Settings.
Minimum amount required to
submit an envelope
Application Not currently
Administration > Application Settings >
Expenses > other Settings.
Requires support for approval actions.
Enable line item rejection of
Application Not currently
Administration > Application Settings >
Expenses > other Settings.
Requires support for approval actions.
Enable expense authorizations Application Not currently
Administration > Application Settings >
Expenses > other Settings.
Hide the "Advanced required"
field on expense authorizations
Application Not currently
Administration > Application Settings >
Expenses > other Settings.
Allow an approver to edit
a submitted expense
Application Not currently
Administration > Application Settings >
Expenses > other Settings.
Requires support for approval actions.
Show the phase name on task
drop-downs and pickers
Global Not currently
Administration > Global settings > Account >
Optional features.
Requires support for selection from
dropdown list of available values
Custom Field Allocation
Optional Partially
Administration > Global Settings > Reports >
Enabled Features (Global).
The validation enforcing 100% total allocation
is not fully supported.
Adjust an Approved Expense
Optional Not currently
Administration > Global Settings > Reports >
Enabled Features (Expenses).
Suppress Email Notifications or
Add Addresses to Notifications
Optional Not currently
Administration > Global Settings > Reports >
Enabled Features (Global).
Allow employee to delete
(individually or in bulk) open,
submitted or rejected envelopes
Role Not currently
Administration > Global Settings > Users >
Roles > [Select a role].
Requires support for bulk actions
Allow the user to un-approve an
expense report
User Not currently
Administration > Global Settings > Users >
Employees > [Select an employee].
Requires support for approval actions.
Allow the user to un-approve an
User Not currently
Administration > Global Settings > Users >
Employees > [Select an employee].
Requires support for expense authorizations
and approval actions.
The user can un-export expense
User Not currently
Administration > Global Settings > Users >
Employees > [Select an employee].
REST API Known Limitations 11
Feature / Setting Feature or
Setting Type
Partially / Not
The user can mark expense
reports exported
User Not currently
Administration > Global Settings > Users >
Employees > [Select an employee].
Setting associated with the OpenAir
Integration Manager add-on application.
Authentication 12
The REST API supports authentication by OAuth 2.0 bearer token exclusively. You must send the OAuth
2.0 access token as a bearer token in the Authorization header for each request.
Integration applications must be registered in OpenAir to use the REST API to access OpenAir data, and
users must give the application explicit permission to access OpenAir on their behalf.
For more information about using the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework, see OAuth 2.0 Authorization.
Important: All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API
requests without authentication will also fail.
The following request sends a bearer token in the Authorization header.
GET /rest/v1/rest/v1/job-codes/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir.
Authentication Errors
Your client application needs to handle the following cases when the authentication may fail. The REST API
may return one of the errors listed in the following table if the authentication fails. The response includes
a HTTP Status and WWW-Authenticate header with information about the error.
HTTP Status WWW-Authenticate Header
400 Bad request error="invalid_request",
error_description="Invalid Bearer token
The Authorization header sent in the request
must have the correct format for Bearer token
authentication. For example, a missing space
between “Bearer” and the token would cause a 400
Bad Request error.
401 Unauthorized error="insufficient_scope",
error_description="The access token is
The bearer token sent in the request is not valid.
Possible reasons include:
Invalid scope — Tokens are issued for a specific
scope. The scope of the access token does not
allow access to the REST API.
401 Unauthorized error="invalid_token",
error_description="The access token is
The bearer token sent in the request is not valid.
Possible reasons include:
Expired access token — Access tokens are
valid for the period specified in the application
configuration in OpenAir.
Authorization revoked — Users can revoke an
application at any time.
Authentication Errors 13
HTTP Status WWW-Authenticate Header
Disabled application — Account administrators
can disable an application at any time.
Application removed — Account administrators
can remove an application at any time.
Access not allowed for the client IP address
— The IP Restriction feature is enabled for the
OpenAir account and the client IP address is not
in the allowlist for the user associated with the
bearer token.
OAuth 2.0 Authorization 14
OAuth 2.0 Authorization
OpenAir supports OAuth 2.0, a robust authorization framework. This authorization framework enables
client applications to use a token to access OpenAir through the XML API, SOAP API, or REST API. The
application accesses the protected resources on behalf of a user who gave an explicit permission for the
access. This method eliminates the need for API integrations to store user credentials.
This feature is available if API Access is enabled for your account. It includes the following elements:
Administrators can register up to 20 integration applications with OpenAir and enable or disable
these applications in the Administration module. For more information, see Managing API Integration
Administrators can use web services reports to audit and revoke authorizations granted by OpenAir
users to integration applications. For more information, see Auditing and Managing OAuth 2.0
Application Developers can use the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow to get an access token
then use the access token to access your OpenAir data using the XML API or SOAP API. For more
information, see OAuth 2.0 for Integration Applications Developers.
Note: OpenAir only supports the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant type.
End-users can give applications explicit permission to access OpenAir on their behalf and they can
revoke this permission at any time. For more information, see Authorizing Applications to Access
OpenAir on Your Behalf.
Note: The first time a registered application attempts to access OpenAir on their behalf,
users must sign in using the same trusted sign-in page they normally use to sign in to OpenAir
then give the application explicit permission. The OAuth 2.0 feature supports the following user
authentication mechanisms:
Password authentication by OpenAir — Users enter their Company ID, User ID and
Password on the OpenAir sign-in page.
SAML authentication:
Service Provider initiated Single Sign-on — Users enter their sign-in details on your
company Single Sign-on form.
Identity Provider initiated Single Sign-on — Users must sign in using their Identity
Provider Single Sign-on form before the application attempts to access OpenAir on
their behalf. When the application attempts to access OpenAir, the authorization screen
appears automatically. Users do not need to enter their sign-in details again if the Single
Sign-on session has not expired.
Managing API Integration Applications
Integration applications using OAuth 2.0 to obtain access to your OpenAir data must be registered
and enabled by an account administrator. To register and manage your integration applications, go to
Administration > Global Settings > Account > API Integration Applications.
Managing API Integration Applications 15
Note: API Access must be enabled for your account to connect tools and services to OpenAir
using the API. The API Integration Application page is not available if API Access is not enabled. To
enable API Access for your account, contact OpenAir Customer Support or your OpenAir account
All your registered applications are listed in a grid. Details include the name of the application and
the date and time when it was last updated.
To register a new application, click ADD NEW APP. This button is disabled if you reach the limit of
20 registered applications. See Adding a New Application.
To enable or disable an application, click ENABLE or DISABLE in the top right corner of the
corresponding box. See Enabling, Disabling, or Removing Registered Applications
To edit an application configuration, click the edit icon in the bottom right corner of the
corresponding box. See Application Configuration.
To remove an application configuration from the list of registered applications, click the delete
icon in the bottom right corner of the corresponding box. See Enabling, Disabling, or
Removing Registered Applications.
To select one or more applications, check the box next to each application you want to select.
You can only select multiple applications if they are either all enabled, or all disabled. You can
then enable, disable or remove the selected applications. See Enabling, Disabling, or Removing
Registered Applications.
Managing API Integration Applications 16
Note: All times are given as Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Adding a New Application
You can register up to 20 applications. Each application needs a Client ID and Client Secret to obtain
access to OpenAir using OAuth 2.0. The Client ID and Client Secret are generated by OpenAir as part of
the registration process and are unique to each application.
Managing API Integration Applications 17
Important: The Client Secret is a private key the application uses to request an authorization
code from OpenAir. It should not be shared or stored in public code repositories.
The Client Secret is displayed only one time. You will not be able to retrieve it after you close the
Application Credentials dialog.
If you misplace the Client Secret, you can edit the application configuration and generate a new
Client Secret for the application.
To register a new application with OpenAir:
Do one of the following:
Go to Administration > Global settings > Account > API Integration Applications, and click ADD
From any page in OpenAir, click the Create button and click API integration application.
The Add New Application popup window appears.
Enter the following information:
Application name (Required) — Enter a display name for your application in OpenAir. The
name must be unique to the application. You will not be able to use a name already used by
another registered application.
Description — Enter a few sentences to tell your employees what the application and how
it will help them. Your employees will use this information to decide whether they allow this
application to access OpenAir on their behalf.
Redirect URI (Required) — Enter a link users should be redirected to after granting or denying
the application permission to access OpenAir on their behalf.
Managing API Integration Applications 18
Important: Client applications use the redirect URI when requesting access to
OpenAir. Ensure you enter the redirect URI supplied by the application developers.
Click Save. The Application Credentials popup window appears.
Copy the Client Secret and store it in a safe place. The Client Secret is displayed only one time. You
will not be able to retrieve it after you close this window.
Managing API Integration Applications 19
Check the box to confirm you have copied and stored the Client Secret in a safe place then Click
Enabling, Disabling, or Removing Registered Applications
You must enable an application to allow this application to obtain access to OpenAir using OAuth 2.0.
You can disable an application to prevent this application from obtaining access to OpenAir using OAuth
2.0. If you disable an application, OpenAir automatically revokes all permissions given by users for the
application to access OpenAir on their behalf. Employees will not be able to use the disabled application.
You can remove a disabled application from the list of registered applications. All permissions,
authorizations and application credentials associated with the application configuration will be deleted.
This action cannot be undone.
To enable or disable a registered application:
Go to Administration > Global settings > Account > API Integration Applications.
Click ENABLE or DISABLE in the top right corner of the corresponding box. A confirmation popup
window appears.
Click ENABLE or DISABLE to enable or disable the application. Click Cancel to cancel the operation
and return to the API Integration Applications page.
Managing API Integration Applications 20
To remove a registered application:
Go to Administration > Global settings > Account > API Integration Applications.
Click the delete icon in the bottom right corner of the corresponding box. A confirmation popup
window appears.
Click REMOVE to remove the application. Click Cancel to cancel the operation and return to the API
Integration Applications page.
To enable, disable, or remove multiple applications at the same time:
Go to Administration > Global settings > Account > API Integration Applications.
Check the box for each application you want to enable, disable, or remove. Notice that you can only
select multiple applications if they are either all enabled, or all disabled. After you select the first
application, the application that are not available for selection appear in light gray color. Notice
also that some of the buttons in the top right corner of the list of registered applications become
available and change from light gray color to dark gray or green.
Click ENABLE, DISABLE, or REMOVE to perform the corresponding action on all selected
applications. A confirmation popup window appears. Click ENABLE, DISABLE, or REMOVE to
confirm. Click Cancel to cancel the operation and return to the API Integration Applications page.
Application Configuration
You can view the configuration details of your registered applications, including their unique Client ID
from the Application Configuration form. You can change the application name, description or Redirect
URI or generate a new Client Secret for the application.
To open the Application Configuration page for a registered application, go to Administration > Global
Settings > Account > API Integration Applications and click the edit icon in the bottom right corner of
the corresponding box.
The General section of the form lists the main application detail:
You can change the Application name, Description and Redirect URI.
Important: Client applications use the redirect URI when requesting access to
OpenAir. Ensure you enter the redirect URI supplied by the application developers. If
you need to change the redirect URI, disable the application, change the redirect URI
and enable the application again.
You can view when the application was registered under Created.
Managing API Integration Applications 21
Note: All times are given as Eastern Standard Time (EST).
You can view the Client ID — the unique identifier a client application needs to send to OpenAir
along with a client secret as part of the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow.
Use the Tokens Lifetime section to configure the validity period of the access and refresh tokens:
Access token lifetime — Select the expiration time of access tokens. Available values go from
5 to 60 minutes in 5–minute increments. The default access token lifetime is 15 minutes.
Note: The validity period of access tokens cannot be greater than the session timeout
set for your account. If the Access token lifetime value is greater than the session
timeout value, the session timeout value is used for the access token validity period.
The application configuration form shows the current values for the session timeout
and access token validity period for reference.
To change the session timeout value , go to Administration > Global settings > Account
> Security.
Refresh token lifetime — Select the expiration time of refresh tokens. Available values go
from 1 to 31 days in one–day increments. The default access token lifetime is 1 day.
Note: Before the OpenAir 2021.2 release, you could set the refresh token lifetime to
values from 1 to 24 hours in one–hour increments. Values for the refresh token lifetime
set before the OpenAir 2021.2 release show in days (decimal values) instead of hours
As part of the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow, authorized applications need to exchange an
authorization code for an access token and refresh token to obtain access to OpenAir. The access
token has a short expiration time. When the access token expires, the client application can use
the refresh token to obtain a new access token without user interaction until the refresh token
expires or the authorization is revoked.
Note: Access tokens normally remain valid for their entire lifetime. However, the access
token becomes invalid before it is due to expire if any of the OpenAir business rules
have changed and the access token is refreshed. Business rule changes may include any
changes to your company's OpenAir account configuration, or to the access privileges or
role permissions of the employee who authorized the client application.
Each refresh token can be used one time only. Refresh in an access token generates a new
access token and a new refresh token.
To generate a new Client Secret, click Regenerate Secret — You may need to generate a new
client secret if you misplace or delete the client secret accidentally or if your client secret becomes
The new client secret will be valid immediately. The old client secret will continue to be valid for 24
hours after you generate a new one. This allows time to update any enabled application with the
new client secret.
If you made any changes to the configuration details in the General section, the Save button is
enabled. Click Save to save changes and return to the API Integration Applications page or click
Cancel to close the configuration form without saving.
Managing API Integration Applications 22
Auditing and Managing OAuth 2.0 Authorizations
Account administrators can use web services reports to audit and revoke authorizations granted by
OpenAir users to integration applications utilizing OAuth 2.0 to connect to OpenAir data.
API integration application authorization logs — User authorizations granted to custom or third
party applications registered with your OpenAir account in Administration > Account > API integration
OpenAir add-on service authorization logs — User authorizations granted to OpenAir add-on
services (OpenAir Mobile and other add-on service applications).
Auditing and Managing OAuth 2.0 Authorizations 23
The reports include information about which integration applications were authorized, when, and
by which users. The reports also include a link to revoke the authorization given for an integration
application by a user.
To access the OAuth 2.0 authorizations logs (if the Report Management feature is
In OpenAir, go to Reports > Management.
Enter “web services” in the Search saved reports by name box. The Report Management UI
shows the list of web-services tabular reports.
Click the report name, then click New to create a new report.
Add columns and define filters as required.
(Optional) Click Untitled in the top bar and enter a name for your report.
(Optional) Click Save to save the report you created for later use. The Report Management UI will
list the report under on Saved reports tab.
Click Run to run the report.
To access the OAuth 2.0 authorizations logs (if the Report Management feature is
not enabled):
In OpenAir, go to Reports > Detail.
Click the report name under the Web services heading. The report options form appears.
(Optional) Set a date range for the Authorization granted filter. Defaults to All.
Click Report layout and select the columns to include, or keep the default layout.
(Optional) Click Employee and select the employees to include in the report.
Auditing and Managing OAuth 2.0 Authorizations 24
(Optional) Click API integration application and select the applications to include in the report.
(Optional) Check the Save this report as box and enter a name for the report
(Optional) Click Save to save the report. The report will be accessible in Reports > Saved reports.
Click Run to run the report.
OAuth 2.0 for Integration Applications Developers
OpenAir supports two methods to access OpenAir data using XML API or SOAP API requests:
Using user credentials (Company ID, User ID, password) and, in the case of SOAP web services (SOAP
API), a session ID.
Using OAuth 2.0 access tokens.
OAuth 2.0 bearer token authentication is the only supported method to access OpenAir data using the
In the OAuth 2.0 scenario, client applications use one of the OAuth 2.0 grant types to get an access token
after the user authorizes the application. The user’s identity is verified by an authentication service, which
issues the access token. The access token can then be used to gain authenticated access to OpenAir
through the XMl API, SOAP API or REST API.
This section describes how to get an access token using the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant type in
your applications, and how to use the access token in your API calls.
Note: OpenAir only supports the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant type, which defines a
particular workflow client applications can use to obtain the access token.
OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow
Application developers can use the OAuth 2.0 redirection-based authorization code grant type to
obtain an access token. This method eliminates the need for client applications to collect and store user
The authorization code flow includes the following steps:
Getting the user’s explicit permission to access OpenAir on their behalf. See Getting the User’s
The client application opens a browser and directs the user to the OpenAir identity
authentication service with the necessary URL query string parameters.
The user enters user credentials in the OpenAir sign-in page or in a third-party identity
provider Single Sign-on form . The authenticated user is then prompted to authorize the
application’s access request.
Receiving the authorization code — OpenAir issues an authorization code. The user is
redirected back to the client application with the authorization code in the query string. See
Receiving the Authorization Code.
Exchanging the authorization code for an access token — The client application must
exchange the authorization code for an access token and a refresh token. See Exchanging the
Authorization Code for an Access Token.
An additional step — Refreshing an access token — is required to get a new access token after the
previously issued access token has expired. See Refreshing an Access Token.
OAuth 2.0 for Integration Applications Developers 25
Note: You must send a request to one of the OAuth 2.0 endpoints for each of these steps. For
information about OAuth 2.0 URLs, see OAuth 2.0 Endpoints URL Schema and Account-Specific
You can then use OAuth 2.0 token based authentication for your API calls. See Using OAuth 2.0 Access
Tokens in Your API Requests.
OAuth 2.0 Endpoints URL Schema and Account-Specific URLs
For each step of the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow, you must send requests to the authorization
server using URLs specific to each type of request.
The following URL shows how you construct a request URL:
The first part of the URL must include your account-specific domain <account-domain> and the service
path for OAuth 2.0. For more information about your account-specific domain name, see the help
topic Your OpenAir Account URLs.
The second part of the URL depends on the endpoint you want to access
authorize Use the authorization endpoint to get the user’s explicit permission and receive an
authorization code in response if the user authorizes the app to access OpenAir on their
behalf. The request URL includes a query string with request parameter.
See Getting the User’s Permission and Receiving the Authorization Code.
token Use the token endpoint to exchange the authorization code for an access token or to refresh
an access token. Request parameters are passed in the request headers and body.
OAuth 2.0 for Integration Applications Developers 26
See Exchanging the Authorization Code for an Access Token and Refreshing an Access Token.
Getting the User’s Permission
To begin the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow, the client application must direct the user to the
authorization server — OpenAir — using a GET request.
Send a GET request to the authorization endpoint using a URL like the following example:
The GET request URL includes the authorization endpoint for the OpenAir account followed by a query
string: https://<account-domain>/login/oauth2/v1/authorize?<query-string>.
The request parameters are described in the following table.
Request parameter Description
response_type The value of the response_type parameter is always code. It tells the authorization server
that the client application is initiating the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow.
redirect_uri The valid redirect URI where the application will process the authorization code. The
user should be redirected to this URI after allowing or denying the access request. The
redirect URI must match the redirect URI specified on the application configuration form
in OpenAir.
client_id The public identifier for the client application. The Client ID is generated by OpenAir when
an administrator registers the client application.
scope One or more plus-separated scope values indicating the access requested by the
application. The scope determines which component API the application will be able to
OpenAir currently supports the following scope values: xml, soap, rest.
OpenAir accepts multiple scope values. The scope values are case insensitive.
Authorized applications have the same permissions and data access privileges as the
user authorizing the application within the selected scope.
state A random string generated by the client application, which is used to prevent cross-site
request forgery (CSRF) attacks. For more information see the OAuth 2.0 specification
RFC6749 Section 10.12.
After the application sends the GET request, OpenAir redirects the user to the OpenAir sign-in page.
OpenAir may redirect the user to a third-party Identity provider Single Sign-on form, if SAML SSO is
enabled for the account and the user. After successful authentication, OpenAir displays an authorization
screen prompting the user to approve the application’s access request.
Receiving the Authorization Code
After obtaining the user’s explicit permission, OpenAir initiates a redirect to the redirect URI specified in
the GET request with the authorization code and the state as query parameters.
OAuth 2.0 for Integration Applications Developers 27
The redirect query parameters are described in the following table.
Redirect parameter Description
state The client application should check that the state in the redirect matches the state set in the
GET request initiating the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow. Validating the state sent to and
returned from the authorization server can be used to prevent cross-site request forgery
(CSRF) attacks.
code The authorization code issued by OpenAir.
It is a unique single use code issued only for the client application requesting access.
The authorization code is valid for 10 minutes. The client application must exchange the
authorization code for an access token before the authorization expires.
The following sample redirects illustrate successful and unsuccessful authorization.
Application successfully authorized.
Application not authorized.
Exchanging the Authorization Code for an Access Token
The application can use the authorization code to obtain an access token and a refresh token using a
POST request.
Send a POST request to the token endpoint.
The POST request URL is https://<account-domain>/login/oauth2/v1/token
The request must include the client ID and the client secret in the HTTP authorization request header.
The client authentication method used in a header of the request follows the HTTP Basic
authentication scheme. For more information, see RFC 7617.
The format is client_id:clientsecret.
The string value is Base64 encoded.
The request must include the parameters grant_type, code and redirect_uri in the request body.
Request parameters must be encoded based on the HTML specification for application/x-www-
form-urlencoded media type. For more information, see URL Specification 5.1.
The request parameters are described in the following table.
Request parameter Description
grant_type The value of the grant_type parameter is authorization_code. It tells the token endpoint
that the client application is using the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant type.
code The authorization code issued by OpenAir and received by the client application in the
redirect_uri The valid redirect URI. The redirect URI must match the redirect URI specified on the
application configuration form in OpenAir and when requesting the authorization code.
OAuth 2.0 for Integration Applications Developers 28
Request parameter Description
client_id The public identifier for the client application. The Client ID is generated by OpenAir when
an administrator registers the client application.
client_secret The client secret for the application. This ensures that the request to get the access
token is made only from the application, and not from a potential attacker that may have
intercepted the authorization code.
Example POST request:
POST /login/oauth2/v1/token HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTc0X2gxRmlYZldzSnRMSkcwREc6dmNGVGFORTNuVVhSdUoyOWpoRWxYU0g3THBYd2J4VEdkbUpIb1FNdm9fano0dmxkT0ZQSVRGSi1aRl
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
The token endpoint will verify all the parameters in the request to ensure that the authorization code is
valid and that the client ID and client secret match. If all the request headers and parameters are valid,
the token endpoint generates an access token and refresh token and includes them in the response.
The token endpoint returns the response as a JSON object with the properties described in the following
JSON object properties Description
access_token The access token in JSON Web Token (JWT) format. The access token is valid for the
period configured in OpenAir for the application. See Application Configuration.
refresh_token The refresh token in JSON JWT format. The refresh token is valid for the period
configured in OpenAir for the application. See Application Configuration.
expires_in The access token expiration time in seconds. The access token is valid for the period
configured in OpenAir for the application. See Application Configuration.
type The value of the type property is always bearer. For more information, see the OAuth
2.0 specification — RFC 6750.
Example response (successful token request):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
If the request fails, the token endpoint returns a JSON object with the error and error_descrtiption
properties. See Token Request Errors.
The client application can now use the access token to make API requests. This completes the
authorization flow.
The access token is only valid for a short period of time and within the scope it was issued for. The client
application will need to refresh the access token to continue making API requests after it expires.
OAuth 2.0 for Integration Applications Developers 29
Refreshing an Access Token
The access token has a short expiration time (15 minutes). When the access token expires, the client
application can use the refresh token to obtain a new access token using a POST request.
You can use the expiration time value (expires_in) to refresh access tokens before it is due to expire.
You can refresh access tokens if an API request returns an authentication failed error.
Each refresh token can be used one time only. Refresh in an access token generates a new access
token and a new refresh token.
Send a POST request to the OpenAir token endpoint. The POST request is similar to that used to
exchange an authorization code for an access token except it now uses the parameters set in the
following table.
Request parameter Description
grant_type The value of the grant_type parameter is refresh_token. It tells the token endpoint that
the client application is requesting to refresh an access token.
refresh_token A valid refresh_token. Refresh tokens are valid for the period configured in OpenAir for
the application. See Application Configuration.
scope (Optional) The requested scope must be within the scope the original access token was
issued for. If omitted, the new access token will be issued for the same scope as the
original access token.
redirect_uri The valid redirect URI.
client_id The public identifier for the client application.
client_secret The client secret for the application.
Example POST request:
POST /login/oauth2/v1/token HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTc0X2gxRmlYZldzSnRMSkcwREc6dmNGVGFORTNuVVhSdUoyOWpoRWxYU0g3THBYd2J4VEdkbUpIb1FNdm9fano0dmxkT0ZQSVRGSi1aRl
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
The token endpoint will verify all the parameters in the request to ensure that the refresh token is valid
and that the client ID and client secret match. If all the request headers and parameters are valid, the
token endpoint generates an access token and refresh token and includes them in the response.
The token endpoint returns the response as a JSON object with the properties described in the following
table. The response includes both a new access token and a new refresh token.
JSON object properties Description
access_token The access token in JSON Web Token (JWT) format. The access token is valid for the
period configured in OpenAir for the application. See Application Configuration.
refresh_token The refresh token in JSON JWT format. The refresh token is valid for the period
configured in OpenAir for the application. See Application Configuration.
expires_in The access token expiration time in seconds. The access token is valid for the period
configured in OpenAir for the application. See Application Configuration.
type The value of the type property is always bearer. For more information, see the OAuth
2.0 specification — RFC 6750.
OAuth 2.0 for Integration Applications Developers 30
Note: Access tokens normally remain valid for their entire lifetime. However, the access token
becomes invalid before it is due to expire if there are any changes in the OpenAir configuration, or
in the access privileges or role permissions of the employee who authorized the client application,
and the application uses the access token is refreshed.
Example response (successful token request):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
If the request fails, the token endpoint returns a JSON object with the error and error_descrtiption
properties. See Token Request Errors.
Token Request Errors
Your client application needs to handle the following cases when the request to exchange an
authorization code for an access token or to refresh a token fails. The token endpoint may return one of
the errors listed in the following table if the token request fails.
Errors are listed in descending priority order. Only the first error is returned if there are more than
Some of the errors are specific to one of the two possible types of request ( grant_type).
error error_description grant_type
unsupported_grant_type The authorization grant
type is not supported by
the authorization server
The grant_type must be
either authorization_code or
invalid_request Authorization header not
Request headers must include a
Basic Authorization header.
invalid_request No credentials provided
The Client Id and Client Secret
must be sent in the request
Authorization header.
access_denied Authorization code is not
authorization_code The authorization code must be
valid. Possible reasons include:
Expired authorization code
— The authorization code is
valid for 10 minutes.
Authorization revoked
— Users can revoke an
application at any time.
Disabled application
Account administrators can
disable an application at any
Application removed
Account administrators can
OAuth 2.0 for Integration Applications Developers 31
error error_description grant_type
remove an application at any
invalid_request redirect_uri or client_id is
not valid
authorization_code The redirect URI and Client ID
must match the information
specified on the application
configuration form in OpenAir.
access_denied Refresh token is not valid refresh_token The refresh token sent in the
request is not valid. Possible
reasons include:
Expired refresh token
Refresh tokens are valid for 24
Authorization revoked
— Users can revoke an
application at any time.
Disabled application
Account administrators can
disable an application at any
Application removed
Account administrators can
remove an application at any
invalid_scope Changing scopes is not
refresh_token Tokens are issued for a specific
scope. The scope of the token
requested must be within the
scope of the token sent in the
request. For example, if the scope
of the original token includes both
xml and rest, the scope of the
access token requested can be
rest only.
access_denied Authorization failed
The Client Id and Client Secret
pair sent in the request is
not valid. Note that account
administrators may generate
a new Client Secret for the
application in OpenAir.
access_denied API access via OAuth2 is
API access is not enabled for the
OpenAir account.
OAuth 2.0 for Integration Applications Developers 32
Note: If applicable, the client application can initiate the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow
again to obtain a new authorization code and exchange it for an access token. The end user will
be directed to the sign-in page and required to enter valid user credentials. If the user revoked
the application the authorization screen will appear. If the application is still authorized, the
authorization endpoint will return a new authorization code immediately after the successful user
Using OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens in Your API Requests
You can use OAuth 2.0 access token authorization instead of password authentication or Session ID
in your API requests. The XML API, SOAP API and REST API support authorization using access tokens.
OAuth 2.0 access token authorization is the only supported authentication method with the REST API.
In your XML API requests, use the Auth XML command. See the help topic OAuth 2.0 Access Token
In your SOAP API requests, use the SessionHeader web services method complex type to hold the
access token. See the help topic Using SessionHeader for OAuth2.0 Token Based Authentication.
In your REST API requests, send the access token as a bearer token in the HTTP authorization header.
See Authentication.
Note: For REST API requests,the access token lifetime will either be the Access token
lifetime set on the application configuration form in OpenAir, or the Session timeout set in
Administration > Global settings > Account > Security options, whichever is the lower.
Note: Both the XML API and SOAP API continue to support password authentication. The SOAP
API continues to support SessionID.
Authorization Errors
API access must be enabled and API requests must use a valid access token with a valid scope.
The access token must exist.
The access token must not be expired.
The user who gave the application permission to access OpenAir must be active. The same access
token can be used if the user is set to active again.
The application must be enabled for the OpenAir account. The same access token can be used if the
application is disabled and then enabled again.
The access token must be used within the scope it was issued for. For example, if the authorization
code was obtained for the scope xml+rest , the client application cannot use the access token in a
SOAP API request.
The error code and message returned depend on the API:
The XML API returns error code 420 and message Authentication failed.
The SOAP API returns error code 9 and message Logged out.
The REST API returns HTTP status 401 Unauthorized and the response includes a WWW-Authenticate
header error="invalid_token", error_description="The access token is invalid".
An invalid OAuth 2.0 access token authorization has priority over a valid password authentication. You
cannot use password authentication (Company ID, User ID, password) — or a valid Session ID in the SOAP
session header — as a fallback for an invalid access token.
Authorizing Applications to Access OpenAir on Your Behalf 33
Authorizing Applications to Access OpenAir on Your
Integration applications let you connect OpenAir with other applications and they extend what you can
do with OpenAir. Integration applications may use the OAuth 2.0 authorization protocol to gain access to
your company's OpenAir account.
The first time an application using the OAuth 2.0 protocol attempts to access OpenAir on your behalf, you
will need to give this application your explicit permission.
To authorize an application, you will typically use the following steps:
The application opens a browser and directs you to the same trusted sign-in page you normally
use to sign in to OpenAir — the OpenAir sign-in page or your company Single Sign-on form
Enter your sign-in details and click Log in.
An authorization page will appear indicating that the application <application name> would like to
access your OpenAir data.
Read the content of the authorization page attentively. It should describe what the application
does and how it will help you. It should also say what the application can do, for example:
The application will be able to access all data you have access to.
The application will be able to perform all actions permitted by your role and user privileges.
Important: For Administrators — Business rules configured for your company's
OpenAir account are applied when an integration application interacts with your OpenAir
data through the REST API. However, they are not applied when an integration application
interacts with your OpenAir data through the SOAP API or XML API — application
developers must enforce business rules within their integration application if required.
Business rules include OpenAir account configuration settings and access control
mechanisms, as well as any user scripts deployed on your company's OpenAir account.
Click ALLOW to authorize the application or click CANCEL if you do not want the application to
access OpenAir on your behalf.
Note: The steps may vary depending on the method you use to sign in to OpenAir:
If you normally enter your company ID, user ID and password on the OpenAir sign-in page, or
if you enter your company ID on the OpenAir sign-in page and then your password on your
company single sign-on page, the above steps apply.
If you normally need to enter all sign-in details on your company single sign-on page to access
OpenAir without going to the OpenAir sign-in page first (Identity Provider initiated Single Sign-
on), you must sign in and launch OpenAir before the application attempts to access OpenAir on
your behalf. The authorization page appears automatically. Follow steps 3 and 4 above. You do
not need to re-enter your sign-in details.
Integration applications are registered and managed by your account administrator. They need to be
enabled on your account before they can attempt to connect to OpenAir and request your permission.
Authorizing Applications to Access OpenAir on Your Behalf 34
Note: Integration applications are registered and managed by your account administrator. They
need to be enabled on your company's OpenAir account before they can attempt to connect to
OpenAir and request your permission.
Account administrators can disable an application at any time.
If you have authorized an application and this application is disabled by an administrator, the
application will no longer be able to interact with OpenAir.
If an administrator enables this application again, you will need to give this application your
explicit permission again before you can continue to work with it in connection with OpenAir.
After you authorize an application, it will be able to interact with OpenAir on your behalf until you revoke
the authorization.
To view the application you have authorized, go to User Menu > Personal Settings > Authorized
Applications. All your authorized applications are listed in a grid. Details include the name of the
application and the date and time when it was last updated.
Note: All times are given as Eastern Standard Time (EST).
To revoke an application, click REVOKE in the top right corner of the corresponding box, then click
REVOKE in the confirmation message. The application no longer shows in the authorized applications
Authorizing Applications to Access OpenAir on Your Behalf 35
list. If a revoked application attempts to access OpenAir on your behalf, you will be prompted to give this
application your explicit permission again.
Request Format 36
Request Format
This section describes how to format REST API requests. Each request includes the following parts:
Request Method
Request URL
Request Headers
Request Body (when creating or updating a record)
For example requests, see Examples.
Request Method
The REST API uses standard HTTP methods or verbs. The following table lists the CRUD operations you
can perform using the REST API. The table shows example URLs for each operation and whether the
method expects a request body.
For more information about methods supported for each resources, see Supported Resources, Methods
and API Features.
For more information about request URLs, see Request URL.
For more information about request bodies, see Request Body.
Operation HTTP Method Example Resource Endpoint Path Request Body
Create a record POST /expense-reports/ JSON object
Retrieve all records GET /expense-reports/ None
Retrieve the record with internal ID
= {id}
GET /expense-reports/{id} None
Update the record with internal ID
= {id}
PUT /expense-reports/{id} JSON object
Delete the record with internal ID =
DELETE /expense-reports/{id} None
Discover available methods and
fetch the endpoint reference
OPTIONS /expense-reports/ None
Request URL
You can access OpenAir resources through the REST API by using URLs specific to each resource, and
pass parameters in the query string to specify the information you need in the response.
Request URL 37
The request URL includes:
Base URL — The base URL includes your account-specific domain, with a unique account
identifier usually based on your Company ID, and the REST API service path.
Environment Base URL
Production https://<company-id>
Sandbox https://<company-id>
Note: The base URL is typically sent in the Host header.
The examples in this document include the base URL for a production account in the Host
header, and use company-id as the unique account identifier. Substitute company-id with
your account identifier, which is typically based on your company ID.
Resource endpoint path
There is a predictable resource endpoint path for each entity supported.
Entity Path
Attachments /attachments/ NOT SUPPORTED — Use the endpoints specific to the object the
attachments are associated with)
Contacts /contacts/
Expense reports /expense-reports/
Job codes /job-codes/
Projects /projects/
/projects/bulk (bulk actions)
Project milestones /project-milestones/
Project phases /project-phases/
Project tasks /project-tasks/
Receipts /receipts/
Time entries /time-entries/
The path may also include URL parameters. For example:
{id} — The internal ID of the specific record you want to retrieve, update or delete.
The path may also include additional path segments in the following cases:
The core entity object can be a parent to other entity objects. For example, /expense-
reports/{id}/receipts/ points to the subcollection of receipts that have the expense
report with the specified internal ID as parent and /expense-reports/{id}/receipts/
{ticket_id} point to a specific receipt within that subcollection.
The path points to a subset of entity objects, for which different business logic may apply.
See Insert an Overlapping Expense Report (/expense-reports/overlapping/ endpoint path),
for example.
Query string — A query string may be used to specify what information you need in the
response, to specify the filter set to apply, or to use the pagination, filtering, and referenced object
expansion features.
Request Headers 38
Note: For more information about endpoints, methods and parameters available for each
supported resource collection, see REST API Endpoint Reference or consult the Generated API
Documentation JSON.
Request Headers
The request headers include:
Host — The base URL is typically sent in the Host header.
Authorization — Requests must include the OAuth 2.0 bearer token in the Authorization header. See
Content-Type — POST and PUT requests include a request body. Use this header to specify the type
of content. The REST API supports the following content types:
JSON ( application/json) — for all POST and PUT requests.
form-data ( multipart/form-data) — to insert a new attachment. See Add an Attachment to an
Expense Report and Add an Attachment to a Receipt
Request Body
POST requests must include a request body. The body can be either of the following:
A JSON-encoded string with the object to be created.
Form-data with the file to be uploaded, when adding a new attachment.
PUT requests must include a JSON-encoded request body with the key-value pairs for the fields to be
The following requirements apply to the JSON object in the request body:
For PUT and POST requests:
Only include valid attribute-value pairs, that is valid attributes and valid values in the correct data
type and format.
Not include read-only attributes. Hidden fields are read-only. The REST API returns an error if an
attribute-value pair for a hidden field is included in a POST or PUT request body.
For POST requests:
Include all required attributes.
For more information about valid, read-only and required attributes for each resource, see the resource
schema object in REST API Endpoint Reference, or consult the Generated API Documentation JSON.
The following examples demonstrate the request URL format.
GET request example
The following request retrieves a filtered and paginated list of expense reports. The request URL includes:
Examples 39
The resource endpoint /expense-reports
A query string which illustrates some of the available query parameters:
fields — to return the exact fields you need. See Response Data Modifiers.
filterSetId — to apply a specific filter set which determines what data the authenticated user has
access to and can view or update. The request will return only the objects that the authenticated
user has access to when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. See Active Filter Set.
limit and offset — to delimit the number of objects returned in a page and identify the exact
page to return. See Pagination.
q — to return only the objects according to the filter criteria specified. See Filtering.
GET /rest/v1/expense-reports?fields=id,attachments&filterSetId=3&limit=10&offset=10&q=created BETWEEN ['2020-01-01','2020-06-30']
AND currency IS 'EUR' HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
PUT request example
The following request updates the receipt with the internal ID 3825. The request URL includes:
The resource endpoint /receipts/
The resource ID {id}
A query string which illustrates some of the available query parameters:
fields — to return the exact fields you need. See Response Data Modifiers.
filterSetId — to apply a specific filter set which determines what data the authenticated user has
access to and can view or update. The request will update the object only if the authenticated user
has access to that object when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. See Active Filter Set.
return_object — to include the object updated in the response instead of returning only the
internal ID of the object updated. See Response Data Modifiers.
q — to return only the objects according to the filter criteria specified. See Filtering.
PUT /rest/v1/rest/v1/receipts/3825?fields=id,attachments&filterSetId=3&return_object=1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
"cfCheckboxReceipts": true,
"date": "2020-06-30",
"currency": "USD",
"isTaxIncludedInCost": false,
"notes": "Receipt updated using OpenAir REST API"
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Response Format 40
Response Format
The response returned includes the following parts:
HTTP Response Code — The REST API uses standard 3–digit HTTP response status codes. See Errors.
HTTP Response headers — All headers have the meanings defined by the HTTP specification. The
REST API returns a JSON-encoded response and response headers always include Content-Type:
HTTP Response Body — The REST API returns the response as a JSON-encoded object. The JSON-
encoded may include the properties listed in the following table.
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
data An array containing the actual response elements. See Returned Data.
meta An object containing response metadata. The meta object may include information about:
The page returned, and links to other pages, if a list is returned and if the resource endpoint
supports pagination. See Pagination.
Objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type and internal ID). See Referenced
Objects and Expansion.
errorFields An object returned if the request fails with a HTTP status code 400, listing fields with validation
errors. See Errors.
included An array contains expanded objects referenced by internal ID in the data array, and specified in the
request using the expand parameter. See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
Returned Data 41
Returned Data
The response object includes a data property for all successful POST, GET, PUT or DELETE requests. The
content of the data array depends on the method used in the request. By default, data contains:
A single object or up to 1000 objects, if you use a GET request to retrieve a single resource or a list
of resources. The object contains key-value pairs for all fields. For more information about fields
returned, see REST API Endpoint Reference or Generated API Documentation JSON.
The internal ID of the object created, updated, or deleted, if you use a POST, PUT or DELETE request to
insert, modify or delete a resource.
The response object includes a meta property for successful requests if the response is paginated, or if
there are objects referenced by internal ID in the data array that support expansion. See Pagination and
Referenced Objects and Expansion.
Response Data Modifiers
You can use the following query parameters to modify the default response data.
Parameter Description
fields A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If not specified, the response
includes all attributes for each object returned. The comma-separated list may include spaces (or
%20 in the URL encoded string).
You can use the fields query parameter to return exactly the fields you need in the response.
Supported methods: POST, GET, PUT.
Note: The GET /contacts/ and GET /job-codes/ methods to retrieve a list of contacts
and job codes, respectively, do not currently support the fields parameter.
return_object If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will include the object created or updated in
the data array. You can use both the return_object and fields parameters to return exactly the
fields you need.
Otherwise, the response will include only the internal ID of the object created or updated in the
data array.
Supported methods: POST, PUT.
Attribute Naming Convention, Data Types and Formats 42
Attribute Naming Convention, Data Types
and Formats
Attribute names are case sensitive and use camelCase, a naming convention in which each word within
a compound word is capitalized except for the first word. Attribute names do not include dash and
underscore characters. For example, note the initial lowercase t and the uppercase L and I for the
taxLocationId ExpenseReport attribute, which corresponds to the tax_location_id field in the Envelope
table described in the OpenAir data dictionary, or tax_locationid in the oaEnvelope SOAP API complex
type and <Envelope> XML API data type.
The REST API uses data types and formats defined by the OpenAPI Specification (OAS). The OAS identifies
four primitive data types: Boolean, integer, number, and string. Primitive data types have an optional
modifier property: format. The REST API uses several known formats to define the data type used for each
attribute in the JSON-encoded requests and responses. In this guide and in the generated API reference
documentation, the following notation is used to indicate the data type and format: type($format).
The following tables shows the data types and formats used by the REST API:
type format Notation Description
Boolean true / false
integer int64 integer($int64) long integer
number double number($double) double precision floating point number
number float number($float) single precision floating point number
string string of unicode code points
Note: Some OpenAir Accounts may be configured
to use UTF-8 character encoding instead of Latin1. The
REST API supports both Latin1 and UTF-8 encoded
characters in the response.
string date string($date) string using the date format YYYY-MM-DD, where YYYY is the four-
digit year, MM the two-digit month, and DD the two-digit day of the
month — Example: 2020–09–19
string date-time string($date-time) string using the date-time format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, where hh
is the two-digit hours, mm the two-digit minutes, and ss the two-
digit seconds — Example: 2020–09–19 17:56:38
Note: This format is used for system-generated and
read-only fields. The format applies to the following
attributes in the data returned: created, updated, and
Note however that the date-time format is not
supported in query expressions used for Filtering.
Custom Fields 43
Custom Fields
The REST API supports custom fields associated with the supported resources or OpenAir entities.
Custom fields are queryable. See Filtering. However, review the current limitations — Custom Fields
Limitations in the REST API.
Attribute names for custom fields do not use the same naming convention as built-in fields. Custom
field attribute names are formed using the custom field name as set in OpenAir with the prefix cf. For
example, the attribute for a custom field with the name amex_transaction_number in OpenAir will be
The following table shows the data types and formats corresponding to each custom field type in
Custom Field Type Data Type and Format
Check box Boolean
integer($int64) if Decimal point is set to 0 (zero) on the custom fields properties
number($float) otherwise
Date string($date)
[All other custom field types] string
Custom Fields Limitations in the REST API
Review the following limitations:
Custom field types other than check box , numeric, and date are treated as string. The string value
may depend according to the custom field type. For example, tag custom field type values include an
HEX color code as well as the display text, multiple selection and pick list include all selected values in a
string but in no determined order.
Error message for custom dropdown fields do not support UTF-8 encoded dropdown values.
When using custom fields with the filtering feature. See also Filtering.
Custom field types other than check box , numeric, and date are treated as string. You can only
use the query operators available for the relevant data type and format string data types when
querying other custom field types.
Custom field types multiple selection and pick list are supported but may not be handled correctly.
Use the operators CONTAIN and CONTAIN_NOT with these custom field types and compare with a
valued including only one of the possible multiple selection or pick list field values.
Active Filter Set 44
Active Filter Set
You can specify the filter set you want to apply to your request by using the filterSetId query parameter.
The active filter set determines what data can be viewed or modified.
Note: In OpenAir, filter sets define what data the authenticated user has permission to view or
update. Each user has at least one filter set assigned — the primary filter set. If more than one
filter set are assigned to a user, that user can set an filter set as active to control the data available
in OpenAir. For more information, see Security.
The filterSetId is the internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the data is accessible when the specified filter set is
active in OpenAir. For example:
A GET request only returns an object if the object can be accessed when the specified filter set is
A POST request only creates an object if all items associated with this object can be accessed when
the specified filter set is active.
A PUT request only updates an object if the object and all the updated object properties can be
accessed when the specified filter set is active.
A DELETE request only deletes an object if the object can be accessed when the specified filter set is
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with the user who authorized the
application is applied.
Important: Review the following guidelines:
The filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be associated with the user
who authorized the application as per the access token.
If the request concerns multiple objects, the requests returns, creates, updates or deletes only
the objects that can be viewed or modified when the specified filter set is active. In the case
of POST, PUT, and DELETE requests, the REST API returns the HTTP response code 207 Multiple
statuses returned. See also Errors.
Filter sets may overlay with other access control features such as role permissions, and form
permissions, for example.
Filtering 45
You can search the collection of resources by using the q query parameter to specify search criteria. If
you use the q parameter when retrieving a list of resources using the GET method, the response will only
include the objects matching the conditions specified in the request.
The query expression can include a single clause or combine several clauses.
Each clause includes a field name and a comparison operator — See Queryable Fields and
Comparison Operators.
Clauses may include one or more values — See Values in Query Clauses.
To combine clause, you can use logical operators and parenthesis ( ) — See Logical Operators and
Important: The query expression must be URL-encoded to be included as part of the URL
query string. The request will fail otherwise. The examples in this guide do not show URL-encoded
query expressions for ease of reading. For example, the query expression q=created BETWEEN
[‘2020-01-01’,’2020-06-30’] AND currency IS ‘EUR’ should be encoded to q=created%20BETWEEN
Please review the current limitations for this feature — See Limitations.
Queryable Fields
The field descriptions in the Generated API Documentation JSON or the REST API Endpoint Reference
indicate whether you can use the field in your query clauses. Look for the [Query allowed] mention in the
schema object field descriptions.
Comparison Operators
The comparison operators you can use depend on the field data type and format. The following table lists
the comparison operators available for each data type and format.
There are different classes of operators:
Unary operators operate on only one operand — the field name. A unary operator is typically used in
this format: fieldName OPERATOR
Binary operators operate on two operands — the field name and a value. A binary operator is typically
used in this format: fieldName OPERATOR value
Ternary operators operate on three operands — the field name and two values. A ternary operator is
typically used in this format: fieldName OPERATOR [value1,value2]
N-ary operators operate on N operands — the field name and one or more values. A ternary operator
is typically used in this format: fieldName OPERATOR [value1,value2,value3,...]
Data Type (Format) Query Operators Class Examples
[All data types and
EMPTY, EMPTY_NOT Unary description EMPTY
Values in Query Clauses 46
Data Type (Format) Query Operators Class Examples
Boolean IS, IS_NOT Binary isActive IS true
Binary userId EQUAL 237
total LESS_OR_EQUAL 148.5
Ternary total BETWEEN [25,148.5]
ANY_OF, ANY_OF_NOT N-ary userId ANY_OF [217, 237,
Binary description CONTAIN “meal”
Binary accountingDate ON_OR_BEFORE
BETWEEN, BETWEEN_NOT, Ternary created BETWEEN [“2020–01–01”,
Values in Query Clauses
Query clauses may include one or more values. Multiple values are The following table lists the accepted
value formats for each data type and format.
Data Type (Format) Value Format Examples
Boolean lowercase, Titlecase, or numeric Boolean values, with or without
single or double quotes
true, False, ‘true’,
“False”, 1, ‘0’, “1”
numeric values, with or without single or double quotes 126.32, ‘126.32’,
string string values, with single or double quotes 'USD', “CAD”
string($date) string values using the date format YYYY-MM-DD, with single or
double quotes
'2020–09–19', “2020–09–
Logical Operators and Precedence 47
Data Type (Format) Value Format Examples
Note: The date-time format is not supported for
values in query expressions. Use the date format YYYY-
MM-DD in query clauses for the read-only fields created,
updated, and exported, even though values are returned
as string($date-time).
Logical Operators and Precedence
You can combine clauses in your query expression using the logical operators AND and OR. The operator
AND takes precedence over the operator OR. You can use parenthesis () to mark precedence in your query
Consider the example isAdjusting IS false AND (currency IS 'CAD' OR userId EQUAL 237) AND
accountingDate EMPTY — the request returns the objects meeting all the following criteria:
isAdjusting IS false — The expense report is not an adjusting expense report.
currency IS 'CAD' OR userId EQUAL 237 — Either the expense report currency is Canadian Dollars or
the internal ID for the Employee is 237.
accountingDate EMPTY — The accounting date is not set.
The following limitations currently apply to the filtering feature:
The query expression passed using the q parameter in query string can be up to around 5500
characters long. Longer query strings return an invalid request error.
OpenAir custom field types other than Check box , Numeric, and Date are treated as string. You can
only use the query operators available for the relevant data type and format string data types when
querying other custom field types. See also Custom Fields.
OpenAir custom field types Multiple selection and Pick list may not be handled correctly with some
string query operators. Use the operators CONTAIN and CONTAIN_NOT with these custom field types. See
also Custom Fields.
Pagination 48
Some resources support GET methods to retrieve a list of resources. The response may be returned in
one or more pages depending on the number of objects to be returned. For some resources, you can use
the limit and offset parameters to control the response pagination.
Parameter Description Default
limit A limit on the length of the page. You can set the maximum number of objects to
be returned per page between 1 and 1000.
offset A cursor for use in pagination. The response will skip the number of matching
objects (or rows) specified using the offset parameter and return the page of
objects starting with the next object (or row) in the list. The offset must be a
positive number divisible by the page limit.
A paginated response includes the meta property in the JSON-encoded object returned. For a paginated
response, the meta property has the following attributes:
Property Description
rowsPerPage The number of objects (or rows) per page.
totalPages The total number of pages in the list.
totalRows The total number of objects (or rows) in the list.
links An array of objects containing direct links to other pages and their relation to the page returned:
first — the URL for the first page. Not included if the page returned is the first page.
prev — the URL for the previous page. Not included if the page returned is the first page.
self — the URL for the current page (the page requested).
next — the URL for the next page. Not included if the page returned is the last page.
last — the URL for the last page. Not included if the page returned is the last page.
The following example skips the first 90 objects and returns a page of 10 objects starting from the 91th
object in the list of results.
GET /rest/v1/receipts?limit=10&offset=90 HTTP/1.1
The response includes the meta attribute with information about the page ( rowsPerPage — the number of
objects per page), the list (totalPages and totalRows — the total number of pages and objects in the list,
respectively), and direct links to the first, previous, next and last page, as well as the requested page.
Example 49
"message" : "success",
"data" : [
"meta" : { "rowsPerPage": 10,
"totalPages": 85,
"totalRows": 841,
"links": [
"rel": "first",
"href": ""
"rel": "prev",
"href": ""
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
"rel": "next",
"href": ""
"rel": "last",
"href": ""
Sorting 50
You can use the orderBy parameter when retrieving a list of resources using the GET method to sort the
returned list by the specified attribute in ascending or descending order.
You can specify an ascending sort order or descending sort order using a + sign (ascending) or -
sign (descending) before the attribute name. An ascending sort order is used if the sort order is not
GET /rest/v1/receipts?orderBy=date lists receipts and sort them in ascending order of receipt
date (oldest first).
GET /rest/v1/receipts?orderBy=+date lists receipts and sort them in ascending order of receipt
date (oldest first).
GET /rest/v1/receipts?orderBy=-date lists receipts and sort them in descending order of receipt
date (most recent first).
The Sorting feature supports single level sorting only. Entering a comma-separated list of attributes
will return an error. A secondary sorting level by internal ID is applied by default. When reading a list of
receipts sorted by date, for example, if two receipts have the same receipt date, the response lists the
receipt with the lower internal ID (id) first.
The Sorting feature supports standard indexed fields only. See Sortable fields.
Sorting by a hidden sortable field is allowed. The returned list of resources is sorted in the order
specified even if the sortable field is hidden due to form permissions, form permission rules or other
account configuration setting.
Sortable fields
The Sorting feature supports standard indexed fields only. The field descriptions in the Generated
API Documentation JSON or the REST API Endpoint Reference indicate whether you can sort the list of
resources by the field. Look for the [Sorting allowed] mention in the schema object field descriptions.
Parameter Description
orderBy The attribute to sort the list by. The attribute must be sortable – Look for the [Sorting allowed]
mention in the schema object field descriptions.
Use a plus sign (+) or minus sign (-) before the attribute name to specify an ascending (+) or
descending (-) sort order. An ascending sort order is used if the sort order is not specified.
A sorted list of resources. The response includes the meta property in the JSON-encoded object returned.
For a sorted response, the meta property has the following attribute in addition to other relevant
attributes (see also Pagination, for example).
Example 51
Property Description
orderBy An array of one object containing the following properties:
reversedtrue if the list is sorted in descending order, or false if the list is sorted in ascending
field — the attribute used to sort the list by.
The following example returns a page of 5 receipt objects in descending order of receipt date.
GET /rest/v1/receipts?orderBy=-date&fields=date,id&limit=5 HTTP/1.1
"message" : "success",
"data" : [
"date": "2022-10-03",
"id": 146
"date": "2022-10-03",
"id": 152
"date": "2022-10-03",
"id": 186
"date": "2022-09-26",
"id": 116
"date": "2022-09-23",
"id": 98
"meta" : { "rowsPerPage": 5,
"totalPages": 44,
"totalRows": 9,
"orderBy": [
"reversed": true,
"field": "date"
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": ",id&limit=5"
"rel": "next",
"href": ",id&limit=5&offset=5"
"rel": "last",
"href": ",id&limit=5&offset=40"
Example 52
Referenced Objects and Expansion 53
Referenced Objects and Expansion
You can expand objects referenced by internal ID in the main response elements (data array), if the
referenced object type supports expansion. It can be used to return additional data in the same response
without the need for separate requests. Some of this additional data is only available when using
If there are any attributes available for expansion in the main response elements (data array), the
response automatically includes a relationships property in the response metadata (meta object) with
information about the attributes available for expansion and the referenced objects (object type and
internal ID).
To include the expanded objects in your response, use the expand query parameter. The JSON-encoded
object returned will include the included property, an array of expanded objects.
For information about available expansions and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
Parameter Description
expand A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion. The comma-separated list may include
spaces (or %20 in the URL encoded string).
Note: Review the following:
If you use the expand parameter with a POST or PUT request and return_object is set to
any value other than 0 (zero), the expand value must contain only attributes referencing a
supported object type. If the comma-separated list includes at least one attribute that is
not available for expansion, the request fails — an error is returned and the object is not
added or updated. For more information about attributes available for expansion and
supported object types, see Available Expansions and Supported Object Types.
An expanded response includes the meta and included properties in the JSON-encoded object returned.
Note: The main response element (data array) must include resource objects with attributes
available for expansions for the following properties to be returned. Referenced objects metadata
and expanded objects can be included in responses to GET request used to retrieve a list of objects
or a single object, or in responses to PUT and POST requests if the return_object query parameter
is set to any value other than 0 (zero).
Property Description
meta The response metadata object includes a relationships property — an array of objects containing
information about attributes available for expansion in the main response elements (data array), and
about referenced objects.
The relationships array is always included if there are any attributes available for expansion in the
main response elements (data array).
Example 54
Property Description
Each object in the relationships array includes a key-value pair for each attribute available for
expansion, where the key is the attribute available for expansion, and the value is an object with the
following properties:
data — An object with the following attributes:
type — The referenced object type.
id — The internal ID of the referenced object is returned even If the object is referenced by
a metavalue (negative integer) instead of an internal ID in the main response element (data
array). The response substitutes the internal ID of the object for the metavalue reference. For
information about possible metavalue references, see object property descriptions in REST API
Endpoint Reference.
The key-value pair is omitted if there are no referenced objects (if the internal ID of the referenced
object is 0).
The response metadata object also includes a warning property if the number expandable objects
referenced in the main response elements is over the maximum number of expanded objects that can
be returned by a single REST API request. For example: “Could not return all expanded objects. The
response contains only the first 1,000 expanded objects. Use the limit parameter to reduce
the number of main response objects and expanded objects returned.”.
included An array of expanded objects. The objects in the included array have the following attributes:
type — The expanded object type.
data — The expanded object.
Each expanded object in the included array is unique. If the object is referenced multiple times in the
main response elements (data array), the expanded object is only included once in the included array.
The number of expanded objects that can be returned in the included array is limited to 1,000 objects
by default. If the number of expandable objects referenced in the main response elements (data array)
exceeds 1,000 objects that can be returned by a single request, the included array contains only the
first 1,000 expanded objects. The response also includes a warning message in the meta object. To
avoid this situation, use the limit parameter to reduce the number of main response objects and
expanded objects returned. For more information about the limit parameter, see Pagination.
Note: To review your requirements, and increase the maximum number of expanded
objects that can be returned by a single REST API request, contact OpenAir Customer Support.
Note that there will be a performance trade off if the maximum number of expanded object is
The following request returns the list of attachments associated with the receipt with the internal ID 467
with expansions for the lockedBy, uploadedBy and workspaceId attributes.
GET /rest/v1/receipts/467/attachments?expand=lockedBy,uploadedBy,workspaceId
The response includes the following properties:
meta — the response metadata includes relationships information about the attributes available
for expansion (uploadedBy and workspaceId) and the referenced object internal IDs and types
(userDisplayName and workspace, respectively). The lockedBy attribute is omitted as the referenced
object internal ID is 0 for all the main response elements in the data array (no referenced objects).
included — an array of expanded userDisplayName and workspace objects.
Available Expansions and Supported Object Types 55
"included": [
"data": {
"id": 12,
"displayName": "Marc Collins"
"type": "userDisplayName"
"data": {
"created": "2020-12-10 08:09:21",
"name": "Altima Technology",
"updated": "2020-12-10 08:09:21",
"id": 103
"type": "workspace"
"data" : [
"workspaceId": 103
"isFolder": false,
"fileName": "receipt1.jpg",
"name": "receipt1.jpg",
"isLocked": false,
"uploadedBy": 12,
"lockedBy": 0,
"isExcludedFromAlert": false,
"size": 17762,
"attachmentCategoryId": 0,
"created": "2020-12-13 07:01:00",
"notes": "",
"updated": "2020-12-13 07:01:00",
"id": 1056,
"fileType": "JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.00, comment: \"LEAD Technologies Inc. V1.01\""
"message" : "success",
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"uploadedBy": {
"data": { "type": "userDisplayName", "id": 12 }
"workspaceId": {
"data": { "type": "workspace", "id": 103 }
"rowsPerPage": 100,
"totalPages": 1,
"totalRows": 1,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": ",workspaceId,upload
Available Expansions and Supported Object Types
The following object types support expansion:
attachment — See Attachment object properties.
userDisplayName — The userDisplayName object type is available only as an expanded object and has
the following attributes:
Available Expansions and Supported Object Types 56
Property Description Type
id The unique internal identifier of the workspace. integer($int64)
displayName The display name of the user. string
workspace — The workspace object type is available only as an expanded object and has the following
Property Description Type
created The date the workspace was created. string($date-time)
id The unique internal identifier of the workspace. integer($int64)
name The name of the workspace. string
updated The date the workspace was last updated or modified. string($date-time)
The following table lists the main response attributes available for expansion:
Main response object Attribute Referenced object type Description
Attachment lockedBy userDisplayName Returns the display
name of the
employee who locked
the attachment for
Attachment uploadedBy userDisplayName Returns the display
name of the
employee who
uploaded the
attachment file.
Attachment workspaceId workspace Returns the
workspace the
attachment is
associated with, if
the attachment is a
workspace document.
ExpenseReport attachments attachment Returns the metadata
for all attachments
associated with the
expense report.
ExpenseReport userId userDisplayName Returns the display
name of the
employee associated
with the expense
Project attachments attachment Returns the metadata
for all attachments
associated with the
Project bookingApprover,
bookingRequestApprover, budgetApprover,
userDisplayName Returns the display
name of the
Available Expansions and Supported Object Types 57
Main response object Attribute Referenced object type Description
invoiceApprover, projectApprover1,
projectApprover2, projectApprover3,
revenueApprover , timesheetApprover ,
attachments attachment Returns the metadata
for all attachments
associated with the
project milestone,
phase, or task.
Receipt attachments attachment Returns the metadata
for all attachments
associated with the
Receipt userId userDisplayName Returns the display
name of the
employee associated
with the receipt.
TimeEntry userId userDisplayName Returns the display
name of the
employee associated
with the time entry.
Errors 58
The REST API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of a request. The
codes can be in one of the following ranges:
2xx if the request is successful.
4xx if the request fails due to the information provided in the request — it indicates an error in the
5xx if the request fails due to a problem with the OpenAir server.
Your client application needs to handle errors when the request fails. The following table lists common
response codes and possible reasons for failing requests. The JSON-encoded response should always
include the message property, a string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
HTTP Status Code Description Reasons
200 OK The request was successful.
207 Multiple
statuses returned
Part of the request was
successful, part of the request
Possible reasons include:
Some of the requested resources do not exist or access
to these resources is denied. For example, if you send
a request to delete multiple attachments associated
with a receipt, the REST API returns an error if any of the
attachments listed are not associated with the receipt
but the listed attachments that are associated with the
receipt are deleted successfully.
400 Bad Request The request is unacceptable. Possible reasons include:
The request was improperly formed. For example:
The Authorization header was not formatted correctly
— See Authentication Errors.
For a PUT or POST request, the Content-Type
header is incorrect or there is a syntax error in the
request body and the REST API cannot interpret
the information. In this case the response object
contains the following message string: “<ObjectName>
deserialization failed”.
Parameter error — The pagination or filtering
parameters in the request URL are not valid. The
limit parameter may be above the maximum
allowed, the offset may not be divisible by the page
limit, or there may be a problem with the query
expression q.
A validation error. There is a problem with the object sent
in the request body. See Validation Errors.
401 Unauthorized Authentication error. The
response includes a WWW-
Authenticate header with
information about the error.
The access token is invalid. See Authentication Errors.
403 Forbidden Permission to perform the
request is denied.
The access token does not allow the client application to
perform the operation requested on the resource specified
in the request. In most cases, this is due to business rules
configured for the OpenAir account, which may include:
Parameter errors 59
HTTP Status Code Description Reasons
Global or Application settings controlled by account
administrators or by OpenAir Customer Support — The
operation is restricted across the entire account.
Role permissions, filter sets (default, or specified using
filterSetId), or other user privileges — The client
application is using the REST API to access OpenAir
on behalf of a user who does not have the relevant
privileges to perform the operation requested.
Invalid filter set — The request specifies the filter set to
apply using the filterSetId query parameter and the
specified filter set does not exist or is not associated with
the user on behalf of whom the client application is using
the REST API to access OpenAir. See Active Filter Set.
404 Not Found The requested resource does
not exist.
Possible reasons include:
The requested resource does not exist.
A required URL parameter is missing. For example the
{id} URL parameter is missing in a GET request, and the
resource only supports retrieving a single object.
405 Method Not
The method is not allowed. Possible reasons include:
The method is not supported for the resource.
A required URL parameter is missing. For example the
{id} URL parameter is missing in a PUT or DELETE request.
429 Too Many
API limit reached. One of the API limits set for the account was reached. See
API Limits.
500 Internal Server
A problem occurred on
OpenAir’s end.
If system errors persist, please check OpenAir system status,
or contact OpenAir Customer Support.
503 Internal Server
The service is temporarily
If the problem persists, please check OpenAir system status,
or contact OpenAir Customer Support.
Parameter errors
Requests return a 400 Bad Request HTTP response code if there is a problem with one of the query
parameters in the request URL. The response JSON object includes the message property only, with an
error description.
Examples of parameter error messages:
limit parameter above the maximum allowed — The specified query parameter 'limit' is out of
bounds. Provide value between 1 and 1000
The page offset is not divisible by the page limitInvalid limit and offset values. The offset
must be divisible by the page limit
Problem with the query expression qFilter error: Expected a valid field name, but found
'created AFTER '2020-' instead
Validation Errors
PUT or POST requests return a 400 Bad Request HTTP response code if there is a problem with any key-
value pair in the JSON-encoded request body. The response JSON object includes the following properties:
Validation Errors 60
message — The message string shows “Invalid data”.
errorFields — An object containing the fields with errors as attributes, and for each field an array of
objects containing the attributes:
type — The type of validation error returned.
message — The error message.
The following example shows the response returned if the request attempts to set or update read-only
HTTP/ 1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
"errorFields": {
"created": [{
"type": "read-only-value",
"message": "Read-only value"
"updated": [{
"type": "read-only-value",
"message": "Read-only value"
"message": "Invalid data"
The following table lists the validation error types
Error Type Description
custom-error A custom-error type is usually associated to a form script associated with the entity
property form in OpenAir.
invalid-value The value is not formatted correctly. For example, if the field data type and format is
string($date), the string value must follow the format “yyyy-mm-dd”. If the value in the
request is “2020–10”, the response includes an invalid-value error type for this field
with the message "Invalid date format".
netsuite-integration-error A netsuite-integration-error type is returned if the resource is selected for real-time
OpenAir<>NetSuite integration, and the operation results in an integration error.
permission-error A permission-error type is returned if the access token does not allow the client
application to perform the operation requested for this field due to the form rules or
form permissions configured in OpenAir .
required-field The field is required. The object in the request body must contain a value for this
field. For more information about required fields, see REST API Endpoint Reference or
Generated API Documentation JSON.
read-only-value The field is read-only. The field cannot be set or updated using the REST API. Hidden
fields are read-only. The REST API returns an error if an attribute-value pair for a
hidden field is included in a POST or PUT request body. For more information about
read-only fields, see REST API Endpoint Reference or Generated API Documentation
unknown-field The attribute is not a valid attribute for the object to be created or updated. For
more information about valid object attributes, see REST API Endpoint Reference or
Generated API Documentation JSON.
Validation Errors 61
Error Type Description
Note: Attribute names are case sensitive and use camelCase, a naming
convention in which each word within a compound word is capitalized except
for the first word. For example, note the initial lowercase t and the uppercase
L and I for taxLocationId.
unknown-type Unknown error type.
Note: An evaluation order is used for the different validation rules. If an error of a given type is
encountered, validation stops and a response returned with that given error type. For example,
if the object in the request body includes an invalid attribute name, and an attribute-value pair
for a read-only field, the unknown-field validation rule is evaluated first, and an error response is
returned before the read-only-value validation rule is evaluated.
API Limits 62
API Limits
OpenAir enforces some limits to control API consumption and manage the demands on OpenAir
application and database servers. These limits apply across all API components — SOAP API, XML API, and
There are two types of usage limits
Number of objects
The API returns a maximum of 1,000 objects per request. Use pagination to retrieve a list of more
than 1,000 objects. The maximum page length is 1000.
REST API – You can set a limit parameter to control the page length. The page length defaults
to 100 if not specified. See Pagination.
XML and SOAP API – You must set a limit attribute to control the page length. See the help
topics Read Attributes and Pagination.
The API accepts a maximum of 1,000 objects as arguments per request. To process more than
1,000 objects, do so in batches. You can add, modify, delete, submit, approve, reject or unapprove
a maximum of 1,000 objects using one XML API call or SOAP API command. You can add or modify
only one object using one REST API request, You can delete a maximum of 100 or 1,000 objects,
depending on the object type, using one REST API request.
Frequency limits
Maximum number of requests allowed within a 24–hour window for your company's OpenAir
Maximum number of requests allowed within a 60–second window for your company's OpenAir
API Frequency Limit Error
If the number of API requests made in the last 60 seconds or in the last 24 hours reaches the maximum
allowed, the API returns an error.
The XML API returns the error code 556 to the authentication operation [Auth].
The SOAP API returns a 403 Access denied.
The REST API returns a 429 Too Many Requests error for any request sent within the 24–hour or 60–
second window.
OpenAir sends a warning email when you approach your API frequency limits.
Tip: To work within your API frequency limits and avoid frequency limit errors, batch operations
into each API call and avoid making API calls within a loop. See the help topic Optimize the API
Tracking API Usage Against Frequency Limits
This screen shows the API requests limits that are currently set for the account and the number of
requests remaining within the current 24-hour period. It is a useful reference to track your usage level
when using the SOAP API and XML API. This is for reference purposes only, account administrators cannot
change these settings.
To track your API usage against frequency limits, do one of the following:
RateLimit 63
In OpenAir, go to Administration > Global Settings > Account > API Limits. The page screen shows
the API frequency limits for your company's OpenAir account, the thresholds when OpenAir sends a
warning email for each frequency limit, and the number of requests remaining within the current 24-
hour window. You can use this page to track API usage but you cannot change the frequency limit
settings. It is a read-only page for all users.
In OpenAir, review web services logs to identify requests contributing toward any usage limit
overages. See Web Services Logs.
Use the XML API to read the number of requests remaining within the current 24-hour window. To do
so, use the Read XML API command and the RateLimit object.
Tip: Query the remaining number of requests at various points in your integration application
to identify where your application is sending the highest volume of requests.
Follow API Best Practice Guidelines to see how you can improve your application.
If you have any questions about frequency limits, contact OpenAir Customer Support. For assistance
with your integration applications and to help reduce the number of API requests in your integration
applications, contact OpenAir Professional Services.
The rate limit [RateLimit] is the number of API requests remaining in the current 24-hour window.
Review Usage Guidelines for the RateLimit object.
Note: OpenAir enforces some limits to control API consumption and manage the demands on
OpenAir application and database servers. One such usage limit applies to the number of requests
in any 24-hour window. See API Limits.
Object RateLimit oaRateLimit
Supported Commands Read (all)
Note: The RateLimit object supports the all read method only.
The RateLimit object has the following properties:
RateLimit 64
Field Name Description
remain_24h_error Number of calls remaining in a 24 hour window
Usage Guidelines
You can only query the remaining number of requests using the XML API. The OpenAir WSDL lists the
oaRateLimit but the SOAP API does not support reading this object. The REST API does not have an
equivalent method to query the remaining number of requests.
The following XML API sample code queries the remaining number of requests within the current 24-hour
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<request API_version="1.0" client="example client" client_ver="1.1" namespace="example" key="0123456789">
<Read type="RateLimit" method="all" limit="1">
The following XML API sample response indicates that there are 99949 requests remaining within the
current 24-hour window.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Auth status = "0"></Auth >
<Read status = "0">
Note: This request call counts uses up one request in your API frequency limit.
Web Services Logs 65
Web Services Logs
An optional feature lets you access web services logs in the Reports application in OpenAir. If the feature
is enabled for your account, go to Reports > Detail > Web services > Web services logs, or go to Reports >
Management and search for “Web services logs”. Configure and run the report for auditing purposes or
to help troubleshooting API requests in your integration applications.
Each row in the Web services log represents one request and response pair. For the request part,
OpenAir logs the method used, the request URL, the Content-Type header and the request body. For
the response part, OpenAir logs the HTTP response code and the response body.
Records in the Web services log are only available for seven days after they are created.
Note: This feature includes an optional component, which may be enabled to help troubleshoot
any issues with the add-on services provided by OpenAir.
If you are using Web services log reports to track your API usage limits, note that API requests
made by OpenAir Mobile apps, OpenAir Integration Manager and other OpenAir add-on services
do not count toward your usage limits.
Important: The Web services log report feature has the following limitations:
If you do not use this feature for more than 30 days, the feature is disabled and the log entries
are deleted.
Log entries are retained for 7 days only, then they are purged from the database.
Generated API Documentation JSON 66
Generated API Documentation JSON
If the REST API is enabled for your account, account administrators and employees with the Export
data role permission can access a system-generated API documentation in OpenAPI 3.0 JSON format.
The generated documentation provides a reference for the REST API including resource descriptions,
endpoints and methods, parameters, request body and response examples and schema. It includes
resource attributes for custom fields specific to your OpenAir account. You can then use any OpenAPI 3.0
compatible tool for further processing.
To access and use the generated API documentation:
In OpenAir, go to Administration > Global settings > Account > Integration: Import/Export. You
must be an Administrator or have the relevant role permission to access this screen.
Click REST API documentation. The generated REST API documentation JSON object appears in a
new browser tab.
Click Copy.
Open an OpenAPI 3.0 compatible tool. For example, open the freely available online tool Swagger
Editor in a new browser tab.
Clear any default content and paste the REST API documentation JSON you previously copied to
your clipboard. If using Swagger Editor, you copy the JSON in the left pane, The tool can convert
the JSON to YAML, generates a static web page and shows the web page in the right pane. You can
edit the JSON or YAML and use the resulting static web page as reference to work with the REST
The following screenshots show the generated the REST API documentation as a static web page as
obtained using Swagger Editor.
Generated API Documentation JSON 67
The page shows a brief overview followed by endpoints and methods reference. Click any of the frame
corresponding to a specific method and endpoint to show reference information for this method and
endpoint, including a description of parameters and responses.
Generated API Documentation JSON 68
Scroll down to see resource and response models (schema objects), including a description of attributes
Generated API Documentation JSON 69
Testing the REST API Using Postman 70
Testing the REST API Using Postman
This section provides some tips and guidelines you can use to get started with testing the REST API using
the GUI REST client Postman.
You can download Postman from and install it on your computer. After you
have installed Postman, you will be able to:
Define and save a set of environment variables, which you can then used in your requests, export and
import. See Defining and Saving Environment Variables in Postman.
Create collections, you can use to save your requests for later use, export, and import. See Creating a
Request Collection in Postman.
Create and send HTTP requests with the help of a user interface. See Creating and Sending API
Requests Using Postman.
Use the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow to get a user’s permission and obtain an access token. See
Getting Authorization and Obtaining a New Access Token Using Postman.
Refresh access tokens manually or programmatically. Refreshing Access Tokens Using Postman.
Note: These guidelines are given for illustration purposes only. You can use any GUI REST client
of your choosing. You can also use the curl command-line utility to execute HTTP requests. Refer
to the relevant product documentation for detailed information about its setup and usage.
Defining and Saving Environment Variables in
A Postman environment is a set of key-value pairs. The key represents the name of the variable, which
you can then use in place of the value in your requests. You can set up multiple environments and switch
between them. For example, you can have, the same set of environment variables with different values
to use the same requests with your sandbox or production OpenAir accounts, or with different access
tokens obtained for different users with different permissions and access rights. You can create copies of
your environments, export them as JSON, or share them with other Postman users.
To define and save environment variables in Postman:
Click the Manage Environments button in the top right corner of the main Postman window.
The Manage Environments window appears.
Click Add. The Add Environment window appears.
Type a name for your environment.
Type a variable name and initial value for each environment variables you want to add. You can
use the following example as a model. replace the companyID value with your unique account
domain identifier, and the clientID, clientSecret, and the callbackUrl values with the client ID,
client secret and redirect URI for the application you registered with OpenAir.
Creating a Request Collection in Postman 71
Click Add and close the Manage Environments window. The new environment is now available in
the environment selection dropdown in the top right corner of the main Postman window.
Creating a Request Collection in Postman
A Postman collection is a set of HTTP requests. You can use collections to save your requests for later use,
copy an entire set of requests, export them as JSON, or share them with other users.
To create a collection in Postman:
In the left pane of the main Postman window, click the Collections tab and click New collection.
The Create a new collection window appears.
Type a name for your collection.
(Optional) Add a description. You can also define a default authorization method for your requests
and define collection variables, if required. These settings are not set at the collection level for the
purpose of this document.
Click Create. The new collection is listed in the left pane. You can save the requests you create to
this collection.
Creating and Sending API Requests Using Postman 72
Creating and Sending API Requests Using Postman
Postman makes it simpler to create and send request and read responses. It spares you the need to get
your curl syntax right and analyze requests and responses from the command line.
To create and send an API request using Postman:
In the right pane of the main Postman window, click the + tab.
A new untitled request tab appears. New requests use the GET method by default. You can select
any other supported method from the dropdown on the left.
Enter the request URL. You can use the environment variable for the base URL and add the
relevant resource endpoint path. For example, enter {{baseUrl}}/expense-reports/
Click the Params tab and enter any query parameters as key-value pairs. Notice the query
parameters are added to the request URL as you type.
Creating and Sending API Requests Using Postman 73
Note: Postman URL-encodes query parameter values. The example above shows a URL-
encoded value for the q parameter but it is not necessary to URL-encode the value in the
Params tab.
Click the Authorization tab. Click the Type dropdown and select OAuth 2.0. Enter the Access
Token. You can use the relevant environment variable for the access token — {{accessToken}}.
Enter the Header Prefix Bearer and ensure Add authorization data to is set to Request Headers.
Note: The first time you send a request or if the refresh token saved in your environment
variables is no longer valid, you may need to get a new access token. See Getting
Authorization and Obtaining a New Access Token Using Postman.
If you are creating a POST or PUT request, click the Body tab. Select the raw option and select
JSON from the type dropdown on the right of the radio buttons. Enter the JSON object for the
resource you want to insert. The Postman editor indicates possible syntax errors with a red line on
the right.
Click Save, Enter or edit the request name, select the collection you want to save this request
under, and click Save to <Collection Name>.
Getting Authorization and Obtaining a New Access Token Using Postman 74
Click Send to send the request.
You can then analyze the response in the bottom pane, which includes the Body and the HTTP
Status code.
Getting Authorization and Obtaining a New Access
Token Using Postman
Postman lets you use the user interface to obtain and access token using the OAuth 2.0 Authorization
code flow. You can use this to simulate the OAuth 2.0 Authorization process and obtain an access token
to authenticate your requests.
To get authorization and obtain a new access token using Postman:
Open one of your API Requests and click the Authorization tab. The Authorization should be set as
described in Creating and Sending API Requests Using Postman.
Click Get a New Access Token. The Get new access token window appears.
Refreshing Access Tokens Using Postman 75
Select the Grant type (Authorization Code), enter the Callback URL, Auth URL, Access Token
URL, Client ID, Client Secret, and Scope (rest), and select the Client Authentication (Send as
Basic Auth header). Except for the values specified, you can use environment variables as shown in
the screenshot above.
Click Request Token. The OpenAir or SSO sign-in page appears in a new window.
Enter your sign-in details and submit.
Note: If this is the first time you authorize the application, the Authorization screen will
appear. Click Allow.
The Manage Access Tokens window appears and shows the tokens obtained.
Select the Access token value making sure you do not select the line break at the end (do not
double click to select the entire string). Right click the selected value, point to Set:<Environment
Name>, and click accessToken. Repeat for the Refresh Token value and set the refreshToken
environment variable.
You can now use the accessToken environment variable in your requests.
Refreshing Access Tokens Using Postman
Access token have a short validity period, you can refresh access tokens using a separate request or you
can add a pre-request script to your API requests to refresh your access token if it has expired before you
send a request.
Refreshing Access Tokens Using Postman 76
Creating a Token Refresh Request Using Postman
You can create a request to refresh your access token. For more information about the request used to
refresh tokens, see Refreshing an Access Token.
To create a token refresh request in Postman:
Create a new request and use the following:
Method — POST
Request URL — {{accessTokenUrl}}
Body — Select form-data and enter the following key-values:
Click the Tests tab and paste the following script. This test script will save the new access token and
refresh token automatically to your environment variables.
pm.test("Status test", function (){});
if ( {
var data = pm.response.json();
pm.environment.set("accessToken", data.access_token);
pm.environment.set("refreshToken", data.refresh_token);
Click Save and save the request to your collection for later use. You can use this request to refresh
your access token when it expires.
Refreshing Tokens Automatically Before Each API Request
You can add a pre-request script to your API requests to refresh your access token if it has expired before
you send a request and save the new access token and refresh token automatically to your environment
Open one your API requests, click the Pre-request Script tab, paste the following script, and click Save.
Refreshing Access Tokens Using Postman 77
The first time the script runs, it will create the environment variable accessTokenExpires. The variable will
be used to save the time the new access token is due to expire. The script compares the current time with
the time the current access token is due to expire and only requests a new access token if the current
access token has expired.
var now = new Date().getTime();
var accessTokenExpires = pm.environment.get("accessTokenExpires");
if (accessTokenExpires === undefined) {
accessTokenExpires = now;
if (accessTokenExpires && now >= accessTokenExpires) {
var options = {
method: 'POST',
url: pm.environment.get("accessTokenUrl"),
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
auth: {
"type": "basic",
"basic": [{
"key": "username",
"value": pm.environment.get("clientID")
}, {
"key": "password",
"value": pm.environment.get("clientSecret")
body: {
mode: 'formdata',
formdata: [{
key: "refresh_token",
value: pm.environment.get("refreshToken"),
disabled: false,
description: {
content: "",
type: "text/plain"
}, {
key: "redirect_uri",
value: pm.environment.get("callbackUrl"),
disabled: false,
description: {
content: "",
type: "text/plain"
}, {
key: "grant_type",
value: "refresh_token",
disabled: false,
description: {
content: "",
type: "text/plain"
}, {
key: "scope",
value: "rest",
disabled: false,
description: {
content: "",
type: "text/plain"
}, ]
pm.sendRequest(options, function(refreshError, refreshResponse) {
if (refreshError) console.log(refreshError);
var jsonRefreshResponse = refreshResponse.json();
if (jsonRefreshResponse.access_token) {
pm.test("Token refreshed and saved", () => {
Refreshing Access Tokens Using Postman 78
pm.expect(refreshResponse)'code', 200)
pm.environment.set("accessToken", jsonRefreshResponse.access_token);
pm.environment.set("refreshToken", jsonRefreshResponse.refresh_token);
var t = new Date();
t.setSeconds(t.getSeconds() + jsonRefreshResponse.expires_in);
pm.environment.set("accessTokenExpires", t.getTime());
} else {
pm.test("Refresh token request failed - Get new access and refresh tokens by clicking \"Get New Access Token\" in the
Authorization tab, save the values in the appropriate environment variables, and try sending the request again", () => {
pm.expect(refreshResponse)'code', 200)
REST API Endpoint Reference 79
REST API Endpoint Reference
This section provides reference information for the supported endpoints and methods. The following
table lists the available resource collection endpoints, the corresponding table in the OpenAir database
as documented in the OpenAir data dictionary, and a summary of methods supported for each resource
REST API resources Database Table Supported methods
Attachments attachment Use the endpoints and method specific to the object
the attachments are associated with
Contacts contact POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS
Expense Reports envelope POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS
Job Codes job_code POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS
Projects project POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS
Project Milestones project_task (classification set to M
for milestones)
Project Phases project_task (classification set to P
for phases)
Project Tasks project_task (classification set to T
for tasks)
Time Entries task POST, GET, DELETE, OPTIONS
Attachments are files uploaded and stored in OpenAir and associated with records. Each attachment
include the attachment file as well as file metadata.
Available methods
None — To work with attachments, use the endpoints and methods specific to the object the attachments
are associated with.
Attachment object properties
An attachment is a file uploaded and stored in OpenAir and associated with a record. Each attachment
includes file metadata as well as the file itself. The Attachment object includes the file metadata.
The Attachment object has the following properties:
Property Description Type Read-only Query
The internal ID of the
attachment category.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
Attachments 80
Property Description Type Read-only Query
created The date the attachment was
string($date-time) Yes Yes
fileName The filename of the attached
string Yes Yes
fileType The file type. This is used for
tracking purposes.
string Yes Yes
hasThumbnail A 1/0 field indicating if a
thumbnail image is available
for the attachment. Returned
only if the Attachment
Thumbnail and Attachment
Viewer feature is enabled for
the OpenAir account.
string Yes Yes
id The unique internal identifier
of the attachment.
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
A 1/0 field indicating if the
attachment is excluded from
the alert system.
Boolean Yes
isFolder A 1/0 field indicating if other
attachment records have this
attachment record as a parent.
Boolean Yes
isLocked A 1/0 field indicating if the
attachment is locked for
Boolean Yes
isViewable A 1/0 field indicating if the
attachment is viewable
using the Attachment Viewer
feature. Returned only if the
Attachment Thumbnail and
Attachment Viewer feature
is enabled for the OpenAir
Boolean Yes Yes
lockedBy The internal ID of the
employee who uploaded the
file. The value is 0 (zero) if
integer($int64) Yes
name The display name of the
string Yes Yes
notes Notes about the attachment.
This attribute is used for
keyword search.
string Yes
size The file size in bytes. number($float) Yes Yes
updated The date the attachment was
last updated or modified.
string($date-time) Yes Yes Yes
Attachments 81
Property Description Type Read-only Query
uploadedBy The internal ID of the
employee who uploaded the
integer($int64) Yes Yes
workspaceId The internal ID of the
workspace associated with
the attachment. The value is 0
(zero) if the attachment is not
associated with a workspace.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
Note: Access to certain object types and object attributes depend on the business logic
configured for the OpenAir account. It may vary depending on the role and access privileges
associated with the access token and with the user who authorized the application.
Required and read-only attributes also depend on the business logic configured for each specific
OpenAir account. Some fields such as id, created, and updated are system-generated and always
Contact records contain information about individuals working for, or associated with customers.
Available methods
POST /contacts/Insert a Contact
GET /contacts/Get the List of Contacts
GET /contacts/{id}Get a Contact
PUT /contacts/{id}Update a Contact
DELETE /contacts/{id}Delete a Contact
OPTIONS /contacts/Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint Reference for Contacts
Contact object properties
A contact is a person working for, or associated with a customer.
The Contact object has the following properties:
Property Description Type Read-only Query
accountingCode Optional accounting
code that can be used for
integration with external
accounting systems.
string Yes
address1 First line of the contact's
address2 Second line of the contact's
Contacts 82
Property Description Type Read-only Query
address3 Third line of the contact's
address4 Fourth line of the contact's
canBill A 1/0 field indicating if the
contact can be used for
Boolean Yes
canSell A 1/0 field indicating if the
contact an be used for
Boolean Yes
canShip A 1/0 field indicating if the
contact can be used for
Boolean Yes
city The contact's city. string
country The contact's country. string
created The date the contact
record was created.
string($date-time) Yes Yes
customerId [REQUIRED] The internal
ID of the associated
integer($int64) Yes Yes
email The contact's Email
string Yes
externalId The unique external ID of
the contact, if the record
was imported from an
external system.
string Yes Yes
fax The contact's fax number. string Yes
firstName The contact's first name. string Yes
id The unique internal
identifier of the contact.
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
isActive A 1/0 field indicating if the
contact is active.
Boolean Yes Yes
jobTitle The contact's job title. string Yes
lastName [REQUIRED] The contact's
last name.
string Yes
mobile The contact's mobile phone
string Yes
nickname The nickname used to
identify the contact.
string Yes
notes Notes about the contact. string Yes
Contacts 83
Property Description Type Read-only Query
phone The contact's phone
string Yes
state The contact's State or
title The contact's title. string Yes
updated The date the contact
record was last updated or
string($date-time) Yes Yes
zip The contact's ZIP code or
postal code.
Note: Access to certain object types and object attributes depend on the business logic
configured for the OpenAir account. It may vary depending on the role and access privileges
associated with the access token and with the user who authorized the application.
Required and read-only attributes also depend on the business logic configured for each specific
OpenAir account. Some fields such as id, created, and updated are system-generated and always
Insert a Contact
POST /contacts/ — Use this method to create a new contact record.
Path parameters
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the
response. If not specified, the response includes all attributes
for the contact returned.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action
is available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir.
The filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and
must be associated with the user who authorized the
application as per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated
with the user who authorized the application is applied.
Contacts 84
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
return_object Optional If set to 1, the response will return the contact created.
Otherwise, the response will include only the internal ID of the
contact created.
Request body
The Contact object to be created. The object must include valid key-value pairs for all required attributes
and cannot include key-value pairs for read-only attributes. For information about the Contact object
model, see Contact object properties.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The Contact object created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in the
An object with only the internal ID of the contact created.
See Returned Data.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
POST /rest/v1/contacts/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
"jobTitle": "Head of Finance",
"email": "[email protected]",
"lastName": "Doe",
"firstName": "John",
"nickname": "J. Doe",
"isActive": true,
"customerId": 68,
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Contacts 85
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 24
"message": "success"
Get the List of Contacts
GET /contacts/ — Use this method to retrieve the list of contacts.
Path parameters
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for each contact
returned. See Response Data Modifiers.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
limit Optional A limit on the length of the page. See Pagination. integer
offset Optional A cursor for use in pagination. See Pagination. integer
orderBy Optional The attribute to sort the list by. Use a plus sign (+) or minus
sign (-) before the attribute name to specify an ascending (+) or
descending (-) sort order. An ascending sort order is used if the
sort order is not specified. See Sorting.
q Optional A URL-encoded query expression used to filter the resource
collection and return the objects matching the specified search
criteria. See Filtering.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Contacts 86
Property Description
data An array containing the contacts requested. See Returned Data.
meta An object containing response metadata. The meta object may include information about:
The page returned, the number of objects per page, the total number of pages and objects in the
list, and links to other pages. See Pagination.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/contacts/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"message": "success",
"meta": {
"rowsPerPage": 100,
"totalPages": 14,
"totalRows": 1386,
"links": [
"rel": "first",
"href": ""
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
"rel": "next",
"href": ""
"rel": "last",
"href": ""
Contacts 87
Get a Contact
GET /contacts/{id} — Use this method to retrieve the contact record with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the contact. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the contact
returned. Response Data Modifiers.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the contact object requested. See Returned Data.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Contact #24 not found”.
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/contacts/24 HTTP/1.1
Contacts 88
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"jobTitle": "Head of Finance",
"externalId": "",
"mobile": "",
"state": "",
"email": "[email protected]",
"city": "",
"fax": "",
"updated": "2020-07-30 03:04:58",
"id": 24,
"lastName": "Doe",
"firstName": "John",
"country": "",
"nickname": "J. Doe",
"isActive": true,
"phone": "",
"address2": "",
"created": "2019-05-18 09:51:46",
"zip": "",
"customerId": 68,
"notes": "",
"address1": "",
"title": ""
"message": "success"
Update a Contact
PUT /contacts/{id} — Use this method to update the contact record with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the contact. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the
response. If not specified, the response includes all attributes
for the contact returned.
Contacts 89
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action
is available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir.
The filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and
must be associated with the user who authorized the
application as per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated
with the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will include
the contact updated. Otherwise, the response will include only
the internal ID of the contact updated.
Request body
An object including valid key-value pairs for the fields to be updated. The object cannot include key-
value pairs for read-only attributes. For information about the Contact object model, see Contact object
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The Contact object updated, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in the
An object with only the ID of the contact updated.
See Returned Data.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Contact #24 not found”.
Sample request
PUT /rest/v1/contacts/24 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: appplication/json
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Contacts 90
"jobTitle": "Head of Finance",
"email": "[email protected]",
"customerId": 68,
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 24
"message": "success"
Delete a Contact
DELETE /contacts/{id} — Use this method to delete the contact record with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the contact. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Contacts 91
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success” or “Contact #24
not found”.
Sample request
DELETE /rest/v1/rest/v1/contacts/24 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 24
"message": "success"
Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint
Reference for Contacts
OPTIONS /contacts/ — Use this method to discover the methods available and fetch the OpenAPI 3.0
JSON endpoint reference for contacts.
Response definitions
A successful request returns the OpenAPI 3.0 JSON endpoint reference in the response body. The
JSON object returned contains metadata information about the resource endpoint. It is similar to the
Generated API Documentation JSON, only it is restricted to the resource endpoint path specified in the
The response also includes the following header:
Header Description
Access-Control-Allow-Methods A comma-separated list of HTTP methods available for the requested
resource collection endpoint.
Contacts 92
Sample request
OPTIONS /rest/v1/contacts/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
The response includes the OpenAPI 3.0 endpoint reference for the resource endpoint as a JSON object in
the response body, as well as the following headers:
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 6955
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-control: no-cache, no-store, pre-check=0, post-check=0, must-revalidate, max-age=0, s-max-age=0
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type
Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400
Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
Content-Encoding: gzip
Expense Reports
Expense reports are collections of expense items (receipts) that employees can use in OpenAir to claim
Available methods
POST /expense-reports/Insert an Expense Report
POST /expense-reports/overlapping/Insert an Overlapping Expense Report (Overlapping expense
reports are expense reports submitted for overlapping periods).
GET /expense-reports/Get the List of Expense Reports
GET /expense-reports/{id}Get an Expense Report
PUT /expense-reports/{id}Update an Expense Report
DELETE /expense-reports/{id}Delete an Expense Report
GET /expense-reports/{id}/receiptsGet the List of Receipts in an Expense Report
GET /expense-reports/{id}/receipts/{ticket_id}Get a Receipt associated with an Expense
POST /expense-reports/{id}/attachmentsAdd an Attachment to an Expense Report
GET /expense-reports/{id}/attachmentsGet the List of Attachments Associated with an Expense
Expense Reports 93
GET /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}Get an Attachment Associated with an
Expense Report
GET /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/downloadGet an Attachment File
Associated with an Expense Report
GET /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/thumbnailGet the Thumbnail for an
Attachment Associated with an Expense Report
PUT /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}Replace an Attachment to an Expense
DELETE /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}Delete an Attachment Associated
with an Expense Report
DELETE /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_ids}Delete Attachments Associated
with an Expense Report
OPTIONS /expense-reports/Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint Reference for
Expense Reports
ExpenseReport object properties
An expense report is a collection of expense items (receipts) that employees can use in OpenAir to claim
The ExpenseReport object has the following properties:
Property Description Type Read-only Query allowed Sorting allowed
accountingDate The accounting period date of the
expense report.
string($date) Yes Yes
advance The amount of any cash advance on the
expense report.
number($float) Yes
approveDate The date the expense report was
string($date) Yes Yes
attachments The attachments associated with this
expense report. Array of internal IDs for
attachment objects.
Array of {”id”: <
balance The outstanding balance on the
expense report.
number($float) Yes
created The date the expense report was
string($date-time) Yes Yes
currency The currency for monetary values in the
expense report. Three-letter currency
string Yes
customerId The internal ID of the associated
integer$(int64) Yes Yes
date The date of the expense report. string($date) Yes Yes
description The description of the expense report
(e.g. reason for the trip).
string Yes
endDate The ending date of the expense report
(only used with auto-naming).
string($date) Yes Yes
exported The date and time the record was
marked as "exported".
string($date-time) Yes
externalId The unique external ID of the expense
report, if the record was imported from
an external system.
string Yes Yes
Expense Reports 94
Property Description Type Read-only Query allowed Sorting allowed
id The unique internal identifier of the
expense report.
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
isAccounting A 1/0 field indicating if an envelope was
submitted to an accounting partner.
Boolean Yes Yes Yes
isAdjusting A 1/0 field indicating if the expense
report is an adjusting expense report.
Boolean Yes Yes
A 1/0 field indicating if the record is
within the specified foreign currency
tolerance as defined in database data
Boolean Yes Yes Yes
name [REQUIRED] The name of the expense
string Yes
notes Notes about the expense report. string Yes
projectId The internal ID of the associated
integer($int64) Yes Yes
startDate The starting date of the expense report
(only used with auto-naming).
string($date) Yes Yes
status The status of the expense report.
Possible values:
O — open
S — submitted
A — approved
R — rejected
string Yes Yes
submitDate The date the expense report was
string($date) Yes Yes
taxLocationId Default tax location for this expense
integer($int64) Yes Yes
total The total value of all the receipts in the
expense report.
number($float) Yes
totalReceipts The total number of receipts in the
expense report.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
totalReimburse The total amount of reimbursable
expenses in the expense report.
number($float) Yes Yes
trackingNumber [REQUIRED] The expense report
tracking number.
string Yes Yes
updated The date the expense report was last
updated or modified.
string ($date-time) Yes Yes
userId The internal ID of the associated
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
Note: Access to certain object types and object attributes depend on the business logic
configured for the OpenAir account. It may vary depending on the role and access privileges
associated with the access token and with the user who authorized the application.
Required and read-only attributes also depend on the business logic configured for each specific
OpenAir account. Some fields such as id, created, and updated are system-generated and always
Insert an Expense Report
POST /expense-reports/ — Use this method to create a new expense report.
Expense Reports 95
Note: You cannot use this method to create an expense report if the start date and end date
overlap with another expense report. To insert an overlapping expense report, you must use the
dedicated method and endpoint. See Insert an Overlapping Expense Report.
Overlapping expense reports may not be allowed at all or may be restricted depending on the role
permissions associated with the access token (The role permissions of the user on behalf of whom
the client application is accessing OpenAir).
Path parameters
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the expense
report returned.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will return the
expense report created. Otherwise, the response will include only
the internal ID of the expense report created.
Request body
The ExpenseReport object to be created. The object must include valid key-value pairs for all required
attributes and cannot include key-value pairs for read-only attributes. For information about the
ExpenseReport object model, see ExpenseReport object properties.
Expense Reports 96
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The ExpenseReport object created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than
0 (zero) in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in
the request.
An object with only the internal ID of the expense report created.
See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
POST /rest/v1/expense-reports/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
"date": "2020-10-01",
"isAdjusting": false,
"currency": "USD",
"userId": 237,
"name": "September 2020 Expenses",
"isAccounting": false,
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
Expense Reports 97
"id": 2689
"message": "success"
Insert an Overlapping Expense Report
POST /expense-reports/overlapping/ — Use this method to create a new expense report record if the
expense report period overlaps with the period covered by an existing expense report. The expense
report period is determined by the attributes startDate and endDate.
Note: Check the account configuration before using this endpoint. Overlapping expense reports
may not be allowed at all or may be restricted depending on the role permissions associated with
the access token (The role permissions of the user on behalf of whom the client application is
accessing OpenAir).
Path parameters
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the expense
report returned.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Expense Reports 98
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will return the
expense report created. Otherwise, the response will include only
the internal ID of the expense report created.
Request body
The ExpenseReport object to be created. The object must include valid key-value pairs for all required
attributes and cannot include key-value pairs for read-only attributes. For information about the
ExpenseReport object model, see ExpenseReport object properties.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The ExpenseReport object created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than
0 (zero) in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in
the request.
An object with only the internal ID of the expense report created.
See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
POST /rest/v1/expense-reports/overlapping/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Expense Reports 99
"date": "2020-10-10",
"isAdjusting": false,
"currency": "USD",
"userId": 237,
"name": "September 2020 Additional Expenses ",
"isAccounting": false,
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 2695,
"message": "success"
Get the List of Expense Reports
GET /expense-reports/ — Use this method to retrieve a list of expense reports.
Path parameters
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion. The
comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL encoded
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object is set
to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-separated
list includes at least one attribute that is not available for
expansion, the request fails — an error is returned and the
object is not added or updated. For more information about
attributes available for expansion and supported object
types, see Available Expansions and Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If not
specified, the response includes all attributes for each expense report
returned. Response Data Modifiers.
Expense Reports 100
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is available
when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The filter set with
the specified internal ID must exist and must be associated with
the user who authorized the application as per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with the
user who authorized the application is applied.
limit Optional A limit on the length of the page. See Pagination. integer
offset Optional A cursor for use in pagination. See Pagination. integer
orderBy Optional The attribute to sort the list by. Use a plus sign (+) or minus sign (-)
before the attribute name to specify an ascending (+) or descending
(-) sort order. An ascending sort order is used if the sort order is not
specified. See Sorting.
q Optional A URL-encoded query expression used to filter the resource
collection and return the objects matching the specified search
criteria. See Filtering.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the expense reports requested. See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing response metadata. The meta object may include information about:
The page returned, the number of objects per page, the total number of pages and objects in the
list, and links to other pages. See Pagination.
Objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type and internal ID). See Referenced
Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/expense-reports/ HTTP/1.1
Expense Reports 101
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"message": "success"
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"attachments": {
"data": {
"id": [
"type": "attachment"
"userId": {
"data": {
"id": 54,
"type": "userDisplayName"
"rowsPerPage": 100,
"totalPages": 14,
"totalRows": 1386,
"links": [
"rel": "first",
"href": ""
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
"rel": "next",
"href": ""
"rel": "last",
"href": ""
Get an Expense Report
GET /expense-reports/{id} — Use this method to retrieve the expense report with the specified internal
Expense Reports 102
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the expense report. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion. The
comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL encoded
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object is set
to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-separated
list includes at least one attribute that is not available for
expansion, the request fails — an error is returned and the
object is not added or updated. For more information about
attributes available for expansion and supported object
types, see Available Expansions and Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If not
specified, the response includes all attributes for the expense report
returned. Response Data Modifiers.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is available
when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The filter set with
the specified internal ID must exist and must be associated with
the user who authorized the application as per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with the
user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the expense report requested. See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID).
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
Expense Reports 103
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/expense-reports/237 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"totalReceipts": 2,
"isForeignCurrencyExchangeIntolerance": false,
"externalId": "",
"status": "A",
"date": "2019-10-01",
"isAdjusting": false,
"accountingDate": "2019-09-30",
"taxLocationId": 0,
"currency": "USD",
"updated": "2019-10-21 03:04:57",
"totalReimburse": 1260,
"submitDate": "2019-10-01",
"id": 237,
"attachments": [],
"userId": 54,
"name": "September Expenses",
"isAccounting": false,
"total": 1260,
"description": "September 2019 Expenses",
"created": "2019-10-01 14:12:38",
"balance": 1000,
"notes": "",
"endDate": "0000-00-00",
"approveDate": "2019-10-21",
"exported": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"trackingNumber": "1113",
"startDate": "0000-00-00" }
"message": "success"
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"attachments": {
"data": {
"id": [
"type": "attachment"
Expense Reports 104
"userId": {
"data": {
"id": 54,
"type": "userDisplayName"
Update an Expense Report
PUT /expense-reports/{id} — Use this method to update the expense report with the specified internal
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the expense report. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the expense
report returned.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Expense Reports 105
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will include
the expense report updated. Otherwise, the response will include
only the internal ID of the expense report updated.
Request body
An object including valid key-value pairs for the fields to be updated. The object cannot include key-value
pairs for read-only attributes. For information about the ExpenseReport object model, see ExpenseReport
object properties.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The ExpenseReport object updated, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than
0 (zero) in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in
the request.
An object with only the ID of the expense report updated.
See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Expense report #237 not
Sample request
PUT /rest/v1/expense-reports/237 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
"externalId": "568",
"accountingDate": "2019-10-30",
"currency": "CAD",
Expense Reports 106
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 237
"message": "success"
Delete an Expense Report
DELETE /expense-reports/{id} — Use this method to delete the expense report record with the specified
internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the expense report. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success” or “Expense
report #237 not found”.
Expense Reports 107
Sample request
DELETE /rest/v1/expense-reports/24 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 24
"message": "success"
Get the List of Receipts in an Expense Report
GET /expense-reports/{id}/receipts/ — Use this method to retrieve the collection of receipts in the
expense report with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the expense report. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for each
receipt returned. Response Data Modifiers. For information about
Receipt object properties, see Receipt object properties.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
Expense Reports 108
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
limit Optional A limit on the length of the page. See Pagination. integer
offset Optional A cursor for use in pagination. See Pagination. integer
orderBy Optional The attribute to sort the list by. Use a plus sign (+) or minus
sign (-) before the attribute name to specify an ascending (+) or
descending (-) sort order. An ascending sort order is used if the
sort order is not specified. See Sorting.
q Optional A URL-encoded query expression used to filter the resource
collection and return the objects matching the specified search
criteria. See Filtering.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the list of receipts in the expense report with the specified internal ID. See
Returned Data. For information about Receipt object properties, see Receipt object properties.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing response metadata. The meta object may include information about:
The page returned, the number of objects per page, the total number of pages and objects in the
list, and links to other pages. See Pagination.
Objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type and internal ID). See Referenced
Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Expense report #237 not
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/expense-reports/237/receipts/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Expense Reports 109
Sample response
"data": [
"foreignCurrencySymbol": "",
"expenseReportId": 237,
"date": "2019-10-01",
"costPerUnit": 680,
"taxLocationId": 0,
"foreignCurrencyRate": 0,
"projectTaskId": 0,
"updated": "2019-10-21 03:04:58",
"id": 2659,
"slipId": 0,
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"total": 680,
"description": "Miscellaneous",
"itemId": 7,
"customerId": 50,
"totalTaxPaid": 0,
"costCenterId": 0,
"trackingNumber": "1",
"isForeignCurrencyExchangeIntolerance": false,
"externalId": "",
"userLocationId": 0,
"isNonBillable": false,
"accountingDate": "0000-00-00",
"foreignCurrencyCost": 0,
"currency": "USD",
"foreignCurrencyTotalTaxPaid": 0,
"projectId": 54,
"isTaxIncludedInCost": false,
"attachments": [3719],
"userId": 49,
"quantity": 1,
"created": "2019-10-01 14:12:50",
"isReimbursable": true,
"totalNoTax": 680,
"notes": ""
"foreignCurrencySymbol": "",
"expenseReportId": 237,
"date": "2019-10-01",
"costPerUnit": 580,
"taxLocationId": 0,
"foreignCurrencyRate": 0,
"projectTaskId": 0,
"updated": "2019-10-21 03:04:58",
"id": 2674,
"slipId": 0,
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"total": 580,
"description": "Miscellaneous",
"itemId": 7,
"customerId": 50,
"totalTaxPaid": 0,
"costCenterId": 0,
"trackingNumber": "2",
"isForeignCurrencyExchangeIntolerance": false,
"externalId": "",
"userLocationId": 0,
"isNonBillable": true,
"accountingDate": "0000-00-00",
"foreignCurrencyCost": 0,
"currency": "USD",
"foreignCurrencyTotalTaxPaid": 0,
"projectId": 54,
"isTaxIncludedInCost": false,
"attachments": [3745],
"userId": 49,
Expense Reports 110
"quantity": 1,
"created": "2019-10-01 14:13:03",
"isReimbursable": true,
"totalNoTax": 580,
"notes": ""
"message": "success",
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"attachments": {
"data": {
"id": [
"type": "attachment"
"userId": {
"data": {
"id": 49,
"type": "userDisplayName"
"attachments": {
"data": {
"id": [
"type": "attachment"
"userId": {
"data": {
"id": 49,
"type": "userDisplayName"
"rowsPerPage": 100,
"totalPages": 1,
"totalRows": 2,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
Get a Receipt associated with an Expense Report
GET /expense-reports/{id}/receipts/{ticket_id} — Use this method to retrieve a receipt with the
specified receipt ID in the expense report with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the expense report. integer
Expense Reports 111
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{ticket_id} Required The internal ID of the receipt. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for each
receipt returned. Response Data Modifiers. For information about
Receipt object properties, see Receipt object properties.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the receipt requested. See Returned Data. For information about Receipt object
properties, see Receipt object properties.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID).
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Expense report #237 not
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/expense-reports/237/receipts/2674 HTTP/1.1
Expense Reports 112
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"foreignCurrencySymbol": "",
"expenseReportId": 237,
"date": "2019-10-01",
"costPerUnit": 580,
"taxLocationId": 0,
"foreignCurrencyRate": 0,
"projectTaskId": 0,
"updated": "2019-10-21 03:04:58",
"id": 2674,
"slipId": 0,
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"total": 580,
"description": "Miscellaneous",
"itemId": 7,
"customerId": 50,
"totalTaxPaid": 0,
"costCenterId": 0,
"trackingNumber": "2",
"isForeignCurrencyExchangeIntolerance": false,
"externalId": "",
"userLocationId": 0,
"isNonBillable": true,
"accountingDate": "0000-00-00",
"foreignCurrencyCost": 0,
"currency": "USD",
"foreignCurrencyTotalTaxPaid": 0,
"projectId": 54,
"isTaxIncludedInCost": false,
"attachments": 3719,
"userId": 49,
"quantity": 1,
"created": "2019-10-01 14:13:03",
"isReimbursable": true,
"totalNoTax": 580,
"notes": ""
"message": "success"
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"attachments": {
"data": {
"id": [
"type": "attachment"
"userId": {
"data": {
"id": 49,
"type": "userDisplayName"
Expense Reports 113
Add an Attachment to an Expense Report
POST /expense-reports/{id}/attachments — Use this method to add an attachment to the expense
report with the specified internal ID. This method can be used for any of the following cases:
Create a new attachment and associate it with the expense report.
Associate a workspace document with the expense report. Workspace documents are Attachment
objects associated with a custom workspace.
Note: If the Attachment Thumbnail and Attachment Viewer feature is enabled for your OpenAir
account, a thumbnail is generated automatically when you add an attachment of a supported
format. The file_name must be included in the request and must include a supported file
extension. For more information about the Attachment Thumbnail feature, including supported file
format and filename extensions, see Optional Features.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the expense report. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for the
attachment returned. For the Attachment object properties, see
Attachment object properties.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Expense Reports 114
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will return the
attachment created. Otherwise, the response will include only the
internal ID of the attachment created.
Request body
This method accepts either one of the content types described in the following table:
Content-Type header Body Use case
multipart/form-data Form data with the following key-value pair:
file — The file to be uploaded. The file
and file metadata will be used to create
the new Attachment object.
Create a new attachment and
associate it with the expense
application/json JSON object with the following key-value pair:
id — The internal ID of the workspace
document to be associated with the
expense report.
Associate a workspace document
with the expense report.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The Attachment object created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0
(zero) in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in
the request.
An object with only the internal ID of the attachment created.
See Returned Data. For the Attachment object properties, see Attachment object properties.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Expense Reports 115
Sample request
POST /rest/v1/expense-reports/237/attachments/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 4982
"message": "success"
Get the List of Attachments Associated with an Expense
GET /expense-reports/{id}/attachments — Use this method to retrieve the list of attachments
associated with the expense report with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the expense report. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for each
attachment returned. Response Data Modifiers. For information
about Attachment object properties, see Attachment object
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied. integer
Expense Reports 116
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
limit Optional A limit on the length of the page. See Pagination. integer
offset Optional A cursor for use in pagination. See Pagination. integer
orderBy Optional The attribute to sort the list by. Use a plus sign (+) or minus
sign (-) before the attribute name to specify an ascending (+) or
descending (-) sort order. An ascending sort order is used if the
sort order is not specified. See Sorting.
q Optional A URL-encoded query expression used to filter the resource
collection and return the objects matching the specified search
criteria. See Filtering.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the list of attachments associated with the expense report with the specified
internal ID. See Returned Data. For information about Attachment object properties, see Attachment
object properties.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing response metadata. The meta object may include information about:
The page returned, the number of objects per page, the total number of pages and objects in the
list, and links to other pages. See Pagination.
Objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type and internal ID). See Referenced
Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Expense report #237 not
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/expense-reports/237/attachments/?fields=fileName,isLocked,uploadedBy,size,id,fileType HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Expense Reports 117
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"fileName": "2020-11-20_13-25-06.png",
"isLocked": false,
"id": 4982,
"uploadedBy": 49,
"fileType": "PNG image data, 1250 x 800, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced",
"size": 114659
"fileName": "2020-12-08_14-46-24.png",
"isLocked": false,
"id": 56,
"uploadedBy": 49,
"fileType": "PNG image data, 1250 x 800, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced",
"size": 123754
"message": "success",
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"uploadedBy": {
"data": { "type": "userDisplayName", "id": 49 }
"uploadedBy": {
"data": { "type": "userDisplayName", "id": 49 }
"rowsPerPage": 100,
"totalPages": 1,
"totalRows": 2,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
Get an Attachment Associated with an Expense Report
GET /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — Use this method to retrieve the attachment
record with the specified attachment ID associated with the expense report with the specified internal ID.
The response contains the attachment metadata only and not the file.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the expense report. integer
Expense Reports 118
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for the
attachment metadata returned.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the attachment metadata requested. See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID).
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Attachment #598 not
Sample request
GET expense-reports/237/attachments/4982?fields=fileName,isLocked,uploadedBy,size,id,fileType HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Expense Reports 119
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"fileName": "2020-11-20_13-25-06.png",
"isLocked": false,
"id": 4982,
"uploadedBy": 49,
"fileType": "PNG image data, 1250 x 800, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced",
"size": 114659
"message": "success",
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"uploadedBy": {
"data": { "type": "userDisplayName", "id": 49 }
Get an Attachment File Associated with an Expense Report
GET /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/download — Use this method to retrieve the
file associated with the attachment record with the specified attachment ID associated with the expense
report with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the expense report. integer
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Expense Reports 120
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success” or “Attachment
#598 not found”.
A successful request also returns the attachment file.
Sample request
GET expense-reports/237/attachments/4982/download HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
The attachment file.
Get the Thumbnail for an Attachment Associated with an
Expense Report
GET /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/thumbnail — Use this method to retrieve the
thumbnail file associated with the attachment record with the specified attachment ID associated with
the expense report with the specified internal ID. Available only if the Attachment Thumbnail feature is
enabled for your OpenAir account.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the expense report. integer
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Expense Reports 121
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success” or “Attachment
#598 not found” or “Attachment #213 thumbnail not found”.
A successful request also returns the attachment thumbnail file.
Sample request
GET expense-reports/237/attachments/4982/thumbnail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
The attachment thumbnail file.
Replace an Attachment to an Expense Report
PUT /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — Use this method to replace an attachment
to the expense report with the specified internal ID.
Important: This method can only be used to replace an attachment directly associated with the
expense report. It cannot be used for workspace document associated with the expense report
either to replace the workspace document or to associate a different workspace document in its
Note: If the Attachment Thumbnail and Attachment Viewer feature is enabled for your OpenAir
account, a thumbnail is generated automatically when you add an attachment of a supported
format. The file_name must be included in the request and must include a supported file
extension. For more information about the Attachment Thumbnail feature, including supported file
format and filename extensions, see Optional Features.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the expense report. integer
Expense Reports 122
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for the
attachment returned. For the Attachment object properties, see
Attachment object properties.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will return the
attachment created. Otherwise, the response will include only the
internal ID of the attachment created.
Request body
This method accepts the following content type:
Content-Type header Body
multipart/form-data Form data with the following key-value pair:
file — The file to be uploaded. The file and file metadata will be used to replace
the existing Attachment object with a new Attachment object.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Expense Reports 123
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The Attachment object created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0
(zero) in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in
the request.
An object with only the internal ID of the attachment created.
See Returned Data. For the Attachment object properties, see Attachment object properties.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
PUT /rest/v1/expense-reports/237/attachments/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 4982
"message": "success"
Delete an Attachment Associated with an Expense Report
DELETE /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — Use this method to delete the
attachment with the specified attachment ID associated with the expense report with the specified
Expense Reports 124
internal ID, or clear the association between the workspace document with the specified attachment ID
and the expense report with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the expense report. integer
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success” or “Attachment
#4985 not found”.
Sample request
DELETE /rest/v1/expense-reports/237/attachments/4982 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
Expense Reports 125
"data": [
"id": 4982
"message": "success"
Delete Attachments Associated with an Expense Report
DELETE /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_ids} — Use this method to delete attachments
with the specified attachment IDs associated with the expense report with the specified internal ID, or
clear the association between the workspace document with the specified attachment ID and the expense
report with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the expense report. integer
{attachment_ids} Required A comma-separated list of internal IDs for the
attachments. The list must not include more than
1000 attachment IDs.
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message If your request includes multiple attachment IDs, both valid and invalid, the request will complete
successfully for valid attachment IDs and return an error message for invalid attachment IDs — e.g.
"Access to Attachment #693 denied". The response status will be 207 Multiple statuses returned.
Expense Reports 126
Property Description
If your request more than 1,000 attachment IDs, an error is returned — e.g. "Bulk action limit
reached, sent 1001 entities of 1000 allowed".
Sample request
DELETE /rest/v1/expense-reports/237/attachments/4982,4983 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"4982" : {
"data": [{
"id": "4982"
"message": "success"
"4983" : {
"data": [{
"id": "4983"
"message": "success"
"message": "success"
Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint
Reference for Expense Reports
OPTIONS /expense-reports/ — Use this method to discover the methods available and fetch the
OpenAPI 3.0 JSON endpoint reference for expense reports.
Response definitions
A successful request returns the OpenAPI 3.0 JSON endpoint reference in the response body. The
JSON object returned contains metadata information about the resource endpoint. It is similar to the
Generated API Documentation JSON, only it is restricted to the resource endpoint path specified in the
The response also includes the following header:
Expense Reports 127
Header Description
Access-Control-Allow-Methods A comma-separated list of HTTP methods available for the requested
resource collection endpoint.
Sample request
OPTIONS /rest/v1/expense-reports/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
The response includes the OpenAPI 3.0 endpoint reference for the resource endpoint as a JSON object in
the response body, as well as the following headers:
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 6955
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-control: no-cache, no-store, pre-check=0, post-check=0, must-revalidate, max-age=0, s-max-age=0
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type
Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400
Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
Content-Encoding: gzip
Job Codes
Job code records are general job categories that can be used to classify employees. Each job code can
have a generic cost for estimation and billing.
Available methods
POST /job-codes/Insert a Job Code
GET /job-codes/Get the List of Job Codes
GET /job-codes/{id}Get a Job Code
PUT /job-codes/{id}Update a Job Code
DELETE /job-codes/{id}Delete a Job Code
OPTIONS /job-codes/Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint Reference for Job Codes
JobCode object properties
A job code is a general job category with a generic cost that can be used for estimation and billing.
The JobCode object has the following properties:
Job Codes 128
Property Description Type Read-only Query
accountingCode Optional accounting
code that can be used for
integration with external
accounting systems.
string Yes
created The date the job code was
string($date-time) Yes Yes
currency The currency for monetary
values in the job code
record. Three-letter
currency code.
string Yes
externalId The unique external
record ID, if the record was
imported from an external
string Yes Yes
genericResourceId The internal ID of the
generic resource used in
full-time equivalent (FTE)
integer($int64) Yes Yes
id The unique internal
identifier of the job code.
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
isActive A 1/0 field indicating if the
job code is active.
Boolean Yes Yes
loadedCost The cost per hour. number($float) Yes
name [REQUIRED] The display
name of the job code.
string Yes Yes
notes Notes about the job code. Boolean Yes
updated The date the job code was
last updated or modified.
string($date-time) Yes Yes
Note: Access to certain object types and object attributes depend on the business logic
configured for the OpenAir account. It may vary depending on the role and access privileges
associated with the access token and with the user who authorized the application.
Required and read-only attributes also depend on the business logic configured for each specific
OpenAir account. Some fields such as id, created, and updated are system-generated and always
Insert a Job Code
POST /job-codes/ — Use this method to create a new job code record.
Path parameters
Job Codes 129
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the
response. If not specified, the response includes all attributes
for the job code returned.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action
is available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir.
The filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and
must be associated with the user who authorized the
application as per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated
with the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will return
the job code created. Otherwise, the response will include only
the internal ID of the job code created.
Request body
The JobCode object to be created. The object must include valid key-value pairs for all required attributes
and cannot include key-value pairs for read-only attributes. For information about the JobCode object
model, see JobCode object properties.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The JobCode object created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in the
An object with only the internal ID of the job code created.
See Returned Data.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
POST /rest/v1/job-codes/ HTTP/1.1
Job Codes 130
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
"loadedCost": 130,
"isActive": true,
"genericResourceId": 12,
"name": "Senior Consultant",
"currency": "USD"
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 8
"message": "success"
Get the List of Job Codes
GET /job-codes/ — Use this method to retrieve the list of job codes.
Path parameters
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for each job
code returned. Response Data Modifiers.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
limit Optional A limit on the length of the page. See Pagination. integer
offset Optional A cursor for use in pagination. See Pagination. integer
Job Codes 131
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
orderBy Optional The attribute to sort the list by. Use a plus sign (+) or minus
sign (-) before the attribute name to specify an ascending (+) or
descending (-) sort order. An ascending sort order is used if the
sort order is not specified. See Sorting.
q Optional A URL-encoded query expression used to filter the resource
collection and return the objects matching the specified search
criteria. See Filtering.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the job code objects requested. See Returned Data.
meta An object containing response metadata. The meta object may include information about:
The page returned, the number of objects per page, the total number of pages and objects in the
list, and links to other pages. See Pagination.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/job-codes/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"message": "success",
"meta": {
"rowsPerPage": 100,
Job Codes 132
"totalPages": 2,
"totalRows": 138,
"links": [
"rel": "first",
"href": ""
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
"rel": "next",
"href": ""
"rel": "last",
"href": ""
Get a Job Code
GET /job-codes/{id} — Use this method to retrieve the job code record with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the job code. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the job code
returned. Response Data Modifiers.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Job Codes 133
Property Description
data An array containing the job code object requested. See Returned Data.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “JobCode #8 not found”.
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/job-codes/8 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"loadedCost": 130,
"externalId": "45",
"isActive": true,
"genericResourceId": 12,
"name": "Senior Consultant",
"accountingCode": "",
"currency": "USD",
"created": "2019-02-20 13:42:15",
"notes": "",
"updated": "2020-09-30 03:04:57",
"id": 8
"message": "success"
Update a Job Code
PUT /job-codes/{id} — Use this method to update the job code record with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the job code. integer
Job Codes 134
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the
response. If not specified, the response includes all attributes
for the job code returned.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action
is available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir.
The filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and
must be associated with the user who authorized the
application as per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated
with the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will include
the job code updated. Otherwise, the response will include
only the internal ID of the job code updated.
Request body
An object including valid key-value pairs for the fields to be updated. The object cannot include key-
value pairs for read-only attributes. For information about the JobCode object model, see JobCode object
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The JobCode object updated, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in the
An object with only the ID of the job code updated.
See Returned Data.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “JobCode #8 not found”.
Sample request
PUT /rest/v1/job-codes/8 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Job Codes 135
"loadedCost": 137.5,
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 8
"message": "success"
Delete a Job Code
DELETE /job-codes/{id} — Use this method to delete the job code record with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the job code. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success” or “JobCode #8
not found”.
Job Codes 136
Sample request
DELETE /rest/v1/job-codes/8 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 8
"message": "success"
Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint
Reference for Job Codes
OPTIONS /job-codes/ — Use this method to discover the methods available and fetch the OpenAPI 3.0
JSON endpoint reference for job codes.
Response definitions
A successful request returns the OpenAPI 3.0 JSON endpoint reference in the response body. The
JSON object returned contains metadata information about the resource endpoint. It is similar to the
Generated API Documentation JSON, only it is restricted to the resource endpoint path specified in the
The response also includes the following header:
Header Description
Access-Control-Allow-Methods A comma-separated list of HTTP methods available for the requested
resource collection endpoint.
Sample request
OPTIONS /rest/v1/job-codes/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Job Codes 137
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
The response includes the OpenAPI 3.0 endpoint reference for the resource endpoint as a JSON object in
the response body, as well as the following headers:
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 6955
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-control: no-cache, no-store, pre-check=0, post-check=0, must-revalidate, max-age=0, s-max-age=0
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type
Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400
Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
Content-Encoding: gzip
Projects are unique sequences of tasks that must be completed to reach a certain outcome.
Available methods
POST /projects/Insert a Project
POST /projects/from-template/Create a Project from Template
POST /projects/bulk/Insert Multiple Projects
GET /projects/Get the List of Projects
GET /projects/{id}Get a Project
PUT /projects/{id}Update a Project
PUT /projects/bulk/{ids}Update Multiple Projects
DELETE /projects/{id}Delete a Project
DELETE /projects/bulk/{ids}Delete Multiple Projects
POST /projects/{id}/attachmentsAdd an Attachment to a Project
GET /projects/{id}/attachmentsGet the List of Attachments Associated with a Project
GET /projects/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}Get an Attachment Associated with a Project
GET /projects/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/downloadGet an Attachment File Associated
with a Project
GET /projects/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/thumbnailGet the Thumbnail for an
Attachment Associated with a Project
PUT /projects/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}Replace an Attachment to a Project
DELETE /projects/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}Delete an Attachment Associated with a
DELETE /projects/{id}/attachments/{attachment_ids}Delete Attachments Associated with a
OPTIONS /projects/Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint Reference for Projects
Projects 138
Project object properties
A project is a unique sequence of tasks that must be completed to reach a certain outcome.
The Project object has the following properties:
Property Description Type Read-only Query allowed Sorting
accountingCode Optional accounting code that can be used for
integration with external accounting systems.
string Yes
attachments The attachments associated with this project.
Array of internal IDs for attachment objects.
Array of {”id”:
} objects.
autoBillCapValue The autobilling cap amount, in the currency
used for the project.
number($float) Yes
billingCode The project billing code. Used in bulk invoicing. string Yes Yes
billingContactId The internal ID of the billing contact, if different
from the designated billing contact for the
integer($int64) Yes Yes
bookingApprovalProcess The internal ID of the approval process for
bookings to the project. Mutually exclusive with
integer($int64) Yes
bookingApprover The internal ID of the User who approves
bookings to the project, if a single approver
process is used. Mutually exclusive with
Other possible values:
-1 — the booked resource’s manager.
-2 — the manager of the booked resource's
-3 — the project owner.
-4 — self (booked resource).
-9 — submitter. This option may not be
available depending on your OpenAir
account configuration.
integer($int64) Yes
The internal ID of the approval process for
booking requests to the project, depending on
the OpenAir account configuration. Mutually
exclusive with bookingRequestApprover.
The internal ID of the booking request approval
process for the project. Mutually exclusive with
integer($int64) Yes
bookingRequestApprover The internal ID of the User who approves
booking requests to the project, if a single
approver process is used. Mutually exclusive
with bookingApprovalProcess.
The internal ID of the employee who approves
booking requests to the project, if a single
approver process is used. Mutually exclusive
with bookingApprovalProcess.
Other possible values:
-1 — the requested resource or the
requester's manager, depending on your
OpenAir account configuration.
-2 — the manager of the booked resource or
requester's manager.
-3 — the project owner.
integer($int64) Yes
Projects 139
Property Description Type Read-only Query allowed Sorting
-4 — self (booked resource or the
-9 — submitter (requester). This option may
not be available depending on your OpenAir
account configuration.
budget The budgeted revenue for the project. number($float) Yes
budgetApprovalProcess The internal ID of the approval process for
budget associated with the project. Mutually
exclusive with budgetApprover.
integer($int64) Yes
budgetApprover The internal ID of the User who approves
budgets for the project, if a single approver
process is used. Mutually exclusive with
Other possible values:
-1 — the budget owner’s manager.
-2 — the manager of the budget owner’s
-3 — the project owner.
-4 — self (budget owner).
integer($int64) Yes
budgetCost The budgeted cost for the project. number($float) Yes
budgetTime The budgeted amount of time for the project in
number($float) Yes
categoryFilter A comma-delimited list of internal IDs of
categories (services) against which time can be
booked for the project.
string Yes
contactId The internal ID of the contact associated with
the project.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
copyApprovers A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
project approvers associated with the project or
project template specified in templateProjectId.
Used only with POST /projects/from-template/.
copyBookings A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
bookings associated with the project or project
template specified in templateProjectId. Used
only with POST /projects/from-template/.
copyCpExcludeFilters A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
customers and projects to exclude from
denominator when calculating user allocation
% from the project or project template specified
in templateProjectId. Used only with POST /
copyCustomFields A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
custom field values from the project or project
template specified in templateProjectId. Used
only with POST /projects/from-template/.
copyDashboardSettings A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
dashboard settings from the project or project
template specified in templateProjectId. Used
only with POST /projects/from-template/.
copyExpensePolicy A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
expense policy associated with the project or
project template specified in templateProjectId.
Used only with POST /projects/from-template/.
A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
invoice layout settings associated with the
project or project template specified in
Projects 140
Property Description Type Read-only Query allowed Sorting
templateProjectId. Used only with POST /
copyIssues A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the issues
associated with the project or project template
specified in templateProjectId. Used only with
POST /projects/from-template/.
copyLoadedCost A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the loaded
costs from the project or project template
specified in templateProjectId. Used only with
POST /projects/from-template/.
A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
notification settings from the project or project
template specified in templateProjectId. Used
only with POST /projects/from-template/.
A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
project assignment profiles associated with
the project or project template specified in
templateProjectId. Used only with POST /
A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
automated project autobilling settings from
the project or project template specified in
templateProjectId. Used only with POST /
A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
project billing rules associated with the
project or project template specified in
templateProjectId. Used only with POST /
A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
project budget groups associated with the
project or project template specified in
templateProjectId. Used only with POST /
copyProjectPricing A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
project pricing associated with the project or
project template specified in templateProjectId.
Used only with POST /projects/from-template/.
A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
project revenue recognition autorun settings
associated with the project or project template
specified in templateProjectId. Used only with
POST /projects/from-template/.
A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
project revenue recognition rules associated
with the project or project template specified
in templateProjectId. Used only with POST /
costCenterId The internal ID of the cost center associated
with the project.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
created The date the project was created. string($date-
Yes Yes
creditInvoiceLayoutId The internal ID of the credit memo (negative
invoice) layout associated with the project.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
currency The currency for monetary values in the project
record. Three-letter currency code.
string Yes
customerId The internal ID of the customer associated with
the project .
integer($int64) Yes Yes
Projects 141
Property Description Type Read-only Query allowed Sorting
dashboardFrom The item that determines if the dashboard is
Possible values:
S — Project stage
P — Project
string Yes
dashboardMessage The dashboard message. string Yes
The internal ID of the approval process
for allowance reports associated with
the project. Mutually exclusive with
integer($int64) Yes
The internal ID of the User who approves
allowance reports associated with the project,
if a single approver process is used. Mutually
exclusive with expenseAllowanceApproval
Other possible values:
-1 — the allowance report owner’s manager.
-2 — the manager of the allowance report
owner’s manager.
-3 — the project owner.
-4 — self (allowance report owner).
integer($int64) Yes
expenseApprovalProcess The internal ID of the approval process for
expense reports associated with the project.
Mutually exclusive with expenseApprover.
integer($int64) Yes
expenseApprover The internal ID of the User who approves
expense reports associated with the project.,
if a single approver process is used. Mutually
exclusive with expenseApprovalProcess.
Other possible values:
-1 — the expense report owner’s manager.
-2 — the manager of the expense report
owner’s manager.
-3 — the project owner.
-4 — self (expense report owner).
integer($int64) Yes
The internal ID of the approval process
for expense authorizations associated
with the project. Mutually exclusive with
integer($int64) Yes
The internal ID of the User who approves
expense authorizations associated with the
project, if a single approver process is used.
Mutually exclusive with expenseAuthorization
Other possible values:
-1 — the expense authorization owner’s
-2 — the manager of the expense
authorization owner’s manager.
-3 — the project owner.
-4 — self (expense authorization owner).
integer($int64) Yes
externalId The unique external ID of the project, if the
record was imported from an external system.
string Yes Yes
Projects 142
Property Description Type Read-only Query allowed Sorting
filterSets The filter sets associated with this project. Array
of internal IDs for filter sets.
Users who have access to any of the filter sets
associated with the project have accessto the
project. Required if the Require a filter set
selection when adding or editing project
box is checked on the filter ste setting sform
in OpenAir (Administration > Global Settings >
Account > Filter Set Settings).
Array of {”id”:
} objects.
finishDate The calculated finish date of the project. string($date) Yes Yes Yes
hierarchyNodes The hierarchy nodes associated with this
project. Array of internal IDs for hierarchy
Only hierarchy nodes associated with a
hierarchy that is shown on the project property
form (Show this hierarchy when editing
projects box checked on the hierarchy entity
form in OpenAir) are included.
Array of {”id”:
} objects.
id The unique internal identifier of the project. integer($int64) Yes Yes
invoiceApprovalProcess The internal ID of the approval process for
invoices associated with the project. Mutually
exclusive with invoiceApprover.
integer($int64) Yes
invoiceApprover The internal ID of the User who approves
invoices associated with the project, if a single
approver process is used. Mutually exclusive
with invoiceApprovalProcess.
Other possible values:
-1 — the invoice owner’s manager.
-2 — the manager of the invoice owner’s
-3 — the project owner.
-4 — self.
integer($int64) Yes
invoiceLayoutId The internal ID of the invoice layout associated
with the project.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
invoiceText Text to display on every invoice. string Yes
isActive A 1/0 field indicating if the project is active. Boolean Yes Yes
isAutoBill A 1/0 field indicating if the project can be billed
automatically. Available only if project billing
rules are not used.
Boolean Yes
isAutoBillCap A 1/0 field indicating if there is a cap on the
amount that can be billed automatically for the
project. Available only if project billing rules are
not used.
Boolean Yes
isAutoBillOverriden A 1/0 field indicating if the project-specific
autobilling settings should be used instead
of account-wide autobilling settings. Project-
specific autobilling settings are held in the
auto_bill table. Available only if project billing
rules are not used.
Boolean Yes
isDashboardEnabled A 1/0 field indicating if the project dashboard is
enabled, when dashboardFrom is set to P.
Boolean Yes Yes
isPortfolioProject A 1/0 field indicating if the project is a portfolio
Boolean Yes
mspLinkType The Microsoft Project import status.
Possible values:
string Yes
Projects 143
Property Description Type Read-only Query allowed Sorting
Empty value — Not imported
I — Imported and locked for edit
U — Imported and open for edit
name [REQUIRED] The name of the project task. string Yes Yes
newsFeedId The internal ID of the news feed associated with
the project.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
notes Notes about the project. string Yes
notifyAssignees A 1/0 field indicating whether to send
notification email to assigned employees when
a task associated with the project is added,
modified, or deleted.
Boolean Yes
notifyAssignmentCc A comma-delimited list of internal IDs of
employees to be copied (Cc) into assignment
notification email.
Other possible listed values:
-1 — the assignee’s manager.
-2 — the manager of the assignee’s
-3 — the project owner.
-5 — the customer owner.
string Yes
notifyIssueAssignedTo A 1/0 field indicating whether to send
notification email to the assigned employee
when an issue is assigned to an employee.
Boolean Yes
A 1/0 field indicating whether to send
notification email to the assigned employee
when an issue is progressed to a closed issue
Boolean Yes
A 1/0 field indicating whether to send
notification email to the customer owner when
an issue is progressed to a closed issue stage.
Boolean Yes
A 1/0 field indicating whether to send
notification email to the project owner when an
issue is progressed to a closed issue stage.
Boolean Yes
A 1/0 field indicating whether to send
notification email to the customer owner when
an issue is created.
Boolean Yes
A 1/0 field indicating whether to send
notification email to the project owner when an
issue is created.
Boolean Yes
notifyOwner A 1/0 field indicating whether to send
notification email to the project owner when
ownership is changed.
Boolean Yes
A 1/0 field indicating whether to send
notification email to the project owner when a
schedule request is submitted for a user booked
or assigned to the project.
Boolean Yes
onlyOwnerCanEdit A 1/0 field indicating whether only the project
owner can edit this project.
Boolean Yes
payrollTypeFilter A comma-delimited list of internal IDs of payroll
types against which time can be booked for the
string Yes
portfolioProjectId The internal ID of the portfolio project
associated with the project, if the project is a
subordinate project.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
Projects 144
Property Description Type Read-only Query allowed Sorting
projectApprover1 The internal ID of the first project approver
[User] that is substituted into the approval
Other possible value:
-6 — the first additional project approver.
integer($int64) Yes
projectApprover2 The internal ID of the second project approver
[User] that is substituted into the approval
Other possible value:
-7 — the second additional project approver.
integer($int64) Yes
projectApprover3 The internal ID of the third project approver
[User] that is substituted into the approval
Other possible value:
-8 — the third additional project approver.
integer($int64) Yes
projectLocationId The internal ID of the project location associated
with the project.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
projectStageId The internal ID of the project stage associated
with the project.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
The internal ID of the approval process for
purchase orders associated with the project.
Mutually exclusive with purchaseOrderApprover.
integer($int64) Yes
purchaseOrderApprover The internal ID of the User who approves
purchase orders associated with the project,
if a single approver process is used. Mutually
exclusive with purchaseOrderApprovalProcess.
Other possible values:
-1 — the purchase order owner’s manager.
-2 — the manager of the purchase order
owner’s manager.
-3 — the project owner.
-4 — self (purchase order owner).
integer($int64) Yes
The internal ID of the approval process
for purchase requests associated with
the project. Mutually exclusive with
integer($int64) Yes
The internal ID of the User who approves
purchase requests associated with the project,
if a single approver process is used. Mutually
exclusive with purchaseRequestApprovalProcess.
Other possible values:
-1 — the purchase request owner’s
-2 — the manager of the purchase request
owner’s manager.
-3 — the project owner.
-4 — self (purchase request owner).
integer($int64) Yes
rate The hourly billing rate for the project. number($float) Yes
rateCardId The rate card to be used for projected billing, if
not zero.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
Projects 145
Property Description Type Read-only Query allowed Sorting
revenueApprovalProcess The internal ID of the revenue container
approval process for the project. Mutually
exclusive with revenueApprover.
integer($int64) Yes
revenueApprover The internal ID of the employee who approves
revenue containers for the project, if a single
approver process is used. Mutually exclusive
with revenueApprovalProcess.
Other possible values:
-1 — the revenue container owner’s
-2 — the manager of the container owner’s
-3 — the project owner.
-4 — self.
integer($int64) Yes
sgaLabor The allocated cost (SG and A) overhead
percentage applied to labor for profitability
number($float) Yes
shippingContactId The internal ID of the shipping contact
associated with the project, if different from the
designated shipping contact for the customer.
integer($int64) Yes
soldToContactId The internal ID of the sold to contact associated
with the project, if different from the designated
sold to contact for the customer.
integer($int64) Yes
startDate The scheduled start date of the project. string($date) Yes Yes
syncWorkspace A 1/0 field indicating whether to synchronize
the project resources with membership of the
workspace associated with the project.
Boolean Yes
taskBudgetCost The total projected cost across all tasks in the
project, if task budgeting is enabled.
number($float) Yes Yes
taskBudgetRevenue The total projected billing across all tasks in the
project, if task budgeting is enabled.
number($float) Yes Yes
taxLocationId The internal ID of the of the tax location
associated with the project.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
taxRateFederal The federal tax rate for the project. number($float) Yes
taxRateState The state/HST tax rate for the project. number($float) Yes
templateProjectId The internal ID of the project or project
template to be copied. Used only with POST /
The internal ID of the approval process for
timesheets associated with the project. Mutually
exclusive with timesheetApprover.
integer($int64) Yes
timesheetApprover The internal ID of the User who approves
timesheets associated with the project, if a
single approver process is used. Mutually
exclusive with timesheetApprovalProcess.
Other possible values:
-1 — the timesheet owner’s manager.
-2 — the manager of the timesheet owner’s
-3 — the project owner.
-4 — self (timesheet owner).
integer($int64) Yes
Projects 146
Property Description Type Read-only Query allowed Sorting
timetypeFilter A comma-delimited list of internal IDs of time
types against which time can be booked for the
string Yes
updated The date the project was last updated or
Yes Yes
userFilter A comma-delimited list of internal IDs of
employees who can edit the project.
string Yes
userId The internal ID of the employee associated with
the project — the project owner.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
Note: Access to certain object types and object attributes depend on the business logic
configured for the OpenAir account. It may vary depending on the role and access privileges
associated with the access token and with the user who authorized the application.
Required and read-only attributes also depend on the business logic configured for each specific
OpenAir account. Some fields such as id, created, and updated are system-generated and always
Insert a Project
POST /projects/ — Use this method to create a new project.
Path parameters
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the project
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied. integer
Projects 147
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will return
the project created. Otherwise, the response will include only the
internal ID of the project created.
Request body
The Project object to be created. The object must include valid key-value pairs for all required attributes
and cannot include key-value pairs for read-only attributes. For information about the Project object
model, see Project object properties.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The Project object created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in the
An object with only the internal ID of the project created.
See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
POST /rest/v1/projects/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Projects 148
"attachments": [{"id": 6459}],
"budget": 500000,
"contactId": 537,
"currency": "EUR",
"customerId": 489,
"finishDate": "2022-12-31",
"name": "Hardware deployment",
"userId": 174
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 2689
"message": "success"
Insert Multiple Projects
POST /projects/bulk/ — Use this method to create new projects.
Path parameters
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the project
Projects 149
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will return
the project created. Otherwise, the response will include only the
internal ID of the project created.
Request body
The Project objects to be created. Each object must include valid key-value pairs for all required
attributes and cannot include key-value pairs for read-only attributes. For information about the Project
object model, see Project object properties.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The Project objects created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in the
An object with only the internal ID of the project created.
See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
If your request includes multiple projects, both valid and invalid, the request will complete successfully
for valid projects and return an error message for invalid projects — e.g. "Access to Project #372
denied". The response status will be 207 Multiple statuses returned.
Projects 150
Property Description
If your request more than 100 projects, an error is returned — e.g. "Bulk action limit reached, sent
101 entities of 100 allowed".
Sample request
POST /rest/v1/projects/bulk?return_object=1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
"1": {
"attachments": [{"id": 6459}],
"budget": 500000,
"contactId": 537,
"currency": "EUR",
"customerId": 489,
"name": "Hardware deployment",
"userId": 174
"2": {
"attachments": [{"id": 6475}],
"budget": 300000,
"contactId": 537,
"currency": "EUR",
"customerId": 489,
"startDate": "2022-12-31",
"name": "Software deployment",
"userId": 174
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"message": "Multiple statuses returned"
"data": [{
"1": {
"message": "Bad data",
"errorFields": {
"type": "required-field",
"message": "Required field Start date (DD/MM/YYYY)"
"2": {"message": "success", "data": [{"id": 123}]}
Create a Project from Template
POST /projects/from-template/ — Use this method to create a new project from another project or from
a project template.
Projects 151
Path parameters
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the project
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will return
the project created. Otherwise, the response will include only the
internal ID of the project created.
Request body
The Project object to be created. The object must include valid key-value pairs for all required attributes
and cannot include key-value pairs for read-only attributes. For information about the Project object
model, see Project object properties.
The following properties are specific to the POST /projects/from-template/ method. The internal ID of
the template project (templateProjectId) must be included.
Property Description Type Optional /
Query allowed
copyApprovers A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the project
approvers associated with the project or project
template specified in templateProjectId. Used only
with POST /projects/from-template/.
Boolean Optional
Projects 152
Property Description Type Optional /
Query allowed
copyBookings A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the bookings
associated with the project or project template
specified in templateProjectId. Used only with
POST /projects/from-template/.
Boolean Optional
copyCpExcludeFilters A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
customers and projects to exclude from
denominator when calculating user allocation
% from the project or project template specified
in templateProjectId. Used only with POST /
copyCustomFields A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the custom
field values from the project or project template
specified in templateProjectId. Used only with
POST /projects/from-template/.
Boolean Optional
copyDashboardSettings A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
dashboard settings from the project or project
template specified in templateProjectId. Used only
with POST /projects/from-template/.
Boolean Optional
copyExpensePolicy A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the expense
policy associated with the project or project
template specified in templateProjectId. Used only
with POST /projects/from-template/.
Boolean Optional
copyInvoiceLayoutSettings A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the invoice
layout settings associated with the project or
project template specified in templateProjectId.
Used only with POST /projects/from-template/.
Boolean Optional
copyIssues A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the issues
associated with the project or project template
specified in templateProjectId. Used only with
POST /projects/from-template/.
Boolean Optional
copyLoadedCost A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the loaded
costs from the project or project template specified
in templateProjectId. Used only with POST /
Boolean Optional
copyNotificationSettings A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
notification settings from the project or project
template specified in templateProjectId. Used only
with POST /projects/from-template/.
Boolean Optional
A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the project
assignment profiles associated with the project or
project template specified in templateProjectId.
Used only with POST /projects/from-template/.
Boolean Optional
A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
automated project autobilling settings from
the project or project template specified in
templateProjectId. Used only with POST /
Boolean Optional
copyProjectBillingRules A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the project
billing rules associated with the project or project
template specified in templateProjectId. Used only
with POST /projects/from-template/.
Boolean Optional
copyProjectBudgetGroups A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the project
budget groups associated with the project or
project template specified in templateProjectId.
Used only with POST /projects/from-template/.
Boolean Optional
Projects 153
Property Description Type Optional /
Query allowed
copyProjectPricing A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the project
pricing associated with the project or project
template specified in templateProjectId. Used only
with POST /projects/from-template/.
Boolean Optional
A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the project
revenue recognition autorun settings associated
with the project or project template specified
in templateProjectId. Used only with POST /
Boolean Optional
A 1/0 field indicating whether to copy the
project revenue recognition rules associated
with the project or project template specified
in templateProjectId. Used only with POST /
Boolean Optional
templateProjectId The internal ID of the project or project template to
be copied. Used only with POST /projects/from-
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The Project objects created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in the
An object with only the internal ID of the project created.
See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
POST /rest/v1/projects/from-template?return_object=1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Projects 154
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
"name": "New project copied from template",
"customerId": 1,
"hierarchyNodes": [{"id": 72}],
"filterSets": [{"id": 2}, {"id": 3}],
"templateProjectId": 7,
"startDate": "2022-12-31",
"copyProjectBillingRules": 1,
"copyProjectBillingAutoSetting": 1,
"copyProjectPricing": true,
"copyCustomFields": true,
"copyLoadedCost": true,
"copyApprovers": true,
"copyIssues": true,
"copyNotificationSettings": true,
"copyDashboardSettings": true,
"copyInvoiceLayoutSettings": true,
"copyBookings": true,
"copyProjectBudgetGroups": true,
"copyExpensePolicy": true,
"copyProjectAssignmentProfiles": true,
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"message": "success",
"data": [{
"id": 123
Get the List of Projects
GET /projects/ — Use this method to retrieve the list of projects.
Path parameters
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the project
returned. Response Data Modifiers.
Projects 155
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
limit Optional A limit on the length of the page. See Pagination. integer
offset Optional A cursor for use in pagination. See Pagination. integer
orderBy Optional The attribute to sort the list by. Use a plus sign (+) or minus
sign (-) before the attribute name to specify an ascending (+) or
descending (-) sort order. An ascending sort order is used if the
sort order is not specified. See Sorting.
q Optional A URL-encoded query expression used to filter the resource
collection and return the objects matching the specified search
criteria. See Filtering.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the projects requested. See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing response metadata. The meta object may include information about:
The page returned, the number of objects per page, the total number of pages and objects in the
list, and links to other pages. See Pagination.
Objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type and internal ID). See Referenced
Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/projects/ HTTP/1.1
Projects 156
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"message": "success"
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"attachments": {
"data": {
"id": [
"type": "attachment"
"userId": {
"data": {
"id": 54,
"type": "userDisplayName"
"rowsPerPage": 100,
"totalPages": 14,
"totalRows": 1386,
"links": [
"rel": "first",
"href": ""
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
"rel": "next",
"href": ""
"rel": "last",
"href": ""
Get a Project
GET /projects/{id} — Use this method to retrieve the project with the specified internal ID.
Projects 157
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the project
task returned. Response Data Modifiers.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the project task requested. See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID).
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “ProjectTask #237 not
Projects 158
Property Description
Note: The project task record with the internal ID {id} must have the task classification
field set to Task in OpenAir. If the project task record corresponds to a milestone or a phase,
the API return an error with message “ProjectTask #{id} not found”.
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/projects/2438?fields=attachments,budget,contactId,created,currency,customerId,finishDate,id,name,userId HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"attachments": [{"id": 6459} ],
"budget": 500000,
"contactId": 537,
"created": "2020-10-22 07:08:36",
"currency": "EUR",
"customerId": 489,
"finishDate": "2022-12-31",
"id": 2438,
"name": "Hardware deployment",
"userId": 174
"message": "success"
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"attachments": {
"data": { "type": "attachments", "id": 6459 }
"userId": {
"data": { "type": "userDisplayName", "id": 174 }
"rowsPerPage": 100,
"totalPages": 1,
"totalRows": 1,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": ",budget,contactId,created,cur
Update a Project
PUT /projects/ — Use this method to update the project with the specified internal ID.
Projects 159
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the project
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will return
the project created. Otherwise, the response will include only the
internal ID of the project created.
Request body
An object including valid key-value pairs for the fields to be updated. The object cannot include key-
value pairs for read-only attributes. For information about the Project object model, see Project object
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Projects 160
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The Project object created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in the
An object with only the internal ID of the project created.
See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
PUT /rest/v1/projects/2689 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
"budget": 800000,
"contactId": 1579,
"currency": "CAD",
"customerId": 489,
"finishDate": "2023-12-31",
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 2689
"message": "success"
Update Multiple Projects
PUT /projects/bulk/{ids} — Use this method to update projects with the specified internal IDs.
Projects 161
Path parameters
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the project
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will return
the project created. Otherwise, the response will include only the
internal ID of the project created.
Request body
An object with key-value pairs for each project to be updated. For each project, the key is the project
internal ID and the value is an object including valid key-value pairs for the fields to be updated. The
project objects cannot include key-value pairs for read-only attributes. For information about the Project
object model, see Project object properties.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
Projects 162
Property Description
The Project object created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in the
An object with only the internal ID of the project created.
See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
If your request includes multiple projects, both valid and invalid, the request will complete successfully
for valid projects and return an error message for invalid projects — e.g. "Access to Project #372
denied". The response status will be 207 Multiple statuses returned.
If your request more than 100 projects, an error is returned — e.g. "Bulk action limit reached, sent
101 entities of 100 allowed".
Sample request
PUT /rest/v1/projects/bulk?return_object=1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
"367" : {
"name": "Updated project name",
"customerId": 108,
"filterSets": [{"id": 2}, {"id": 3}]
"673": {
"name": "Another updated project",
"customerId": 11,
"startDate": "2023-01-01"
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"message": "Multiple statuses returned"
"data": [{
"367": {
Projects 163
"message": "Bad data",
"errorFields": {
"type": "read-only-value",
"message": "Read-only value"
"673": {"message": "success", "data": [{"id": 18}]}
Delete a Project
DELETE /projects/{id} — Use this method to delete the project record with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success” or “Project
#237 not found”.
Sample request
DELETE /rest/v1/projects/237 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Projects 164
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 237
"message": "success"
Delete Multiple Projects
DELETE /projects/bulk/{ids} — Use this method to delete the project records with the specified internal
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{ids} Required A comma-separated list of internal IDs for projects. The
list must not include more than 100 project IDs.
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
If your request includes multiple project IDs, both valid and invalid, the request will complete
successfully for valid project IDs and return an error message for invalid project IDs — e.g. "Access to
Project #372 denied". The response status will be 207 Multiple statuses returned.
If your request more than 100 project IDs, an error is returned — e.g. "Bulk action limit reached,
sent 101 entities of 100 allowed".
Projects 165
Sample request
DELETE /rest/v1/projects/bulk/237,327,372 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"1": {
"data": [ {"id": "237"}],
"message": "success"
"2": {
"data": [ {"id": "327"}],
"message": "success"
"3": {
"data": [ {"id": "372"}],
"message": "success"
"message": "success"
Add an Attachment to a Project
POST /projects/{id}/attachments — Use this method to add an attachment to the project with the
specified internal ID. This method can be used for any of the following cases:
Create a new attachment and associate it with the project.
Associate a workspace document with the project. Workspace documents are Attachment objects
associated with a custom workspace.
Note: If the Attachment Thumbnail and Attachment Viewer feature is enabled for your OpenAir
account, a thumbnail is generated automatically when you add an attachment of a supported
format. The file_name must be included in the request and must include a supported file
extension. For more information about the Attachment Thumbnail feature, including supported file
format and filename extensions, see Optional Features.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project. integer
Projects 166
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for the
attachment returned. For the Attachment object properties, see
Attachment object properties.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will return the
attachment created. Otherwise, the response will include only the
internal ID of the attachment created.
Request body
This method accepts either one of the content types described in the following table:
Content-Type header Body Use case
multipart/form-data Form data with the following key-value pair:
file — The file to be uploaded. The file
and file metadata will be used to create
the new Attachment object.
Create a new attachment and
associate it with the project.
application/json JSON object with the following key-value pair:
id — The internal ID of the workspace
document to be associated with the
Associate a workspace document
with the project.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Projects 167
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The Attachment object created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0
(zero) in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in
the request.
An object with only the internal ID of the attachment created.
See Returned Data. For the Attachment object properties, see Attachment object properties.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
POST /rest/v1/projects/237/attachments/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 4982
"message": "success"
Get the List of Attachments Associated with a Project
GET /projects/{id}/attachments — Use this method to retrieve the list of attachments associated with
the project with the specified internal ID.
Projects 168
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for each
attachment returned. Response Data Modifiers. For information
about Attachment object properties, see Attachment object
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
limit Optional A limit on the length of the page. See Pagination. integer
offset Optional A cursor for use in pagination. See Pagination. integer
orderBy Optional The attribute to sort the list by. Use a plus sign (+) or minus
sign (-) before the attribute name to specify an ascending (+) or
descending (-) sort order. An ascending sort order is used if the
sort order is not specified. See Sorting.
q Optional A URL-encoded query expression used to filter the resource
collection and return the objects matching the specified search
criteria. See Filtering.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the list of attachments associated with the project with the specified internal
ID. See Returned Data. For information about Attachment object properties, see Attachment object
Projects 169
Property Description
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing response metadata. The meta object may include information about:
The page returned, the number of objects per page, the total number of pages and objects in the
list, and links to other pages. See Pagination.
Objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type and internal ID). See Referenced
Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Project #237 not found”.
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/projects/237/attachments/?fields=fileName,isLocked,uploadedBy,size,id,fileType HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"fileName": "2020-11-20_13-25-06.png",
"isLocked": false,
"id": 4982,
"uploadedBy": 49,
"fileType": "PNG image data, 1250 x 800, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced",
"size": 114659
"fileName": "2020-12-08_14-46-24.png",
"isLocked": false,
"id": 56,
"uploadedBy": 49,
"fileType": "PNG image data, 1250 x 800, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced",
"size": 123754
"message": "success",
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"uploadedBy": {
"data": { "type": "userDisplayName", "id": 49 }
Projects 170
"uploadedBy": {
"data": { "type": "userDisplayName", "id": 49 }
"rowsPerPage": 100,
"totalPages": 1,
"totalRows": 2,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
Get an Attachment Associated with a Project
GET /projects/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — Use this method to retrieve the attachment record
with the specified attachment ID associated with the project with the specified internal ID. The response
contains the attachment metadata only and not the file.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project. integer
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for the
attachment metadata returned.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Projects 171
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the attachment metadata requested. See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID).
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Attachment #598 not
Sample request
GET projects/237/attachments/4982?fields=fileName,isLocked,uploadedBy,size,id,fileType HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"fileName": "2020-11-20_13-25-06.png",
"isLocked": false,
"id": 4982,
"uploadedBy": 49,
"fileType": "PNG image data, 1250 x 800, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced",
"size": 114659
"message": "success",
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"uploadedBy": {
"data": { "type": "userDisplayName", "id": 49 }
Projects 172
Get an Attachment File Associated with a Project
GET /projects/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/download — Use this method to retrieve the file
associated with the attachment record with the specified attachment ID associated with the project with
the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project. integer
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success” or “Attachment
#598 not found”.
A successful request also returns the attachment file.
Sample request
GET projects/237/attachments/4982/download HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Projects 173
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
The attachment file.
Get the Thumbnail for an Attachment Associated with a
GET /projects/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/thumbnail — Use this method to retrieve the
thumbnail file associated with the attachment record with the specified attachment ID associated with the
project with the specified internal ID. Available only if the Attachment Thumbnail feature is enabled for
your OpenAir account.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project. integer
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success” or “Attachment
#598 not found” or “Attachment #213 thumbnail not found”.
Projects 174
A successful request also returns the attachment thumbnail file.
Sample request
GET projects/237/attachments/4982/thumbnail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
The attachment thumbnail file.
Replace an Attachment to a Project
PUT /projects/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — Use this method to replace an attachment to the
project with the specified internal ID.
Important: This method can only be used to replace an attachment directly associated with the
project. It cannot be used for workspace document associated with the project either to replace
the workspace document or to associate a different workspace document in its place.
Note: If the Attachment Thumbnail and Attachment Viewer feature is enabled for your OpenAir
account, a thumbnail is generated automatically when you add an attachment of a supported
format. The file_name must be included in the request and must include a supported file
extension. For more information about the Attachment Thumbnail feature, including supported file
format and filename extensions, see Optional Features.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project. integer
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Projects 175
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for the
attachment returned. For the Attachment object properties, see
Attachment object properties.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will return the
attachment created. Otherwise, the response will include only the
internal ID of the attachment created.
Request body
This method accepts the following content type:
Content-Type header Body
multipart/form-data Form data with the following key-value pair:
file — The file to be uploaded. The file and file metadata will be used to replace
the existing Attachment object with a new Attachment object.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The Attachment object created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0
(zero) in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in
the request.
An object with only the internal ID of the attachment created.
Projects 176
Property Description
See Returned Data. For the Attachment object properties, see Attachment object properties.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
PUT /rest/v1/projects/237/attachments/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 4982
"message": "success"
Delete an Attachment Associated with a Project
DELETE /projects/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — Use this method to delete the attachment
with the specified attachment ID associated with the project with the specified internal ID, or clear the
association between the workspace document with the specified attachment ID and the project with the
specified internal ID.
Projects 177
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project. integer
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success” or “Attachment
#4985 not found”.
Sample request
DELETE /rest/v1/projects/237/attachments/4982 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 4982
"message": "success"
Projects 178
Delete Attachments Associated with a Project
DELETE /projects/{id}/attachments/{attachment_ids} — Use this method to delete attachments
with the specified attachment IDs associated with the project with the specified internal ID, or clear the
association between the workspace document with the specified attachment ID and the project with the
specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project. integer
{attachment_ids} Required A comma-separated list of internal IDs for the
attachments. The list must not include more than
1000 attachment IDs.
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message If your request includes multiple attachment IDs, both valid and invalid, the request will complete
successfully for valid attachment IDs and return an error message for invalid attachment IDs — e.g.
"Access to Attachment #693 denied". The response status will be 207 Multiple statuses returned.
If your request more than 1,000 attachment IDs, an error is returned — e.g. "Bulk action limit
reached, sent 1001 entities of 1000 allowed".
Sample request
DELETE /rest/v1/projects/237/attachments/4982,4983 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Projects 179
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"4982" : {
"data": [{
"id": "4982"
"message": "success"
"4983" : {
"data": [{
"id": "4983"
"message": "success"
"message": "success"
Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint
Reference for Projects
OPTIONS /projects/ — Use this method to discover the methods available and fetch the OpenAPI 3.0
JSON endpoint reference for projects.
Response definitions
A successful request returns the OpenAPI 3.0 JSON endpoint reference in the response body. The
JSON object returned contains metadata information about the resource endpoint. It is similar to the
Generated API Documentation JSON, only it is restricted to the resource endpoint path specified in the
The response also includes the following header:
Header Description
Access-Control-Allow-Methods A comma-separated list of HTTP methods available for the requested
resource collection endpoint.
Sample request
OPTIONS /rest/v1/projects/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Projects 180
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
The response includes the OpenAPI 3.0 endpoint reference for the resource endpoint as a JSON object in
the response body, as well as the following headers:
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 6955
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-control: no-cache, no-store, pre-check=0, post-check=0, must-revalidate, max-age=0, s-max-age=0
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type
Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400
Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
Content-Encoding: gzip
Project Milestones
Project milestones are reference points in your project life cycle that marks a significant event or goal the
to be completed as part of a project. It includes information about the work to be done, when, by whom,
and at what cost.
Note: The /project-milestones/ endpoint can only be used for project task records with
the task classification field set to Milestone in OpenAir. This is equivalent to records with the
classification property set to M in the project_task table, or in the XML API Projecttask or SOAP
API oaProjecttask datatypes.
For Tasks — project task records with zero duration and the task classification field set to
Milestone in OpenAir, or the classification property set to T in the project_task table, or in the
XML API Projecttask or SOAP API oaProjecttask datatypes — see Project Tasks.
For Phases — project task records that have other project tasks nested under and the task
classification field set to Phase in OpenAir, or the classification property set to P in the
project_task table, or in the XML API Projecttask or SOAP API oaProjecttask datatypes — see
Project Phases.
Available methods
GET /project-milestones/Get the List of Project Milestones
GET /project-milestones/{id}Get a Project Milestone
ProjectMilestone Object Properties
A project milestone is a reference point in your project life cycle that marks a significant event or goal the
to be completed as part of a project. It includes information about the work to be done, when, by whom,
and at what cost.
Project Milestones 181
The ProjectMilestone object has the following properties:
Name Description Type Read-Only Query
attachments The attachments associated
with this milestone. Array of
internal IDs for attachment
Array of {”id”: <
calculatedStarts Calculated start date of the
project milestone. If the use
task estimating feature is
turned on, this field will have
the estimated total time the
task will take to complete.
If zero, no estimating has
occurred so the estimate is
the same as the plan.
string($date) Yes Yes
created Time the record was created. string($date-time) Yes Yes Yes
currency Currency for the money fields
in the record. This should
be the same as the project
string Yes Yes Yes
customerId The ID of the associated
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
defaultCategory The category to assign to a
timesheet entry assigned to
this task. The feature has to be
enabled for this assignment to
string Yes Yes
defaultCategory1 A feature, if enabled, would
assign this default_category_1
to the category_1 for
many transactions that
have a category_1_id and
project_task_id by searching
the project_task and project
work breakdown structure for
the first default_category_1
string Yes Yes
defaultCategory2 A feature, if enabled, would
assign this default_category_1
to the category_1 for
many transactions that
have a category_1_id and
project_task_id by searching
the project_task and project
work breakdown structure for
the first default_category_1
string Yes Yes
defaultCategory3 A feature, if enabled, would
assign this default_category_1
to the category_1 for
many transactions that
have a category_1_id and
string Yes Yes
Project Milestones 182
Name Description Type Read-Only Query
project_task_id by searching
the project_task and project
work breakdown structure for
the first default_category_1
defaultCategory4 A feature, if enabled, would
assign this default_category_1
to the category_1 for
many transactions that
have a category_1_id and
project_task_id by searching
the project_task and project
work breakdown structure for
the first default_category_1
string Yes Yes
defaultCategory5 A feature, if enabled, would
assign this default_category_1
to the category_1 for
many transactions that
have a category_1_id and
project_task_id by searching
the project_task and project
work breakdown structure for
the first default_category_1
string Yes Yes
externalId If the record was imported
from an external system you
store the unique external
record ID here.
string Yes Yes
id Unique ID. Automatically
assigned by the system
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
idNumber User-defined milestone ID. integer($int64) Yes Yes
isClosed A 1/0 field indicating if this is
closed milestone.
Boolean Yes Yes
isNonBillable If set to 1, this is not billable.
This is only applicable for
project billing rules.
Boolean Yes Yes
name Short description of this
string Yes Yes
notes Notes associated with the
project milestone.
string Yes Yes
parentId The ID of our immediate
ancestor. If zero or null, this is
a project-level (top-level) task
or phase.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
predecessors Comma delimited list of task
IDs which must complete
before this milestone can
string Yes Yes
Project Milestones 183
Name Description Type Read-Only Query
predecessorsLag Comma delimited list for
task ID:days of lag time for
predecessors. Only populated
if there is a lag time.
string Yes Yes
predecessorsType Comma delimited list of
task ID:relationship type for
predecessors. Only populated
if the relationship type is not
string Yes Yes
priority The priority of the milestone (1
- 9).
integer($int64) Yes Yes
projectId The ID of the associated
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
The ID of the associated
projecttask_type. Not for
integer($int64) Yes Yes
seq The sequence number of this
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
startDate Optional scheduled starting
date of this task. Overrides
computed date Start_date.
string($date) Yes Yes
updated Time the record was last
updated or modified
string($date-time) Yes Yes Yes
useAllCanAssign Is everyone able to assign
time/expenses to this task.
Boolean Yes Yes
Get the List of Project Milestones
GET /project-milestones/ — Use this method to retrieve the list of project milestones.
Path parameters
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the project
milestones returned. Response Data Modifiers.
Project Milestones 184
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
limit Optional A limit on the length of the page. See Pagination. integer
offset Optional A cursor for use in pagination. See Pagination. integer
orderBy Optional The attribute to sort the list by. Use a plus sign (+) or minus
sign (-) before the attribute name to specify an ascending (+) or
descending (-) sort order. An ascending sort order is used if the
sort order is not specified. See Sorting.
q Optional A URL-encoded query expression used to filter the resource
collection and return the objects matching the specified search
criteria. See Filtering.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the project milestones requested. See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing response metadata. The meta object may include information about:
The page returned, the number of objects per page, the total number of pages and objects in the
list, and links to other pages. See Pagination.
Objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type and internal ID). See Referenced
Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/project-milestones/ HTTP/1.1
Project Milestones 185
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"message": "success"
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"attachments": {
"data": {
"id": [
"type": "attachment"
"rowsPerPage": 100,
"totalPages": 14,
"totalRows": 1386,
"links": [
"rel": "first",
"href": ""
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
"rel": "next",
"href": ""
"rel": "last",
"href": ""
Get a Project Milestone
GET /project-milestones/{id} — Use this method to retrieve the project milestone with the specified
internal ID.
Project Milestones 186
Path parameters
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project milestone.
Note: The project milestone record with the
internal ID {id} must have the task classification
field set to Milestone in OpenAir.
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the project
milestone returned. Response Data Modifiers.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the project milestone requested. See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID).
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Project Milestones 187
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “ProjectMilestone #237
not found”.
Note: The project milestone record with the internal ID {id} must have the task
classification field set to Milestone in OpenAir. If the project milestone record corresponds to
a task or a phase, the API return an error with message “ProjectMilestone #{id} not found”.
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/project-milestones/2674 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data" : [
"priority" : 5,
"defaultCategory2" : "0",
"defaultCategory1" : "0",
"predecessorsType" : "",
"id" : 5272,
"updated" : "2022-02-10 08:43:29",
"seq" : 6,
"defaultCategory" : "6",
"name" : "End of First Phase",
"useAllCanAssign" : false,
"customerId" : 71,
"customerName" : "Internal",
"predecessors" : "",
"startDate" : "",
"predecessorsLag" : "",
"calculatedStarts" : "2021-07-01",
"isNonBillable" : false,
"projectTaskTypeId" : 0,
"currency" : "USD",
"defaultCategory4" : "0",
"projectId" : 309,
"defaultCategory5" : "0",
"isClosed" : false,
"attachments" : [
"id" : 486
"id" : 487
"id" : 488
"created" : "2022-02-03 02:56:19",
"notes" : "",
"parentId" : 0,
"idNumber" : 11,
"defaultCategory3" : "0"
Project Milestones 188
"message" : "success",
"meta" : {
"relationships" : [
"attachments" : {
"data" : {
"id" : [
"type" : "attachment"
Project Phases
Project phases are work packages to be completed as part of a project. It includes information about the
work to be done, when, by whom, and at what cost.
Note: The /project-phases/ endpoint can only be used for project task records with the task
classification field set to Phase in OpenAir. This is equivalent to records with the classification
property set to P in the project_task table, or in the XML API Projecttask or SOAP API
oaProjecttask datatypes.
For Milestones — project task records with zero duration and the task classification field set to
Milestone in OpenAir, or the classification property set to M in the project_task table, or in the
XML API Projecttask or SOAP API oaProjecttask datatypes — see Project Milestones.
For Tasks — project task records that have other project tasks nested under and the task
classification field set to Task in OpenAir, or the classification property set to T in the
project_task table, or in the XML API Projecttask or SOAP API oaProjecttask datatypes — see
Project Tasks.
Available methods
GET /project-phases/Get the List of Project Phases
GET /project-phases/{id}Get a Project Phase
ProjectPhase Object Properties
A project phase is a work package to be completed as part of a project. It includes information about the
work to be done, when, by whom, and at what cost.
The ProjectPhase object has the following properties:
Project Phases 189
Name Description Type Read-
attachments The attachments associated with
this phase. Array of internal IDs for
attachment objects.
Array of {”id”: <
calculatedFinishes Calculated finish date. string($date) Yes Yes
calculatedStarts Calculated start date of the project
phase. If the use task estimating
feature is turned on, this field will
have the estimated total time the
task will take to complete. If zero,
no estimating has occurred so the
estimate is the same as the plan.
string($date) Yes Yes
created Time the record was created. string($date-time) Yes Yes Yes
currency Currency for the money fields in the
record. This should be the same as
the project currency.
string Yes Yes Yes
customerId The ID of the associated customer. integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
The category to assign to a
timesheet entry assigned to this
task. The feature has to be enabled
for this assignment to work.
string Yes Yes
A feature, if enabled, would assign
this default_category_1 to the
category_1 for many transactions
that have a category_1_id and
project_task_id by searching the
project_task and project work
breakdown structure for the first
default_category_1 defined.
string Yes Yes
A feature, if enabled, would assign
this default_category_1 to the
category_1 for many transactions
that have a category_1_id and
project_task_id by searching the
project_task and project work
breakdown structure for the first
default_category_1 defined.
string Yes Yes
A feature, if enabled, would assign
this default_category_1 to the
category_1 for many transactions
that have a category_1_id and
project_task_id by searching the
project_task and project work
breakdown structure for the first
default_category_1 defined.
string Yes Yes
A feature, if enabled, would assign
this default_category_1 to the
category_1 for many transactions
that have a category_1_id and
project_task_id by searching the
project_task and project work
breakdown structure for the first
default_category_1 defined.
string Yes Yes
Project Phases 190
Name Description Type Read-
A feature, if enabled, would assign
this default_category_1 to the
category_1 for many transactions
that have a category_1_id and
project_task_id by searching the
project_task and project work
breakdown structure for the first
default_category_1 defined.
string Yes Yes
externalId If the record was imported from
an external system you store the
unique external record ID here.
string Yes Yes
id Unique ID. Automatically assigned
by OpenAir
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
idNumber User-defined phase ID. integer($int64) Yes Yes
isClosed A 1/0 field indicating if this is closed
Boolean Yes Yes
Flag 1/0 indicating if phase is ready
for recognition
Boolean Yes Yes
name Short description of this phase. string Yes Yes
notes Notes associated with the project
string Yes Yes
parentId The ID of our immediate ancestor.
If zero or null, this is a project-level
(top-level) task or phase.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
percentComplete This field is an estimate of the
percentage of planned time which
has been completed. It has no
relation to the actual time spent
on a phase. (A 5-hour phase could
consume 50 hours of work but still
be only 25% complete.)
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
plannedHours Total number of hours the phase
is estimated to require. This is
the total amount of time the
phase should take if worked on
continuously by one person with
no interruptions. A task with zero
planned hours is also known as a
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
predecessors Comma delimited list of task IDs
which must complete before this
phase can start.
string Yes Yes
predecessorsLag Comma delimited list for task
ID:days of lag time for predecessors.
Only populated if there is a lag time.
string Yes Yes
predecessorsType Comma delimited list of
task ID:relationship type for
predecessors. Only populated if the
relationship type is not finish-to-
string Yes Yes
Project Phases 191
Name Description Type Read-
priority The priority of the phase (1 - 9). integer($int64) Yes Yes
projectId The ID of the associated project. integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
seq The sequence number of this task. integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
updated Time the record was last updated or
string($date-time) Yes Yes Yes
Get the List of Project Phases
GET /project-phases/ — Use this method to retrieve the list of project phases.
Path parameters
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the project
phases returned. Response Data Modifiers.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
limit Optional A limit on the length of the page. See Pagination. integer
offset Optional A cursor for use in pagination. See Pagination. integer
orderBy Optional The attribute to sort the list by. Use a plus sign (+) or minus
sign (-) before the attribute name to specify an ascending (+) or
descending (-) sort order. An ascending sort order is used if the
sort order is not specified. See Sorting.
q Optional A URL-encoded query expression used to filter the resource
collection and return the objects matching the specified search
criteria. See Filtering.
Project Phases 192
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the project phases requested. See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing response metadata. The meta object may include information about:
The page returned, the number of objects per page, the total number of pages and objects in the
list, and links to other pages. See Pagination.
Objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type and internal ID). See Referenced
Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/project-phases/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"message": "success"
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"attachments": {
"data": {
"id": [
"type": "attachment"
"rowsPerPage": 100,
Project Phases 193
"totalPages": 14,
"totalRows": 1386,
"links": [
"rel": "first",
"href": ""
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
"rel": "next",
"href": ""
"rel": "last",
"href": ""
Get a Project Phase
GET /project-phases/{id} — Use this method to retrieve the project phase with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project phase.
Note: The project phase record with the internal
ID {id} must have the task classification field set
to Phase in OpenAir.
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the project
phase returned. Response Data Modifiers.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Project Phases 194
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the project phase requested. See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID).
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “ProjectPhase #237 not
Note: The project task record with the internal ID {id} must have the task classification
field set to Phase in OpenAir. If the project task record corresponds to a milestone or a phase,
the API return an error with message “ProjectPhase #{id} not found”.
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/project-phases/2674 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"priority": 5,
"defaultCategoryOnPhase5": "5",
"isReadyForRecognition": false,
"plannedHours": 121,
"predecessorsType": "",
"id": 5232,
"updated": "2022-01-24 08:23:30",
"seq": 4,
"name": "Initiation",
Project Phases 195
"customerId": 71,
"defaultCategoryOnPhase1": "3",
"customerName": "Internal",
"predecessors": "",
"predecessorsLag": "",
"calculatedStarts": "2020-09-21",
"calculatedFinishes": "2020-10-02",
"currency": "USD",
"projectId": 299,
"percentComplete": 0,
"defaultCategoryOnPhase2": "1",
"isClosed": false,
"attachments": [],
"created": "2022-01-20 09:32:21",
"defaultCategoryOnPhase4": "3",
"parentId": 0,
"idNumber": 5,
"defaultCategoryOnPhase": "5"
"message": "success"
Project Tasks
Project tasks are work packages to be completed as part of a project. It includes information about the
work to be done, when, by whom, and at what cost.
Note: The /project-tasks/ endpoint can only be used for project task records with the task
classification field set to Task in OpenAir. This is equivalent to records with the classification
property set to T in the project_task table, or in the XML API Projecttask or SOAP API
oaProjecttask datatypes.
For Milestones — project task records with zero duration and the task classification field set to
Milestone in OpenAir, or the classification property set to M in the project_task table, or in the
XML API Projecttask or SOAP API oaProjecttask datatypes — see Project Milestones.
For Phases — project task records that have other project tasks nested under and the task
classification field set to Phase in OpenAir, or the classification property set to P in the
project_task table, or in the XML API Projecttask or SOAP API oaProjecttask datatypes — see
Project Phases.
Available methods
POST /project-tasks/Insert a Project Task
GET /project-tasks/Get the List of Project Tasks
GET /project-tasks/{id}Get a Project Task
POST /project-tasks/{id}/attachmentsAdd an Attachment to a Project Task
GET /project-tasks/{id}/attachmentsGet the List of Attachments Associated with a Project Task
GET /project-tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}Get an Attachment Associated with a
Project Task
GET /project-tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/downloadGet an Attachment File
Associated with a Project Task
Project Tasks 196
GET /project-tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/thumbnailGet the Thumbnail for an
Attachment Associated with a Project Task
PUT /project-tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}Replace an Attachment to a Project Task
DELETE /project-tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}Delete an Attachment Associated with
a Project Task
DELETE /project-tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachment_ids}Delete Attachments Associated with a
Project Task
ProjectTask Object Properties
A project task is a work package to be completed as part of a project. It includes information about the
work to be done, when, by whom, and at what cost.
The ProjectTask object has the following properties:
Name Description Type Read-
assignmentCc A comma-delimited list of internal
IDs of employees to be copied (Cc)
into assignment notification email.
Other possible listed values:
-1 — the assignee’s manager.
-2 — the manager of the
assignee’s manager.
-3 — the project owner.
-5 — the customer owner.
string Yes Yes
assignmentCcEmails A comma-delimited lists of
additional recipient email addresses
to be copied (Cc) into assignment
notification email. Used for
recipients who are not OpenAir
string Yes Yes
attachments The attachments associated with
this task. Array of internal IDs for
attachment objects.
Array of {”id”:
calculatedFinishes Calculated finish date. string($date) Yes Yes
calculatedStarts Calculated start date of the project
task. If the use task estimating
feature is turned on, this field will
have the estimated total time the
task will take to complete. If zero,
no estimating has occurred so the
estimate is the same as the plan.
string($date) Yes Yes
costCenterId The internal ID of the associated
cost center.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
created Time the record was created. string($date-time) Yes Yes Yes
currency Currency for the money fields in the
record. This should be the same as
the project currency.
string Yes Yes
customerId The internal ID of the associated
integer($int64) Yes Yes
Project Tasks 197
Name Description Type Read-
defaultCategory The category to assign to a
timesheet entry assigned to this
task. The feature has to be enabled
for this assignment to work.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
defaultCategory1 A feature, if enabled, would assign
this default_category_1 to the
category_1 for many transactions
that have a category_1_id and
project_task_id by searching the
project_task and phase work
breakdown structure for the first
default_category_1 defined.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
defaultCategory2 A feature, if enabled, would assign
this default_category_1 to the
category_1 for many transactions
that have a category_1_id and
project_task_id by searching the
project_task and phase work
breakdown structure for the first
default_category_1 defined.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
defaultCategory3 A feature, if enabled, would assign
this default_category_1 to the
category_1 for many transactions
that have a category_1_id and
project_task_id by searching the
project_task and phase work
breakdown structure for the first
default_category_1 defined.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
defaultCategory4 A feature, if enabled, would assign
this default_category_1 to the
category_1 for many transactions
that have a category_1_id and
project_task_id by searching the
project_task and phase work
breakdown structure for the first
default_category_1 defined.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
defaultCategory5 A feature, if enabled, would assign
this default_category_1 to the
category_1 for many transactions
that have a category_1_id and
project_task_id by searching the
project_task and phase work
breakdown structure for the first
default_category_1 defined.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
externalId If the record was imported from
an external system you store the
unique external record ID here.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
fnltDate The finish no later than date of the
task. The task must be finished by
this date.
string($date) Yes Yes
Array of {”id”:
Project Tasks 198
Name Description Type Read-
id Unique ID. Automatically assigned
by OpenAir
Array of {”id”:
Yes Yes Yes
idNumber User-defined phase ID. Array of {”id”:
isClosed A 1/0 field indicating if this is closed
boolean Yes Yes
isNonBillable If set to 1, this is not billable. This
is only applicable for project billing
boolean Yes Yes
Flag 1/0 indicating if phase is ready
for recognition
boolean Yes Yes
boolean Yes Yes
Flag set to 1 if they are using the
project level user assignment.
boolean Yes Yes
name Short description of this task. string Yes Yes
notes Notes associated with the project
string Yes Yes
parentId The internal ID of the immediate
ancestor. If zero or null, this is a
project-level (top-level) task or
integer($int64) Yes Yes
percentComplete This field is an estimate of the
percentage of planned time which
has been completed. It has no
relation to the real time spent on
a phase. (A 5-hour phase could
consume 50 hours of work but still
be only 25% complete.)
integer($int64) Yes Yes
plannedHours Total number of hours the phase is
estimated to require. This is the total
amount of time the phase should
take if worked on continuously by
one person with no interruptions.
A phase with zero planned hours is
also known as a milestone.
number($float) Yes Yes
predecessors Comma delimited list of task IDs
which must complete before this
phase can start.
string Yes
predecessorsLag Comma delimited list for task
ID:days of lag time for predecessors.
Only populated if there is a lag time.
string Yes
predecessorsType Comma delimited list of
task ID:relationship type for
predecessors. Only populated if the
relationship type is not finish-to-
string Yes
Project Tasks 199
Name Description Type Read-
priority The priority of the phase (1 - 9). integer($int64) Yes Yes
projectId The internal ID of the associated
integer($int64) Yes Yes
projectTaskTypeId The internal ID of the associated
project task type. Not for phases.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
seq The sequence number of this task. integer($int64) Yes Yes
startDate Optional scheduled starting date of
this task. Overrides computed start
string($date) Yes Yes
taskBudgetCost If task budgeting is enabled this is
the total cost of the task.
number($float) Yes Yes
taskBudgetRevenue If task budgeting is enabled this is
the total projected billing for the
number($float) Yes Yes
Array of {”id”:
timetypeFilter A timetype filter. This will hold a list
of the timetypes that are allowed to
book time to this task.
Array of {”id”:
updated Time the record was last updated or
string($date) Yes Yes Yes
useAllCanAssign Is everyone able to assign time/
expenses to this task.
boolean Yes Yes
If set to 1 then the task budget
is manually entered rather than
calculated by OpenAir
boolean Yes Yes
userAssignments A comma separated list of user
nicknames to assign this task to.
(project_task_assign can also be
Array of {”id”:
Insert a Project Task
POST /project-tasks/ — Use this method to create a new project task.
Path parameters
Project Tasks 200
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the project
task returned.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will return the
project task created. Otherwise, the response will include only the
internal ID of the project task created.
Request body
The ProjectTask object to be created. The object must include valid key-value pairs for all required
attributes and cannot include key-value pairs for read-only attributes. For information about the
ProjectTask object model, see ProjectTask Object Properties.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The ProjectTask object created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0
(zero) in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in
the request.
An object with only the internal ID of the project task created.
Project Tasks 201
Property Description
See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
POST /rest/v1/project-tasks/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
"attachments": [{"id": 6459}],
"budget": 500000,
"contactId": 537,
"currency": "EUR",
"customerId": 489,
"finishDate": "2022-12-31",
"name": "Hardware deployment",
"userId": 174
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 2689
"message": "success"
Get the List of Project Tasks
GET /project-tasks/ — Use this method to retrieve the list of project tasks.
Project Tasks 202
Path parameters
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the project
tasks returned. Response Data Modifiers.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
limit Optional A limit on the length of the page. See Pagination. integer
offset Optional A cursor for use in pagination. See Pagination. integer
orderBy Optional The attribute to sort the list by. Use a plus sign (+) or minus
sign (-) before the attribute name to specify an ascending (+) or
descending (-) sort order. An ascending sort order is used if the
sort order is not specified. See Sorting.
q Optional A URL-encoded query expression used to filter the resource
collection and return the objects matching the specified search
criteria. See Filtering.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the project tasks requested. See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing response metadata. The meta object may include information about:
The page returned, the number of objects per page, the total number of pages and objects in the
list, and links to other pages. See Pagination.
Project Tasks 203
Property Description
Objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type and internal ID). See Referenced
Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/project-tasks/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"message": "success"
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"attachments": {
"data": {
"id": [
"type": "attachment"
"rowsPerPage": 100,
"totalPages": 14,
"totalRows": 1386,
"links": [
"rel": "first",
"href": ""
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
"rel": "next",
"href": ""
Project Tasks 204
"rel": "last",
"href": ""
Get a Project Task
GET /project-tasks/{id} — Use this method to retrieve the project task with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project task.
Note: The project task record with the internal
ID {id} must have the task classification field set
to Task in OpenAir.
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the project
task returned. Response Data Modifiers.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Project Tasks 205
Property Description
data An array containing the project task requested. See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID).
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “ProjectTask #237 not
Note: The project task record with the internal ID {id} must have the task classification
field set to Task in OpenAir. If the project task record corresponds to a milestone or a phase,
the API return an error with message “ProjectTask #{id} not found”.
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/project-tasks/2674 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"priority": 0,
"defaultCategory2": "0",
"defaultCategory1": "0",
"isReadyForRecognition": false,
"plannedHours": 64,
"assignmentCcEmails": "",
"timetypeFilter": [],
"predecessorsType": "",
"isSignOffRequired": false,
"taskSplits": [],
"updated": "2020-06-18 08:34:51",
"id": 438,
"seq": 0,
"defaultCategory": "1",
"fnltDate": "0000-00-00",
"useAllCanAssign": false,
"name": "Alignment workshop",
"customerId": 3,
"customerName": "Damus Inc.",
"costCenterId": 0,
Project Tasks 206
"predecessors": "437",
"isUsingProjectAssignment": false,
"classification": "T",
"startDate": "",
"predecessorsLag": "",
"useManualTaskBudget": false,
"externalId": "",
"calculatedStarts": "2021-10-09",
"isNonBillable": false,
"cfHoursPercentageToCloseTask": "",
"taskBudgetRevenue": 15680,
"projectTaskTypeId": 1,
"taskBudgetCost": 2741.44,
"calculatedFinishes": "2021-10-15",
"currency": "USD",
"isAPhase": false,
"defaultCategory4": "0",
"projectId": 27,
"assignmentCc": "",
"hoursRemainingEstimates": [],
"percentComplete": 100,
"isClosed": false,
"defaultCategory5": "0",
"created": "2020-04-21 13:14:14",
"userAssignments": [
"parentId": 431,
"notes": "",
"idNumber": 5,
"defaultCategory3": "0"
"message": "success"
Add an Attachment to a Project Task
POST /project-tasks/{id}/attachments — Use this method to add an attachment to the project task with
the specified internal ID. This method can be used for any of the following cases:
Create a new attachment and associate it with the project task.
Associate a workspace document with the project task. Workspace documents are Attachment objects
associated with a custom workspace.
Note: If the Attachment Thumbnail and Attachment Viewer feature is enabled for your OpenAir
account, a thumbnail is generated automatically when you add an attachment of a supported
format. The file_name must be included in the request and must include a supported file
extension. For more information about the Attachment Thumbnail feature, including supported file
format and filename extensions, see Optional Features.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project task. integer
Project Tasks 207
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for the
attachment returned. For the Attachment object properties, see
Attachment object properties.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will return the
attachment created. Otherwise, the response will include only the
internal ID of the attachment created.
Request body
This method accepts either one of the content types described in the following table:
Content-Type header Body Use case
multipart/form-data Form data with the following key-value pair:
file — The file to be uploaded. The file
and file metadata will be used to create
the new Attachment object.
Create a new attachment and
associate it with the project task.
application/json JSON object with the following key-value pair:
id — The internal ID of the workspace
document to be associated with the
project task.
Associate a workspace document
with the project task.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Project Tasks 208
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The Attachment object created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0
(zero) in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in
the request.
An object with only the internal ID of the attachment created.
See Returned Data. For the Attachment object properties, see Attachment object properties.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
POST /rest/v1/project-tasks/237/attachments/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 4982
"message": "success"
Get the List of Attachments Associated with a Project Task
GET /project-tasks/{id}/attachments — Use this method to retrieve the list of attachments associated
with the project task with the specified internal ID.
Project Tasks 209
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project task. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for each
attachment returned. Response Data Modifiers. For information
about Attachment object properties, see Attachment object
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
limit Optional A limit on the length of the page. See Pagination. integer
offset Optional A cursor for use in pagination. See Pagination. integer
orderBy Optional The attribute to sort the list by. Use a plus sign (+) or minus
sign (-) before the attribute name to specify an ascending (+) or
descending (-) sort order. An ascending sort order is used if the
sort order is not specified. See Sorting.
q Optional A URL-encoded query expression used to filter the resource
collection and return the objects matching the specified search
criteria. See Filtering.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the list of attachments associated with the project task with the specified internal
ID. See Returned Data. For information about Attachment object properties, see Attachment object
Project Tasks 210
Property Description
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing response metadata. The meta object may include information about:
The page returned, the number of objects per page, the total number of pages and objects in the
list, and links to other pages. See Pagination.
Objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type and internal ID). See Referenced
Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “ProjectTask #237 not
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/project-tasks/237/attachments/?fields=fileName,isLocked,uploadedBy,size,id,fileType HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"fileName": "2020-11-20_13-25-06.png",
"isLocked": false,
"id": 4982,
"uploadedBy": 49,
"fileType": "PNG image data, 1250 x 800, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced",
"size": 114659
"fileName": "2020-12-08_14-46-24.png",
"isLocked": false,
"id": 56,
"uploadedBy": 49,
"fileType": "PNG image data, 1250 x 800, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced",
"size": 123754
"message": "success",
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"uploadedBy": {
"data": { "type": "userDisplayName", "id": 49 }
Project Tasks 211
"uploadedBy": {
"data": { "type": "userDisplayName", "id": 49 }
"rowsPerPage": 100,
"totalPages": 1,
"totalRows": 2,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
Get an Attachment Associated with a Project Task
GET /project-tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — Use this method to retrieve the attachment
record with the specified attachment ID associated with the project task with the specified internal ID. The
response contains the attachment metadata only and not the file.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project task. integer
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for the
attachment metadata returned.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Project Tasks 212
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the attachment metadata requested. See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID).
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Attachment #598 not
Sample request
GET project-tasks/237/attachments/4982?fields=fileName,isLocked,uploadedBy,size,id,fileType HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"fileName": "2020-11-20_13-25-06.png",
"isLocked": false,
"id": 4982,
"uploadedBy": 49,
"fileType": "PNG image data, 1250 x 800, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced",
"size": 114659
"message": "success",
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"uploadedBy": {
"data": { "type": "userDisplayName", "id": 49 }
Project Tasks 213
Get an Attachment File Associated with a Project Task
GET /project-tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/download — Use this method to retrieve the file
associated with the attachment record with the specified attachment ID associated with the project task
with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project task. integer
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success” or “Attachment
#598 not found”.
A successful request also returns the attachment file.
Sample request
GET project-tasks/237/attachments/4982/download HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Project Tasks 214
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
The attachment file.
Get the Thumbnail for an Attachment Associated with a
Project Task
GET /project-tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/thumbnail — Use this method to retrieve the
thumbnail file associated with the attachment record with the specified attachment ID associated with the
project task with the specified internal ID. Available only if the Attachment Thumbnail feature is enabled
for your OpenAir account.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project. integer
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success” or “Attachment
#598 not found” or “Attachment #213 thumbnail not found”.
Project Tasks 215
A successful request also returns the attachment thumbnail file.
Sample request
GET project-tasks/237/attachments/4982/thumbnail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
The attachment thumbnail file.
Replace an Attachment to a Project Task
PUT /project-tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — Use this method to replace an attachment to
the project task with the specified internal ID.
Important: This method can only be used to replace an attachment directly associated with the
project task. It cannot be used for workspace document associated with the project task either to
replace the workspace document or to associate a different workspace document in its place.
Note: If the Attachment Thumbnail and Attachment Viewer feature is enabled for your OpenAir
account, a thumbnail is generated automatically when you add an attachment of a supported
format. The file_name must be included in the request and must include a supported file
extension. For more information about the Attachment Thumbnail feature, including supported file
format and filename extensions, see Optional Features.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project task. integer
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Project Tasks 216
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for the
attachment returned. For the Attachment object properties, see
Attachment object properties.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will return the
attachment created. Otherwise, the response will include only the
internal ID of the attachment created.
Request body
This method accepts the following content type:
Content-Type header Body
multipart/form-data Form data with the following key-value pair:
file — The file to be uploaded. The file and file metadata will be used to replace
the existing Attachment object with a new Attachment object.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The Attachment object created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0
(zero) in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in
the request.
An object with only the internal ID of the attachment created.
Project Tasks 217
Property Description
See Returned Data. For the Attachment object properties, see Attachment object properties.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
PUT /rest/v1/project-tasks/237/attachments/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 4982
"message": "success"
Delete an Attachment Associated with a Project Task
DELETE /project-tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — Use this method to delete the attachment
with the specified attachment ID associated with the project task with the specified internal ID, or clear
the association between the workspace document with the specified attachment ID and the project task
with the specified internal ID.
Project Tasks 218
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project task. integer
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success” or “Attachment
#4985 not found”.
Sample request
DELETE /rest/v1/project-tasks/237/attachments/4982 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 4982
"message": "success"
Project Tasks 219
Delete Attachments Associated with a Project Task
DELETE /project-tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachment_ids} — Use this method to delete attachments
with the specified attachment IDs associated with the project task with the specified internal ID, or clear
the association between the workspace document with the specified attachment ID and the project task
with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the project task. integer
{attachment_ids} Required A comma-separated list of internal IDs for the
attachments. The list must not include more than
1000 attachment IDs.
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message If your request includes multiple attachment IDs, both valid and invalid, the request will complete
successfully for valid attachment IDs and return an error message for invalid attachment IDs — e.g.
"Access to Attachment #693 denied". The response status will be 207 Multiple statuses returned.
If your request more than 1,000 attachment IDs, an error is returned — e.g. "Bulk action limit
reached, sent 1001 entities of 1000 allowed".
Sample request
DELETE /rest/v1/project-tasks/237/attachments/4982,4983 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Project Tasks 220
Sample response
"data": [
"4982" : {
"data": [{
"id": "4982"
"message": "success"
"4983" : {
"data": [{
"id": "4983"
"message": "success"
"message": "success"
Receipts are expense items that contain information about costs incurred by employees and collected in
expense reports.
Available methods
POST /receipts/Insert a Receipt
GET /receipts/Get the List of Receipts
GET /receipts/{id}Get a Receipt
PUT /receipts/{id}Update a Receipt
DELETE /receipts/{id}Delete a Receipt
POST /receipts/{id}/attachmentsAdd an Attachment to a Receipt
GET /receipts/{id}/attachmentsGet the List of Attachments Associated with a Receipt
GET /receipts/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}Get an Attachment Associated with a Receipt
GET /receipts/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/downloadGet an Attachment File Associated
with a Receipt
GET /receipts/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/thumbnailGet the Thumbnail for an
Attachment Associated with a Receipt
PUT /receipts/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}Replace an Attachment to a Receipt
DELETE /receipts/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}Delete an Attachment Associated with a
DELETE /receipts/{id}/attachments/{attachment_ids}Delete Attachments Associated with a
OPTIONS /receipts/Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint Reference for Receipts
Receipt object properties
A receipt is an expense items that contains information about cost incurred by an employee and collected
in an expense report.
Receipts 221
The Receipt object has the following properties:
Property Description Type Read-only Query allowed Sorting allowed
accountingDate The accounting period date of the receipt. string($date) Yes Yes
attachments The attachments associated with
the receipt. Array of internal IDs for
attachment objects.
Array of {”id”: <
costCenterId The internal ID of the cost center
associated with the receipt.
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
costPerUnit The cost per unit of measure. number($float) Yes
created The date the receipt was created. string($date-time) Yes Yes
currency The currency for monetary values in the
receipt record. Three-letter currency code.
string Yes
customerId The internal ID of the customer associated
with the receipt.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
date [REQUIRED] The date of the receipt. string ($date) Yes Yes
description The description of the receipt. string Yes
expenseReportId [REQUIRED] The internal ID of the expense
report associated with the receipt.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
externalId The unique external ID of the receipt, if
the record was imported from an external
string Yes Yes
federalTax The total federal tax for the receipt. number($float)
federalTaxRate The federal tax rate for the receipt. number($float)
foreignCurrencyCost The cost per unit of measure in the
selected foreign currency, if this is a
foreign currency receipt.
number($float) Yes
foreignCurrencyRate The foreign currency conversion rate, if this
is a foreign currency receipt.
number($float) Yes Yes
foreignCurrencySymbol The foreign currency, if this is a foreign
currency receipt. Three-letter currency
string Yes
The tax paid in the foreign currency, if this
is a foreign currency receipt.
number($float) Yes
gst The total GST tax for the receipt. number($float)
gstRate The GST tax rate for the receipt. number($float)
hst The total HST tax for the receipt. number($float)
hstRate The HST tax rate for the receipt. number($float)
id The unique internal identifier of the receipt. integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
A 1/0 field indicating if the record is within
the specified foreign currency tolerance.
Boolean Yes
isMissingPaperReceipt A 1/0 field indicating if the paper receipt is
missing for this receipt.
Boolean Yes
isNonBillable A 1/0 field indicating if the receipt is not
Boolean Yes
isReimbursable A 1/0 field indicating if the receipt is
Boolean Yes
isTaxIncludedInCost A 1/0 field indicating if the cost includes the
Boolean Yes
Receipts 222
Property Description Type Read-only Query allowed Sorting allowed
itemId The internal ID of the item associated with
the receipt. The type of item can be used to
determine the receipt subtype.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
notes Notes about the receipt. string Yes
paymentTypeId The internal ID of the payment type
associated with the receipt. The payment
type indicates how the payment was
made and may determine if the receipt is
integer($int64) Yes Yes
projectId The internal ID of the project associated
with the receipt.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
projectTaskId The internal ID of the project task
associated with the receipt. Requires
an option to be enabled in OpenAir
(Administration > Application Settings >
Expenses > Other settings).
integer($int64) Yes Yes
pst The total PST tax for the receipt. number($float)
pstRate The PST tax rate for the receipt. number($float)
quantity [REQUIRED] The quantity (number of units
of measure).
integer($int64) Yes
receiptLocation The city or location where the cost was
string Yes
slipId The internal ID of the slip associated with
the receipt, if the expense was billed.
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
stateTax The total state tax for the receipt. number($float)
stateTaxRate The state tax rate for the receipt. number($float)
taxLocationId The internal ID of the tax location
associated with the receipt.
total The total value of the receipt. number($float) Yes
totalNoTax The total value of the receipt excluding tax. number($float)
totalTaxPaid The total tax paid. number($float) Yes
trackingNumber [REQUIRED] The unique reference number
of the receipt within the associated
expense report. This attribute is used to
cross-reference digital receipts with paper
string Yes Yes
updated The date the receipt was last updated or
string ($date-
Yes Yes
userId [REQUIRED] The internal ID of the
employee associated with the receipt.
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
userLocationId The internal ID of the employee location
associated with the receipt.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
vehicleId The internal ID of the vehicle associated
with the receipt.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
vendorId The internal ID of the vendor associated
with the receipt.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
Receipts 223
Note: Access to certain object types and object attributes depend on the business logic
configured for the OpenAir account. It may vary depending on the role and access privileges
associated with the access token and with the user who authorized the application.
Required and read-only attributes also depend on the business logic configured for each specific
OpenAir account. Some fields such as id, created, and updated are system-generated and always
Insert a Receipt
POST /receipts/ — Use this method to create a new receipt.
Path parameters
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the receipt
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will return
the receipt created. Otherwise, the response will include only the
internal ID of the receipt created.
Receipts 224
Request body
The Receipt object to be created. The object must include valid key-value pairs for all required attributes
and cannot include key-value pairs for read-only attributes. For information about the Receipt object
model, see Receipt object properties.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The Receipt object created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in the
An object with only the internal ID of the receipt created.
See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
POST /rest/v1/receipts/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
"foreignCurrencySymbol": "",
"expenseReportId": 237,
"date": "2019-10-01",
"costPerUnit": 580,
"total": 580,
"description": "Miscellaneous",
"itemId": 7,
"customerId": 50,
"isForeignCurrencyExchangeIntolerance": false,
"isNonBillable": true,
"currency": "USD",
"projectId": 54,
"isTaxIncludedInCost": false,
"quantity": 1,
"isReimbursable": true,
"totalNoTax": 580
Receipts 225
"trackingNumber": 2
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 2674
"message": "success"
Get the List of Receipts
GET /receipts/ — Use this method to retrieve a list of receipts.
Path parameters
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for each receipt
returned. Response Data Modifiers.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
limit Optional A limit on the length of the page. See Pagination. integer
offset Optional A cursor for use in pagination. See Pagination. integer
orderBy Optional The attribute to sort the list by. Use a plus sign (+) or minus
sign (-) before the attribute name to specify an ascending (+) or
descending (-) sort order. An ascending sort order is used if the
sort order is not specified. See Sorting.
Receipts 226
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
q Optional A URL-encoded query expression used to filter the resource
collection and return the objects matching the specified search
criteria. See Filtering.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the receipts requested. See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing response metadata. The meta object may include information about:
The page returned, the number of objects per page, the total number of pages and objects in the
list, and links to other pages. See Pagination.
Objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type and internal ID). See Referenced
Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/receipts/q=expenseReportId EQUAL 237 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"foreignCurrencySymbol": "",
"expenseReportId": 237,
"date": "2019-10-01",
"costPerUnit": 680,
"taxLocationId": 0,
"foreignCurrencyRate": 0,
"projectTaskId": 0,
"updated": "2019-10-21 03:04:58",
"id": 2659,
"slipId": 0,
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"total": 680,
"description": "Miscellaneous",
Receipts 227
"itemId": 7,
"customerId": 50,
"totalTaxPaid": 0,
"costCenterId": 0,
"trackingNumber": "1",
"isForeignCurrencyExchangeIntolerance": false,
"externalId": "",
"userLocationId": 0,
"isNonBillable": false,
"accountingDate": "0000-00-00",
"foreignCurrencyCost": 0,
"currency": "USD",
"foreignCurrencyTotalTaxPaid": 0,
"projectId": 54,
"isTaxIncludedInCost": false,
"attachments": [3719],
"userId": 49,
"quantity": 1,
"created": "2019-10-01 14:12:50",
"isReimbursable": true,
"totalNoTax": 680,
"notes": ""
"foreignCurrencySymbol": "",
"expenseReportId": 237,
"date": "2019-10-01",
"costPerUnit": 580,
"taxLocationId": 0,
"foreignCurrencyRate": 0,
"projectTaskId": 0,
"updated": "2019-10-21 03:04:58",
"id": 2674,
"slipId": 0,
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"total": 580,
"description": "Miscellaneous",
"itemId": 7,
"customerId": 50,
"totalTaxPaid": 0,
"costCenterId": 0,
"trackingNumber": "2",
"isForeignCurrencyExchangeIntolerance": false,
"externalId": "",
"userLocationId": 0,
"isNonBillable": true,
"accountingDate": "0000-00-00",
"foreignCurrencyCost": 0,
"currency": "USD",
"foreignCurrencyTotalTaxPaid": 0,
"projectId": 54,
"isTaxIncludedInCost": false,
"attachments": [3745],
"userId": 49,
"quantity": 1,
"created": "2019-10-01 14:13:03",
"isReimbursable": true,
"totalNoTax": 580,
"notes": ""
"message": "success",
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"attachments": {
"data": {
"id": [
"type": "attachment"
Receipts 228
"userId": {
"data": {
"id": 49,
"type": "userDisplayName"
"attachments": {
"data": {
"id": [
"type": "attachment"
"userId": {
"data": {
"id": 49,
"type": "userDisplayName"
"rowsPerPage": 100,
"totalPages": 1,
"totalRows": 2,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
Get a Receipt
GET /receipts/{id} — Use this method to retrieve a receipt with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the receipt. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the receipt
returned. Response Data Modifiers.
Receipts 229
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the receipt requested. See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID).
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “ExpenseReport #237 not
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/receipts/2674 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"foreignCurrencySymbol": "",
"expenseReportId": 237,
"date": "2019-10-01",
"costPerUnit": 580,
"taxLocationId": 0,
Receipts 230
"foreignCurrencyRate": 0,
"projectTaskId": 0,
"updated": "2019-10-21 03:04:58",
"id": 2674,
"slipId": 0,
"paymentTypeId": 0,
"total": 580,
"description": "Miscellaneous",
"itemId": 7,
"customerId": 50,
"totalTaxPaid": 0,
"costCenterId": 0,
"trackingNumber": "2",
"isForeignCurrencyExchangeIntolerance": false,
"externalId": "",
"userLocationId": 0,
"isNonBillable": true,
"accountingDate": "0000-00-00",
"foreignCurrencyCost": 0,
"currency": "USD",
"foreignCurrencyTotalTaxPaid": 0,
"projectId": 54,
"isTaxIncludedInCost": false,
"attachments": [3719],
"userId": 49,
"quantity": 1,
"created": "2019-10-01 14:13:03",
"isReimbursable": true,
"totalNoTax": 580,
"notes": ""
"message": "success"
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"attachments": {
"data": {
"id": [
"type": "attachment"
"userId": {
"data": {
"id": 49,
"type": "userDisplayName"
Update a Receipt
PUT /receipts/{id} — Use this method to update the receipt with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the receipt. integer
Receipts 231
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the receipt
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will include
the receipt updated. Otherwise, the response will include only the
internal ID of the receipt updated.
Request body
An object including valid key-value pairs for the fields to be updated. The object cannot include key-
value pairs for read-only attributes. For information about the Receipt object model, see Receipt object
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The Receipt object updated, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in the
An object with only the ID of the receipt updated.
See Returned Data.
Receipts 232
Property Description
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Receipt #2675 not
Sample request
PUT /rest/v1/receipts/2674 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
"externalId": "4823",
"accountingDate": "2019-10-30",
"currency": "CAD",
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 2674
"message": "success"
Delete a Receipt
DELETE /receipts/{id} — Use this method to delete the receipt record with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the receipt. integer
Receipts 233
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success” or “Receipt
#2675 not found”.
Sample request
DELETE /rest/v1/receipts/2674 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 2674
"message": "success"
Add an Attachment to a Receipt
POST /receipts/{id}/attachments — Use this method to add an attachment to the receipt with the
specified internal ID. This method can be used for any of the following cases:
Create a new attachment and associate it with the receipt.
Associate a workspace document with the receipt. Workspace documents are Attachment objects
associated with a custom workspace.
Receipts 234
Note: If the Attachment Thumbnail and Attachment Viewer feature is enabled for your OpenAir
account, a thumbnail is generated automatically when you add an attachment of a supported
format. The file_name must be included in the request and must include a supported file
extension. For more information about the Attachment Thumbnail feature, including supported file
format and filename extensions, see Optional Features.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the receipt. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for the
attachment returned. For the Attachment object properties, see
Attachment object properties.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will return the
attachment created. Otherwise, the response will include only the
internal ID of the attachment created.
Request body
This method accepts either one of the content types described in the following table:
Receipts 235
Content-Type header Body Use case
multipart/form-data Form data with the following key-value pair:
file — The file to be uploaded. The file
and file metadata will be used to create
the new Attachment object.
Create a new attachment and
associate it with the receipt.
application/json JSON object with the following key-value pair:
id — The internal ID of the workspace
document to be associated with the
Associate a workspace document
with the receipt.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The Attachment object created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0
(zero) in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in
the request.
An object with only the internal ID of the attachment created.
See Returned Data. For the Attachment object properties, see Attachment object properties.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
POST /rest/v1/receipts/2674/attachments/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"
Receipts 236
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 4985
"message": "success"
Get the List of Attachments Associated with a Receipt
GET /receipts/{id}/attachments — Use this method to retrieve the list of attachments associated with
the receipt with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the receipt. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for each
attachment returned. Response Data Modifiers.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
limit Optional A limit on the length of the page. See Pagination. integer
offset Optional A cursor for use in pagination. See Pagination. integer
orderBy Optional The attribute to sort the list by. Use a plus sign (+) or minus
sign (-) before the attribute name to specify an ascending (+) or
Receipts 237
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
descending (-) sort order. An ascending sort order is used if the
sort order is not specified. See Sorting.
q Optional A URL-encoded query expression used to filter the resource
collection and return the objects matching the specified search
criteria. See Filtering.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the list of attachments associated with the receipt with the specified internal ID.
See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing response metadata. The meta object may include information about:
The page returned, the number of objects per page, the total number of pages and objects in the
list, and links to other pages. See Pagination.
Objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type and internal ID). See Referenced
Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Receipt #237 not found”.
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/receipts/2674/attachments/?fields=fileName,isLocked,uploadedBy,size,id,fileType HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"fileName": "2020-11-20_13-25-06.png",
"isLocked": false,
"id": 4985,
"uploadedBy": 49,
"fileType": "PNG image data, 1250 x 800, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced",
Receipts 238
"size": 114659
"fileName": "2020-12-08_14-46-24.png",
"isLocked": false,
"id": 5016,
"uploadedBy": 49,
"fileType": "PNG image data, 1250 x 800, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced",
"size": 123754
"message": "success",
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"uploadedBy": {
"data": { "type": "userDisplayName", "id": 49 }
"uploadedBy": {
"data": { "type": "userDisplayName", "id": 49 }
"rowsPerPage": 100,
"totalPages": 1,
"totalRows": 2,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
Get an Attachment Associated with a Receipt
GET /receipts/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — Use this method to retrieve the attachment record
with the specified attachment ID associated with the receipt with the specified internal ID. The response
contains the attachment metadata only and not the file.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the receipt. integer
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Receipts 239
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for the
attachment metadata returned.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the attachment metadata requested. See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID).
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Attachment #598 not
Sample request
GET receipts/2674/attachments/4985?fields=fileName,isLocked,uploadedBy,size,id,fileType HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
Receipts 240
"data": [
"fileName": "2020-11-20_13-25-06.png",
"isLocked": false,
"id": 4985,
"uploadedBy": 49,
"fileType": "PNG image data, 1250 x 800, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced",
"size": 114659
"message": "success",
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"uploadedBy": {
"data": { "type": "userDisplayName", "id": 49 }
Get an Attachment File Associated with a Receipt
GET /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/download — Use this method to retrieve the
file associated with the attachment record with the specified attachment ID associated with the receipt
with the specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the receipt. integer
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Receipts 241
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success” or “Attachment
#598 not found”.
A successful request also returns the attachment file.
Sample request
GET receipts/2674/attachments/4985/download HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
The attachment file.
Get the Thumbnail for an Attachment Associated with a
GET /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/thumbnail — Use this method to retrieve the
thumbnail file associated with the attachment record with the specified attachment ID associated with the
receipt with the specified internal ID. Available only if the Attachment Thumbnail feature is enabled for
your OpenAir account.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the receipt. integer
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Receipts 242
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success” or “Attachment
#598 not found” or “Attachment #213 thumbnail not found”.
A successful request also returns the attachment thumbnail file.
Sample request
GET receipts/2674/attachments/4985/thumbnail HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
The attachment thumbnail file.
Replace an Attachment to a Receipt
PUT /receipts/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — Use this method to replace an attachment to the
receipt with the specified internal ID.
Important: This method can only be used to replace an attachment directly associated with the
receipt. It cannot be used for workspace document associated with the receipt either to replace
the workspace document or to associate a different workspace document in its place.
Note: If the Attachment Thumbnail and Attachment Viewer feature is enabled for your OpenAir
account, a thumbnail is generated automatically when you add an attachment of a supported
format. The file_name must be included in the request and must include a supported file
extension. For more information about the Attachment Thumbnail feature, including supported file
format and filename extensions, see Optional Features.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the receipt. integer
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Receipts 243
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for the
attachment returned. For the Attachment object properties, see
Attachment object properties.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will return the
attachment created. Otherwise, the response will include only the
internal ID of the attachment created.
Request body
This method accepts the following content type:
Content-Type header Body
multipart/form-data Form data with the following key-value pair:
file — The file to be uploaded. The file and file metadata will be used to replace
the existing Attachment object with a new Attachment object.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
Receipts 244
Property Description
The Attachment object created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0
(zero) in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in
the request.
An object with only the internal ID of the attachment created.
See Returned Data. For the Attachment object properties, see Attachment object properties.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
PUT /rest/v1/receipts/237/attachments/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 4982
"message": "success"
Delete an Attachment Associated with a Receipt
DELETE receipts/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — Use this method to delete the attachment
with the specified attachment ID associated with the receipt with the specified internal ID, or clear the
Receipts 245
association between the workspace document with the specified attachment ID and the receipt with the
specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the receipt. integer
{attachment_id} Required The internal ID of the attachment. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success” or “Attachment
#4985 not found”.
Sample request
DELETE receipts/2674/attachments/4985 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
Receipts 246
"data": [
"id": 4985
"message": "success"
Delete Attachments Associated with a Receipt
DELETE /receipts/{id}/attachments/{attachment_ids} — Use this method to delete attachments
with the specified attachment IDs associated with the receipt with the specified internal ID, or clear the
association between the workspace document with the specified attachment ID and the receipt with the
specified internal ID.
Path parameters
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the receipt. integer
{attachment_ids} Required A comma-separated list of internal IDs for the
attachments. The list must not include more than
1000 attachment IDs.
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message If your request includes multiple attachment IDs, both valid and invalid, the request will complete
successfully for valid attachment IDs and return an error message for invalid attachment IDs — e.g.
"Access to Attachment #693 denied". The response status will be 207 Multiple statuses returned.
Receipts 247
Property Description
If your request more than 1,000 attachment IDs, an error is returned — e.g. "Bulk action limit
reached, sent 1001 entities of 1000 allowed".
Sample request
DELETE receipts/2674/attachments/4985,4987 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"4985" : {
"data": [{
"id": "4985"
"message": "success"
"4987" : {
"data": [{
"id": "4987"
"message": "success"
"message": "success"
Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint
Reference for Receipts
OPTIONS /receipts/ — Use this method to discover the methods available and fetch the OpenAPI 3.0
JSON endpoint reference for receipts.
Response definitions
A successful request returns the OpenAPI 3.0 JSON endpoint reference in the response body. The
JSON object returned contains metadata information about the resource endpoint. It is similar to the
Generated API Documentation JSON, only it is restricted to the resource endpoint path specified in the
The response also includes the following header:
Receipts 248
Header Description
Access-Control-Allow-Methods A comma-separated list of HTTP methods available for the requested
resource collection endpoint.
Sample request
OPTIONS /rest/v1/receipts/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
The response includes the OpenAPI 3.0 endpoint reference for the resource endpoint as a JSON object in
the response body, as well as the following headers:
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 6955
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-control: no-cache, no-store, pre-check=0, post-check=0, must-revalidate, max-age=0, s-max-age=0
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type
Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400
Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
Content-Encoding: gzip
Time Entries
Time entry records contain information about time worked by an employee on a work package.
Available methods
POST /time-entries/Insert a Time Entry
GET /time-entries/Get the List of Time Entries
GET /time-entries/{id}Get a Time Entry
DELETE /time-entries/{id}Delete a Time Entry
OPTIONS /time-entries/Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint Reference for Time
Time entry object properties
A time entry is a time slot worked by an employee on a work package.
Time Entries 249
The TimeEntry object has the following properties:
Property Description Type Read-
accountingDate The accounting period date of the time
string($date-time) Yes Yes
categoryId The internal ID of the associated service
integer($int64) Yes Yes
where <N> is an
integer from 1 to 5
The internal ID of the associated service
line <N> (category_<N>).
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
costCenterId The internal ID of the associated cost
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
created Time the record was created. string($date-time) Yes Yes
customerId The internal ID of the associated
integer($int64) Yes Yes
date The date of the time entry. string($date-time) Yes Yes
decimalHours The number of decimal hours for the
time entry. Decimal time entry for the
number of hours is supported if the
feature Use Days Instead of Hours for All
Time Entries is disabled for your account.
You should not use the features Enable
Start and End Tme Entry on Timesheets
and Use Days Instead of Hours for
All Time Entries in conjunction. When
Enable Start and End Tme Entry on
Timesheets is enabled and a user enters
a start time and end time in OpenAir, the
duration is calculated in hours and not
converted to days. When using the API
and both features are enabled, passing
decimal_hours and minutes but not
hours in the API call will result in an error
(error code 1407).
number($float) Yes
description The description of the time entry. string Yes
endTime The time entry end time. string($date-time) Yes
exported Date and time the time entry was
marked as "exported".
string($date-time) Yes
hour The number of hours for the time entry. number($float) Yes
hoursRemaining The number of hours remaining of the
associated project task.
id The unique internal identifier of the time
entry. Assigned by OpenAir.
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
jobCodeId The internal ID of the associated job
integer($int64) Yes Yes
minute The number of minutes for the time
entry. Must be an integer.
integer($int64) Yes
Time Entries 250
Property Description Type Read-
notes Notes about this time entry. string Yes
payrollTypeId The internal ID of the associated payroll
integer($int64) Yes Yes
projectId The internal ID of the associated project. integer($int64) Yes Yes
projectTaskId The internal ID of the task within the
associated project.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
projectTaskTypeId The internal ID of the project task type of
the associated project task.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
The internal ID of the schedule change
item from a schedule request
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
slipId The internal ID of the associated slip if
this time entry was billed.
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
startTime The time entry start time. string($date-time) Yes
thinClientId Used by thin clients to reconcile
imported records.
string Yes Yes Yes
timesheetId [REQUIRED] The internal ID of the
associated timesheet.
integer($int64) Yes Yes
timeTypeId The internal ID of the associated time
integer($int64) Yes Yes
updated The date the time entry was last updated
or modified.
string($date-time) Yes Yes Yes
userId The internal ID of the associated
integer($int64) Yes Yes Yes
Note: Access to certain object types and object attributes depend on the business logic
configured for the OpenAir account. It may vary depending on the role and access privileges
associated with the access token and with the user who authorized the application.
Required and read-only attributes also depend on the business logic configured for each specific
OpenAir account. Some fields such as id, created, and updated are system-generated and always
Insert a Time Entry
POST /time-entries/ — Use this method to create a new time entry record.
Path parameters
Time Entries 251
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion.
The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL
encoded string).
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object
is set to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-
separated list includes at least one attribute that is not
available for expansion, the request fails — an error is
returned and the object is not added or updated. For
more information about attributes available for expansion
and supported object types, see Available Expansions and
Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response.
If not specified, the response includes all attributes for the time
entry returned.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
associated with the user who authorized the application as per
the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
return_object Optional If set to 1, the response will return the time entry created.
Otherwise, the response will include only the internal ID of the
time entry created.
Request body
The TimeEntry object to be created. The object must include valid key-value pairs for all required
attributes and cannot include key-value pairs for read-only attributes. For information about the
TimeEntry object model, see Contact object properties.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing one of the following:
The TimeEntry object created, if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0
(zero) in the request. The object includes all the attributes specified using the fields if included in
the request.
An object with only the internal ID of the time entry created.
See Returned Data.
Time Entries 252
Property Description
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID). Only returned if the return_object parameter was set to any value other than 0 (zero)
in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
POST /rest/v1/time-entries/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
"hour": 8,
"categoryId": 2,
"timeTypeId": 1,
"date": "2023-03-05",
"projectTaskId": 502,
"jobCodeId": 1,
"timesheetId": 497,
"customerId": 13,
"costCenterId": 1,
"projectId": 312,
"userId": 68
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 45681
"message": "success"
Get the List of Time Entries
GET /time-entries/ — Use this method to retrieve the list of time entries.
Time Entries 253
Path parameters
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion. The
comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL encoded
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object is set
to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-separated
list includes at least one attribute that is not available for
expansion, the request fails — an error is returned and the
object is not added or updated. For more information about
attributes available for expansion and supported object
types, see Available Expansions and Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for each time entry
returned. See Response Data Modifiers.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is available
when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The filter set with
the specified internal ID must exist and must be associated with
the user who authorized the application as per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with the
user who authorized the application is applied.
limit Optional A limit on the length of the page. See Pagination. integer
offset Optional A cursor for use in pagination. See Pagination. integer
orderBy Optional The attribute to sort the list by. Use a plus sign (+) or minus sign (-)
before the attribute name to specify an ascending (+) or descending
(-) sort order. An ascending sort order is used if the sort order is not
specified. See Sorting.
q Optional A URL-encoded query expression used to filter the resource
collection and return the objects matching the specified search
criteria. See Filtering.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the time entries requested. See Returned Data.
Time Entries 254
Property Description
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing response metadata. The meta object may include information about:
The page returned, the number of objects per page, the total number of pages and objects in the
list, and links to other pages. See Pagination.
Objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type and internal ID). See Referenced
Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request.
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/time-entries/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"message": "success",
"meta": {
"rowsPerPage": 100,
"totalPages": 14,
"relationships": [
"totalRows": 1386,
"links": [
"rel": "first",
"href": ""
Time Entries 255
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
"rel": "next",
"href": ""
"rel": "last",
"href": ""
Get a Time Entry
GET /time-entries/{id} — Use this method to retrieve the time entry record with the specified internal
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the time entry. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
expand Optional A comma-separated list of attributes available for expansion. The
comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL encoded
Note: The expand value must contain only attributes
referencing a supported object type. If return_object is set
to any value other than 0 (zero), and the comma-separated
list includes at least one attribute that is not available for
expansion, the request fails — an error is returned and the
object is not added or updated. For more information about
attributes available for expansion and supported object
types, see Available Expansions and Supported Object Types.
fields Optional A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If
not specified, the response includes all attributes for the time entry
returned. Response Data Modifiers.
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the response includes only data that is available
when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The filter set with
the specified internal ID must exist and must be associated with
the user who authorized the application as per the access token.
Time Entries 256
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with the
user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
data An array containing the time entry object requested. See Returned Data.
included An array of expanded objects, if the expand parameter was set in the request.
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
meta An object containing information about objects referenced by internal ID in the data array (object type
and internal ID).
See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success”.
A failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Time Entry #24 not
Sample request
GET /rest/v1/time-entries/24 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"hour": 8,
"categoryId": 2,
"timeTypeId": 1,
"date": "2012-03-05",
"endTime": "00:00:00",
"timesheetRowId": 0,
"category4Id": 0,
"decimalHours": 0,
"projectTaskId": 502,
"updated": "2013-11-16 08:49:03",
"startTime": "00:00:00",
"id": 1,
"slipId": 0,
Time Entries 257
"accountDate": "0000-00-00",
"autoBillCode": "",
"jobCodeId": 1,
"timesheetId": 1,
"description": "",
"minute": 0,
"customerId": 13,
"costCenterId": 1,
"scheduleRequestItemId": 0,
"projectTaskTypeId": 1,
"thinClientId": 0,
"projectId": 31,
"category3Id": 0,
"category5Id": 0,
"payrollTypeId": 0,
"userId": 2,
"category2Id": 0,
"created": "2013-11-01 14:46:07",
"category1Id": 0,
"notes": "",
"exported": "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
"meta": {
"relationships": [
"userId": {
"data": {
"id": 2,
"type": "userDisplayName"
"message": "success"
Delete a Time Entry
DELETE /time-entries/{id} — Use this method to delete the time entry record with the specified internal
Path parameters
Path parameter Required / Optional Description Type
{id} Required The internal ID of the time entry. integer
Query string parameter
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
filterSetId Optional The internal ID of the filter set to be applied.
When specified, the request is successful only if the action is
available when the specified filter set is active in OpenAir. The
filter set with the specified internal ID must exist and must be
Time Entries 258
Path parameter Required /
Description Type
associated with the user who authorized the application as
per the access token.
Otherwise and by default, the primary filter set associated with
the user who authorized the application is applied.
Response definitions
A successful or failed request returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property Description
message A string containing a brief message about the status of your request — e.g. “Success” or “TimeEntry
#24 not found”.
Sample request
DELETE /rest/v1/rest/v1/time-entries/24 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 24
"message": "success"
Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint
Reference for Time Entries
OPTIONS /time-entries/ — Use this method to discover the methods available and fetch the OpenAPI
3.0 JSON endpoint reference for time entries.
Response definitions
A successful request returns the OpenAPI 3.0 JSON endpoint reference in the response body. The
JSON object returned contains metadata information about the resource endpoint. It is similar to the
Time Entries 259
Generated API Documentation JSON, only it is restricted to the resource endpoint path specified in the
The response also includes the following header:
Header Description
Access-Control-Allow-Methods A comma-separated list of HTTP methods available for the requested
resource collection endpoint.
Sample request
OPTIONS /rest/v1/time-entries/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2_access_token>
In the example, <OAuth2_access_token> is the OAuth 2.0 access token obtained for the client application
connecting to OpenAir. See Authentication.
Sample response
The response includes the OpenAPI 3.0 endpoint reference for the resource endpoint as a JSON object in
the response body, as well as the following headers:
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 6955
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-control: no-cache, no-store, pre-check=0, post-check=0, must-revalidate, max-age=0, s-max-age=0
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type
Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400
Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
Content-Encoding: gzip
Release History 260
Release History
October 7, 2023
Added the following resources:
TimeEntry — See Time Entries and Time entry object properties.
Added the following endpoints and methods:
PUT /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — See Replace an Attachment to an
Expense Report
PUT /projects/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — See Replace an Attachment to a Project
GET /project-tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/thumbnail — See Get the Thumbnail for
an Attachment Associated with a Project Task
PUT /project-tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — See Replace an Attachment to a
Project Task
PUT /receipts/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — See Replace an Attachment to a Receipt
POST /time-entries/ — See Insert a Time Entry
GET /time-entries/ — See Get the List of Time Entries
GET /time-entries/{id} — See Get a Time Entry
DELETE /time-entries/{id} — See Delete a Time Entry
OPTIONS /time-entries/ — See Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint Reference for
Time Entries
The following methods also support the Sorting feature:
GET /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/ — See Get the List of Attachments Associated with an
Expense Report.
GET /projects/{id}/attachments — See Get the List of Attachments Associated with a Project
GET /project-tasks/{id}/attachments — See Get the List of Attachments Associated with a Project
GET /receipts/{id}/attachments/ — See Get the List of Attachments Associated with a Receipt.
April 15, 2023
Support for automatically generated thumbnail image when adding an attachment (Attachment
Thumbnail feature). See Add an Attachment to an Expense Report, Add an Attachment to a Project,
Add an Attachment to a Project Task, Add an Attachment to a Receipt.
Added the following endpoints and methods:
GET /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/thumbnail — See Get the Thumbnail
for an Attachment Associated with an Expense Report
GET /projects/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/thumbnail — See Get the Thumbnail for an
Attachment Associated with a Project
GET /receipts/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/thumbnail — See Get the Thumbnail for an
Attachment Associated with a Receipt
Added support for sorting returned list of resources in ascending or descending sort order (single
sorting level). The Sorting feature supports the following methods:
October 8, 2022 261
GET /contacts/ — See Get the List of Contacts
GET /expense-reports/ — See Get the List of Expense Reports
GET /expense-reports/{id}/receipts — See Get the List of Receipts in an Expense Report
GET /job-codes/ — See Get the List of Job Codes
GET /projects/ — See Get the List of Projects
GET /project-milestones/ — See Get the List of Project Milestones
GET /project-phases/ — See Get the List of Project Phases
GET /project-tasks/ — See Get the List of Project Tasks
GET /receipts/ — See Get the List of Receipts
Added Attachment object property isViewable indicating if the attachment is viewable in the
Attachment Viewer feature — See Attachments.
October 8, 2022
Added the following resources:
ProjectMilestone — See ProjectMilestone Object Properties.
ProjectPhase — See ProjectPhase Object Properties.
ProjectTask — See ProjectTask Object Properties.
Added the following endpoints and methods:
POST /projects/from-template/ — See Create a Project from Template
POST /projects/{id}/attachments — See Add an Attachment to a Project
GET /projects/{id}/attachments — See Get the List of Attachments Associated with a Project
GET /projects/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — See Get an Attachment Associated with a
GET /projects/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/download — See Get an Attachment File
Associated with a Project
DELETE /projects/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — See Delete an Attachment Associated
with a Project
DELETE /projects/{id}/attachments/{attachment_ids} — See Delete Attachments Associated with
a Project
GET /project-milestones/ — See Get the List of Project Milestones
GET /project-milestones/{id} — See Get a Project Milestone
GET /project-phases/ — See Get the List of Project Phases
GET /project-phases/{id} — See Get a Project Phase
POST /project-tasks/ — See Insert a Project Task
GET /project-tasks/ — See Get the List of Project Tasks
GET /project-tasks/{id} — See Get a Project Task
POST /project-tasks/{id}/attachments — See Add an Attachment to a Project Task
GET /project-tasks/{id}/attachments — See Get the List of Attachments Associated with a Project
GET /project-tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — See Get an Attachment Associated with
a Project Task
April 9, 2022 262
GET /project-tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/download — See Get an Attachment File
Associated with a Project Task
DELETE /project-tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — See Delete an Attachment
Associated with a Project Task
DELETE /project-tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachment_ids} — See Delete Attachments
Associated with a Project Task
The filterSetId query string parameter can be used to specify the internal ID of the filter set to be
applied when inserting or updating objects using a POST or PUT method or deleting an object using
the DELETE method. All available REST API resources and CRUD methods now support the parameter.
See Active Filter Set, Errors and all POST, PUT, and DELETE methods in REST API Endpoint Reference.
The Filtering and Pagination features are supported when working with Contacts and Job Codes using
the REST API. See Supported Resources, Methods and API Features.
April 9, 2022
Added the following endpoints and methods:
POST /projects/ — See Insert a Project
POST /projects/bulk/ — See Insert Multiple Projects
PUT /projects/{id} — See Update a Project
PUT /projects/bulk/{ids} — See Update Multiple Projects
DELETE /projects/{id} — See Delete a Project
DELETE /projects/bulk/{ids} — See Delete Multiple Projects
Added request query string parameter filterSetId to specify the internal ID of the filter set to be
applied when retrieving data using a GET method. See Active Filter Set, Errors and all GET methods in
REST API Endpoint Reference.
Changes to Project object properties:
Added properties filterSetIds (filter sets the project is included in) and hierarchyNodes (project
hierarchy nodes, available when reading, updating or creating projects).
Removed properties costTypeFilter, customerExcludeFilter, projectExcludeFilter — These fields
are part of a feature that is not supported by the REST API.
Changes to Referenced Objects and Expansion:
The number of expanded objects that can be returned in the included array is limited to 1,000
objects by default.
If expanded objects are referenced by metavalues (negative integers) instead of internal IDs in the
main response element (data array), the response substitutes the object internal IDs for metavalue
references in the relationships array.
October 9, 2021
Added the following endpoints and methods:
GET /projects/ — See Get the List of Projects
GET /projects/{id} — See Get a Project
OPTIONS /projects/ — See Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint Reference for
April 10, 2021 263
DELETE /receipts/{id} — See Delete a Receipt
Added support for deleting multiple expense attachments. Updated the following methods:
DELETE /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_ids} — See Delete Attachments
Associated with an Expense Report.
DELETE /receipts/{id}/attachments/{attachment_ids} — See Delete Attachments Associated with
a Receipt.
The /attachments/{id} and /attachments/{id}/download endpoints were removed from the REST API.
To work with attachments, use the endpoints and methods specific to the object the attachments are
associated with. See Attachments.
OAuth 2.0 access token validity period cannot be greater than session timeout — See Application
OAuth 2.0 refresh token validity period can be between 1 and 31 days in one–day increments — sSee
Application Configuration.
April 10, 2021
The service path for the REST API is /rest/v1/ instead of /webapi/v2/ — See Request URL.
Added the following methods:
OPTIONS /contacts/ — See Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint Reference for
POST /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/ — See Add an Attachment to an Expense Report.
GET /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/ — See Get the List of Attachments Associated with an
Expense Report.
GET /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — See Get an Attachment Associated
with an Expense Report.
GET /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/download — See Get an Attachment File
Associated with an Expense Report.
DELETE /expense-reports/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — See Delete Attachments
Associated with an Expense Report.
OPTIONS /expense-reports/ — See Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint Reference
for Expense Reports.
OPTIONS /job-codes/ — See Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint Reference for
Job Codes.
POST /receipts/{id}/attachments/ — See Add an Attachment to a Receipt.
GET /receipts/{id}/attachments/ — See Get the List of Attachments Associated with a Receipt.
GET /receipts/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — See Get an Attachment Associated with a
GET /receipts/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/download — See Get an Attachment File
Associated with a Receipt.
DELETE /receipts/{id}/attachments/{attachment_id} — See Delete Attachments Associated with
a Receipt.
OPTIONS /receipts/ — See Discover Available Methods and Fetch the Endpoint Reference for
Added the following resource object attributes:
October 10, 2020 264
Attachment — Added the workspaceId attribute, the internal ID of the workspace associated with
the attachment. The value is 0 (zero) if the attachment is not associated with a workspace. See
Attachment object properties.
Added support for expanding objects referenced by internal ID in the main response elements (data
array) — If there are any attributes available for expansion, the response automatically includes a
relationships property in the response metadata (meta object) with information about the attributes
available for expansion and the referenced objects. The expand query parameter can be used to return
expanded objects of type attachment, userDisplayName, and workspace in the included response
property without the need for separate requests. Some of this additional data is only available when
using expansion. See Referenced Objects and Expansion.
Added Auditing and Managing OAuth 2.0 Authorizations under OAuth 2.0 Authorization — Account
administrators can use web services reports to audit and revoke authorizations granted by OpenAir
users to integration applications.
October 10, 2020
Initial version of REST API released.