138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Submitted to Sutherland Shire Council
On behalf of Munro Operations Trust Pty Ltd
April 2020
Planning Proposal
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
City Plan Strategy & Development P/L
Suite 6.02, 120 Sussex St, Sydney NSW 2000
P +61 2 8270 3500
\\CPSSYDFIL01\General\Projects\CP2020\20-082 138-142 Cronulla St, Cronulla\5. Final\Cronulla_PP_270420.docx Page | ii
Date Issued
Revision Description
Prepared by
Verified by
Jonathan Tolentino
Project Planner
Juliet Grant
Executive Director
Prepared by
Verified by
Jonathan Tolentino
Project Planner
Juliet Grant
Executive Director
This report has been prepared by City Plan Strategy & Development P/L with input from a number of other expert consultants (if
relevant). To the best of our knowledge, the information contained herein is neither false nor misleading and the contents are
based on information and facts that were correct at the time of writing. City Plan Strategy & Development P/L accepts no
responsibility or liability for any errors, omissions or resultant consequences including any loss or damage arising from reliance
in information in this publication.
Copyright © City Plan Strategy & Development P/L
ABN 58 133 501 774
All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced without prior permission.
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
City Plan Strategy & Development P/L
Suite 6.02, 120 Sussex St, Sydney NSW 2000
P +61 2 8270 3500
\\CPSSYDFIL01\General\Projects\CP2020\20-082 138-142 Cronulla St, Cronulla\5. Final\Cronulla_PP_270420.docx Page | iii
1. Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... 7
Introduction............................................................................................................................... 8
Background .............................................................................................................................. 8
1.2.1. Background to previous Planning Proposal ................................................................... 8
1.2.2. Consultation with Sutherland Council ............................................................................ 8
2. The Site ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Location and description .......................................................................................................... 9
Current LEP Controls ............................................................................................................. 12
Existing Development ............................................................................................................ 13
Adjacent and surrounding development ................................................................................ 14
3. Indicative Design Concept .......................................................................................................... 15
Massing Principles ................................................................................................................. 15
Design Concept ...................................................................................................................... 16
4. Objectives and intended outcomes ............................................................................................ 17
Objectives of the Planning Proposal ...................................................................................... 17
5. Explanation of the provisions ..................................................................................................... 19
Amendment to Sutherland Shire Local Environmental Plan 2015 ......................................... 19
Sutherland Shire Development Control Plan 2015 ................................................................ 20
5.2.1. Building Envelope ........................................................................................................ 20
5.2.2. Cronulla Town Centre Building Height Map ................................................................ 21
5.2.3. Beach Park Avenue (Opposite Monro Park) Map ....................................................... 22
6. Justification .................................................................................................................................. 23
Need for a Planning Proposal ................................................................................................ 23
6.1.1. Is the PP a result of an endorsed local strategic planning statement, strategic study or
report? .......................................................................................................................... 23
6.1.2. Is the Planning Proposal the best means of achieving the objectives or intended
outcomes, or is there a better way?............................................................................. 24
Relationship to Strategic Planning Framework ...................................................................... 24
6.2.1. Will the PP give effect to the objectives and actions of the applicable regional, or district
plan or strategy (including any exhibited draft plans or strategies)? ........................... 24
6.2.2. Will the PP give effect to a Council's endorsed local strategic planning statement, or
another endorsed local strategic or strategic plan? ..................................................... 28
6.2.3. Is the planning proposal consistent with applicable state environmental planning
policies? ....................................................................................................................... 33
6.2.4. Is the planning proposal consistent with the applicable Ministerial directions (s.9.1
directions)? .................................................................................................................. 34
Environmental, Social and Economic Impact ......................................................................... 37
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
City Plan Strategy & Development P/L
Suite 6.02, 120 Sussex St, Sydney NSW 2000
P +61 2 8270 3500
\\CPSSYDFIL01\General\Projects\CP2020\20-082 138-142 Cronulla St, Cronulla\5. Final\Cronulla_PP_270420.docx Page | iv
6.3.1. Is there any likelihood that critical habitat or threatened species, populations or
ecological communities, or their habitats will be adversely affected as a result of the
proposal? ..................................................................................................................... 37
6.3.2. Are there any other likely environmental effects as a result of the planning proposal and
how are they proposed to be managed? ..................................................................... 37
6.3.3. Has the planning proposal adequately addressed any social and economic effects? 44
State and Commonwealth Interests ....................................................................................... 45
6.4.1. Is there adequate public infrastructure for the planning proposal? ............................. 45
6.4.2. What are the views of State and Commonwealth public authorities consulted in
accordance with the Gateway determination? ............................................................. 46
7. Mapping ......................................................................................................................................... 47
8. Community Consultation ............................................................................................................ 48
9. Project Timeline ............................................................................................................................ 49
10. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 50
Appendix 1 Indicative Concept Plans .................................................................................................... 51
Appendix 2 Traffic Impact Assessment ................................................................................................. 52
Appendix 3 Economic Impact Assessment ........................................................................................... 53
Appendix 4 Urban Design Report .......................................................................................................... 54
Appendix 5 Heritage Impact Statement ................................................................................................. 55
Appendix 6 Geotechnical Report ........................................................................................................... 56
Appendix 7 Survey Plan ........................................................................................................................ 57
Appendix 8 Acoustic Review ................................................................................................................. 58
Figure 1 Proximity of Cronulla (in yellow) to the three CBD's in the Greater Sydney Region Plan ....... 9
Figure 2 Aerial of subject site (yellow) and local transport network ..................................................... 10
Figure 3 Aerial 3D view of Cronulla Town Centre ................................................................................ 10
Figure 4 Aerial view, subject site outlined in red and shaded yellow ................................................... 11
Figure 5: Land Zoning Map .................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 6: Height of Building Map .......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 7: Land Zoning Map .................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 8: Heritage Conservation Area Map .......................................................................................... 12
Figure 9: Subject site south east corner from Gerrale Street ............................................................ 13
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
City Plan Strategy & Development P/L
Suite 6.02, 120 Sussex St, Sydney NSW 2000
P +61 2 8270 3500
\\CPSSYDFIL01\General\Projects\CP2020\20-082 138-142 Cronulla St, Cronulla\5. Final\Cronulla_PP_270420.docx Page | v
Figure 10: Subject site south west corner from Cronulla Street ........................................................ 13
Figure 11: View down Beach Park Road from the subject site ............................................................ 13
Figure 12: View of Monro Park from subject site ................................................................................. 13
Figure 13: View to Cronulla Station from subject site .......................................................................... 13
Figure 14: View looking to centre of Munro Park ................................................................................. 13
Figure 15: View looking towards subject site from corner of Munro Park ............................................ 14
Figure 16: View of Monro Park from subject site at ground level ......................................................... 14
Figure 17: Photomontage of indicative concept ................................................................................... 17
Figure 18 View of Indicative Concept from Cronulla Station ................................................................ 18
Figure 19: View of Indicative Concept from Cronulla Street ................................................................ 18
Figure 20 Existing and Proposed Building Envelope ........................................................................... 20
Figure 21: Existing Height of Building Map, Sheet 008A (extract) ....................................................... 21
Figure 22: Proposed Floor Space Ratio Map, Sheet 008A (extract) .................................................... 21
Figure 23: Existing Beach Park Avenue (Opposite Monro Park) Map ................................................. 22
Figure 24: Proposed Beach Park Avenue (Opposite Monro Park) Map .............................................. 22
Figure 25: Output by Industry Sector (in Sutherland Shire) from 2011/12 to 2016/17 ......................... 24
Figure 26: Comparison of Compliant (red line) and Proposed overshadowing in mid-winter .............. 39
Figure 27: The concept in comparison to the existing and future built form ....................................... 42
Figure 28: Neighbouring views ............................................................................................................. 43
Figure 29: Existing Floor Space Ratio Map, Sheet 008A (extract)....................................................... 47
Figure 30: Proposed Floor Space Ratio Map, Sheet 008A (extract) .................................................... 47
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
City Plan Strategy & Development P/L
Suite 6.02, 120 Sussex St, Sydney NSW 2000
P +61 2 8270 3500
\\CPSSYDFIL01\General\Projects\CP2020\20-082 138-142 Cronulla St, Cronulla\5. Final\Cronulla_PP_270420.docx Page | vi
Table 1: Lot Descriptions. ..................................................................................................................... 11
Table 2 Massing Principles (source: Kennedy Associates) ................................................................. 15
Table 3: Proposed uses. ....................................................................................................................... 16
Table 4: Proposed controls................................................................................................................... 19
Table 5: Consistency with Greater Sydney Region Plan and South District Plan................................ 25
Table 6: DPIE Assessment Criteria for assessing PP's. ...................................................................... 27
Table 7: Consistency with draft LSPS. ................................................................................................. 28
Table 8: Consistency with state environmental policies (SEPPs). ....................................................... 33
Table 9: Consistency with Section 9.1 Ministerial Directions. .............................................................. 35
Table 10 Existing, Compliant and Proposed Peak Hour Vehicle Trip Generation ............................... 40
Table 11: DCP Parking Rates for Existing, Scenario 1, Scenario 2 and Proposed development ....... 41
Table 12 Operational Impacts in Cronulla; Base Case and Proposal Case ........................................ 44
Table 13 Bus Service Frequencies ...................................................................................................... 46
Table 14: Indicative project timeline. .................................................................................................... 49
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
Page | 7
City Plan Strategy & Development (City Plan) has prepared this Planning Proposal (PP) on behalf of
Munro Operations Trust Pty Ltd (the proponent). It is submitted to Sutherland Shire Council (Council)
for assessment under Section 3.33 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A
The proposed amendment to the Sutherland Shire Local Environmental Plan 2015 (SSLEP) is site
specific and applies to a 1,424sqm site comprised of four (4) lots located directly east across from the
Cronulla Railway Station. The proposal applies to land legally described as Lots 1-4 in DP 18461, known
as 138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla (subject site) as shown in Figure 4.
The objectives of this PP are to:
Amend the floor space control to facilitate redevelopment of the site for a high quality, modern
commercial development;
Generate additional economic and employment opportunities with the Cronulla Town Centre,
close to the Cronulla railway station;
Support public domain revitalisation in Cronulla Mall through high quality architectural design
quality, enhanced urban design and street front activation; and
Facilitate a built form outcome that utilises established urban design principles to minimise
additional shadow impacts on Monro Park and adjoining development.
The proposal demonstrates strategic merit as it is consistent with the objectives of the State and Local
strategic planning framework. The need for this type of development has been identified in Sutherland
Shire Council's strategic planning framework including the Sutherland Community Strategy Plan (2017),
Sutherland Economic Strategy (2018) and the draft Sutherland Local Strategic Planning Statement
(LSPS, 2019). It will deliver considerable economic benefits to Cronulla by directly facilitating the
development of commercial floorspace and creation of local jobs. The resulting commercial floorspace
will specifically contribute to increasing professional, technical, scientific, construction and real estate
jobs in Cronulla.
The proposal demonstrates site specific merit with a built form resulting in a two (2) storey podium
containing food and beverage premises with commercial offices uses including shared co-working
space, up to a maximum building height of 25 metres. This PP clearly demonstrates the proposal is
consistent with the urban design context of the site, will not result in additional over shadowing of Munro
Park and create an intensity of development that can be accommodated with the existing transport
The indicative built form outcome will be achieved by introducing a Part 6 Local Provision into the SSLEP
as follows:
Insert a new site-specific subclause in Part 6 Local Provisions to include additional FSR for the
development of a fully commercial development on the site;
Retain the B3 Commercial Core zoning, permissible uses and maximum height, with changes
proposed to the applicable Floor Space Ratio control; and
Amend Sheet 008A of the Floor Space Ratio map to include a site-specific 'Area' provision
applicable to the subject site which permits an additional 0.9:1 FSR on the subject.
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
Page | 8
This report has been prepared by City Plan Strategy & Development (City Plan) on behalf of Monro
Operations Trust Pty Ltd to support an amendment to the Sutherland Shire Local Environmental Plan
2015 (SSLEP) for a 1,471sqm site at 138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla (Lots 1-4 of DP 18461). The
subject site is located in the Sutherland Shire Local Government Area (LGA) and shown in Figure 2.
The Planning Proposal (PP) seeks amendment of the SSLEP to facilitate the development of a
commercial building comprising strata offices, co-working spaces and food and drinks premises on the
subject site. The site is identified as a ‘gateway’ location in the Sutherland DCP 2015 (SSDCP) and
between two (2) major pedestrian links from Cronulla station to Cronulla beach and the mall. The
proposed amendment to controls would enable a built form which is largely consistent with the built form
envisaged by Council and in meeting the NSW Government's and Council's strategic objectives for the
The PP is consistent with the requirements of Section 3.33 of the Environmental Planning and
Assessment (EP&A) Act and in accordance with the Department of Planning and Environment's (DPE)
A guide to preparing Planning Proposals, and A guide to preparing local environmental plans (2016).
1.2.1. Background to previous Planning Proposal
A PP for this site was submitted to Council on 17 October 2019. The PP was considered by the
Sutherland Shire Local Planning Panel (SSLPP) on 17 December 2019 and on 21 January 2020. The
Officer's recommendation was for the PP to proceed to the Department of Planning, Industry and
Environment (DPIE) for gateway determination. The Local Planning Panel adopted this recommendation
on 21 January 2020.
The PP was presented to the Sutherland Shire Strategic Planning Committee on 10 February 2020 and
was again supported to proceed for a gateway determination.
On 24 February 2020, the PP was considered by at a full meeting of Sutherland Shire Council. The
report presented to Council recommended support for the PP to proceed for a gateway determination.
However, Council did not resolve to support the PP.
The proponent elected not to pursuit a rezoning review and instead has taken on board the concerns
raised by Councillors in their determination and has elected to prepare a new PP.
1.2.2. Consultation with Sutherland Council
The proponent and consultant team have had on-going discussions with Council Officers during the
preparation of this PP.
On 17 March 2020, the proponent held initial discussions with Councillors Forshaw and Scaysbrook
regarding the intention for a new proposal.
On 20 April 2020, a meeting was held with Councillors Provan, Simone and Forshaw to discuss the
suitability of the new PP.
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
Page | 9
Location and description
Figure 1 Proximity of Cronulla (in yellow) to the three CBD's in the Greater Sydney Region Plan (Source: Nearmap)
The site is located in the Cronulla Town Centre within the Sutherland Shire Local Government Area
(LGA), and geographically 20km southwest of the Sydney CBD. The site is within the 'South Districtof
the 'Greater Sydney Region' as defined by the Greater Sydney Commission.
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
Page | 10
Figure 2 Aerial of subject site (yellow) and local transport network (Source: Nearmap/CityPlan)
The subject site is located within the Sutherland Local Government Area (LGA) and within the Cronulla
'Local Centre', directly across from the Cronulla Railway Station and on the main pedestrian
thoroughfare towards Cronulla Beach. The site has access to the existing transport network offering rail,
bus and ferry options. The site offers a 30 minute drive to the Sydney Airport, and 45 minute drive and
60 minute transit by rail to the Sydney CBD respectively.
The site consists of four (4) allotments under the same deposited plan as illustrated in Figure 4 and
Figure 4 with a total site area of 1,424sqm.
Figure 3 Aerial 3D view of Cronulla Town Centre (Source: Nearmap)
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
Page | 11
Figure 4 Aerial view, subject site outlined in red and shaded yellow (Source: SixMaps)
Table 1: Lot Descriptions.
Lot Description
Approximate Site Area
Lot 1 DP 18461
138 Cronulla Street
Lot 2 DP 18461
138 Cronulla Street
Lot 3 DP 18461
138 Cronulla Street
Lot 4 DP 18461
138 Cronulla Street
Total Area
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
Page | 12
Current LEP Controls
The Sutherland Shire LEP 2015 has the following key development controls applicable to this site:
Zoning - B3 Commercial Core
Figure 5: Land Zoning Map, site outlined in red (Source:
NSW Legislation)
Building Height - 25 metres
Figure 6: Height of Building Map, site outlined in red (Source:
NSW Legislation)
Floor Space Ratio - 2:1
Figure 7: Land Zoning Map, site outlined in yellow (Source:
NSW Legislation)
Heritage Conservation Area
Figure 8: Heritage Conservation Area Map, site outlined in red
(Source: NSW Legislation)
The following land uses are permissible with consent on the site:
Centre-based child care facilities; Commercial premises; Community facilities; Educational
establishments; Entertainment facilities; Function centres; Hotel or motel accommodation; Information
and education facilities; Medical centres; Oyster aquaculture; Passenger transport facilities; Recreation
facilities (indoor); Registered clubs; Respite day care centres; Restricted premises; Roads; Tank-based
aquaculture; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 4
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
Page | 13
Existing Development
The subject site consists primarily of food and drinks retail premises within single storey tenancies
fronting both Cronulla Street and Beach Park Avenue. Rear access to the tenancies for deliveries and
on-site parking is located via Surf Lane.
The photos in Figure 9 - Figure 16 provide an illustrative overview of the existing development and its
relationship with the surrounding area. Further details and additional photos of the site and surrounding
locality are provided in the Urban Design Report prepared by Kennedy Associates (dated 27 April 2020)
at Appendix 4.
Figure 9: Subject site south east corner from Gerrale Street
Figure 10: Subject site south west corner from Cronulla
Figure 11: View down Beach Park Road from the subject site
Figure 12: View of Monro Park from subject site
Figure 13: View to Cronulla Station from subject site
Figure 14: View looking to centre of Munro Park
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
Page | 14
Figure 15: View looking towards subject site from corner of
Munro Park
Figure 16: View of Monro Park from subject site at ground
Adjacent and surrounding development
The site is conveniently located in Cronulla in close proximity to transport, retail, leisure, educational,
cultural and recreation services and amenities. There are several specialty eateries, cultural facilities
such as the Cronulla Arts Theatre, live music venues approximately 100 metres from the site, and
educational establishments in the area including the St Aloysius Catholic Primary School within 200
metres to the south-east of the site.
Adjoining the site to the north are retail tenancies within one and two storey buildings at the intersection
of Cronulla Street and Croydon Street. To the east, at the intersection of Beach Park Avenue and Surf
Lane are residential flat buildings ranging from two (2) to eight (8) storeys. Further south beyond Monro
Park are a mixture of single detached dwellings and two (2) storey commercial buildings.
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
Page | 15
An indicative design concept demonstrating a potential development outcome for the site has been
prepared by Innovate Architects (dated April 2020) and is included at Appendix 1.
Massing Principles
The design principles and rationale of the built form supporting the PP are detailed in the Urban Design
Report prepared by Kennedy Associates (dated 27 April 2020) included at Appendix 4. A summary of
the principles is provided in Table 2.
Table 2 Massing Principles (source: Kennedy Associates)
1. Sutherland Shire Development Control Plan 2015 Massing
The massing strategy is derived from the principles established
outlined in the SSDCP 2015 for the site. The SSDCP outlines
setbacks to Surf Lane and Beach Park Avenue, a podium of two
storeys and a tower located to the west. The massing anticipates a
shop top housing development with residential development.
2. Residential to Commercial
The SSDCP massing principles were designed to facilitate
residential development. As such, it allowed for building
separations, balconies and building depths compliant with ADG
controls. However, the indicative design concept consists of
commercial development only.
As residential uses are no longer applicable and commercial uses
are proposed, larger floor plates are provided to the north.
3. Corner Activation
The site is identified as a 'Gateway' location in the SSDCP, identified
by its location between two major pedestrian links, connecting the
Beach, Station and Mall.
To reinforce the pedestrian activity of the corner, the massing of the
lower podium will be sculpted to create a feature along the site. At
upper levels, a vertical 'pop out' is proposed.
4. Additional Floor Space
Additional massing is proposed at the 5th and 6th levels.
The location and size of the additional volumes have been carefully
considered to respond to the constraints of the site. The size and
shape of the volume is sculpted by successively receding the
massing to ensure that the proposal results in no additional
overshadowing onto Monro Park.
5. Proposed Scheme
The proposed massing strategy achieves a high level of consistency
with the objectives and principles established by the SSDCP with
rational modifications to achieve the intended outcome. The strategy
is considered to be an appropriate approach for distributing
floorspace across the site.
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
Page | 16
Design Concept
As Sydney's density increases, mixed use development in close proximity to transport infrastructure
makes walking or public transport a healthier and more convenient option than driving. Desirability, ease
of access and being central to the broader community creates an alternative work environment to the
traditional car centric suburban context. The design concept provides for and attracts the establishment
of small businesses that have a focus on the creation of local professional jobs within Cronulla, which
are currently catered for in Cronulla in a limited capacity.
The proposed commercial development will provide a building form and layout that is both consistent
with the massing identified in Council's DCP and within the future urban structure of the Cronulla centre.
The site's location is identified as a gateway location in Council's DCP and as such a 'stand out' building
with an exemplary architectural design is anticipated within this location.
The design philosophy has been to adopt a zero setback on the northern elevation to minimise
overshadowing of Monro Park. The maximum opportunity to relocate the building off the boundary would
be 1.5 metres due to functional floor plate layout which would create a narrow, window tunnel and be
an unusable, unsafe corridor between this building and any future development adjacent.
The existing lot configuration means that the northern elevation of any future development of the subject
site will be exposed and visible until such time as the adjoining site is redeveloped. Careful consideration
has been given to the most architectural treatment of this elevation.
The proposed controls allow for a podium consisting of food and beverage floorspace and co-working
spaces beneath commercial office floorspace. The Gross Floor Area (GFA) of each use is described in
Table 3.
Table 3: Proposed uses.
Built Form
Ground Floor
Food and Beverage
Level 1
Food and Beverage
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
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138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
Page | 17
Objectives of the Planning Proposal
The objectives of this PP are to:
Amend the floor space control to facilitate redevelopment of the site for a high quality, modern
commercial development;
Provide additional employment opportunities with the Cronulla Town Centre, close to the Cronulla
railway station;
Support public domain revitalisation in Cronulla Mall through high quality architectural design
quality, enhanced urban design and street front activation;
Facilitate a built form outcome that utilises the established principles of Council’s DCP, so as to
minimise additional shadow impacts on Monro Park or adjoining development.
Figure 17 Photomontage of indicative concept (source: Innovate Architects)
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138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
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Figure 18 View of Indicative Concept from Cronulla Station (source: Innovate)
Figure 19 View of Indicative Concept from Cronulla Street (source: Innovate)
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138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
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Amendment to Sutherland Shire Local Environmental Plan 2015
This Planning Proposal seeks to amend the applicable FSR control in the Sutherland Shire Local
Environmental Plan 2015.
No other LEP amendments are proposed.
Table 4: Proposed controls.
B3 Commercial Core
No change
Building Height
25 metres
No change
Floor Space Ratio
The proposed FSR amendment could be achieved via 'Part 6 - Additional local provision' as suggested
below. It is understood that Parliamentary Counsel will prepare formal wording of this clause when the
planning proposal proceeds to finalisation.
6.23 138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows:
(a) To encourage commercial development adjacent to the Cronulla Railway Station and within
walking distance of the Cronulla Local Centre and Cronulla Beach;
(b) To promote local employment opportunities within Cronulla; and
(c) To be a catalyst for the revitalisation of the southern end of the Cronulla Local Centre.
(2) This clause applies to the land identified as "Area 13" on the Floor Space Ratio Map.
(3) Despite Clause 4.3 (2), the maximum floor space ratio for a building on land to which this clause
applies may exceed the maximum floor space ratio shown for the land on the Floor Space Ratio Map
by an additional 0.9:1 if the additional floor space resultant from this clause is for the purposes of
commercial premises.
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138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
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Sutherland Shire Development Control Plan 2015
5.2.1. Building Envelope
To support the desired built form outcomes proposed in this planning proposal, it is anticipated that
minor amendments to the Sutherland Shire Development Control Plan 2015 will be required.
Figure 20 provides a comparison of the existing and proposed building envelope controls for the site.
Figure 20 Existing and Proposed Building Envelope (source: Innovate Architects)
Existing Building Envelope Proposed Building Envelope
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
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5.2.2. Cronulla Town Centre Building Height Map
The following maps (Figure 22 and Figure 23) are an extract from Section 4.1 of the SSDCP 2015
Chapter 19 B3 Commercial Core Cronulla and should the PP be gazetted, provides the required
changes to the Height of Building map applicable to the site.
Figure 21: Existing Height of Building Map, Sheet 008A (extract)
Figure 22: Proposed Floor Space Ratio Map, Sheet 008A (extract)
21m (6-7 Storeys)
17m (5 Storeys)
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138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
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5.2.3. Beach Park Avenue (Opposite Monro Park) Map
The proposal requires a mapping change to Section 5.4 of the SSDCP 2015 Chapter 19 B3 Commercial
Core Cronulla as identified in Figure 23 and Figure 24.
Figure 23: Existing Beach Park Avenue (Opposite Monro Park) Map
Figure 24: Proposed Beach Park Avenue (Opposite Monro Park) Map
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138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
Page | 23
Need for a Planning Proposal
6.1.1. Is the PP a result of an endorsed local strategic planning statement, strategic study
or report?
Yes. The PP arises from the objectives that underpin the Sutherland Economic Strategy (Strategy) which
was made in November 2018. The purpose of the Strategy is to outline the key economic objectives that
will contribute to enhancing the vibrancy, liveability, economic diversity and sustainability of the
Sutherland Shire. The Strategy is part of Council's Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework and
aligned to Council's Community Strategic Plan. The relevant outcomes of the Strategy in relation to the
PP are:
Outcome 1 Provide a prosperous community with a fulfilling work/life balance
The objective of Outcome 1 is to increase the total number of local jobs by 10,000 FTE (totalling 87,037
jobs) by 2030. This represents an increase of 588 jobs per year from 2019 to 2030. The PP will directly
contribute to this objective by amending the relevant planning controls applicable to the site to facilitate
the construction of commercial office floorspace on the site. This in turn will provide existing local
businesses and coworking space communities within the Sutherland Shire with additional opportunities
for office floorspace through to 2036. The PP will also provide retail employment floorspace to assist in
the creation of local jobs to contribute to Cronulla's existing café culture.
The 'Strategic Approach' employed by this Outcome to achieve its objective, as part of Point 1.2,
specifically seeks to "encourage the growth of the professional, scientific and technical services".
Additionally, Point 1.4 of the Approach seeks to market the Sutherland Shire as a suitable location for
professional services.
As shown in Figure 25, from Financial Years (FY) 2011/12 to FY 2016/17, the output of the ten largest
industry sectors in the Sutherland Shire has shown a sharp decline in Manufacturing with an overall
increase in the remaining nine sectors. Specifically, the four industries experiencing the largest growth
output over this period were Real Estate (+825m), Construction (+731m), Professional Services
(+629m) and Financial Services (+388m). The PP would directly contribute to the growth of these
industries by providing commercial office floorspace and co-working spaces for startups and the growth
and establishment of Professional Services and Financial Services firms. The PP would also indirectly
contribute to the Construction and Real Estate industries by providing FTE employment during
construction and sales phases.
Outcome 2 A diverse, resilient and self-sustaining business community providing a prosperous
and fulfilling lifestyle
The objective of Outcome 2 is to increase Sutherland Shire's business output (turnover) by 15% by
2030. The Strategic Approaches from this Outcome seek to "proactively market the Sutherland Shire as
a location for business, commercial investment and a diversified workforce" (2.3), and to "undertake
research on opportunities for increased business accommodation in Sutherland Shire" (2.9). The
outcomes resulting from the PP would be consistent with Outcome 2 as the PP would provide additional
opportunities for business activity and contribute to increasing the turnover of business output in
Cronulla and by extension to Sutherland.
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Figure 25 Output by Industry Sector (in Sutherland Shire) from 2011/12 to 2016/17 (graph: City Plan / data: Sutherland Economic
Sutherland Shire Council has also prepared a draft Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) which
was exhibited from 11 September 2019 - 25 October 2019, to provide the strategic planning framework
to guide future development decisions. Consistency with the draft Sutherland Shire LSPS which was
presented to Council post exhibition is demonstrated in Table 7.
6.1.2. Is the Planning Proposal the best means of achieving the objectives or intended
outcomes, or is there a better way?
Yes, commercial development is currently permissible on the site. A PP is the only mechanism to amend
the development standards applicable to the site.
Relationship to Strategic Planning Framework
6.2.1. Will the PP give effect to the objectives and actions of the applicable regional, or
district plan or strategy (including any exhibited draft plans or strategies)?
This PP directly supports and implements the priorities for Cronulla identified in "A Metropolis of Three
Cities, The Greater Sydney Region Plan" (Region Plan) and the "South District Plan" (District Plan) by
supporting the development of employment generating floorspace and providing jobs closer to homes
and next to major public transport infrastructure.
Cronulla is defined as a 'Local Centre' under the South District Plan which has a baseline target of
241,500 jobs by 2036 which represents 10% of the Greater Sydney Region total of 2,439,800 jobs by
This PP is capable of assisting the centre in meeting its expected increase in employment by providing
a total of approximately 4,138.5 sqm of employment floorspace. This represents a net increase of
approximately 3,100sqm when compared to the existing uses on the site currently (approximately 1,000
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sqm), translating to a total of 130 FTE local jobs in operational phase and 81 FTE jobs during
construction phase.
The Region Plan outlines strategies to support proposals that increase investment and business activity
in centres. Objective 22 of the Region Plan emphasises the need to attract investment in centres to
facilitate jobs growth and diversify the types of jobs in centres (Strategy 22.1). This Planning Priority
reinforces the need for alternative commercial floorspace and to provide a variety of jobs in Cronulla.
Planning Priority S9 of the District Plan relates to Objective 22 of the Region Plan and seeks to support
the growth of business opportunities and jobs in centres. Specifically, the PP will provide a unique
opportunity to facilitate the development of 'smart work hubs' which offer the conveniences of modern
offices in local areas by providing high speed internet, meeting rooms and video conferencing facilities.
Consistency with the Greater Sydney Region Plan’s planning priorities, objectives and actions is
demonstrated in Table 5.
Table 5: Consistency with Greater Sydney Region Plan and South District Plan.
Planning Priority
Priority S1: A
city supported
Objective 2:
aligns with
forecast growth
- growth
Objective 4:
use is
Action 3:
Align forecast growth with
Action 4:
Sequence infrastructure
provision using a place-based
Action 6:
Maximise the utility of existing
infrastructure assets and
consider strategies to
influence behaviour/changes
to reduce the demand for new
The proposed
amendment to the
SSLEP provides the
opportunity to stimulate
redevelopment and
economic investment
on a site that is well
served by existing
public transport, social
infrastructure and all
essential utilities and
Priority S4:
culturally rich
and socially
Objective 7:
are healthy,
resilient and
Action 10:
Deliver healthy, safe and
inclusive places for people of
all ages and abilities that
support active, resilient and
socially connected
communities by providing
walkable places at a human
scale with active street life
The PP facilitates a
development that will
activate the ground
floor by providing a
family oriented
community destination,
thereby promoting the
east-west walkability
across the Cronulla
local centre from the
Cronulla railway station
to Cronulla Beach.
Priority S6:
Creating and
renewing great
places and
local centres,
and respecting
the District's
Objective 12:
Great places
that bring
Objective 13:
heritage is
conserved and
Action 18:
Using a place-based and
collaborative approach
throughout planning, design,
development and
management, deliver great
places by:
(a) Prioritising a people-
friendly public realm and
open space as a central
organising design
The PP facilitates a
development outcome
that contributes to the
public domain by
providing food and
drinks premises.
The PP will comprise a
diversity of land use
mix in a location within
25 metres of the
Cronulla railway station
and within close
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Planning Priority
(b) Recognising and
balancing the dual function
of streets as places for
people and movement,
(c) Providing fine grain urban
form, diverse land use mix,
high amenity and
walkability in and within a
10-minute walk of centres,
(d) Integrating social
infrastructure to support
connections and provide a
community hub,
(e) Recognising and
celebrating the character
of a place and its people.
proximity to the centre
of Cronulla.
Priority S11:
growth of
Objective 24:
sectors are
targeted for
Action 45:
When preparing plans for
tourism and visitation,
(a) encouraging the
development of a range of
well-designed and located
(b) enhancing the amenity,
vibrancy and safety of
centres and township
(c) supporting the
development of places for
artistic and cultural
(d) improving public facilities
and access
(e) protecting heritage and
biodiversity and to
enhance cultural and eco-
(f) supporting appropriate
growth of the night-time
(g) developing industry skills
critical to growing the
visitor economy
Action 46:
Consider opportunities to
implement place-based
initiatives to attract more
visitors, improve visitor
experiences and ensure
connections to transport at
key tourist attractions.
Action 47:
Consider opportunities to
enhance the tourist and visitor
economy in the District,
including a coordinated
The PP facilitates a
development outcome
6. Is consistent with the
built form outcome
envisioned by
7. Is respectful of its
context adjacent to
the heritage listed
Monro Park.
8. Enhances the
amenity of the
subject site by
significantly more
employment than the
currently on the site,
within the Cronulla
9. Will provide
floorspace that may
be used for
community cultural
events to support the
tourism and night
time economy; and
10. Has
considered the
nearby heritage
items by providing a
built form that is
consistent with the
anticipated height for
the site.
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Planning Priority
approach to tourism activities,
events and accommodation.
Action 48:
Create capacity for tourist
accommodation in appropriate
locations through LEPs.
Priority S15:
urban tree
canopy cover
and delivering
Green Grid
Objective 30:
Urban tree
canopy cover is
Objective 32:
The Green Grid
links parks,
open spaces,
bushland and
walking and
cycling paths.
Action 70:
Progressively refine the
detailed design and delivery
(a) Greater Sydney Green
Grid priority corridors and
projects important to the
(b) opportunities for
connections that form the
long-term vision of the
(c) walking and cycling links
for transport as well as
leisure and recreational
The subject site is
identified as Project 7
on the "Projects
important to District"
list. This includes a
cluster of projects to
connect Kamay Botany
Bay National Park and
Bonna Point Reserve to
The site adjoins Monro
Park which connects a
series of open spaces
within Cronulla.
The PP will enhance
the usability of the park
by providing enhanced
street front activation
and promote the
existing walking
pathway from Cronulla
station to Cronulla
Table 6: DPIE Assessment Criteria for assessing PP's.4138
Does the proposal have strategic merit?
Will it?
Give effect to the relevant regional plan outside
of the Greater Sydney Region Plan, the relevant
district plan within the Greater Sydney Region, or
corridor/precinct plans applying to the site,
including any draft regional, district or
corridor/precinct plans released for public
Yes - refer to Table 5.
Give effect to a relevant local strategic planning
statement or strategy that has been endorsed by
the Department or required as part of a regional
or district plan or local strategic planning
Yes - refer to Table 7.
Responding to a change in circumstances, such
as the investment in new infrastructure or
changing demographic trends that have not been
recognised by existing strategic plans.
The Sutherland Shire LEP was gazetted in 2015
and is therefore 4 years old.
Consequently, the LEP has not considered the
growth anticipated by the Greater Sydney Region
Plan as the Plan was a draft in 2017. Accordingly,
the South District Plan and 2016 population,
employment and dwelling projections were
released after the gazettal of this LEP.
This PP is capable of assisting the local centre in
accommodating this growth by providing
approximately 4,138.5sqm of commercial
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Does the proposal have strategic merit?
Will it?
floorspace on the site. This represents an
increase of 1,281sqm additional floorspace over
what is currently permissible on the site.
Does the site have site-specific merit, having regard to the following?
The natural environment (including known
significant values, resources or hazards),
The PP is within an existing urban environment
and is not subject to environmental constraints.
The existing uses, approved uses, and likely
future uses of land in the vicinity of the proposal;
The PP has taken into consideration its
surrounding urban context and the likely uses of
the land. The proposal is consistent with the built
form massing and heights currently within the
Cronulla local centre.
The indicative concept is consistent with the
existing uses and approved uses surrounding the
The services and infrastructure that are or will be
available to meet the demands arising from the
proposal and any proposed financial
arrangements for infrastructure provision.
Existing utility services will adequately service
any future development proposal as a result of
this PP.
6.2.2. Will the PP give effect to a Council's endorsed local strategic planning statement, or
another endorsed local strategic or strategic plan?
This PP will give effect to the Sutherland draft Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) as
demonstrated in Table 7.
Table 7: Consistency with draft LSPS.
Planning Priority
PP1: Align future
planning to
1.1 Land use planning will consider the capacity of
existing infrastructure, committed improvements
and forecast demand from the existing population.
1.2 Timing of planning changes will be
coordinated and proportioned to align with
infrastructure investment decisions.
The PP is consistent with
this priority. The resultant
uplift arising from this PP
(compared to existing
controls) will contain the
parking requirements and
traffic generation of the
proposal. As
demonstrated in Appendix
2, the proposal would not
burden existing
infrastructure capacity.
PP2: Realise the
2.1 Advocate for the F6 corridor to be a multi-
modal link.
2.2 Advocate for expediting the later stages of the
F6 Motorway.
2.3 Collaborate on planning for the F6 corridor.
PP3: Miranda to
Kogarah Mass
Transit Link
3.1 Collaborate on planning for the mass transit
3.2 Protect the corridor, once the alignment has
been determined
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Planning Priority
3.3 Undertake place based planning for centres
that benefit from infrastructure investment
4.1 Identify and prioritise collaboration
opportunities with TfNSW
4.2 Identify and prioritise collaboration
opportunities with Local Aboriginal Land Councils
4.3 Identify and prioritise collaboration
opportunities with sports and recreation groups
4.4 Identify and prioritise collaboration
opportunities with strategic land holders
The PP provides an
opportunity for
collaboration between
Council and the owner of
a strategic site in the
Cronulla Town Centre.
PP5: Respect
Local Character
5.1 Identify locations for the preparation of local
character statements
5.2 Prepare local character statements
5.3 Review LEP and DCP provisions to
incorporate local character statements
5.4 Advocate for changes to State Planning
policies to reflect local character statements
The PP respects local
character as the built form
is consistent with the
height envisaged by the
The PP will facilitate the
development of a
considerable amount of
commercial and
employment floorspace
which aligns with the
strategic objectives for
PP6: Open Space
and Sporting
6.1 Develop a Demand Management Plan for
6.2 Provide open space within 10 minute walk of
homes in low and medium density residential
6.3 Provide open space within 5 minute walk of
homes in higher density residential areas
6.4 Develop a Demand Management Plan for
6.5 Prioritise removal of barriers to disability
inclusion and provide facilities to include people of
all levels of ability, when preparing Masterplans or
Plans of Management for open space
6.6 Create partnerships with agencies, interest
groups and user groups to explore more
opportunities for destination walks, mountain
biking and adventure activities in bushland.
PP7: Community
7.1 Develop a strategic and facilities plan for
library services
7.2 Collaborate to jointly use school facilities, such
as halls, stages and studio/workshop space for
creative activities
7.3 Prepare sector plans for Child & Family;
Youth; Seniors; People with Disability and Mental
Health; Multicultural; Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander; and Vulnerable communities
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Planning Priority
7.4 Refurbish the Sutherland Entertainment
7.5 Refurbish the Sutherland School of Arts.
7.6 Facilitate multiple and shared use of
community halls/ buildings
7.7 Ensure the spatial distribution of community
halls/ buildings across Sutherland Shire and the
services they provide are appropriate for growing
and changing community needs
PP8: Housing
8.1 Prepare a housing strategy
8.2 Undertake research and policy development
work to facilitate affordable rental housing
PP9: Attractive
Public Places
9.1 Prepare place based plans for the strategic
centres of Miranda and Sutherland/Kirrawee
9.2 Collaborate with Transport for NSW to
implement the Movement and Place Framework in
9.3 Prepare place based plans for Caringbah,
Engadine and Menai
9.4 Review strategies to create safe and vibrant
night time economy
9.5 Prepare tailored Plans of Management for key
recreation destinations/ foreshore parks
9.6 Continue the implementation of the Cronulla
Mall upgrade project
The PP will facilitate
achievement of Action 9.6
by providing a catalyst for
investment and
rejuvenation of Cronulla
PP10: Grow
Strategic Centre
10.1 Support the growth of Sutherland/Kirrawee
as an 'integrated centre'
10.2 Review and update existing place-based
plans for Sutherland/Kirrawee and Miranda to
support the role and function of the centres
10.3 Support the strengthen Sutherland/Kirrawee
and Miranda's centres night-time economy
10.4 Enhance public spaces to make a more
attractive shopping destination
10.5 Partner to achieve a movement and place
solution for traffic
10.6 Collaborate to ensure that future transport
infrastructure supports the growth of jobs in
Sutherland/Kirrawee and Miranda
10.7 Commission expert advise to identify
opportunities to increase employment and
economic activity in Sutherland/Kirrawee and
Miranda centres
PP11: Grow
Medical Precinct
11.1 Monitor the success of Caringbah Medical
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Planning Priority
11.2 Advocate for increased specialisations in
health services and opportunities for further
education and training
11.3 Collaborate to ensure that future transport
infrastructure optimises access links to medical
11.4 Undertake place-based planning for the
11.5 Explore options to strengthen the
connectivity between the Kareena and Sutherland
hospitals, the Caringbah Medical Precinct and
Miranda and Caringbah Centres
12.1 Continue to participate in the ANSTO
collaboration area an all-of-government
approach to growing the precinct
12.2 Assist in implementing the Place Strategy as
developed by the ANSTO collaborative process
12.3 Advocate for improved transport and access
links to the Lucas Heights campus
12.4 Advocate for upgrades to New Illawarra Road
and Heathcote Road to improve safety
12.5 Apply broad land use permissibility to the
ANSTO precinct to ensure flexible uses can be
PP13: Grow
Industrial and
Urban Services
13.1 Retain and manage all land zoned for
industrial and urban services
13.2 Retain the potential of Kurnell industrial lands
to accommodate large format businesses,
industrial and urban services
13.3 Retain and manage strategic maritime use in
the IN4 zone
13.4 Review the role and function of the Kirrawee
Industrial precinct to support employment growth in
a way that has synergies
with the Sutherland/Kirrawee strategic centre
13.5 Commission a strategic review of industrial
lands to gain an understanding of current and
emerging industrial and urban service activities
and their requirements
PP14: Connected
14.1 Support improved connections and
connectivity between and within the centres,
including opportunities and facilities for walking
and cycling, local buses and on-demand transport
14.2 Plan for coordinated freight and distribution
networks and last mile delivery
14.3 Protect the long-term operational role &
efficiency of Sydney Airport from inappropriate
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Planning Priority
PP15: Support
the growth of the
tourism industry
15.1 Investigate opportunities to enhance and
grow visitor experiences in Sutherland Shire
15.2 Support initiatives to increase short stay
visitor accommodation opportunities in Cronulla
and surrounding areas
15.3 Explore opportunities to improve navigation
and accessibility to key visitor places/experiences
The PP will facilitate
redevelopment of the site
that will provide a more
vibrant and attractive
environment for tourists
in Cronulla.
PP16: Improve
the quality of our
waterways and
16.1 Finalise and implement the Environment and
Sustainability Strategy and Plans
16.2 Retain LEP and DCP provisions to protect
and enhance the waterways and foreshores
16.3 Prepare and implement a Coastal Zone
Management Plan for Bate Bay
16.4 Develop and implement a Catchment and
Waterway Management Strategy and Plans
16.5 Prepare a Coastal Destination Management
PP17: Protect
and enhance
natural habitats
and landscapes
17.1 Retain the Greenweb strategy in the DCP to
create biodiversity corridors and connect areas of
fragmented habitat
17.2 Retain LEP and DCP provisions to protect
and enhance areas of urban bushland,
biodiversity, Aboriginal heritage and scenic
PP18: Increase
urban tree canopy
18.1 Continue the Green Streets program
18.2 Continue the Bushcare program
18.3 Execute Stage 1 of the 5 Million Trees
18.4 Retain LEP and DCP provisions to ensure
sufficient space for canopy trees and indigenous
local planting
18.5 Seek funding for future stages of 5 Million
Trees Program
PP19: Establish
green grid
19.1 Incorporate Green Grid into LEP and DCP
19.2 Prepare a Staged Delivery Plan to implement
the Sutherland Shire Green Grid Strategy
PP20: Improve
energy, water and
waste efficiency
20.1 Encourage initiatives that contribute towards
achieving low-carbon, high efficiency strategies on
sites or contiguous areas larger than 10 hectares
20.2 Advocate for improved waste management
requirements under SEPP 65
20.3 Ensure LEP has broad permissibility to
support waste recycling facilities and emerging
waste management solutions appropriate
20.4 Update and implement the Waste
Management Policy and Strategy
The future development
arising from this PP is
anticipated to be a
leading example of low-
carbon, high efficiency
building design and
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Planning Priority
20.5 Advocate for improvements to, and the wider
application of BASIX
PP21: Manage
risks to life and
property from
21.1 Continue to manage the risk to life and
property from natural hazards through the
planning framework
21.2 Adopt a precautionary approach to the risk
proposed by fuel storage at Kurnell and limit
residential density in Kurnell accordingly
21.3 Review LEP provisions to respond to
improved technologies and reduced risks at
21.4 Prepare a Coastal Vulnerability map and
implement the Coastal management SEPP
21.5 Respond to the impacts of urban heat on our
community through tree planting, landscaping
improvements and sustainable urban design
6.2.3. Is the planning proposal consistent with applicable state environmental planning
This PP is consistent with all applicable State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs) as shown in
Table 8.
Table 8: Consistency with state environmental policies (SEPPs).
SEPP Title
1. Development Standards Consistent
19. Bushland in Urban Areas
21. Caravan Parks
33. Hazardous and Offensive
Development Complex
36. Manufactured Home Estates
44. Koala Habitat Protection
47. Moore Park Showground
50. Canal Estate Development
55. Remediation of Land
The State Environmental Planning Policy
Amendment (Minor Amendments) 2020
(published 17 April 2020) omits Clause 6
of State Environmental Planning Policy
No 55 - Remediation of Land which
required "contamination and remediation
to be considered in zoning or rezoning" of
a PP. Considerations of this SEPP in
relation to this PP are therefore not
64. Advertising and Signage
65. Design Quality of Residential Flat
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SEPP Title
70. Affordable Housing (Revised
SEPP (Building Sustainability Index:
BASIX) 2004
SEPP (Housing for Seniors or People with
a Disability) 2004
SEPP (Major Projects) 2005
SEPP (Sydney Region Growth Centres)
SEPP (Infrastructure) 2007
The PP will not contain provisions that
will contradict or hinder application of this
SEPP (Kosciuszko National Park-Alpine
Resorts) 2007
SEPP (Mining, Petroleum Production and
Extractive Industries) 2007
SEPP (Temporary Structures and Places
of Public Entertainment) 2007
SEPP (Exempt and Complying
Development Codes) 2008
The PP will not contain provisions that
will contradict or hinder application of this
SEPP (Western Sydney Parklands) 2009
SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009
SEPP (Educational Establishments) 2017
SEPP (Vegetation in Non-Rural Areas)
The PP will not contain provisions that
will contradict or hinder application of this
SEPP (Coastal Management) 2018
The PP will not contain provisions that
will contradict or hinder application of this
SEPP (Gosford City Centre) 2018
SEPP (Concurrences) 2018
SEPP (Aboriginal Land) 2019
SEPP (Primary Production and Rural
Development) 2019
There are no deemed State Environmental Planning Policies (former Regional Environmental Plans
(REPs)) applicable to the PP.
6.2.4. Is the planning proposal consistent with the applicable Ministerial directions (s.9.1
This PP is consistent with all relevant Directions issued under Section 9.1 of the Act, as demonstrated
in Table 9.
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Table 9: Consistency with Section 9.1 Ministerial Directions.
Direction Title
Employment and Resources
1.1 Business and Industrial Zones
The PP promotes employment growth and
supports the viability of the Cronulla Local
1.2 Rural Zones
1.3 Mining, Petroleum Production and
Extractive Industries
1.4 Oyster Aquaculture
1.5 Rural Lands
Environment and Heritage
2.1 Environment Protection Zones
2.2 Coastal Protection
The PP is located in close proximity to
"coastal land" as defined under the
Coastal Management Act 2016. While not
being within land designated under the Act
or Ministerial Direction 2.2, the PP is
therefore not inconsistent with the
objectives or this Direction.
2.3 Heritage Conservation
The site is not an item of heritage
significance. However, the site is located
in close proximity to two heritage items
being the Cronulla Station and Monro
Park. The proposed development will not
detract from the significance of the area as
the indicative design concept would not
result in any overshadowing onto either
Heritage Item. The approach taken will
preserve the heritage value of the locality
as noted by the attached Heritage Impact
Statement (Appendix 6).
2.4 Recreation Vehicle Areas
2.5 Application of E2 and E3 Zones and
Environmental Overlays in Far North
Coast LEPs
2.6 Remediation of Contaminated Land
The PP does not propose to rezone the
Housing, Infrastructure and Urban Development
3.1 Residential zones
3.2 Caravan Parks and Manufactured
Home Estates
3.3 Home Occupations
3.4 Integrating land use and transport
The PP will enable retail and commercial
development in close proximity to public
transport (bus, rail and ferry) services
encouraging walking, cycling and use of
public transport.
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Direction Title
3.5 Development Near Licensed
3.6 Shooting Ranges
3.7 Reduction in non-hosted short term
rental accommodation period
Hazard and Risk
4.1 Acid sulphate soils
The PP would not be inconsistent with the
objectives of this Direction.
4.2 Mine Subsidence and Unstable Land
4.3 Flood Prone Land
The site is not located within flood prone
land. Accordingly, Direction 4.3 is not
4.4 Planning for Bushfire Protection
The site is not located within a Bushfire
prone area. Accordingly, Direction 4.4 is
not applicable.
Regional Planning
5.1 Implementation of Regional Strategies
The PP is consistent with this Ministerial
Direction as demonstrated in Table 5.
5.2 Sydney Drinking Water Catchments
The PP will be consistent with this
Ministerial Direction.
5.3 Farmland of State and Regional
Significance on the NSW Far North
5.4 Commercial and Retail Development
along the Pacific Highway, North
5.9 North West Rail Link Corridor Strategy
5.10 Implementation of Regional Plans
The PP is consistent with this Ministerial
Direction as demonstrated in Table 5.
5.11 Development of Aboriginal Land
Council land
Local Plan Making
6.1 Approval and Referral Requirements
The PP is consistent with this Ministerial
6.2 Reserving Land for Public Purposes
The PP is consistent with this Ministerial
6.3 Site Specific Provisions
The PP is consistent with this Ministerial
Metropolitan Planning
7.1 Implementation of the Metropolitan
Plan for Sydney 2036
The PP is consistent with this Ministerial
Direction as demonstrated in Table 5.
7.2 Implementation of Greater Macarthur
Land Release Investigation
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Direction Title
7.3 Parramatta Road Corridor Urban
Transformation Strategy
7.4 Implementation of North West Priority
Growth Area Land Use and
Infrastructure Implementation Plan
7.5 Implementation of Greater Parramatta
Priority Growth Area Interim Land Use
and Infrastructure Implementation
7.6 Implementation of Wilton Priority
Growth Area Interim Land Use and
Infrastructure Implementation Plan
7.7 Implementation of Glenfield to
Macarthur Urban Renewal Corridor
7.8 Implementation of Western Sydney
Aerotropolis Interim Land Use and
Infrastructure Implementation Plan
7.9 Implementation of Bayside West
Precincts 2036 Plan
7.10 Implementation of Planning
Principles for the Cooks Cove
Environmental, Social and Economic Impact
6.3.1. Is there any likelihood that critical habitat or threatened species, populations or
ecological communities, or their habitats will be adversely affected as a result of the
The subject site is located within an existing urban environment and does not contain critical habitat or
threatened species, population or ecological communities, or their habitats.
6.3.2. Are there any other likely environmental effects as a result of the planning proposal
and how are they proposed to be managed?
The existing FSR control applicable to the site allows for a maximum developable floorspace of
2,848sqm. The proposed amendment to the control would facilitate approximately 4,138.5sqm of
commercial floorspace. This represents an increase of approximately 1,300sqm of additional
commercial floorspace on site over a compliant development under existing controls.
A summary of the key findings of assessments and studies undertaken to determine the environmental
effects of the proposed increase in floorspace are shown in the following. Heritage
A Heritage Impact Statement (HIS) has been prepared by NBRS Architecture and accompanies the PP
at Appendix 5.
The subject site is not listed as an item of local heritage significance, however the site is located in the
vicinity of a number of heritage listed items, as identified in Schedule 5 of the Sutherland LEP 2015,
which includes:
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Item 1013, Monro Park, bus shelter, gate posts and monument, 146 Cronulla Street, Cronulla;
Item 1007, Cronulla Railway Station, Cronulla Street.
Cronulla Railway Station is also listed on the NSW State Heritage Register, listing number 01123.
The assessment has evaluated the impact of the PP using the criteria set out in the NSW Heritage
Division publication 'Statements of Heritage Impact' using the following criteria:
Legibility: potential loss of legibility of the cultural significance of an item, i.e. if the proposed
development interferes with the item's architectural aesthetic;
The heritage items surrounding the site identify the cultural significance of the development of Cronulla
historically. Commercial uses formed the core of the centre of Cronulla and were surrounded by
residential areas further away from the station. Future development will support this trend as the suburb
is developed.
The HIA concluded that the buildings on the site are not architecturally related to the style of Cronulla
Station and the redevelopment of the site by way of a PP will not affect the legibility of the Station. The
Station will continue to signify and operate as an architectural example and example of the typology of
train stations. Further, the scale of the proposed development is acceptable in terms of potential heritage
impacts onto Monro Park as it will not detract from the legibility of the Park as it is a district landscaped
Scale: potential overscaling of development near a heritage item, resulting in dominance over
that item and a consequent reduction in the ability of the general public to appreciate the heritage
The HIA concludes that the PP will facilitate the development of a building which is comparable in height
to several nearby apartment blocks. The proposed building will be of a larger scale than the existing
buildings on the site and will result in a change of urban and architectural character to the immediate
area surrounding Cronulla Station.
The significant landscape qualities of Monro Park are experienced at ground level and will continue to
be utilised and appreciated within an altered context. The architectural qualities of Cronulla Station will
also be retained. Overall, the proposed development is acceptable with regard to potential heritage
Amenity: potential loss of amenity to a heritage item should its setting and surrounding public
domain be affected; and
The HIA concludes that amenity may be lost when altering use or employment of a heritage item in its
immediate setting, overshadowing or loss of outlook or views. The proposed development would be
acceptable it would not impact on the amenity of nearby heritage items.
A potential reduction in amenity is identified with regard to potential overshadowing of Monro Park.
However, the proposal is consistent with the anticipated height for the site and potential shadows over
Monro Park are in accordance with shadows anticipated for a compliant development as shown in Figure
Views: potential loss of views to or from a heritage item if these views are deemed historically
important and contribute to the cultural significance of an item.
The HIA concludes that existing views from Monro Park and Cronulla Station will be retained. Views to
both heritage items from street level and the experiential qualities of each are important aspects of their
heritage significance which will be retained.
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The site is located on the existing northern edge of Monro Park and will not impact its eastern, western
and southern edges. The visibility of the park, including its landscape elements and built structures will
be retained by the PP. Views of Monro Park which are currently obtained from its boundary streets,
Cronulla Street, Surf Lane and Laycock Avenue will be retained. Sun and Shadow Conditions
The maximum extent of overshadowing generated in mid-winter by the indicative design concept is
shown in Figure 26.
Figure 26: Comparison of Compliant (red line) and Proposed overshadowing in mid-winter (source: Innovate)
The shadow diagrams in Figure 26 demonstrate that the redevelopment of the site is almost entirely
consistent with the anticipated shadows expected from a compliant development. The proposal will
result in slight additional overshadowing towards the eastern portion of the site at 3pm for approximately
30 - 60 minutes in mid-winter.
This additional floorspace requested sought as part of this PP is therefore considered consistent with
the shadows anticipated by a development at the site as any potential overshadowing that may be
generated would be minor and would not adversely affect the adjacent heritage items beyond the
overshadowing anticipated from a compliant development. Traffic and Transport
A Traffic and Transport Impact Assessment (TIA) has been prepared by Ason Group (dated 24 April
2020) to determine if any environmental effects will result from the proposed increase in floorspace and
accompanies this PP at Appendix 2.
Traffic Generation
The potential trip generation of the retail and commercial floorspace permissible under current controls
has been calculated in comparison to existing, two (2) "Complying scenarios" and the proposed
development. These scenarios both comprise 1,200sqm GFA of retail/food and beverage premises with
either: 17 residential units (Scenario 1) or 1,650sqm GFA of commercial (office) area (Scenario 2). The
trip generation rates of the existing development, both scenarios and the proposed development have
been calculated in Table 10:
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Table 10 Existing, Compliant and Proposed Peak Hour Vehicle Trip Generation (source: Ason Group)
Land Use
Retail GFA (sqm)
Commercial GFA
Residential Units
Trip rate
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
With reference to Table 10, the estimated trip generation of the proposed development would represent
an increase over the compliant development scenarios, being:
22 vehicle trips per hour in AM peak period;
32 vehicle trips per hour in PM peak period; and
42 vehicle trips per hour in Saturday peak period.
As demonstrated within the TIA, these increases to key peak periods are not significant within the
context of the site and local traffic environment for the following reasons:
1. Trip Generation: the trip generation resultant from the proposed development represents less
than 1 additional vehicle trip per minute to the local road network;
2. Trip Distribution: it is anticipated that commercial and staff parking will be provided on site as
the majority of site trips in key weekday PM and Saturday peak periods will be generated to off-
site parking, either on street or in local car parks. As such, these additional trips would not be
concentrated at the site itself (or Surf Lane where access is proposed) but rather dispersed from
within the Centre. This reduces the potential for concentrated traffic impacts.
3. Commercial Trip Generation: there is significant potential to reduce vehicle trips given the
excellent public and active transport options by which to reduce vehicle trips, noting similar sub-
regional centres (i.e. Hurstville, Liverpool and Penrith) which provide significantly lower parking
requirements within town centres. A reduction in parking levels would potentially reduce trip
generation to a level below that of a compliant development.
From this assessment, it is apparent that the traffic generation resultant from the proposed development
under the amended FSR control will be marginally greater when compared to current controls and would
have minimal impacts on the Cronulla Town Centre. As such, the proposal is supportable with
consideration of the relevant traffic issues and context.
Parking Requirements
Any future DA on the site is subject to parking controls specified under Chapter 19 B3 Commercial Core
Cronulla under the Sutherland Shire DCP 2015. The respective parking rates required for the proposed
development are summarised in Table 11.
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Table 11: DCP Parking Rates for Existing, Scenario 1, Scenario 2 and Proposed development (source: Ason Group)
Land Use
Retail spaces
required per sqm
spaces required
per sqm GFA
spaces required
per sqm GFA
Parking DCP
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
The indicative development concept contains approximately 60-80 basement car parking spaces.
While the proposed development represents a shortfall of around 60 spaces when applying the LGA
wide centres parking rate, the TIA concludes that within the context of Cronulla, the proposal would
require significantly fewer parking spaces given the following:
1. Draft Sutherland Integrated Transport Strategy: the draft Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS)
recognises the increasing uptake of private vehicles (82% for Sutherland Shire) is contributing to
increased noise and air pollution and congestion on key arterial roads within the LGA. The
Strategy makes reference to providing "parking in moderation, which does not discourage the use
of public transport". As such, the provision of 1 parking space per 30sqm within the Town Centre
is inconsistent with the mode share targets established by the draft ITS when requiring parking
provisions consistent with the DCP (35% primary public transport usage by 2030).
2. Improving uptake of public transport: Survey and Census data indicates that car usage is 60%
in Cronulla with 20% of residents choosing to use public transport as their primary method of
transport to travel to work. A reduced parking rate would encourage a higher uptake of public and
active transport.
3. Comparative parking rates: the DCP parking rates are significantly higher than other sub-
regional centres with similar levels of public transport access and land uses such as Liverpool (1
per 100sqm), Penrith (1 per 100sqm) and Hurstville (1 per 60sqm).
4. Shared use parking: the proposal consists of two land uses which have different peak parking
demands which generate demand at different times of weekdays and weekends. The commercial
floorspace peaks at mid-morning and tapers off during the afternoon (no demand at 6:00pm) while
food and beverage floorspace is moderate at early afternoon and increases at mid-evening
(7:00pm). On Saturdays, there is no demand for commercial floorspace while food and beverage
builds across the day.
5. Parking credits: the existing site operations generate a demand for approximately 30 parking
spaces (as per SDCP requirement). These spaces could be considered as 'credits' to which would
be available to a new development.
In consideration of the above, a significant reduction in on-site parking is may be justified as part of a
future Development Application process. Further, a sustainable level of on-site parking can be
determined through a process such that the future masterplan would have no significant impact on the
local parking environment. The proposed development therefore represents a suitable parking provision
which is consistent with the strategic transport framework of Cronulla. Suitability of Built Form within Cronulla
As demonstrated by the Urban Design Report (Appendix 4), an assessment of the suitability of the
indicative development concept has been undertaken with regard to the existing and anticipated built
forms in Cronulla, the significance of the site as a gateway location, its consistency with massing
principles outlined in the SSDCP, its architectural merit and lack of impacts on surrounding sites and
heritage items.
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The Report demonstrates that given the role of the site as a gateway location, the proposed amendment
to the FSR control and resultant built form present a well considered outcome with a coherent massing
strategy. It is demonstrated by Figure 27, and in further detail within the Report, that the additional
development capacity and built form sought by the PP achieves an appropriate fit with the existing
context of Cronulla, consistent with the existing residential developments to the east (11-13 storeys) and
will be consistent with the proposed intensification of commercial development to the north by 2036 (9
The proposed FSR control and indicative development concept present a well articulated urban design
outcome with the potential to activate the southern end of Cronulla Mall and would not present any
adverse environmental impacts beyond that of a complaint development on the site.
Figure 27 The concept (blue) in comparison to the existing (grey) and future (yellow) built form anticipated within Cronulla (source:
Kennedy Associates) Neighbouring Views
The Urban Design Report (Appendix 4) provides a detailed analysis on the suitability of the proposed
development in relation to neighbouring views within the current built form context of the Cronulla
The proposed development has materially the same visual appearance as a compliant development. In
all instances, there are no differences between the built form proposed and a compliant scheme that
would adversely affect neighbouring western views. Notably considering the future context of the locality
is in a process of transformation, the suitability of the proposed development is therefore consistent with
the existing and future built form context.
Existing Built Form Future Context as Anticipated by SSDCP
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Figure 28 Neighbouring views (source: Kennedy Associates) Land Remediation
A Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI) has been undertaken by AssetGeoEnviro (dated 4 November
2019) and included at Appendix 6.
The PSI provides an assessment of the existing site and soil conditions that may be affected by the
proposed development. There is an unlined rock sewer tunnel across the site (as shown on Sheet 06,
Basement Level 3 of the Indicative Concept Plans), located approximately 9.5m below ground level
completed in 1956. The extent of soil disturbance as part of this proposed development will involve the
removal of soil from the entire site, except for a 3-metre-wide setback along the eastern boundary. Rock
excavation for basement levels is proposed down to approximately RL 8.2 metres AHD.
Following an assessment of historical summaries of previous reports and business listings, historical
aerial photographs, titles and other historical information; the PSI concludes that there were no previous
uses on the site that may potentially cause contamination. A land title search shows that no other uses
other than a public school existed on the site.
Accordingly, the PSI considers that the site can be made suitable for the proposed development
provided that the standard recommendations are adopted as part of the DA process. Acoustic Impacts
An Acoustic Review (AR) was undertaken by Arup (dated 23 April 2020) is included at Appendix 8.
The AR provides a qualitative assessment of the likely noise generation resultant from both permissible
uses under the B2 Local Centre zone and the uses proposed as part of the indicative design concept.
In summary, the findings provided from the assessment conclude that the increased FSR sought under
the PP do not necessarily translate to any increase in potential noise impact from the site. In particular,
impact from the site will be subject to a separate development application.
The primary noise emission from the indicative concept would be related to the food and beverage use
at ground and first floor. Noise emission from the commercial development would be largely limited to
building services noise, which can be readily mitigated to address noise criteria. Terrace spaces off the
commercial tenancies would not be expected to present a significant risk for noise impact.
While a detailed evaluation of potential acoustic impacts can only be reasonably carried out for a specific
development and use, the AR concludes that the proposed increase in FSR for the site would not lead
to an increased noise emission to the surrounding environment.
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6.3.3. Has the planning proposal adequately addressed any social and economic effects?
An analysis of the potential economic activity and impacts resultant from the amended FSR control
sought by this PP has been prepared by Atlas Urban Group (dated 27 April 2020) and is attached at
Appendix 3. The assessment identifies that several positive economic effects would occur due to the
amended FSR control and development concept (proposal case) when compared to the current
commercial development on site (base case).
The assessment examines the economic impacts of the concept by comparing the direct financial output
and flow on employment generation for Cronulla likely to occur during construction and operational
phases. During the construction phase, resources will be drawn from, and thereby generate economic
activity, in the Cronulla town centre and broader Sutherland LGA. The operational phase is expected to
increase ongoing economic operational activity through:
Direct turnover generated by a tavern/commercial operational activities on site;
Enhanced economic activity as a result of additional expenditure facilitated within the community
from a tavern; and
Enhanced economic activity from new leasing opportunities facilitated by the proposed
commercial office and co-working facilities. Construction Phase
Construction of the Proposal Case is anticipated to generate economic impacts for the Sutherland LGA
$28.5 million in output ($17.1 million directly);
$11.9 million contribution to Gross Regional Product (GRP)($6.2 million direct contribution);
$7 million in wages and salaries paid to local workers ($4.1 million directly); and
81 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) jobs (45 direct FTE).
Further analysis undertaken by the economic modelling reveals that the most significant impact will be
experienced within the construction industry with $16.1 million direct input and $5.7 million flow on GRP.
Following construction is Professional, Scientific and Technical Services with $1 million direct input and
$0.5 million flow on GRP. Operational Phase
Operational economic impacts have been assessed for the Base Case and Proposal Case which are
summarised in Table 12.
Table 12 Operational Impacts in Cronulla; Base Case and Proposal Case (source: Atlas)
Output ($m)
GRP ($m)
Base Case
Flow-on Type 1 (production)
Flow-on Type 2 (consumption)
Proposal Case
Flow-on Type 1 (production)
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Output ($m)
GRP ($m)
Flow-on Type 2 (consumption)
Net Operational Impacts
Flow-on Type 1 (production
Flow-on Type 2 (consumption)
The Proposal Case represents an increase in turnover and employment activity with greater levels of
output and contribution to the local Cronulla area and greater Sutherland GLA when compared to Base
Under the Base Case, Accommodation and Food Services and Retail Trade are the leading
beneficiaries of economic activity resulting in $3.6 million and $1.6 million of direct input respectively.
When compared to Base Case, the Proposal Case stimulates economic activity across a broader range
of industries, most notably:
Accommodation and Food Services ($8.5 million direct input and $4.3 million flow on GRP);
Rental Hiring and Real Estate Services ($3.6 million direct input and $1.6 million of flow on GRP);
Financial and Insurance Services ($2.9 million direct input and $1.2 million flow on GRP); and
Construction ($2.7 million direct input and $0.9 million flow on GRP).
Overall, the Proposal Case when compared to the Base Case is estimated to result in a net increase in
economic activity through direct and indirect flow-on impacts comprised of:
$39.3 million additional in output (including $23.1 million in direct activity);
$20 million additional in contribution to GRP (including $11.4 million in direct activity);
$10.8 million additional in incomes and salaries paid to households (including $6.6 million
directly); and
130 additional FTE jobs (including 79 additional FTE jobs directly related to activity on the site).
It is demonstrated that the additional floorspace sought after by this PP will enable redevelopment of
the site and will lead to a significant increase in local FTE jobs and commercial floorspace. The economic
effects generated by the amended controls and indicative development concept are therefore positive
and would assist in supporting the role of the Cronulla local centre.
State and Commonwealth Interests
6.4.1. Is there adequate public infrastructure for the planning proposal?
It is understood the existing public infrastructure is capable of accommodating the demand generated
by this PP. This will be confirmed through the statutory consultation process.
There are several public transport options near the subject site. The Cronulla train station is located
directly across the subject site, near the Cronulla Wharf ferry stop and six (6) Sydney Bus service routes
as illustrated by Table 13. The Cronulla railway station provides direct services to other employment
centres such as Sutherland.
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Table 13 Bus Service Frequencies
Weekday Peak Hour
Weekend Peak Hour
Cronulla to Sutherland
AM Peak: 1 hour
PM Peak: 1 hour
Midday Peak: 1 hour
Cronulla to Hurstville
AM Peak: 30 minutes
PM Peak: 30 minutes
Midday Peak: 30 minutes
Cronulla to Miranda
AM Peak: 30 minutes
PM Peak: 30 minutes
Midday Peak: 1 hour
Cronulla to Kurnell
AM Peak: 45 minutes
PM Peak: 1 hour
Midday Peak: 90 minutes
Cronulla to Caringbah
AM Peak: 1 service
PM Peak: 1 service
Midday Peak: No service
Cronulla to Sydney Town
AM Peak: No service
PM Peak:
Midday Peak: 1 hour
Existing utility services will adequately service any future development proposal as a result of this PP
and will be upgraded or augmented where necessary.
Waste management and resource recovery services are available either through Sutherland Shire
The area is serviced with Police, Ambulance, Fire and other emergency services.
There is a private primary school located within 200m of the subject site with other secondary schools
located within 1km of the site. Tertiary educational establishments such as De La Salle Catholic College
and Australian College are located within 1km of the site also.
Consultation with relevant authorities with respect to public infrastructure will be consulted as part of the
PP process following the issuing of a Gateway determination.
6.4.2. What are the views of State and Commonwealth public authorities consulted in
accordance with the Gateway determination?
The appropriate State and Commonwealth public authorities have not yet been contacted. The Gateway
determination will identify the relevant authorities to consult.
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To implement the outcomes identified in this planning proposal, the following mapping changes will be
1. The SSLEP 2015 Floor Space Ratio Map, Sheet 008A, as identified in Figure 29 and Figure 30.
Figure 29: Existing Floor Space Ratio Map, Sheet 008A (extract)
Figure 30: Proposed Floor Space Ratio Map, Sheet 008A (extract)
Area 13
Refer to clause 4.4(2A)(f)
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Division 2.6 of the EP&A Act requires the relevant planning authority to consult with the community in
accordance with the Gateway Determination. It is anticipated that the PP will be required to be publicly
exhibited for 28 days in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Planning, Industry and
Environment guidelines 'A guide to preparing local environmental plans'.
It is anticipated that the community will be notified of the commencement of the exhibition period via a
notice in a local newspaper and via a notice on Council’s website. The written notice will:
Give a brief description of the objectives or intended outcomes of the PP;
Indicate the land affected by the PP;
State where and when the PP can be inspected;
Give the name and address of the RPA for the receipt of any submissions; and
Indicate the last date for submissions.
The Gateway Determination, PP and specialist studies would be publicly exhibited by Council's offices
and any other locations considered appropriate to provide interested parties with the opportunity to view
the submitted documentation.
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The timeframe for the completion of the PP will depend on the complexity of the matters, the nature of
any additional information that may be required and the need for agency and community consultation.
The following detailed are indicative only and may be amended at Gateway.
Table 14: Indicative project timeline.
Lodgement of Planning Proposal
April 2020
Report to Sutherland Local Planning Panel
May 2020
Report to Sutherland Strategic Planning Committee
June 2020
Report to Council
June 2020
Gateway Referral
July 2020
Gateway Determination received
August 2020
September 2020
Consideration of Submissions
October 2020
Report to Council
November 2020
Department Referral (for making of Plan)
December 2020
Parliamentary Counsel Opinion
February 2021
Notification of Determination and Gazettal into new Local Environmental Plan
March 2021
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This Planning Proposal has been submitted to Sutherland Shire Council to enable the redevelopment
of 138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla for the purposes of a commercial development comprising
commercial floorspace and food and drinks premises in the heart of Cronulla.
The proposed amendments to the Sutherland Shire LEP 2015 seek to increase the applicable FSR from
2:1 to 2.9:1 for a portion of the site. This is proposed by way of a site-specific amendment to Part 6 Local
Provisions of the SSLEP 2015 to provide incentive FSR subject to the development of a commercial
office and retail development.
The indicative design concept prepared and underpinning this PP has been informed by a range of
specialist investigations. These studies demonstrate that the subject site is capable of accommodating
the proposed development and is consistent with the built form identified in the SSDCP without posing
adverse impacts to the surrounding environment.
The proposal has been demonstrated as being the best means of achieving the objectives and intended
strategic outcomes for the site. The PP demonstrates consistency with the objectives of the applicable
strategic planning framework in terms of:
The significance of the subject site in the future urban structure of the Cronulla Centre;
Consistency with the objectives of the Sutherland draft Local Strategic Planning Statement,
Council’s Community Strategic Plan and Economic Strategy in relation to providing additional
local jobs within Cronulla;
Consistency of the proposed built form with the pattern established under the existing Sutherland
Development Control Plan 2015 for the subject site; and
The proposal will generate considerable economic benefit, over and above that currently on the
And site specific merit:
The indicative built form is consistent with the heights and massing of the surrounding context of
the Cronulla Town Centre;
The development will act as a catalyst for redevelopment of the southern end of the Cronulla
Centre; and
The proposed built form will be a ‘gateway building between the Cronulla railway station and
Beach as defined within Council’s Development Control Plan.
The proposal has been demonstrated as being the best means of achieving the objectives and intended
outcomes. The PP is therefore considered appropriate as it:
Is consistent with the objectives of Council's Community Strategic Plan, draft LSPS and Economic
Is consistent with 'A Metropolis of Three Cities' and the South District Plan;
Is consistent with the relevant Ministerial Directions under Section 9.1 of the Act; and
Does not pose substantial adverse environmental or social impacts to the surrounding
It is concluded that the PP is suitable to the forwarded to the Department of Planning, Industry and
Environment to obtain a Gateway Determination.
Planning Proposal
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Project No: 20-082
April 2020
Indicative Concept Plans
Prepared by Innovate Architects (dated April 2020)
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
Traffic Impact Assessment
Prepared by Ason Group (24 April 2020)
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
Economic Impact Assessment
Prepared by Altas Urban Economics (27 April 2020)
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
Urban Design Report
Prepared by Kennedy Associates Architects (27 April 2020)
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
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April 2020
Heritage Impact Statement
Prepared by NBRS Architecture (23 April 2020)
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
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April 2020
Geotechnical Report
Prepared by AssetGeo (November 2019)
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
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April 2020
Survey Plan
Prepared by JRK Surveys (June 2019)
Planning Proposal
138-142 Cronulla Street, Cronulla
Project No: 20-082
April 2020
Acoustic Review
Prepared by Arup (dated 24 April 2020)