Rocket UniVerse
Release Notes
Version 11.3.5
January 2023
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.5
This section provides information on the important updates, new features and customer issues that
were fixed in Rocket UniVerse 11.3.5.
Important updates and new features in Rocket UniVerse
This section provides information on the important updates and new features in Rocket UniVerse
AIX 7.3 Certification
UniVerse 11.3.5 is now certified on AIX 7.3.
RHEL 9 Support
UniVerse 11.3.5 is now certified on RHEL 9.
Python upgrade
The version of Python shipped with UniVerse in this release has been upgraded to 3.11.
OpenSSL upgrade
The version of OpenSSL shipped with UniVerse in this release has been upgraded to 1.1.1n.
Printer Performance improvement
Changes have been made to the UniVerse spooler which can improve the performance in a high
volume spooler configuration. Two new uvconfig parameters have been added related to the
usplog file(s). The SP_USPLOG_GROUP parameter defines the number of active usplog files. The
SP_USPLOG_MERGE_INTERVAL parameter specifies how often the individual usplog files are merged
into a single usplog file comprising all active printers. See the Administering UniVerse on Windows and
UNIX Platforms guide for more information on these usa command option.
The new usa option -M has been added to force the merge operation at the time the usa command is
executed. See the UniVerse User Reference for more information on this usa command option.
Subscriber accepting logs from an older protocol level
Previously, when using U2 Replication, the publisher and subscriber were required to be running
the same Replication protocol level for Replication to function correctly. Starting in, U2
Replication has been enhanced to allow a subscriber to accept replication logs from a publisher
system running 11.3.1. This will allow a customer to upgrade the subscriber system to
or 11.3.5 and have the subscriber system still accept replication logs from an 11.3.1 publisher. When
running in this configuration, some things to note:
A failover operation to a hot standby subscriber running with this new functionality release will be
Replication between the failed over publisher will be suspended with any subscribers running the
11.3.1 release.
UniVerse 11.3.5 Enhancements and Fixes
A failback to the original publisher will not be possible if the publisher is still running the 11.3.1
The or 11.3.5 system running with the newer protocol level can accept logs produced
on a system running with the 11.3.1 protocol level. However, the reverse is not possible. An 11.3.1
system cannot accept logs from a publisher system running or 11.3.5.
See the Replication protocol level topic in the U2 Data Replication User Guide for more information.
callHTTP PATCH method added
Beginning with this release, the PATCH method has been added to the BASIC CallHTTP functionality.
The PATCH method provides the ability to modify an existing HTTP resource as compared to the PUT
method, which only allows a complete replacement of a document. For more information on the
PATCH method, see the UniVerseBASIC Commands Reference and UniVerseBASIC Extensions guides.
uvinstall.log file now available for UniVerse installations on Unix
Starting in this release, the installation and upgrade scripts for Unix and Linux systems
capture installation information in an installation log. The log is created in the saved_logs/
uvinstall.log file in the UniVerse home directory. With these changes, most installation details
are now captured in the log file rather than on the screen.
New uvconfig parameter to turn off the requirement for WRITE permission on catdir
Previously, when calling a subroutine in the global catalog space (uvhome/catdir), the reference
count in the header of the catalog entry was incremented on each call. This required write permissions
to the global catalog space for anyone calling a globally cataloged program. In this release, the
uvconfig parameter CAT_REF_CNT has been introduced to control whether the reference count is
incremented. When set to 0, the reference count will no longer be incremented, which eliminates the
requirement for all users to have write permissions to the global catalog space. See the Administering
UniVerse on Windows and UNIX Platforms guide for more information on the CAT_REF_CNT parameter.
UniVerse 11.3.5 Enhancements and Fixes
The following enhancements were added and customer issues were fixed in UniVerse 11.3.5.
Description Component
UNV-21303 Beginning with this release, the PHANTOMSAMEUV uvconfig pa-
rameter has been enhanced with an added value. When the pa-
rameter is set to a value of 2, the phantom process will be start-
ed with the same binary as the parent uvsh process. The OS lev-
el 'ps' output will show the process as 'phantom' rather than
the actual executable name (which is the behavior when set to a
value of 1).
UNV-29588 Beginning with this release, the Replication error message
invalid log sequence has been enhanced. The message
will now display both the current LSN number and the expected
LSN number. This change will be useful when diagnosing the
cause of the error.
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.5
Description Component
UNV-29774 Beginning with this release, the VERBOSE option has been
added to the ACCOUNT.FILE.STATS command. When using
the ALL option with the new VERBOSE option, the name of
the each file being will be displayed as it is being processed.
This will provide useful diagnostic information in the event a
particular file causes issues with the command.
File Tools
UNV-31221 Starting in this release, the installation and upgrade scripts
for Unix and Linux systems capture installation information
in an installation log. The log is created in the saved_logs/
uvinstall.log file in the UniVerse home directory. With
these changes, most installation details are now captured in the
log file rather than on the screen.
UNV-31223 Previously, when calling a subroutine in the global catalog
space (uvhome/catdir), the reference count in the header of
the catalog entry was incremented on each call. This required
write permissions to the global catalog space for anyone calling
a globally cataloged program. In this release, the uvconfig pa-
rameter CAT_REF_CNT has been introduced to control whether
the reference count is incremented. When set to 0, the reference
count will no longer be incremented, which eliminates the re-
quirement for all users to have write permissions to the global
catalog space.
UNV-32253 Beginning with this release, the PATCH method has been
added to the BASIC CallHTTP functionality. The PATCH method
provides the ability to modify an existing HTTP resource as
compared to the PUT method, which only allows a complete
replacement of a document.
U2 Basic - CallHTTP
UNV-32423 Starting with this release, the uvdiag script has been updated
to version 4.4.2 for Windows platforms.
Support Tools
UNV-32822 Beginning with this release, changes have been made to the
UniVerse spooler which can improve the performance in a high
volume spooler configuration. Two new uvconfig parame-
ters have been added related to the usplog file(s). The SP_US-
PLOG_GROUP parameter defines the number of active usplog
files. The SP_USPLOG_MERGE_INTERVAL parameter specifies
how often the individual usplog files are merged into a single us-
plog file comprising all active printers. The new usa option -
M has been added to force the merge operation at the time the
usa command is executed.
UNV-32977 The version of OpenSSL supplied with UniVerse 11.3.5 has been
updated to 1.1.1n.
UNV-32987 The version of Python shipped with UniVerse in this release has
been upgraded to 3.11.
UNV-33044 Beginning with this release, UniVerse is now certified on RHEL 9. Installation
UNV-33262 Beginning with this release, GCI related functionality has been
implemented which allows for switching the identify of an
existing uvsh process. See the UniVerse GCI User Guide for more
General Call
Interface, Server
UNV-33355 The online HELP documentation has been updated to match the
11.3.5 documentation set.
TCL Tools
UniVerse 11.3.5 Enhancements and Fixes
Description Component
UNV-1601 Prior to this release, the SYSTEM(33) function or the
@COMMAND.STACK variable would return garbage characters
when executed in a background process. This could be a normal
PHANTOM or a UO process. In this release, they will return the
empty string as is expected for a non-interactive process. This
issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-2041 Prior to this release, the BASIC COMPARE() function returned
incorrect results under a specific condition. The condition
involves a left justified compare of 2 strings of unequal length.
If the shorter string matched the same characters in the longer
string, the shorter string would incorrectly be considered
greater. For example, ABC would be considered greater than
ABCD. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-2896 Prior to this release, an argument to the ENV command which
contained spaces would be incorrectly truncated at the first
space. In this release, the full argument including the spaces will
be passed to the ENV command resolving this issue.
TCL Tools
UNV-5354 Prior to this release, the fixtool command would incorrectly
clear the relative path to an index in the header of the data file if
the -filepath option was used. This issue has been resolved.
Files - Corruption
UNV-15288 Prior to this release, writing a record with an @ID containing
mark characters would fail with a WRITE error. However, there
would be no indication as to the reason for the failure. In the
current release, the error message has been enhanced to
indicate the specific reason for the failure.
Error Reporting, U2
UNV-20317 Prior to this release, executing the fixtool command on a Type
25 (btree) file would indicate the file had been scanned and
no errors were found. This was incorrect as fixtool does not
function against Type 25 files. In this release, a message is
displayed indicating Type 25 files are not supported.
UNV-24257 Prior to this release, the BASIC functions TANH(), SINH(),
and COSH() did not return correct results. This issue has been
U2 Basic
UNV-26388 Prior to this release, using a negative number with the SLEEP
command or function would cause the process to sleep for
a very long period of time. In the current release, a negative
argument is ignored and the command returns immediately.
U2 Basic
UNV-26904 Prior to this release, setting the CENTURYPIVOT uvconfig para-
meter to a 2 digit value did not work as documented. This issue
has been resolved.
Server Processes, U2
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.5
Description Component
UNV-27304 Prior to this release, running a uv_repadmin reconfig
command on a failed-over publisher could result in a replication
disablement. If a DISTRIBUTION phrase in the repconfig file
on the failed-over publisher was added or removed, the failure
would occur. An error similar to the following would be reported
in the uvrm.log file and replication would become disabled.
Thu Apr 21 13:42:56 2022 Publishing group
ACCT exit(4054)
Uvpub: U_rep_dump_grpstatus() failed.
This issue has been resolved.
UNV-27306 Prior to this release, the BASIC USERINFO() function may
have terminated unexpectedly when NLSMODE was enabled. If
NLSLCMODE was also set to 1, then executing the USERINFO()
function in a BASIC program would terminate the process. This
issue has been resolved.
National Language
Support, U2 Basic
UNV-28706 Prior to this release, compiling BASIC programs with
certain syntax errors could cause the compiler to terminate
unexpectedly. This issue has been resolved.
Error Reporting -
Crash, U2 Basic
UNV-29166 Prior to this release, Python could fail with an error indicating
the library could not be found. The behavior
may have been platform dependent. This issue has been
UNV-29678 Prior to this release, when the TOJSON keyword was incorrectly
used in a Retrieve statement, the error would incorrectly
indicate TOXML. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-30055 Windows only. Prior to this release, defining a file policy using
a full path to a UVNet file would cause an AUDIT configuration
syntax errror. This issue has been resolved.
Audit Logging, UV/
UNV-30268 Prior to this release, when AUDIT logging was enabled, updates
done via a UVNet pointer were logged even though activity
on the actual file was not being logged. This issue has been
resolved as follows:
Local UVNet file access is logged only if one of the following
is true:
DAT.BASIC.* is on and no file policy or other restrictive
policy is specified.
DAT.BASIC.* is on and other policies are satisfied. If a file
policy is specified, it must explicitly specify the UVNet file
name as "<host>.<full-file-path>".
Remote UVNet file access is logged if one of the following is
DAT.BASIC.* is on and no other more restrictive policy is
DAT.BASIC.* is on and a specific file policy that includes
the physical file path is specified.
Audit Logging
UniVerse 11.3.5 Enhancements and Fixes
Description Component
UNV-30330 Prior to this release, the -noindex option was incorrectly
documented as being available with the uvrestore
command. When it was used with uvrestore, it was ignored
without displaying a message. In the current release, an
information message indicating the option is not supported will
be displayed.
Backup Tools
UNV-30544 Prior to this release, the -g option of smat or analyze.shm
would always return a no locks message. In this release, the
-g option will return active group locks if they exist. This issue
has been resolved.
UNV-30609 Prior to this release, using SSELECT inside an I-type may have
caused the process to terminate unexpectedly. This would occur
if the command calling the I-type was a SELECT command. This
issue has been resolved.
Error Reporting -
UNV-30640 Prior to this release, the timedate part of a sequential AUDIT log
file name may have been assigned incorrectly. This issue has
been resolved.
Audit Logging
UNV-30651 Prior to this release, a situation existed where a uvapi_slave
process might attempt to allocate memory when handling a
signal. This could cause the process to hang. This issue has been
MQSeries, Server
Processes, UOJ
UNV-31069 Previously, using VLIST on a program using the DESCRINFO()
function may have caused the process to terminate
unexpectedly. On some AIX systems, this may have caused the
system to shutdown. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-31087 Prior to this release, the -setkeyinfo.index option of the
encman command would fail if the index on the file was defined
with a relative path. This issue has been resolved.
Automatic Data
UNV-31135 Prior to this release, a UniVerse process might not have used
the openSSL version specified in SSL_VERSION_PATH. If the
hidden file .ssl_version did not have read permissions for
the user starting the UniVerse session, the specified version
would be ignored. The default openSSL version would be used
instead. In the current release, the .ssl_version file will be
created with read permissions for all users. If the permissions
are manually changed to remove read permission, a warning
message is displayed when a uvsh process is started and the
process will not be able to use any functionality requiring SSL.
Security, SSL
UNV-31172 Prior to this release, using a DT conversion code specification
with an invalid time zone specification would result in the
OCONV() function terminating unexpectedly. This issue has
been resolved.
U2 Basic
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.5
Description Component
UNV-31184 Prior to this release, the default size of the memory buffer used
to hold the AUDIT logging configuration file information was
8K. When changes were made to the AUDIT configuration file
while UniVerse was running, UniVerse AUDIT would reload
the changes into memory. If the changes caused the memory
required to be greater than current allocated memory, an error
would be displayed and the changes would not be loaded.
Stopping and restarting UniVerse was required to increase the
memory buffer. In this release, the default size of the AUDIT
configuration file memory buffer has been increased to 1MB.
Audit Logging
UNV-31185 Prior to this release, a uvtelnetd connection may have become
stuck in an endless loop. If the process encountered an
EWOULDBLOCK error while connecting, it might get stuck in a
loop continually generating an error related to the connection
issue. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-31188 Windows only. Prior to this release, granting ADE encryption
key permissions to domain groups might result in failures. The
second time a uvsh process accessed the encryption keys, the
process might terminate and generate a minidump file. This
issue has been resolved.
Automatic Data
UNV-31220 Previously, RAID would terminate unexpectedly when it
encountered the DESCRINFO() function using a socket handle
argument. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-31222 Previously, the output of the LISTUSER command was not
included in COMO file output. This issue has been resolved.
TCL Tools, U2 Basic
UNV-31224 Previously, the privileged_user_audit setting in U2 Audit
Logging did not turn on tracking for 'root', 'uvadm' and
'Administrator' (Windows) regardless of what other policies
were configured. This issue has been resolved.
Audit Logging,
UNV-31226 Previously, the FILE.USAGE "Writes for update" and "Total
writes" fields were not incremented when WRITEU was used on
a file containing a trigger. This issue has been resolved.
File Tools
UNV-31246 Prior to this release, the new AUDIT_SEQ_LOG_GROUP uvconfig
parameter is incorrectly displayed as AUDIT_LOG_MSG_LEVELS
and incorrectly marked as being changed from the default. This
issue has been resolved.
UNV-31312 Prior to this release, using the rcsman command to import
a non-root certificate would cause the rcsman command to
terminate unexpectedly without importing the certificate. This
issue has been resolved.
Security, SSL
UNV-32011 Windows only. Prior to this release, the DB.TOXML command
would terminate unexpectedly if the default encoding was
modified via the XMLSETOPTIONS command. The BASIC
XMAPCreate() function used by DB.TOXML was the specific
command which failed. As such, the same issue could occur
with a BASIC program using the XMAPCreate() function. This
issue has been resolved.
UniVerse 11.3.5 Enhancements and Fixes
Description Component
UNV-32060 Prior to this release, executing a JAVA program that performed
an SQL SELECT statement against the UniVerse database
might have caused the session to terminate unexpectedly. If the
SQL SELECT statement generated a large number of warning
messages, such as non-numeric data when numeric
required, the session would crash. The failure might have
also corrupted UniVerse shared memory, requiring a database
stop and restart to correct the problem. This issue has been
Server Processes,
UNV-32087 Prior to this release, the INFORM option of LIST.INDEX would
generate an error and fail to process a distributed file. This issue
has been resolved.
UNV-32243 Due to a change related to the handling of 64bit integer JSON
data by the UDOread statement, the performance of the
UDOread statement was significantly degraded. This issue has
been resolved.
Performance, U2
Basic - U2 Dynamic
UNV-32272 Prior to this release, the UniVerse shutdown process may have
incorrectly reported a failure if the 3rd party Nessus tool was
installed on the system. The method used by the shutdown
script to determine all UV processes had exited incorrectly
flagged a Nessus process. In this release, the script has been
modified to ensure only UV processes are considered. This issue
has been resolved.
Server Processes
UNV-32282 Beginning with 11.3.1, the BASIC ENCODE function incorrectly
returned a status code of 4 when the file argument could not be
opened. In this release, the correct status code of 3 is returned,
resolving this issue.
U2 Basic
UNV-32294 Prior to this release, the contents of the @RECORD variable in
an indexed subroutine may have been incorrect under certain
conditions. When updates were being done inside a transaction,
the @RECORD contents for @IDX.IOTYPE 3 and 4 were reversed.
The @RECORD variable contained the new record contents
when @IDX.IOTYPE was 3 and the original contents when
@IDX.IOTYPE was 4. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-32326 Prior to this release, using the JDBC execute function to
return a result set would fail to return any results on the second
call to the same statement. A flag was not being reset after the
first call, which caused the second call to be skipped. This issue
has been resolved.
Server Processes,
UNV-32349 Prior to this release, the output of the "DTI" conversion code
would omit the milliseconds if the milliseconds value was 0. In
this release, the milliseconds will correctly display as 000 in this
situation, resolving this issue.
U2 Basic
UNV-32519 Prior to this release, the BASIC getSocketOptions()
function would terminate unexpectedly if the socket handle
argument was closed. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-32520 Prior to this release, the date conversion codes DTD and DTM
incorrectly returned a 2 character month name in INFORMATION
and PI/Open flavor accounts. In this release, the correct 3
character month will be returned. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.5
Description Component
UNV-32575 Prior to this release, using file.writenamedfields within
transaction boundaries in u2py would fail. Using it outside a
transaction would work correctly. The issue of executing within
a transaction has been resolved.
UNV-32778 Prior to this release, a UniVerse process may have terminated
unexpectedly under specific conditions. If a file contained an
index based trigger and the subroutine called by that trigger
did not exist, updating the file would cause the process to
terminate. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-32780 Prior to this release, some Retrieve statements in a PI/Open
flavor account could terminate with a "double free" memory
failure on Linux. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-32781 Prior to this release, Replication would generate an Unknown
error 4 when the port used for Replication was blocked.
This made diagnosing the problem difficult. In this release, an
informative message will display indicating the actual cause of
the problem.
UNV-32953 Prior to this release, a memory leak may have existed when
using a combination of dimensioned and dynamic arrays.
For example, using code similar to ARRAY(X)<-1>="new
value" could result in memory not being properly released.
This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-33058 Prior to this release, enabling FIPS mode on an RHEL 8 system
could result in a significant performance impact when starting
uv processes. The issue was related to an unnecessary library
being included in the UniVerse build process. This issue has
been resolved.
UNV-33104 Prior to this release, the UniCommand object did not trap
an error when the command contained a syntax error or an
illegal verb. The problem was caused by the server not correctly
displaying the error message. This issue has been resolved in
the current release.
UNV-33195 Prior to this release, the BASIC compiler might have core
dumped when compiling a list of programs from a Select list.
The failure was due to a memory leak causing the compiler
process to run out memory. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-33250 HP only. Beginning with 11.3.2, uvtelnetd may have failed with
the error Unable to find library '
This issue has been resolved.
UNV-33294 Windows only. Prior to this release, fixtool would incorrectly
display an error indicating the file was a Type 19 file when the
file did not exist. In the current release, fixtool will correctly
indicate the file cannot be opened.
File Tools
UNV-33303 A change made in 11.3.2 to support the Replication of
Sequential I/O had the unintended side effect of slowing
the performance of sequential I/O. The performance impact
occurred whether or not Replication was configured. In this
release, the performance of sequential I/O has been restored to
the previous behavior when Replication is not configured.
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.4
This section provides information on the important updates, new features and customer issues that
were fixed in Rocket UniVerse 11.3.4.
Important updates and new features in Rocket UniVerse
This section provides information on the important updates and new features in Rocket UniVerse
FIPS Support with OpenSSL 1.1.1 on RHEL 8
FIPS Support is now available with OpenSSL 1.1.1 with the 11.3.4 version of UniVerse running on RHEL
8. Python and u2py functions are also available when using the RHEL 8 OpenSSL libraries with FIPS.
See the Rocket UniVerse Security Features manual and Rocket UniVerse Python User Guide, respectively,
for more details.
MVX:P GA release of UniVerse
The 11.3.4 release of UniVerse is the base server release for the MVX:P GA release. Several new uvconfig
parameters for configuring performance monitoring have been added at 11.3.4 to support MVX:P.
These parameters are used to configure the number of files monitored on a session-by-session basis
and on a system-wide basis.
The parameters are:
See the PERF_MON_MODE uvconfig parameter section regarding enabling and disabling the
performance monitoring statistics for use with MVX:P.
PERF_MON_MODE uvconfig parameter
Prior to the 11.3.4 release of UniVerse, the default value of the PERF_MON_MODE uvconfig parameter
was 1 to enable performance monitoring.
However, performance monitoring was only enabled if the CURE package was authorized. At the 11.3.4
release, the CURE package no longer exists and MVX:P performance monitoring will be enabled if
PERF_MON_MODE is set to 1.
The default value for PERF_MON_MODE has been changed to 0 at 11.3.4. However, on an upgrade
install the previous setting will be maintained. Therefore, changing PERF_MON_MODE to 0 might be
required to disable the MVX:P performance monitoring.
BASIC Sequential I/O changes
The implementation of the Replication of BASIC Sequential I/O at the 11.3.2 release resulted in some
changes in the behavior of Sequential I/O related to unopened file variables. Changes have been made
at UniVerse version 11.3.4 to restore the behavior that existed prior to version 11.3.2.
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.4
See UniVerse 11.3.4 Enhancements and Fixes , on page 12 for specific information regarding the
affected behaviors and resolutions.
UniVerse AUDIT logging for Client updates
The UniVerse AUDIT data event DAT.CLIENT, which previously was only available in the 12.1.1
release, has now been included in the UniVerse version 11.3.4.
Only those manuals that were updated for the 11.3.4 release are included in the documentation library
and the RBC download. Please refer to the 11.3.2 documentation for the latest full documentation set
and the 11.3.3 documentation for updates that occurred between 11.3.2 and the current version.
UniVerse 11.3.4 Enhancements and Fixes
The following enhancements were added and customer issues were fixed in UniVerse 11.3.4.
Description Component
UNV-28682 Beginning with this release, cipher suites supporting TLSv1.3 are
UNV-30157 Beginning with this release, FIPS capability now exists with the
OpenSSL 1.1.1 version available on RHEL 8.
UNV-30464 Beginning with this release, Python and u2py functions are
available when using RHEL 8 OpenSSL library with FIPS. Python/
u2py functions can be leveraged regardless of which OpenSSL is
UNV-30475 Beginning with this release, the AUDIT DAT.CLIENT event
functionality, which was previously only available in UniVerse
12.1.1, is now available in UniVerse 11.3.4.
Audit Logging
Description Component
UNV-29537 Linux only. Beginning with 11.3.2, using the BASIC NOBUF
statement on an unopened sequential file variable would cause
the process to terminate unexpectedly. This issue has been
Error Reporting
UNV-29627 The new TODATE() function introduced at UniVerse 11.3.2
returned an incorrect value when converting dates prior to
12/31/1961. In four-year increments, the internally converted
date was off by one for the entire year.
For example, all dates in the year 1961 were off by one. The
years 1960, 1959, and 1958 were correct. The problem repeated
itself again in 1957, 1953, 1949, and so on. The problem
was related to the leap year calculation performed by the
TODATE() function. This issue has been resolved.
UniVerse 11.3.4 Enhancements and Fixes
Description Component
UNV-29935 Beginning with 11.3.2, using the READSEQ statement on a file
variable, which had already been closed with the CLOSESEQ
statement, would cause the process to terminate unexpectedly.
At the current release, the READSEQ will take the ELSE clause as
expected. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-30110 Using the EXPLAIN keyword on a lengthy (> 60,000 characters)
RetrieVe or SQL SELECT statement could result in the
statement terminating unexpectedly. This was caused by not
having enough internal memory allocated to store the results.
This issue has been resolved.
UNV-30147 Windows only. Beginning with 11.3.2, the BASIC WRITEBLK or
WRITESEQ statements would terminate unexpectedly when
writing to a COM port device. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-30153 Beginning with 11.3.2, using the BASIC READBLK or READSEQ
statement on a file variable that had not been opened would
cause the process to terminate unexpectedly. This issue has
been resolved.
UNV-30159 Windows only. A problem was found when the UniVerse Tel-
netInputFlag registry key was set to 1. A UniVerse session wait-
ing at the Press any key... prompt would incorrectly
page a report when the PAKTIME uvconfig parameter setting ex-
pired. This issue has been resolved.
Server Processes
UNV-30204 Windows only. Beginning with this release, the performance of
the BASIC INPUT statement when AUTOLOGOUT is enabled
has been improved. The registry key AutologoutInputFlag
has been added to enable this new functionality. For best
results, the new key should be used in conjunction with the
TelnetInputFlag, which was implemented at a previous
release. During installation, these registry keys are set to 1 to
enable this functionality.
Telnet, U2 BASIC
UNV-30276 Prior to this release, a Retrieve statement with multiple
selection clauses might not have returned the correct results
when the CONV keyword was used. The CONV keyword could
be incorrectly applied to subsequent selection clauses causing
them to fail. If the CONV keyword was used in the last selection
clause, no problem existed. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-30299 Windows only. Beginning with release 11.3.2, any process
that triggered break logic was disconnected and generated
a minidump file if PORT.STATUS was executed by another
process. This issue has been resolved.
Error Reporting -
UNV-30361 Previously, when connecting via UniRPC with PAM
authentication, the uvapi_server process could terminate
unexpectedly if password validation failed. Password validation
failures can include incorrect passwords or PAM modules that
did not load properly. This issue has been resolved.
Error Reporting -
Crash, UniRPCD
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.4
Description Component
UNV-30362 Beginning with 11.3.2 on RHEL 8, the UniVerse-supplied
OpenSSL 1.1.1b libraries did not contain the symbol
EVP_KDF_ctrl, which caused PAM authentication to fail. The
system OpenSSL 1.1 libraries will now be loaded by default
when doing PAM authentication, resolving this issue.
Additionally, the environment variable
U2PAM_OPENSSL_LIB_VER is now available if there is a need to
define a different OpenSSL version from the default OpenSSL
1.1 version. When using the U2PAM_OPENSSL_LIB_VER variable,
the UniRPC daemon must be restarted to have the variable take
Error Reporting -
Crash, UniRPCD
UNV-30487 Previously, the encman -fixenc -delkeyinfo command
would only indicate one key was deleted when deleting all keys.
The command output now displays a message for each key
deleted. This issue has been resolved.
Automatic Data
UNV-30499 Prior to this release, the BASIC compiler did not produce valid
object code for the createCertificate() function. This
could result in process core dumps or unexpected results
when running the BASIC program. Further, using VLIST on the
program could also cause a core dump. This issue has been
UNV-30534 Prior to this release, processes might terminate unexpectedly
when using 'R' type verbs that included calling a security
subroutine. The problem was intermittent and the frequency
of events varied based on the version of UniVerse and the
operating system platform. This issue has been resolved.
Error Reporting -
UNV--30535 Beginning with, EDA no longer converted decimal
type data correctly with the SQL Server external database. All
decimal type data would be treated as non-conforming data.
This issue has been resolved.
External Database
UNV-30610 Prior to this release, deleting records from a file that had an
index file larger than 4GB could result in free chain corruption of
the index file. Under certain conditions, a 64-bit address was not
handled properly when placed on the free chain, resulting in the
corruption. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-30984 Linux only. Beginning with version 11.3.1, attempting to call
a GCI subroutine through an ODBC query would fail and the
error message Invalid GCI subroutine was generated.
The problem was related to the dynamic linking functionality
introduced at the UniVerse 11.3.1 release. This issue has been
General Call
Interface, UCI, Uni
Call Interface
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.3
This section provides information on the important updates, new features and customer issues that
were fixed in Rocket UniVerse 11.3.3.
Important updates and new features in Rocket UniVerse
This section provides information on the important updates and new features in Rocket UniVerse
ADE tool to validate encryption
A new ADE tool that enables you to validate that encryption components are synchronized has been
added to UniVerse. See the Validate Encryption Components topic in the UniVerse Security Features
guide for more information.
Python version 3.9.2
Python version 3.9.2 is now bundled with this release of UniVerse and supported on the AIX, Linux,
Solaris Sparc, Solaris X86, and Windows platforms.
To start the UniVerse supplied version from the OS level on AIX or Solaris, the path to the UniVerse
version should be defined via the LIBPATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
For more information on the Python Version 3.9.2 upgrade, see the Python User Guide.
Documentation updates
Only those manuals that were updated for the 11.3.3 release are included in the documentation library
and the RBC download. Refer to the 11.3.2 documentation for all other manuals.
UniVerse 11.3.3 Enhancements and Fixes
The following enhancements were added and customer issues were fixed in UniVerse 11.3.3.
Description Component
UNV-18181 Enhanced UniVerse with a new ADE tool that enables you
validate that encryption components are synchronized. See the
Validate Encryption Components topic in the UniVerse Security
Features guide for more information.
Automatic Data
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.3
Description Component
UNV-27814 Beginning with this release, additional information has been
included in the STAT.FILE file related to file sizing. Field
31 contains the number of groups over 100% full and can
be displayed with the dictionary item GRP.OVR.100. The
percentage of groups over 100% full is included in field 32 and
can be displayed with the dictionary item PCT.GRP.OVR.100.
The I-type dictionary FILESIZE.MB can be used to display the file
size in megabytes. And the dictionary phrase (PH) PCT.GRP.OVR
can be used to sort records by the PCT.GRP.OVR.100 and
File Tools
UNV-28936 Beginning with this release, the error message Unable to
decrypt the data: Data was not previously
encrypted by U2 has been enhanced to include the
affected file name and the pid and parent pid of the process
generating the message.
Automatic Data
Encryption, Error
UNV-29199 Prior to this release, running out of available memory while
reading a large record could cause the UV process to terminate
with a core dump. In the current release, a runtime error will
be produced indicating insufficient memory is available for the
read operation and the program will return to TCL. This issue
has been resolved.
Error Reporting -
Crash, U2 Basic
UNV-29455 Windows only. Beginning with this release, the
UseShortUserNames registry key can now be set to a
REG_BINARY type. This new capability allows for controlling
how short user names are used with TCL, UniObjects, and
Telnet. The bit settings are as follows:
First bit on: TCL uses short names
Second bit on: UO uses short names
Third bit on: Telnet uses short names
Prior to this release, UseShortUserNames registry could only be
used to control the behavior of Telnet.
UNV-30178 Python. Starting with UniVerse 11.3.3, the version of python that
comes bundled with UniVerse is 3.9.2.
Note: For AIX, a minimum level of 7100-04-06-1806 and
7200-02-02-1806 is recommended to ensure Python functions
UniVerse 11.3.3 Enhancements and Fixes
Description Component
UNV-25996 Prior to this release, under certain conditions the AUDIT logging
uvaudd.errlog file could be filled with an excessive number
of warning messages similar to:
WARNING: 2020/11/23 21:56:55 pctrl[503]
reclaimed, was held by process 6647.
WARNING: 2020/11/23 21:56:55 pctrl[505]
reclaimed, was held by process 6649.
This issue has been resolved in the current release.
Audit Logging,
UNV-26910 Prior to this release, under certain conditions the
ENCRYPT.INDEX command may have partially encrypted the
index. This would result in some portions of the index still being
stored in clear text. This issue has been resolved in the current
Automatic Data
Encryption, Security
UNV-28361 Starting with this release, the uvdiag script has been updated
to version 5.3.0 for UNIX and Linux platforms.
Support Tools
UNV-28651 Prior to this release, a BASIC program which ran out of memory
could terminate the UV session and drop to the shell level with
no error message reported. In the current release, the program
will generate a runtime error indicating insufficient memory is
available and drop to TCL. The error will also be recorded in the
UniVerse errlog file including the user, account, program, and
line number of the failure. This issue has been resolved.
Server Process
UNV-28922 Prior to this release, using the BCI SQLerror call could have
intermittently resulted in the process terminating with a core
dump. This was a memory related issue which has been fixed in
the current release.
UNV-29797 Prior to this release, the ENCODE BASIC function could
terminate the uvsh session with a core dump if the result
variable contained an integer. This issue has been resolved in
the current release.
U2 Basic
UNV-29802 Prior to this release, the !EDIT.INPUT subroutine may have
incorrectly returned control characters when called while
COMMAND.EDITOR mode was ON. This issue has been resolved.
TCL Tools
UNV-29902 Prior to this release, repeatedly entering and exiting a Python
shell from UniVerse could result in process delays. This behavior
was related to a Python history file being updated on entry
and exit. As the file grew in size, each subsequent invocation
would lead to slower and slower processing. This issue has been
UNV-29931 Prior to this release, the execution of the MERGE.LIST
command could result in small memory leaks. This could be an
issue when executed repeatedly in a long running background
process. The memory leak issue has been resolved in the
current release.
TCL Tools
UNV-30073 Solaris only. In the 11.3.2 release, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable required the inclusion of $UVHOME/
bin and $UVHOME/python/lib in order for python to work
correctly. This is no longer a requirement in the current release.
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.3
Description Component
UNV-30167 Windows Only. Starting with 11.3.2, BASIC functions working
with PKCS#12 certificates such as addCertificate(),
analyzeCertificate(), and setPrivateKey() failed
to work correctly. This issue has been resolved in the current
Security, SSL, U2
UNV-30170 Prior to this release, the SQL UPDATE command may have
stored incorrect information under specific conditions. The
conditions include updating a numeric multivalued field. If the
first value in the update string was a negative decimal number,
the decimal scaling of the multivalues in the field would be
applied incorrectly. This issue has been resolved in the current
UNV-30172 Prior to this release, when auditing was enabled and the syslog
logging type was used, if AUDIT_LOG_MAX was greater than
1, then the auditing daemon could crash and write incorrect
entries into the log file. This issue has been resolved.
Audit Logging
UNV-30202 Beginning with 11.3.2, new BASIC functions were added for UTC
Datetime and Geospatial functionality. This new functionality
was added to the Linux and Solaris platforms only. In the
current release, code compiled on a Linux or Solaris platform
using the new opcodes will be recognized on other 11.3.3
platforms. When these new opcodes are encountered at
runtime, a warning message will be displayed indicating the
new functions are not yet supported on that platform.
U2 Basic
UNV-30286 Prior to this release, changing the Python console size could
cause the execution of the PYTHON command in a UV process
to terminate the session. If the console size was changed after
using PYTHON, a subsequent invocation of PYTHON would
terminate the session. This issue has been resolved in the
current release.
UNV-30335 Windows only. Prior to this release, an encrypted index was
incorrectly stored in &KEYSTORE& with a Unix style pathname
(for example, C:/U2/UV/HS.SALES/I_CUSTOMER/
INDEX.000). This issue has been resolved in the current
Automatic Data
UNV-30363 Prior to this release, the BASIC compiler did not produce valid
object code for the openSecureSocket() function. This
could result in process core dumps or unexpected results
when running the BASIC program. Further, using VLIST on the
program could also cause a core dump. This issue has been
fixed in the current release.
U2 Basic
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.2
This section provides information on the important updates, new features and customer issues that
were fixed in Rocket UniVerse 11.3.2.
Important updates and new features in Rocket UniVerse
This section provides information on the important updates and new features in Rocket UniVerse
Replication of Sequential I/O
Replication has been enhanced to include the replication of Sequential I/O. This means that for
existing installations already running Replication, additional I/O may now be replicated. If the
application performs sequential I/O on a file that is replicated either in an ACCOUNT level group or
explicitly in a FILE level group, the sequential I/O updates will now be replicated. See the U2 Data
Replication User Guide for more information.
OpenSSL 1.1.1 support
This release of UniVerse has been upgraded to support OpenSSL version 1.1.1. Please note the
Using EDA with the MS SQL ODBC driver on Linux requires a minimum driver version of 17.4.
Changes made in the MS SQL ODBC driver in version 17.4 allow it to work with OpenSSL 1.1.1.
The upgrade to OpenSSL 1.1.1 includes support for TLSv1.3. When connecting to an 11.3.2 server
with a client which does not support TLSv1.3, the connection may fail. In this situation, TLSv1.3
support should be disabled in the uvconfig file.
See the Security Features User Guide and BASIC Commands Reference manual for more information.
Default Root Certificate
A default root certificate with basic protection is now available. The UPDATE.CER command has
been added for installing the certificate. See the Security Features User Guide and the BASIC Commands
Reference manual for more information.
EDA Support for MySQL and Postgres
Windows and Linux versions of UniVerse now support the use of EDA with MySQL and Postgres. See
the EDA Reference Guide for more information.
RHEL 8 support
UniVerse 11.3.2 is supported on RHEL 8. This requires that the libraries libnsl.x86_64 and
compat-libs.x86_64 be installed on the system. The installation script will confirm these
libraries exist before proceeding with the installation. If they do not exist, a message will be displayed
indicating the libraries should be installed before restarting the installation process.
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.2
Python version 3.7
Python version 3.7 is now bundled with this release of UniVerse and supported on the AIX, Linux,
Solaris Sparc, Solaris X86, and Windows platforms.
In order to start the UniVerse supplied version from the OS level on AIX or Solaris, the path to the
UniVerse version should be defined via the LIBPATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
For more information on the Python Version 3.7 upgrade, see the Python User Guide.
Index based triggers
The new keyword ALL.NULLS has been added to the CREATE.INDEX command to support the use of
an index subroutine to perform trigger like behavior. The ALL.NULLS keyword indicates the index will
not contain any data and a BUILD.INDEX is not required. The index can be used immediately after
creation. Attempting to run BUILD.INDEX on an ALL.NULLS index will exit with a message indicating
a build is not required.
The BASIC INDICES() function has been modified to support this new feature. Two new values
are returned in field 1 of the dynamic array returned by the INDICES(filename,indexname)
function. Value 18 can contain a ‘Y’ or ‘N’ to indicate whether the index is an ALL.NULLS index. Value 19
will contain the same information for each part file when the file is a distributed file.
See the BASIC Commands Reference and User Reference manuals for more information.
This release contains multiple improvements supporting UTC DATE and TIME. The functionality
includes the addition of multiple new conversion codes supporting different date and time formats, a
new @-variable to specify the time zone, and new BASIC functions supporting this functionality. See
the BASIC Commands Reference and BASIC User Guide manuals for more information.
Geospatial support
The new GCDISTANCE() function has been added to BASIC. The function calculates the distance
between two points based on supplying the longitude and latitude coordinates of each point. See
the BASIC Commands Reference manual for more information. Note, this functionality is not currently
available on Windows platforms.
TCL online HELP
The information displayed by the TCL HELP command has been updated at this release to sync
with the current documentation set. With this update, information on all TCL commands and BASIC
statements/functions documented in the standard documentation set will now be available via the
HELP command.
UniVerse 11.3.2 Fixes
The following customer issues were fixed in UniVerse 11.3.2
UniVerse 11.3.2 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-16597 Beginning with this release, Sequential I/O performed with
BASIC statements such as OPENSEQ and WRITESEQ to a
published file is now replicated to the subscriber. Note, if
Replication was already running on an earlier release, updates
which were not previously replicated may now be replicated if
the application uses Sequential I/O.
UNV-17602 Beginning with this release, the ALL.NULLS keyword has been
added to the CREATE.INDEX command. The ALL.NULLS
keyword is used when the index will never contain any data.
This would be the case when using an index to perform trig-
ger like functionality. When the ALL.NULLS keyword is used, a
BUILD.INDEX is not required and the index can be used im-
mediately. The BASIC INDICES() function has been updated
to include information on whether an index is an ALL.NULLS in-
UNV-17732 Previously, the MAKE.MAP.FILE command incorrectly
produced Cannot read file error messages when
processing GCI entries in the catalog space. This issue has been
resolved by eliminating these messages.
General Call
Interface, TCL Tools
UNV-23644 Beginning with this release, an EDA driver for Postgres is
available on the Linux and Windows platforms.
External Database
Access, Replication
UNV-23690 Beginning with this release, the RUNPY command in UV shell
supports command line arguments.
UNV-25032 Prior to this release, the BUILD.INDEX command leaked
memory when the CONCURRENT keyword was used. Depending
on the size of the index, the BUILD.INDEX command could
exit unexpectedly due to running out of memory. This issue has
been resolved.
UNV-26101 Previously, when an HTTP 4xx status code was encountered,
callHTTP would only return code 400 with no additional
information. Beginning with this release, full responses from
HTTP 4xx status codes are returned from the web server. This
modification enhances the ability to troubleshoot requests
returning 4xx status codes.
Error Reporting, U2
Basic - CallHTTP
UNV-26488 Beginning with this release, we always use utf-8 encoding
to transfer strings between BASIC and Python regardless of
whether the NLS is on or off. The uvmark is converted to the
uvutf-8 mark during the transfer.
UNV-26564 Previously, the command failed when trying to RUN a BASIC
program from Python. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-27283 Previously, with NLS enabled, using the format function in
Python with a dynamic array consisting of Chinese characters
did not work. This issue has been resolved.
National Language
UNV-27425 Beginning with this release, the PORT.STATUS command in UV
shell and port.status system command support reporting level 1
python callstack for the LAYER.STACK option.
Python, TCL Tools,
U2 Basic
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.2
Description Component
UNV-27537 Before this release, only the BASIC FILEINFO function
provided a lot of information about an open file, but
u2py did not provide a way to achieve this. Now, the
u2py.File.fileinfo function can provide a lot of
information about an open file.
UNV-27656 With the current release, the uvcleanupd daemon is now able
to decrement the reference count of a shared RD group lock
when a user is terminated unexpectedly. Previously, if the
terminated user was not the current owner of the RD lock, the
reference count would not be decremented. This could result in
a persistent RD group lock blocking other operations until the
lock was manually released. The lock table now has information
on the users sharing the RD lock allowing uvcleanupd to handle
shared RD lock cleanup.
UNV-27703 Beginning with this release, support for the combined date
and time datatype (datetime) has been expanded. This
implementation is supported by several new BASIC functions
code which has several new options, and the new @TZ
(timezone) @-variable.
U2 Basic
UNV-27704 Beginning with this release, when NLS is on and Python
encoding is UTF-8, the uv marks are converted to uvutf-8 marks
and passed with the u2string from BASIC to Python as a python
string correctly through the UniBasic Python API function.
National Language
Support, Python
UNV-27715 A problem was found with the new DT conversion code
introduced at the release. When using ICONV()
with dates in January or selective month end dates (for example
03/31/90), the internal date was incorrectly returned as the
empty string. This issue has been resolved.
Note: A related problem exists that impacts the Windows
version of UniVerse only. Certain daylight saving time dates
prior to 1986 are not handled correctly by the Windows function
used to perform the conversion. The converted value might
be off by one hour. This is due to the Windows function not
accounting for historical changes in the start and end date
of daylight saving time. A resolution for this behavior will be
U2 Basic
UNV-27733 Beginning with this release, UniVerse has been upgraded to
support OpenSSL version 1.1.1 on all platforms. This includes
AIX, HP, Linux, Solaris Sparc, Solaris X86, and Windows.
Security, SSL
UNV-27772 Previously, device-licensed connections could not use the
Python integration because the OS-level environment variables
were not set up. This issue has been resolved.
Device Licensing,
UNV-27775 Beginning with this release, Python version 3.7 is bundled with
UniVerse on AIX, Linux, Solaris Sparc, Solaris X86, and Windows.
UNV-27798 Previously, when executing a command similar to"runpy PP"), the command
would run successfully but subsequent commands would crash
unexpectedly. This issue has been resolved.
UniVerse 11.3.2 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-28152 Prior to this release, the colon (:) character in a BASIC
CallHTTP request would be encoded to '%3A'. This could
cause failures when connecting to certain sites. In the current
release, the default behavior is to not encode the colon
character. If there is a requirement to encode the colon
character, the environment variable COLON_ENCODES can be
U2 Basic - CallHTTP
UNV-28153 Prior to this release, the uvcleanupd daemon was unable to
clear a semaphore lock if the semaphore lock did not have an
owner. With the current release, the uvcleanupd daemon is now
able to clear incorrectly held semaphore locks when the owner
is 0. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-28179 Beginning with this release, a default self-signed root certificate
is now available. This can be setup during the UniVerse
installation or afterwards using the new UPDATE.CER
command. The certificate can be used to deploy Rocket SSL-
capable products. This feature is available on AIX, HP, Linux,
Solaris Sparc, Solaris X86, and Windows.
Security, SSL
UNV-28185 Prior to this release, the behavior of the BASIC GET statement
was inconsistent when used with TIMEOUT on an NLS enabled
system. The GET statement might timeout at an interval
different from that specified in the TIMEOUT statement. This
issue has been resolved.
National Language
Support, U2 Basic
UNV-28186 Prior to this release, the entire replication dynamic object
table was searched sequentially. Since the replication object
table is scanned on the first I/O to a replicated file to obtain
information on the file, a sequential search could negatively
impact performance when the dynamic object table was very
This issue has been resolved in the current release. The
structure of the dynamic object table was modified to
significantly improve the time to access information about the
replicated file.
Files - Dynamic,
UNV-28270 Windows only. Prior to this release, the BASIC XDOMLocate
function could crash when encoding was set to UTF-8 by the
XMLSETOPTIONS command. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic - XDOM API
UNV-28275 Beginning with v11.3.1.6023, the new conversion code, DT, was
introduced to work with TIMESTAMP formatted data. When
using ICONV, if the input time was within a daylight savings
time period, the input converted value was off by 1 hour. This
issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-28279 Previously, Phantom processes were slower to start at v11.3.1
on some platforms compared to earlier releases. This issue has
been resolved.
Performance SSL
UNV-28293 Beginning with this release, an EDA driver for MySQL is available
on the Linux and Windows platforms.
External Database
UNV-28307 Beginning with this release, when converting a UniVerse file to
an EDA file, the size of the EDA file is reduced from 132K to 3K.
External Database
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.2
Description Component
UNV-28310 Resolved the @U2PY issue where the level remained the
former value after the previous python related operation was
Python, U2 Basic
UNV-28317 Resolved the python upgrade issue that occurred when the old
python home existed in the destination path.
UNV-28324 Windows only. Prior to this release, if the UniRPC Service was
started as a user other than SYSTEM, the output of LISTU
reports UniRPC connections with ownership as the user starting
the service. With this release, the LISTU results will show the
correct username. Note: If SYSTEM is not used as the starting
process, the XAdmin Telnet Configuration functionality will
not work on UAC-enabled systems. This is because write
permissions are needed to access the UniVerse registry keys.
UNV-28328 Prior to this release, a python str converted from u2py.DynArray
in python could be passed back to BASIC as a BASIC array. This
issue has been resolved.
UNV-28339 Previously, executing the AE command incorrectly displayed an
informational message indicating that AE was a beta release.
This issue has been resolved.
Editor - ED
UNV-28358 Fixed the RUNPY command line option which did not work
properly on Q-pointer files or linked files to another account.
UNV-28359 Added the name and path attributes to the u2py.File object. Python
UNV-28363 Prior to this release, calling the PyCallFunction from a
BASIC program could cause a UV abort. This issue has been
UNV-28364 Prior to this release, the u2py.config.encoding option could be
overwritten the first time the Python program was run, resulting
in different results during the handling of the uvmark with the
same u2py.DynArray. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-28366 Changed the temporary file path location when capturing the
output in the function from the current
account directory into the value of the UVTEMP uvconfig items
or the TMP (Windows) /TMPDIR (UNIX) environment variable
(when UVTEMP is not available).
UNV-28423 Previously, if a uvbackup process completed after midnight, the
elapsed time would display as a negative value. This issue has
been resolved.
Backup Tools
UNV-28426 Beginning with this release, the INPLACE option of RESIZE is no
longer a valid option. A syntax error will be produced at the cur-
rent release if the INPLACE option is used.
File Tools
UNV-28427 Starting with this release, the date format will now work on Era
years. For example:
*The current Era year is 08/4/2561
The Era year is output by two digits (08/4/61).
National Language
UniVerse 11.3.2 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-28428 Beginning with this release, the UniVerse Online Help
information accessed with the HELP command has been
updated to sync with the current documentation set.
UNV-28429 Starting with this release, the BIT field has been added to
the STAT.FILE file used by the ACCOUNT.FILE.STATS
command. This new field will indicate if the file is a 32-bit, 64-
bit, or directory file, respectively with the values 32, 64, and DIR.
File Tools
UNV-28430 Beginning with this release, for both publisher and subscribers,
the DATA VOC file will always be loaded into the account-level
group if one exists. This will override configuring a FILE=DATA
VOC phrase in a file-level group. This change ensures that VOC
file updates will be replicated in the correct group.
UNV-28432 Beginning with this release, the CLEANUP semaphore option
has been added to the UNLOCK command. When the “CLEANUP
is cleaning up dead processes” message is persistent (indicating
a problem), the "UNLOCK CLEANUP SEMAPHORE" command
can be used to release the semaphore lock.
Server Processes
UNV-28433 Previously, the "MT" conversion specification of ICONV() may
not have worked correctly on UniVerse NLS-enabled databases.
If NLSLCMODE was set to 1 and a locale was enabled, the
ICONV() function incorrectly returned the empty string. This
issue has been resolved.
National Language
Support, U2 Basic
UNV-28434 Starting at this release, when using the COUNT {EDA
filename} command on an EDA file, a SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM file statement is sent to an external database where
the count is performed. The modification improves the COUNT
{EDA filename} command performance.
External Database
Access, Performance
UNV-28435 Previously, the @LOGNAME variable was not properly initialized
to the user making the UVnet connection. This issue has been
Security, UV/Net
UNV-28436 Previously, the MASTER command did not allow the entry of
either negative or positive values to identify the user number. At
the current release, the absolute value of the number supplied
is used to identify the user in the LCT table, which resolved this
TCL Tools
UNV-28438 Previously, a semaphore could become locked when using
the RECORDLOCKED function in a continuous tight loop and
aborting the process with a Ctrl+C (or similar interrupt). This
prevented users from logging in and out, or accessing the
UniVerse lock table. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-28439 Windows only. Starting in UniVerse 11.3.1, the values generated
for INODE exceed the default column width of the LIST.READU
command and the full value is not displayed. Using the trun-
cated value displayed by LIST.READU with the UNLOCK com-
mand would fail. The DETAIL option of LIST.READU can be
used to display the full INODE value.
UNV-28440 Previously, the XDEMO example program
FINDWAREHOUSE_PYFUNC did not return any data. It now
returns information indicating the program is deprecated due to
the link it used no longer being available. However, the program
and Python code are still available for review
Python, XDEMO
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.2
Description Component
UNV-28441 Beginning with this release, the INFORM option of LIST.INDEX
will display whether an index is 32-bit or 64-bit, the index size,
and when the index was last built. In NLS mode the index build
date is not available and will show N/A in that column.
File Tools, Indexes
UNV-28442 UNIX/Linux only. Previously, when starting uv.load as root,
attempting to select uvadm as the owner would fail if uvadm
was a PAM/LDAP user. This capability is now allowed. Note:
Previously, this functionality would work if you started the
script as uvadm instead of root.
UNV-28443 Beginning with 11.3.1, the ps results on UNIX for the uv, uvsh,
uvdls, and uvsh.d executables included a full path that was
different from prior releases. Starting with this release, the
results have been restored to the behavior that existed prior to
the 11.3.1 release.
Server Processes
UNV-28444 Prior to this release, if the SYS.UTILITY Audit Logging event
was enabled, UniVerse spooler commands (such as usa or
usm) would be incorrectly executed twice. This issue has been
Audit Logging
UNV-28445 Beginning with this release, the USE_PYTHON_DICT example
BASIC program has been added to the XDEMO account.
Python, U2 Basic
UNV-28446 Starting with this release, the XDEMO account has been updated
to version 3.1.4. This includes a fix for repeated calls to the
UNV-28447 Previously, performing a re-conversion on an EDA file that was
in use would result in the loss of all data in the EDA file.
Starting with this release, the conversion operation will set
an exclusive lock on the EDA file. If the file is already in use,
the conversion operation will exit with an indication that
exclusive access to the file is needed. This resolves the issue by
eliminating the possibility of data loss.
External Database
UNV-28448 Previously in UniVerse 11.3.1, the "analyze.shm -p"
command could core dump. This issue has been resolved with
the current release.
Server Processes
UNV-28449 Beginning with, the BASIC LOCATE function did
not work properly when locating text strings that began with
the '.' character. These strings would incorrectly match strings
without the leading '.' character. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-28450 Previously, the child usd process spawned to print a UniVerse
job on UNIX might not have exited and instead remained as a
defunct process. This issue has been resolved.
Server Processes
UNV-28451 Previously, attempting to add a password to an ADE master
key generated via SYSGEN incorrectly failed with a message
indicating that the master key had changed. This issue has been
Atomatic Data
UNV-28455 Starting with this release, the uvdiag script has been updated to
version 5.2.1 for UNIX and Linux platforms.
Support Tools
UNV-28456 Starting at 11.3.1, the BASIC RND() function generated a
warning when its argument was an integer greater than 32 bits.
This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UniVerse 11.3.2 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-28457 Starting with this release, the following new uvconfig para-
meters were added to support Audit Logging enhancements:
AUDIT_LOG_COMPRESS: If the value is 1, the log data will be
compressed block by block when data is output from the sys-
tem buffer to sequential log files.
AUDIT_LOG_START_DISABLED: Determines whether audit log-
ging is disabled after UniVerse is started.
AUDIT_LOG_MSG_LEVELS: Controls the type of messages are out-
put to audit logging message files.
Audit Logging
UNV-28458 Prior to this release, when using a SELECT statement with the
CURRENT_DATE keyword in SQL-style queries, when the field be-
ing compared was an indexed field, the index was not used to
resolve the query. For example, for the following statement:
If ATYPE was a multivalued field, CURRENT_DATE returned
This issue has been resolved.
Indexes, SQL
UNV-28459 Starting with this release, HS.OLEDBINFO now supports the
BASE TABLE table type allowing the BASE TABLE parameter to
be used with the JDBC getTables() method.
UNV-28460 Windows only. Previously, the resize operation might have
failed to copy the temporary resize file to the original file if the
file was opened by another user. This issue has been resolved
by ensuring that the resize operation has exclusive access to the
file before proceeding.
File Tools
UNV-28461 Previously, if a WRITE operation failed to complete the index
update portion of the write, the WRITE failure message
provided no indication that the failure was related to the index
Starting with this release, the error message indicates the index
update failure and warns that the index and data file might now
be out of sync.
Program "UNV24630": Line 3, WARNING:
WRITE failure on index file /disk1/uvtest/
I_TEST/INDEX.000, index may no longer be
synchronized with file TEST.
Indexes, U2 Basic
UNV-28462 Previously, when a file was deleted normally, a message
indicating that the operation was successful was logged to
the UniVerse errlog file. At sites where the DELETE.FILE
operation was frequent, these messages cluttered the error log
file making it difficult to detect real errors.This issue has been
resolved by eliminating the successful delete file messages from
Error Reporting
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.2
Description Component
UNV-28465 Beginning with this release, the new TCL REINIT.PYTHON
command has been added to control the re-initialization of the
Python environment. The available options to the command are
ON/OFF/STATUS. The default value is ON. The STATUS option
shows the current setting.
UNV-28466 Windows only. Prior to this release, a cross-domain login was
always allocated a negative user number and the UniVerse login
cache was not used. This caused each login attempt for the user
to be slow because the advantages of the login cache were not
available. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-28467 Previously, using the SYSADM menus to designate programs to
run in shared memory could fail with an abnormal termination.
This issue has been resolved.
Shared Memory
UNV-28468 Previously, the AE command did not work on the Solaris x86
platform. This issue has now been resolved.
Editor - ED
UNV-28469 Starting with this release, the FILE.USAGE commands are
now available to be used with dynamic files.
Files - Dynamic
UNV-28470 Beginning with this release, UniVerse provides the ability to up-
grade to a newer minor revision level of OpenSSL without the
requirement of a new UniVerse version. An environment vari-
able can be used to define the location of the new OpenSSL li-
brary or a file in uvhome can define the location. The location
defined by either method will become effective when UniVerse
is started.
A CONFIG ALL enhancement has been added to display the ver-
sion of the OpenSSL library that is currently in use.
This functionality is not available on AIX. On AIX the new
OpenSSL libraries would replace the UniVerse supplied libraries
in uvhome/bin.
UNV-28487 Previously, after the BUILD.INDEX command was run with the
CONCURRENT option, a DELETE.INDEX command did not re-
move the associated index directory. Information logging files
were created in the index directory when the CONCURRENT op-
tion was used. This issue has been resolved and the log files are
now removed with the DELETE.INDEX command.
UNV-28488 Previously, when a process that is a member of the uvadm
group spawned a phantom, the parent process was unable to
use the renice command to lower the priority of the phantom.
This issue has been resolved.
UVADMIN (non-root
command line or
UNV-28497 Support for RHEL/CentOS 8 has been added for this release.
This requires that the libraries libnsl.x86_64 and compat-
libs.x86_64 be installed on the system. The UniVerse
installation script will confirm these libraries exist before
proceeding with the installation. If they do not exist, a message
will be displayed indicating the libraries should be installed
before restarting the installation process.
UNV-28540 Prior to this release, UDO BASIC functions were not handling
large integer values correctly in all cases. This issue has been
resolved in the current release. Integer input data in the range
-2^64 to 2^64 will be treated as 64bit integers.
U2 Basic, U2 Basic -
U2 Dynamic Objects
UniVerse 11.3.2 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-28569 Beginning with this release, the geospatial GCDISTANCE
function has been added to BASIC. This function will calculate
the distance between two points on the earth by providing the
latitude and longitude of each point.
UNV-28600 In some cases, the memory allocated for RAID execution has
been increased again to better handle debugging when indexed
complex I-Types are used. This was previously changed via
UNV-24653 on UniVerse 11.3.1.
Debug Tools, U2
UNV-28609 Previously, if the Intercall ic_replace function was used
to replace an array element with the empty string, the Intercall
client could core dump. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-28612 Previously, the UV_USERNO environment variable was set to
empty by RUNPY and u2py.File(). This issue has been
UNV-28642 Previously, a dynamic file split/merge operation may have left
a record lock set on the incorrect group. The problem was a
timing issue related to updating the dynamic file information in
the T30FILE table. The issue has been resolved with this release.
UNV-28643 Linux only. Beginning with this release, the UniVerse install
process will insert the line /usr/lib64 at the beginning of
the "/etc/" file. This
will avoid problems resulting from OS level commands using
libraries in uvhome/bin.
UNV-28666 Previously, the BASIC FMT function in NLS did not work with
Chinese characters. This issue has been resolved.
National Language
UNV-28682 Beginning with this release, cipher suites supporting TLSv1.3 are
uNV-28749 In many certificates, the CN or SubAltName can contain a
wildcard (*).
For example: A certificate from has CN name
Previously, the SSL connection would fail if the authentication
rule for peer name was This issue has been
UNV-28861 Starting with 11.3.1, the BASIC RND() function generated a
warning when its argument was an integer greater than 32 bits.
This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
This section provides information on the important updates, new features and customer issues that
were fixed in Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1.
Rocket UniVerse overview
This section provides information about the customer issues and enhancements made for UniVerse
Important news at this release
UniVerse 11.3.1 includes several enhancements and changes that may demand additional system
resources on some platforms. Internal tests showed the following results when testing memory usage.
The results you encounter will vary depending on your operating system platform, the amount of
users on your system, and overall usage. These results are not guaranteed.
Due to the 10 KB user printer memory segments moving inside the main UV disk memory
segment, the size of the segment has increased (NUSERS * 10240). This change and the changes
to the default uvconfig file settings (for parameters such as NUSERS, SHM_GNTBLS, and
SHM_GNPAGES) may increase overall shared memory usage by 60% from the 11.2.5 defaults based
on the number of users configured. For systems over 256 users, these changes will have no impact
on shared memory usage over the 11.2.5 release.
When the uvconfig file parameter PERF_MON_MODE is set to 1 (default) for the SystemCure
agent and the CURE add-on is licensed, memory usage increased from 30 MB to 1.9 GB depending
on the platform, with the largest increase seen on Linux and HP. The increase in memory is due to
the use of Java in the product and results can vary between Java 7 and Java 8. If SystemCure for
UniVerse is not used, there is no impact.
Memory usage of core daemons (uvsmm, uvcleanupd, usd, uvdlockd, and unirpcd) increased
2-13% on all platforms except AIX. On AIX, the daemons saw a 4% improvement in memory.
The uvsh memory on HP and Linux platforms increased by 9%. On Windows, the uvsh memory
increased by 17%. AIX showed an improvement of 12%, Sun Sparc by 10%, and Sun Intel by 4%.
At the 11.3.1 release, the Data Replication protocol level has changed. When upgrading an existing
Data Replication system from 11.2.x to 11.3.1, consider the following important information:
Both the publisher and subscriber systems must be upgraded to the 11.3.1 release in order for Data
Replication to function.
The replication logs from releases prior to 11.3.1 are not compatible with the 11.3.1 release. Before
upgrading to 11.3.1, the publisher and subscriber systems should be in sync. That is, there should
be no pending logs to be applied to any subscriber system.
After performing the upgrade, the following steps should be performed before starting the
UniVerse database:
Update the uvhome/repsys file to make sure the VERSION phrase is set to 113. The install
script updates the local machine but remote machines will likely need to be updated.
Delete the hidden file uvhome/.uvrepsyslog.
UniVerse can now be started with the -init option on the relevant publisher and subscriber systems.
UniVerse users now share a common pool of memory segments across all users. Previously, users had
their own printer segment. Please review the section in the New Features Guide called "UniVerse user
number assignment and management" before upgrading to 11.3.1.
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Starting at UniVerse 11.3.1, UniVerse builds are 64-bit only on all platforms. As a consequence,
Windows 2003 Server, Windows XP, and Windows Vista are no longer supported platforms. The Linux
base platform is now RHEL 6.0, so 5.x is no longer supported.
GCI Libraries for Windows platforms must be 64-bit at release 11.3.1. Windows processes are created
as either 32-bit or 64-bit. A 64-bit process would not be able to link to a 32-bit .dll and vice versa. Given
this restriction, any existing 32-bit GCI libraries must be rebuilt as 64-bit in order to be accessed by the
64-bit versions of UniVerse.
Administering UniVerse on Windows and UNIX Platforms has been updated to remove the information
about the outdated UniVerse Replication feature. Refer to the U2 Data Replication User Guide for more
recent capabilities.
Beginning at 11.2.5, UniVerse supports the following security protocols:
The following protocols are enabled by default:
To enable any of the other protocols, make changes to the following locations:
uvconfig (SSL_OPTIONS)
inetd.conf (-P option) for UNIX
xinetd.conf (server_args = -P option) for Linux
Computer\HKLM\SOFTWARE\Rocket Software\UniVerse\CurrentVersion
(SSL_PROTOCOLS) for Windows
Note: UniVerse 11.3.0 will only allow disabled security protocol TLSv1 to be enabled. SSLv3 is a
high-vulnerability threat and most major producers of software that use security protocols have
already disabled SSLv3. For more information about these security protocols, refer to the Security
Features Guide.
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
The following customer issues were fixed in UniVerse 11.3.1 build 6002.
Description Component
UNV-1453 In previous versions, the BASIC LOCATE statement did not
handle decimal values correctly when using the numeric sort
options AR or DR. This issue has been fixed by now sorting
numeric values with decimals correctly.
U2 Basic
UNV-1595 Prior to this release, the transaction cache file created
when a transaction exceeded TXMEM was created using
the NLSNEWFILEMAP uvconfig file setting when NLS was
enabled. The information written to the transaction cache file
could be corrupted if NLSNEWFILEMAP was not set to NONE.
At the current release, the transaction cache files are always
created with a map of NONE, resolving the issue.
National Language
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-1892 Windows and Linux platforms only. Prior to this release, when
performing a TOXML with a LIST statement on a file that has
attributes that are F correlatives, a core dump could result. This
issue has been resolved.
Query, XML
UNV-1916 Starting at this release, the CREATE.INDEX, BUILD.INDEX,
and DELETE.INDEX commands will restore the original HUSH
value after processing is complete.
A BRIEF option is available for these commands. For
screen display. For the BUILD.INDEX command, it will skip a
check to see whether the dictionary item has changed since the
last build of an index.
UNV-1952 A new routine named *HS.WRTFINFO is available. This routine
updates the UniVerse account's file information cache
(.hs_fileinfo) needed for ODBC access to the account's
database files. The routine updates the file information cache
based on files specified in the HS_ENABLED_FILES select list. An
entry will also be created in HS_FILE_ACCESS for each file in the
select list with permission "READ_WRITE". The *HS.WRTFINFO
routine is run at TCL within the UniVerse account.
UNV-1999 Prior to this release, using the ANALYZE.FILE command on
dynamic files might have resulted in negative load factors being
reported. This issue has been resolved.
File Tools
UNV-2639 The help information for the fixtool utility has been updated
to display the options available for the utility. The fixtool
-help command no longer displays a message indicating
incorrect number of arguments. The command now only
displays the help information.
Files - Corruption
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-2696 Beginning at this release, new TCL commands are available
related to the currently existing TANDEM command.
Individual UniVerse sessions can change the default TANDEM
behavior. To allow a session to be used by TANDEM, use the
ENABLE.TANDEM command. To forbid the session from
becoming used by TANDEM, use the DISABLE.TANDEM
command. When the DISABLE.TANDEM command is used
with the FORCE option, the TANDEM connection is broken if it is
already used by TANDEM. When an active connection is present,
but the FORCE option is not used, DISABLE.TANDEM prints the
following message:
TANDEM operation is disabled.
However TANDEM connection currently active
(consider using FORCE option to disconnect
the connection).
You can check whether a session is used by TANDEM
by using the GET.TANDEM.STATUS command.
GET.TANDEM.STATUS returns 0 if the session is not used,
or a pid if the session is used. The pid is the process ID of the
TANDEM process.
If the target UniVerse session has TANDEM disabled and the
TANDEM process tries to connect to that session, TANDEM
reports the following message then exits:
Requested session has TANDEM operation
If the target UniVerse session interrupts the TANDEM connection
by using the DISABLE.TANDEM FORCE command, the
TANDEM process prints the following message and exits:
User has broken TANDEM connection. TANDEM
Finally, a new uvconfig file parameter has been added at
this release: TANDEM_FLAG. This parameter specifies whether
TANDEM can be used to connect to other sessions. The default
value is 1, meaning the ability to use TANDEM is enabled.
Automatic Data
UNV-3043 Prior to this release, the fixtool command did not properly
recognize syntax errors when using the -start and -stop
options. In some cases, no processing would be done and
no errors would be reported. In other cases, the entire file
could be processed. The syntax errors are now caught and an
appropriate error is displayed. This issue is resolved.
Files - Corruption
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-3391 In this release, UniRPC and UniRPCD supports both IPv4 and
IPv6 addresses. IPv6 compatibility provides the ability to
create more IP addresses, as IPv4 addresses are running out.
In addition, IPv6 utilizes a more secure data package including
end-to-end encryption and better name resolution with the
Secure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) protocol.
Note: UniVerse device licensing is not supported on IPv6
protocols. If you are connected using an IPv6-only client, the
uvlictool command displays (localhost) as the IP
address. If you are using IPv6 protocols while device licensing
is enabled, please contact [email protected] for
UNV-3888 Prior to this release, the CREATE.FILE command on a
dynamic file only allowed a separation size of 4 or 8. Starting
with this release, the separation can be now be a multiple of
2K. The GROUP.SIZE argument can accept values other than 1
and 2 (separation of 2K and 4K) and create the separation as 2K
multiples of the specified GROUP.SIZE.
Files - Dynamic
UNV-3970 Previously, using single or double quotes in an I-descriptor
expression could cause the BUILD.INDEX process to
incorrectly build alternate keys (indexes). This problem has now
been resolved.
UNV-4013 Prior to this release, the od command syntax used in uv.load
to check existing transaction logging log files was incorrect
on Linux. This caused syntax errors to be generated during
the install process. This issue has been resolved at the current
UNV-4764 Prior to this release, when the PORT.STATUS command is in
use and another user tries to run it, the following error displays:
PORT.STATUS is currently being run by
another user, try again later.
This message does not allow you to locate the user who is
locking PORT.STATUS. Starting with this release, the message
has been updated to include the current user information:
PORT.STATUS is currently being run by user
#nn, try again later.
Where nn is the user number who is using PORT.STATUS. The
TCL LISTUSER command can be used to identify the user.
UNV-5349 Prior to this release, the Data Replication configuration
parameter RW_SKIP_TRIGGER, which allows for running a
trigger on the subscriber, was not supported. Support for this
functionality has been added at this release.
Data Replication
UNV-5379 Starting at this release, the uvlstt and uvgstt commands
have been added. These commands show the percentage of
LCTs and GCTs in use on a system.
Shared Memory
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-5410 Starting at UniVerse 11.3.1, the UniVerse BASIC compiler accepts
64-bit integers in the source code as well as the previously
accepted 32-bit integer. 64-bit integer operations are useful
in applications that deal with large amounts of data, such
as scientific and engineering applications, large databases,
and so on. The extended precision of the integer math within
BASIC is automatically enabled, 64-bit signed, and allows
larger operations in integer mathematics without automatic
conversion to floating point arithmetic.
Basic Call Interface,
U2 Basic
UNV-5612 Beginning at UniVerse 10.2.12, the BUILD.INDEX program
was changed to use the INDICES BASIC function. When the
dictionary was not defined as either 'S'ingle or 'Multivalued', the
index could fail to build and report the following message:
Single-valued field "@Ak.0" not valid with WHEN.
SELECT did not complete as expected.
Please verify!
This issue has been resolved.
UNV-5416 Previously, when the uvlictool command was executed on
a large system with more than 999 users, the "seat #" and "pid"
columns in the uvlictool output would blend together. This
issue is now fixed. The "seat #" column has been increased to
five digits and the "pid" column has been increased to eight
UNV-5645 Beginning at this release, UniVerse has added a new HMAC
function in BASIC. The format of this function is:
hmac= HMAC(hmacAlg, hmacKey, hmacData,
For a full description of this function, see the UniVerse BASIC
Commands Reference.
The HMAC implementation is in full compliance with RFC 2104.
The function returns hmac as the result, whose length is
determined by the digest algorithm. For example, for MD5, the
length is 16 bytes. For SHA1, it is 20 bytes. For SHA256, it is 32
bytes, and so on. All lengths are for binary format.
U2 Basic
UNV-11321 At this release, the MQI_ErrMsg text file has been add to
$UVHOME. This file will now be used by MQI to report error
UNV-11596 The SYSTEM(105) BASIC function reports on the NLS
configuration parameters in the uvconfig file. Prior to this
release, the value for NLSDEFSOCKMAP was not reported. At this
release, the value of NLSDEFSOCKMAP is reported in attribute
18 of the result. The EQUate value for this parameter is
National Language
Support, U2 Basic
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-12311 On UNIX and Linux platforms, additional debug versions of
some files are now included with the media and installed with
the product (but not active by default). These additional files
This will cause roughly a 5% increase in the size of the
UNV-12317 Prior to this release, the RELATIVE.PATH option of the
CREATE.INDEX command would fail if the account path
contained a string matching the file name. For example, if the
account path was /disk1/TESTACCT and the file name
was TEST, the command would fail. This issue has now been
UNV-13646 Starting at this release, the following uvconfig file
parameters have been increased (From -> To):
NUSERS: 64 -> 256
SHM_GNTBLS: 20 -> 40
SHM_GNPAGES 32 -> 64
Also, when starting UniVerse, NUSERS is changed with the
following conditions:
If NUSERS > (number of licenses * 2), then NUSERS is used
If NUSERS < (number of licenses * 2), then "number of licenses *
2" is used
These changes were done to reduce the occurrence of the
"No More LCTs" and "No More GCTs" messages. The value
in the uvconfig file for NUSERS will only become active
after running the uvregen command in the UniVerse home
directory. To see the active NUSERS value, run the uvsms -h
command. Previously, if NUSERS was less than the number of
licenses, it was increased to the number of licenses.
UNV-13728 Prior to this release, Data Replication evaluated every file
pointer in the VOC file of an account even if the group was
defined as a FILE level replication. This could cause a timeout
and increase overhead. Starting with this release, FILE level
replication groups have been limited to look only at the specific
files that have been referenced.
UNV-14411 At this release, error messages written to errlog now include
the account path name up to 64 characters. If the path is more
than 64 characters, part of the path is replaced with an ellipsis
Server Processes
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-14457 Starting at 11.1.11, if UniVerse was installed as uvadm, the
MASTER OFF command only worked if the target session was
also logged in as uvadm, otherwise an error message similar to
the following displayed:
Unable to control shared memory ID for
MASTER operation.
At this release, the MASTER, UPDATE.ACCOUNT, and MESSAGE
commands will be run with an effective uid of 0 which resolves
the problem.
UVADMIN (non-root
command line or
UNV-15293 Starting at this release, the INFORM, -INFORM, and -INFORMME
options have been added to the LIST.INDEX command.
These options list the physical path and physical index file
names for each of the requested fields. The additional -INFORM
and -INFORMME options were added in case the word INFORM
was already used as a field name in a data file. These options
can be used with the ALL option of the LIST.INDEX command.
When using this option with the ALL option, output is sorted
alphabetically by the dictionary field name, not the INDEX.###
An example output of this command is:
Alternate Keys for CUSTOMER
Index path: /usr/uv/HS.SALES/I_CUSTOMER
File Index
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-15882 Beginning at this release, UniVerse has been enhanced to
support the OAuth 2.0 protocol for CallHTTP functions.
Specifically, users can now set the Bearer tag in the HTTP
request message. Users can also add OAuth2 specific
authentication data as a DIRECT type of the Authorization
header. The changes are shown in the following examples.
Setting the Bearer tag:
ret = setRequestHeader("Authorization",
"Bearer value-calc-by-OAuth2-alg")
This creates an HTTP request with the header: "Authorization:
Bearer value-calc-by-OAuth2-alg"
Adding OAuth2 specification:
ret = setRequestHeader("Authorization",
"DIRECT hmac code")
This creates an HTTP request with the header "Authorization:
The syntaxes require that "Bearer" and "DIRECT" be specified as
they are input and are case sensitive.
The Bearer and DIRECT tags are not supported in
You must always assemble it and call the
setRequestHeader() API to set it for a connection.
U2 Basic, U2 Basic -
UNV-15926 On previous versions of UniVerse, the uvregen command
might have reported varying numbers for the disk segment size
on Windows platforms. This issue was resolved by fixing an error
related to the DBSHMSZ variable.
UNV-16110 In previous versions of UniVerse on Windows platforms, the
$DEFINE statement might have caused UniVerse to abnormally
terminate when using $DEFINE in conjunction with an internal
(local) function. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-16575 Starting at this release, the NETWORK and CONNPL cpio
packages are no longer included with UniVerse release media
on UNIX and Linux platforms. The functionality in these cpio
files are included with the MAIN cpio package instead. Also,
in the Install/De-install menu options in the UniVerse System
Administration Menu, the UVNet, UCI, UVCS, UVODBC, EDA,
CONNPL, AUDIT, iPHANTOM, and CONNPL packages can no
longer be modified. All of these packages are included with the
core UniVerse product and do not need to be uninstalled.
Build, Code Cleanup,
Installation, UVNet
UNV-17242 Starting at this release, NOTIFY IGNORE is the default setting
for UniVerse sessions initiated by UO. When NOTIFY IGNORE
is set, PHANTOM processes exit completely when finished
processing and the "Done" message is no longer displayed.
U2 Basic
UNV-17341 Prior to this release, when the Count() command encountered
an unassigned (empty) parameter, an exception occurred and
the session would terminate. This issue has been resolved by
checking whether the string is empty, and returning 0 if it is.
U2 Basic
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-17658 UniVerse users now share a common pool of memory segments
across all users. Previously, users had their own printer
segment. Certain customer applications could be impacted
if they capture the user number. For more information, see
the New Features Guide. The following changes have the most
impact on customers:
The @USERNO value has been changed for sessions. The
value for @USERNO is now the position in the LCT table
for a given pid. For phantoms and UniRPC connections,
the @USERNO value is the negative representation of the
position in the LCT table. Any interactive session will be a
positive number. A value of zero is not used. Background
and phantom processes show the @USERNO as a negative
The USERINFO(Code, Value, Userinfo) function
has been added. This BASIC function allows you to get the
pid of an existing user or get the user number based on the
The LISTUSER command has been added. Use LISTUSER
to list all the users currently logged in with information such
as user type and login timestamp.
On UNIX platforms, the USE_FIXED_PORT parameter in the
uvconfig file can be used to emulate prior behavior (11.2.x
and earlier) where user number assignment is based on the
relative position of the tty device in the unohist file.
Shared Memory,
UNV-17863 Prior to this release, when using the RESIZE command to alter
a file's separation, the new file did not alter the LARGE.RECORD
size, which could adversely affect performance. This issue has
been resolved, and the RESIZE command now properly resets
LARGE.RECORD size based upon 80% of buffer size, as would be
the case with the CREATE.FILE command.
File Tools
UNV-18249 In previous versions, when the UniVerse BASIC ENCODE()
function was used to decode Base64-encoded data according
to RFC 4648, an incorrect result of 0 was returned, indicating
success when the output was actually null. This issue has been
U2 Basic
UNV-18319 For HP Itanium only, the HP library called MallocNextGen
is required. If this library is not found specifically in the
path /usr/lib/hpux64/, then the
UniVerse installation or upgrade will end before making any
modifications to the system. This library incorporates a better
memory manager.
Third-party Libraries
UNV-18495 Starting at release 11, transaction logs can be corrupted
if shutdown fails and LOGBLSZ is not at the default of 512.
This has been resolved by resetting the offset of the logging
operating system file descriptor to 512 if the block size is 512, or
zero if the block size is non-512.
Transaction Logging
UNV-18555 In UniVerse 11.2.x, when a login disconnect occurred, the
tl_server.exe program generated an unhandled exception
at 0xc0000374. This issue has been resolved.
Error Reporting,
Error Reporting -
Crash, Telnet
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-18580 At this release, the General Call Interface (GCI) has changed
from statically linking the functions inside new executables
(such as to a dynamically linked shared library
called or On Linux platforms,
the shared library extension is .so – shared object. This is the
same on most UNIX platforms, except on HP-UX, which uses the
.sl extension – shared library.
If prior to 11.3.1 you relied on the UniVerse GCI Administration
menu to incorporate GCI functions into UniVerse, no major
rework is required to generate the file.
However if you have made custom build scripts or makefiles,
then converting the GCI library from static linking to dynamic
linking might require significant changes. For more information,
see the chapter about dynamic linking in Administering UniVerse
on Windows and UNIX Platforms.
General Call
UNV-18618 Starting at this release, for EDA on the SQL server driver, the
UniVerse DATE data can be mapped to the SQL server DATE data
type and is set to this mapping by default. The UniVerse TIME
data can be mapped to the SQL server TIME data type and is
also set to this by default. Both UniVerse DATE and TIME data
types still support mapping to the SQL server DATETIME data
type for backwards compatibility purposes.
External Database
UNV-18792 Prior to this release, using the INSERT option with the
SQLExecute statement could fail to create the requested
number of items. This was caused by MWExecute() using the
UCICount datatype as the counter. When the n count reached
65536, it turned back to 0. This has been resolved by changing
the data type of saved_done from UCICount to UVOD_stmt.
SQL, U2 Basic
UNV-18824 To help prevent malicious software from silently installing
and causing computer-wide infection, Microsoft developed
the UAC feature. Unlike previous versions of Windows, when
an administrator logs on to a computer running Windows
Vista or higher, the user’s full administrator access token is
split into two access tokens: a full administrator access token
and a standard user access token. During the logon process,
authorization and access control components that identify
an administrator are removed, resulting in a standard user
access token. The standard user access token is then used to
start the desktop. Since all applications inherit their access
control data from the initial launch of the desktop, they all run
as a standard user as well. After an administrator logs on, the
full administrator access token is not invoked until the user
attempts to perform an administrative task.
Due to this restriction with UAC, administrators that have write
access to the file at the operating-system level are unable to
write to the file from within UniVerse. They receive a read-only
error. The only solution is to disable UAC.
TCL Tools
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-18851 Applies to UNIX and Linux platform installations only. At
UniVerse 11.2.3, a startuv.log file was added to report both
startup and shutdown messages. There is no separate log for
only shutdown messages. This style of logging was adopted
from UniData. The previous startuv.log file is moved at the
start of the startup procedure to the UVHOME/saved_logs
Starting at this release, if UniVerse fails to shut down properly
when using the uv -admin -stop command, a suggestion
has been added to the messaging noting that the -force option
should be used. The output is similar to the following:
Stopping UniVerse...
Deadlock daemon has been stopped.
RM has been stopped.
Uvcleanupd has been stopped.
Unirpcd has been stopped.
stopuvsmm failed.
Not all UniVerse processes were
successfully terminated.
"2" process(es) are still attached to the main
UniVerse memory segment.
UniVerse has NOT been successfully terminated.
Aborting shutdown request!
Please execute 'uv -admin -stop -force'
to shutdown UniVerse completely.
Also with this change, when attempting to shut down UniVerse
with the -force option, the "Stopping UniVerse" message on
the screen indicates that the -force option was used, and the
startuv.log file reports that the -force option was used.
Note: If the -force option is not used to completely shut down
UniVerse and a startup attempt is made, UniVerse will report an
already started message, which was added at UniVerse 11.2.3.
Error Reporting,
Shared Memory
UNV-19105 Starting at this release on UNIX and Linux platforms, during
a UniVerse installation or upgrade, the unirpcd process is not
started when UniVerse is started. This allows for the unirpcd
process to be properly updated near the end of the process.
When UniVerse starts up again at the end of the installation for
the licensing steps, the unirpcd process is started as normal.
The unirpcd process will be started during normal startups of
UniVerse after the installation or upgrade process.
UNV-19144 Windows platforms only. Beginning at UniVerse 11.2, a loopback
condition created from file Q-pointers could cause UniVerse to
abnormally terminate. This issue has been resolved.
Error Reporting -
Crash, Query
UNV-19380 Prior to this release, the MATCHES operator could produce
incorrect results when the comparison string used quotes and
there was a character check for the ~ character. This issue has
been resolved by adding in functionality from the UniData
pattern() function for PI/OPEN compatible pattern matching.
This function will be used when PI_MATCHFIELD flag is set to 1.
U2 Basic
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-19532 At this release, on systems that have Audit Logging authorized,
audit log files (&AUDLOG&) are automatically excluded in Data
Audit Logging, Data
UNV-19581 There are several enhancements to Audit Logging in UniVerse
11.3.1. For more information about the following new features,
see the chapter about Audit Logging in the Security Features
New audman configuration commands have been added.
Use the audman utility to manage Audit Logging and send
requests to the uvaudd daemon. When using the uvaudd-
related commands from the audman utility, the actions are
logged into the uvaudd.log file. You can alternatively use
XAdmin starting at version 4.12.0 to configure Audit Logging.
New uvconfig file parameters for configuring Audit
Logging have been added.
Three audit log file types are now available: hashed log
file, sequential log file (default), and the operating-system
syslog file (for UNIX and Linux platforms only). Sequential
log files provide a better performance of Audit Logging.
The daemon process uvaudd manages all sequential and
syslog file operations.
UniVerse creates a directory named lrgrecs under the
audit directory for storing large audit records. This applies to
the sequential file and syslog file types only.
Audit Logging,
UNV-19774 Prior to this release, compiling a UniVerse BASIC program
could abort instead of giving a meaningful error. For example,
UniVerse might have aborted if the SETTING option was missing
on the LOCATE command. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-19798 Windows platforms only. Prior to this release, when using
UniVerse Control to stop UniVerse Services on Windows, not all
UniVerse processes may have been stopped. Other methods
such as the Windows Task Manager were required to stop all
processes. This issue has been resolved.
Server Processes
UNV-19854 Beginning at 11.2, a BASIC program that failed to compile might
have generated a 0-length object file and would produce a
"Compilation Complete" message. This issue has been fixed.
U2 Basic
UNV-19855 Starting at 11.2.3, the umask setting of the current user was
incorrectly used to set the permissions on the object file created
in the .O directory. At the current release, the permissions on
the .O directory are used, resolving this issue.
U2 Basic
UNV-20002 Beginning at 11.2.0, a paragraph containing a malformed
RetrieVe statement followed by a blank line might have caused
UniVerse to abnormally terminate. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-20005 Starting at UniVerse 11.3.1 on UNIX and Linux only, uvdiag
includes a check for file suspension. If SUSPEND.FILES is
enabled, the following message displays:
Performing UV Read operation...
Warning: File suspension is active!
Support Tools
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-20047 In previous versions, adding a particular selection criteria to a
LIST command that had a BY.DSND sort incorrectly affected
the sort order. This issue has been fixed.
Indexes, Query
UNV-20073 For default files included with UniVerse, the file sizing
parameters have been tuned to reduce overflow in these files.
This change includes changing the default size for the VOC
when creating new UniVerse accounts. File sizing parameters to
customer data files have not changed.
Files - Static
UNV-20164 Windows platforms only. Starting with release 11.2.3, UniVerse
used a different set of functions in Microsoft’s socket 2 libraries.
This allowed users the ability to communicate with IPv6
alongside IPv4 Internet protocols. With the new functions, a five
second delay could be experienced if DNS reverse lookup on
some sites could not be resolved. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic, U2 Basic -
CallHTTP, U2 Basic -
UNV-20202 Starting at this release, as part of the enhancement for IPv6
support, two new functions have been added to UniVerse BASIC:
setIpv and getIpv. These functions allow an outgoing
connection on a socket to be set as IPV4 | IPV6 | IPVANY |
IPV4_IPV6 | IPV6_IPV4. The default value is IPv4. For more
details, see the UniVerse BASIC Commands Reference.
UNV-20550 Prior to 11.3.1, when using the wizard to perform a clean
UniVerse installation on Windows platforms, if you clicked Yes
to create the u2\uv and u2\unishared directories, then
clicked back to change the paths to something else, the u2\uv
and u2\unishared original directories were still incorrectly
created. This issue has been fixed.
UNV-20641 In previous versions, a memory leak might have occurred when
using nested EXECUTE CAPTURING statements in BASIC
programs. At 11.3.1, this issue has been resolved.
UNV-20698 At 11.3.1, auditing and subkey functionality is not available in
the Personal Edition of UniVerse.
Device Licensing,
UNV-20746 Prior to this release, the AE command could not be defined as a
remote VOC command. If this was done, an error similar to the
following would occur:
Program "*AE": pc = A06, Unable to open the
operating system file
[ENOENT] No such file or directory
Program "*AE": pc = A06, Unable to load file
Program "*AE": pc = A06, Unable to
load subroutine.
This problem has now been fixed. The AE program now works
properly when the AE VOC entry is defined as an "R" type.
Editor - ED, Security
UNV-20819 Beginning at 11.2.3, the U2 Toolkit Server Explorer failed to work
properly and would cause a session to crash. This issue has
been resolved.
Server Processes
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-20827 Windows platforms only. Prior to this release, when attempting
to use a RetrieVe query to access a large file using a UVNet file
pointer, UniVerse might have reported the file to be corrupt
when it was not. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-20875 At 11.3.1, AMI code is removed from UniVerse as IBM is no
longer supporting AMI. Please use the new MQI feature as an
The U2 WebSphere MQ API (CallMQI) is a BASIC API that allows
BASIC programs to interact with WebSphere MQ. The CallMQI
interface is based on WebSphere MQ’s core API, the Message
Queue Interface (MQI). To use CallMQI, your system must have
the following minimum requirements:
For WebSphere MQ 6, UniVerse versions 11.1.1 through
For WebSphere MQ 6, 7.0.x, and 7.1, UniVerse versions
11.1.10 through 11.2.4
For WebSphere MQ 7.5 and 8, UniVerse versions 11.2.5 and
To use CallAMI, your system must meet the following
For WebSphere MQ 6, UniVerse versions 10.1 through 11.2.5
UNV-20877 Starting at this release, the uvconfig parameter OPTMEM has
been increased to a minimum of 256. If the value is set lower in
the uvconfig file, when UniVerse starts, the minimum will be
set to 256.
Indexes, Query
UNV-20905 Prior to this release, under certain conditions, using the
SET.INDEX command with the RELATIVE.PATH and FORCE
options might cause the indexes to be inaccessible. This could
happen if the VOC file name did not match the operating-system
file name. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-20937 Applies to Linux platforms only. Starting at this release,
UniVerse is built on systems with the glibc libraries patched,
including the fix for the GHOST issue. It is highly recommended
that you patch your Linux servers to avoid the vulnerability. This
can impact Redhat RHEL 5, 6, and 7. glibc 2.18 and higher will
include a fix as well.
The GHOST vulnerability (CVE-2015-0235) on Linux systems
can allow remote attacks from the gethostbyname() and
gethostbyname2() glibc functions. For full details, please see
UNV-20941 Prior to this release, when NLS and Locales were enabled, the
"DW" date conversion would return Sunday as the first day
of the week. The NLSLCMODE uvconfig file parameter has
been enhanced to allow the behavior to be configured. When
NLSLCMODE is set to 2, the "DW" date conversion with return
Monday as the first day of the week.
National Language
Support, U2 Basic
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-21041 Previously, when the MaximumAge password policy was set
to 0 (never expire), UniVerse incorrectly displayed a warning
message that the password was about to expire. This has been
Automatic Data
UNV-21046 At 11.2.x, if a large value was set for the MaximumAge password
policy (such as 21449981), UniVerse incorrectly treated the
password as expired. This issue has been fixed.
Automatic Data
UNV-21112 Prior to this release, when NLS was enabled, the BASIC compiler
could handle real numbers incorrectly depending on the
LOCALE enabled at compile time. This issue has been resolved
by setting the NLS flag to OFF prior to converting, and then
resetting the flag after converting to an integer. This is only
done when converting to an integer.
National Language
Support, U2 Basic
UNV-21145 Prior to this release, index builds could fail on an NLS file that
used DEFAULT collation due to invalid characters in the indexed
data. This issue has been resolved.
Indexes, National
Language Support
UNV-21194 Prior to this release, if a BASIC compilation failed, it could leave
a zero-length object file depending on where the error occurred.
This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-21266 Prior to this release, if a user compiling a BASIC program did not
have write access to the existing object, incorrect compilation
errors were produced. Additionally, an invalid object code file
name was produced. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-21422 Prior to this release, when NLS was enabled, a BASIC format
operation could cause the UniVerse session to terminate. This
issue has been resolved.
National Language
Support, U2 Basic
UNV-21436 Starting with this release, users have the option to run a silent
installation for the UniVerse server on Windows platforms. See
the Installation Guide for more information.
UNV-21442 Prior to this release on AIX only, UniVerse would not always
unload shared object libraries when shutting down. This issue
has been resolved.
Build, Installation
UNV-21481 Starting at this release, the /etc/.Type1 file is no longer
created on UNIX or Linux installations.
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-21533 Starting at this release, verification has been added to the
UniVerse startup and shutdown script on UNIX and Linux
platforms. If the process returns an exit status of 0, it means
UniVerse started or shut down completely. If the startup or
shutdown script fails for any reason, for example memory
segments still exist after shutdown, then a non-zero return code
is set. This allows user shell scripts to check for a return status
with the "$?" keyword and the correct exit code is returned. If a
non-zero exit code is returned, the code and message will also
be displayed in the startuv.log file in the UniVerse home
As part of this change, during UniVerse installation and upgrade
processes, when UniVerse attempts to start the first time
(after checksums are verified), if the startup process fails,
the installation or upgrade process will also fail. Prior to this
release, if for some reason UniVerse did not start properly, but
the shared memory for UniVerse started up, the installation or
upgrade process would continue but fail when accessing any
UniVerse command.
Server Processes
UNV-21591 Prior to this release, using PORT.STATUS to get the status of a
UniVerse session that was at a DEBUG or BREAK prompt would
cause the session to terminate. This issue has been fixed.
Note: PORT.STATUS can take longer to run if there are
sessions at the DEBUG or BREAK prompt.
Debug Tools, U2
UNV-21633 Prior to this release, mapping date fields could return an invalid
data type error. This issue has been resolved, and UniVerse
11.3.1 supports DATE, TIME, and DATETIME.
External Database
UNV-21666 At this release, you can retrieve the hostname using the
SYSTEM function with the 9013 option: SYSTEM (9013).
U2 Basic
UNV-21715 Starting at this release, an enhancement to External Database
Access improves the speed of inserting data to the Oracle data
store. The SQL statements have been modified to check for the
existence of a record before issuing a delete statement.
External Database
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-21728 Prior to this release, when updating the DATE data type in a
UniVerse EDA file, the following set of error messages might
have been produced.
EDA SQL Server Driver:
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]
[SQL Server]
New transaction is not allowed because there are
other threads running in the session.
EDA SQL Server Driver:
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]
[SQL Server]
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint
Cannot insert duplicate key in object
The duplicate key value is (TEST).
This problem has been fixed.
External Database
UNV-21731 Starting with this release, EDA samples have been upgraded to
Visual Studio 2010.
External Database
UNV-21822 Beginning at this release on UNIX and Linux installations, a
check is done for the ed command. If this executable is not
found, the following message will be displayed when running
the uv.load script and the install or upgrade will abort:
UniVerse cannot be upgraded!
The 'ed' command was not found and is a
required component. Please install the
'ed' command from your operating
system's installation media.
UNV-21957 Previously, files converted to EDA were not being stored
correctly if their record keys were case sensitive. For example
"CNCLCD*m" and "CNCLCD*M" would have their records
overwritten. This issue has been fixed and the schema allows for
case-sensitive records.
External Database
UNV-22066 In prior releases, the uvcleanupd daemon did not properly clean
up task locks when a process abnormally terminated. At this
release, uvcleanupd releases task locks for dead processes.
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-22085 Applies to UNIX and Linux installations only. Starting at
this release, before extracting the new files, if the call to
shut down UniVerse fails and returns a non-zero status, the
upgrade process will be stopped. If this happens, stop UniVerse
completely before attempting another upgrade. Previously, the
uv.load script would check to see whether the main UniVerse
memory segment (0xacec) existed or any files in uvhome/
bin were in use. This extra check adds more confirmation that
UniVerse is completely shut down before loading the new files.
Note: If UniVerse is shut down, the current status of
LONGNAMES cannot be determine. Update this setting in
the installation or upgrade main menu when executing the
uv.load script again.
UNV-22087 At this release, the uv executable has been changed to a shell
script. The former uv executable is renamed to uvadmin. This
change was primarily done for setuid bit issues, but has an
added benefit of allowing dynamic library variables to be set.
If one of the uv -admin functions is needed, the script calls
the uvadmin executable in UniVerse bin; otherwise, it calls the
uvsh executable.
UNV-22111 Previously, if the PSEMNUM value was changed in the
uvconfig file, various commands including LIST.LOCKS,
LOCK, CLEAR.LOCKS, and smat -u would still be hard coded
to 64. Starting at this release, these commands will adjust their
output based on the PSEMNUM value.
UNV-22113 Previously, installing NLS through the UNIX and Linux UniVerse
System Administration menu (Package → Install Package)
would cause the report to show that a record was locked by
another user. This locked record caused the NLS Administration
menu to not be added to the Package menu. The code for the
installation process has been changed so that the record lock
is not needed. Starting at this release, the NLS administration
menu will appear as expected in the System Admin Package
UNV-22161 Starting at this release, the SET.INDEX filename INFORM
command will list the part files' index paths correctly when
viewing the information using a Q-pointer in another UniVerse
account. Previously, this would report an endless loop of
'Unable to open "" errors.
UNV-22185 Prior to this release, if the size of the replication buffer defined
by REP_BUFSZ was smaller than the log information buffer
defined by N_LOGINFO for a replication group, then that group
would not replicate data. This issue has been resolved.
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-22186 The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication
140-2 is a United States Federal Government computer security
standard used to accredit cryptographic modules. FIPS 140-2
support is essential for a software product to be eligible for
procurement by U.S. Federal Government agencies, as well as
other government and non-government entities.
With FIPS 140-2 support, you can:
configure UniVerse 11.3.1 to run in FIPS mode by modifying
the uvconfig file, utilizing TCL commands, or the Windows
convert certain persistent data, such as SCRs and SPLs, to be
able to run under the FIPS mode.
For more information about FIPS 140-2 support, see the chapter
about FIPS 140-2 support in the Security Features Guide.
UNV-22260 Starting at this release, the XDEMO account v3.1.0 has been
added to the product. On UNIX and Linux platforms, there is
an option to install the account (default is "yes"). On Windows
platforms, the account is installed automatically. To remove the
account, delete the XDEMO directory from the database home
Installation, Python
UNV-22285 At UniVerse 11.2.x on UNIX and Linux platforms, if transaction
logging failed, a message was shown to the screen referencing
the UniVerse errlog file. In some cases, when transaction
logging failed to start, the UniVerse errlog file was empty and
the messages were in the file instead. Starting
at this release, if the errlog file is empty on startup and the file can be found, then the message will report
the path location; if not, the errlog file is still
The following example is the current output when this type of
failure takes place:
Starting UniVerse...
UVSMM is started.
Unirpcd is started.
Starting the UniVerse Transaction Logging
Uvcleanupd is started.
Deadlock daemon is started.
UniVerse Transaction Logging daemon failed to
Please review the /usr/logs/ file
for errors.
UniVerse has been brought up.
Transaction Logging
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-22298 Support for the Python development language has been added
to UniVerse 11.3.1 on Linux and Windows platforms only.
Python is a dynamic programming language that interfaces with
UniVerse 11.3.1 as a native language, similar to BASIC. UniVerse
is bundled with Python 3.4.1, but it can work with other Python
3.4.x feature releases by modifying the .pyconfig file to
specify an existing Python installation that you want U2 to use.
Other Python versions such as 3.5 are not allowed to import the
u2py module in the Python environment.
To license U2 Python on UniVerse, perform one of the following
On Windows platforms, select the Python check box during
In XAdmin, from the Admin Tasks pane, double-click
License. From the Update tab, select the PYTHON check
box, or use the wizard and select PYTHON.
On Linux platforms, add PY:1 to the Linux license screen on
the package line.
On either Windows or Linux platforms, using uvregen,
enter bin/uvregen -p PY:1 in $UVHOME.
There are several UniVerse enhancements related to U2 Python.
For more information about the following new features, see the
new U2 Python User Guide .
Two TCL commands RUNPY and PYTHON have been
added. RUNPY runs a Python program from TCL. PYTHON
launches Python's interactive shell and can execute Python
A new BASIC variable type, PYOBJECT is available.
PYOBJECT is used internally to receive a Python object.
Three new @variables have been added:
Several U2 BASIC API functions have been added,
including PyCall, PyCallFunction, PyCallMethod,
PyGetAttr, PyImport, and PySetAttr.
The u2py extension module has been added to make use of
the modified UniObjects API and provide access to the U2
Licensing, Python
UNV-22325 Prior to this release, WRITE errors could occur when updating
a file while indexes on the file where being built with the
CONCURRENT option. This issue has been fixed.
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-22394 Prior to 11.2.0, the UniVerse installation included the Xalan
open source XML-related library. At 11.2, the Xalan library was
replaced with the XQilla library due to support for Xalan no
longer being available. This resulted in problems for UniVerse
applications using certain XSLT functionality such as "include"
which is not yet available in the XQilla library. Beginning at this
release, the UniVerse installation contains both the Xalan and
XQilla libraries, restoring the missing XSLT functionality. This
issue is resolved.
U2 Basic - XDOM API
UNV-22461 In Data Replication, a file cannot be replicated if the record
key length is larger than 128 bytes. In previous releases, if an
attempt was made to replicate a file with a key larger than 128
bytes, the uvrw process on the subscriber would abort with
no errors reported. At this release, an error is reported on the
publisher to uvsh and in the $UVHOME/errlog file similar to
the following:
Program "LONGID": Line 4, Cannot replicate
for key size greater than or equal to 128.
The update to the published file is not impacted.
Data Replication
UNV-22481 Prior to this release, XAdmin users were unable to add pattern
match exclusions into the repconfig definition file on
UniVerse. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-22489 On Windows platforms, the UniVerse installation wizard has
been updated to remove a misplaced "Back" button.
UNV-22491 Prior to this release, if the repconfig file contained a mixture
of account paths and account names referencing the same
account, the error message produced did not contain enough
information to detect the reason for the failure. At the current
release, if the account name is defined first in the repconfig
file, an error similar to the following now displays:
Mon Aug 22 07:24:42 Duplicate account
are defined in repconfig line 4 and 52.
Use either account
names or account paths exclusively.
Mon Aug 22 07:24:42 RM: Replication
Configuration are inconsistent.
Mon Aug 22 07:24:42 RM:
Reconfiguration failed(-1)!
If the account path is defined first, the original message still
displays. This behavior is scheduled to be addressed at a future
Data Replication
UNV-22501 Starting at UniVerse 11.3.1, UniVerse builds are 64-bit only on all
platforms. As a consequence, Windows 2003 Server, Windows
XP, and Windows Vista are no longer supported platforms.
The Linux base platform is now RHEL 6.0, so 5.x is no longer
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-22533 Starting at 11.2.5, Audit Logging incorrectly allowed writes to
the audit log files from operations other than audit operations.
This issue has been resolved at 11.3.1 and any direct write
operation to the audit log files will fail.
Audit Logging
UNV-22562 When showing the Deadlock Daemon Administration help in
the UniVerse UNIX or Linux System Administration menu, the
menu previously showed text referencing "UUV." This issue is
now resolved.
UVADMIN (non-root
command line or
UNV-22653 Prior to this release, after using the break key, attempts to start
a child process with the SH command would hang if a COMO
file was active. The behavior was not apparent on all platforms.
This issue has been resolved.
TCL Tools
UNV-22675 Previously, the /tmp/user.uvconfig file remained after
UniVerse upgrades on UNIX and Linux platforms. This file is
a copy of the existing uvconfig file prior to performing an
upgrade. Starting at this release, this file is handled in the
following ways:
If checksums do not verify the uvconfig file in the UniVerse
home directory, the file will be replaced by the /tmp/
user.uvconfig file and the /tmp/user.uvconfig file
will be removed.
The /tmp/user.uvconfig file will remain if the UniVerse
upgrade fails for any other reason besides checksum failure.
If the upgrade process completes properly, the /tmp/
user.uvconfig file will be removed.
If the /tmp/user.uvconfig file remains and is no longer
needed, then the file can be removed manually. It does not
impact normal running of the UniVerse database.
Additionally with this change, if installing as uvadm, and either
there are write permission issues with the UniVerse home
directory or temporary installation files, the installation or
upgrade process will end with an appropriate message.
UNV-22711 Beginning at UniVerse 11.2.3, the ownership permissions on
installed UniVerse files might have been set to a user ID of 2999.
At the current release, the ownership permissions are properly
set to the administrator's user ID. Specifically starting at 11.3.1,
the following additional changes are made:
NLS and sp.config files have correct ownership
permissions set on them.
If UniVerse is installed or upgraded as root, a group ID of 1 is
If UniVerse is installed or upgraded as uvadm, the uvadm's
group ID is used.
The additional changes at 11.3.1 closely restore the owner and
group values set at UniVerse 11.1.x and earlier. Some files will
still have a group ID of 0 but this matches previous 11.1.x and
earlier behavior.
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-22712 At 11.3.0, using the DELETE.FILE command and an EDA
converted UniVerse file could cause the DELETE.FILE
command to crash. This issue has been fixed at the current
External Database
UNV-22730 Prior to this release, when using the SYSTEM(1302) function
directly or indirectly with the !GET.USERS subroutine call, the
UniVerse process might have hung on an operating-system
level futex lock. The problem could occur when the process
holding the lock received an interrupt signal. This issue has
been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-22806 Prior to this release, users could have encountered errors when
the CONCURRENT option of the RESIZE command was used
on a multi-level file. While the multi-level file was being resized,
application programs accessing the file might have ended with
an error similar to the following:
Program "SalesOrderUpdate": Line 267, Unable
to reopen file unit. [ENOENT] No such file
or directory
This issue has been fixed.
File Tools
UNV-22851 Beginning at this release, the UniVerse XML parser will only
allow well-formed XML documents. Applications might
need their XML code altered to use the XDOMtransform
functionality at 11.3.1. General XML functionality can also be
impacted with poorly-formed XML documents.
UNV-22880 Beginning at this release, the RESIZE CONCURRENT operation
will now support the use of a dynamic file (type 30) as the
source file of the resize operation. Prior to this release, using
RESIZE CONCURRENT on a dynamic file was not allowed.
File Tools
UNV-22913 As part of the Data Replication enhancements, replication
pacing has been added at this release. Replication pacing allows
Data Replication to gracefully slow down the pace of publisher
database updates when replication becomes overflowed. This
reduces the likelihood of the replication logs overflowing and
ultimately disabling Data Replication.
Prior to UniVerse 11.3.1, when the total replication log file
exceeded its limit, Data Replication was disabled. Starting at
11.3.1, pacing gracefully slows down the database updates to
prevent too many replication overflows to the log files. As the
publisher process slowly paces the updates, the subscriber is
able to catch up according to priorities set by the administrator.
Administrators can define a session priority level that guides
the pacing mechanism in recognizing when to slow down and
when to resume normal speeds. Instead of overflowing the log
file, the number of data updates sent to the log file is reduced,
minimizing the possibility of disablement.
For more information, see the information about replication
pacing in the U2 Data Replication User Guide.
Performance, Data
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-22933 Windows platforms only. Previously, when the Telnet client
was closed without logging out, the ON.EXIT entry might not
have executed and unhandled exceptions/access violations
were written in the event log. This issue was caused by a timing
error and has been resolved. The UniVerse Telnet process
(tl_server.exe) has an input and output thread to read and
write to the socket. When this thread notices that the socket is
closed, it closes the pipe handle (which it uses to communicate
with main thread) and terminates the input/output thread. A
delay of four seconds has been added between the closing pipe
handle and the terminating thread. You can configure this delay
using XAdmin > Network Services > Telnet and entering a
value in the Termination Pause field.
Server Processes
UNV-22964 As part of the Data Replication enhancements added at 11.3.1,
the REPLOGGER BASIC program has been added to the system
catalog to help monitor replication. REPLOGGER collects
information from the replication system using the replication
administration uvreptool and writes the information to a
sequential log file. The information logged by REPLOGGER
describes how the replication system performs over a period of
time. Using REPLOGGER helps you understand and analyze how
your replication system responds to changing workloads. For
more information, see the U2 Data Replication User Guide.
Data Replication
UNV-23009 Applicable to UNIX and Linux platforms only, excluding HP.
Starting at this release, the value for SHM_ATT_ADD (Shared
Memory Attach Address) in the uvconfig file is determined
at installation time (on HP, the SHM_ATT_ADD value is always
set to zero). If the default value does not allow UniVerse to
start, then additional values are tested. If all values fail to start
UniVerse, the installation or upgrade will end. Previously, this
SHM_ATT_ADD parameter testing was only enabled on Solaris
(starting at UniVerse 11.2.5). Also, during UniVerse startup on
Solaris only, the SHM_ATT_ADD testing is performed again and
if the value is different, then the value in the uvconfig file
will be changed. To change the attach address during UniVerse
startup, the uvregen command is executed. If there are any
other changes included in the uvconfig file, they will be
updated after running the uvregen command.
The typical error message seen if the SHM_ATT_ADD parameter
is set incorrectly is as follows:
Error when attaching shm (21, 3197108224,
0), errno=22
If you see this error, an operating-system change might have
been made that causes the starting address to change. To
resolve, after installation, run $UVHOME/bin/saa_calc -w.
This will re-perform the tests executed during installation. This
process will restart UniVerse several times until a valid address
is found. The tests in saa_calc are more extensive than the
re-test done during uv.rc. Contact Rocket support if further
assistance is needed.
Installation, Shared
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-23036 Beginning at 11.2.5, certain syntax errors in a BASIC program
could cause the BASIC compiler to core dump. This issue has
been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-23037 Prior to this release, a memory leak existed when accessing an
index file that was created with the NLS COLLATE option. The
memory leak was apparent on any type of access and did not
require an index update. This issue has been resolved.
Indexes, National
Language Support
UNV-23066 Applicable to UNIX and Linux platforms only. Previously during
an upgrade process, when updating the repsys file with the
correct version, the host command would be used to check
for the IP address. On some systems, the host command
was not found. Starting at this release, the UniVerse-supplied
hostinfo command is used instead. This change avoids the
failure to update the repsys file if the IP address was used.
UNV-23072 On UNIX and Linux platforms, National Language Support
(NLS) can now be installed during the installation and upgrade
To enable NLS installation, specify the -nls command-line
On installation, the NLS package will be installed with NLSMODE
set to 1 and enabled with the uvregen command. On upgrades
where NLS was previously installed, the upgrade will abort.
Traditionally, NLS should be uninstalled before performing an
upgrade. To override this check on upgrades, use the -fnls (force
NLS) option instead. The uvconfig file parameter NLSMODE is
not changed on upgrades.
National Language
UNV-23081 Linux only. Prior to this release, UniVerse might terminate
unexpectedly when using NLS. If invalid NLS data was present,
using the BASIC TRIM function with this data could cause
UniVerse to abnormally terminate. This issue has been resolved.
National Language
UNV-23127 Prior to this release, phantom processes might have incorrectly
consumed file handles if the parent process exceeded the
MFILES parameter. This issue has been fixed.
Server Processes
UNV-23141 At this release, the settings available during installation have
changed. The following example shows the uv.load script
with some default values:
UniVerse installer : uvadm
UniVerse administrator : uvadm uid=214 gid=200
1) UniVerse home directory: /usr/uv
(currently: Not Installed.)
2) UniVerse-UniData shared directory:
(currently: Not Installed.)
3) Compile termInfo definitions: true
4) Install Media Path: /cdrom
5) Long File Names: OFF
6) Install XDEMO: YES
Enter a field number to change, q to abort
installation, or press <Return> to begin
installation of UniVerse:
Installation, Python
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-23149 Linux platforms only. A problem was found where the BASIC
STATUS statement did not correctly return the number of bytes
remaining in a named pipe. The STATUS statement would
incorrectly return 0 when bytes were actually remaining. This
issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-23178 Linux platforms only. Prior to this release, attempting to open
a socket on a file unit number of 1024 or higher would fail.
Starting at this release, the limit has been raised to 8192. Prior
to this change, an error message similar to the following would
be seen in the protocol log when the limit was exceeded:
openSocket: socket 1024 out of fd_set
Server Processes
UNV-23190 Starting at UniVerse 11.2.5 on UNIX and Linux platforms, when
UniVerse is upgraded, the existing UniVerse bin directory is
checked for any files in use. This helps avoids situations where
checksums will not verify later. To skip this check add the -sfc
option to the command line.
This code executes fuser on all files in the UniVerse bin
directory. On some systems with a large number of files in the
UniVerse bin directory, this can take a few minutes. Starting
at this release, to avoid what appears to be a 'hang' situation,
a status message is displayed for every 50 files processed. The
output looks similar to the following:
Verifying that no files in /usr/uv/bin are
in use.
Now processing 50 of 259 file checks...
Now processing 100 of 259 file checks...
Now processing 150 of 259 file checks...
Now processing 200 of 259 file checks...
Now processing 250 of 259 file checks...
No files were in use, continuing the upgrade.
Downloading from /disk1/media to /usr/uv.
UNV-23221 Prior to this release on the HP Itanium platform only, the
unlock command could have failed to release a stuck group
lock or login lock semaphore. When this occurred, stopping
and restarting UniVerse was the only method for releasing the
semaphore. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-23267 As part of the Data Replication enhancements added at 11.3.1,
the U2 Replication Analyzer is available on github to aid in
analyzing and visualizing data produced by the REPLOGGER
BASIC program.
Build, Installation,
Data Replication,
Support Tools
UNV-23273 Prior to this release, when using the new UM (microsecond)
option of the BASIC TIMEOUT statement, the combination of
READBLK and TIMEOUT might not work as expected. This issue
has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-23282 Beginning at 11.1, loading BASIC programs that call GCI
functions into the shared memory catalog could cause UniVerse
to abnormally terminate when the program was executed.
This issue has been resolved. Additionally, the shared memory
catalog space available on Linux has been increased to 16MB.
Shared Memory
UNV-23288 Prior to this release, the CREATE.INDEX command might have
created the index directory with incorrect permissions. If the
user creating an index for the first time on a data file was not the
owner of the file, the index directory was created with full read/
write permissions. At the current release, the "rw" permissions
on the index directory are correctly based on the permissions of
the data file.
UNV-23299 Beginning at 11.3.0, in certain situations the "Done"
message displayed when a phantom completes might have
been included in the output captured by the EXECUTE or
CAPTURING statement. If NOTIFY ON or OFF were enabled
and a BASIC program was executing an operating-system
level command via SH -c while using the CAPTURING clause,
the "Done" message could have ended up in the capturing
variable. This was due to a timing issue related to having the
child phantom process finish while the SH -c command was
processing. At the current release, the messages are suppressed
in this situation, resolving the problem.
U2 Basic
UNV-23301 At this release, the encman utility has been enhanced to display
all of the policy information without being prompted. The
syntax is:
encman -passpolicy DISPLAY
Security, Support
UNV-23302 Prior to this release, certain BASIC socket and CallHTTP
functions might have failed on HP machines. The failures could
appear randomly. The use of protocol logging could also impact
whether a failure would occur. The problem was caused by
incorrect parameter types being passed to certain system
functions. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic - CallHTTP
UNV-23319 On UNIX and Linux platforms, when upgrading to UniVerse
11.2.0 or higher from UniVerse 10.x or prior, the REP_FLAG
setting was not set properly to zero. This issue is now fixed.
UNV-23331 At 11.2.4, a spelling mistake in Telnet-related variables
prevented the use of Telnet and secure Telnet. This issue has
been fixed. Additionally, the Disable Telnet Port and Disable
SSL Telnet Port check boxes were selected in the Telnet tab
for XAdmin users by default. The check boxes are now clear by
Installation, Telnet
UNV-23343 Starting at the UniVerse 11.3.1 release, the Windows uvdiag
script has been updated to version 4.1.0.
Support Tools
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-23348 At the current release, UO connections to the UniVerse database
have been enhanced to allow for the execution of a command
defined in the UOLoginCommand file in $UVHOME. The
UOLoginCommand file is a user-defined text file that can be
created in the $UVHOME directory. The text file contains a single
line that can be either a specific command or a paragraph
executing multiple commands. Specifically, this addresses the
issue of the DATE.FORMAT command not working as expected
when EXECUTEd in the UOLOGIN paragraph. It can also be used
for more general purposes. For more information, see the UCC
5.1.0 documentation.
Server Processes
UNV-23360 Prior to this release, if a Data Replication uvrw process
attempted to update a file with a backward link (blink) error, the
process would spin and consume CPU. At the current release,
the uvrw process will abort the write operation (same as uvsh)
and add an entry to the uvrw.errlog file.
Data Replication
UNV-23394 Beginning at 11.3.0, using the LONGNAMES ON/OFF command
could have resulted in the following error appearing in the
UniVerse errlog file:
Verb "1" is not in your VOC.
This issue has been resolved at the current release.
TCL Tools
UNV-23408 The root certificate store included with this release was updated
as of 09/20/2016.
UNV-23414 Windows platforms only. Prior to this release, BASIC programs
with a large number of recursive function calls could cause
UniVerse to abort with an unhandled exception error during a
BASIC compile operation. The problem was caused by a stack
size limit. The stack size limit has now been increased and users
will no longer see this failure. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-23426 Linux platforms only. Previously, using a variable to define a GCI
cataloged function with the DEFFUN statement resulted in an
"Invalid GCI Subroutine" error. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-23427 Starting at 11.2.5, during upgrade installations, the uvconfig
file's SHM_ATT_ADD parameter for shared memory might have
been reset incorrectly, causing an "available memory exceeded"
error message. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-23429 Windows platforms only. Beginning at 11.2.5, the LISTU
command incorrectly displayed the user name and UID of non-
administrator uvcs connections. The user name was displayed
as SYSTEM and the UID was displayed as 0. This was a display-
only issue as the uvcs processes were running with the correct
user credentials. This issue has been resolved.
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-23435 As part of the Data Replication enhancements added at this
release, the replication manager daemon has been updated
to verify that there is only one group name defined in the
repconfig file GROUP phrase. If two or more groups are
defined with the same name during startup, the replication
manager and UniVerse fail to start. If attempted during a
reconfiguration, uv_repadmin reconfig -verbose
displays an error and Data Replication uses the previous
configuration. In both cases, an error is logged to the
uvrm.errlog file.
Data Replication
UNV-23438 Starting at 11.2.5, if a file name contained colons in its name,
the CATALOG, VCATALOG, and DECATALOG commands could
not handle the file. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-23442 Prior to this release, when the root user started a PHANTOM
using the -U option, the @LOGNAME variable was set to root
rather than the user name supplied. The PHANTOM was
running with the correct credentials, but @LOGNAME was set
incorrectly. This issue has been fixed.
U2 Basic
UNV-23444 Starting at this release, the UniVerse BASIC CallHTTP call
now correctly supports the Server Name Indicator (SNI). If a
secure HTTP request is requested and the specified protocols
include at least one TLS version, and a ServerName rule exists
in the SCR, then an SNI extension will be added to the protocol
handshake. This allows users to connect to a server that serves
different virtual hosts on a single IP address.
UNV-23448 Prior to this release, when using PHANTOM -U with a user in
the uvadm group, the process was not run as the designated
user. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-23449 Prior to this release, the EDA conversion process might have
unexpectedly ended if the file being converted contained an I-
type dictionary item. If using the EDA Schema Manager tool, an
RPC connection error would be displayed and the conversion
process would not complete. This issue has been resolved at the
current release.
If this problem had been encountered at the previous release, it
is recommended that you perform the following cleanup steps:
1. Execute the DELETE.FILE command on the partially
converted file.
2. Remove the edaworking VOC entry.
3. Remove the edasave and edaworking files at the
operating-system level.
4. Delete the schema map for the file.
5. Restore the original UniVerse file to the account, and
recreate the schema map.
Once this has been done, the conversion process can be
executed again at the new release.
External Database
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-23450 Prior to this release, a memory allocation error existed in
the SIGCHLD handler. A UniVerse session that started many
phantoms could eventually hang due to the improper handling
of the child phantoms when they exited. This issue has been
Server Processes
UNV-23454 Prior to this release, the CREATE.INDEX command added
execute permissions to user/group/other on the I_filename
directory, regardless of data file permissions. Now, the execute
permissions are added to the I_filename directory based on
the "r" permission settings on the data file.
UNV-23457 Prior to this release, the unlock command could have hung
on the lock or semaphore it was attempting to release. Changes
have been made at the current release so the unlock command
will not be impacted by any existing locks or semaphores. This
issue has been fixed.
Locking, Support
UNV-23459 At 11.1.0, with a UAC-enabled system, the UOJ or UCI server
might have returned incorrect values for SYSTEM(27). This issue
has been resolved.
Server Processes
UNV-23460 Beginning at this release, UniVerse supports a token-based
authentication method which allows users to implement a No-
OS-Password-Logon protocol for their applications. For more
information, see the "U2 servers token-based authentication"
chapter in the Security Features Guide.
UNV-23464 As part of the Audit Logging enhancements at this
release, improved error handling has been added. The
u2audit.config file contains an on_error policy that can be
configured to do the following in case of a fatal error:
Suspend Audit Logging until human intervention
Attempt to log the condition to the uvaudd.errlog file,
ignore the error, and continue
Allow the uvaudd daemon to attempt recovery immediately
and if recovery fails, write to the uvaudd.errlog file and
disable Audit Logging
If the system appears to be hanging and Audit Logging is
suspected to be the reason, you can use the audman utility
to probe the system to determine the health of Audit Logging.
If you decide to disable Audit Logging temporarily, use the
following command:
audman -disableaudit [-force]
To reenable Audit Logging, use:
audman -enableaudit [-force]
For more information, see the section called "Daemon status,
debugging facilities, and error recovery" in the Security Features
Audit Logging
UNV-23470 As part of the Audit Logging enhancements, the audman utility
can now decrypt an encrypted sequential audit log file using the
-decrypt infile outfile option.
Audit Logging
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-23485 Starting at 11.1 on AIX only, when updating records in UniVerse
Type 1 or 19 files, the original file ownership was not maintained
and was incorrectly replaced with the credentials of the
user updating the record. This only happened for a non-root
user. The issue has been resolved, and the original owner is
Editor - ED, Security
UNV-23489 Prior to this release, when using the uvbackup command on
a directory, errors could be encountered if the first file to be
backed up was less than four bytes in size. Once this occurred,
subsequent files less than four bytes in size would also fail. The
uvbackup command would report the files as corrupted and
not include them in the backup image. This behavior may have
been platform-specific. This issue has been fixed.
Backup Tools
UNV-23491 Beginning at 11.2, recompiling a program incorrectly resulted
in the owner and permissions of the object file changing based
on the user performing the compile. At the current release, the
original owner and permissions will be retained. This issue has
been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-23501 Prior to this release, if the SHM.TO.LOAD file contained an
invalid program, attempts to start UniVerse sessions could
hang. At the current release, the contents of SHM.TO.LOAD are
validated on startup and invalid programs will be ignored, fixing
this issue.
Shared Memory
UNV-23504 At 11.3.0, services in the unirpcservices file stopped
working when short names were used in the client connection
name column, and only worked with fully-qualified domain
names. This issue has been resolved at this release.
UNV-23506 Beginning at 11.2.4, SSL connections to UniVerse on HP-UX
machines did not return a client IP address when commands
such as who -u were used. Corruption of the utmp or btmp
files could have also occurred. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-23515 Prior to this release, the use of the BASIC MQPUT() and MQGET()
functions could have leaked memory. This could cause UniVerse
processes to grow in size when these functions were used
repeatedly during the same UniVerse session. The functions
MQOPEN() and MQINQ() were also impacted to some degree. All
of these memory leak issues have been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-23525 At 11.3.1, the SSL libraries are updated to use OpenSSL release
UNV-23537 In previous releases, if a phantom attempted to elevate to an
iPhantom because it contained a submitRequest() call, but
there were no licenses left, the process crashed. This issue has
been resolved. At this release, the phantom completes normally
without terminating on the submitRequest() call and a
message is displayed in the &PH& record about reaching the
license limit.
Licensing, U2 Basic -
UNV-23538 At this release, the Data Replication protocol level has been
increased to 10008.
Data Replication
UNV-23539 At prior releases, InterCall would not accept passwords greater
than eight characters. At this release, the maximum length for a
password is up to 255 characters.
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-23542 Starting at 11.2.5, SSL connections using the BASIC HTTP or
SOAP functionality would fail if the connection was being made
through a proxy server. This problem has been fixed.
Basic Call Interface,
SSL, U2 Basic -
CallHTTP, U2 Basic -
UNV-23580 At the current release, the EDA.CONVERT command has
been enhanced to check whether Data Replication is active. If
Data Replication is active, the EDA.CONVERT command will
terminate. A message will be displayed to the user indicating
Data Replication should be suspended before performing the
operation, and that a sync operation should be performed after
the EDA.CONVERT command completes.
External Database
Access, Data
UNV-23586 Prior to this release, problems were encountered when using
the object updates report option of the Data Replication
uvreptool command on the subscriber. An RPC disconnect
would happen for the relevant replication group. This issue has
been fixed at the current release.
Data Replication
UNV-23610 Starting at 11.2.5, if you used NLS and set a locale for numeric
values or format masks (for example R15#5), incorrect results
were displayed. This issue has been resolved.
National Language
UNV-23620 At this release, the EDA SQL Server driver supports SQL Server
2005 and greater. When setting up an EDA ODBC DSN with the
SQL Server client, only the SQL Server Native Client x.x driver is
supported, not the default SQL Server driver.
External Database
UNV-23628 At 11.2.5, in the EDA Schema Manager, an error related to
password length could occur when changing the password of an
EDA data source. This issue has been resolved.
External Database
UNV-23636 Previously, the TCL EDA.CONNECT command kept counter
information for multiple connections. This could cause
confusion if multiple EDA.CONNECT commands were used for
different credentials. At 11.3.1, the EDA.CONNECT command
has been modified to only keep the counter information
for the last connection made. This change means that only
one EDA.DISCONNECT command will be needed for a
External Database
UNV-23639 Previously, when the COPYI or COPY commands (in non-PICK
flavor) were used and the TO value was surrounded by either
single or double quotes, the copy would fail. For example:
Record "ITEM" not found in file "TEST".
1 record copied.
This issue is now fixed. Single and double quotes are allowed
around the TO value in the command. An "Unmatched quote
detected in command" error will occur if pairs of quotes are not
File Tools
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-23645 If the UniRPC daemon failed to start on UNIX and Linux
platforms, no messages were displayed. This issue is now fixed.
Now, a generic "Unable to start unirpcd" message is displayed
and warnings are displayed for the following events:
The /etc/services directory does not contain the
uvrpc entry.
The unishared path is invalid or empty (including if that path
contains spaces on the end of the directory path).
The unirpcservices file is empty.
UniRPC is already running.
The rest of the UniVerse startup procedure was not modified.
Exit codes were not modified with this change. The messages
were added to aid in troubleshooting.
UNV-23647 Prior to this release, the HASH.AID command might return
inaccurate results for some of the file type, modulo, and
separation combinations being reported. This issue has been
File Tools
UNV-23648 Prior to this release, calls to a BASIC subroutine from
a UO connection would abort if the subroutine used
transaction semantics and the uvconfig parameter
TP_COMMIT_LOGGING was enabled. This problem has been
Replication, U2 Basic
UNV-23649 At this release, an account-based licensing error message has
been updated. When the seat count is missing for an account,
the ID of the account is listed. The message that displays is
similar to the following:
Error (line 2): Connection Pooling
seat count is missing for account "AR"
UNV-23657 Prior to this release, selecting a file using selection criteria
on an indexed field may have resulted in a core dump. The
problem was a memory related issue. Therefore, the behavior
was inconsistent and might have only been seen on specific
platforms. The issue has been fixed.
Indexes, Query
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-23663 The UniVerse bin directory is added to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
variable at the start of several scripts. This variable helps avoid
dynamic library errors when running UniVerse default shell
scripts on UNIX and Linux platforms. On AIX, the LIBPATH
variable is set; on HP, the SHLIB_PATH variable is set. These
modified environment variables are only active during the
running of the scripts noted. After the scripts exit, the pre-
existing values for these variables will return.
The database bin directory is added at the end of these
variables in case they were previously set. The scripts changed
uvdiag (v5.1.0+)
In the uv and uv.rc scripts, the UniVerse bin path is added
to the end of the pre-existing variable values. Otherwise for the
remaining scripts noted, the UniVerse bin path value is added
to the start of the variables.
UNV-23668 Prior to this release, customers could have experienced
situations where connection pool (CONNPL) licenses were being
consumed by process IDs that were not associated with existing
uvapi_slave processes. When this happened, the only way to
release the licenses back to the available pool of licenses was to
stop and restart UniVerse.
Several changes have been made at the current release related
to this situation.
Changes have been made to the uvapi_slave process such that
when the process exits, the connection pool license held by the
process will always be released.
The "clean_lic" option of the uvlictool command has
been re-enabled at this release. When this option is used, the
uvlictool will scan the license table and release any license
associated with a pid that is not a valid UniVerse process.
The uvcleanupd process has been enhanced to perform the
same function as the clean_lic option of the uvlictool
command when it runs on its regularly scheduled interval. This
issue has been resolved.
Connection Pooling
UNV-23673 Prior to this release, under certain conditions, UniVerse files
could be corrupted when MQ messages were incorrectly written
into the UniVerse file. This could happen if the MQ connection
closed for some unexpected reason and the application
continued to write MQ messages. Under these conditions, the
messages might be written into a currently open UniVerse file.
This issue has been resolved.
Files - Corruption
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-23674 Prior to this release, a memory leak was present when reading
from a UVNet file if the record being read did not exist. There
was no memory leak if the record already existed in the file. This
issue has been resolved.
UNV-23675 Beginning at 11.2, problems existed when using the XDOM
functionality to create an XML document with a default
namespace. When a new node was added with a default
namespace, the namespace was incorrectly added as
'xmlns=""'. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic - XDOM API
UNV-23683 At UniVerse 11.2.5, when upgrading on UNIX or Linux platforms,
the upgrade process checked for any files in the UniVerse bin
directory to see if they were in use. If more than one process had
a file in use, only the first process was reported. This issue has
been fixed. Starting at this release, all processes reporting the
file in use will be reported.
UNV-23698 The TXWMFSYNCMODE parameter in the uvconfig file was
misspelled as TXWMSYNCMODE. This issue has been fixed.
Transaction Logging
UNV-23700 Previously during upgrade installations, UniVerse built multiple
HELP.FILE indexes, which consumed disk space. This
issue has been fixed. At 11.3.1, when upgrading, UniVerse's
installation process checks for the existence of the HELP.FILE
index file and removes it before creating a new file.
UNV-23716 Beginning at, in the U2 CallMQI API, when a message
ID or correlation ID had a null character in its twenty-four
bytes, CallMQI would truncate the ID at the null character when
presenting it to a BASIC program. This issue has been resolved.
This issue was introduced in code changes related to release Versions of UniVerse between and this
release could experience interoperability issues if exchanging
IBM MQ messages between each other using CallMQI.
In particular, this issue could affect systems using the Request/
Response messaging style. An issue could arise if the current
UniVerse release generates a Request message with a message
ID that contains null characters, or is less than twenty-four
bytes in length (the size of an IBM MQ message ID), and then
one of the previously listed versions of UniVerse processes
that Request message and generates a Response message
back, where the Response message’s correlation ID is set to the
Request message’s message ID. In this scenario, the Response
message’s correlation ID will be a truncated version of the
original message ID. If the current UniVerse system then waits
on the Response message, looking for a correlation ID that
matches its original message ID, it will fail to find the Response
UNV-23721 UNIX and Linux platforms only. Starting at 10.2.7, the BASIC
INPUTCLEAR statement did not clear the type-ahead buffer
completely for all characters. This issue has been resolved.
At this release, when a function key is pressed that contains
a multi-byte string, the INPUTCLEAR statement completely
empties the buffer.
U2 Basic
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-23725 In previous releases, if an attempt was made to use the
UDOWrite function to produce XML, it would cause the
program to abort and produce a core file or segmentation
violation. This issue has been resolved.
U2 Basic - U2
Dynamic Objects
UNV-23726 Prior to this release, a problem handling special characters
caused the UDOWrite function to produce incorrect results.
This issue has been resolved by adding the ability to properly
handle special characters such as < > " ' and &.
U2 Basic - U2
Dynamic Objects
UNV-23727 At 11.2.5, when a UniVerse process was interrupted by a signal
having completed processing a menu item (VOC type = 'M') the
process could get stuck in a loop. This issue has been resolved.
Server Processes
UNV-23728 Windows platforms only. Starting at this release, the PDB files
(debug symbols) for UniVerse are installed to the symbols
directory created under the UniVerse bin directory.
UNV-23733 Starting at this release, when UniVerse encounters an access
violation or core dump on Windows, an exception text
file and Windows minidump file will be generated in the
$UVHOME\minidump directory. If assistance is needed to
troubleshoot these access violations or core dumps, contact
UNV-23744 During upgrade installations, if a file was in use during the
upgrade, UniVerse could not overwrite it and created a *.rra
file that was updated when the system was rebooted. When
upgrading at this release, the UniVerse installer checks to
see whether UniVerse processes are running using the new
U2modulelist.exe utility. If a process is running, a message
is reported and the process is ended. Additionally, if a file is
locked and in use, then a message will display requesting a
reboot at the end of the installation.
UNV-23747 Prior to this release, a problem was discovered where a
replication writer process did not attach itself to the locking
queue correctly if it was unable to gain the lock immediately.
This could result in severe performance issues because the
replication writer process would immediately retry to get the
lock and block other replication writer processes. This problem
has now been resolved.
UNV-23776 Previously, when using the ProVerb MV command with an
asterisk to reference the input buffer, invalid data was returned
when there was no input available. This issue has been resolved.
Files - Corruption
UNV-23785 At the current release, changes have been made to UniVerse to
limit the possibility of a system resource such as a semaphore
being left set without a valid owner. When this condition occurs,
the unlock command will be required to release the system
resource. The uvcleanupd daemon can clean up semaphores
left by dead processes if the semaphores have owner's
information. If those semaphores do not have the owner's
information, such as when the owner's value is 0, uvcleanupd
cannot clean the semaphores and the unlock command is
needed to clear them. See also UNV-23457, addressed at this
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-23814 Prior to this release, when using UVNet to access a remote file,
an invalid memory location pointer could be returned to the
calling program. This could happen if the memory had already
been freed by the unirpc process. This behavior has been seen
on the HP platform when using the mallocng library with an
aggressive memory reclamation policy. When this occurred,
the calling program could core dump when attempting to use
the freed memory. This problem has been fixed at the current
UNV-23818 At this release, the DISPLAY and INFORM options have been
added to the NOTIFY command. The INFORM keyword displays
whether the current NOTIFY setting is ON, OFF, or IGNORE. The
DISPLAY keyword displays any phantoms that have completed
but have not yet displayed the "Done" message. The DISPLAY
option will work when using either NOTIFY ON or OFF.
TCL Tools
UNV-23819 At this release, the data buffer for EDA has been increased from
1K to 8K. This enhancement helps prevent the need for multiple
SQLGetData function calls and increases overall system
External Database
UNV-23820 Prior to this release, the uvcleanupd daemon would hold the
Login lock semaphore while both checking for dead UniVerse
processes and cleaning up the information associated with
those processes. On systems with many active users, the
cleaning of the dead process could run for an extended period
of time when a large lock table existed. Holding the Login lock
semaphore could cause attempts to start new user processes
to hang and receive the message "The CLEANUP is cleaning up
dead processes, please wait awhile."
At the current release, the uvcleanupd process has been
enhanced to only hold the Login lock semaphore when
necessary during the detection of dead UniVerse processes. This
will reduce any delay experienced when the uvcleanupd process
is running.
Server Processes
UNV-23821 Prior to this release, the COUNT command on an EDA file would
join all tables, which could result in poor performance. At this
release, only single value tables will be used, increasing the
performance of the SELECT and COUNT commands.
External Database
UNV-23828 Starting at 11.2.4, the uv.rc script added the who am
i command to record the user running the script. This
functionality did not work correctly if uv.rc was run in the
background. The original change has been altered to resolve
this issue.
Server Processes
UNV-23845 Windows platforms only. For Data Replication, when uvpub
creates a publistener process, publistener inherits the file
descriptors opened in uvpub. This caused problems with the
uvpub processing being unable to unlink these files. The file
descriptors are now marked as non-inherited to fix this issue.
Data Replication
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-23850 Prior to this release, the uvcleanup daemon might log cleanup
messages similar to the following:
Mon Mar 28 08:35:35 2016 -
** Cleanup being performed for UserSig(-1)
Mon Mar 28 08:35:35 2016
- Failure in LK_cleanup_pshm
Mon Mar 28 08:35:35 2016
- ** Removed entry from signature table
Mon Mar 28 08:35:35 2016
- ** Removed shared memory segment for
User (-1), SegNo (acebffff)
This could happen when many processes were being cleaned up
during the same interval. The problem was a timing issue that
could have resulted in the uvcleanup daemon processing a user
more than once. The second attempt would generate a message
similar to the above since the process had already been cleaned
At the current release, the uvcleanup daemon has been
modified to ensure the cleanup process is only performed once
for a given user. This change will eliminate this type of cleanup
message being logged.
This issue has been resolved.
Server Processes
UNV-23885 Prior to this release, Data Replication writer processes (uvrw)
on the subscriber might have crashed with a "shmbuf.c" error
similar to the following:
Size of memory requested
(-126328832, -30841 local pages)
is too big!
Process 4868 Exit at
C:\uvntbld\u2\u2shm\shmbuf.c,634: error=-1
The error was related to updating a virtual field I-type on the
subscriber. This problem was primarily seen on Windows and
Linux platforms but could occur on other platforms as well. This
issue has been fixed.
Data Replication
UNV-23890 The SELECT command on an EDA file has been enhanced at
this release to only select from a single value table rather than
joining tables. This will significantly increase the performance of
a SELECT statement on an EDA file.
External Database
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-23900 Prior to this release, when replicating to an EDA file on a
subscriber, a failure to update the EDA file resulted in an error
message similar to the following:
RW(2,3864) report:
RW: DBwrite return -1,status=-2;
This message only provided enough information to determine
that the update failed and did not help to determine the cause
of the failure. Beginning at this release, the error message
returned by the external database is now included in the
uvrw.errlog file similar to the following example:
EDA SQL Server Driver:
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0]
[SQL Server]
String or binary data would be truncated.
Error Reporting,
External Database
Access, Replication
UNV-23912 Beginning at this release, the following enhancements have
been made to the EDA driver log file.
The logging level for the EDA Common driver, the EDA Oracle
driver, the EDA SQL Server driver, and the EDA DB2 driver can
now be set to values between 0 and 8. The definition for each
log level is as follows.
0: No log
1: only report errors (with timestamp)
2: Log EDA driver functions that only show SQL statements, not
read/write data
3: Log EDA driver functions and calling external database APIs
that show only SQL statements, not read/write data
4: Log EDA driver functions that show SQL statements and
update data, not read data
5: Log EDA driver functions and calling external database APIs
that show SQL statements and update data, not read data
6: Log EDA driver functions, show SQL statements, and read/
write data
7: Log all EDA driver functions and calling external database
APIs, show SQL statements, and read/write data, but for looping
get data, only show once
8: Log all EDA driver functions and calling all external database
The $UVHOME/logs/eda.errlog file has also been added
to collect information about server-side EDA errors.
External Database
UNV-23913 At this release, the uvdiag script for UNIX and Linux platforms
has been updated to version 5.1.1.
Support Tools
UNV-23914 Starting at this release, changes were made to the server-side
programs supporting XAdmin for the new Data Replication
pacing functionality.
Data Replication
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-23916 Prior to this release, the uvbackup command might have
reported negative values for total bytes when the values
exceeded 2GB. This issue has been fixed at the current release.
Backup Tools
UNV-24039 In prior releases, the BUILD.INDEX command displayed an
asterisk (*) for every 1,000 records processed. At the current
release, the interval has been increased to 10,000 to support
larger index files.
UNV-24058 At the 11.3.1 release, UniVerse uses the HP mallocng library
as the default for internal memory management. Internal
benchmark results indicate that mallocng demonstrates an
overall performance improvement compared with the standard
system malloc. However, in specific cases, the mallocng library
might perform rather poorly compared to the standard system
malloc. The specific use case is when a string is incrementally
increased in size by adding data to the end of string in a loop.
For example, the following program runs much slower with the
mallocng library compared to the standard system malloc.
NEW.DATA = STR("X",100)
FOR X = 1 TO 1000000
On HP platforms, setting the following mallocng environment
variable significantly improves the performance of mallocng
in the above use case scenario. For more information about
benchmarking and tuning the mallocng library functions, please
refer to HP documentation.
# _MALLOCNG_DIST_OPTS=5000:200:200
UniVerse can also encounter the same performance impact
when using RetrieVe with an indexed field. If the index field
contains an extremely large number of keys for a particular
index value, the process of building the SELECT list would
behave in a similar manner to the simple BASIC program noted
above. The setting of the noted environment variable will also
resolve performance issues when using this type of an indexed
field as it does for the BASIC code noted above.
Performance, Server
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-24089 Prior to this release, on 32-bit Solaris systems with U2 Audit
Logging enabled, the records in the staging directory would
not be moved into the audit log file. This problem is fixed. In
addition, there are two new options added to the audman
utility's -writestagedlog option:
audman -writestagedlog -count n
audman -writestagedlog -n
The -count option writes n records from the staging directory
into the audit log file until there are no records in the staging
area. The time option (n) writes staging records for n seconds.
If n > 2, it will run n-1 seconds (or until no records are in the
staging directory) then exits.
Audit Logging
UNV-24090 Starting at this release on Windows platforms, Data Replication
is disabled during the install process. This behavior already
existed on UNIX and Linux platforms.
UNV-24111 To enable or disable FIPS mode while in a specific session, use
the following command at TCL:
If the INFORM option is used, the results report the current FIPS
mode. Using SET.FIPS.MODE INFORM returns the same
results as the new GET.FIPS.MODE command, which does
not require any additional options and only reports the current
status of FIPS mode.
The BRIEF or HUSH options suppress the output from
SET.FIPS.MODE and GET.FIPS.MODE. If an invalid option is
given with SET.FIPS.MODE, only the usage line is displayed.
@SYSTEM.RETURN.CODE are set in the following ways:
for success of the command and -1 for failure
return 1 if FIPS mode is on and return 0 if FIPS mode is off
UNV-24126 Starting at UniVerse 11.3.1, dynamic library linking is used
on UNIX and Linux platforms. With this change, the shipping
method of debug files with the released product has changed.
To use the debug files, set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include
$UVHOME/lib.d (before $UVBIN), and execute uvsh.d.
The lib.d includes the debug libraries needed to review core
files. Or, if only uvsh.d is needed, you can run $UVBIN/uv.d
which will call the uvsh.d and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for you.
Build, Debug Tools
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-24133 With the change to using dynamic libraries on UNIX and
Linux platforms at 11.3.1, the staging step "Make a new
UniVerse" (GCI.ADMIN, option 4) has been changed. Previously,
the executables like,, and
so on were copied to the UniVerse home directory to test prior
to running option 5 to install the new shell. At 11.3.1, the GCI
subroutines are included in a file.
To test the modified GCI routines, set LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or
LIBPATH on AIX) and include the UniVerse home directory first.
Then when testing is complete and option 5 in the GCI.ADMIN
menu is used, the file from the UniVerse
home directory is copied over to the UniVerse bin directory.
Current users sessions will need to log out and back in to pick
up the GCI changes. Please see the Administering UniVerse
on Windows and UNIX Platforms and the GCI User Guide for
information about these changes.
General Call
UNV-24134 Starting at this release on Solaris only (Sparc and Intel), during
the UniVerse installation or upgrade process, the crle -64
command is used to add the UniVerse bin directory to the
system default dynamic library search path. The default
libraries of /lib/64 and /usr/lib/64 are placed first,
then any third party libraries, then the current UniVerse bin
directory. Lastly, any other UniVerse bin paths are included
at the end. Using this functionality will lessen or possibly
eliminate the need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH when referencing
the UniVerse bin directory.
To skip this update, set LD_NOCONFIG=yes as an environment
variable. You can turn off the use of crle using the same
method. It is recommended to set this variable only during the
session running uv.load or uv.install.
UNV-24163 Prior to this release, the semaphores used by Data Replication
might not have been released under certain conditions.
This would cause UniVerse processes to wait on the stuck
semaphore while consuming CPU resources. Data Replication
has been modified to ensure that processes holding the
replication semaphore cannot be terminated without releasing
the semaphore. This issue is resolved.
Data Replication
UNV-24167 Prior to this release, the use of the uv_repadmin report
command would always be logged in the uvrm.log file. The
output is no longer logged which reduces the volume of output
in the uvrm.log file.
Data Replication
UNV-24192 Starting at this release, the values of the environment variables
SHLIB_PATH (HP) are logged in the startuv.log file during
UniVerse startup.
Basic Call Interface,
External Database
Access, Server
UNV-24196 Starting at this release, the SET.FIPS.MODE,
can use the BRIEF option to suppress the output. If an invalid
option is given with SET.FIPS.MODE or GET.FIPS.MODE,
only the usage line is displayed.
Security, TCL Tools
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-24202 At this release, the EDA.EXCEPTION command has been
added to utilize the EDA_EXCEPTION file. The EDA_EXCEPTION
file is a multilevel file with each subfile relating to one EDA
data source. The name of the subfile is EDA_datasource. The
EDA_EXCEPTION file resides in the UniVerse home directory.
Enter EDA.EXCEPTION ON to utilize the EDA_EXCEPTION file.
External Database
UNV-24206 Starting at 11.2.5 on Windows only, using the OPENSEQ
statement on a named pipe such as
\\.\pipe\from_rebexamples_6116 would result in an
error. This issue has been fixed.
Error Reporting, U2
UNV-24208 Starting at 11.3.1 on UNIX and Linux platforms, the GCI build
process has been changed from a static to a dynamic library
file. The file is called (on HP, the extension
is .sl). When performing upgrades to later UniVerse versions,
if the libu2gci file was modified, it will be backed up. After
the base environment is updated, the existing libu2gci
file is restored. It is recommended to rebuild your GCI file when upgrading to a later major release
of UniVerse.
UNV-24212 Prior to this release, the use of the MCN conversion specification
with a value that was interpreted as a scientific notation, for
example 500E13, could cause a core dump. This issue has been
U2 Basic
UNV-24251 Due to GCI being changed to a dynamically linked library at
this release, the files included in the OBJ cpio package are no
longer needed and have been removed from the media. This
includes both the OBJ cpio file and the lduv command.
UNV-24262 Prior to this release, an error with HEADING statements in
UniVerse BASIC could cause UniVerse to core dump. This issue
has been resolved by increasing the temporary buffers used for
the HEADING and FOOTING processing.
U2 Basic
UNV-24280 As part of the U2 Audit Logging enhancements made at this
release, data events for client connections to the server
(such as intercall,, and so on) are logged. These data
Audit Logging
UNV-24307 In previous versions, the Japanese date and time strings were in
the wrong format. At this release, the locales tables have been
National Language
UNV-24362 On AIX platforms, if an incorrect or expired password was
entered for the UniObjects server, an incorrect error code was
returned from the U2.Data.Client.U2Connection(). This
issue has been resolved.
Server Processes
UNV-24383 Prior to this release, when the LOGIN lock semaphore was held
by a dead process, the uvcleanupd process would hang waiting
for the LOGIN lock semaphore to be released. At the current
release, the uvcleanupd process will time out and continue
normal cleanup activity. The LOGIN lock semaphore will need
to be cleared with the unlock command. See issue UNV-23457,
which is also fixed at this release.
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
Description Component
UNV-24392 UniVerse 11.3.1 includes support for SystemCure. Rocket
SystemCure for UniVerse 1.1.0 is a new product that offers
simplified discovery, monitoring, visualization, and triggering
of actions or notifications for UniVerse system events. Rocket
Software will be conducting a beta program for SystemCure.
To participate, visit
In order to access the UniVerse database, a SystemCure add-
on license will be needed in Rocket Business Connect for each
serial/license number.
To add the license on Windows, select the SystemCure check
box during installation.
On the UNIX license screen, add the CURE:1 option to the
Package List line. When using the uvregen tool from the
command line, add the -p CURE:1 option. The performance
memory segment and SystemCure agents will not start unless
the CURE licensing add-on is enabled and licensed.
The uvconfig file has been updated to include two new
parameters for SystemCure. PERF_MON_MODE specifies
whether to enable performance monitoring. The default value
is 1 - enable performance monitoring. Change this value to 0
to disable performance monitoring. PERF_MON_FILE specifies
the number of UniVerse files that performance monitoring
needs to trace in each UniVerse session. This value is ignored
if PERF_MON_MODE is disabled or Rocket SystemCure for
UniVerse is not licensed.
UNV-24405 Previously, if a syntax error existed in BASIC source code, the
compiler aborted on HP-UX systems. At this release, this issue is
fixed by a change in how the local subroutine is processed.
U2 Basic - Compile
Catalog Tools
UNV-24453 Starting at 11.2.5, when the &EDAMAP& entry was not in the VOC
file, the EDA Schema Manager tool crashed. This issue has been
fixed. If this situation occurs at 11.3.1, instead of crashing, the
EDA Schema Manager tool deletes the old &EDAMAP& OS file
and recreates the new &EDAMAP& file successfully.
External Database
UNV-24468 The TRANS function caches file I-node numbers in order to
eliminate reopening files for each record processed. Prior to this
release, the functionality did not work properly when the I-node
was greater than 2GB. This resulted in the file being reopened
for every record. This issue has been fixed.
Performance, Query
UNV-24491 A fix was applied at the 11.1 release to address a problem with
UVNet user numbers conflicting with other UniVerse users.
The fix involved basing the UVNet user number on the uvnetd
process ID, rather than the local user number. This had an
unintentional impact when using case sensitive host names to
make multiple uvnet connections from the same session. To
address this situation, UniVerse has been changed to make the
host name case insensitive. This ensures that only one uvnetd
process gets created and eliminates any lock contention related
to multiple uvnetd sessions being created when case sensitive
host names are used. This issue has been resolved.
Locking, UVNet
UniVerse 11.3.1 Fixes
Description Component
UNV-24545 At this release, the U2__UNIVERSEv11.3 conditional compiler
directives for UniVerse BASIC has been added.
U2 Basic
UNV-24556 Beginning at, compiling a SELECT list of BASIC
programs could have aborted with an EMFILE error. The failure
was dependent on the number of programs in the SELECT list
and the operating system nofiles setting. The issue was caused
by temporary files not being closed which eventually resulted
in reaching the limit for the number of open files. This issue has
been resolved.
U2 Basic
UNV-24579 At this release, the uvconfig file parameters for
updated descriptions to better describe their functionality.
MAX_REP_SHMSZ is the maximum shared memory buffer
segment size for a replication group. This value includes
consideration for REP_BUFSZ, N_LOGINFO, distributions, and
group control information. The default value is 1,073,741,824 (1
GB) and it must be less than 2 GB.
MAX_REP_SHMSZ_GB is the maximum shared memory segment
size, in GB, for a replication group. The default value is 0. If this
value is configured, then the maximum shared memory buffer
size for a replication group is the sum of MAX_REP_SHMSZ_GB *
Data Replication,
Shared Memory
UNV-24614 Windows platforms only. Previously, when connected to large
Windows domains (40,000+ users) and using the SYSTEM(1402)
BASIC function, the program would hang while retrieving all
of the users on the domain. A hang could also be seen when
opening the audit screens in XAdmin. Starting at this release,
the list of users are limited to a 256 KB buffer. With the 256 KB
buffer size, about 30,000 users can be returned and the hangs in
both cases no longer occur.
UNV-24618 Prior to this release, the uvcleanupd process may not
have released the database license when cleaning up a dead
UniVerse process. The uvcleanupd process removed the pid
from the LCT table and the associated printer shared memory
segment. However, on a busy system with many users logging
in and out, the uvcleanupd process may have timed out while
attempting to gain access to the license table. Under these
circumstances, the license would not have been released. This
issue has been resolved by ensuring that the license cleanup
happens on the next pass. Additionally, the messages logged by
uvcleanupd have been enhanced to include the user pid and
to indicate the status of the license cleanup process.
Also, the uvlictool clean_lic -a functionality has
been returned to uvlictool. In the event that a database
license seat is not returned to the pool of available licenses,
the uvlictool clean_lic -a command can be used to
return database licenses that are not associated with an active
UniVerse session.
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.1
UniVerse 11.3.1 Port Notes
Platform HP-UX B.11.31 - 64bit
Operating System HP-UX den-ci312 B.11.31 U ia64 0185205032 unlimited-user license
Porting Date Mon Oct 17 23:47:59 MDT 2016
UniVerse Release 11.3.1 113_161017_6002
Ported by svnsrc
Compilers Used HP C/aC++ for Integrity Servers B3910B A.06.28 [Nov 21 2013]
Source Revision 103068
Platform AIX 7.1 - 64bit
Operating System AIX den-ci26 1 7 00F846134C00
Porting Date Mon Oct 17 21:20:54 MST 2016
UniVerse Release 11.3.1 113_161017_6002
Ported by svnsrc
Compilers Used IBM XL C/C++ for AIX, V10.1
Version: 10.01.0000.0008
Source Revision 103068
Platform RedHat LINUX 6.0 Enterprise - 64bit
Operating System Linux 2.6.32-71.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Sep 1
01:33:01 EDT 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Porting Date Mon Oct 17 21:23:12 MDT 2016
UniVerse Release 11.3.1 113_161017_6002
Ported by svnsrc
Compilers Used gcc version 4.4.4 20100726 (Red Hat 4.4.4-13) (GCC)
Source Revision 103068
Platform SOLARIS 2.11 x86 - 64bit
Operating System SunOS den-ci58 5.11 11.3 i86pc i386 i86pc
Porting Date Mon Oct 17 21:52:28 MDT 2016
UniVerse Release 11.3.1 113_161017_6002
Ported by svnsrc
Compilers Used cc: Sun C 5.13 SunOS_i386 2014/10/20
CC: Sun C++ 5.13 SunOS_i386 2014/10/20
Source Revision 103068
UniVerse 11.3.1 Port Notes
Platform Solaris 2.11 - 64bit
Operating System SunOS den-ci420 5.11 11.3 sun4v sparc sun4v
Porting Date Mon Oct 17 23:37:48 MDT 2016
UniVerse Release 11.3.1 113_161017_6002
Ported by svnsrc
Compilers Used cc: Sun C 5.13 SunOS_sparc 2014/10/20
CC: Sun C++ 5.13 SunOS_sparc 2014/10/20
Source Revision 103068
Platform INTEL
Operating System Windows 2012 R2
Porting Date Mon 10/17/2016 19:58:30.87
UniVerse Release Version 11.3.1, Build 6002
Ported by srcman
Compilers Used Visual Studio 2010 SP1
Source Revision 103068
UV Configuration Server, 64-bit(x64)
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.0
UniVerse 11.3.0 was a controlled release and only available on the AIX, HP Itanium, and Linux
The following customer issues were fixed in UniVerse 11.3.0.
Build 5000
Description Component
UNV-189 The WARNINGS command allows for warning messages to
be suppressed when running UniVerse BASIC programs. The
command accepts two parameters: ON or OFF. Prior to this
release, if any invalid parameter was specified, the process
could crash or display control characters. This issue is now
fixed. At this release, if an invalid parameter is given the syntax
is shown instead.
TCL Tools
UNV-942 Starting at this release, the messages in the UniVerse errlog
file for when TXMODE in uvconfig is set to 0 have changed.
The new messages look like:
Tue Jun 3 13:01:21 -24808 root UniVerse
Transaction Logging Daemon started
Tue Jun 3 13:01:21 -24808 root TXMODE uvconfig
parameter is set to 0.
UniVerse Transaction Logging is inactive.
Transaction Logging
UNV-4826 Prior to this release, if the NOHEAD option was established as
the default using the SETPTR.DEFAULT function, the value
was lost when a new SETPTR command was executed. This
issue has been resolved.
UNV-5355 Prior to the this release, fixtool might have failed to fix a
file that was corrupted due to a partial update being applied to
the file. The situation was likely the result of a system crash in
the middle of a multi-buffer update. fixtool is now able to
correct such a situation.
Files - Corruption
UNV-12367 Prior to this release, the list_readu capability to read the
lock table from a dump file did not support the use of the EVERY
keyword. At the current release, the EVERY keyword can be
used. For example:
# list_readu -s dump.file
UV shared memory has been saved to file
# list_readu -r dump.file EVERY
Data Replication,
UNV-15645 Prior to this release, spawning phantom UniVerse processes
from cron could appear to hang under certain conditions. If
the user number of the spawned phantom happened to match
the user number associated with cron process pid, starting
new phantoms from cron would hang until the first phantom
completed. This issue has been resolved.
Server Processes
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.0
Description Component
UNV-16003 At the current release, account-based licensing has been
enhanced to ensure the same account path can not be defined
more than once in the acct_licn.def file. Attempting to
do this at the current release will result in an error message
indicating that an account path has been duplicated.
UNV-16180 uvdiag for UNIX and Linux platforms has been updated to
version 4.05.
Support Tools
UNV-16333 Prior to this release, some users encountered error messages
that did not contain file names, such as in the following
Mon Oct 14 04:16:04 -2375 root Program
Line 705, WARNING: Internal file corruption
detected during file open!
File must be repaired, possible truncation.
hsize: 8192 bsize: 8192 fsize: 107374131
The error messages in the errlog file now contain the file
names. This issue has been resolved.
Error Reporting,
Files - Corruption
UNV-16334 Prior to this release, using the COUNT command on a Type 1
or Type 19 file would result in a memory leak in the current
UniVerse process. This issue has been resolved.
UNV-16531 Linux platforms only. Prior to this release, the !GET.USERS
subroutine might not have returned information correctly on
the Linux platform. With the changes made at 11.3.0 related
to user number assignment, the !GET.USERS subroutine now
returns correct information across all platforms. This issue has
been resolved.
Shared Memory, U2
UNV-17039 The ability to update Data Replication cross-group transactions
asynchronously on the subscriber has been added at this
Performance, Data
UNV-18226 At this release, the dictionary referenced in the SYS.MESSAGE
VOC record in all accounts has changed from D_SYS.HELP to
D_SYS.MESSAGE. When running UPDATE.ACCOUNT, the original
SYS.MESSAGE record will be copied to the &TEMP& file. This
change was done so that RetreiVe queries against SYS.MESSAGE
display better.
UNV-18341 Prior to this release, the audman command would incorrectly
allow setting a sweep interval that was less than the uvsmm
checktime. The audman command now enforces that the
sweep interval entered is greater than or equal to the uvsmm
Audit Logging
UNV-18375 Starting at this release, the accounts and SSL configuration
options that reference UniVerse data accounts in XAdmin will
work properly if the VOC file in the data accounts are dynamic
Server Processes
UNV-18497 Starting at this release, UniVerse supports PKCS #12 (Microsoft
pfx) file formats. This enhancement creates an environment
that allows the U2 certificate to recognize the pfx file format and
import certificates into that store.
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.0
Description Component
UNV-18531 Beginning at 11.3.0, a new uvconfig file parameter
HTTP_DEFAULT_VERSION has been added. Now, UniVerse
recognizes two HTTP values: 1.0 and 1.1, which indicates
whether the default HTTP version for BASIC CallHTTP API is
HTTP 1.0 or HTTP 1.1, respectively. It defaults to 1.1.
U2 Basic - CallHTTP
UNV-18617 Prior to this release, if a dictionary contained an MTS conversion
it would not work as expected with External DataBase Access
(EDA) and could cause a failure to convert the time data to SQL
Server. This issue has been resolved.
External Database
UNV-18686 Prior to this release, the maximum size of the shared memory
replication buffer for a single replication group was limited to 2
GB. That limit has been removed at the current release.
Data Replication
UNV-18777 Prior to this release, the FILEINFO(24) function was incorrectly
returning a value of 0 for a subscribed file when used in a BASIC
program that was being executed by a uvrw process. This issue
has been resolved.
Data Replication
UNV-19199 Prior to this release, the AuditLog() BASIC function may not
have been executed when expected. If the AuditLog() function
was executed in a BASIC subroutine that was being called from
an Indexed I-type dictionary, the function would not execute
when using ED or AE to update a record. This problem has been
resolved at the current release.
Audit Logging
UNV-19300 Prior to this release, when using the CURRENT keyword with the
encman -export command, the user was not prompted for
the master key password. This problem has been resolved.
Automatic Data
UNV-19317 Starting at this release, on UNIX and Linux platforms, Data
Replication is disabled during UniVerse upgrades. It is re-
enabled after the licensing is performed at the end of the
upgrade process.
Installation, Data
UNV-19413 Prior to this release, when using Data Replication data link
compression, a failback operation after a successful failover
generated errors on those groups using data link compression.
This issue has been resolved.
Data Replication
UNV-19502 Prior to this release, the ENCRYPT.FILE command was
allowed on a pre-revision 12 UniVerse file. However, UniVerse
ADE (Automatic Data Encryption) functionality is not supported
on these older revision files. At the current release, attempting
to use ENCRYPT.FILE on an older revision file will be
restricted and a message will be displayed instructing the user
to convert the file to the higher file revision.
Automatic Data
UNV-19660 Prior to this release, Data Replication would stop processing on
the subscriber if the internal transaction ID used by UniVerse
reached the 2 GB limit. Data Replication has been modified to
correctly handle this situation at the current release.
Data Replication
UNV-19844 Prior to this release, the UNICODE.FILE function failed to convert
files that contained records ending in chars 248, 249, or 250.
Users would see an error indicating that the record contains a
character not in the original map. This issue has been resolved.
National Language
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.0
Description Component
UNV-19949 Delayed standby replication has been added at this release. This
provides the capability to define a standby Data Replication
subscriber to always be a defined period of time behind the
Data Replication
UNV-20078 Prior to this release, if a transactional update on a subscriber
did not contain the "end transaction" log, Data Replication
would stop processing that replication group. At the current
release, Data Replication will continue processing and generate
an error in the replication logs indicating the "end transaction"
log was missing.
Data Replication
UNV-20209 Prior to this release, when the Data Replication parameter
N_LOGINFO was configured larger than the REP_BUFSZ
parameter, the subscriber would not replicate any data in that
replication group. This problem has been resolved.
Data Replication
UNV-20287 Prior to this release, when using single server Data Replication
with a deferred subscriber, updates may not have been applied
to the subscribed files. If SYNCINTVAL in repsys was set to
a positive value, updates to the subscriber would not be
automatically synced at the specified interval. This issue has
been resolved.
Data Replication
UNV-20512 At the current release, the uvregen -m command has been
enhanced so that it will only allow the changing of either the
master key or password at one time. This was done to avoid
the possibility of unintentionally changing either the master
key or password due to entering one of the values incorrectly.
Additionally, the messages reported by the command have
been enhanced to accurately describe which option is being
Automatic Data
UNV-20633 Prior to this release, the analyzecertificate() BASIC
function would incorrectly display the result argument when
the function was executed. This issue has been resolved at the
current release.
UNV-20644 Prior to this release, the XDOMAddChild() BASIC function
would always interpret special characters as UTF-8 regardless of
the specified encoding when NLS mode was enabled. This issue
has been resolved at the current release.
UNV-20762 Prior to this release, when using the INTERNAL keyword with
LIST.READU, entries in the waiters section were not reported
in the internal format. At the current release, when using
the INTERNAL keyword, entries in the waiters section will be
displayed in the same internal format as file, group, and record
UNV-21269 At 11.2.x on the HP Itanium platform, some customers
experienced situations where RD or WR group locks were not
being properly released. User processes requiring those locks
would hang until the group locks were made available by a
manual release. The behavior was related to a synchronization
problem which could occur in a multi-CPU environment. The
behavior was experienced in large user environments when the
system was under heavy load. This issue has been resolved.
Rocket UniVerse 11.3.0
Description Component
UNV-21347 Prior to this release, when a deadlock situation existed the
information displayed in the waiters section of LIST.READU
had the device and inode displayed incorrectly. The device was
displayed under the inode column and vice versa. Additionally,
the "Owner" and "Waiter" column headings were not aligned
correctly with the "Userno" column heading. These issues have
been resolved.
Locking, TCL Tools
UNV-22371 Prior to this release, the latency values reported in XAdmin
Replication Performance Monitor always displayed 0 values.
This problem has been resolved and the UniVerse server will
now provide the correct values to the XAdmin tool.
Data Replication
UNV-22862 Prior to this release, orphaned UniVerse processes waiting on a
mutex lock might be left behind under certain circumstances.
The behavior involved running a BASIC program calling GCI
subroutines and using the break key. This problem has been
UniVerse 11.3.0 Port Notes
Platform HP-UX B.11.31 - 64bit
Operating System HP-UX den-ci31 B.11.31 U ia64 0185205032 unlimited-user license
Porting Date Fri Sep 18 12:57:59 MDT 2015
UniVerse Release 11.3.0 113_150918_5000
Ported by svnsrc
Compilers Used HP C/aC++ for Integrity Servers B3910B A.06.28 [Nov 21 2013]
Source Revision 97297
Platform AIX 6.1 64-Bit
Operating System AIX den-ci28 1 6 00F7D9944C00 6100-05-01-1016
Porting Date Tue Sep 15 20:53:12 MDT 2015
UniVerse Release 11.3.0 113_150915_5000
Ported by svnsrc
Compilers Used IBM XL C/C++ for AIX, V10.1
Version: 10.01.0000.0000
AIX OS Levels Built on 6100-05-01-1016
Certified for use on: 7100-00-00-0000
Source Revision 97297
Publication date: January 2023
Book number: UNV-1135–ALL-RN-1
Product version: Version 11.3.5
Rocket Software, Inc. or its affiliates 2023. All Rights Reserved.
Rocket is a registered trademark of Rocket Software, Inc. For a list of Rocket registered trademarks go
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This information might contain examples of data and reports. The examples include the names of
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This software and the associated documentation are proprietary and confidential to Rocket Software,
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Note: This product may contain encryption technology. Many countries prohibit or restrict the
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Corporate information
Rocket Software, Inc. develops enterprise infrastructure products in four key areas: storage, networks,
and compliance; database servers and tools; business information and analytics; and application
development, integration, and modernization.
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