March 2017
Fair Debt Collection
Practices Act
CFPB Annual Report 2017
Message from
Richard Cordray
Director of the CFPB
The year 2017 marks the fortieth anniversary of the enactment of the Fair Debt Collection
Practices Act (“FDCPA”). In enacting that law, Congress found “abundant evidence of the use of
abusive, deceptive, and unfair debt collection practices by many debt collectors” and enacted the
law to put an end to such practices and assure “that those debt collectors who refrain from using
abusive debt collection practices are not competitively disadvantaged.” Much has changed in the
ensuing forty years in the ways in which debt is collected and even in the types of entities engaged
in debt collection. But the Act remains as important today as it was the day that it was signed into
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“Bureau” or “CFPB”) is the only federal government
agency dedicated solely to consumer financial protection. Among our important responsibilities is
administering and enforcing the FDCPA. We recognize that debt collection is a necessary part of a
functioning financial system. At the same time, we recognize that illegal practices have no place in
the debt collection process, and that if such practices are not stopped, those collectors seeking to
adhere to the law will find themselves at a competitive disadvantage. It is therefore vitally
important that the protections built into the FDCPA are vigorously enforced. The Bureau is
authorized to do so along with our partners at the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”). In 2016, the
Bureau and the FTC took important steps to vindicate the rights set forth in the FDCPA.
The CFPB seeks to assure compliance with the FDCPA through its Supervision program and
through public enforcement actions. The CFPB is the first federal agency to have the authority to
supervise non-depository institutions, including debt collectors, in the same manner that banks
and other depositories have long been examined. In 2016, our examinations of debt collectors
identified a number of violations of the law, including false representations made by debt
collectors to consumers, unlawful fees charged by debt collectors, and illegal disclosure of debts to
third parties. CFPB examinations also found instances in which debt sellers sold accounts for
collection that did not properly reflect that the accounts were discharged in bankruptcy, were
fraudulent, or had already been paid. Where appropriate, the CFPB required debt collectors to
provide consumer redress and undertake remedial and corrective actions.
Additionally, in 2016 the CFPB brought ten new public enforcement actions involving debt
collections and continued litigation in three other such cases that had been filed previously. In the
cases that were concluded in 2016, $39 million was paid in restitution for consumers who were
impacted by illegal debt collection practices and $20 million in civil penalties.
Likewise, as described more fully in the Report and in the FTC letter included as the Appendix, the
FTC brought or resolved 12 debt collection cases in 2016, including a focus on phantom debt
collection and a sweep on unlawful text messages and emails as a means of collecting debt. The
CFPB also filed amicus curiae briefs in two appellate court FDCPA actions raising significant legal
issues, and assisted the Solicitor General’s office in the preparation of two amicus briefs that were
filed in the Supreme Court in cases implicating the FDCPA. Those four cases are still pending.
Additionally, three cases before federal courts of appeals in which CFPB filed amicus briefs in
prior years were decided in 2016, two of which had been filed jointly with the FTC.
Another important tool through which the Bureau is able to protect consumers is through its
Consumer Response program, which receives and processes complaints from consumers who
believe they have been mistreated by debt collectors or other providers of consumer financial
products or services. In 2016, as in past years, debt collection was the category in which the
Bureau received the most complaints from consumers. The most common complaint involved
“continued attempts to collect debt not owed.” The Office of Consumer Response receives these
complaints and, where appropriate, sends them to the debt collector to provide them with the
opportunity to respond to or remedy the complaint and/or sends them to other agencies.
These figures include actions related to unlawful collection conduct in violation of the FDCPA, the Consumer Financial
Protection Act of 2010 (“CFPA”), or both.
The Bureau also continues to provide a variety of resources to consumers who face debt collection
attempts and to social services workers and volunteers that serve populations that may face debt
collection attempts. One of these resources, “Ask CFPB,” provides answers to common questions
across a number of consumer financial topics. The debt collection category continues to be one of
the most viewed topics.
In 2013, the Bureau created five sample letters which consumers can use
to communicate when debt collectors contact them. These letters have since been downloaded
approximately 389,800 times. The Bureau also created a financial empowerment training and
toolkit called Your Money, Your Goals for use by social services workers and other front-line staff
and volunteers working with economically vulnerable consumers. This toolkit covers a variety of
financial topics, including debt management and consumer financial protection. As of the end of
2016, more than 13,500 staff and volunteers in social services, legal aid, worker, and community
organizations were trained on Your Money, Your Goals, reaching an estimated 600,000
In enacting the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Congress granted
the CFPB general rulemaking authority to issue regulations under the FDCPA. The Bureau
commenced its rulemaking activity in 2013 by issuing an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
In July 2016, the Bureau released an Outline of Proposals Under Consideration (the “Outline”) for
those who are defined as “debt collectors” under the FDCPA. At the same time, the Bureau
published a Study of Third Party Debt Collection Operations, and preliminary results from the
Bureau’s Survey of Consumer Views on Debt.
On August 25, 2016, the Bureau convened a panel pursuant to the Small Business Regulatory
Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA). That panel, which was composed of the CFPB, Small
Business Administration (SBA), and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), obtained input
from small businesses in the debt collection industry on the possible impact of debt collection
rulemaking on their businesses. The Bureau is considering the feedback it received through the
SBREFA panel and from other stakeholders subsequent to publication of the Outline.
At the same time, the Bureau continues to conduct research and monitor the debt collection
market. In January 2017, the Bureau released two studies on the debt collection market: a white
The Bureau’s debt collection consumer education resources can be found at
paper about the Online Debt Sales market, which describes websites where charged-off consumer
debts can be purchased and outlines potential consumer protection concerns that may arise in the
absence of appropriate safeguards; and a groundbreaking research report on Consumer
Experiences With Debt Collection, based upon the Bureau’s Survey of Consumer Views on Debt.
At the CFPB, we believe in a debt collection market where consumers know their rights and are
protected from harassment and deception while collectors are able to collect debts in an honest,
lawful, and cost-effective manner. On the FDCPA’s fortieth anniversary, we remain committed to
the law’s goal of protecting consumers while ensuring that debt collectors who follow the law and
respect consumers are not competitively disadvantaged.
Richard Cordray
Table of contents
Message from Richard Cordray ................................................................. 2
Table of contents ...................................................................................... 6
1. Introduction ....................................................................................... 8
2. Background ........................................................................................ 9
2.1 Industry Breakdown ................................................................................ 10
2.2 Market Outlook ....................................................................................... 12
3. Consumer complaints ........................................................................ 14
3.1 Number and types of complaints received ............................................. 15
3.2 Responses to complaints received .......................................................... 19
4. Bureau supervision of debt collection activities ................................. 21
4.1 Miscoding of accounts unsuitable for sale ............................................. 22
4.2 Unlawful fees .......................................................................................... 22
4.3 False representations ............................................................................. 23
4.4 Communication with third parties ........................................................ 24
5. Debt collection amicus briefs ............................................................. 26
6. Enforcement ...................................................................................... 34
6.1 CFPB law enforcement actions .............................................................. 34
6.2 Continuation of pre-2016 matters ......................................................... 38
6.3 FTC law enforcement actions ................................................................. 40
7. Education and outreach initiatives .................................................... 50
7.1 Bureau education and outreach initiatives ............................................ 50
FTC education and public outreach
...................................................... 54
8. Rulemaking, research, and policy initiatives ..................................... 56
8.1 Bureau rulemaking and research ........................................................... 56
8.2 FTC’s research and policy development activities ................................. 62
Appendix: FTC Letter ........................................................................ 64
1. Introduction
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is pleased to submit to Congress its sixth annual report
summarizing activities to administer the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”), 15 U.S.C. §
1692 et seq. The Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC” or “the Commission”) share
government enforcement responsibility for the FDCPA. The Commission’s activities during the
past year are included in this report and a letter from the FTC describing them appears in the
Appendix. The CFPB and the FTC work closely to coordinate debt collection enforcement actions
and other matters related to debt collection.
This report provides a background on the debt collection market; contains an overview of
consumer complaints submitted to the CFPB and the FTC in 2016; summarizes the Bureau’s
supervisory activities in the debt collection market; describes the Bureau’s and the Commission’s
enforcement actions; describes amicus curiae briefs filed in cases related to the FDCPA; presents
the CFPB’s and FTC’s consumer education and outreach initiatives; and discusses developments in
the Bureau’s rulemaking activities and the FTC’s policy and research initiatives.
See Memorandum of Understanding between the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Federal Trade
Commission (March 2015), available at
https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/cooperation_agreements/150312ftc-cfpb-mou.pdf. As part of this
coordination, CFPB and FTC staff regularly meet to discuss ongoing and upcoming law enforcement, rulemaking, and
other activities, share debt collection complaints, cooperate on consumer education efforts in the debt collection arena,
and consult on debt collection rulemaking and guidance initiatives.
2. Background
Debt collection is an $11.4 billion dollar industry that employs more than 130,000 people across
approximately 8,500 collection agencies in the United States.
The debt collection industry affects
millions of Americans. According to a recent CFPB survey of US consumers, about one-third of
consumers with credit files or about 70 million Americans were contacted by a creditor or
third-party debt collector attempting to collect a debt in the past year.
Debt collection efforts
include calls, letters, filing lawsuits, and other methods to collect alleged debts from consumers.
In the course of attempting to collect debts, debt collectors must adhere to a variety of laws and
regulations which govern topics as diverse as telephone communications (e.g., the Telephone
Consumer Protection Act, or TCPA) and furnishing information to credit reporting agencies (e.g.
the Fair Credit Reporting Act, or FCRA) as well as various state statutes. The primary law that
governs the conduct of debt collectors is the FDCPA,
which establishes consumer protections in
the debt collection process including the rights to dispute a debt and instruct a collector to stop
communication about an alleged debt. The FDCPA prohibits debt collectors from harassing and
abusing consumers and prohibits them from discussing a consumer’s debts with third parties
(with some exceptions).
The law empowers the CFPB and FTC to enforce its provisions and establishes a private right of
action for any person affected by a violation of the FDCPA. The FDCPA also requires the CFPB to
Edward Rivera at IBIS World, Debt Collection Agencies in the US (December 2016).
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Consumer Experiences with Debt Collection. January 2017
Fair Debt Collection Practice Act. 15 U.S.C. § 1692 et. seq.
submit this report on “the administration of its functions” under the FDCPA and enables it to
“obtain … the views” of other agencies that enforce the FDCPA, such as the FTC.
2.1 Industry Breakdown
Debt collectors generate most of their revenue from collections of medical debt, student loans, and
financial services obligations such as credit cards, auto loans, and mortgages. Financial services
are the largest source of revenue for the industry, accounting for more than a third of all debt
collection revenue. However, telecommunications debt also accounts for a large share of industry
revenue more than a fifth.
Government, retail, and medical debt are also significant drivers of
industry revenue.
15 U.S.C. § 1692m
Edward Rivera at IBIS World, Debt Collection Agencies in the US (December 2016).
Financial Services
Retail and Commercial
$6.27 billion – more than half the industry’s revenueis generated by firms contracting with
creditors to collect their debts on a contingency fee basis, meaning that the creditor and the
collector each receive a share of the amount collected.
About one-third of debt collection revenue, $3.6 billion, comes from debt buyers, who purchase
accounts from the original creditor or other debt buyers and then generally seek to collect on that
debt, either themselves or through contingency debt collectors.
Although they represent about
one third of industry revenue, this overstates debt buyers’ share of dollars collected, since debt
buyer revenue includes all amounts recovered whereas the revenue of contingency collectors
includes only the share of recoveries retained by the collector.
Due to its low fixed costs and high susceptibility to fluctuations in the supply of debt and labor
costs, debt collection is a volatile industry with a large number of firms according to some
estimates, about 8,500.
Edward Rivera at IBIS World, Debt Collection Agencies in the US (December 2016).
The industry has been experiencing consolidation in recent years. According to a study by the
Association of Credit and Collection Professionals, there were 25% fewer debt collection agencies
in 2013 than in 2005,
despite industry revenues being slightly higher in 2013.
2.2 Market Outlook
The debt collection industry is substantially impacted by the credit cycle, which determines how
many charged-off debts are available to collect. As a result of increased consumer debt, especially
in non-housing categories where debt collectors are most frequently employed, it appears likely
that the availability of debt to collect will increase. This would be especially likely if an unfavorable
change in economic circumstances made it more difficult for consumers to pay their obligations.
Consumer debt has continued to increase since 2013 and is approaching its 2008 peak. However,
growth in consumer debt has been fueled primarily by increases in non-housing debt. In 2016
alone, credit card debt rose $46 billion, or 6.3%, student debt increased by $78 billion, or 6.3%,
and auto debt rose by $93 billion, or 8.7%.
Delinquency rates remain relatively stable, although
they have not returned to their pre-crisis levels.
However, the combination of these levels of debt
and an economic downturn could lead to a substantial increase in the amount of delinquent and
ultimately charged-off accounts.
An increase in portfolios of delinquent debt in the event of a downturn also looks somewhat likely
in auto finance. Total outstanding auto debt reached a record high in 2016
, and lending to
ACA International, Ernst and Young, Impact of Third-Party Debt Collection on the National and State Economies
(2013, 2011), available at http://www.acainternational.org/advocacy/industry-research-statistics
Edward Rivera at IBIS World, Debt Collection Agencies in the US (September 2015).
Andrew Haughwout et al. “Just Released: Total Household Debt Nears 2008 Peak but Debt Picture Looks Much
Different.” Liberty Street Economics. Federal Reserve Bank of New York. February 16, 2017.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit. 2016Q4. February 2017
Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit. 2016Q4. February 2017
subprime consumers is at a higher level than it has been for more than a decade.
results from a study by S&P Global Ratings suggest that net losses on subprime auto loans in the
event of a comparatively mild downturn, such as the one between 1998 and 2003, would be higher
than the losses that resulted from the 2009 financial crisis.
This suggests that a downturn, if one
occurs, could lead to a significant number of auto deficiencies, which are in some instances are
collected by third party debt collectors or sold to debt buyers.
Similarly, outstanding credit card debt continues to increase, reaching $927 billion in the third
quarter of 2016. The increase in debt in the third quarter was the largest such increase since 2007.
The average indebted American household owes about $8,000 in credit card debt.
As with auto
lending, a potential downturn would likely cause a spike in delinquencies, which could ultimately
increase the number of charged-off accounts available for collection.
Kyle Stock. Bloomberg. “The Next Financial Crisis Might Be in Your Driveway.” February 21, 2017. Analysis of data
from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-02-21/the-next-
William Hoffman. Auto Finance News. “S&P Stress Tests Show Rising Subprime Auto Losses.” February 12, 2017
Alina Comoreanu. WalletHub. “2016 Credit Card Debt Study: Trends & Insights.” December 8, 2016
3. Consumer complaints
investigating, and responding to consumer complaints are integral parts of the
CFPB’s work.
The CFPB’s Office of Consumer Response (“Consumer Response”) hears
directly from consumers about the challenges they face in the marketplace, brings their
concerns to the attention of companies, and assists in addressing these complaints.
The CFPB, which began taking consumer complaints about debt collection in July 2013,
accepts complaints through its website and by telephone, mail, email, fax, and referral.
Consumers submit complaints on the Bureau’s website using complaint forms tailored to
specific products and can also log on to a secure consumer portal to check the status of a
complaint and review a company’s response. When completing the complaint form,
consumers provide a narrative of the events giving rise to their complaint and can elect to
publish a scrubbed narrative on the Bureau’s website. While on the website, consumers can
chat with a live agent to get help completing a complaint form. Consumers can also call the
Bureau’s toll-free number to ask questions, submit a complaint, check the status of a
complaint, and more.
The Bureau answers questions and refers consumers to other
regulators or additional resources as appropriate and forwards complaints to companies for
review and response.
The CFPB’s complaint handling process focuses on
investigating, and responding to
The Bureau also uses complaints for law enforcement purposes and shares
See Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Pub. L. No. 111-203, § 1021(c)(2) (2010). (“Dodd-
Frank Act”).
The CFPB’s U.S.-based contact centers provide services to consumers in more than 180 languages and to consumers
who are deaf, have hearing loss, or have speech disabilities via a toll-free telephone number.
See Dodd-Frank Act, Pub. L. No. 111-203, § 1021(c)(2), 124 Stat. 1376, 1979 (2010).
complaint data with the FTC. The FTC uses the Bureau’s information, as well as complaints
submitted directly to it by consumers and from other federal and state agencies, to compile
consumer complaints in its Consumer Sentinel system and makes them available to federal and
state law enforcement. The FTC uses consumer complaints generally to monitor the debt collection
industry, select targets for investigation, and conduct preliminary analysis that, with further
factual development, might reveal or help prove a law violation.
As in previous years, debt collection is the most complained about consumer financial product or
service in the Bureau’s complaint system. As shown in Table 1, in 2016, again the most common
issue selected by consumers submitting a complaint related to debt collection is continued
attempts to collect a debt that the consumer states is not owed (41%). These consumers often
report that debt collectors are contacting them about debts that either have a different balance or
have been fully paid. In response to these complaints, third-party debt collectors often close and
return the account to their clients, while first-party collectors report that they inform the
consumer about the current status of their account and make attempts to reach a resolution.
Consumers continue to submit complaints about a lack of debt verification by collectors in
response to consumer disputes; in fact, this issue saw the largest percentage increase from 2015
(see Table 2). These consumers report that they were not given enough information to verify a
debt. In complaints submitted against third-party collectors especially, some consumers report
that they do not have enough information to verify medical debtoften stating that they believed
their health insurance covered the expenses.
Consumers still commonly report issues with communication tactics used by collectors, though the
number of complaints about communication tactics decreased from 2015 (see Table 2). Consumers
complain about frequent or repeated calls from collectors. These consumers report that they
receive multiple calls weekly or even daily. In complaints submitted against first-party collectors,
some consumers report that they receive repeated calls early in their delinquency or during grace
3.1 Number and types of complaints
From January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016, the CFPB handled approximately 88,000 debt
collection complaints2,900 more complaints than the prior year. These complaints include
first-party (creditors collecting on their own debts) and third-party collections. Table 1 shows the
types of debt collection complaints the CFPB has handled, while Table 2 shows the change in
complaint volume by issue
This report is based on dynamic data and may slightly differ from other public reports.
Primary issue %
Continued attempts to collect debt not owed 41%
Disclosure/verification of debt 20%
Communication tactics 15%
False statements or representation 9%
Taking or threatening an illegal action 9%
Improper contact or sharing of information 6%
Total debt collection complaints 100%
For each of the six issues listed in Table 1 and Table 2, consumers also select additional, more-
detailed sub-issues when submitting a complaint.
As indicated in Table 1, the most common debt collection complaint is about continued attempts to
collect a debt that the consumer reports is not owed. The vast majority of these consumers report
that the debt is not their debt (61%) or that the debt was paid (27%), while the remaining
consumers report that the debt resulted from identity theft (8%) or was discharged in bankruptcy
Issues with disclosures or providing information sufficient to verify the debt was the second-most
common issue selected by consumers in their complaints (see line 2 in Table 1). If a collector is
covered by the FDCPA, the law requires collectors within five days of that communication to
provide consumers with a written notice informing them, among other things, of their right to
dispute debts. Some consumers, however, complain that debt collectors do not provide this notice
(23%). Most consumers who complain about the dispute process raise the concern that when they
exercise their rights to dispute debts, collectors do not provide them with documentation that
consumers believe collectors need to verify the debt (69%). The complaints related to disputed
debts also reveal confusion on the part of consumers as to when and how they can dispute a debt.
Other consumers report that the company did not disclose that the communication was an attempt
to collect a debt (7%).
Communication tactics used when collecting debts were the third most common issue complained
about in 2016 (see line 3 of Table 1). Many of these types of complaints are about improper
telephone calls. The majority of complaints about communication tactics are about frequent or
repeated calls (53%). In a consumer complaint, one consumer told us that they were frustrated by
the amount of calls they received about a debt they didn’t understand.
“After missing multiple calls a day from this company I finally spoke with someone. They had
sent my final bill to my old address and I never got it. The person I spoke to at the company
corrected my address and arranged to send out a reprint of the bill. She waved the ridiculous
{$5.00} fee to have the bill reprinted. I let her know that I would be taking care of the bill as
soon as I received it.
As discussed in Section 6.1, the Bureau has developed and made available a form letter to assist consumers in
disputing debts.
Not 1 day later the calls started again.
I received a call this morning by a very pushy caller and was told that if I was taken off the
call list without making payment arrangements my bill would go into collections. I asked
why my file hadn't been updated to show that I was cooperating and s(he) said their system
just doesn't show everything.
When I complained about their repetitive calls the caller said that legally the system could
call my phone up to 6 times per day. This is harassment and also threatening by saying my
bill would go into collections.
By their admission, even though I was cooperating, they were going to call me up to 6 times
per day until my bill was paid.
These are unacceptable business practices.
Please look into the company.”
Consumers report that collectors contact them using alternative methods, in addition to telephone
calls. These methods include text messaging, emails, and social media. Other communication
tactics complaints relate to reports of companies threatening to take legal action (30%), using
obscene, profane, or abusive language (7%), calling after being sent written cease communication
notices (6%), or calling outside of the FDCPA’s assumed convenient calling hours from 8 a.m. to 9
p.m. at the consumer’s location (3%).
The majority of complaints about false statements or representations (see line 4 of Table 2) are
about attempts to collect the wrong amount from the consumer (66%). In addition, consumers
report that companies impersonated an attorney or a law enforcement or government official
(18%), indicated the consumer committed a crime by not paying debt (13%), or indicated that the
consumer should not respond to a lawsuit (2%).
Consumers also report companies taking or threatening to take an illegal action (see line 5 of Table
1). Most of these complaints are about threats to arrest or jail consumers if they do not pay (39%).
Other complaints relate to lawsuits including threats to sue on a debt that is too old (29%),
seizures or attempts to seize property (11%), being sued without proper notification of the lawsuit
(10%), collection or attempts to collect exempt funds such as child support or unemployment
benefits (7%), or being sued in a place that is different from where the consumer lives or where the
consumer signed the contract (3%).
For consumers submitting complaints about improper contact or sharing of information (see line
6 of Table 1), consumers most often report the collector talked to a third party about the debt
(55%), contacted the consumer after being asked not to do so (24%), or contacted an employer
after being asked not to do so (19%). A less common complaint relates to consumers reporting
that they are contacted directly, instead of the debt collector contacting their attorney (2%).
3.2 Responses to complaints handled
The CFPB has sent approximately 41,400 (47%) of the about 88,000 debt collection complaints it
has handled to companies for their review and response. The CFPB has also forwarded some of the
remaining debt collection complaints to other regulatory agencies (38%), while other complaints
were found to be incomplete (10%), or are pending
with the consumer or the CFPB (5%).
Companies have already responded to approximately 37,000 complaints or 89% of the
approximately 41,400 complaints sent to them for response. Consumers have disputed
approximately 6,400 company responses (18%) to their complaints.
The following table shows how companies have responded to consumer complaints.
This category includes complaints that do not include information needed for the CFPB to send to companies for
responses or refer to other regulatory agencies.
All complaints handled by the Bureau, including those sent to other regulators, serve to inform the Bureau in its work
to supervise companies, to enforce consumer financial laws, to write better rules and regulations, and to educate and
engage consumers.
Company Response #
Closed with explanation 28,800 70%
Company responses include descriptions of steps taken or that will be taken, communications
received from the consumer, any follow-up actions or planned follow-up actions, and
categorization of the response. Response category options include “closed with monetary relief,”
“closed with non-monetary relief,” “closed with explanation,” “closed,” and other administrative
options. Monetary relief is defined as objective, measurable, and verifiable monetary relief to the
consumer as a direct result of the steps taken or that will be taken in response to the complaint.
Non-monetary relief is defined as other objective and verifiable relief to the consumer as a direct
result of the steps taken or that will be taken in response to the consumer’s complaint. “Closed
with explanation” indicates that the steps taken by the company in response to the complaint
included an explanation that was tailored to the individual consumer’s complaint. For example,
this category would be used if the explanation substantively meets the consumer’s desired
resolution or explains why no further action will be taken. “Closed” indicates that the company
closed the complaint without relief monetary or non-monetary or explanation. Consumers are
given the option to review and provide feedback on all company closure responses.
Due to rounding, volume and percentages for each company response category may not add up to the total.
Closed with non-monetary relief 4,900 12%
Company did not provide a timely response 3,400 8%
Company reviewing 1,500 4%
Closed (without relief or explanation) 1,400 3%
Closed with monetary relief 400 1%
Administrative response 1,200 3%
Total Complaints Sent to Companies for Response 41,400 100%
4. Bureau supervision of debt
collection activities
Under the Dodd-Frank Act, the CFPB has the authority to supervise certain bank and nonbank
entities that offer or provide consumer financial products or services.
In addition, for other
nonbank markets for consumer financial products or services, the Bureau has the authority to
supervise “larger participants” as the Bureau defines by rule. Under the Bureau’s larger participant
rule for the debt collection market, the Bureau has supervisory authority over any firm with more
than $10 million in annual receipts from consumer debt collection activities.
In 2016, the Bureau’s supervision of debt collectors uncovered a number of violations of the
Specifically, the Bureau has authority to supervise certain banks and nonbank entities in the residential mortgage,
payday lending, and private education lending markets. The Bureau also has the authority to supervise nonbank entities
that offer or provide consumer financial products or services where it has “reasonable cause to determine, by order, after
notice to the person and a reasonable opportunity for such person to respond…that such person is engaging, or has
engaged, in conduct that poses risks to consumers with regard to the offering or provision of consumer financial
products or service.” 12 U.S.C. § 5514(a)(1)(C).
In deference to the importance of confidentiality and consistent with the policies of the prudential regulators, the
Bureau treats information obtained from companies through the supervisory process as confidential and privileged. See
12 C.F.R. pt. 1070; CFPB Bulletin 12-01: The Bureau’s Supervision Authority and Treatment of Confidential
Supervisory Information (January 2012), available at http://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/2012/01/GC_bulletin_12-
01.pdf; see also 12 U.S.C. §§ 1821(t), 1828(x).
4.1 Miscoding of accounts unsuitable for
sale by debt sellers
The FDCPA prohibits unfair acts or practices in connection with the collection of a debt.
one or more examinations, examiners determined that debt sellers, as a result of widespread
coding errors, sold thousands of debts that did not properly reflect that: (1) the accounts were in
bankruptcy, (2) the debt sellers had concluded the debts were products of fraud, or (3) the
accounts had been settled in full. The relevant accounts sold were in, or likely to be subject to,
collections. Supervision concluded that this practice was unfair.
In some cases, coding failed to reflect a pending bankruptcy proceeding when the debt seller had
received notice that the consumer had filed for bankruptcy. In other instances, one or more debt
sellers either failed to code accounts to indicate that a fraud claim was pending or failed to code
accounts to indicate that fraud had occurred. In other cases, one or more debt sellers failed to
include codes indicating that the debt seller(s) had settled the relevant accounts in full. These
errors caused or were likely to cause substantial injury in the form of subjecting consumers to debt
collection efforts either: (1) prohibited by the automatic stay provisions of the Bankruptcy Code
or (2) on debts for which the consumer was not responsible because the relevant accounts were
impacted by fraud or were settled in full. Supervision directed one or more debt sellers to redress
consumers impacted by each category of the three coding errors and to enhance service provider
oversight to include critical vendors performing collections and processes relating to debt sale
arrangements, such as suppliers providing coding services.
4.2 Unlawful fees
The FDCPA limits situations where a debt collector may impose convenience fees. Under Section
808(1) of the FDCPA,
a debt collector may not collect any amount unless such amount is
expressly authorized by the agreement creating the debt or permitted by law. In one or more
exams, examiners observed that one or more debt collectors charged consumers a “convenience
fee” to process payments by phone and online. Examiners determined that this convenience fee
12 USC 5531(c); 5536(a)(1)(B).
11 USC 362.
15 USC 1692f(1).
violated Section 808(1) where the consumer’s contract does not expressly permit convenience fees
and the applicable state’s law was silent on whether such fees are permissible. Additionally, under
Section 807(2)(B) of the FDCPA,
a debt collector may not make false representations of
compensation which may be lawfully received by the debt collector. Examiners determined that
collectors who demanded these unlawful fees, stated that the fees were “nonnegotiable,” or
withheld information from consumers about other avenues to make payments that would not
incur the fee after the consumer requested such information violated Section 807(2)(B) of the
Supervision also found that one or more debt collectors violated Section 808(1) of the FDCPA by
charging collection fees in states where collection fees were prohibited or in states that capped
collection fees at a threshold lower than the fees that were charged. Examiners also observed a
compliance management system weakness at one or more collectors that had not maintained any
records showing the relationship between the amount of the collection fee and the cost of
The relevant entities have undertaken remedial and corrective actions regarding these violations;
these matters remain under review by the Bureau.
4.3 False representations
Section 807(10) of the FDCPA prohibits debt collectors from using any false representation or
deceptive means to collect a debt or obtain information concerning a consumer.
determined that one or more collectors falsely represented to consumers that a down payment was
necessary in order to establish a repayment arrangement, when the collectors’ policies and
procedures included no such requirement.
In other cases, one or more collectors falsely represented that the only option for repayment was
using a checking account, when the debt collectors’ policies and procedures did not limit
repayment to checking accounts.
15 USC 1692e(2)(B).
15 USC 1692e(10).
At one or more debt collectors, examiners identified collection calls where employees purported to
assess consumers’ creditworthiness, credit scores, or credit reports, which were misleading
because collectors could not assess overall borrower creditworthiness. Collectors also misled
consumers by representing that an immediate payment would need to be made in order to prevent
a negative impact on consumers’ credit.
In one or more instances, examiners observed that collectors had impersonated consumers while
using the relevant creditors’ consumer-facing automated telephone system to obtain information
about the consumer’s debt. Examiners concluded that this constituted a false representation or
deceptive means to collect or attempt to collect any debt or to obtain information concerning a
On one or more collection calls, examiners heard collectors tell consumers that the ability to settle
the collection account was revoked or would expire. Examiners determined that these statements
were false or were a deceptive means to collect a debt because the consumers still had the ability to
settle. The relevant entities have undertaken remedial and corrective actions regarding these
violations; these matters remain under review by the Bureau.
4.4 Communication with third parties
Section 805 of the FDCPA
prohibits debt collectors from communicating in connection with the
collection of a debt with persons other than the consumer, unless the purpose is to acquire
information about the consumer’s location. Under Section 804 of the FDCPA,
communicating with third parties to acquire information about the consumer’s location, a
collector is prohibited from disclosing the name of the debt collection company unless the third
party expressly requests it.
At one or more debt collectors, examiners identified several instances where collectors disclosed
the debt owed by the consumer to a third party. These third-party communications were often
caused by inadequate identity verification during telephone calls. Additionally, examiners
15 USC 1692c(b).
15 USC 1692b(1).
observed several instances where collectors identified their employers to third parties without first
being asked for that information by the third party.
The relevant entities have undertaken remedial and corrective actions regarding these violations;
these matters remain under review by the Bureau.
5. Debt collection amicus briefs
In the past year, the Bureau has filed briefs as amicus curiae (friend of the court) in four cases
arising under the FDCPA. Two of these briefs were filed in the federal courts of appeals, and two of
these briefs were filed in the U.S. Supreme Court through the Office of the Solicitor General. In
addition, three cases in which the Bureau filed amicus briefs in prior years were decided in 2016.
Collection of Protected Social Security Funds: Arias amicus brief
On October 26, 2016, the Bureau filed an amicus brief in the Second Circuit case of Arias v.
Gutman, Mintz, Baker & Sonnenfeldt, PC to address when a debt collector violates the FDCPA in
the course of garnishing money from an account containing the consumer’s Social Security or
other protected funds.
The consumer in this case alleged, among other things, that a debt
collection law firm violated the FDCPA by telling a consumer that he could protect his Social
Security benefits from forcible collection only by showing that he had not commingled his benefits
with non-exempt funds. The district court dismissed the consumer’s suit for failure to state a claim
of either deceptive or unfair conduct in violation of the FDCPA.
The Bureau’s brief argued that the consumer had stated valid deception and unfairness claims.
The brief argued that the debt collection law firm’s alleged conduct was deceptive because it
misrepresented what the consumer had to do to avoid garnishment of his Social Security benefits.
The Bureau’s brief explained that the law firm’s alleged misrepresentation would violate the
FDCPA because the misstatement had the capacity to discourage the consumer from fully availing
himself of his legal rights. In particular, the Bureau contended that the law firm’s
Brief of Amicus Curiae, Arias v. Gutman, Mintz, Baker & Sonnenfeldt, PC, No. 16-2165 (2d Cir. Oct. 28, 2016),
available at https://www.consumerfinance.gov/policy-compliance/amicus/briefs/arias-v-gutman-mintz-baker-
misrepresentation would have led a consumer to believe that he had to surmount a potentially
daunting (but evidently fictitious) procedural hurdle to safeguard his exempt Social Security
benefits from garnishment.
The Bureau argued that the debt collection law firm’s alleged conduct would also constitute unfair
conduct. This is because the consumer alleged that the law firm filed a baseless pleading with the
purpose of intimidating the consumer into forfeiting his right to avoid garnishment of his Social
Security benefits. The Bureau argued that the district court had erred by relying on the fact that
the law firm used the right procedures to file its apparently baseless objection: Timely filing and
service are no substitute for a good faith, reasonable basis to act. Likewise, the Bureau explained
that the existence of a potential state law remedy for the law firm’s conduct did not deprive the
consumer of his rights under the FDCPA.
The court has not yet issued a decision in this case.
Debt Collector Letterhead: Sheriff amicus brief
On March 2, 2016, the Solicitor General, with the assistance of the Bureau, filed an amicus brief in
the Supreme Court case of Sheriff v. Gillie to address 1) whether special counsel appointed by the
attorney general of Ohio to collect debts owed to the state are exempt from the FDCPA’s definition
of “debt collector,” and 2) whether the special counsel’s use of the letterhead of the Ohio attorney
general violates the FDCPA.
The FDCPA defines the term “debt collector” to include any person
“who regularly collects or attempts to collect … debts owed or due another.”
But the definition
specifically excludes “any officer or employee of a creditor while, in the name of the creditor,
collecting debts for such creditor,” and “any officer or employee of … any State to the extent that
collecting or attempting to collect any debt is in the performance of his official duties.”
special counsel argued that they were officers of the state, and thus exempt from the FDCPA. They
also argued that, even if they were not exempt, they did not violate the FDCPA because, even
Brief of Amicus Curiae, Sherriff v. Gillie, No. 15-338 (U.S. Mar. 2, 2016), available at
15 U.S.C. § 1692a(6).
15 U.S.C. § 1692a(6)(A), (C).
though their debt collection letters used the letterhead of the Ohio attorney general, the letters
accurately represented their role as special counsel.
The amicus brief argued that the special counsel were not state officers because they did not
occupy any state office, and did not exercise any portion of the state’s sovereignty. Instead, their
duties were defined by contracts that declared them to be independent contractors. The brief
pointed out that the FDCPA draws a distinction between a creditor’s use of in-house personnel to
collect debts, and a creditor’s use of outside contractors to perform the same function. The FDCPA
applies to the latter, but not to the former. The brief argued that it would subvert the basic purpose
of the FDCPA to exempt Ohio’s use of independent contractors from the Act’s coverage.
The brief also argued that whether the special counsel’s use of the letterhead of the Ohio attorney
general was “false, deceptive, or misleading” should be judged from the perspective of an
“unsophisticated consumer” (also referred to as the “least sophisticated consumer”). Accordingly,
summary judgment was not appropriate because a reasonable jury could conclude that the use of
the letterhead violated the FDCPA. The purpose of a letterhead is to identify the sender of the
letter. Thus, a jury could determine that the special counsel’s use of the letterhead falsely implied
that special counsel worked within the office of the Ohio attorney general, not as independent
contractors. The FDCPA specifically prohibits false representations as to the source of a debt
collection letter.
On May 16, 2016, the Supreme Court resolved the case in favor of the special counsel.
The Court
assumed without deciding that the special counsel were not exempt from the FDCPA as officers or
employees of the state. But it sided with the special counsel because it did not believe that special
counsel’s use of the letterhead created by false or misleading representation. “The letterhead
identifies the principal Ohio’s Attorney General and the signature block names the agent a
private lawyer hired as outside counsel to the Attorney General.”
The Court held it significant
that the attorney general required the special counsel to use the attorney general’s letterhead. The
Court also limited its decision to “special counsel” and noted that “considerations relevant to that
category may not carry over to other debt-collector relationships.
Sheriff v. Gillie, 136 S.Ct. 1594 (2016).
Id. at 1601.
Id. at 1601 n.5.
Article III Standing: Bock amicus brief
On June 3, 2016, the Bureau filed a supplemental amicus brief in the Third Circuit in Bock v.
Pressler & Pressler, LLP, to address consumers’ Article III standing to bring suit under the
In this case, a consumer brought suit against a debt-collection law firm that filed a
state-court debt-collection against him. The consumer alleged that the firm violated the FDCPA by
falsely representing that an attorney was meaningfully involved in filing the action. In 2015, the
Bureau and the FTC had jointly filed an amicus brief in the case arguing that a law firm violates
the FDCPA when it files a debt-collection lawsuit without any attorney meaningfully reviewing the
case first.
In the Bureau’s supplemental filing in 2016, the Bureau addressed the consumer’s
Article III standing to bring this suit in light of the Supreme Court’s decision in Spokeo v.
136 S. Ct. 1540 (2016). The Bureau’s supplemental amicus brief argued that a false representation
made to a consumer in violation of the FDCPA is a concrete harm sufficient to support a
consumer’s standing. On June 26, 2016, the Third Circuit issued an order remanding the case to
the district court for a determination on the consumer’s Article III standing.
Bankruptcy Proofs of Claim: Midland Funding amicus brief
On December 23, 2016, the Acting Solicitor General, with the assistance of the Bureau, filed an
amicus brief in the Supreme Court in Midland Funding, LLC v. Johnson to address whether a debt
collector violates the FDCPA by filing an accurate proof of claim in a bankruptcy proceeding for an
unextinguished time-barred debt that the creditor knows is judicially unenforceable.
FDCPA bars a debt collector from
“us[ing] any false, deceptive, or misleading representation or
means in connection with the collection of any debt,” and specifically bars debt collectors from
Supplemental Brief of Amicus Curiae, Bock v. Pressler & Pressler, LLP, No. 15-1056 (3d Cir. June 3, 2016), available
at https://www.consumerfinance.gov/policy-compliance/amicus/briefs/bock-v-pressler-pressler/.
Brief of Amici Curiae, Bock v. Pressler & Pressler, LLP, No. 15-1056 (3d Cir. Aug. 13, 2015), available at
Brief of Amicus Curiae, Midland Funding, LLC v. Johnson, No. 16-348 (U.S. Dec. 21, 2016), available at
making a “false representation of . . . the character, amount, or legal status of any debt.
Act also provides that “[a] debt collector may not use unfair or unconscionable means to
collect or attempt to collect any debt.”
Prior judicial precedent holds that a debt collector
violates these prohibitions when it files a state-court collection action against a consumer on a
debt for which the statute of limitations has expired.
In this case, the debt collector argued, however, that the FDCPA does not prohibit from filing a
proof of claim in a consumer’s bankruptcy proceeding on debt that is known to be time-
barred. The debt collector also argued that, if the FDCPA did contain that prohibition, its
enforcement would be precluded by the provisions of the Bankruptcy Code.
The government’s amicus brief argued that the FDCPA did not permit a debt collector to
knowingly file a proof of claim on time-barred debt in a consumer’s bankruptcy proceeding. The
brief explained that the Bankruptcy Code does not authorize the filing of a proof of claim known to
be unenforceable but, instead, contemplates that such a claim will be disallowed and provides for
sanctions and other remedies for abuse of the bankruptcy process. In this context, the brief argues
that debt collectors that file a proof of claim are making a representation that the filer has a good-
faith basis for believing that the claim is enforceable in bankruptcy. Where that representation is
false or misleading, the brief argues that the debt collector has violated the FDCPA’s prohibitions
on misrepresentations and unfair debt collection practices, and that this violation can result in real
harm for consumers who are undergoing the bankruptcy process.
The court has not yet issued a decision in this case.
Definition of “debt”: Franklin case
On December 11, 2015, at the invitation of the court the Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission
jointly filed an amicus brief in Franklin v. Parking Revenue Recovery Services, taking the
position that an allegedly unpaid parking fee of $1.50 and a $45 nonpayment penalty constituted
15 U.S.C. § 1692e, 1692e(2)(A).
15 U.S.C. § 1692f.
“debt” covered by the FDCPA.
In a decision last year, the Seventh Circuit agreed with the joint
agency position.
The court grounded its decision in the FDCPA’s definition of “debt,” which refers to an “
of a consumer to pay money arising out of a transaction.”
The court explained that this
is “a broad reference to many different types of business dealings between parties,but
includes “only those obligations that are created by the contracts the parties used to give legal
force to their transaction.”
The court concluded that the payment obligations at issue were debts
because they arose out of a contract between the parking lot operator and the consumer, and not
out of a tort or a violation of a municipal ordinance. In reaching this conclusion and reversing the
district court, the Seventh Circuit rejected the district court’s analogy comparing a consumer’s
alleged failure to pay a contractual debt to theft of services, which generally do not give rise to
FDCPA-covered debts.
Non-judicial foreclosure: Ho case
On August 7, 2015, the Bureau filed an amicus brief at the invitation of the Ninth Circuit in Ho v.
ReconTrust Co., NA, arguing that a trustee who forecloses on a deed of trust in a non-judicial action
in California can qualify as a “debt collector” under the general definition of that term in the
In a 2-1 decision, the Ninth Circuit concluded that the trustee was not a debt collector
because it was not attempting to collect money from the plaintiff, but instead was attempting to
retake and resell the consumer’s secured property. The court reasoned that, in selling the property,
a trustee collects money from the purchaser of the home and not money owed by the consumer, and
Brief of Amici Curiae, Franklin v. Parking Revenue Recovery Servs., Inc., No. 14-3774 (7th Cir. Dec. 11, 2015),
available at https://www.consumerfinance.gov/policy-compliance/amicus/briefs/franklin-parking-revenue-recovery-
Franklin v. Parking Revenue Recovery Servs., Inc., 832 F.3d 741 (7th Cir. 2016)
15 U.S.C. 1692a(5).
832 F.3d at 744 (internal quotation marks omitted).
Brief of Amicus Curiae, Ho v. ReconTrust Company, N.A., No. 10-56884 (9th Cir. Aug. 7, 2015) (Ho Br.), available at
therefore such money does not constitute “debt” as defined under the FDCPA. The court
acknowledged that its holding creates a conflict with contrary holdings of both the Fourth and Sixth
In a dissenting opinion, Judge Korman noted that a trustee institutes a foreclosure proceeding to
collect money by forcing a sale of the consumer’s secured property and, therefore, qualifies as a
debt collector under the FDCPA. He also reasoned that the FDCPA does not interfere with
California law in ways requiring nullification of the Act’s provisions, and that the FDCPA’s
preemption provisions allow for operation of California law without the need to exclude an entire
category of debt collectors from the Act.
A petition seeking rehearing by the panel or rehearing en banc is currently pending before the
“Initial Communication”: Hernandez case
In August 2014, the FTC joined the CFPB in filing an amicus brief in the Ninth Circuit in
Hernandez v. Williams, Zinman & Parham, P.C., urging it to reject an interpretation of the phrase
“initial communication” that was both overly narrow and contravened the text of, and legislative
intent behind, the FDCPA.
In July 2016, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued a
decision in a case agreeing with that position.
The FDCPA provision requires that “a debt
collector” send a debt-validation notice either “[w]ithin five days after the initial communication
with a consumer in connection with the collection of any debt” or in “the initial communication”
This notice triggers a thirty-day period in which consumers may dispute the debt and
request information about the original creditor.
The joint amicus brief argued that this
provision applies to each debt collector that contacts a consumer about a debt, not just the initial
debt collector to collect a given debt (as the defendant argued and the district court held). Agreeing
Brief of Amici Curiae, Hernandez v. Williams, Zinman & Parham, P.C., No. 14-15672 (9th Cir. Aug. 20, 2014),
available at https://www.consumerfinance.gov/policy-compliance/amicus/briefs/hernandez-williams-zinman-
Hernandez v. Williams, Zinman & Parham PC, 829 F.3d 1068 (9th Cir. 2016).
15 U.S.C. § 1692g(a).
Id. § 1692g(b).
with that position, the court unanimously held that, although the text is ambiguous when read in
isolation, the provision unambiguously applies to all debt collectors when it is read in light of the
statutory context and purposes. In particular, the court noted that the Act uses the phrase “a debt
collector” throughout the statute to impose obligations and restrictions on all debt collectors
throughout the entire debt collection process, and that imposing the validation-notice requirement
only on initial debt collectors as the defendant urged would create loopholes that would
undermine the statute’s protections.
6. Enforcement
The Bureau announced ten new law enforcement actions in 2016 related to unlawful collection
conduct in violation of the FDCPA, the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 (“CFPA”), or
both. Some of these actions are still pending. The Bureau also continues to be in active litigation
on one debt collection matter filed in 2013 and two filed in 2015. In addition to the Bureau’s public
enforcement actions involving debt collection practices, the Bureau is conducting a number of
non-public investigations of companies to determine whether they engaged in collection practices
that violate the FDCPA or the CFPA.
In 2016, public actions involving debt collection have resulted in over $39 million in consumer
relief and over $20 million paid into the civil penalty fund, which is used to provide relief to
eligible consumers who would not otherwise get full compensation or, to the extent that is not
practicable, to provide consumer education and financial literacy programs designed to help
6.1 CFPB law enforcement actions
In the Matter of Citibank, N.A.
(File No. 2016-CFPB-0003) (consent order entered February 23, 2016)
The Bureau took two separate actions against Citibank for illegal debt sales and debt collection
practices, and two actions against Citibank’s law firms for unlawful debt collection litigation
In the first action (File No. 2016-CFPB-0003), the Bureau found that Citibank provided inaccurate
and inflated APR information for almost 130,000 credit card accounts it sold to debt buyers. The
buyers then used the exaggerated APR in debt collection attempts. Citibank also failed to promptly
forward to debt buyers approximately 14,000 customer payments totaling almost $1 million.
Citibank was ordered to provide $4.89 million in consumer relief and pay a $3 million civil
penalty. The CFPB’s order also requires Citibank to provide certain account documentation when
it sells debt, include provisions in its debts sales contracts that prohibit the resale of debt, and
upon request make certain information available to consumers about the debt being sold.
In the Matter of Citibank, N.A. et al.
(File No. 2016-CFPB-0004) (consent order entered February 23, 2016)
In the Matter of Solomon & Solomon
(File No. 2016-CFPB-0005) (consent order entered February 23, 2016)
In the Matter of Faloni & Associates
(File No. 2016-CFPB-0006) (consent order entered February 23, 2016)
In the second action (File No. 2016-CFPB-0004), the CFPB found that Citibank and two of its
affiliates Department Stores National Bank and CitiFinancial Servicing, LLC , filed altered
affidavits in numerous New Jersey state court debt collection actions. In 2011, Citibank learned
that at least two of its local law firms, Faloni & Associates, LLC, and Solomon & Solomon, P.C., had
taken affidavits signed by Citibank employees and altered the dates of affidavits, the amount of the
debt allegedly owed, or both, after the affidavits were executed. Citibank later ceased sending new
accounts to the law firms and dismissed all pending actions in which the affidavits were used. The
CFPB’s order requires Citibank to comply with a New Jersey state court order, in which Citibank
had to refund $11 million collected from consumers and stop collection of an additional $34
million in debts, both of which Citibank has done. Consistent with the Bureau’s Responsible
Business Conduct bulletin, the CFPB did not impose civil money penalties on Citibank for this
violation, in light of its efforts to recompense harmed consumers. Solomon & Solomon, P.C., was
ordered to pay a $65,000 civil penalty. Faloni & Associates, LLC, was ordered to pay a $15,000
civil penalty. In addition, the CFPB ordered Citibank to enhance its oversight and compliance
management systems to ensure that its service providers, including local debt collection counsel,
do not alter affidavits or file altered affidavits in court regarding the collection of consumer
financial debt.
In the Matter of Pressler & Pressler, LLP, Sheldon H. Pressler and Gerard J. Felt
(File No. 2016-CFPB- 0009) (consent order entered April 25, 2016)
In the Matter of New Century Financial Services
(File No. 2016-CFPB- 0010) (consent order entered April 25, 2016)
The Bureau took action against the debt collection law firm Pressler & Pressler, LLP, two principal
partners, and New Century Financial Services, Inc., a debt buyer. The Bureau found that the
companies and individuals made false or empty allegations about consumer debts, filed lawsuits
based on unreliable or false information, and harassed consumers with unsubstantiated court
filings. The consent orders bar the companies and individuals from illegal practices that can
deceive or intimidate consumers, such as filing lawsuits without determining if debts in question
are valid. The orders also require the firm and the named partners to pay a $1 million civil penalty,
and New Century to pay a $1.5 million civil penalty.
In the Matter of TMX Finance LLC
(File No. 2016-CFPB-0022) (consent order entered September 26, 2016)
The Bureau took action against TMX Finance LLC, one of the nation’s largest auto title loan
lenders, for presenting consumers with misleading loan information and engaging in unfair in-
person debt collection tactics that illegally exposed information about debts to borrowers
employers, friends, and family. The Bureau ordered TMX Finance, which operates through a host
of state subsidiaries under the names TitleMax, TitleBucks, and InstaLoan, to stop abusive loan-
repayment policies and intrusive visits to consumers’ homes and workplaces and to pay a $9
million civil penalty.
In the Matter of Navy Federal Credit Union
(File No. 2016-CFPB-0024) (consent order entered on October 11, 2016)
The Bureau took action against Navy Federal Credit Union for subjecting its members, which
include active-duty military, retired servicemembers, and their families, to unlawful debt
collection practices. The Bureau found that Navy Federal falsely threatened legal action and wage
garnishment, falsely threatened to contact commanding officers to pressure servicemembers to
repay, misrepresented the credit consequences of falling behind on a loan, and illegally froze
members’ access to their accounts. In the consent order, the credit union agreed to correct its debt
collection practices, pay approximately $23 million in redress to victims, and pay a $5.5 million
civil penalty.
CFPB, et al. v. MacKinnon, et al.
(W.D.N.Y. Case 1:16-cv-00880) (complaint filed November 2, 2016)
In partnership with the New York Attorney General, the Bureau filed a lawsuit in a federal district
court against the leaders of a massive debt collection scheme based out of Buffalo, N.Y. The lawsuit
alleges Douglas MacKinnon and Mark Gray operate a network of companies Northern
Resolution Group LLC, Enhanced Acquisitions LLC, and Delray Capital LLC that harass,
threaten, and deceive millions of consumers across the nation into paying inflated debts or
amounts they may not owe. The Bureau is seeking to shut down this illegal operation and to obtain
compensation for victims and a civil penalty against the companies and partners. This action is
still pending.
In the Matter of: Moneytree, Inc.
(File No. 2016-0028) (consent order entered on December 16, 2016)
The Bureau took action against Moneytree, Inc., a financial services company that offers payday
loans and check-cashing services, for misleading consumers regarding the cost of tax-refund
check-cashing services, withdrawing money from consumers’ bank accounts without required
preauthorization, and misrepresenting the company’s ability to repossess consumer vehicles when
attempting to collect overdue unsecured loans. In the consent order, the company agreed to cease
its illegal conduct, provide over $255,000 in redress to consumers, and pay a $250,000 civil
6.2 Continuation of pre-2016 matters
CFPB v. CashCall, Inc., et al.
(C.D.Cal. File CV 15-7522-JFW (RAOx) (complaint filed December 16, 2013 in D. Mass. No. 1:13-
cv-13167; order denying defendants’ motion for judgment on the pleadings entered on December
30, 2015; order granting plaintiff’s motion for partial summary judgment entered on August 31,
2016; order granting defendants’ motion for certification of interlocutory appeal and stay entered
on January 3, 2017).
In 2013, the Bureau filed a lawsuit against online loan servicer CashCall Inc., its owner, a
subsidiary, and an affiliate, for collecting money consumers do not owe, because the underlying
loans were void under state lending or licensing laws. In December 2015, the court denied the
defendants’ motion for judgment on the pleadings, holding that a CFPA UDAAP claim could be
predicated on conduct which also constituted a state law violation and that the CFPA prohibition
against establishing a usury cap does not prevent the CFPB from enforcing the UDAAP prohibition
in connection with the collection of void debts.
In August 2016, the district court granted the Bureau’s motion for partial summary judgment and
denied the defendants’ summary judgment motion. The Court’s ruling resolves all issues of
liability in the Bureau’s favor, and leaves open only the issues of relief, penalty, and injunction. In
January 2017, the district court granted defendants’ motion for certification of interlocutory
appeal and stay. This action is still pending.
CFPB v. Universal Debt & Payment Solutions, LLC, et al.
(N.D.GA No. 1:15-CV-0859) (complaint filed March 26, 2015; preliminary injunction issued April
7, 2015).
On April 7, 2015, the Bureau obtained a preliminary injunction that froze the assets and enjoined
unlawful conduct related to a phantom debt collection scheme. The Bureau’s suit against a group
of seven debt collection agencies, six individual debt collectors, four payment processors, and a
telephone marketing service provider alleges violations of the FDCPA and the CFPA’s prohibition
on unfair and deceptive acts and practices, and providing substantial assistance to unfair or
deceptive conduct. The complaint alleges that the individuals, acting through a network of
corporate entities, used threats and harassment to collect debt that is not payable to those
attempting to collect it. The complaint alleges that the debt collectors’ misconduct was facilitated
and substantially assisted by payment processors and a telephone service provider, which were
also named as defendants in the lawsuit. This action is still pending.
CFPB v. NDG Financial Corp., et al.
(S.D. N.Y. No.1:15-cv-05211-CM) (complaint filed July 31, 2015; amended complaint filed
December 11, 2015; order denying defendants’ motion to dismiss entered on December 2, 2016;
order denying defendants' motions for reconsideration and certification for interlocutory appeal
entered on December 19, 2016).
In December 2015, the Bureau filed an amended complaint against the NDG Financial
Corporation, nine of its affiliates, and four individual defendants for engaging in unfair, deceptive,
and abusive practices relating to its payday lending enterprise. The amended complaint alleges
that the enterprise, which has companies located in Canada and Malta, originated, serviced, and
collected payday loans that consumers were not obligated to repay under state licensing and usury
rules, represented that U.S. federal and state laws did not apply to the Defendants or the payday
loans, and secured repayment using unfair and deceptive collections practices, all in violation of
the CFPA. The Bureau also named twelve corporations and individuals affiliated with NDG as
relief defendants, alleging that they received funds via the aforementioned practices to which they
were not legally entitled. On December 2, 2016, the Court denied all defendants’ motions to
dismiss based on lack of personal jurisdiction and failure to state a claim. This action is still
6.3 FTC law enforcement actions
From January 1 through December 31, 2016, the FTC brought or resolved 12 debt collection cases.
In several of its Section 13(b) cases, the Commission obtained preliminary relief that included ex
parte temporary restraining orders with asset freezes, immediate access to business premises, and
appointment of receivers to take over the debt collection businesses.
The Commission’s recent efforts to protect consumers from deceptive and abusive debt collection
practices culminated in Operation Collection Protection. This initiative, which the FTC began in
2015, was the first coordinated federal-state-local enforcement initiative targeting illegal debt
collection. The nationwide crackdown included over 165 actions by more than 70 federal, state,
and local law enforcement and regulatory authorities against collectors who used illegal tactics
such as harassing phone calls and false threats of litigation or arrest.
Participants in the
initiative continue to work closely together to share information and coordinate actions. The FTC’s
actions, involving (1) phantom debt collection, (2) collection via unlawful text messages and
emails, (3) other FDCPA and FTC Act violations, and (4) Fair Credit Reporting Act violations, are
discussed below.
See, e.g., Press Release, FTC and Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement Partners Announce Nationwide
Crackdown Against Abusive Debt Collectors (Nov. 4, 2015), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-
releases/2015/11/ftc-federal-state-local-law-enforcement-partners-announce; Press Release, FTC and State Law
Enforcement Partners Announce More Actions and Results in Continuing Crackdown Against Abusive Debt Collectors
(Jan. 7, 2016), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2016/01/ftc-state-law-enforcement-
partners-announce-more-actions-results; Press Release, FTC and Illinois Attorney General Halt Chicago-Area
Operation Charged with Collecting and Selling Phantom Payday Loan Debts (Mar. 30, 2016), available at
charged; Press Release, FTC Actions: Debt Collectors Banned from Debt Collection Business (Sept. 7, 2016), available
at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2016/09/ftc-actions-debt-collectors-banned-debt-collection-
business; Blog Post, A Debt Collection Round-up (Dec. 27, 2016), available at
https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/blog/debt-collection-round; Blog Post, Collection Protection reflection (Dec. 30, 2016),
available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/blogs/business-blog/2016/12/collection-protection-
Phantom Debt Collection
The Commission has continued its efforts to fight “phantom debt collection” this year. Phantom
debt collectors engage in unfair, deceptive, or abusive conduct by attempting to collect on debts
that either do not exist or are not owed to the phantom debt collector. The Commission initiated or
resolved three actions involving phantom debt collection in 2016: SQ Capital LLC, Stark Law
LLC, and Kelly S. Brace. SQ Capital and Stark Law are the first two cases brought by the FTC
against operations for allegedly selling fake debt portfolios. This past year, the Commission also
returned money to thousands of consumers who were targeted by the phantom debt schemes in
Centro Natural Corp. and Broadway Global Master Inc.
In December, the Commission charged SQ Capital with selling portfolios of fake payday loan debts
that debt collectors used to get people to pay on debts they did not owe.
According to the
complaint, the defendants’ fake portfolios listed social security numbers and bank account
numbers of real consumers, but falsely claimed that the purported borrowers had failed to repay
debts they never owed, to lenders who did not make these loans.
The complaint also alleges that
the defendants did not have the authority to sell debts of the lenders they named. At the FTC’s
request, a federal court entered a preliminary injunction halting this operation pending litigation.
In March, the FTC partnered with the Illinois Attorney General to shut down a Chicago-area
operation that allegedly threatened and intimidated consumers to collect phantom payday loan
debts they did not owe, or did not owe to the defendants.
The Stark Law defendants allegedly
FTC v. Joel Jerome Tucker, 2:16-cv-082816 (D. Kan. Dec. 16, 2016) (Complaint); see also Press Release, FTC Charges
Defendants with Selling Fake Payday Loan Debt Portfolios (Jan. 9, 2017), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-
To add credibility to some of the fake loans in their portfolios, the defendants used the name of a purported lender
associated with another Commission law enforcement action, FTC v. AMG Services, 2:12-cv-00536 (D. Nev. Sept. 30,
2016) (Order). In September 2016, a federal court ordered the defendants in the AMG payday lending scheme to pay a
record $1.3 billion for deceiving and illegally charging consumers undisclosed and inflated fees. Id.; see also Press
Release, U.S. Court Finds in FTC’s Favor and Imposes Record $1.3 Billion Judgment Against Defendants Behind AMG
Payday Lending Scheme (Oct. 4, 2016), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2016/10/us-
FTC v. Stark Law, LLC, No. 1:16-cv-3463 (N.D. Ill. Mar. 21, 2016) (Complaint); see also Press Release, FTC and
Illinois Attorney General Halt Chicago-Area Operation Charged with Collecting and Selling Phantom Payday Loan
Debts (Mar. 30, 2016), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2016/03/ftc-illinois-attorney-
called consumers and demanded immediate payment for supposedly delinquent loans, often
armed with consumers’ sensitive personal and financial information. Defendants also allegedly
threatened consumers with lawsuits or arrest, deceptively held themselves out as a law firm with
authority to sue and obtain substantial judgments against delinquent consumers, and disclosed
debts to relatives, friends and co-workers. As in SQ Capital, the complaint also charged defendants
with unlawfully selling portfolios of fake debt to other debt collectors in violation of the FTC Act.
The court entered an ex parte temporary restraining order (and later a preliminary injunction)
with an asset freeze, appointment of a receiver, and injunctive relief prohibiting the defendants
from selling fake debt portfolios or from making the misrepresentations at issue in this case.
Litigation continues in this matter.
In Brace, the FTC and New York Attorney General successfully resolved their litigation against
another phantom debt collection scheme. The complaint in this case, filed in October 2015, alleged
that the defendants attempted to collect on payday debts they knew were bogus.
According to
the complaint, the defendants bought payday loans supposedly owed to a company that repeatedly
told them to stop collection efforts because the debts were fabricated, and ignored consumers’
evidence that they had never authorized a payday loan. The defendants allegedly employed other
deceptive and abusive tactics to get consumers to pay, including false threats of lawsuits and
arrest. The Court granted over the defendants’ objections the plaintiffs’ request to enter a
temporary restraining order halting their operations, and, shortly thereafter, entered a stipulated
preliminary injunction. In the summer of 2016, the FTC and the New York AG secured a stipulated
final order banning the defendants from the debt collection business, prohibiting other deceptive
claims, and imposing a judgment of more than $18.4 million, which was partially suspended based
on inability to pay.
The plaintiffs also secured an order against a relief defendant imposing a
partially-suspended $418,000 judgment.
In addition to the law enforcement actions above, this past year the Commission also returned
funds to consumers who lost money to phantom debt collection operations previously stopped by
FTC and State of New York v. Brace, No. 1:15-cv-00875-RJA (W.D.N.Y. Oct. 5, 2015) (Complaint).
FTC and State of New York v. Brace, No. 1:15-cv-00875-RJA (W.D.N.Y. Aug. 18, 2015) (Stipulated Order), see also
Press Release, FTC Action: Debt Collector Banned from Collection Business (Aug, 24, 2016), available at
the FTC. In November 2016, the agency mailed 3,446 checks totaling more than $830,000 to
consumers in the Centro Natural Corp. matter.
The Commission had secured stipulated orders
banning defendants from debt collection or telemarketing, after alleging that they targeted
thousands of Spanish-speaking consumers with unlawful tactics to collect on fake debts and to
coerce consumers into purchasing goods that they did not want.
In April, the Commission
mailed 1,701 checks totaling more than $596,000 to consumers who lost money to the fraudulent
scheme in Broadway Global Master Inc.
The agency had previously secured a stipulated order
banning this operation from the debt collection business because of allegations that it harassed
consumers into paying phantom debts.
The FTC’s Messaging for Money Sweep: Debt
Collection Via Unlawful Text Messages and Emails
The Commission has also continued its efforts to pursue schemes that use deceptive, threatening
or otherwise unlawful text messages or emails to target consumers. In 2015, the Commission
launched a law enforcement sweep, called “Messaging for Money,” to stop three operations
engaged in such practices. This past year, the FTC won summary judgment in one of those cases
(The Primary Group Inc.), and successfully resolved the charges against nine of the defendants in
the other two matters (Premier Debt Acquisitions LLC and Unified Global Group, LLC).
Press Release, FTC Returns Money to Victims of Debt Collection Scheme (Nov. 14, 2016), available at
FTC v. Centro Natural Corp., No. 14-cv-23879 CMA (S.D. Fla. June 30, 2015) (Stipulated Order); see also Press
Release, FTC Action Puts an End to Fraudulent Debt Collection Scheme that Targeted Spanish-Speaking Consumers
(July 8, 2015), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2015/07/ftc-action-puts-end-fraudulent-
Press Release, FTC Returns Money to Consumers Harmed by Scam That Collected Millions in Phantom Payday Loan
Debts (Apr. 6, 2016), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2016/04/ftc-returns-money-
FTC v. Broadway Global Master Inc., No. 2:12-cv-0855 JAM GGH (E.D. Cal. Sept. 10, 2015) (Stipulated Order); see
also Press Release, FTC Action Stops Scammers Who Collected Millions in Phantom Payday Loan Debts (Sept. 16,
2015), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2015/09/ftc-action-stops-scammers-who-
In June 2016, the court in The Primary Group matter granted the FTC’s summary judgment
request on all counts against an unlawful debt collection operation.
The court found that, as
alleged by the Commission, these defendants deceived consumers using text messages, emails, and
phone calls that falsely threatened consumers with arrest or lawsuits if they did not make debt
collection payments. The court also found that they unlawfully contacted consumers’ friends,
family members, and employers; withheld information consumers needed to confirm or dispute
debts; and did not identify themselves as debt collectors, as required by law.
The court
permanently banned two defendants from debt collection activities and imposed a judgment of
The Commission successfully resolved Premier Debt Acquisitions in January 2016 by securing a
stipulated order banning the defendants from debt collection activities and imposing a judgment
of $2,229,756, which was partially suspended.
The complaint alleged that defendants
impersonated law enforcement and government officials, falsely threatened consumers with a
lawsuit or arrest, and falsely threatened to charge some consumers with criminal fraud, garnish
their wages, or seize their property.
In text messages, the defendants allegedly claimed they
would sue consumers and threatened to seize consumers’ possessions unless they paid. In
voicemails, the defendants also allegedly falsely claimed that a “uniformed officer” was on the way
to consumers’ homes. In addition to banning the defendants from the debt collection industry, the
order prohibits them from making misrepresentations about other financial products or services.
FTC v. The Primary Group, No. 1:15-cv-1645 (N.D. Ga. May 19, 2016) (Order Granting Summary Judgment); see also
Press Release, FTC Action: Debt Collector Banned from Debt Collection Business (June 16, 2016), available at
FTC v. The Primary Group, No. 1:15-cv-1645 (N.D. Ga. May 11, 2015) (Complaint); see also Press Release, FTC Halts
Three Debt Collection Operations That Allegedly Threatened and Deceived Consumers via Illegal Text Messages (May
21, 2015), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2015/05/ftc-halts-three-debt-collection-
FTC v. Premier Debt Acquisitions LLC, No. 1:15-cv-00421-FPG (W.D.N.Y. Jan. 7, 2016) (Order); see also Press
Release, FTC and State Law Enforcement Partners Announce More Actions and Results in Continuing Crackdown
Against Abusive Debt Collectors (Jan. 7, 2016), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-
FTC v. Premier Debt Acquisitions LLC, No. 1:15-cv-00421-FPG (W.D.N.Y. May 11, 2015) (Complaint); see also Press
Release, FTC Halts Three Debt Collection Operations That Allegedly Threatened and Deceived Consumers via Illegal
Text Messages (May 21, 2015), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2015/05/ftc-halts-three-
In FTC v. Unified Global Group, the FTC secured an approximately $27 million judgment and
significant injunctive relief in a settlement with four defendants involved in an abusive debt
collection operation. The FTC’s complaint against Unified Global Group
alleged that the
defendants sent texts to trick consumers into calling them back. The texts included false
statements such as, “YOUR PAYMENT DECLINED WITH CARD ****-****-****-5463 . . . CALL
866.256.2117 IMMEDIATELY,” even though consumers had never arranged to make payments to
the defendants. The defendants also allegedly used deceptive emails and calls that threatened
arrest and civil lawsuits, and unlawfully contacted consumers’ friends, families, and co-workers
about the supposed debts. In August 2016, the court entered a stipulated order banning the
settling defendants from all debt collection activities and imposing a judgment of approximately
$27 million, which was partially suspended because of their inability to pay.
Litigation continues
against the sole remaining defendant.
Other Actions to Halt FDCPA and FTC Act Violations
In addition to the cases described above, the FTC successfully resolved five other actions in 2016 to
protect consumers from unlawful collection practices: (1) Federal Check Processing; (2)
Commercial Recovery Systems; (3) Warrant Enforcement Division; (4) AFS Legal Services; and
(5) BAM Financial. In the first two cases, the FTC secured summary judgment wins against the
defendants. The FTC also continued litigating Vantage Point Services, filing a motion for
summary judgment and securing additional preliminary relief against a defendant.
In FTC v. Federal Check Processing Inc., the court granted the Commission’s request for summary
judgment against a Buffalo, New York-based debt collection scheme.
The district court adopted
FTC v. Unified Global Group, LLC, 15-cv-422-W (W.D.N.Y. May 11, 2015) (Complaint); see also Press Release, FTC
Halts Three Debt Collection Operations That Allegedly Threatened and Deceived Consumers via Illegal Text Messages
(May 21, 2015), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2015/05/ftc-halts-three-debt-
FTC v. Unified Global Group, LLC, 15-cv-422-W (W.D.N.Y. Aug. 26, 2016) (Order); see also Press Release, FTC
Actions: Debt Collectors Banned from Debt Collection Business (Sept. 7, 2016) available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-
FTC v. Federal Check Processing, Inc., No. 1:14-cv-00122 (W.D.N.Y Oct. 13, 2016) (Judgment and Permanent
Injunction); see also Press Release, FTC Wins Summary Judgment Against Buffalo, NY-based Abusive Debt Collectors;
the magistrate judge’s recommendation and report that found that defendants had violated the
FTC Act and the FDCPA by falsely claiming to be government officials, falsely threatening
consumers with litigation or arrest, and systematically disclosing consumers’ debts to their
friends, family, and co-workers to coerce payment.
The court had previously entered an ex parte
temporary restraining order, followed by a stipulated preliminary injunction, to halt this abusive
debt collection operation. The final order bans the defendants from the debt collection industry
and requires them to pay a nearly $11 million judgment.
In United States v. Commercial Recovery Systems, Inc., a case that the FTC referred to the
Department of Justice for prosecution, the court entered summary judgment against two
defendants in an unlawful debt collection operation. The court found that the debt collectors had
“repeatedly and routinely violated the FDCPA . . . in multiple ways, by making blatantly false
representations for the purpose of intimidating consumers into paying debts.”
Among other
things, the court found that their routine threats to sue consumers were “patently false,” and
further that they falsely impersonated attorneys and threatened to seize or garnish consumers’
property or wages. The court banned the two defendants from debt collection, and will determine
the civil penalty amount to impose on one of them, the president of the company.
the government secured a stipulated final order against the remaining individual defendant
subjecting him to the same ban and imposing a $496,000 civil penalty judgment (partially
suspended due to an inability to pay).
In January 2016, the Commission also successfully resolved its action in Warrant Enforcement
Division. The FTC’s complaint in this matter alleged that the defendants, while under contract to
Defendants Banned from Collection Business (Oct. 31, 2016), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-
FTC v. Federal Check Processing, Inc., No. 1:14-cv-00122 (W.D.N.Y Mar. 25, 2014) (Complaint), see also Press
Release, At FTC’s Request, Court Halts Debt Collector’s Allegedly Deceptive and Abusive Practices, Freezes Assets
(Sept. 23, 2014), available at http://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2014/03/ftcs-request-court-halts-debt-
United States v. Commercial Recovery Sys., Inc., No. 4:15-cv-36 (E.D. Tex. Apr. 7, 2016) (Memorandum Opinion and
United States v. Commercial Recovery Sys., Inc., No. 4:15-cv-36 (E.D. Tex. Apr. 18, 2016) (Order); see also Press
Release, FTC Action: Debt Collector Banned from Collection Business (Sept. 22, 2016), available at
United States v. Commercial Recovery Sys., Inc., No. 4:15-cv-36 (E.D. Tex. Sept. 21, 2016) (Order)
collect overdue utility bills, traffic tickets, court fines, and other debts for local governments in
Texas and Oklahoma, sent consumers letters and postcards containing false or unsubstantiated
threats of arrest that appeared to come from a municipal court.
The FTC charged that the false
and unsubstantiated threats made to collect municipal court debts violated the FTC Act, and those
made to collect utility debts violated both the FTC Act and the FDCPA. Under a stipulated order
for permanent injunction, the defendants are prohibited from misrepresenting any material fact in
collecting debts, including that failure to pay a debt will result in the consumer being arrested or
jailed, having their vehicle impounded, or being unable to renew their driver’s license.
The order
also imposed a $194,888 judgment that was suspended based on the defendants’ inability to pay.
Similarly, the Commission secured a final order in its suit against AFS Legal Services, resolving
charges that the defendants impersonated investigators and law enforcement, and threatened to
arrest, jail, and sue consumers if they did not pay debts.
According to the FTC’s complaint, filed
in October 2015, the defendants often had consumers’ personal information such as social
security and bank account numbers that caused consumers to believe that the calls and
associated threats were legitimate.
The collectors also allegedly made harassing calls and
contacted relatives, friends, and co-workers about consumers’ debts. The stipulated final order,
entered in August 2016, bans the defendants from debt collection activities and imposes a
judgment of more than $4.4 million, the amount consumers lost to this scheme.
FTC v. Municipal Recovery Servs. Corp., No. 15-CV-04064-N (N.D. Tex. Dec. 24, 2015) (Complaint).
FTC v. Municipal Recovery Servs. Corp., No. 15-CV-04064-N (N.D. Tex. Jan. 29, 2016) (Order); see also, Press
Release, FTC and State Law Enforcement Partners Announce More Actions and Results in Continuing Crackdown
Against Abusive Debt Collectors (Jan. 7, 2016), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-
FTC v. Nat’l Payment Processing LLC, No. 1:15-cv-3811-AT (N.D. Ga. Aug. 29, 2016) (Order); see also Press Release,
FTC Actions: Debt Collectors Banned from Debt Collection Business (Sept. 7, 2016), available at
FTC v. Nat’l Payment Processing LLC, No. 1:15-cv-3811-AT (N.D. Ga. Oct. 30, 2015) (Complaint).
In July 2016, the FTC also successfully resolved its suit against BAM Financial, banning the
defendants from the debt collecting business and securing other important relief.
The FTC’s
complaint, filed in October 2015, alleged that the defendants bought consumer debts and collected
payment by deceptively threatening consumers with lawsuits, wage garnishment, and arrest, and
by impersonating attorneys or process servers.
According to the complaint, the defendants also
unlawfully disclosed debts to, or harassed, third parties; failed to identify themselves as debt
collectors; and failed to notify consumers of their right to receive verification of the purported
debts. At the FTC’s request, the court entered a temporary restraining order that prohibited the
defendants from violating the FDCPA and the FTC Act, froze the defendants’ assets, and appointed
a receiver. The stipulated final order bans them from debt collection activities and imposes a
$4,802,646 judgment, to be partially suspended upon the surrender of certain assets based on
defendants’ inability to pay.
The FTC continues to work with the New York Attorney General in a joint action against Vantage
Point, a Buffalo, New York-based debt collection scheme. According to the complaint filed in 2015,
defendants’ collectors posed as a law firm, process servers, or even government agents
misrepresenting to consumers that they had committed a crime and would be arrested and
The complaint further alleges that the defendants made similar claims about consumers
to their co-workers, friends, and family members. At the request of the FTC and the New York AG,
the court entered a preliminary injunction to halt the unlawful practices. In 2016, the plaintiffs
requested that the court enter summary judgment against the defendants, and that motion is
currently pending. The plaintiffs also sought and obtained a second ex parte temporary restraining
FTC v. BAM Fin’l, LLC, No. 8:15-cv-01672-JVS-DFM (C.D. Cal. July 11, 2016) (Order); see also Press Release, FTC
Action: Abusive Debt Collectors Banned from Collection Business (July 14, 2016), available at
FTC v. BAM Fin’l, LLC, No. 8:15-cv-01672-JVS-DFM (C.D. Cal. Oct. 19, 2015) (Complaint); see also Press Release,
FTC and Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement Partners Announce Nationwide Crackdown Against Abusive Debt
Collectors (Nov. 4, 2015), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2015/11/ftc-federal-state-
FTC and State of New York v. Vantage Point Services, LLC, No. 1:15-cv-00006-WMS (W.D.N.Y. Jan. 5, 2015)
(Complaint); see also Press Release, FTC, New York Attorney General Crack Down on Abusive Debt Collectors (Feb. 26,
2015), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2015/02/ftc-new-york-attorney-general-crack-
order and preliminary injunction against one of the individual defendants for operating another
debt collection scheme in violation of the first preliminary injunction.
Action to Halt Fair Credit Reporting Act Violations by a
Debt Collector
In May 2016, in the Credit Protection Association matter referred to the Department of Justice
for prosecution the court entered a stipulated final order against a debt collector for alleged
violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act’s (FCRA) Furnisher Rule.
Specifically, the complaint
alleged that the defendant debt collector lacked adequate policies and procedures to handle
consumer disputes regarding information the company provided to credit reporting agencies.
The complaint also alleged that the company did not have a policy requiring notice to consumers
of the outcomes of investigations about disputed information and that, in numerous instances,
consumers were not informed whether information they disputed had been corrected. The
stipulated final order requires the defendant to pay $72,000 in civil penalties and put in place
policies and procedures that comply with the requirements of the FCRA and the Furnisher Rule.
The company will also be required to follow the Rule’s requirements related to conducting dispute
investigations and informing consumers of their outcome.
15 U.S.C. §§ 1681-1681x (FCRA); Duties of Furnishers of Information to Consumer Reporting Agencies (Furnisher
Rule), 16 C.F.R. § 660, recodified as Duties of Furnishers of Information, 12 C.F.R. § 1022, subpart E.
U.S. v. Credit Protection Association, 3:16-cv-01255-D (N.D. Tex. May 9, 2016) (Complaint and Order); see also Press
Release, Debt Collector Settles FTC Charges It Violated Fair Credit Reporting Act (May 9, 2016), available at
7. Education and outreach
The Bureau empowers consumers to make sound financial decisions for themselves and their
families through wide-ranging consumer education efforts. These efforts include outreach to
targeted consumer populations, including students, older Americans, servicemembers, veterans,
and low-income and economically-vulnerable consumers, as well as to the general population and
to financial educators. The CFPB’s financial education is focused on encouraging consumers to ask
questions, make plans, and take action in their financial lives to reach their own life goals.
Similarly, the FTC’s FDCPA program also involves extensive education and public outreach efforts.
The FTC’s consumer education initiative informs consumers of their rights under the FDCPA and
what the statute requires of debt collectors, while its business education initiative informs debt
collectors what they must do to comply with the law.
7.1 Bureau education and outreach
The Bureau seeks to provide consumers with information about specific financial decisions,
including those relating to debt collection. One of the Bureau’s initiatives is Ask CFPB, an
interactive online tool that helps consumers find short, clear, unbiased, authoritative answers to a
wide variety of their financial questions.
Ask CFPB for debt collections was initiated in October 2012. As of January 2017, debt collection
was one of the two most-viewed categories in Ask CFPB. The Ask CFPB questions and answers on
Available at https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0149-debt-collection; https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-
debt collection address a wide range of issues under the FDCPA, including the meaning of specific
terms, consumers’ rights, and debt collectors’ obligations. Ask CFPB provides practical tips to
consumers regarding steps they can take to exercise their rights under the FDCPA as well as to
manage their debts.
In July 2013, the Bureau added five sample letters to Ask CFPB that consumers may use when they
interact with debt collectors. These letters can help consumers get valuable information and
protect them from inappropriate or unwanted collection activities. The five letters address the
following situations: (1) consumers who need more information about a debt; (2) consumers who
want to dispute their debt; (3) consumers who want to restrict how and when a collector can
contact them; (4) consumers who want to stop all communication from debt collectors; and (5)
consumers who have hired an attorney with respect to the debt matter.
These letters are available
in English and Spanish.
Since tracking began in June 2014, the letters have been downloaded over 389,800 times as of the
end of 2016. Of the letters, “I need more information about this debt” and “I do not owe this debt”
are the most popular, accounting together for over two thirds of total downloads:
% total downloads
“I need more information about this debt”
“I do not owe this debt”
“I want to specify how the debt collector can contact me”
“I want the debt collector to stop contacting me”
“I want the debt collector to only contact me through my
This material is at: http://www.consumerfinance.gov/consumer-tools/debt-collection/
Copies of these letters are available on the Bureau’s website at http://www.consumerfinance.gov/askcfpb/1695/ive-
In addition to online resources for consumers, the Bureau has developed numerous print
publications and brochures on financial topics including debt collection, which consumers and
organizations can download or order in bulk free of charge. In 2015, the Bureau added the
brochure “Know Your Rights When a Debt Collector Calls,” in both English and Spanish, as well as
a version tailored specifically to servicemembers, informing them of their unique rights. The
Bureau distributed 120,705 of the English version and 41,558 of the Spanish version throughout
FY 2016.
Debt collection is a significant issue facing consumers, especially low-income and economically-
vulnerable consumers. The Bureau, through its Office of Financial Empowerment, developed a
financial empowerment training and toolkit Your Money, Your Goalsfor use by social services
workers and other front-line staff and volunteers working with economically vulnerable
consumers. The modularized toolkit covers a variety of financial topics, including debt
management and consumer financial protection. The module on dealing with debt provides an
overview of the FDCPA, resources, and tools to help consumers better manage their debts. As of
the end of 2016, more than13,500 staff and volunteers in social services, legal aid, worker, and
community organizations were trained on Your Money, Your Goals, reaching an estimated
600,000 consumers. The toolkit and training, in both English and Spanish, can be accessed at
www.consumerfinance.gov/your-money-your-goals. The Bureau is developing stand-alone “action
handbooks” on specific financial topics contained in the toolkit. These resources focus on
actionable content, and they are shorter and easier for staff in human service organizations to use
with the people they serve. The first in the series, “Behind on Bills,” contains tools and tips to help
consumers better align their income and expenses, steps to consider if they experience a shortfall,
and information on options for responding to debt collectors.
Empowering consumers to manage their student loan debts has been and will continue to be a
significant focus for the Bureau. The Bureau developed and continues to maintain web tools
designed to help students and families make more informed decisions about paying for college and
repaying their student loans. Our Repay Student Debt
tool can provide help for borrowers who
behind on their student loan payments. The tool has helped borrowers understand
communicate effectively with their loan servicer or debt collector, and work to
Available at http://www.consumerfinance.gov/paying-for-college/repay-student-debt/.
bring their student
out of default or delinquency. Improving borrower’s performance in
paying student loan debts helps them to rebuild their credit, go back to school, or buy a
In 2016, the Bureau partnered with the Department of Education to launch a new initiative to
develop a student loan
Payback Playbook
a set of streamlined, personalized disclosures that
provide a plain-language explanation of repayment options available to borrowers with federal
student loans.
The Bureau provided the Education Department with a revised set of
disclosures, informed by user testing and public feedback from more than 3,400 consumers,
servicers, advocates and other stakeholders.
The Education Department plans to make the
Payback Playbook
disclosures available as part of its ongoing work to enhance consumer
protections for student loan borrowers.
Increased knowledge of repayment options may help
some consumers pay on time and thus stay out of debt collection.
Debt collection is also a significant issue facing the servicemember population. In April 2016, the
Office for Servicemember Affairs released its semiannual complaint snapshot that provides an
overview of complaints submitted by servicemembers, veterans, and their family members
during 2015.
The report highlighted the most common problems these consumers are
reporting. Debt collection complaints continue to be the largest category of complaints from the
military community, and as of December 2016, they remain the largest complaint category,
comprising 45 percent of total complaints from military consumers.
For borrowers with private student loans, options to cure a student loan in default may
limited. In May 2013,
the Bureau published Student Loan Affordability, a report analyzing 28,000 comments from policy experts, market
participants, and consumers offering potential options for policymakers seeking to help borrowers manage their
student debt. Available at http://www.consumerfinance.gov/reports/student-loan-affordability/. Student Loan
Affordability featured a discussion of possible options for borrowers in distress, including increased access to loan
modifications for borrowers seeking to avoid default and a mechanism through which private student loan borrowers
in default can successfully repair their credit.
Available at http://www.consumerfinance.gov/payback-playbook/
Available at http://www.consumerfinance.gov/reports/complaints-received-from-servicemembers-veterans-and-
their-families-2011-2014/; http://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/201511_cfpb_snapshot-of-servicemember-
In September 2016, the Office of Servicemember Affairs hosted a web forum on the various
resources and tips military personnel can use to help them better communicate with debt
collectors if they should find themselves having trouble managing their debts. The forum
describes how servicemembers can use the Bureau’s sample debt collection letters.
FTC education and public outreach
Education and public outreach also are important parts of the Commission’s debt collection
program. The FTC uses multiple formats and channels to inform consumers about their rights
under the FDCPA, as well as what the statute requires of debt collectors; and to inform debt
collectors about what they must do to comply with the law. The FTC also uses education and public
outreach to enhance legal services providers’ understanding of debt collection issues.
The Commission reaches tens of millions of consumers through English and Spanish print and
online materials, blog posts, and speeches and presentations. To maximize its outreach efforts,
FTC staff works with an informal network of about 16,000 community-based organizations and
national groups that order and distribute FTC information to their members, clients, and
constituents. In 2016, the FTC distributed 15.5 million print publications to libraries, police
departments, schools, non-profit organizations, banks, credit unions, other businesses, and
government agencies. In 2016, the FTC logged more than 43 million views of its business and
consumer education website pages. The FTC’s channel at YouTube.com/FTCvideos houses 144
videos, which were viewed more than 603,306 times in 2016. A new video
Fraud Affects Every
Community: Debt Collectiontells the first-person story of a veteran who was contacted by a
debt collector. The consumer blogs in English
and Spanish
reached 159,825 (English) and
44,835 (Spanish) email subscribers, and regularly serve as source material for local and national
news stories.
As part its work to raise awareness about scams targeting the Latino community, the FTC has
developed a series of fotonovelas in Spanish. The graphic novels tell stories based on complaints
Spanish speakers make to the FTC and offer practical tips to help detect and stop common scams.
People ordered more than 45,125 copies of the Cobradores De Deuda (Debt Collectors) fotonovela
in 2016.
The Commission also educates industry members by developing and distributing business
education materials, delivering speeches, blogging, participating in panel discussions at industry
conferences, and providing interviews to general media and trade publications. The FTC’s business
education resources can be found in its online Business Center.
The Business Center logged
more than 3.4 million page views in 2016, and there are more than 58,000 email subscribers to
Business Blog.
A complete list of the FTC’s consumer and business education materials
relating to debt collection and information on the extent of their distribution is set forth in
Appendix A to this letter.
FTC staff also regularly meets with legal service providers, consumer advocates, and people who
work in immigrant, Native American, Latino, Asian, and African American communities to discuss
consumer protection issues, including the FTC’s work in the debt collection arena. As discussed
further below, the Commission hosted several public workshops examining such issues this past
year. The FTC also hosted five Ethnic Media Roundtables around the country in 2016, bringing
together law enforcement, community organizations, consumer advocates and members of the
ethnic media to discuss how consumer protection issues including debt collection affect their
8. Rulemaking, research, and
policy initiatives
The Bureau and FTC are working together to better understand the debt collection marketplace
and to inform policymaking initiatives designed to best protect consumers. Dialogue and
collaboration between the Bureau and FTC are instrumental in enabling the Bureau to understand
some of the most important issues to consider as it makes progress in developing the first
comprehensive federal rules covering debt collection. In addition, the Bureau’s ongoing outreach,
review of comments in response to its November 2013 ANPR, and own research provide
opportunities for the Bureau to learn more about what is occurring in the market, to interact with
those industry and consumer groups who can provide feedback about this market, and to develop
its own understanding of consumer experiences with debt and debt collection.
8.1 Bureau rulemaking and research
Bureau research projects
The Bureau is engaged in several research projects to better understand the debt collection market
and its impact on consumers, which will help inform the development of rules. These research
projects include:
i. a consumer survey to obtain quantitative data about consumers’ experiences with debt and
debt collection;
ii. consumer testing to learn about the effectiveness of debt collection disclosures;
iii. a qualitative survey of debt collectors to understand the operational costs of collecting
debt and how these vary across debt collection firms; and
iv. a report on online debt sales markets.
The Bureau released findings from its Survey of Consumer Views on Debt in January 2017.
survey results substantially expand the understanding of debt collection in the United States by
providing the first comprehensive and nationally representative data on consumers’ experiences
and preferences related to debt collection. The survey asked consumers about their experiences, if
any, with debt collectors over the past year. Some key findings of the survey are discussed below in
a separate section of this chapter (8.1.4).
The Bureau is also conducting consumer testing to assess, among other things, the effectiveness of
certain disclosures to be provided by debt collectors, including: (1) information about the debt and
its owner; (2) that a communication is from a debt collector and that the information the debt
collector receives from consumers will be used to collect the debt; (3) a consumer’s legal rights in
responding to debt collectors, including a consumer’s ability to dispute a debt; and (4) information
about how a debt’s age affects a collector’s ability to sue the consumer. The FDCPA currently
requires that collectors provide some of this information to consumers during or within five days
of the initial communication as part of a “validation notice”. Consumer testing provides insight
into consumers’ understanding of debt collection disclosures. The Bureau can use this knowledge
to assess whether consumers’ understanding would be increased by improving the information the
disclosure conveys or the way this information is provided.
To better understand debt collector costs, the Bureau conducted a qualitative survey of debt
collection firms, and the Bureau released a report on this survey in July 2016.
The study
included a written questionnaire completed by 60 debt collection firms and phone interviews with
more than 30 debt collection firms and vendors to the collections industry. The study provides the
Bureau with a baseline understanding of the operational costs of debt collection firms, which the
Bureau can use to anticipate and gauge the likely effects of any potential regulations on the debt
collection industry.
cfpbs-survey-consumer-views-debt/ The Bureau released some preliminary findings from this survey in July 2016.
See Appendix B of CFPB, “Small Business Review Panel for Debt Collector and Debt Buyer Rulemaking” (July 28,
2016), available at http://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/20160727_cfpb_Outline_of_proposals.pdf.
The Bureau published a report
in January 2017 that described findings from a review of 298
portfolios of charged-off debt that were offered for sale on three online marketplaces between
January of 2015 and August of 2015. Together, these portfolios were advertised as containing the
information of more than 1.2 million consumer accounts. The Bureau reviewed debt listings,
including advertised asking price, number of accounts, face value, age, and number of prior
placements. The report described the characteristics of portfolios available for purchase on these
marketplaces and noted that online debt sales, if combined with questionable practices that have
been highlighted at some other websites by the FTC, may permit private personal information to
be acquired cheaply and easily by anyone online.
FDCPA Rulemaking
The CFPB issued an ANPR in November 2013 to explore the idea of developing debt collection
rules. On February 28, 2014, the comment period for the ANPR ended, and by that date, the
Bureau had received more than 23,000 comments.
During 2014, the Bureau began carefully evaluating the responses to the ANPR. On July 28, 2016,
the Bureau published an Outline of Proposals Under Consideration (the “Outline”) in preparation
for a Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) panel. The Outline
addressed proposals under consideration for those who are defined as “debt collectors” under the
On August 25, 2016, the Bureau convened a panel pursuant to the SBREFA composed of the CFPB,
Small Business Administration (SBA), and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to obtain
input from small businesses in the debt collection industry on the possible effect of debt collection
rulemaking on their businesses. The Bureau is considering the feedback it received through the
SBREFA panel and from other stakeholders subsequent to publication of the Outline. Additionally,
the Bureau, among other things, is actively engaged in research, as described above in Section
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. “Market Snapshot: Online Debt Sales.” January 2017.
The outline can be found at https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/newsroom/consumer-financial-protection-
Market monitoring and outreach
The Bureau continues to monitor the debt collection industry and engages key debt collection
stakeholders to improve its understanding of the market and to develop informed policies that will
protect consumers without imposing unnecessary costs.
During 2016, CFPB staff spoke at both regional and national events on the topic of debt collection.
The CFPB also held meetings with many consumer groups, industry groups, vendors, and
government officials to better understand consumers’ experiences with debt collection, as well as
how the market and industry function.
In addition, the Bureau has held a number of meetings with market participants to inform the
Bureau as a part of the rulemaking process. The results of this outreach have provided Bureau staff
with detailed information related to the costs of operating a debt collection business and potential
impacts of the proposals under consideration.
Survey of Consumer Views on Debt
This section presents select findings of the Survey of Consumer Views on Debt (“survey”)
was conducted by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau between December 2014 and March
2015. The survey results substantially expand the understanding of debt collection in the United
States by providing the first comprehensive and nationally representative data on consumers’
experiences and preferences related to debt collection.
The sample for the Survey of Consumer Views on Debt was selected from credit records
maintained by one of the top three nationwide credit repositories, and the survey data were
adjusted for differences in response rates for different types of consumers. As a result, estimates
from the survey are representative of U.S. consumers with a credit report. The survey asked
consumers about their experiences, if any, with debt collectors over the past year. For consumers
Available at http://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/201701_cfpb_Debt-Collection-Survey-Report.pdf
who had such an experience, the survey captured detail on the debt for which they were most
recently contacted.
The prevalence of collections-related contact disputes and lawsuits by consumers varies by
consumer characteristics. About one-in-three consumers with a credit record (32 percent)
indicated that they had been contacted by at least one creditor or collector trying to collect one or
more debts during the year prior to the survey. Most consumers who were contacted about a debt
in collection (72 percent) reported that they had been contacted about two or more debts.
Consumers with relatively low incomes were more likely to report having experienced debt
collection efforts in the prior year. About half of consumers (52 percent) with (self-reported)
annual household income less than $20,000 reported that they had been contacted about repaying
a debt in collection; this share falls to just 16 percent for those with income of $70,000 or more
(Table 5).
Annual household income
One debt
Two or more
Less than $20,000
$70,000 or more
In contrast to the differences in the share of consumers contacted about a debt in collection, the
shares of consumers who reported having been contacted about multiple debts are generally
similar by income. Among consumers who said they had been contacted about a debt in collection,
the fraction of consumers contacted about multiple debts ranged between 67 percent and 80
percent across the four groups. Consumers between the ages of 35 and 49 were most likely to say
they were contacted about a debt in collection (Table 6). By comparison, it was less common for
consumers age 62 or older to report having been contacted about a debt collection; although even
within this age segment 19 percent reported having been contacted about a debt in collection. The
Specifically, the survey asked about consumers’ experiences with debt collection in the period since January 2014,
roughly one year before the survey was conducted
pattern by age may reflect, in part, the fact that debt holdings similarly peak among households
with a head in their mid-30s to mid-40s.
One debt
Two or more
Less than 35
62 or older
Table 7 reports findings by consumers’ self-reported race and ethnicity. Consumers are categorized
as either white or non-white for race and, separately, are categorized as Hispanic or non-Hispanic
for ethnicity.
More than 40 percent of non-white consumers reported having been contacted about a debt in
collection, compared with 29 percent of white consumers. Hispanic consumers were more likely
than non-Hispanic consumers to report having been contacted about a collection (39 percent and
31 percent, respectively). These and other differences across groups may stem from factors that are
correlated with demographic characteristics, and disentangling these potential factors is beyond
the scope of this report.
According to the 2013 Survey of Consumer Finances, the share of families with any debt is greatest for families with a
head between the ages of 35 and 44, and these families have the second-highest median amount of debt (conditional
on having any). See http://www.federalreserve.gov/econresdata/scf/files/scf2013_tables_internal_real.xls.
The non-white category includes individuals who self-identified alone or in combination as: Black or African
American; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; or Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander. The white category
comprises those who self-identified as white alone.
For example, the estimated difference for whites compared with non-whites narrows by roughly one-quarter when
comparing consumers with similar incomes in a regression framework.
Consumer characteristic
One debt
Two or more
Past-due medical bills, credit cards, past-due telecommunications bills, and student loans were
among the most frequently cited debts consumers were contacted about. The prevalence of
contacts about credit cards, student loans, and past-due telecommunications bills in collection
differed across demographic and credit-score groups. In contrast, the shares of consumers who
were contacted about past-due medical bills were more comparable across income levels, credit
scores, and ages.
According to the survey, consumers were also contacted about debts they believed were in error.
More than half of consumers (53 percent) who were contacted about a debt in collection in the
past year indicated that the debt was not theirs, was owed by a family member, or was for the
wrong amount. Roughly one-quarter (27 percent) of consumers who were contacted about a debt
in collection reported having disputed a debt with their creditor or collector in the past year.
8.2 FTC’s research and policy development
In the past year, the FTC has continued to monitor and evaluate the debt collection industry and
its practices both through public workshops and the FTC’s input to the CFPB on debt collection
rulemaking and guidance initiatives.
In 2016, the FTC organized four Common Ground conferences at which law enforcement,
consumer advocates, and community members discussed consumer protection issues, including
debt collection, and encouraged consumers to report problems to the FTC. In December 2016, the
Commission also held a workshop, “The Changing Consumer Demographics,” which brought
together law enforcement, consumer groups and researcher participants to discuss how to combat
unlawful practices including illegal debt collection activities that impact specific consumer
populations as the country’s demographics change.
Additionally, the FTC also continues to work closely with the CFPB to coordinate efforts to protect
consumers from unfair, deceptive, and abusive debt collection practices.
As part of this
coordination, FTC and CFPB staff regularly meet to discuss ongoing and upcoming law
enforcement, rulemaking, and other activities; share debt collection complaints; cooperate on
consumer education efforts in the debt collection arena; and consult on debt collection rulemaking
and guidance initiatives.
The Dodd-Frank Act directs the FTC and the CFPB to coordinate their law enforcement activities and promote
consistent regulatory treatment of consumer financial products and services, including debt collection. See Dodd-
Frank Act, Pub. L. 111-203, 124 Stat. 1376 § 1024(c)(3) (July 21, 2010). In January 2012, the FTC and CFPB entered
into a memorandum of understanding (“MOU”) that supplements the requirements of the Dodd-Frank Act and creates
a strong and comprehensive framework for coordination and cooperation. Memorandum of Understanding Between
the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission, January 2012, available at
protection-bureau-pledge-work-together-protect-consumers/120123ftc-cfpb-mou.pdf. The agencies reauthorized the
MOU in May 2015 for a three-year term. See https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2015/03/ftc-cfpb-
Office of the Secretary
February 13, 2017
The Honorable Richard Cordray
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
1801 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Dear Director Cordray:
Thank you for your letter of January 5, 2017. As the letter mentions, the Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is responsible for providing annual reports to Congress
concerning the federal government’s efforts to implement the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
This letter and its appendix describe the efforts the Federal Trade Commission
(Commission or FTC) has taken during the past year in the debt collection arena. In the FTC’s debt
collection work, the CFPB has been a valuable partner. We hope that the information in this letter
will assist the CFPB in preparing this year’s report.
In 2016, the Commission continued its aggressive law enforcement activities against
abusive, unfair, and deceptive debt collection practices. Among other things, the FTC:
The Dodd-Frank Act directed the CFPB to report to Congress on the federal government’s implementation and
administration of the FDCPA. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act), Pub. L.
11-203, § 1089, 124 Stat. 1376, 2092-93 (2010) (amending the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 1692-
1692p). Before the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act, Section 815(a) of the FDCPA, 15 U.S.C. § 1692m, required the
FTC to report directly to Congress on these topics. The Commission submitted such annual reports from 1977 to 2011.
filed or resolved 12 cases against 61 defendants, and obtained nearly $70 million in
banned 44 companies and individuals that engaged in serious and repeated
violations of law from ever working in debt collection again
; and
secured successful summary judgment decisions in three litigated matters, resulting
in orders banning defendants from the debt collection industry.
The FTC’s debt collection program is a three-pronged effort: (1) vigorous law
enforcement; (2) education and public outreach; and (3) research and policy initiatives. Over the
past year, the FTC has employed all three prongs in its effort to curb unlawful debt collection
practices and protect consumers.
The Commission is primarily a law enforcement agency, and law enforcement
investigations and litigation are at the heart of the FTC’s recent debt collection work. Both the
FDCPA and the FTC Act
authorize the Commission to investigate and take law enforcement
action against debt collectors that violate those statutes.
If an FTC investigation reveals that a
debt collector violated the law, the Commission may file a federal court action seeking injunctive
and equitable monetary relief under Section 13(b) of the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. § 53(b), or refer the
matter to the Department of Justice for civil penalties and injunctive relief under Section 5(m) of
the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. § 45(m). Where a collector’s violations are so egregious that a court order
is necessary to halt the conduct immediately, or where consumer redress and disgorgement are
more appropriate forms of monetary relief than civil penalties, the FTC generally files the action
These figures include cases filed and resolved in 2016, as well as cases filed in previous years but resolved in 2016.
As a complement to all of the debt collection law enforcement cases that the FTC has brought over the years, in 2015
the FTC began publishing a list of every individual and company that the agency has sued that has been banned from
the debt collection industry. This list, located at
, is a valuable resource to help law-abiding collection industry professionals avoid doing business with these
defendants, as well as to help state debt collection licensing officials and law enforcers better protect consumers.
Currently, the list includes over 135 banned individuals and companies.
This past year’s work built upon and expanded the FTC’s ongoing crackdown on unlawful debt collection practices.
Since January 1, 2010, the FTC has sued over 250 companies and individuals who engaged in unlawful collection
practices, banning 139 from the industry, and securing over $419 million in judgments.
FDCPA, 15 U.S.C. § 1692-1692p; FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 41-58.
The FDCPA authorizes the Commission to investigate and take law enforcement action against debt collectors that
engage in unfair, deceptive, abusive, or other practices that violate the statute. FDCPA § 814, 15 U.S.C. § 1692l. Under
the FTC Act, the FTC may investigate and take law enforcement action against entities that, in connection with
collecting on debts, engage in unfair or deceptive acts and practices. FTC Act § 5, 15 U.S.C. § 45.
itself under Section 13(b) of the FTC Act. In other circumstances, the FTC may refer the case to
the Department of Justice.
In addition to filing and referring law enforcement actions, the FTC files amicus briefs and
undertakes other law enforcement-related activities.
I. Legal Actions
From January 1 through December 31, 2016, the FTC brought or resolved 12 debt
collection cases. In several of its Section 13(b) cases, the Commission obtained preliminary relief
that included ex parte temporary restraining orders with asset freezes, immediate access to business
premises, and appointment of receivers to take over the debt collection businesses.
The Commission’s recent efforts to protect consumers from deceptive and abusive debt
collection practices culminated in Operation Collection Protection. This initiative, which the FTC
began in 2015, was the first coordinated federal-state-local enforcement initiative targeting illegal
debt collection. The nationwide crackdown included over 165 actions by more than 70 federal,
state, and local law enforcement and regulatory authorities against collectors who used illegal
tactics such as harassing phone calls and false threats of litigation or arrest.
Participants in the
initiative continue to work closely together to share information and coordinate actions. The FTC’s
actions, involving (1) phantom debt collection, (2) collection via unlawful text messages and
emails, (3) other FDCPA and FTC Act violations, and (4) Fair Credit Reporting Act violations, are
discussed below.
1. Phantom Debt Collection
The Commission has continued its efforts to fight “phantom debt collection” this year.
Phantom debt collectors engage in unfair, deceptive, or abusive conduct by attempting to collect on
debts that either do not exist or are not owed to the phantom debt collector. The Commission
See, e.g., Press Release, FTC and Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement Partners Announce Nationwide
Crackdown Against Abusive Debt Collectors (Nov. 4, 2015), available at
; Press
Release, FTC and State Law Enforcement Partners Announce More Actions and Results in Continuing Crackdown
Against Abusive Debt Collectors (Jan. 7, 2016), available at
; Press
Release, FTC and Illinois Attorney General Halt Chicago-Area Operation Charged with Collecting and Selling Phantom
Payday Loan Debts (Mar. 30, 2016), available at
; Press Release,
FTC Actions: Debt Collectors Banned from Debt Collection Business (Sept. 7, 2016), available at
; Blog Post, A Debt Collection Round-up (Dec. 27, 2016), available at
https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/blog/debt-collection-round; Blog Post, Collection Protection reflection
(Dec. 30, 2016), available at
initiated or resolved three actions involving phantom debt collection in 2016: SQ Capital LLC,
Stark Law LLC, and Kelly S. Brace. SQ Capital and Stark Law are the first two cases brought by
the FTC against operations for allegedly selling fake debt portfolios. This past year, the
Commission also returned money to thousands of consumers who were targeted by the phantom
debt schemes in Centro Natural Corp. and Broadway Global Master Inc.
In December, the Commission charged SQ Capital with selling portfolios of fake payday
loan debts that debt collectors used to get people to pay on debts they did not owe.
According to
the complaint, the defendants’ fake portfolios listed social security numbers and bank account
numbers of real consumers, but falsely claimed that the purported borrowers had failed to repay
debts they never owed, to lenders who did not make these loans.
The complaint also alleges
that the defendants did not have the authority to sell debts of the lenders they named. At the FTC’s
request, a federal court entered a preliminary injunction halting this operation pending litigation.
In March, the FTC partnered with the Illinois Attorney General to shut down a Chicago-
area operation that allegedly threatened and intimidated consumers to collect phantom payday loan
debts they did not owe, or did not owe to the defendants.
The Stark Law defendants allegedly
called consumers and demanded immediate payment for supposedly delinquent loans, often armed
with consumers’ sensitive personal and financial information. Defendants also allegedly threatened
consumers with lawsuits or arrest, deceptively held themselves out as a law firm with authority to
sue and obtain substantial judgments against delinquent consumers, and disclosed debts to
relatives, friends and co-workers. As in SQ Capital, the complaint also charged defendants with
unlawfully selling portfolios of fake debt to other debt collectors in violation of the FTC Act. The
court entered an ex parte temporary restraining order (and later a preliminary injunction) with an
asset freeze, appointment of a receiver, and injunctive relief prohibiting the defendants from selling
fake debt portfolios or from making the misrepresentations at issue in this case. Litigation
continues in this matter.
FTC v. Joel Jerome Tucker, 2:16-cv-082816 (D. Kan. Dec. 16, 2016) (Complaint); see also Press Release, FTC
Charges Defendants with Selling Fake Payday Loan Debt Portfolios (Jan. 9, 2017), available at
To add credibility to some of the fake loans in their portfolios, the defendants used the name of a purported lender
associated with another Commission law enforcement action, FTC v. AMG Services, 2:12-cv-00536 (D. Nev. Sept. 30,
2016) (Order). In September 2016, a federal court ordered the defendants in the AMG payday lending scheme to pay a
record $1.3 billion for deceiving and illegally charging consumers undisclosed and inflated fees. Id.; see also Press
Release, U.S. Court Finds in FTC’s Favor and Imposes Record $1.3 Billion Judgment Against Defendants Behind AMG
Payday Lending Scheme (Oct. 4, 2016), available at
FTC v. Stark Law, LLC, No. 1:16-cv-3463 (N.D. Ill. Mar. 21, 2016) (Complaint); see also Press Release, FTC and
Illinois Attorney General Halt Chicago-Area Operation Charged with Collecting and Selling Phantom Payday Loan
Debts (Mar. 30, 2016), available at
In Brace, the FTC and New York Attorney General successfully resolved their litigation
against another phantom debt collection scheme. The complaint in this case, filed in October 2015,
alleged that the defendants attempted to collect on payday debts they knew were bogus.
According to the complaint, the defendants bought payday loans supposedly owed to a company
that repeatedly told them to stop collection efforts because the debts were fabricated, and ignored
consumers’ evidence that they had never authorized a payday loan. The defendants allegedly
employed other deceptive and abusive tactics to get consumers to pay, including false threats of
lawsuits and arrest. The Court granted over the defendants’ objections the plaintiffs’ request to
enter a temporary restraining order halting their operations, and, shortly thereafter, entered a
stipulated preliminary injunction. In the summer of 2016, the FTC and the New York AG secured a
stipulated final order banning the defendants from the debt collection business, prohibiting other
deceptive claims, and imposing a judgment of more than $18.4 million, which was partially
suspended based on inability to pay.
The plaintiffs also secured an order against a relief
defendant imposing a partially-suspended $418,000 judgment.
In addition to the law enforcement actions above, this past year the Commission also
returned funds to consumers who lost money to phantom debt collection operations previously
stopped by the FTC. In November 2016, the agency mailed 3,446 checks totaling more than
$830,000 to consumers in the Centro Natural Corp. matter.
The Commission had secured
stipulated orders banning defendants from debt collection or telemarketing, after alleging that they
targeted thousands of Spanish-speaking consumers with unlawful tactics to collect on fake debts
and to coerce consumers into purchasing goods that they did not want.
In April, the
Commission mailed 1,701 checks totaling more than $596,000 to consumers who lost money to the
fraudulent scheme in Broadway Global Master Inc.
The agency had previously secured a
FTC and State of New York v. Brace, No. 1:15-cv-00875-RJA (W.D.N.Y. Oct. 5, 2015) (Complaint).
FTC and State of New York v. Brace, No. 1:15-cv-00875-RJA (W.D.N.Y. Aug. 18, 2015) (Stipulated Order), see also
Press Release, FTC Action: Debt Collector Banned from Collection Business (Aug, 24, 2016), available at
Press Release, FTC Returns Money to Victims of Debt Collection Scheme (Nov. 14, 2016), available at
FTC v. Centro Natural Corp., No. 14-cv-23879 CMA (S.D. Fla. June 30, 2015) (Stipulated Order); see also Press
Release, FTC Action Puts an End to Fraudulent Debt Collection Scheme that Targeted Spanish-Speaking Consumers
(July 8, 2015), available at
Press Release, FTC Returns Money to Consumers Harmed by Scam That Collected Millions in Phantom Payday Loan
Debts (Apr. 6, 2016), available at
stipulated order banning this operation from the debt collection business because of allegations that
it harassed consumers into paying phantom debts.
2. The FTC’s Messaging For Money Sweep: Debt Collection Via Unlawful
Text Messages And Emails
The Commission has also continued its efforts to pursue schemes that use deceptive,
threatening or otherwise unlawful text messages or emails to target consumers. In 2015, the
Commission launched a law enforcement sweep, called “Messaging for Money,” to stop three
operations engaged in such practices. This past year, the FTC won summary judgment in one of
those cases (The Primary Group Inc.), and successfully resolved the charges against nine of the
defendants in the other two matters (Premier Debt Acquisitions LLC and Unified Global Group,
In June 2016, the court in The Primary Group matter granted the FTC’s summary judgment
request on all counts against an unlawful debt collection operation.
The court found that, as
alleged by the Commission, these defendants deceived consumers using text messages, emails, and
phone calls that falsely threatened consumers with arrest or lawsuits if they did not make debt
collection payments. The court also found that they unlawfully contacted consumers’ friends,
family members, and employers; withheld information consumers needed to confirm or dispute
debts; and did not identify themselves as debt collectors, as required by law.
The court
permanently banned two defendants from debt collection activities and imposed a judgment of
The Commission successfully resolved Premier Debt Acquisitions in January 2016 by
securing a stipulated order banning the defendants from debt collection activities and imposing a
judgment of $2,229,756, which was partially suspended.
The complaint alleged that defendants
FTC v. Broadway Global Master Inc., No. 2:12-cv-0855 JAM GGH (E.D. Cal. Sept. 10, 2015) (Stipulated Order); see
also Press Release, FTC Action Stops Scammers Who Collected Millions in Phantom Payday Loan Debts (Sept. 16,
2015), available at
FTC v. The Primary Group, No. 1:15-cv-1645 (N.D. Ga. May 19, 2016) (Order Granting Summary Judgment); see also
Press Release, FTC Action: Debt Collector Banned from Debt Collection Business (June 16, 2016), available at
FTC v. The Primary Group, No. 1:15-cv-1645 (N.D. Ga. May 11, 2015) (Complaint); see also Press Release, FTC Halts
Three Debt Collection Operations That Allegedly Threatened and Deceived Consumers via Illegal Text Messages (May
21, 2015), available at
FTC v. Premier Debt Acquisitions LLC, No. 1:15-cv-00421-FPG (W.D.N.Y. Jan. 7, 2016) (Order); see also Press
Release, FTC and State Law Enforcement Partners Announce More Actions and Results in Continuing Crackdown
impersonated law enforcement and government officials, falsely threatened consumers with a
lawsuit or arrest, and falsely threatened to charge some consumers with criminal fraud, garnish
their wages, or seize their property.
In text messages, the defendants allegedly claimed they
would sue consumers and threatened to seize consumers’ possessions unless they paid. In
voicemails, the defendants also allegedly falsely claimed that a “uniformed officer” was on the way
to consumers’ homes. In addition to banning the defendants from the debt collection industry, the
order prohibits them from making misrepresentations about other financial products or services.
In FTC v. Unified Global Group, the FTC secured an approximately $27 million judgment
and significant injunctive relief in a settlement with four defendants involved in an abusive debt
collection operation. The FTC’s complaint against Unified Global Group
alleged that the
defendants sent texts to trick consumers into calling them back. The texts included false statements
such as, “YOUR PAYMENT DECLINED WITH CARD ****-****-****-5463 . . . CALL
866.256.2117 IMMEDIATELY,” even though consumers had never arranged to make payments to
the defendants. The defendants also allegedly used deceptive emails and calls that threatened arrest
and civil lawsuits, and unlawfully contacted consumers’ friends, families, and co-workers about the
supposed debts. In August 2016, the court entered a stipulated order banning the settling
defendants from all debt collection activities and imposing a judgment of approximately $27
million, which was partially suspended because of their inability to pay.
Litigation continues
against the sole remaining defendant.
3. Other Actions To Halt FDCPA And FTC Act Violations
In addition to the cases described above, the FTC successfully resolved five other actions in
2016 to protect consumers from unlawful collection practices: (1) Federal Check Processing; (2)
Commercial Recovery Systems; (3) Warrant Enforcement Division; (4) AFS Legal Services; and (5)
BAM Financial. In the first two cases, the FTC secured summary judgment wins against the
defendants. The FTC also continued litigating Vantage Point Services, filing a motion for summary
judgment and securing additional preliminary relief against a defendant.
Against Abusive Debt Collectors (Jan. 7, 2016), available at https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-
FTC v. Premier Debt Acquisitions LLC, No. 1:15-cv-00421-FPG (W.D.N.Y. May 11, 2015) (Complaint); see also Press
Release, FTC Halts Three Debt Collection Operations That Allegedly Threatened and Deceived Consumers via Illegal
Text Messages (May 21, 2015), available at
FTC v. Unified Global Group, LLC, 15-cv-422-W (W.D.N.Y. May 11, 2015) (Complaint); see also Press Release, FTC
Halts Three Debt Collection Operations That Allegedly Threatened and Deceived Consumers via Illegal Text Messages
(May 21, 2015), available at
FTC v. Unified Global Group, LLC, 15-cv-422-W (W.D.N.Y. Aug. 26, 2016) (Order); see also Press Release, FTC
Actions: Debt Collectors Banned from Debt Collection Business (Sept. 7, 2016) available at
In FTC v. Federal Check Processing Inc., the court granted the Commission’s request for
summary judgment against a Buffalo, New York-based debt collection scheme.
The district
court adopted the magistrate judge’s recommendation and report that found that defendants had
violated the FTC Act and the FDCPA by falsely claiming to be government officials, falsely
threatening consumers with litigation or arrest, and systematically disclosing consumers’ debts to
their friends, family, and co-workers to coerce payment.
The court had previously entered an ex
parte temporary restraining order, followed by a stipulated preliminary injunction, to halt this
abusive debt collection operation. The final order bans the defendants from the debt collection
industry and requires them to pay a nearly $11 million judgment.
In United States v. Commercial Recovery Systems, Inc., a case that the FTC referred to the
Department of Justice for prosecution, the court entered summary judgment against two defendants
in an unlawful debt collection operation. The court found that the debt collectors had “repeatedly
and routinely violated the FDCPA . . . in multiple ways, by making blatantly false representations
for the purpose of intimidating consumers into paying debts.”
Among other things, the court
found that their routine threats to sue consumers were “patently false,” and further that they falsely
impersonated attorneys and threatened to seize or garnish consumers’ property or wages. The court
banned the two defendants from debt collection, and will determine the civil penalty amount to
impose on one of them, the president of the company.
Additionally, the government secured a
stipulated final order against the remaining individual defendant subjecting him to the same ban
and imposing a $496,000 civil penalty judgment (partially suspended due to an inability to
In January 2016, the Commission also successfully resolved its action in Warrant
Enforcement Division. The FTC’s complaint in this matter alleged that the defendants, while under
FTC v. Federal Check Processing, Inc., No. 1:14-cv-00122 (W.D.N.Y Oct. 13, 2016) (Judgment and Permanent
Injunction); see also Press Release, FTC Wins Summary Judgment Against Buffalo, NY-based Abusive Debt Collectors;
Defendants Banned from Collection Business (Oct. 31, 2016), available at
FTC v. Federal Check Processing, Inc., No. 1:14-cv-00122 (W.D.N.Y Mar. 25, 2014) (Complaint), see also Press
Release, At FTC’s Request, Court Halts Debt Collector’s Allegedly Deceptive and Abusive Practices, Freezes Assets
(Sept. 23, 2014), available at
United States v. Commercial Recovery Sys., Inc., No. 4:15-cv-36 (E.D. Tex. Apr. 7, 2016) (Memorandum Opinion
and Order).
United States v. Commercial Recovery Sys., Inc., No. 4:15-cv-36 (E.D. Tex. Apr. 18, 2016) (Order); see also Press
Release, FTC Action: Debt Collector Banned from Collection Business (Sept. 22, 2016), available at
United States v. Commercial Recovery Sys., Inc., No. 4:15-cv-36 (E.D. Tex. Sept. 21, 2016) (Order)
contract to collect overdue utility bills, traffic tickets, court fines, and other debts for local
governments in Texas and Oklahoma, sent consumers letters and postcards containing false or
unsubstantiated threats of arrest that appeared to come from a municipal court.
charged that the false and unsubstantiated threats made to collect municipal court debts violated the
FTC Act, and those made to collect utility debts violated both the FTC Act and the FDCPA. Under
a stipulated order for permanent injunction, the defendants are prohibited from misrepresenting any
material fact in collecting debts, including that failure to pay a debt will result in the consumer
being arrested or jailed, having their vehicle impounded, or being unable to renew their driver’s
The order also imposed a $194,888 judgment that was suspended based on the
defendants’ inability to pay.
Similarly, the Commission secured a final order in its suit against AFS Legal Services,
resolving charges that the defendants impersonated investigators and law enforcement, and
threatened to arrest, jail, and sue consumers if they did not pay debts.
According to the FTC’s
complaint, filed in October 2015, the defendants often had consumers’ personal information – such
as social security and bank account numbers – that caused consumers to believe that the calls and
associated threats were legitimate.
The collectors also allegedly made harassing calls and
contacted relatives, friends, and co-workers about consumers’ debts. The stipulated final order,
entered in August 2016, bans the defendants from debt collection activities and imposes a judgment
of more than $4.4 million, the amount consumers lost to this scheme.
In July 2016, the FTC also successfully resolved its suit against BAM Financial, banning
the defendants from the debt collecting business and securing other important relief.
The FTC’s
complaint, filed in October 2015, alleged that the defendants bought consumer debts and collected
payment by deceptively threatening consumers with lawsuits, wage garnishment, and arrest, and by
FTC v. Municipal Recovery Servs. Corp., No. 15-CV-04064-N (N.D. Tex. Dec. 24, 2015) (Complaint).
FTC v. Municipal Recovery Servs. Corp., No. 15-CV-04064-N (N.D. Tex. Jan. 29, 2016) (Order); see also, Press
Release, FTC and State Law Enforcement Partners Announce More Actions and Results in Continuing Crackdown
Against Abusive Debt Collectors (Jan. 7, 2016), available at
FTC v. Natl Payment Processing LLC, No. 1:15-cv-3811-AT (N.D. Ga. Aug. 29, 2016) (Order); see also Press Release,
FTC Actions: Debt Collectors Banned from Debt Collection Business (Sept. 7, 2016), available at
FTC v. Natl Payment Processing LLC, No. 1:15-cv-3811-AT (N.D. Ga. Oct. 30, 2015) (Complaint).
FTC v. BAM Finl, LLC, No. 8:15-cv-01672-JVS-DFM (C.D. Cal. July 11, 2016) (Order); see also Press Release, FTC
Action: Abusive Debt Collectors Banned from Collection Business (July 14, 2016), available at
impersonating attorneys or process servers.
According to the complaint, the defendants also
unlawfully disclosed debts to, or harassed, third parties; failed to identify themselves as debt
collectors; and failed to notify consumers of their right to receive verification of the purported
debts. At the FTC’s request, the court entered a temporary restraining order that prohibited the
defendants from violating the FDCPA and the FTC Act, froze the defendants’ assets, and appointed
a receiver. The stipulated final order bans them from debt collection activities and imposes a
$4,802,646 judgment, to be partially suspended upon the surrender of certain assets based on
defendants’ inability to pay.
FTC v. BAM Finl, LLC, No. 8:15-cv-01672-JVS-DFM (C.D. Cal. Oct. 19, 2015) (Complaint); see also Press Release,
FTC and Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement Partners Announce Nationwide Crackdown Against Abusive Debt
Collectors (Nov. 4, 2015), available at
The FTC continues to work with the New York Attorney General in a joint action against
Vantage Point, a Buffalo, New York-based debt collection scheme. According to the complaint
filed in 2015, defendants’ collectors posed as a law firm, process servers, or even government
agents – misrepresenting to consumers that they had committed a crime and would be arrested and
The complaint further alleges that the defendants made similar claims about consumers
to their co-workers, friends, and family members. At the request of the FTC and the New York AG,
the court entered a preliminary injunction to halt the unlawful practices. In 2016, the plaintiffs
requested that the court enter summary judgment against the defendants, and that motion is
currently pending. The plaintiffs also sought and obtained a second ex parte temporary restraining
order and preliminary injunction against one of the individual defendants for operating another debt
collection scheme in violation of the first preliminary injunction.
4. Action To Halt Fair Credit Reporting Act Violations By A Debt
In May 2016, in the Credit Protection Association matter referred to the Department of
Justice for prosecution – the court entered a stipulated final order against a debt collector for
alleged violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act’s (FCRA) Furnisher Rule.
Specifically, the
complaint alleged that the defendant debt collector lacked adequate policies and procedures to
handle consumer disputes regarding information the company provided to credit reporting
The complaint also alleged that the company did not have a policy requiring notice to
consumers of the outcomes of investigations about disputed information and that, in numerous
instances, consumers were not informed whether information they disputed had been corrected.
The stipulated final order requires the defendant to pay $72,000 in civil penalties and put in place
policies and procedures that comply with the requirements of the FCRA and the Furnisher Rule.
The company will also be required to follow the Rule’s requirements related to conducting dispute
investigations and informing consumers of their outcome.
II. Other Law Enforcement Activities: Amicus Curiae Briefs
The FTC also periodically submits briefs as amicus curiae in federal court cases around the
country on important debt collection issues. Even when the FTC is not a plaintiff or a defendant in
FTC and State of New York v. Vantage Point Services, LLC, No. 1:15-cv-00006-WMS (W.D.N.Y. Jan. 5, 2015)
(Complaint); see also Press Release, FTC, New York Attorney General Crack Down on Abusive Debt Collectors (Feb. 26,
2015), available at
15 U.S.C. §§ 1681-1681x (FCRA); Duties of Furnishers of Information to Consumer Reporting Agencies (Furnisher
Rule), 16 C.F.R. § 660, recodified as Duties of Furnishers of Information, 12 C.F.R. § 1022, subpart E.
U.S. v. Credit Protection Association, 3:16-cv-01255-D (N.D. Tex. May 9, 2016) (Complaint and Order); see also
Press Release, Debt Collector Settles FTC Charges It Violated Fair Credit Reporting Act (May 9, 2016), available at
private FDCPA cases, courts often seek and rely on the Commission’s expertise in debt collection
issues. This is yet another way for the FTC to protect consumers from unlawful practices and
ensure consistency and logic in the development of federal debt collection law and policy.
Since Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Act, the FTC has often partnered with the CFPB on
these amicus briefs. This past year, the Ninth Circuit and the Seventh Circuit adopted favorable
interpretations of the FDCPA in two cases in which the FTC and CFPB had filed joint amicus
briefs: Hernandez v. Williams, Zinman & Parham and Franklin v. Parking Revenue Recovery
Servs. Inc. In both cases, the courts reaffirmed the Act’s broad applicability and significant
protections for consumers.
1. “Initial Communication”: Hernandez Amicus Brief
In 2014, the FTC joined the CFPB in filing an amicus brief in the Ninth Circuit Hernandez
matter regarding the meaning of the phrase “initial communication” in the FDCPA.
1692g of the FDCPA requires “a debt collector” to send the consumer a “validation notice”
containing certain information about the consumer’s alleged debts and the consumer’s rights
“[w]ithin five days after the initial communication with a consumer in connection with the
collection of any debt.”
In December 2011, the defendant sent the plaintiff in the underlying
case a letter seeking to collect a debt that the plaintiff had allegedly incurred. That letter failed to
include all of the information required by 15 U.S.C. § 1692g.
The parties filed cross-motions for summary judgment. In its motion, the defendant argued
that it had no obligation to comply with § 1692g because its letter was not the “initial
communication” that the plaintiff had received about the debt. Instead, it argued that the “initial
communication” had come from another collector that had previously sought to collect on the same
debt. The defendant contended that because that prior collector had sent the plaintiff a letter that
complied with the FDCPA, and because it was a “subsequent collector,” it was under no obligation
to send any further notice. Finding that the statute’s plain text only contemplated one initial
communication with a debtor on a given debt, the district court agreed and granted the defendant’s
motion. In doing so, the district court joined one side of a split among several district courts.
In our joint brief, the FTC and CFPB urged the Ninth Circuit to reject the district court’s
interpretation. As we noted, the use of the general articles in the phrases the initial
communication” from “a debt collector” are most naturally read to refer to each subsequent debt
collector’s initial communication with a consumer.
We also noted in our brief that the district
Brief of Amici Curiae, Hernandez v. Williams, Zinman & Parham, P.C., No. 14-15672 (9th Cir. Aug. 20, 2014),
available at
See 15 U.S.C. § 1692g(a) (duty to send the notice); 15 U.S.C. § 1692g(b) (required contents of notice).
Our brief observed that interpreting the statute as applying only to the initial communication by the initial collector
leads to a logical inconsistency because, typically, that initial communication with a consumer regarding a debt comes
court’s interpretation contravened Congress’s legislative intent. Congress enacted § 1692g to
eliminate the problem of debt collectors attempting to collect the wrong amounts from the wrong
consumers. To that end, Congress requires debt collectors, upon initially contacting a consumer, to
provide the consumer with a validation notice containing key information about the debt and the
consumer’s rights, including the amount of the debt, the identity of the original creditor, and the
consumer’s rights to obtain verification of the debt or dispute it. Because debts frequently change
hands, these protections are just as important when a new debt collector acquires a debt as they are
when the first collector began collecting.
In July 2016, the Ninth Circuit reversed the decision of the district court, becoming the first
Court of Appeals to issue a published opinion on this portion of § 1692g. It held that, “[a]pplying
well-established tools of statutory interpretation and construing the language in § 1692g(a) in light
of the context and purpose of the FDCPA, … the phrase ‘the initial communication’ refers to the
first communication sent by any debt collector, including collectors that contact the debtor after
another collector already did.”
The court found that this interpretation is clear when read in the
context of the FDCPA as a whole.
The court also agreed that this interpretation is supported by
the FDCPA’s declared purpose to protect consumers from abusive collection practices in this
case, by ensuring that consumers get updated information about debts and opportunities to verify
them when their debts change hands.
2. Unpaid Parking Charges As “Debts”: Franklin Amicus Brief
In 2015, responding to an invitation from the Seventh Circuit, the FTC and CFPB submitted a
joint amicus brief urging the court to reverse a district court ruling that unpaid parking fees are not
“debts,” as that term is defined in the FDCPA.
The case arose out of a class action complaint
alleging that a collection company hired by a private parking lot operator to collect unpaid parking
fees and nonpayment penalties sent dunning letters to consumers that violated the FDCPA. The
defendants moved for summary judgment, which the district court granted. The court found that the
charges were a “fine” and not the byproduct of a “transaction.” Thus, the court reasoned, the sum
the defendants were attempting to collect was not a “debt,” as that term is defined in the FDCPA,
so the prohibitions of the Act did not apply to the defendants’ dunning letters.
Our joint brief explained that the district court erred. The agencies noted that, in enacting the
FDCPA, Congress broadly defined “debt” to mean “any obligation . . . to pay money arising out of
from a creditor, an entity not subject to the FDCPA. If “initial communication” was read to mean this very first
communication, and only this communication, then the FDCPA would not apply at all.
Hernandez v. Williams, Zinman & Parham PC, 829 F.3d 1068, 1070 (9th Cir. July 20, 2016).
Id. at 1072.
Id. at 1078.
Brief of Amici Curiae, Franklin v. Parking Revenue Recovery Servs. Inc., No. 14-3774 (7th Cir. Dec. 11, 2015),
available at
a [consumer] transaction.” 15 U.S.C. § 1692a(5). The brief argued that the critical term
“transaction,” which Congress left undefined, is a broad reference to many different types of
consensual business dealings. It further argued that parking in a lot that was open to the public for a
stated fee constituted a “transaction,” similar to many other commercial dealings in which
consumers engage daily. Because the fees that the debt collector sought “ar[ose] out of” that
transaction, the charges were “debts” and the collection of those debts was governed by the
In August 2016, the Seventh Circuit issued a decision reversing the district court, holding
that the unpaid parking fees and nonpayment penalties at issue in this matter constitute “debts”
within the meaning of the FDCPA.
Thanking the FTC and CFPB for their assistance, the
Seventh Circuit adopted the agencies’ analysis that these fees and penalties are, in fact, obligations
arising out of consumer “transactions” under the FDCPA.
Education and public outreach also are important parts of the Commission’s debt collection
program. The FTC uses multiple formats and channels to inform consumers about their rights
under the FDCPA, as well as what the statute requires of debt collectors; and to inform debt
collectors about what they must do to comply with the law. The FTC also uses education and
public outreach to enhance legal services providers’ understanding of debt collection issues.
The Commission reaches tens of millions of consumers through English and Spanish print
and online materials, blog posts, and speeches and presentations. To maximize its outreach efforts,
FTC staff works with an informal network of about 16,000 community-based organizations and
national groups that order and distribute FTC information to their members, clients, and
constituents. In 2016, the FTC distributed 15.5 million print publications to libraries, police
departments, schools, non-profit organizations, banks, credit unions, other businesses, and
government agencies. In 2016, the FTC logged more than 43 million views of its business and
consumer education website pages. The FTC’s channel at YouTube.com/FTCvideos houses 144
videos, which were viewed more than 603,306 times in 2016. A new video — Fraud Affects Every
Community: Debt Collectiontells the first-person story of a veteran who was contacted by a
debt collector. The consumer blogs in English
and Spanish
reached 159,825 (English) and
44,835 (Spanish) email subscribers, and regularly serve as source material for local and national
news stories.
As part its work to raise awareness about scams targeting the Latino community, the FTC
has developed a series of fotonovelas in Spanish. The graphic novels tell stories based on
Franklin v. Parking Revenue Recovery Servs. Inc., 832 F.3d 741 (7
Cir. Aug. 10, 2016).
complaints Spanish speakers make to the FTC and offer practical tips to help detect and stop
common scams. People ordered more than 45,125 copies of the Cobradores De Deuda (Debt
Collectors) fotonovela in 2016.
The Commission also educates industry members by developing and distributing business
education materials, delivering speeches, blogging, participating in panel discussions at industry
conferences, and providing interviews to general media and trade publications. The FTC’s business
education resources can be found in its online Business Center.
The Business Center logged
more than 3.4 million page views in 2016, and there are more than 58,000 email subscribers to the
Business Blog.
A complete list of the FTC’s consumer and business education materials relating
to debt collection and information on the extent of their distribution is set forth in Appendix A to
this letter.
FTC staff also regularly meets with legal service providers, consumer advocates, and
people who work in immigrant, Native American, Latino, Asian, and African American
communities to discuss consumer protection issues, including the FTC’s work in the debt
collection arena. As discussed further below, the Commission hosted several public workshops
examining such issues this past year. The FTC also hosted five Ethnic Media Roundtables around
the country in 2016, bringing together law enforcement, community organizations, consumer
advocates and members of the ethnic media to discuss how consumer protection issues —
including debt collection — affect their communities.
The third prong of the Commission’s debt collection program is research and policy
initiatives. In the past year, the FTC has continued to monitor and evaluate the debt collection
industry and its practices – both through public workshops and the FTC’s input to the CFPB on
debt collection rulemaking and guidance initiatives.
In 2016, the FTC organized four Common Ground conferences at which law enforcement,
consumer advocates, and community members discussed consumer protection issues, including
debt collection, and encouraged consumers to report problems to the FTC. In December 2016, the
Commission also held a workshop, “The Changing Consumer Demographics,” which brought
together law enforcement, consumer groups and researcher participants to discuss how to combat
unlawful practices – including illegal debt collection activities – that impact specific consumer
populations as the country’s demographics change.
Additionally, the FTC also continues to work closely with the CFPB to coordinate efforts to
protect consumers from unfair, deceptive, and abusive debt collection practices.
As part of this
coordination, FTC and CFPB staff regularly meet to discuss ongoing and upcoming law
enforcement, rulemaking, and other activities; share debt collection complaints; cooperate on
consumer education efforts in the debt collection arena; and consult on debt collection rulemaking
and guidance initiatives.
The Dodd-Frank Act directs the FTC and the CFPB to coordinate their law enforcement activities and promote
consistent regulatory treatment of consumer financial products and services, including debt collection. See Dodd-
Frank Act, Pub. L. 111-203, 124 Stat. 1376 § 1024(c)(3) (July 21, 2010). In January 2012, the FTC and CFPB entered
into a memorandum of understanding (“MOU”) that supplements the requirements of the Dodd-Frank Act and creates
a strong and comprehensive framework for coordination and cooperation. Memorandum of Understanding Between
the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission, January 2012, available at
. The agencies reauthorized the MOU in May 2015 for a three-year term. See
The Commission hopes that the information contained in this letter will assist the CFPB in
its annual report to Congress about its administration of the FDCPA. The FTC looks forward to
continuing to cooperate and coordinate with the CFPB on consumer protection issues relating to
debt collection. If any other information would be useful or if you wish to request additional
assistance, please contact Malini Mithal, Acting Associate Director, Division of Financial
Practices, at (202) 326-2972.
By direction of the Commission.
Donald S. Clark
Appendix A
Debt Collection Information 2016
Page Views
Print distribution
Consumer Information
Coping with Debt
Debt Collection
Debt Collection Arbitration
Debt Collectors (Spanish)
Debts and Deceased Relatives
Fake Debt Collectors
Garnishing Federal Benefits
Settling Credit Card Debt
Managing Debt: What to Do
Identity Theft Letter to a Debt
2,047 55
Time-Barred Debts
Dealing with Debt Collectors
Helping Victims of Identity Theft
Fraud Affects Every Community: Debt
Page Views
Print Distribution
Business Information
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act 34,077 11,580
Debt Collection
Page view numbers include pages viewed on FTC websites, but not pages viewed when non-FTC sites download and
re-post FTC content.
Consumer Blog Posts
Fraud affects every community: debt collection
A year in debt collection
How to stop calls from debt collectors
The FTC’s Debt Collection Hall of Shame has some new inductees
Bogus debts, bogus collections
A debt collection round-up
Closing time for fake debt collector
Avoid a debt relief scam
Fraud Affects Every Community: Debt Collection
Business Blog Posts
Collection Protection reflection
BAM banned from debt collection
Debt collectors: You may “like” social media and texts, but are you complying with the law?
Disguise the limit: FTC sues debt collectors who claimed official affiliation