California Department of Public Health
July 2021 Page 1 of 2
Waiver of Oral Health Assessment Requirement
Please fill out this form if you need to excuse your child the oral health assessment requirement.
Sign and return this form to the school where it will be kept confidential.
Section 1: Child’s Information (Filled out by parent or guardian)
Child’s First Name: Last Name: Middle Initial: Child’s Birth Date:
Address: Apt.:
City: ZIP code:
Teacher: Grade: Y
ear child starts
Parent/Guardian Last Name:
Child’s Gender:
White Native American
Black/African American Multi-racial
Hispanic/Latino Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
Asian Unknown
Other (please specify)
School Name :
Parent/Guard ian First Name:
Child’s Race /Ethnicity:
Continued on Next Page
Male Female
Clear Form
California Department of Public Health
July 2021 Page 2 of 2
Section 2: To be filled out by parent or guardian ONLY IF asking to be excused from this
Please excuse my child from the assessment because (check the box that best describes the reason):
I cannot find a dental office that will take my child’s dental insurance plan. My child’s dental
insurance plan is:
Healthy Kids None
I cannot afford an assessment for my child.
I cannot find the time to get to a dentist (e.g., cannot get the time off from work, the dentist does not
have convenient office hours).
I cannot get to a dentist easily (e.g., do not have transportation, located too far away).
I do not believe my child would benefit from an assessment.
Other (please specify the reason not listed above for why you are seeking a waiver of this
assessment for your child):
If asking to be excused from this requirement:
____________________________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature of parent or guardian
The law states schools must keep student health information private. Your child's name will not be part
of any report as a result of this law. This information may only be used for purposes related to your
child's health. If you have questions, please call your school.
Return this form to the school no later than May 31 of your child’s first school year.
Original to be kept in child’s school record.
Covered California