21 MARCH 2022
REISSUED: 12 March 2024
3001 Staff Drive, Suite 2U77
Tinker AFB, OK 73145
SUBJECT: Air Force Guidance Memorandum to AFSCMAN21-102OC-ALCSUP, Depot
Maintenance Management
By Order of the Commander of the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex (OC-ALC),
this Air Force Guidance Memorandum immediately changes AFSCMAN21-102OC-ALCSUP.
Compliance with this Memorandum is mandatory. To the extent its directions are inconsistent
with other Air Force publications; the information herein prevails, in accordance with DAFI 33-
360, Publications and Forms Management.
This Memorandum becomes void after one year has elapsed from the date of this
Memorandum, or upon incorporation by interim change to, or rewrite of AFSCMAN21-
102_OC-ALCSUP, whichever is earlier.
BRIAN R. MOORE, Brigadier General
USAF Commander, OC-ALC
Chapter 2
DEPOT MAINTENANCE WORK MEASUREMENT (Added) Depot Maintenance Work Measurement Program (Labor standard Review). (Added) This chapter provides guidance for the Depot Maintenance Work
Measurement Program. This program addresses use of direct labor methods, standards, and
work measurement. This chapter also outlines when labor standard reviews should be performed
and the OC-ALC approval process. (Added) The Depot Maintenance Work Measurement Program is an annual review
of labor standards. In accordance with AFSCMAN 21-102 Chapter 2, labor standard reviews will
be accomplished budget lead-time away. Budget lead-time away for Engines and MISTR
workloads is defined as the period of 1 Oct thru 31 Jan for each fiscal year to support upcoming
pricing and budget cycles. No labor standard adjustments/changes will be allowed outside this
period, except for the following: (Added) New workload (Added) Tech Order changes (Added) Aircraft will use the Aircraft Missile Requirements (AMR) process. (Added) Review requirements: At minimum, production group planning
organizations should review PDN labor standards representing the top 20% of the overall group
production hour variance. Reports/logic used to determine top 20% drivers should represent at
least one year of data. (Added) Approval limits: Labor standard adjustments exceeding +/- 10% standard
hours variance (by PDN) require OC-ALC/OBW chief approval. (Added) Approval process: Final approval must be obtained before any
adjustments are made. All requests requiring OC-ALC/OBW approval will be sent via eSSS to
[email protected] in accordance with the below guidance. (Added) Minimum coordination includes: squadron planning chief & group
MXDS chief or assigned alternate. (Added) Include a brief summary/justification explaining the increase/decrease. (Added) All labor standard review documentation, as attachment(s). (Added) Logic: Include systems used and/or calculations to warrant
adjustment. (Added) Timeline: Submitted not prior to 1 Oct and no later than 10 Jan.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP_OC-ALCGM2022-01 21 MARCH 2022 (Added) OC-ALC/OBW approval/disapproval will be returned within 15 business
days of submittal. (Added) Approved: If approved, planner will send a copy of MM1 report
showing the 9999 history lines screen in E046B, which shows: old standard hours, new standard
hours, date of change, and the reason for the increase. (Added) Disapproved: If disapproved, OC-ALC/OBW will send an email
response with rationale explaining disapproval.
Chapter 4
CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAM (CIP) (Changed) IT and/or communications projects will initially be coordinated with
72 ABW/SCXP. The SCXP will assist in getting the project loaded to the approved requirements
tracking system for review when necessary. Project discussions will start once an IT and/or
communications requirement is identified. During the planning stage, the IT investing
organization will provide IT investment information to the IT investment Portfolio Managers for
registration review. The IT investing organization will appoint primary and alternate program
managers to manage the IT investment and provide required information via the local Portfolio
Management (PfM) process. AF IT investments are registered and reported in the Information
Technology Investment Portfolio Suite (ITIPS). The organization will appoint primary and
alternate program managers to manage the IT investment via the local PfM process. Once an
investment is registered, the owner will be guided through compliance areas such as National
Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and Clinger-Cohen Act (CCA) approval. Contact the AFSC
Tinker IT Portfolio Management Team via the Community site:
tinker/SitePages/AFSC%20Tinker%20IT%20PfM%20Community%20Site.aspx. Use the PfM
Team e-mail address for contacting the first available team member. Additional AF IT
Investment PfM and ITIPS information and links are located on the PFM site. The NDAA
Defense Business System (DBS) Organizational Execution Plan (OEP) certification process can
take up to one year for final approval. (Changed) The group CIP monitor and/or project engineer are responsible for
creating the Comprehensive Cost and Requirements (CCaR) record at the group level. Upon
identification of a requirement that meets CIP guidelines, a CCaR record will be created. At a
minimum, the record must contain known project information including the project name,
estimated cost, project engineer, and project point of contact (POC). Additional supporting
documentation, such as: vendor estimates, statement of work (SOW), statement of objectives,
etc., must be loaded to the project’s CCaR in the “Tools” section under “Attachments”. (Changed) The ALC business office, in coordination with the group business
office and the group CIP monitor, must validate all workload projections prior to submitting data
for the EA and scoring the ALC analysis portion of the CCaR record. (Changed) Hierarchy of controls determination is listed on the CCaR record
under DIFMS Project Information tab with a “YES” or “NO” drop-down response. If “YES” is
selected, the project requires PPE, and the CIP project engineer is required to attach to the CCaR
record, the hierarchy of controls statement form and supporting documentation stating the
methodology of how the determination was made. If “NO” is selected, the project must not
require any form of PPE and must also attach to the CCaR record a statement form that no PPE
is required. The PARTALC Analysis scores will not be approved if no selection is chosen and/or
no supporting documentation is provided.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP_OC-ALCGM2022-01 21 MARCH 2022 (Changed) The requirement’s POC/engineer will assess each requirement against
the ALC RLMT asset scoring matrix to calculate each requirement’s total score. The
requirement’s POC/engineer will also perform analysis on unquantifiable/intangible issues that
may impact the decision-making process. The POC/engineer will provide a written justification
to leadership outlining why their requirement should be considered for funding. The written
justification will address those unquantifiable/intangible issues, which may include but not
limited to, future workload, capacity, capabilities, additive manufacturing requirements,
technology insertions/reverse engineering, accreditation/authorizations, automated test stand
requirements, energy, customer demands, repatriation of workload, etc. Each requirement’s total
score and written justification will be reviewed by a Subject Matter Expert (SMEs) panel, group
leadership, the ALC technical director, and ALC leadership. A strategic decision will be made by
ALC/CC and group requirement POCs/engineers are notified of their requirements approval by
ALC leadership for submission. The POC/engineer will commence developing the
documentation required for the EA, create a CCaR record for the approved and back-up
requirements, and procurement package. Once the AFSC/LZDA data call is received for CIP
requirements the approved listing/supporting documentation will become the submittal for the
ALC. The budget submission shall be developed with a cost effective mindset. Historically, the
ALC would submit requirements in-line with the anticipated depreciation amount for each FY
applicable to the Task Management Tool (TMT); however, if the submittal is not within +/- 10%
of the deprecation amount, justification will be provided with the ALC submission. (Changed) The ALC CIP managers will calculate and provide estimated
depreciation figures to AFSC/LZDA with the budget submission. The depreciation estimates
include projects listed on the fixed asset report currently depreciating, projects that have not
reached Full Operational Capability (FOC), but are expected to reach FOC during the budget
cycle submission plus two years, as well as, projects from the current execution year expected to
be completed in the budget cycle submission plus two years. The estimate should also take into
account any remaining depreciation for anticipated contributed assets. (Changed) To facilitate standardization, the ALC implemented a gated process
that assists leadership in identifying potential risk areas that may result in contract award delays.
The ALC CIP managers will establish internal timelines (Figure 4.5.) via the established gated
process outlining the milestone dates for verifying, validating, prioritizing, and approving the
ALC’s recommended investments in order to meet the annual CIP data call suspense. The
timelines included are associated with budget submission, package submission to contracting,
and Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) obligation goals. Additionally, all prioritized
projects must contain supporting documentation to justify the requirement being submitted for
AFSC/CA funding consideration.
Figure 4.1. (Added) Example Gate Tracker Milestone Dates. (Changed) When the CIP data call suspense is received from AFSC/LZ, the
ALC requirements prioritization process has already begun and will feed the ALC’s submission.
The process outlined in Paragraph will be followed to prioritize and select
requirements; that process begins in January the year prior to the budget submittal date. The
AFSC/LZ data call will be sent to the group and staff office workflow boxes, as well as, the
group CIP monitors and will include detailed submission requirements, due dates, and required
templates. The submission will be for the budget year and two out years. The group CIP
monitors and/or assigned project engineer are expected to compile their package requirements to
include a CCaR record, EA, EIP or EEP, PIAP (if applicable), Hierarchy of Controls, and other
supporting documentation to substantiate the score in the ALC Analysis portion of the CCaR
record for each project in the budget year. The ALC CIP managers will review and compile the
submission to provide to AFSC/LZDA. (Changed) AFSC/LZDA will work with the ALC CIP managers to resolve any
questions to ensure all projects are given equivalent consideration. The ALC CIP managers will
resolve any discrepancies with the group CIP monitors and group project engineer within three
business days of notification. (Changed) The target load sheet will be submitted to 72 CPTS/FMAS and
AFSC/FZR for input to GAFS-BQ and DIFMS, respectively, at the project level within two
business days of approval in CCaR. Once the funds are loaded in the financial systems, the ALC
CIP managers will notify the group CIP monitors/project engineers that funding documents can
be released for coordination. (Changed) The ALC Baseline Obligation Plan is created in coordination with
Contracting based on estimated contract award dates and considerations of Military
Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) acceptance dates for MIPR projects. The ALC CIP
manager will coordinate the proposed plan with group CIP monitors prior to providing the
baseline obligation plan to AFSC/LZDA.
Form &
Full EA or
Review of
SOW or
Tech Eval
package to-
PK -
Review /
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP_OC-ALCGM2022-01 21 MARCH 2022 (Changed) Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) guidance
provides all 3400 federal supply stock class equipment will be purchased by the Defense
Logistics Agency (DLA). The AFSC/CC MIPR approval coordination process is managed by
purchase request (PR)/MIPR control 429 SCMS/GUMAB using their MIPR coordination
system. (Changed) Reprogramming is handled by AFSC/LZDA on behalf of the ALC.
If an out-of-cycle requirement is identified or a cost increase is required and funding is not
available in the capability the requirement has been identified against, a reprogramming action
must occur. Once the ALC CIP managers are notified by the group CIP monitor of a pending
requirement, the ALC CIP manager will notify AFSC/LZDA of pending requirement and take
appropriate action. (Changed) The approval consideration process for an out-of- cycle, emergency,
and back-up investment project are the same as the regular approval coordination process. These
processes include the creation of the CCaR record, EA, group CC approval, technical director
approval, and ALC CIP manager’s approval before the project will be submitted to AFSC/LZ for
consideration. The CIP managers will submit to AFSC/LZDA upon receipt of all required
documentation and signatory authorities. (Changed) OC-ALC ensures projects FOC IAW the Engineering Execution Plan
(EEP)/Engineering Implementation Plan (EIP). Often projects have multiple deliverables
required to be in place prior to the project engineer declaring functional acceptability. In the
event a contract is not written to delineate required deliverables on separate Contract Line Item
Numbers (CLINs), the group CIP monitor, project engineer, or equipment custodian must
delineate the deliverables on the documentation required for FOC as determined by AFSC/FZR.
Once the equipment has reached FOC, it is the group CIP monitor, project engineer, and
equipment custodian’s (EC)’s responsibility to ensure the necessary documentation is completed
to get the equipment added to DIFMS and Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS).
DIFMS is the financial system used to maintain project depreciation records. DPAS is the system
used by the base equipment custodians to maintain equipment records. Additional instructions on
completing the necessary forms to add projects to DIFMS and DPAS can be found in AFSC SOP
CIP Fixed Assets Capitalization and Modifications: Working Capital Fund - CIP Fixed Assets
Capitalization and Modifications.pdf - All Documents ( Sample forms are located at the
following site: SOPs - Templates and Support Files - All Documents ( (Changed) Current and prior year project execution should be continually monitored
by the ALC CIP Manager to ensure any excess funds are returned to AFSC/LZDA in a timely
manner. Constant monitoring reduces the number of adjustments needed for the end of the year
close out. Execution activity is monitored by the CIP managers and documentation is
accomplished within FMSuite to ensure the tri-annual review (TAR) suspense is met.
Appropriate documentation uploaded to FMSuite will include at a minimum a justification for
why the obligation remains valid or what tasks are being accomplished to reduce outstanding
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP_OC-ALCGM2022-01 21 MARCH 2022 (Changed) The estimated depreciation included in the OC-ALC CIP budget
submission to AFSC/LZDA should include assets on the Fixed Asset Report with remaining
book value, assets on the FOC tracker or current year project list which are planned to be placed
in service within the budget period, as well as any anticipated contributed assets with remaining
book value. (Changed) Documentation to support the value must be provided during the
transfer of equipment for addition to the equipment file and a copy provided to AFSC/FZR. The
depreciation cost value will be added to the DIFMS financial system by AFSC/FZR. (Deleted) (Added) The project engineer must ensure all delivered equipment is
installed and achieves FOC IAW with EEP/EIP. If the asset will not achieve FOC by the
projected date, the project engineer must provide an action plan for achieving FOC to the group
CIP monitor and ALC CIP managers. (Changed) Prior to the beginning of the FY, skeleton records will be built in
Departmental Cash Management System - Skeleton Records (DCMS DSK). Final accounting
addresses will not be available until the beginning of the new FY. During the year of execution,
if a new line of accounting needs to be established, the CIP manager will accomplish a 72 CPTS
address build template with the appropriate accounting elements and send to the 72 CPTS
workflow account requesting creation in General Accounting and Finance System (GAFS-BQ).
Chapter 7
WORK CONTROL DOCUMENT (WCD) AND TECHNICAL DATA (Added) WCD reviews do not require a PPT meeting and will be documented on an
AFSC Form 500-2 WCD Review Checklist. When a WCD review requires a PPT meeting, it
will be documented on an AFSC Form 500 Documentation of Production Planning Team (PPT)
Meeting Minutes. Ref. AFSCMAN 21-102, Para 7.2.9. through (Added) AFSC Form 500-2 WCD Review Checklist is not required when an
AFSC Form 957 is submitted for typographical error corrections or clerical change requests as
this would not trigger a WCD review. (Added) The IET stamp is used to verify pen and ink changes to existing WCDs. (Added) Pen and ink changes are administrative in nature (i.e., AFMC Form 202
number change, Technical data reference change, verbiage change, etc.). The IET will line
through the incorrect information and make the changes to the WCD then stamp/date as close as
possible to the change. All pen and ink changes need to be corrected in the effected systems for
WCDs ASAP. (Added) Expeditors in the production maintenance groups are not issued
maintenance stamps for certification of work accomplished. Expeditors who receive and uncrate
incoming assets awaiting induction into production will legibly affix their printed name, job title,
legal signature, and date in the "Uncrate" task description block on the WCD as proof of
completion. Expeditors will only uncrate assets if the WCD certification block is coded "X" as
this code does not require any PAC certifications. If the WCD certification block for "Uncrate" is
coded "M", a PAC certified mechanic must accomplish the work and stamp the certification
block. (Added) Stamp Management. All Groups MXDS will implement procedures to
maintain control of maintenance stamps to include, at a minimum, the following: (Added) List the responsibilities of the Stamp Monitor. (Added) Administrative procedures/criteria for request, issue, control,
accountability, revocation, and recall of stamps. (Added) The requirements for documenting request, issue, receipt relocation, loss
and annual inventory of stamps. (Added) The Aircraft Maintenance Group’s allotment of numbers further segregates
the stamps by use of an alpha letterA for all Aircraft Squadron Production Flight stamps, and
X for 76 AMXG Expeditionary Depot Maintenance (EDMX) Flight stamps.
Chapter 8
QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA) (Changed) Group LEAP site managers (known hereafter as group site
managers) serve as the primary focal point for LEAP within their group. Each organization is
authorized two group site managers, a primary and an alternate. Additional group site managers
may be requested by submitting a letter/e-mail to the Complex site manager. The duties of the
group site manager shall include, but not be limited to: [Note: 76th Software Engineering
Group (76 SWEG) and 76th Maintenance Support Group (76 MXSG) will belong under the OC-
ALC/QASC and is exempt from this requirement.] (Changed) Submits in writing any e-mail issues, problems, recommendations
relating to LEAP software to the Complex Site Manager. (Changed) Updates personnel profiles (evaluated persons) names, stamp
numbers, and organizations within the LEAP system. (Deleted) Establishes a new assessment control number at the beginning of
each FY. (Deleted) May establish and maintain customer feedback forms for
users/customers within their group. (Changed) The following flow chart (Figure 8.1.) defines the process for tracking
Evaluator Proficiency Evaluation (EPE)s in TSS. EPEs will be documented in LEAP as EPE in
the quality assessment type block using “Quality Assurance” in the assessment category block
and “Evaluate the Evaluator” in the checklist block.
Figure 8.2. (Changed) PE/TSS Process for OC-ALC.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP_OC-ALCGM2022-01 21 MARCH 2022 (Deleted) Vehicle inspections will be input as MIs in LEAP and sent to the
owner of the vehicle, their supervisor for information or action, and the group QA office
workflow account. 76 AMXG organizations are required to fill in blocks in accordance with
IAW Table 8.6, and send the AFMC Form 343 to the respective squadron workflow account, as
well as the supervisor. (Changed) Occupational Health and Environmental inspections accomplished
will be input as MIs in LEAP. Occupational Health and Environmental organizations are
required to fill in blocks IAW Table 8.6 and send the AFMC Form 343 to the respective
squadron workflow account, as well as the supervisor. (Changed) No extensions will be granted for suspense dates. Issuing QA office
has two working days for acceptance or rejection of the AFMC Form 343 corrective/preventative
action(s). If a corrective/preventive action (CA/PA) is unacceptable/inadequate, the QAS will
notify the responsible person that a new CA/PA is required and document block 39 (Comments)
stating the QAS is working with the responsible person so an adequate CA/PA can be completed
in a timely matter. (Changed) Failed follow-up inspections will be briefed to the supervisor or
designated work center official and the AFMC Form 343 documented as “failed follow-up” with
details of the failure in follow-up assessment block. A new AFMC form 343 will be opened and
a new finding will be completed referencing the original control number of the failed follow-up.
The date used on the new finding will be the date of the failed follow-up. The original finding
page will be closed. The shop supervisor or designated work center official will be notified and
will be required to input a new corrective action. (Changed) Data generated from the submittal of subject forms shall be entered
and maintained in LEAP. LEAP provides approved users direct access for inputting, editing, and
viewing of data. Depot personnel may access LEAP for “View Only” purposes provided they
submit a Form DD2875, to their responsible group LEAP site manager. (Changed) Minimum data fields contained in LEAP AFMC Form 343 will
include the following (Table 8.6.). MXSG and SWEG inspections are conducted by OC-
ALC/QASC. Items required for QASC, but not applicable to MXSG and SWEG will be
annotated on Table 8.6.
Table 8.6. (Changed) Populating AFMC Form 343 in LEAP.
QVI Quality Verification
QVIQ-Quality Verification
Inspection Q-Stamps
RI Routine Inspection
PE Personnel Evaluation
SI Special Inspection
MI Management Inspection
DSV Detected Safety Violation
TDV Technical Data Violation
UCR Unsatisfactory Condition
EPE Evaluator Proficiency
RII Required Inspection Items
Yes; system requirement
Date Of
Date of assessment-select from
Yes; system requirement
Start Time
Four-digit designator in military
time format (numbers only).
Yes; system requirement
Total time used to complete
inspection (numbers and decimal).
Yes; system requirement
System generated Evaluation
Yes; auto-generated field
Category of the inspection type for
MIs and SIs (associated with block
In-Process or End-Process for QVI,
Yes; OC-ALC required on
QVIQ and RII inspections.
EPE select Quality
Sub Category
Routine Inspection List
Yes; OC-ALC required on
HQ or Local checklist used
(associated with block 6)
Yes; OC-ALC required on
select Evaluate the Evaluator
Quality rating assigned to each
assessment: QAR-1, QAR-3, or Not
Rated (Not Rated inspections must
be approved)
Yes; system requirement
Free text field used at the discretion
of QA Groups.
OC-ALC required for all
EPEs (enter QAS name).
QASC required for in-process
QVIQs with planned WCDs
use Q, hand scribed
inspections use QVIQ.
MXSG/SWEG excluded.
Group Assessed during inspection
Yes; system requirement
Squadron assessed during inspection
As applicable. QASP
Flight assessed during inspection
As applicable.
Section assessed during inspection
As applicable. QASP
required for RCC codes.
QASC required for Unit
Name of person responsible for
work/object being evaluated.
Yes; OC-ALC required on
inspections. Recommended
for all other inspections where
Stamp Number
Stamp number of person responsible
for work/object being evaluated.
System generated block when
Yes; OC-ALC required on
inspections. Recommended
for all other inspections where
MXSG/SWEG excluded.
Product / Process / Task / Service Assessment Classifier
National Stock Number (####-##-
applicable. QASC required
when available;
Manufacturer part number
identifying an item, assembly, end
item, or equipment.
QASC & QASP required on
PE, QVI, & QVIQ, optional
MXSG/SWEG excluded
Serial number. A unique number
that identifies an item, assembly,
end item or equipment.
QASA Tool Box # when
applicable. QASC & QASP
required on product if
available, optional otherwise.
A description of the product,
process, task, or service being
evaluated. If a product inspection,
the description should be consistent
with the Illustrated Parts
Yes; OC-ALC required.
QASP-use WCD title or pre-
test/post-test engine
Job Order Number. A number that
identifies an accounting entity.
As applicable. QASC add
gate Complete/Incomplete
List the Mission Design Series or
Type Model Series.
Yes; OC-ALC requirement on
all QVI, QVIQ and PE
MXSG/SWEG excluded
Weapon System Code. Identifies a
weapon system type.
Yes; OC-ALC required on all
inspections. QASP use
(PMXG). QASC use
Tail Number
Tail number of aircraft being
Required by QASA when
applicable, otherwise, if
Work Unit Code
Required by QASA when
applicable, otherwise if
available. QASP to identify
ITN on PE and QVIs
WCD Number
Work Control Document code
QASA - Task Inspection
Code, if applicable. WCD ID
number required for QASC &
MXSG/SWEG excluded
Operation Number of a production
Yes; OC-ALC required for
inspections, except
Recommended for all other
inspections when applicable.
Control Number use determined by
each QA group and defined by local
QASA - Gate number/0
required. QASC required for
PE & QVI (if available),
QASC T-jobs put P/N,
optional otherwise. QASP
required Audit Code.
PAC Task
PAC/TSS Task Code for task being
OC-ALC required TSS task
code on all PE, RII, QVI, and
QVIQ inspections.
MXSG/SWEG end process
Type of maintenance performed:
Organic or Contractor
As applicable
Product Area
Code that identifies shop/back shop,
file location, or ramp space.
Designates location where the
inspection was conducted.
Yes; system requirement
Code that identifies exact building,
ramp space, etc., where inspection
occurred or group area.
Yes; system requirement
Sample Size
Sample size of product or area
Required for RI inspections
and when applicable on MI
Used to indicate the acceptable
quality limit of the inspection
Yes; system requirement
Field reserved for use by each QA
QASA requires Inspection ID
code number, QASC requires
ITN/LDMS number on PE
and QVIs, optional otherwise.
MXSG/SWEG excluded
Defect code category
Yes; system requirement
Defect Code
Defect code description
Yes; system requirement
Rating value assigned to each
discrepancy: minor, major, or not
Yes; system requirement. ZD
inspections will use “Not
Used to show the deficiency has
been reported before, within a
specified time frame.
Yes; system requirement
Yes if showing a continuous
problem. If used, yes would
indicate the same problem
within the RCC within six
months. If yes for QASA,
enter repeat AFMC IMT 343
control number in block 20.
Name of person who performed the
Yes; auto-generated field
Parent organization identifier of
person who performed the
Yes; auto-generated field
Finding /
Each finding gets an auto-generated
Deficiency number associated with
the Evaluation number.
Yes; auto-generated field
Finding /
Describe the finding/deficiency
Yes, system requirement
References to support noted
deficiency; comment to describe
task being performed and other
information that may be helpful.
Optional, but highly
recommended. QASP
required. Sub-op description
and any other pertinent
information. QASC
document what gate was
MXSG/SWEG excluded
Reference AFI,
PO, Drawing
Regulation guidance, technical
order, process order, drawings, etc.
Used for the inspection or to identify
a discrepancy.
Yes; OC-ALC required on all
inspections, list primary tech
Chapter, Page,
Identifies the chapter, page, and/or
paragraph numbers (only) to the
reference used in block 21.
Yes; OC-ALC required on all
deficiencies. At a minimum,
must have paragraph number.
Chief Evaluator or Site Manager
reviews 343 for accuracy and
validates that data, finding, and
deficiency code are correct.
OC-ALC required on all
QAR3 deficiencies
Name of person responsible for the
area where inspection was
Yes; OC-ALC requirement
Organization identifier of person
who is responsible for area.
Yes; OC-ALC requirement
Suspense Date
Suspense date for submittal of
corrective/preventative action by
responsible person (area
Yes; auto-generated field
Action taken by the responsible
organization to correct the noted
Yes; OC-ALC requirement.
Input by the assessed
RCA Category
RCA category designator
Optional. May be requested
by QA
RCA Code
Three part code which categorizes
defects by root cause. Entered by
responsible person at time of
corrective/preventative input into
Optional. May be requested
by QA
Corrected By
Name of individual who performed
corrective action
Yes; OC-ALC requirement
Corrected By
Organization of person who
performed the corrective action
Yes; OC-ALC requirement
Action Date
Date corrective action performed
Yes; OC-ALC requirement.
Use calendar selection
Action To
Action taken by the responsible
organization to prevent noted
deficiency recurrence.
Optional. May be requested
by QA
Performed By
Name of individual who is
responsible for implementing the
preventative action
Optional. May be requested
by QA
Organization of person who is
responsible for implementing the
preventative action
Optional. May be requested
by QA
Plan Date
Date responsible organization plans
to have preventative action in place
Optional. May be requested
by QA.
Use calendar selection
Accept / Reject
Indicated whether a
corrective/preventative action is
accepted or rejected (Quality
Yes; OC-ALC requirement
Date Quality accepts/rejects the
proposed corrective/preventative
Yes; OC-ALC requirement
Use calendar selection
Any relative comments relating to
the acceptance/rejection of the
OC-ALC requirement for all
QA Follow-Up
Findings of follow-up assessment by
Quality, evaluating implementation
of corrective/preventative action
Yes; OC-ALC requirement
Follow-Up By
Name of person performing follow-
up assessment
Yes; OC-ALC requirement
Follow-Up By
Organization of person performing
follow-up assessment
Yes; OC-ALC requirement
Date follow-up assessment
completed. This closes the form and
finding when date is entered and
Yes; OC-ALC requirement.
This action closes the
Evaluation and the Finding.
8.6.1. (Changed) Current ISO/AS9110/ISO 9001 standard auditing. QAI is responsible for
planning and conducting internal current ISO/AS9110 standard program (non-weapon system
specific) audits within the OC-ALC to meet requirements contained in the current ISO/AS9110,
and ISO 9001 standard. OC-ALC organizations will be audited to current ISO/AS9110 standard. (Changed) CATS will be used to record non-conformances identified as well as the
corrective actions IAW OCALCI90-420 and this supplement. An AFMC Form 343 may be used
when a finding is an isolated occurrence not directly related to or impacting the product or
service being provided and would not normally be identified as a current ISO AS9110/ISO9001
standard audit finding. (Changed) Closure verification inspection performed on a CATS worksheet shall be
conducted by the issuing organization within 10 working days of request for closure. The
purpose of the verification audit is to verify successful implementation of the CAP and its
effective resolution of the problem. A 120 day follow-up inspection will be conducted after CAP
closure by the issuing organization to determine if the effectiveness of the CAP is being
maintained. Groups will be notified via e-mail when verification and/or follow-up activities are
unsuccessful. All verification and follow-ups will be documented as required by OCALCI90-
8.6.7. (Deleted) Each group shall identify Level I and, as applicable, Level II CAP approval
authority for their organization as required by OCALCI90-420. A Level II approving authority
will be required for organizations performing internal audits within their groups. For all CARs,
the Level I approval is performed by a Level I authority within the assessed organization and the
CAR is forwarded to the assessing organization. For all CARs issued as a result of a Complex
level or external audit (registrar) the Level II approval authority is the Complex Quality office
and Level I approval authority is the OC-ALC/QA. The Level II approval authority for other
CARS will be the designated Level II approval authority within the organization that issued the
CAR. Level I and Level II approval authorities will document, process, review, approve and/or
disapprove CAR/CAP IAW the process and procedures contained in OCALCI90-420. (Deleted) Level I and Level II approval authorities within the OC-ALC will review
and approve or disapprove the CAR, and CAP based on the requirements and using the process
contained in OCALCI90-420.
8.6.9. (Changed) The appointed OAA shall report CAR status every 30 days to the Lead
Auditor from date the CAP is approved throughout CAP implementation until the CAR is closed. (Changed) An organization may revise or update the CAP after it has been approved.
When necessary, the group POC will be responsible for contacting the Lead Auditor to request
changes to the CAP. Upon approval, the revised CAP will be updated in CATS.
8.6.10. (Deleted) Within OC-ALC the "deferred" status in CATS may be used under the
following conditions with the approval of the organization that issued the CAR.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP_OC-ALCGM2022-01 21 MARCH 2022 (Deleted) When the CAP planned completion date is more than 60 days and the
same CAP is used to correct the non-conformances in two or more CARs. For this condition the
following process will be used. One CAR will be used for tracking the status of the
implementation of the CAP and will use processes IAW OCALCI90-420 and this supplement.
The CAR used for tracking the CAP implementation will include in both the CAP and notes
section of CATS, a statement that the CAP is also the corrective action for (insert CAR #) being
deferred. The CAR(s) deferred will include all the entries as required by OCALCI90-420 and
will include in the CAP and notes section of CATS, a statement that corrective action is being
tracked under (insert CAR#). The planned completion date of all CARs will be the same. Thirty
day status reporting is required on the CARs in "deferred" status. When requesting closure on the
CAR being used to track implementation, the assessed organization will request closure on those
associated CARs that were deferred. (Deleted) When the CAP requires action from an authority outside of OC-ALC. The
CAR deferred will include all the entries as required by OCALCI90-420 and will include in the
CAP and notes section of CATS, a statement explaining the reason for the deferral. The planned
completion date of the CAR will be the same. Thirty day status reporting is required on a CAR in
"deferred" status.
Chapter 10
TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT (Changed) Monitor FEM for overdue loaned tools and tools awaiting pickup by the
groups. (Deleted) Dispatchable tool kits (DTK). Tool kits specifically designed for checkout
from PSC will be taken to a job site with one individual responsible for the tool kit. (Changed) A database has been added to Facilities and Equipment Maintenance
(FEM) to track annual inspections. Once the employee signs the TKCRL, they are accepting that
the documentation matches the physical inventory. The master TKCRL (original) will be
maintained at the MTIC. A second copy of the TKCRL will remain with the tool kit at all times
and will be suitably protected so that the list will remain legible. Both the signed TKCRL and
any updated version of the tool kit listing should be utilized for annual inspections as a resource
to ensure both listings match and any discrepancies are identified and communicated to the
MTIC. Every six months supervisor inspections will be conducted and maintained in FEM or
applicable database (applies to 76 CMXG only). (Changed) Upon initial issue of a new kit, the supervisors or designee must enter
the issue date into FEM annual inspection database. Group Tool Manager (GTM) will enter issue
date upon notification from Main Tool Issue Center (MTIC) for six month (semi-annual)
supervisor inspection (applies to 76 CMXG only). (Changed) Supervisors or designee must enter the date of annual inspection of all
tool kits under their control into FEM. Supervisors or designee must enter the date of six month
(semi-annual) supervisor inspection of all tool kits under their control into FEM (Applies to 76
CMXG only). (Changed) The official record of the annual inspection will be maintained in
FEM. (Added) Until FEM is operational, each respective GTM will maintain the
official record for annual inspections. (Changed) Template changes will be requested using FEM tool request form. (Changed) Turn-in-transfer request will be accomplished by using the FEM tool
request form. (Added) When tools are added to an existing tool kit, it is acceptable for the tool kit
owner to inlay/shadow/silhouette the added tools. (Changed) If supplied from a PSC, the PSC personnel must obtain supervisor
authorization prior to initial issue of items controlled on the supplemental list. Requests to add
supplemental tooling (tooling purchased around the MTIC that needs to be added to the TK) to
the Supplemental Listing shall be requested via email to MTIC workflow. Once request for
supplemental tool listing modification is received, the MTIC shall ensure proper documentation
of the supplemental listing items in the tool kit. The approved supplemental list for OC-ALC is
the OC-ALC Form 539 Supplemental Listing. (Changed) MTIC managed tools that require etching or replacement shall be
documented via FEM Tool Delivery Receipt. The receipt shall be placed in the TK until the tool
has been issued/replaced. (Added) MTIC will not etch/mark any grease guns, dispensing cans, spray bottles,
pump oilers, or similar containers due to potential flammability hazards that exist with such
containers. (Changed) Additional instruction for AFSC Form 309. Pages two and three of
AFSC Form 309 are available for documenting additional inspections performed where a high
completion of logical sequence of work exists (defined as a job, task, work step, etc.) and
movement to another area. Extra pages of 2 and 3 can be utilized, but they must be tracked to the
parent AFSC Form 309 on page one by usage date and kit number. (Deleted) The 76 AMXG. Tools may be transferred from tool crib to tool crib if
they fall under the same RCC. This will be documented and managed by tool crib supervision;
the over eight-hour process will remain the same at each location. (Changed) The 76 PMXG. All tool kits will be inspected by the supervisor, wage
leader or designee at 180 day intervals. This inspection will be documented in FEM and will be
the official record. (when re-established) (Changed) Supervisors or designee must enter the date of annual inspection of all
tool kits under their control into FEM. (when re-established) (Changed) The official record of the annual inspection will be maintained in
FEM. (when re-established) (Changed) Random inspections will be conducted in the same manner as the
supervisory inspections and documented in FEM accordingly. (when re-established) (Changed) Replacement of broken/worn tooling will be fulfilled via MTIC tool
delivery. (Deleted) Quotes requested through FEMWeb will be available in FEMWeb
within 10 days. (Changed) Overdue tools will be emailed to the GTM & Section Chief, for
immediate return to MTIC.
Chapter 13
PREVENTION PROGRAM (Changed) FOD Reports: The MOC notify Complex primary/alternate
FOD/DOP by phone after being notified of FOD. (Changed) FOD incidents: All FOD incidents will be reported with the exception
of minor sand nicks or scratches IAW OC-ALCI91-11. MIRS - Mishap &
Incident Reporting System. The initial FOD report will be completed by a supervisor on duty
within TWO HOURS of suspected or confirmed FOD incidents. The two-hour time constraint is
for FOD/DO reports only; this will allow for coordination through OC-ALC before the report is
released to HQ AFMC/A4M. The supervisor completing the FOD report will include all data in
Figure 13.1 of this supplement (found at the end of this chapter), OC-ALC and Aerospace
Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG) only. Supervisors will use the FOD reporting
flowchart (Figure 13.2., found at the end of this chapter) to determine if damage is within limits
and should be reported as a general report (damage within limits, no maintenance action needed)
or out of limits, requiring maintenance action (i.e., blending, replace, repair etc.). (Changed) DOP Incidents: All DOP incidents will be reported IAW OC-
ALCI91-11. IMMEDIATELY call the MOC when there is a known DO. The MOC will
IMMEDIATELY call the Airfield Management Operations (AM OPS) and base safety. Use the
Online MIRS - Mishap & Incident Reporting System. The DOP report will be completed by a
supervisor on duty within TWO HOURS. The two-hour time constraint is for FOD/DOP reports
only; this will allow for coordination through OC-ALC before the report is released to HQ
AFMC/A4M. (Changed) DOP Reports: The MOC will notify Complex primary/alternate
FOD/DOP by phone after being notified of DOP. (Changed) The following areas have been designated as FOD critical areas
within the OC-ALC: It is the responsibility of all maintenance personnel working in these areas
to be vigilant of FO and dispose of all FO at all times. All other areas not identified are
considered non-critical FOD areas. Non-critical FOD Areas that maintain, repair, and/or inspect
aircraft and propulsion parts/equipment will still comply with FOD prevention/control and
housekeeping procedures. (Changed) Engine assembly/disassembly shops and quick engine change. (Changed) Group and squadron FOD/DOP focal points will perform FOD spot
checks of their assigned areas of responsibility monthly. A minimum of 2 inspections per month
for each squadron will be conducted. The discrepancies found during the spot checks will be
entered in the Logistics Evaluation Assurance Program (LEAP). The group focal points will
forward their quarterly data from the spot checks to the Complex focal point by the 10
day following the quarter.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP_OC-ALCGM2022-01 21 MARCH 2022 (Changed) Every quarter, each group point of contact (POC) will submit a
nominee for their respective group (if applicable) to the Complex FOD POC and alternate, NLT
the seventh working day after the completion of the previous quarter. Nominee information will
include the name and location of the area being nominated, the supervisor’s name, and a
narrative of why this area deserves to win the Complex award. This information will be given to
OC-ALC senior management and submitted to the Tinker Take Off for publicity. Additionally,
this information will be 50 percent of the rating criteria. The winning team will receive a banner
for their work center, recognition in the Tinker Take Off and on the marquee.
13.12.2. (Changed) A Practical Problem Solving Method, also known as 8 step (or equivalent)
is required by the group for all preventable FOD incidents over $50K. (Changed) Group POCs are required to send a copy of the Failure Analysis Service
Technology (FAST) to OC-ALC FOD monitor and alternate within 24 hours of receipt. (Changed) The group POC will send a status to the OC-ALC FOD monitor and
alternate by the seventh working day of every month until closed. This status will be briefed in
the weekly Quality chief meetings. (Deleted) Steps seven and eight will be followed up 90 days after step six has been
completed by the group POC. (Deleted) Minimum attendees for 8-Step meetings: Group’s lead for the 8-Step,
group’s FOD POC, and any other knowledgeable candidates who would add value to the
process. (Changed) All FOD 8-Steps (or equivalent) will be briefed to OC-ALC senior
management by the group’s lead of the 8-Step, during the quarterly FOD/DOP meetings.
Figure 13.1. (Changed) FOD Report.
1. PURPOSE: To gain Group approval to forward this report to HQ AFMC/A4M.
BACKGROUND: FOD incidents will be reported to HQ AFMC/A4M within 24 hours of
occurrence. The following process was put in place to inform leadership before notification to
Incident is reported to 76 AMXG/MXDSO, Maintenance Control Center (MOC).
MOC immediately notifies OC-ALC/SE and Complex FOD Manager by telephone.
MOC drafts this e-mail. (Records name of OC-ALC/SE person notified and time of
notification below).
MOC forwards to the appropriate Group Commander’s personal account with telephone
notification to recipient. (Subject line shows date/time due to HQ and is sent with high
Appropriate Group Commander/CC/CL/DD/CD approves release of this report to
HQ AFMC/A4M by forwarding e-mail to 76 AMXG/MXDSO All [email protected]
followed with phone notification to 736-2500 (MOC).
f. (Changed) MOC forwards e-mail to OC-ALC using the appropriate group mailbox
(AMXG FOD/DOP Report Notification) reporting mailbox or (PMXG FOD/DOP PMXG
Report Notification) reporting mailbox located on the global address list.
Summary of incident:
Date and time of incident:
Base, unit, and location of incident:
When discovered (preflight, postflight, in-coming, test cell, etc.) owning unit, Owning base:
Owning Command, engine type, make, series, modification (TMSM), serial number and
installed position (if applicable):
Description of damage:
Certifying official if impounded: name, grade/rank, unit, office symbol, DSN and commercial
DISPOSITION of aircraft or engine:
OC-ALC/SE person notified:
Time of OC-ALC/SE notification:
This is preliminary data only. For follow-on investigation results, please contact the Complex
FOD Manager. For information during off-duty hours, please contact 76 AMXG/MXDSO,
MOC, at 736- 2500.
Figure 13.3. (Changed) DOP Report.
1. PURPOSE: To gain group approval to forward this report to HQ AFMC/A4M.
BACKGROUND: All DOP incidents will be reported to HQ AFMC/A4M within 24 hours
of occurrence. If it involves casualties, property damage, or if adverse publicity is likely, the
safety office should be notified immediately. The following process was put in place to inform
leadership before notification to HQ AFMC/A4M:
a. Incident is reported to 76 AMXG/MXDSO, Maintenance Control Center (MOC).
b.MOC immediately notifies OC-ALC/SE and Complex FOD Manager by telephone.
c. MOC drafts this e-mail (records name of OC-ALC/SE person notified and time of
notification below).
d. MOC forwards to the appropriate group commander’s personal account with telephone
notification to recipient. (Subject line shows date/time due to HQ and is sent with high
e. Appropriate group commander/CC/CL/DD/CD approves release of this report to HQ
AFMC/A4M by forwarding e-mail to 76 AMXG/MXDSO All [email protected] followed
with phone notification to (405) 736-2500 (MOC).
f. MOC forwards e-mail to OC-ALC using the appropriate group mailbox (AMXG FOD/DOP
Report Notification) reporting mailbox or (PMXG FOD/DOP PMXG Report Notification)
reporting mailbox located on the global address list.
Summary of incident:
Date and time of incident:
Base, unit, and location of incident:
When discovered (preflight, postflight, in-coming, etc.): Owning unit, Owning base, Owning
MDS and tail number: Item, noun, description:
Certifying official if impounded: name, grade/rank, unit, office symbol, DSN and commercial
OC-ALC/SE person notified: Time of OC-ALC/SE notification:
This is preliminary data only. For follow-on investigation results, please contact the Complex
FOD/DOP Manager. For information during off-duty hours, please contact 76 AMXG/MXDSO,
MOC, at 736- 2500.
Figure 13.4. (Changed) Areas of Responsibilities.
GREEN: 507
Chapter 18
DEPOT MAINTENANCE MATERIEL CONTROL (Changed) The 76 AMXG. If a component is installed and found to be defective,
the condition forms/tags for the defective component will be retrieved from designated ALS
and placed with the defective component for disposition in accordance with the applicable
directive. Exception: defective avionics equipment will be controlled.
18.14.3. (Changed) When an employee retrieves IPV material from open bin or auto crib, the
following must occur. Employee places individual NSN/Part Number in a separate bag and
clearly labels each bag with the BSL bin location and manufacturers part number or NSN of each
item taken. Material will not be co-mingled in bags. (Added) Residual/excess material is NOT to be placed back into the
BSL/Autocribs by Air Force personnel. All residual material will be bagged and tagged
accordingly and placed in their appropriate color-coded tubs as explained in (Changed) Established forms, must be published within E-Publishing, and include
a checkpoint to indicate if material is indirect. When indirect material is required for
consumption on aircraft, engines and commodities, and not listed on the ABOM indirect table,
the PST will check the appropriate box on the material request form and send form to planner.
The planner will load material to the ABOM indirect table, coordinate, sign and return material
request form to PST. After validating the request form, the PST will use the automated bill of
material (ABOM). The 76 CMXG will use the Lean Depot Management system (LDMS) to
process material orders, and no issue request form is necessary. (Changed) OC-ALC Form 111 Unplanned Material Request (Figure 18.13)
may be used by 76 PMXG, 76 CMXG, 76 AMXG in lieu of forms listed in for
unplanned material request. (Changed) Part number request for non-stock listed (NSL) material will be
processed through the part number supply support request (PNSSR) system. If the Source
Maintenance Recoverability (SMR) code found in provisional T. O. shows this should be a
local manufactured item, select “JCL/JBD” in the SOS. (Changed) If credit is expected, research must be accomplished prior to
input and the NSN must be in a buy status. The forced credit indicator must be used with
caution. (Changed) Production/Mechanic will give tagged material to PST.
The PST will utilize the MN044P screen in NIMMS to process the turn-in to the Y- Store, the
input generates a stow document. Print Stowage Document and attach to material along with
DD Form 1574 if material is not in factory packaging. Verify the quantity has been added to
store detail via MN090P when turn-in is processed. Place material in the Outgoing area for
DLA- A SSC to pick up during daily run.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP_OC-ALCGM2022-01 21 MARCH 2022 (Changed) For serviceable part cost code “B” issued to maintenance, a turn-
in of the same part or an interchangeable and substitution (I&S) linked substitute must be used
to clear the DIFM. Turn-ins are reparable “F” condition or condemned “H” condition. The 76
AMXG is only authorized to turn-in cost code “B” material into “F” condition. The Wholesale
and Retail Receiving Shipping System (D035K) retail transaction history inquiry (RINA),
DIFM document number inquiry (RINE) and mass request for retail transaction history
(MRAG) screens are used to track DIFM/DOTM details. Exchange material transactions create
one of four details. These details are essential to identify and control the issue and turn-in of
exchange material.
18.40.3. (Changed) The AF PST or DIFM monitor will follow-up on D6 turn-ins. If the D6
has not crossed the daily DIFM/DOTM list within ten days, the AF PST should verify the status
of the turn-in. Initiate a DLA-OC/DL Form 14, D6 Turn-in Research Checklist (Figure 18.12),
and send to DLA Inventory Care of Supply and Storage (COSIS) team for research. Contact
information for the COSIS team is 739-3804 or Email [email protected] (Changed) Additions to bench stock: When an NSN is identified to be added
to bench stock under the IPV contract, the following process will be completed. Any item with
a unit price greater than $250 ($750 for Avionics) and the unit of issue is “each” will require
coordination by the group business office prior to loading to bench stock. (Changed) Once the AFSC Form 231 change recommendation/approval form
with appropriate coordination/approval is completed, the planner will forward to DLA Aviation
(DSCR) contracting officer representative (COR) office technical assistant for processing. (Added) Movement of IPV Bench Stock Locations. (Added) When a group identifies a need to move a Bench Stock Location
(BSL), coordination and notice must be given to OC-ALC/OBWC, DLA COR, and Lockheed
Martin. (Added) When a movement of an IPV BSL is warranted, the following
procedures must be followed to relocate the BSL. (Added) All groups will utilize the BSL Update Request Template to
request a BSL movement. Ensure all requested information is filled out accurately. (Added) Once completed, the group must send the template to the specific
IPV Workflow box: [email protected], [email protected], and (Added) DLA will process the request and forward the information to
Lockheed Martin to update their systems. Once LM has updated their system with the new
location, they will notify the DLA COR, who in turn, will inform OC-ALC/OB and groups
POC/shop as indicated on the request template. (Added) Each organization is responsible for contacting the DLA COR in a
timely manner prior to any movement of a BSL. Failure to follow the proper procedures could
result in a delay in parts being delivered to their respective bins.
Chapter 20
MAINTENANCE TRAINING (Added) The supervisor will assign the task(s) to the best qualified
journeyman technician, enter an OJT start date, and make a note in sec IV that the technician was
assigned to accomplish work for which he/she was not certified. (Added) The supervisor will conduct a search via the TSS Supervisor
Dashboard function to identify personnel who were previously certified on task. (Added) If there are individuals who are identified as being previously
certified on the task, the supervisor will reach out to the individual’s supervisor to ascertain the
possibility of the employee being available to conduct OJT with the identified journeyman
technician. (Added) If there are no previously certified personnel available to conduct
training with the journeyman technician, then the task must be conducted by the technician, with
oversight by the Group Process Engineering Authority, until the Engineering Authority and the
technician feel confident that the employee can perform the task at the required proficiency level. (Changed) Group Training and PAC Program Managers will conduct quarterly
face-to-face PAC and Training Compliance inspections. These inspections will be conducted at
the point of execution level of first-line supervisors. The number of inspections (sample size)
will be based on the number of first level supervisors, within the Group, who are assigned
maintenance technicians who stamp off WCDs. The quarterly inspection sample size will be
10% of the total number of first level supervisors and then 20% of the employees assigned to that
supervisor. (Added) Prior to the Group Training and PAC Managers conducting their
quarterly inspections, notification will be sent, at least 2 days prior to inspections, to the
Complex PAC Program Manager identifying date, time, location, and list of supervisors to be
Chapter 22
CONTRACT SURVEILLANCE (Changed) Identify additional contract surveillance requirements in the PP. PP
surveillance will be based on the minimum surveillance necessary to assess effective and
efficient contractor compliance to performance work statement requirements. Surveillance
methods shall be based on performance-based contract assessment methods and techniques. (Changed) The scope of contract performance assessment or inspection
shall be based by the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP), the Performance Work
Statement (PWS), and the Statement of Work (SOW). (Changed) Surveillance scheduling. The COR will develop a monthly
schedule of surveillance activities based on PP requirements in the Procurement Integrated
Enterprise Environment (PIEE). The schedule must be completed no later than five duty days
prior to the beginning of the period it covers. (Changed) COR organizations in coordination with the FSM and
PCO/ACO will accomplish annual contractor performance reporting for contracts awarded >= 1
million dollars for service contracts and >= 5 million dollars for commodity contracts using the
Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) as identified in the May
CPARS Guide. For more information: (Changed) Acceptance of services will be accomplished utilizing Form
DD250, Material Inspection and Receiving Report, or in the Wide Area Workflow Payment in
the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE). It is the Primary and Alternate
COR’s responsibility to validate the accuracy of financial figures submitted by the contractor
prior to the government paying for services. (Deleted) Review contractor proposals to new or revised DoD, AF, MAJCOM
and local directives. (Deleted) Evaluate contractor proposals and provide comments and
recommendations to the FSM and ACO/PCO. (Changed) Acceptance of services will be accomplished utilizing Form
DD250 or in Wide Area Workflow Payment in the Procurement Integrated Enterprise
Environment (PIEE). (Changed) Perform surveillance according to the Performance Work Statement
(PWS), Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) and the Performance Plan. (Changed) Evaluate the effectiveness of the contractor's involvement in mishap
investigations, IAW DAFI 91-204, Safety Investigations and Reports.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP_OC-ALCGM2022-01 21 MARCH 2022 (Changed) Contract specific training. Training must be completed for each
contract to which the Primary and Alternate COR is assigned. The FSM ensures the PCO/ACO
provides this training as required by Air Force Federal Acquisition Regulation System
(AFFARS) Mandatory Procedure 5346.103, The Quality Assurance Program. (Changed) Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 49, Termination of
Contracts. During the termination of a contract, the COR organization is responsible to ensure
the contractor meets all criteria outlined in the PWS, SOW, and/or contractor plans. The COR
will inform the FSM, PCO/ACO, and Chief COR of any work not accomplished prior to the
termination of the contract. (Added) The COR will develop monthly surveillance schedules based on PP
and QASP requirements. The COR will submit via Surveillance and Performance Monitoring
(SPM) in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) to the Chief COR for review
and forward to the FSM for approval prior to CORs submittal to the PCO/ACO five duty days
prior to the beginning of the period it covers. The COR must provide a copy via SPM in PIEE
of the surveillance schedule to the ACO before the start of the surveillance period. Post
changes to the schedules observations as they occur and send copies to the ACO and FSM via
MANUAL 21-102
3 JUNE 2021
ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-Publishing website at for downloading or ordering
RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication
Supersedes: AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP,
2 August 2018
Certified by: OC-ALC/QA
(Mr. Daniel McCabe)
Pages: 152
This supplement implements and extends the guidance of the Air Force Sustainment Center
Manual (AFSCMAN) 21-102, Depot Maintenance Management and applies to Oklahoma City Air
Logistics Complex (OC-ALC). It contains depot maintenance management processes and
procedures previously found in the following publications: Air Force Instruction (AFI) 21-101_Air
Force Materiel Command Supplement (AFMCSUP) OC-ALCSUP, Aircraft and Equipment
Maintenance Management, Air Force Materiel Command Instruction (AFMCI) 21-105 OC-
ALCSUP1, Depot Maintenance Work Measurement, AFMCI21-130 OC-ALCSUP, Depot
Maintenance Material Control. This OC-ALCSUP may be supplemented at any level, but all
supplements must be routed to Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for coordination prior to
certification and approval. Refer recommended changes and questions about this publication to
the OPR using the Air Force (AF) Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication; route
AF Forms 847 from the field through appropriate functional chain of command. The authorities to
waive wing/unit level requirements in this publication are identified with a Tier (“T-0, T-1, T-2,
and T-3”) number following the compliance statement. See Department of the Air Force
(DAFI)33-360, Publications and Forms Management, for a description of the authorities
associated with the Tier numbers. Submit requests for waivers through the chain of command to
the appropriate Tier waiver approval authority, or alternately, to the publication OPR for non-
tiered compliance items. Ensure all records created as a result of processes prescribed in this
publication are in accordance with DAFI33-360 and disposed of in accordance with Air Force
Records Information Management System (AFRIMS) Records Disposition Schedule (RDS). The
use of the name or mark of any specific manufacturer, commercial product, commodity, or service
in this publication does not imply endorsement by the AF.
This publication has been significantly revised and should be reviewed in its entirety. It
incorporates several updated depot maintenance management processes and procedures.
Chapter 1
1.1.1. (Added) OC-ALC shall: provide Complex level policy, guidance, and staff coordination
for all activities required to operate depot maintenance activities for AF weapon systems and is
the OPR for this supplement. (Added) All waiver packages pertaining to this supplement shall be fully coordinated
through OC-ALC/Quality Assurance (QA). See waiver template, Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1. (Added) Waiver Request Template.
1.14. (Added) OC-ALC/Commander (CC) shall:.
1.14.1. (Added) Ensure effective management of the Complex maintenance training program in
accordance with (IAW) AFI36-2651, Air Force Training Program, AFI36-2650, Maintenance
Training, AFI36-2650, AFMCSUP, Maintenance Training, and Chapter 21 of this supplement.
Provide aircraft, personnel, and equipment to support the maintenance training program.
1.14.2. (Added) Provide facilities and support (e.g., standard tools/equipment and Command
approved management information systems (MIS)s for organizations performing depot
maintenance or providing technical assistance at operating locations.
1.14.3. (Added) Ensure Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century (AFSO21) and
continuous process improvement activities are conducted in all depot maintenance organizations;
ensure improvement results are appropriately implemented and measured. (Added) The foundation for investigating and solving problems within the Complex is
the practical problem solving method (PPSM) found in the AFSO21. (Added) Group CC/directors, staff office directors or deputies will consider using an
AFSO21 8-Step event for the following events: (Added) All impoundments. (Added) Significant property damage (Class C or above). (Added) Quality escapes. (Added) Chargeable foreign object damage (FOD)/dropped object prevention
(DOP) incidents (Class C or above). (Added) The team will include subject matter experts (SME)s from production, QA,
process engineering, and other SMEs as deemed necessary. The team will out-brief the applicable
Complex CC/vice director (DV) and group CC/civilian leader/(CL) or deputy director
(DD)/deputy commander (CD) as required after step four and again after step eight.
1.14.4. (Added) Ensure an effective Crash Damaged or Disabled Aircraft Recovery (CDDAR)
capability is in place. Publish a complex/group instruction containing specific responsibilities for
the Complex.
1.14.5. (Added) Establish a self-assessment program (SAP) IAW AFI90-201 AFMCSUP, The
Air Force Inspection System, and Chapter 8 of this supplement.
1.14.6. (Added) Develop, implement, and maintain standardized processes and procedures to
address Contract Field Team (CFT) requirements IAW AFMCI21-141, Contract Field Team
(CFT) Program.
1.14.7. (Added) Establish configuration management and control of scheduled and unscheduled
maintenance activities.
1.14.8. (Added) Establish a process to integrate tool and equipment management with aircraft,
missile, and commodity component supportability actions on non-parts supportability elements as
outlined in the Logistics Requirements Determination Process (LRDP).
1.14.9. (Added) Establish a process to determine, document, and communicate to Headquarters
(HQ) Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) information required to report Consolidated
Sustainment Activity Group- Maintenance (CSAG-M) Fund 6 data as outlined in Department of
Defense (DoD) 7000.14-R, Volume 2B, Chapter 9.
1.14.10. (Added) Develop, implement, and maintain standardized processes and procedures to
execute the Capital Investment Program (CIP) within the Defense Working Capital Fund (DWCF)
as outlined in DoD 7000.14-R, Volumes 1-15.
1.14.11. (Added) Develop, implement, and maintain standardized processes and procedures to
ensure AFSC military construction (MILCON) projects are properly represented and vetted
to/through the AFMC corporate process.
1.15. (Added) Use of government or personal cell phones and electronic devices are IAW
American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) 214 and AFGE 916 Memorandum
of Agreement.
1.15.1. (Added) Personal cell phones and personal hand-held radios (walkie-talkies, ultra-high
frequency (UHF), very high frequency (VHF), amateur radio (HAM)) are prohibited from being
carried or used in critical FOD areas. Critical FOD areas are defined in Chapter 13 of this
supplement. In non-critical FOD areas, users will remove themselves from the maintenance
activity prior to using a personal cell phone or personal hand-held radio. Removing oneself from
the maintenance activity is defined as "going outside the yellow line."
1.15.2. (Added) Cell phones will not be used within 10 feet of any explosive operation IAW
AFMAN91-201, Explosives Safety Standards. Cell phone use is prohibited within 10 feet of
internal fuel cell maintenance IAW technical order (TO) 1-1-3, Inspection and Repair of Aircraft
Integral Tanks and Fuel Cells, TO 00-25-172, Ground Servicing of Aircraft and Static
Grounding/Bonding, and fuel servicing operations IAW AFMAN91-203, Air Force Occupational
Safety, Fire, and Health Standards.
Chapter 3
REQUIREMENTS REVIEW AND DEPOT DETERMINATION (R2D2) (Added) At OC-ALC, Other Funded Customer Orders (OFCO)s are captured and file-
maintained in the Maintenance Planning and Execution (MP&E) system by AF Life Cycle
Management Center (AFLCMC), 448 SCMW, AF Nuclear Weapons Center (AFNWC), OC-
ALC/Business Office Workloading (OBW), and OC- ALC/Business Office Partnering (OBP). (Added) 10 United States Code (USC) § 2474 Public Private Partnership (PPP)
customer orders will be obtained via the industry partner through the AFLCMC program office. (Added) OC-ALC will build an AP regardless if total workload changes by +/- 5%.
This is done to capture any workload/shop/skill set changes from R2D2. (Added) Unlike direct labor employees custodial account (CA) man hours (paid hours)
do not include holidays. CA employees should use leave without pay (KA) Z61633976000 when
not at work for any circumstance such as vacation or illness. The KA type hour code should also
be used when contractors are participating in contractor-directed training defined as training
required and paid for by the contractor for their employees. (Source: AFMCI65-101, Depot
Maintenance Accounting and Production System-Financial Policy and Procedures for Depot
Maintenance). (Added) The available hours automatically entered in cell M1 of the Manpower and
Capability 8203 Report includes the 10 federally recognized holidays. At OC-ALC, the hours in
cell M1 are referred to as paid hours while available hours excludes federal holidays.
Chapter 4
CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAM (CIP) (Added) All proposed Information Technology (IT) investments must be coordinated
through the Air Logistics Complex (ALC) CIP managers prior to input into the 72 ABW/SC
approved requirements tracking system for coordination and approval by the AFSC/CIO. (Added) IT and/or communications projects will initially be coordinated at the local
level with 72 ABW/SCXP. 72 ABW/SCXP will assist in getting the project loaded to the approved
requirements tracking system for review when necessary. Project discussions should start as soon
as an IT and/or communications requirement is identified to ensure timely input. The organization
investing in IT will provide information about the investment to IT investment Portfolio Managers
for registration review during planning stages. The investing organization will provide required
information via local Portfolio Management (PfM) processes. AF IT investments are registered
and reported in the Information Technology Investment Portfolio Suite (ITIPS). The organization
will appoint personnel, primary and alternate program managers, to manage the IT investment via
the local PfM process. Once an investment is registered, the owner will be guided through
compliance areas such as National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and Clinger-Cohen Act
(CCA) approval. Contact the AFSC Tinker IT Portfolio Management Team via the Enterprise
Information Management (EIM) site: Use
the PfM Team e-mail address for contacting the first available team member. Additional
information and links concerning AF IT Investment PfM and ITIPS are located on the PfM site;
for example, see PfM Summary and Background Information. Be advised, the NDAA Defense
Business System (DBS) Organizational Execution Plan (OEP) certification process is lengthy and
can take up to one year before final approval is provided. (Added) The ALC Technical Director is responsible for coordinating on all CIP
projects to ensure they support the ALC strategic initiatives. The technical director’s coordination
in the project submission process is outlined in Paragraph (Added) In addition to the internal collaborative cross-examination of projects, the
ALC technical director provides the OC-ALC project list to Warner-Robins and Ogden ALC
technical directors for their review. This review is intended to identify any excess equipment or
capacity available within the AFSC. If excess equipment/capacity is identified, the OC-ALC CIP
managers will work to coordinate the transfer of the equipment through the respective OC-ALC
group CIP monitors, the OC-ALC technical director, and the receiving ALC CIP managers. (Added) The group CIP monitor and/or project engineer are responsible for creating
the Comprehensive Cost and Requirements (CCaR) records at the group level. Upon identification
of a requirement that meets CIP guidelines, a CCaR record should be created. At a minimum, the
record must contain known project information including the project name, estimated cost, project
engineer, and project point of contact (POC). Additional supporting documentation, such as:
vendor estimates, statement of work (SOW), statement of objectives, etc., must be loaded to the
project’s CCaR in the “Tools” section under “Attachments”.
8 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) The ALC RLMT was developed and implemented to ensure data-driven
decisions were steering the selection process for requirements to be funded through CIP. The tool
must contain all requirements $100K or greater and must be utilized by all production groups. OC-
ALC/FMA will provide milestones and send suspense to 76 MXSG in the December timeframe.
76 MXSG will then provide a data call, in the January timeframe, to all groups which will signal
the requirement owner to begin refining their listing of requirements in the tool. (Added) IT Investment owners should be aware of requirements in their specific
functional area (Logistics, Acquisition, etc.). Refer to AFMAN 63-144 for guidance on business
capabilities (Business Mission Area). The 72 ABW/SC will review IT investments for compliance
with higher level guidance for IT investments. The OC-ALC appointed Project Managers of IT
investments are responsible for IT investment compliance (AFMCI33-108, AFMC Life Cycle
Information Technology Governance), while the 72 ABW/SC may have some oversight and/or
assistance roles. Note: AFMCI 33-108 (certified current 19 March 2018) has not updated
references from Enterprise Information Technology Data Repository (EITDR) to ITIPS. (Added) All workload projections used for creating the economic analysis (EA) and
listed on the Electronic Prioritization and Reporting Template (e-PART) will be validated by ALC
business office in coordination with the group business office and the group CIP monitor before
the EA and e-PART are created. (Added) Group project engineers and group CIP monitors must utilize the ALC
Requirements Lifecycle Management Tool (RLMT) and the hierarchy of controls when addressing
hazardous materials. The primary consideration should be the use of alternate hazard elimination
and control methods before selecting equipment and processes, which require personal protective
equipment (PPE) (e.g., hearing protection, respirators, etc.). (Added) Hierarchy of controls determination is listed on the e-PART form with a
“YES” or “N/A” (Not Applicable) drop-down response. Most CIP projects will be marked “YES.”
If “YES” is selected, the CIP project engineer is required to provide the hierarchy of controls
statement form and supporting documentation stating the methodology of how the determination
was made. If “N/A” is selected, the project must not require any form of PPE. It must also include
a statement that no PPE is required. The e-PART will not be approved if no selection is chosen
and/or no supporting documentation is provided. (Added) The requirement POC/engineer will assess each requirement against the ALC
RLMT asset scoring matrix to calculate a total score for each requirement. The requirement
POC/engineer will also perform analysis on unquantifiable/intangible issues that may impact the
decision-making process. A justification will be written by the requirement POC/engineer for each
requirement to provide leadership with an understanding of why that requirement should be
considered for funding. The written justification will address those unquantifiable/intangible
issues which may include, but not limited to, future workload, capacity, capabilities, additive
manufacturing requirements, technology insertions/reverse engineering,
accreditation/authorizations, automated test stand requirements, energy, customer demands,
repatriation of workload, etc. The total score of each requirement coupled with the written
justification will be evaluated by a panel of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), then by group
leadership and the ALC technical director, followed by ALC leadership. A strategic decision will
be made by the ALC/CC and group requirement POCs/engineers will be notified that their
requirement has been approved by ALC leadership for submission. The POC/engineer will
commence developing the documentation required for the economic analysis and procurement
package. Once the AFSC/LGMI data call is received for CIP requirements the approved
listing/supporting documentation will become the submittal for the ALC. The budget submission
shall be developed with a cost effective mindset. Historically, the ALC would submit requirements
in-line with the anticipated depreciation amount for each FY applicable to the Senior Officer
Communication and Coordination Electronic Resource (SOCCER); however, if the submittal is
not within +/- 10% of the deprecation amount, justification will be provided with the ALC
submission. (Added) The ALC CIP managers calculate and provide estimated depreciation figures
to AFSC/LGMI with the budget submission. The depreciation estimates include projects listed on
the fixed asset report currently depreciating, projects that have not reached Full Operational
Capability (FOC), but are expected to reach FOC during the budget cycle submission plus two
years, as well as, projects from the current execution year expected to be completed in the budget
cycle submission plus two years. The estimate should also take into account any remaining
depreciation for anticipated contributed assets. (Added) To facilitate standardization, the ALC implemented a gated process that
assists leadership in identifying potential risk areas that may result in contract award delays. The
ALC CIP managers will establish internal timelines (Figure 4.1) via the established gated process
outlining the milestone dates for verifying, validating, prioritizing, and approving the ALC’s
recommended investments in order to meet the annual CIP data call suspense. The timelines
included are associated with budget submission, package submission to contracting, and Office of
the Secretary of Defense (OSD) obligation goals. Additionally, all prioritized projects must contain
supporting documentation to justify the requirement being submitted for AFSC/CA funding
consideration. The e-PART identifies examples of acceptable forms of documentation required to
support the scoring and justification of each project.
Figure 4.1. (Added) Example Gate Tracker Milestone Dates. (Added) When the CIP data call suspense is received from AFSC/LG, the ALC
requirements prioritization process has already begun and will feed the ALC’s submission. The
process outlined in Paragraph will be followed to prioritize and select requirements;
that process begins in January the year prior to the budget submittal date. The AFSC/LG data call
will be sent to the group and staff office workflow boxes, as well as, the group CIP monitors and
will include detailed submission requirements, due dates, and required templates. The submission
will be for the budget year and two out years. The group CIP monitors and/or assigned project
engineer are expected to compile their package requirements to include a CCaR record, EA, and
an e-PART form for each project in the budget year. The e- PART form requires the signatures of
the group technical director, group commander, and ALC technical director. The ALC CIP
managers will review and compile the submission to provide to AFSC/LGMI.
10 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) AFSC/LGMI will work with the ALC CIP managers to resolve any
questions to ensure all projects are given equivalent consideration. The ALC CIP managers will
resolve any discrepancies with the group CIP monitors and group project engineer within three
business days of notification. (Added) The target load sheet will be submitted to 72 CPTS/FMAS and AFSC/FZR
for input to the financial systems at the project level within two business days of approval in CCaR.
Once the funds are loaded in the financial systems, the ALC CIP managers will notify the group
CIP monitors/project engineers that funding documents can be released for coordination. (Added) The ALC Baseline Obligation Plan is created in coordination with Contracting
based on estimated contract award dates and considerations of Military Interdepartmental Purchase
Request (MIPR) acceptance dates for MIPR projects. The ALC CIP manager will coordinate the
proposed plan with group CIP monitors prior to providing the baseline obligation plan to
AFSC/LGMI. (Added) Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) guidance
provides all 3400 federal supply stock class equipment will be purchased by the Defense Logistics
Agency (DLA). The AFSC/CC Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) approval
coordination process is managed by purchase request (PR)/MIPR control 429 SCMS/GUMAB
using their MIPR coordination system. (Added) The ALC CIP managers must report the ALC’s obligation status at the
following regularly scheduled briefings and for any additional briefings that may be required: CIP
Monthly Update on Projects, Depot Maintenance Execution Group (DMEG), Integration Board
(IB), and quarterly AFSC Corporate Board Business Review. (Added) The ALC CIP managers must request the group CIP monitors to submit
funding document amendments to reduce any excess funding in the commitment stage for the
project. This must be accomplished within five business days of contract award. Once the excess
commitment is removed from the funding document and is available at the CCaR project level, a
target load sheet is created by the ALC CIP managers to remove the excess funds from the project.
The target load sheet is submitted to 72 CPTS/FMAS and AFSC/FZR via the process previously
identified in Paragraph (Added) In-house projects. In-house projects are projects in which one or more
production groups perform work for another group requirement owner rather than contracting a
vendor to complete the work. A Memorandum of Agreement between the performing group and
the group requirement owner is required outlining the work to be done, estimated length of time
to complete the task, estimated cost (labor and material) and the project POCs. Obligation of in-
house projects is handled by AFSC/FZR. The group CIP monitor must provide a copy of the in-
house agreement to the ALC CIP managers and AFSC/FZR. This agreement must outline the
associated labor and material amounts that total to the project cost. The obligation will be input
manually into the financial systems by AFSC/FZR. If the in-house agreement changes, the group
CIP monitor will provide an updated copy to the ALC CIP managers and AFSC/FZR to update the
financial systems 15 business days prior to implementation of any changes. When a CIP in-house
project is approved, the ALC CIP manager notifies AFSC/FZR that customer order number
(CON), TESTHXXXXX or WSSEHXXXXX, etc., is a CIP in-house project approved for
obligation. The ALC CIP manager will coordinate with the performing work group and the group
that has the requirement to furnish (by e-mail) the cost for material and labor and any other cost
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 11
by each performing group to AFSC/FZR. AFSC/FZR will establish a job order number (JON) for
each performing group in Defense Industrial Funds Management System (DIFMS) to collect the
cost of materials and labor and other costs as the work is performed by each performing group.
AFSC/FZR will send a return e-mail to ALC CIP managers and the groups which JON is to be
used for each performing group. The JON is used by the performing group in the Time and
Attendance (TAA) labor system and will update DIFMS on labor costs. The JON is also used by
the performing group to purchase the materials Naval Air Systems Command Industrial Material
Management System (NIMMS) and material costs will record to DIFMS when received. If the in-
house agreement changes cost estimate between material and labor, or other costs, but is still within
the total CON, the group CIP monitor will provide an updated copy to the ALC CIP manager and
AFSC/FZR to update the financial systems at least two business days prior to implementation of
any changes. If the in-house agreement changes cost to exceed the original CON, this is a
reprogramming change that is another process by the ALC CIP manager. CIP project hours are not
included in the workload plan build because there is no customer order dollars associated with
those hours. If additional direct labor personnel are required to accomplish CIP, those personnel
should be added to the D2 direct labor component after the direct labor associated with customer
order hours is determined. During the year of execution, actual direct labor hours performed on
CIP tasks are captured on the associated CIP fixed asset job order number (F-JON). Direct labor
employees performing CIP tasks shall charge their time to the F-JON assigned to the CIP project
they are working. (Added) Reprogramming is handled by AFSC/LGMI on behalf of the ALC. If an
out- of-cycle requirement is identified or a cost increase is required and funding is not available in
the capability the requirement has been identified against, a reprogramming action must occur.
Once the ALC CIP managers are notified by the group CIP monitor of a pending requirement, the
ALC CIP manager will notify AFSC/LGMI of pending requirement and take appropriate action. (Added) All prior year cost increase requests must be vetted and approved by the
group CC via the “Request for Prior Year (PY) Capital Obligation Authority Adjustment form”
and Electronic Staff Summary Sheet (eSSS). Additionally, the ALC CIP managers will route the
cost increase letter to ALC leadership for their situational awareness. (Added) The approval consideration process for an out-of- cycle, emergency, and
back-up investment project are the same as the regular approval coordination process. These
processes include the use of the e-PART form, economic analysis, group CC approval, technical
director approval, and ALC CIP manager’s approval before the project will be submitted to
AFSC/LG for consideration. The CIP managers will submit to AFSC/LGMI upon receipt of all
required documentation and signatory authorities. (Added) The group CIP monitors/Project Engineer must attach all associated
contractual documentation or in-house agreement to the associated CCaR records. An acceptable
in-house agreement should contain the following elements: control system number (CSN), Fiscal
Year (FY), noun or name of asset, shops/groups doing the work, shop/group requiring the work,
timeline or date to be completed, SOW to be completed, total cost with breakout for material and
labor costs, and acceptance signatures of all parties. Acceptable documentation for an in-house
agreement is a copy of the agreement signed and dated by the groups involved in the project.
Agreements should be well defined including the total requirement not just the portion of the
project to occur in a given FY. An initial collaborative meeting must be initiated by the project
owner prior to project approval to ensure all involved parties have an understanding of the
12 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
requirement and required resources. Periodic updates will be required and provided in the monthly
working group meetings. (Added) Group CIP monitors will provide a FOC update on a monthly basis, no later
than the fifth business day of the month to the ALC CIP managers. At a minimum, the update must
include whether the project is on-track to reaching the baseline FOC date, justification for why the
project has slipped if applicable, revised delivery or completion date, and a revised FOC date. OC-
ALC instituted a FOC gate tracker to document project status; all project updates will be recorded
via the gate tracker. (Added) OC-ALC ensures projects FOC IAW the Engineering Execution Plan
(EEP)/Engineering Implementation Plan (EIP). Often projects have multiple deliverables required
to be in place prior to the project engineer declaring functional acceptability. In the event a contract
is not written to delineate required deliverables on separate Contract Line Item Numbers (CLINs),
the group CIP monitor, project engineer, or equipment custodian must delineate the deliverables
on the documentation required for FOC as determined by AFSC/FZR. Once the equipment has
reached FOC, it is the group CIP monitor, project engineer, and equipment custodian’s (EC)’s
responsibility to ensure the necessary documentation is completed to get the equipment added to
DIFMS and Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS). DIFMS is the financial system used
to maintain project depreciation records. DPAS is the system used by the base equipment
custodians to maintain equipment records. Additional instructions on completing the necessary
forms to add projects to DIFMS and DPAS can be found in AFSC SOP CIP Fixed Assets
Capitalization and Modifications. Sample forms are located at the following site: Found
within the “Templates and Support Files” folder. (Added) Current and prior year project execution should be continually monitored by
the ALC CIP Manager to ensure any excess funds are returned to AFSC/LGMI in a timely manner.
Constant monitoring reduces the number of adjustments needed for the end of the year close out.
Execution activity is monitored by the CIP managers and documentation is accomplished within
FMSuite to ensure the tri-annual review (TAR) suspense is met. Appropriate documentation
uploaded to FMSuite will include at a minimum a justification for why the obligation remains
valid or what tasks are being accomplished to reduce outstanding residuals. (Added) Per DoD 7000.14-R, Volume 2b, Chapter 9, Paragraph 090104 B, CIP
shall not be used to establish a new or expand an existing organic capability except as specifically
justified in the President’s Budget Request.” If the exception applies, all assets required for depot
activation must be coordinated via e-SSS with OC-ALC/OBP prior to requesting CIP funding;
documentation from System Program Office/Joint Program Office (SPO/JPO) must be attached to
the e-SSS stating they will not fund the effort. A fully coordinated e-SSS with supporting
documentation will be attached to the CCaR record. (Added) The estimated depreciation included in the OC-ALC CIP budget submission
to AFSC/LGMI should include assets on the Fixed Asset Report with remaining book value, assets
on the FOC tracker or current year project list which are planned to be placed in service within the
budget period, as well as any anticipated contributed assets with remaining book value.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 13 (Added) Any CIP equipment transferred or contributed to the ALC must recover the
remaining depreciation value of the asset. Documentation to support the value must be provided
during the transfer of equipment for addition to the equipment file and a copy provided to
AFSC/FZR. The depreciation cost value will be added to the DIFMS financial system by
AFSC/FZR. (Added) All capital equipment assets, purchased or contributed, must be supported
with a project folder (also referred to as equipment folder) and properly entered into the DIFMS
and DPAS data bases. The equipment folder can either be a paper or electronic folder. For
reference, equipment monitors (EM)s are Consolidated Sustainment Activity Group-Maintenance
(CSAG-M) personnel who transmit the appropriate forms to the individual responsible for input
into DIFMS financial accounting (FA) system and ECs are the AF persons who coordinate with
equipment management element (EME) to input the data into DPAS. The owning organization has
the primary responsibility for the project folder’s accuracy throughout its useful life and will
accomplish this through effective Capital Investment Program Working Group (CIPWG)
coordination and information sharing. A mandatory review of the project folder must be
accomplished at intervals not to exceed two years to ensure folders contain the required
documentation listed on OC-ALC Form 4, Capital Investment Program Project Equipment Folder
Checklist. An annual review will be accomplished by the ALC CIP managers which will consist
of a random sample of projects. The annual review will include the ALC CIP managers reviewing
the OC-ALC Form 4 to ensure all documentation is included, verifying the asset is in both
DPAS/DIFMS and the amounts are correct, and looking at the equipment on the production floor.
If the investment results in multiple assets, a cross reference to each will be maintained in the
respective project folders. These folders will also contain supporting data used to economically
justify the project. The project folder will be retained locally until transfer, turn-in, or disposal.
The OC-ALC Form 4 will be placed on the inside cover of each project folder if in hard copy
format or as the first file in an electronic folder. The OC-ALC Form 4 will be annotated to include
the date of each change to the folder contents and/or review that takes place. (Added) The project engineer must ensure all delivered equipment is installed and
achieves FOC IAW with EEP/EIP. If the asset will not achieve FOC by the projected date, the
project engineer must provide an action plan for achieving FOC to the group CIP monitor and
ALC CIP managers. (Added) Upon receipt of the Authority to Advertise letter, the CIP managers must
begin building skeleton accounting addresses for all investments following the standardized line
of accounting methodology. Prior to the beginning of the FY, skeleton records will be built in
Departmental Cash Management System - Skeleton Records (DCMS DSK). Final accounting
addresses will not be available until the beginning of the new FY. During the year of execution, if
a new line of accounting needs to be established, the CIP manager will accomplish a 72 CPTS
address build template with the appropriate accounting elements and send to the 72 CPTS
workflow account requesting creation in General Accounting and Finance System (GAFS-BQ). (Added) Once the AFMC Form 400 is approved in CCaRs for the ALC, it will be used
to create the target load sheets by capability and assign funds at the project level. The AFMC Form
400 and target load sheet(s) will be provided to 72 CPTS/FMAS and AFSC/FZR for input to the
financial systems.
14 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Chapter 6
DEPOT MAINTENANCE PRODUCTION SUPPORT (Added) The following business rules are established to clarify the general guidelines
provided in the OC-ALC concept of operations (CONOPS) for business development and ensure
a synchronized strategy prior to the acceptance of new workload. For the purpose of this
supplement, new workload is defined as workload for which the OC-ALC has no recent experience
and/or workload involving previously unforeseen risk of financial loss. (Added) Communication. (Added) OC-ALC/OBP is the entry point for all requests for new workloads. OC-
ALC/OBW is the entry point for requests for quote (RFQ), and/or changes to existing workload
from external customers. Solicitation through any other means should be brought to the attention
of OC-ALC/OBP immediately. (Added) OC-ALC/OBW will forward all RFQs and/or workload changes to the
appropriate production group(s) workflow accounts and resource offices for evaluation. OC-
ALC/OBW will set a suspense date and maintain a suspense log for all evaluation requests. (Added) All routine suspenses will be 15 business days, unless block 4 is checked
on the RFQ. If block 4 is checked, the initiator must provide justification as to why it is an
emergency. The suspense for an emergency RFQ is five business days. If the justification is not
provided, the RFQ will be processed as routine. Production groups can submit for an extension if
needed. (Added) All extension requests submitted to OC-ALC/Business Office (OB) RFQ
workflow will be sent to the initiator on the RFQ for approval. The extension request will need to
have the date that production is going to complete the RFQ. (Added) Once the production group evaluation is complete, the response will be
returned to OC-ALC/OB RFQ workflow. The program analyst will provide the customer, the
approved total estimated cost for the work to be performed. If the customer requests a breakout of
the cost estimate, the production group will provide the customer with a breakdown such as i.e. 2
hrs. disassembly, 1 hr. clean, 4 hrs. repair, 2 hrs. reassemble, the Resource Control Center (RCC)
rate will not be provided. (Added) Strategy. (Added) The OC-ALC workload shall be priced to external customers IAW current
AF regulations. Per AFMCI65-101, provides guidance relative to use of approved RCC rates. Once
labor standards are determined, the applicable RCC rate will be applied to the standard to
determine the estimated cost of new workload. (Added) With few exceptions, it is impractical to build new RCC rates for each new
workload under consideration. Existing RCC rates will be applied to the portion of the standard
hours the RCC contributes to a new workload.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 15 (Added) It is critical that the amount of direct labor hours planned for a new workload
include appropriate consideration for “unknowns” (i.e., aging airframe issues, etc.), typically
encountered during maintenance processes on new workload which can drive additional cost risk
to maintenance. (Added) Consideration shall be given to new or increased requirements of industrial
support equipment and services then coordinated through 76MXSG. The 76MXSG shall determine
the ability to maintain new or unique equipment, special knowledge, training, or certifications and
possible risk assessment. (Added) The OC-ALC maintenance groups and staff offices will retain relevant history
for a minimum of six months after completion IAW AFRIMS T21-05 R01.00 Depot Maintenance
Projects, on current and past workloads for incorporation in subsequent responses to new workload
solicitations. (Added) Review/Approval. (Added) Workloads priced to internal OC-ALC customers or valued less than $500K
to external (outside OC-ALC) customers will be approved in the performing production group. (Added) OC-ALC/OBW Chief, along with OC-ALC/FM, will lead the review of a
production group risk assessment, history, and pricing strategy used in response to new workload
requests from external customers. OC-ALC/OB will act as approval authority on pricing strategies
for workloads valued over $500K, but less than $1M. (Added) Workload responses valued over $1M will be forwarded to OC-ALC/CC for
approval after the above review. New workload packages must have the proper coordination of all
affected OC-ALC production group(s), OC-ALC/FM and recommendation for approval or
disapproval by OC-ALC/OB. Proper coordination will include an e-SSS routed through the
appropriate workflow accounts. (Added) All no bids, no quotes will be justified in block 27 on AFSC Form 501,
Request for Quote/Rough Order of Magnitude. If a RFQ is returned due to incomplete information
that will not allow the planner to complete a quote, this will not be considered a No Bid. (Added) Workloads identified by OC-ALC/OB to be “high visibility, high risk or
impacting future workload” will be briefed by OC-ALC production group(s) to OC-ALC/CC for
final approval. (Added) Business Rules. (Added) All workloads will be negotiated with OC-ALC/OB. If the customer notifies
a group that changes to workload requirements have/will occur, OC-ALC groups will advise the
customer to work with OC-ALC/OB. (Added) Process/Responsibilities. (Added) The OC-ALC/OB will develop the planned labor application (PLA) depicting
workload in hours and personnel equivalents by commodity at the RCC level for each group within
the Complex. (Added) The OC-ALC/OB will calculate the manpower required (targets) to produce
funded workload based on the approved productivity factors provided by the groups.
16 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) The OC-ALC/OB will assist the groups in developing a plan to
hire/realign/attrite to achieve manpower targets. (Added) The OC-ALC production groups will annually submit productivity factors
(Efficiency (EFF), Indirect Labor Factor (ILF), Overtime (OT) and Cost Class IV (CCIV))
forecasts to OC-ALC/OB. The CCIV requirement will include a workload description, the
supported organization, RCCs performing the work, and the hours by RCC. (Added) The OC-ALC production groups will notify OC-ALC/OB of problems which
could impact production hours and/or manpower (i.e., major structural repairs, backlogs, schedule
changes, skills imbalances, etc.). If the production impact will result in additional resource
requirements, the groups will submit a plan that identifies the root cause, a plan of action, and a
get-well date. (Added) The OC-ALC has overall approval authority for workload, productivity
factors, CCIV work, manpower, personnel, etc., submitted by OC-ALC production groups. (Added) Production groups shall develop an instruction/checklist for Execution and
Prioritization of Repair Support System (EXPRESS) users to include manual (M) settings and
predetermined acceptance probability (PAP) switches in the EXPRESS system. Process
instruction/checklist shall include, as a minimum, business logic, get well plans for constraints,
and metrics for tracking. (Added) Production groups shall ensure EXPRESS users are provided training in use
of EXPRESS and process to establish valid justifications in EXPRESS for "M" and "PAP"
switches. (Added) Material Processing System (MPS) is utilized in limited areas of production.
MPS is used in those areas as an alternate to Automated Bill of Materials (ABOM) /NIMMS and
requires an inventory tracking number (ITN) to be included when material is ordered to track to a
work control document (WCD).
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 17
Chapter 7
WCD AND TECHNICAL DATA (Added) Responsibility, “Report of Notification for Technical Data Changes.” Each
maintenance group will identify a single POC and at least one alternate who will receive the list
of technical data changes published by the contractor Technical Order Distribution Office
(TODO). Important: The OPR will distribute appropriate portions, or as a whole, the technical
data change list to planners, process engineers, and production personnel. This will be
accomplished within three workdays following receipt of the list, as this function is critical. The
OPR will retain a dated copy of each report of notification of technical order (TO) changes received
from the contractor per Air Force Records Information Management System (AFRIMS). E-mail
records of notification to the end user will be stored in the Electronic Records Management System
(ERMS). (Added) Engineering drawing extracts, both locally managed (X-Drawings) and
centrally managed Joint Engineering Data Management Information and Control System
(JEDMICS) shall be verified as current by readable technician/mechanic name, signature of
reviewer, review date and current revision number prior to the initiation of the supported job.
Contractor provided drawings or down-loaded from contractors website shall be verified as current
by agency responsible for the printing. Engineering drawing extracts shall be validated for the
following against the originating system (SharePoint, JEDMICS, contractor website): (Added) Drawing signatures (engineer, reviewer, approver). (Added) Drawing number. (Added) Drawing revision number. (Added) Distribution statement(s). (Added) When a large quantity of drawings (i.e., 250 drawings or more), are compiled
to create a library file, an index will be created of the stored drawings or manufacture
specifications. The index will be updated daily and used to verify and validate the 90 day
requirements for retention in library. When revised drawings are printed and exchanged in library,
the index will be updated and validated by responsible organization. (Added) DISPOSAL: After completion of current job, or when no longer needed/valid,
the extract/printed drawing shall be properly disposed of as described in AFMCMAN21-102
Engineering Data Storage, Distribution, Control and Configuration Control, DAFI33-360
Publications and Forms Management, and RDS. Local X-Drawings. (Added) X-Drawings are internal drawings intended for use only at OC-ALC, unlike
official engineering drawings that are IAW AFMCMAN 21-102, Engineering Data Storage,
Distribution, Control and Configuration Control. Engineering Data Storage, Distribution, and
Control. X-Drawings are used for facility, shop support equipment, special tools, fixtures, slings,
18 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) Official release X-Drawings will be scanned and maintained on a technical
data website for easy access and reproduction. Any drawing printed from this website is for
reference only and must be marked accordingly. Users can read or make copies of these drawings,
but cannot make changes. Only the engineering office responsible for the drawing can make
changes. The user is responsible for ensuring their drawing copy is current and annotated “FOR
REFERENCE ONLY” and “UNCONTROLLED COPY.” (Added) Production squadrons and other organizations often require copies of X-
Drawings for reference and to assist in procurement or fabrication. Users shall contact their
respective engineering support team for copies or access the drawings from the 76 Aircraft
Maintenance Group (AMXG) AF Portal website. (Added) Only the office that created the X-Drawing is authorized to revise and update
it. Any discrepancy between an X-Drawing and an applicable TO must be identified to the issuing
engineering support team for corrections. The engineering section will then revise the X-Drawing
and provide the user with a corrected copy. (Added) Copies of X-Drawings kept on file by the user for accountability, inventory
of parts, etc., shall be marked by the user “FOR REFERENCE ONLY” and “UNCONTROLLED
COPY.” X-Drawings do not have to be stamped and dated daily. (Added) Contractor provided technical data that is not hosted in an AF approved
electronic technical data MIS will be sent to the applicable AFLCMC TO management activity
(TOMA) for review then sent to the TODO for control and distribution. (Added) Utilize OC-ALC Form 301, TO Distribution Change Notice, to ensure all
planners have reviewed the TO changes/change Bars and identified any applicable WCD impacts. (Added) Functional Check Flight/Operational (FCF/OCF) Checklist. 76 AMXG
FCF/OCF Checklist (example found in Attachment 2 Figure A2.1of this supplement), must be
used for each FCF. Depot maintenance team (production supervisor, mechanics with appropriate
skills, and production controller) debriefs all FCFs with the aircrews. QA representative will attend
when requested. During debriefing, the FCF checklist and aircraft forms must be reviewed to
determine if all requirements have been accomplished. Each discrepancy discovered during the
FCF must be documented on AFTO Form 781A, Maintenance Discrepancy and Work Document.
After completing the review, the production controller must send the checklist to production
support records office for inclusion in the aircraft jacket file. (Added) Rework instructions: (Added) When it is necessary to rework an operation the following procedure will be
accomplished. The WCD is flagged with a red diagonal through the stamp of the mechanic who
Production Acceptance Certification (PAC) certified the operation but, must not obliterate the
entry. A new WCD will be initiated listing the steps of the operation that must be re-accomplished
and will be attached to the original WCD. The steps of the operation are again certified as they are
re-accomplished. (Added) If the original WCD that is being reworked had a definitized list, it too will
need to be reprinted along with the new rework WCD generated from Maintenance Work Request
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 19 (Added) The definitized card that is reprinted (from the original WCD) will need to
have the original operation number marked out at the top of the definitized list and the new rework
operation number written in. (Added) 76AMXG Aircraft Logistics Specialists (ALS) (Schedulers) will: (Added) Set up a rework file folder for each tail number. (Added) When printing WCD, ensure block 31 of WCD contains the word
“rework” and original operation number. Even if document is computer generated and the word
“rework” is printed across the top, write the word “rework” in red ink at the top of the WCD. (Added) Make a copy of the rework document and the original document and place
them in the rework file as a record that the original documents have been released to production. (Added) When rework is complete and new operation is turned in to the ALS,
original documents will be validated for correct entries in all required fields and filed under the
original operation number in the aircraft records. Example: Rework operation number 91236 will
be stapled to original operation 24567 and filed in the records under operation 24567. Copies will
be destroyed or provided to Procedures and Analysis (P&A) Office for analysis purposes as
required. (Added) All rework must be documented to include the cost of material and labor
expended in the applicable data system and to provide an audit trail of final certification of work
re-accomplishment. Care must be taken to prevent over stamping, double stamping, or obliteration
on the original WCD. Production count is not taken for rework. When rework results in material
review actions, process the items according to AFSCMAN21-102. (Added) Rework must be analyzed to determine causes and corrective action taken
to prevent recurrence. Upon closeout of aircraft records, P&A Office collects data, performs
analysis and annotates findings which require root cause analysis (RCA). Data collection can be
facilitated by using the MWR rework analysis report feature located in Programmed Depot
Maintenance Scheduling System (PDMSS) on the MWR menu on the “MISC” page for each
weapon system. (Added) Production has five working days to return rework analysis to P&A Office. (Added) P&A Office will determine if immediate action is necessary or if assistance
is required from outside the squadron (i.e., engineering, QA, etc.). (Added) P&A Office shall file root causes and provide data to QA for inclusion in
the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) so follow up inspections can be performed on
corrective actions taken by production. (Added) Only authorized personnel will have access to aircraft records and no
original documents will be removed from the area except for those required for rework
documentation. (Added) PAC program manager needs to be notified when revisions are made to
WCDs that directly impact the form, fit, or function of the operation process.
20 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) Laboratory personnel are not issued stamps for certification or work
accomplished. When any of the various WCDs are used in support of laboratory analysis, 76
MXSG/ MXDTA scientists, engineers, and technicians will legibly affix their printed name, job
title, legal signature, and date to those various WCDs in the applicable task description block as
proof of completion. Laboratory scheduling will return these WCDs to originating organization
for file maintenance. (Added) 76 Commodities Maintenance Group (CMXG) Reverse Engineering and
Critical Tooling (REACT) engineers and other non-production technical personnel are not issued
maintenance stamps. REACT accomplishes reverse engineering and tooling design via a variety
of emerging/advanced measuring technologies in order to provide missing or incorrect blueprint
data or create new blueprints/technical data packages for situations when no technical data exists.
These measuring devices include laser scanner, laser radars, blue light scanners and 3D probing
machines. The laser scanning and additive manufacturing (AM) technologies used are new to the
Air Force and do not have technical guidance or qualifications outside of the manufacture’s
recommendations. Once completed, the technical data packages are often utilized in conjunction
with AM to create sample parts (prototypes) to verify component fit onto weapon systems or
system sub-assemblies. Additive Manufacturing is also used to create sheet metal form blocks or
their production related fixtures. When any of the various WCDs are used in support of such core
REACT analyses, 76 Commodities Maintenance Group (76 CMXG) engineers and technicians
will legibly affix their printed name, job title, legal signature and date to those various WCDs in
the applicable task description block as proof of completion. REACT scheduling may return these
WCDs to the origination organization for file maintenance. (Added) All groups will submit a Request for Quote (RFQ) for all REACT work
requested. Refer to the RFQ process in Chapter 6 of this supplement. (Added) Planners will ensure their WCDs containing operations for any of the six 76
MXSG laboratories (MFCLA, MFCLB, MFCLC1, MFCLC2, MFCLD, and MFCLE) provide a
signature block containing lines for: 1.) A printed name, 2.) Job title, and 3.) Legal signature and
date on all applicable operations. (Added) A nondestructive inspection (NDI) technician finding deficiencies will enter
defects noted in the task description block or note within the task block “see NDI inspection report
for defect findings.” When feasible the NDI technician will mark the part defect areas where noted
defects are discovered. (Added) When critical tasks (secondary in-process certification) are performed by a
team, the team chief will brief all team members on safety requirements prior to task initiation. (Added) In cases of incomplete work at end of shift, sufficient documentation will be
provided by the off-going shift supervisor or wage leader to ensure the work, when continued, will
not require unnecessary re-accomplishment of previous tasks. Tasks not completed due to end of
shift will be documented in accordance with group carryover procedures.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 21 (Added) The outbound supervisor or work leader can describe the completed work in
a type of log or shift book. If log or shift books are used they will be maintained as official records
IAW AF instructions. This should list the steps completed by the technicians on that shift. The
entries should be stamped by the technician who completed the task either in a type of log book or
on the back/bottom of the WCD. The technician who subsequently completes the task will certify
completion by properly stamping and dating the WCD task in the appropriate certification block.
This method can be used or adapted to meet specific group needs. (Added) If the follow-on technician is unable to appraise the work already completed,
the shift supervisor or wage leader will determine how to proceed. Some of the options are as
follows: (Added) Contact worker who performed original work on the operation/sub-
operation. (Added) Rework that portion of the operation in question. (Added) Save the work until the original mechanic is available to continue. (Added) The results of the decision on how to proceed will be recorded on the WCD
or attached sheet of paper and verified by production supervisor stamp (P) and dated. Attached
sheet(s) will be retained in file with the WCD. In all cases of incomplete work at shift change,
sufficient documentation will be provided by the off-going mechanic to ensure the work, when
continued, will require no unnecessary rework. (Added) Personnel who are in training status and are not PAC certified may stamp
in the margin or back of the WCD for identification purposes only. (Added) Within 76 AMXG QPS is the OPR for all 76 AMXG Process Orders (PO)s.
And 76 AMXG/ MXDE office CL or DD is the approval authority for AFSC Form 561, Process
Order. After all applicable coordination and the validation/verification is obtained, the PO will be
forwarded to the 76 AMXG/MXDE CL or DD for final approval/signature, in block 13. (Added) Upon a thorough review of applicable TOs, work specifications, and
documented instructions, any supervisor who feels there is a need for more or clearer guidance
(with coordination from production support flight chief) shall submit a written request to their
applicable supporting production engineering branch. The request must contain a brief process
description, a list of applicable TOs, and a production POC. To expedite the development of a PO,
an initial draft of the PO may be submitted with the letter of request. (Added) If a PO is not required, the supporting engineering branch will notify the
requesting organization and give an explanation or alternate action. (Added) If a PO is required, the supporting engineering branch will prepare an AFSC
Form 561. (Added) The PO administrator will obtain coordination, (electronic coordination is
acceptable) comments and approvals as follows: (Added) Mandatory coordination. Coordination from the following offices or
support personnel is mandatory and must be obtained on all POs. (Added) Chief of the supporting engineering branch.
22 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) All applicable production squadrons. (Added) Chief or deputy of the applicable production support flight. (Added) Chief or deputy of the applicable production flight. (Added) Optional coordination. 76 AMXG/MXDE CL shall be responsible for
determination of optional offices of coordination based on issues such as directive or code
compliance, environment, fire safety, or biological contamination. The following are standard
optional offices from which coordination may be necessary. (Added) 72 ABW/CEF for fire safety issues. (Added) 72 AMDS/SGBP for biological contamination issues. (Added) 72 ABW/CEAN for environmental issues. (Added) 76 MXSS/MXDVABB for industrial plant equipment. (Added) 76 AMXG. Upon acquiring the final approval signature in block 13, the PO
administrator will annotate the “date effective” in block 6 on the first page of the PO. This will be
the date the process is officially effective and can be implemented. Once the effective date is added
the PO administrator will accomplish the following within 15 working days of the PO’s effective
date. Note: The PO administrator will assign the PO in the format 76 AMXG YY-XX. 76 AMXG
is the issuing group, YY = last two digits of the calendar year and XX = the sequential number of
the next PO on file. (Added) 76 AMXG. Update the spreadsheet maintained in the "Q" Drive. (Added) 76 AMXG. Scan and post the PO on the official 76 AMXG PO web site,
post electronic pdf format and Word format in QP file. File the master hard copy, along with
coordination in the master file in 76 AMXG/QPS. (Added) 76 AMXG. Send acknowledgement of the approved PO to the applicable
production support flight for implementation into affected WCDs and/or definitized listings. (Added) 76 AMXG. The PO administrator will maintain a listing of all technical
data references contained within each 76 AMXG PO, will monitor published technical data
changes and check them against those listed in all 76 AMXG POs. When a technical data reference
has changed the PO administrator will notify the initiating engineer(s) to update the affected POs
as necessary within 15 working days. Once the PO is properly updated, the PO administrator will
update the master document, post the new document to the official 76 AMXG PO website and
notify all affected production support flight planning offices to update their records. (Added) 76 AMXG. The applicable production squadron(s) will accomplish the
following within 15 working days of acknowledgement: (Added) 76 AMXG. Update all affected WCDs with the new PO information. (Added) 76 AMXG. Send confirmation of WCD changes to the PO administrator. (Added) 76 AMXG. Send the current PO, along with any affected documents, to
their respective production flight(s) for implementation.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 23 (Added) 76 AMXG. PO reviews: All established POs shall be reviewed every two
years. All coordinated reviews will be updated in the master PO file and the official 76 AMXG
PO web site. (Added) 76 AMXG. POs that require no changes or minimal updates (i.e.,
regulatory or TO references, building numbers, locations, office symbols, or other similar changes)
do not require re-coordination. (Added) 76 AMXG. POs that require substantial changes or alter existing
responsibilities, content, or procedure will be identified with a revision number in block 3 of the
AFSC Form 561 (76 AMXG/MXDE CL or DD shall determine if re-coordination is required). (Added) 76 AMXG. Rescinded POs: POs may be rescinded if they are no longer
applicable or required for 76 AMXG operations. This may be performed at the biennial review, or
by written notification from the respective production squadron. (Added) 76 AMXG. The PO administrator will annotate the date rescinded in block
9 of the PO’s first page and display the word “Rescinded” on all pages. Rescinded POs will be
retained for a minimum of one (1) year in the master PO file, and the official web site will be
updated accordingly. The PO administrator will notify applicable production support flight
planning office(s) when a PO is rescinded and maintain confirmation of updated WCDs in the
master PO file with the rescinded PO. (Added) 76 AMXG. The applicable production support flight planning office(s)
will update all affected WCDs, inform their respective production flights and forward confirmation
of updates to the PO administrator, within 15 working days of notification.
7.4.6. (Added) Stamp Assignment. (Added) Mechanic/technician will signify PAC certification by utilizing their Group
assigned stamp in the appropriate block; mechanic/technicians will NOT use another employee’s
M stamp to certify their work. The following block of maintenance (M) stamp numbers are
assigned to the following groups:
Table 7.5. (Added) M-Stamps.
Name of Group
Maintenance Support (Added) Stamps will only be used in accordance with AFSCMAN21-102 requirements.
NDI (N) stamps will be used to certify the completion of NDI operations. Certification of
acceptance or rejection of the inspected part shall be annotated near the N” stamp block. The N”
stamp will not be used in lieu of the “M” stamp. The following block of “N” stamp numbers are
assigned to the following groups:
24 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Table 7.6. (Added) N-Stamps.
Name of Group
Maintenance Support (Added) Production supervisor “P” stamp. Issued to supervisors. “P” Stamps can be used
for, but not limited to Z-ing out WCDs when supplemental documents are printed and stamping
corrections to WCDs such as part serial number corrections and may be used to stamp condition
tags. The following blocks of “P” stamp numbers are assigned to the following groups:
Table 7.7. (Added) P-Stamps.
From - To
Name of Group
2000-2999 and 4000-4999
3000-3999 and 5000-6999
Maintenance Support (Added) Industrial engineering technician (IET) Stamp: Issued to industrial engineering
technician planners that review WCDs for adequate completion in accordance with requirements
and specifications; the following blocks of "IET" stamp numbers are assigned to the following
Table 7.8. (Added) IET-Stamps.
From - To
Name of Group
Maintenance Support (Added) Scheduler (C) stamp. Issued to schedulers to certify completion of WCDs to
ensure all required certification blocks have been stamped and dated. The following blocks of “C”
stamp numbers are assigned to the following groups:
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 25
Table 7.9. (Added) C-Stamps.
From - To
Name of Group
Maintenance Support (Added) Quality (Q) Stamp. Issued to quality assurance personnel whose function is to
perform quality verification inspections (QVI)s on maintenance processes and hardware to ensure
they comply with applicable technical data, specifications, safety, and other applicable directives.
The “Q” stamp will be used to stamp off appropriate WCDs. The following blocks of “Q” stamp
numbers are assigned to the following groups:
Table 7.10. (Added) Q-Stamps.
From - To
Name of Group
Maintenance Support (Added) Maintenance Review Team (MRT) stamp. This stamp is used by the MRT, in
conjunction with other process stamps, in the initial review process of any identified unplanned
discrepancy. The following blocks of MRT” stamp numbers are assigned to the following groups:
Table 7.11. (Added) MRT-Stamps.
From - To
Name of Group
Maintenance Support (Added) Project Administration Office (PAO) stamps. Used in the MRT process for
funding authorization. These stamps are issued and controlled by the System Program Office
(SPO). (Added) Project required (PR) stamp. Used by the MRT to signify an identified
discrepancy as being covered by the project directive.
26 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) Not project required (NPR) stamp. Used by the MRT to signify an identified
discrepancy as not being covered by the project directive. These stamps are issued to production
personnel that are qualified and certified test operators whose function is to test weapon systems
components IAW technical data, specifications, safety, and other applicable directives. (Added) The Aircraft Maintenance Group’s allotment of numbers further segregates
the stamps by use of an alpha letterA for all -135 Production Flight stamps, B for all B-1 Bomber
Production Flight stamps, C for Services Flight stamps, E for E-3 Production Flight stamps, and F
for B-52 Production Flight stamps, and X for 76 AMXG Expeditionary Depot Maintenance
(EDMX) Flight stamps. (Added) Military Repair Station (MRS) Stamps. (Added-RII) Required Inspection Item Stamp. Issued to Quality Assurance Specialist
(QAS) selected by the Accountable Manager to verify the RII task being performed was performed
correctly, in accordance with technical data, and with the QAS present during the complete
operation of the task. RII tasks are not to be waived. Task must be performed with a RII QAS
present. This stamp is for use in the Military Repair Station to “meet the intent” of the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA).
Table 7.12. (Added) RII-Stamps.
From To
Name of Group
100 - 199
Maintenance Support (Added-FI) Final Inspection Stamp (CMXG only). Issued to subject matter expert
(SME) production maintenance personnel to ensure all work has been inspected for compliance
with the inspection system and the article is ready for approval for return to service. This stamp is
for use in the Military Repair Station on articles produced to “meet the intent” of the FAA.
Table 7.13. (Added) FI-Stamps.
From To
Name of Group
300 - 399
Maintenance Support
7.5.3. (Added) TODO offices shall control and distribute contractor provided technical data.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 27
Chapter 8
8.1.1. (Added) This chapter, along with AFMCI21-100, Depot Maintenance Management,
serves as the Complex Quality Manual and Quality Assurance Plan (QAP). This will be
augmented by the quarterly Maintenance Standardization and Evaluation Program (MSEP) and
group Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans (QASP)s. (Added) The Logistics Evaluation Assurance Program (LEAP) complex site
manager serves as the primary focal point for the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex (OC-
ALC) and is appointed by the OC-ALC/QA Chief. The complex site manager is responsible for
making decisions that affect all LEAP users within the work center. The duties of the complex
site manager shall include: (Added) Serves as the OC-ALC representative to the Headquarters (HQ) Air Force
Materiel Command (AFMC) LEAP working group. (Added) Chairs the OC-ALC LEAP working group, as needed. (Added) Works with the LEAP software manager and complex site manager from
the other Air Logistic Complex (ALC)s to develop/recommend improvements to the LEAP
system, as well as other duties as needed. (Added) Works with the LEAP software manager to immediately remove the access
rights of anyone abusing/misusing the system. (Added) Monitors the integrity of the data in LEAP. (Added) Approves, establishes, and maintains all standard codes within LEAP. (Added) Tests new versions of LEAP software. (Added) Reviews user access requests. (Added) Establishes, maintains, and updates user profiles for LEAP site managers. (Added) Provides training/guidance/support to the group site managers. (Added) Develops, recommends, and maintains local regulations/policies regarding
LEAP and the usage of the database. (Added) Provides direct analysis support to OC-ALC/QA and higher
organizations. (Added) Provides overdue AFMC Form 343, Quality Assurance Assessment status
reports to the appropriate groups weekly. (Added) The OC-ALC/QA, will perform trend analysis of inspections, root cause
analysis (RCA), and defect codes by using LEAP, Corrective Action Tracking System (CATS),
and other appropriate methods. The results of the trend analysis will be reported to Complex senior
leaders. The responsible group shall take appropriate action to improve the product, process, or
service in order to eliminate the nonconformance. Continuous improvement of the corrective
action process will be made based on regular analysis of tracking system data, the quality
management review process and customer feedback.
28 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) Manage Complex QA Flash Program, an informative tool which may be
initiated as the result of a potential deficiency. The QA Flash is not a corrective action request;
therefore no formal corrective action is necessary. (Added) The 76 Aircraft Maintenance Group Expeditionary Depot Maintenance (76
AMXG/EDMX) inspectors will be approved by the group commander. (Added) Historical assessment data, customer satisfaction, and management
direction may be used to update and revise individual OC-ALC group QASP(s). If assessments
consistently receive pass/fail ratings, the OC-ALC group may adjust the acceptable quality level
(AQL) accordingly. OC-ALC groups will conduct a review every three months, as a minimum,
to update the QASP. (Added) Each OC-ALC group QASP will be signed by the appropriate group
Commander/Deputy Commander CC/DD and OC-ALC/QA Chief. Each group will forward their
QASP to the OC-ALC/QA workflow for review no later than the last duty day of the month
proceeding the applicable QASP quarter. Once the QASP is signed, additions can be made, but
deletions will not be made without approval of the applicable group CC/DD and OC-ALC/QA
Chief. Each group QASP will be posted on the appropriate group web site. (Added) Group LEAP site managers (known hereafter as group site managers)
serve as the primary focal point for LEAP within their group. Each organization is authorized two
group site managers, a primary and an alternate. Additional group site managers may be requested
by submitting a letter/e-mail to the Complex site manager. The duties of the group site manager
shall include, but not be limited to: (Note: 76 Software Engineering Group (76 SWEG) will belong
under the OC-ALC site manager and is exempt from this requirement). (Added) Responsible for providing reports as requested or directed by their group. (Added) Responsible for monitoring assessments, their status, and for the integrity
and quality of data entered into LEAP relevant to their group. (Added) Provides guidance and support to the users within their group. (Added) Represents their organization at local LEAP working group meetings. (Added) Submits in writing any e-mail issues, problems, recommendations relating
to LEAP software to the Complex administrator. (Added) Forwards a completed copy of the Form DD2875, System Authorization
Access Request (SAAR), to the Complex site manager. (Added) After initial input by the LEAP complex site manager, assigns, maintains,
and updates user profiles in LEAP relevant to the needs of the users within their group, that is,
quality evaluator, quality specialist, quality auditor, quality data entry, production manager,
production supervisor, or report viewer. (Added) Establishes a new assessment control number at the beginning of each FY. (Added) May establish and maintain customer feedback forms for users/customers
within their group.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 29 (Added) OC-ALC groups shall review customer focus metrics associated with
internal and external customer feedback. Management will ensure corrective action, preventive
action, or process improvement tools are used to maintain an acceptable level of customer
satisfaction. (Added) Personnel evaluations (PE)s will be tracked in the Training Scheduling
System (TSS). Within three working days of PAC, a PE course code will be loaded into the
technician’s TSS record. (Added) The following flow chart (Figure 8.1) defines the process for tracking
Evaluator Proficiency Evaluation (EPE)s in TSS. EPEs will be documented in LEAP as
Management Inspections (MI)s using “Quality Assurance” in the assessment category block and
“Evaluate the Evaluator” in the checklist block.
30 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Figure 8.1. (Added) Quality Assurance Specialist (QAS) EPE/TSS Process for OC-ALC. (Added) Supervision is required to notify the applicable group QA office when an
employee is initially certified for the purpose of performing a PE. (Added) If an employee fails a PE for workmanship, decertification of that employee
is required within one working day of the PE failure. The employee’s supervisor is required to
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 31
inform the applicable group QA upon recertification of the employee. The following flow chart
(Figure 8.2) defines the process for tracking PEs in TSS.
Figure 8.2. (Added) PE/TSS Process for OC-ALC. (Added) When an employee fails a QVI for workmanship, decertification of that
employee is required within one day after the QVI failure. The employee’s supervisor is required
to inform the applicable group QA upon recertification of the employee.
32 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) Quality Verification Inspection Q-Stamps (QVIQ)s have been determined
critical in assuring a quality product/process is accomplished within the Complex. If a PAC
qualified QAS is not available, production will contact either the OC-ALC/QA squadron chiefs or
the respective OC-ALC/QA group chief to waive the requirement. If this occurs on the weekend
or during non-duty hours, the production supervisor will contact the applicable group QA chief or
QA supervisor (designee) to waive the QVIQ stamp. Group QA offices will integrate their waiver
process into their QASPs. Group QA offices will develop a tracking method to track QVIQ
waivers. If the QVIQ was bypassed without being waived IAW the described process, an AFMC
Form 343, will be generated against the supervisor on duty who was responsible for ensuring the
QVIQ was performed and entered into LEAP as a Special Inspection (SI) in block 1. (Added) A QAS can add a hand scribed quality (“Q”) code in column 2 of block 29
of the AFSC Form 173, MDS/Project Operation Assignment, or next to the certification block of
the Air Force Sustainment Center (AFSC) Form 959, Work Control Document (WCD), inventory
tracking system (ITS), or the Definitized List. This will allow the QAS to ensure a specific
operation is inspected as a part of an “in-process” QVI. Shop will notify the QAS when they see
a hand scribed Q” so the QAS can perform the “in process” inspection. This will be a red ink
change. The QAS will affix a stamp and date above the code. (Added) Group QAs will review internal and external data to include: Quality
Deficiency Report (QDR)s, Acceptance Inspection Deficiency Reports (AIDR)s, LEAP, and
rework/recycle for “Q” stamp inclusion at a minimum quarterly basis utilizing no less than a rolling
12 months worth of data. Those tasks/operations/processes which show a history of repeat defects,
high failure rates, or upon risk assessment have safety of flight affects shall be considered for a
“Q” stamp. Defects or deficiencies determined to be workmanship, (i.e., preventable, LEAP codes
how malfunction (HM), technical data (TE), and foreign object (FO)) will also be evaluated using
risk assessment tools to determine safety of flight affects. An AFSC Form 957, WCD Change
Request, will be utilized for all QVIQ requests adding a “Q” stamp to WCDs. Manual “Q” stamp
placement procedures will be utilized for one time or immediate action occurrences. (Added) Production management is encouraged to request “Q” stamp placement for
any task/operation they deem necessary for QA review. Applicable QA chiefs will review requests
to ensure appropriate resources are available to support the requirement. Communication with all
production partners is essential so there are no misunderstandings when “Qs” are added to WCDs
for the first time. It is the responsibility of the supporting supervisor in production to fully
communicate with their technicians that a “Q” has been added to a WCD in their work area. (Added) Report QVIQ inspection results in monthly group quality indicators
focusing on trends. (Added) As a minimum QVIQs will be evaluated quarterly to verify continued need.
Air Force Instruction (AFI) required inspections do not require verification quarterly; however,
they should be reviewed occasionally to ensure they are having the desired effect. Removal of
QVIQs should be considered once the original condition has been corrected or no additional
benefit is derived from continued inspections. No Q” stamp shall be removed from a WCD
without the coordination between QA and production. Once concurrence has been received route
an AFSC Form 957 to remove the “Q” stamp from the WCDs.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 33 (Added) In areas possessing Nuclear Certified Equipment (NCE) Routine Inspection
List (RIL)s shall be appropriately scheduled and included in the applicable OC-ALC group QASP.
The NCE routine inspection list (RIL) Checklist will be run at least annually. Checklists can be
found on the OC-ALC/QA Enterprise Information System (EIS) site under Local QA Checklists
(R). (Added) SIs will only be used to document “stumble-on” findings that fall outside of
the planned inspection being performed. The finding will be documented on a separate AFMC
Form 343 as an SI in block 1. When determining the defect class on the AFMC Form 343, utilize
the applicable RIL. If the defect is not listed on the RIL, utilize the definition of a major or minor
in Air Force Sustainment Center Manual (AFSCMAN)21-102, Depot Maintenance Management,
chapter 8 and AFMCI21-100, chapter 8 to determine the Quality Assessment Rating (QAR) of the
finding. AQL levels will be established by each group. (Added) Vehicle inspections will be input as MIs in LEAP and sent to the owner of
the vehicle, their supervisor for information or action, and the group QA office workflow account.
76 AMXG organizations are required to fill in blocks in accordance with IAW Table 8.6, and send
the AFMC Form 343 to the respective squadron workflow account, as well as the supervisor. (Added) Occupational Health and Environmental inspections accomplished will be
input as MIs in LEAP with QPE control numbers. Occupational Health and Environmental
organizations are required to fill in blocks IAW Table 8.6 and send the AFMC Form 343 to the
respective squadron workflow account, as well as the supervisor. (Added) If the QAR 1 rated inspection is fixed "on the spot" (verified by the QAS
prior to departing the area), the assessing organization QAS will annotate “Fixed on the spot” as
well as the corrective action in the corrective action block on the AFMC Form 343. In the follow-
up block annotate “Finding fixed on the spot, no further action required.” (Added) No extensions will be granted for suspense dates. Issuing QA office has
two working days for acceptance or rejection of the AFMC Form 343 corrective/preventative
action(s). (Added) Extension of Plan Date. If the plan date needs to be adjusted due to
extenuating circumstances, the work center site manager will enter the new date in plan date and
the original date along with supporting rationale in the comments block. Extensions will be
recorded and tracked in LEAP. (Added) Follow-up inspections shall be conducted on all documented non-
conformances to ensure corrective actions are effectively implemented. The only exception to this
rule is fixed on the spot minor non conformances. After the implementation of the corrective
action and expiration of planned completion date, a follow-up inspection will be completed within
90 working days. (Added) Failed follow-up inspections will be briefed to the supervisor or designated
work center official and the AFMC Form 343 documented as “failed follow-up” with details of
the failure in follow-up assessment block. An additional finding page will be opened on the
original AFMC Form 343 to document the second failure. The date used will be the date of the
failed follow-up. The original finding page will be closed. The shop supervisor or designated
work center official will be notified and will be required to input a new corrective action.
34 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) Data generated from the submittal of subject forms shall be entered and
maintained in LEAP. LEAP provides personnel direct access for inputting, editing, and viewing
of data. Depot personnel may access LEAP for "View Only" purposes provided they submit a
Form DD2875, to their responsible group LEAP site manager. (Added) Data analysis will be performed on all findings on a recurring basis (monthly,
quarterly, and annually) to evaluate trends/systemic issues across OC-ALC. If systemic issues are
found, complex/group leadership shall determine an appropriate RCA response tool to develop
countermeasures to ensure the root cause is mitigated. (Added) Trigger points. Defect codes will be the first analysis level to determine
systemic findings. Once like defect codes are grouped, each defect code grouping that meets or
exceeds the trigger point will be read individually to ensure findings are similar. (Added) Criteria for trigger points. Trigger point 1: Greater than 50 percent of
production groups have similar issue (meeting or exceeding three percent of previous group twelve
months rolling average). Trigger point 2: Any individual group that has a defect code rate that
meets or exceeds twice the quarterly average. Trigger point 3: Increased risk associated with
identified finding (e.g., damage to a part, injury to an employee, etc.). (Added) Planned Action to Prevent Reoccurrence. If the AFMC Form 343 findings
are deemed a trend/systemic issue through trigger point data, the Group Commander/Deputy will
ensure an RCA and Corrective Action is accomplished and submitted to the Complex QA office.
At time of finding; a correction is required. If applicable, this correction should address existence
of any additional nonconforming products and when required, further action should be taken.
Additionally, any correction should be evaluated for the need for action based on human factors
to ensure nonconformities do not recur. (Added) If an inspection fails due to exceeding the acceptable AQL, inspectors will
keep each finding as a minor in the defect class block and change the assessment rating block to a
QAR 3. (Added) Minimum data fields contained in LEAP AFMC Form 343 will include the
following (Table 8.6.).
Table 8.6. (Added) Populating AFMC Form 343 in LEAP.
QVI Quality Verification
QVIQ-Quality Verification
Inspection Q-Stamps
RI Routine Inspection
PE Personnel Evaluation
SI Special Inspection
MI Management Inspection
DSV Detected Safety Violation
TDV Technical Data Violation
UCR Unsatisfactory Condition
RII Required Inspection Items
Yes; system requirement
Date Of
Date of assessment-select from
Yes; system requirement
Start Time
Four digit designator in military
time format (numbers only).
Yes; system requirement
Total time used to complete
inspection (numbers only).
Yes; system requirement
System generated Evaluation
Yes; auto-generated field
Category of the inspection type for
MIs and SIs (associated with block
In-Process or End-Process for QVI,
Yes; OC-ALC required on ALL MI,
SI, QVI, QVIQ and RII inspections
Sub Category
Routine Inspection List
Yes; OC-ALC required on ALL RILs.
36 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
HQ or Local checklist used
(associated with block 6)
Yes; OC-ALC required on ALL SI or
Quality rating assigned to each
assessment: QAR-1, QAR-3, or Not
Rated (Not Rated inspections must
be approved)
Yes; system requirement
Free text field used at the discretion
of QA Groups.
OC-ALC required for all EPEs (enter
QAS name).
QASC required for in-process QVIs
planned WCDs use Q, hand scribed
inspections use QVIQ. MXSG
Group Assessed during inspection
Yes; system requirement
Squadron assessed during inspection
As applicable. QASP required.
Flight assessed during inspection
As applicable.
Section assessed during inspection
As applicable. QASP required for
RCC codes. QASC required for Unit
Name of person responsible for
work/object being evaluated.
Yes; OC-ALC required on ALL PE,
QVI, and QVIQ inspections.
Recommended for all other
inspections where applicable.
Stamp number of person responsible
for work/object being evaluated.
System generated block when
Yes; OC-ALC required on ALL PE,
QVI and QVIQ inspections.
Recommended for all other
inspections where applicable.
MXSG excluded.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 37
Product / Process / Task / Service Assessment Classifier
National Stock Number (####-##-
QASC required when available;
Manufacturer part number
identifying an item, assembly, end
item, or equipment.
QASC & QASP required on PE, QVI,
& QVIQ, optional otherwise.
Serial number. A unique number
that identifies an item, assembly,
end item or equipment.
QASC & QASP required on product if
available, optional otherwise.
A description of the product,
process, task, or service being
evaluated. If a product inspection,
the description should be consistent
with the Illustrated Parts
Yes; OC-ALC required. QASP-use
WCD title or pre-test/post-test engine
Job Order Number. A number that
identifies an accounting entity.
As applicable
List the Mission Design Series or
Type Model Series.
Yes; OC-ALC requirement on all
QVI, QVIQ and PE inspections
MXSG excluded
Weapon System Code. Identifies a
weapon system type.
Yes; OC-ALC required on all QVI,
QVIQ and PE inspections. QASP use
(PMXG). QASC use (CMXG).
MXSG excluded
Tail Number
Tail number of aircraft being
Required by QASA when applicable,
otherwise, if available
Work Unit Code
Required by QASA when applicable,
otherwise if available. QASP to
identify ITN on PE and QVIs
Work Control Document code
WCD ID number required for QASC
38 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Operation Number of a production
Yes; OC-ALC required for ALL PE,
QVI & QVIQ inspections, except
MXSG. Recommended for all other
inspections when applicable.
Control Number use determined be
each QA group and defined by local
QASC required for PE & QVI (if
available), QASC T-jobs put P/N,
optional otherwise. QASP required
Audit Code.
PAC Task
PAC/TSS Task Code for task being
OC-ALC required TSS task code on
all PE, QVI, and QVIQ inspections.
Type of maintenance performed:
Organic or Contractor
As applicable
Product Area
Code that identifies shop/back shop,
file location, or ramp space.
Designates location where the
inspection was conducted.
Yes; system requirement
Code that identifies exact building,
ramp space, etc., where inspection
occurred or group area.
Yes; system requirement
Sample Size
Sample size of product or area
Required for RI inspections and when
applicable on MI inspections
Used to indicate the acceptable
quality limit of the inspection
Yes; system requirement
Field reserved for use by each QA
QASA requires Inspection ID code
number, QASC requires ITN number
on PE and QVIs, optional otherwise
Defect code category
Yes; system requirement
Defect Code
Defect code description
Yes; system requirement
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 39
Rating value assigned to each
discrepancy: minor, major, or not
Yes; system requirement. ZD
inspections will use “Not Rated”.
Used to show the deficiency has
been reported before, within a
specified time frame.
Yes; system requirement
Yes if showing a continuous problem.
If used, yes would indicate the same
problem within the RCC within six
months. If yes for QASA, enter repeat
AFMC IMT 343 control number in
block 20.
Name of person who performed the
Yes; auto-generated field
Parent organization identifier of
person who performed the
Yes; auto-generated field
Finding /
Each finding gets an auto-generated
Deficiency number associated with
the Evaluation number.
Yes; auto-generated field
Finding /
Describe the finding/deficiency
Yes, system requirement
References to support noted
deficiency; comment to describe
task being performed and other
information that may be helpful.
Optional, but highly recommended.
required. Sub-op description and any
other pertinent information. QASC
uses to state what gates were looked at
and complete/incomplete
Drawing etc.
Regulation guidance, technical
order, process order, drawings, etc.
Used for the inspection or to identify
a discrepancy.
Yes; OC-ALC required on all
inspections, list primary tech data
40 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Page, and/or
Identifies the chapter, page, and/or
paragraph numbers (only) to the
reference used in block 21.
Yes; OC-ALC required on all
deficiencies. At a minimum, must
have paragraph number.
Chief Evaluator or Site Manager
reviews 343 for accuracy and
validates that data, finding, and
deficiency code are correct.
OC-ALC required on all QAR3
Name of person responsible for the
area where inspection was
Yes; OC-ALC requirement
Organization identifier of person
who is responsible for area.
Yes; OC-ALC requirement
Suspense Date
Suspense date for submittal of
corrective/preventative action by
responsible person (area
Yes; auto-generated field
Action taken by the responsible
organization to correct the noted
Yes; OC-ALC requirement. Input by
the assessed organization.
RCA category designator
Optional. May be requested by QA
RCA Code
Three part code which categorizes
defects by root cause. Entered by
responsible person at time of
corrective/preventative input into
Optional. May be requested by QA
Corrected By
Name of individual who performed
corrective action
Yes; OC-ALC requirement
Corrected By
Organization of person who
performed the corrective action
Yes; OC-ALC requirement
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 41
Action Date
Date corrective action performed
Yes; OC-ALC requirement.
Use calendar selection
Action To
Action taken by the responsible
organization to prevent noted
deficiency recurrence.
Optional. May be requested by QA
Performed By
Name of individual who is
responsible for implementing the
preventative action
Optional. May be requested by QA
Organization of person who is
responsible for implementing the
preventative action
Optional. May be requested by QA
Plan Date
Date responsible organization plans
to have preventative action in place
Optional. May be requested by QA.
Use calendar selection
Accept /
Indicated whether a
corrective/preventative action is
accepted or rejected (Quality
Yes; OC-ALC requirement
Date Quality accepts/rejects the
proposed corrective/preventative
Yes; OC-ALC requirement
Use calendar selection
Any relative comments relating to
the acceptance/rejection of the
OC-ALC requirement for all
QA Follow-
Findings of follow-up assessment by
Quality, evaluating implementation
of corrective/preventative action
Yes; OC-ALC requirement
Follow-Up By
Name of person performing follow-
up assessment
Yes; OC-ALC requirement
Follow-Up By
Organization of person performing
follow-up assessment
Yes; OC-ALC requirement
42 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Date follow-up assessment
completed. This closes the form and
finding when date is entered and
Yes; OC-ALC requirement. This
action closes the Evaluation and the
Finding. (Added) When an AFMC Form 343 is issued, the following procedures will apply: (Added) The supervisor or designated official of the work center being evaluated will
be in-briefed and out-briefed, if available. Additionally, the AFMC Form 343 will be e-mailed to
the supervisor or responsible person as soon as possible using the e-mail client in LEAP, if
available. Otherwise, print, scan, and e-mail the AFMC Form 343. Completed AFMC Form 343
will be sent back to the issuing office for acceptance or rejection of the finding within eight
working days. The issuing office should check LEAP daily for actions that need accepting or
rejecting. The issuing QA office has two working days for acceptance or rejection of the AFMC
Form 343 corrective/preventative action(s). (Added) Groups will use the OC-ALC/QA EIS site for Request for Quality Assistance
(RQA). All personnel have access to this site as an avenue to request investigation into an issue
(product, process, or management system) thought to affect the quality management system. To
initiate an RQA electronically, the initiator must access the form for RQA located on the OC-
ALC/QA EIS site. Upon completion of the form, it is automatically routed to the applicable
Complex RQA focal point. The Complex RQA focal point will, in turn, route the RQA to the
applicable group QA office for investigation. (Added) The OC-ALC/QA office will receive, validate, and track all RQAs in the OC-
ALC/QA EIS site. Invalid requests (examples include personnel matters, leave issues, etc.) will
be returned to the originator (if known) for modification or other action. The assigned group QA
office will investigate the request to determine if further inspection is required. If the nature of the
observation is beyond the scope of the group QA to resolve, it may be referred to the Complex
Quality office for review and disposition. In all cases, the responsible QA office will acknowledge
receipt and provide disposition or status, as appropriate, to the submitter (if identified) and the
Complex RQA Focal Point, within 10 working days. In addition, the responsible group QA office
will provide weekly status updates to the Complex RQA focal point until the RQA is closed. (Added) If, after investigation, the concern or issue is determined to be valid,
disposition may include the following: submittal of a Corrective Action Request (CAR) for
systemic problems, or submittal of an AFMC Form 343 for isolated violation.
8.5. (Added) OC-ALC/QA shall serve as the Product Improvement Manager (PIM) for
technical order recommend change (RC) requests submitted by the Complex.
8.5.1. (Added) All RCs shall be input into the Enhanced Technical Information Management
System (ETIMS). IAW TO 00-5-1, Air Force Technical Order System, Chapter 9. ETIMS is the
designated standard Air Force (AF) Enterprise Technical Order/Computer Program Identification
Numbering (TO/CPIN) system of record. ETIMS capabilities include TO/CPIN
cataloging/indexing, TO/CPIN subscription/ requisition processing, TO/CPIN Distribution Office
(TODO) account management, TO Recommended Change management (replaces the AFTO Form
22, Technical Manual (TM) Change Recommendation and Reply, AFTO Form 252 Technical
Order Publication Change Request , and AF Form 847), paper TO distribution/printing, and
storage/distribution/archival of electronic technical orders (eTO)s (including Interactive Electronic
Technical Manuals (IETM)s.
44 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
8.6. (Added) International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certification and
auditing. The purpose of ISO is to give state of the art specifications for products, services and
good practice to help make industry more efficient and effective. ISO ensures processes are in
place so products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality and is a strategic tool to reduce
costs by minimizing waste and errors which increases productivity. ISO requirements complement
existing AF regulation requirements. The Complex audits to the applicable ISO standard.
8.6.1. (Added) Current ISO/AS9110/ISO 9001standard auditing. In accordance with Oklahoma
City Air Logistics Complex Manual (OCALCMAN) 90-107 OCALC Quality Manual, OC-
ALC/Compliance Inspection Section (QAI) is responsible for planning and conducting internal
current ISO/AS9110 standard program (non-weapon system specific) audits within the OC-ALC
to meet requirements contained in the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex Instruction
(OCALCI) 90-120, Internal Audit System, the current ISO/AS9110, and ISO 9001 standard. OC-
ALC organizations will be audited to current ISO/AS9110 standard.
8.6.2. (Added) Upon receipt of the CAR, the assessed organization will complete and forward
the CAR and other applicable forms as required by OCALCI90-420, Corrective Action Tracking
System (CATS), for approval and further processing.
8.6.3. (Added) Disputes: In the event a CAR finding or classification is disputed, subject CAR
shall be elevated through management levels until resolution is achieved, (e.g., production
management, responsible quality office, Organization Approval Authority (OAA), organizational
quality manager (QM), Chief, Complex Quality Manager (CQM), or the Complex management
representative). All disputes resulting from actions taken in CATS shall be resolved in a similar
manner. (Added) Deficiencies identified during current ISO 9100/AS9110 standard internal
audits will be documented on a worksheet on the OC-ALC/QA SharePoint. Refer to current ISO
AS9110/ISO9001 standards, OCALCMAN90-107, OCALCI90-420, and this supplement for the
criteria used for classification and rating of non-conformances identified during current ISO
AS9110/ISO9001 standard audits. CATS will be used to record non-conformances identified as
well as the corrective and preventive actions IAW OCALCI90-420 and this supplement. An
AFMC Form 343 may be used when a finding is an isolated occurrence not directly related to or
impacting the product or service being provided and would not normally be identified as a current
ISO AS9110/ISO9001 standard audit finding. (Added) With the exception of detected safety violations (DSV)s, findings identified
during the course of an ISO audit that warrant being documented on an AFMC Form 343, may be
held until completion of the audit to ensure systemic issues are identified and duplicate or multiple
findings are not submitted to the production organizations. Once the AFMC Form 343 is issued,
normal processing procedures IAW published guidance shall be utilized.
8.6.4. (Added) Distribute CAR notification via e-mail to assessed organizations within 10
working days after audit end date.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 45
8.6.5. (Added) Upon receipt of the CAR, the assessed organization will complete and forward
the CAR and other applicable forms as required by OCALCI90-420 for approval and further
processing. The assessed organization is responsible for requesting closure and/or extensions to
CARs from the organization that issued the CAR. All second and subsequent request(s) for
extensions issued by OC-ALC/QA (to include external audits) will be approved by the group
commander or deputy of the assessed organization and provide justification for extension and new
milestones for completion of corrective action plan before being forwarded to the organization that
issued the finding for approval. Extension requests should be processed within two working days.
This request may be either e-mail or memo. (Added) When required, recall of delivered nonconforming product may be a part of the
CAP. In cases where recall of the product is necessary, appropriate action shall be taken by the
assessed organization to contact the customer, provide information on the nonconformity and
potential consequences and make arrangements for having the product returned and a replacement,
refund, or on-site repair accomplished. All reasonable effort should be made to satisfy the
customer. (Added) CAR close-out actions will be initiated and annotated in the appropriate
database when a CAP has successfully completed closing, verification, or follow-up activities. (Added) Closure verification inspection performed on a CATS worksheet shall be
conducted by the issuing organization within 10 working days of request for closure. The purpose
of the verification audit is to verify successful implementation of the CAP and its effective
resolution of the problem. A 60 to 120 day follow-up inspection will be conducted after CAP
closure by the issuing organization to determine if the effectiveness of the CAP is being
maintained. Groups will be notified via e-mail when verification and/or follow-up activities are
unsuccessful. All verification and follow-ups will be documented as required by OCALCI90-420.
8.6.6. (Added) Risks identified during an audit should be documented in the audit report and
addressed by the assessed organization.
8.6.7. (Added) Each group shall identify Level I and, as applicable, Level II CAP approval
authority for their organization as required by OCALCI90-420. A Level II approving authority
will be required for organizations performing internal audits within their groups. For all CARs,
the Level I approval is performed by a Level I authority within the assessed organization and the
CAR is forwarded to the assessing organization. For all CARs issued as a result of a Complex
level or external audit (registrar) the Level II approval authority is the Complex Quality office and
Level I approval authority is the OC-ALC/QA. The Level II approval authority for other CARS
will be the designated Level II approval authority within the organization that issued the CAR.
Level I and Level II approval authorities will document, process, review, approve and/or
disapprove CAR/CAP IAW the process and procedures contained in OCALCI90-420. (Added) Level I and Level II approval authorities within the OC-ALC will review and
approve or disapprove the CAR, and CAP based on the requirements and using the process
contained in OCALCI90-420.
8.6.8. (Added) If the CAR failed the closure verification inspection, the CAR will remain open;
and, if the planned completion date (PCD) has passed, the CAR will be declared delinquent. The
assessed organization has the option of requesting a new PCD for the CAR.
46 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
8.6.9. (Added) The group Level I approval authority or appointed OAA shall report CAR status
every 30 days in CATS from date the CAP is approved throughout CAP implementation until the
CAR is closed. (Added) An organization may revise or update the CAP after it has been approved. When
necessary, the group POC will be responsible for contacting the CATS administrator of the
organization that issued the CAR by e-mail to unlock the CAP for editing. Once the CAP has been
changed, the CAP approval process restarts.
8.6.10. (Added) Within OC-ALC the "deferred" status in CATS may be used under the following
conditions with the approval of the organization that issued the CAR. (Added) When the CAP planned completion date is more than 60 days and the same
CAP is used to correct the non-conformances in two or more CARs. For this condition the
following process will be used. One CAR will be used for tracking the status of the implementation
of the CAP and will use processes IAW OCALCI90-420 and this supplement. The CAR used for
tracking the CAP implementation will include in both the CAP and notes section of CATS, a
statement that the CAP is also the corrective action for (insert CAR #) being deferred. The CAR(s)
deferred will include all the entries as required by OCALCI90-420 and will include in the CAP
and notes section of CATS, a statement that corrective action is being tracked under (insert CAR#).
The planned completion date of all CARs will be the same. Thirty day status reporting is required
on the CARs in "deferred" status. When requesting closure on the CAR being used to track
implementation, the assessed organization will request closure on those associated CARs that were
deferred. (Added) When the CAP requires action from an authority outside of OC-ALC. The
CAR deferred will include all the entries as required by OCALCI90-420 and will include in the
CAP and notes section of CATS, a statement explaining the reason for the deferral. The planned
completion date of the CAR will be the same. Thirty day status reporting is required on a CAR in
"deferred" status.
8.6.11. (Added) Audit results will be briefed to OC-ALC senior staff during OC-ALC quarterly
QA briefings.
8.6.12. (Added) Forms/Records. Forms generated are retained and disposed in accordance with
AFI33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 47
Chapter 9
9.3.1. (Added) General Information: OC-ALC/QA is the OPR for the OC-ALC Impoundment
Program. The OC-ALC group CCs or DDs will designate in writing the duty positions that are to
serve as impoundment authorities and by name, individuals that are to serve as impoundment
officials. The impoundment authority will select an impoundment official from the impoundment
official appointment letter as the single POC for the impoundment. (Added) The impoundment official will be responsible for controlling, monitoring,
reporting, and investigating the impounded item. Group CCs or DDs are the Impoundment Release
Authority and will, in coordination with the Single Investigating Officer (SIO), when applicable,
decide when the aircraft (A/C), A/C systems, sub-system components, engines/components, and
support equipment can be released from impoundment. (Added) Group QA offices will serve as the OPR for the group impoundment program.
Impoundment investigations and procedures by the OC-ALC/Safety Office (SE) or SIO/Safety
Investigation Board (SIB) assigned by the convening authority take precedence over impoundment
investigations IAW AFI91-204 Safety Investigations and Reports. Impound officials will not
proceed with movement or teardown of asset unless authorized by the assigned SIO or SIB
president. Notify OC-ALC/SE of all impoundment actions to include impending release from
impoundment. This will ensure that OC-ALC/SE has completed their investigation prior to release
of the asset. (Added) 76 AMXG. The applicable air force technical order (AFTO) Form 781A
electronic equivalent will be documented prior to engine removal for repair when internal engine
damage due to FOD is isolated to the engine and requires engine impoundment. Impoundment
official will clear the red X entry in forms stating impounded engine removed from aircraft with
reference to entry by page and block. Engine will remain impounded until investigation complete
and Impoundment Release Authority releases engine impoundment. Note: If same engine is
repaired, the engine will not be re-installed on aircraft until Impoundment Release Authority
releases engine impoundment.
9.3.2. (Added) Responsibilities: (Added) Employees will: (Added) Call 911 for emergency personnel as necessary. (Added) Immediately notify supervision of the incident/mishap.
9.3.3. (Added) Supervisors or individual-in-charge where incident/mishap occurred will: (Added) Immediately take actions to prevent further injury to personnel or additional
property damage. (Added) Immediately stop all work and restrict access around the incident/mishap area. (Added) 76 CMXG and 76 PMXG. Notify Squadron CC/CL of the incident/mishap.
Provide location, situation, A/C, A/C system/sub-system component, engines/components and
support equipment part number, serial number, point of contact, and telephone number.
48 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) 76 AMXG. Notify 76 AMXG/ Maintenance Operations Center (MXDSO)
Maintenance Operations Center (MOC), 736-2500, of the incident/mishap. Provide location,
situation, A/C, A/C system/sub-system component, engines/components and support equipment
part number, serial number, point of contact, and telephone number. (Added) Isolate the area and ensure the incident or mishap scene and damaged parts are
not disturbed. (Added) Ensure all records, including AFTO 781A series forms, AFTO Form 244,
Industrial/Support Equipment Record, WCDs, test cell data, engine records, witness statements,
etc., are secured pending release to the impoundment official. (Added) Ensure employees involved in the incident or mishap do not leave the scene
unless the employees were injured and require medical attention. All employees involved with the
incident, as well as any witnesses, shall be detained for statements. Additionally, employees
directly involved in the incident may be subject to drug testing, IAW AFI91-204. Notify the
appropriate level of supervision necessary to receive authorization to detain workers beyond the
end of their scheduled shift. (Added) Prepare an incident/mishap report using the online mishap reporting system at or on the OC-
ALC main home page. Note: In the rare event the network is down, please notify your group
safety office and try resubmitting the online report at a later time. Reference OC-ALCI91-11
Incident/Mishap Reporting Procedures Attachment 2 A2.1.3.
9.3.4. (Added) 76 AMXG. For 76 AMXG ONLY, MOC will: (Added) Notify applicable group impoundment authority and ascertain whether the A/C,
A/C system/sub-system component, engines/components and support equipment is to be
impounded. If impoundment is directed, obtain impoundment official information. (Added) Notify the applicable group impoundment official. (Added) Notify applicable squadron commander and assigned scheduler. (Added) Notify OC-ALC/Aircraft Quality Office (QASA) workflow, of the
impoundment and report name and phone number of the impoundment official and request the QA
representative information. Notification will be by phone and/or e-mail to OC-ALC/QASA
Workflow. (Added) Notify the OC-ALC/SE. (Added) Notify 72 ABW, 72 OSS/OSAM (FOD/DOP only). Notify 552 ACW/CP,
(dropped objects (DO)s only). (Added) Update the Aircraft Information and Tracking System (ACITS) to reflect the
aircraft impoundment. (Added) Update ACITS upon release of the A/C, A/C system/ sub-system component,
engines/components and support equipment as applicable.
9.3.5. (Added) Impoundment authority will: (Added) Immediately notify the group/CC/CD and the MOC of the impoundment
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 49 (Added) Assign an impoundment official from the group impoundment official
appointment letter. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Inform MOC who the assigned impoundment official will be. (Added) The 76 CMXG, 76 PMXG. Inform the group QA office who the assigned
impoundment official will be. (Added) Oversee the impoundment process to ensure procedures are followed
accordingly. (Added) Provide impoundment updates to the Group/CC/CD as required.
9.3.6. (Added) Impoundment official will: (Added) The 76 AMXG. Report to MOC, Building 3001, post Y60 or impoundment kit
trailer and/or squadron tool crib and pick up impoundment book and impoundment signs.
Caution/warning tape will be the responsibility of the user. (Added) The 76 PMXG, 76 CMXG. Inform the group QA office of the impoundment. (Added) The 76 PMXG, 76 CMXG. Pick up the impoundment kit from the applicable
squadron or group QA office, which includes: impoundment book, caution/warning tape, and
impoundment signs. (Added) Report to the scene of the incident within two hours of the incident occurrence
when notified during normal business hours (0645-1530). (Added) The 76 AMXG, 76 CMXG. Report within three hours of incident occurrence
when notified after normal business hours (1530-0645). (Added) The 76 PMXG. On weekends or non-duty hours, the impoundment official
will report within the first three hours of the next duty day. (Added) Impound the A/C, A/C systems, sub-system components, engine/components
and support equipment. Assess the situation, and conduct investigation to determine the cause of
the incident or mishap. (Added) Contact group impoundment team members and assign duties and
responsibilities throughout the investigation after coordinating with OC-ALC/SE. (Added) Use of these forms in their entirety is mandatory (OC-ALC Form 130,
Impoundment Official Checklist, (found on the AF e-publishing site), OC-ALC Form 131
Impoundment Worksheet (found on the AF e-publishing site), and Table 9.1. Incident/Mishap
Report Cost Analysis, (found in this supplement). All three attachments must be turned into the
group QA office to become part of the final record of the impoundment. It may be stored
electronically. (Added) Incident/Mishap Report Cost Analysis. This cost analysis will become part of
the final impoundment record. (Added) OC-ALC Form 130. Each item must be initialed or marked N/A and dated.
This completed checklist will become part of the final impoundment record. (Added) OC-ALC Form 131. This signed and completed worksheet will become part
of the final impoundment record.
50 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) The 76 AMXG. Post OC-ALC Form 131, on aircraft as close as possible to the
crew entry door or at entry control point (ECP). (Added) Ensure all FOD/DOP incidents/mishaps are investigated and reported IAW
Chapter 13 of this supplement. (Added) Ensure all responsible personnel are kept informed of progress and problems
discovered throughout the investigation. Coordinate with/and support the OC-ALC/SE in
investigating and reporting under AFI91-204. (Added) Coordinate the Incident/Mishap Report Cost Analysis and obtain approval
from the group CC/DD, or designated representative (as required) prior to releasing the
preliminary and final FOD/DOP Incident/Mishap Report Cost Analysis to ensure reporting
requirements are followed IAW AFI91-204. (Added) Report any damage or destruction to contracted property (loaned/leased/rental
support equipment) to the Defense Contracting Management Agency (DCMA). (Added) Return impoundment kit to MOC and/or applicable office. (Impoundment
book and signs must be checked out from and returned to the MOC and/or applicable squadron
office). (Added) Ensure initial incident/mishap report is completed and delivered within two
hours. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Document required forms of areas released for maintenance
and inform MOC/736-2500. (Added) Deliver impoundment documentation to group QA for document review prior
to recommending release of the impoundment. (Added) Impoundment officials will annotate on OC-ALC Form 131 what maintenance
can be performed on aircraft/engine/equipment in conjunction with investigation or partial release
information and inform the group QA office. 76 AMXG impoundment officials will inform MOC.
9.3.7. (Added) Impoundment team members will consist of various job series within the
applicable group: planner, engineer, quality, FOD/DOP investigator/monitor, production
front/back shop senior technician, and any other series as necessary to complete the investigation.
Coordinate with the OC-ALC/SE and OC-ALC FOD/DOP monitor if applicable during
investigation. Team members will provide support and assist with investigation as required,
including but not limited to: (Added) Assist in the investigation to determine the cause of the problem which resulted
in the impoundment.
9.3.8. (Added) Impoundment Release Authority will: (Added) Approve the initial Incident/Mishap Report Cost Analysis provided by the
Impoundment Official (as required) before releasing it to OC-ALC/SE. (Added) Support OC-ALC/SE to ensure a thorough investigation is accomplished IAW
AFI91-204. Upon convening Impoundment Release Authority, review the final investigation
report and ensure corrective actions are taken to prevent possible reoccurrence.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 51 (Added) Determine if further actions are required if the cause that led to the
impoundment cannot be determined or positive corrective action was not identified. (Added) Authorize the release of the impoundment to the impoundment official by using
OC-ALC Form 131. This must be signed by the Impoundment Release Authority.
9.3.9. (Added) Groups will provide support for incident/mishap investigations as requested by
the impoundment official/authority or SIO.
9.3.10. (Added) Groups will provide engineering and technical support for incident/mishap
investigations as requested by the impoundment official/authority or SIO.
9.3.11. (Added) Group planning office will immediately appoint a cost POC upon notification
from the supervisor/impoundment official for all incidents/mishaps that occur within the group.
The POC will expeditiously provide an initial damage cost estimate in accordance with AFI91-
204 reporting requirements to the impoundment official.
9.3.12. (Added) The initial cost assessment for damaged parts will be evaluated and reported
based on the repair cost as defined in the applicable repair TO versus replacement cost of the
damaged parts. If the damaged parts are beyond repairable limits, then the exchange cost will be
used. If the asset is destroyed (i.e., no parts to turn in), then use replacement cost.
9.3.13. (Added) Group resource management office will validate the initial and final cost
estimates for current prices prior to releasing the estimate to the impoundment official.
9.3.14. (Added) Group QA offices will: (Added) The 76 CMXG, 76 PMXG. Maintain all active impoundment documentation
when not in the possession of impoundment official. (Added) Appoint a QAS as part of the investigation team upon notification from the
impoundment official. (Added) Maintain the master impoundment authority appointment letter. (Added) Maintain the master impoundment official appointment letter. (Added) Ensure impoundment authority/official appointment letters are reviewed bi-
annually. (Added) Maintain impoundment books located within the MOC to include all required
forms and appointment letters. (Added) The 76 CMXG, 76 PMXG. Maintain impoundment books within the group
QA office. (Added) The 76 CMXG, 76 PMXG. Inactive impoundment documentation will be
maintained in appropriate group QA office for two years after the impoundment release. (Added) Ensure corrective actions are effective and instituted completely throughout
the identified areas after the release of the impoundment. (Added) Update the impoundment tracking log located at the OC-ALC/QA EIS site, within one
working day of impoundment notification/release/changes.
52 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
9.3.15. (Added) Group and Complex FOD/DOP monitor will assist the investigation team on all
FOD/DOP incident/mishaps.
9.3.16. (Added) OC-ALC impoundment program manager will: (Added) Monitor and track all Complex impoundment activities. (Added) Provide management with OC-ALC impoundment overviews as determined
by management.
9.3.17. (Added) Internal engine damage due to a FO which can be isolated to the engine and
requires removal for repair shall result in the engine being impounded by the 76 AMXG
impoundment authority, aircraft impoundment is not required. When requested, 76 PMXG will
borescope the engine to help determine if on or off wing repair is required and provide a repair
cost analysis. The POC for requesting the borescope will be the OC-ALC/QASP office. The engine
will remain impounded by 76 AMXG until the investigation and cost estimate is complete and
disposition instructions are received from the owning major command (MAJCOM).
9.3.18. (Added) Incident/Mishap Report Cost Analysis information will be provided by 76
PMXG and reported to the 76 AMXG FOD monitor within 48 hours of the initial incident.
9.3.19. (Added) OC-ALC/QASP will provide a POC for 76 AMXG engine FOD incidents.
9.3.20. (Added) Throughout the impoundment the engine will be marked off using cones, ropes,
or placards.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 53
Table 9.1. (Added) Incident /Mishap Report Cost Analysis Memorandum Format.
SUBJECT: Incident/mishap report cost analysis for (nomenclature)
Material listing:
(Nomenclature) P/N NSN $000.00
Total for materials $000.00
Labor hours:
00.00 X Hourly rate $000.00 $000.00
Total for labor $000.00
Total for labor and material $000.00
2. Class of mishap
Class A $2,000,000.00 or greater. 8 hour report due to 72 ABW/SEG
Class B $500,000.00 but less than $2,000,000.00. 8 hour report due to 72 ABW/SEG
Class C $50,000.00 but less than $500,000.00. 8 hour report due to 72 ABW/SEG
Class D Cost totaling $20,000.00 but less than $50,000.00. 72 hour report due to 72
Class E Mishap A work-related mishap that falls below Class D criteria. Most Class E mishap
reporting is voluntary; however see discipline-specific safety manuals for a list of events
requiring mandatory reporting.
3. POC Name: John Doe, 76 XXXX/MXXX, Phone: XXX-XXXX
54 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Chapter 10
10.3.1. (Added) Each group will appoint a tool manager in writing. A copy of the appointment
letter to include the tool manager’s name, office symbol and phone number must be submitted to
the Complex tool control manager within 21 days of appointment. Tool managers will represent
the groups concerning Complex tool control policy and procedure issues.
10.3.2. (Added) In addition to the above representation for the groups, the tool manager for each
group will at a minimum have the following duties: (Added) Maintains lost/found item reports for groups. (Added) Single POC for procedural/policy changes between group/squadrons and the
Complex tool program. (Added) Focal point for groups tool/tool kit requirements. (Added) Monitor the 76 MXSG tool web page for overdue loaned tools and tools
awaiting pickup by the groups (Added) Maintain up-to-date lists of all the group’s Production Support Centers
(PSC)s. These lists will also be maintained by the Complex Tool Manager (CTM). (Added) AF hazardous material (HAZMAT) is tracked by Enterprise Environmental
Safety and Occupational Health-Management Information System (EESOH-MIS) to maintain
compliance. As required, the unit may track HAZMAT in other programs in addition to EESOH-
MIS. (Added) A signed copy of the tool kit custody receipt listing (TKCRL) will be used as
the daily inventory listing for the assigned tool kit. TKCRLs will be kept in a clean, readable
condition. Whenever a listing becomes unreadable, a copy of the master will be reissued. A signed
master TKCRL for each tool kit will be kept on file (either electronically or paper) in the Main
Tool Issue Center (MTIC). (Added) Any add-ons must be authorized by the supervisor and documented on the OC-
ALC Form 539, OC-ALC Supplemental Listing. This form will be signed by the tool kit (TK)
owner and supervisor if owned by non-supervisor and maintained with the employee’s copy of the
TKCRL. (Added) Employees may only have one individual tool kit (ITK) assigned to them.
Supervisors may have multiple kits as well as multiple type of kits. Relocated to align with higher
level guidance. (Added) Dispatchable tool kits (DTK). Tool kits specifically designed for checkout
from PSC will be taken to a job site with one individual responsible for the tool kit.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 55 (Added) A database has been added to Facilities and Equipment Maintenance web
(FEMWeb) to track annual inspections. Once the employee signs the TKCRL, they are accepting
that the documentation matches the physical inventory. The master TKCRL (original) will be
maintained at the tool issue center. A second copy of the TKCRL will remain with the tool kit at
all times and will be suitably protected so that the list will remain legible. Both the signed TKCRL
and any updated version of the tool kit listing should be utilized for annual inspections as a resource
to ensure both listings match and any discrepancies are identified and communicated to the MTIC.
Every six months supervisor inspections will be conducted and maintained in FEMWeb or
applicable database (applies to 76 CMXG only). (Added) Upon initial issue of a new kit, the supervisors or designee must enter the
issue date into FEMWeb annual inspection database. Group Tool Manager (GTM) will enter issue
date upon notification from Main Tool Issue Center (MTIC) for six month (semi-annual)
supervisor inspection (applies to 76 CMXG only). (Added) Supervisors or designee must enter the date of annual inspection of all tool
kits under their control into FEMWeb. Supervisors or designee must enter the date of six month
(semi-annual) supervisor inspection of all tool kits under their control into FEMWeb (Applies to
76 CMXG only). (Added) The official record of the annual inspection will be maintained in FEMWeb. (Added) Each technician that is issued a tool kit, is required to sign an AFSC Form 311,
Certificate of Responsibility for Government Property, upon the initial tool kit issue. This form
will be maintained with the signed master TKCRL at the MTIC. (Added) Corrections to the TKCRL will only be made by the MTIC and a new listing
will be required at the time the corrections are made. (Added) Template changes will be requested using FEMWeb, e559 builder, tool
request form. (Added) Turn-in-transfer request will be accomplished by using the FEMWeb, e559
Builder. (Added) Tool kit (TK) transfer requires a full inventory/inspection to be performed
by gaining TK owner prior to acceptance of TK ownership/responsibility. (Added) It is acceptable if a tool replacement tool does not fit the “cut-out” as long as
the tool matches the TKCRL general description. (Added) A picture of items containing multiple parts will be considered an inventory
list as long as all the parts and case are shown in the picture. (Added) All test measurement and diagnostics equipment (TMDE) must go to Type
IIA Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory (PMEL) when issued or whenever there is a
change of ownership of the TMDE or tool kit containing TMDE, regardless of the status of the
TMDE sticker. (Added) If the change of ownership remains within the originally assigned group,
no further action will be required. If ownership is transferred out to a different group within the
Complex, Paragraph shall be followed.
56 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) The MTIC will purchase all common TMDE hand tooling (common dial
indicators, micrometers, calipers, torque wrenches, etc.). (Added) The MTIC is responsible for routing TMDE items to PMEL for initial
calibration prior to issue. Once the MTIC has issued the TMDE, the employee will coordinate
with the organization’s TMDE monitor to ensure the TMDE has been taken to PMEL for
transferring of the owning organization and confirm calibration is current if required. The
employee is responsible for ensuring calibration is current prior to use at all times. (Added) When TMDE is returned to the MTIC, the certification label may be
removed. It is the responsibility of the employee returning the TMDE to the MTIC to notify
appropriate TMDE scheduler to change the TMDE to calibrate before use (CBU) status. While in
the MTIC, maintaining the certification will not be required until the TMDE is issued to an
employee. The employee’s organizational TMDE monitor will be responsible for routing TMDE
items for reoccurring calibration. (Added) TMDE items previously issued without etching will be allowed as long as
the TMDE label number is annotated on the TKCRL. (Added) If supplied from a PSC, the PSC personnel must obtain supervisor
authorization prior to initial issue of items controlled on the supplemental list. Requests to add
supplemental tooling (tooling purchased around the MTIC that needs to be added to the TK) to the
Supplemental Listing shall be requested using e559 builder, tool request form via FEMWeb or
applicable database. Once request for supplemental tool listing modification is received, the MTIC
shall ensure proper documentation of the supplemental listing items. The Supplemental Listing
shall be maintained in the Main Tool Issue Center as well as in the tool kit. The approved
supplemental list for OC-ALC is the OC-ALC Form 539 Supplemental Listing. (Added) Individuals that are issued an ITK and M or P stamps shall maintain their
stamps in the ITK. Stamps will be shadowed and entered on the supplemental listing as stamp and
cap. (Added) MTIC managed tools that require etching or replacement shall be
documented via FEMWeb Tool Run Receipt. The receipt shall be placed in the TK until the tool
has been issued/replaced. (Added) For Non-MTIC managed tools/items requiring calibration or replacement
shall require AF Form 1297, Temporary Issue Receipt, until tool/item is replaced or removed from
OC-ALC Form 539. (Added) Replacement tool shall not be issued without receipt of the unserviceable
tool (unless HAZMAT disposal is required) or documentation indication the tool is lost and
reported. (Added) All Group owned tooling requiring disposal must be turned in through MTIC.
Once received at the MTIC, MTIC employees will prepare turn-in documents using DD Form
1348-1A, DoD Issue Release/Receipt Document or a local equivalent, and retain a copy verifying
receipt by DLA Disposition Services and retain said copy for one year. The MTIC will review all
tools for warranty replacement before disposal of item to DLA Disposition Services or
demilitarization contractors. (Added) Document temporary loans using the AFMC authorized management system.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 57 (Added) When the AFMC authorized tool management system is not capable, use one
of the following methods: (Added) AF Form 1297. (Added) Vendor supplied system for POU machine. (Added) Ensure that temporary loans of common hand tools, TMDE and other items
stocked in the tool center are made only to authorized OC-ALC personnel. (Added) Prior to check-in, the PSC personnel and the employee will accomplish an
inventory to ensure all tool kit contents are accounted for. (Added) If all items are accounted for, the employee is no longer responsible for the
tool kit. (Added) If any items are missing, employee shall immediately implement AFMC Form
310, Lost/Found Item Report. (Added) After the AFMC Form 310 is completed, the employee shall take the AFMC
Form 310 with the tool kit and proceed to check in. (Added) The employee shall notify the tool center of any temporary tool requirements
exceeding 30 calendar days. (Added) In addition to AFI 90-821, Hazardous Communication (HAZCOM) Program,
HAZMAT use must comply with AFMAN32-7002, Environmental Compliance and Pollution
Prevention, and AFI32-7086 OC-ALCSUP, Hazardous Materials Management. (Added) What constitutes a consumable item may vary due to the type of work done in
an area and the potential for Foreign Object Damage (FOD). A final written decision will be made
by the CTM (on a case by case basis) whether unique items meet AFSC requirements as a
consumable. Inventory and lost tool procedures will apply to consumable items. (Added) An item is considered consumable if after limited usage, it does not maintain
its original configuration and is considered used up. (Added) What constitutes an expendable item may vary due to the type of work done
in an area and the potential for FOD. A final written decision will be made by the CTM (on a case
by case basis) whether unique items meet AFSC requirements as an expendable. (Added) An item is considered expendable if it is partially consumed in use and is not
reusable or considered to be not serviceable after limited use (i.e., drill bits, reamers, hacksaw
blades, etc.). Expendables will be replaced on one for one basis. If an item is broken, the mechanic
must produce as much of the broken tool/item as possible in order to obtain the replacement. Lost
tool procedures shall be followed for all expendable tools/items. (Added) All unserviceable expendable items will be disposed of in the appropriate
scrap metal receptacle for DLA Disposition Services. If the item has an OC number, the number
will be removed before disposal. (Added) Personal drawers are not authorized for any TK that is used by more than one
individual at a time.
58 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) There must be positive control for all PPE and lost item procedures must be
followed for any unaccounted for PPE. (Added) Prior to issuing a tool, whether initial or replacement from the MTIC, the
appropriate group marking will be laser etched on each tool. This type of marking will be
referenced as the equipment identification designator (EID). The MTIC is the only organization
within the ALC authorized to issue, change, delete, or laser etch the EID. Variations of the
markings can be accepted as long as the “OC” precedes any alphanumeric combination. When the
markings need to be changed or removed, the MTIC can either X through or black out the markings
with laser engraving or remove the markings all together. (Added) Identification numbers for tools and TKs received from other bases will be
changed to OC prior to issuing/using tools. (Added) Tools/items that are on the “Non-Mark List(do not require etching) but have
correct etching, are not required to have the etching removed. (Added) In addition to AFI90-821, HAZMAT use must comply with AFMAN32-
7002, and AFI32-7086 OC-ALCSUP. (Added) Grease gun and oilers may be maintained in a PSC, hazardous chemical
pharmacy, or any secured cabinet/locker designed for the purpose as long as no other AF or
MAJCOM instruction is violated. (Added) Markings will be completed by a method that is legible, not easily changed,
duplicated or removed. (Added) Clearly mark/number all drawers that are part of the TK. Numbering will be
sequential from top to bottom and left to right. (Added) Example: One container with removable cap equals two pieces, plus 10 drill
bits, equals 12 total pieces. The total number of pieces along with the OC number of the kit will
be annotated on the container. “OCXXX1234 12 pieces.” (Added) Compartmentalized containers (tackle boxes) may be used as long as only
like/identical items are placed in the individual compartments and marked with the quantity and
the TK number. Example: 11 drill bits, two reamers, and one container equals 14 total pieces. The
total number of pieces along with the OC number of the kit will be annotated on the container.
“OCXXX1234 14 pieces or 13 pieces + case. These tools may be identified by an N” to
represent “non laser” on the TKCRL. (Added) 76 CMXG. Another informational note will be made and stamped to
indicate return of clecos to work control document (WCD) identified workstation/shop. (Added) Instruction for AFSC Form 309, AFMC Tool Control Inventory Record. The
supervisor or designee responsible for the TK that day will perform an inventory when the TK is
opened and an additional inventory at the completion of work day. These inventories will be
documented on page one of the AFSC Form 309.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 59 (Added) Additional instruction for AFSC Form 309. Pages two and three of AFSC
Form 309 are available for documenting additional performed where a high completion of logical
sequence of work exists (defined as a job, task, work step, etc.) and movement to another area.
Extra pages of 2 and 3 can be utilized, but they must be tracked to the parent AFSC Form 309 on
page one by usage date and kit number. (Added) If a TK is used by multiple shifts, an AFSC Form 309 will be maintained
with the tool kit for each shift. The shift will be written across the top of each AFSC Form 309. (Added) While in storage, these kits will be inspected at least every 12 months to verify
content and for corrosion prevention. Lost item procedures apply. GTM will visually inspect
storage site to ensure TKs are secured. (Added) If an annual inventory is not received by the tool control monitor (TCM)
when it is due, the TCM will notify the respective group’s tool manager and QA office for
disposition. (Added) The PSC supervisor/custodian is responsible for ensuring all subordinate
personnel become familiar with this supplement and comply with its provisions. (Added) The PSC supervisor is responsible for implementing and applying strict
enforcement of tool inventory, control, and security. The custodians will maintain tools/equipment
in a clean, neat, orderly manner, apply general shop practices for preventative maintenance
required, and comply with provisions outlined in this supplement. (Added) Section chief will identify first-line primary and alternate supervisor/custodian
responsible for maintaining operational PSCs. (Added) Name and telephone number of PSC supervisor/custodian and alternate to
contact in the event of an emergency will be displayed outside the entrance of each PSC. (Added) The 76 AMXG. PSCs will display restricted area access signs at PSC outside
entrances. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Only authorized personnel approved by the section chief
and/or PSC custodian/supervisor are permitted access to PSCs. Other unauthorized personnel will
contact the appropriate section chief and/or PSC custodian/supervisor for access. (Added) PSCs will be secured at all times and any unauthorized entrance will be
immediately reported to security police and an incident/mishap report will be submitted through
applicable section. (Added) Production supervisors will furnish the PSC custodian/supervisor, in writing,
any additional stocked item request. In addition, PSCs will acquire necessary replacement items
to support production efforts of a particular unit or weapon system. PSC custodian/supervisor will
comply with production engineering procedures for the acquisition of these items. (Added) The PSC supervisor is responsible for ensuring supplemental items are
strictly controlled to include an electronic form/inventory equivalent to the OC-ALC Form 539
and shall maintain only one OC number per PSC tool room. The assigned OC number will be
legibly etched/marked on all common and special tools, their assemblies, and safety equipment
items belonging to the PSC. DTK/CTK/ITK commonly stored for issue in the PSC may have
unique OC numbers assigned, as they are not considered part of the PSC tool kit.
60 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) Monitor calibration requirements of all TMDE items assigned to the PSC. (Added) Ensure calibration labels are attached and current, prior to releasing TMDE
equipment for usage. (Added) Verify that TMDE items are identified by an assigned TMDE number or
serial number (OC numbers are not required on TMDE items). (Added) Ensure TMDE items issued as a “kit” or “set from a PSC, contain an
inventory card identifying each separate/loose component by item description, (i.e., nomenclature,
size (if applicable), and quantity). (Added) Ensure all items, including the container of TMDE kits and sets issued from
a PSC, are marked/etched with an assigned serial number. If etching the item degrades its
usefulness, then it will not be etched but will be annotated as such on the inventory card. (Added) Maintain a TMDE log for the life cycle of the TMDE interval of certain items
that provides a usage history for that item, should a calibration be called into question. (Added) Current calibration dates/labels on TMDE items. (Added) Current inspection dates on personnel support/safety equipment and
lifting/restraining devices. (Added) The 76 AMXG. AFSC Form 307, Temporary Loan Record, will be utilized
for items checked out for eight hours or less and AF Form 1297 for long term loan (more than one
shift). (Added) The 76 AMXG. All blocks of the AFSC Form 307 and AF Form 1297 must
be correctly documented prior to the issue of PSC items. To safeguard Privacy Act Information,
employee number/badge number may be substituted for social security number. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Upon return of the items by the employee, the original copy
of AF Form 1297 will be annotated by tool attendant as returned and filed by PSC for a minimum
of six months. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Establish a temporary issue suspense file and review at the
beginning and end of each shift. The section chief will be immediately notified by means of a
delinquent tool report, of any and all checked out PSC items not returned by the end of the shift.
Further corrective action is the responsibility of the section chief and/or the PSC
custodian/supervisor. (Added) The 76 AMXG. PSC may order consumable/expendable items in bulk issue
by using the G042A, Exchangeable Production System (EPS), or the government purchase card
(GPC). (Added) The 76 AMXG. All items and tooling to include those ordered in bulk must
be binned and properly labeled to include noun and stock number or part number along with
appropriate drawer/shelf/bin numbering system. (Added) The 76 AMXG. All consumables/expendables will be segregated from
TKCRL and custodial account/custodial receipt listing (CA/CRL) items. Special tool kits for NDI
may contain NDI required material as long as hazard communication procedures are complied
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 61 (Added) The 76 AMXG. Unauthorized items discovered during inventories will be
properly disposed of (i.e., returned to supply, CSAG-M, Aircraft Maintenance Group Tool Center
(MGDWRT) Main Issue Center (MIC), and/or salvage). (Added) The 76 AMXG. Maintain a control log all premixed frozen sealant. (Added) The 76 AMXG. On-hand quantities of frozen sealant will be limited to a
weekly supply. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Coordinate with the main sealant crib for weekly
requirements. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Maintain, store, and issue chemicals in small quantities to
meet production requirements: PSC custodian/supervisor is responsible for being knowledgeable
of Air Force Occupational Safety and Health Standards (AFOSHSTD)s and environmental
requirements of internal control and monitoring procedures of all maintained flammable and
combustible materials. (Added) The 76 AMXG. The following procedures are for tools and/or equipment
that are to be checked out of a PSC for a period of over eight hours but less than 30 days. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Both an employee and their supervisor are required to sign
for tools and/or equipment on an AF Form 1297 if the tool is required for use beyond an eight hour
period but less than 30 days. (Added) The 76 AMXG. AF Form 1297 is to be reconciled and updated prior to the
30 day mark and prior to all aircraft movement. (Added) The 76 AMXG. The supervisor responsible for the AF Form 1297 performs
the eyes-on reconciliation. If the supervisor is not available, the next level supervisor will
accomplish the reconciliation. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Tools signed out to a specific aircraft/dock will not be
moved to another aircraft/dock until the AF Form 1297 is reconciled at the tool crib. (Added) The 76 AMXG. A “tools assigned to aircraft” list will be created by the tool
crib in coordination with production supervision for each section requiring tools that frequently
stay with the aircraft for over 30 days. (Added) The 76 AMXG. A reconciliation of AF Form 1297 requires tools be brought
to the tool crib for validation and inspection; exception being tools on the “tools assigned to
aircraft” list. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Any supervisor who is delinquent on any tool is not
authorized to check out tools until they have cleared their delinquency. (Added) The 76 AMXG. At the moment a tool becomes delinquent, the first and
second level supervisors will be notified by e-mail to start a search. If the tool is not located within
one hour, the supervisor will initiate lost tool procedures. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Tools may be transferred from tool crib to tool crib if they
fall under the same RCC. This will be documented and managed by tool crib supervision; the over
eight hour process will remain the same at each location.
62 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) The 76 AMXG. An AF Form 1297 is authorized for tool crib loans, (i.e., B-
1 Bomber/Maintenance Repair Overhaul Technical Center (B-1 Bomber/MROTC)). (Added) The 76 AMXG. Clecos that are part of a tool kit and cannot be returned to
the kit at end of shift will be identified by a piece of tape placed over the hole/s with date and
location annotated. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Clecos issued by the PSC/tool crib will be annotated on the
employee’s AFSC Form 307 for a regular eight hour shift or an AF Form 1297 for over eight
hours. (Added) The 76 AMXG. The following information will be provided to the tool and
parts attendant: Size, quantity, aircraft tail number or Inventory Tracking Number (ITN). (Added) The 76 PMXG. All tool kits will be inspected by the supervisor, wage leader
or designee at 180 day intervals. This inspection will be documented in FEMWeb and will be the
official record. (Added) The 76 CMXG. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring all tool kits
assigned to them and their subordinates are inspected at least once every six months or semi-
annually. (Added) Supervisors or designee must enter the date of annual inspection of all tool
kits under their control into FEMWeb. (Added) The official record of the annual inspection will be maintained in FEMWeb. (Added) An e-mail identifying the tool kits coming due for inspection will be sent
to the GTM weekly. The GTM will in turn notify their respective group of the tool kits coming
due. (Added) If a tool kit goes overdue, the GTM will notify the respective group
leadership and quality office for disposition. (Added) Random inspections will be conducted in the same manner as the
supervisory inspections and documented in FEMWeb accordingly. (Added) Supervisors and employees will conduct a diligent search of areas where the
tool/item may have been used or stored. (Added) The following questions should be asked when performing a search. This
list is not all-inclusive: (Added) Where was it lost (building, dock, room, etc.)? (Added) Does the AFSC Form 309 show the tool/item missing? (Added) Was the tool/item physically in the tool kit at the start of the shift? (Added) Has the tool kit been thoroughly searched? (Added) Has the trash been searched? (Added) Have all responsible employee pockets and lockers been searched? (Added) Has all aerospace ground equipment (AGE) used been searched? (Added) Has a 50 foot floor area around the box and/or aircraft been searched?
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 63 (Added) Production groups are responsible for ensuring that the AFMC Form 310 is
filled out accurately and completely coordinated on with either digital or wet signatures. (Added) The AFMC Form 310, signature blocks will be completed as follows: (Added) Block 17a will be signed and dated at section level. (Added) Block 17b will be signed and dated at flight/branch level. (Added) Block 17c will be signed and dated at squadron/ division level. (Added) Block 18 will be signed and dated, at a minimum, by the production
squadron commander or equivalent. (Added) A copy of the AFMC Form 310 will be provided to MTIC if item is on the
TKCRL. (Added) If the item is not to be replaced, the MTIC will remove the item from the
TKCRL, and the MTIC will generate a new TKCRL. A copy of the AFMC Form 310 will remain
with the TKCRL master file. (Added) For lost TMDE, a copy of the AFMC Form 310 will be forwarded to PMEL
within five working days, along with a request to remove the TMDE from the TMDE listings. (Added) The AFMC Form 310 will also be used for documentation of found tools not
to include inventory adjustments or tools purchased around the MTIC. (Added) The AFMC Form 310 will be filled out the same for lost and found tools. (Added) A copy of the AFMC Form 310 will be kept with the toolbox demonstrating
a report was completed on any missing tools until replaced or loss resolved and documented. (Added) The AFMC Form 310 shall be kept by the GTMs or designee for a minimum
of 24 months from the date of the signature in block 18. (Added) Quarterly lost tool/item reported metrics and analysis requirements shall be
reported to squadron, group, and Complex level or equivalents along with GTMs and CTM. These
metrics include total tools/items lost year-to-date, total tools/items found year-to date, total
tools/items cost year-to-date, along with any other relevant information.
10.11.7. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Lost tool/item inspection checklist. (Added) The 76 AMXG. The purpose of this guidance is to provide specific
information on using 76 AMXG checklist, 76 AMXG Lost Tool/Item Inspection Checklist. (Added) The 76 AMXG. 76 AMXG personnel will use 76 AMXG checklist in
conjunction with initiating an AFMC Form 310. The completed 76 AMXG checklist will be
routed with the AFMC Form 310.
10.11.8. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Lost tool/item found. (Added) The 76 AMXG. The purpose of this guidance is to provide specific
information on using AFMC Form 310 for tools/items found after being reported lost, on an AFMC
Form 310.
64 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) The 76 AMXG. The tool/item found after being reported lost, will be
documented as “FOUND,” using a copy of the initial completed AFMC Form 310, with the
original control number that was assigned. 76 AMXG organizations will annotate their copy, using
the procedures listed below and then submit to the 76 AMXG/MXDSM. (Added) The 76 AMXG. A red diagonal line will be drawn across the page (on copy
or original). (Added) The 76 AMXG. “FOUND” will be written in large bold letters above the
diagonal line. (Added) The 76 AMXG. When and where the tool/item was found will be written
below the diagonal line. The signature of the individual who found the lost tool/item or their
immediate supervisor will also be written below the diagonal line. (Added) If it is after hours and 76 AMXG/MXDSM is unavailable, then the applicable
squadron will take the AFMC Form 310 to the Maintenance Operations Center (MOC) to get a
temporary number assigned to it. MOC will make a copy of the report and deliver it to 76
AMXG/MXDSM. Squadrons will complete original AFMC Form 310 and return to 76
AMXG/MXDSM. (Added) The following areas will have one-for-one accountability procedures
established (rag return verified before re-issue of replacement): Functional test flight area, test
cell, engine assembly areas, and in-tank fuel cell maintenance (includes cheesecloth). (Added) Rags will be accounted for at the end of every task, shift and prior to aircraft
engine start. Lost tool/items procedures will apply. (Added) All employees performing maintenance in FOD critical areas on aircraft,
engines, and accessories, or providing a service to these organizations will perform an inspection
of the work area prior to closing out a task or moving to another area to ensure that any foreign
item such as paper products and cloths have not been inadvertently left in the area. (Added) Paper products including “pigmat” are not considered rags and do not require
a one for one exchange, however these products shall be utilized for HAZMAT absorbent and
cleaning purposes. (Added) All rags and paper products will be disposed of in the appropriate manner or
initial accumulation point (IAP). (Added) These items do not require etching, marking and numbering. (Added) Common hand tools acquired or received as original equipment for a
machine, will be taken to the MTIC to be laser etched and added to a TKCRL or turned in if not
needed. (Added) Tools unique to a piece of equipment that become broken, can be replaced
with common hand tools from the MTIC. These tools will be laser etched and added to the TKCRL
using the replacement tool National Stock Number (NSN) for identification.
10.13.7. (Added) Back-shop test station/stand accessories will be kept and stored in a neat and
orderly fashion. As a minimum, if storage cabinets and/or drawers are used they will be labeled
to identify the contents accessories and attachments. These items do not require etching, marking
and numbering.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 65 (Added) Stationary test stations/stands can have all applicable/required
accessories/attachments attached to the test stations/stands in effort to minimize storage space in
the work area and to facilitate maintenance during the installation and removal of parts. (Added) Mobile test stations/stands transported on a routine basis at different
locations within production will account for all accessories/attachments that are dispatched with
the mobile test stations/stands prior and at the end of the task. (Added) Support TDY teams with necessary tools and TMDE on a short-term loan for
the duration of the TDY. (Added) The person who will be responsible for the tool kit used to support TDY
teams will check-out the tool kit from the MTIC. (Added) The responsible person will report all tools/equipment that were brought
from OC-ALC to the immediate area supervisor at the temporary duty location. (Added) Ensure TMDE requiring calibration while on TDY is calibrated at the nearest
PMEL, IAW TO 00-20-14, Air Force Metrology and Calibration Program. (Added) At a minimum, all inventories/inspections will be accomplished as if at OC-
ALC and documented on the AFSC Form 309.(Added) The TDY team must abide by any
additional measures regarding tool control required by the TDY location. (Added) In addition to the TDY location procedure for lost/found item(s), an AFMC
Form 310 will be completed and a copy sent to the appropriate group or equivalent at OC-ALC.
Replacements will be made upon return to OC-ALC. (Added) Upon return to OC-ALC, all tool kits will be turned back in to the MTIC. (Added) Inventories completed by the OC-ALC authorized contractor will satisfy the
POU inventory for all POUS not used as a tool kit. (Added) Hazardous material may be maintained in a POUS, as long as no other AF
or MAJCOM instruction is violated.
10.16.3. (Added) e-Tools are defined as electronic devices such (e.g., laptops or tablets) and
associated peripheral items (e.g., batteries, cords, etc.) used to view electronic technical data.
Providing the device has been properly docked in the e-Tool cabinet, daily synchronization of
technical data will occur.
10.16.4. (Added) For inventory control purposes, the device will be treated as a tool in
accordance with Chapter 10 of this supplement and AFI 23-111, Management of Government
Property in Possession of the Air Force, for accountability in the event the e-Tool is lost, stolen,
or damaged in a way that might allow pieces to be at risk of becoming lost in, on, or around an
aircraft or component.
10.16.5. (Added) Damage and abuse of e-Tools will be identified and resolved in accordance
with Chapter 10 of the AFSCMAN21-102 and AFI 23-111. Historical records obtained through
common access card (CAC) cabinet control software may be used to identify who has checked out
any specific e-Tool. Technicians that are not issued tool kits may not have signed an AFSC Form
311 Certificate of Responsibility of Government Property, however, they will be held to the same
responsibility and accountability for e-Tools in accordance with AFI 23- 111.
66 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
10.16.6. (Added) Lost tool /item procedures apply to e-Tools in accordance with this supplement.
Historical records obtained through CAC cabinet control software will be used to identify last user.
10.16.7. (Added) Responsible supervisors are required to inventory e-Tool cabinets at the end
of their shift to ensure users have returned e-Tools to cabinet. Production supervisor can request
the Technical Order Distribution Office (TODO) to access historical records obtained through
CAC cabinet control software to identify the last users. TODO shall report to area supervisor if e-
Tool has not been returned as required.
10.16.8. (Added) Responsible production supervisors will ensure employees are familiar with all
requirements and are fully trained in the use of the cabinet as well as check-out/check-in
procedures. (Added) In the event the e-Tool cabinet will not open by using the user’s CAC card,
the TODO, e-Tool computer support administrators (CSA)s and production supervisors may check
out the e-Tool cabinet keys from the tool crib, like any other controlled tool. The supervisor will
complete an AF Form 1297 for each device. The supervisor will place hand receipt to
acknowledge receipt of e-Tool in the cabinet drawer. Supervisor will take full responsibility for
the inventory of all contents of the e-Tool cabinet and hardware when utilizing cabinet key. At
the end of shift, the production supervisor will be required to manually return the device to the
assigned cabinet drawer. The preferred method to check-out/in e-Tool device is using the user’s
CAC card. (Added) All e-Tool accessories (e.g., power cables and spare batteries) and e-Tool
cabinet key will be stored in the tool crib/PSC and checked out, as needed. If an employee is
issued an accessory, it must be clearly marked in accordance with directives and placed on the OC-
ALC Form 539, per this supplement. The e-Tool cabinet keys will only be checked out by TODOs,
e-Tool CSAs and production supervisors. Supervisor will take full responsibility for the inventory
of all contents of the e-Tool cabinet and hardware when utilizing cabinet key. The responsible
production supervisor will always be the preferred person to manually check-in or out e-Tools. (Added) In the event that production supervisor, CSA or TODO accesses the e-Tool
cabinets using the cabinet key, he/she must complete AF Form 1297 to acknowledge receipt of
device to user. TODO POC information is posted on each cabinet. (Added) Only a supervisor may check out more than one e-Tool device at a time for
any reason. The supervisor can check-out e-Tool devices by completing an AF Form 1297 for
each device to be used. The completed forms will be placed in e-Tools cabinet drawers and
removed when the devices are manually returned.
10.16.9. (Added) Contingency plan for TO access in the event of cabinet malfunction: (Added) When cabinets are inoperable due to power failures, server or system outages,
etc., supervisors and TODO will use manual procedures to issue e-Tool devices. The user will
access technical data utilizing TO remote or tech data downloaded to device to avoid work
stoppage. Tech data stored on device is good for seven working days. Supervisors will check out
cabinet keys from the tool crib/PSC and issue e-Tools using an AF Form 1297. An AF Form l297
is to be completed for each device checked out. If the TODO is unavailable; the supervisor can
perform manual procedures. Production supervisor will notify TODO regarding cabinet outage.
If the outage is greater than one hour, the production group’s chain of command will notify the
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 67
assigned TODO to contact technical POCs to document outage and resolve cabinet issues. 76
MXSG will be contacted to assist to resolve Auto Crib e-Tool cabinet issues. (Added) Exception: A supervisor may be given authority to maintain a key to the e-
Tool cabinet under special circumstances, only with squadron level approval and AF Form 1297.
To maintain an AutoCrib cabinet key the AF Form 1297 must be submitted and approved for
distribution by 76 MXSG. Supervisors checking out a cabinet key, as needed, from the tool
crib/PSC is the preferred method. (Added) After gaining squadron approval, the key must be issued on an AF Form
1297. Supervisor receiving key is only authorized to utilize it in the event that the TODO is not
available and the cabinet is inoperable due to power failure, system failure, etc.
10.16.10. (Added) Technicians may share e-Tools by using multiple windows to display tech
data. This will be considered “open and in use" and "in accordance with" but should be limited to
a maximum of seven technicians. "Open and in use" requirement and definition is dictated by
AFSCMAN21-102, Chapter 7.
10.16.11. (Added) Summary of responsibilities. (Added) Production supervisor: (Added) Will provide users DD Form 2875, System Authorization Access Request,
to access digital tech data utilizing e-Tool devices on assigned cabinets. DD Form 2875 will be
coordinated with the TODO to gain access to e-Tool cabinets. (Added) Are required to ensure accountability of the e-Tools at the end of each
shift. If missing, abused or damaged, will be required to document on AFMC Form 309. (Added) Must issue e-Tools using an AF Form 1297 when cabinets are inoperable
due to power failures, etc. (Added) Supervisors will coordinate with the responsible TODO and group’s e-
Tool POC regarding e-Tool cabinet or power failure if one hour threshold has been reached. (Added) Technician: (Added) By accessing e-Tool cabinet by user CAC card, assumes responsibility for
e-Tools and associated items within the assigned cabinet drawer. User is responsible for reporting
damaged or removed items to production supervisor. (Added) Technicians may check-out an e-Tool for an extended period of time
(longer than one shift) however; technicians must have the production supervisor complete an AF
Form 1297, prior to e-Tool removal. The completed AF Form 1297 will be placed in the e- Tool
assigned cabinet drawer location. The drawer will be disabled through the controller software for
the duration annotated on the AF Form 1297. Technician is responsible for inspecting and
reporting all damaged and missing items to supervisor upon check-out and check- in of e-Tool
68 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) Technicians assuming responsibility for an e-Tool for an extended period
must validate currency of the tech data daily. If authorized internet access is available, the
technician shall manually sync the e-Tool. If this can't be accomplished, the technician must
validate revision dates against online viewers, or by contacting their supervisor or TODO to see if
any revision has occurred to specific required tech data. It is the technician's responsibility to
obtain current tech data elsewhere if tech data becomes outdated. (Added) Is responsible for the safety, condition and security of e-Tool IAW signed
AFSC Form 311 and all applicable directives. (Added) Will report all e-Tool related problems to the supervisor and designated
TODO. Problems may include, but are not limited to: device damage, access (wireless or
software), content issues with tech data and update issues. (Added) TODOs: (Added) Accept reports from supervisors and technicians on all e-Tool related
problems. (Added) Responsible for the updates and currency of the data for all e-Tools
properly stored in their designated locations. (Added) Responsible to ensure cabinets clearly identify their contact information
and that the information remains current. (Added) Coordinate with supervisors when cabinets are inoperable.
10.16.12. (Added) When a technician checks out an e-Tool for an extended period of time,
TODO will place a copy of the completed AF Form 1297 in the e-Tool assigned cabinet drawer
location. The cabinet shall be disabled through controller software for duration annotated on the
AF Form 1297.
10.16.13. (Added) Designated TODOs are responsible for currency of tech data on e-Tool,
provided the e-Tool is in its appropriate designated location to accommodate scheduled updates. (Added) Replacement of broken/worn tooling will be fulfilled via MTIC tool run. (Added) MTIC inventory control process. Inventory “cycle counts” will be conducted
weekly for the purpose spot checking inventory levels, and a full inventory is required to be
conducted annually. (Added) Quotes requested through FEMWeb will be available in FEMWeb within
10 days. (Added) All tools purchased outside the maintenance support group/authorized
contractor must be brought to the MTIC for laser etching prior to returning to
production/maintenance floor. (Added) All tools must be added to the OC-ALC Form 539 supplemental listing prior
to use. (Added) Upon turn-in of contractor acquired tools, 76 MXSG will ensure the tools
are inventoried and discrepancies reported prior to the maintenance support group/authorized
contractor function accepting responsibility for the tools.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 69 (Added) Tools acquired from contractors. Once it has been determined that ownership
of contractor’s tools will pass to OC-ALC units, the accepting OC-ALC unit will accomplish the
following: acquire a listing of all the tools to be transferred. The list should have as a minimum
part numbers, nomenclature and quantities. Bring the list, tools and all required signatures for tool
additions to the MTIC for incorporation into OC-ALC’s tool program. (Added) Overdue tools will be posted on the 76 MXSG tool program website (access
through 76 MXSG homepage FEMWeb). (Added) After receiving written approval from the CTM, the responsible maintenance
group will purchase tools to be “modified” and used in a maintenance repair process. (Added) Locally manufactured or developed/modified tools in a tool kit will be
shadowed (inlaid, silhouetted, outlined), etched with the tool kit EID and identified by engineering
drawing number and quantity, on the tool kit supplemental listing. Inventory and lost tool
procedures will apply to locally manufactured or developed/modified tools. (Added) If in a PSC the responsible engineering organization will be annotated on the
PSC inventory list maintained in the PSC. (Added) Once initial briefings are completed; they will be documented in TSS Section
II for PAC certified mechanics. For non-PAC personnel, document in the functional training
section of TSS with course codes listed below: (Added) MTEMAS9722300BR AMXG Initial Workplace Specific Tool Briefing. (Added) MTEMAS9722400BR CMXG Initial Workplace Specific Tool Briefing. (Added) MTEMAS9722500BR PMXG Initial Workplace Specific Tool Briefing. (Added) MTEMAS9722600BR MXSG Initial Workplace Specific Tool Briefing. (Added) MTEMAS9722700BR SMXG SWEG Initial Workplace Specific Tool
Briefing. (Added) MTEMAS9723000BR OC-ALC/OB Initial Workplace Specific Tool
70 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Chapter 13
PREVENTION PROGRAM (Added) Caps, plugs, and covers that are fitted to the component or equipment are the
item of choice. If these items are not available, other items such as plastic/cloth bags held on by
zip ties, rubber bands, or tape may be used unless it is not safe for use or a specific covering is
required by tech data. If plastic bags are used, they may fill with fluid; bags will be monitored and
replaced if fluid accumulation occurs. Utilize caps where feasible. Note: Never stuff an item such
as a rag or paper towel in an opening. (Added) Exceptions to this are: research, development or testing laboratories (i.e.,
precision measurement, environmental) due to the controlled environmental conditions which
exist and the absence of maintenance action which generate residue. (Added) This does not alleviate these areas from using protective plugs and caps
when specific repair, maintenance, or testing is accomplished on any equipment or requirements
IAW TO 00-20-14, Air Force Metrology and Calibration Program. (Added) In the event hardware is known to be unaccounted for, a search will be
accomplished. If the hardware is not found within one hour, an AFMC Form 310 will be initiated. (Added) FOD Reports: The MOC will prepare an e-mail per the format provided in
this supplement, Figure 13.1, FOD Report (found at the end of this chapter). The purpose is to
inform senior management of the FOD incident prior to the release of information to, HQ
AFMC/Directorate of Logistics, Civil Engineering and Force Protection Maintenance Division
(A4M). (Added) FOD incidents: All FOD incidents will be reported with the exception of
minor sand nicks or scratches IAW OC-ALCI91-11 Incident/Mishap Reporting Procedures. The initial FOD
report will be completed by a supervisor on duty within two hours of suspected or confirmed FOD
incidents. The two hour time constraint is for FOD/DO reports only; this will allow for
coordination through OC-ALC before the report is released to HQ AFMC/A4M. The supervisor
completing the FOD report will include all data in Figure 13.1 of this supplement (found at the
end of this chapter), OC-ALC and Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG)
only. Supervisors will use the FOD reporting flowchart (Figure 13.2, found at the end of this
chapter) to determine if damage is within limits and should be reported as a general report (damage
within limits, no maintenance action needed) or out of limits, requiring maintenance action (i.e.,
blending, replace, repair etc.). (Added) DOP Incidents: All DOP incidents will be reported IAW OC-ALCI91-11.
IMMEDIATELY call the MOC when there is a known DO. The MOC will IMMEDIATELY call
the Airfield Management Operations (AM OPS) and base safety. Use the Online Incident/Mishap
Reporting System located on the OC-ALC home page. The DOP report will be completed by a
supervisor on duty within two hours. The two hour time constraint is for FOD/DOP reports only;
this will allow for coordination through OC-ALC before the report is released to HQ AFMC/A4M.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 71 (Added) DOP Reports: The MOC will prepare an e-mail in the format provided in
this supplement, Figure 13.3 (found at the end of this chapter), DOP Report. The purpose is to
inform senior management of the DO incident prior to the release of information to HQ
AFMC/A4M. (Added) The 76 AMXG personnel will take the following actions prior to any aircraft
taxi operation: (Added) The 76 AMXG. FCF launched aircraft: FOD sweeps by the ramp sweeper
or MADVAC and or FOD Boss will be accomplished 50 feet forward of engines on parking spot
and flight line taxi lane prior to launch and recovery of any 10 FLTS aircraft. A complete and
thorough FOD walk of the FCF aircraft parking spot and flight line taxi lane will be accomplished
prior to launch and recovery of all B1 Bomber (B-1B) 10 FLTS aircraft, IAW TINKERAFBI13-
204, Flight and Ground Operations. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Depot arrivals: A FOD walk will be accomplished on the
proposed parking spot and taxi lanes for any arrival or departure aircraft. Special care will be given
to B-1B parking and taxi routes. (Added) The 76 AMXG. B1-B aircraft engine runs and taxi will be preceded by
FOD walks and running of the FOD Boss. FOD walks shall be conducted after the FOD sweep
and prior to launch/recovery from applicable K row location to/from the hold short line on taxiway
Delta. (Added) Prior to engine start and after engine shutdown on maintenance and test cell
runs, and after any engine intake maintenance, each affected engine intake and exhaust will receive
a FOD (intake/inlet/exhaust) inspection. The FOD inspection will be documented with a red X
symbol in the applicable (Air Force Technical Order (AFTO) Form 781A and the Management
Information System (MIS)). FOD inspections performed on uninstalled test cell engines will be
documented on the test cell worksheet. Use IAW technical data. (Added) OC-ALC. Personnel will inspect for and remove ALL foreign material from
engine inlet areas and within a 50-foot radius of engines prior to operation (or greater if required
by mission design series (MDS) specific TO) and any engine intake/inlet maintenance. (Added) Aircraft parking ramps, taxi ways, and adjacent areas should remain foreign
object (FO) free at all times. It is the responsibility of all maintenance personnel working in these
areas to pick up and dispose of all FO on a daily basis. (Added) Hats, berets, etc., will not be worn within 50 feet of an operating jet engine.
The flight line is designated as a military no-hat area. Identification (ID) badges must be attached
to a lanyard/armband. (Added) Hats, berets, headgear of any sort, (except required personal protective
equipment PPE), etc., will not be worn inside engine test cells. (Added) The following areas have been designated as FOD critical areas within the
OC-ALC: It is the responsibility of all maintenance personnel working in these areas to be vigilant
of FO and dispose of all FO at all times. All other areas not identified are considered non-critical
FOD areas. (Added) The 76 Aircraft Maintenance Group (76 AMXG).
72 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) Interior of aircraft. (Added) All fuel tanks and fuel cells. (Added) Engine intake maintenance and inspection. (Added) Flight control installation and operational checks. (Added) The 76 Commodities Maintenance Group (76 CMXG). (Added) Fuel cell (bladder) shop. (Added) Boom repair (excluded are boom disassembly, wash/clean, sheet metal
repair areas, recoil and tube repair areas, shop offices and enclosed parts storage areas). (Added) Parachute shop. (Added) Life support. (Added) The 76 Propulsion Maintenance Group (76 PMXG). (Added) Engine assembly/disassembly shops and quick engine change when co-
located with engine assembly shops. (Added) Core, gearbox, compressor, augmentor, inlet fan and fan drive turbine
assembly/disassembly shops. (Added) Diffuser, intermediate, high pressure turbine and bearing/seal sub-
assembly shops. (Added) To include all jet engine intermediate maintenance (JEIM) shops. (Added) All engine test cells (except control rooms), final prep and tear down
deficiency reporting (TDR) shops. (Added) The 76 AMXG supervisors are responsible for their respective areas per
Tinker Air Force Base Instruction (TINKERAFBI)21-100, Foreign Object Damage (FOD) and
Dropped Object Prevention (DOP) Programs. FOD walks may be postponed due to inclement
weather, but they will not be cancelled. Additional FOD walks will be scheduled as needed by
management. (Added) The 76 CMXG and 76 PMXG supervisors are responsible for their
respective areas (including Docks/Shops). FOD walk/sweeps will be conducted on the last day of
each work week. (Added) FOD checkpoint inspections: FOD inspections (including tire-rollover
inspections) will be conducted before entering the runway, taxiway, flight line, and aircraft parking
ramps and at all designated FOD checkpoints. FOD inspections will include inspection and
removal of FOD from magnetic bars (if applicable). (Added) All vehicles used in and around critical FOD area to include the flight line
will be cleaned of debris daily prior to use. (Added) Secure/lidded FOD containers will also apply to those vehicles normally
driven in maintenance production areas.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 73 (Added) OC-ALC ramp movement and parking area will not be used as a
thoroughfare for vehicle traffic when alternate routes are available except while fulfilling
contractual agreements, OC-ALC management personnel fulfilling management responsibilities,
aircraft movers, base operations, emergency and security vehicles. (Added) Taxi lane from B-1B aircraft parking spot to taxiway will be closed to non-
essential vehicle traffic (this does not include aircraft) during aircraft launch and recovery from
time FOD prevention procedures are accomplished until launch or recovery is complete. The MOC
will make an announcement: Motor vehicle traffic restricted to essential traffic in ramp area from
Kilo (aircraft parking spot) to Delta until further notice. (Added) Posters and other materials for FOD awareness may be obtained through the
group FOD focal points. (Added) Visitors FOD awareness information, located on the OC-ALC FOD/DOP
Program Enterprise Information System (EIS) site. (Added) OC-ALC organizations and associate organizations with base service or
construction contracts are required to include FOD awareness and prevention training in their
contracts. Contractor personnel who, in the performance of their assigned duties, work in or travel
through areas near operational and production aircraft, engines, munitions, missiles, drones, space
systems, support equipment, aerospace ground equipment (AGE), trainers or components thereof
are required to receive subject training. This includes contractor personnel operating vehicles and
equipment on flight lines, runways, taxiways, parking ramps, in aircraft hangars, and in
maintenance areas. Contracting organizations may request the video by contacting the OC-ALC
FOD/DOP Program Manager. OC-ALC personnel will receive FOD initial and refresher training
through computer based training or formal class room training. (Added) Supervisors are responsible for initial work center briefings and documenting
in training scheduling system (TSS) Section II for Production Acceptance Certification (PAC)
certified mechanics. For non-PAC personnel, document in the functional training section of TSS
with the course codes applicable to their organization. (Added) MTEMAS9721200BR AMXG Initial Workplace Specific FOD/DOP
Briefing. (Added) MTEMAS9721400BR CMXG Initial Workplace Specific FOD/DOP
Briefing. (Added) MTEMAS9721600BR PMXG Initial Workplace Specific FOD/DOP
Briefing. (Added) MTEMAS9721700BR MXSG Initial Workplace Specific FOD/DOP
Briefing. (Added) Quarterly briefings. Document briefing and ensure all briefed personnel sign
or initial an AF 1151, Training Attendance and Rating or equivalent. Ensure individuals not
present for the briefing receive the briefing upon return. (Added) 76 AMXG local training and MDS specific training will be accomplished
during newcomer FOD briefing utilizing MDS specific supplements located on 76 AMXG
74 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) Vehicle operators must complete all FOD awareness/prevention training and
testing requirements before driving any vehicle on the flight line IAW TinkerAFBI13-213, Airfield
Driving. (Added) Complex FOD/DOP manager responsibilities. (Added) Ensures all OC-ALC FOD/DOP initial incidents are reported through the
chain of command to OC-ALC prior to submitting to HQ AFMC/A4M. Reporting instructions are
included in Figure 13.1 of this supplement. (Added) Areas of responsibilities are outlined in Figure 13.4 (found at the end of this
chapter). (Added) FOD/DOP continuity books may be hard copy or electronic and will
contain: (Added) Tab 1, appointment letter - primary/alternate. (Added) Tab 2, duties & responsibility sheet. (Added) Tab 3, focal points with contact information (OC-ALC and group level). (Added) Tab 4, governing directives marked as “Reference Only” if continuity book
is electronic place links to governing directives. (Added) Tab 5, meeting minutes (four quarters). If continuity book is electronic then
meeting minutes posted on OC-ALC FOD/DOP EIS site are sufficient. (Added) Tab 6, miscellaneous information.
13.9.2. (Added) OC-ALC Complex and group focal point responsibilities. (Added) The group FOD/DOP focal points will ensure OC-ALC FOD final incident
reports are submitted to the Complex FOD/DOP Manager no later than (NLT) 30 days post
incident. In the event the investigation extends past 30 days, a monthly status update will be sent
to the Complex FOD/DOP Manager NLT the fifth working day of each month until investigation
is closed. (Added) Each applicable group FOD focal point will provide monthly engine run time
to the Complex FOD/DOP Manager NLT the fifth working day of each month. (Added) Group and squadron FOD/DOP focal points will perform FOD spot checks of
their assigned areas of responsibility monthly. The discrepancies found during the spot checks will
be entered in the Logistics Evaluation Assurance Program (LEAP). The group focal points will
forward their monthly data from the spot checks to the Complex focal point by the last Monday of
each month. (Added) Complex and group focal points shall ensure a locally developed checklist is
available for escorts to brief visiting personnel on FOD procedures prior to entering their
designated high-potential FOD industrial areas.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 75 (Added) FOD focal points will be appointed by management to represent each flight’s
FOD prevention team within the OC-ALC. Each production flight will appoint one primary and
one alternate FOD focal point. Supervisors will ensure team members are available for inspections.
The FOD focal points will attend monthly meetings when requested by Complex FOD/DOP
Manager. FOD focal points shall participate in monthly no- notice inspections, and serve on
various FOD-related subcommittees.
13.10.3. (Added) Publicity:
13.10.4. (Added) OC-ALC FOD Prevention Work Center of the Quarter Award: Once every
quarter, the Complex FOD Program Manager, alternate, and group FOD prevention focal points,
will select a work center for this award. (Added) Award selection criteria: (Added) Every quarter, each group point of contact (POC) will submit a nominee
for their respective group (if applicable) to the Complex FOD POC and alternate, NLT the fifth
working day after the completion of the previous quarter. Nominee information will include the
name and location of the area being nominated, the supervisor’s name, and a narrative of why this
area deserves to win the Complex award. This information will be given to OC-ALC senior
management and submitted to the Tinker Take Off for publicity. Additionally, this information
will be 50 percent of the rating criteria. The winning team will receive a banner for their work
center, recognition in the Tinker Take Off and on the marquee. (Added) Justification submitted by management team in nominated shop/dock
through the group POCs. (Added) Effectiveness of FOD program management demonstrated by the least
number of FOD findings during the weekly planned inspections, no notice inspections, and spot
inspections during the current quarter. (Added) Best practices or initiatives implemented by the work center that reduces
FOD or increases FOD program effectiveness.
13.11. (Added) 76 PMXG. A FOD check will be performed before any closure or mating of
components/parts. Use the means necessary to ensure that no FOD is present (i.e., bright light,
mirror, etc.).
13.11.1. (Added) 76 PMXG. After assembly, check the air intake and exhaust sections for visual
or audible foreign objects. Rotate compressor and listen for FOD in engines. TF-33 engines will
be burped upon completion of assembly. After final inspection and acceptance of the engine,
ensure protective covers, caps, and plugs are installed on all openings or cover with plastic
wrapping material.
13.11.2. (Added) 76 PMXG. Prior to testing the engine, remove all protective covers and check
the engine visually for any FO. Examine air intake for damage or cracked inlet guide vanes,
compressor blades, and stator vanes. Check bell mouth for serviceability, loose/missing hardware,
damaged/delaminating screen and compressor inlet for nuts, bolts, wire, tools, and other foreign
objects. Use bright lights and other inspection tools as necessary. Check bell mouth and proper
mounting condition and make a visual check of the engine and test cell for foreign objects. Prior
to initial start and after any rework of the engine, sweep and wash down the test cell with an
approved cleaning solution. Rinse the test cell by directing the water in such a manner to ensure
76 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
all dirt, sludge, etc., is washed to the drain. Sweep excess water into the drain. After wash down,
make an extensive visual inspection of the engine, test stand, and cell area to ensure no FO is
13.11.3. (Added) 76 PMXG. After completion of engine test, install protective coverings on all
tubes, lines, connectors, and openings. Engines will not be transported to or from test without
protective covers installed on all openings. Each workstation will perform an inspection for FOD
before sending the completed engine or component part to the next station. When an engine or
component part is received, it will be inspected for FOD prior to installation, assembly, test, or
13.11.4. (Added) 76 PMXG. All engines will be inspected during work scope for FOD. Engines
received for reasons other than FOD (i.e., vibration, overtemp, etc.) where significant FOD is
found, must be reported. The 76 PMXG FOD focal point will be provided a description of damage,
cause if known and approximate cost of damage. These procedures will be used when damage is
confined to the engine or to integral engine components such as engine mounted accessory
gearboxes and plumbing.
13.11.5. (Added) 76 PMXG. Cleanliness of aisles is a must. Therefore, all supervisors will take
responsibility for cleaning and maintaining all aisles adjacent to or running through their
production shop. If two shops share an aisle, both will be responsible from their shop to the center
of the shared aisle. Supervisors may assign a monitor to ensure the aisle(s) are maintained and
clean at all times.
13.11.6. (Added) Due to safety and FOD concerns in the OC-ALC industrial areas, the following
clarification is provided. While in an industrial work center/shop (inside the yellow lines and other
designated production areas), OC-ALC personnel will not be permitted to wear jewelry. This
policy will help reduce the risk of injury by mitigating the risks incurred by wearing jewelry in an
industrial area. Types of jewelry that shall be controlled in the industrial work/shop areas include
(but are not limited to) rings, watches, bracelets, earrings and necklaces. Placing tape over rings
or wearing gloves on the hand with a ring does not provide protection or eliminate the requirement
to remove finger rings. Where appropriate, managers, supervisors, or local safety staff may add to
these restrictions to include location or shop unique requirements. Personal items will not be worn
hanging from a belt. This includes, but is not limited to keys, pocket watches, chains, and metal
insignias/badges. This policy extends to all visitors, engineers, administrative and support
personnel that enter the industrial work/shop areas.
13.12. (Added) OC-ALC Supervisors: Observe FOD control practices of individuals under
their jurisdiction and take immediate action to correct any FOD related deficiency or defect
through counseling, training, or disciplinary action.
13.12.1. (Added) First line supervisors will perform clean-up checks daily during routine walk
through on the aircraft, docks, and or shops. Findings will be corrected on the spot and corrective
action/preventive action should be taken to prevent recurrence.
13.12.2. (Added) An 8-Step Problem Solving Process is required by the group for all preventable
FOD incidents over $50K. (Added) Or when one of the following criteria is met:
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 77 (Added) When data shows a trend of three incidents with the same specific cause
within a twelve month time frame. (Added) A 30 day suspense from the time the failure analysis service technology
(FAST) test is received to meet step six of the 8-Step Problem Solving Process. Group POCs are
required to send a copy of the Failure Analysis Service Technology (FAST) to OC-ALC FOD
monitor and alternate within 24 hours of receipt. (Added) The group POC will send a status to the OC-ALC FOD monitor and alternate
every Tuesday by noon. This status will be briefed in the weekly Quality chief meetings. (Added) Steps seven and eight will be followed up 90 days after step six has been
completed by the group POC. (Added) Minimum attendees for 8-Step meetings: Group’s lead for the 8-Step,
group’s FOD POC, and any other knowledgeable candidates who would add value to the process. (Added) All FOD 8-Steps will be briefed to OC-ALC senior management by the
group’s lead of the 8-Step, during the quarterly FOD/DOP meetings.
13.13. (Added) The preventable FOD standard for OC-ALC is 1.0.
Figure 13.1. (Added) FOD Report.
1. PURPOSE: To gain Group approval to forward this report to HQ AFMC/A4M.
2. BACKGROUND: FOD incidents will be reported to HQ AFMC/A4M within 24 hours of
occurrence. The following process was put in place to inform leadership before notification to
a. Incident is reported to 76 AMXG/MXDSO, Maintenance Control Center (MOC).
b. MOC immediately notifies OC-ALC/SE and Complex FOD Manager by telephone.
c. MOC drafts this e-mail. (Records name of OC-ALC/SE person notified and time of
notification below).
d. MOC forwards to the appropriate Group Commander’s personal account with telephone
notification to recipient. (Subject line shows date/time due to HQ and is sent with high
e. Appropriate Group Commander/CC/CL/DD/CD approves release of this report to HQ
AFMC/A4M by forwarding e-mail to 76 AMXG/MXDSO All [email protected] followed
with phone notification to 736-2500 (MOC).
f. MOC forwards e-mail to HQ AFMC using the appropriate group mailbox (HQ FOD/DOP
AMXG reporting mailbox or HQ FOD/DOP PMXG reporting mailbox) located on the global
address list.
78 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Summary of incident:
Date and time of incident:
Base, unit, and location of incident:
When discovered (preflight, postflight, in-coming, test cell, etc.) owning unit, Owning
base: Owning Command, engine type, make, series, modification (TMSM), serial number
and installed position (if applicable):
Description of damage:
Certifying official if impounded: name, grade/rank, unit, office symbol, DSN and commercial
DISPOSITION of aircraft or engine:
OC-ALC/SE person notified: Time
of OC-ALC/SE notification:
This is preliminary data only. For follow-on investigation results, please contact the Complex
FOD Manager. For information during off-duty hours, please contact 76 AMXG/MXDSO,
MOC, at 736- 2500.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 79
Figure 13.2. (Added) FOD Report Flow Chart.
80 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Figure 13.3. (Added) DOP Report.
1. PURPOSE: To gain group approval to forward this report to HQ AFMC/A4M.
2. BACKGROUND: All DOP incidents will be reported to HQ AFMC/A4M within 24 hours of
occurrence. If it involves casualties, property damage, or if adverse publicity is likely, the safety
office should be notified immediately. The following process was put in place to inform
leadership before notification to HQ AFMC/A4M:
a. Incident is reported to 76 AMXG/MXDSO, Maintenance Control Center (MOC).
b. MOC immediately notifies OC-ALC/SE and Complex FOD Manager by telephone.
c. MOC drafts this e-mail (records name of OC-ALC/SE person notified and time of
notification below).
d. MOC forwards to the appropriate group commander’s personal account with telephone
notification to recipient. (Subject line shows date/time due to HQ and is sent with high
e. Appropriate group commander/CC/CL/DD/CD approves release of this report to HQ
AFMC/A4M by forwarding e-mail to 76 AMXG/MXDSO All [email protected]
followed with phone notification to 736-2500 (MOC).
f. MOC forwards e-mail to HQ AFMC using the appropriate group mailbox (HQ FOD/DOP
AMXG reporting mailbox or HQ FOD/DOP PMXG reporting mailbox) located on the
global address list.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 81
Summary of incident:
Date and time of incident:
Base, unit, and location of incident:
When discovered (preflight, postflight, in-coming,
etc.): Owning unit, Owning base, Owning Command:
MDS and tail number:
Item, noun,
Certifying official if impounded: name, grade/rank, unit, office symbol, DSN and commercial
OC-ALC/SE person notified:
Time of OC-ALC/SE
This is preliminary data only. For follow-on investigation results, please contact the Complex
FOD/DOP Manager. For information during off-duty hours, please contact 76
AMXG/MXDSO, MOC, at 736- 2500.
82 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Figure 13.4. (Added) Areas of Responsibilities.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 83
Chapter 14
OPERATIONAL WORKLOADING, PLANNING, AND SCHEDULING CONTROL (Added) Locally developed Move Item Control Document OC-ALC Form 238, Move
Item Support, shall be used when a maintenance organization requires support in the repair of end
items from organizations outside the primary Resource Control Center’s (RCC) Group. (Added) If support is required for the repair of an end item within the same primary
RCC Maintenance Group and the primary Industrial Engineer Technician (IET) is unfamiliar or
uncertain with the support RCC repair process a Move Item Control Document OC-ALC Form
238 shall be used. (Added) The owning End Item production IET who route parts through RCCs
outside their squadron within their own Maintenance Group without utilizing an OC-ALC Form
238 will be responsible for reviewing technical data, process orders, AFMC Form 202,
Nonconforming Technical Assistance Request and Reply, develop the required routes through the
affected production shops and to coordinate the process with the applicable engineers. (Added) Requesting production maintenance group planning organizations are
charged with the responsibility of coordinating with the respective support organizations to ensure
adequate data for input in the establishment of accurate labor and material standards. This action
will be accomplished by completing the applicable blocks on part I of OC-ALC Form 238, Move
Item Support and submitting it to the support organizations. A copy will be retained in suspense
by the requesting IET and a copy will be forwarded to the support IET organization. Support IET
will complete part II of the form in a timely manner not to exceed 10 workdays. Support IET will
retain a copy for their planning files. When schedule demands require faster responses, the
requesting organization will include this information on the original OCALC Form 238 submitted
to support organization. (Added) Electronic versions of the OC-ALC Form 238 are acceptable. Form 238
shall be kept in the master planning jacket for 7yrs and must be resubmitted for coordination
annually. (Added) Upon completion of OC-ALC Form 238, the supporting planning
organization will develop the required routes through the affected production shops and coordinate
the process with the applicable engineers. (Added) The supporting planning organization will provide all the required routing
information in part two of the OC-ALC Form 238 and may establish a WCD using PDMSS/G097
or ITS/G337, as applicable or as requested from the owning organization. If the owning
organization requests a WCD, the supporting IET will establish an Air Force approved WCD using
the system of the supporting planning organization and provide a copy to the requesting planning
organization. The supporting planning organization will be responsible for reviewing all tech data,
process orders, AFMC Form 202, Nonconforming Technical Assistance Request and Reply, on all
WCDs on work that is accomplished within their working areas. Once WCDs are established the
requesting planning organization will input the labor standards in the appropriate systems
84 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) If a change is necessary, it is the responsibility of the supporting planning
organization. The supporting planning organization will notify the requesting planning
organization when WCDs are complete and ready for printing. The requesting organization will
notify the responsible scheduling unit upon establishment of WCDs. (Added) If route is being performed in lieu of a management of items subject to repair
(MISTR) requirement, originating organization will continue to monitor item availability to ensure
that as items become supportable, the route will be discontinued, unless contractual obligations
prohibit. Originating planning office will notify supporting organization when route is no longer
required using OC-ALC Form 238. (Added) Scheduling is responsible for printing all WCDs indicating the production
number and JON suffix in the appropriate system. In cases where supporting planning function
creates WCDs, the supporting scheduling function will be responsible for printing WCDs
indicating the production number and JON suffix using the appropriate system. (Added) Scheduling function that prints the WCD will also be responsible for
attaching the WCD to the part and inducting the part into the route. (Added) Scheduling will ensure the part is routed by the established start date found
in the routed items listing (applies to 76 AMXG only). (Added) Originating organization will pick up and deliver the routed part and
appropriate paperwork to the first workstation/drop station listed on WCD. The receiving
organization will be responsible for any further movement of the item through the required routes. (Added) Scheduling will be responsible for ensuring optimum visibility of the part is
maintained and have continual routed parts status. (Added) Last step on the WCD will be pick-up or delivery instructions. These
instructions will be provided by the requesting organizations and will include building number,
delivery post location, and phone number of the POC for the particular part and WCDs. (Added) Once a routed part is delivered for repair, it is the responsibility of the
supporting/receiving organization to accomplish all internal physical moves of that part to
facilitate repairs. If the part needs to go back to the first receiving group for more repairs or for
completion of initial repair paperwork, the second receiving group is responsible for sending the
part back to the first receiving group. (Added) When the part is completed through the final phase of repair process, the shop
production mechanics will scan the WCD as complete. The appropriate WCD will be attached to
the part and the part will be placed in the designated “outgoing area” for pick up/delivery.
Production count is accomplished by the scanning process utilizing Depot Maintenance
Accounting and Production System/Time and Attendance (DMAPS/TAA). (Added) If unforeseen or additional repairs are required, during the repair of aircraft
parts, support organization will contact requesting organization detailing nature of deficiency.
Requesting organization planner will generate a MWR documenting required repairs. Upon
approval of MWR, requesting organization will deliver WCD to support organization (applies to
aircraft routed parts only).
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 85 (Added) Any time an item has/is failed/condemned, the back shop scheduler or shop
mechanic will return the part immediately or notify the owning organization to pick up the
failed/condemned part. The owning organization will attach appropriate condition status code tag
to the part. The owning organization will receive the condemned part and all pertaining paperwork
and will either contact the POC annotated on the paperwork (WCD) or the item will be delivered
directly to the scheduling function for appropriate disposition. (Added) During the route process, it is necessary to maintain contact between the
groups performing the required work. To accomplish a true and accurate depiction of each item in
the route process, continuous coordination and communication must occur between the supporting/
requesting parties involved in the process. It is essential that all mechanics accomplish the proper
scanning of WCDs to update PDMSS/G097 or ITS/G337, as applicable; thereby, ensuring
visibility of all parts during the repair process.
86 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Chapter 15
15.1.12. (Added) Provide a focal point for all environmental concerns and provide
environmental engineering support to groups/OC-ALC. (Added) For specific instructions for OC-ALC see OC-ALCI21-203, Equipment-
Maintenance/Inspection and Documentation. (Added) For specific instructions see 76 MXSG operating instruction (OI) 21-917,
Process Order Policy & Procedure. (Added) For specific instructions for OC-ALC see OC-ALCI21-203. (Added) For specific instructions on 76 MXSG equipment maintenance see 76 MXSG
instructions. (Added) For specific instructions for OC-ALC see OC-ALCI21-203. (Added) For specific instruction see 76MXSGOI61-201, Quality Verification Center
Operations Methodology.
15.2.4. (Added) Determining strategies and requirements for environmental compliance. (Added) For specific instructions on air quality recordkeeping procedures see OC-
ALCI32-101, Air Quality Recordkeeping Procedures. (Added) For specific instructions on hazardous materials management see AFI32- 7086
OC-ALCSUP, Hazardous Materials Management. (Added) The 76 MXSG will budget, initiate, and verify contracted corrective
maintenance (CM) on 76 MXSG maintained equipment. (Added) The 76 MXSG will budget and acquisition repair parts for 76 MXSG
maintained equipment, to include all parts that require communications-computer systems
requirements documents (CSRD). Note: Exclude parts that are centrally managed or must be on
a custodian account inventory. (Added) The 76 MXSG, with the aid of 76 SWEG, will maintain operating systems
on computer control equipment on 76 MXSG maintained equipment. (Added) Skills may include chemistry, metallurgy, and physics. (Added) The 76 MXSG laboratory personnel are exempted from PAC stamping. In
lieu of stamps, employee signatures certify that the work they performed meets all technical data,
safety, local standard operating procedures (SOPs), and other applicable directives. (Added) Local SOPs are another acceptable medium for documentation of technical
guidance and instruction for methods and procedures utilized for 76 MXSG laboratory testing. (Added) For 76 MXSG laboratories, which have a chemical hygiene plan, hazardous
material, shall be managed IAW AFI90-821, Hazard Communication (HAZCOM) Program, and
local procedures documented in laboratory’s approved chemical hygiene plans.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 87
15.15.4. (Added) Environmental Compliance. The Environmental Engineering Section mission
is to provide a focal point for all environmental concerns and provide environmental support to
groups/OC-ALC organizations. (Added) The Environmental Engineering Section provides environmental guidance,
expertise, and liaison to all external environmental functions. (Added) The Environmental Engineering Section provides pollution prevention
guidance and expertise. (Added) The Environmental Engineering Section provides corrosion control support
88 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Chapter 17
DEPOT MAINTENANCE PRODUCTION LABOR ENTRY (Added) At OC-ALC, payroll records will be stored electronically for 10 years. TAA
records, to include leave application files, source records, inputs records and leave records must
be retained by the employee’s supervisor or activity IAW records retention requirements as set
forth in the National Archives, General Records Schedule 2:
mgmt/grs/grs02.html. (Added) At OC-ALC, payroll records must be kept for 10 years IAW with SAF/FM
Policy Letter, Financial Document Retention dated 23 May 2014. (Added) For those aircraft needing rework under AIDR requirements and returned to
depot as an unprogrammed depot level maintenance (UDLM), the OC-ALC will use a temporary
control number (T-job) funded from an approved AFMC Form 206, Temporary Work Request for
un-programmed workloads or a permanent control number (PCN) (production number (PDN) with
G-Card for induction) under the original PCN the aircraft was worked in programmed depot
maintenance (PDM), funded from an approved Project Order Form 181 (found in J025A) for un-
programmed warranty workloads. The AFMC Form 206 or PCN will be funded for 0.1 hour.
Procedures in Chapter 6 will apply to UDLM aircraft with the exception that labor/material will
not be charged to the customer and production count will not be taken; direct labor costs are tracked
in TAA on rework JON.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 89
Chapter 18
18.2.5. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Removal and retention of condition tags (Added) The 76 AMXG. Background: Department of Defense Form DD1574,
Serviceable Tag - Materiel, and Form DD1574-1, Serviceable Label Materiel, is used to indicate
the condition status of serviceable materials received through supply channels. AFSC Form 959,
Work Control Document, and AFSC Form 137, Routed Order (Proj Dir), are used to indicate the
serviceable condition of items received from the 76 AMXG support shops as a result of a line-
generated repair requirement. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Procedure: (Added) The 76 AMXG. Forms DD1574/1574-1, AFSC Form 959, or AFSC Form
137 will remain attached to the serviceable item until it is delivered to the installation point. The
person making the installation will remove the document and check the serial number and other
information on the document. He/she will verify it is correct for the item being installed and enter
the date and aircraft tail number on back of the document. He/she will return the document to the
designated ALS for that aircraft, in which the part was installed, so the records section can package
them for delivery with the returning aircraft to home station. (Added) The 76 AMXG. If a component is drawn out of stock as a test unit to replace
a suspected defective unit, the Forms DD1574/1574-1, AFSC Form 137, or AFSC Form 959 will
remain with the unit until it is determined if the test unit corrected the condition. If it did not
correct the condition, the original component with the Forms DD1574/1574-1, AFSC Form 137,
or AFSC Form 959 attached, will be returned to the stockroom. If the item is to remain installed
in the aircraft, the Forms DD1574/1574-1, AFSC Form 137, or AFSC Form 959 will be placed in
the container for turn-in to the records section. (Added) The 76 AMXG. If a component is installed and found to be defective, the
condition forms/tags for the defective component will be retrieved form designated ALS and
placed with the defective component for disposition in accordance with the applicable directive.
Exception: defective avionics equipment will be controlled.
18.2.6. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Records maintenance: Each squadron records section will
maintain all condition status documents turned in for each aircraft for a period of two years from
date of aircraft departure and then destroy. (Added) The 76 CMXG. The Lean Depot Management System (G300) (LDMS)
provides the mechanics the ability to order material and view the status of the requests and provides
material Production Support Technicians (PST)s the ability to track, update, and fix orders. PSTs
can perform turn-in transactions through LDMS. Material Industrial Engineering Technicians
(IET)s can electronically update, approve, or deny request with planning problems. All orders are
passed to the standard material ordering system (i.e., ABOM/NIMMS).
18.3.9. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Product identification and traceability, requires documented
procedures for identifying the product from receipt and during all states of production, delivery,
and installation.
90 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) The 76 AMXG. The Automated Parts Tracking System (APTS) provides a
method of identifying and tracking parts removed from an aircraft. This system provides the ability
to print tags and labels that are useful in tracking the location and status of parts that have been
removed from an aircraft. These tags and labels create a unique tracking identification number for
each part when printed. The aircraft serial number is included in this unique identifier. Reference
to these tags and labels will be made in the instructions below. Use of the tags and labels referenced
are considered a “best practice” method, but are not necessary to meet minimum tagging
requirements. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Procedure: parts removed from an aircraft may undergo a
variety of processes for inspection/repair, or may simply be stored awaiting re-installation. At a
minimum, parts removed from the aircraft will have the aircraft serial number identified. This
identification can occur in a number of ways which will be reviewed below, but at a minimum, the
serial number must be legible. Possible identification methods include, but are not limited to: (Added) The 76 AMXG. Metal or plastic tag with pre-printed/stamped aircraft serial
number. Examples of use include any time a part may go through an intrusive process such as
wash or paint strip processes. When possible, include the pre-printed unique-ID label from the
APTS with the pre-printed/stamped tag. Note: Figure 18.8 Contains a sample of a metal pre-
stamped tag. (Added) The 76 AMXG. OC-ALC Form 52, Parts Identification and Status Tag, may
be used to indicate the aircraft to which the part belongs, the removing mechanic, the remove and
install operation numbers, as well as the status of the part (Figure 18.5). Suggested uses for this
tagging method include parts that undergo a repair process or are stored awaiting re- installation.
This tag is especially useful when the aircraft part removed is not already in the APTS database as
it provides the information necessary to add the part to the database. The status of the part can be
indicated via the use of shorthand status codes See Figure 18.6. Note: statuses are not limited to
these shorthand status codes in Figure 18.6 If a status is encountered for which a shorthand code
does not exist, the mechanic simply writes the status in the status column of the tag. The mechanic
also has the option of writing out the status code and forgoing the shorthand. The list of shorthand
status codes found in Figure 18.6 can be displayed and used as a quick reference for status codes.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 91
Figure 18.5. (Added) The 76 AMXG. OC-ALC Form 52, Parts Identification and Status
Tag (front and backsides). (Always check for the current version).
92 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Figure 18.6. (Added) The 76 AMXG Established Status Shorthand Codes. (Added) The 76 AMXG. APTS automated parts identification and status tag (3” x 6”)
(Figure 18.7). APTS has the ability to generate detailed identification tag for all parts loaded to
its database that is an automated version of the OC-ALC Form 52. This information includes the
aircraft serial number, noun, remove operation, the install operation, the part number, and a unique
tracking number for the part. The tracking number is created when the label is printed and includes
the aircraft serial number to which the part is linked. Therefore, use of this tag does not require
additional marking of the aircraft serial number. Suggested uses for this tagging method include
parts that undergo a repair process or are stored awaiting re- installation. Note: (Figure 18.7)
contains a sample of a 3” x 6” APTS automated form.
Figure 18.7. (Added) The 76 AMXG Completed 3” X 6” APTS Automated Form 52
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 93 (Added) The 76 AMXG. APTS barcode label (1” x 3”). APTS also has the ability
to generate barcode labels for all parts loaded in its database. Printed barcodes contain the noun,
the remove operation, the part number, and a unique tracking number for the part. The tracking
number is created when the barcode is printed and includes the aircraft serial number to which the
part is linked. Therefore, use of this label does not require additional marking of the aircraft serial
number. This label can be used in conjunction with pre-printed/stamped tags (Figure 18.8) and
the OC-ALC Form 52. Note: Figure 18.9 contains a sample of a 1” x 3” APTS barcode label.
Figure 18.8. (Added) The 76 AMXG Metal or Plastic Pre-Printed or Stamped Tag
Figure 18.9. (Added) 76 AMXG Completed 1” X 3” APTS Barcode Label. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Small parts will be containerized in some form. The
container (i.e., cloth bag, plastic bag, plastic container, etc.) will be marked with the aircraft serial
number at a minimum.
18.3.10. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Records maintenance:
94 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) The 76 AMXG. WCDs will be used for recording removal and installation
activities within the 76 AMXG. These records will be maintained in accordance with the applicable
records disposition schedule for depot maintenance and inspection records. For Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) Part 145 workload, records will be kept for two years. (Added) The 76 AMXG. Once APTS has been updated to indicate installation of the
part, the APTS labels may be destroyed.
Figure 18.10. (Added) Sample OC-ALC Form 112, Single Material Issue/Request. (Always
check for the current version).
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 95
Figure 18.11. (Added) Sample AFSC Form 95, Issue Request. (Always check for the
current version).
96 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) The 76 CMXG. The LDMS Store may be utilized to store raw material,
design, deliver, and retrieve material, used in support of scheduled maintenance. LDMS does not
feed supply systems when ordered out of the LDMS inventory, and does not cost the material to a
new JON.
Figure 18.12. (Added) Sample OC-ALC Form 113, Multiple Material Request Form
(Always check for the current version).
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 97
Figure 18.13. (Added) Sample OC-ALC Form 111, Unplanned Material Request. (Always
check for the current version).
98 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Figure 18.14. (Added) 76 SWEG Sample OC-ALC Form 415, Material Request. (Always
check for the current version).
18.14.2. (Added) IPV items are to be packaged, labeled and placed in the appropriate return bins
in order to be reused.
18.14.3. (Added) When an employee retrieves IPV material from open bin or auto crib, the
following must occur. Employee places each part in a separate bag and clearly labels each bag
with the BSL bin location and manufacturers part number or NSN of each item taken. Material
will not be co-mingled in bags.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 99 (Added) Material unused after completing the task will be placed in the grey tub
located next to the BSL where the material was removed. Returned material must be in a bag with
the original bin location and manufacturer’s part number or NSN clearly written on the bag.
Unidentifiable material will be placed in the red tub for disposition by the Air Force. Residual
kits will be placed in the blue tub for processing. If the kit was organically built, it will be picked
up by Group kitting organizations. If the kit was built by LM, they will pick up the residual.
Material that LM finds in the return tubs that is not clearly identified will be placed in the red tub
for disposition by the Air Force. (Added) LM will check the return tub when they are in our area. Material will be
placed back in the proper bin if it will not exceed the max level. If the bin max is reached, LM will
take the material back to the Lockheed Martin Distribution Center (LDC) to incorporate into the
Air Force owned inventory for future use.
Figure 18.15. (Added) 76 SWEG Sample OC-ALC Form 416, DIFM/DOTM Material
Request-(Always check for the current version).
100 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
18.15.2. (Added) The 76 CMXG will utilize LDMS to process material transaction to ABOM.
LDMS contains front-end edit processes that must be met prior to passing to ABOM.
Figure 18.16. (Added) 76 PMXG Sample OC-ALC Form 18 Indirect Material Add form.
(Always check for the current version).
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 101
Figure 18.19. (Added) Clear Text Statement.
102 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) The 76 CMXG. Material Transaction Processing and Cost Corrections. All
material requests will be processed through ABOM and/or LDMS. All turn-in transactions will be
processed through LDMS or ABOM/NIMMS. These transactions will be processed in the above
mentioned systems to record activity between the maintenance groups and/or supply. (Added) OC-ALC will follow this process when purchasing raw material using
Government Purchase Cards (GPC) for items that will be consumed on aircraft, engines, or
commodities. The cardholder or planner will check to see if the item is stock listed with a National
Stock Number (NSN). If the required material has a stock number it will be utilized to acquire the
item through normal supply channels (DLA), unless the required delivery date (RDD) will not
meet the estimated delivery date (EDD). If the RDD cannot be met, then Metals Prime Vendor
contract (MPV) will be used first, 2
Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) and 3
GPC will be
considered. (Added) The GPC cardholder or planner may seek to locate other sources if the
traditional supply methods are not supportable, as long as they meet the established selection
criteria of the GPC. The external provider must have the product/material needed, can deliver the
product within the specified delivery date, and can provide acceptable documentation (e.g.
Certificate of Conformance (CoC), Certificate of Analysis (CoA), Mill Test Reports (MTR), Mill
Test Certificates (MTC), etc.) and has an acceptable price. (Added) GPC will be used as a last resort for raw stock. All purchases must be IAW
AFI64-117, Government Purchase Card Program. GPC Purchase Request must be procured from
vendors with an Air Force approved Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code. If an Air
Force CAGE Code does not exist then an AFMC Form 202 will be needed from cognizant
engineer. (Added) GPC Cardholders will keep a log and material information must be entered
into the purchasing tracking system. GPC Line of Accounting will be an overhead general ledger
account/JON, which will require cost transfers to a direct JON. (Added) Established forms, must be published within E-Publishing and include a
checkpoint to indicate if material is indirect, and a place for the planner to coordinate and signoff
when indirect material is required for consumption on aircraft, engines and commodities. When
indirect material is required, and not listed on the ABOM indirect table, the PST will check the
appropriate box on the material request form and obtain coordination and signature of the planner
prior to ordering material. The planner will load material to the ABOM indirect table, coordinate,
sign and return material request form to PST. After validating the request, form the PST will use
the automated bill of material (ABOM). The 76 CMXG will use the Lean Depot Management
system (LDMS) to process material orders, and no issue request form is necessary. (Added) . Established OC-ALC Form 112 Single material request (Figure 18.10.), or
OC-ALC Form 113 Multiple material request (Figure18.12) will be used to order material in 76
AMXG and 76 PMXG. AFSC Form 95 Issue Request (Figure 18.11) may be used in lieu of forms
listed above. The 76 CMXG will use established forms listed above for material request not
ordered through LDMS. (Added) Electronic means of requesting material can be accomplished within LDMS
or ABOM/NIMMS utilizing the picklist within the systems.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 103 (Added) 76 PMXG OC-ALC Form 018 Indirect Material Add Form (Figure 18.16)
will be used by 76 PMXG when indirect material is not loaded to the ABOM indirect table. (Added) The 76 SWEG. OC-ALC Form 415 (Figure 18.14) and OC-ALC Form 416
(Figure 18.15) will be used in 76 SWEG. (Added) Part number request for non-stock listed (NSL) material will be processed
through the part number supply support request (PNSSR) system. If the source Maintenance
Recoverability (SMR) code found in provisional T. O. shows this should be a local manufactured
item, select “JCL” in the SOS. (Added) Maintenance/production personnel will submit established order forms to the
PST. PST will perform front-end edit to determine if part is stock listed except in areas where
LDMS is utilized. If part is not stock listed, PST/Planner will initiate Form DD1348-6, Single Line
Item Requisition System Document, DoD (Manual-Long Form) action through the PNSSR system.
The Form DD1348-6 will be systematically forwarded to the appropriate DLA-A/CSS within the
part number office. (Added) The 76 CMXG. LDMS will cause the order to fail sending a message to the
administrator. Order cannot proceed until IET approves the transaction. (Added) Excess serviceable material, residue, and non-IPV kit residue material,
which can be identified by NSN or manufactures stamp including material type, will be returned
to the production support flight for proper disposition. (Added) NIMMS MN045P screen will be used to process the turn-in of excess,
found on base (FOB), and cost code “A”, condition code “A” material. (Added) The JON will not be used for material turned-in as FOB. (Added) FOB material will be turned in with an “N” in the credit expected. (Added) If credit is expected, research must be accomplished prior to input and
the source of supply (SOS) must be in a buy status. The forced credit indicator must be used with
caution. (Added) Production shops involved in the manufacturing of parts, which utilize the
use of raw material, may maintain a reasonable amount of left over raw stock as long as it is
properly identified and stored with the product identity. (Added) Each production group within OC-ALC will have their own pick-up
points for unserviceable and scrap material. Within each group, each squadron will have their
respective areas of responsibility. (Added) These procedures do not apply to the handling and disposing of
hazardous material or hazardous waste. Refer to AFMAN32-7002, for hazardous control
instructions. To prevent accidental contamination involving hazardous material/waste, scrap
material disposal sites shall not be located in or around hazardous waste collection points. (Added) Maintenance group (production) personnel will: (Added) Determine the appropriate disposition of material (example: turn-in
material to courtesy storage, turn-in material to supply, etc.).
104 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) Identify and tag material (e.g., serviceable, condemned, repairable, etc.)
with stock number, part number, noun, maintenance inspection stamp/signature, and unit of issue
(e.g., unit of issue is a quantity of one hundred (HD) and we have less than 50 percent, turn in as
scrap). See AFSCMAN21-102, Table14.12. for material condition codes. Note: 76 CMXG:
Residue material will be marked with manufactures stamp including material type. If stamp is not
legible, materials may be sent to lab for positive identification to avoid condemnation. (Added) Turn-in to Y-Store. (Added) Materiel requirement: If materiel is opened and not in original package
one copy of Form DD1574 is required. At a minimum, Form DD1574 must have date, quantity,
NSN, noun, condition code “A”, part number, and maintenance inspection stamp/signature. This
does not pertain to material with a shelf life. (Added) Utilize the MN044P screen in NIMMS to process the turn-in to the Y-
Store, the input generates a stow document. Print Stowage Document and attach to material along
with DD Form 1574 if material is not in factory packaging. Verify the quantity has been added to
store detail via MN090P when turn-in is processed. Place material in the Outgoing area for DLA-
A SSC to pick up during daily run. (Added) Establish and maintain pick-up points for unserviceable expendability,
recoverability, reparability code (ERRC) XB3 material; each point will be conspicuously marked
to show RCC authorized to place material there and be clearly identified with obvious visible sign
explaining and defining contents of each collection area. (Added) Ensure "serviceable" and "identified" consumable ERRC XB3/XF3 type
material is NOT placed in containers marked as unserviceable (scrap) material. For nuts, bolts,
washers, rivets, shavings, wire (without connectors) and residue from the material manufacturing
process, follow procedures for condemned material/scrap material as defined in para (Added) Ensure only items that have been conspicuously marked in red with
waterproof paint, dye, or similar material will be put in the containers marked for unserviceable
(scrap) material. In some areas, locked containers conspicuously marked in red can be utilized as
a collection point for small hardware. (Added) Ensure the maximum amount of indirect bench stock material maintained
by the individual mechanic, based on workload, and does not exceed a two day supply. All bench
stock containers retained at workstation will be labeled with part number or stock number. After
completion of repair process, excess bench stock material will be returned to the designated bench
stock location IAW governing contractual procedures. (Added) Report any discrepancies/non-compliances in disposal procedures
promptly to management. (Added) Maintenance production support personnel will: (Added) Perform appropriate research action to determine disposition of the
material after production personnel have returned the shop floor residue/excess material to the
designated location. Material must be tagged as serviceable, reparable or condemned. (Added) 76 CMXG Local Manufacturing. Residue material will not be tagged
as serviceable; it is the responsibility of the production shop to prove if the material is serviceable
when released for the next job. . If material is condemned, turn- in or scrap according to regulation.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 105 (Added) Process excess material based upon disposition research using turn- in
procedures for the processing of material into the supply account. (Added) Report any discrepancies/non-compliances in disposal procedures
promptly to management. (Added) Maintenance group supervisors will: (Added) Ensure all employees can differentiate between excess material and
unserviceable (scrap) material. (Added) Ensure all employees know the location sites for excess and
unserviceable (scrap) material. (Added) The following procedures will be used for condemned/scrap material: (Added) Scrap material is defined as material no longer usable in the production
process and has no value except for its basic material content. (Added) The production groups will: (Added) Conspicuously mark unserviceable parts (scrap) items identified for
disposal in red with waterproof paint, dye, or similar material. Shavings from the machining
process, sheet metal scrap from the manufacturing/repair process and safety wire do not require
red marking. (Added) Tag all consumable cost code “A” material no matter the demilitarization
code and process for turn-in by PST. Items with the same NSN may be grouped together in a
separate (approved) shipping container. These items only require one document and one tag that
reflect the appropriate quantity of like items. (Added) Process this material through DLA-DS Distribution Services, document
builder/NIMMS system as a FOB turn-in. Place the Form DD1348-1A, generated on the material
as you would all other turn-ins. Once completed, material will be given to Defense Distribution
Depot, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (DDOO) for shipment to Defense Reutilization and Marketing
Service (DRMS). The groups are not responsible for moving this type of material to DRMS. (Added) Scrap material (which is not identifiable to a stock number) defined as nuts,
bolts, screws, rivets, washers, and wire, will be handled as follows: (Added) Notify DRMS, 405-855-3667, and setup an appointment for a walk
through and determination of the material being scraped. DRMS will come to the specific shop
and give instruction on how the material should be processed. After initial instruction, the shop
should sort the material in the manner instructed in an ongoing basis. (Added) Once the material is separated, a turn-in document will be processed
using an offline document number. The offline document number will consist of an “F” in the first
position, followed by the first five alphas of the RCC, the Julian date, and a four digit serial number
(first and last initial of the maker plus a number ranging from (01-99)). An example of an offline
document number if you were in 76 AMXG would be FMBBTA2015KM001. Do not duplicate
the numbers.
106 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) The groups will place the document with the material and prepare for
shipment. Each group is responsible for notifying DRMS, 405-855-3667 or via email
[email protected] to have this material reviewed, stamped, and made ready to ship to DRMS. (Added) Once the group has the shipment ready they will take this material to
Building 9002. Business hours are 0730 to 1500 Monday thru Thursday and from 0730 to 1200 on
Friday. DRMS is closed on Saturday and Sunday. You have the option of calling in advance for
an appointment to deliver. (Added) Scrap material is defined as shavings and residue from manufacturing,
scrap will be handled as follows: (Added) Separate this material by type of metal such as aluminum, stainless steel,
titanium, or as best you can into specifically labeled cans/ bins in the production shop area,
remembering that the government receives more money when metals can be sold by the specific
type. Ensure all scrap metal is free from hazardous chemicals. Accomplish a Form DD1348-1A
using the federal stock class of the material and the offline document number process above
(Paragraph Business hours are 0730 to 1500 Monday thru Thursday, and 0730 to
1200 on Friday. DRMS is closed Saturday and Sunday. You have the option of calling in advance
for an appointment to deliver. (Added) Items that do not have a NSN will be handled as follows: The group will
research to determine if the item in question has a NSN. If the item has a NSN, process it according
to the cost code assigned to the NSN. If the item does not have a NSN, the representing activity
will have to submit additional documentation with the Form DD1348-1A, called a clear text
statement, (Figure 18.19) (Added) Item must have a demilitarization code assigned, and must be placed on
the form for the part to be turned-in to DRMS. The PST can find the Demil code at Once all the paperwork is accomplished, notify DRMS, 405-855-
3667, or via email [email protected] to have them review documentation and to set an
appointment to deliver the materiel to Building 9002 (Added) All material, with the exception of cost code “A” material, DEMIL code
“A” through “X,” will require DRMS to review the documentation. Once this takes place, it will
be the responsibility of the activity with the material to transport it to DRMS at Building 9002. (Added) The OC-ALC/Business Office (OB) office has established an indirect
duty code of X51112622000 (excess material cleanup) to ensure all time is captured for this
process. It is imperative this code be used so time can be documented. (Added) Due in from maintenance (DIFM)/Due out to maintenance (DOTM)
details. (Added) For serviceable part cost code “B” issued to maintenance, a turn-in of the
same part or an interchangeable and substitution (I&S) linked substitute must be used to clear the
DIFM. Turn-ins are reparable “F” condition or condemned “H” condition. The Wholesale and
Retail Receiving Shipping System (D035K) retail transaction history inquiry (RINA), DIFM
document number inquiry (RINE) and mass request for retail transaction history (MRAG) screens
are used to track DIFM/DOTM details. Exchange material transactions create one of four details.
These details are essential to identify and control the issue and turn-in of exchange material.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 107 (Added) Detail types: (Added) DIFM (DF) (D7). DIFM details are created when an exchange item
is issued to maintenance, and maintenance has not turned in a like-item using the same document
number as the issue request to clear the DIFM detail. (Added) DIFM due out (DO). DIFM DO (D7) DIFM DO details are created
when an exchange item is requested on a replacement basis and D035K has backordered the
requisition due to the unavailability of the item. D035K reflects these DIFM DOs as traditional
backorders and does not identify them by symbol. (Added) Credit DIFM (DT) Credit DIFM (D6) details are created when
maintenance turns in an exchange item on a replacement basis and has not requested a replacement
item. (Added) DOTM (D6) - DOTM details are created when a turn-in has posted in
D035K but the issue request is backordered. (Added) Each squadron is responsible for monitoring the DIFM status in their
area to ensure all transactions are processed in a timely manner. Each squadron is responsible for
appointing a DIFM monitor and alternate. This monitor will oversee the DIFM/DOTM process in
their groups to ensure all DIFMs are cleared within 60 days. The monitor will answer questions
related to the DIFM process, and is required to follow-up with the respective PST and supervisor
when a delinquent DIFM and DIFM credits require attention. (Added) The AF PST controls the applicable DIFM/DOTM records for their
assigned areas. It is the responsibility of the PST to ensure DIFM assets are turned in within 60
days, to exercise document control when turning in parts to ensure the system automatically clears
the DIFM, and verify that DLA timely clears the DIFM detail or initiates action to research. (Added) DLA aviation, customer support specialists (CSS)s will be available to
assist the AF PST in making the proper transactions to maintain the DIFM/DOTM records. (Added) Cost codes are crucial when processing DIFM/DOTM details to properly
charge the JON, which charges the DMAG. Cost codes can be found in Table 18.10. of
18.23.1. (Added) Originating point responsibilities. The Originating Point is typically located
within the organizations Quality Assurance or Safety Office. If an Originating Point is not
identified within the organization, the Originator will perform Originating Point functions. (Added) Originating point deficiency report (DR) screening. The originating point has
overall management responsibility for the submitting organization or group and ensures applicable
exhibits are available, secured and properly identified. Note: originator procedures for initiating
a DR are contained in TO 00-35D-54, USAF Material Deficiency Reporting and Resolution,
Chapter 3.4. The originating point may assume some or all of the duties of the originator. (Added) The originating point will screen DRs received from originator. This
screening will include the following: (Added) Determine validity, accuracy and completeness of report. Reference TO
00-35D-54. (Added) Verify NSN and P/N correctness using D043 system.
108 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) Request a copy of serviceable or bar code tags from originator. (Added) The originating point tracks DR progress and resolution. (Added) The originating point performs trend analysis and DR feedback.
18.23.2. (Added) Originating point DR input to Joint Discrepancy Reporting System (JDRS).
Validated and completed DR is input through JDRS. A copy of the report is forwarded to the
originator with instructions to tag the exhibit IAW TO 00-35D-54, Chapter 6. PST shall complete
the turn-in process within two workdays. (Added) Exhibits will be released Q” condition to DDOO-SOP where they will be
held pending induction by center investigating organization or shipped to an off base destination.
Note: DDOO will not release the “Q” condition item without coordination from the originating
18.23.3. (Added) Originating point local shipping procedures. When exhibit disposition
instructions are received from the action point, the originating point will: (Added) ) DLA Product Specialist provides a ship in place (SIP) letter for SMS “Q”
condition items to the QA Action/ Screening point, which will forward via e-mail AVN-OO-
[email protected] to material support, stock control DLA-OC/DLDBA (Material Support Stock
Control). (Added) Retain a copy of SIP letter, for records documentation. (Added) If a shipping document is not received within two (2) working days, contact
DLA-OC/DLDBA and e-mail a second copy of SIP letter annotating “Second Submission” to
DLA-OC/DLDBA. (Added) DLA-OC/DLDBA faxes a completed copy of Form DD1348-1A, to OC-
ALC receiving and storage activity DDOO-SOP. This form is accessible at (Added) A shipping document number is assigned by the DLA-OC/DLDBA and an
e-mail is forwarded to originating point which includes a deficiency report unique identifier
(DRUI) and assigned shipping document number. (Added) The originating point will retain shipping documents to obtain shipping and
delivery information. (Added) Originating point exhibit shipment. The originating point will update the
JDRS database with shipping document number and exhibit tracking information IAW TO 00-
35D-54, Section 6.
18.23.4. (Added) Originating point DR status and analysis. The originating point will establish
a systematic process to query, follow-up on progress, and report on the current status of DRs
including disposition instructions. (Added) Perform analysis of reported deficiencies to identify high consumption of
manpower, parts and/or other resources to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Significant results
may be forwarded to the action point and/or the equipment specialist (ES).
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 109 (Added) Check respective exhibit status weekly and take any necessary action to
ensure exhibits move in a timely manner to DDOO-SOP. Note: upon receipt of action point
instructions that state the exhibit is not needed for an evaluation, the originating point will inform
DDOO-SOP of final disposition and change of condition code.
18.23.5. (Added) Originating point credit reversal actions. When a request for credit reversal is
received from the action point, the originating point will: (Added) Forward a request to their supply organization to perform a “reverse post- to-
post” action to accomplish reverse credit. (Added) When credit reversal is perceived as not valid, the originating point has
fifteen days to contact the action point and attempt resolution. (Added) If consensus cannot be reached, the originating point will have 30 days to
substantiate their rationale for disagreement and request single point of contact office (SPOCO)
place the DR in an “open dispute” (DISP) status. (Added) When DR has been in a DISP status for 60 days, the originating point can
elevate the dispute to SPOCO. Note: the SPOCO will elevate the DISP status to HQ AFMC DR
program manager.
18.27.3. (Added) PST requesting a MICAP upgrade will utilize following guidelines: Check
maintenance courtesy stores (X,Y,Z), check with planner/scheduler for alternate part number and
potential ROB-Backs, ensure the maintenance backorder has the acceptable priority. (Added) PST will fill out MICAP checklist (Table 18.23), within this policy. PST
will then provide the form to the DLA-A CSS for MICAP upgrade. PST will maintain a copy
(either electronic or manual) of all research documents along with the MICAP checklist IAW the
Records Disposition Schedule. PST will monitor the MICAP until asset has been received. PST
must inform the DLA- A CSS to downgrade requisition when MICAP status is no longer required. (Added) The 76 CMXG. The Supply Module is used to cancel backorders in LDMS.
Select the Backorders tab and find the document number that requires cancellation. Verify the
quantity to cancel, ensure there is a check in the “Send DHA to DLA” block, if a DHA is required,
and provide a reason for the cancellation, and click OK.
18.39.1. (Added) AF PST will: (Added) Access the ABOM Exchangeable module screen. (Added) Click on the requisition material. (Added) Click on unique ID and input required unique ID. (Added) Click on national item identification number (NIIN) and input NIIN. (Added) Click on quantity, input quantity and press the enter key. (Added) The ABOM system will bring up unmatched turn-ins (D6R) is to be linked
to with an option to make a new document. If you want to use an existing D6R, ensure its valid
then click on that document number. Use the D035K RINE (DIFM document number inquiry
screen) or Center of Parts Activity (COPA) report to verify the validity of the D6R prior to
processing transaction in ABOM.
110 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) Make necessary changes to delivery priority, building station, standard
reporting designator (SRD), and any other field that is not yellow and press the enter key. Write
NIMMS response on order sheet.
18.39.2. (Added) Post to post issue processing. Expedite action will be taken to process the
following post-post issues. (Added) The post-post issue of material is authorized for and limited to: (Added) Emergency requirements for priorities 01-05 when the computer is not in
operation. (Added) D035K down, reason code 1. (Added) Data Store System (DSS) down, reason code 2. (Added) ABOM down and D035K and/or DSS down, reason code 3. (Added) NIMMS down and D035K and/or DSS down, reason code 4. (Added) All computer systems down, reason code 5. (Added) Deficiency reports (DR) exhibits or specific serialized items when D035K
or DSS down, reason code 6. (Added) Random lengths of materiel, reason code 7. (Added) Specific assets in batches including “X” condition assets, reason code 8. (Added) Emergency requirements for priorities 01-05 when the total asset
(TASSET) record shows a zero balance with assets available in the warehouse, reason code 9. (Added) Ammunition, explosives, and pyrotechnics, reason code 10. (Added) The limitation of post-post issues is required to prevent indiscriminate
issue of materiel from the storage facility which maintains project materiel, wholesale item
manager (IM) materiel, and depot supply operating stocks (of the same stock number) stored in
one warehouse location.
18.39.3. (Added) OC-ALC maintenance production support personnel will: (Added) Receive request for post-post issues from applicable production personnel. (Added) Ensure the reason cited by production personnel is valid by ensuring system
identified is down or non-operational and verify condition/unit of issue of material. (Added) Deny the post-post and notify production personnel if it is determined the
request is invalid. (Added) After validating request, process the post-post as identified below: (Added) For ordering material when ABOM/NIMMS is up and D035K/DSS down,
input the transaction as a post-post transaction into ABOM using the appropriate material
requisition screen. ABOM will assign a document number. This document number will be used to
call in or facsimile (FAX) the post-post request to, DDOO-Customer Service (XICS).
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 111 (Added) When ABOM/NIMMS is down and D035K/DSS is down, manually
assign a document number to be used for the post-post transaction. In block ‘D’ of the AFSC Form
95, annotate “ALL SYSTEMS DOWN”. (Added) For ordering End Items when D035K/DSS is down, manually assign a
document number to be used for the post-post transaction. In block ‘D’ of the AFSC Form 95,
annotate “ALL SYTEMS DOWN.” (Added) Quality deficiency report (QDR) exhibits are no longer ordered post- post
unless systems are down. In order to receive an exhibit under normal processing, the exhibit must
be ordered through the Exchangeable Production System (G402A) to create an in-transit in
D035K. A completed AFSC Form 95, with the necessary DR information must be provided to
DDOO help desk at 739-2488 or via e-mail @ [email protected]. This process must
be followed in order to obtain the correct exhibit. The receipt acknowledgement (RA) must be
cleared in G337 to place the item on work order (OWO).
18.39.4. (Added) Prepare AFSC Form 95 (Figure 18.10.) according to the format in (Figure
18.11). Note: special instructions on for DR exhibits can be found in (Figure 18.11).
112 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Figure 18.11. (Added) AFSC Form 95 Information Required.
Cols 1-3-Document (DOC) ID Col 3 if Annotated on AFMC 95, otherwise blank
Cols 4-6-Routing ID (FHB)
Col 7-Leave blank, unless coded
Col 8-22-NSN
Cols 23-24-Unit of issue (U/I)
Cols 25-29-QTY
Cols 30-43-DOC number
Col 44 DMD (document suffix)
Cols 45-50-Delivery destination
Cols 51-55-Control number
Col 56-Job designator (last digit of control number)
Cols 57-59-Project code (enter if applicable)
Col 60-WC
Col 61-Force activity designator (FAD)
Cols 62-64-Required delivery date (JON)
Cols 65-66-Advice code (on a post-post this is the first two digits of the Julian date)
(blank if exhibit is for a DR and systems are up)
Col 67-Base delivery priority (On a post-post this is the last digit of the Julian date)
(blank if exhibit is for a DR and systems are up)
Cols 68-69-Blank
Col 70-Owner Purpose (O/P)
Col 71-Condition code
Col 72-Blank
Cols 73-77-Operation facility number Blank
Col 78-Cost code
Cols 79-80-Post-post (blank if exhibit is for a DR and systems are up)
** In block A of the AFSC Form 95, annotate the requestor’s name, phone number, and post-
post reason code. In block D of AFSC Form 95, annotate the prime IM and phone number
who approved the issue of “09” account material. **For DR exhibits- In block C of AFSC
Form 95, annotate the accession number if available. In block F of AFSC Form 95, annotate
the report control number (RCN) and if available the serial number (S/N).
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 113
18.39.5. (Added) During normal duty hours (0645-1530) (Monday-Friday), the request
(including reason code) will be called in to customer service at 405-855-3855
18.39.6. (Added) On weekends, holidays, and after 1530, Monday through Friday, contact
DDOO Emergency Supply Operations Center (ESOC) at 517-5506.
18.39.7. (Added) DDOO customer service will receive the local issue documents and process as
required. If the post-post is a customer pickup, DDOO will call the POC listed on the Form
DD1348-1A, and deliver the material to the customer. Note: The preferred method to initiate a
post-post to customer service is to call 739-2488. AFSC Form 95 can be scanned, e-mailed @
[email protected] , or faxed to customer service at 734-4593.
18.40.1. (Added) The D6 turn-in transaction generates a stuffer deck, consisting of five copies
of a turn-in stuffer. Once the transaction is input, place four copies of the stuffer and the proper
forms on the material packaging and move it to the DLA pickup/delivery area. The PST is
responsible for ensuring the stuffer, the condition tag and all other supporting documentation is
securely attached to the turn in. One condition tag must be placed inside the container and one
placed on the outside of the container.
18.40.2. (Added) The PST is responsible to retain one stuffer in suspense until a receipt (RT)
appears on the RINA screen in D035K. The DIFM/DOTM is cleared when the turn-in is processed
by DLA and crosses D035K. The RINE screen is another option that can be used to determine if
credit has been received from DLA.
18.40.3. (Added) The AF PST will follow-up on D6 turn-ins. If the D6 has not crossed the daily
DIFM/DOTM list within ten days, the AF PST should verify the status of the turn-in. Initiate a
DLA-OC/DL Form 14, D6 Turn-in Research Checklist (Figure 18.12), and send to DLA Inventory
Care of Supply and Storage (COSIS) team for research. Contact information for the COSIS team
is 739-3804 or Email [email protected].
114 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Figure 18.12. (Added) Sample DLA-OC/DL Form 14, D6 Turn-in Research Checklist.
D6 Turn-in Research Checklist
Document Number:
PST Name/E-mail:
(W)SSC Personnel will:
Verify 10 days have passed since turn-in date.
Check for copy of signed/stamped D6 stuffer that
certifies positive material transfer.
Physically check surrounding work area for turn-in.
Physically check DD drop-off point for turn-in.
Research D035K/RINA/RINE screens by Document
Number and NSN. Check for any posting errors (e.g.,
transposed numbers, incorrect RCC, error in document
#, NSN, quantity, condition, cost code, etc.). If errors
found, print screen.
Research DSS (27/1C screen) by Document Number and
NIIN. Check DSS for any posting errors (e.g., transposed
numbers, incorrect RCC, error in document #, NSN,
quantity, condition, cost code, etc.). If errors found, print
If errors found - contact servicing Material Support
Specialist (MSS) with information to correct receipt in
DSS. Follow-up with MSS until the receipt is posted
correctly in D035K/RINA screen. File stuffer, no other
action required.
If the above 6 steps do not produce a valid D6 in
D035K, FAX or e-mail the following package to the
Storage and Distribution Division (S&D) Inventory
a. DDOO stamped D6 Stuffer (if stamped D6 stuffer
is unavailable, submit a copy of the D6 stuffer);
b. Checklist (signed by Air Force (W)SSC personnel
and supervisor/lead); c. Any screen prints
Supervisor/Lead Signature:
Date FAXED to S&D Inventory COSIS Team:
(W)SSC Personnel FAX #:
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 115
MSS will:
Check D035K/DSS balances.
Research D035K/DSS for any inventory adjustments
for same condition code, within the same timeframe.
(FB20XX or SW32XX Document Numbers or DSS
Found on Base Transaction).
Check D035K/RINE & DSS by document number and
NSN for turn-in.
MSS will e-mail or FAX package to Storage &
Distribution COSIS team and provide assistance to
the COSIS team until discrepancy is resolved.
MSS Signature:
Date Faxed/E-mailed to S&D Inventory COSIS Team
(if applicable):
COSIS Personnel FAX #:
Verify all documentation and correct records as required.
FAX checklist back to MSS and Air Force (W)SSC
personnel within 3 workdays with disposition of
turn-in (e.g., receipt processed in D035K or the
reason why the turn-in could not be processed).
File completed documentation.
S&D COSIS Team Member Signature:
Date completed and
e- mailed/faxed
DLA-OC QAAE Form 14 (August 18, 2015)
18.40.4. (Added) Records shall be filed, maintained and controlled per AFI33-322, Records
Management and Information Governance Program, and shall be retained IAW applicable
AFRIMS table and rule.
Figure 18.13. (Added) Sample AFSC Form 231 Add/Change Request.
3. RCC:
4. KIT ID:
6. NAME:
8. BLDG:
9. POST:
12. T.O. FIG, INDEX:
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 117
23. NOTES:
AFSC Form 231, 20200317 (Added) All OC-ALC maintenance areas are considered supported by the Industrial
Product-Support Vendor (IPV) program with the exception of the 76 SMXG, 76 MXSG, and
recurring requirements in any maintenance group that require direct material expensing on a “T”,
“M” or “S” job. IPV bench stock consists of only indirect consumable material. Direct material
will not be supported through the IPV contract. (Added) NSNs supported through the IPV program are generally defined as indirect,
low-cost bench stock with frequent demand owned and used by the maintenance activity located
on the shop floor close to the mechanic. (Added) Items on bench stock with no replenishment action in 18 or more months will
be recommended for deletion and reviewed in coordination with maintenance groups and the OC-
ALC/OBWC. (Added) Material is inventoried, replenished, billed, and expensed by IPV contract
personnel IAW the DLA IPV contract. (Added) All IPV supported bench stocks are managed outside the AF legacy system
(D035K). (Added) Only NSNs managed by DLA with a source of supply code of strategic
material sourcing (SMS) can be maintained in IPV bench stock. Part numbered items can be
included on an exception basis at the request of the maintenance customer if the federal stock class
is managed by DLA. (Added) Additions to bench stock: When an NSN is identified to be added to bench
stock under the IPV contract, the following process will be completed. Any item with a unit price
greater than $250 and the unit of issue is “each” will require coordination by the group business
office prior to loading to bench stock. (Added) The responsible maintenance planner will submit an Industrial Product-
Support Vendor (IPV) Change Request (ICR Form) AFSC Form 231 on behalf of the shop floor.
This form can be obtained at The form
requires the Production shop Supervisor, planner, DLA Core Office, IPV contract representative,
and OC-ALC-OBWC /IPV Analyst coordination/signature. Planners will be required to validate
the item to be added applies to the applicable technical order to which it is being requested and is
an expendable/indirect asset that is not maintained as direct material on the bill of material (BOM).
Direct material items cannot be added to bench stock. When more than one item is being added at
the same time an electronic spreadsheet will be submitted along with the ICR form by e-mail to:
spreadsheet must contain the following information: (Added) NSN. (Added) Part number. (Added) Noun. (Added) Unit of issue. (Added) Bench stock location.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 119 (Added) Bin number (if available). (Added) Authorized quantity (30 day usage quantity). (Added) Anticipated yearly demand quantity. (Added) Unit cost. (Added) The WSSC/Shop Service Center (SSC) chief will certify prior to submission
that there are no current locations establish in “Y” store. If assets are located in “Y” store the
request will be denied until all stock is depleted. (Added) Once the “bench stock change recommendation/approval form” with
appropriate coordination/approval is completed, the planner will forward to DLA Aviation
(DSCR) contracting officer representative (COR) office technical assistant for processing. (Added) The DSCR COR technical assistant researches the eligibility of each NSN
making sure the item is managed by DLA with the correct unit of issue and unit cost. If any errors
are found, the spreadsheet will be returned to the planner for correction. When all the information
is correct, it will be forwarded to OC-ALC/OBWC for final review and approval. If item(s) meet
all requirements, the request will be return back to DLA Aviation for final processing and added
to the IPV Contract. If item(s) do not meet the IPV Contract requirements, the request will be
denied and return back to DLA Aviation, the customer will have to correct and resubmit if item(s)
are still required for production. (Added) Deletions and authorized quantity changes: The OC-ALC/OBWC office
will receive the IPV Recommended Deletions Report (Monthly) and Bin Max Recommendations
Report (Quarterly) from the DSCR COR office The OC-ALC/OBWC offices will suspense the
maintenance groups to review and provide concurrence/non- concurrence on the action.
Recommended deletions will be included for any bin that has not had a replenishment action in
the past 18 months or greater. Each line of the report will be annotated either concur or non-concur.
At any time maintenance groups may request deletions or acquisition quantity changes. (Added) IPV kitting. (Added) A list of material (LOM) for each kit will include: part number, national
stock number, nomenclature, quantity and unit of issue. (Added) Maintenance group planners will review the kit LOM and initiate
add/delete of material for new and existing kits to DLA-Aviation. Kit material items with no
replenishment action in 18 or more months will be recommended for deletion, and reviewed in
coordination with maintenance groups and the OC-ALC/OBWC. (Added) A kit shall contain three or more NSNs. (Added) All unused kitting material shall be identifiable and returned to the vendor.
Any unused material will be repackaged, labeled, and placed in the designated kit return location. (Added) Kit material shall not be re-deposited or used to replenish stock in open bins
or POU machines. (Added) Task order labor request. (Added) The OC-ALC/Financial Management (FM) must approve all requests for
bench stock assistance that fall outside the scope of the IPV contract.
120 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) The OC-ALC/FM office is the approving authority for task order
authorizations. The COR office sends a completed task order labor request containing a thorough
description of the work required, the estimated duration, the estimated total cost, and the name of
the government work leader that will oversee the task. (Added) The COR office validates weekly task order billings based upon billings
for approved authorizations only. (Added) The OC-ALC/FM office will forward the responses to the COR for
Table 18.23. (Added) OC-ALC Depot MICAP Request Worksheet.
MICAP Checklist
1.NSN (National Stock
4.DATE OF MICAP (Mission Capable)
5. EDD (Estimated Delivery Date)
6.SOS (Source of Supply)
11.PST Name:
12. PST (Production Support Technician)
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 121
Chapter 19
AIRCRAFT GROUNDING (MATERIEL DEFECT) PROGRAM (Added) 76 AMXG. In these circumstances, the affected unit will follow impoundment
procedures specified in Chapter 9.
19.3.2. (Added) 76 AMXG. Group CCs will coordinate with OC-ALC/CC and/or affected
SPO/cognizant engineering authority when defects are discovered during overhaul of depot assets
that have the potential for personal injury and/or further equipment damage.
122 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Chapter 20
MAINTENANCE TRAINING (Added) Special certification rosters (SCRs) will be reviewed semi-annually. (Added) This roster will also identify those personnel authorized, as required, to
certify red X items on aircraft equipment forms. (Added) Participate in the development of local supplements to this instruction. (Added) Make available to the OC-ALC PAC program manager, a list of all
appointed qualification officials (QOs) and subject matter experts (SMEs) authorized to perform
reviews on SSQs. (Added) Make available to the OC-ALC PAC program manager, a list of all subject
matter experts authorized to perform reviews on structured on-the-job training (SOJT). (Added) Any mechanic/technician in a training status for a PAC task shall have a
PAC task assigned and an on-the-job training (OJT) start date entered. (Added) Supervisor will notify the group PAC/training manager within five
business days of the employee’s transfer, retirement or termination. (Added) Employee Bill of Rights. OC-ALC personnel shall be empowered to take
responsible actions that contribute to safety, quality, and productivity. To make this happen, the
following employee rights are guaranteed without threat or fear of reprisal: (Added) The RIGHT to challenge business as usual. (Added) The RIGHT to be heard. (Added) The RIGHT to expect commitment to quality. (Added) The RIGHT to place quality before production. (Added) The RIGHT to feel genuine pride in OC-ALC products and services. (Added) The RIGHT to notify chain of command of any conditions that
compromise the ability to produce a safe and quality built product during the performance of
assigned duties. (Added) PAC qualification tasks may be established to document OJT and
qualification for work that does not relate to a WCD or require stamping of a WCD. IAW AFI36-
2650 AFMCSUP, Maintenance Training. Qualification tasks do not have to meet the same task
title requirements as Certification tasks. For more information about the creation/use of
qualification tasks, refer to AFI36-2650 AFMCSUP. (Added) PAC training. Personnel who perform depot maintenance shall complete
applicable training requirements prior to PAC certification. All training required for PAC task
certification shall be documented in TSS-PAC. (Added) Personnel NH-04/WS-18 and above, their military equivalent and
contractors are exempt from the requirement to perform an annual review of their own records if
they are not covered by the PAC program or do not stamp off WCDs.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 123 (Added) Also, non-routine work can consist of workloads considered prototype,
first-article, one-time occurrence or based on a limited production run in which there is no PAC
certified employee. (Added) Non-routine work for workloads already established, but not accomplished
for such a long period of time that there is not a PAC certified technician available, the supervisor
will PAC certify the best qualified journeyman technician to perform the task(s). (Added) Non-routine work for prototype and first-article workloads in which there
are no PAC certified employees, the supervisor will select the best qualified journeyman
technician. (76 PMXG only: These selected technicians will be appointed in writing by the group
commander or deputy commander on a SCR for this type workload). The technician will then
accomplish the task under the oversight of the appropriate OC-ALC Group Production
Engineering authority and not need to be PAC certified; however, the technician will need to meet
all required training to perform the operation, as determined by the appropriate OC-ALC Group
Production Engineering authority. Training will be documented in PAC Form 75 Section III-C and
linked to any formal task related training identified in the technician’s Form 75 Section II. Once
the work is accomplished, the technician will stamp/date the WCD and the appropriate OC-ALC
Group Production Engineering authority will sign their name next to the technicians stamp that all
work performed meets all technical data, safety and other applicable directives. (Added) Due to the unique nature of “limited run” workload in the Repair and
Development (R&D) Section in 76 PMXG, the R&D Section can establish an SCR for this
workload. The technician will then accomplish the task under the oversight of the appropriate OC-
ALC Group Production Engineering authority and not need to be PAC certified; however, the
technician will need to meet all required training to perform the operation, as determined by the
appropriate OC-ALC Group Production Engineering authority. Training will be documented in
PAC Form 75 Section III-C and linked to any formal task related training identified in the
technician’s Form 75 Section II. Once the work is accomplished, the technician will stamp/date
the WCD and the appropriate OC-ALC Group Production Engineering authority will sign their
name next to the technicians stamp that all work performed meets all technical data, safety and
other applicable directives. If this workload becomes a production workload, PAC tasks will be
established and technicians will be certified IAW PAC policies and procedures. (Added) The 76 CMXG Reverse Engineering And Critical Tooling (REACT)
Laboratory utilizes Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies to create prototypes, form blocks,
fixtures and one-off/limited run weapon system components. REACT also creates technical data
packages utilizing advanced three dimensional scanning equipment. It is impractical for REACT
to create task qualifications/certifications for every part or technical data package submitted.
Therefore, a Special Certification Roster (SCR) will be created for limited run tasks conducted
within REACT. A technician will accomplish the task(s) under the oversight of the engineering
authority and need not be PAC certified. The technician will meet all required training to perform
the task(s) as determined by the engineering authority. On-the-Job (OJT) Training will be
documented utilizing TSS-PAC Form 75 Section III-Q and linked to any formal task-related
training identified in the technician’s Form 75 Section II. Once the work is accomplished, the
technician will sign/date the Work Control Document that the work is complete and the appropriate
OC-ALC Group Production Engineering authority will sign/date next to the technician’s signature
that all work performed meets all technical data, safety and other applicable directives. If/when a
124 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
limited run becomes a production workload, it will be given to an existing production organization
who will establish PAC tasks and certify technicians IAW PAC policies and procedures. (Added) Any mechanic/technician in a training status for a PAC task shall have a
PAC task assigned and an OJT start date entered. (Added) Decertification information is not to be entered in Section IV. (Added) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) information
shall not be entered in Section IV. (Added) When an employee is frozen, a note shall be entered in Section IV and the
User Admin profile to explain the reason. (Added) Only employees who are on any type of military leave, Family and
Medical Leave Act (FMLA), individual mobilization augmentee (IMA), on extended medical
leave or extended Leave Without Pay (LWOP) and do not report to work shall be placed in the
temporary inactive work center. If the employee is in the temp inactive workcenter, they are not
considered certified and shall not stamp off any WCD for as long as they are assigned to this
workcenter. (Added) The group training manager shall be responsible for updating the notes
every 90 days. (Added) The PAC/training inspections for PAC certified employees shall be
conducted face-to-face with at least one inspection each quarter. Notification to the OC-ALC PAC
Program Manager shall be given within 5 business days of inspections. The OC-ALC PAC
Program Manager reserves the right to accompany the Group PAC Managers to ensure
compliance. (Added) Group PAC Program Managers are to provide to the OC-ALC PAC
Program Manager an updated list of first-line supervisors quarterly. (Added) When a written test is required, it will be conducted prior to the demonstration
of proficiency. If the employee is being qualified/requalified on the SSQ and fails (the written test
or any part of the demonstration of proficiency) the employee shall be immediately decertified by
the employee’s supervisor on all tasks related to the SSQ. It is the responsibility of the SSQ QO to
notify the supervisor, in writing, when an employee fails any part of the
qualification/requalification process. (Added) The group PAC program manager must oversee the development of local
SSQ procedures including regulatory documents, application, qualification, re-qualification, and
disqualification criteria IAW with this supplement. Locally added SSQ procedures will be
established in group operating instructions. Locally added SSQs are as follows: (Added) Life support. (Added) KC-135 air refueling boom rigging. (Added) Blank or N/A entries are not permitted on the SSQ proficiency
worksheets for any steps or prerequisite dates. Every blank/block on the worksheet requires a
proper entry.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 125 (Added) The completion date for the SSQ shall not be the same completion date
as the SOJT. (Added) After successful completion of the written examination, the employee
will then complete the required demonstration of proficiency. (Added) Review all written test material for validity at the same time the SSQ
material is reviewed during the triennial review period or at such time as changes are made to the
SSQ requirements. (Added) In addition, the SSQ written tests being administered by the E-Testing
System are to be reviewed every 15 months with notification to the OC-ALC PAC Manager upon
completion. (Added) When the QO witnesses a deficiency during the demonstration of
proficiency, the QO will notify the supervisor and the technician shall be decertified. (Added) Upon failure of an SSQ requalification, the supervisor will ensure that
the failure has been input into TSS for the appropriate SSQ. (Added) Non-qualified or non-certified personnel may assist if they are in a
training status or when performing ancillary duties in support of and under the direct supervision
of fully qualified and certified egress personnel. (Added) The demonstration of proficiency (practical) will not be completed
until after a successful completion of the written general and written specific tests. (Added) The demonstration of proficiency (practical) will not be completed
until after a successful completion of the written general and written specific tests. (Added) Welders shall not perform a penetrant test on their own welds. This must
be performed by another mechanic/technician who is NDI SSQ qualified. (Added) The skill and grade requirement on the SSQ guide is to list the primary grade
and skill for which the SSQ is intended. Other skills and grades can utilize the SSQ guide and
worksheets as determined by the workcenter supervisor. (Added) Aircraft jet engine exhaust inspection shall be included with all requirements
as stated above.
126 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
Chapter 22
CONTRACT SURVEILLANCE (Added) The Functional Services Manager (FSM)duties are delegable to the COR
supervisor or one pay grade level above the COR. The FSM will be designated by appointment
letter, within 30 days after contract award. The appointment letter is maintained in the contract
folder. (Added) Program Model Assessment Process (PMAP) and Performance Plan (PP)
are synonymous. (Added) Performance plan. The purpose of a PP is to provide a planned process for
surveilling the contractor's actual performance, and comparing that performance against the
contractual requirements to determine conformity with the technical requirements of the contract.
The PP shall identify and describe the roles and responsibilities for implementing and maintaining
the following key elements of managing and executing a contract performance management
assessment program: See Figure 22.1.
Figure 22.1. (Added) Key performance plan elements.
Performance assessment planning & preparation
Performance assessment
Performance assessment results analysis
Performance assessment reporting
Performance assessment follow-up
Performance assessment report closure (Added) PP development. PP development is mandatory for all AF units that fall
under the purview of this supplement. It is the responsibility of the FSM and Chief COR to ensure
a PP effectively measures and evaluates a contractor. When properly developed the PP provides
CORs with information to identify acceptable performance and potential reasons for any
nonconforming performance. (Added) PP inspection elements. Items included in the applicable contract
requirements document are required PP inspection elements. (Added) Identify additional contract surveillance requirements in the PP. PP
surveillance will be based on the minimum surveillance necessary to assess effective and efficient
contractor compliance to performance work statement requirements. Surveillance methods shall
be based on performance-based contract assessment methods and techniques. The PP shall avoid
using traditional legacy system methods such as stove-pipe checklists and constant inspection. (Added) Identify and describe performance-based contract assessment techniques
and their application. The PP shall also describe how to document and report exceptional and
unacceptable performance. (Added) Establish and assign responsibilities in the PP for verifying costs of
reimbursable items, to include items purchased through the micro-purchase program, when
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 127 (Added) Establish procedures to review, evaluate, and provide comments and
recommendations to contractor proposals. These proposals are for contract modifications not for
new contracts. (Added) Include procedures for development, and coordination of monthly
surveillance schedules. (Added) Ensure contractor hours of operation are surveilled on a random basis to
include all shifts, weekends, and holidays the contractor works. (Added) The scope of contract performance assessment or inspection shall be
based on past performance, mandatory, statutory, and regulatory requirements. Performance
assessment planning shall consider operational risk, service complexity, and criticality as factors
in deciding the performance assessment plan from month to month. (Added) Surveillance scheduling. The COR will develop a monthly schedule of
surveillance activities based on PP requirements. The schedule must be completed no later than
five duty days prior to the beginning of the period it covers. The FSM must review and return the
schedule to the COR no later than the last day of the month proceeding the scheduled month. The
Chief COR must provide a copy of the schedule to the procuring contracting officer
(PCO)/administrative contracting officer (ACO) before the start of the surveillance period. Post
changes to scheduled observations as they occur and send copies to the PCO/ACO and FSM as
requested. (Added) If minimum monthly surveillance requirements cannot be met due to
equipment non-availability or special circumstances, an explanation on the summary for each
missed area and/or inspection category is required. In such cases an approval statement from the
FSM and PCO/ACO for the variance is required. (Added) The Chief COR shall adjust surveillance activities commensurate with
contractor’s performance and level of risk to the government should the contractor not perform in
an acceptable manner. If a particular function of the contractor’s performance has a continuing
record of acceptable performance and unacceptable performance would not likely result in loss of
life to AF personnel or damage to government property, surveillance of that function should be
reduced. If contractor performance of a function is less than satisfactory, surveillance of that
function should be increased. When this is determined to be appropriate, the chief COR, with FSM
and PCO/ACO approval, will adjust the surveillance schedule. (Added) Technical inspections (TI). TI requirements of a contract are surveilled
by performing TIs. Any maintenance task accomplished in accordance with technical guidance,
(TO, work-card, etc.) qualifies for COR surveillance under the technical inspection concept.
Inspections may be performed while maintenance is being performed (concurrently) or after the
fact. CORs surveilling contracts that do not have technical inspections specifically addressed in
this supplement will use the procedures in this paragraph to perform technical inspections included
in the PP. COR accomplish TIs by evaluating the following: (Added) Checking a minimum of 50 percent of the required inspection items.
Normally, disassembly of a part, removal of a stress panel, or similar actions is not necessary to
accomplish a TI.
128 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) Review of the aircraft or equipment forms and the MIS for proper
documentation (applicable to the job being surveilled); checking for proper and current technical
data usage; proper tool usage; and after maintenance FO checks of the area in which the task was
performed. (Added) Minimum technical inspection surveillance requirements/frequencies
for applicable aircraft and trainer transient aircraft will be determined by Air Force Sustainment
Center (AFSC). The FSM, PCO/ACO and chief COR, using AFSC guidance will jointly determine
any additional surveillance requirements associated with maintenance contracts. (Added) COR activities surveilling AF maintenance contracts not specifically
addressed in this chapter will use the contract Section C requirements document to determine
technical area surveillance requirements. As a minimum, include a percentage of each technical
inspection in the contractor's quality control (QC) program requirements outlined in the contract
Section C requirements document. (Added) TI ratings. TI will be rated as either conforms or non-conforms. Assign
non-conforms ratings when one of the following conditions occurs: (Added) A step serious enough to adversely affect the performance of the
equipment involved is omitted or improperly completed. (Added) A major or red X discrepancy is detected. (Added) The performance threshold, if established, is not met. (Added) Assign a technical rating inspection as acceptable when the total
number of minor discrepancies does not exceed the applicable baseline or acceptable quality level
(AQL) contained in the quality control/assurance requirements of the contract. (Added) CORs at units operating from a contract Section C requirements
document with a service delivery summary (SDS) will ensure applicable standards identified in
the SDS are considered during the development of technical inspection requirements. (Added) Follow-up TIs. Follow-up TIs are inspections accomplished that
follow behind the contractor’s QC for the purpose of verifying the contractor’s quality program.
All units, to include contract logistics service contracts, will identify select technical inspections
contained in their PP. The Chief COR schedules a sufficient percentage of technical inspections
as follow-up technical inspections. These inspections may be performed in conjunction with other
inspection requirements. If this option is used, document each inspection separately. (Added) As with TIs, follow-up TIs may also be performed concurrently or
after contractor QC inspections. Include these requirements in the PP and the monthly surveillance
schedule. Note: The Chief COR may elect to do QC follow-up inspection on observation work
areas as well. (Added) Follow-up technical inspection ratings. Follow-up technical
inspections will be rated the same as technical inspections. (Added) Observation area inspections will be accomplished at least annually
and listed on the monthly schedule.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 129 (Added) Safety. Document violations of Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) or Air Force Occupational Safety and Health Standards (AFOSHSTD)s
that clearly present a potential to damage or injure government resources as part of the inspection
being performed or, if appropriate, "as observed." The documentation should clearly indicate the
potential to damage or injure government resources. CORs do not document violations of OSHA
or AFOSHSTDs that do not present the potential to damage or injure government resources; rather
they will informally notify the site supervisor and PCO/ACO. (Added) Documentation file inspections. Rate documentation file inspections
for aircraft, support equipment, and engines. The inspections include review of the status and
historical documents (include documents in the MIS). Send discrepancies found in the historical
documents file to the contractor for corrective action. Actual discrepancies are not corrected except
for items of a historical nature, including automated documents that can be verified from other
sources. Specifically: (Added) Each incorrect clearing of a red X symbol, erasures of symbols,
overdue time change items (TCI)s, and overdue inspections caused by improper documentation
are considered major discrepancies. The correct use and clearance of red X symbols are items of
special attention during documentation file inspections. CORs must ensure unsafe or unfit for
operation conditions are represented by red X entries and these entries are properly cleared. (Added) Documenting/correcting contractor performance. COR technical,
observation area, or as observed inspections will be documented using applicable AF forms or
electronic equivalent. Document any discrepancies as soon as they are discovered, and notify the
contractor as soon as the surveillance is completed. After the surveillance form is completed,
CORs must also request a contractor representative to initial the document on which the inspection
is recorded to acknowledge receipt of performance assessment results and not necessarily
concurrence with the findings. If the contractor representative refuses to initial, it is so noted by
the COR. A date and time the discrepancy is discovered is also annotated, and the contract
representative is asked to correct the problem. Document and bring to the attention of the
contractor errors found in services not scheduled for observation, but do not use unscheduled or
as observed inspections to determine performance acceptability for the contractors monthly rating. (Added) End of month surveillance summary. At the end of each month the
Chief COR compiles a monthly summary of all COR surveillance activities for the month. The
content, format and routing of the end of month surveillance summary will be determined by each
MAJCOM. (Added) Contractor non-conformance. If at any time during the surveillance
rating period (typically monthly or quarterly as specified by the contract Section C requirements
document), the results of surveillance required by the PP show the number of unacceptable
observations do not meet contract standards or performance requirements, and the Chief COR
determines it is not government caused, the COR organization initiates a corrective action request
specified by the applicable contract or a form specified by the MAJCOM. If not specified in the
contract, corrective action request (CAR) reporting forms will be determined by the program
management office (PMO).
130 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) Forward the completed report to the PCO/ACO for evaluation. If the
PCO/ACO determines it is appropriate, send the report to the contractor, with return receipt
requested. The contractor normally has 15 calendar days from date of receipt to return the report
to the PCO/ACO with a response as to cause, corrective action, and actions taken to prevent
recurrence. The PCO/ACO, in consultation with the COR, evaluates the contractor's response and
takes appropriate action. (Added) If the contractor’s actions cited by the contractor in their response to
the report fail to correct the area of non-conformance, the chief COR ensures another corrective
action request is initiated for any subsequent surveillance rating periods in the same
nonconforming area. (Added) If any areas of non-conformance are not corrected using previous
guidance, it is the responsibility of the FSM to contact the PCO/ACO or government program
office to initiate discussion with corporate headquarters or issue a cure notice. In extreme
circumstances a show cause notice or a contract termination notice may be required as determined
by the FSM and PCO. (Added) Past performance reporting. COR organizations in coordination with
the FSM and PCO/ACO will accomplish annual contractor performance reporting using the
Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) as identified in the July 2018 AF
CPARS guide. For more information: (Added) Acceptance of services will be accomplished utilizing Form DD250,
Material Inspection and Receiving Report, or in the Wide Area Workflow Payment in the
Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE). It is the Chief COR’s responsibility to
validate the accuracy of financial figures submitted by the contractor prior to the government
paying for services. (Added) Award fee administration. Award fee management procedures will be
determined by the applicable contract award fee evaluation plan or AFSC determined procedures. (Added) A primary and a minimum of one alternate COR will be assigned to each
contract. (Added) FSM Role. The FSM is the government’s functional authority for the
contracted function. The FSM retains all responsibility for the success or failure of the contracted
function, the same as if the contracted function was an organic activity. The functional area
includes all maintenance activities as defined in the contract Section C requirements document. In
addition to the duties and responsibilities outlined in AFSCMAN21-102, the FSM shall: (Added) Keep up-to-date on mission changes that could affect creation of a contract
modification. (Added) Ensure the development of a QASP that effectively measures and evaluates
contractor performance throughout the life of the contract or management plan. (Added) The QASP implements the requirements of applicable guidance and this
chapter. (Added) Review problem areas and when applicable coordinate with the PCO/ACO
to resolve the problems. If the problem cannot be resolved, request assistance through command
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 131 (Added) Review documents related to default/re-compete prior to scheduled re-
competition; contract requirements document or scope of work modifications; changes to award
fee plan (if applicable) to new or revised DoD, AF, MAJCOM, and local directives. (Added) Review contractor proposals to new or revised DoD, AF, MAJCOM and
local directives. (Added) Coordinate waiver requests with the AFSC/LG staff through the appropriate
chain of command when initiated by the contractor, most efficient organization (MEO), or high
performing organization (HPO). (Added) Ensure the use of performance-based contract assessment tools (e.g., process
and systems audits, compliance checklists, random sampling or other frequency-based inspection
methods, etc.) to monitor contractor submission of required reports according to the contract
requirements document and management plan. (Added) Ensure development of a contingency plan/strike plan for tasks identified as
essential IAW Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1100.22, Policy and Procedures for
Determining Workforce Mix, and annually coordinate with PCO/ACO to revise, update, or change
it. (Added) Ensure CORs are not assigned additional duties that interfere with their
ability to fully meet requirements of contract surveillance and other COR duties. CORs are not
exempt from additional duties; the intent is that additional duties do not interfere with the primary
role of contract surveillance and other COR duties. (Added) Review contractor developed publications for acceptance prior to final
signature and implementation. (Added) The Chief COR role. (Added) The Chief COR ensures contractor performance is surveilled IAW criteria
outlined in the performance work statement, QASP and PP. They are also responsible for reporting
all performance assessment results through the FSM to the PCO/ACO for disposition. The Chief
COR fulfills these responsibilities by overseeing the CORs that have been delegated inspection
and acceptance authority by the PCO/ACO. (Added) Responsibilities. Organizations with a single COR position shall utilize this
individual as both the Chief COR and COR. Initial certification and annual evaluations shall be
accomplished by the FSM. Chief CORs shall perform the following: (Added) Review the contractor inspection system, quality program or other means
used for control quality and comply with contract requirements. Submit comments through FSM
to PCO/ACO for disposition. (Added) Annually review and revise checklists, performance requirements document,
evaluation guides, etc., for currency and completeness. (Added) Perform annual over-the-shoulder evaluations of each primary and alternate
COR in the performance of surveillance activities. The purpose of this evaluation is to ensure
proficiency in surveillance techniques. Document the results of the evaluation in the CORs training
records. In large units, this responsibility may be delegated to the COR superintendent, or
132 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) Collect, analyze and report award fee data at the end of each award fee period
using applicable award fee evaluation plan. (Added) Supplement and perform surveillance activities as required. (Added) Develop and maintain the PP and associated contract performance
assessment documentation IAW ACO/PCO guidelines. (Added) Ensure development and maintain the PP and associated contract
performance assessment documentation IAW ACO/PCO guidelines. (Added) Provide assistance to the wing safety office or equivalent, in mishap and
incident reporting if required. (Added) Review contractor developed publications (wing/group instructions) prior
to acceptance and publication to ensure they meet all contractual requirements and do not conflict
with local, MAJCOM, or AF instructions. (Added) Ensure discrepancies discovered by CORs are documented in the
appropriate aircraft or equipment forms, and in MIS. CORs will follow-up to ensure the contractor
takes corrective actions and preventive actions. (Added) Evaluate contractor proposals and provide comments and
recommendations to the FSM and ACO/PCO. (Added) Verify and validate contractor submitted performance indicators. (Added) Assist the ACO/PCO in managing government furnished equipment. (Added) Acceptance of services will be accomplished utilizing Form DD250 or in
Wide Area Workflow Payment. It is the Chief COR’s responsibility to validate the accuracy of
financial figures submitted by the contractor prior to the government paying for services. (Added) The COR role: (Added) The COR role is to observe, then document the overall performance of the
contractor without duplicating or augmenting the contractors QC function. The COR is not part of
the contractors QC function. Additionally, CORs protect the government’s interest by being the
eyes and ears of the FSM and PCO/ACO concerning contractor performance. CORs also provide
technical support to the FSM and PCO/ACO. (Added) Responsibilities. The COR is responsible for a wide range of surveillance
requirements related to the surveillance of maintenance contracts. Specifically, the COR will: (Added) Know and understand the specifications and requirements of the contract. (Added) Know and maintain proficiency in performance based contract assessment
methods. (Added) Know and apply the procedures for documenting surveillance. (Added) Perform surveillance according to the PP and/or QASP. (Added) Attain qualification in the appropriate areas before performing evaluations,
inspections, or surveillance duties unsupervised.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 133 (Added) Review incoming and outgoing official government and contractor
correspondence, as applicable to what the COR has to surveille. (Added) Report findings to PMO for coordination, through PCO prior to forwarding
to MAJCOM (when applicable). (Added) Evaluate the effectiveness of the contractor's involvement in mishap
investigations, IAW AFI91-204, Safety Investigations and Reports. (Added) Serve as a member of the source selection team when required. (Added) The FSM and Chief COR are responsible for ensuring CORs receive required
training. The following training requirements apply to all CORs: (Added) Initial contract surveillance related training. Initial COR contract
surveillance related training consists of formal training conducted in two phases. CORs will
complete this training prior to performing surveillance duties. (Added) Contract specific training. Training must be completed for each contract to
which the FSM and COR is assigned. The FSM ensures the PCO/ACO provides this training as
required by Air Force Federal Acquisition Regulation System (AFFARS) Mandatory Procedure
5346.103, The Quality Assurance Program. (Added) Refresher training. Refresher training must be completed at least annually
for the purpose of staying current on all contract and performance management assessment plan
changes. (Added) COR training certification. CORs will be knowledgeable of the tasks they
surveille. CORs are not required to be certified on specific tasks; rather, they are duty- position
qualified to inspect, surveille, and observe according to the requirements in this supplement and
other applicable directives. (Added) COR training records. Training records documenting COR training shall
be maintained IAW AFI36-2651, Air Force Training Program, and the individual training plan
(ITP) (or equivalent system) prior to performing the surveillance. As a minimum, all CORs
(regardless of grade or skill level) must maintain an ITP (or equivalent training records/system)
that identifies specific responsibilities required by this supplement or other applicable directives. (Added) Transition administration Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 49,
Termination of Contracts. During the transition period of a contract, the COR organization is
responsible to ensure the contractor meets all criteria outlined in the contractor proposed transition
plan.(Added) The COR will develop monthly surveillance schedules based on PP and QASP
requirements. The COR will submit to the chief COR for review and forward to the FSM for
approval prior to CORs submittal to the ACO five duty days prior to the beginning of the period it
covers. The COR must provide a copy of the surveillance schedule to the ACO before the start of
the surveillance period. Post changes to the schedules observations as they occur and send copies
to the ACO and FSM as requested.
134 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 (Added) Customer complaint forms will be included.
JEFFREY R. KING, Brigadier General, USAF
Commander, OC-ALC
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 135
Attachment 1
DoDI 1100.22, Policy and Procedures for Determining Workforce Mix, 1 December 2017
TO 00-5-1, Air Force Technical Order System, 15 February 2019
TO 00-20-14, Air Force Metrology and Calibration Program, 30 September 2017
TO 00-25-172, Ground Servicing of Aircraft and Static Grounding/Bonding, 13 March 2017
TO 00-35D-54, USAF Material Deficiency Reporting and Resolution, 1 September 2015
TO 1-1-3, Inspection and Repair of Aircraft Integral Tanks and Fuel Cells, 18 December 2016
DAFI33-360, Publications and Forms Management, 30 November 2015
AFI21-101, Aircraft and Equipment Maintenance Management, 15 January 2020
AFI23-111, Management of Government Property in Possession of the Air Force, 18 November
(Added) AFI32-2001, Fire Emergency Services (FES) Program, 27 September 2018
(Added) AFI33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program, 22 March
(Added) AFI36-2651, Air Force Training Program, 2 January 2019
AFI36-2650, Maintenance Training, 01 May 2019
AFI90-821, Hazardous Communication (HAZCOM) Program, 12 May 2019
AFI91-204 Safety Investigations and Reports, 26 April 2018
AFI36-2650 AFMCSUP, Maintenance Training, 14 November 2019
(Added) AFI64-117, Government Purchase Card Program, 21 June 2018
AFI90-201 AFMCSUP, The Air Force Inspection System, 9 January 2020
(Added) AFI32-7086 OC-ALCSUP, Hazardous Materials Management, 14 November 2017
(Added) AFMAN32-7002, Environmental Compliance and Pollution Prevention, 03 February
(Added) AFMAN63-144, Business Capability Requirements, Compliance, and System
Acquisition, 24 July 2018
AFMAN91-201, Explosives Safety Standards, 20 March 2017
(Added) AFMAN91-203, Air Force Occupational Safety, Fire, and Health Standards, 10
December 2018
(Added) FAR Part 49, Termination of Contracts, 13 January 2017
(Added) AFFARS Mandatory Procedure, 5346.103, The Quality Assurance Program, August
136 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
(Added) AFMCI21-100, Depot Maintenance Management, 05 September 2018
(Added) AFMCI21-105, Corrosion Program and Marking of Aerospace Equipment, 19
February 2019
(Added) AFMCI21-141, Contract Field Team (CFT) Program, 16 September 2019
(Added) AFMCI65-101, Depot Maintenance Accounting and Production System-Financial
Policy and Procedures for Depot Maintenance), 16 June 2014
AFSCMAN21-102, Depot Maintenance Management, 10 March 2019
(Added) AFSC SOP CIP Fixed Assets Capitalization and Modifications, 6 November 2017
(Added) AFMCI33-108, 2.11, AFMC Life Cycle Information Technology Governance, 28 May
(Added) TINKERAFBI13-204, Flight and Ground Operations, 31 July 2018
(Added) TinkerAFBI13-213, Airfield Driving, 21 March 2017
(Added) TINKERAFBI21-100, Foreign Object Damage (FOD) and Dropped Object
Prevention (DOP) Programs, 04 February 2019
(Added) OC-ALCI21-203, Equipment-Maintenance/Inspection and Documentation, 14 July
(Added) OC-ALCI32-101, Air Quality Recordkeeping Procedures, 18 January 2017
(Added) OCALCI90-120, Internal Audit System, 28 April 2014
(Added) OCALCI90-420, Corrective Action Tracking System (CATS), 30 April 2014
(Added) OC-ALCI91-11, Incident/Mishap Reporting Procedures, 19 March 2014
(Added) OCALCMAN90-107 OCALC Quality Manual, 24 May 2017
(Added) 76MXSGOI21-917, Process Order Policy & Procedure, 15 April 2020
(Added) 76MXSGOI61-201, Quality Verification Center Operations Methodology, 22
September 2016.
(Added) AFRIMS T21-05 R01.00, Depot Maintenance Projects, 16 May 2005
Prescribed Forms
(Added) OC-ALC Form 4, Capital Investment Program Project Equipment Folder Checklist
(Added) OC-ALC Form 018, Indirect Material Add Form
(Added) OC-ALC Form 52, Parts Identification and Status Tag
(Added) OC-ALC Form 111, Unplanned Material Request
(Added) OC-ALC Form 112, Material Issue Request
(Added) OC-ALC Form 113, Material Request Form
(Added) OC-ALC Form 130, OC-ALC Impoundment Official Checklist
(Added) OC-ALC Form 131, OC-ALC Impoundment Worksheet
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 137
(Added) OC-ALC Form 238, Move Item Support
(Added) OC-ALC Form 301, TO Distribution Change Notice
(Added) OC-ALC Form 415, Material Issue Request
(Added) OC-ALC Form 416, DIFM/DOTM Material Issue Request
(Added) OC-ALC Form 539, Supplemental Listing OC-ALC Maintenance Tool Add-On
Authorization List
Adopted Forms
AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication
(Added) AF Form 1151, Training Attendance and Rating
AF Form 1297, Temporary Issue Receipt
AFTO Form 22, Technical Manual (TM) Change Recommendation and Reply
AFTO Form 244, Industrial/Support Equipment Record
AFTO Form 252, Technical Order Publication Change Request
AFTO Form 781A, Maintenance Discrepancy and Work Document
AFSC Form 95, Issue Request
AFMC Form 202, Nonconforming Technical Assistance Request and Reply
AFMC Form 206, Temporary Work Request
AFMC Form 310, Lost/Found Item Report
AFMC Form 343, Quality Assurance Assessment
AFMC Form 400, Air Force Materiel Command OBAN Target/Allowance (electronic form
found within Comprehensive Cost and Requirements (CCaR)
AFSC Form 137, Routed Order (Proj Dir)
AFSC Form 173, MDS/Project Operation Assignment
AFSC Form 231 Industrial Product-Support Vendor (IPV) Change Request
AFSC Form 307, Temporary Loan Record
AFSC Form 309, AFMC Tool Control Inventory Record
AFSC Form 311, Certificate of Responsibility for Government Property
AFSC Form 501, Request for Quote/Rough Order of Magnitude
AFSC Form 561, Process Order
AFSC Form 957, Work Control Document (WCD) Change Request
AFSC Form 959, Work Control Document
DD250, Material Inspection and Receiving Report
(Added) DD1348-1A, Issue Release/Receipt Document
138 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
DD1348-6 Single Line Item Requisition System Document, DoD (Manual-Long Form)
DD1574, Serviceable Tag Materiel
(Added) DD1574-1, Serviceable Label Materiel
DD2875, System Authorization Access Request (SAAR)
Abbreviations and Acronyms
(Added) 76 AMXG76 Aircraft Maintenance Group
(Added) 76 CMXG76 Commodities Maintenance Group
(Added) 76 MXSG76 Maintenance Support Group
(Added) 76 PMXG76 Propulsion Maintenance Group
(Added) 76 SWEG76 Software Engineer Group
(Added) A/CAircraft
ABOMAutomated Bill of Materials
(Added) ACDAdd Change Delete
(Added) ACITSAircraft Information and Tracking System
ACOAdministrative Contracting Officer
AFAir Force
AFEMSAir Force Equipment Management System
(Added) AFFARSAir Force Federal Acquisition Regulation System
AFGEAmerican Federation of Government Employees
AFIAir Force Instruction
AFLCMCAir Force Life Cycle Management Center
AFMANAir Force Manual
AFMCAir Force Materiel Command
AFMCIAir Force Materiel Command Instruction
(Added) AFMCSUPAir Force Materiel Command Supplement
(Added) AFNWCAir Force Nuclear Weapons Center
(Added) AFOSHSTDAir Force Occupational Safety and Health Standard
AFRIMSAir Force Records Information Management Systems
AFSCAir Force Sustainment Center
(Added) AFSCMANAir Force Sustainment Center Manual
AFSO21Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century
AFTOAir Force Technical Order
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 139
AGEAerospace Ground Equipment
(Added) AIDRAcceptance Inspection Deficiency Report
ALCAir Logistics Complex
(Added) ALSAircraft Logistics Specialist
(Added) AMAdditive Manufacturing
(Added) AM OPSAirfield Management Operations
AMARGAerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group
AOBAnnual Operating Budget
(Added) APAnnual Program
(Added) APTSAutomated Parts Tracking System
AQLAccepted Quality Level
(Added) B1BB1 Bomber
(Added) B1/MROTCB-1/Maintenance Repair Overhaul Technical Center
BOMBill of Material
(Added) BPABlanket Purchase Agreement
(Added) CACustodial Account
CA/CRLCustodial Account/Custodial Receipt Listing
CACCommon Access Card
(Added) CAGECommercial and Government Entity
(Added) CAPCorrective Action Plan
CARCorrective Action Request
(Added) CATSCorrective Action Tracking System
(Added) CBUCalibrate Before Use
CDCivilian Director
(Added) CCAClinger-Cohen Act
(Added) CCaRComprehensive Cost and Requirements
CCIVCost Class IV
CDDARCrash Damaged or Disabled Aircraft Recovery
CFTContract Field Team
(Added) CIPCapital Investment Program
140 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
CLCivilian Leader
(Added) CLINContract Line Item Number
CMCorrective Maintenance
CONCustomer Order Number
(Added) CONOPSConcept of Operations
(Added) COPACenter of Parts Activity
CORContracting Officer Representative
(Added) COSISCare of Supply and Storage
(Added) CPARSContractor Performance Assessment Reporting System
(Added) CQMComplex Quality Manager
(Added) CSAComputer Support Administrator
CSAG-MConsolidated Sustainment Activity Group Maintenance
(Added) CSNControl System Number
(Added) CSRDCommunications-Computer Systems Requirements Documents
CSSCustomer Support Specialist
CTKConsolidated Tool Kit
(Added) CTMComplex Tool Manager
(Added) DDirector
(Added) D2Depot Determination
(Added) D6RUnmatched Turn-in
(Added) DAFDepartment of Air Force
(Added) DCMADefense Contracting Management Agency
(Added) DCMS DSKDepartmental Cash Management System Skeleton Records
(Added) DDDeputy Director
(Added) DDOODefense Distribution Depot, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
(Added) DDOO-XICSDefense Distribution Depot, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Customer
(Added) DEMILDemilitarize
(Added) DFDue in From Maintenance
(Added) DFARSDefense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DIFMDue In From Maintenance
(Added) DIFM DODue In From Maintenance Due Out
DIFMSDefense Industrial Funds Management System
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 141
(Added) DISPOpen Dispute
DLADefense Logistics Agency
(Added) DLAOC/DLDBADLA Material Support Stock Control
DMAGDepot Maintenance Activity Group
DMAPSDepot Maintenance Accounting and Production System
(Added) DOCDocument
DODropped Object
DoDDepartment of Defense
DoDIDepartment of Defense Instruction
DOPDropped Object Prevention
DOTMDue Out to Maintenance
DRDeficiency Report
(Added) DRMODefense Reutilization and Marketing Office
(Added) DRMSDefense Reutilization and Marketing Service
(Added) DRUIDeficiency Report Unique Identifier
(Added) DSCRDefense Logistics Agency Aviation
(Added) DSNDefense Switched Network
(Added) DSSData Store System
DSVDetected Safety Violation
DWCFDefense Working Capital Fund
(Added) e-PARTElectronic Prioritization and Reporting Template
(Added) e-SSSElectronic Staff Summary Sheet
EAEconomic Analysis
(Added) ECEquipment Custodian
(Added) ECPEntry Control Point
(Added) EDMXExpeditionary Depot Maintenance
(Added) EESOH-MISEnterprise Environmental Safety and Occupational Health-
Management Information System
(Added) EFFEfficiency
(Added) EIDEquipment Identification Designator
(Added) EISEnterprise Information System
(Added) EITDREnterprise Technology Data Repository
(Added) EMEquipment Monitor
142 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
(Added) EMEEquipment Management Element
EPEEvaluator Proficiency Evaluation
EPSExchangeable Production System
(Added) ERMSElectronic Records Management Systems
ERRCExpendability, Recoverability, Reparability Code
ESEquipment Specialist
(Added) ESOCEmergency Supply Operations Center
EXPRESSExecution and Prioritization of Repair Support System
(Added) F-JONFixed Asset Job Order Number
(Added) FAFinancial Accounting
FAAFederal Aviation Administration
FADForce Activity Designator
FARFederal Acquisition Regulation
(Added) FASTFailure Analysis Service Technology
(Added) FAXFacsimile
FCFFunctional Check Flight
(Added) FEMWebFacilities and Equipment Maintenance Web
(Added) FHBRouting ID
FMLAFamily and Medical Leave Act
FOForeign Object
FOBFound on Base
FOCFull Operational Capability
FODForeign Object Damage
FSMFunctional Services Manager
FYFiscal Year
(Added) GAFS-BQGeneral Accounting and Finance System
GPCGovernment Purchase Card
(Added) GTMGroup Tool Manager
(Added) HAMAmateur Radio
HAZMATHazardous Material
(Added) HDHundred
(Added) HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 143
(Added) HMHow Malfunction
HPOHigh Performing Organization
I&SInterchangeable and Substitution
(Added) IAPInitial Accumulation Point
IAWIn Accordance With
(Added) ICRIPV change request
(Added) IDIdentification
IETIndustrial Engineering Technician
(Added) ILFIndirect Labor Factor
IMItem Manager
(Added) IMAIndividual Mobilization Augmentee
IPVIndustrial Product-Support Vendor
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
(Added) ITInformation Technology
ITKIndividual Took Kit
ITNInventory Tracking Number
(Added) ITPIndividual Training Plan
ITSInventory Tracking System
IVIsolated Violation
JDRSJoint Discrepancy Reporting System
(Added) JEDMICSJoint Engineering Data Management Information and Control System
(Added) JEIMJet Engine Intermediate Maintenance
JONJob Order Number
(Added) KALeave Without Pay
(Added) LDMSLean Depot Management System
(Added) LEAPLogistics Evaluation Assurance Program
(Added) LM/MT&ELocally Manufactured/Modified Tools and Equipment
LOMList of Material
LRDPLogistics Requirements Determination Process
LWOPLeave Without Pay
(Added) MManual
144 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
(Added) M30Due Out Validation Listing
MAJCOMMajor Command
MCMinor Construction
MDSMission Design Series
(Added) MEOMost Efficient Organization
(Added) MGDWRTAircraft Maintenance Group Tool Center
MIManagement Inspection
(Added) MICMain Issue Center
MILCONMilitary Construction
MIPRMilitary Interdepartmental Purchase Request
MISManagement Information System
MISTRManagement of Items Subject to Repair
MOCMaintenance Operations Center
MP&EMaintenance Planning and Execution
MPSMaterial Processing System
(Added) MPVMetals Prime Vendor
(Added) MRAGMass Request for Retail Transaction History (Screen D035K)
MRTMaintenance Review Team
MSDSMaterial Safety Data Sheets
MSEPMaintenance Standardization and Evaluation Program
(Added) MSSMaterial Support Specialist
(Added) MTICMain Tool Issue Center
MWRMaintenance Work Request
(Added) NNon Laser
(Added) N/ANot Applicable
(Added) NCENuclear Certified Equipment
(Added) NDAANational Defense Authorization Act
NDINondestructive Inspection
NIINNational Item Identification Number
NIMMSNaval Air Systems Command Industrial Material Management System
NLTNo Later Than
(Added) NPRNot Project Required
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 145
(Added) NSLNon-Stock Listed
NSNNational Stock Number
(Added) O/POwner Purpose
(Added) OAAOrganization Approval Authority
(Added) OBANOperating Budget Account Number
(Added) OCOklahoma City
OC-ALCOklahoma City Air Logistics Complex
(Added) OC-ALCIOklahoma City Air Logistics Complex Instruction
(Added) OC-ALCMANOklahoma City Air Logistics Complex Manual
(Added) OC-ALCSUPOklahoma City Air Logistics Complex Supplement
(Added) OCFOperational Check Flight
(Added) OFCOOther Funded Customer Order
OIOperating Instruction
OJTOn-the-Job Training
(Added) OPEROperation
OPROffice of Primary Responsibility
OSDOffice of the Secretary of Defense
OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration
(Added) OTOvertime
OWOOn Work Order
P&AProcedures and Analysis
(Added) P/NPart Number
PACProduction Acceptance Certification
PAOProject Administration Office
PAPPredetermined Acceptance Probability
(Added) PCDPlanned Completion Date
PCOProcuring Contracting Officer
PDMProgrammed Depot Maintenance
PDMSSProgrammed Depot Maintenance Scheduling System
PDNProduction Number
PEPersonnel Evaluation
(Added) PEOProgram Executive Office
146 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
(Added) PIEEProcurement Integrated Enterprise Environment
(Added) PfMPortfolio Management
PLAPlanned Labor Application
(Added) PMAPPerformance Management Assessment Plan
PMELPrecision Measuring Equipment Laboratory
PMOProgram Management Office
(Added) PNSSRPart Number Supply Support Request
(Added) POProcess Order
POCPoint of Contact
POUPoint of Use
(Added) POUSPoint of Use Station
(Added) PPPerformance Plan
(Added) PPAProduct Process Audit
PPEPersonal Protective Equipment
PPPPublic Private Partnership
(Added) PPSMPractical Problem Solving Method
(Added) PRProject Required
(Added) PRPurchase Request
(Added) PRODProduct
(Added) PSCProduction Support Center
PSTProduction Support Technician
(Added) QQuality
QAQuality Assurance
QAPQuality Assurance Plan
(Added) QARQuality Assessment Rating
QASQuality Assurance Specialist
QASPQuality Assurance Surveillance Plan
QCQuality Control
QDRQuality Deficiency Report
(Added) QMQuality Manager
(Added) QOQualification Official (Added) 76 AMXG/QPP76 Aircraft Maintenance Group
Aircraft Production Engineering Section B
(Added) QTYQuantity
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 147
QVIQuality Verification Inspection
(Added) QVIQQuality Verification Inspection Q-Stamp
(Added) R&DRepair and Development
R2D2Requirements Review and Depot Determination
(Added) RAReceipt Acknowledgement
(Added) RCARoot Cause Analysis
RCCResource Control Center
(Added) RCNReport Control Number
(Added) RDSRecords Disposition Schedule
(Added) REACTReverse Engineering and Critical Tooling
RFQRequest for Quote
RIRoutine Inspection
(Added) RILRoutine Inspection List
(Added) RIMSRecord Information Management System
(Added) RINARetail Transaction History Inquiry (Screen in D035K)
(Added) RINEDIFM Document Number Inquiry (Screen in D035K)
(Added) RLMTRequirements Lifecycle Management Tool
(Added) RQARequest for Quality Assistance
(Added) RTReceipt
(Added) S&DStorage and Distribution Division
(Added) S/NSerial Number
(Added) SAFSecretary of the Air Force
(Added) SAPSelf-Assessment Program
SBSSStandard Base Supply System
SCRSpecial Certification Roster
SDSSafety Data Sheet
SDSService Delivery Summary
SISpecial Inspection
(Added) SIBSafety Investigation Board
(Added) SIOSingle Investigating Officer
(Added) SIPShip in Place
SMESubject Matter Expert
148 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
(Added) SMSStrategic Material Sourcing
(Added) SOCCERSenior Officer Communication and Coordination Electronic Resource
(Added) SOJTStructured On-the-Job Training
(Added) SOPStandard Operating Procedures
SOSSource of Supply
SOWStatement of Work
SPOSystem Program Office
(Added) SPO/JPOSystem Program Office/Joint Program Office
(Added) SPOCOSingle Point of Contact Office
SRDStandard Reporting Designator
SSQSpecial Skills Qualification
(Added) STKSpecial Tool Kit
TAATime and Attendance
(Added) TARTri-Annual Review
(Added) TASSETTotal Asset
(Added) TCITime Change Items
(Added) TCMTool Control Monitor
TDRTeardown Deficiency Reporting
TDVTechnical Data Violation
TDYTemporary Duty
(Added) TETechnical Data
(Added) TITechnical Inspection
(Added) TINKERAFBTinker Air Force Base
TKTool Kit
(Added) TKCRLTool Kit Custodial Receipt
TMDETest, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment
(Added) TMSMType, Make, Series, Modification
TOTechnical Order
TODOTechnical Order Distribution Office
(Added) - TOLTask order labor request
(Added) TOMATechnical Order Management Activity
TSSTraining Scheduling System
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 149
(Added) U/IUnit of Issue
UCRUnsatisfactory Condition Report
UDLMUnprogrammed Depot Level Maintenance
(Added) UHFUltra-High Frequency
USCUnited States Code
(Added) VHFVery High Frequency
WCDWork Control Document
(Added) WPNWeapon System Code
(Added) WSSC/SSCWeapon System Support Center/Shop Service Center
(Added) WUCWork Unit Code
(Added) Approval AuthoritySenior leader responsible for contributing to and implementing
policies and guidance/procedures pertaining to his/her functional area(s) (e.g., heads of functional
two-letter offices).
(Added) C StampScheduler Stamp
D035KWholesale and Retail Receiving System. The primary data system used to provide
material support for the Air Force depot level operations.
(Added) DD FormDepartment of Defense Form
(Added) e-ToolsElectronic tools
(Added) FReparable Condition
(Added) FMSuiteWeb-based application designed to streamline and automate financial
management processes.
(Added) FOD BossIndustrial Vacuum
(Added) G402AExchangeable Production System
(Added) IET StampIndustrial Engineering Technician Stamp
(Added) M StampMaintenance Stamp
(Added) MADVACIndustrial Vacuum
(Added) MRT StampMaintenance Review Team Stamp
(Added) N StampNondestructive Inspection Stamp
(Added) P StampProduction Supervisor Stamp
(Added) Q StampQuality Stamp
(Added) T-jobTemporary control number
(Added) X ConditionSalvage. Property which has value in excess of its basic material content
but repair or rehabilitation is impractical and/or uneconomical.
150 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021
(Added) X-DRAWINGSLocally managed engineering drawing extracts
(Added) Y-storeDMAG-owned courtesy storage for material bought in excess to be charged
to another JON as a way of recouping costs for material.
(Added) Z-ing outProcess of deleting information from an official printed WCD. This process
is also used to track changes to WCDs, when a supplemental WCD is requested.
AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021 151
Attachment 2 (Added)
Figure A2.1. (Added) Example of 76 AMXG FCF/OCF Checklist (Always check for the
current version).
152 AFSCMAN21-102_OC-ALCSUP 3 JUNE 2021