Reopening the Big Sky
(406) 444-6900
Montana Relay 711
Governor Bullock’s Phased Approach for Reopening
Bars and Restaurants
Phase II Guidelines (Updated November 17, 2020) for alcoholic
beverage licensees and agency liquor stores effective November
20, 2020.
In addition to the guidelines below, follow any additional restrictions set by local
On-Premises Licenses
All On-Premises Licensees must follow these guidelines:
Service Spacing and Cleaning:
1. Follow a specific cleaning plan meeting the Department of Public Health and
Human Services (DPHHS) Guidelines:
Cleaning all surfaces between customers, including:
Bar counters
Bar stools
Condiments (including holders)
Napkin holders
Gaming machines
Remove any table items which cannot be adequately cleaned between
Clean all growlers prior to refilling.
Do not refill drinks. Provide a new glass each time.
Do not provide self-service cups, straws, lids, condiments, beverages, or
Do not reuse drink coasters unless they can be disinfected between
Do not provide community peanuts or other foods. You may serve these in
individual customer containers.
2. Keep operational gaming machines 6 feet apart. Gaming machines are
considered tables for the purpose of serving good and drinks.
Reopening the Big Sky
(406) 444-6900
Montana Relay 711
3. Limit your occupancy to 50% of your normal operational capacity to allow for
adequate group spacing.
4. When customers are waiting in line, keep groups that are not from the same
household separated by an appropriate distance. If your waiting area is not large
enough to allow social distancing, close the waiting area to customers.
5. Limit all tables to 6 customers per table.
6. Limit gaming machines to one customer per machine.
7. Keep 6 feet of physical distance between groups or tables. You can accomplish
this by:
Increasing table spacing, removing tables, or marking tables as closed;
Providing for a physical barrier between tables; or
Providing back-to-back seating with adequate separation.
Bar and Counter Service
1. Do not allow patrons to stand and mingle at the bar or elsewhere. All patrons
should have a place to sit.
2. You may allow patrons to sit at bars or counters if:
Bar seating is following social distancing and sanitation protocols or other
protective measures, such as a protective barrier;
Bar seating is approved by the local health department; and
Bar seating follows these requirements:
No bar seat may be within 6 feet of a well, taps, an area where
drinks are passed to servers, ice machines, or other areas used
to prepare or serve food or beverages;
Barstools are spaced 6 feet apart. If a group of six or fewer comes
in and request to be seated together, a staff member may move
seats to group them together, then separate the seats again once
the group leaves;
If bars cannot keep 6 feet between bar seating and staff areas
used for service preparation, a physical barrier or closing may be
used to protect the staff.
3. Wells taken out of use are marked with a sign to remind staff.
Keep a designated area at the bar to allow patrons to place and receive orders
following these guidelines:
Only one patron may use this space at a time.
Keep 6 feet between all patrons from separate groups.
Patrons may receive their drink or order, then return to their seat.
On-Premises Hours
Reopening the Big Sky
(406) 444-6900
Montana Relay 711
Brewery and Distillery Sample Rooms
Breweries and distilleries must close their sample rooms at the normal time and not
reopen until the normal time the next day. No deliveries may be made outside of sample
room hours.
Winery Sample Rooms
Wineries sample rooms may be open 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
All customers must be out of the establishment by the close of business at 10:00 p.m.
No deliveries may occur between 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Businesses may reopen
after 4 a.m.; however, the sale or consumption of alcohol may not occur until 8 a.m.
All-Beverage of Beer Licensees
Bars, restaurants, and casinos with all-beverage or beer licenses may be open 8:00
a.m. to 10:00 p.m. This includes catered events. All other catering requirements are still
mandatory. Businesses may reopen after 4 a.m.; however, the sale or consumption of
alcohol may not occur until 8 a.m.
All customers must be out of the establishment by the close of business at 10:00 p.m.
No deliveries may occur between 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
Restaurant Beer and Wine Licenses
Restaurants with a Restaurant Beer and Wine License may be open 11:00 a.m. to
10:00 p.m. This includes catered events. All other catering requirements are still
mandatory. Businesses may reopen after 4 a.m.; however, the sale or consumption of
alcohol may not occur until 11 a.m.
All customers must be out of the establishment by 10:00 p.m. No deliveries may occur
between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Additional Guidelines and Allowances
All licensees must follow all laws pertaining to the Responsible Alcohol Sales and
Service Act (16-4-1001, MCA).
During Phase II, all licensees may:
Take orders and payments on the phone or by computer.
Sell for delivery, curbside pickup, drive-up or take-out for off-premises
consumption prior to closing time.
Reopening the Big Sky
(406) 444-6900
Montana Relay 711
Licensees and their employees (with no age limit, but must be server
trained) may carry alcohol in original packaging
curbside or to a parking
area. This includes growlers with beer and table wine.
Licensees and their employees (at least 21 and server trained) may
deliver alcohol “off-site” in original packaging
. This includes growlers with
beer and table wine.
Selling Alcohol for Off-Premises Consumption
All licensees may sell alcohol for off-premises consumption prior to closing time.
All-Beverage and Beer Licensees
All-beverage and beer licensees must:
Sell alcoholic beverages in individual servings
for take-out only. The buyer
assumes liability for local or state regulations regarding open container laws.
Licensees employees must be at least 18 and server trained.
Breweries must:
Sell only in original packaging
, including growlers with beer or individual
if they meet the consumption guidelines
Wineries must:
Sell only in original packaging
, including growlers with wine or individual
if they meet the consumption guidelines
Distilleries must:
Sell only up to 1.75 liters per person per day.
Sell only in original packaging
or individual servings
if they meet the
consumption guidelines
Restaurant Beer and Wine Licensees
Restaurant beer and wine licensees must:
Sell only in original packaging
or individual servings
if they meet the
consumption guidelines
Reopening the Big Sky
(406) 444-6900
Montana Relay 711
Sell beer and wine only to a patron who orders food, with that beer and wine
stated on the food bill.
Off-Premises Licensees and Agency Liquor Stores
Off premises licensees and agency liquor stores may only sell products in original
Beer Wholesalers and Table Wine Distributors
Beer wholesalers and table wine distributors may coordinate with retail licensees and
with agency liquor stores for pickup of beer or table wine for any quantity of product that
is agreed upon.
EXPIRED September 30, 2020 TTB Circular 2020-3: Wholesalers and distributors may
no longer extend more than 7 days credit to a retailer.
Continued Prohibitions Under Phase II
No licensee or agency liquor store may:
Sell to a person under 21.
Sell to any person actually, apparently, or obviously intoxicated.
Have a third-party service such as Grubhub order, pickup, or deliver alcohol.
Canvass for, or solicit, orders for alcohol. Customers must initiate the sale of
alcohol either on the phone, in person, or online. Normal advertising rules apply.
Virtual Special Events and Catered Events NOT allowed.
Temporary Process for Modifying a License During
Phase II
As a reminder, institutional loans (bank loans) do not require prior approval. Notification
that a licensee has obtained a bank loan is only required with the license renewal
Non-institutional loans (non-bank loans) must have prior approval. In order to speed up
the review process, please follow these guidelines:
Submit online through our TransAction Portal ( and submit
your request, or
Reopening the Big Sky
(406) 444-6900
Montana Relay 711
Send documents to Stacy Rogstad ([email protected]) via the ePass Montana
File Transfer Service (
Fax or mail may not be processed as quickly as online submissions.
Be sure to supply all required documents. Before we can conduct our review, an
application must be complete.
The following documents are required:
Non-institutional loan (Form 13).
Personal/criminal history statement (Form 10 or Form 10A) for each person
providing funding.
Loan agreement and/or promissory note.
Amortization schedule and/or other applicable contracts or documents.
Source of funding for the loan (e.g., 6 months of bank statements).
As noted in the above section, the requirements for fingerprint cards will
temporarily be waived.
Financing application submissions will be given priority.
Additional Accommodations
During this time, we will allow debt holders (landlords, lenders, etc.) to provide
temporary reprieve from payments normally required by law and rule. Bone fide
emergency loan or lease agreement modifications will not be considered an improper
NIL or undisclosed ownership interest.
Any agreement between the licensee and the debt holder to defer or forgive payments
or change terms must be documented. The documentation should include details of the
modification such as:
Interest rate adjustment.
Monthly payment adjustment.
Monthly payment “holidays” or forgiveness.
Change in loan terms.
Timeframe for the modification (e.g., temporary or through the term).
Other accommodations.
Documents should be submitted to the Department no later than with the licensee’s
annual license renewal application, due June 30.
Key Personnel Changes
The license renewal form (due June 30) requires disclosure of any changes to mangers,
officers, or directors. Please ensure all changes are reported at that time (or before).
Reopening the Big Sky
(406) 444-6900
Montana Relay 711
Alterations to Licensed Premises
On premises retailers and manufacturers may want to alter their licensed premises to
add additional outdoor space. As an accommodation during this time:
You may work with your local officials to get their approvals prior to applying with
the Department.
Work with the Department to update your floorplan.
If you can’t immediately meet suitability but have local official approval, the
Department will grant temporary approval and will work with you to meet
suitability and gain full approval.
Adequate cleaning and distancing must be maintained in outdoor space as well.
Original packaging means the sealed container in which a manufacturer
packages its products for retail sale. This includes bottles, cans, kegs, and
growlers, but does not include lines or piping for carrying product from a
manufacturer’s premises to a retailer’s premises.
Individual serving means not more than 16 ounces of beer, not more than 2
ounces of liquor, not more than 7 ounces of wine, or a proportional combination
thereof. For example, 1 ounce of liquor mixed with 8 ounces of beer.
Consumption guidelines means all-beverage licensees, on-premises beer
licensees, restaurant beer and wine licensees, breweries, wineries, and distilleries
may serve alcohol in individual servings for consumption off-premises if the
consumption occurs in an area adjacent to the licensee’s approved premise,
and the licensee has received written approval from the governing local
government. The written approval must be retained at their place of business.
For breweries and distilleries, individual servings are restricted to the sample
room limits for the combined on-premise and off-premise consumption. This
provision does not restrict off-premises sales made by on-premises retailers or
manufacturers that are otherwise authorized by Montana law.