Notice of the proposed report for the financial examination of
dated as of December 31, 2020, verified under oath by the examiner-in-charge on
June 2, 2022, and received by the company on June 3, 2022, has been adopted
without modification as the final report pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 44-5906(3) (a).
Dated this 17
day of June 2022.
Justin C. Schrader, CFE
Chief Financial Examiner
Department of Insurance
as of
December 31, 2020
Table of Contents
Item Page
Salutation ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Scope of Examination ..................................................................................................................... 2
Description of Company ................................................................................................................. 4
History ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Management and Control ............................................................................................................ 4
Holding Company ................................................................................................................... 4
Shareholder .............................................................................................................................. 5
Board of Directors ................................................................................................................... 5
Officers .................................................................................................................................... 7
Committees .............................................................................................................................. 7
Transactions with Affiliates ........................................................................................................ 8
Intercompany Charge Agreement ............................................................................................ 8
GMIC (f/k/a Seaworthy) Agency Agreement with GEICO Insurance Agency, Inc. .............. 8
Facility Services Agreement .................................................................................................... 9
Intercompany Service Agreement with National Liability & Fire Insurance Company ......... 9
Intercompany Service Agreement with National Indemnity Insurance Company .................. 9
Towing Manager’s Agreement .............................................................................................. 10
Yacht Underwriter Manager’s Agreement ............................................................................ 10
Tax Allocation Agreement .................................................................................................... 10
Investment Services Agreement ............................................................................................ 10
Territory and Plan of Operation ................................................................................................ 11
Reinsurance ............................................................................................................................... 11
Assumed ................................................................................................................................ 11
Ceded ..................................................................................................................................... 11
General .................................................................................................................................. 15
Body of Report .............................................................................................................................. 15
Growth ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Financial Statements ................................................................................................................. 15
Examination Changes in Financial Statements ......................................................................... 18
Compliance with Previous Recommendations .......................................................................... 19
Commentary on Current Examination Findings ....................................................................... 19
Subsequent Events ........................................................................................................................ 20
Capital Contribution .................................................................................................................. 20
Reinsurance Ceded .................................................................................................................... 20
Summary of Comments and Recommendations ........................................................................... 21
Acknowledgment .......................................................................................................................... 22
Springfield, Virginia
June 2, 2022
Honorable Eric Dunning
Director of Insurance
Nebraska Department of Insurance
1526 K Street, Suite 200
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508
Dear Sir:
Pursuant to your instruction and authorizations, and in accordance with statutory requirements,
an examination has been conducted of the financial condition and business affairs of:
which has its Statutory Home Office located at
1440 Kiewit Plaza
Omaha, Nebraska 68131
with its Principal Executive Office Located at
5323 Port Royal Road
Springfield, Virginia 22151
(hereinafter also referred to as the “Company”), and the report of such examination is respectfully
presented herein.
The State of Maryland last examined the Company as of December 31, 2015. The current
financial condition examination covers the intervening period to and includes the close of business on
December 31, 2020 and such subsequent events and transactions as were considered pertinent to this
report. The State of Nebraska participated in this examination and assisted in the preparation of this
The examination was conducted pursuant to and in accordance with both the NAIC Financial
Condition Examiners Handbook (Handbook) and Section §44-5904(1) of the Nebraska Insurance
Statutes. The Handbook requires that examiners plan and perform the examination to evaluate the
financial condition and identify prospective risks of the Company by obtaining information about the
Company, including but not limited to: corporate governance, identifying and assessing inherent risks
within the Company, and evaluating system controls and procedures used to mitigate those risks. The
examination also includes assessing the principles used and significant estimates made by management,
as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation and management’s compliance with
Statutory Accounting Principles and Annual Statement Instructions when applicable to domestic state
The Nebraska Department of Insurance made a general review of the Company’s operations and
the manner in which its business has been conducted in order to determine compliance with statutory
and charter provisions. The Company’s history was traced and has been set out in this report under the
caption “Description of Company.” All items pertaining to management and control were reviewed,
including provisions for disclosure of conflicts of interest to the Board of Directors and the departmental
organization of the Company. The Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws were reviewed, including
appropriate filings of any changes or amendments thereto. The minutes of the meetings of the
Shareholder, Board of Directors, and committees held during the examination period were read and
noted. Attendance at meetings, proxy information, election of Directors and Officers, approval of
investment transactions, and authorizations of salaries were also noted.
The fidelity bond and other insurance coverages protecting the Company’s property and interests
were reviewed. Certificates of Authority to conduct the business of insurance in the various states were
inspected, and a survey was made of the Company’s general plan of operation.
Data reflecting the Company's growth during the period under review, as developed from the
Company's filed annual statements, is reflected in the financial section of this report under the caption
“Body of Report.”
The Company's reinsurance facilities were ascertained and noted and have been commented
upon in this report under the caption “Reinsurance.” Accounting records and procedures were tested to
the extent deemed necessary through the risk-focused examination process. The Company’s method of
claims handling and procedures pertaining to the adjustment and payment of incurred losses were also
All accounts and activities of the Company were considered in accordance with the risk-focused
examination process. This included a review of workpapers prepared by Johnson Lambert LLP, the
Company’s external auditors, during their audit of the Company’s accounts for the years ended
December 31, 2020 and 2021. Portions of the auditor’s workpapers have been incorporated into the
workpapers of the examiners and have been utilized in determining the scope and areas of emphasis in
conducting the examination. This utilization was performed pursuant to Title 210 (Rules of the Nebraska
Department of Insurance), Chapter 56, Section 013.
Any failure of items to add to the totals shown in schedules and exhibits appearing throughout
this report is due to rounding.
The Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Boat America Corporation (BAC), a Virginia
corporation, and is formerly known as Seaworthy Insurance Company. The Company was incorporated
under the laws of Maryland on November 1, 1989. The Company obtained its original Certificate of
Authority from the Maryland Insurance Administration (MIA) on February 27, 1990 and commenced
operations in March 1990. The Company underwrites ocean marine coverage.
Effective January 1, 2015, GEICO Corporation, a Delaware corporation and a wholly owned
subsidiary of National Indemnity Company (NICO), a Nebraska corporation, assumed the direct
management of BAC. NICO is a wholly owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BHI), a
corporation organized under the laws of the state of Delaware, with executive offices located in Omaha,
Nebraska. In October 2015, the MIA approved the Company’s name change from Seaworthy Insurance
Company to GEICO Marine Insurance Company with an effective date of November 1, 2015.
Effective December 31, 2020, the Company re-domesticated to the State of Nebraska.
Holding Company
The Company is a member of an insurance holding company system as defined by Nebraska
Statute. An abridged organizational listing flowing from the Ultimate Controlling Person,” as reported
in the 2020 Annual Statement, is represented by the following (subsidiaries are denoted through the use
of indentations, and unless otherwise indicated, all subsidiaries are 100% owned):
Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
National Indemnity Company
GEICO Corporation
Boat America Corporation
GEICO Marine Insurance Company
The Articles of Incorporation state that, “the total authorized capital stock of the Corporation is
five hundred thousand (500,000) shares of Common Stock of the par value of ten dollars ($10.00) per
share.” As of December 31, 2020, Company records indicated that 300,000 were issued and
outstanding, and all shares were owned by the parent company, BAC.
Gross paid in and contributed surplus decreased by $1,552,617 in 2017 and increased by
$25,000,000 in 2018 for a total of $44,009,043 as of December 31, 2020. No dividends were paid
during the examination period. The Company received a subsequent capital contribution in 2021 from
its parent in the amount of 31,500,000.
The By-Laws state that, “the annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Corporation shall be held
in the month of April each year on a day determined by the Secretary, unless otherwise ordered by the
Board of Directors. The annual meeting shall be for the purposes of electing Directors to succeed those
whose terms shall have expired as of the date of such annual meeting, receiving reports of Officers and
committees, and for the transaction of such other business of the Corporation as may properly come
before the meeting.
Board of Directors
The Articles of Incorporation state that, “the Corporation shall have and be managed by a Board
of Directors. The number of Directors of the Corporation shall be nine (9), which number may be
increased pursuant to the By-Laws of the Corporation, but shall never be less than permitted by the laws
of the State of Nebraska.
The By-Laws state that, “the Directors shall be elected each year at the annual meeting of the
Stockholders…” The By-Laws go on to state “regular meetings of the Board of Directors may be held
without notice at such time and place as shall from time to time be determined…”
The following persons were serving as Directors at December 31, 2020:
Name and Residence Principal Occupation
Cecilia Lynn Aguerrevere (a) Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Alexandria, Virginia of the Company
Michele Amy El-Gamil (g) Internal Auditor
Bethesda, Maryland Government Employees Insurance Company
Kirk Quoc La (b) Vice President
Clifton, Virginia Government Employees Insurance Company
Tammy Lee Moore (h) AVP Line III
Centrefille, Virginia Government Employees Insurance Company
Michael Gilford Pellerin (i) Boat Managing Director – Underwriting
Fernandina Beach, Florida Government Employees Insurance Company
John Warren Pham Chief Information Officer
Virginia Beach, Virginia Government Employees Insurance Company
Nancy Leigh Pierce (c) Executive Vice President
Washington, District of Columbia Government Employees Insurance Company
William Evan Roberts (d) Chairman of the Company
Bethesda, Maryland
Armando Valdes (e) Assistant Controller
Hialeah, Florida Government Employees Insurance Company
Richard Caulton Wilson (f) Vice President Claims
Alexandria, Virginia of the Company
(a) Resigned effective 2/26/21; replaced by Daniel Jaksich effective 2/26/21
(b) Not re-elected effective 4/27/21
(c) Not re-elected effective 4/27/21; replaced by Melissa Gallaro effective 4/27/21
(d) Resigned effective 12/31/20; replaced by John Pham as Chairman effective 1/1/21
(e) Not re-elected effective 4/27/21; replaced by Shane Wheeler effective 4/27/21, who was
subsequently replaced by Nancy Pierce effective 4/26/22
(f) Resigned effective 3/3/21
(g) Not re-elected effective 4/26/22; replaced by Todd Combs effective 4/26/22
(h) Replaced by Seth Ingall effective 4/26/22
(i) Replaced by Hollis White effective 4/26/22
The By-Laws state that, “the Officers of the Company shall be a President, Secretary, and a
Treasurer, and also such other Officers including a Chairman of the Board and/or one or more Vice
Presidents and/or one or more assistants to the foregoing Officers as the Board of Directors from time to
time may consider necessary for the proper conduct of the business of the Company. The Officers shall
be elected annually by the Board of Directors at its first meeting following the annual meeting of the
Stockholders except where a longer term is expressly provided in an employment contract duly
authorized and approved by the Board of Directors.”
The following is a listing of Officers elected and serving the Company at December 31, 2020:
Name Office
William Evan Roberts Chairman
Tammy Lee Moore President
Cecilia Ann Aguerrevere Senior Vice-President, Chief Financial Officer, and
Christopher James Nowack Secretary
Richard Caulton Wilson Vice-President Claims
Michael Gilford Pellerin Vice-President Underwriting
Travis S. Stiens Assistant Vice-President
Hollis White Assistant Vice-President
Maren S. Kench Assistant Vice-President
Todd Prigal Assistant Vice-President
John Nichols Assistant Secretary
Michael Freije Assistant Secretary
The By-Laws state that, “the Board of Directors may, by resolution passed by a majority of the
whole Board, designate one or more Committees (including, but not limited to, an Audit Committee,
Executive Committee, Claims Committee, and Finance Committee), each consisting of such number of
Directors (but not less than two) as the Board shall appoint.”
The following persons were serving on the Audit Committee at December 31, 2020:
Michele Amy El-Gamil Chairperson
Richard Wilson
Armando Valdes
The following persons were serving on the Finance Committee at December 31, 2020:
Cecilia Ann Aguerrevere Chairperson
Tammy Lee Moore
Armando Valdes
The following persons were serving on the Claims Committee at December 31, 2020:
Richard Wilson Chairperson
Tammy Lee Moore
Michael Gilford Pellerin
Intercompany Charge Agreement
Effective May 15, 2015, the Company was added to the Intercompany Charge Agreement dated
August 19, 1992, with GEICO Corporation and certain affiliated companies. These companies share in
the service costs of underwriting, claims, actuarial, policy processing, tax, legal, investment, information
technology, advertising, accounting, administrative, management, and customer support in proportion to
each affiliate’s use. The expenses are allocated to the affiliate companies based primarily on defined
statistical units of measure pursuant to the agreement.
GMIC (f/k/a Seaworthy) Agency Agreement with GEICO Insurance Agency, Inc.
Effective March 1, 2011, the Company entered into an agency agreement with GEICO Insurance
Agency, Inc. (Agency). This is not an exclusive or captive agency relationship. The Agency is
authorized to solicit insurance for the Company. In consideration, the Company agrees to pay the
Agency commissions per the commission schedule located in Addendum A. Addendum A was
amended effective January 1, 2014 and November 1, 2015. There was no new business written through
this agreement since 2017; however, renewal commissions continue to be paid to the Agency.
Facility Services Agreement
Effective January 1, 2007, the Company entered into a Facility Services Agreement with
BAC. This agreement is for facility and services provided by BAC to the Company. BAC shall provide
to the Company office space and storage in its leased facilities. BAC shall provide data processing
services, as well as general accounting, personnel, general facility management, policy issuance, and
premium accounting to the Company. Effective January 1, 2018, the agreement was amended to include
the name change of the Company (Seaworthy Insurance Company to GEICO Marine Insurance
Company) and the location change of BAC corporate headquarters from Alexandria, Virginia to
Springfield, Virginia.
Intercompany Service Agreement with National Liability & Fire Insurance Company
Effective June 1, 2008, the Company entered into an intercompany service agreement with
National Liability and Fire Insurance Company (NLF). NLF is to perform certain administrative and
special services for the Company in its operations and desire further for the Company to make use in its
day-to-day operations of certain property, equipment, and facilities of NLF. This arrangement will
achieve certain operating economies and improve services to the mutual benefit of both the Company
and NLF. Since 2018, the Company has had no policy activity with this agreement; however, there is
claims activity still in run-off.
Intercompany Service Agreement with National Indemnity Insurance Company
Effective June 1, 2008, the Company entered into an intercompany service agreement with
National Indemnity Company (NICO). NICO is to perform certain administrative and special services
for the Company in its operations and to make further use in its day-to-day operations of certain
property, equipment, and facilities of NICO. This arrangement will achieve certain operating economies
and improve services to the mutual benefit of both the Company and NICO.
Towing Manager’s Agreement
Effective January 1, 2013, the Company entered as a party into the Towing Manager’s
Agreement with BAC and BoatU.S., Inc. (BoatU.S.). This agreement is for the specific purpose of the
sale and administration of the ocean marine search and rescue (towing and waterway assistance). This
agreement was subsequently terminated as of January 1, 2022.
Yacht Underwriter Manager’s Agreement
Effective January 1, 2013, the Company entered as a party into the Yacht Underwriting
Manager’s Agreement with BAC and BoatU.S. This agreement is for the specific purpose of the sale of
ocean marine (boat/yacht) insurance to members of the Boat Owners Association of the U.S. and to
facilitate the servicing and handling of such business. The Company appoints BoatU.S. as its agent in
the State of Maryland and any other state where the Company is admitted to do business. This
agreement was subsequently terminated as of January 1, 2022.
Tax Allocation Agreement
Effective February 16, 2018, the Company entered into the Agreement to Allocate Consolidated
Federal Income Tax Liability with GEICO Corporation and GEICO Corporation’s subsidiaries. The
parties of the agreement agree to allocate the consolidated federal income tax liability among members
of the affiliated group using the method described in the Internal Revenue Service Regulations. Federal
income taxes are paid to or refunded by GEICO Corporation.
Investment Services Agreement
Effective January 1, 2016, the Company was added to the Investment Services Agreement with
BHI and NICO. Under this agreement, BHI is appointed as investment manager and will provide
investment management services and supervise and direct the investments for the Company subject to
the terms and conditions of the agreement and to the terms of BHI’s investment objectives, policies, and
As evidenced by current or continuous Certificates of Authority, the Company is a property and
casualty insurance company licensed to transact business in all 50 states, and the District of Columbia.
The Company underwrites ocean marine coverage in two focused areas – on-the-water towing of
recreational boats and the issuance of ocean marine policies covering a variety of watercraft.
During the examination period, the Company’s business was underwritten by its affiliate,
GEICO Insurance Agency, Inc. and a network of independent agents. In 2020, the Company stopped
writing new business for charter and superyacht programs and non-renewed all superyacht policies. The
Company ended the independent agency program, which started to phase out in 2020. Starting 2021, the
Company started non-renewing charter business.
The Company does not assume any reinsurance.
In order to protect itself from significant losses, the Company had implemented a ceded
reinsurance program. Under this program, the Company effectively limited its liability related to
excessive losses. The Company has evaluated its maximum loss by use of a blend of actuarial and
experimental methods. The Company ultimately cedes on an excess of loss basis for named and
numbered storm losses to external parties (with retention of $20M), and 80% and 75% of all other losses
to an affiliate, NICO. The following agreements were in effect during the examination period:
Loss Portfolio Agreement of Reinsurance
The Company and NICO, an affiliate, entered into a Loss Portfolio Agreement of Reinsurance,
effective January 1, 2008, where NICO assumed 50% of the Company’s outstanding net loss and loss
adjustment expense reserves at December 31, 2007 with an aggregate limit on the loss portfolio of three
times the consideration paid by the Company. Effective December 31, 2012, the agreement was amended
to increase the percentage NICO assumes to 75%. This agreement was commuted, effective January 1,
Quota Share Agreement of Reinsurance
Effective December 31, 2007, the Company and NICO also entered into a Quota Share
Agreement of Reinsurance where NICO assumes 50% of all premiums written and earned in return for
assuming 50% of all losses and loss adjustment expenses incurred after December 31, 2007 by the
Company with the reinsurance premiums subject to a commission allowance equal to 50% of the
Company’s expenses. The agreement is subject to an aggregate ceded limit for each calendar accident
year equal to three times the earned premium ceded by the Company for that calendar accident year.
Settlements are made quarterly by the fifteenth day of the second month after the close of such quarter.
Effective January 1, 2013, the agreement was amended to increase the percentage NICO assumes to
75%. This agreement was commuted, effective January 1, 2022.
Quota Share Agreement of Reinsurance, Super Yacht
Effective October 1, 2011, the Company entered into a Quota Share Agreement of Reinsurance
with NICO. Under this agreement, NICO assumes 80% of all Super Yacht program premiums written
and earned in return for assuming 80% of all losses and loss adjustment expenses incurred by the
Company. The reinsurance premiums are subject to a commission allowance equal to 80% of the
Company’s Super Yacht expenses. The agreement is subject to an aggregate ceded net loss limit for
each calendar accident year of $500 million. The remaining 20% Super Yacht business inures to the
Company’s Quota Share Agreement of Reinsurance (see preceding paragraph) with its affiliate, NICO,
effective December 31, 2007. This agreement was commuted, effective January 1, 2022.
Reinsurance Agreement due to Named windstorms and Flood associated with a Named Wind
Effective June 1, 2013, the Company entered into a Reinsurance Agreement with NICO. Under
this agreement, in return for a percentage of its earned premiums, NICO assumes 100% of the
Company’s Named wind storm and flood associated with a Named wind storm losses. This agreement
inures to all other reinsurance agreements. This agreement was terminated and replaced, effective May
1, 2019, through an agreement with unaffiliated reinsurers that provides similar coverage.
Reinsurance Agreements due to Named or numbered windstorms
Effective May 1, 2019, the Company entered into two annual Excess of Loss Reinsurance
Agreements with groups of unaffiliated reinsurers through a broker, Capsicum Re. The two agreements
work in conjunction and combined have a maximum recovery of $107.5M for losses arising from a
Named or Numbered windstorms. The first agreement requires the Company to retain the first $5.0
million in losses and surpass $20.0 million in losses from one Loss Occurrence before making a claim to
the reinsurers. The Company can recover up to $95.0 million after the $20.0 million loss threshold is
met. If the Company surpasses $100.0 million in losses, the second agreement will cover $12.5 million
in excess of $100.0 million. As of December 31, 2020, the total earned premium ceded under these
agreements was $5.2 million. This agreement was in place through April 30, 2020.
Reinsurance Agreements due to Named or numbered windstorms
Effective May 1, 2020, the Company entered into three annual Excess of Loss Reinsurance
Agreements with groups of unaffiliated reinsurers through a broker, Capsicum Re. The three agreements
work in conjunction and combined have a maximum recovery of $107.5M for losses arising from a
Named or Numbered windstorms. The first agreement requires the Company to retain the first $5.0
million in losses and surpass $20.0 million in losses from one Loss Occurrence before making a claim to
the reinsurers. However, the first layer only covers 80.25% of the losses arising from a windstorm. The
second and third layer only cover 90% of the losses, so the Company is responsible for the other 10%.
The second agreement covers the remaining 19.75% of losses at a different premium on the first layer,
which nets to 100% coverage on the first layer. In total, the Company can recover up to $95.0 million if
it exceeds the $20.0 million loss threshold. If the Company surpasses $100.0 million in losses, the third
agreement will cover $12.5 million in excess of $100.0 million. The total earned premium ceded under
these three agreement was $15.6 million. As of December 31, 2020, the amount receivable from the
reinsurers is $14.7 million.
Annual Excess of Loss for a Single Loss Occurrence
Effective April 1, 2019 to April 30, 2020, the Company entered into an annual Excess of Loss
Reinsurance Agreement with a group of unaffiliated reinsurers through a broker, Capsicum Re, with a
maximum recovery of up to $3.0 million. The total earned premium ceded under this agreement was
$0.3 million in 2020. As of December 31, 2020, the amount receivable from these reinsurers is $0.5
million. This agreement covers losses related to a single Loss Occurrence, such as a marina fire or a
severe winter storm.
Annual Excess of Loss for a Single Loss Occurrence
Effective May 1, 2020, the Company entered into another annual Excess of Loss Reinsurance
Agreement with a group of unaffiliated reinsurers through a broker, Capsicum Re, with a maximum
recovery of up to $3.0 million. The total earned premium ceded under this agreement was $1.2 million
in 2020. This agreement covers losses related to a single Loss Occurrence, such as a marina fire or a
severe winter storm.
All contracts reviewed contained standard insolvency, arbitration, errors and omissions, and
termination clauses where applicable. All contracts contained the clauses necessary to assure reinsurance
credits could be taken.
The following comparative data reflects the growth of the Company during the period covered
by this examination:
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Bonds $ 3,329,654 $ 3,444,942 $ 3,437,882 $ 3,341,196 $ 3,464,398
Common stocks 37,775,040 51,535,560 43,584,560 48,707,460 43,487,540
Cash, cash equivalents and
short-term investments 26,479,760 25,270,055 46,869,838 41,515,375 53,700,924
Admitted assets 119,433,494 149,498,583 161,896,961 177,596,149 228,205,106
Losses 9,045,341 13,684,765 16,782,678 17,885,642 22,242,089
Unearned premium 24,396,054 32,918,120 37,374,681 46,395,896 58,002,280
Total liabilities 71,480,527 95,156,123 91,366,249 102,109,662 173,901,757
Capital and surplus 47,952,967 54,342,460 70,530,712 75,486,487 54,303,349
Premiums earned 30,458,536 49,123,780 63,813,553 67,567,919 75,406,346
Net investment gain 1,821,371 16,901,941 1,676,762 4,574,187 1,197,495
Losses incurred 26,755,568 40,057,997 50,198,954 51,269,685 62,309,675
Net income (4,255,764) 9,703,348 (4,855,862) (3,865,669) (13,530,516)
The following financial statements are based on the statutory financial statements filed by the
Company with the State of Nebraska Department of Insurance and present the financial condition of the
Company for the period ending December 31, 2020. The accompanying comments on financial
statements reflect any examination adjustments to the amounts reported in the annual statements and
should be considered an integral part of the financial statements. A reconciliation of the capital and
surplus account for the period under review is also included.
December 31, 2020
Assets Net
Assets Not Admitted
Assets Admitted Assets
Bonds $ 3,464,398 $ 3,464,398
Common stocks 43,487,540 43,487,540
Cash and short-term investments 53,700,924 53,700,924
Subtotal, cash and invested assets $100,652,862 $100,652,862
Investment income due and accrued 47,896 47,896
Uncollected premiums and agents’
balances in the course of collection 18,946,623 18,946,623
Deferred premiums, agent’s balances and
installments booked but not deferred and
not yet due 18,917,264 18,917,264
Amounts recoverable for reinsurers 81,643,486 81,643,486
Current federal and foreign income tax 4,193,800 4,193,800
Electronic data processing equipment 20,860 20,860 .
Furniture and equipment 43,908 43,908
Receivable from parent, subs and affiliates 3,222,267 3,222,267
Trade and credit card receivables 580,908 580,908
Miscellaneous prepaid expenses 8,312 8,312
Totals $228,278,186 $73,080 $228,205,106
Liabilities, Surplus, and Other Funds
Losses $ 22,242,089
Commissions payable, contingent commissions, other similar charges 1,760,407
Other expenses 951,968
Taxes, licenses, and fees 2,454,544
Net deferred tax liability 4,321,969
Unearned premiums 58,002,280
Advance premiums 2,045,864
Ceded reinsurance premiums payable 17,574,348
Provision for reinsurance 4,935,000
Payable to parent, subsidiaries, and affiliates 59,613,288
Total liabilities $173,901,757
Common capital stock $ 3,000,000
Gross paid in and contributed surplus 44,009,043
Unassigned funds (Surplus) 7,294,306
Total capital and surplus $ 54,303,349
Totals $228,205,105
Underwriting Income
Premiums earned $ 75,406,346
Losses incurred $ 62,309,675
Loss adjustment expenses incurred 3,710,988
Other underwriting expenses incurred 29,317,532
Total underwriting deductions $ 95,338,195
Net underwriting gain/loss $(19,931,849)
Investment Income
Net investment income earned $ 1,195,355
Net realized capital gain 2,140
Net investment gain $ 1,197,495
Other Income
Finance and service charges not included in premiums 1,012,179
Total other income $ 1,012,179
Net income before federal income taxes $(17,722,175)
Federal income taxes incurred 4,191,659
Net income $(13,530,516)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Capital and surplus, beginning $48,481,771 $47,952,967 $54,342,460 $70,530,712 $75,486,487
Net income $ (4,255,764) $ 9,703,348 $ (4,855,862) $(3,865,669) $(13,530,516)
Change in net unrealized
capital gains or (losses) 3,692,814 (2,961,759) (6,281,290) 9,113,872 (4,123,738)
Change in net deferred income tax 5,207 15,590 2,293,822 967,255 (431,792)
Change in non-admitted assets 28,939 (367,805) 31,582 417,317 160,909
Change in provision for reinsurance (1,677,000) (3,258,000)
Surplus adjustment paid in (1,552,617) 25,000,000
Surplus adjustment transferred
from capital 1,552,617
Prior year surplus adjustment 119
Net change for the year $ (528,804) $ 6,389,493 $16,188,252 $ 4,955,775 $(21,183,137)
Capital and surplus, ending $ 47,952,967 $54,342,460 $70,530,712 $75,486,487 $ 54,303,350
Unassigned funds (surplus) in the amount of $7,294,306, as reported in the Company’s 2020
Annual Statement, has been accepted for examination purposes. Examination findings, in the aggregate,
were considered to have no material effect on the Company’s financial condition.
The recommendation appearing in the previous report of examination for the Maryland Insurance
Administration is reflected below together with the remedial actions taken by the Company to comply
Board Approval of Investment Transactions – Accordingly, we recommend that the
investment transactions be presented to the Board of Directors for review and ratification and
that evidence be contained in the Boards minutes to support approval or ratification.
Actions: The Company has not complied with this recommendation. This recommendation will
be repeated under the caption “Commentary on Current Examination Findings” in this report.
Board Approval of Investment Activity
The examiner reviewed the minutes of the Board of Directors and noted that the Company was
not in compliance with Nebraska Insurance Law 44-5105(3), which requires that the Board of Directors
or a committee thereof formally approves investment activity on a quarterly basis. It is recommended
that the Company comply with Nebraska Insurance Law 44-5105(3) and ensures that the Board of
Directors reviews and approves investment activity on a quarterly basis.
Investment Services Agreement
The Company was not in compliance with SSAP 25(7) which states that “transactions between
related parties must be in the form of a written agreement. The written agreement must provide for the
timely settlement of amounts owed, with a specified due date.” Specifically, the Company is a party to
an Investment Services Agreement with BHI, which requires a payment to be made to BHI. However,
the Company was invoiced by, and made payments to, New England Asset Management, Inc. (NEAM),
an affiliated company. There is no intercompany agreement between the Company and NEAM, which
is not in compliance with SSAP 25(7). It is recommended that the Company enters into a separate
agreement with NEAM to ensure compliance with SSAP 25(7), and with Section §44-2133(2)(d) of the
Nebraska Insurance Statutes, or the Company shall amend its current agreement with BHI to allow for a
payment to another party.
Adjusting and Other Expenses
The Company was not in compliance with SSAP 55, paragraph 6, which states that Adjusting
and Other Expenses (A&O), among other "types of future costs ... shall be considered in determining the
liabilities for unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses." At December 31, 2020, the Company did not
carry any A&O reserves. No unpaid A&O reserves appears to have caused materially understated gross
and ceded liabilities, but not a materially understated net liability at year-end 2020. In 2021, the
Company began carrying an A&O reserve.
On February 23, 2021, GEICO Corporation made a capital contribution of $31.5 million to Boat
America Corporation. Boat America Corporation subsequently made a capital contribution of $31.5
million to the Company.
Effective January 1, 2022, the Company commuted all of its reinsurance agreements with NICO,
as well as its named storm treaty with GEICO.
The Company entered into a Loss Portfolio Agreement of Reinsurance, effective January 1, 2022
with its affiliate, GEICO, whereby the Company cedes 100% of outstanding net loss and loss adjustment
expense reserve at January 1, 2022, excluding those amounts ceded to external reinsurers.
Effective January 1, 2022, the Company entered into a Quota Share Agreement with GEICO,
whereby the Company cedes 100% of unearned premium reserves as of January 1, 2022, along with
100% of all premiums written net of general expenses on all business written on and after January 1,
2022 and 100% of all losses and loss adjustment expenses incurred on and after January 1, 2022,
excluding those amounts ceded to external reinsurers in the event of a named storm loss.
The following comments and recommendations have been made as a result of this examination:
Board Approval of Investment Activity It is recommended that the Company comply with
Nebraska Insurance Law 44-5105(3) and ensures that the Board of Directors reviews and approves
investment activity on a quarterly basis.
Investment Services Agreement - It is recommended that the Company enters into a separate
agreement with NEAM to ensure compliance with SSAP 25(7), and with Section §44-2133(2)(d) of the
Nebraska Insurance Statutes, or the Company shall amend its current agreement with BHI to allow for a
payment to another party.
The courteous cooperation extended by the Officers and employees of the Company during this
examination is hereby acknowledged.
In addition to the undersigned, Mario Ascic, CFE; Jessica Lynch, CFE, MCM; and Mel Heaps,
CFE, Financial Examiners; Lindsey Pittman, CFE, CPA, CISA, MCM, Information Technology
Examiner; all with the firm of Lewis and Ellis, Inc., and Gordon Hay, FCAS, MAAA, CPCU, Actuarial
Examiner with the Nebraska Department of Insurance, participated in this examination and assisted in
the preparation of this report.
Respectfully submitted,
Katerina Bolbas, CFE, CIA, MCM
Examiner-in Charge
Lewis & Ellis, Inc.
Representing the Department of Insurance
State of Nebraska
Andrea Johnson, CFE
Assistant Chief Examiner - Field
Department of Insurance
State of Nebraska