Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Student Handbook
307 Trent Drive
DUMC 3322
Durham, NC 27710
Phone: (919) 684-9292 (ABSN Program Office)
About this handbook:
This handbook is designed to be a ready resource for you during the course of your ABSN studies at the
Duke University School of Nursing, and as such is designed for currently enrolled ABSN students. Other
degree programs within the School of Nursing have separate handbooks. For information about those
other degree programs, please consult either the Bulletin of the Duke University School of Nursing or
the DUSON website.
Changes will be made to the electronic version of the handbook as they occur. Consult the electronic
copy for the most current information.
DEAN’S WELCOME ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
ASSISTANT DEAN’S WELCOME .................................................................................................................................... 7
ACADEMIC CALENDAR ................................................................................................................................................. 8
ACADEMIC PROGRAMS ............................................................................................................................................... 9
DUKE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF NURSING .................................................................................................................. 10
Mission ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Philosophy ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Statement of Diversity and Inclusion ......................................................................................................................... 11
Core Values ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Academic Integrity ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
The Duke Community Standard ................................................................................................................................. 12
Academic Integrity and Professionalism Policy for DUSON Students........................................................................ 13
Civility and Professional Conduct .............................................................................................................................. 13
Dispute Resolution .................................................................................................................................................... 13
OVERVIEW ACCELERATED BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ................................................................................................... 13
IN NURSING PROGRAM ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Program Description .................................................................................................................................................. 13
End-of-Program Outcomes ........................................................................................................................................ 14
ABSN Curriculum ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
Academic Policies and Procedures ............................................................................................................................ 14
Overview .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Organization of this Section ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Confidentiality and Release of Student Records ....................................................................................................... 15
STUDENT PROGRESSION WITH COURSE OF STUDY ................................................................................................... 15
Student Enrollment Status ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Academic Advisement ............................................................................................................................................... 15
Academic Probation and Academic Warning ............................................................................................................ 15
ABSN Learning Improvement Plan ............................................................................................................................. 15
Assessment Administration Policy for Pre-licensure Courses ................................................................................... 16
Attendance ................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Procedure .................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Course Format Definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Grades ........................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Incomplete Course Work (“I” Grade) ........................................................................................................................ 19
Adding, Dropping, or Withdrawing from a Course .................................................................................................... 19
Transfer of Credits ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
Time for Completion of Degree ................................................................................................................................. 20
Separation from the School of Nursing ..................................................................................................................... 20
Leave of Absence ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
Student Parental Leave .............................................................................................................................................. 21
Returning from a Leave of Absence ........................................................................................................................... 21
Re-matriculation Plans ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Withdrawal from the School of Nursing .................................................................................................................... 22
Student Request for Voluntary Withdrawal from the School of Nursing .................................................................. 22
Involuntary Withdrawal from the School of Nursing ................................................................................................. 22
Administrative Withdrawal for Reasons of Conduct ................................................................................................. 22
Administrative Withdrawal for Academic Performance ............................................................................................ 23
CLINICAL PLACEMENT AND ACTIVITIES ..................................................................................................................... 23
Assignments of Clinical Placements ........................................................................................................................... 23
Clearance Requirements for Clinical Experiences ..................................................................................................... 23
Health and Safety Requirements (at matriculation and while in program). ............................................................. 24
Clinical core orientation and quiz clinical requirement: ............................................................................................ 24
Guidelines for All Clinical Experiences: ...................................................................................................................... 25
Clinical Appearance and Attire Policy ........................................................................................................................ 25
Outpatient and Community Clinical Experiences ...................................................................................................... 28
Attendance at Clinical Experiences ............................................................................................................................ 28
Severe Weather ......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Exposure to Potentially Hazardous Substances ......................................................................................................... 29
Guidelines for Student Global Cultural Immersion and Service Learning Experiences ............................................. 29
Degree Completion and Graduation .......................................................................................................................... 31
Intent to Graduate ..................................................................................................................................................... 31
Student Assessment and Program Effectiveness ....................................................................................................... 31
Graduate Recognition and Commencement ............................................................................................................. 32
School of Nursing Hooding and Recognition Ceremonies ......................................................................................... 32
Duke University Commencement Exercises .............................................................................................................. 32
Diplomas .................................................................................................................................................................... 32
NON-ACADEMIC POLICIES AND PROCEDURES .......................................................................................................... 33
Duke University Tobacco Free Campus Policy ........................................................................................................ 33
Alcohol / Drug Policy ................................................................................................................................................. 33
Student Disability Access Office: Reasonable Accommodation Process ................................................................... 33
Duke University Office for Institutional Equity .......................................................................................................... 33
Duke University Non-Discrimination Statement ....................................................................................................... 34
Communication between Duke University and Students .......................................................................................... 34
Use of Social Media ................................................................................................................................................... 34
Overview .................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Social Media Defined: ................................................................................................................................................ 35
Consequences: ........................................................................................................................................................... 36
Creating Social Media Pages and Sites: ..................................................................................................................... 36
Policy: ........................................................................................................................................................................ 37
Procedure: ................................................................................................................................................................. 37
RESOURCES (DUKE UNIVERSITY)................................................................................................................................ 38
Duke Student Health Services.................................................................................................................................... 38
Student Mental Health Services ................................................................................................................................ 38
Blue Devils Care ......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Safety ......................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Duke University Police ............................................................................................................................................... 39
Sexual Assault Support Services ................................................................................................................................ 39
For crisis support: ...................................................................................................................................................... 39
Duke University Student Affairs................................................................................................................................. 39
Graduates and Professional Student Council (GPSC) ................................................................................................ 40
The Libraries .............................................................................................................................................................. 40
The Duke University Medical Center Library (DUMCL) .............................................................................................. 41
DUSON GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................................................................. 41
Student Identification Badges / Cards ....................................................................................................................... 41
Parking ....................................................................................................................................................................... 42
ePrint ......................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Name and Address Changes ...................................................................................................................................... 42
Technology Support ................................................................................................................................................... 42
DUSON RESOURCES TO SUPPORT STUDENTS............................................................................................................ 42
DUSON STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 42
Appendix A Student Complaint and Dispute Resolution Process .............................................................................. 46
Appendix B Academic Integrity and Professionalism Policy ...................................................................................... 49
Appendix C Process for Dispute Resolution (Duke Community Standard or SON AIPP) ........................................... 53
Appendix A and C Flowcharts .................................................................................................................................... 56
Appendix D ABSN Curriculum .................................................................................................................................... 59
Appendix E Learning Improvement Plan ................................................................................................................... 60
Welcome to Duke University School of Nursing (DUSON), a top nursing school in the nation. We are proud of
the work our community is doing to transform health care, and we are so honored and delighted that you are
joining us!
Here at DUSON, our mission is to advance health equity and social justice by preparing nurse leaders and inno-
vators with a commitment to improving health outcomes through transformative excellence in education, clin-
ical practice, and nursing science.
Nurses—the country’s largest, expertly-skilled, and most trusted segment of frontline health care providers
are uniquely poised to challenge and shift paradigms. Throughout your matriculation, you will learn, if you are
not already aware, of how DUSON is leading the way in transforming models of health care, and driving mean-
ingful and impactful change in our health care and public health systems.
As a DUSON student, you will have the opportunity to work with and learn from faculty who are preparing the
next generation of nurses to bring clinical, scientific, and relational expertise to health care, and are preparing
community health and policy leaders committed to the reduction of health inequities.
Our School’s leaders and I are committed to your success and well-being, so as you embark on this new journey,
we encourage you to take the time to familiarize yourself with our Student Handbook. In this handbook, you
will find information on our philosophy, academic policies and procedures, clinical requirements, course infor-
mation, and the many resources we provide to assist you in being a successful student.
We are here for you, and we want to ensure that you have everything you need to be a top nursing leader. If
you have a problem or have ideas, please contact your faculty advisor, program faculty and staff, the Office of
Student Services, or the Student Success Center.
In becoming a Duke University School of Nursing student, you now join a large, collaborative community in-
cluding more than 8,000 alumni. Keep up with all that our community is doing in news and events and through
our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
Now is the time for change! Now is the time to revolutionize nursing. I’m looking forward to you joining us as
we boldly claim the mantle to advance new thinking and new actions to end health and social inequities. On
behalf of the DUSON administration, faculty and staff, welcome to Duke!
With warmest regards,
Vincent Guilamo-Ramos
Dean, Duke University School of Nursing
Welcome to the Duke University School of Nursing (DUSON)! We are honored that you chose DUSON to
begin your journey to become a professional nurse, and we look forward to seeing what gifts and talents
you bring to our program and to the profession of nursing. Throughout your time with us, you will have
the opportunity to learn from experienced faculty members who are passionate about nursing and are
dedicated to helping you succeed. In addition to classroom learning, you will have the opportunity to
engage in hands-on clinical experiences in prestigious healthcare facilities throughout the Triangle and
the globe as well as our state-of-the-art simulation center. I encourage you to actively participate in the
various extracurricular activities and organizations available on campus. These opportunities will help you
build a network of peers, develop leadership skills, and further enrich your overall educational experience.
I also encourage you to utilize all the resources that DUSON and Duke University have to support your
success in our Program. Please do not hesitate to reach out to myself, your advisor, your faculty, or our
staff to support you on this exciting journey to nursing. We believe in your potential and are confident
that, together, we can shape the future of healthcare.
Once again, welcome to DUSON. Get ready for an exciting and transformative experience!
Warm Regards,
Stephanie Gedzyk-Nieman, DNP, RNC-MNN
Assistant Professor and Interim Assistant Dean, ABSN Program
For the 2023-2024 Academic Year, the School of Nursing has four Academic Calendars: one for the ABSN
Program; one for Graduate Programs (MSN and DNP, excluding Nurse Anesthesia students); one for Nurse
Anesthesia DNP students and one for PhD students. Consult the appropriate Academic Calendar for
information regarding the academic year (i.e., semester beginning and ending dates, registration
windows, holidays, etc.) The Graduate School Academic Calendar is available here.
Dean’s Office
Vincent Guilamo-Ramos
Dean of the School of Nursing;
(919) 684-9444
Office of Academic Affairs
Valerie K. Sabol
Interim Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
(919) 613-6010
Office of Global and Community Health Initiatives
Michael V. Relf
Associate Dean for Global and Community
Health Initiatives
(919) 684-9219
Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Ernest Grant
Interim Vice Dean for Diversity and Inclusion
(919) 668-5103
Office of Research Affairs
Sharron Docherty
Vice Dean Research
(919) 613-6038
Office of Financial Aid
Jill C. Cordell
Senior Director, Financial Aid and Institutional
(919) 684-9663
Office of Admissions
Nora Harrington
Director of Admissions and Recruiting
(919) 668-6274
Office of Student Services
Bebe T. Mills
Director of Student Services and Registrar
(919) 684-9151
Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Stephanie Gedzyk-Nieman, Interim Assistant Dean
(919) 684-9364
Master of Science in Nursing
Benjamin Smallheer, Assistant Dean
Phone: (919) 613 9787
Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing
Rosa Gonzalez-Guarda, Assistant Dean
(919) 613-2634
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Julee B. Waldrop, Assistant Dean
(919) 684-4244
We, at the Duke University School of Nursing, advance health equity and social justice by preparing nurse
leaders and innovators with a commitment to improving health outcomes through transformative
excellence in education, clinical practice, and nursing science.
Duke University School of Nursing is committed to achieving distinction in research, education and
patient care predicated on our beliefs regarding human beings, society and the environment, health and
health care delivery, nursing, and teaching and learning.
Human Beings
We believe that the dignity of each human being is to be respected and nurtured, and embracing our
diversity affirms, respects, and celebrates the uniqueness of each person. We believe that each human
being is a unique expression of attributes, behaviors and values which are influenced by his or her
environment, social norms, cultural values, physical characteristics, experiences, religious beliefs and
practices. We also believe that human beings exist in relation to one another, including families,
communities, and populations.
As socio-cultural beings, humans are affected by and, in turn, influence the environments in which they
exist, environments that are both internal (i.e., physiological, psychological, ethical) and external (i.e.,
cultural, political, social, economic, professional, global). Such environments influence the health of
individuals and groups, and also influence health care delivery systems, access to care, and health
disparities. We believe that society has a responsibility for providing environments that are conducive to
maximizing the potential of its individual members and of society as a whole, for eliminating long-term
inequities that contribute to health disparities, and for creating systems and roles that protect its
We believe that optimal health does not preclude the existence of illness; health and illness exist on
parallel continuums such that even people with chronic or debilitating illness may experience optimal
levels of health through adaptation. We believe that all humans, from infants to the oldest of age, have a
capacity to adapt to health and illness challenges whether they arise from environmental or genetic
origins. Nursing’s role is to assess, support adaptation, or intervene when the appropriate ability does not
exist within the individual or group. Because health is an innate characteristic of humans, we believe that
high quality health care is a human right.
Health Care Delivery
Maintaining optimal health and preventing disease for individuals, families, communities and populations
depend on collaborative partnerships between patients/families/communities and teams of
interprofessional providers of care. We believe that health care must be patient-centered and that
mutual trust between patients and providers is created by relationships that reflect respect for dignity,
diversity, integrity, self-determination, empathy, and a capacity for grace and empowerment.
Patients/Families/Communities must be supported and encouraged in making care decisions and in
engaging in the adaptive work needed for responding to health or illness challenges as they transition
through all levels of the care system.
Nursing exists as a function of society for the protection of its members through legally sanctioned roles,
responsibilities, and scopes of practice. We believe that nursing is a scholarly discipline centered on
assisting people to protect, promote, and optimize their health and abilities, prevent illness and injury,
and alleviate suffering. Nursing achieves this through the diagnosis and treatment of human responses
to health threatening conditions, advocacy in the care of individuals and groups, and the generation and
translation of research findings for nursing practice. Nursing is committed to a holistic and evidence-
based approach to human caring and compassion; respecting the dignity, self-determination, and worth
of all human beings. It is our belief that Nursing focuses on the uniqueness of each human being, guided
by the systematic process of assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation; the goal of which is
to optimize the quality of adaptation in human beings.
We believe that nursing has a moral responsibility to the common good and an obligation to social justice
and equitable access to culturally sensitive, high-quality care for all human beings. Nurses also are
responsible for helping to reduce health disparities and reaching out to those, locally or abroad, who are
We believe that nurses begin as novices and progress to experts, with increasing complexities of
knowledge, skills and values needed to promote, maintain, restore, support, and maximize adaptation of
humans as they fluctuate along the wellness and illness continuums. We affirm our commitment to
scientific inquiry, the advancement of knowledge and understanding, and the transfer of that knowledge
to others for the good of society through innovation and the novel application of technology. We believe
that all nurses must practice to the full scope of their education and training in environments where laws,
standards of practice, and reimbursement regulations are commensurate with education and experience.
We believe that our purpose is to develop nurse leaders in practice, education, administration and
research by focusing on students’ intellectual growth and development as adults committed to high
ethical standards and full participation in their communities. We recognize that it is the responsibility of
all individuals to assume ownership of and responsibility for ongoing learning, as well as to continually
refine the skills that facilitate critical inquiry for lifelong learning.
The Duke University School of Nursing promotes an intellectual environment that is built on a
commitment to free and open inquiry and is a center of excellence for the promotion of scholarship and
advancement of nursing science, practice and education. We affirm that it is the responsibility of faculty
to create and nurture academic initiatives that strengthen our engagement of real world issues by
anticipating new models of knowledge formation and applying knowledge to societal issues. This, we
believe, equips students with the necessary cognitive skills, clinical reasoning, clinical imagination,
professional identity and commitment to the values of the profession, that are necessary to function as
effective and ethical nurse leaders in situations that are underdetermined, contingent, and changing over
Statement of Diversity and Inclusion
Duke University School of Nursing is committed to increasing diversity and inclusiveness in our
community. Diversity is more than broadly representative demographic differences. Rather, diversity
embodies cultural sensitivity and openness, collaboration, and inclusion. Diversity fosters learning by
reflecting experiences from life, classroom, and practice, as well as social beliefs. Individually and
together, we encourage opportunities to think and behave equitably by acknowledging and respecting
different beliefs, practices, and cultural norms. We honor pluralism and encourage each other to explore,
engage in, and embrace one’s uniqueness while we uphold academic excellence, celebrate strategic
change, and honor traditions. By embracing diversity and inclusion in all that we do and strive for, we
strengthen our community, our pedagogy, our research, and the future design, development, and delivery
of a health care system that eliminates disparities both locally and globally. Moving forward, we will
continue to acknowledge and celebrate our differences and promote community values that reflect our
diversity and multiple ways of knowing in an intercultural world.
Core Values
We are entrusted to provide the highest quality education for our students and lead in the discovery of
advances that improve the health of others.
We are committed to honesty, transparency, and accountability for our actions and outcomes.
Through collaboration and teamwork, we multiply the impact of our work for the greatest possible
We treat others with civility, kindness and as equals in all interactions, and recognize that all members of
our community offer valuable contributions.
We thrive on bold creativity and ingenuity, finding solutions that define the future.
Diversity and Inclusiveness
Celebrate our diversity, eliminate barriers that prevent full participation of all, and strive for institutional
Academic Integrity
The Duke Community Standard
Duke University is a community dedicated to scholarship, leadership, and service and to the principles of
honesty, fairness, respect and accountability. Citizens of this community commit to reflect upon and uphold
these principles in all academic and non-academic endeavors, and to protect and promote a culture of integrity.
To uphold the Duke Community Standard:
I will not lie, cheat, or steal in my academic endeavors;
I will conduct myself honorably in all my endeavors; and
I will act if the Standard is compromised.
Academic Integrity and Professionalism Policy for DUSON Students
In all educational, clinical, and professional situations, Duke University School of Nursing students are
expected to conduct themselves in accordance with these principles:
Academic integrity,
Professional integrity, and
Respect for others
as set forth in the Duke University School of Nursing Academic Integrity and Professionalism Policy.
See the appendices to this handbook for the full text of the Academic Integrity and Professionalism Policy
as well as the processes for dispute resolution for academic issues and for disputes related to related to
the Duke Community Standard or the School of Nursing Academic Integrity and Professionalism Policy.
Civility and Professional Conduct
In an effort to articulate and cultivate habits for being a member of the DUSON ABSN community, the
ABSN program has adopted the following statement and community norms to help guide its community
members in their interactions.
The Duke University School of Nursing ABSN community is dedicated to creating and maintaining
a civil community of success that supports respectful discourse, openness to opposing points of
view, and passionate dialogue with an intention to secure common ground.
To achieve civility within the community and facilitate a culture of success, it is essential for its members
to uphold the following community norms:
Assume goodwill approaching situations positively;
Communicate respectfully listening actively and being timely; and
Send the mail to the right address taking the problem to the person involved and not going
around or behind the person involved or up the chain of command without first attempting
resolution with the involved person.
We are all responsible for creating a civil and inclusive learning environment.
Dispute Resolution
In recognition of the fact that disputes or concerns will arise, DUSON has developed a process to address
these issues. This process is built on a basic guideline of the DUSON community that any dispute should
be resolved at the lowest level possible. Your course instructors, faculty advisor and Assistant Dean are
resources available to you.
Another resource to assist with dispute resolution is the Ombudsperson services available through the
Office of Institutional Equity. The full dispute resolution process is in the appendix of this handbook.
Program Description
The Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) curriculum is a full-time, campus-based 16- month
program with 58 total credit hours (including 6 elective credits). The integration of education, practice,
and research serves as the foundation for this program.
End-of-Program Outcomes
Upon completion of the program, the graduate is able to:
1. Act as an evolving scholar who contributes to the development of the science of nursing practice
by identifying questions in need of study, critiquing published research, and using available
evidence as a foundation to propose creative, innovative, or evidence-based solutions to clinical
practice problems.
2. Express one’s identity as a nurse through actions that reflect integrity; a commitment to evidence-
based practice, caring, advocacy, and safe, quality care for diverse patients, families, and
communities; and a willingness to provide leadership in improving care and in promoting personal
and professional growth in self and others.
3. Make judgments in practice that synthesize nursing science and knowledge from other disciplines
to provide safe, quality care; promote the health of diverse patients, families, and communities;
and assist them to continually progress toward fulfillment of human capability.
4. Use basic skills of negotiation, conflict resolution, team building, leadership and communication
to engage in positive working relationships within an interprofessional healthcare team and
contribute a unique nursing perspective to care delivery.
5. Apply leadership concepts and skills to provide high quality nursing care, healthcare team
coordination, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings.
6. Provide care that takes into account socio-cultural-political determinants of health, illness
and disease; promotes health and human flourishing; and addresses health disparities in
vulnerable populations, locally and globally.
7. Integrate information from multiple sources that has been judged to be relevant and reliable in
planning, delivering and evaluating care with particular attention to nurse-sensitive quality
indicators and national benchmarks.
Upon completion of the ABSN program, students are eligible to apply for registered nurse licensure via
examination with a Board of Nursing. Completion of the program does not guarantee eligibility for
registered nurse licensure. Furthermore, students should be aware that acceptance into and matriculation
in the ABSN program does not automatically guarantee progression in the program.
ABSN Curriculum
The 58-credit-hour Duke ABSN curriculum includes six elective credits, earned through a minimum of two
elective courses. Fifty- six (56) clinical hours are equivalent to 1 credit hour. See Appendix D for the ABSN
Academic Policies and Procedures
The students, faculty, administration, and staff of the Duke University School of Nursing are part of the
academic community of Duke University and, as such, are subject to the policies, rules and regulations of
the University as a whole. Additionally, the School and its respective programs may, as deemed necessary,
develop its own policies and procedures to augment those of the University as contained in but not limited
to the 2023-2024 Bulletin of the Duke University School of Nursing and this handbook. Additional
information can be obtained by consulting the ABSN Program Office or the School of Nursing website.
Organization of this Section
Each academic program of the Duke University School of Nursing has developed its own Student
Handbook. Information relevant to all programs is included in all handbooks, supplemented by program-
specific information. Wherever possible, students are referred also to electronic references via the use of
Confidentiality and Release of Student Records
A full explanation of the Duke Student Records Policy is available on the Office of the University Registrar
Student Enrollment Status
The Accelerated BSN program is a full-time, on-campus program. Part-time or distance-based study
opportunities are not available.
Academic Advisement
Every student is assigned a faculty advisor at the time of matriculation. The faculty advisor will guide the
student’s academic activities and course of study, in accordance with the student’s clinical, professional,
and research interest. If a student wishes to change or deviate from the accepted matriculation plan, it is
the student’s responsibility to request a meeting with the faculty advisor to plan and document when and
how the student will return to the matriculation plan or develop a revised matriculation plan.
The School of Nursing reserves the right to change a student’s faculty advisor as needed. Likewise, the
student may request a change of faculty advisor by contacting the ABSN Program Assistant Dean in writing
explaining the reason for the requested change in faculty advisor.
Academic Probation and Academic Warning
Prior to the completion of 30 credits, students whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 will be placed on
academic probation and notified in writing and must meet with their faculty advisor to develop a personal
plan for improvement. A student whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.5 at any time will receive a letter of
academic warning and will be required to meet with his or her faculty advisor. These measures are
designed to encourage students to reflect critically on their academic performance from semester to
semester and continue to improve and excel.
To help facilitate student success and to connect students to available resources, the ABSN Program
Office, in consultation with course faculty, sends out midterm advisory letters to ABSN students. Any
student who is on a Learning Improvement Plan and/or has a midterm course average below 70% will
receive a letter indicating unsatisfactory performance. A student whose midterm course average is
between 70.0% and 76% will receive a letter indicating marginal performance.
ABSN Learning Improvement Plan
An ABSN student who is not meeting program, course, and/or clinical objectives may be placed on a
Learning Improvement Plan (LIP) to help facilitate student success. A LIP is not punitive, but rather a
communication tool established to allow students, in conjunction with faculty, to address areas in need
of improvement. A LIP will note the issue of concern and related program/course/clinical objective,
provide examples of the problem, and establish concrete action plans and timelines for addressing areas
of concern through clearly defined and measurable performance objectives.
A LIP may be initiated for instances when students are not in compliance with The Duke Community
Standard, Personal Integrity Policy and Guidelines for DUSON Students, or Civility and Professional
Conduct Expectations, or Technical Standards.
For issues related to ABSN program requirements or professional behavior, the ABSN Assistant Dean,
Faculty advisor or course coordinator (depending on the situation) will work with the student to develop
an LIP. For issues related to clinical performance, the Clinical Instructor (in conjunction with the Course
Coordinator), will work with the student to develop an LIP. The Assistant Dean will be notified when an
LIP is issued and when it is executed, the student’s faculty advisor will be notified to support the student.
Further, other departments within DUSON will be consulted by the course coordinator about their role
and responsibilities in co-implementing the plan (for example, the Center for Nursing Discovery, Peer and
Alumni Tutoring Program). A student whose performance does not meet the objectives of the LIP may be
subject to course failure or administrative withdrawal from the School of Nursing (see section on
“Administrative Withdrawal for Academic Performance”) and the appendices of this handbook for a
sample ABSN Learning Improvement Plan.
Assessment Administration Policy for Pre-licensure Courses
Consistency in assessment administration across pre-licensure courses will support student preparedness
for a formal assessment environment.
Summative assessment: “end-of-instruction evaluation designed to determine what the student
has learned” (Oermann & Gaberson, 2019, p. 9). For the purposes of this policy, summative as-
sessments are unit exams, midterms, finals, and HESI exams that are designed to evaluate student
proficiency of the course.
Formative assessment: “judges students’ progress in meeting the desired outcomes and develop-
ing clinical competencies” (Oermann & Gaberson, 2019, p. 9). For the purposes of this policy,
examples of formative assessments include practice or preparatory assignments, such as in-class
questions, preparatory quizzing, or Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing (EAQ).
Summative Assessment Administration Policies
The following policies apply to all summative assessments and all students in the ABSN program, unless
otherwise approved for exceptions by the Duke University Student Disability Access Office (SDAO). Stu-
dents should refer to their syllabi for any additional course specific policies concerning assessments.
Student Computer Protocols
Student will be responsible for ensuring their personal computer meets the minimum compatibil-
ity requirements for the exam software OR coordinate as necessary with DUSON IT for a loaner
Student will ensure their computer and/or charger (if necessary) is available on the day of the
assessment. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they have a working, compatible computer
for all assessments.
Student is responsible for downloading the assessment by the deadline set by the course faculty.
Students may need to restart their laptops with faculty/proctor supervision as necessary for tech-
nical issues. If in person, a Universal Resume Code will be provided by the faculty/proctor.
Students should have a faculty/proctor witness the successful upload of their assessment (cur-
rently demonstrated by a “green screen”) before leaving the assessment room (e.g., faculty/proc-
tor stands at the front of the room and witnesses the “green screen” before a student closes their
laptop and departs). If a student does not ensure their exam was successfully uploaded before
departing the room, their assessment may fail to upload which could result in a delayed or im-
pacted grade.
Student Conduct Protocols
Students will...
Store all personal belongings with the exception of their laptop, laptop charger, and earplugs (if
desired) in their student lockers prior to entering the assessment room. Faculty/proctor will re-
quest that students who bring personal belongings other than a laptop, charger, and ear plugs
into the assessment room take those items to their locker before starting the assessment.
o Additional items stored in lockers and not be present in the assessment room include:
Hats, hoods, scarves, or sunglasses
Smart watches or electric devices (including, but not limited to: Apple watch, Gar-
min watch, Fitbit, cameras, headphones, earbuds)
Any food or beverage items (including water bottles)
Arrive to the assessment room 10 minutes before scheduled testing time.
Refrain from talking or other communication during the entire assessment period unless speaking
to faculty/proctor. Only questions related to typographical errors will be permitted, no questions
related to assessment content or question meaning will be answered.
Refrain from leaving the assessment room while still completing an assessment unless it is an
Refrain from looking at other computer screens or otherwise communicate (verbally or nonver-
bally) with other students.
Refrain from taking pictures or capturing assessment questions in a reproducible format (includ-
ing, but not limited to, screenshots, photographs, and writing down word for word) whether in-
person, at home, or when reviewing an assessment.
Enter and exit the assessment room as quietly as possible and refrain from talking or making noise
immediately outside the room doors.
Environment Protocols
Faculty/proctor to provide either scratch paper and pencil or whiteboard and marker. If provided
paper and pencil, student should write their full name on the piece of paper and turn it in prior to
leaving the assessment room. Students are not allowed to use personal writing utensils or per-
sonal paper/whiteboards. Scratch paper taken outside of the assessment room (including copying
scratch paper information into a computer document/file) may result in a score of “zero” for that
If a calculator is required, only the one provided by faculty and/or available on the exam software
can be utilized.
Faculty/Proctors will...
Implement all of the above at all summative assessments and across all students/courses in the
ABSN program
Ensure that all required materials (paper/whiteboard/writing utensils/calculators/etc.) are avail-
able and present in the assessment room at least 10 minutes before the start of the assessment
Monitor students before and during the assessment. This includes, but not limited to, the student
procedures outlined above.
In order to meet course and/or clinical objectives, students are expected to be present and engaged in
both the classroom and/or the clinical learning environment. Excessive absences in either the classroom
and/or clinical learning environment may impede a student’s ability to meet course and/or clinical
objectives resulting in an unsuccessful completion of a course. Students are expected to attend and
participate in all classes. Students are expected to attend clinical rotations unless excused by the course
faculty prior to being absent. Faculty may request documentation regarding the nature of the absence
(health provider note, proof of emergency), particularly if absences become excessive.
Religious Observance and Holidays
The Duke University School of Nursing has established procedures for students to notify their instructors
of an absence in order to observe a religious holiday. These procedures reflect the School’s commitment
to our increasing diversity and to enabling students’ spiritual development. Students desiring to miss
classroom or clinical sessions to observe a religious holiday are expected to make prior arrangements with
their instructor(s) to make up any work missed. As a courtesy and in order to allow ample planning time
for making up work, students should notify each of their instructors at the beginning of the semester of
any religious holiday(s) that will necessitate their absence from classes that semester.
The religious observance notification procedure is based on the operating principle that students will act
in accordance with the Duke Community Standard. This procedure can be used only to notify an instructor
of an absence necessitated by observance of a religious holiday.
No later than four weeks prior to the date of the holiday, students are expected to notify their
instructor(s) that they will miss classroom or clinical sessions in order to observe a religious holiday by
completing and submitting to the instructor the Notification of Absence Due to Observance of a Religious
Holiday form.
Because religious holidays are scheduled in advance, instructors have the right to insist that course work
to be missed should be completed prior to an anticipated absence in accordance with the course
attendance policy. The student’s signature on the form affirms compliance with the Duke Community
Given the time limitations inherent in completing end-of-semester assignments or making up a missed
final exam, this procedure cannot be used during the final exam period. Students are expected to take
final examinations at the scheduled times and to complete end-of-semester work by the deadlines set by
the instructor.
Course Format Definitions
The School of Nursing offers courses in three delivery formats: campus courses, hybrid courses, and online
courses. Course formats are defined as follows:
Campus Courses. Campus courses meet as regularly scheduled class sessions throughout the
Hybrid Courses. Hybrid courses combine online learning with on-campus face-to-face sessions. This
does not mean synchronous courses for which some students are on campus and others join remotely.
Online Courses. Online courses consist of instructor-designed, student driven, interactive modules of
instruction delivered via a learning platform that is virtually available on the Internet. Online courses
may have a synchronous component (planned activities at specific times when students and/or faculty
interact for example, in an online chat or through a teleconference or may be fully asynchronous.
Most courses in the School of Nursing counting towards the ABSN degree must be taken for a grade.
Grades will be assigned as follows:
Letter Grade
Final Course Percentage
GPA Calculation
93 100
90 92
B +
87 89
83 86
80 82
C +
77 79
73 76
70 72
69 and below
Certain courses have a designation of “credit.” These courses include, but are not limited to, directed
scholarship, independent study, MSN clinical and synthesis courses, and the DNP Project. These courses
are graded “Cr” or “NCr.” The designation Cr” indicates that the student has successfully completed all
the requirements for those credits registered. The designation “NCr” indicates that the student has failed
the course and “NCr” is the equivalent of an F grade.
The ABSN Program has adopted the following rounding policy: Grades of 0.5 and above will be rounded to
the next whole number.
Incomplete Course Work (“I” Grade)
In case of illness or other situations where coursework cannot be completed on schedule, it is the stu-
dent’s responsibility to negotiate with the instructor for an “I” (incomplete grade), and adjustment of the
deadline for completion of work. All coursework must be submitted on or before the adjusted due date.
At most, students have one calendar year from the date the course ended to remove the “I”, and if it is
not removed in one calendar year, the grade will be converted to an “F”. Students may not graduate with
any incomplete on their transcript.
Adding, Dropping, or Withdrawing from a Course
Using DukeHub (Duke’s online student registration system), students are able to drop a course or add a
course during the designated Drop/Add period at the beginning of each semester. Detailed instructions
for using DukeHub are available online.
The decision to withdraw from a course after the scheduled Drop/Add period requires the student to
meet with their faculty advisor and the faculty of the respective course(s). If the faculty of the respective
course(s) agree to the withdrawal, the student completes the Course Withdrawal Form and:
obtains the signature of the faculty advisor
obtains the signature of the faculty member teaching the course.
The faculty member teaching the course then forwards the signed form to the appropriate Assistant Dean
for approval. The withdrawal will be indicated on the student’s transcript as a Withdrew (W). If the with-
drawal is denied, the student must complete the course and will receive the final earned grade on his/her
official academic transcript.
When a withdrawal is approved, the student should be aware that the Duke University School of Nursing
cannot guarantee registration in the course the next time it is offered. Consequently, the student may be
delayed in completing the respective program for which he/she is matriculated. The student may be re-
quired to take a leave of absence from the respective program since required courses are not taught each
semester. Students who find it necessary to interrupt their program of study should formally request in
writing a leave of absence following the procedures outlined in the Student Handbook and utilizing the
form available online through the Office of Student Services. A maximum of one calendar year’s leave may
be granted. Please refer to the section below on Leaves of Absence for further details.
Refunds of tuition are subject to the parameters set forth in the Tuition Withdrawal Adjustment Policy of
the University. The Course Withdrawal Form may be obtained via the School of Nursing website, or in the
Office of Student Services.
Transfer of Credits
All 58 credits of the ABSN nursing program must be taken at the Duke University School of Nursing or
Duke University. No transfer of coursework will be accepted.
Time for Completion of Degree
The Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) curriculum is a four-semester full-time program
requiring sixteen months for completion. The maximum length of time students may take to complete
the program is three years from enrollment to graduation.
ABSN-MSN Early Decision Option
The ABSN-to-MSN Early Decision option provides an opportunity for current ABSN students and recent
DUSON ABSN alumni to apply and be considered for admission to the MSN program prior to the regular
admission review cycle.
The Early Decision option will not guarantee admission. However, it will provide interested students and
recent DUSON ABSN graduates with an opportunity to apply and be considered for admission prior to the
beginning of the regular review cycle. Students who apply but are not offered admission through Early
Decision will be placed in the regular review pool.
To learn more about this option, consult the ABSN-to-MSN Early Decision option on the DUSON web site.
Separation from the School of Nursing
Students may discontinue their studies at the Duke University School of Nursing through a formal Leave
of Absence or by withdrawal from the School as defined below.
Leave of Absence
All students enrolled in the School of Nursing must register for fall, spring and summer semesters until all
degree requirements are completed, unless registration is waived via an approved leave of absence.
Leaves of absence can be either student-initiated or administratively initiated.
Students who find it necessary to interrupt their program of study because of medical necessity or other
emergency reasons must make the request in writing to the ABSN Program Assistant Dean using the
appropriate form. The request must be made prior to the beginning of the semester in which the leave is
intended. The leave of absence may be granted for up to one year and can only be granted to students
who are in good academic standing.
Student Parental Leave
Childbearing or adoption should not jeopardize a student’s experience in the School or the completion of
a program of study. A student may have up to six weeks of leave for the birth or adoption of a child. The
student, faculty advisor, course faculty and ABSN Program Assistant Dean will determine modifications to
accommodate the leave period. A record of this plan will be placed in the student’s educational record.
Depending on circumstances, the student may convert to a medical or personal leave as outlined in the
policies described above.
Returning from a Leave of Absence
A student returning from a leave of absence should notify, in writing, his/her/their faculty advisor and the
ABSN Program Assistant Dean at least ninety days prior to the beginning of the semester in which
he/she/they intend/s to return. The purpose of this contact is to make sure that registration and re-entry
into courses will proceed smoothly.
Students planning to return from a leave of absence will be required to demonstrate competency on
essential skills previously learned prior to returning from a leave of absence. The ABSN Program Assistant
Dean will work with the student, the faculty advisor, and the Director of the Center for Nursing Discovery
to develop a skill validation plan. Students returning from a leave of absence should plan to spend required
time in the Center for Nursing Discovery (CND) for formal skill validation.
Return from a leave of absence for medical or psychological reasons requires written notification from a
physician / health care provider / therapist to the ABSN Program Assistant Dean stating that the student
is cleared to resume the course of study including participation in clinical activities. This notification must
be made at least ninety days prior to the beginning of the semester in which the student plans to return.
Re-matriculation Plans
Students will meet with the Assistant Dean to develop an individualized re-matriculation plan based on
the students’ placement and need. This may involve CND lab time, skill validation, and other remediation
as needed to return. Students are encouraged to speak to a financial aid officer regarding financial
implications of the re-matriculation plans.
Withdrawal from the School of Nursing
Withdrawal from the School of Nursing may be either voluntary or involuntary.
Student Request for Voluntary Withdrawal from the School of Nursing
If a student for any reason wishes to withdraw from the school, written notification must be made to the
Office of Admissions and Student Services before the expected date of withdrawal and no later than the
last day of classes for that semester. Forms for students requesting withdrawal from the School are
available online through the School of Nursing website or from the Office of Student Services.
Information regarding refunds of tuition and fees may be found in the section on Tuition and Fees in the
School of Nursing Bulletin. Students who have been granted a withdrawal from the school and wish to
return must apply for re-admission according to regular admission policies.
Involuntary Withdrawal from the School of Nursing
Involuntary withdrawal (dismissal) from the School of Nursing can occur due to reasons of personal
misconduct, professional misconduct, and/or poor academic performance. If a student’s behavior gives
the course faculty or ABSN Program Assistant Dean reasonable cause to believe that their continued
presence in the program poses a danger to the health or safety of the student or others, they may face
dismissal from ABSN program. Unsafe clinical practice is an occurrence or pattern of behavior involving
unacceptable risk of placing the student or others in physical and/or emotional jeopardy. Physical
jeopardy is the risk of causing physical harm; emotional jeopardy is creating an environment of anxiety or
distress which puts an individual at risk for emotional or psychological harm. Additionally, students will
comply with all Duke University and School of Nursing policies, the Duke Honor Code, and Duke University
Community Standards. Noncompliance may result in dismissal from the ABSN program.”
Prior to any dismissal, the School of Nursing will follow due process procedures to investigate the issue
and determine the course of action.
Administrative Withdrawal for Reasons of Conduct
School of Nursing students who exhibit harmful, potentially harmful, or disruptive behavior due to
apparent medical or psychological distress and who do not voluntarily request a leave of absence, may be
subject to involuntary administrative withdrawal from the School of Nursing if their behavior renders
them unable to effectively function in the University community. Such behavior includes, but is not
limited to, that which:
Poses a significant threat of danger and/or harm to members of the University community;
Interferes with the lawful activities or basic rights of other students, University employees, or
visitors; and/or
Poses a threat, or suspicion of threat, to patient safety.
The School of Nursing will also address all reports of impaired or possibly impaired performance of
students in order to assure the safety of patients, coworkers, and other students. In the presence of
reasonable suspicion, students may be required to undergo drug testing or other professional evaluations.
Health difficulties impairing performance can result from physical health, mental health and/or behavioral
problems, including but not limited to issues such as illegal drug use, misuse of legal drugs, or alcohol
abuse. Investigations, assessments and evaluations shall be confidential under the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act (also known as FERPA or the Buckley Amendment) except as limited by regulation,
ethical obligation, and/or threat to patient safety.
Additional behaviors warranting potential involuntary administrative withdrawal include, but are not
limited to unethical behaviors, personal misconduct, or professional misconduct such as violating the
Duke Community Standard, the School of Nursing’s Academic Integrity and Professionalism Policy,
professional standards of care, the Code of Ethics for Nurses, inability to meet technical standards and
regulations governing nursing practice through the individual state/ district Nurse Practice Acts.
Administrative Withdrawal for Academic Performance
ABSN students who have a cumulative GPA less than 2.0 at any time after completing 30 credits will be
administratively withdrawn from the program.
Two “F” grades in nursing courses (courses with a Nursing prefix) will result in administrative withdrawal
from the program at the end of the semester in which the second “F” grade(s) is received. If a student
earns a grade of “F” and is eligible to repeat the course (first “F” in a Nursing course), the student must
take and repeat the course before he/she can progress in the program. Students should be aware that
courses are not taught every semester and earning an “F” grade will delay graduation.
Assignments of Clinical Placements
Students are assigned to clinical placement sites based on the faculty’s selection of clinical sites specific
to the learning objectives of the course; site characteristics; and availability. Students need to be prepared
to travel up to 1 hour from DUSON and have varied schedules including evenings, nights and weekends.
Clearance Requirements for Clinical Experiences
The safety and preparation of nursing students and protection of clients is core to all clinical and
laboratory experiences. Students cannot participate in clinical experiences without having completed
clearance requirements. It is the students’ responsibility to ensure they are current with all core clinical
requirements and to provide proper documentation.
Prior to the time of initial enrollment in the Duke University School of Nursing, students seeking a
degree in the ABSN program will be required to undergo a criminal background check to be cleared for
participation in various clinical site experiences.
First year students at the time of matriculation to the program or during the orientation should have
completed all of the following:
Immunization requirements of Duke University for Health Science Professional Students (the required
form and instructions are available online through the Duke Student Health website). Additional
immunization requirements:
The School of Nursing requires tuberculosis testing and a hepatitis B vaccination (or a
statement refusing the series).
Some clinical sites require proof of immunization or positive titer for varicella.
Completion of the American Heart Association Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers course
(inclusive of infants, pediatrics, and adults) that does not expire prior to the completion of this 16- month
course of study. (This is scheduled to be completed by all during orientation.
Health and Safety Requirements (at matriculation and while in program).
Clinical core orientation and quiz clinical requirement:
All students in the ABSN program will be required at the time of matriculation to complete and
successfully pass the Core Compliance Orientation and Quiz. On a continuing basis, Clinical Core
Orientation and Quiz must be completed annually by all students in the ABSN program in preparation for
student clinical experience. It is required by all of our clinical sites with which the School of Nursing
partners to provide clinical experience. Students must earn a score of 80% or higher (20 out of 25) to be
considered as successfully passing this requirement. Students will be notified by the School of Nursing
Compliance Officer when to renew this requirement.
Drug screening statement:
Clinical facilities are increasingly interpreting standards by accreditation agencies, such as The Joint
Commission on Accreditation of Health Organizations, to require drug screening for the safety and
security of patients. All of our current clinical partners require drug screening as part of the credentialing
process associated with clinical practice. Duke is contractually bound to ensure that all students at their
facilities have passed this drug test. Students will comply with directions given regarding the designated
Students will be notified by the School of Nursing Compliance Officer when to submit for the screen, which
is valid for one year after submission. However, some agencies may require that a drug screen be repeated
or completed in a designated period of time (for example, 30 days) before engaging in clinical activities at
the agency. In this situation, a student may have to complete another drug screen in order to comply with
agency requirements. All costs associated with the initial drug screening are the responsibility of the
student. However, if a student is assigned to a site that requires a repeat drug screen, the ABSN program
incurs that cost.
In any case where a drug screen reveals negative results, no action is taken. If anything is found to be
abnormal with a student’s drug test it will be sent to a medical review officer designated by the vendor.
The vendor will contact the student if there are questions related to the drug screen. There are some
known prescription drugs that may cause positive results and the medical review officer will request
additional information from the student if that is the case. All other positive results will be addressed by
the ABSN Program Assistant Dean.
Finger printing statement:
Currently, ABSN students are not required to present fingerprints at the time of matriculation.
Fingerprinting may be required by a clinical partner prior to participation in a clinical site rotation. Due to
requirements of clinical sites constantly changing, this standard is subject to change at any time
throughout the student’s academic career with the School of Nursing. In any case where fingerprinting
results reveal a negative result, no action is taken. Should anything be reported back on a student’s
fingerprinting results, they will be addressed by the ABSN Program Assistant Dean.
Non-Duke Clinical Agencies:
In addition to the Immunization and Health and Safety requirements stated above, some non- Duke
clinical agencies require additional biographical documentation and/or training prior to the start of a
clinical experience. When such requirements exist, students will be notified by the School’s Compliance
Officer prior to the start of the semester. Timely completion of these requirements along with appropriate
documentation on file with the Compliance Officer is subject to all policies regarding student safety
Student Compliance with Health and Safety Requirements:
Noncompliance in any of the following areas can result in a student being administratively withdrawn
from clinical courses:
Inadequate proof of all required immunizations
Inadequate proof of completion of American Heart Association Basic Life Support for
Healthcare Providers course
Failure to complete required compliance training
Failure to complete biographical documentation and/or safety training required by non-
Duke clinical agencies
Resolving Non-compliance Issues:
Final approval for the continuation in clinical courses is at the discretion of the ABSN Program Assistant
Guidelines for All Clinical Experiences:
To successfully engage in clinical activities and progress in the Accelerated BSN Program, the following
skills are essential:
Demonstrate cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills (both gross and fine motor skills in
performing nursing interventions such as venipuncture), in planning, implementing and
evaluating nursing care;
Meet the Duke University School of Nursing technical standards regarding effectively speaking,
hearing, writing, and reading English;
Effectively use technology;
Learn, critically think, assess, independently solve problems, and demonstrate reasonable and
prudent judgment; and
Demonstrate physical and emotional health to meet the demands of nursing and to provide safe
Clinical Appearance and Attire Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure a professional appearance that reflects the standards of the Duke
University School of Nursing and to promote identification of Duke Nursing students in a manner that
instills confidence and trust in patients, families, physicians, nurse colleagues, and other healthcare team
members. Each agency has its own dress code and students are required to adhere to the dress code at
the assigned agency. During the clinical course orientation, students are required to clarify dress code
expectations from course faculty. Individual faculty will inform you of attire for specialty or alternate
The faculty of the ABSN program have established expectations for clinical attire (uniforms) in inpatient,
outpatient and community clinical settings and the Center for Nursing Discovery (CND) when completing
clinical hours,
Recommendations for minimum uniform purchases are as follows:
2 Navy blue scrubs tops with sewn DUSON patch
2 Navy blue scrub pants or skirts
1 DUSON polo-style gray shirt with DUSON ABSN Student embroidery
Non-compliance: Students may be dismissed from the clinical experience by ABSN faculty, the Course
Coordinator, a Clinical Instructor and/or agency personnel if the students’ clinical attire or appearance
does not comply with this policy or agency policy. If dismissal occurs, a make-up clinical day will be
required. Repeated dress code violations will result in a clinical failure. Clinical attire and appearance
should present a professional appearance. Other requirements for dress attire may be imposed by
facilities at which students rotate for clinical or community experiences.
Infection control policies or policies concerning patient sensitivities may also be added to these policies
as appropriate.
Inpatient Clinical Care Settings and CND
(When Considered Clinical Hours)
1. Scrubs
Navy blue scrub type uniform (design is student choice) including top and pants or
skirt. Denim scrubs are not allowed.
No hospital acquired scrub sets with any logo are allowed.
A Duke School of Nursing emblem will be attached by the vendor to the left sleeve
of the scrub top 2 inches from the shoulder seam.
Pants/skirts must fit at waist and must be hemmed at a length that does not drag
on the floor.
Scrubs should have a generally acceptable clean appearance of being unwrinkled.
For infection control, the School of Nursing uniform should not be worn in other
settings (i.e., grocery stores, malls, restaurants).
2. Clothing other
than scrubs
Each agency has its own dress code. Students are required to adhere to the dress
code at the assigned agency.
During the clinical course orientation, students are required to clarify dress code
expectations from course faculty. Individual faculty will inform you of attire for
specialty or alternate settings.
Caps, hats, and bandanas that are not part of the clinical attire in a given area may
not be worn. Religious headwear is permitted.
A solid colored long sleeved fitted black, white, or gray undershirt may be worn
under scrubs.
Undergarments must not be visible.
Students must wear a watch with a second hand or a watch with a method to count
seconds while in clinical settings.
3. Shoes / socks
Clean, closed toe, low heeled shoes, dark brown, navy, black or white leather or
other non-permeable/penetrable material are required.
Shoes worn in clinical settings should not be worn as “daily” wear or athletic wear.
No open-back “clogs”, high-heels, mules, or shoes with multiple holes (e.g., Croc
style) may ever be worn in clinical areas.
Solid colored primarily white, red, black, gray, brown, or a combination of those
non-patterned socks are to be worn.
4. Badge
Duke University Medical Center nametag is to be worn at all times in the clinical
setting. Additional nametags for certain clinical sites may be required.
Use of a tag clasp should allow continuous viewing of the student’s name and
picture. Clasps that result in the name tag rotating or physically interfering with
patient care are not allowed.
Lanyard nametags are prohibited in clinical settings
5. Appearance / Hy-
giene / Grooming
Cleanliness and personal hygiene (including but not limited to bathing/showering
and dental/oral hygiene) should be maintained to avoid unfavorable odors.
No smoking is allowed on Duke property and many other health care facilities. Be
cognizant of how a smoke smell on your body and breath may affect patients and
6. Hair (e.g., length,
Hair must be pulled back away from the face. Hair such as bangs must not hang in
front of or go into student’s eyes or mouth. Hair that is secured (e.g. a lengthy pony
tail) must be maintained off the patient, unit work areas, medications, food and
patient equipment.
Hair, including facial hair, must be well trimmed, well groomed, clean, business- like
in appearance and not obstruct vision or interfere with skill performance.
Solid color headbands with no adornments may be worn to hold hair back.
Faddish hair coloring (blue, green, purple, etc.) is prohibited.
7. Make-up
Make-up must be minimal and conservative
8. Fingernails
Artificial nails of any type are prohibited in all clinical areas. Nail polish is strictly
prohibited in all clinical areas. Nails must be trimmed at a length no longer than
9. Jewelry
Only one band-style ring per hand may be worn.
Dangling earrings and other dangling jewelry are prohibited in clinical areas.
10. Ear piercings
Maximum of 2 stud earrings in each ear
Ear stretching items such as plugs or gauges, dangling earrings and other dangling
jewelry are prohibited in clinical areas.
Students who have ear gauges may use skin-colored or clear plugs to camouflage
appearance of them.
11. Piercings other
than ears
Visible body piercing is prohibited.
Students with nose piercings must have a retainer in place of jewelry
12. Tattoos
When present, tattoos should be covered if possible
13. Fragrances
Refrain from using body fragrances such as sprays, perfumes, and colognes, as they
may be offensive or cause allergic and/or discomfort reactions in patients and
14. Prohibited items
No logos, political buttons, ribbons, bracelets or other items signifying support for a
team, a political cause, or a philanthropic cause may be worn in the clinical setting.
Students should appear “neutral” and present themselves in a non-threatening,
non-stressful manner to patients, families, and members of the healthcare team.
Outpatient and Community Clinical Experiences
The DUSON gray polo-style shirt, with navy blue scrub pants is considered the official uniform for commu-
nity-health sites, unless notified otherwise by the course coordinator. All items with the exception of 2
and 3 above apply to all clinical sites, including outpatient and community clinical settings.
The following items are appropriate for in community health clinical settings:
Duke / DUSON T-shirts and / or sweatshirts
Closed toe athletic shoes
The following clothing is prohibited in community health clinical sites:
High-heel shoes
Jeans (of any type or color)
Skirts with hem lengths more than 2 inches above the knee
Visible undergarments
Caps, hats and bandanas, religious headwear is permitted.
Blouses made of sheer material (e.g., visible undergarments) and / or that have adornments
such as ruffles, laces, strings, ribbons, or attached items such as studs or stones.
Blouses or shirts that expose cleavage, midriffs, or that have open backs.
Dangling earrings and excessive jewelry are not to be worn.
Expensive looking jewelry and clothing is not appropriate at any time.
Attendance at Clinical Experiences
Students are responsible for informing the course coordinator and the clinical faculty about an absence
from a clinical experience prior to the scheduled start of the experience. During the final synthesis
experience, the course coordinator and the clinical faculty, as well as the preceptor and clinical agency,
should be notified. It is not acceptable to have another student inform the aforementioned individuals
about a clinical absence.
If a student is unable to achieve the clinical objectives by the last day of the semester due to absences,
the student, course coordinator and ABSN Program Assistant Dean will meet to discuss progression in
the program. Inability to meet clinical objectives due to excessive absences may result in a clinical failure
and failure of the associated course. If there are personal, family, medical and/or other reasons
preventing a student from regularly attending clinical, the student should meet with his/her faculty
advisor as soon as possible to discuss taking a leave of absence.
Severe Weather
In the event of severe weather conditions, severe weather updates for Duke University (including the
School of Medicine and School of Nursing) will be available by phone at (919) 684-INFO / (919) 684-
4636), or on the Duke University Emergency Conditions website.
Students in a clinical learning experience outside of the Duke University Health System should check
with clinical faculty, preceptor, and/or clinical agency to determine contingency plans for severe
weather and methods of update notification.
Exposure to Potentially Hazardous Substances
Any student who experiences a potentially hazardous exposure to blood or body fluid will follow the
protocols designed by the Duke University and Duke Medicine Occupational & Environmental Safety
Office, Biological Safety Division. The student should immediately inform his/her instructor of a blood/
body fluid exposure. Regardless of whether the exposure occurs in an off-campus clinical site, on-
campus clinical site, or a student lab, the instructor will provide guidance after consultation with the
course coordinator and/or ABSN Program Assistant Dean.
Duke’s Employee Occupational Health and Wellness (EOHW) is an available resource and will provide
initial response and guidance including treatment and counseling if necessary. EOHW can be contacted
by calling the 24-hour blood and body fluids hotline number: (919) 684-8115.
When the Duke EOHW clinic is closed, the Duke Emergency Department is available for student clinical,
or lab related infectious disease issues/exposures or if they require immediate attention for another life-
threatening injury. The Duke Emergency Department will provide care as required. Follow-up care will be
provided by Student Health.
If the student follows the steps above, the cost of care under these situations will be covered by the
student health fee. Any student who has waived payment of the student health fee shall be responsible
for the total cost of care. Any additional testing or care will be the financial responsibility of the student
regardless of student health fee payment status.
Students are encouraged to read and expected to adhere to infection control guidelines and procedures
as well as occupational health guidelines. For further information, the student is encouraged to review
documents provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA).
Students participating in clinical rotations in non-Duke facilities will follow the hazardous exposure
protocols of those institutions. Students participating in global immersion experiences will follow the
Unusual Occurrences Protocol.
Guidelines for Student Global Cultural Immersion and Service Learning
Students selected for an international global health experience are expected to comply with the following
Comply with all Duke University and School of Nursing policies included Terms and Conditions of
Participation, the Duke Honor Code, and Duke University Community Standards. I understand that
noncompliance may result in dismissal from the global program and potentially the academic
program in which I am enrolled.
Work cooperatively with OGACHI staff/personnel prior to, during and after the global health
immersion experience.
Complete the entire mandatory, pre-departure training components of the global health
immersion (GCIE) experience, which includes mandatory pre-deployment orientation sessions
held in the 3 months prior to departure.
Turn in all required forms and pre-departure paperwork by the designated deadline including, but
not limited to, valid health insurance and a passport valid for at least six months beyond the date
travel will be completed.
Make and complete a travel medicine appointment at least 8 - 12 weeks prior to trip departure.
Services offered must include medical travel advice, recommended and required immunizations,
preventative prescriptions and information, health advisories based on travel destination, and
comprehensive travel health planners.
Adhere to Duke University travel policies which include enrolling in the Duke Travel Registry and
U.S. Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).
Travel, both domestic and international, is limited to the country or countries of destination
described in the DUSON GCIE program description. Spouses, partners, friends, children, guests
and other acquaintances are prohibited from visiting or participating in any aspects of the global
health immersion experience.
Wear appropriate attire for clinical and clinical experiences, classes, orientation sessions and
events in which the group participates as designated by partner organizations.
Be present and fully participate in clinical and cultural experiences as well as post conferences
and reflective activities led by the clinical instructors.
Be responsible and fully engaged in the Global Health Immersion Experience, to act professionally
as a representative of the Duke University School of Nursing; to help ensure a safe and insightful
experience for all participants through appropriate, culturally sensitive behavior and conduct.
Failure to consistently adhere to the general policies and the expectations associated with the
enrolled course; the learning and cultural immersion activities, and directions of the CI and/or
mentors/preceptors, places the student at risk for disciplinary action. Depending on the nature of
the infraction, disciplinary actions may range from a warning and counseling to being severed
from the experience. If a student’s actions warrant dismissal from the experience, it will be made
only after conferring with administrative personnel at Duke. A student who is dismissed is subject
to lose credit for the experience and the cost of the experience. The student will also be required
to pay the cost of a ticket change for an early return to Durham.
Degree Completion and Graduation
Intent to Graduate
All students eligible to graduate will be notified by email that they must file an online application to
graduate through DukeHub. The notification email includes instructions on how to access DukeHub and
complete the application form electronically.
Students expecting to graduate must complete and submit electronically via DukeHub the Intent to
Graduate form within the time window appropriate for their graduation date.
January 1 January 31 for May graduation.
June 15 July 15 for September graduation.
October 1 October 31 for December graduation
Student Assessment and Program Effectiveness
The ABSN program at Duke University School of Nursing works to facilitate the success of its students for
entry into professional nursing practice. As part of this process, the ABSN program utilizes a series of
content specific exams and final comprehensive predictor examinations to determine mastery of concepts
and readiness for the national licensure examination. All ABSN students are required to participate in this
designated assessment and remediation program. Other products are not included in the remediation
solutions for the ABSN program and may be used by the students as a supplement.
The program involves assessment of nursing knowledge after core nursing courses and comprehensive
diagnostic predictor examinations that are administered in the final semester. The majority of the testing
is administered in a computerized format. The assessments are not meant to be content mastery testing;
they are intended to help students identify topic areas they need to remediate to master content.
Remediation is essential for student success and is based on topics missed on the assessment. Students
should refer to individual course syllabi for remediation requirements.
During the last semester of the ABSN program will look at each student’s performance across the
curriculum and readiness to successfully pass NCLEX-RN on the first attempt and provide direction if
remediation through a weekly, non-credit bearing course is required, recommended, or optional.
All ABSN students are required to complete an NCLEX-RN review course prior to graduation. This review
course will be organized by the ABSN program and is usually delivered the week prior to graduation. If a
student does not participate in this program, he/she will need to meet with the ABSN Assistant Dean to
establish a plan to complete an approved similar program.
Graduation and NCLEX-RN Testing
Recognition as a graduate of Duke University is official when the Duke University Board of Trustees meets,
reviews, and accepts all graduates as proposed by the Dean of each School of the University. Official
transcripts indicating date of graduation and program completion are not issued until the Board of
Trustees confers approval of degrees which can delay eligibility for licensure in some jurisdictions.
After the completion of the ABSN program, students are eligible to apply for licensure by examination
with a Board of Nursing. A letter of certification of curriculum completion from the ABSN Program
Assistant Dean and an official transcript showing completion of all courses is sufficient documentation to
apply for nursing licensure via examination in some states and U.S. territories. However, some states
require documentation of graduation prior to testing. In such cases, please know an official transcript
reflecting graduation, may not be available until one to two months following program completion.
It is strongly recommended that the NCLEX-RN Licensing Examination be completed within three months
of graduation.
Graduate Recognition and Commencement
School of Nursing Hooding and Recognition Ceremonies
Each May and December, the School of Nursing hosts a Hooding and Recognition Ceremony for its
graduates to recognize and celebrate their accomplishments. All graduates are encouraged to attend this
ceremony. December graduates participate in the December ceremony, and ABSN May graduates
participate in the May ceremony.
School of Nursing graduates can find additional information about the School of Nursing Hooding and
Recognition Ceremony on the School of Nursing graduation website.
Duke University Commencement Exercises
Duke University conducts one commencement ceremony annually. The Duke University Commencement
Exercises for all graduates are held at Wallace Wade Stadium on the second Sunday in May. Information
about the Duke University Commencement Exercises and a full list of graduation weekend events are
posted each year at the Duke University Commencement website.
The Duke University Commencement Exercises represent the only opportunity for degree candidates to
participate in an official University graduation ceremony. Particularly among students who are studying
for professional or graduate degrees, the actual completion date of the required curriculum does not
always correspond with the completion of the spring semester. The following criteria apply to graduating
Graduates may participate in only one University graduation ceremony.
Students who complete all program requirements by the conclusion of the spring semester (May
graduates) are eligible to participate in the University Commencement Exercises.
Students who have not completed all program requirements by the conclusion of the spring
semester may participate in the University Commencement Exercises only if they complete all
program requirements by the conclusion of the summer semester. The names of these September
graduates will be printed in the program of the Duke University School of Nursing May Hooding
and Recognition Ceremony but will not be included in the program of the main Duke University
Commencement Exercises. The names of September graduates will be printed in the program of
the Duke University Commencement Exercises for the following May.
Students whose degree requirements will be completed following the summer semester will not
be eligible to participate in the University Commencement Exercises until the following year.
Students who complete degree requirements at the end of the spring term receive degrees dated May
(diplomas mailed in mid-May). Students who complete degree requirements at the end of the summer
term receive degrees dated September (diplomas mailed in mid- to late September), and those who
complete degree requirements at the end of the fall term receive degrees dated December (diplomas
mailed in mid to late January). Diplomas are mailed to all graduates to the degree address on record.
Duke University Tobacco Free Campus Policy
Duke University is a tobacco free campus. Use of all tobacco products, including smokeless products and
e-cigarettes, is prohibited on all property and grounds owned and leased by Duke University.
Alcohol / Drug Policy
Duke University’s alcohol policy encourages students to make responsible decisions about the use of
alcoholic beverages and promotes safe, legal, and healthy patterns of social interaction. Duke recognizes
its students to be responsible adults and believes that students should behave in a manner that is not
disruptive or endangering to themselves or others and is in compliance with state and local laws regarding
the possession, consumption, sale, and delivery of alcohol.
Duke University prohibits members of its community to manufacture, sell, deliver, possess, use, or be
under the influence of a controlled substance without legal authorization. A controlled substance includes
any drug, substance or immediate precursor covered under the North Carolina Controlled Substances Act,
including but not limited to opiates, barbiturates, amphetamines, marijuana, and hallucinogens. The
possession of drug paraphernalia is also prohibited under North Carolina state law and university policy.
Drug paraphernalia includes all equipment, products and material of any kind that are used to facilitate,
or intended or designed to facilitate, violations of the North Carolina Controlled Substances Act.
In addition to current matriculation processes, i.e., criminal background checks, satisfactory completion
of all academic requirements as documented by final official transcripts, Duke University School of Nursing
requires drug testing of all entering nursing school students at the time of matriculation.
Consistent with existing state and federal laws and University and Health System or other training site
policies and procedures, diversion of controlled substances, record falsification, theft of controlled
substances, and drug substitution are prohibited and shall result in corrective action up to and including
academic dismissal. Cases of confirmed diversion will be reported to appropriate agencies, including but
not limited to state boards of nursing and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).
Student Disability Access Office: Reasonable Accommodation Process
Students who wish to be considered for reasonable accommodations at Duke University must self-identify
to the Disability Management SystemStudent Disability Access Office (SDAO).
Students currently enrolled at Duke University who want information about receiving consideration for
reasonable accommodations should contact the Student Disability Access Office at (919) 668-6213 for
Information about reasonable accommodation is available at the Duke Disability Management System
website, which serves as a central source for disability-related information, procedures, resources, and
Duke University Office for Institutional Equity
Under the auspices of the President, the Office for Institutional Equity provides institutional leadership in
enhancing respectful, diverse and inclusive work and learning environments for the Duke Community. The
office provides a range of services that uphold values of equity and diversity, as well as support compliance
efforts in the areas of equal opportunity, affirmative action and harassment prevention.
Duke University Non-Discrimination Statement
Duke University is committed to encouraging and sustaining a learning and work community that is free
from prohibited discrimination and harassment. The university prohibits discrimination on the basis of
race, color, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex,
genetic information, or age in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, financial
aid, employment, or any other university program or activity. The university also makes good faith efforts
to recruit, employ and promote qualified minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, and veterans. It
admits qualified students to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made
available to students.
Duke University does not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind. Duke University has
designated the Vice President for Institutional Equity as the individual responsible for the coordination
and administration of its nondiscrimination and harassment policies generally. The Office for Institutional
Equity is located in Smith Warehouse, 114 S. Buchanan Blvd., Bay 8, Durham, NC 27708, (919) 684-8222,
[email protected]. Sexual harassment and sexual misconduct are forms of sex discrimination and
prohibited by the university. Duke University has a designated director of Title IX compliance and Age
Discrimination Act coordinator. This individual is also with the Office for Institutional Equity and can be
contacted at (919) 660-5766.
Questions or comments about discrimination, harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, and
stalking can be directed to the Office for Institutional Equity, (919) 684-8222. Additional information,
including the complete text of the discrimination grievance procedure and the harassment policy and
appropriate complaint procedures, may be found by contacting the Office for Institutional Equity or
visiting its website at Questions or comments about sex-based and sexual
harassment and misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking committed by a student may
also be directed to the Associate Dean of Students in the Office of Student Conduct, at (919) 684-7336.
Additional information, including the complete text of the policy and complaint procedure for such
misconduct, are available on the Student Affairs website.
Communication between Duke University and Students
Electronic mail (e-mail) is the official medium by which Duke University communicates policies,
procedures, and items related to course work or degree requirements to students enrolled at the
university. All matriculated students of the School of Nursing are assigned a Duke University e-mail
account upon acceptance of an offer of admission. It is the student’s responsibility to check this e-mail
account regularly and to respond promptly to requests made by e-mail. No other e-mail account may
be used for official communication with the school.
Use of Social Media
The Duke University School of Nursing (DUSON) recognizes and supports the professional use of social
media by faculty, staff and students. In using social media, members of the DUSON community have an
obligation to conduct themselves in accordance with all clinical institutional social media policies, Duke
University Community Standards and the DUSON Academic Integrity and Professionalism Policy.
Social Media Defined:
Social media refers to any online networks, which connect and engage people, and where user
generated content is publicly shared. Examples of social media include technology tools, online sharing
sites and networks (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest), photo and video sharing sites (e.g.
Instagram, Facebook Watch, Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube, blogs, listservs), audio platforms (e.g.
Clubhouse, Anchor, Spotify), message boards or discussion forums (e.g. Reddit, Quora,,
closed/private community platforms (e.g. Slack, Facebook Groups, Microsoft Teams) and similar online
sharing sites that feature user-generated content, which may arise in the future.
While new technologies create new opportunities for communication and collaboration, they also
create vulnerabilities for individuals and institutions, especially those involved in the health care
environment. The purpose of this policy is to promote the safety and privacy of faculty, staff, students,
patients and their families, and visitors through the protection of sensitive and confidential
information. DUSON recognizes and supports professional use of social media and recognizes that the
workforce participates in social media for personal use. This policy covers the use of social media and
internet activities that associate the DUSON community with all institutions who support DUSON
through clinical placements. Since social media often spans traditional boundaries between
professional and personal relationships, additional vigilance is required to ensure that one is protecting
personal, professional, and university reputations.
All faculty, staff and students within the DUSON community are expected to observe professional
standards for communication in all interactions and exercise wisdom and caution in using social media.
Once posted online, the content leaves the contributing individual’s control forever and may be traced
back to the individual in perpetuity. Bear in mind that people have been denied employment because
of information posted on social networking sites.
The following guidelines apply to the DUSON community who identify themselves as part of DUSON on
professional and personal social media sites:
Protect confidential and sensitive information. Do not post confidential information about the
university, staff, students, clinical facilities, patients or others with whom one has contact in
the role as affiliated with DUSON.
Students and faculty/clinical instructors in clinical settings should familiarize themselves with the
social media policies of those agencies.
Faculty, staff or students will not initiate or accept friend requests (or the like) from patients
or patient families except in unusual circumstances when there is as established relationship
prior to the date of treatment.
Faculty, staff and students will not participate in online conversations with patients, patients’
families, and others regarding patient information.
Activities that occur during clinical experiences will not be shared through social media. Sharing
information includes, but is not limited to posting pictures of patients, families, patient records,
healthcare workers, interiors of clinical sites, faculty, fellow students, etc.
Adhere to copyright laws and intellectual property rights of others and of the university.
DUSON or Duke logos or graphics/images are not to be used on personal social media
sites or to promote/endorse a product, cause, political party or candidate.
Personal phone conversations, texting, or use of social media is not allowed at any
time while in patient/client areas.
Personal phone conversations, or use of social
media is not allowed at any time while in the classroom.
Recording or videotaping of professors, students, staff, or educational activities for
personal or social media use is prohibited unless the individual(s) involved grant
permission for such taping.
The social media policy also applies to anyone engaged in human subject research with patients or
families and to all visiting scholars.
DUSON will investigate and adjudicate potential violations of this policy. Consequences for failure to abide
by any component of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to formal
reprimand, suspension, course and/or clinical failure, dismissal from the program based on the type and
seriousness of the violation.
Employees are subject to these consequences including termination.
DUSON may have mandatory reporting obligations to licensing and credentialing bodies. Breaches of
the social media policy may be submitted to the North Carolina Board of Nursing, which may affect
licensure or eligibility for licensure.
Students should also be aware of the social media policies of non-Duke facilities and adhere to these.
Breach of these policies may result in additional penalties from the facility.
Creating Social Media Pages and Sites:
The purpose of a DUSON-branded social media presence enhances and strengthens the Duke Brand
Identity, and individuals, groups or departments and centers should not create Duke-branded social media
sites. Under certain circumstances, the School will permit the creation of social media sites associated
under the DUSON brand.
Permission to create these sites must be granted by the Assistant Dean for Strategic
Communications or a designee.
If permission for a DUSON-branded site is granted, members of the School’s Communications Department
must be included among the sites administrators. All Duke University, Duke Health and Duke University
School of Nursing brand, communication and social media standards must be maintained.
DUSON Student Flu Policy
Duke Health - which includes Duke University Health System (DUHS) and the Schools of Nursing and
Medicineis committed to reducing the prevalence of the influenza virus within our community. Students
enrolled in all programs at the Duke University School of Nursing must abide by the Healthcare Worker
Flu Vaccination Policy and Procedure. Per the policy, healthcare workers include health profession
learners and associated faculty/instructors. Receiving an annual flu vaccine is mandatory and is a
condition of enrollment for all Duke University School of Nursing (DUSON) students.
Student’s failure to comply with requirements of the School of Nursing may result in administrative
withdrawal from the School of Nursing. Annual influenza vaccination or documentation and approval of
medical or religious exemption is required by all students.
All currently enrolled DUSON students (on campus, online/distance based) are required to comply with
the Healthcare Worker Flu Vaccination Policy and Procedure and must provide documentation of the
vaccine by the established DUSON deadline. Students who begin their program in the spring semester
must submit initial documentation in accordance with the established pre-enrollment compliance
The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs will notify all currently enrolled DUSON students (on campus,
online/distance based) via their Duke email account in September directing them to comply with the
mandatory flu vaccination requirement.
Duke Student Health offers free flu vaccines to currently enrolled students who pay the Duke Student
Health Fee. New and current students can also get a flu vaccine from their healthcare provider, or any
immunization provider. For those who obtain the vaccine from a health care provider outside of the Duke
network and some Duke-affiliated practices, please send documentation
to [email protected].edu or fax to 919-681-0715. Students should also upload
documentation of the flu vaccine to the online compliance portal specific to their program. Students
enrolled in the Accelerated BSN and Nurse Anesthesia Programs should submit documentation via the
CastleBranch system. All other students should submit documentation online via the Qualified First
Exemption to influenza vaccination may be granted for documented medical contraindications as
established by the CDC or documented religious beliefs. Note that egg allergy will no longer be
approved for medical exemption, due to the availability of egg-free vaccine. Exemptions must be
applied no later than the established deadline for the current flu season. Medical and Religious
exemptions must be applied for annually.
Students who have a medical or religious reason to request an exemption may do so by completing the
religious exemption or medical exemption request form and submitting it to Student Services for the
Assistant Dean of each program to review. The School of Nursing has final approval of all exemptions.
Students required to attend a clinical maybe required to submit additional documentation to that clinical
site and exemption approval may be up to that site. Medical or religious exemptions may preclude
students from completing their clinical experiences at certain sites.
Please send this request to SON_StudentComplian[email protected] or fax to 919-681-0715. All requests
for exemptions will be reviewed and all decisions will be communicated directly to the requestor.
(see also the Duke University Student Affairs website)
Duke Student Health Services
Duke Student Health provides a variety of student healthcare services (including general medical care,
allergy and travel clinics, some laboratory services, basic nutrition counseling, and physical therapy) at the
Duke Student Health Center. Medical Services are provided by board-certified faculty physicians,
physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and resident physicians under faculty supervision.
The Duke Student Health Center is located in the Student Wellness Center, 305 Towerview Drive. Hours
of operation are listed online. The Duke Student Health Center is not a "walk-in clinic"; students are seen
by appointment. Appointments may be scheduled via phone at 919-681-9355 or online through the Duke
MyChart patient portal.
Many but not all services provided by the Duke Student Health Center are covered by the Student Health
Fee. Information about covered and non-covered services is available online; this information may be
subject to change over time. Students who are not sure whether a service is covered should ask the staff
at the Duke Student Health Center before receiving the service.
Student Mental Health Services
The Duke University School of Nursing is committed to assisting in the care and well-being of our students
at all points of their educational careers. As part of the University community, the School of Nursing works
closely with Duke Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) to ensure that assistance can be provided
to any student with personal or emotional concerns. CAPS provides a confidential, coordinated, and
comprehensive range of counseling and psychological services to meet the unique needs of individual
Services include confidential assessment and brief counseling/psychotherapy regarding personal
concerns abet family, social, academic, and sexual matters. The professional staff is composed of
psychologists, clinical social workers, and psychiatrists. Individual, couples, and group counseling may be
utilized in helping students resolve their concerns once the student and staff member have identified
together the most helpful alternative. CAPS services are available to all undergraduate, graduate,
professional, and allied health students who pay the Student Health fee. There are no additional costs for
these services. Students can make an appointment by calling (919) 660-1000.
Blue Devils Care
Building upon remote offerings from CAPS and Student Health, Blue Devils Care provides mental
telehealth support to all students at no cost. Round the clock services are designed to assist students with
issues that can be safely addressed remotely. Other offerings include scheduled counseling appointments
and digital self-care designed to support and promote students well-being.
DukeReach helps individuals to identify support services from among the variety of resources across
campus for on campus students or in one’s local community for distance-based students. It is also a place
to report non-crisis concerns about a student’s health or behavior Contact DukeReach at 919-681-2455
or by emailing [email protected].
Duke University has a continuing commitment to provide a safe environment for all members of the
University community. The University’s lighting system, including special blue lights to identify emergency
telephones, police patrols, the Security Alert Network on the campus and medical center, van services,
and automatic door locking devices are some of the measures taken to ensure safety. Duke University
alone cannot guarantee the personal safety of each person who works or studies on campus. Safety is a
community issue that can be addressed only through the active participation of every member of the
Duke community. Each person must help achieve this objective by taking all appropriate precautions.
Safety-related information and services are listed below.
Duke University Police
The Duke University Police Department (located at 502 Oregon St.) provides 24-hour law enforcement
and security services to Duke’s academic campus and health system, as well as off-campus areas.
If a crime is in progress or if you have an emergency to report, dial 911. For non-emergencies, call (919)
Sexual Assault Support Services
For students (male or female) who have experienced sexual assault or gender violence, sexual assault
support services including one-on-one counseling and advocacy are available through the Women’s
For crisis support:
During working hours (Monday-Friday, 9:00 to 5:00), call (919) 684-3897.
After hours or on weekends, call (919) 970-2108.
In an emergency situation, any student who feels that she or he is in danger should dial 911 or Duke Police
at (919)-684-2444.
Duke University Student Affairs
The Duke University Division of Student Affairs includes a number of departments which support and
enrich the educational experience of students at Duke University:
The Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity provides education, advocacy, support, and space for lesbian,
gay, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, transsexual, intersex, questioning, queer, and allied students, staff,
and faculty at Duke. The Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity also serves and supports Duke alumni/ae
and the greater LGBTQ community.
The Center for Multicultural Affairs empowers students and their organizations to create a vibrant and
inclusive multicultural student community. CMA promotes community engagement, multicultural
education, and leadership development through its programs and services.
The International House (IHouse) mission is to provide educational services and advocacy to the
international population at Duke as well as outreach to the Durham community. The International House
offers extensive cross-cultural programming and information to enhance the global mission of the
Jewish Life at Duke is comprised of the Freeman Center for Jewish Life and the Rubenstein-Silvers Hillel.
The Freeman Center provides a home for Jewish life on campus while the Rubenstein-Silvers Hillel
provides exciting and innovative programming throughout the Duke community. The combination works
to foster and enrich Jewish life through social, educational, religious, and cultural activities.
Muslim Life at Duke is committed to enriching the lives of Muslim students and the whole campus through
events and activities that cater to the spiritual, social, and intellectual needs of Duke students.
The Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture strives to promote racial understanding, build community,
and foster an appreciation for and increase knowledge of black people, black history, black culture, and
the vast contributions of people of the African Diaspora.
The Duke University Women’s Center works to improve the status of women in higher education at Duke.
By educating the university community about gender-related issues, addressing matters of particular
concern to women, and promoting a campus climate that is safe, healthy, and respectful of all people, the
Women’s Center enhances all students' academic experiences. In collaboration with student groups and
faculty and staff colleagues, the Women's Center offers information, advocacy, technical assistance,
referrals, and programming on a variety of gender-related issues, including safety, health, personal and
professional development, sexuality, discrimination, harassment, and sexual assault support services.
Graduates and Professional Student Council (GPSC)
The Graduate and Professional Student Council is the umbrella student government organization for
Duke’s nine graduate and professional schools. GPSC represents and advocates on behalf of graduate and
professional students; serves as a liaison between graduate and professional students and the University
Administration; serves as a liaison among the student governments of the graduate and professional
schools; nominates graduate and professional student representatives to University committees;
programs events of interest to the graduate and professional student community; and provides financial
support for programming of graduate and professional student groups. GPSC functions are accomplished
mainly through the General Assembly, in which representation is allotted to each degree-granting
program according to the number of enrolled students. Representatives of each program and officers of
the council are selected annually. School of Nursing students participate actively in this organization.
Students interested in representing the School of Nursing should inquire through the DUSON Student
Government (Student Council) regarding election to GPSC.
The Libraries
The Duke University Library system, with more than seven million volumes, ranks among the top ten
private research libraries in the United States. Its collections also include extensive holdings of serials,
electronic resources, digital collections, and media, and more than fifteen million manuscripts. The system
includes the Perkins/Bostock main library and the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript
Library/University Archives on West Campus; Lilly Library (fine arts, philosophy, film and video, performing
arts) and the Music Library on East Campus; and the Pearse Memorial Library at the Duke Marine
Laboratory in Beaufort, North Carolina. The Duke University Library system also includes four
independently administered libraries: the Divinity School Library, the Ford Library at The Fuqua School of
Business, the Goodson Law School Library, and the Duke University Medical Center Library. For more
information about the resources and hours of operation of each of the libraries, visit the Duke University
Libraries website.
The Duke University Medical Center Library (DUMCL)
Located adjacent to Duke Hospital in the Seeley G. Mud Building, DUMCL supports patient care, teaching,
and research activities of the Duke University Medical Center by providing its users with consistent and
efficient access to timely, relevant biomedical information. The DUMCL collection has approximately
183,500 volumes. Users have access to more than 4,300 biomedical electronic journal subscriptions,
including more than 375 full-text online nursing journals.
DUMCL maintains a robust online presence, thereby extending access to library resources and services
beyond its physical location. The library also offers reference and educational services (consultations and
training in database searching and information management), as well as a wide variety of tutorials and
Internet subject guides on its website. The Duke University Medical Center Library website provides access
to licensed and locally created databases, electronic books and journals, and online learning and reference
tools. Databases include PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, Cochrane Library and the
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Nursing Consult, and
many others. The library website also includes hundreds of free Internet resources organized into subject
guides that are searchable by keyword. Electronic resource guides such as Nursing Tools provide quick
and easy access to important tools and evidence-based practice information as well as other library
services. Interlibrary loan services fill requests for materials not available in the Duke Libraries or online,
and books and journal articles can be requested from libraries across the state and the country. A desktop
delivery service provides digital copies of materials directly to the requester’s workstation.
Medical Center Librarians provide in-depth consultations to faculty, staff, and students. These
consultations can include individualized training in resources, identification of the best resources to meet
the user’s need, development of effective search strategies, assistance with bibliographic software, and
advice on other information management skills and resources. The Library staff also provides educational
sessions customized to the needs of School of Nursing users.
Checking Out Books: You need a Duke ID card/badge or DukeCard with a valid bar code in order to check
out books. Books in the Medical Center Library circulating collection may be borrowed for a four-week
period and renewed twice, unless someone else has placed a hold on the item. Materials may be renewed
online, by phone, or in person at the Library. Refer to the Duke University Libraries website for additional
information about borrowing privileges and other services.
(Students should consult the School of Nursing website for the most up to date information regarding
services, resources, and policies. Below are a few of the noteworthy items for students to keep in mind
throughout the academic year).
Student Identification Badges / Cards
Students enrolling for the first time are issued identification badges (Duke Card) that they should wear at
all times. The card is a means of identification in clinical sites as well as for library privileges, athletic
events, and other University functions or services open to graduate students. The first card is issued free;
replacement cards cost $10 each. The Medical Center Duke Card Office is located at 04230 Duke Clinics
Building (adjacent to the Medical Center Bookstore). For more information, call the Medical Center Duke
Card Office at (919) 684-2273 Monday-Friday between 7:30 am-5:00 pm or consult the Duke Card website.
ID badges must not be transferred or loaned to non-Duke students. Lost or stolen badges should be
reported immediately to the Office of Admissions and Student Services. A replacement fee of $10.00 will
be assessed if a badge is lost or stolen.
Students who are not Duke employees must use designated parking at the fee determined by the
University. Students register for parking permits (and renew permits annually) online through the Permits
web page of the Duke University Parking and Transportation Services web site. Additional information is
available through the Parking and Transportation Services web site or by calling the Parking and
Transportation Services Office at (919) 684-7275. Office hours are Monday‒Friday 7:30 a.m.‒3 p.m.
Duke’s ePrint print management system allows DUSON students to print directly from their own
computers to print stations in the Pearson Building and elsewhere on campus. In order to use this system,
students must download ePrint software (free from OIT) and install it on their computers. (For details,
consult the OIT ePrint webpage.) Students receive a printing allocation each semester which supports
black-and-white laser printing through the ePrint quota system.
Name and Address Changes
To make name and other biographical information changes, follow the instructions from the Office of the
Duke University Registrar. It is the student’s responsibility to assure that home and mailing addresses as
well as phone numbers are updated as changes occur. This can be done in DukeHub. After graduation,
submit name and address changes to the Graduate School and also to the Duke Alumni Association.
Technology Support
Computer and other technology support is provided for the School of Nursing by SON-IT. A full description
of the services available and how to access them is provided on the SON-IT webpage.
The School of Nursing has a wide array of resources to support students in the academic careers. These
services are presented in great detail on the DUSON website. Students should familiarize themselves
with the website information and consult it often for updates and changes. These include but are not
limited to:
Student Success Center
Stress First Aid
Student Technology Resources
(see also:
Sigma -- Duke Beta Epsilon Chapter
The Sigma is the only international honor society for nursing and is a member of the Association of College
Honor Societies. The society recognizes achievement of superior quality, fosters high professional
standards, encourages creative work, recognizes the development of leadership qualities, and
strengthens the individual’s commitment to the ideals and purposes of professional nursing. Sigma Theta
Tau is a scholarly professional organization that promotes the best in nursing.
The first chapter was established in 1922. by six nursing students at Indiana University. The founders chose
the name from the initials of the Greek words “Storge”, “Tharsos,” and “Time” meaning, “love”,
“courage,” and “honor.” The society recognizes achievement of superior quality, fosters high professional
standards, encourages creative work, recognizes the development of leadership qualities, and
strengthens the individual’s commitment to the ideals and purposes of professional nursing. Sigma Theta
Tau is a scholarly professional organization that promotes the best in nursing. DUSON students meeting
Sigma Theta Tau membership criteria are eligible for induction into the Duke Beta Epsilon Chapter. Eligible
students receive invitations to join the chapter. A formal induction ceremony is held twice a year.
Duke University School of Nursing Student Council
The Duke University School of Nursing Student Council is the governing body for all students in the school,
and is composed of elected officers and class representatives. Its sole purpose is to serve the students’
educational and professional needs and provide a formal structure for student participation in a wide
variety of events within the school. Activities include submitting information to the student listserv
covering local events and opportunities of interest to students, cosponsoring events at Duke with other
organizations, (i.e., Duke University and Duke Medicine organizations, the local chapter of Sigma Theta
Tau, and the Duke University School of Nursing Alumni Association). The Student Council enhances
students’ educational experience by increasing awareness of resources and student services, encouraging
student involvement in DUSON activities, and sponsoring events throughout the school year, including
alumni and student socials, service projects, and career planning events.
American Association for Men in Nursing ‒Duke Chapter
The Duke Chapter of the American Association for Men in Nursing (DAAMN) is an assembly of nurses and
affiliates within the Duke University Health System (DUHS) who are interested in increasing the visibility
and inclusion of men in nursing. DAAMN supports the mission of the American Assembly for Men in
Nursing (AAMN) to influence policy, research and education about men in nursing. Objectives include
creating a network of people who desire to further the participation of men in all aspects of professional
nursing practice within and beyond DUHS; providing formal and informal networking, mentorship and
leadership opportunities, and supporting professional growth of men who are nursing students and
licensed nurses; and serving as role models of professional nursing through community outreach and
service. Membership is open to Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses, entry-level
nursing students, and affiliates. Membership is unrestricted by consideration of age, color, creed,
handicap, sexual orientation, lifestyle, nationality, race, religion, or gender.
Duke Emergency Nursing Students
The mission of Duke Emergency Nursing Students (DENS) is to function as a specialty nursing club for
professional nursing students committed to advancing their knowledge of emergency nursing to best
advocate for safety, philanthropy and education for the community of Durham in preparation to provide
emergency nursing care.
Duke Nursing Students without Borders
The mission of the Duke Nursing Students without Borders (NSWB) organization is to promote health
empowerment through volunteer efforts in education, hands-on patient care, building networks to access
health care resources as well as distributing collected materials to local, regional and international
communities. In addition, by creating opportunities to give, learn and connect, Nursing Students without
Borders aims to expand the perspectives and experiences of current nursing students and alumni.
DUSON Spectrum
The mission of Spectrum is to assist the Duke University School of Nursing in enhancing the quality of life
for people of all cultures, economic levels and geographic locations. This organization is committed to the
advancement of the health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and other individuals of minority status
through the practice of nursing advocacy. DUSON Spectrum will encourage its members to be socially-
aware, active, and responsible Duke citizens who reflect the DUSON Spectrum mission proudly in their
nursing practice.
Fusion: Multicultural Nursing Student Association
The mission of Fusion: Multicultural Nursing Student Association is to represent diversity within DUSON
for students from diverse, ethnic and racial backgrounds to come together as learners and leaders towards
a more multicultural and rich nursing workforce. Fusion will encourage its members to be socially-aware,
active, and responsible Duke citizens who reflect the Fusion mission proudly in their nursing practice.
National Student Nurses Association ‒Duke Chapter
The Duke University School of Nursing Student Nurses Association (DUSON SNA) is the Duke chapter of
the National Student Nurses Association and the North Carolina Association of Nursing Students. The
organization serves several purposes: assumes responsibility for contributing to nursing education in
order to provide for the highest quality of health care; provides programs representative of fundamental
interests and concerns to nursing students; and aids in the development of the whole person, his/her
professional role, and his/her responsibility for health care of people in all walks of life. The functions of
the DUSON SNA include: providing direct input into standards of nursing education and influencing the
education process; influencing health care, nursing education and practice through legislative activities as
appropriate; and representing nursing students to the consumer, to institutions, and other organizations.
The organization also promotes and encourages student participation in community affairs and activities
towards health care and the resolution of related social issues and in interdisciplinary activities;
recruitment efforts, participation in student activities, and educational opportunities regardless of a
person’s race, color, creed, sex, lifestyle, national origin, age, or economic status; and collaborative
relationships with nursing and health related organizations.
DUSON's student-directed a cappella group, the Nightingales, includes students, faculty, and staff who
love to sing and have fun together. Music is great self-care for those singing and hearing it, so we love to
be able to use our gifts outside the classroom / lab / clinic / office to bring joy to ourselves and others.
Nurses Christian Fellowship
Nurses Christian Fellowship is intended to be an interdenominational Christian fellowship organization for
nursing students at all levels. We intend to meet regularly for Bible study, fellowship, and prayer, as well
as hold monthly events, such as service-oriented activities in the community, on-campus guest speakers,
social gatherings, church events, etc. Our general aim is to create a Christian community of nurses,
develop ongoing friendships, and to share ideas about how our Christian values impact our role as
developing nurses.
Active Minds: Nurses for Mental Health Awareness
Active Minds is an organization leading change within the world at large, and now within the medical
world, by pushing forward a movement that reaches more than 400 schools serving more than 5.1 million
students in 50 states and 17 countries with suicide prevention training and mental health education.
Nature vs. Nurses
The mission of Nature vs. Nurses is to promote self-care and environmental awareness within the DUSON
community by participating in organized outdoor activities, fostering a sense of connection to the
surrounding community.
Women's Health Organization
A specialty-nursing club for professional nursing students committed to advancing their knowledge of
women's health, believing that preventative and educational care is essential to lifelong health and that
all women deserve excellent care.
Neonatal and Pediatric Students
The Neonatal and Pediatric Students are a group of ABSN students interested in pursuing and learning
about the nursing field of pediatrics. We provide educational sessions, community outreach, and cross-
cohort support to students wanting to precept and/or work as a nurse in pediatrics.
Duke Nurses for Sexual and Reproductive Health
The purpose of DNSRH is to further the mission of the national organization, Nurses for Sexual and
Reproductive Health (NSRH), on the Duke University campus and to provide Duke University School of
Nursing (DUSON) students with the education, tools, and resources necessary to become social-change
agents within the healthcare system as it relates to sexual and reproductive justice.
Appendix A
Duke University School of Nursing
Student Complaint and Dispute Resolution Process
For Academic Issues
The purpose of this document is to describe the process by which student concerns related to academic
issues may be brought to resolution. This procedure does not apply to a dispute about a grade earned
unless it is alleged that the determination of the grade resulted due to a failure to follow published pol-
icies or procedures. Additionally, if the complaint is regarding the quality of a course or instruction in a
course, it should be addressed through the course and instructor evaluation process. Issues of harass-
ment or discrimination, or if a student believes that they have been retaliated against as a result of uti-
lizing this process, fall under the auspices of the Duke University Office for Institutional Equity. The Duke
Student Ombudsperson is also available to help students confidently advocate for themselves as an in-
formal and impartial resource.
Resolution Process
The student and faculty are encouraged to collaborate to reach a solution. In the event it cannot be
resolved, the student may initiate the process outlined below.
1. A written request for a meeting with the faculty member must be made within three (3) business
days of the occurrence of the issue. The meeting request should be specific as to the issue and
the resolution being sought. Upon receiving the request, the faculty member or faculty designee
will schedule the meeting with the student within five (5) business days. The faculty member will
document the decision, agreed upon action plan, outcome, or resolution to the student in an
email within three (3) business days. After review of the documentation, the student can request
consideration of the matter by the appropriate program administrator (Academic Program Assis-
tant Dean (AD) or CRNA Program Director).
2. A written request for a meeting with the appropriate program administrator (Academic Program
Assistant Dean (AD) or CRNA Program Director) must be made within three (3) business days.
Upon receiving the request, the AD/CRNA Program Director will schedule a meeting with the stu-
dent and faculty member within five (5) business days. Students may also request to include an
academic advisor be present at the meeting. The agreed upon action plan, outcome, or resolution
will be documented to the student in an email within three (3) business days. After review of the
documentation, the student can request consideration of the matter by the Vice Dean for Aca-
demic Affairs (VDAA).
3. A written request for a meeting with the VDAA must be made using the Request for Formal Res-
olution of Student Complaint Related to Academic Issues form (located in this policy) within three
(3) business days. Upon receiving the request, the VDAA will schedule a meeting with the student,
the faculty member, and appropriate program administrator (Academic Program Assistant Dean
(AD) or CRNA Program Director) within five (5) business days. Students may also request to include
an academic advisor be present at the meeting. After meeting, the VDAA will make a written
Audio/video recording of meetings at any point in the process is prohibited.
summary as to the resolution of the issue within three (3) business days. This summary will be
signed by the VDAA and the student and be shared with all involved parties including the Dean.
This document will be retained in the student’s file (created or maintained per programmatic rec-
ommendations) and DUSON’s formal complaint file for accreditation purposes.
4. The student can appeal the VDAA’s decision to the Dean. The appeal must be in writing and re-
ceived by the Dean within three (3) business days of the VDAA’s decision being sent to the stu-
dent. The Dean may review the VDAA’s decision only in cases where (i) there is new information
not reasonably available at the meeting that could have materially affected the outcome; or (ii) a
perceived breach of the resolution process that materially affected the outcome. The student’s
appeal request must identify the ground(s) for appeal. Appeals are based solely on the written
record (including any written submission or response provided by the student), unless determined
otherwise by the Dean. When an appeal is received, the VDAA will provide the Dean with the full
record. After consideration of the appeal, the Dean will issue a written decision and provide copies
of the decision to the student, the VDAA, and other appropriate parties. The decision of the Dean
is final.
5. Once the procedural process is deemed final, the documented action plan, outcome, or resolution
is implemented through the appropriate offices at DUSON. All decisions are shared with relevant
individuals as appropriate and remain in effect through the designated time period.
Duke University School of Nursing
Request for Formal Resolution of Student Complaint
Related to Academic Issues**
Date of Occurrence:
2. Individual(s) directly involved:
3. Description of issue and steps taken for resolution: (Include dates, times and meeting participants)
4. Resolution sought:
(Additional supporting documentation may be attached as appendices to the complaint)
Student Name:
Student Signature:
**This form must be submitted to the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs within 3 business days after the documented
decision from the appropriate program administrator (Academic Program Assistant Dean (AD) or CRNA Program
Appendix B
Academic Integrity and Professionalism Policy
For Duke University School of Nursing Community
The overall objective of the Academic Integrity and Professionalism Policy (AIPP) is to promote an envi-
ronment of intellectual honesty, professionalism, trust, and integrity in the Duke University School of
Nursing (DUSON). Furthermore, this policy is intended to guide the academic and professional behavior
of DUSON students as it applies to all endeavors and conduct pertaining to nursing education, research,
and practice. All DUSON students are representatives of both the School and of the nursing profession
and are expected throughout their education to engage in appropriate interpersonal conduct, act ethi-
cally, take responsibility for their actions, and be mindful of their impact on others in the community.
DUSON supports the ethical and professional development of students to enable them to grow in their
ability to act with academic and professional integrity. It is a core academic requirement that each DUSON
student affirms their commitment to adhere to the Duke University Community Standard, DUSON Mission
and Values, and the AIPP.
Issues of harassment or discrimination fall under the auspices of the Duke University Office for Institu-
tional Equity. This policy does not replace any reporting requirements or actions related to other licensing,
regulatory, or legal issues.
The Duke Community Standard*
All members of the Duke University community are expected to uphold the Duke Community Stand-
which is:
Duke University is a community dedicated to scholarship, leadership, and service and
to the
principles of honesty, fairness, respect, and accountability. Citizens of this com-
munity commit
to reflect upon and uphold these principles in all academic and
nonacademic endeavors, and
to protect and promote a culture of integrity.
To uphold the Duke Community Standard:
I will not lie, cheat, or steal in my academic endeavors;
I will conduct myself honorably in all my endeavors; and
I will act if the Standard is compromised.
* Adapted from The Duke Community Standard in Practice: A Guide for Undergraduates
Academic Integrity and Professionalism Policy (AIPP) for Duke University School of Nursing Community
Integrity at DUSON comprises six fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and
courage. More details regarding these values can be found on the International Center for Academic
Integrity (ICAI) website. All members of the DUSON community are required to adhere to these six
fundamental values and to demonstrate behavior consistent with these values including, but not limited
to, the examples provided below.
A. Honesty
The following are examples of meeting the value of honesty:
Using correct procedures for citation and documentation of references.
Submitting only one’s own work for course credit.
Completing all graded academic work independently unless the faculty member or
other responsible party has expressly authorized collaboration with others.
Avoiding using a significant portion of any paper or project to fulfill the require-
ments of more than one course, unless receiving prior faculty permission to do so.
Honestly representing one’s own academic, clinical, and work credentials.
Accurately documenting academic, research, clinical, or patient information.
Consulting only authorized materials, equipment, or devices when taking tests,
quizzes, examinations, or other evaluative procedures.
Being truthful in applications for admission to academic programs, when seeking
employment, and financial support for education or research.
B. Trust
The following are examples of meeting the value of trust:
Using only one’s own access codes, passwords, login codes, keys, and facility access
Refraining from engaging in romantic, sexual, or other nonprofessional relation-
ships with patients and/or patient’s family/care supporters.
Practicing behaviors in the clinical setting that optimize the quality of patient care.
Always identifying oneself as a student in clinical situations and avoiding misrepre-
sentation of licensure and certification status.
Protecting the confidentiality of all personal health information, whether it is trans-
mitted electronically (including email, text messages, photos, audio, video, or any
other electronic format), on paper, or through verbal communication.
Refraining from accessing academic or administrative files, research documents, or
patient medical records without authorization.
C. Fairness
The following are examples of meeting the value of fairness:
Giving full credit and acknowledgement to all collaborators on projects and re-
Observing the time constraints imposed on tests, quizzes, examinations, and as-
, and take them when scheduled unless appropriately excused.
Contributing equitably to group assignments
D. Respect
The following are examples of meeting the value of respect:
Treating all persons with respect in accordance with Duke University policies and
Demonstrating respect for the cultural backgrounds of all people.
Treating all members of the DUSON community, patients, research participants,
The term "assignment" is any work, required or volunteered, submitted to a faculty member, clinical instruc-
tor, preceptor, or other responsible party for review and/or academic credit.
and family members with respect and dignity at all times, both in their presence
and in discussions about them with fellow students and professional colleagues.
Respecting the rights of patients and research participants and their families to be
informed about and to participate in decision-making concerning their health care
or participation in research.
Communicating truthfully with patients, research participants, families, and profes-
sional colleagues in all clinical situations to avoid misrepresentation.
Respecting the modesty and privacy of all patients and research participants.
Maintaining a professional appearance consistent with clinical site and/or school
Respecting the time of members of the DUSON community, patients, research par-
ticipants, families, and professional colleagues by avoiding late arrivals and early
Maintaining civility and professional behavior at all times in the classroom, labora-
tory, clinic, hospital, and all others settings where health care is delivered.
Respecting the intellectual property and educational and research materials of oth-
ers by complying with principles of fair use and copyright law, and by avoiding un-
authorized appropriation, reproduction, or dissemination of course materials in any
medium (print, audio, visual, multi-media, and online).
E. Responsibility
The following are examples of meeting the value of responsibility:
Following the specific directions of course faculty, clinical instructors, or other re-
sponsible parties with respect to academic integrity and academic honesty.
Asking course/clinical instructors for clarification if there is any question concerning
the degree of collaboration permissible on an assignment
Rigorously observing best practices in hygiene and safety in clinical practice.
Recognizing when one’s ability to function effectively and safely in a clinical or re-
search environment is or could be impaired (by exhaustion, illness, or any other
factor), and notifying a responsible person that assistance is needed.
Avoiding engagement in patient care or professional interactions while impaired by
any substance. (See DUSON policy entitled “Alcohol/Drug Policy” in the Student
Recognizing the limitations of one’s knowledge and skills in clinical situations, re-
questing supervision or advice as needed.
Limiting all clinical activities to the proper scope of nursing student practice, con-
sulting with course/clinical instructors if there are any questions on this issue.
Acting in accordance with DUSON’s Social Media Policy (located in the student
F. Courage
The following are examples of meeting the value of courage:
Refusing to take examinations or to complete assignments
for any other student.
Refusing to give unauthorized aid to other students or to receive unauthorized aid
from other students on tests, quizzes, examinations, or assignments
Promptly reporting any suspected violations of academic integrity to the appropri-
ate DUSON community member (as specified in Appendix C).
Refraining from all other behaviors that clearly compromise intellectual integrity
and honesty.
Appendix C
Duke University School of Nursing
Process for Dispute Resolution Related to the Duke Community Standard or
School of Nursing Academic Integrity and Professionalism Policy
All DUSON students must uphold the values of the Duke University Community Standard and DUSON’s
Academic Integrity and Professionalism Policy (AIPP). The process outlined below is to be utilized if a mem-
ber of the DUSON community believes that there is a conflict between the above-mentioned standard
and/or policy and demonstrated student behaviors.
Resolution Process
Reporting and Initial Determination: When any member of the DUSON community suspects or ob-
serves a student failing to adhere to the standard or policy, that person should report the issue to the
faculty of record (if the issue occurs in a course). If the issue occurs outside of a course, it will be reported
to the appropriate program administrator (Academic Program Assistant Dean (AD) or CRNA Program
Director). The faculty of record will then notify the appropriate program administrator (Academic Pro-
gram Assistant Dean (AD) or CRNA Program Director) and may consult the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs
(VDAA) as appropriate.
The faculty member or appropriate program administrator (Academic Program Assistant Dean (AD) or
CRNA Program Director) will then initiate a meeting with the student(s) involved. After the meeting, all
parties may provide any additional information or documentation related to resolution of the issue.
Based on a review of all of the information collected, the faculty of record or appropriate program
administrator (Academic Program Assistant Dean (AD) or CRNA Program Director) will determine
whether a violation of the policies has occurred and the appropriate response in consultation with the
VDAA or Vice Dean of Research (VDR) (when the violation is related to academic research). If the VDAA
is the faculty of record, the Vice Dean of Research or designee will serve as the consultant.
3. Response to a Confirmed Violation: The response to a student in violation of the Duke Community
Standard or DUSON AIPP should be commensurate with the violation. Responses will be determined
in each individual case based on a consideration of all the information gathered. Education and/or
mentoring should be considered as options for responding to the confirmed violation.
Request for Board Review
If a student wishes to dispute the outcome of the above-mentioned process, they may request an
Integrity Review Board be convened. This written request is submitted to the Chair of the Faculty Gov-
ernance Association (FGA) within three business days of the student receiving a final written determi-
nation under the Resolution Process outlined above. The statement should include the details regard-
ing the dispute, names of involved parties, the student’s account of what occurred, why they believe
this warrants further review, and any other individuals they would like included who can provide in-
formation regarding the dispute. At the student’s request, an advisor may also be included. The advi-
sor may be a student, faculty member, administrator, or other employee from DUSON. The advisor’s
Audio/video recording of meetings at any point in the process is prohibited.
Audio/video recording of meetings at any point in the process is prohibited.
role at the meeting is limited to quietly conferring with the student; they have no active speaking role.
The FGA Chairperson will attempt to schedule the meeting within five (5) business days, either in per-
son or video-/tele-conference, from receiving the request.
The Integrity Review Board will consist of: the FGA Chairperson, one member of the FGA Executive
Committee (FGA-EC) (elected from the FGA-EC and not involved with the related issue), one repre-
sentative from DUSON’s FGA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (FGA-DEI) (elected from the
FGA-DEI and not involved with the related issue), and two students (as recommended by the Student
Government) for a total of five members. In accordance with FGA operating procedures, the FGA Chair
Elect will serve if the FGA Chairperson has a conflict of interest with the proceedings being considered.
All faculty and student representatives will be drawn from the programs, to the extent feasible, other
than that in which the student is enrolled. The student will be notified of the proposed Review Board
membership when they receive the confirmed meeting date and time from the FGA Chairperson. If
the student believes that a member of the Review Board has a conflict of interest, they must notify
the Chairperson no later than three business days after receiving notice of the members of the Integ-
rity Review Board. The Integrity Review Board will elect one of its faculty members as Chairperson.
The vote to elect the chair will be majority rule. An administrative staff member will be appointed to
take confidential minutes of the Integrity Review Board meeting and outcome. These minutes will be
retained as per the University Record Retention Policy in the office of the VDAA.
The Integrity Review Board Chairperson will establish the procedures for the meeting and provide no-
tice to the student of such procedures at least three (3) business days in advance of the meeting. Gen-
erally, the meeting will consist of: opening statements by the student and, as appropriate, other parties;
an opportunity for members of the review board to ask questions of the student who asked for the
review; hear perspectives of other parties deemed relevant by the Integrity Review Board; and closing
remarks from the student or other parties. After the meeting, the Review Board will privately deliber-
ate and vote by majority to uphold, amend, or overturn the decision that is the subject of the review.
Within five business days of the meeting, the Integrity Review Board Chairperson will deliver a writ-
ten response to the student, faculty member (where applicable), the appropriate Vice Dean, and
the Dean of the School of Nursing as to its decision. Until the decision of the Review Board is made,
the student’s status at DUSON shall not be changed and the student may attend classes. However,
the VDAA may institute interim restrictions when the individual’s behavior constitutes an immediate
threat to the health, safety, or welfare of others or the property or orderly functioning of the Uni-
versity community or any member of it. Those interim restrictions may include, but are not limited
to, withdrawal of privileges, removal from or relocation within the community, removal from clas-
ses, etc. In cases where patient safety is an issue, the student will be withdrawn from the clinical
setting until the appeal is resolved.
If any of the deadlines in these procedures require modification, the FGA Chairperson and/or Integ-
rity Review Board Chairperson will provide written notice of the change.
A confidential record of the integrity review board meeting, decision, and outcome shall be retained
by the VDAA. The purpose of this record is to provide a record of the students who have a previous
history of violations of the Duke Community Standard and/or DUSON AIPP and to help ensure equity
across Integrity Review Board decisions.
The student may appeal the decision of the Integrity Review Board to the Dean. Appeals must be
submitted no later than five (5) business days after the date the Integrity Review Board’s decision
is sent to the student. The grounds for appeal are limited to:
new information not reasonably available at the time of the meeting is discovered subsequent to
the meeting that could have materially affected the outcome;
procedural error in the resolution process that materially affected the outcome of the meeting.
The student’s appeal request must identify the ground(s) for appeal. Appeals are based solely on the
written record (including any written submission or response provided by the student or Review Board),
unless determined otherwise by the Dean. When an appeal is received, the Integrity Review Board will
provide the Dean with the full record. The Dean may request a written response from the Integrity Re-
view Board concerning the appeal. The Dean will issue a written decision and provide copies of the
decision to the student, the Integrity Review Board, VDAA and other appropriate parties. If the Dean
determines that the appeal grounds are substantiated, the Dean can remand the matter to the Integrity
Review Board for further proceedings. If the Dean determines that the appeal grounds are unsubstan-
tiated, the decision of the Integrity Review Board is final and the documented outcome will be referred
to the appropriate offices at Duke to implement the determined sanctions and/or remedies.
FGA Approved: June 26, 2023
Appendix A and C Flowcharts
The purpose of these documents is to provide a guide that visually depicts the process by which the policies
in Appendix B and C can implemented. These graphics are an abbreviated, visual illustration. Please refer
to the appropriate appendices in their entirety when utilizing the process.
 
within 3
business da s
Appendix A Flowchart
 
 
The decision of the Dean
is final.
The Integrity Review Board
Chairperson will establish
procedures for the meeting
and provide notice to the
student of such procedures
at least 3 business days
in advance of the hearing.
Duke Community Standard or DUSON Integrity Policy
Appendix C
Potential Integrity
Issue Identified
Issue reported to the
faculty of record (if issue
occurs in a course) or
academic program
administrator [Assistant
Dean or CRNA Program
Director (if issue occurs
outside of a course)] and
may consult the Vice
Dean of Academic Affairs
The faculty of
record will notify
the appropriate
administrator and
may consult the
Student desires to appeal the
above decision and requests an
Integrity Board Review
Written request is
submitted to the Chair
of the Faculty
Association (FGA)
within 3 business
days of student
receiving a final
written determination
under the process
outlined above.
The FGA Chairperson will
attempt to schedule the
meeting within 5
business days of
receiving the request.
The meeting may be
scheduled as either an in
person or
The response to a student violation should be
commensurate with the violation. Responses will be determined
in each individual case with consideration of all the information
gathered. Education and/or mentoring should be considered as
response options.
Within 5 business days of the meeting, the Review
Board Chairperson will communicate a decision in writing to
the student, faculty member (where applicable), the
appropriate Vice Dean, and Dean of the School of Nursing.
A confidential record of the review board meeting, decision,
and outcome shall be retained by the VDAA.
Note: Until the decision of the Review Board is
made, the student?s status at DUSON shall not be
changed and the student may attend classes.
However, the VDAA may institute interim restrictions
when the individual?s behavior constitutes an
immediate threat to the health, safety, or welfare of
others or the property or orderly functioning of the
University community or any member of it.
Note: Actions of the Review
Board do not supersede,
preclude, where appropriate,
actions by civil law
enforcement and the judicial
Note: See
Appendix C,
p.8 in written
policy for
composition of
Review Board
Member or
will then initiate
a meeting with
the student(s)
After the
meeting, all
parties may
information or
related to
resolution of
the issue.
Integrity Review
Board Meeting
conducted. After the
meeting, the Review
Board privately
deliberates and
votes by majority to
uphold, amend, or
overturn the decision
that is the subject of
Appeals must be
submitted no later than 5
business days after the
date the Integrity Review
Board's decision is sent
to the student. The
grounds for appeal are
limited. Appeals are
based solely on the
written record unless
determined otherwise by
the Dean.
The Dean may request a
written response from the
Integrity Review Board
concerning the appeal.
Student desires to appeal the decision of the
Integrity Review Board to the Dean. Student's
request must identify the grounds for appeal
Note: See p.8 of
written policy for the
details of
acceptable grounds
for appeal and
information to be
provided to the
Dean as part of the
appeal process.
Based on a review of all
information collected, the
faculty of record or
appropriate program
administrator, in consultation
with the VDAA or Vice Dean
of Rsearch (VDR) will
determine whether a violation
of policies has occurred and
the appropriate response. If
the VDAA is the faculty of
record, the VDR will serve as
the consultant.
IF there is a confirmed violation
The Dean will issue a written decision and provide copies of the decision to the student, the Integrity
Review Board, VDAA and other appropriate parties. If the Dean determines that the appeal grounds are
substantiated, the Dean can remand the matter to the Integrity Review Board for further proceedings. If
the Dean determines that the appeal grounds are unsubstantiated, the decision of the Integrity
Review Board is final and the documented outcome will be referred to the appropriate offices for
Appendix D
ABSN Curriculum
Course #
Course Name
Course Credits
Semester 1
Nursing 388
Health Assessment & Foundations for Nursing Practice Across the Lifespan
Nursing 389
Wellness/Health Promotion Across the Lifespan
Nursing 392
Professional Nursing: Past, Present & Future
Nursing 393
Physiologic Homeostasis and Principles of Pharmacology
Semester Total
Semester 2
Nursing 394
Professional Nursing: Evolution as an Evidence-Based Clinician
Nursing 395
Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family
Nursing 396
Nursing Care of Infants, Children and Adolescents
Nursing 397
Community and Public Health Nursing
Nursing 398
Pathophysiologyand Pharmacology I
Semester Total
Semester 3
Nursing 473
Professional Nursing: Evolution as an Effective Team Member
Nursing 474
Nursing Management of the Adult Patient with Health Problems
Nursing 475
Gerontological Nursing: Caring for Older Adults and their Families
Nursing 476
Pathophysiologyand Pharmacology II
Nursing xxx
Semester Total
Semester 4
Nursing 483
Professional Nursing: Evolution as a Leader
Nursing 484
Nursing Care of Patients with Complex Health Problems
Nursing xxx
Semester Total
Program Total
Note: 56 clinical hours is equivalent to 1 credit hour
Appendix E
Duke University School of Nursing Accelerated BSN Program
Learning Improvement Plan for ENTER STUDENTS NAME HERE Initiated ENTER DATE HERE
*Objectives from Course/Clinical Evaluation
Tool used in this course
Date of occurrence and detailed examples of
student’s behavior.
Concrete action plan for how the student will meet the identified objective.
Student Comments:
If a student’s behavior gives the course faculty or program director reasonable cause to believe that their continued presence in the program poses a danger to the health or safety of the
student or others, they may face dismissal from ABSN program. Unsafe clinical practice is an occurrence or pattern of behavior involving unacceptable risk of placing the student or others
in physical and/or emotional jeopardy. Physical jeopardy is the risk of causing physical harm; emotional jeopardy is creating an environment of anxiety or distress which puts an individual at
risk for emotional or psychological harm. Additionally, students will comply with all Duke University and School of Nursing policies, the Duke Honor Code, and Duke University Community
Standards. Noncompliance may result in dismissal from the ABSN program.
This document has been reviewed with me and I understand that these objectives as well as the other outcomes / objectives on the clinical evaluation tool, must be met in order for me to
pass clinical this semester. I must pass clinical in order to pass course INSERT COURSE NUMBER AND NAME HERE.
Student Signature
Faculty Signature
The above outcome measures have been achieved and the Learning Improvement Plan for ENTER NAME HERE has been resolved.
Student Signature
Faculty Signature
The above outcome measures have been achieved and the Learning Improvement Plan for ENTER NAME HERE has been resolved.
Student Signature
Clinical Faculty Signature
Faculty Liaison Signature
Course Coordinator Signature