Technical Bulletin
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Bovatec® Poisoning in Dogs, Horses & Small Animals
Bovatec is a common additive in calf milk replacers, calf starter and cattle/sheep feeds.
Bovatec is a AVPMA registered product containing an ionophore compound, lasalocid,
which is a common medication added to ruminant (cattle, sheep, goat) feeds. It is used
to prevent and control coccidiosis (protozoal parasite infection) in calves and it acts as a
rumen modifier in older animals for improved feed efficiency and liveweight gains.
However, lasalocid is not registered for use in dogs and horses because of their
sensitivity to this compound and known toxicity. Therefore, feeds medicated with
lasalocid should not be fed to these animals. Lasalocid poisoning typically occurs when
dogs or horses accidentally consume ruminant feeds containing this medication.
Always seek immediate veterinary assistance whenever a suspected case of ionophore
(lasalocid, monensin) poisoning occurs.
For help with any lasalocid poisoning cases, call Zoetis product support 1800 814 883.
Vet Report: Lasalocid Poisoning in Dogs
Authored by Dr Matthew Petersen, Veterinarian Jul 30, 2020
Lasalocid is a carboxyl ionophore antibiotic that is used for the prevention of coccidiosis
in chickens and turkeys, and in ruminants. Dogs become poisoned from eating
contaminated carcasses, drinking calf milk replacer which contains lasalocid, and there
has been a case report of dog food inadvertently contaminated with this drug. The LD50
(lethal dose in 50% of dogs) in dogs was estimated at 10 to 15 mg/kg, which makes dogs
highly susceptible to lasalocid poisoning.
Affected dogs commonly present with neurological signs. Clinical signs begin within 12
hours post-ingestion, leading to paralysis. Weakness in all four limbs, salivation, high
body temperature and difficulty breathing are the major symptoms in dogs, with some
dogs showing loss of tongue control, increased sensitivity to environmental stimuli and
uneven pupil sizes.
A blood test may detect some abnormalities but these are not diagnostic for ionophore
toxicity. Serum biochemical abnormalities include high activities of creatine kinase,
lactate dehydrogenase and aspartate aminotransferase.
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A presumptive diagnosis is based on presenting clinical signs, blood test results, known
exposure to feedstuffs containing it, or identification of the toxin in feed or carcasses.
Illness caused by other toxicities including botulism and tetanus may need to be ruled
There is not a specific treatment for lasalocid toxicosis. Treatment is supportive and may
include activated charcoal given orally and intravenous fluids being the main therapy.
Placement of gastric tube feeding in dogs unable to eat for long periods can be
considered. In severe cases leading to respiratory paralysis, ventilation is required.
Spontaneous ventilation has returned in 6-12 hours in some cases.
Vet Report: Managing Ionophore Toxicity in Horses
Authored Dr. Lainie Kringen-Scholtz, Veterinarian Oct 31, 2018
Many large animal owners tend to have more than one species on their farm cows
and horses, pigs, sheep and dogs and each of these species have different types of
digestive tracts and nutritional needs.
An ionophore is a feed additive that is used for ruminants (cattle and sheep) to increase
feed efficiency, decrease coccidia, and help them gain weight by altering fermentation
patterns. They do this by changing which microorganisms exist in the rumen, selecting
for the more efficient ones. When the rumen’s microorganisms are more efficient, the
animal’s feed efficiency increases. Common ionophores include monensin (Rumensin)
and lasalocid (Bovatec).
Horses are very sensitive to ionophores compared to other species. Instead of making
horses gain weight like ionophores would do in cattle, they instead cause heart muscle
death (myocardial necrosis). The Food and Drug Administration in the US requires feed
mills to flush their systems before producing feed for other species, so ionophore
exposure through manufactured feed is quite rare today. Most horse feed companies in
Australia do not manufacture feed for ruminants; and if they do, then equine and
ruminant feeds are made at separate facilities to avoid cross-contamination of
undesirable ingredients. Horses most commonly become exposed to ionophores when
they get out and consume feed for other animals.
Sometimes horses access medicated cattle feed but this dose is not concentrated and
commonly does not affect them (although this is not recommended and is still
dangerous). A dose of about 550 milligrams monensin or around 500g of feedlot
concentrate or 250g medicated cattle mineral would kill about half of the average-sized
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horses consuming it, according to Dr. Roxanne Knock who is a PhD ruminant nutritionist.
The toxic levels for Bovatec containing feeds would be similar.
The clinical signs of ionophore toxicity in horses varies on the quantity, concentration,
and type they ingested. Most commonly signs include weakness, lethargy, depression,
colic, anorexia, sweating, ataxia, diarrhea and lying on its side and unable to get up.
Sudden death may occur within 12-36 hours of ingestion.
Diagnosis is often made by finding the ionophore in the feed or stomach contents of the
horse. If the owner knows that the feed was contaminated or medicated, it is still
important to have an echocardiogram done to evaluate the heart. The degree of
changes within the heart muscle will often give a prognosis that can vary from grave to
good. Horses with few degenerative changes in the heart may return to full function.
Horses with severe changes often do not survive.
Because the clinical signs vary so much for ionophore toxicity in horses, the treatments
vary as well. If the horses had just consumed a large amount of ionophore-containing
feed, their stomach will be pumped out, and activated charcoal and mineral oil will be
pumped into their stomach. The veterinarian may choose to stand them in buckets of
ice water in case of laminitis from grain overload. Vitamin E may be used to protect the
heart muscle. IV fluids may be indicated as well.
Horses should be rested in a stall for up to eight weeks after exposure and monitored
closely. If their heart was clinically affected, make sure that they are not being rode for
risk of a cardiac event.
Be certain that you are ordering horse feed from a mill that does not handle ruminant
feed. Latch all your gates and make sure that your ionophore-containing feed is in a
container that a horse could not open.
Vet Report: Carboxylic Ionophore Toxicity in Small Animals
Authored by Dr Lynn R. Hovda, Veterinarian Jun 22, 2017
All the carboxylic ionophores are safe when used according to label instructions for the
specific species, although even within this group poisonings may occur with either acute
or chronic overdose ingestions.
They are not labelled for use in any equine species and reports of acute toxicity and
death in horses are well reported and documented.
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They are also not labelled for use in any small animal species and poisonings are
routinely reported when fed to or ingested by small animals. Most of the reports involve
dogs and rabbits; clinical reports of toxicosis in cats are rare. This may be due to the
fastidious and finicky eating habits of cats or because house and city cats do not
routinely have access to these substances.
Small animals may become poisoned by carboxylic ionophores in many ways. Illness and
death from pet food contaminated with a specific ionophore was the most likely source
in several reported poisonings. In one case involving the sudden onset of clinical signs in
a kennel, dog food was prepared by a small feed mill overseas that also manufactured
monensin containing cattle and chicken feed.
Dogs, largely rural, may ingest food designated for cattle or poultry either by eating a
modest amount of a complete animal feed or a smaller amount of a concentrate or
premix or a medicated calf milk replacer. This generally occurs when dogs have direct
access to feed in cattle troughs or feed bunks or stored bags of feed, concentrates, or
premixes or calf feeders containing medicated milk.
Storage errors such as placing dog or rabbit food in a container previously holding an
ionophore or chewing and swallowing an ionophore sustained release bolus have also
been reported. Occasionally, dogs or rabbits are poisoned by an unsuspecting owner
either intentionally or unintentionally feeding them an ionophore containing product.
All ionophore compounds are safe when used according to label instructions for specific
species (e.g. cattle, sheep, poultry), although even within this group poisonings may
occur with either acute or chronic overdose ingestions.
However, horses, dogs and most small animals are susceptible to ionophores so there is
a responsibility to manage medicated feed products so they can do no harm.
Accidental consumption of ionophore containing feeds will lead to poisoning in
susceptible species. The degree of toxicity will vary depending on the species involved
and the amount ingested.
In the unfortunate event of such a positioning, contact your local veterinarian for
immediate assistance.
For Additional Information Relating This Topic
Contact Dr. Matthew Petersen, Veterinary Operations Manager, Zoetis.
Matthew.Peterse[email protected] | 0408 066 538
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© ProviCo Pty Ltd 2020. All rights reserved.
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Tips to Avoid Ionophore Poisoning in Susceptible Animals
Things you can do to prevent accidental consumption of ionophore medicated feed,
include but not limited to:
- Never assume a feed suitable for one species is suitable for another.
- Purchase pre-mixed feed from a reliable source and always read the label.
- Avoid feeds decanted into smaller packs that do not provide full product label
- Check the label for appropriate warnings for various species, if in doubt check with a
veterinarian or product manufacturer.
- Use feeds containing ionophores only for the species directed on the label.
- Use separate and well-marked storage containers and feeders for medicated and
non-medicated feeds.
- Ensure susceptible species are not able to access medicated feeds
e.g. dogs wanting to drink medicated calf milk, horses accessing cattle feeds etc
- If you are adding ionophores to your own feed mix, seek professional advice and
ensure your dosage calculations are correct.
ProviCo Products Containing Bovatec®
- Feedrite Calf Starter Muesli
- FortiMILK GOLD, SILVER, SOLUPLEX Calf Milk Additives
- ProfeHERD Healthy Calf Macro Concentrate
- ProfeLAC GOLD Calf Milk Replacer
- Vitafarm Premium Calf Milk Replacer
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including, without limitation, liability stemming from reliance upon any part which may contain inadvertent errors, whether
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